5 things you need to know before visiting a pathology lab | Victor Health Clinic

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5 things you need to know before visiting a pathology lab

victorhealthclinic.co. in

Pathology may be defined as the study of medical diseases and conditions. It basically involves the detection and analysis of the causes as well as progression of diseases. Medical specialists who deal in pathology study and practice are call pathologists. Thus, pathology laboratories play an important role in the detection of diseases related to any part of the body. When it comes to any sort of sickness, the first thing that your doctor will recommend are certain tests, varying from blood tests to urine and even stool examinations. These tests are done at a diagnostic clinic, as per the results of which a diagnosis of the condition is done, followed by a relevant treatment. As the healthcare sector in India continues to advance, there has not only been an increase in the number of hospitals but also quite a few pathology laboratories have come up. To ensure whether a path lab holds credibility or not, here are 5 things that you should keep in mind before getting tested at one-

1. Reputation of the diagnostic clinic To establish the reputation and credibility of a diagnostic clinic make sure to consult family and friends who have already got tests done there. These days many hospitals and medical clinics have path labs attached to them, one can read up reviews on their respective websites too.

2. Affiliation of the diagnostic laboratory Before visiting a path lab make sure that it has all the required affiliations to run effectively.

3. Location of the diagnostic clinic Make sure that the clinic is near your home or workplace, this is because one definitely has to pay more than a couple of visits to a path lab. Moreover it is easier to reach a lab that is nearby to get tests done on an empty stomach early in the morning.

4. Facilities offered by the diagnostic laboratory The diagnostic laboratory should be properly equipped to conduct clinical tests. Find out the various tests that are done by the path lab and if they have a qualified staff employed too.

5. Cost of tests Make a comparison of the costs of tests done at different pathology laboratories. Choose the one that holds reputation and fits your budget.

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