1938 - December Shipmate

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Service Plates — Cups and Saucers — Bread and Butter Plates IN



The Chapel



Old Main Gate—1869-1932

3. 4. 5. 6.

Old Forr Severn—1851

8 „

Old Midshipmen Quarrers—1868-1905


Birdseye View of the Naval Academy1858 Mahan Hall Dahlgren Hall Airplane View from East

Naval Academy Hop—1869


Postgrad uare School

Dress Parade


Sailboat Drill

PRICES Service Plates

Per dozen Per half dozen Per single

$14.00 7.50 1-25 (Orders are shipped from Bosron, shipping charges collect)

The profit from the sale of this chinaware goes to the Naval Academy Auxiliary of the Navy Relief Society. In purchasing you are not only olataining something of real value for yourself, but you are also contributing to a very worthy cause.

Send orders t o : Naval Academy Plates, U. S. S. Reina Mercedes, Annapolis, Md.

SHIPMATE The Publication VOL.


the United







1 938

Association No. 6

The First Annual Meeting The first annual meeting of the U.SJSr.A. Graduates Association, out of which the present Alumni Association was destined to grow, was held a little more than 52 years ago, June 11th, 1886, for the expressed purpose of forming an Altunni Association. Captain A. P. Cooke, '56, presided. Lieutenant Charles Belnap, '67, was chosen to act as Secrerary. The Senior living graduate, who became the first President of the Association, was Rear Admiral Edward Simpson who srood 8 in the first class to graduate from the Naval Academy, the class of 1846. Unforeseen circumstances prevented Admiral Simpson from attending that meeting but he did send his address to Lieutenant Belnap who read his address to rhe assembled gathering. That address is reprinted here: "Brother Graduates: It has been suggested that an association should be formed of rhe graduates of the Naval Academy. We are assembled in accordance with a call issued for the purpose of carrying this suggestion into effect, and, as the senior living graduate, it has devolved upon m.e to preside at this meeting. The formation of an association such as we now propose seems to be a natural consequence to the establishment and development of our institution of learning. We are but following a custom which obtains in the case of graduates of all colleges of distinction. The object is to promote kindly feeling and social intercourse among the members, and to foster the memories of the Akna Mater.

sentiment that must be common to all men; from one of the attributes with which everything human is endowed; and, passing this in review, I select as the instinctive compelling agent the love of home. We carry with us through life the home of our childhood as rhe dearest memory of our hearts, which are ever filled with gratitude for the tender care that we recall. It was there we looked for nourishment for our body; it was there we received our first rules for guidance for our aaions; it was our haven to which we were happy to return from our daily wanderings, feeling that, though interested and amused elsewhere, it was pleasant to go back to a place of which we formed a part, with which we were identified. It was at this home that our bodies were fed and our affections nourished; lessons in self-control were taught and generous impulses fostered. It was here that we were physically developed, and were imbued with those moral principles which were to form the base on which our character was to be built.

In close sympathy with this sentiment —a reproduction of it—is the love and reverence that a graduate of an institution of learning has for it—^his ALMA MATER—his fostering mother—that mother who took his intellect into training, aided his feeble efforts as he essayed to mount the first steps of the ladder of learning, prepared his mind to reason, and then stored it with the heavier weights of knowledge, until, her work being completed, the educated man, fitted for his profession, is sent forth equipped for his struggle for eminence. It seems to me that the universality of She has done for the mind what the this practice shows that it springs from a mother in the flesh has done for the

body. Both must be healthy, developed and well trained, and the work of one mother must be supplemented by that of the other before the elements can be so fitly combined as to produce that type of well-balanced manhood, thfe "mens sana in corpore sano." This idea is embodied in the word "alumni," which is our title as graduates. The definition of the word implies the nourishment of the pupil, and is a constant reminder of the debt of gratitude we owe our Academy for that aliment which nourished our inrellects and fed our minds. With such thoughts as these as the root of our action, it is eminently proper that we should form an association in which they may be fostered, keeping green the memory of our obligation and inciting us to repay it; while, at the same time, unconstrained reunions will promore social intercourse and the fraternal sentiment that should exist in the members of this one family, having a common mother. As the senior graduate I bid you all welcome, and it is with a feeling of intense earnestness that I say I rejoice to see this day. The act we are about to perform will put the capstone on the monument we have all helped to rear, will show our devorion to it, and prove our interest in its future welfare. The establishment of the Naval Academy is due to the Honorable Geo. Bancroft, whose name is always gratefully associated with it by graduates. Mr. Bancroft was a scholar and statesman. His scholarly habits disclosed to him the necessity of education, and his statesmanship enabled him to recognize the benefit that would accrue to the country from

the possession ot a Navy officered by men whose ideas and capacity could keep pace with progress. He saw that the training given to midshipmen at the time to which I refer was not such as was calculated to keep the Navy in line with other professions, and, as a conscientious officer of the Government, he set himself to remedy the defect. In 1845, being the Secretary of the Navy, he decided to establish a Naval School. No act of Congress was necessary. The power was in his hands, and he exercised it. Fort Severn had ceased ro be of value as an Army post, and it was readily transferred by the War Deparrment, and in October, 1845, the Naval School was established under the superintendency of Commander Franklin Buchanan, to whose executive ability is due the success that so promprly crowned this effort. The other officers were well selected, the list including Lieutenant James H. Ward, Surgeon J. L. Lockwood, Professor H. H. Lockwood, Professor Giraulr, Chaplain George Jones, Passed Midshipman Samuel Marcy, and last, not least, Professor William Shauvener, who, though a genius in his profession, possessed the power of imparring knowledge to a degree attainable but by few, and whose administrative abiliry shaped the course of instruction. To rhis body, I, as a member of the pioneer date of 1840, was introduced on rhe lOrh of October, 1845, and under rheir able and earnest instruction we remained until graduated in 1846. Our position as students was a novel one. We were men ranging from twenty-one to twenty-six years of age, had been in acrive service as officers for five years, accusromed to discipline afloat, but, like sailors, prone to relaxation when on shore, and it required effort to accustom ourselves to the new and unexpected order of things; and it is very certain that all did not recognize the advantages nor the benefit that was to follow. Attempts were made to kick over the traces, bur there was a strong hand ar the helm, and discretion was found to be advisable. This was demonstrared early in the course, and I doubt if any set of men, placed in the circumstance we were, could have shown a better record on the whole.

from rhe same point of the river. The Superintendent and the professors were accommodated in the old officers' quarters; the soldiers' quarters were assigned to the midshipmen students. Extending from a point near the quarters of the Superintendent to a point about equally distant from where the recitation-hall now stands, there was a building, two stories high, divided into large barracks. The lower srory consisted of two large rooms, divided by the hall through the center of the building. The second stories were divided into two and three divisions each. The lower floor of one barrack was our mess-room; the lower floor of the other was the kitchen. The rooms on rhe second floor were the reciration-rooms. Along the site of what is now the old quarters for cadets, there was located a long wooden building with a peaked roof, one srory high, divided inro four rooms. Each room was provided wirh a window and door on each side. This arrangement assisted ventilation, and for rhe same object, no doubt, the window frames were given an abundance of play, and the distance between the bottoms of the frail doors and the floor was such as to admit the rain or snow. The rain was rarher rhe more objecrionable of the two, as the temperamre we were able ro sustain during the winter with one grate fire was nor sufficiently high to melt the snow. We were packed four in a room under rhis roof, which we named "Apollo Row." I was an Apollo. My address was No. 3 Apollo Row, where, despite discomforts, I passed a term of earnesr study of which I have felt the benefit. Farrher along the walk, in the direcrion of the old fort, there srood a more pretentious and capacious building, which was called "Rowdy Row," in which a large number of midshipmen were quartered; and beyond this again, and nearer to the river, there was a small brick outhouse, which was taken possession of by a band of midshipmen who had made a cruise around rhe Horn in the old frigate Brandywine, who christened their abode "Brandywine Cottage;" and often would be heard from this retired nook the old refrain:

pretty poetical and musical talent, wrore and sung his own songs, and filled the "role" of marine officer to perfection. He was a Rhode Island man. In the neighborhood of the site where for many years the bandmen's quarters were located there was a two-storied building affording quarters to a certain number. This house was known as the "Gas House," from the rather inflated tendency of one of its occupants, now dead and gone. The - last - to - be - mentioned building which served to provide shelter for midshipmen during my year of student-life at the school was situated half-way of the wall leading from the gate to the river. It was a modest edifice, consisting of two rooms, wirh a dividing passage; the back rested against the wall bounding the Government terrirory. From irs isolated position, and in keeping, it was supposed, with the pious characrer of its occupants, this abode was styled "The Abbey." Its characrer was orderly to a marked degree. No noisy choruses were heard issuing from its doors or windows. The windows showed no lights after hours. The officer of the day would omit it during some of his inspections. The sanctity of its name seemed to impress a hermit character on rhe occupanrs. It may have been that the excessive propriety that obtained in these quarters was considered abnormal, thereby arousing suspicion and inducing a more careful scruriny. At all events, the fact is that the Abbey, after enjoying a season of enviable reputation, fell from grace. The quiet seclusion of the site had afforded opportunity for practice in tunneling, and a hole had been made in the wall at the back of the house which afforded ready egress for French leave and ingress for conrraband articles. So the Abbey ceased to be regarded as immaculate and fell into line with the other quarrers, its occupants having to descend to the level of "Every-day young men."

Our mess was run by Darius King, generally called King Darius, who had enjoyed a good reputation as a wardroom steward in the Navy, but whose capacity was hardly equal to mastering the difficulties of the position he here undertook. We seldom had a feast, but on those ocBrandywine, Brandywine, casions King Darius would show himBrandywine, Brandywine, self in the mess-hall at mealtimes and The roaring Brandy-wy-i-ine. smilingly exchange remarks with capApart from the resrraints of study and Brandywine, Brandywine, tains of crews; but when the dinner was an academic routine, we were subject to Brandywine, Brandywine, below par he avoided showing himself, many privations due to inadequate and The roaring Brandywine. having had one or two experiences of imperfect accommodation. The extent of The chorus ro the song written in being pelted with heavy bread and unthe ground was included in the fort walls, one of which ran from near the site of honor of the old ship by Lieutenant Rob- cooked duff. Though not fed on the fat the lower gate to the harbor, the other bins, of the Marine Corps, who had a of the land, nor with the delicacies of


the seasons, we managed to survive King Darius's assaults on our digestive powers; and on parting with him we enjoyed a vindictive pleasure in wishing that he might "live forever," feeling that if the wish were granted, we would have the satisfaction of knowing that we would be followed by others who would suffer as we had done, thus demonstrating a trait of character very human, though perhaps not commendable. Our course of insrruaion was sound and practical. As much as possible was crowded into the term, and the certificate of graduation testified to efficiency in many branches. Ir required sready work during the week ro "hold your own" in sections, but we had learned ro feel rhat we were on our mettle, and we worked for and susrained the reputation of our date. This year's course of insrrucrion was the inceprion of nearly all that has been developed in succeeding years. Natural philosophy, chemistry, the study of French and English, instruction in gunnery and steam, were introduced, and

were additional to such studies as previous dates were required to be familiar with when presenting themselves for examination for promotion to passed midshipmen. Seamanship and practical navigation alone would no longer answer the requirements. The new era has dawned, and the date of 1840 had the honor ro inaugurate it. I think I can also claim the introducrion of infantry drill—I won't say tactics —-for the date of 1840, for we formed a volunteer company, of which I was elected the Captain, and with the aid of "Scott's Tactics" we made quite an advance in the use of musket. Although worked hard all rhe week, we managed to get a short holiday on Saturday evenings, when those not under quarantine might put their names down for liberty. We had our clubs. I belonged to the "Spirits Club." The duty of the members was to meet at supper in town on Saturday nights at a certain hour, discuss oysrers and punch, lisren to the

"Song of the Spirits," sung by the Grand Master, and to return in a body on time. I was the Grand Master, and besides singing rhe song it was my duty to mix the punch and to give the order to "rise" from the supper-table and to march to the school. I am afraid I am presenting myself in a very depraved lighr, but the truth of history demands revelarions. The club consisted of nine members. We drew the line at the number of the Muses. They were generally punctual; but one member, having fallen into a bad condition of "spoons," frequently required bowlings and cat-calls under the window of his fair ladye ro rouse him to his duty to the club. While in the way of revelations, I may as well state a problem which is to me in a doubtful state of solution, involving the peculiar effects that "spoons" exerts on the mind. This victim to the disease was possessed of an insane desire ro climb all the lamp-posts on the way down, to remove the oil lamps and carry rhem as trophies to be piled up outside the gate. I could never decide whether



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this idiotic procedure was tne result of punch or a vagary of "spoons." We did not neglect to do what we could to restore and to revive a taste for the legitimate drama in Annapolis. Before, the world had passed by the old city, leaving it to its own resources. Ir had occupied a prominent position, and it is remarkable for proceedings of the greatest interest that were enacted in it; but it had to remain satisfied with what it had received in the past, and but for the advent of the Naval School it might now have ceased to exist. In its pristine days a temple had been erecred to the Dramatic Muse; this had been long deserted; no worshipers had presented themselves for many years. Some paraphernalia used in rhe ancient rires were srill in existence, and, in the spirit of true crusaders, we essayed to restore the temple to its ancient worship. A working gang was detailed to remove the dust of ages, and to select from the old scenery a drawing room, a wood, a cottage, and an inn; sailor's ingenuity was applied to arranging lighrs, repairing purchases for hoisting the old curtain and supporting the flies; the theatrical company was formed, and Bulwer's "Lady of Lyons" was put in rehearsal. When the call was made for men to fill the parts, we found that we were well supplied wirh ralent. We were favored by a late regulation of the Navy Department which required all young men on receipt of their appointments as assistant midshipmen to spend their firsr year in the service at the Academy; this provided us with small beardless youths from whom we could select for the female parts. We found among these youngsters a handsome boy of great refinement who made as graceful and attractive a Pauline as I have ever seen. Being stage manager I had my hands full in regulating the "dramatis persona," bur having once agreed ro obey orders, they followed their instrucrions pretty well, and we presented the play two nights to crowded houses, and were the recipients of unbounded applause. We found the old religion was not dead—it was only sleeping—and the temple was again resrored to its ancient worship. While planning a continuance of this style of education for the people, having actually cast "London Assurance," we were startled with the news that our effort to instruct by holding the mirror up to nature on the stage had roused rhe indignation of many good residents, who did not consider the stage as the proper source of instruction for the community.

These had been debating for some time on the propriety of demolishing the old theatre and erecting a church on the site; our heathenish rites introduced energy into the councils of this body, and thus was founded the Presbyterian church on Duke-of-Gloucester street, on the site of the old theatre. The congregation may thank the date of 1840 for the privileges they now enjoy, and the Academy may claim credit for having spread religious influences in the community. Nor did we forget the dance. Show me the sailor who can't dance and you point to a man who is not up in all branches of his profession. The suppleness and grace acquired in the dance make his sea legs natural when the ship rolls or pitches. The dance is a necessary parr of his education; it helps to fit him for confidence in himself on deck, it helps to beguile unoccupied hours on board ship, it makes his company agreeable ro foreign ladies wirh whom he may be able to speak in no other language, and is, I believe, one of the virtues, so well developed in our Navy, which produce much of the favor with which we are received by foreign belles. It was through the dance that the establishment of the Naval School was first known and recognized by rhe good people of our own counrry, for the widespread circularion of the invitations to the first "Midshipmen's Ball" produced a flurter among the fair sex that their less sympathetic guardians could not help but notice. These flocked from all quarters; the Eastern Shore, and all Maryland, Washington, Baltimore, New York, and more distant regions, sent their fair represenrarion. The old barrack-building was transformed into a temple of Terpsichore, where the votaries danced in the recitation-room and fed in the mess-hall, and all went merry as a marriage-bell. The dance, thus inaugurated, has been perpetuated by those who followed us; and though they may have bettered our instruction, we do not yield one jot or tittle of the spirir which prompted our hospitalities. We, like all who have come after us, were all the better for these episodes of gayety; the temporary relaxation was a healthy relief, and we returned to work invigorated and improved. We are proud of our Academy as a site of learning and order; we are also proud of it as a furnisher of gentlemanly accomplishments which lend a polish to manner and address and fit us for society. The chief instructor in this branch is woman; but, in admitting this element into the {Continued on page 7)

Those Degrees The latest dope indicates that the Superintendent's office will complete and mail out the Master of Science Degrees to those graduates of the Class of 1929 now in civil life, who have requested them, by the end of November and to many in the Class of 1930. At the present rate, all requests which have been received from graduates in civil life will probably have been taken care of by December 15, 1938. Those who have not as yet requested this degree should indicate their name in full, class with which they graduated, and their presenr address. If the name has been changed since graduarion both their present name and that under which they graduated must be indicated. Under normal circumstances approximately thirty days is required in filling the requesr. Requests should be sent to the Superintendent.

Correction The Editor wishes to correct an error which he made in the editorial, "SERVICE," in the November issue of SHIPMATE. In that editorial the late C. B. Hutchins was designated as a member of rhe Class of 1934 whereas he was a member of the Class of 1926.

Commodore Terry Commodore Terry is dead! Born in Old Lyme, Conn., in 1844 and graduared from Amherst College in 1867, Commodore Narhaniel Marson Terry came to the Naval Academy in 1886. From that date until 1913 he instructed our midshipmen. Shortly after he had left the Naval Academy he was recalled to instruct in the Post Graduare School at the Naval Academy. In 1917 he was rerired, receiving the rank of Commodore from President Wilson. He died on October 13, 1938. Throughout his long and faithful service as an instructor and department head at the Naval Academy, the Commodore was known as a man wonderfully kind and with a genius for instructing. He was affectionately known to the thousands of midshipmen he so ably and so kindly instructed as "Cit" Terry. The Alumni join together in extending to his family who survive him, our deepest sympathy. His memory will live forever in the annals of the Naval Academy.


Professor Duval Professor Richard J. Duval, Librarian of the Naval Academy, retired from active duty on October 31, 1938, after over 50 years of continuous service in the Naval Academy. He is living in Annapolis. A testimonial dinner in honor of Professor Duval was held at the Officers' Club in the Naval Academy on the evening of October 31. All hands wish Professor Duval all possible happiness.

build up substantial paid-up values in the event of premature retirement, and they particularly desire to attain a paidup status prior to reaching retirement age. Applications for membership, elective January 1, are being received on the basis of the registrarion of an allotment with first payment December, 1938. The pa,id-up ages and rhe monthly rates for a paid-up benefit of $7,500.00 are published hereunder.

Tohn Keeler Robison

In honor of the late Rear Admiral John Keeler Robison, United States Navy, the Naval Academy Association of New York, assembled in monthly meeting on October elevenrh, nineteen hundred and rhirry-eight, by unanimous rising vote adopt this expression of their affectionate regard for him as their former President and their admiration for his sterling character, his unselfish, devoted and eminent service to our Counrry. Paid-up Paid-up Paid-up Paid-up Graduated with distinction at the at at at at Naval Academy in 1891 at the head of Age age 60 age 65 age 70 age 15 the Engineering Section, he earned by Paid-Up Insurance 16 %6.66 the brilliancy of his intellect and his ap$6.74 $7.07 $6.87 6.84 7.28 7.06 17 plication of it a special course in Marine 6.93 The Navy Mutual Aid Association 18 Engineering at L'Ecole d'Application in 7.50 7.27 7.11 7.03 took an important step on November 1, Paris. 7.22 7.48 7.32 7.73 when an ALNAV was despatched to the 19 7.42 7.98 7.71 7.53 His service afloat covered the full Service announcing a change to the level 20 21 7.94 7.74 8.23 7.63 range of duties, both in engineering and premium basis, effective January 1, 19397.84 8.50 8.18 7.97 on deck, from junior officer to engineer The proposed change, which was circu- 22 8.44 8.08 8.21 23 officer and captain. He served on shore 8.79 lated to the membership on August 13, 8.46 8.71 at the Naval Academy, at the Torpedo 9.09 8.31 received a majoriry vore of nearly 84 per 24 9.41 8.72 8.56 25 Station, in the office of Chief of Naval 8.99 cent. 9.74 26 9.00 Operations and in the Bureau of En8.83 9.29 The change provides for the enroll10.11 9.61 gineering. 9.10 27 9.29 ment of new members on and after 9.60 10.49 9.95 9.39 In command of a Flotilla Tender for January 1st on a level premium basis for 28 9.71 10.91 10.31 29 9.93 three years he was instrumental in the a paid-up benefit of $7,500.00 at ages 60, 10.04 11.36 10.70 10.28 efficient development of our destroyer 65, 70 or 75, as selected by the applicant. 30 11.84 10.66 11.11 31 10.39 units, while as Inspector of Ordnance in The entrance age limit was changed from 12.36 32 10.76 11.06 11.56 Charge at the Naval Torpedo Station, 35 to 45. 11.16 11.48 12.93 12.03 33 Newporr, his full knowledge and engiApproximarely 6,000 of rhe Associa13.54 34 12.54 11.58 neering ability contributed to the design 11.93 tion's present members will be trans14.20 12.42 35 and manufacture of our torpedoes. 13.09 12.03 ferred to the level premium on January 14.92 36 13.68 12.51 12.93 In the World War, the Navy Cross 1. The older members who cannot be 13.01 37 15.71 14.31 13.49 and a War Department Special Letter of transferred on an equitable basis will be 16.56 38 14.08 13.55 14.99 Commendation were awarded to him for carried under the presenr assessment 14.70 17.50 14.13 15.73 39 distinguished service in command of the plan, unless they desire to change to the 40 15.38 18.53 16.53 14.73 cruiser Huntington, transporting and level premium. 41 19.66 17.38 15.38 16.09 escorting troops and supplies through Other important changes to the By16.86 20.92 16.07 warers infested with mines and Sub18.31 Laws of the Association include the op- 42 22.32 16.80 marines. 43 19.33 17.69 tion of having the benefit paid on a 44 18.58 23.88 17.58 20.43 At Cardiff, Wales he was for five monthly, quarterly or semi-annual pay25.64 19.54 21.64 18.42 45 monrhs from October 2, 1918, Chief of ment basis instead of a lump sum; the Staff at Naval Base 29. privilege of taking a paid-up benefit at He was a delegate to the Brussels any intervening age for a benefit less than Boston Register meering of the Peace Conference in 57,500.00, or, of making a cash deposit March 1919; a representative of the Food The Boston Branch have recently sent which in addition to the member's reCommission and the United States Shipout their Register of Graduates. It is a serve value will provide a single premium to establish a paid-up benefit in any handsomely-bound book listing the mem- ping Board and senior member of the amount not to exceed $7,500.00. The en- bers and Associate members, their Busi- Allied Commission in Germany for obtrance fee of $5.00, will no longer be re- nesses, and home Addresses. The Book raining merchant vessels. He took comquired. also contains the By-Laws; the present mand of the Imperator, later renamed the The Association's Secretary and Trea- and past officers and Directors of the As- Berengaria. As Captain of the Battleship Florida surer, Captain J. R. Hornberger, (SC), sociation; a History since founded in in rhe Atlantic Fleet, he was in 1920 1926; several pictures taken in the Naval U. S. Navy, retired, stated that the princicommended by the Secretary of the Navy Academy grounds; a brief history of pal reason for the change to a level and the Commander-in-Chief for excepsome of the Naval Academy Traditions; premium basis was to meet changed contional final merit obtained in Division a few "Do YOU K N O W THAT" facts ditions resulting from recent laws affectGunnery Practice and for excellent perconcerning rhe Naval Academy and the ing promotion. Naval Academy graduformance in full power trials. Navy; and some Navy Songs. ates no longer seek the cheaper forms of After sixteen months in the office of protection, such as term insurance. They The Book is a credit to the Boston desire a type of insurance which will Branch, especially those who prepared it. {Continued on page 12) DECEMBER,


THE DOPE Edward E. Spafford, '01, sailed on Beach of which C. T. "Shorty" Hull, '13, November 4th, for Paris where he will is the resident manager. "Pennocks" is represent the American Legion at the on dury in the JAG's office in the Navy 20th Anniversary of the Signing of the Department. The same rumor has it that Barry WilArmistice. . son, '14, is also casting his weather eye Frederick W. Stopford, '02, who is a on another site nearby. • Colonel in the Army and is retired, was selected by the Salem, (Mass.) Chamber Robert L. (Bob) Porter, Jr., '17, joins of Commerce to handle the details of rhe rapidly increasing throng who favor their annual NAVY DAY Banquet. the adoption of a rosette as the emblem • of the Association and suggests a design. • Captain G. S. Bryan, '06, is SecretaryTreasurer of the Class of '06. He sent in J. J. (Jimmy) Graham, '18, who is some corrections for the 1939 Register now stationed at Third Naval Disrrict which are greatly appreciated. Headquarters in New York City, writes • in that he heartily approves of adopting John Borland, '09, is with the Fed- a rosette. He believes that an enameled eral Shipbuilding and Drydock Company. button would be more appropriate than a rosette of ribbon — something like the • West Point button. R. A. (Russ) Osmun, '10, is a Lt. Col. in the Army, now srarioned in PhilaClayton Demaresr, Jr., '19, wrires in delphia. "Russ" resigned in 1911 because of in- from Baltimore and asks if the term cipient tuberculosis after a year at sea "Roserte" may be stretched to include and spent the next two and a half years button or pin. Why not? Send in your "chasing the cure" out on a ranch in designs and ideas. Clayton's design is a combination of Colorado. When he finally "caughr the cure," he entered the Army and has been a quarter-master's wheel, rope and a block with them ever since. "Russ" is one of N and certainly makes up very well. He also suggesrs as an alternate thought a the Navy's staunchest admirers. small copy of the Naval Academy Seal. • • Wm. Van C. "Van" Brandr, '11, joins rhe large throng to advocate a small R. S. Mclver, '21, has recently been rosette for the Alumni. "Van's" idea is, elected Vice President and Treasurer of "a small rosette having a diameter of the Taylor Land Company, and to the about five-sixteenths or not more than same offices in their subsidiary companies three-eighths of an inch, and with a Navy —Taylor and Company, Inc., and the blue background having a small fouled Taylor Fibre Company. He also serves anchor imposed, the anchor being gold." on the Board of Directors of each of • rhose companies. These companies are Theodore W. Sterhng, '14, submirs a located in Philadelphia. "Bob" is a design for a rosette which is unique. It Lieutenant Commander in rhe Reserve is a compass rose, rhe basic color being and lives in Merion, Pa. • Navy Blue. The center and the outline of the stars indicating the cardinal and interD. A. "Jack" Frost, '21, was transcardinal points are in gold. He also sends ferred to the retired list on October 1 by in an idea for a disringuishing tie or hat reason of physical disability. He has reband. Right at this time, with another turned to his place at Edmonds, WashA. & N. game at hand, there is a mad ington, "Homeside" from which he scramble in many quarters among those writes: who are going to attend the game and the "After the hunting season is over I am celebrations which come at that time, to looking forward to starting in civil life. find a Navy tie. I shall probably engage in Yachr Brokerage, Marine Insurance, Naval ArchitecA well-founded rumor has come in ture, and allied interests, including a that Ralph G. Pennoyer, '14, has sold his yacht charter service to Alaska for big place in Washington, D. C, and bought game hunters. I am looking forward with a site in "Birdneck Lodge," the beautiful anticipation to the conflict of civil life restricted development near Virginia and feel about like a fresh caught college

graduate who is facing the prospect of "getting a job' for the first time. "If there are any of my contemporaries who are interested in getting into the type of business I propose to enter, and who would like to settle down in this beautiful northwest I would be delighted to hear from them." "In any event, when any of the group pass this way there is always a spare bunk in the wardroom of 'Homeside' and a spare drop or so of the all right in the cellar over which to spin old yarns. They are always welcome and the latchstring is out." T. R. "Turk" Wirrh, '21, who is on duty in the "Steam" Department at the Naval Academy and is the Secretary of his Class, has recently sent out the Class Bulletin. Arthur Bryan, '22 is teamed with Schamyl Cochran, '08, in handling the affairs and educarion of many young aspirants for the Naval Academy. Their school is known as The Annapolis Prepararory School and is located in Annapolis. They have just completed the first unit of a dormirory sysrem and are planning to add a unit each year until all their students can be similarly quartered. The present enrollment is 50, although a larger enrollment is expected as soon as the resulrs of the recent Civil Service comperitive examination for appointment have been published. Both Cochran and Bryan have been cooperating with the various Alumni Branch Associations to help deserving boys enter the Naval Academy. As they both have said,—"Of course, rhe school is not an out and out Philanthropy, but no deserving case has as yet failed to receive considerarion. Furthermore, the school has been giving substantial discounts to Service people, both active and retired, as well as to members of the Naval Reserve." Hamilton (Ham) Wallace, '22, is President of the Norvell & Wallace Lumber Company in Nashville, Tennessee. • James W. (Dixie) Carroll, '22, who lives in Hastings-on-the-Hudson sends in some ideas on the Rosette which he heartily favors. "Dixie" is wirh the Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock Company, of which W. W. Smith, '02, is Chief Engineer. "Federal" recenrly launched the LANG and has considerable other Navy and Maritime work.


Charles Latimer, '23, of Takoma Park, Maryland, has added his design to the many already on hand for the proposed Alumni Rosette.

R. C. "Bob" Conrad, '25, who lives in Philadelphia, expects to attend the Alumni gathering at the Bellevue after THE GAME.

Richard D. (Dick) Stinson, '23, the Treasurer of the Washington Branch Association, sent in a design for consideration. It is essentially a small watch charm on which the Naval Academy cresr predominates.

Frederick Sima, '25, is with the CCC in Kenedy, Texas. He says that he gets into the Officers' Club at Fort Sam Houston where he has been taking on the Army single handed but, as Fred says, "Tliey are a mighty fine lot and have not handled me too roughly " •

Earl Maeser, '23, who is rhe Superintendent of the Malad (Idaho) High School, has recently been eleaed as Dist r i a coordinator ro carry out the field project of rhe Narional Educarion Association in South Eastern Idaho. He has also been chosen as general chairman of Malad's National Education Week, November 6th to 12 th. Earl is also very proud, and righrly so, of the excellent Football Team his school has. Last year they won nine consecutive games amassing a total score of 214 to their opponenr's 6. This season, up to November 1, they have won all six games, nmning up a roral of 99 to their opponent's 25. John L. Wood, '24, wrires in from Ocean City, N. J., to join the many who are for a Rosette and sends in his ideas.

First Annual Meeting {Continued from page 4) crucible of learning, we must watch carefully that the proportion be not too large; like all powerful stimulants, it is dangerous if taken in excess, and at the early age ir may prove a poison instead of a help. Academic restraint must bring the too susceptible back to reason, and must break to the hope what fancy held, too early, as promise to the ear. If woman desires to aid us, she would temper her victories with mercy and considerarion. I hope rhese reminiscences, lighrly sketched, will not seem out of place. I have referred to the past that we may the better draw the contrast with the presenr. The small beginnings have been glanced at; the resulr of intervening years is before us in this thoroughly organized institution, within whose walls we are assembled for the purpose of ratifying rhe work that has been done, and to prove our sanction and endorsement by joining together, irrespective of rank, in one common brotherhood, uniring the alumni of the Naval Academy in an association of graduates. During rhese years the solidity of the foundation on DECEMBER,


Luke White, '28, has sent in an interesting design for the proposed Rosette. It is of the conventional style, the background of Navy Blue with four gold blade-shaped veins emanating from the center. A band of purple starting at the bottom of opposite sides and coming up appears on the edge of the Rosette and, as Luke says about it, "would be in memory of those members who have answered rheir Lasr Call." It's a very nice looking Rosette and will bear serious consideration. Luke lives in Alientown, Pa.

Harrison Ethridge, '28, who lives in Petersburg, Va., has had the Tom SimGeorge Freeman, '31, is with the Fedmonds', '28, as their guests. Tom and eral Shipbuilding and Drydock Comfamily live in Chester, Va., where he is pany. employed wirh the Dupont Corporation. Harrison's family now comprise three William Lennox, '34, has recenrly acchildren, a son and two daughters. The cepted a position with the Lago Oil and Ethridges have announced their plans to take in THE GAME and ALUMNI Transporr Co., Ltd. He left the latter part of October for Aruba, N.W.I. parry at the Bellevue. • • F. G. Tinker, jr., '34, who lives on J. J. (Jim) Spilker, '28, is Sales ManaShotgun Terrace in DeWitt, Ark., reger of the Commercial and Industrial cenrly had his first book published— Engineering Deparrments of the Re"Some Still Live." public Light, Heat and Power Company of Niagara Falls, New York. "Jim" writes,—"our home is always 'open Dermott Hickey, '35, who lives in house' to any of you fellows coming here Annapolis, is with the Bureau of Ordro see the views—or honeymooning." nance in rhe Navy Departmenr.

seems to me, makes our present act particularly timely. From the period of rhe establishment of this seat of learning, rhe lists to which the graduares are eligible have been made up parrly by those of the old school, partly by those of the new; as time has passed, the old who have survived have been relegated to their wellearned rerirement, and the entire list of line officers is now filled with graduares of the Academy. It is desirable that the entire active list, which is recruited from the Academy, should have the option of being members of this association; but this was not even partially possible until now; to have moved in this direction anterior to the present time would have given an exclusive character to the association which cannot now be charged. I feel rhat my position is quite remarkable; it is almost unique. I have completed my course; I am on the retired list; I am the last of the old, the first of the new; I stand as a daysman between the past and the present; I speed the parting while I welcome the coming guest. It will be my lot to bear the Association of Graduates across the gap which separates the active from the reI ask your attention to a fact which, it tired list, so that hereafter both lists may

which it is constructed has been well tried. It has been put to severe tests; it has been assailed by prejudice, by the demon of tradition, by contracted thought, by blindness to progress, by assaults of enemies and by errors of friends. At one period its very existence was put in peril, depending almost on the turning of a die; but it has withstood all. It is founded on the rock of educarion, which makes it what it is, and which keeps it in accord with all other institutions and professions in the country. We do not depend on our own partial judgment to decide on the merit of the fruits it has produced: rhey are testified to by others. Professional men of all narions acknowledge the proficiency of rhe graduates and approve the curriculum; many, if they could control rheir home government, would adopt our merhods, which continue to be a subject of attention to them. The position to which we have advanced must make us jealous to preserve the standard now established, and our present action is one calculated to give encouragemenr to those, who, for the time, have the direction of affairs.

be united in a common brotherhood. Another reason why the formation of the association is timely is that we are demonstrating our continued interest in the Academy just at the time when it is put on trial. The lists are full of graduates; they constitute the Navy; all influences that now operate have emanated from the Academy; its tones pervade the service, its system is adopted, its methods are paramount, irs grade of learning is the standard of the profession, into hands of its representatives has fallen the direction of all naval affairs. The Academy is thoroughly on trial; and just at this juncture we see the movement which marks the rehabilitation of the Navy. The lessons here raught are to be put to a praaical test; the Academy is called upon to show its fitness and capacity to develop in pracrical form what was born here in rheory and thought. The new Navy is to be built and furnished in all irs details by those who represent the advanced ideas of the ser-

vice, and on them rests the responsibility of sustaining the character of the profession, under the new condition of things, at a height equal to that which it occupied in the past under the different circumstances that then obtained. That they are competent for the work, that they will succeed, we have no doubt; our meeting at this time may emphasize the responsibility and encourage to effort. One word more in conclusion. Our interest in our Academy is nor limited, as in the case of graduates of a civil college. With them the representative character is complete in their identification with their college; it goes no farther. In our case the Academy identifies us with the Government, and we become representatives of our country. Our institution is national, and its graduares have rhe proud distinction of being considered worthy to serve their country. This thought enhances the value of our diplomas, and binds our affections with hooks of steel



to the medium through which we have reached such honors and responsibilities. In our character as representatives of the country, we feel that we have its honor in our keeping. This proud consciousness is early developed, and it exercises a restraining and impelling influence upon the officer, restraining from acts unworthy of his high calling, and impelling to effort for the credit and honor of the country which he represents. All this is reflected upon the Academy; thus, in working for one, rhe credit of the other is subserved, and the honor of one becomes instinctive with the character of the other. There is no nobler or stronger senriment than that which fills the heart of the patriot; and when we appreciate the close connection between our country and the school that fitted us for its service, it seems but logical that the earnestness of the patriot's love should be found in our attachment to our Alma Mater. Herein lies that store of energy (Continued on page 11)




Whaml Navy's powerful football team, branded by the sport scribes as the "Aimless Wanderers of the Gridiron Fronr" this season, cast loose from their moorings and "wandered" straight ro viaory against Columbia's warriors, 14-9, at Baker Field on Saturday, November 12. It was their first major victory of rhe season and a brilliant one. The large crowd of 34,000 who had jammed into every available nook and corner of the stadium were electrified by the exciting game. Columbia's "Sid" Luckman went over for a touchdown in the firsr quarter. Their drive started on Navy's 46-yard line and ir took exactly six plays to make the score. Only one of these plays was a pass and that only for nine yards. The other five plays were terrific line smashes that rocked Navy to their heels. "Bill" Stickle, Columbia's Icicking specialist, failed to convert and Columbia was out in front, 6-0. Columbia took Al Bergner's kick-off immediately after the touchdown and were on Navy's 11-yard line ten plays later. The quarter ended rhere. To open the second quarter, "Bill" Srickle dropped back to Navy's 18-yard line and booted the ball between the uprights and the score was 9-0 in favor of Columbia. It looked like the sport scribes who had picked Columbia to win this game, and they were far in the majoriry, had guessed right. Columbia had all of the better of the game up to this point. A 9-0 handicap with the first period gone, and with a first class team like the Lions to play, is enough to take considerable starch out of any team. But, here the tide turned. Columbia kicked off to Navy, Wood taking Stickle's boot in his end zone and raced to his own 23-yard line before being downed. Navy, who had not made a first down thus far in the game, began to DECEMBER,


march. The line ripped holes in the Columbia forward wall and the Lion's pass defense sagged. Cooke passed to Whitehead, Whitehead got around end on a reverse, Cooke passed to Pete Powell for a 23-yard gain and it was first and ten on Columbia's 33. Wood hit tackle for nine yards and Cooke passed to Powell. Pete took the ball on Columbia's 10-yard line, stiff-armed Naylor and scored. Wood's kick was good and the score was 9-7 in Columbia's favor. The half ended a little later but not before the Lions had again penetrated deep into Navy territory. In the middle of the third period Navy got the ball and marched 68 yards in 12 plays for their second score. Cooke started the drive by smashing the line for a firsr down. Cooke then passed to Whitehead for nine yards. Whitehead circled end for 12 yards and another first down. Cooke passed to Wood for another first down on Columbia's 2 3-yard line. Cooke's second-down pass to Powell was perfect and it was first down on Columbia's two-yard line. Wood hit the line and on the second smash barged over for the touchdown. Wood again converted and the score was Navy 14, Columbia 9From there on Columbia tried desperately to win, trying every pass and trick in their large bag. Columbia had defeated Army early in the season and had pointed for Navy in order to take both Service elevens in the same season. Early in the fourth period Columbia reached Navy's 20-yard line. Hansen, who had gone in for Gray in the backfield, smeared rhree of the Lion's passes on or near the goal line and that threat was repulsed. But not for long for a long pass and a run put the ball on Navy's 18yard line. Luckman's passes again failed, this time Harbold, who was in at center for Wallace, intercepted a pass on Navy's five-yard line and was back to his 21 be-

fore he was caught. Wood got through the line for a fine run but the play was called back because Navy was deteaed holding and Cooke had to kick deep in his end zone. It was a beautiful kick. Columbia again marched to Navy's twentyyard line and things did not look too good. This time Emmet Wood grabbed a Lion pass on his 10-yard line. With but a few seconds to go, Lem Cooke broke loose on a beautiful 40-yard run and the game ended. It was a brilliant game and an even more brilliant victory. Navy had come from behind to beat a strong and favored team. Navy's line had outcharged the Lion's forward wall and Lem Cooke had out-sparkled the great "Sid" Luckman. The Army game is less than two weeks away. Army has played weaker teams during the latter part of their season and are reported to be in fine shape. Navy, on the other hand, has not had a "breather" since their third game, if that was a breather, and several of their players are not in too good shape. Clif Lentz is "on the list" and several others are nursing injuries. However, Navy is plenty strong and determined. They will undoubtedly go into THE GAME the under-dog, but, just watch them! When the smoke has cleared away, the walls on the old Bellevue will vibrate with those "n'er to be forgot" Navy songs and hilarities that follow a NAVY VICTORY.

Too Much Irish A strong, slashing Notre Dame eleven met a really fighting team on Saturday, November 5 th at the Municipal Stadium and kept their slate for the season clear by taking Navy 15-0. The score does not begin to tell the story. Baltimore's largest football crowd packed their stadium with over 62,000

of the faithful and, despite the rain which the ball fell short, making the score, dampened many a gorgeous outfit, stayed N. D. 13—Navy 0. throughout to witness a truly thrilling The fourth quarter opened with Mayo, game. who played most of the game for Navy, Navy not only fought hard but actually breaking through cenrer for a brilliant outplayed that truly great team from run of 22 yards to the N. D. 23. A line Sourh Bend through fully three of the buck and three passes that fell incomplete and the ball was Notre Dame's. Notre four quarters. Dame kept its first string line in the Notre Dame started the game with game but substituted for their backfield. their "second" team except for StevenIn rhe fleeting minutes of the game with son, one of their ace backs. Navy went Navy deep in their own terrirory as a to work and rhe ball was soon on N . D.'s result of a fine punt by Stevenson, Mayo's 24-yard line. Navy took to the air throwpass was blocked and fell for a safery. The ing long passes, but could not connect. game ended shortly after with the score The Irish couldn't get away from the Notre Dame 15—Navy 0. hard-charging Navy line and after It was a great game, one that Navy, Stevenson's kick. Navy starred again. even though defeated, did well. Wood, Here Elmer Layden sent in his No. 1 having been forced out by an injury susteam and Navy kept on pounding in Notre Dame's territory. One of rhe many rained in rhe Penn game, was missed, real rhrills came when Cooke passed ro but Mayo, who took his place in the linePowell right down the middle alley and up, did a fine job. Navy has continued to Powell was downed on N. D.'s 10-yard improve and have a berrer-rhan-average line. Wirh 4th down and 3 yards ro go chance to beat Army on November 26th. for a touchdown, Worden was sent in to try for a field goal bur, alas, it was shorr Another Tiel and that ended that. The first quarter Penn Navy ended. The second quarter opened with Notre Dame punting. Again Navy drove down the field but finally Navy had to punt. Towards rhe end of this quarter, rhe Irish began ro click. They rook possession of the ball on their own 20-yard line and, without losing possession scored, Saggau skirting Navy's right end for the score. Zonrini place-kicked rhe exrra point and the score was N . D. 7—^Navy 0. With but little time to play, Saggau fumbled on his own 31-yard line and Hansen picked it up and ran for a rouchdown. But the ball was dead and Hansen's run was all in vain. But again Navy began to march finally reaching the Irish's 4-yard line, first and goal to go. Here Navy was penalized 5 yards for raking too much time out. A line buck and two incomplete passes and the whistle blew to end the first half. The Irish kept their first team in to start the second half. It was really raining by that time and "the going" was bad. Navy kicked but the ball seemed to slide off Whitehead's foot and went out on Navy's 29-yard line. It looked bad but here Navy's hard-charging line again held Norre Dame and rook the ball on its own 25-yard line. Unfortunately Anderson, who was in the game for Mayo, fumbled and it was the Irish's ball on Navy's 18-yard line. Fighting for every inch, Thesing finally went through center for Notre Dame's second touchdown. Zontini's kick was partially blocked and 10









not done in their last two games at least. Navy held the ball on their own 37 yard line as the 4th quarter opened. A pass was completed to their 47 yard line. Wood wormed through center to Penn's 40 yard line, a fine run. Two line plays and a pass and the ball was on Penn's 25 yard line. The Navy fans, and Philadelphia is a great Navy town, went wild. With fourth down and two yards to go, Penn held and took the ball. Navy was really charging now and Penn had to kick this time to Navy's 47 yard line. Again, Navy rolled. A pass, Lenz to Whitehead put the ball on Penn's 36 yard line. Three line smashes and the ball was on Penn's 18 yard line. A line smash, a pass, and a reverse and the ball was on Penn's 6 yard line, first and goal to go. Two line plays, a Navy off-side, and an incomplete pass, and it was 4th down and still 6 yards to go. Bill Worden was rushed into the game to try a placement from the 15 yard line. But the kick was blocked because Rainwater, a Penn substitute back charged through, blocked the kick, and fell on it on Navy's 36 yard line. Little time remained. Passes literally rained wirh first Navy intercepting and then Penn. With a few seconds left to play, Penn tried a placement kick from Navy's 35 yard line. Shinn kicked but the ball fell short by at least 5 yards and the game ended. The Statistics: 1st Downs Yds. gained rushing . . . . Passes Passes complete Passes intercepted by . . . Punts Avg. distance-punts . . . . Run back-punts Fumbles Ball lost, fumbles Penalties Yards losr, penalties . . . .

Penn 10 85 17 5 3 8 47 38 1 0 4 30

Navy 12 149 19 6 4 9 37 3 2 1 7 68

For the second Saturday in succession, Navy's Foorball Team was ried in the game with PENN at Franklin Field on Saturday, Oaober 29th. The game marked the 50th Anniversary of the first Football game between these two institutions and was played before a colorful gathering of a little more than 67,000. For the first three quarters Penn had the better of the going. Navy seemed sluggish and only once penetrated inside of Penn's 35 yard line. Penn had played Substitutes practically all the game in those quar- Penn:—Dutchor, Koepsell, W. Miller, ters in Navy's terrirory and, with Rea- Rainwater, Mendelson, J. Miller, Levy, gan's fine kicking, had kept the Navy on Yard, Becker, Daly, Wagner, Bradway. the defensive. A Penn pass just slipped Navy:—Lenz, Ghesquiere, Jarvis, Anthrough Gustafson's fingers on the goal derson, Durette, Wolf, Harwood, Gray, line and on two other occasions during Worden, Feldmeyer, Mayo. rhis part of the game, Penn had been within Navy's 25 yard line. But Navy was too strong. Penn's passers were Tied rushed, Navy's line was impregnable, and Penn just couldn't get anywhere then. Before a colorful throng of 40,000 Navy seemed to get much stronger in enthusiasts, Princeton's greatly-favored the fourth quarrer, something they have football team luckily succeeded in gain-


ing a tie with a vastly improved and fighting Navy Eleven in Baltimore's Municipal Stadium on Saturday, October 22nd. Princeton, because of her great viaory over a strongly-rated Penn team just the week before and Navy's poor showing against Yale on the same afternoon, came to town not only the decided favorite but all set to win. America's "Guest Whisky" The first half was all Navy. Princeton Since 1870 / tried the line, took to the air, attempted deceptive plays, all to but little avail. B Y BROWIV-FORMAX Navy was alert and kept Princeton in rheir own territory most of the half. Late in the first quarter. Navy scored. Wood 'n^here Is Nothing Better was sent through center and, with perin the Market" fea blocking, broke through the seconYou'll discover t h a t its superb taste dary and was off. Mountain, Princeton's justifies t h e old time, hand written message o n the label. stellar back and the chief reason why Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky Princeton managed to tie up the ball Bottled in Bond under U. S. Government Supervision game, caught Wood by one foot on — 1 0 0 PROOF Princeton's 41/4 yard line. Wood rurning a complete somersaulr. Wood hit PrinceFor Good Taste in a Straight or a Blend ton's right tackle on the next play for a rouchdown and then missed the try for EARLY TIMES OLD TUCKER 4 Fine Whisliies The WTiistty That goal and the score stood 6-0 in Navy's Made Kentucky in One favor. The firsr half ended with that ff^hiskies Famous T h e Straight Whisscore. kies in this product One of the oldest are 3 years or more and finest names in In the third quarrer with Mountain old. A Blend of whisky. AKentucky playing a truly sensational game, PrinceStraight Whiskies— Straight Bourbon ron scored ro tie up the game. Prince90 P R O O F WhisI^—90 PROOF ton had the ball on Navy's 42 yard line. It was 4th and plenty of yards to go. A "BY B R O W N - F O R M A N " long Princeton pass was complered on -Nothing Finer Can Be Said of Whisky Navy's 21 yard line. Four line smashes, BROWN-FORMAN DISTILLERY CO., Incorporated, I,o«/5v/7/e. Xj-., 5mcf ; « 7 0 three of them with Mountain carrying rhe ball, and it was another 1st down for Princeton on Navy's lOVi yard line. Another 4 smashes ar Navy's line and it was 1st and two inches to go for rouchdown. On the next play, Princeton's Mountain hit center for the score. The rouchdown. Wood converted and the the Navy. Mountain by his spectacular rry for placement was blocked and the score was Navy 13, Princeron 6. But play was the mainspring of their team Princeton was not to be beaten. Prince- and, without him, the story would probscore stood 6-6. ron had the ball on Navy's 35 yard line. ably have been quite different. All credit The Navy team was thoroughly They made a short gain through the line ro Princeton and their great Mountain! aroused now. They rook Princeton's kick and rhen pulled their second rouchdown For Navy, rhe team showed vast improveand marched to Princeton's 42 yard line play. Alderdice passed to Daniels who, ment. There were no particular stars but before they were stopped. Again they when he was about to be tackled on the work of Lenz and Wood in smashing took Princeton's kick this time on Navy's Navy's 25 yard line, lateralled to Dixon through a rugged and determined Prince45 yard line and began to march towards who ran the rest of the way for a touch- ton line are worthy of real commendaPrinceron's goal. The rhird quarter ended down. It was a beautiful play, perfectly tion. with Navy holding the ball on Prince- executed. Princeton's Hinchman was ton's 30 yard line, fourth and 2 to go. sent in to kick and booted the ball First Annual Meeting On the first play of the 4th quarter, squarely between the up-rights and there {Continued from page 8) Lenz smashed through Princeton's right you were,—13-13. which enables us to outbid in devotion About 2 minutes remained. Navy tackle for a first down on Princeton's 25 the alumni of civil colleges; our devotion yard line. Wood again pulled another again turned on the steam but it was too is magnified by its association with love beautiful run, after Lenz had picked up late. They piled up several more first of country. 5 yards, to go to Princeton's 7 yard line. downs but their last second passes failed And what influence does this exerr On 4th down, Princeton interfered with and the game was over. It was a great game, a thrilling game. upon our personal relationship? We do Powell who was trying to take Lenz's pass and it was Navy's ball on Princeton's Princeton had brought down to Balti- not separate to pursue different callings: 5 yard line. A smash by Wood and more a fine ream with an excellent pass- we remain united in one profession; thus another smash by Lenz and ir was a ing attack. They had succeeded in tying is the family relationship preserved.


D E C E M B E R ,



This teaches us to be forbearing and considerate in our treatment and in our judgment of each other, having in mind the common origin from which we spring. This binds us by that bond which is the highest type of brotherhood.


• Due to the fact that the press date came before the date on which the TrusIs it not the working of this sentiment tees Meeting was held, Nov. 15 th, the that has brought us together today? As report of that meeting will appear in the we look into our hearts, cannot we recog- January issue. nize a feeling such as is experienced at a • A number of comments have been refamily reunion? Is not this classic spot a ceived concerning the proposed roserte. home to us all? There is not one of us Those comments indicate that the vast who has not some association connected majority favor a rosette of silk, while in with this place that makes it dear to him, several instances, the opinion has been and this common sympathy brings us the expressed that no rosette is necessary or closer .to each other. The establishment desirable. of the Association of Graduates augurs well for the continuance of peace and • In rhe designs which have been subgood-will among the members; it shows mitted, several have designed pins, extheir watchfulness of our inrerest in the pressing the opinion that such a design Academy, and will tend to ensure the preservation of the high tone which has ever pervaded the Navy." which had accrued from his action. The January issue will reprint the minutes of the first Annual Dinner which was held on June 10th, 1886.

John Keeler Robison {Continued from page 5) Naval Operarions, Captain Robison's high attainment in the science and art of naval engineering led narurally to his being commissioned on October 1, 1921, as Engineer-in-Chief of the Navy and Chief of Bureau of Engineering wirh the rank of Rear Admiral. In rhar position, he brought about notable economy in the maintenance of the Fleet and great improvement in the self-sustaining ability of the ships. After completing a four-year rerm as Engineer-in-Chief he was aide to the Commandant of the Navy Yard, New York, larer Captain of the Yard and finally Aide ro the Commandant of the Third Naval District, reriring from active duty on November 30, 1926. As Engineer-in-Chief, he took a momentous step which has led to greatly increased mobiliry of our forces. In doing this, though acting on due advice, afterwards confirmed by the Supreme Court, and with full knowledge and approval of his superiors, developments outside his province subjected him unjustly to criricism and violent attack. The Naval Academy Association honors his memory all the more for the loyal manner in which he accepted this ordeal, counting the cost well spent in knowing the vast benefit to the Fleet and to the Country 12

It was ever characterisric of him to hold steadfastly to what he believed to be for the best interests of the Navy and the National defense. Even after retirement he continued in the same line of endeavor, effecting valuable contributions towards the increase of the Fleet's mobility, one such achievement coming to fruition shortly before his death. In all his service. Admiral Robison was a foremost leader for the attainment of higher efficiency. In personal association, his charm and kindly humor won him a host of friends, while in rhe performance of his official duries his knowledge, parient perserverance and inspiring example srimulated officers and men to put forrh rheir best effort. His was a high conception of the characrer of an officer and a gentleman. Extending to his widow and relatives their deepesr symparhy, rhe members of rhe Naval Academy Association of New York inscribe this tribute ro Admiral Robison. It will be made a parr of the permanent records of the Association and will be duly engrossed and presenred to Mrs. Robison. Copies will be transmitted to the United State Naval Academy Alumni Association and to the Class of 1891; to the Navy Department, the Military-Naval Club, of New York, the Military Order of the World War and the Naval Order of the United States.


would not be confused with the many rosettes already in existence and would be far more serviceable. The Trustees will not take any action in this matter at this time preferring to await further comment from the membership. • There have been further comments concerning the proposed change in the By-Laws which permits an associate member being elected to full membership. Here again these comments indicate that this change is desired. The vote on this question closes January 1, 1939, and will be announced as soon as is pracricable afrer rhat date.

arfje l a g t Call HiBBS, N E L S O N WORSTALL, Lt. Comdr., USN (Ret.) '12. Died at Portland, Ore., on October 12, 1938. JONES, HORACE WALKER, Comdr., USN

(Rer.) '84 Died ar Middletown, N . Y , on October 12, 1938. Ross, Colonel C.A., U.S. Army, '08. Died at Grand Forks, N. Dak., on September 12, 1938.



YANCY SULLIVAN, Rear Admiral, USN., '98. Died at the Naval Hospital, San Diego, Calif., on November 1, 1938.



(Ret.), '07. Died at Naval Hospital, San Diego, Calif., on September 14, 1938. PYE, W I L L I A M SATTERLEE, JR., Lieuten-

ant, USN, '28. Killed in a plane crash off Los Coronados Islands, Mexico, on September 30, 1938.

(Signed) W I L L I A M H . STANDLEY

Admiral, U. S. Navy, Retired President (Signed) CARL J. LAMB Lieutenant, U.S.N.R. Secretary

Please send in all information concerning vital statistics to Shipmate.


The ^^Congressional FROM F L E E T TO AMERICA.








In sober grey, their war paint dull, They ride at anchor in the Bay. Each silent ship, with steel-girt hull, A nation's bid for peace alway. The long thick tubes of grayling steel, In turrets grim wait the test; With brain and science at the wheel, And only God can do the rest. Lord of the Dreadnaughts, swift and sure, What hopes and prayers are centered there, What love of flag, what courage pure, To watch, to wait, and to prepare. What thought have these for the Nation's shame, In wasted gold and "trust-made wars," Theirs,—to perpetuate her name, And write her story in the stars. And across the emblazoned hero page, A line is writ which all may read "To the unknown men in a peaceful age, W h o prepared for war and saved its need." Lord of the Dreadnaughts, swift and sure. Thy hand is on us evermore: Thy sulphurous breath can make endure, Our honor high—yet spare us luar. In the growing light the giants grey, Send smoke of incense to thy throne: As sacred as in ancient day, On high from Zion's altars blown. What prayer makes this leviathan, Those mightiest creatures of the deep: W h o own thee sire; yea, these thy spawn, Whom thou dost guard and mighty keep. Lord of the battle fleet, we pray That men may lay aside their greed; And give us Sisters 'gainst the day, When alone we meet our country's need. So! soon the thin grey battle line. Steams forth to meet the world; And we must die beneath the brine. By thunderbolts in darkness hurled. Then, give us ships that not in vain. W e wage thy wars for peace alway, Stretch forth thy hand upon the main; O, God of the dreadnaughts,—Hear us pray. -J. McC. Miller,'13. DECEMBER,



SHIPMATE The Publication of the U. S. N. A. Alumni Association, Inc.

Admiral Ralph Earle, USN, (Ret.) gave his greetings to W. H. Wendel—the junior man present—now at Harvard Business School.

Those attending the dinner received a copy of the Boston Graduates Year Book. W. H. STAYTON, President, 1881 The noisiest class present was 1916. The D. F. SELLERS, Vice-President, 1894 largest (and they claim most sophisticated) E. F. COCHRANE, Secretary-Treasurer, 1916 class present was 1922. For information concerning the Boston TRUSTEES Branch, communicate with W. E. Haycock, H. G. Gillmor 1891 140 Federal Street. W. H. Stanley 1895 E. J. Sadler 1899 CHICAGO, ILL. No evening meeting of the Naval Academy G. V. Stewart 1905 Association of Chicago was held during OcBryson Bruce 1907 tober, which throws the local secretary for a M. D. Gilmore 1911 loss in the matter of news this month. HowG. B. Junkin 1913 ever, there has been a long tableful of Naval G. W. Daisley 1923 Academy men in the La Salle Hotel's Blue W. B. Bristor 1927 Fountain Room every Wednesday noon and considerable aaivity has been arranged for J. H. Howard 1930 November. There is to be a dinner meeting on Friday Address all communications to: evening, November 18, in the Naval Reserve The Secretary-Treasurer Armory in Chicago, at which Carl E. Dreutzer U. S. Naval Academy Alumni Association of the Class of 1909 will be the speaker. Like Annapolis, Maryland all the regular evening meetings, rhis will be a stag affair in business suits (pleasure suits optional). On November 26 the members of the local Association and their wives and drags will hear the broadcast of the Army-Navy game at luncheon in a room to themselves at the La Salle Hotel. By way of advertisement to anyone in this vicinity who does not receive an individual announcement due to a breakThe Branch Associations are requested to down in efficiency of the local secretariat, the send in their information to the Secretary- going at each of the occasions above billed Treasurer, Annapolis, Md., by the 5th of each will be $1.50 the head, fine or superfine. This month in order to insure it making the press. is a very low price for convincing the authorities at home that there really is a Naval BALTIMORE, MD. Academy Association of Chicago and that its For information concerning the Baltimore members are really awfully nice boys. There Branch, communicate with W . Beverley Bris- seems to have been some misunderstanding along these lines, arising out of the traffic tor, 2205 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. breakdowns, trains leaving ahead of schedule, and typographical errors in time tables that BOSTON, MASS. The annual dinner of the Naval Academy so frequently occur on the nights when evening meetings are held. Graduates Association of Boston was held on See you then. Friday night, O a . 28, at the University Club For information concerning the Chicago in Boston. The Honored guest was Rear Admiral Branch, communicate with Kenneth McW. T. Tarrant, Commandant First Naval Dis- Cracken, 135 S. La Salle St. trict. The speaker of the evening was Commander CLEVELAND, OHIO A. S. Merrill, who drove up with Tony Ziroli For information concerning the Cleveland from the War College at Newport to tell us Branch, communicate with H. Ray Standt, '19, of his recent tour of duty at Santiago, Chile. 922 Union Trust Bldg. Lieutenant Commander G. C. Manning was elected president of our Association for the DENVER, COLO. coming year. Kendall Preston, '15, was elected Our Navy Wardroom Club (of which vice presidenr and W. E. Haycock, '22, was Annapolis men are a part) held its regular reeleaed secretary-treasurer. The following monthly meeting at luncheon on November governors were eleaed: C. C. Soule, '04, for 9th, at the regular meeting place, the Univer3 years; E. J. Martin, '28, for 2 years; K. L. sity Club. The speaker was Mr. Blanks, one of Moses, '23, for one year. The following con- the U. S. Delegates to the recenr World Power tinue in office as governors: A. S. Kibbee, '03, Conference held in Vienna. until 1940; H. A. Ellis, '10, and F. B. Craven, Two fairly recent arrivals have made their •16, until 1939. E. M. Major, retiring president, was voted homes in Denver, H. A. Nelson, '29, who is a life membership free of dues in appreciation the Assistant District Manager of the U. S. of his untiring efforts on the behalf of the Rubber Company, and H. R. Brannon, '22, who lives on Ogden Street. Association since its inception ten years ago. Mr. W. H. Wolfersberger, '80, is the oldest The meeting had an attendance of 94. The Alumnus in the Denver Branch. ranking class represented was 1896—the other For information concerning the Denver extreme being 1936, a forty-year spread. Rear



Branch, communicate with George E. Tarbox, 1729 Arapahoe St.

DETROIT, MICH. The Detroit Branch held a supper meeting in the Naval Armory on October 20th. It was a real turn-out with F. A. "Dutch" Westphal, '19, the guest of Honor. The Branch unanimously reeleaed the present officers to continue in office. Plans were completed to join the local Notre Dame Alumni and listen to the radio "blow-by-blow" description of the NavyNotre Dame game. Plans were also discussed whereby the Branch would have a big radio party for the A. & N . game followed by a supper dance to which the wives and sweethearts would be invited. At noon that day ( O a . 20) a number of the members of the Detroit Branch, at the invitation of "Dutch" Westphal, attended the Luncheon given by The Wire Association. "Dutch" is the President of that Association and it was his duty and privilege to introduce the guest of Honor, the Honorable Louis Johnson, Assistant Secretary of War. As reported, "Dutch" Westphal's introduaory speech for Col. Johnson showed that he had not forgotten what he learned in "forensic ballistics." For information concerning the Detroit Branch communicate with D. C. Wilkerson, President, 15-118 General Motors Bldg., De-

FORT WORTH, TEX. W. C. Fowler, '23, 2025 Huntington Lane

HOUSTON, TEX. A regular monthly luncheon will be held at the Texas State Hotel, mezzanine dining room, on the first Monday of each month during the noon hour. On Oaober 25th, the Houston branch held their first meeting at the Hotel Stratford. The following members attended: Geisenhoff, N. H., '13; Whiteford, Chas., '21; Parrott, J. H., '23; Spangler, J. B., '23; Randolph, A. K., '24; Wallace, A. B., '26; Blank, C. F., '26; Schirmeyer, T. G., '27; Worth, F. R., '37. Whiteford, Randolph and Parrott recently located in Houston and we were pleased to have them at the meeting. There are about fifteen Naval Academy Alumni in Houston ranging from Mr. Maxcy's class, 1884, to Felix Davis, 1939. A. F. Carter, 1905, and D. W. Moore, 1921, are associated with oil companies located in Houston, but found it impossible to attend our first meeting. An Alumni luncheon was held at the Texas State Hotel at noon, October 31st. The following members were present: Chas. Whiteford, '21; Joe Spangler, '23; Art Leman, '24; Ted Schirmeyer, '27; Bill Ford, '28; and Felix Davis, '39.

U. S. S. ARKANSAS visited Galveston for Navy Day and some of the Houston Alumni made a trip to Galveston to visit classmates and friends in the regular Navy. Lt. E. W. Lamons, '27, now on the U. S. S. ARKANSAS, spent the week-end with his former roommate, T. G. Schirmeyer, '27, who is practicing law in Houston. It has been about ten years since they had the occasion to see each other. By the way, Lamons has only been married about four weeks.


Logan, '26, is visiting his folks at Hous- train returning to New York within ten days; ton. He is on thirty-day leave after serving a luncheon; sparkling water or gingerale, ice and tour of duty in the Asiatics. cups; and service. Michaux, '22, is expected to spend some The Special leaves to return to New York time with his relatives in Houston in a few one-half hour after the game. weeks when he returns to the States from Requests for reservations for the Special Asiatic duty. should be addressed to THE SPORT COMWe are very anxious to have Naval Acad- MITTEE, Room 1203, 70 Wall Street. Reseremy Alumni in this vicinity get in touch with vations should be accompanied by check or the Houston Branch. This can be done by money order and stamped, self-addressed encalling the Secretary, T. G. Schirmeyer, either velope. Checks should be made out to: R. N. at his home or at his office. All itinerant FLIPPIN, Chairman, SPORTS COMMITTEE. Academy men passing through Houston are Meetings are held regularly the second urged to check in with the Houston Branch Tuesdays of each month at luncheon at the because it is always possible to get several of the members together and make your visit a Down Town Athletic Club. For information concerning the NEW pleasant one. YORK BRANCH, communicate with Carl For information concerning the Houston Lamb, 501 5th Avenue. Branch, communicate with T. E. Schirmeyer, Cotton Exchange Bldg.


INDIANAPOLIS, IND. For information concerning the Indianapolis Branch, communicate with Jasper E. Fleming, 1015 Architeas and Builders Bldg., Indianapolis, Indiana.

LOS ANGELES, CAL. For information concerning the Los Angeles Branch, communicate with V. Wood, Sec, 737 S. Genesee St.

IVIILWAUKEE, WIS. The Milwaukee Branch met at the Pfister Hotel at 1 P. M., Saturday, Nov. 5th, present: R. T. Whitter, '18; O. D. Colvin, '21; H. M. Blume, '22; F. J. Donahue, '26; R. M. Furber, '28; K. C. 'Tat" Downey, '17. Plans were made to get together at a "Radio Party" on Nov. 26th and put on a regular celebration. From the indications it promises to be a "full house." The party will be held at the Pfister Hotel, our regular meeting place. Let "Pat" know if you are coming, if you have not already. For information concerning the Milwaukee Branch, communicate with K. C. Downey, 3328 North Bartlett Ave.

NEW ORLEANS, LA. Philip Seymour, '08, 822 Perdido St.


T. A. Nicholson, '10, Cotton Exchange Bldg. Meeting. Indefinite.

PHILADELPHIA, PA. For information concerning the Philadelphia Branch, communicate with Shane H. King, Secretary, 1515 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

PITTSBURGH, PA. The Pittsburgh Branch held a dinner meeting at the Duquesne Club on Friday, October 21st. Present: 1897-- C . R. Miller 1911-- D . R. Grafton 1913-- H . W. Abbott 1921-- M . C. Barrett 1922-- W . S. Clark R. R. Gurley R. H. Miller 1923-—L. H. McCandless 1924-—H. R. Robinson 1925-- M . A. Powell 1926-—C. E. Briner 1927-—L. W. Carpenter J. F. Hellauer 1934-—C. B. Coen 1937-- G . P. Carroll Carlton Coen, 1934, came over from Canton, Ohio, to attend his first meeting. George Carroll, 1937, has just arrived in Pittsburgh, representing the Cellophane Division of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. Larry Kuhn, 1933, has moved to Baltimore, where he will represent Water Treatment Company of America. For information concerning the Pittsburgh Branch, communicate with C. E. Briner, 1005 Liberty Bldg.

The New York Branch is arranging what is probably the absolute tops in a special train for the Army-Navy game. The train will leave New York at 9:15 a. m., stopping at Newark, N. J., at 9:30 a. m., and arrive at the siding alongside the Municipal Station at 11:30 a. m.—just forty-five minutes before the Midshipmen march on the field. The cost is five dollars ($5.00). PITTSBURGH NAVi' DAY CELEBRATION The cars will be numbered and only 70 seats Pittsburgh's observance of Navy Day was will be sold in each car which, with 80 seats available, insures no one will be crowded. the most elaborate celebration the city has There will be a guard for each car and only ever had for the occasion. Five hundred atthose who hold tickets for the particular car tended the Navy Day Cabaret Dance, at the can enter. A porter has been engaged for each beautiful Urban Roof of the Wiliam Penn car who will provide lunch, etc. There will be Hotel, under the joint sponsorship of the a roving guitar and/or an accordion player Pennsylvania Chapter of the Navy League of cruising the train who will be familiar with the United States, the U. S. Naval Reserve Officer's Association, and the U. S. Naval all songs. The cost is $5.00 each. For that the cus- Academy Alumni Association of Pittsburgh. tomer gets:—Transportation to and from, the Captain Cyrus R. Miller headed the joint return part of the ticket being good for any committee of the sponsoring organizaDECEMBER,


tions as well as a number of prominent business leaders who cooperated in making the affair a success. The dance was preceded by a showing of Navy movies, supplied by Lt. Morgan C. Barrett, Recruiting Officer, Lt. Ralph R. Gurley, of the Office of the Inspector of Naval Material, staged a snappy floor show, featuring a precision drill number by the University of Pittsburgh Rifles. The entire dance was splendidly handled on a far larger scale than ever attempted previously, focused public attention on naval activities in the Pittsburgh district, and aroused much local civilian interest in the Navy.

RICHMOND, VA. W. D. Whitehead, '19, 703 Grace St. Meeting. Indefinite.

SAN DIEGO, CALIF. For information concerning the San Diego Branch, communicate with P. W. Rutledge, '16, P. O. Box 814, Chula Vista, California.

SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Our President has been East, but we expea to welcome his return and have him with us Monday. After attending a conclave at Stockbridge, Mass., he reports a short sojourn in New York; and, if his plans carried, a visit to Annapolis. No mention was made as to whether he was going to fly home or take a slower means of transportation, but everything is set for him to sit down at lunch with us when we get together. Leo Erck, we are sorry to report, has left to permanently live in Washington, D. C , and his address will be 1316 18th Street, N . W. Captain Gleason departs for the East and will be gone about a month. The Employment Committee of which he is chairman has had two applications during the past 30 days, and application forms setting forth pertinent data for positions have been prepared by the Captain and his Committee. In future they will be used by each applicant who petitions the Committee. Several members commented upon the poor attendance of our membership at the recent Midshipmen's Luncheon. It is regrettable that more of us could not get together and turn out in force on that occasion, but we hope for a better score next year. The National Secretary-Treasurer, Edwin F. Cochrane, recently addressed a request to our local Association, stating that at the meeting of the Board of Trustees which was held at the Officers' Club, Annapolis, Maryland, on October 7 that it was voted to ask that our Association nominate three members to be considered for a Trusteeship in the National organization. It would seem that of the three the National body will probably select one. It was further stated that while there was some disadvantage in the fact that such a Trustee might seldom attend a meeting, the fact that business might be conduaed by the Round Robin method would enable that particular Trustee to cast his vote in the Association's affairs; and it was further requested that if possible the nominations be in the hands of the Secretary-Treasurer by November 10. As our coming luncheon will be held November 7, there was a chance that the nominations would not arrive at the time stated. Consultation with some of the members who could 15

be reached as well as air mail communication with our President crystallized in the nominations of Admiral Hugo Osterhaus, Captain H. M. Gleason, and Captain R. P. McCullough; and these names have been forwarded to the National body for consideration. Our last luncheon was well attended. It was a pleasure to have again with us Captain Stanford Moses, as well as Lieutenant Colonel Porter, a graduate of the Academy and now stationed at the Presidio in the Chemical Warfare Service. The Captain spoke a few words of his recent visit South and of his having attended some of the meetings of the Alumni group in Los Angeles. He told of their work and of their spirit and suggested that it might be well for us occasionally to get together in the evening. This would enable a more intimate meeting and eliminate the necessity for a quick get away and a return to our offices such as the midday makes necessary to most of us. As a part of Navy Day Lt. Commander Van Horn accompanied by Hubert McLellan proceeded to the Commodore Sloat School where they addressed the students. A brief history of Commodore Sloat and his intimate association with early California history as well as the part he played in Monterey was told. The history of Lieutenant Bartlett was subsequently developed wherein he was duly eleaed Mayor of this city, but shortly thereafter was ordered by the Navy back to duty. This gave the pupils and all those privileged to listen in some faas which are not as widely known as they should be. Commander Van Horn then spoke of the Navy as a career and

of the Naval Academy as the opening of that career. The thought was developed that at a later date a plaque from the Alumni Association and in memory of Commodore Sloat may be presented to the school. Before closing, we have just received a flash that Pat Donavin was last seen boarding an airplane in the East bound for his new duties in South America. Our hearty good wishes go with him, and one of these bulletins will follow him up. Make every effort to report aboard at 12 o'clock and give our President a hearty welcome. For information concerning the San Francisco Branch, communicate with Russel C. Ryan, 909 Hyde St.

6401 Georgia Ave., or Capt. W. H. Bullis, Silver Spring, Md. The Branch is arranging for prominent men to address their meetings during the season. For information, communicate with Capt. W. H. Bullis, Silver Spring, Md.

Shipmates meet

ST. LOUIS, MO. For information concerning the St. Louis Branch, communicate with W. P. Kellogg, 630 South 2nd St.

WASHINGTON, D. C. The Washington Branch met at the ArmyNavy Club on November 4th. About fifty members attended. The Speaker of the evening was Sir Wilmot Lewis, a noted correspondent of the LONDON TIMES who gave a very interesting talk. The Branch is completing arrangements to attach several special cars to the B. & O. special train for the Army-Navy Game. Those who wish to avail themselves of those arrangements please communicate with either R. D. Stinson,

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NAVY BALLBellevu e The twenty-sixth of November will soon be here, and the arrangements for the Navy Party at the BellevueStratford Hotel are all made,—that is, all except your reservation. So please be kind, and don't wait until ''late blast" to get on board. Clarence Fuhrman's W.I.P. Radio Broadcasting Orchestra will furnish the dance music, and excellent professional entertainers are already engaged. The physical requirements for a bang up good time have been provided by the Hotel and the Committee, now it just remains for the Navy and its friends to enjoy, and add to, the fun. Send your reservations direct to the Bellevue, and enclose your check for $3.50 per plate. As a suggestion, one may reserve a table for ten, and then make up his own party. Wear tuxedo or tail coat, and when the siren sounds, be in the Ballroom for a "never to be forgotten" Navy Ball.





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