She Stories Feature Friday - Brenda Renderos

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About She Stories

She Stories is a community of women that promotes self wellness, empowerment and the value of supporting each other You have overcome tremendous obstacles Telling your story brings healing for you and others There is empowerment in every story We are Real Women with Real Stories What started out as a storytelling night has transformed into a sisterhood From gatherings to giving back, we inspire and affirm the every day woman that she is brave and beautiful

Our Founder

In 2017, I decided to carry on the tradition of testimony service and share this amazing gift of storytelling from my elders to my tribe I provided a sacred space for women to share their challenges and victories so they can not only be empowered but through each story women would find a circle of support and empowerment Her story matters and the world needs to hear it -

She Stories has always been about women sharing their stories through storytelling. (Yeah, that’s me with a box of tissue) We believe there’s healing that happens when we share our stories. We all have one!

By sharing our stories, we prove that it’s possible to shift change through another woman’s journey, struggles, and triumphs.

Elevating women of all ages is powerful. Compassion and love speaks volumes. And when they’re combined among a community of bosses, we ALL thrive! XO,


YES, SIS! It’s that time again! Our favorite day of the week! And you’ll want to stick around for this week’s feature!

She was born on the East Coast, raised on the West Coast, and spent summers as a kid south of the border. And can I just add how amazingly beautiful she is? Who is she?



Brenda shares what it was like growing up and how her parents played roles in her pursuit of finding her place in a big world. It wasn’t always sunshine and happy days, and for awhile, the world was her “enemy”, and the weight of everything came down hard when she realized the enemy was within herself.




Every week, I get to read and learn about a woman’s journey, and many times, I’ll read their stories (from their own words) and reflect on a time life dealt me a similar hand And here’s a fact, each woman thrives in her truth, her shine In the same way, I read their stories and I’m amazed at their courage and strength, I have to remember that this wasn’t always their reality Everybody has had moments where they didn’t know how they would survive They didn’t know how they were going to raise the kids They didn’t know how they were going to pay the bills But guess what, it worked itself out, somehow

Brenda spent most of her summers as a kid in Mexico and was heavily influenced by her family and the landscape surrounding her Like most kids, she remembers family, running trails, and the crazy things she’d see crossing the border into Mexico As a kid, these can seem like adventures Her mother was an immigrant and her father was black amongst the force of a civil rights movement The strength that was wired within her from conception would later serve her as a mother, a wife, a coach, and as a woman


We often remember the adults who provided a safety net for our younger years, but Brenda had also remembered when she was sexually abused by a family member, physically abused by her father, and neglected by teachers As an “ethnically mixed” person, she had struggled to find a space where she fully belonged “The world to me was the enemy and when the world is your enemy, you live a pretty exhausted life.” This poured over into other areas of herself, the wife, and the mother.

One of the most valuable resources Brenda was provided was knowing that she could be taught anything if she was willing to learn. Her mother couldn’t speak a word of English, so she taught herself Not only that, but she also went on to teach English to other immigrants. This motivated her to learn, understand, and grow

Brenda recollects her father’s death as a huge pivotal moment, she also remembers the birth of her firstborn making a huge impact on her life and the legacy she wanted to create for herself. But it was the moment she surrendered herself to seek professional counseling that sparked the change she needed. She held a lot of anger within herself and she knew she had to get that out to heal and be healed.

After years of therapy and needed self-work, she learned to embrace the rough edges around her fragile core. ”That was the first step to growing in wholeness for me To accept and embrace where I was so that I could embark on my journey of growth and healing.” It's important to show yourself kindness and understanding, especially when your inner child may be feeling defensive.

Of all the lessons she’s allowed herself to learn is to be gentle with herself, “I accept and embrace the person I am in the moment. I’m kind and appreciative of my spirit and body” It's a common belief that failure can be a valuable learning experience. We can even define failure as not learning from your experiences

But it's important to extend ourselves grace. This will allow us to extend grace to others.

Brenda has discovered the importance of leaving room within herself to mentor other women “I had women in my life that we're willing to walk with me and were in my corner cheering me on” She’s seen the value this pours into other people and wants to share the wealth with others She also gives back to her community through racial justice work and caring for missionaries

She’s been able to sharpen the tools given to her as a child, along with some struggles that taught the deepest lessons And she’s devoted her love and support to her family, friends, and community And during Women’s History Month, I wanted to highlight HER story and express the flow of compassion and strength she gives every day of the year


“I remind myself that I can learn and I can grow.”



You can check Brenda out on IG: @brenrenderos

Learn more about Soul Care with Brenda, visit her HERE!

If you or someone you know would like to be a feature, let us know!

Her Shine


”Daydream” by

“Rise” by Katy


Plan, plan, plan I prioritze keeping my sisterhood going


”She lived her life outside the box society gave her and

took others along with her.”


“Women who have decided to let God form their world and forge their path instead of society telling them what they should, shouldn’t, or can do.”

WhyIt’sImportantToTakeCareof YourInnerChild

Taking care of your inner child is an essential part of self-care. Your inner child is the part of you that represents your early years when you were innocent, carefree, and full of wonder. However, as we grow older, we often forget about this aspect of ourselves and focus only on the responsibilities and challenges of adult life

Showing up for your inner child means acknowledging their needs, desires, and emotions, and providing them with the love, care, and attention they deserve. It means taking the time to engage in activities that bring you joy and reconnecting with your sense of playfulness and creativity It also means healing any emotional wounds or traumas that may have occurred during your childhood

By nurturing your inner child, you can experience a sense of fulfillment and happiness that can positively impact all areas of your life. It can help you to be more compassionate, patient, and understanding towards yourself and others. Additionally, it can help you to cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and improve your overall well-being

So, take the time to show up for your inner child. Engage in activities that bring you joy, such as dancing, drawing, or playing games. Practice self-compassion and self-care. Remember that your inner child is a vital part of who you are, and by taking care of them, you are taking care of yourself.

Here’s 5 steps you can take:

Acknowledge and validate your inner child's feelings and experiences

Practice self-compassion and selfcare.

Engage in activities that bring you joy and foster creativity

Seek support from a therapist or support group.

Practice forgiveness towards yourself and others who may have contributed to your inner child's wounds.


Transitional Living for Women and Children


Together We Are One home provides a safe, tranquil, structured sober living sisterhood atmosphere for the women and children to thrive.

We serve women that have become displaced or who are facing homelessness due to unfortunate circumstances such as divorce, health problems, loss of employment, addiction recovery, abandonment and other unexpected life circumstances

Together we are providing a safe space for women to go from surfing to thriving.

If you and your child are in transition and in need, contact TWAO.



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The Lifeline is available for everyone, is free, and confidential. 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Text 988 CHAT WITH LIFELINE Línea de Prevención del Suicidio y Crisis 1-888-628-9454 National Domestic Violence Hotline 24/7 Call 800-799-7233 Text “START” to 88788 211 | Essential Community Services Call 211 211 connects you to expert, caring help. Every call is completely confidential.
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We absolutely love sharing the stories of everyday women just like you! Every woman has a story to tell! In our community, we share our stories to uplift, inspire and empower women. Stories can be shared one on one, through social media and even through creativity.

Girl, we want you to know there’s healing power in sharing your story. Sometimes you may feel that there’s things only you could’ve experienced, until you hear someone else with a similar experience. You are not alone. Together we overcome.

Would you like to be a feature? Or do you know a woman who’d like to share her story at a live event? Let us know! Let's change the world together one story at a time. It’s pretty empowering!


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