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Looking ahead to the new Academic year, I cannot wait to see how we can use the World Cup build up, bring it into the classroom and incorporate it into our Maths curriculum. Next year, we hope to see more showcasing in Maths and complete whole school activities again.

Zahra Mohammed Head of Maths

Our pupils in Sherborne have had some amazing things to say: ‘I have really enjoyed learning about fractions because they help us with decimals’ Tobi Year 4

‘I have enjoyed focusing and learning our times tables because it has helped me with my Maths’ Ayla Ahmad

‘It has been fun to use place value to understand decimals and helps us with our understanding in fractions’ Yousuf Year 4

‘I loved Maths this year because I got to learn new things about fractions’ - Tameem Al Thani, 5G

‘In Maths I enjoyed learning about centimetres and metres because it was interesting and fun to learn about’ - Malek El Sayed, 5G

‘ I have liked Maths because I love to calculate the answers using different methods. We have done lots of Maths investigations and It is nice to learn new ways of getting to an answer’ - Noor Husain, 5G