December Customer Newsletter - Leaseholders

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Customer Newsletter | December 2021

WELCOME Welcome to the second edition of our new customer newsletter. Since I last wrote to you we have introduced many of you to your Customer Relationship Manager,

In this newsletter we will give some useful advice about how you can keep condensation to a minimum during the winter period. We will also communicate our Christmas opening hours, discuss our Resident Voice complaints report, some policy changes and our downloadable Customer Handbook.

launched our new Customer Welfare Support Offer,

We want you to be involved in this newsletter as

communicated all six of our Customer Commitments

much as possible. Please let us know what you

and much more. Our Customer Commitments are at

would like to read about in future editions. You

the core of what we do. We know we haven’t achieved

can get in touch with us at:

our commitments yet, but it’s important that we have set out a plan showing you how we are going to do this. We’ve also set a goal for each commitment, which we will be held accountable to. This year, I am sure has continued to be as challenging for everyone as the last with the ongoing pandemic. I am proud that during this

As part of our commitment to improving customer

difficult period we have continued to deliver as

service some of you will have been introduced to your

many of our services as possible whilst settling

Customer Relationship Manager. Part of their role

in new colleagues and teams ready for 2022

will be to carry out estate inspections, giving you the

where a number of our improvements will be

perfect opportunity to meet in person to understand


how they can help you.

Finally, as Christmas approaches I wanted

Our recently launched Customer Welfare Support Offer

to take this opportunity to wish you and your

provides services such as welfare benefits advice

families a safe and happy festive period.

and support with Universal Credit claims. Whether our customers find themselves in vulnerable situations or are just about getting by, our aim is to ensure our

We look forward to speaking with you in the New Year.

services are accessible for you all, with the aim to minimise arrears and sustain your tenancy with us.

Mark Field

Chief Customer Officer

Customer Newsletter | December 2021



Average time to resolve a customer case 13.5 days

12 working days Average time to respond to a complaint 12 days

4:35 mins Average time to answer your calls 4mins 35 seconds

14.3 days Average time to resolve a non-emergency repair 14.3 days

Customer Newsletter | December 2021



The Resident Voice (RV) Scrutiny Panel is

SBHA is a supportive landlord offering a range of

responsible for scrutinising SBHA’s resident-

services to help support all our customers. We

facing services. The Panel undertakes reviews

will make every attempt to proactively engage

of individual services and makes evidence-

with you and offer a full range of financial support

based recommendations to the SBHA Executive

through external partnerships.

and Board. The RV undertook its review of the Complaints Management process between February 2021 and May 2021. This process is a vital indicator of the success or failure of how SBHA delivers its complaints service to residents. The RV summarised their findings, “The complaints review has been an interesting opportunity to work closely with officers across the business. There have been significant improvements with complaint management and responding to customers.” If you would like to read more from the RV Complaints Review Report, click here.

We offer some services internally such as welfare benefits advice and support with Universal Credit claims. Most of the income support we deliver is through partnership arrangements with other organisations who have a range of specialist skills. Our new approach looks at employment support, debt, fuel poverty and wider money and budgeting advice through partnerships. All of which have the primary aim of putting and keeping our customers on the right track. If you think you could benefit from our Customer Welfare Support Offer you can read more, here.

Customer Newsletter | December 2021


manufacturer’s instructions. Or create your own,

As we are now in winter, we are using our heating

limit any spread.

more and opening our windows less. This is an environment which can result in a build-up of condensation. Below are a few tips, which will help reduce the possibility of condensation forming, which can ultimately lead to mould growing in poorly ventilated areas. 1. Minimise the number of cold surfaces by heating your home to a reasonable level of warmth. It’s recommended to keep living rooms heated to 21 degrees and bedrooms at 18 degrees. This temperature can be lower at night and when you’re out. 2. If possible, open a window or use an extractor fan when you’re cooking or bathing. Leave windows open or extractor fans switched on for 20 minutes after you have finished cooking or bathing. 3. Use an anti-fungal spray purchased from a hardware store or supermarket and use in accordance with

mixing one part bleach to four parts water and wipe the area with a damp cloth. This helps to

However, if this is not working, please contact us as there may be an underlying problem which we need to diagnose and fix.

MOULD AND DAMP RESIDENTS FORUM We are setting up a time-limited Damp and Mould Residents’ Forum to work directly with you around how we manage and communicate damp and mould concerns experienced by our residents in their homes. We would like this forum to comment on the new draft Damp and Mould policy, an improved repairs service for damp and mould issues and to create awareness on how to manage condensation in your home. We also want to know, how we can get our engagement, with you, right on this issue. If you are interested being part of the solution, please

email for further information.

Customer Newsletter | December 2021

CUSTOMER HANDBOOK You may have seen our helpful Customer Handbook on our website: you can now download a digital copy, here.

The Handbook gives you loads of information about your responsibilities as a tenant or leaseholder and should be the go-to document to help you out. If you would like a printed version, please get in touch with us at:

Customer Newsletter | December 2021

CUSTOMER EXCELLENCE PROGRAMME Our service vision is to “Get brilliant at the basics”. As part of achieving this vision, we have recently restructured our operations and we have commissioned work to redesign our key processes. This has given us the ‘why’ and the ‘what’. Now is the time to start to focus on the ‘how’. The ‘how’ will be delivered through the Customer Excellence Programme.

on: New processes across Customer Experience, Leasehold and Repairs

Oct 21

Nov 21

Dec 21

Charter Improving our digital service to improve our systems, providing our customers a more responsive service

changes our customers will see and benefit from Look at what is coming up and how your service will change over the next six months: We will be including customers in our estate inspection visits and launching our hardship fund for anyone who needs extra financial support.

In the New Year we will be reviewing our opening hours to ensure that they meet your needs. There will also be a suite of DIY videos on the website to help you maintain the basics in your home.

Jan 22

Our customer relationship management system is being improved so that your records are easy to maintain and simpler to use. This will make it quicker to identify your immediate needs and last contact with us.

You now have access to a dedicated leasehold officer and a team which understands your needs.

our customers and aligned to our Customer

Proactive campaigns to communicate the

The Customer Excellence Programme will focus

We have in place a schedule of estate inspections to ensure that your environment is safe and pleasant to live in. Anyone moving into a new home can expect a follow up visit, from your Customer Relationship Manager, after sign-up to ensure that you are settled in and enjoying your new home.

New policies and procedures, designed by

Feb 22

Mar 22

Apr 22

May 22

Improved data will allow us to provide you with an individual breakdown of the cost of our services.

Good news! You will have access to our updated website and the ability to use our chatbot as well as the opportunity to book appointments on-line.

We will be working with you to codesign your welcome pack and to develop our responsibilities, response and communication around the problem of damp and mould.

Customer Newsletter | December 2021

WEBSITE UPDATE In the first few months of 2022 we will be launching our new website. The website has been designed by customers for customers. We are rolling out improved functionality which will allow you to find what you are looking for quicker and easier. To provide additional contact options we are launching chatbot and live chat. This will give you the choice to speak to the Customer Relationship Team virtually, rather than having to call or send emails. The updated customer portal will make it easy for you to download rent statements , pay rent and update your details. We have hosted several in person and virtual sessions with a group of customers to ensure our new website is what you want.

Customer Newsletter | December 2021

INSTITUTE OF CUSTOMER SERVICE – SERVICE WITH RESPECT CAMPAIGN We have recently signed up to the Institute of Customer Service – Service with Respect campaign. The campaign aims to combat the abuse and anti-social behaviour experienced by front line customer-facing workers. Recent research conducted by the Institute has shown that more than half of customer-facing workers have experienced abuse from customers since the start of the pandemic – ranging from verbal abuse such as shouting and abusive language to, in the most extreme cases, physical assaults. The campaign calls for three things: A change to the law to protect customer service professionals – making abuse a standalone offence with legal redress.

Business investment to ensure that customerfacing staff receive the training and support they need to equip them to deal with the increased requirements of their role. Customer tolerance that reflects that we are “all in it together”, with individuals considering the impact of their behaviour in the ongoing crisis Our frontline colleagues are working hard to help our customers. We are committed to deliver a quality service to our customers, and at the same time, care for the wellbeing of our colleagues. We strive to serve you with courtesy and respect and we ask you to treat us in the same way.

Customer Newsletter | December 2021



Over the Christmas period we will be working as normal. Over the weekends and Bank Holidays we will be offering our usual out of hours service. As more of us are working from home, due to government restrictions, please ensure you have an appointment with someone before turning up to our office.

POLICY CHANGES Over the last couple of months we have updated several of our policies. Here are some of those policies: Allocations and lettings Policy Compensation and Goodwill Gesture Policy Management Transfer Policy Responsive Repairs Policy

UPDATE CONTACT DETAILS We want to make sure we have your correct contact details. Please update your contact details, here.

All our policies can be accessed, here.

Customer Newsletter | December 2021

LEASEHOLD TEAM Our newly appointed Leasehold Team is now in place, providing a specialist service to our leasehold customers. Our Leasehold Manager, Suzanne Prothero joined SBHA in August 2021, a specialist in all areas of Leasehold Management with a strong experience of managing the shared ownership product. Leasehold Officer Maha Baset is new to the team and has worked successfully for SBHA for nearly 10 years in other roles. April Aitken and Priscilla Acheampong joined the team in October and November 2021. Both are experienced Leasehold Officers with a wealth of previous experience working in the social housing sector. We look forward to providing an excellent service to our leaseholders. In the coming weeks we will introduce you to your dedicated Leasehold Officer.

LEASEHOLD FORUM We have recently launched a new Leasehold Forum. The forum meets quarterly with the inaugural meeting taking place in August and the second meeting held in November.

So far, the forum has discussed and focused on the following key areas: Communication Service charges The several types of tenure and the responsibilities of shared owners and SBHG The newly formed leasehold team The meetings have been constructive and by working together we can define and deliver improvements to the services that we provide to our leaseholders and shared owners. The forum is open to all leaseholders/shared owners and is continuing to grow, with next meeting to be held in February 2022. If you are interested in joining and helping shape the services that you receive, please contact the leasehold team at: In future newsletters and communications we will keep leaseholders updated with the work the Leasehold Forum is doing.

Customer Newsletter | December 2021

OUR RESPONSE TIMES TO YOU Emails general enquiries to or to an individual’s email address

We will aim to acknowledge your email on the same day and fully responded to within 2 working days If your query is complex this may take up to 10 working days but we will keep you updated and let you know if this is the case when you contact us.

Call backs

We will call you back within the same working day and if necessary an appointment will be arranged with your Customer Relationship Manager at a mutually agreed date and time for a follow-up call.

Social media

Monitored between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday Your query will be acknowledged within two hours and fully responded to within 2 working days If your query is complex this may take up to 10 working days but we will keep you updated and let you know if this is the case when you contact us Your request will be acknowledged on the same day. If a repair is raised we will follow our repairs service levels as follows: Priority Zero

Online form

Emergency Repair These can be reported 24 hr 7 days a week

Within 24 hours

Priority One

Urgent Repair

Within 5 working days

Priority Two

Standard Repair

Within 20 working days

Priority Three

Complex & Major Repairs

Within 40 working days

For complaints: Formal Complaint stage 1

Internal Review stage 2


Responded to within 7 working days

Acknowledged within 2 working days Fully responded to within 10 working days Fully responded to within 20 working days

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