Aloha Huber Park MS Agreement

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ALOHA HUBER PARK SCHOOL AGREEMENT As a citizen of Aloha Huber Park School, I agree to create a successful learning environment. - Who are citizens of AHP? - What is required of a good citizen? - What does a successful learning environment look/feel/sound like? Ø

I am safe in my actions because I do not harm myself, other people, school property, or the world.

- How do our actions affect ourselves, other people, the world? - What makes an action positive or negative? - What do I need from other people to feel safe at AHP? Ø

I am respectful of differences and similarities by doing what is best for my community.

- What are things that all people at AHP have in common? - What are some differences here at AHP, and how can be valued? - Can we see the world from other perspectives? (role play) Ø

I am responsible for doing my best and making good choices even when it is difficult.

- How does your attitude help you to do your best? - When have you made a choice that was right even though it was difficult? - What does it mean to be a responsible learner? We realize our actions today impact our futures. We are Aloha Huber Park Cougars! ROAR! - Will the effort you put in today affect your future? How? - Name some actions that could be done in school and at home that will have lifelong repercussions.

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