42 // Market
Rolling out the red carpet for CO2 To mark Italian compressor manufacturer Dorin’s centenary year, Mario Dorin, who has held just about every position in the company in his long career there, tells Accelerate Italy why the future is bright for natural refrigerants. – By Andrew Williams
ith the global HF C p h a s e down mandated by the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol giving end users and manufacturers of HVAC&R technologies alike an extra incentive to chart a more e nv i ro n m e n ta l l y f r i e n d l y course, Officine Mario Dorin – a leading global manu facturer of compressors – is confident that the stage is set for natural refrigerants to grow exponentially. “The modern HVAC&R sector is very much influenced by new regulation on acceptable gases. Nowadays, the EU F-Gas Regulation and similar regulations around the world are giving a great push towards the total transformation of the sector,” Mario Dorin, grandson of the first Mario Dorin – who founded the company in 1918 – told Accelerate Italy. Founded as a manufacturer of machine tools and air compressors and repairer of motor vehicle engines, Officine Mario Dorin began producing open-type compressors for refrigeration systems in 1932. They soon became the company’s core business. In 1952 , thanks to the me c ha nic al intui tio n of founder Mario and his son Giovanni, Dorin began making semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors for air conditioning and refrigeration.
Accelerate Italy // February 2018