Health is Your Wealth Magazine - June 2016

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June 2016







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Editors Message

Readers Letters ‌ Send letters to:

for it, not wait until

Please note that some of these articles are written by patients who are still in recovery. These articles are unchanged and may contain spellings, punctuation and grammar mistakes.

arrives ! Anything

Keep up this great

worthwhile will take a

work. People are

little time but be patient

needed like you to

and never give up. Things

help all those out

Good thing happen to good people and I am a firm believer that good things come to those who work

I find the e-magazine very useful. Samuel, Subscriber

I love this mag, here is an old Irish proverb which tells you a carers perspective

Patricia, Ireland

you keep trying eventually

A copy of our medical there suffering in disclaimer is on some way or another. our website

you reward will come !

Mrs Pether, East

will improve slowly but if

Dominic, Editor

Thank you for your letters. We can’t acknowledge all the letters but will aim to respond to each one!


Please note that errors and omissions are exempt from this publication. For terms and conditions please see

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Contents Editors message and Reader Letters Contents Contributors

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THERAPY Exercise -Body Maintenance


Speech Matters

COMA story


Inappropriate Behaviour


A Parents Uncertainty


Living with Brain Injury


IMPROVING AWARENESS Statistics and Awareness


Macmillian Cancer Support


Headway Essex







MANAGE YOUR CONDITION Importance of Nutrition


Learn to pace yourself



Train Your Brain


Brain Training Applications




Movie Review






Key Contacts




Supporting Awareness


How to keep motivated


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Contributors To this issue Thank you to the authors who had input to this magazine. Without your valuable content this issue would not have happened!

Brain Training:

How I came a brain surgeon—Mr. Michael Jenkinson Children's Corner: Living With Brain Injury: Tom Massey A Parents Uncertainty : Ev and Jeff Rockach

Exercise: Body Maintenance: Trpti Gyan

Statistics and awareness Erica Bart


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bed I was in felt hard and shaped like a

“COMA story�

dentist chair. The room I was in appeared to be white in colour but was in a state of disrepair. There was a hole in the ceiling

Jonathon had a car crash in 2012 and spent

and reminded me of a building site as

three months in hospital, two weeks of which

there was tools and brick dust all over the

was in a medically induced coma. The

place. The conditions were so bad that I

following is his account of the experience.

organised a protest. This is obviously incorrect as hospital hygiene has to be good and at that time I was unable to walk

sure if they are real or not. To this day I still

or talk yet remember walking around and

can not decipher which parts were a dream,

talking to what appeared t be other

reality or in perhaps I have just made them up

patients, although some of them were no

as some sort of coping strategy!

wearing gowns.

I have no memory of the three months before

When I asked my wife and children they

my accident and for six months afterwards

told me that they talked and read to me

things are a little patchy. I was in a coma for

frequently so perhaps I have memory of

13 days and because I was able to breath on

some of the events they told me about.

my own was withdrawn from the induced

Certainly this incident was a lot more

state. I think that is correct but because of all

stressful for my family than for me. I

the medication that was continually pumping

imagine that the whole situation was an

through my system my memories are a little

appalling ordeal for them but an glad that

like dreams or hallucinations. I remember

they had the strength and courage to get

feeling like I was in a warm country and the

through it !

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It's all fuzzy! I remember parts but I am not


“Inappropriate Behaviour following T.B.I.”

Or the opposite might happen … a once bubbly and jovial personality may become muted or seemingly emotionless. This is known “flat

A young man is soft-spoken and gentle


sustains several concussions through sports. In his late 20s, he is fired from his job for his

Some of the most common behavioural and

uncontrollable bouts of anger. His girlfriend

emotional problems people with TBI can

leaves him, and his parents are at their wits’

experience include:

end with his behaviour. His personality was and

Verbal outbursts

unpredictable. When he finally seeks help, he

Physical outbursts

is diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury,

Poor judgment

Impulsive behaviour









a result of the repeated blows to his head.

Depending on what part or parts of a person’s brain







emotional changes. The frontal lobe, for




Rigidity and inflexibility

impulsivity. If damaged, there might be no

Risky behaviour

“filter” for self-control. A person may find it

Lack of empathy

Lack of motivation or initiative

Depression or anxiety








difficult to control his anger or aggression. He may also make inappropriate comments to friends or strangers not realizing they are

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“Mood swings”

Some people call them mood swings because for people after TBI, emotions can often be hard to control. Because of the damage to the brain, a TBI can change the way people feel or express emotions. A person may feel they are constantly on an emotional roller-coaster, full of glee and excitement one moment,

“What to do”





behavioural therapist is a good place to start. They can help with strategies like learning to breathe deeply when you feel you are getting angry or intolerant or like redirecting your thoughts and actions to more positive choices.

devastated the next. Another person may experience unpredictable bouts of laughing or

the person is actually feeling or what is going on around her.

TBI can learn to take action to regain a sense of control over their behaviours. Here are some practical suggestions for people

It’s imperative for people with TBI and their





emotional highs and lows:

families (especially children) to understand that these behavioural and emotional changes are a result of the brain injury; they are not the injured person’s fault. That said, dealing with these issues can be even more difficult, especially for family and friends. Typically the person with the brain injury is unaware of the fact that they are different from how they

Let friends, family, and co-workers know about your difficulties with behaviour control. Enlist their help and support. For example, they may be able to help you better understand what



behaviour or emotional responses

were before the injury.

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crying, which have nothing to do with how

With support and patience, people with

and help you learn how to avoid those

can take many sessions before results are seen


and when progress is made they are small

Confide in friends or family members.

iterations rather than dramatic changes in

Sharing your worries helps lift the

personality. Therefore these improvements are


going to take a little time spanning many

Clean up your messes. If you have acted

months. However there is usually quite a

inappropriately, apologize.

positive response resulting in attendees being

Tell people to walk away from you if you have an emotional outburst. They can talk to you once you have calmed down.

Avoid people, places, or situations that trigger inappropriate responses.

their “filter” back enabling them to function more appropriately in social situations and properly integrate back into family life.

For further information visit

Join a support group or find a peer

mentor. Talking to others who have

or contact the free phone helpline on 0808 800 2244

“been there” can help.

better able to manage their condition and get

Get regular exercise. It’s good for the


body and calms the mind.

• Try learning to meditate to keep your mind clear.

It is important to remember that should this be a situation you find yourself in that usually there is no “Quick fix”. Consultations with neuropsychologist or behavioural therapists

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Key Facts about childhood acquired brain injury


Many people think of acquired brain injury (ABI) as a result of road traffic collisions, but as can be seen above, there are many causes of ABI, which are often overlooked in later years when difficulties may start to arise. As detailed on the right, these figure are ONLY those children who are admitted to hospital; there will be many more children who were not admitted and some whose ABI remains undiagnosed. The majority of children will return to school following ABI and will look just like their peers, with no visible injuries; however as the brain does not mature until mid 20’s, we can not be sure of what difficulties may be ahead.

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Following a survey of over 100 families in early 2016, we can see that friendships and socialising are more difficult after ABI; with many young people feeling excluded. With increased awareness of ABI, which is actually one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders, children can be better supported and understood of following ABI. For more details about childhood acquired brain injury, or to request support from one of our Regional Child and Family Support Coordinators, please contact us: Email: Telephone: Website: 0303 303 2248




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Jackie called to see me one afternoon fit and

“A Parents Uncertainty”

well and I did not know that very afternoon our lives would be changed so dramatically.

Jackie took up the hobby of paragliding and Having a family member with a Head Injury is something you just cannot prepare for or would even want to!

this particular afternoon Lee and Jackie went paragliding together. It was at this time that another pilot offered to take Jackie up with him but he had a motor-paraglider this being different to the normal paragliding with a wing.

The pilot’s equipment failed and Jackie fell 150/200 feet spiralling down dramatically. The pilot and the motor falling onto Jackie, this causing Jackie’s helmet to crack from the impact and leaving Jackie with several broken bones and later to discover a serious head injury. Our daughter Jackie was a aerobics instructor and very fit and full of life. Jackie loved the idea of trying out new and exciting things. Lee, her husband enjoyed paragliding and Jackie was very keen to take up this hobby.

It never occurred to Jackie’s Dad and I that the main problem was the head injury. I had never given much thought to head injuries and never realised what a head injury does to change peoples lives.

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Jackie was in Intensive Care and stayed in

Jackie did not speak for a few weeks and

hospital for three months.

when she did it did not make any sense.

The shock was

when the Doctors stressed the chances of

However at least she was talking again.

survival was 50/50. I told Jackie’s brother Drew to prepare for the worse.

The most upsetting thing was the bad language and actions (not like Jackie at

I am writing to help others in the same

all) but I kept telling myself that all this

situation and hope it will help to keep going

was part of the healing process and NOT

and look to the light at the end of the tunnel.

to take anything said by Jackie as

More often than not there is one.


equipment all around her but this obviously

The family were waiting for all this

saved her life.

nightmare to be over. One day we walked into the hospital and Jackie recognised all

It was more stressful to see that Jackie didn’t

the family and although her personality

even know us or called us all by the wrong

was slightly different ,this was a small

name. If anyone is in the same situation keep

price to pay to have Jackie back with us.

in mind this is temporary and has the body heals and any swelling goes down you can

In the beginning it is natural to have

have your loved one back again.

negative thoughts, such as Jackie not walking or doing the things she loved

The first few weeks we prayed that we would

doing before the accident.

cope with this situation and always never let Jackie know we were worried.

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It was upsetting to see Jackie with hospital

Jackie’s new personality was sharp and quick

Occasionally we do see the accident scars of

tempered but all this was the healing process.

being impatient, but Jackie survived and most of the time Jackie is as she was before the

Eventually Jackie was discharged from


hospital and started her own business as a nail technician.

A few years later she had

beautiful Bethany now 7 years.

I can sincerely say to others who are going through this frightening and most stressful time, never give up and be patient until your loved ones come back to you.

There is always light at the end of the tunnel. I used to tell myself, that if Jackie changed in any way, at least she was back with us all.

I hope my writing this brings some comfort to those who are going through what Jackie’s family have been through.

Ev and Jeff (Jackie’s Mum and dad)

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majority of us are born with all five

“Living With a Brain Injury”

senses working well. We become used to these skills and senses that makes life so much easier.

“Damage to my senses, eye patches and comic books”

It is only now that I have suffered something as life changing as an ABI and I can see life and the gifts we are given from both vantage points. I realise how much I took for granted when I was fully able and in the prime of life.

Damage to My Senses & Memory

As a result of my ABI, I lost my sense of smell and taste; I am permanently deaf in my left ear with a permanent case of tinnitus in that same ear. I also suffered severely from a condition called diplopia

‘As fully Able People, What Did We Take For Granted?’

counter the issues with diplopia was to close






exhausting (trust me, try walking around I am speaking from personal experience, when I say that we (people) tend to overlook the things we have, and underestimate the difficulties of living life without the ability to do certain things. I know that I used to take many things for granted. The majority of us learn to read at an early age, by our early teens most of us are able to cook a basic meal, we

with one eye closed for the entire day), did eliminate the double vision. This did mean though that it eliminated my ability to perceive depth and to focus on objects properly from any distance. This meant I had to be accompanied by an adult on any journey that I was to make due to potential dangers regarding road safety.

learn to walk and talk at a young age, the vast

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in my left eye. One way that I managed to

Another reason I required the company of an

The issue I had with reading was the ability to

adult on any outdoor excursions was because I

read the word and to also use my mind at the

was also left with severe issues regarding

same to imagine the scenario that was being

memory. These two issues combined had the

depicted in word form.

worst effect on my ability to read. My ability to read was an ongoing problem as Reading – What Was The Issue & How Did

time went by. The issues caused by my fault

I tackle It?

vision the potential to stop me achieving my goal of attending university but we (my family

When it came to reading for practical purposes

and I) didn’t know how to improve that

in everyday life, it was not so much my ability

particular issue, which was the key issue that

to actually recognize words but more my

could be tackled and now, reading also caused

ability to attribute meanings to certain words

extra fatigue on top of it all.

when, for instance reading signs or reading a menu in a café. I definitely had issues with the

So, as an alternative to me closing my eye all

dual thought process required with reading a

day, every day, we went online and found a

word, recognizing that word and using your

website that sold eye patches. I brought a few

mind to attribute meaning. That was the

different patches with different patterns and

trouble I had with using reading as a tool.

designs to make it a little more “livable” with. The introduction of the eye patch came a slight

What really upset me though was the fact that I

improvement in the fatigue. With that extra

could no longer read for pleasure. I have

energy also came a slight improvement in the

always loved novels; I am a huge fan of the


Harry Potter series, His Dark Materials trilogy and the Bill Bryson books to name just a few.

One thing I would like to mention is about the

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benefits I gained from reading


books and how the illustrated form of written

positive reinforcement, those affected by an ABI can achieve.

works can be hugely beneficial for ABI patients. That particular medium negates the

“There is strength in all of us that

necessity for the dual thought process that

I think is often underestimated.”

reading prose requires. I am not an expert, so I cannot say for definite, but I believe that it being a visual medium along combined with reading, reading comics allowed me to read the words and the pictures help to reinstate

Tom’s blogs and much more information can be found on He can also be found on Twitter @ABIBlogger

and reapply meaning to those words in a more Headway Worcestershire aims for a more integrated We must remember that there are certain aspects we may not be able to do anything about.






improved since I suffered my injury but I would still consider it my biggest handicap. The only thing we can do when it comes to this aspect of the recovery stage is to learn everything we can about what the problem is and to never underestimate the affect it can have. Finally though, while we must never underestimate the enemy we face, never underestimate what, with time, patience and


approach where it comes to ABI’s. We can support adults with brain injury through a range of services including: day opportunities,



psychological support, counselling, selfhelp groups, volunteering opportunities and much more. Please get in touch should you be interested in finding our more about how we can work together, or how we can help someone with a brain injury in Worcestershire: | 01905 729 729

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concrete way.

If you are not in Worcestershire please note that Headway is a UK-wide charity that supports people affected by brain injury. For further information or support, or to find your nearest Headway group or branch, visit

About the author or contact the free phone helpline on 0808 800 2244 E-mail: My life was changed for ever on the 30th of August 2009 when an attack on a night out

Headway Worcestershire is affiliated to

left me with sever brain injuries. I was left in an induced coma after suffering fractures to the skull, bleeds on the brain, as well as severe bruising to the frontal lobes. Since the injury I have found it hard to find and keep work, to maintain relationships, and generally stay positive. I have decided to share all of my journey with you, in the hope we can bring brain injury awareness to the level it should be at. Please, follow my own WordPress blog Life After Brain Injury to keep up to date with my brain injury journey!

Follow me on Twitter: @ABIBlogger Tom Massey, ABI Blogger

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“Mental Health statistics: UK and

Statistics and Awareness


Mental health problems are a growing public health concern. They are prevalent

About Mental Illness Mental illness affects one in four people at an point in time and the impact touches every person in society. There is a wide spectrum of conditions,




anxiety, depression,

addiction, bipolar

an eating disorder.

Mental health problems are one of the main causes of the overall disease burden worldwide.

Mental health and behavioural problems (e.g. depression, anxiety and drug use) are

These conditions can lead to profound emotions of despair and thoughts of suicide. People's experiences can often be further complicated by alcohol or drug addiction.

There are many misconceptions about mental illness, often fuelled by images we see on television and stories we read in the media.

SANE is committed to helping people with

reported to be the primary drivers of disability worldwide, causing over 40 million years of disability in 20 to 29-yearolds.

Major depression is thought to be the second





worldwide and a major contributor to the burden of suicide and ischemic heart disease.

these conditions as well as their families, carers and health professionals

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Improving Awareness

disorder, personality disorder, schizophrenia or

not just in the UK, but around the world.

emotional support when things get tough. Right from the moment you’re diagnosed, through your treatment and beyond, we’re a constant source of When you have cancer, you don’t just

support to help you feel more in control

worry about what will happen to your

of your life.

body, you worry about what will happen to your life. How to talk to those close to you. What to do about work. How you’ll cope with the extra costs.






professionals, volunteers, campaigners and people affected by cancer. Together we make sure there’s always someone here for you, to give you the support,

At Macmillan, we know how a cancer

energy and inspiration you need to help

diagnosis can affect everything. So

you feel more like you.

when you need someone to turn to, we’re here, because no one should face cancer alone.

We are all Macmillan. For support, information or if you just want to chat, call us free on

We can help you find answers to questions about your treatment and its effects. We can advise on work and benefits, and we’re always here for

0808 808 00 00 (Monday to Friday, 9am–8pm) or visit

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Improving Awareness

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“While most injuries are obvious, the signs of concussion can often be difficult to identify and yet at Headway, we know the damage that can caused if people continue to play sport Click here or visit

while concussed. “A great deal has been achieved in the past few

years to improve concussion protocols, with

A new charity campaign launched during

the emphasis being placed on professional

Action for Brain Injury Week is urging

sport to set a good example for others to

grassroots and junior sports clubs across the


UK to be concussion aware and take an ‘if in

“But we believe everyone who plays sport

doubt, sit it out!’ approach to head injuries.

should be concussion aware – particularly

The Headway #ConcussionAware campaign

those at grassroots level who are playing

has the backing of a number of local and

purely for the love of it and do not have

national sports governing bodies, including the

ambulances and doctors on standby should

FA and Rugby Football Union.

something go wrong.”

Amateur and junior sports clubs, as well as

Clubs can also take advantage of a range of

academic institutions, are being encouraged to

free information materials about concussion on

sign an online pledge stating that they take an


‘if in doubt, sit it out!’ approach to concussion.,

“Sport plays a key role in keeping us fit and

factsheets, posters, a digital awareness stamp

healthy,” said Peter McCabe, Chief Executive

for club websites, and signposting to sport-

at Headway – the brain injury association. “As

specific concussion protocols.

with everyday life, however, accidents, falls

Former professional rugby player Lewis

and collisions can happen.

Moody and sports concussion expert Dr Willie

c a mp a i g n ’s

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recent years to address the issue of concussion, with much of the focus being on elite-level athletes. However, more needs to be done to incite a cultural change at grassroots level to ensure amateur and junior players are as well protected as professional sportspeople


from the incorrect management of brain

Former England rugby union captain Lewis


Moody said: “Concussion is something that

“Headway’s Concussion Aware campaign

everyone who plays sport – at whatever level

is a most welcome initiative which should

or intensity – should be aware of. Don’t play

encourage safe engagement in sport,

on regardless – you could be putting yourself

while at the same time protecting people

in danger while also letting your teammates

by promoting a no-risk approach to head



“I urge everyone who plays sport to be

Please help us raise awareness of this

concussion aware and take a no-risk approach

important campaign on social media

to head injuries.”

using the #ConcussionAware hashtag,

Consultant Neuropathologist and leading

sharing the campaign film, and

sports concussion expert Dr Willie Stewart

encouraging people to pledge their

said: “There is no doubting the benefits of

support at

participating in sport. There is also no doubt

that head injuries in sport are best managed by adopting an ‘If in doubt, sit it out!’ policy. “The world of sport has made progress in

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Improving Awareness

Stewart have also shown their support for the

Headway UK. "With the campaign growing each year, we are delighted with the positive response from our supporters across the country and would like to thank everyone who took part, whether by designing a hat, playing the photographer or Hats off to charity fundraisers! On Friday 13 May, Headway supporters from all corners of the country were united in donning their wackiest hats to raise vital funds for brain injury survivors and their

making a donation. "There were some incredibly quirky creations and it was great to see schools and local businesses getting into the community spirit and sporting an array of eccentric headwear. "We’ve had fun, raised funds for vital frontline

families. Dozens of businesses, clubs, schools and colleges capped off Action for Brain Injury Week (9-15 May) by taking part in the brain injury charity's annual #HatsforHeadway Day. Members of the charity also got creative for the event as many service users chose to design and make their own hats to wear as part of a local competition for 'best hat'.

services, and hopefully helped more people to understand the impact a brain injury can have upon whole families in the process." Additional activities organised by Headway's groups and branches across the country during ABI Week ranged from awareness days at hospitals





skydives, generating awareness and funds for the charity's frontline services.

“Hats for Headway Day is a fun and simple way to raise awareness of brain injury," said Luke Griggs, Director of Communications at

For further information or to support Headway UK, visit

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Improving Awareness

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symptoms reported not wanting people to feel awkward or embarrassed around them (63%), feeling they would be judged (34%), or not feeling like the symptoms were socially acceptable (32%).

People with Parkinson’s forced to hide or lie about their condition







Parkinson’s in the UK, with someone being diagnosed with the condition every hour

Nearly two fifths of people with Parkinson’s (37%) (1) have felt the need to hide their symptoms or lie about having the condition -


The charity estimates that 42,000 people in the UK have delayed sharing their diagnosis with someone close to them (3).

according to new findings realised to mark the start of Parkinson’s Awareness Week


Those who delayed telling family or friends (33%) said it was because of:

Parkinson’s UK.

The research, released by the charity to mark

Not knowing how to bring it up (36%)

Not wanting to accept their diagnosis (33%)

the start of Parkinson’s Awareness Week, has revealed an alarming level of fear around

Being unable to find the words (28%)

sharing a diagnosis of Parkinson’s, cutting

Thinking they would be stigmatised

people off from vital support available at a

(21%) or look weak (19%).

time when many report struggling emotionally to come to terms with their condition.

The findings come as three in ten people who have told friends, family or colleagues about

Those who did feel the need to hide their

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having Parkinson’s (29%) felt that telling

and round a square in London, completely

people for the first time they had the condition

dazed. Then I went to a bar in Victoria

was like ‘coming out’.

station and drank too much before getting the train home. And so I entered the dark

The charity is concerned by the findings,

days. Panic, claustrophobia and no sleep.”

which reveal a worrying level of emotional “Parkinson’s is not a flag I wave. There

Parkinson’s. Over a third (37%) of those

are a few people I told quickly but after

surveyed experienced negative emotions in the

that I didn’t announce it. I’ll often try to

year following their diagnosis, with the news

hide it if my symptoms are showing, as

having the hardest emotional impact on

sometimes it’s embarrassing. When going

younger people with Parkinson’s.

out on dates or in social situations it’s not something you want to say first off. A

Many people reported feeling ‘like their world had





part of me wants to hide it.”


grieving’ (14%) or ‘like they didn’t know who

Positively, people who have shared their

to turn to’ (13%).

diagnosis with their immediate family reported feeling ‘able to accept they had

David Plummer, 47, a wildlife photographer,

Parkinson’s’ (45%), while one in four

from Henfield, West Sussex said;

reported feeling relieved (27%), and 15% say they felt glad they didn’t have to hide

“After six months of tests, I was diagnosed

their symptoms anymore.

with Parkinson’s. I ended up walking round

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Improving Awareness

repercussions for people diagnosed with

Steve Ford, Chief Executive at Parkinson’s UK said;

“No-one should feel alone in dealing with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s. Too many people are struggling with their diagnosis alone because of fear of what people might think, say or do.”







Parkinson’s, for a wide range of reasons, are not able to access the help they need - and it’s having a devastating impact on their emotional health. We are determined that each and every person with Parkinson’s is aware of the support available so they can feel equipped to have these difficult conversations.”

“We know that the right support, whether through family, friends or Parkinson’s UK, is vital for those with the condition, to help them come to terms with their diagnosis and know that they’re not alone. We are here to help people find the support they need, when they need it.”

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Our meetings consistently centre around

Weymouth Stroke Support Group

19 to 20 members and generally involve chats, relevant information, games and quizzes and regular physical therapy sessions.

Also outside interests have included lawn green bowls and sailing.

David Dowle

Improving Awareness


The Weymouth Stroke Support Group is affiliate to the Stroke Association and is in its Fourth year. We are open to Stroke survivors, caters and family members and meet twice a month on the first and third Tuesday at:

Weymouth Bay Methodist Church. 32 Melcombe Avenue, Weymouth DT4 7TH. Health is Your Wealth Magazine

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hands over and over again. Other compulsive

Mental Health

rituals may have no connection to the nature of the obsessive thoughts.

“Obsessive Compulsive Disorder” Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common form of anxiety disorder involving distressing, repetitive thoughts. That makes OCD particularly difficult to make sense of or

Common obsessions include:

Fear of contamination

Fear of causing harm to someone else

Fear of behaving unacceptably

Need for symmetry or exactness.

to explain to other people. Compulsions commonly involve checking, Obsessions are distressing or frightening repetitive thoughts which come into your mind automatically, however irrational they may seem and however much you try to resist or ignore them.

Some people describe these

thoughts as being like a ‘stuck record’, but trying to stop them can make them worse.

Compulsions are actions which people feel they must repeat to feel less anxious or stop their obsessive thoughts. For example, some people cannot stop thinking about germs and the diseases they could catch. To cope with this anxiety, they may start washing their






Carrying out a ritual usually gives people temporary relief from their anxiety. At other times, they can be full of doubt that they have carried out the ritual properly and so repeat the ritual to ‘get it right’ – a process that can go on for hours.

It can take people many years to seek professional help. People may be aware that their rituals are irrational and be ashamed of that and try to hide them. Some people feel that they lack will power because they cannot stop their thoughts and rituals

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What are the symptoms of OCD?

first step in getting treatment is to explain your symptoms to your GP who can then

Most of us have worries, doubts and

refer you for specialist help. The most

superstitious beliefs. It is only when your

effective treatments for OCD usually

thoughts and behaviour make no sense to

involve talking treatments – such as

other people, cause distress or become

counselling, psychotherapy and cognitive

excessive that you may want to ask for help.

behaviour therapy – and medication.

OCD can occur at any stage of your life. If you experience OCD you may also feel

How family and friends can help

anxious and depressed and you may believe

As family or a friend, you may feel

you are the only one with obsessive thoughts.

frustrated and confused by the symptoms

What causes OCD?

accepting your partner’s, friend’s or

OCD has been linked to increased activity in

relative’s feelings and understanding that

certain parts of the brain and some experts

this is their way of coping. Negative

think low levels of a brain chemical called

comments or criticism tend to make OCD

serotonin may be involved,2 although others

worse; a calm, supportive family can help

disagree with this theory. Stress does not

improve the outcome of treatment. When

cause OCD, but a stressful event such as

children or young people have OCD, it’s

giving birth, the death of someone close to

important for parents to work with

you or divorce may act as a trigger.

teachers to be sure that they understand the problem.

What are the treatments for OCD? There are a number of treatments and

See more at:

strategies to help you deal with OCD. The

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 31

Mental Health

of OCD, but you can help a lot by

of time that it takes to recover ranges from


around six months to a year or more.

Depression is a common mental disorder that

Living with depression is difficult for those

causes people to experience depressed mood,

who suffer from it and for their family, friends,

loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or

and colleagues. It can be difficult to know if

low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite,

you are depressed and what you can do about

low energy, and poor concentration.

it. Signs and symptoms

Depression is different from feeling down or which

Tiredness and loss of energy.

everyone feels at one time or another, usually

Sadness that doesn’t go away.


Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem.

Difficulty concentrating.

Not being able to enjoy things that are







particular depression


cause. will




intense emotions of anxiety, hopelessness, negativity and helplessness, and the feelings

usually pleasurable or interesting.

stay with them instead of going away.

Depression can happen to anyone. Many

Feeling anxious all the time.

Avoiding other people, sometimes even your close friends.

successful and famous people who seem to have everything going for them battle with this


he lp le ssn e ss



problem. Depression also affects people of every age. Half of the people who have

F e e lin gs

Sleeping problems - difficulties in getting

depression will only experience it once but for

off to sleep or waking up much earlier

the other half it will happen again. The length

than usual.

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 32







injuries, may also lead to depression.


condition which frequently follows head

Finding it hard to function at work/ Sometimes, there may be no clear reason


Loss of appetite.




for your depression but, whatever the drive




original cause, identifying what may affect how you feel and the things that are likely

Physical aches and pains.

Thinking about suicide and death.







important first step.

Types of depression

If you experience four or more of these

some of which are listed below.

symptoms for most of the day - every day for more than two weeks, you should seek

Mild depression

help from your GP.

Depression is described as mild when it has a limited negative effect on your

What leads to depression? Depression can happen suddenly as a result of

daily life. For example, you may have difficulty concentrating

physical illness, experiences dating back to childhood,



family problems or other life-changing events. Examples of chronic illnesses linked to depression include heart disease, back pain and cancer. Pituitary damage, a treatable

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 33




Mental Health

There are several types of depression,

motivating yourself to do the things you

Post-natal depression

normally enjoy.

Many new mothers experience what are sometimes called 'baby blues' a few days after the birth. These feelings of anxiety and lack of

Major depression Major





confidence are very distressing but in most

individual’s daily life - with eating, sleeping

cases last only a couple of weeks. Post-natal

and other everyday activities. Some people

depression is more intense and lasts longer. It

may experience only one episode but it is

can leave new mothers feeling completely

more common to experience several episodes

overwhelmed, inadequate and unable to cope.

in a lifetime. It can lead to hospital admission,

They may have problems sleeping, panic

if the person is so unwell they are at risk of

attacks or an intense fear of dying.

harm to themselves.

They may also experience negative feelings towards their child. It affects one in ten

Bi-polar disorder

mothers and usually begins two to three weeks

The mood swings in bi-polar disorder can be

after the birth.

extreme - from highs, where the individual feels extremely elated and indestructible, to

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

lows, where they may experience complete

SAD is associated with the start of winter and



can last until spring when longer days bring


more daylight. When it is mild, it is sometimes

symptoms where they cannot make sense of

called ‘winter blues’. SAD can make the

their world and do things that seem odd or

sufferer feel anxious, stressed and depressed.


It may interfere with their moods and with








their sleeping and eating patterns.

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 34

cause depression. It teaches you skills to

How do I get help? Talking





identify patterns of behaviour and thinking

behavioural therapy (CBT) and some forms of

that are causing you problems and change

counselling and psychotherapy work well for


depression, although you may have to wait to see a therapist on the NHS. You can pay to see


someone privately and your GP may be able

Psychotherapy can be more intensive than

to recommend someone. Always check that



any private therapist is registered with a



professional body.

interchangeably. It often looks at how past




and terms

experience may be affecting your life now, so it may involve delving deeply into early

therapy. Your GP can advise you about which

experiences and key relationships.

you might find most helpful. This may take more time, although Counselling

shorter, more focused ways of doing this

Counselling gives people the chance to talk

have also been developed. Interpersonal

through everyday issues that may be causing

therapy focuses on how you relate and

depression and to develop strategies for

behave towards others. It helps you to

resolving them.

build a better self-image and communicate more effectively with others.

Cognitive therapy Cognitive




(sometimes therapy



See more at:


addresses the way you think and how this can

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 35

Mental Health

There are several different kinds of talking

Is this magazine in your doctors waiting room yet?

IF NOT GO TO and click on subscriptions.

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Page 36

informed choices. The Infoline gives

Mental Health help and support services If you are experiencing mental health problems or need urgent support, there are lots of places you can go to for help.


information on types of mental distress, where to get help, drug treatments, alternative therapies and advocacy. Mind also has a network of nearly 200 local Mind associations providing local services.

Saneline Telephone: 0845 767 8000 (6pm-11pm) Website: support/helpline



Saneline is a national mental health

emotional support for people experiencing

helpline providing information and support

feelings of distress or despair, including those

to people with mental health problems and

that could lead to suicide. You can phone,

those who support them.


email, write a letter or in most cases talk to someone face to face.

Mind Infoline Telephone: 0300 123 3393 (9am-5pm Monday to Friday) Email: Web site: advice_lines Mind provides confidential mental health information services. With support and understanding, Mind enables people to make

ChildLine Telephone: 0800 1111 Email: Pages/Email.aspx Website: ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. You can contact a ChildLine





anything - no problem is too big or too small.

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 37

Mental Health

Telephone: 116 123 (24 hours a day, free to call) Email: Website:

“How to KEEP Motivated?” “You think you can do things but you can't”

“So what can you about it?”

Either you can get someone to help you achieve your goal or find a new goal, something you can do! There maybe some things you will never do again but in the greater scheme of things

This is one of the largest road blocks that you have to overcome. Trying to live at the same

‘are they really that important?’

pace that you did before your accident / Illness and watching other people do things that seem

The danger is that you end up thinking I can’t

like a great idea but in practice may not be

do that anymore and spending so much time

practical in your situation. You can run with

and effort in ‘the recovery phase’ that other

an idea, make plans, spend money, travel to a

just as important (if not more critical) things

destination etc. But when you actually start to

can be missed.

do something you realise that this is not as simple or as easy as it first appears. It’s not

Therefore maybe it's not about getting things

until you break down the task into individual

back to the way they were, perhaps it's about

components that can realise the complexity

making the future better for you and your

and how difficult it maybe. This scenario


happens every month to us and usually results in another disappointment with the question

Remember the glass is full not half full or half

being asked again,

empty but it’s full right to the top! All you have

“Why is this so difficult?”

to do is look at it that way!

Which can then lead to frustration and anger.

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 38

Exercise, “Maintenance for your body !” Are you seeing what is there? “Evidence is not the enemy of informed certainty. However the two should never be juxtaposed. We find what we find, and we believe what we believe.” Before we start, have a look at this square.

were Christ, to be housed together in the Ypsilanti State Hospital in Michigan, USA, in what became known as the Ypsilanti experiment. But far from the stormy encounters he expected, these men got along well, each coming up with complex and often absurd explanations





observing that the other two ‘were insane What colour is it? We will come back to this later.

whilst confidently maintaining their own delusions. This story was detailed in a

In the late 1950’s a psychologist named Milton Rokeach was inspired by an article he had read about two women both having the delusional belief that they were the Virgin Mary.

and belonged in a mental institution’)

He decided to replicate this and

arranged for three men who believed they

book The Three Christ’s of Ypsilanti by Milton Rokeach in 1964. This classic psychology study is bizarre but anecdotal. Clearly these men were delusional and, when confronted with clear evidence, they refused to accept the obvious

Health is Your Wealth Magazine



Page 39




for the beliefs of the other two, (with one

everything around to keep their delusion

they had even finished?

intact at all costs. The question is, how much

often been found to stop asking symptomatic

do we do the same every day? Few of us

or historical questions because they reached an

claim to be the Messiah, but when it comes to

early conclusion, thus failing to unearth key

protecting our beliefs, decisions and first


impressions, psychological research is pretty

reinforcement is known as anchoring bias -

clear: none of us is much better than the men

once the human mind has made a decision we

in Ypsilanti hospital.

are very reluctant to reject it for another



Medical staff have



(Wallsten, 1981; Larue, 1995). Based in rationality and Bayesian-reasoning as the scientific and medical worlds are, us

So how can we overcome this? Well, it is not

human actors within them are still human,

easy, and there is no perfect solution.

and carry these behaviours along with us.

Klein’s extensive review provides a few

Alas, those of us educated in these fields


seem to be very capable at rationalising

1) Be aware of base rates;

cognitive biases, actually believing they are

2) Consider whether information is truly

the result of a logical thought process. This

relevant, rather than just salient;

often manifests as confirmation bias, with

3) Seek reasons why your decisions may be

potentially serious implications for our

wrong, and entertain alternative hypotheses;

patients. In taking medical histories, medics

4) Ask questions that would disprove, rather

often ask questions that solicit information

than confirm, your current hypothesis;

confirming early judgments. Have you ever

5) Remember that you are wrong more often

listened to a patient tell you the first few

than you think.

symptoms, then make a diagnosis in your

(Klein, 2005)

mind, and decide upon a treatment before

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 40


In many areas of research into overcoming

obviously it is yellow. Except of course,

biases and avoiding simple errors, the act of

it isn’t. It isn’t if you are reading this post

writing the presenting factors down, or

on a computer screen or your phone,

working through checklists, repeatedly comes

tablet, or television.

out as a significant factor. This is common

never seen yellow light on any of these

practice in professions such as pilots, military

devices. No one has.





In fact you have


Adopting a similar practice in surgery has

You see, screens do not emit yellow light;

halved the error rate (Cohen, 2003).

they are made up of red, green and blue elements






But of course, we all listen to our patients,

wavelengths in varying relative amounts,

and see the world as it is. We are not insane,

referred to as RGB.

and unlike the men in Ypsilanti hospital what

specific proteins in the cone cells of your

we witness is objective and real.


retina, themselves only responding to

remember at the start I asked you to look at

certain wavelengths, sending a signal to


your visual cortex that decides that a

The light hits

yellow, and tells your conscious mind that that’s what colour it is. A more detailed explanation of this phenomenon can be seen here


watch?v=R3unPcJDbCc) or with white light here And I asked you to keep in mind what colour



it was? Well, it is yellow isn’t it? Quite

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 41


certain pattern of RGB light equals

Oncologists and primary care physicians' If your brain is lying to you constantly about

attitudes toward pain control and morphine

something as simple as what colour you are

prescribing in France. Cancer 1995;76: 2375-

looking at, how can you be sure that your first


impression about that patient you saw or that

Cohen BJ. Theory and Practice of Psychiatry.

theory you believe in is correct? The answer

2003; Oxford University Press, 1st Ed. ISBN-

is that you can’t. Every one of us is in thrall

13: 978-0195149388

to classical confirmation, recall and anchoring

Muller S & Patel HRH.

biases. And if you’re still thinking this doesn’t

checklists: lessons learned from the aviation

describe you, then scroll up to those squares.

industry. Journal of Surgical Simulation.

They’re still yellow, aren’t they?


“Careers do not come with instructions.


There are no ‘hard and fast’ rules. This is


14 th


Safe surgery



because you will work for - and with - other human beings, and people are complex and

Suffered an injury?

confusing creatures.”

Book an appointment with TG Physiotherapy Care today.

Wallsten TS. Physician and medical student bias in evaluating diagnostic information. Med Decis Making 1981;1: 145-64. Klein JG.

Five pitfalls in decisions about

diagnosis and prescribing. BMJ. 2005;330:

TG Physiotherapy Nottingham





You can contact us on: Tel: 07866-464-385 (Within the UK) Tel: +44 (0) 7866-464-385(Outside the UK) Email:

781–783 Larue F, Colleau SM, Fontaine A, Brasseur L.

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Page 42


Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 43


“Importance of Nutrition”

Be selective with your seconds

“more focus on diet and a small amount but frequent exercise !”

Finish your meal with fruit rather than chocolate cake. An apple will help to fill you up more than a couple of squares of chocolate, but both contain similar amounts of

Portion Control Controlling your portions doesn’t mean you


need to eat tiny amounts or weigh your food. But if we’re eating too much, then we may

Don't pick at leftovers

need to retrain our brains to see a smaller-than

Avoid the temptation to polish off children’s or

-normal portion as satisfying enough. Here

grandchildren’s meals or to nibble leftovers.

are some ways to achieve this:

This is especially difficult to do if you dislike waste however it is probably the most hygienic

Use a smaller plate

thing to do so keep reminding yourself that

A standard-sized portion will look small on a

small children often don’t wash their hands

larger plate. Use a smaller plate to prevent


overeating. Use leftovers as another meal You don’t have to finish everything on the

Don’t double your carbs starchy

table! Get into the habit of cooking less and

carbohydrate with your meal, do you need

have a plan to use up leftovers in another meal.






bread, naan or chapatis as well? You could be doubling your portion! So cut out the extra

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 44

20-minute rule

Eat the right quantity of the right food

Think you haven’t had enough? Wait for

This is not easy to get right but is well

about 20 minutes before reaching for a second

worth the effort you put in as you will be

helping. It can take a little while for you to

rewarded eventually. Remember there is

feel full after you have eaten. So avoid the

little point in working many hours in the

temptation to keep eating and see if you get

gym each week if you are not eating right!

that feeling.

Check food labels Make sure you know what portion the

Managing Your Condition

nutrition information on the front of pack relates to. You maybe surprised to learn which foods contain high amounts of sugars, fats, carbohydrate or calories.

Don’t ‘Go Large’


When you’re eating out, watch out for

Perhaps the biggest culprit! The easiest

supersized portions. It’s easier to avoid

trap to fall into and the hardest habit to

temptation if the food isn’t on your plate to


begin with, so say no to the bread basket and consider a small adult portion rather than a

Create some new snacking rules:

large. Define when to snack: Just because you always grab a granola bar and coffee in

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 45

the morning, doesn’t mean you should. Don’t snack because it’s part of your daily routine; do it when you’re a little bit hungry. Don’t

Don’t multitask

punish your rumbling belly. Go ahead and have a bite. Just change what you snack on and the quantity.

when you eat Simply enjoy the flavors of the food. Try to apply

What to snack on?

This basic guide will help you a lot. It’s

this strategy at regular meals, too. A

study conducted at the

University of Birmingham, in England,

biscuits, chocolate bars and crisps any

showed that when you’re distracted

use these alternatives.

during mealtime (watching television), you may be more likely to snack later in the day.

A handful of nuts

Eating the right qty of food, at the right time. Giving 100% at the #gym & resting yet not loosing weight? To see results try

Keep boiled eggs


in the fridge

months! Eventually you should see a





difference! It will come, just not as

Replace sweets

quickly as you want it to...

with fruit Drink a glass of lemon water Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 46

Managing Your Condition

not perfect however try and avoid the

efficient?'. I guess the answer to my ques-

“Learn To Pace Yourself” “Can you be too efficient?”

tion is yes. Because efficiency drives is to a conclusion and at the pace we now operate at this can result in making a decisive move, hastily. Typically people with brain injury are not very good at making deci-

It's a funny Question, one I have never asked anyone or myself. I guess before my accident I was classed as ‘super organised and efficient’. However nowadays things take two to

can be created in the process! This drives my

you are not sure which way to jump - find out what the consequences are of doing nothing! At first this sounds like you are in decisive but actually you have consciously made a decision ‘to do nothing!’

partner crazy as from their perspective they have enough things to do without me adding to the list!

It is different in each situation and some things do require expedition however usually your not going to lose significant

The issue with being super efficient is that you become super impatient. Then when things take longer it is a source of annoyance both to you and to everyone else around you. In order to enable other people to continue to 'run at 100 miles an hour' I have learnt to be

amounts of money and nobody is going to die by introducing a delay and the result can be a release of stress and pressure! This pressure and stress can affect your mood, sleeping pattern, physical characteristics plus mental health.

extra courteous. In letting everyone else go first so that they can continue to do things quickly I find myself asking: 'Can you be too

It’s a big jump to conclude but makes sense. Is all this running around and being

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 47

Managing Your Condition

four times longer and sometimes more work

sions, especially rushed ones. Therefore if

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 48

Brain Training “Each issue will include exercises to strengthen your brain!” The rules of brain training: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Try and do a minimum and maximum of thirty minutes each day. Try and commit to doing for ten weeks. This duration requires that you set time to one side to complete this. It has to be challenging to work. If it’s to easy there are no benefits. To keep motivated set yourself rewards. If you complete an exercise give yourself a reward, something to look forward to! As well as doing exercises on your own work with others to increase your social skills.

Improve Cognition

Word Search Exercise For The Brain holiday, Drinks Beach Sea Restaurant Food Language Culture Tanning sunny

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 49

Brain Training Applications “A selection of applications that are fun but will also improve cognition� This maze is much more complex than usual. You start on the left hand side and have to escape to exit on the right hand side. However there are multiple dead

ends and only one solution! Perhaps time yourself to see how long it takes you, take a note of the time and try it again a few weeks later. Have fun!


Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 50

“MyBrainTraining - the Online-Fitness-Center for your brain!” MyBrainTraining Professional

approximately 10% of patients with schizophrenia commit suicide.

(proven effective in study with Schizophrenia Patients

Depressed schizophrenia patients are

conducted by University of

at particularly high risk for suicide the

Hamburg, Germany, Prof. Steffen

first few months after diagnosis and after



University 25%



patients experience course-related depression. Depression in patients with schizophrenia is linked to reduced social




increased likelihood of psychotic relapse and




problems. Depression in patients with schizophrenia also has been linked to undesirable life events, especially “exit events” such as losing people in their lives, as well as suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, Overall,

and it


completed been







MyBrainTraining Professional in a study with a total of 90 subjects diagnosed with schizophrenia and participated



randomized -

controlled study executed via the Internet.






patients or have participated in online forums




disorders. Various control measures were employed to ascertain their disorder with a high probability, e.g. checks for plausibility. After a baseline

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 51

Improve Cognition








assigned to three treatment groups:

the so-called “Fish Test”) and high confidence in own judgment in the meta-cognition treatment arm at time

(1) MyBrainTraining


(standard version). (2) MyBrainTraining

of follow-up. This indicates that patients


h a ve

b e c o me

mo r e

conscious about their problematic

including a meta-cognitive extension

cognitive strategies leading to altering

(now part of the standard version)

of decision making patterns.

(3) Control Group. The frequent use of MyBrainTraining

Notably, subjects showing reluctance to make decisions could, per current readings, be an important indicator for

of depression; the correlation between


using MyBrainTraining Professional and

symptoms of psychotic disorders and

the reduction of feeling depressed was

harmful behavioral consequences.




significant. To The frequent use of MyBrainTraining



Professional with metacognitive extension (assessment






judgment; feedback on mistakes when being overly confident or responding too hastily) led to a significant reduction in premature/hasty decision making (i.e. reluctant decision making – measured by

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 52



Improve Cognition

Professional led to improving symptoms

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Crossword Puzzle Free is a crossword puzzle for the entire family. This educational game

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✔ Check progress button How friendly is it? Easy for all ages to pick up and play. What phone/system is it compatible with? Available on Google Play and iTunes Review of application and rating We give this a ★★★★ rating. Its very good and simple to use plus it’s free and a good time killer!

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 53

Improve Cognition

will test your vocabulary, accept this chal-

✔ Reveal letter button

How friendly is it?


Simple to install, navigate the menu to start the game and easy for all ages to pick up and play.

What will it do? Similar to the game ‘Tilt’ it uses your hand to eye coordination to navigate the path and ‘drive’ the ball forward. This game will Stay on the wall and do as many zigzags as you can! Just tap the screen to change the

improve you concentration and long term may even help with muscle control in upper limbs.

direction of the ball. Try not to fall off the edges! How far can you go?

What phone/system is it compatible with? Available on Google Play and iTunes

Review of application and rating We give this a ★★★ rating. Simple yet addictive, eventually you will get better with practice!

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 54

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Simple to install, navigate the menu and helps with calculations which we could do but can no longer! What will it do? We use this tool every week to convert weights / measures from imperial to

featured Unit converter, Currency converter

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number of cups etc. Also very useful

downloads). ConvertPad is intuitive and easy

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Available on Google Play and iTunes We give this a ★★★★★ rating.

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 55

Improve Cognition

ConvertPad is the most powerful and fully

Book Review No Stone Unturned Considering every possibility in their search for remedies to Bart’s catastrophic injuries, the Goldstein’s




alternatives, including craniofacial, hyperbaric oxygen, restoration








recovery resulted from a combination of conventional medicine and alternative and emerging therapies.

Bart Goldstein was only sixteen when he

TBI has now become the “signature injury” for

suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in a car

thousands of wounded warriors returning from

accident in 2001. No Stone Unturned is the

Iraq and Afghanistan; this timely book offers

saga of Bart’s struggle to regain his life. Told

profound insights into what survivors and their

from his father’s point of view, the book

families must face. Anyone struggling with this

chronicles the family’s ordeal, and flashbacks

“invisible” disability will find the book

fill in Bart’s life since he arrived from Korea

insightful, inspiring, and useful.

at the age of five months. We give this book a ★★★★ rating

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 56

Movie Review Broken well. Their old friend James, however, stirs up trouble. James continually picks on Adam, and the two keep getting into trouble at school for fighting. One day a speech competition is announced. Adam wins it, does his speech but gets into another fight with James and the two get expelled. Adam plummets in depression but writes a book and gets it published. Years later his book is this story.

We give this film a ★★★★ rating

When Adam is 8, he gets hit by a car, suffers

It will appeal to head injury survivors and their

brain trauma, one arm and leg will always be

families as it depicts a suite of emotional

weaker than the other and he has a

conflict very well.

pronounced limp. During this time his parents get divorced and he grows up with his mother, Karen. Now Adam is 17, a senior and attending a new school. Jackie, a pretty girl, is nice to him and some of the popular kids, Ethan, follow her lead and treat Adam pretty

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 57

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