Health is Your Wealth Magazine December Issue

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December 2015

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

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Editors Message

If I hear the phrase "How long is a piece of string?" again, when speaking about a recovery time-line I am going to go crazy. I am trying my best to be patient but like everyone in this situation we just have to get used to everything being a bit slower! December is an odd month. Not only does it go slowly but a routine is nigh on impossible to maintain. If you are not careful eating, sleeping and exercise all go out the window resulting in January being a very tough start to the year! The important thing is not do anything to excess and have a fun holiday! Dominic Editor

Readers Letters … Send letters to: Please note that some of these articles are written by patients who are still in recovery. These articles are unchanged and may contain spellings, punctuation and grammar mistakes. A copy of our medical disclaimer is on our website

The apps section is very helpful. Louise, Middlesex The magazine looks really, really good in print! Wolfgang, Germany I use the “Pacing yourself” literature in my therapy group and it works really well! Clair, London

“A parents The article talking uncertainty” story about behavioral was very touching.

changes is very helpful. I shared it in my group and many people have found it useful! Denise, London

Alan, UK Thank you for your letters. We can‟t acknowledge all the letters but will aim to respond to each one!

Please note that errors and omissions are exempt from this publication. For terms and conditions please see

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

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Contents Editors message and Reader Letters 2 Contents 3 Contributors 4

Exercise -Body Maintenance



Speech Matters


Family Relationships


Children's Corner




A Parents Uncertainty



Living with Brain Injury

Importance of Nutrition


Learn to pace yourself



IMPROVING AWARENESS Statistics and Awareness


Alzheimerâ€&#x;s Society


Child Brain Injury Trust


Macmillian Cancer Support Mencap




Brain Training Applications


Fun Applications


22-23 Movie Review



Book Review






Key Contacts


MENTAL HEALTH Accepting a MH Condition How to keep motivated Positive Mental Attitude

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Contributors To this issue Speech Matters: Thomas

Thank you to the authors who had input to this magazine. Without your valuable content this issue would not have happened!

Brain Training:

Mental Health: Becky Wickes Living With Brain Injury: Theresa Barron Family Relationships: Sharon Marks

Children's Corner: Cora Marks Parents Uncertainty: Alan Morris Exercise: Body Maintenance: Chris Halling

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

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impact. The best people

Family Relationships

to inform you and will tell you more about how

“The effect on the rest of the family should not be underestimated�








following is one families experience:

To say the least it's been hard. When you The effect on the family is easy to

see the scene played out in a movie , you

underestimate. The relationship between the

never actually think it is going to happen

affected and their family can be changed

to you.

through this.

The police knock on the door, listening to what he has to say \, the heart wrenching

Various issues can arise due to a head injury.

cries that are coming from your children,

Sometimes they can be quite dramatic and

and your silently dying inside trying to

sometimes they can be quite subtle.

keep it together for everyone, but its happened so now we have to deal with the

Personality changes can be the worse as your

outcome whatever it may be. Our lives

family can feel like they don't know you any

have done a complete 360, everything has

more. A psychologist can help tremendously

been adapted, adjusted to the new life

and so can Headway, the charity which is

style we have.

specific for head injured victims and their families. Even some personality changes

Changing from a wife to a caregiver, our

which are considered minor are a major

children who have also changed from

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forever and sometimes help is needed to work

daughters to helpers, but through out have

and just 100% involved with their everyday

never grumbled for everyday we are thankful

activities and life. Now they have adjusted to

that we have a father and husband with us and

daddy just watching and it's sad as I know it

all the changes are worth it.

affects them and my husband too.

“If I have to much to time to sit around I think I will eventually break down” His personality has changed slightly, being meticulous about certain things and the fact that things need to be done at almost that very minute he thinks about it. We work around these things to please everyone involved and eventually get to meet both ends amicably.

“the effects of the accident will soon dwindle away”

All we can do is continue the best we can, help my husband through his recovery and do things that will involve the girls with all of us doing more than just watching, and continue being a strong family unit, then the effects of the accident will soon dwindle away and the life we are living now will be the normal way

I'm having to play both roles now, doing my

of living for us.

husbands jobs and mine and I'm tired more now than I have ever been but its best to keep going for if I have to much to time to sit around I think I will eventually break down and not be able to keep it up.

The children miss their Daddy, he was the father you would see racing in the park with

Sharon Marks

them, playing on the swings, kicking a ball


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Children’s Corner

f a m i l y,





these challenges for children, and

“Helping Children Cope with Head Injury in the Family” Children are affected emotionally when a close relative, especially a parent, is head injured. They need honest age-appropriate information to help them understand head injury, and an opportunity to express their

Children (of all ages) can feel that they are to blame for the injury and need to be reassured about this. Typically head injury services do not offer support to children, so adults need to be proactive about asking for help. Without advice, it can be difficult for families to know how best to help children through the different stages of their relative‟s recovery, and as children‟s needs also vary with age they may have different needs. The challenges and tasks faced by children when a parent is injured are, in the main, very similar to those experienced by the adults in

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by them, are different. Because of their lack of life experience, children may find it much harder than adults to comprehend or make sense of the changes observed in the parent. Witnessing




cognitive and behavioural changes) can affect how children go on to develop emotionally.




especially, can be confused, unsettled, and afraid of the altered parent; this can affect the bond or attachment they had with that parent and can make them feel insecure. Resulting






unsettled, and not recognize or know how to relate to the „new‟ parent. Role changes within the family can also impact on children. Even young children may be required to assume additional

Page 7



how they are experienced and understood

household duties to try to support the

relationship breakdown, and house moves.

uninjured parent who may be caring for their

However they are often less emotionally

spouse. Older children may be given extra

equipped to cope with such issues and may

responsibility, perhaps being asked to look

worry only about how they will be personally

after younger children in the family. They

affected. Older children may alter their own

may be asked to „keep an eye‟ on the injured

life plans in response to the changed family

person. Children become almost parent-like

circumstances; for example, teenagers do not

towards the adult. This has been shown to

apply to universities far from home (as

have detrimental effects for both children

previously planned) as they feel that they must

and adults, even though most children will

stay close to the family. However, this is often

willingly take on the role of „young carer‟.

accompanied by feelings of resentment. Children can also be affected further by the

Children may be „stigmatized‟ for having a

reduced physical and emotional availability of

parent who is „different‟ and may be teased

the non-injured parent, who is likely to be

or bullied at school. Teachers may be

preoccupied with their partner‟s needs, or who

unaware of the potential impact of head

may be too distressed themselves to be able to

injury on families, and may be oblivious to

acknowledge their children‟s needs.

the issues facing children or how to help them. Again, children may not openly

The small amount of research that has been

discuss these problems for fear of causing additional family stress.

Children, like adults, also suffer the effects of the problems that can arise following head injury,





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carried out tells us that, when faced with

revenge on any third party involved in the

these challenges, children can experience

parent‟s injuries.

many of the problems that adults face,

Some children, irrespective of their age,

including anxiety, worry, depression, fear,

may not show outward signs of being

and embarrassment.

affected and this can lead adults to

Babies and infants (who are often mistakenly

assume that there are no problems. In

thought not to be affected) tend to show

some situations, children can even show


as unsettled behaviour,

improvement in their behaviour when

disturbed sleep, and feeding difficulties at

faced with stressful situations; this may be


times of family stress. Pre-schoolers can become clingy and may


have more temper tantrums, and lose some of their previously acquired skills (e.g. No longer toilet trained). They may also develop new fears (e.g. of the dark). School-age children (pre-teens) worry about being different from their friends and are vulnerable to being teased about their parent being „odd‟. They may become sad and withdrawn and fall behind in their school work. They can also show an increase in fears and phobias (in particular, they can fear others in the family coming to harm). Teenagers can also become preoccupied with issues of justice and may wish to seek

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Ashbourne TAXIS offers a door to door taxi service. Specialist in providing transfers to and from the doctors office / hospitals / airports. Co-ordinating with airport special assistance and hospital porters so that both your destination and pickup is stress free. When making a booking please specify that you would like special services included and quote reference “health” and we will be only happy to help make sure you get to your destination with ease. Page 9

the equivalent to an adultâ€&#x;s attempts to „keep

Despite the child problems described here, it is

busyâ€&#x; as a way of distracting themselves

important to note that most children are

from their worries. These children may need

resilient when faced with crisis and are spared

support just as much as children who show

the more negative effects of this experience.

their distress openly.

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cherub with a 1960 sash wound round his

“A Parents Uncertainty�

ample middle. I couldn't read the numbers not yet, I counted time looking back to the excitement and expectation of Christmas, my birthday an eternity in the future. I liked new presents, but I was hugging my bear, my old bear. He was Boo boo, worn tattered much loved. He wasn't really my bear he was David's, but David wasn't here.

hospital, far away, we used to go and visit a place of pines and peace a long way away, a train journey away. Mum cried when we left and hugged me quickly The calendar dominated the front room.

before I joined in so that was alright.

Above the dark mantelpiece, above the dark

Later back at home, just me, Boo boo

green tiles the calendar was the only thing in

Mum and Dad so that was alright.

the room from the here and now. 1960 Mum

Mum was trying not to cry,

told me it was the year and the date. I had perched on Dads knee,

we had looked at

"David's in heaven.", "Like Pappa?"

cartoons of old father time, his beard wagging

Pleased with myself that I remembered

round his knees being replaced by a chubby

why I couldn't see my grandfather.

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So Boo boo was mine, David was in

"But, David's in hospital?" "I know darling, but he's in heaven now." "David's not in heaven, not my David."

My Nan found me crying under the calendar, crying for myself for Mummy, Daddy and David too. Nan hugged me it was going to be alright. Over time it was, eventually everything

I ran. My big brother, so often not at home, I

became easier and normality returned!

hated him, when I wanted to play with my new toy gun from Woolworths, the noise made him scream as if in pain. Mummy picked him up a heavy six year old, he bit her shoulder in terror. The gun was firmly put away. I wasn't sure I wanted to play with it any more.

The house changed, although it was usually

Alan Morris

just the three of us, now it was only ever going to be the three of us. The funeral came and went. I went with my Auntie to her house.

Is this magazine in your doctors waiting room yet?

I played with a toy rhinoceros. Daddy in a tie, Mummy stifling tears. I hadn't just lost a brother where were my parents? They didn't laugh or play or sing anymore. My toys listened to my tale of woe but had no answers.


and click on subscriptions. Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 12

perseverance small improvements maybe

“Living With a Brain Injury�

gained it just takes longer than you want it too. This task falls in line with the SMART

Two years ago I had a stroke which resulted in

goals outlined in the last issue and was

various issues but the largest one is weakness

easy to measure improvement. The greatest

on my right hand side. Slowly this has got a

thing which I have learned is that the goal

little better through a combination of hard

remains the same as when I set it two years

work and determination and has improved by


approximately 45% however progress


measurement criteria have changed as I

been very slow. This time last year I couldn't

made progress. Working with my therapist

hold a large mug of coffee, I was emptying the

helped me to establish these criteria.

dishwasher sitting in my wheelchair and due

George, Florida






Now I can empty the dishwasher and put the glassware away without breaking a single item! I graduated to using a stool instead of a chair and now I have can complete this task standing up. It is still difficult for me to bend down and put things in the bottom cupboards and I still have some clumsy moments but these are less frequent (although my wife will disagree). It just goes to show that with

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to poor depth perception was breaking lots of

Experience of care

Statistics and Awareness






antipsychotic medication either regularly or as needed in the 28 days prior to the census collection

73% of people had received antipsychotic medication. But only 29% were recorded as having a psychotic disorder

“How much are you aware of ?” In writing this it occurs that maybe we should

2,585 (80%) of people are sectioned under the Mental Health Act

know these details already? We certainly do

Of these 920 people have been under the Mental Health Act for 5 years or more

now! These figures are taken from the


Learning Disability Census 2014.

The average cost of this care is £3,426 per week






inpatient care.

The average length of time the person

week – 385 people

has been in an inpatient unit is 5.4 years

Typically the cost is £4,500 or more per

120 placements cost more than £6499 per week

570 people are 100km or more from


To learn more visit

There are 370 people in units who do not

communicate verbally

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160 (5%) of people are aged under 18. their website: https://

Page 14

walkers. We need thousands of people to walk with us for a world without dementia – because arm in arm, step by step and pound by pound, we will get there. There are an estimated 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK,

Walk For A World Without Dementia

making it one of the biggest health challenges facing us today.

Alzheimer‟s Society is calling on the public to sign up to their biggest fundraising event of the year, Memory Walk, taking place this

Wales and Northern Ireland throughout September and October and are ideal for people of all ages and abilities, from

It‟s a day for everyone to come together, celebrate loved ones affected by dementia, and raise money to fund research and services for people living with the condition. Alzheimer‟s Society‟s cutting-edge health and social

grandparents to grandchildren. Walkers can choose between a short stroll or a longer walk, up to 10km,with fun activities and entertainment at every location.

research influences practice and transforms There‟s still plenty of time to sign up and


take part, so join Alzheimer‟s Society as This year, Memory Walk aims to raise £3.2 million and bring together over 45,000

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

we fight dementia this autumn. To find a walk near you and start

Page 15

Improving Awareness


The walks take place across England,

fundraising visit

 £250 could pay for antibodies that are vital for analysing proteins in brain tissue to





measure changes

Memory Walk could fund the following….

 £650 could pay for a comprehensive brain

 £25 could pay for genetic tests in four

scan to help improve diagnosis of different

people in a clinical trial. This can let us look

types of dementia

 £1,000 could fund a PhD researcher for 7 days






understanding the causes of dementia, how it can be treated and to find a cure

 225,000 people will develop dementia this

for specific genes within their DNA

 £50 will help for a PhD researcher to continue research into the causes of dementia,

year, that‟s one every three minutes

how it can be treated and, ultimately, to find a cure

Alzheimer‟s Society research shows that

 £100 would allow a person with dementia

850,000 people in the UK have a form of

to enjoy ten Singing for the Brain sessions to

dementia. In less than ten years a million

boost their confidence

people will be living with dementia. This will soar to two million people by 2051

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Dementia costs the UK economy over £26 Billion per year. This is the equivalent of more than £30,000 per person with dementia.

Alzheimer‟s Society champions the rights of people living with dementia and the millions of people who care for them.

Alzheimer‟s Society works in England, Wales and Northern Ireland

live well with dementia today and funds research to find a cure for tomorrow.We rely on voluntary donations to continue our vital work. You can donate now by calling 0845 306 0898 or visiting Alzheimer‟s Society provides a National Dementia Helpline, the number is 0300 222 11 22 or visit

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Improving Awareness

Alzheimer‟s Society supports people to

In adults the effects of brain injury generally show soon after the event. But for children it can be very different ‐ the brain does not finish fully maturing until a young person is in their mid twenties, and as they are going through adolescence their brain constantly develops. So it can take months or often years for the

Acquired brain injury in children

full extent of the injury to become obvious. There are two reasons why it may take longer for the effects to show in children:

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. It controls movement, thoughts, feelings, behaviour, memory, speech, sight,

brain develops fully that the extent of a

hearing and other senses.

brain injury can be known – brain development

A child can acquire a brain injury (ABI) as a

if the cause is a bump or knock to the head, it can also be referred to as a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Health is Your Wealth Magazine



childhood and adolescence.

result of accident, illness (such as meningitis or encephalitis), poisoning, stroke or tumour;

It is only when the injured part of the

Teenage years are when most young people use experiences to begin to fine‐ tune skills such as independence and the

Page 18

ability to plan their life. For young


people with an acquired brain injury,


difficulties in these areas can become


obvious during this time.


Being Obsessive

Acquired brain injury affects every individual differently, but common effects include:

Physical Tiredness and fatigue

Doing things at a slower pace




Difficulties concentrating, being easily distracted






i n a p pr o p r i a t e

behaviour Each individual with ABI may have a different combination of symptoms from



relation to new information and recent events

Following verbal instructions

Organising and planning

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

the list above. These difficulties are likely to have a significant effect on daily life and school. It is important that everyone who works with a child with an ABI

Page 19

Improving Awareness




Thinking Taking

Acting on impulse, without thinking


understands these effects and recognises that

people the only equivalent is their class teacher

the issues are linked, and can develop or

or learning assistant, but how much training on

lessen over time.

ABI have they had? The chances are that they will have little or no knowledge of the complex

Many of the manifestations are identical to

issues of an acquired brain injury, or the fact

those adults with an ABI; however for children

that as the child develops, their needs may

and young people they have yet to complete

change over time.

their learning, both academic and life skills. Therefore we need to ensure that any education Considering that almost 90% of children and

staff working with children affected by ABI



have been appropriately trained in order to

difficulties following ABI, and the lack of

meet their community rehabilitation needs. At

community and residential rehabilitation for

the UK wide charity Child Brain Injury Trust, it

children and young people; for these children

is one of our core beliefs and missions that

– SCHOOL becomes their rehabilitation.

every teacher should know and understand

School is where they will learn to write again,

about their role in supporting children and

school is where they will learn to process

young people following a brain injury.





information again, and school is where their social skills abilities will be tested to the full, and they have an awful lot of new learning to

For further information on supporting a child


with an ABI in school please contact the Child Brain Injury Trust:

As an adult in community rehabilitation you would probably be supported by an ABI


trained support worker; for children and young

Tel:0303 303 2248

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Improving Awareness

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

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Our mission is to change society ’ s attitudes, influence people who shape policy and practice, and to empower and directly support more individuals to lead Our vision is a world where people with a

fulfilled lives. Our big plan is divided into

learning disability are valued equally,

five priorities. These are the areas of life

listened to and included. Our challenge,

we want to have the biggest impact on, the

alongside people with a learning disability

areas where there is the most need to see

and their families, is to make this world a

change for the better.








disability face inequalities in every area of






Making a difference to the lives of

life. We need to tackle the issues head on

people with a learning disability here

through tireless campaigning and the

and now

delivery of high quality support and

services to the people who need us.




 Health is Your Wealth Magazine


Improving health for people with a

Page 22

learning disability

Giving children the best start in life.

transport services.





services and leisure groups that We work with people with a learning

are so important to so many

disability to change laws and services,

people with a learning disability,

challenge prejudice and directly support

and their families and supporters.

thousands of people to live their lives as





learning disability to be part of their local communities.

We do many different things:

We lobby the government to

We support people with a learning

change laws so that more and

disability to get a job or take a

more people with a learning

college course, or we can help them

disability can have control over

find a place of their own to live in.

their own lives.

We offer advice about things like

To learn more visit:

respite care, individual budgets or

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

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Improving Awareness

they choose.


health issues, and did not want society to reject

Mental Health

me, as I believed it would.

“I‟ve now come to accept my disorder,

“Accepting a Mental Health

but it‟s been a long and hard road, and has taken a lot of work”

Condition” When I was first told I had bipolar disorder and emotional intensity personality disorder (EID) (traditionally known as borderline personality disorder or BPD) it felt as though the world had ended, like nothing would ever be the same again. It felt as though I was carrying a big red exclamation mark above my head that everyone could see, that people could tell there was something „wrong‟ with me.

The first step towards rebuilding your life and accepting that you have a long term condition is changing the way you view yourself. You are not defined by your illness. You are not your disorder. You are not defined by your condition, your injury, your diagnosis. You are you, and that is a wonderful thing. Who you are as a person has not changed, you are still the same individual, with the same qualities.

The only difference is, you have some

I hid away from the world, stopped going out and socialising, couldn‟t hold down a job. I was ashamed of being seen, and I didn‟t want to talk to those who loved me, as I thought they might judge me for being „different‟. I knew of the stigma associated with mental

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

symptoms that need treating, and that‟s OK, it doesn‟t make you any less than the person you were before your diagnosis.

Education is a key asset in changing your life after a diagnosis of a mental health condition

Page 24

(or any long term condition). Learn about how

Proper treatment management will also

your symptoms might show themselves, your

assist you in helping to accept your

early warning signs, and what you can do


about them. The more you understand the

correctly, attend necessary appointments,

condition, then logically the more you know

and complete all related therapy tasks,

about yourself.

then you will be in a greater position for





stability. Having a solid grip on your If you see a psychiatrist, or other specialist,

diagnosis makes it easier to come to

then ask them for recommendations of books

terms with, as it will impact your life to a

or websites that provide accurate and up to

lesser degree. Do not resist medical help,

date information. Look for blogs from people

as hard as it might be.

only give you an insight, but remind you that you are not alone.

“Remember, a diagnosis does not define your life!�

Realising you are not alone in the way you are feeling is like the light at the end of the

Rebecca Wicks

tunnel. Other people have been in your place,

Twitter @thebibli0phile

and could offer help as to how to manage your condition. Look into local support groups, or if you are anxious about leaving the house, or discussing your diagnosis face to face, then online communities might be the ideal place for you to find support.

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Mental Health

with the same diagnosis as you - this will not

informed choices. The Infoline gives

Mental Health help and support services

information on types of mental distress, where

If you are experiencing mental health problems or need urgent support, there are lots of places you can go to for help.

network of nearly 200 local Mind associations


to get help, drug treatments, alternative therapies and advocacy. Mind also has a

providing local services.


Telephone: 116 123 (24 hours a day, free to call) Email: Website:

Telephone: 0845 767 8000 (6pm-11pm) Website: support/helpline



Saneline is a national mental health helpline

emotional support for people experiencing

providing information and support to people

feelings of distress or despair, including those

with mental health problems and those who

that could lead to suicide. You can phone,

support them.


email, write a letter or in most cases talk to someone face to face.

Mind Infoline Telephone: 0300 123 3393 (9am-5pm Monday to Friday) Email: Web site: advice_lines Mind provides confidential mental health information services. With support and

ChildLine Telephone: 0800 1111 Email: Email.aspx Website: ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen.






counsellor for free about anything - no problem is too big or too small.

understanding, Mind enables people to make

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Page 26

“How to KEEP Motivated?” Monitoring progress One of the key elements to maintaining motivation is to agree with your therapist demonstrable success criteria and how to measure it.

rotation in their job and will be leaving half way through! Reviewing and Tracking your agreed success criteria is crucial for you and your therapist to maintain motivation. We often hear that therapy will continue as long as there is progress. Therefore there should be a regular review meeting (frequency of every six months) which should include

Agree when your goal is going to start and

all your therapists and your partner /

finish. However don‟t get hung up on the end

family member.

always be extended. What is important however is that you agree when it will start and the duration that will be required to complete your goal.

If during this meeting should progress outcome not be achieved then a clear form of “Intervention” should be established with a concrete action plan identifying key dates, owners of the actions to be

Also it is imperative that you identify what

undertaken plus an expected outcome and

support you will need during this time and

a follow-up review date should be agreed.

understand that the responsible person is


aware of their commitment and is available for

frustration or anger that things are not

the whole duration. You don't want to agree

moving as quickly as you want them to

goals and measurements and then find out that

just use these simple techniques to get

the person who is going to support you is

things moving forward as the timeline is

away on a course / holiday or even worse is on

dictated by your body which operates at

Health is Your Wealth Magazine


it‟s own pace !




Page 27


Mental Health

date as if you don't reach your goal this can

“How best to deal with anger”

Do you have PMA ? (Positive Mental Attitude)

“How to control your

Everyone has a physical reaction to anger. Get better at being aware of what your body is telling you, and take steps to calm yourself down.

anger !” Anger is a normal, healthy emotion. But managing anger can be a problem for many people who find it difficult to keep their anger under control, especially in combination with

“Recognise your anger signs” 

Your heart beats faster

You may breathe more quickly

There maybe an increase in tension in your shoulders

a neurological condition.

You may start clenching your fists.

Anger can result in high blood pressure, heart attack, depression, anxiety, colds, flu and

"If you notice these signs, get out of

problems with digestion. Therefore it is to

the situation your in by calming going

your own benefit physically and to your

to the bathroom”

families / carers emotional well being to get this issue better controlled.

Then try the following:

But anger doesn‟t have to be a problem.

Count to 10 Counting to 10 gives you time to cool down so

“The one thing you can control is your anger”

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

you can think more clearly and overcome the impulse to lash out.

Page 28

feelings of frustration which can anger.

Breathe slowly Breathe out for longer than you breathe in, and






“Getting help with anger”


automatically breathe in more than out when

If you feel you need help dealing with

you‟re feeling angry, and the trick is to

your anger, see your doctor. There might

breathe out more than in”.

be local anger management courses or counselling that could help you. There are

Once you're able to recognise the signs that






you‟re getting angry and can calm yourself

therapists who can help with anger issues.

down, you can start looking at ways to control your anger.

“Anger management

“Exercise can help with anger” Exercise can bring down your overall stress

Anger management programme may help

levels. Running, walking, swimming, yoga

and involve one-to-one counselling plus

and meditation are just a few of the activities

working in a small group with duration of

that can help reduce stress.

a day, over a weekend or a course across many months.

Take time to relax regularly, and ensure that

For different ideas on living life with a

you get enough sleep. Drugs and alcohol can

positive mental attitude send us your input

make your anger problems worse. “They may


lower inhibitions, which is what we use to stop us acting unacceptably”

Try writing, making music, dancing or painting can release tension and help reduce

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 29

Mental Health


Exercise, “Maintenance for your body !” Well known benefits of exercise in general consist of:

are released into the blood stream known as serotonin, this is known as the feel

Improved cardio vascular fitness which

good hormone

helps you not get out of breath so easily when walking up stairs or any other day to day tasks.

Improve flexibility of joints and muscles which will increase mobility

Reduced resting heart rate, as the heart

Increased bone density, if you should fall

becomes stronger and its ability to pump

and injure yourself then this will help

blood around the body more effectively,

decrease the risks of breaks or fractures

this helps reduce pressure and stress on

and also help speed up recovery.

the heart as it doesn‟t have to work as hard.

An increase in co-ordination and other motor skills to help with day to day tasks





and overall quality of life.

(abdominals) and core stability, this will improve things like posture and balance.

Decreased body fat and improved BMI rating.

General mood and energy levels will be more positive, as you exercise hormones

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 30

Other benefits of exercise in a structured

Experts suggest that you try to aim to get

format consist of:

at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise multiple times a week and a structured

Education, in a structured exercise

exercise program will help you achieve

program there will always be a qualified

this and maybe even progress to more!

instructor who is not only there to help

Chris Halling, Fitness Instructor

you with exercising but also educating you on a healthy lifestyle, things like diet.

More confidence and better social skills plus meeting new people.


“A structured exercise program will help you achieve this and maybe even progress to more!”

Assessments can be made by an appropriate professional to help you identify areas of difficulty and to also show you just how far you‟ve come since you started your program. Reducing the risk of developing previous or new conditions/injuries.

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 31

Speech Matters “Breath control”

You might begin to use your breath incorrectly. This can mean you run out

Breathing is something that we all do and

of air halfway through a sentence and

generally do not think about. However, sometimes we need to pay attention to our breathing or become aware of it. “What can go wrong with breathing in?”

are „gasping‟ for air! A few simple changes can often make all the difference.

There can be a build up of tension in

sitting well. You should stand/sit tall

your upper chest.

The movements in your shoulders and


neck can be too big. You might put in

too much effort or try to get extra air

good breathing involves lifting our


voice and a build up of tension.

Learn how to breathe in and out correctly in a relaxed manner, so that you can feel when you are doing things

If you do not breathe at the right time you can run out of air leading to

the lung space that you can use easily, maintain a good posture.

chest and shoulders.

you shoulders back. Do not allow your tummy to slump down as this reduces

by snatching breath. We often think that

Make sure that you are standing or


Practice good breathing to help you increase your lung capacity. Physical Activity is also important as you develop better lung

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 32

capacity as you get fit.

is a temptation to rush them and „get

Be prepared. Think about how much

them over and done with‟.

air you need for different situations.

“Breathing exercises” A very important step to learn is how to fill your lungs in a relaxed manner. You need to be able to use your diaphragm (a muscle that lies across the bottom of your rib cage) to increase the capacity of you lungs and it can take a little while to learn how to do this easily but your speech and

best to achieve this. There are multiple ways of achieving this but the key, as with any exercise is to do little and often. Sometime four, 5 minute sessions a day is

schedule them at a time you have nothing






Also schedule these exercises when you are not fatigued. If you know that you are getting tired at 3pm then do all your therapy in the morning! A good idea is to schedule them using a calendar on your phone and also once a month record your voice and see if things are improving for yourself!

better than one 20 minute duration. This means that it is fairly quick to complete but may take a long time, it is not unusual to take many weeks or even months to achieve results. Ensuring that you finish these exercise properly and consistently should bear the results you long for. Certainly because they are quick to do there

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 33


language therapist can guide you on how

This is a mistake, take your time and

blackberries or blueberries to add some

“Golden Nuggets, Strategies to increase Independence”


If you have reduced mobility it maybe helpful

Cut down your tea and coffee. Try and aim for just one cup of tea/coffee in the morning at breakfast time. The first thing to cut out is a drink just before bed, you don't need extra caffeine just before you go to sleep. Plus more hot drinks increases your likelihood of

to reduce your sugar intake and increase your heart rate for at least 20 minutes a day. There are loads of chair based exercise you can do at home and combining these with an improved diet can really help your overall well being both physically and mentally.

snacking! Try not reduce your fizzy drinks intake. Then replace the afternoon hot drink with a fruit or peppermint tea. Peppermint is supposed





Ideally this should be zero. Replace these drink with a glass of water!

bowel Don't buy snacks (biscuits / chocolate / crisps).


If you have a cupboard full of treats ten you If you do fancy a snack try leaving some hard boiled eggs in the fridge, they are tasty, full

are likely to eat them! If they aren't there you can‟t eat them!

of protein and low in fat.

Of all the breakfast cereals on the market porridge is one of the healthiest for you. Try mixing







Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 34

“Importance of Nutrition” “Is a Mediterranean diet better for you?”

Eating less meat

Using vegetable and plant oils, such as olive oil

Try to stick to these guidelines:

Base your meals on starchy carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, rice or potatoes. Choose wholegrain

has a range of definitions, but is largely based

varieties wherever you can, or eat

on vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, cereal

potatoes with their skins on for more

grains, olive oil and fish.


 The Mediterranean diet has been associated with good health, including a healthier heart.

Eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day.

Choose some lean protein, which can

A 2013 study found that people following a

be meat, fish, eggs, beans or pulses

Mediterranean diet had a significantly lower

and other non-dairy sources.

risk of heart disease and stroke.

Include some milk and dairy foods, such as cheese and yoghurt. These

You can make your diet more Mediterranean-

are great sources of protein and

style by:

Ensuring you eat plenty of starchy foods, such as bread and pasta

Increasing your consumption of eating


Have only a small amount of foods high in fat and/or sugar, or eat them less often.

plenty of fruit and vegetables

This important change is key to

Eating more fish

implement across your diet entirely, not

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

just two days a week!

Page 35

Managing Your Condition

A Mediterranean cuisine varies by region and

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 36

possess compromised immune systems

“Learn To Pace Yourself”

due to their injury, illness or surgery. They also have to "fight off" hospital-acquired

“Don‟t have too many visitors whilst in hospital”

infections to which they are exposed such as MRSA (Multi-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)





When you are admitted to hospital the natural

Difficile). If you are ill phone or send a

reaction of your friends, family and co-

message through friends.

workers is to come and visit you. This can a 2. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds

small quantity of people. However if not

with soap and warm water before entering

managed properly visiting time can be dreaded

any patient room and upon leaving any

rather than something to look forward to. A

patient room. Hand sanitizers are not

combination of a large quantity of drug in your


body, too many people in the room and the

minimizing risks can play a big role in the



frequency of hospital-acquired infections,

overwhelming and unbearable. This can be

these are things over which we have no

especially true if you are suffering from brain






While hospital




“So what should visitors know about

However we do have control over our

visiting a patient in the hospital?”

efforts, efforts that serve both the patient and the visitor. Therefore, scrupulous hand

1. Do not come to the hospital if you are sick. This includes having diarrhea. Patients already

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

washing by everyone is your only hope for protection.

Page 37

Managing Your Condition

very nice experience for a short time and a

3. Change out of and wash any clothing that

members. Having an upsetting conversation in

may have touched the patient such as a tie.

the presence of the patient can have extremely

This is especially important if you live with

negative consequences. Whispering when the

someone or visit someone who is:

patient believes something is being withheld


can be upsetting. State everything in the

Having kidney dialysis


Suffering a underlying illness such as inflammatory bowel disease or colorectal

They are not allowed as they grow mold and


2. Plants and flowers for ICU patients.

Taking antibiotics or over-the-counter antacids

some patients have allergies to them.

3. Questions about the patient's condition.

Recovering from abdominal surgery

Recently discharged from a hospital

Use the services of The purpose of this organization is to keep all

Undertake this before you enter your home or the patient's facility. MRSA lives on skin and survives on objects and surfaces for more than 24 hours. Infection rates continue to increase, as







friends and family with Internet access updated on the condition of the patient and needs of the family. With the assistance of, the family can set up a blog and make comments/requests as well as expressions of gratitude. There is no reason 24/7 advocacy

“What should visitors leave at

needs can not be placed on this blog, asking for


assistance. These postings eliminate the need


You are there to support the patient and family

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

for the family to personally contact everyone in their network whenever there is a change. It

Page 38

also gives those friends and loved ones who

a short, overnight visit! In that way,

have an interest in specifics the information

whenever well-meaning and caring

they crave without bothering the family. This

individuals ask what they can do, the

is especially helpful if the patient has family

family is ready to request help. It

and friends in other countries and time-zones.

should include:

 “What can families or visitors do to

Doctor Visits - in which each care team member is asked to record every

improve the „care‟ of a patient?”




occurs during their shift; 1.

Have someone with the patient, in the


Procedures - in which each care team

needs a guardian.

member is asked to record any

Create a Care Team Notebook. By

procedures done and the expected

asking friends, neighbors and family to

and actual outcomes;

assist in advocacy, the family's personal burden is not only reduced but the

Notes - in which each care team

patient benefits from "new eyes." This

member is asked to record any

Notebook passively "coaches" advocates

observations during their shift;

in what should be observed and, as necessary, negotiated with hospital care

Questions - in which each care team

providers. In order to stay organized and

member lists any questions they have

keep track of everything, this Notebook

for medical personnel for future

should be set up prior to or immediately


upon hospital admission if the patient's stay is expected to be anything more than

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 39

Managing Your Condition

room as often as possible. The patient

Outside the Hospitals Tasks and Chores in which are listed things that need to be

done to keep the patient's family and household



Ask the assigned advocate to manage the flow of visitors.


categories such as personal care for the

Have visitors contact the advocate ahead

patient, transportation, household chores,

of time and determine the best time to

childcare, pet care, etc.;

visit. Patients get tired, even when there is not a lot of activity. So do family

Emergency Contact Information - for

members who have to answer questions

the family, the advocates, the trusted


medical advisor‟s and all key medical personnel.

Find out when nursing shifts change and procedures are scheduled and try to avoid

How can families and friends better

these hours where possible.

coordinate visits? “What top things can families or 

Honor the visitation hours and policies,

visitors do to make the jobs of nurses

especially in the Intensive Care Units.

and healthcare assistants easier?”

Visits should be staggered and not

Offer to assist the nursing staff.

exhaust the patient. There are good

There is a tremendous shortage of nurses.

reasons for limiting the number of people in the patient's room at any one time.

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Many things can be done by a visitor to assist the nurse such as securing bedding, running errands for the staff or patient,

Page 40

filling water pitchers, assisting with patient food intake, notifying the nurse

Manage your own stress, about the

when alarms sound and increasing

patient as well as about your

bedside supplies.

personal fear of hospitals and the unknown. If you can't, don't visit.

Give the family members a break!

 

If you have any complaints try to be factual stating the date / time / name

vitally important that you do not step

of medical team. Detail what you

into this role without learning what

expect the action / result of your

needs to be done or appear you are

complaint to be, who will ensure this


is going to happen and when. Write it





Certainly it is important to maintain open communication


all down in the journal!


especially the family and the medical staff.

Any other visiting dos and don'ts?

Take care of yourself.

You are of no value to a family member or friend if you become ill. Sleep well, Eat properly and boost you immune system with multi vitamins!

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 41

Managing Your Condition

They get tired and stresses too. It is

For more information please visit email us at or call us on 07565 598 193 Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 42

Brain Training “Each issue will include exercises to strengthen your brain!” The rules of brain training: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Try and do a minimum and maximum of thirty minutes each day. Try and commit to doing for ten weeks. This duration requires that you set time to one side to complete this. It has to be challenging to work. If it‟s to easy there are no benefits. To keep motivated set yourself rewards. If you complete an exercise give yourself a reward, something to look forward to! As well as doing exercises on your own work with others to increase your social skills.

Improve Cognition


Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 43

Brain Training Applications “A selection of applications that are fun but will also improve cognition� This maze is much more complex than usual. You start in the middle and have to escape to exit in the left hand side. However there are multiple dead ends and only one

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

solution! Perhaps time yourself to see how long it takes you, take a note of the time and try it again a few weeks later. Have fun!

Page 44

“MyBrainTraining - the Online-Fitness-Center for your brain!” MyBrainTraining (MBT), an online, internetbased, brain trainer that requires no local PC/ server installation and is available in various languages. MBT is accessible at:

With 30 exercises in four categories aimed at stimulating brain activity. The program was

with Dr. Kawashima" program, cooperating with the Industry University Research Project lead by Professor Dr. Kawashima. Dr. a



neuroscientist and has appeared in other wellreceived brain training products before. Our


subset, i.e. a diagnosed disease)


many more.

M y B r a i n Tr a i n i n g

Professional allows physicians, therapists and clinics to create and administer user accounts for their patients, define individual training

University Clinic of Hamburg Eppendorf (UKE) has been using MyBrainTraining Professional in a study with schizophrenic patients and other renowned institutions have announced their intention to follow with projects and usage studies. In




MyBrainTraining Professional

A mobile client, so patients can use most mobile devices (Apple / Android)

Front-end (for patients) available in 8 languages

Customize a program for patients (levels

patient‟s needs (e.g. level of difficulty, varied

exercises, training plans)

statistics (e.g. to compare one patient with

Health is Your Wealth Magazine



plans as required, adapt exercises to each

time limits, etc.) and create meaningful






Face movement recognition tool which will help to diagnose e.g. ADHD patients

Page 45

Improve Cognition

developed as part of the "Train your Brain


population of users or users of a specific

In Germany, Prof. Steffen Moritz of the


another, comparing him to the complete

How friendly is it?

SwiftKey Keyboard

Easy and quick to install, however you may need to power off your phone and turn it back on.

What does it claim to do? This keyboard is a simple way to improve

Allows you to type quick and easier.

entering text into your phone or tablet plus

Specifically good for people with co-

it‟s free !

ordination issues and impaired speed / performance.

Upgrade your phone‟s keyboard to SwiftKey Keyboard for free - and get more done without fussing over typos. Join over 250

What phone/system is it compatible with?

million people worldwide who use SwiftKey

Android and Apple i-phones plus tablets. We

Keyboard for hassle-free and bilingual

have used it on both and it works well.

typing. Review of application and rating - Kills your typos - Type faster with A.I.-powered predictions - Simply swipe-to-type with SwiftKey Flow - Autocorrect that actually works

We give this a ★★★★★ rating. One of those pieces of technology you wondered how you did without!

- Bilingual autocorrect across 80+ languages

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 46

Google Calendar works with all calendars

Google calendar

on your phone and combines everything in one place.

How friendly is it? Very easy to use and quick once you know where things are. The interface is simple and straight forward to learn.

Get the official Google Calendar app for your What does it claim to do?

make the most of every day.

Helps you to remember what to do and when. Gives you reminders and lets you

• Schedule View - See your schedule at a

plan your day, week or month.

glance with photos and maps of the places you‟re going. • Assists to fill in your calendar - You can quickly create events with smart suggestions for event titles, places and people.

What phone/system is it compatible with? Android and Apple i-phones

• Different ways to view your calendar Speedily switch between viewing a single day to getting an overview of multiple days at once. • All your calendars in one, easy place -

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Review of application and rating We give this a ★★★★★ rating. Without this tool we would be unable to function.

Page 47

Improve Cognition

Android phone and tablet to save time and

• Get organized: notebooks and tags keep work


tidy • Find anything: searchable text in notes and photos How friendly is it? Easy to get started plus has lots of features that are inherent but the interface is so simple that if you want to use it just as a note taker then it works beautifully.

This product on it‟s own is excellent but when used in conjunction with

Swiftkey and

Google calendar is simply awesome. For

What does it claim to do?

anyone who has difficulty remembering thing

Allows you to jot notes down and carry them

this is a must have application.

wherever you are.

Evernote is the modern workspace that syncs

What phone/system is it compatible with?

between all of your devices. Work everywhere and stay productive:

• Stay focused: write in an uncluttered workspace • Get things done: make to-do's and checklists • Attach files: keep Office docs, PDFs, and

Android and Apple i-phones

Review of application and rating We give this a ★★★★★ rating. If you are unable to write this application will keep you organized and in control!


Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 48

Smart Recipes

Share with friends via Facebook and Twitter Learn more about being food smart and making healthier choices

What will it do? Gets you eating well balanced food. Encourages instructions.








ordination and can strengthen your muscles. How friendly is it? The Change4Life Smart Recipes app is a

healthier meals. Sometimes it‟s hard to know what to cook or have new meal ideas. And remembering ingredients and keeping track of

explained. Detailing which ingredients you need, how long you will need to prepare and cook for plus what utensils are required.

calories can be a hassle. What phone/system is it compatible Search over 100 easy, calorie counted recipes


for breakfast, lunch, evening meals, puddings

Available on Apple Store and Google

and snacks. Find delicious meal ideas if you‟re


short of inspiration – just use the meal mixer Keep track with the handy shopping list, which organises the ingredients you need by supermarket aisle.

Email recipes and shopping lists

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

What does it cost? Free Review of application and rating We give this a ★★★★★ rating. It‟s very good, simple to use and fun.

Page 49

Improve Cognition

great, free way of helping everybody eat tasty,

Extremely friendly. The recipes are well

“Playtime” “A selection of applications that are fun but may also improve cognition” ★




★ Fun sound effects

What‟s new in the Extreme Level Pack! A new Flow Free is a simple yet addictive puzzle

free level pack to challenge your skills. Watch

game. You have to connect matching colored

out, these ones are tricky…

dots with pipes to create a flow. Pair all colors, and cover the entire board to solve

“So are there therapeutic benefits?”

each puzzle. However watch out, pipes will break if they cross or overlap!

This game can be used as an formal therapy tool for improving all sorts of cognitive

Free play through hundreds of levels, or race

impairments and although no formal medical

against the clock in Time Trial mode. Flow

study has been completed which measures an

Free game play ranges from simple and

outcome patients have exclaimed that there is

relaxed, to challenging and frenetic, and

an improve over many areas including but not

everywhere in between. How you play is up

limited to memory, concentration, logic,

to you.

problem solving and decision making.

Flow Free features:

Just as important is that it‟s fun and highly

★ ★

Over Free


Play and



Time Trial



Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 50

playability. Lep the leprechaun has lost

“Lep's World”

his gold, so to find it he needs you to help him run and jump through the fantastical realms of Lep's World. Be careful, though. This place is full of beastly monsters, and they'll do everything they can to stop little Lep. If you collect a cloverleaf, Lep's health grows. Ah, but health alone won't keep Lep out of trouble though! Use your

Legendary platform, with nearly 100 million

smooth, easy moves to guide Lep on his

downloads! So, join in on the fun! Be


in this beautiful adventure. It's hidden in a range of awesomely well-designed levels, and he's determined to find it all! Lep's World features:

What will it do? Excellent for improving co-ordination and speed of response. What phone/system is it compatible

+ 56 well-designed levels


+ Fabulous animations and in-game graphics

Available on Apple Store and Google Play

+ 5 different world themes + 9 challenging enemies + Classic platform game style

Lep‟s World is a classic platform game that combines old school game play with modern

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

What does it cost? Free Review of application and rating We give this a ★★★★ rating. It‟s very good, quick to start enjoying and lots of fun.

Page 51

Improve Cognition

nimble... be quick... and help Lep find his gold

Book Review ON THE EDGE—Richard Hammond “Gripping account by Richard Hammond of life before and after his terrifying high-speed car crash that left him with TBI.”

off with ridiculous stunts on his bicycle to the adolescent with a near-obsessive attraction to speed and the smell of petrol. His insights into the personalities, the camaraderie and the stunts for which Top Gear has become famous, make compulsive reading. It was whilst filming for Top Gear that Richard was involved in a high speed crash, driving a jet-powered dragster.

Richard Hammond is one of the best-loved UK television presenters. In September 2006, he suffered a serious brain injury following a high-speed car crash. ON THE EDGE is his compelling account of life before and after the accident and an honest description of his recovery. An adrenalin junkie long before his association with Top Gear, Richard tells the story of his life, from the small boy showing

His wife Mindy tells the story of the anxious hours and days of watching and waiting until he finally emerged from his coma. In an extraordinarily powerful piece of writing, she and Richard then piece together the stages of his recovery as his shattered mind slowly reformed. The final chapter recounts his return home and his triumphant reappearance in front of the cameras. We give this book a ★★★★ rating

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 52

Movie Review awareness

Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 53

Print & e-Magazine Subscriptions For Patient Waiting Room Reading!

Simply send a blank email to OR Click Here! Copy and paste the web address below or type the www address into you web browser.

NOTE The E-Magazine is FREE!!! And can be printed out for your patients to read. and click on Subscriptions Health is Your Wealth Magazine

Page 54

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