Oceanic 31 - Digital Guidebook

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We work to safeguard a future for sharks. skates, rays and chimaera (hereon ‘sharks’). For 25 years we have worked at the forefront of shark conservation. Working on policy, fisheries management and lobbying. We are UK-based but globally active. Working with stakeholders, collaborators and partners across the globe.






Scapa Joe (Dean Hodson) ScapaJoe (CarolineAppleyard) Harrison Peck Marc Dando Jimmy Higgs Christina Aust Grace Marquez Will Rose Holly Worland Young Jo Polack Amanda Bradbury Cassie Anderson John Bram Leigh Joel Millerchip Oliver Leger Abigale Burt Lucy Williams Matt Sewell Sophie Green Ffion Gwyn Jess Rippendale Rachel Brooks Janina Rossiter Alicia Hayden Brendan Rawlings
31 exHiBitiOn.
We approached artists, illustrators, graphic designers, sculptors and creators from all over the world. Asking them if they wanted to create and donate a piece focusing on one species, to contribute to Oceanic 31.
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Oceanic Manta Ray © Steve Jones
Each creator exhibited here donated their time, effort, skill and creativity to Oceanic 31. they have donated pieces in their own unique styles. Providing insights into the world of the Oceanic 31 through every brush stroke, paint splash, stylus swipe, stitch and stippled dot. Lore
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eACH PieCe HAS An ‘ABOut tHe ARtiSt’ BOARD. Be SuRe tO SCAn QR CODeS WitH YOuR PHOne tO finD OuR MORe ABOut tHe CReAtOR. this exhibition was made possible with funding from Sea Changers. insurance provided by

OCEANIC 31 31 PieCeS

After the exhibition has toured, the original pieces will be sold - via raffle or auction. Additionally, a number of the pieces are available as limited edition prints which can be purchased online from our shop.

All funds raised through sales of prints and originals will go towards the Big Shark Pledge. Helping to fund our vital policy and conservation work, communication and engagement activities to help secure a better future for high seas sharks.


A number of the pieces are available as limited edition prints. Look out for QR codes by the pieces with prints available.

Alternatively scan the QR code below to see the range of prints available from our shop.

A number of the original pieces exhibited here are being raffled. Scan QR codes by the pieces to purchase a ticket.

Alternatively scan the QR code below to find out which pieces are being raffled and to purchase a raffle ticket.

A select number of the originals will be auctioned via a virtual silent & sealed auction and a live auction taking place at the end of the exhibition tour.

If you are interested in finding out more about the auction, please scan the QR code below to register your interest.

Alternatively contact Heather: heather@sharktrust.org to register your interest.

SCAn tHe QR CODe tO HeAD tO OuR SHOP fOR PRintS OR RAffLe tiCketS SCAn tHe QR CODe tO ReGiSteR inteReSt fOR tHe AuCtiOn eventS
Blue Shark © Charles Hood
this exhibition was made possible with funding from Sea Changers. insurance provided by


2021 saw a review of the status of 31 oceanic shark and ray species. Of the 31 species reviewed, 24 are classed as threatened on the iuCn Red List.

Some of these species are famous - like the Great White or Whale Shark. But others, like the Pygmy Longhorned Devil Ray - aren’t quite so well known.

So we decided that featuring all 31 would be a great way to showcase just how varied and amazing oceanic sharks and rays are.


The species featured within Oceanic 31 all spend a large amount of time during their life in the open ocean. These are the international waters beyond country borders, outside of normal jurisdiction and, crucially, at heightened risk from overexploitation due to a lack of agreed management and/or enforcement of regulation.

Our policy work sees us engaging with the european union, Regional fisheries Bodies, Wildlife treaties, private sector players and other stakeholders.

Providing input and advocating for:

Science-based catch limits - regulating which species, and the amount of that species that should be landed.

Conservation management plans - identifying the threats facing species and proposing collaborative actions to rebuild populations, tighten regulations and improve research.

Policy change - influencing rules which inform how fisheries should operate, encouraging sustainable fishing practices informed by the latest scientific advice.


Silky Shark

Galapagos Shark

Oceanic Whitetip Shark

Dusky Shark

Blue Shark

Scalloped Hammerhead Shark

Great Hammerhead Shark

Smooth Hammerhead Shark

Pelagic Thresher Shark

Bigeye Thresher Shark

Common Thresher Shark

Basking Shark

White Shark

Shortfin Mako Shark

Longfin Mako Shark

Salmon Shark

Porbeagle Shark

Megamouth Shark

Bigeye Sand Tiger Shark

Crocodile Shark

Whale Shark

Pelagic Stingray

Reef Manta Ray

Giant Manta Ray

Longhorned Pygmy Devil Ray

Atlantic Devil Ray

Shortfin Devil Ray

Giant Devil Ray

Pygmy Devil Ray

Sicklefin Devil Ray

Bentfin Devil Ray

*Pacoureau, Nathan, et al. “Half a century of global decline in oceanic sharks and rays.” Nature 589.7843 (2021): 567-571.

Oceanic Whitetip © Andrew Bellamy
1 3 13 8 6 EN Endangered LC Least Concern CR Critically Endangered VU Vulnerable threatened classes NT Near Threatened
31 SPeCieS

Longhorned Pygmy Devil Rays

Abigail Burt | Bronze plaque

This bronze plaque honours the Longhorned Pygmy Devil Rays. Carved in low relief, the rays are depicted in a school gliding through the water together, as they often do.

The central rays are defined, those in the background fading into gentle marks, a nod to their endangered status, their numbers sadly depleting. These small rays on average measure a wingspan of 110cm, and can be recognised by the distance black shading on their pectoral fins. This bronze plaque was carved, cast and patinated by the artist.


My art practice centres around community and collaborative projects. In 2019 I founded KINstinct Arts, a combined art and ecology platform, from which I run public projects and events, using creative engagement to address ecological issues.

I graduated from RCA MA Sculpture 2020, and alongside my public projects, I continue to develop my relationship with materials, seeking a more sustainable casting practice, and exploring sculpting with locally excavated materials.

I run a portable foundry, which I activate for artist-led projects and workshops. I’m a Churchill Fellow, awarded for research on lost-wax casting in Nepal and India. I was trained in the art of medal-making as the BAMS New Medallist in 2012, gaining experience in the engraving department of the Royal Mint, the archives of the British Museum and the V&A.

Giant Devil Ray

I wanted to create a clean angular representation that showed the contours, being drawn towards the beautiful curves and undulations. The Giant Devil Ray has such a majestic aura when seen in underwater photography, although the sense of movement has been removed from this representation, I believe the clean crisp lines and whip of the tails suggest that beauty, almost like a synchronised dance performance. I am also drawn towards the negative spaces created when using symmetry or repeat patterns.


I am a mother, artist and teacher based on the Llyn Peninsular in North Wales. I have been illustrating for 5 years basing my designs on the urge to discover the bilingual terms for flora and fauna of mainly native species found in my local area.

I am currently working on a collection called ‘Series Wales’ in inks, they have some qualities similar to Victorian book illustrations and scientific drawings.

I enjoy documenting my beautiful area, painting on found objects, this became a very uplifting and valuable activity during lockdown. I also enjoy collaborating with others in creative community projects, which prove very beneficial to strengthen the sense of belonging and connecting with others.

Getting involved with this project gave me a fascinating insight into the array of species as well as a greater appreciation of other artist interpretations in different mediums. It has been an honour to take part.

Pelagic Thresher Shark

Seduced by the Thresher’s magnificent upper caudal fin; function, form and beauty moving through water, I incorporate three tails into one artwork.

Pelagic Thresher description ‘blue/grey with a metallic sheen along gill and flank’ caught my eye. Each layer involves numerous processes. I dyed fabrics, upcycled chocolate foils, created painted, textured ‘paper-cloth’.

Hours of stitch enhances shape and movement; enabling the sharks, the subject, to stand out whilst acknowledging that in water they are essentially camouflaged.


Rockpool roaming and swimming in my local cove is inspirational. Through Textile Art I share exploration of this coastal ecosystem: Exquisite individual species, phenomenal interdependence. It’s a passionate creative process enhanced by collaborations with marine ecologists, researchers, conservationists.

I gaze in awe down my microscope at seaweeds and phytoplankton - a world of intricate detail, invisible to the naked eye, vital to life on earth. I hope the ensuing art conveys this wonder. An early career in the environmental sector; creatively engaging communities in nature and environmental issues, significantly influences my practice as a full-time artist today. Both in subject and materials. I studied at Herefordshire College of Art.

My open Studio Gallery enables people to browse whilst I create. In this interaction I see my hopes realised. Visitors enjoying artwork for its beauty but also leaving with greater appreciation of our natural world and renewed determination to conserve it.

Longfin Mako Shark

To draw this species, I watched a few videos of the Longfin Mako swimming. I liked the extra length and kind of ‘slinkiness’ of its body, and tried to convey this through a dynamic posture. Not much is known about this species, they don’t seem to be well-documented, so I wanted to create a feeling of a moment of fleeting encounter with a slightly mythical animal, using the posture, the light from above and the framing with the moon jellies.


I’m an illustrator and designer who works mainly with conservationists and scientists to create better and more accessible communication around important issues. I live in Cape Town, South Africa next to the sea.

Soaring Squadron

“Soaring Squadron” captures a group of Devil Rays elegantly “flying” through the water. Their repeated shapes are arranged similarly to how we’d see birds flying. The more viewers can connect with these creatures in some familiar way, the more they’re likely to take an interest. I wanted to make sure that their distinct olive brown/green coloration on their backs as well as the unique grey shading on their bellies. Rays are fascinating to me as being almost “alien” in appearance and in how they can be found in shallow surface waters and also at great depths.


As an artist, I draw inspiration from the underwater world. As an avid technical scuba diver and instructor, I’ve had the opportunity to explore some of the most stunning underwater environments, including vibrant reefs teeming with life, mystical underwater caves that feel like sacred spaces inside mother earth, and haunting shipwrecks, each with its own story.

Through my art, I aim to give a glimpse into the world that covers 71% of our planet’s surface - the bodies of water. People often ask me if it’s scary underwater, but I believe in showcasing the wonder and beauty that lies beneath the waves to elicit curiosity. My goal is to inspire people to appreciate the ocean and understand the importance of protecting our planet’s diverse aquatic ecosystems. I’ve had the pleasure of exhibiting my art in galleries throughout the United States, France, and Canada, and I find great joy in connecting with others through these watery themes.

Croc VR 2030

This piece is about being able to see through the eyes of a Crocodile Shark through the wonders of future VR technology.

In a hopefully not too distant future we will be able to have shark simulation tech to really experience what these fascinating creatures go through day to day.


I am a surreal artist balancing between the fine art and visual arts world. I mainly draw anthropomorphic and surrealist characters in pen and ink, and digital, based on my childhood fear of characters from ‘Beatrix potters ballet’. This was a film my mother innocently put on for myself and my sister when were children not realising that one of us would be traumatised by it!

Recently I became the creative director for a games company called ‘Spiral circus games’ for which I am the co-founder. With this medium I have been able to explore more world design within my work and push my ideas much further. Our debut game ‘Silt’ came out in 2022 worldwide and on all consoles and we are busy working on our new title now.

Smooth Hammerhead

Smooth Hammerhead Sharks are such beautiful swimmers, and I wanted to reflect the shark’s elegance in my piece. Using acrylic inks, I wanted to draw attention to the Smooth Hammerhead’s effortless movement through the water; by splashing, pipetting, and layering shades of blue, purple and grey onto canvas.


I am a wildlife artist, filmmaker, writer, and photographer based in Bristol; I am a passionate wildlife artivist, creating wildlife artworks which capture people’s attention and imagination, hopefully inciting a change in thought or behaviour.

I love exploring underrepresented issues such as noise pollution, light pollution, and air pollution in my work. I hope that by creating art which showcases the beauty of the natural world, as well as the impact we are having on it, people will feel motivated to protect it. In 2021, I won the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation’s Human Impact category, and was awarded the inaugural Ingrid Beazley Award for my piece “When the Whale Sang”.

I am currently studying for a Master’s in Wildlife Filmmaking, where I am producing a film about a Zimbabwean wildlife artist called Tichaona Ncube.

Common Thresher Shark

This piece depicts the common thresher shark, Alopias vulpinus. Their distinctive tails are used for hunting and can reach 3 metres long. I wanted to create a piece that reflected their curious physicality and chose to weave a portrait where the tail took up half of the area of the work, demonstrating its importance in the life and survival of this beautiful creature.


I grew up in southeast Cornwall and graduated from the University of Plymouth with a first-class BA (hons) in Fine Art. My work explores the British coast through the medium of contemporary craft. Nature forms a large part of my work, and I am a conduit through which it speaks, this is reflected in my use of natural fibres. Recently I have been experimenting with creating yarn from the tendrils of ‘mermaid’s purses’, the egg cases of the small-spotted catshark. This is what drew me to the Shark Trust and its work.

Porbeagle Shark

The Porbeagle Shark is considered to be relatively shy, rarely being seen, and spending time close to the shore and amongst kelp forests. Kelp forests have always interested me because of their density, broad ecosystems, and otherworldly quality. It was an easy choice to illustrate the Porbeagle Shark above these dense areas searching for prey. After studying this shark for the past few months I’ve grown an appreciation for it, which is why it saddens me to know, like many sharks, that it is vulnerable to extinction due to being hunted for its meat and fins.


I am a graduate of Arts University Plymouth where I studied BA (Hons) Illustration. Initially working in traditional mediums creating detailed line art, I later transitioned to digital painting. I now explore ideas of nature and horror through outputs like book covers, concept art, and more.

Bigeye Sandtiger Hunting

Marc Dando | Water-based oil on canvas

I chose this species because it is such an enigmatic shark which I have close associations with. I wanted to portray a shark going about its normal activities - in this case hunting squid. I first started with going through all my references and finding new ones to help build up the sketch to the painting. This is then used to work up a painted rough which once the background is laid down, the shark and squid can be worked up. I could always keep working up a painting or illustration but there comes a point when I must stop, so I hope I stopped at the right point.


After attaining a degree in Zoology my career first started as a graphic designer. As a commercial designer an opportunity occurred to work on various natural history projects, initially in design, but finally into scientific illustration.

The majority of my work has been wildlife based. Sealife: a complete guide to the marine environment was the first book I worked on, but it was Sharks of the World that established my reputation. Alongside the more traditional watercolour, pencil and pen and ink work, my illustrations are now almost exclusively computer-based. However occasionally I work on more artistic pieces and have had work exhibited at the Musée Océanographique de Monaco, The Mall Galleries in London and the Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale. My illustrations can now be seen in many aquaria around the world but it’s my publication based work that can most often encountered.

New World

Scapa Joe | Acrylics on canvas

New World shows 2 Silky Sharks swimming in the London Underground. As oceans are warming and sea levels are rising, many wildlife species, including sharks, are being forced to adapt and migrate to new homes. Sharks have been seen in the river Thames, and if climate change continues, the London Underground could in all likelihood flood. Who knows, maybe sharks will become the new commuters ? The urban grime and graffiti contrasts with the beauty of these magnificent Silky Sharks.


Scapa Joe is a collaboration between artist Caroline Appleyard (Scapa) and photographer / 3D designer Dean Hodson (Joe). We aim to raise awareness of the desecration of ocean species, climate change, extinction, pollution, and other global issues. I (Caroline) paint, and we make sculptures together. We show the possible future if human pollution and apathy continue. We describe our work as utopian dystopia.

I have dived for over 25 years and have had some incredible encounters with wildlife, including various wonderful sharks. I had a successful art career, yet wanted to make a difference using art, so in 2018 I teamed up with my friend Dean, and we began working together under the name Scapa Joe. Scapa was my cat, and Joe was Dean’s dad. We exhibit all over the UK. And recently had 4 paintings accepted for the prestigious Discerning Eye Exhibition, at the Mall Galleries,

Carcharodon carcharias

This one-off print, ‘Carcharodon carcharias’ is digitally crafted and printed on Hahnemühle Photo Rag using Giclée inks. Unframed, the artwork measures at 1016 x 762mm.

The print is finished off with subtle flecks of silver leaf.


I am a Southend-on-Sea based multi-disciplinary artist. I work as an illustrator, designer and head of creative. My artwork is fuelled by eco-activism, preservation and punk culture. I am also a contributing artist to Beauhaus Print Studio where I frequently release limited edition prints for sale.

Whale Shark - Rhincodon typus

Whale Sharks are the biggest shark and fish left in the world, and are my favourite ocean creature to paint, they are so majestic and I think we should learn to respect and admire all ocean life. Let’s help spread the love for the ocean!


I’m Lore, a watercolour illustrator specialised in painting animals. I studied Fine Arts back in Spain 8 years ago and I’ve been painting and focusing on my online art shop since then.

I feel inspired by all the different animals in this planet with their many colours and textures!

I’m especially mesmerised and I feel respect and admiration for the ocean and all the creatures that live underwater.

I focus on creating colourful and detailed representations of real life animals, and then I make prints, posters, stickers and stationery from my original paintings. My wall art will add a colourful vibe to any space, and they are great to decorate kids rooms, because at the same time, they can learn about all the different animals from my posters.

Blue Shark

The Blue Shark is a good-looking shark. An elegant, azure torpedo that darts through the ocean in search of prey.

I wanted to limit my palette to shades of blue. From Indigo to Cyan, I wanted to create something that lived up to its name. As an animator, I also wanted to convey motion using curves which lead you all the way to the end of it’s long conical snout.

The piece was created digitally using Procreate on iPad Pro.


I’m an animator, illustrator and wildlife fan based in South London. I’ve worked in the animation industry for many years working on children’s shows such as Peppa Pig and Hey Duggee as animator, designer and writer. My passion for nature and love of working with music has led me to make my own award-winning shorts as well as working with David Attenborough, Yoga with Adriene, Leica and the BTO.

I love nothing more than cramming as many birds and animals in to my work as possible!

Atlantic Devil Ray

I’ve created an A3 size ink painting of an Atlantic Devil Ray filled with lots of details. Atlantic Devil Rays are commonly observed feeding as schools of 2-10 individuals, with groups as large as 40 being recorded, so I’ve included lots of fellow rays in my composition. I’ve also included a fishing net because, although Atlantic Devil Rays are not directly targeted by fisheries due to their insignificant commercial value, sadly they are caught as bycatch in gill nets.

I hope my painting celebrates this oft-ignored ray!


I explore the wonder of life in our oceans in intricately detailed paintings and drawings.. A keen scuba diver, I draw upon my experiences underwater to inform my imaginative compositions.

My fine liner pen drawings and colourful ink paintings celebrate the diversity and interconnectedness of our blue planet whilst also drawing attention to the threats facing our oceans. I believe that art can be a powerful tool for conservation.

I work from my home studio in Leicestershire, and my work has been exhibited nationally. Including solo shows at the Harley Gallery and Leicester New Walk Natural History Museum.

Great Hammerhead

I’ve always had a bit of a fascination with hammerhead sharks since I was a nipper, such a distinctive silhouette. It was a joy to revisit them for this exhibition and study their strong, fluid swimming style as well as the iconic hammer shaped head. Also I got a chance to turn that frown upside down!


An artist, illustrator and author, I’m an avid ornithologist, regular contributor to the Caught By River website and author of the bestselling books Our Garden Birds, Owls, A Charm Of Goldfinch and the recently released Atlas Of Amazing Birds. Plus my range of children books including Dinosaurs and Forgotten Beasts. Many of my books have been translated and published around the world and my birds have found themselves featured in a highly successful licensed range including calendars, jigsaws, mugs, greetings cards and many other gift items.

I’ve illustrated for The Guardian, The National Trust, Barbour, The V&A, Levis and painted walls for Greenpeace, BBC’s Springwatch and Countryfile, Helly Hansen, Puma and the RSPB. My artwork has been exhibited in London, New York, Tokyo and Paris.

Shortfin Devil Ray

Cassie Anderson | Acrylic paint on a slice of wood

When it comes to Mobula Rays, especially the smaller species, I have a hard time telling the difference between each one as they all have a lot of similarities. Through my painting I wanted to create an almost movement of how they flow together when schooling, as well as details that allow this species to stand, for example, the darker brown colour found on the top half of their bodies, the curved tips of pectoral fins and the fact they don’t have spines. I also wanted to portray the movement of flying from the big blue into the shallower reefs.


As a dive professional working in the industry for over 5 years, I’ve been lucky enough to have many ‘once in a life time’ ocean experiences, which have had a huge impact on my life by continually reigniting my love for the ocean. More recently I’ve progressed into turning these ocean memories into art.

I love being able to show the beauty of below through this medium, whether that’s bringing awareness about the creatures I paint or bringing dive memories back to life. These intimate experiences of being underwater have shown me different perspectives of the ocean, because as I paint, I can see intricate details and patterns of species up close, that maybe I would miss when actually diving. By portraying the ocean this way to others, I hope that one day they can get inspired to dive in and feel that same inner peace that the ocean has given me.

Shortfin Mako Shark

My goal was to put the animal in focus. There should be, so to speak, eye contact between shark and viewer and a kind of communication and connection to be created. Since the Shortfin Mako Shark can appear unattractive or threatening to some people due to its very distinctive jaws, the viewer’s attention should be directed towards the eye and facial expression. After all, the eyes are the window of the soul. The simplistic and uncluttered background with the slight colour gradient makes the shark stand out even more.


I am a self-taught artist with a great passion for nature, animals and especially for the underwater world. I started oil painting as a teenager, since then constantly evolved my approach to paint and thus worked out my current style. After I started a few years ago to actively engage in species and marine conservation, the focus of my paintings shifted more to animal portraits. In the future I would like to try even more to combine these two passions and use my art as a language for species and nature conservation.

Galapagos Shark

This piece was created using a printed map of the Galapagos Islands with the two Galapagos Sharks drawn directly onto the map using biro pen. Biro pen is often overlooked as an art medium due to its commonplace nature as a household stationary item, however what I love most about biro is the striking contrast the ink creates between the subject and the background and its ability to create texture within a piece.


My name is Lucy Williams and I’m a wildlife and pet portrait artist with a passion for drawing marine life. I use mixed media, specialising in biro, acrylics and fineliner dotwork pieces. Using different media for each of my pieces helps me to explore the vibrant colours and unique patterns of each wildlife species, from the intricate spot patterns of whale sharks to the beautifully textured skin of elephants.

One of the things I love most about art is its ability to communicate in a way that ordinary words cannot, and I hope that by showcasing the amazing biodiversity of our marine and terrestrial environments that I will have a positive impact on people by capturing the natural beauty of each species in an engaging way.

Bentfin Devil Ray

My image was based on the negative thoughts people in the past used to have about tattoos and how positive tattoos have become to modern folk, a fashion statement. So by depicting the beautiful Bentfin Devil Ray with encrusted ink to give it a new public image.


Image maker in Suffolk with a second city heritage. ADHD thinker, creator of visuals & workshops.

F.P Always.

Mobula alfredi

Sophie Green | Acrylic on canvas

Mobula alfredi is an acrylic on canvas depiction of Reef Manta Rays emerging from the darkness. Although Reef Manta Rays typically frequent the shallow waters of reefs, the use of darkness is symbolic of the vulnerability of the species. Falling victim to targeted fisheries, as well as climate change, this species is classed as ‘vulnerable’ on the IUCN red list.


I’m an award-winning conservation & wildlife artist from the UK. I specialise in capturing the photorealistic details of animals and their surroundings. I’ve dedicated my time and artistic work to raising awareness for issues surrounding animal welfare and the environment. In 2021, I was awarded the ‘medal of excellence’ by the Artists for Conservation foundation for my outstanding work in the wildlife & conservation sphere and was selected to be one of 20 Artists to exhibit at COP26 in the Blue zone.

Bigeye Thresher Shark

Janina Rossiter | Stippling & Liquid Alcohol Ink

One of my favourite species and having been very active against the shark finning trade in Europe this species has a special place in my heart. It’s especially targeted because of its beautiful long tail fin, which can be the length of their body! I always love to mix two mediums - the liquid alcohol ink under water world with the stippling technique. I wanted to try something new and work with different layers of transparency/ playing with the tail movement. The quick movements and the length of the tail are so special for this species that I wanted to highlight that in my artwork.


My name is Janina Rossiter, or Nina Rossiter for short. I’m an awardwinning Artist, Author and Artivist focussing on environmental issues. My latest children books - 123 Who’s Cleaning the Sea & Diamonds Hearts and Sea Stars - focus on plastic pollution and endangered sea creatures, and helping to empower young children to feel the need to protect our wildlife and to make a difference.

I am also an environmental speaker, having visited many international schools over the past three years. My main focus is to raise awareness of the problems our oceans are facing and to give solutions of behaviour changing methods to protect our planet. By creating art to raise awareness of environmental issues, we create a way to communicate, a visual language that anyone can understand.  The language of Art is international and can trigger emotions and we can hopefully evoke the need to care.

Oceanic Whitetip

The Oceanic Whitetip is now so close to extinction, having swum in this planet’s oceans for millions of years. I wanted to capture something of their perfection of form, their ease of movement and the light beneath the seas they inhabit. I am in disbelief that 50 years ago these beautiful creatures were considered to be perhaps the most abundant large animal on the face of the earth, whereas now they might disappear forever, victims of a barbaric trade to satisfy the banality of idiosyncratic culinary desires, while attention is focused elsewhere on political interests and dramas.


I paint endangered species street art on urban walls, drawing attention to the environmental crisis by bringing huge images of our native fauna, much of which is disappearing at an alarming rate, to a wide audience. By showing the beauty and significance of these creatures I hope to inspire interest, curiosity and a desire to protect them and the habitats on which they depend.

By bringing colour and beauty into the public domain, out of the galleries and accessible to all, the hope is to inspire active participation in environmental protection and creation.

Small individual changes repeated on a large scale can have dramatically positive effects.

ATM | Acrylic paint on wood

Megamouth Shark

Inspired by the secret life of the Megamouth Shark not only with mixed media paint but also words describing this fascinating deep water creature rarely seen.


Born in Canada to Scottish parents, brought up in London. I studied at Epsom College of Art and Design, where I enjoyed theatre work and performance art, winning awards for my choreography back in 1983. I then went on to study Fine Art in a Social Context at Bower Ashton College of Art, Bristol. I moved to Hamburg around 10 years ago, where I have been able to focus more on my art. I have since exhibited in: Luxembourg, Italy, France and Germany.

I worked for many years as a social worker in the UK, and have always been passionate about art as a tool for social change. I worked on a project with students of Mummelmansberg Comprehensive (where I worked as an Art teacher). EXIT explored exhibited paintings and installations which archived the experiences of refugees and dismay felt after the shock of Brexit. Many of the students are first or second generation refugees.

Pelagic Stingray

“Pelagic” definition: Relating to the open sea.

Unlike most stingrays, which tend to stay near the shore or the ocean floor, Pelagic Stingrays soar through the open ocean. Because of their colouring they tend to blend into the dark water below, making it harder for predators to see them from above. Sometimes they will use their pectoral fins like hands to feed themselves!


Since graduating from Falmouth University in 2020, I have been running my own small business making and selling my art from my studio in Bristol.

I mostly sculpt marine animals such as whales, seals and octopuses, although I do occasionally make land animals such as snails, elephants and dinosaurs! All my pieces are unique and handsculpted from scratch, giving them all a different sense of character and movement to emphasise the uniqueness that every individual animal has in the wild.

Basking Shark

Having worked with basking sharks for the past three years I have an affinity with this species that made them an obvious subject choice for me. Seeing these gentle giants up close I have been able to observe all the hidden details, behaviours and movements. I created this piece using archival pigment inks and watercolour to encapsulate the unique and prehistoric look of the basking shark. The hidden details reflect this shark’s historic and cultural ties to the British Isles.


I’m Rachel, I’m an internationally selling British wildlife artist living between the West Highlands of Scotland and the Hebrides. I have a deep understanding of the natural world from studying Zoology which connected me to the field of scientific illustration. I fell in love with the ocean having spent years working beneath the water as a Scuba Instructor and wildlife guide, which has heavily influenced the subjects of my work. My mission as an artist is to convey my passion for conserving biodiversity by celebrating its beauty and sharing it with the world. I use fine detail to celebrate the intricacies of nature and I hope to introduce others to these wonders.

Deep Connection

‘Deep Connection’’ is an original watercolour painting that illustrates a shiver of Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks swimming overhead. It embodies the sense of connection and understanding you experience when in the presence of these majestic creatures. As apex predators, sharks play a critical role maintaining the equilibrium in the marine ecosystem. My hope is that my work offers an alternative perspective in which we are able to witness their power and beauty and be inspired to make a positive change and protect this critically endangered species.


I am an Ocean Artist and Scientific Illustrator based in Hertfordshire with a life-long fascination with the Ocean.

Using vibrant and visceral colours, my work emulates a unique quality that showcases the wonders of the Ocean. For me, art is a form of storytelling that creates a universal language that defies the barriers of language, background, and opportunity. It allows me to open a window into the world below and inspire connection and empathy for those who look through it. My mission is not only to evoke passion in others but to also highlight the threats impacting the marine environment and the species within it.

Giant Oceanic Manta Ray

This Manta Ray is made from solid hardwood and finished in Danish oil. This piece can be mounted on the wall or as a free standing sculpture to enjoy inside or outside.


I am an award winning, self taught sculptor. I work with driftwood and fallen wood to ensure a carbon neutral footprint and use a mixture of solar power tools and hand tools to sculpt each subject. I have also teamed up with a local ‘eco forestry’ company who are now providing me with responsibly sourced wood for larger projects.

My work is a mixture of in the round; sculpture and interior wall art sold to the public. I also produce large scale tree carvings in situ for clients across the world. I try to give back to communities as much as possible, often donating sculptures to charities, the church and schools as well as teaching children and young adults.

Dusky Shark

Dusky sharks are one of the slowest-growing sharks, not reaching adulthood until they are 20 years old. Because of its slow reproductive rate, they are very vulnerable.

I think that another way to protect the oceans is to make people truly value the beauty of their animals. So, I wanted to create a piece that would convey the beauty of this shark, their streamlined body and the details of their skin.


I am a biologist and a diver and also passionate about art and illustration. When I’m not underwater, I love drawing marine animals as a way to remain connected with the ocean. My goal is for people who see my art to realize the beauty of the sea and the importance of preserving it. Above all, I love drawing sharks to try to break down the false stigma that has been associated with them. They are inquisitive, keen and sensitive animals and they deserve our respect. I love to see my art as a message. A cry for help from many marine creatures that don’t have a voice.

I’m happy to have taken part in different initiatives such as the Stop Finning campaign. These activities give me a deep sense of purpose. I love using my talents to spread awareness! I found a niche in art I genuinely love: ocean conservation!

Pygmy Devil Ray

This piece was made in 3D using Cinema 4D and Redshift. For me, modelling, rigging and lighting this underwater scene in 3D felt like a great way to illustrate the fluidity of their movement. It also gave me the opportunity to experiment with different styles and create a custom rig for a Mobula Ray and bring them to life!


I’m a UK based Freelance Motion Designer and a Padi Divemaster passionate about crafting visual stories through design, illustration and animation.

Being able to combine my love of the ocean and animation is always an exciting project; it allows me to explore a variety of techniques and styles to bring the underwater world to life. I’ve previously been lucky enough to collaborate with The Marine Conservation Society, The Natural History Museum, and Shark Trust!

Salmon Shark

Amanda Bradbury | Aluminium, Iron & telephone cable

This Salmon shark is made from used aluminium litho printing sheets, iron binding wire and telephone cable.


I am a wildlife artist and sculptor based in Gloucestershire. I have exhibited my work widely in the UK. My passion for wildlife and the environment, backed by a sound understanding of the natural world around me, is reflected in my artwork.

My wire sculptures capture the character and natural behaviour of my subject, whilst my paintings illustrate the relationship between wildlife and the landscape. The accuracy of my work is honed from years of observation, field sketches and a career in wildlife conservation.

Every sculpture is unique, made from reclaimed and up-cycled materials such as wire, cable, chicken wire and aluminium litho printing sheets. Texture, colour and form are achieved from combining different types of wire and materials. Paints and inks are sometimes used depending on the desired effect.

Oceanic sharks and rays have declined 71% over the last 50 years, primarily due to overfishing.


The amazing sharks and rays that live in the open-ocean are at risk from irresponsible fishing.

Add your voice to our call for stronger conservation and fisheries management. Sign the Big Shark Pledge and join us on our mission to secure the future for high-seas sharks.

Over three-quarters of oceanic sharks and rays are now at risk of extinction due to the destructive impact of overfishing.

Join us in signing and supporting one of the biggest campaigning communities in the history of shark conservation.

Sign the pledge and...

S Stand up for shark conservation

H Have faith that change will happen

A Act when called upon

R React to and share our campaign

K Know that you’re making a difference

SCAN THE QR CODE to sign the pledge!

We will...

Use your voice in our ongoing efforts to create positive change through policy and advocacy

Dedicate our time and resources to push for better protection of high-seas sharks and rays

Rally the community at times of critical change

Keep you up to date with latest wins, challenges and policy changes

WANT TO KNOW MORE? BIGSHARKPLEDGE.ORG Ts & Cs **The Shark Trust will contact you from time to time to provide you with campaign updates and to ask for your help with specific shark conservation tasks to help high seas sharks and rays. ***If you want more regular news and information then you’ll need to sign up to the newsletter or become a Shark Trust member.



For 400 million years, sharks have been at the heart of a balanced system; maintaining ocean health and sustaining food chains. Sharks are vital, valuable and yet vulnerable.




The latest global assessement of sharks, skates and rays found that 1/3 are in a threatened category on the IUCN Red List. The main threat to these species is destructvie fishing. 2021


We work to a secure a future where sharks, skates and rays thrive in a globally healthy ecosystem. We do this through science, education, influence and action.


Shark conservation is a global movement. To improve their status we need to focus on three goals: protecting wildlife, managing fisheries and controlling trade.

To improve the status of sharks and rays we need to:

Protect the vulnerable species through strict controls and species conservation.

Manage fisheries for sustainability to prevent declines in currently non-threatened species.

Control trade and push for responsible consumption of shark products.

Oceanic Whitetip © Frogfish Photography

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