presentaion artist music video

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The artist Gender: female Name: 1Frances Lobo Genre: R’n’B Age:23 Hometown: London city Ethnicity: Asian

The artists target audience Age: 15-25 Hobbies And Interests: Shopping, make up, romantic movies Current Media Consumptions: Amy Winehouse, Rihanna, R’n’b ocation: The U.K


I have chosen these types of clothing because they go with the edgy and unique feel to the music video. The piecing of clothing such as the dresses colour jackets plus shows go with the effect of the video being black and white. The scarf and shades are mostly used by artist as something cool and mysterious, but in my case I will want my artist to wear (sun glasses) to give her more of a diva look The winter theme of the days getting dark early will also go well with the story line as it is very dark and emotional song , this is why i have chosen clothes such as this to go with it. I think these pieces of clothing also are very plain with nothing much eye catchy and sting about them which would cross over in the video showing her a lonely character who sits in the background with no one to talk to.


This is the type of font my artist will have on her logo, as it looks edgy an unique. I believe that frances lobo is a very edgy artist but a natural one at the same time so these would fit perfectly with her personality. All these images show her name as i believe this is they type of 'Logo' she would have. The first one “saving bond regular� a smooth but bold writing which is similar to others fonts I have chosen., the second one is a more fairy tale/ Alice in wonderland look which goes well with frances Lobo ‘Unique and girly' look. The third has a retro look which would would have some sort of colour to it to make it look more attractive. I have chosen all these in black and white because i think its a more strip down colour which would represent her as an artist.


These are some examples of the colours i would chose to represent the artist and their identity. These are mostly bright colours and also primary colours which show gives the like bold feel of the artist. Red connotes things such as danger or blood ,but in my video ill use this colour to show the hurt my artist has been through, the dark colours such as black and dark purple gives off the mood of the music video which gives it a very dominate figure and also a very popular one when it comes to colours. Gold is to break you from the dark colour also gold is something you would relate to being strong simply because its seen as the gold that people would make jewellery out which very adds up the artists personality. Lastly pink which is very eye catchy colour which can show that the artist has a very out there character with a bright/positive vibe to her., and it is a soft colour which go good with what the artist is trying to promote with her music even though her ‘don’t know don’t care' single is a emotional song which would more represent dark colours such as Black and Grey.

Mise en sene

These are some of the Mise en sene that I would have in my music video. The first column show the types of lighting I would want in my music video , the main idea would be having it starts off with day time then ending up dark towards the end. The first images shows it being day time and then the second I put street lights to show that it is dark. The second column show the different types of sets in which the music video might be shot at, the first example is a room where the artist starts of her day which will be day time , and then the second setting is the park where she meets and will be with her friends and then she goes to another setting which is central London where she see someone she wants to confronts, then the ends of the day where the lighting will be dark she goes to her last location which is the house where she finishes her day that is the end of the video. The third column shows the props which will be within my music video the props will be using will help adds to my artist identity and the phone which will help tell the story and make it more rrealistic.

Samples of imagery

This are some images which appear in my head when i listen to the artists singe called 'Wait' . The song is obviously about love but when you read between the lines you can tell that there are more stronger and emotional feelings to it which can be linked to suicide. When i listen to this song i think of lowliness like the first image , having no one to talk to and feeling like the only person in the world. The second image shows someone running a very long and narrow road , this image also comes in mind because she talks a bout a relationship which is not helping either of them - which can mean a long narrow relationship which is not leading the couple to no where. I also get images of abuse like the third and fourth image which shows a man abusing a lady and the other showing someone shouting and crying being covered , this is because she sings 'you can break my heart in a million ways , but not tonight' this is a link between her being abused but then the idea of 'not tonight' strikes in my head which can mean she isn't going to suffer any more because she has resulted into suicide these are the reasons for the next few pictures all showing depression and two of them showing suicide which the artist can result to. The last image also shows someone who is obviously crying and feeling down holding a paper with a file on it meaning she is hiding her true emotions but in the songs case its because of her boyfriend who is abusing her.

My Actor

I would use Lia Jhala as my artist as she suits the image I would like to present as within my music video so it will be very easy to work with her with what I want to create my ideas with. She also has a bold and unique look as these two words are my main objective for when it comes to my artist.

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