Shofar | Feb-Mar 2016

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Shaarey Zedek

Celebrating Community and Culture

Jan -







I 57




Elaine Halpert Photography

Messages From Rabbi Alan Green.......................... 5 Amalek, The Ganav, Chazzan Aníbal Mass................. 10 Who Are The Yazidis and Why Jews Must Help, Bob Freedman............................. 18 Beyond “I had my Bar/Bat Mitzvah there”: Enhancing Meaning within Jewish Experiences Chris Yaren.................................. 19

Sections Meet the 2015-16 Board................ 4 New Members............................... 6 Mazel Tov...................................... 7 Tributes........................................ 10 In Memoriam............................... 16 Sisterhood Gift Shop.................... 20 B’nai Mitzvah.............................. 21 Todah Rabah............................... 24 Programs/Services......... Back Cover Photo Gallery 2, 8, 22 Congregation Shaarey Zedek 561 Wellington Crescent Winnipeg MB R3M 0A6 t 204 452 3711 f 204 474 1184 CANADA POST PUBLICATION #40019561

REFUGEE CRISIS Doing Our Part Shaarey Zedek is Sponsoring Two Families. Help us Help Them.

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On page 18

Also, read the article

Who Are the Yazidi’s and Why Jews Must Help

Chanukah Celebration!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

More photos at


Uri Kraut President


Lorne Weiss

Vice President

Dr. Brent Schacter

Immediate Past President

Ben Berkal

Rishona Hyman

Amy Karlinsky

Joel Lazer

Anita Neville

Stuart Pudavick

Michael Stronger

Syd Thompson

Chris Yaren

Louise Raber

Rabbi Alan Green

Sisterhood Rep Ex-Officio

Senior Rabbi Ex-Officio

Ian Staniloff

Executive Director Ex-Officio

Elaine Halpert Photography




Recently, a friend shared a marvelous article from Tablet – an online Jewish magazine – on a topic which should be of great interest to most of us. You can find the article here:

What are Tefillin, exactly? Tefillin are prayer boxes, attached to straps, which are wrapped around the arm and the head during non-holiday weekday morning prayer, traditionally by males only. Of course today, putting on Tefillin is encouraged for women as well. What’s so special about putting on Tefillin? As the Tablet article emphasizes, “Sometimes to know, you must first do.” But until such time as you find your way to putting on Tefillin, let me share my experience with you. Tefillin are made entirely of leather. The straps are leather; the boxes are hardened leather; the inner content is written on parchment; and even the thread that holds the Tefillin together is gut, made from an animal. The purpose of Tefillin is to take a human being from where we are – animals living in a physical, material world – and to elevate us to a higher level perception and action. And what gives Tefillin this spiritualizing power? Naturally, it comes from the inner content of the Tefillin themselves. The parchments in both prayer boxes (called Batim, literally “houses”) – for the arm, and for the head – contain four passages from the Torah, handwritten in Hebrew by a scribe. (For those who are curious, I have some examples in my office.) The four passages are Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Exodus 13:1-10, Exodus 13:11-16, and Deuteronomy 11:13-21 – each of which mentions “a sign upon your hand, and a reminder on your forehead”– traditionally understood to refer to putting on Tefillin. In fact, the practice of Tefillin seems to have arisen several centuries after the Torah, and was only then rooted in these four proof texts. But how ancient is the practice of Tefillin? The earliest examples of Tefillin were found in Qumran, the site of the Dead Sea Scrolls, dating back to the first century BCE. The Roman Jewish historian Josephus refers to them in his Antiquities (first century CE) as does the New Testament (Matthew 23:5). So we know that Tefillin have been around for at least two thousand years. But what is it about the practice of Tefillin that is so enriching? The purpose of Tefillin is to bind the arm – the symbol of physical activity – and the head – the symbol of mental activity – back to their Divine source. These words are simple, but the reality is not.

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Whether we’re conscious of it or not, there is a constant push/pull in our lives – an eternal struggle between matter and spirit. The objects of sense naturally tend to make us over in their image. “We become what we behold”. And so we tend to identify with our bodies, our possessions, our place in society, and so on. In two words, this is called, “material existence.” But the inner world of the spirit constitutes our true identity. This is what the book of Genesis means when it teaches that we are created in the image of God. But the constant pull of material life, and our identification with it distorts that image. And so our perception of the world and its inhabitants is necessarily distorted as well. Tefillin seek to restore balance by favoring the spirit. In fact, it’s not just the arm and head that are bound back to their Divine source. At least in the case of right-handed people, the Bayit of the Tefillin Shel Yad (the prayer box of the arm Tefillin) is placed on the left bicep, near the heart. So the intention is also to bind the heart – symbolic of our emotional life – back to its Divine source. This may explain why the Bayit of the Tefillin Shel Yad contains one continuous scroll, while the Bayit of the Tefillin Shel Rosh (the prayer box of the head Tefillin) contains four separate compartments – each containing one of the four passages cited above. The heart and head perceive differently. The heart is more intuitive and holistic; the head is more contemplative and analytical. So, the information contained in the Batim of the Tefillin, although identical, is transmitted in slightly altered form. One final point: when we put on Tefillin, we begin with the Tefillin Shel Yad, but midway we shift to the Tefillin Shel Rosh. Once the Shel Rosh is in place, we shift back to the Tefillin Shel Yad. Why? The obvious answer is that Jewish tradition seeks to balance the activity of head and heart. Both are important. But are head and heart of equal importance in Judaism? Or could it be that one is more significant than the other? I think the practice of Tefillin tells us that while the intellect is of great importance, it isn’t of paramount importance. In beginning with the Tefillin Shel Yad, and ending with the Tefillin Shel Yad, we learn the lesson of a heart-centered existence. Which is to say: we do best to begin and end any action with a whole heart, and the qualities of love, kindness, and compassion for our fellow human being. This is how we fulfill our true purpose in this world: involving ourselves in material existence, and material life, without losing our Divine connection.

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Elaine Halpert Photography

It’s an illuminating description of a liberal Jew’s encounter with Tefillin at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. I recommend you read it. I do so because Tefillin may well be the ultimate Jewish spiritual technology. This is why those who lack a regular Tefillin practice deprive themselves of a great source of spiritual sustenance and enrichment.

AMALEK, THE GANAV MESSAGE FROM Elaine Halpert Photography


The Shabbat immediately preceding Purim is called Shabbat Zachor (Sabbath of Remembrance), in which we are commanded to remember the evil of Amalek and to eradicate it from the face of the earth. Why are we required to remember Amalek and not any other of the many nations who attacked us over the centuries? Let’s agree that the imperative to destroy Amalek is somehow unique, possibly because of the way he planned and executed the attack against the Israelites. Rashi asks: Why was the section of Amalek placed right after the Israelites complained about water? He answers, suggesting that Amalek did not merely come upon our ancestors by accident. The Torah implies that Amalek came with an intent and design to attack the Israelites when they were tired and thirsty. Rashi continues, saying that Amalek’s attack effectively “cooled off” the Jewish nation. He gives a parable of a body of very hot water that people are looking at, standing from afar, afraid to go in. That is, until someone else goes in first. The first person entering, although himself scalded, cools the waters, allowing everyone else to follow. So too, when the nations of the world observed the downfall of Egypt and the exodus of the Jews by the hand of God, they trembled before the Jewish nation, realizing that God was with them. The nations of the world dared not make trouble with the Jews. Then came Amalek. They were the first to attack. They not only attacked the Jews, but were also the cause of all other eventual affronts to the Children of Israel. The boiling water did not seem so hot anymore. Thus, expounds Rashi, Amalek was teaching the world how to attack the Jews. The Talmud (Baba Kama 79b) explains the difference between a ganav - a sneaky thief who steals at night, only when he cannot be seen by others - and a gazlan - a bold robber who takes his loot during the day, in full view of the victim. Asked the Rabbis: Which one is worse? And they answer saying that of course, the ganav is worse. The gazlan is a fool who shows as little fear of man as he does of God, but a ganav is a coward who studies his victim, analyzes weaknesses and is more afraid of man than he is of God.

New Members! Michael Brown and Susan Schipper Harvey and Elaine Gamer Jonathan Katz and Lisa Lipschitz Matthew and Breann Gould Adam Pollock and Samantha Gorlick David and Kim Shamoon Earl and Mimi Singer Edith Zipursky


To be properly prepared for Purim, first we have to remember Amalek, who acted cowardly as a ganav against our people, inviting future generations to exploit our weaknesses against us. Purim is an invitation to be aware of our weaknesses, but also to be united as one strong nation. And this begins by strengthening our memory. That is why the Torah and the Rabbis always call us to remember, because nothing gives us more strength than a strong memory. Ashira, Ronen and I wish you a chag Purim sameach

Chag Sameach!

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Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov tov u'mazal tov v'simanArthur tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, and Denise and David and lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'kholWaldman Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey Irene Meyrowitz are all delighted announce tov the birth of u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov tou'mazal v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'sim their first grandchild, Kaia Maielle u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tovJulyv'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu Waldman, on 3, 2015. Proud Elana and Jonathan u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'heyparents lanu,arey'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yi Waldman, and thrilled greatare Yis'ra'iel. 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Share Your Mazel!

Rabbi David Wolpe Scholar-in-Residence December 1 to 3, 2015

Sponsored by the Rabbi Green Spiritual Revitalization Fund Shabbat Dinner Generously Supported By Dr. Bonnie Cham and Dr. Lorne Bellan


More photos at

Robyn Shapiro Photography

204 452 3711





July 20 to November 30, 2015 Tributes received December 1 to March 15 will be published in our next issue


Sid Burtnick Sara Engel and Mimi Engel Roberto and Mabel Fridson Shane Lasker Jack and Zina Lazareck Family Foundation Irwine Permut Irv Shore Brenlee, Brent, Skyler and Sierra Trepel Lillian Zentner Faye Zipman

Danny and Ellen Hamburg in honour of their anniversary Mischa and Lynn Pollock in honour of their anniversary and Mischa’s birthday Karin Punstel in honour of her birthday Lorne and Louise Raber in honour of Lorne’s birthday Marilyn Raber in honour of her birthday Rick Shatsky in honour of his birthday Alex and Elaine Sommer in honour of Alex’s birthday


Dick and Minnie Bell in honour of Minnie’s birthday

Jerry and Dale Marcus Jack and Jo-Anne Neaman Lillian Neaman Jack and Jo-Anne Neaman

Lorne Bellan and Bonnie Cham Barry and Rena Shenkarow in honour of Bonnie’s birthday Jack and Jo-Anne Neaman Arthur Blank and Patti Cohen Brent and Brenlee Trepel in honour of their anniversary and Family Randee Pollock Barry and Sandra Caplan in honour of Barry’s birthday Bill Weissmann and the Michael Eleff and Chana Thau Minyanaires in honour of Chana’s birthday Evelyn Schaefer Larry and Glory Fleisher in honour of their anniversary Saul and Lolly Guttman in honour of their anniversary and Lolly’s birthday

Bill Weissmann, Isser Held and the Minyanaires Margo Cates


HAVE BEEN SENT TO Richard and Jackie Akman on Jared and Leanne’s marriage Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater

Mildred Devins in honour of her special birthday Richard Yaffe and Jon Statham Heather Gillman in honour of her birthday Sladen and Susan Adleman

Robert and Allison Axelrod on Steven becoming a bar mitzvah Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater

Danny Globerman on Simmie and Kevin’s marriage Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater

Pamela Bager on chanting the Haftarah during Mincha Ne’ilah Jay and Linni Averbach

Rabbi Alan Green on his birthday Beverly Nord

Dick and Minnie Bell on their 60th anniversary Adam Sawyer and Jenna Brown Toby Sawyer Rita Shapera Jacob Faye Bloomfield on her special birthday Andrew Marquess, Maureen Diamond and Family Bob and Debby Brown on their 30th anniversary Lou and Ruth Billinkoff Gary and Joanne Croll on the birth of their granddaughter, Ava Madeleine Lorne and Louise Raber, Lindsay and Brian

Saul Guttman on the anniversary of his bar mitzvah Dick and Minnie Bell Dave and Essie Guttman and Family Sandi Laine Rick Lee and Laurie Shapiro on Amy and Matt’s engagement Arthur and Denise Waldman Jeremy and Sally Lipschitz on Lisa and Jonathan’s marriage Fay-Lynn Katz Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Steve and Cheryl Weiss and Family Sam Lyons on receiving his CFP and CIM Designations Dick and Joanne Rothberg Rochelle Pincovich on her special birthday Phyllis Laveman Bert and Elaine Schaffer Lillian Zentner

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Maureen Pollock on Adam and Samantha’s marriage Lenny and Hilda Smith Mimi Pollock on her special birthday Gordon Pollock Bernie and Sheila Rubenstein on their granddaughter becoming a bat mitzvah Marty and Roz Greenfeld Sheila Rubenstein on her special birthday Gerald, Susan and Stephen Rosenby Joanne Rusen on Breann and Matthew’s marriage Arthur Blank and Patti Cohen Lenny and Hilda Smith

Arthur and Denise Waldman on the birth of their granddaughter, Kaia Allan and Sondra Hochman Hartley and Rishona Hyman and Family Arthur and Denise Waldman on the birth of their grandson, Asher Allan and Sondra Hochman Hartley and Rishona Hyman Bill Weissmann on his birthday Beverly Nord Joe Wilder on his special birthday Larry and Rhoda Kussin Elliot and Harriet Rodin Rhonda Youell in honour of her special birthday Lloyd, Debbie, Steven and Seth Baker

Steven Schipper and Terri Cherniack on Susan and Michael’s marriage Steven, Sharon and Joseph Tritt Alex and Harriet Zimmer on Leanne and Jared’s Simone Cohen Scott marriage on the birth of her Stewart and Ellen Leibl granddaughter, Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Katia Zipporah Steve and Cheryl Weiss David and Nessie Greenberg and Family Morris and Dorys Silver on the birth of their CARDS OF great-granddaughter APPRECIATION Roslyn Silver Elaine Silverberg on her special birthday Lorne and Jill Brandes

HAVE BEEN SENT TO Shirley Diner Fede, Madeline and Eli Lopez Ficher

Avery and Nata Spigelman on the birth of their grandson, Leslie Emery Joshua Arnold and Carla Cohn Saul and Brenda Greenberg Rabbi Alan Green Thelma Sures Axelrod Family on her special birthday Arnold and Carla Cohn Lorne and Louise Raber Aaron, Lisa and Mason Kennedy Jack and Zina Lazareck Hillel Taylor Family Foundation on his birthday Jeremy and Sally Lipschitz Barry Stronger and Jonathan and Lisa Katz Syd and Janet Thompson on their children’s marriages Debbie Pollock and Benny Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Steven Schipper, Terri Cherniack, Susan and Michael and Family Yale and Fayth Shaffer Bernice Walder Harry and Rhonda Youell on her special birthday Dr. David Hochman Dick and Minnie Bell Barry Stronger Lou and Ruth Billinkoff David and Nessie Greenberg Allan and Rhona Shnier

204 452 3711


Chef Joel Lafond and Team GET WELL Jeremy and Sally Lipschitz and Jonathan and Lisa Katz WISHES Beverly Nord HAVE BEEN SENT TO Steven Schipper, Terri Cherniack, Irene Corne Susan and Michael Buddy and Maxine Brownstone Matthew Leibl Jack Lichtman Axelrod Family Barry and Marcy Stronger Chazzan Aníbal Mass Estelle Rosenberg Dick and Minnie Bell Buddy and Maxine Brownstone and Bob and Debby Brown Arnold and Carla Cohn Myra Wolch Jack and Zina Lazareck Allan and Rhona Shnier Family Foundation CONTRIBUTIONS Jeremy and Sally Lipschitz and Jonathan and Lisa Katz HAVE BEEN MADE Ettie Robinson IN MEMORY OF Steven Schipper, Terri Cherniack, Mitchell Abrams Susan and Michael Lorne and Louise Raber Estelle Raber Samuel and Goldie Askin Jack and Zina Lazareck Naomi Nurgitz Family Foundation Jeremy and Sally Lipschitz Israel Asper and Jonathan and Lisa Katz Gail Asper Family Foundation Steven Schipper, Terri Cherniack, Brent Steven Averbach Susan and Michael Jay and Linni Averbach Ian Staniloff Jerry Bass Joel and Penny Shefrin Sladen and Susan Adleman The Weavers Extraordinaire David and Marisa Hochman (Harriet Lyons, Carol Levi and and Family Beverly Nord) Lorne and Louise Raber Shelley Chochinov Milton and Brenda Tenenbein Sheila Rubenstein Zahava Baum Wendy Wilder Marvin and Emily Shane Bill Weissmann Freda Bay Roberta Cantor Dick and Minnie Bell Hudson Lezack Morris and Dorys Silver Ettie Robinson Joseph Bebchuk Bill and Elaine Bebchuk

Tribute Cards Send a tribute card for any occasion and have your tribute acknowledged in the Shofar bulletin. Donations start at $18 and can be gifted to a variety of funds. You can also purchase a leaf on the Tree of Life for $200. The leaf will be engraved with a special message and the honouree will receive a personalized letter from Rabbi Green.

204 452 3711 /SZWinnipeg


Anne Becker Martin and Linda Fingold Irv and Shirley Garfinkel Sarah Golumbia

Clarise Chapnick Sos Plattner

Benjamin Berman Larry and Rhoda Kussin

Alexander Chochinov Shelley Chochinov

Maxann Louise Black Harold Black, Linda and Debbie Black, Diana Black Leon (Schwartzman) Blackmore Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Ida Blankstein Danny and Ellen Hamburg Isaac Blankstein Marjorie Blankstein Morley Blankstein Bob Bernstein, Sheri Berkowitz and Families Shirley Diner Vera Blankstein Danny and Ellen Hamburg Al Bloomfield Faye Bloomfield Bertha Blumenthal Sid and Marsha Schwartzman David Boonov Alex and Elaine Sommer Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Morris Brick Bernie and Bev Binder Irving Bricker Martin and Debra Bricker and Family Michael and Marilyn Perl and Family Ben Burke Lillian Burke Morris and Eleanor Burke Matt Burke Lori Sussman Max Burke Morris and Eleanor Burke Abe Buchszreiber Meira Buchszreiber Mary Cantin Harvey Cantin James Maurice Cantor Allan and Gloria Cantor Max Cham Lorne Bellan and Bonnie Cham

Issie Charad Pat Charad

Ben Chochinov Earl and Ettie Chochinov Martin and Linda Fingold Irv and Shirley Garfinkel Jack Chochinov Shelley Chochinov Moishe Chochinov Shelley Chochinov Sonya Chula Larry and Glory Fleisher Eda Cohen Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Rudolf Cohn Arnold and Carla Cohn Alex Cooper Arnie Cooper and Evelyn Arkin Rae Cooper Arnie Cooper and Evelyn Arkin Joseph Craven Robert and Elaine Paul Irwin Cutler Neil Cutler Adele Davidson Lorne and Louise Raber, Lindsay and Brian Dora Diamond Ben Berkal and Shirley Labman Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Richard Yaffe and Jon Statham

Katriel Eskin Zelda Elkin and Family Isser Held Jacob Feingold Janet Fleishman David and Ethel Ferdman Roberta Cantor and Family Lil Feuer Mel and Linda Sawyer, Michael, Devyn and Reegan McCheyne Lou Fingerote Harry and Rhonda Youell David and Reva Finkleman Jack and Carol Lezack Nancy Fishman Alice Brooker, Gary and Pamela Brooker Lorne and Louise Raber Max Fleisher Larry and Glory Fleisher Ray Fleishman Toby Sawyer Freda (Halparin) Fox Wayne and Carla Vickar and Family Stanley Fox Wayne and Carla Vickar and Family Myer and Mavis Galpern Izen Family Esther Gaum Danny and Ellen Hamburg Ben Geffin Israel and Rena Krongold David Geller Isser Held

Graham Dixon Faye Dixon

Morris Gelmon Elaine Gelmon, Lillian Gelmon and Morris Gelmon

Fanny Dorfman Frank and Gail Spivak

Thomas M. Gelmon Joseph Gelmon

Bessie Earn Sheldon and Sandy Earn

Bella Genser Roberta Lawee

Michael Elkin Zelda Elkin and Family

Deborah Genser Roberta Lawee

Molly Elkin Zelda Elkin and Family

Esther Genser Roberta Lawee

Sharon Enkin Morley and Shirley Rypp

Morris Genser Roberta Lawee

Anne Erenberg Joe Erenberg

Percy Genser Roberta Lawee

Ida Glimcher Joel and Penny Shefrin Meyer Gindin Lillian Zentner Solomon Ginsberg Harvey and Elaine Gamer and Lorne and Louise Raber Karyn Globerman Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater and Family Betty Goldstein Esther Steiman Rachel Szternfeld Goldstein Jack and Debbie Lipkin Lewis Gonick Ruth Moscovitch Minnie Gonick Ruth Moscovitch Ruth Gordon Zvi Gordon Sam Gordon Zvi Gordon Pesel Goszer Jack and Debbie Lipkin Sybil Granove Lorne and Louise Raber, Lindsay and Brian Joel and Penny Shefrin Harvey Wasiuta and Adrienne Diner Edward Greenberg Sandra Gordon, Corinne Greenberg, Milton and Brenda Tenenbein Rose Greenberg Bernie and Bev Binder Terry and Andrea Braunstein Buddy and Maxine Brownstone Pat Charad Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Marty and Mavis Minuck Beverly Nord Lorne and Louise Raber Richard and Shelley Ross David and Lois Wolch Lillian Zentner Shane Greenberg Sandy Gordon, Corinne Greenberg, Milton and Brenda Tenenbein Celia Gutkin Ruth Gutkin Jack Gutkin Donald and Belva Gutkin Ruth Gutkin Terry and Carole Gutkin

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Edward Halprin Richard Leipsic and Kerrie Halprin Bertha Higgins Arnold and Aileen Cooper David Hirt Eric and Rochelle Rosenhek Harry and Rhonda Youell

Bernard Kushner Cecelia Rachlis Marens Cheryl Kessler and Family Arnold and Aileen Cooper and Lori Zimmer and Family Doris Margolis Earle Laveman Neil and Elaine Margolis Phyllis Laveman Hymie Margolis Sharna Laveman Phyllis Laveman

Hetty Swartz Hochman Donald Swartz and Sara Swartz

Wendy Lazer Hartley and Rishona Hyman Marty and Mavis Minuck Joel and Penny Shefrin

Bessie Hollenberg Andrea Hollenberg

Elizabeth Lavant Sylvia Bronstein

Narvey Hollenberg Andrea Hollenberg

Morris Lavant Sylvia Bronstein

Sara Hyman Robert and Barbara Hyman

Dora Leb Barry Stronger

Ted Jacob Rita Shapera Jacob

Bernie Lerner Sybil Lerner

Marni Kalef Gerry and Penny Kalef

Heather Levine Penny Rossman

Joseph Gershon Kaplan and Philip Linder Dina Kaplan Elvin and Sheila Linder Dave Kaplan Celia Lipkin Sadie Karr Jack and Debbie Lipkin Leonard Karr Cecil Louis (Lou) Lipsett David Katz Fay-Lynn Katz

Sarah Katz Jim and Carol Cook David Kaufman Nora Kaufman and Family Katalin Kenedi Ann Weiszmann Edward Kimelman Zelma Kimelman Albert and Ida Koffman Janice Levine Arnold Kon Kon Family

Edward Lipsett

Elizabeth Lipsett Edward Lipsett Kathy Robin Litman Lorry Litman Beverly Love Glenda Love Gladys Love Sarah Golumbia Gordon Love Glenda Love Gertrude Ludwick David and Lois Wolch

Ruzica (Rose) Kon Kon Family

Abbey Malin Lorne and Louise Raber Lindsay and Brian

Harold and Vera Korman Maurice and Patricia Steele

James Manishen Beverley Manishen

Molly Kowalson Lorne and Louise Raber

Max Manishen Beverley Manishen

Fred Kravetsky Daniel Kravetsky

Melvin Manishen Beverley Manishen

Samuel Kulberg Bernie and Bev Binder

Nancy Manusow David Manusow

204 452 3711


Neil and Elaine Margolis

Harry Maslovsky Murray and Sharon Knazan Sally Maslovsky Murray and Sharon Knazan Fraida Sarah Mesbur Donald and Belva Gutkin Barbara Meyers Lyall Meyers Estelle Minuck Marty and Mavis Minuck Max Minuck Marty and Mavis Minuck

Marlene Palatnick Milton and Brenda Tenenbein Sydney Palay Murray Palay and Ivy Kopstein Barbara Paul Lorne and Louise Raber Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater and Family Michael Paul Robert and Elaine Paul May Pickarsky Ashley Gitter Sylvia Pollock David Pollock Sarah Polsky Alvin Wire Hyman Portnoy Lillian Duboff

Rose Mock Irv and Sandra Shore

Leonard Portnoy Lillian Duboff

Roberta Lawee

Ethel Prober Beverley Tobe

Adam Potash Susan Morry Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Harvey and Shelley Oman and Family Marlene Potash Shelley Oman Meyer Moscovitch Rose Moscovitch Roberta Lawee Benjamin Muryn Neil and Elaine Margolis Jack Muryn Neil and Elaine Margolis Chasie Nelko Paul Granovsky and Claire Breslaw Sid and Gwen Nelko

Norman Prober Beverley Tobe Solomon Rady Marjorie Blankstein Rose Raber Lorne and Louise Raber Sadie Raber Sharon Allentuck Marilyn Raber

Samuel Nelko Paul Granovsky and Claire Breslaw Sid and Gwen Nelko

Simcha Raber Sharon Allentuck

Benjamin Nemy Corinne Nemy

Kitty Raisen Alex and Elaine Sommer

Judith Oigman Morris and Eleanor Burke Lorne and Louise Raber

Maurice Raisen Alex and Elaine Sommer

Clara Rajesky Irwin Rajesky

Abraham Rich Samuel Oretsky David and Mona Rich Brenlee Carrington Trepel, Brent, Skyler and Sierra Trepel Alfred Richman Laura Richman Naomi Palansky Harold Richman Rob and Cindy Yusim Laura Richman and Family



Earl Robinson Gary and Pamela Brooker Mildred Devins Saul and Brenda Greenberg David and Irene Meyrowitz and Family Beverly Nord Margaret Vickar and Karen Vickar Harry and Rhonda Youell

Ezriel Sakinofsky Zelda Elkin and Family

Patty Sherman Avis Bay Antel and Francie Bay Smith

Larry and Rhoda Kussin Phyllis Laveman Bernice Mayne Sarah Sakinofsky David and Irene Meyrowitz Zelda Elkin and Family Lena Shore and Family Irv and Sandra Shore Bess Schachter Rose Muchnik Bill and Elaine Bebchuk Kenneth Shorten Beverly Nord Berdina Shorten Jerome Phomin Harold Schachter Rochelle Pincovich Carole Medd Helen May Shrom Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Sos Plattner Talma Schachter Chuck and Naida Rubin and Family Mona Rodkin Carole Medd Brent Schacter and Louis and Judy Rodkin Abraham and Sarah Sora Ludwig Alex Schwartz Silverberg Robert Rodkin Steven Schipper and Morry and Bernie Schwartz Norm and Elaine Silverberg Louis and Judy Rodkin Terri Cherniack Louis Schwartzman Berdina Shorten Saul Rodkin Syd and Marsha Schwartzman Harry Silverberg Alex and Elaine Sommer Nora Kaufman and Family Louis and Judy Rodkin Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Raymond Schwob Vera Silverman Arnold Rogers David and Lois Wolch Robert Schwob Saul and Brenda Greenberg Susan Rogers Jack Stein Buirt Segal Elaine Simcoe Patricia Rogers Beverley Manishen Morley and Shirley Rypp Morton Simcoe Susan Rogers Sid Stern Fanny Segal Louis Sisskind Charles Roitman Terry and Carole Gutkin Morley and Shirley Rypp Stanley and Marcia Yaren Enid Roitman Laura Stillwater Louis Segal May Soltzman Faye Roitman Jackie Stillwater and Family Saul and Lolly Guttman Jackie Stillwater and Family Enid Roitman Bessie Stronger Mary Segal Vlasta Spanihel Sarah Rosen Barry Stronger Saul and Lolly Guttman Joseph Spanihel Bernie and Bev Binder William Swartz Irvin Sera Carol Spiller Harry Rosenberg Donald Swartz Lorne and Louise Raber Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Ted and Harriet Lyons and Sara Swartz and Family and Family Sheine Spivak Philip Sweiden Steve and Cheryl Weiss Frank and Gail Spivak Joseph Rosenberg Jackie Sweiden, Bonnie and and Family David and Mona Rich Richard Gurevich Anne Sprecher James Shaen Larry and Glory Fleisher Leah Rosenberg Maxwell John Tessler Florence Shaen Marty and Mavis Minuck Gloria Kohm Sam Sprecher Monty Shapera Larry and Glory Fleisher Sam Rosenberg Rose Tokar Rita Shapera Jacob Phyllis Laveman Marty and Mavis Minuck Rae Staniloff Myer Shapiro Roberta Cantor Lillian Trachtenberg Lottie Rosenstock Rick Lee and Laurie Shapiro Harold and Elaine Charlat Jerry and Rietta Floom and Dick and Minnie Bell and Family Family Bob and Debby Brown Tillie Shapiro Harvey and Michelle Chochinov David Caplan and Rick Lee and Laurie Shapiro Sharon Turbovsky Shelley Chochinov Cindy Switzer Gary and Pamela Brooker Miriam Shefrin Robert Didych Irv and Shirley Garfinkel Shirley Diner and Steven Diner Joel and Penny Shefrin Linda Dveris Joe and Barbara Krolik David and Barbara Rena Elbaze Rick and Bonney Pollick Bill Shell Goldenberg Eric Ellis and Ruth Lehmann and Family Dick and Minnie Bell Norman Vickar Joe Erenberg Harry and Rhonda Youell Gordon Pollock Sladen and Susan Adleman Bob and Shirley Freedman Lorne and Louise Raber Charles Rubinstein Dick and Minnie Bell Arnold and Sharon Glass Dick and Joanne Rothberg Brenlee Carrington Trepel, Ben Berkal and Shirley Labman David and Barbara Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Brent, Skyler and Gary and Pamela Brooker Goldenberg and Family Sierra Trepel David and Nessie Greenberg Mildred Devins Ruth Shenback Samuyil Ryabinov Saul and Brenda Greenberg Brian and Ilene Gilbert Syd and Barbara Kowall David and Nessie Greenberg Dora Ryabinov Larry and Evelyn Hecht and Family Saul and Brenda Greenberg Harley Rishona, Gregory and Joseph Rypp Lawrence and Eddy Werier Phyllis Laveman Izzie Hyman Morley and Shirley Rypp Stewart and Ellen Leibl Carole Jeffries Ted and Harriet Lyons Julius Rypp Murray and Sharon Knazan and Family Morley and Shirley Rypp

14 Stay up to date, listen live to services, and sign up for our email notices.

Rose Muchnik Jack and Jo-Anne Neaman Sos Plattner Lorne and Louise Raber Toby Sawyer Joel and Penny Shefrin Alex and Elaine Sommer Lillian Zentner Arthur Vinsky Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Betty Vinsky Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Hannchen Wassermann Sigi and Jackie Wassermann Jacob Wassermann Sigi and Jackie Wassermann Anne Weinstock Jeremy and Sally Lipschitz Leo Weiss Morris and Eleanor Burke Harry and Rhonda Youell Jeno Weiszmann Ann Weiszmann Judith Wire Alvin Wire Irving Wolinsky Myles and Joyce Rothman Abraham Yakir Yakir Family Albert Zaidman Shelley Chochinov Dora Zaidman Shelley Chochinov Nellie Zaidman Ted Preston and Ellen Zaidman Shelley Chochinov Sonya Zaidman Shelley Chochinov

LEAVES ON THE TREE OF LIFE HAVE BEEN DEDICATED TO Saul Guttman on the occasion of his 2nd Bar Mitzvah His Grandchildren Dianne and Edward Winters on the occasion of their 50th anniversary Stillwater Family

Steven Schipper and Terri Cherniack in celebration of Michael Brown and Susan Schipper’s aufruf and wedding

Steven Moscovitch and Sharon Segal in celebration of Sharon’s birthday

Alex and Elaine Sommer in celebration of Alex’s birthday

Sid and Gwen Nelko in celebration of Gwen’s birthday

Thelma Sures in celebration of her birthday

Michael Paterson and Gail Asper in memory of Israel Asper

In memory of Jack Levit Leon Pincovich and November 13, 2014 Simone Margolis Keith, Linda, Vanessa, Natasha, Hannah and Marina in celebration of Rochelle Pincovich’s special birthday In celebration of our parents Debbie Pollock and Benny Bubbe Marcia and in celebration of Lynn Zaida Lou Cogan on their Pollock’s recent bat mitzvah 55th Anniversary and 85th birthday Cogan Family

The Vickar Family in celebration of Eve Vickar’s birthday

Honouring our sister-in-law Sheila Rubenstein on her 70th Birthday Michael and Norma Beverly and Arnold Annette and Sherwin Rita and Richard

ENHANCEMENT CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SHABBAT MORNING KIDDUSHIM HAVE BEEN MADE BY Vadim Balaboskin and Jenny Sudniece in celebration of their daughter’s naming

Allan Zelickson Dick and Minnie Bell Harvey and Elaine Gamer and Lorne and Louise Raber in celebration of their 60th anniversary Louis Zelickson Bob and Debby Brown Harvey and Elaine Gamer and Lorne and Louise Raber in celebration of their 30th anniversary Marian Zelickson

Harvey and Elaine Gamer Allan and Gloria Cantor and Lorne and Louise Raber in honour of the 45th birthday of their son, Ralph Zelickson Rabbi David Cantor Harvey and Elaine Gamer and Lorne and Louise Raber Sarah Friedman in memory of Pauline Zinman Israel Simcha Friedman Bill and Elaine Bebchuk

204 452 3711

Saul and Lolly Guttman in celebration of Saul’s 70th anniversary of becoming a bar mitzvah


TREE OF LIFE Honour a special simcha or memorialize a loved one with a personalized leaf or stone on the Tree of Life. Our new Tree is a signed, original work of art, carved bas-relief and cast in solid bronze. It has: • 4 Benefactor Root Stones (which are sold out) • 10 Major Contributor Stones ($1800 each) • 300 Alder Leaves ($200 each)

Order a Leaf: Estelle Raber 204-975-3484



In Memoriam Leonard Barsky

Beloved father of Kim (Michael) Racioppa, Bernard (Eva) Barsky and Barbara Barsky (Marek Norman)

Jerry Bass

Beloved father of Marisa (David) Hochman, Celene Bass and Miles Bass

Anne Becker

Beloved mother of Allan (Lynne) Becker and Steven Becker (Helene Orwin)

Ben Chochinov

Beloved husband of Sherry Chochinov, father of Alecs Chochinov (Ruth Graham), Cindy (Charles) Guberman, Lori Chochinov (Andy Rafelman), Shale (Sary) Chochinov, Michelle Chochinov (Morry Murad), brother of Davey Chochinov and Harvey Chochinov, brother-in-law of Shelley Chochinov

Dora Diamond

Beloved mother of Bonnie (Joel) Antel and Robert (Maxine) Diamond

Memorializing Your Loved Ones Memorials help us immortalize our loved ones and serve as a reminder to us, our community and to future generations. We have a number of memorial products that help perpetuate the legacy of your loved one. Contact us for more information about:

Meyer Gindin

Beloved husband of Raya Gindin and father of Sam Gindin (Barbara Shuster), Barry (Eve) Gindin and Jeff Gindin (Susan Holt)

Bertha Ginsberg

Beloved mother of Michael (Barbara) Ginsberg, Karen Ginsberg (Edward Ramsay) and Laurence (Minda) Ginsberg

Jerrold Goldenberg

Beloved husband of Beth Goldenberg father of Jonathan (Sharon) Goldenberg, Laura Goldenberg (Shechar Dworski) and brother of David (Barbara) Goldenberg and Murray (Patricia) Goldenberg

Rose Greenberg

Beloved mother of David (Nessie) Greenberg and Barry (Susan) Greenberg

Itz Jacob

Beloved father of Cydney Hayes, Vivian Jacob (Conrad Gavaga) and Lanny (Marni) Jacob and brother of Sos Plattner

Barbara Paul

Beloved wife of Rory Paul, mother of Ryan (Amanda) Paul and Alisha (Jonathan) Dart, daughter of Sam and Shirley Kleiman, sister of Cheryl (Gary) Minuk,

Harry Rosenberg

Beloved husband of Becky Rosenberg, father of Janis (Arthur) Ross, Ken (Vivian) Rosenberg, Faren (Keevin) Bernstein, brother of Mickey (Pearl) Rosenberg

Memorial Plaque in the Chapel Interactive Yahrzeit Memorial Board Cemetery Park Bench Project Annual Yizkor Book Capital Donations and Dedications Enhanching a Kiddush for a Yahrzeit Yahrzeit Notifications and Donations For more information contact Estelle Raber 204 975 3484

16 Stay up to date, listen live to services, and sign up for our email notices.

Lottie Rosenstock

Beloved mother of Sheldon (Lynda) Rosenstock and Ted (Doris) Rosenstock, sister of Ruth (Lou) Billinkoff

Malca Ross

Beloved mother of Joan Shnier and Barbara Shnier (Barry Senensky) and sister of Buddy (Maxine) Brownstone

Susan Ross

Beloved daughter of Marjorie Shatsky and a sister of Rick Shatsky mother of Stacey Ross (Daniel Kamenicky), Sheri Ross, Benji Ross (Wendy Clemis)

Norman Vickar

Beloved husband of Florence Vickar, father of Larry (Tova) Vickar, Reva (Allan) Micflikier and Faye Vickar Lazer (Joel Lazer), brother-in-law of Ann Vickar, Gnessie Vickar, and Eve Vickar

Martin Weidman

Beloved father of Judith Weidman, Josh Weidman (Amanda Gold), Sydney Weidman (Diane Kratton) and a brother of Susan Weidman Schneider (Bruce Schneider)

Phyllis Wilder

Shirley Rypp

Beloved wife of Marshall Wilder, mother of Leslie Wilder and David (Diane) Wilder and a sister of Lillian Neaman (Doug Skoog)

Bill Shell

Beloved husband of Ruth Zelcer, father of Sharon (Gary) Gilmore, Hartley (Peppi) Zelcer and Shelley Zelcer (Paul Jamieson)

Beloved wife of Morley Rypp, father of Howard (Beatriz) Rypp and Robyn Rypp (Arnold Usiskin) Beloved husband of Ruth Shell, father of Al Shell, Marli (David) Lerner and Lynn Minuk (Gary Fitzgerald)

Leo Weiss

Beloved husband of Evelyn Weiss, father of Heather (Mark) Stesin, Shirlee Weiss (Dag Larsen), Sol (Deborah) Weiss, brother-in-law of Earl (Cheryl) Barish, uncle of Francie (Eric) Winograd, Beverly (Bryan) Schwartz and Renee (Brian) Kaplan

Joseph Zelcer

Frank Zipursky

Beloved husband of Edith Zipursky, father of Sheldon (Mara) Zipursky, Natalie (Mark) Newman and Ian Zipursky (Jennifer Moscovitz) and a brother of Sylvia Ratner

Harry Vickar

Beloved husband of Eve Vickar and father of Kerry (Simone) Vickar, Eric (Susan) Vickar and brother-in-law of Florence Vickar, Ann Vickar and Gnessie Vickar

Isaac Vickar

Beloved husband of Margaret Vickar and father of Sherwin Vickar, Karen Vickar and Brent Vickar (Don DeBoer)

Funeral Notification by Email Sign up by contacting Estelle Raber, Life Cycle Director 204 975 3484

204 452 3711


Memorial Plaques Available in the Rabbi Berkal Chapel Honour the memory of your loved one with a bronze memorial plaque in the Rabbi Berkal Chapel. Spots on our existing boards are available for a $450 tax deductible donation. Please contact Estelle Raber, Life Cycle Director, at 204 975 3484 or Available to members and non-members.




Some six months ago, I was invited, along with a few other people, to attend an informal meeting, where we were introduced to a young Yazidi couple. I knew very little about the Yazidi people, other than some television images from the previous summer of people seeking refuge from ISIS forces on a mountain in northern Iraq. What I heard that night, compelled me and several other members of the Winnipeg Jewish community, to help people that had been persecuted and slaughtered over the centuries. First of all, who are the Yazidis? They are not Muslims nor Christians. In fact, they predate Islam and Christianity. Although they speak the Kurdish language, they are not Kurds. The Yazidi religion is an oral tradition; there are no written texts. They are monotheistic. They have been hated and murdered over the centuries and their numbers have declined from many millions to just around 700,000 worldwide. Many of those that managed to escape the ISIS onslaught are in segregated refugee camps in Turkey, near the border with Syria. Among them, relatives of people living in Winnipeg. In reality, the Yazidi people are facing genocide and the world is ignoring it, just like the world ignored what was happening to the Jews during the Holocaust. For that reason alone, Jews have a particular obligation to step forward and do what we can to save as many people before it is too late. So, what have we been doing in Winnipeg and what should we be doing across the country.


Our commitment was to raise awareness, not only in the Jewish community, but in the city generally, about the plight of the Yazidis. We forged a partnership with the Mennonite Central Committee and subsequently, Jewish Child and Family Service, to sponsor as many families as refugees, as we could. We raised enough money, about $150,000, to sponsor five families. Since then, the Shaarey Zedek synagogue, the largest congregation in our community, has committed to sponsor an additional two families. And we are not stopping there. Our biggest challenge at this time, is to encourage our newly elected government, not to forget about the Yazidis, as their initial focus is on Syrian nationals. Our government promised to increase humanitarian assistance to victims of the civil war in Syria and to people who have been pursued and murdered by ISIS in the region. Unlike many Syrians, the Yazidis have no home to go back to, when the civil war ends. CIJA and the organized Jewish community must get this message across to our elected officials, before it is too late.

Doing Our Part Shaarey Zedek is Sponsoring Two Families. Help us Help Them.

Learn more by visiting Volunteer • Donate • Gifts in-Kind

Shaarey Zedek Vice President, Lorne Weiss, and Operation Ezra Committee Member, Michel Aziza, sign sponsor agreement.

18 Stay up to date, listen live to services, and sign up for our email notices.




The Shaarey Zedek held four coffee houses in November and had total attendance of 75. The topics centered on a saying from Pirkei Avot: “The world stands on these three things: Torah, Avodah (Service/work) and G’millut Chasadim (the giving of lovingkindness).” Each night focused on a different aspect of this saying. In the days leading up to the evening I asked myself: What is the Shaarey Zedek? Is the Shaarey Zedek a building, a place to go for lifecycle events, a place to daven or is it a community? After holding our first four events, my impression is that it’s a combination of all these things. Lifecycle events came up but were more like the punctuation than the sentence. What struck me is that the majority of the time the group was interested in discussing ideas about creating a community that helps people live meaningful Jewish lives. For example, one idea was to have a phone-a-friend program that would make sure that the seniors in our community were not isolated, received regular contact and would make sure needs were being met. Another idea was to use the facility and create a soup kitchen. Another was a

casual, social Kabbalat Shabbat service/wine and cheese. There were far too many ideas to mention all of them here but what is clear is this: the Synagogue will better serve the community by creating a pathway for individuals to be involved in projects that add meaning to their Jewish experience. The ideas really involved three main themes: creating platforms that help individuals make everyday Judaism more relevant and meaningful, creating a warm and welcoming feeling within the shul and emphasizing the community/social aspect. These themes will serve as guiding principles for future initiatives. If these ideas resonate with you and you’d like to help the Synagogue move forward or be involved in any way please contact me directly at

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B’Nai Mitzvah Elisheva Schwartz

Shabbat morning December 26, 2015 Daughter of Leonard and Anna Schwartz

Ella Braunstein

Shabbat afternoon April 2, 2016 Daughter of Danny and Amy Braunstein

Shirley Ransby

Aaron Thomas

Thursday morning April 7, 2016 Daughter of Carrie Shenkarow Daughter of Ross Ransby

Shabbat morning February 13, 2016 Son of David and Kerry Chizda

Michael Gurvey

Shabbat morning February 27, 2016 Son of David and Wendy Gurvey

Rachel Yaffe

Shabbat afternoon March 5, 2016 Daughter of Shawn and Fran Yaffe

Roxanne Kirshner Shabbat morning March 19, 2016 Daughter of Alexander Kirshner and Marly Spivak

204 452 3711




127 Annual General Meeting And Volunteer Recognition Ceremony th

Thursday, November 12, 2015


More Photos at

Elaine Halpert Photography

204 452 3711




Todah Rabah to our Volunteers! Governance Board of Directors President Uri Kraut

Vice President Lorne Weiss

Immediate Past President Dr. Brent Schacter Ben Berkal Rishona Hyman Amy Karlinsky Joel Lazer Anita Neville Stuart Pudavick Michael Stronger Syd Thompson Chris Yaren

Sisterhood Representative Louise Raber

Living Past Presidents

Judge Charles Rubin Jack Neaman Greg Brodsky QC Easton Lexier Evelyn Hecht David Greenberg Charles Golfman Brian Pauls Samuel Wilder QC David Gisser Dr. Edward A Lyons OC Justice Perry Schulman Judge Rocky Pollack Rick Lee Saul Greenberg Dr. Eric H Ellis Dr. Bonnie Cham Dr. Brent Schacter

Catering Committee

Beverly Nord, Chair Jane Enkin Terri Kushner Laurie Shapiro Beverly Zatser

Cemetery Committee

Stuart Pudavick, Chair Sharon Allentuck Glory Fleisher Saul Guttman Dr. Neil Margolis Sybil Plattner Dr. Brent Schacter Dov Secter

Investment Committee

Bob Brown, Chair Peter Leipsic Sam Lyons Marty Minuck Hart Pollack, Advisor Stuart Pudavick Yale Shaffer Shayne Taback

Member Services Committee

Choosing Judaism Tzivie Meyers

Dor Chadash Youth Choir Jake Erlanger Jamie Gertenstein Lev Hochman Emily Kalo Stephanie Kalo Hannah Levit Ariel Pitch Haviva Polevoi

Eric Green, Chair Ben Berkal Shelley Chochinov Chase Curtis Dr. Frank Hechter Alicia Laufer Sam Lyons Endowment Lou Cogan Beverly Nord Committee Danny Hamburg Sandy Polanski Justice Perry Schulman, Chair Laurie Shapiro Gerry Kalef Dr. Louis Cogan Avi Stoller Rick Lee Martin Pollock Ritual Committee Norman Vickar z”l Minyanaires Lorne Weiss, Chair Lorne Weiss Lois Ackerman Leonard Barsky z”l Sharon Allentuck Ben Berkal Finance Steven Baker Chase Curtis Sam Bebchuk Eric Green Committee Abe Berenhaut Murray Knazan Joel Lazer, Chair Toni Berenhaut Terri Kushner Mark Bernstein Ben Berkal Phyllis Laveman Saul Greenberg Syd Berkowitz Jerome Phomin Easton Lexier Elaine Bigelow Leon Pincovich Mark Lomow Cookie Billinghurst Bonnie Robinson Stuart Pudavick Dr. Bernie Binder The officers of the Norman Silverberg Dr. Arthur Blank Chris Yaren Synagogue (President Sheldon Blank Uri Kraut, Vice-President Kenny Boyce House and Lorne Weiss, and Executive Dr. Bonnie Cham Harold Charlat Director Ian Staniloff), Building Shelley Chochinov serve on all committees Committee where not already listed, as Patti Cohen Simone Cohen Jackie Wassermann, Chair Chase Curtis Dr. Errol Billinkoff ex-officio members. Dr. Raymond Deutscher Bob Brown Shirley Diner Peter Leipsic Patrick Elazar Easton Lexier Rena Elbaze Anita Neville Dr. Eric Ellis Sandy Polanski Dr. David Goldenberg, Judge Marvin Garfinkel Lloyd Secter Chair Benji Gerstein Marcia Secter

L’Chayim Club Minyan

B’nai Nevi’im Chavurah

Paul Gerstein Sherri Gerstein Eric Green Brenda Greenberg David Greenberg Nessie Greenberg Saul Greenberg Eugene Gussakovsky Lisa Hajer Holly Harris Dr. Frank Hechter Isser Held Tauba Held Gerald Kalef Sheldon Kaminsky Kon Family Barbara Kowall Syd Kowall Terri Kushner Phyllis Laveman Rick Lee Edward Lipsett Harriet Lyons Dr. Ted Lyons, OC Dr. Ashira Meyers Mass Gloria Moscovitch Jerry Moscovitch Rose Muchnik Gerald Namak Jack Neaman Beverly Nord David Novikoff Brenda Odwak Norm Odwak Paula Parks Sheldon Pinx Sonia Pinx Jerome Phomin Leon Pincovich Rochelle Pincovich Sybil Plattner Mark Rash Melanie Richters Sid Ritter Judge Rocky Pollack Harvey Pollock Marilyn Raber Sid Robinovitch Faye Rosenberg Cohen Susan Rosenby Bernie Rubenstein Morley Rypp Shirley Rypp z”l Daniel Schersensky Justice Perry Schulman

24 Stay up to date, listen live to services, and sign up for our email notices.

Barry Schwartz Howie Schwartz Marcy Schwartz Juan Schwersensky Miriam Segal Preston Segal Jacquie Seipp Emily Shane Laurie Shapiro Rick Shatsky Jack Shindleman David Silverman Phil Simon Evita Smordin Lyle Smordin Walter Stern Dr. Barry Stronger Thelma Sures Syd Thompson Eleanor Umans Shirley Wasserman Jackie Wassermann Sigi Wassermann Gayle Waxman Sheara Waxman Lorne Weiss Dr. Julius Wise Cindy Yusim Harry Youell Beverly Zatser Arnold Zatser Eric Zipman

Justice Perry Schulman Corey Shefman Avi Stoller Thelma Sures

Sunday School

Torah Readers

High Holy Days

Dr. Bonnie Cham Isser Held Tauba Held Jerome Phomin Bonnie Robinson Adam Stoller Avi Stoller

Office Support

Marilyn Raber

Shabbat Morning Bimah Representatives

Prayer Leaders

Sam Bebchuk Dr. Bonnie Cham Shelley Chochinov, Gabbai Patti Cohen Dr. Raymond Deutscher Dr. Eric Ellis Dr. Larry Fishman Abby Friedman David Friedman Shane Lasker Jack Neaman David Novikoff Jerome Phomin Sheldon Pinx Judge Rocky Pollack Harvey Pollock

Ben Berkal Bonnie Cham Shelley Chochinov Phyllis Laveman Beverly Nord Jerome Phomin Bonnie Robinson Brent Schacter Lorne Weiss


Sharon Allentuck Len Barsky Ben Berkal Terry Kushner Phyllis Laveman Rose Muchnik Leon Pincovich Louise Raber Marilyn Raber Brent Schacter Syd Thompson Lorne Weiss

Shlomo Arava


Noemi Block Ethan Chernick Marli Cohen Adam Donen Jake Erlanger Ethan Hrabinsky Talia Hrabinsky Hallie Jamieson Emily Kalo Stephanie Kalo Phyllis Laveman Hannah Levit Nir Livni Nicole Margolis Camilla Marchtein Graziella Marchtein Yakira Phomin Haviva Polevoi Dan Rakir Daniel Rosenfeld Michaela Rykiss Dana Segal Zoe Silver


Bill Bebchuk Elaine Bebchuk Saul Guttman Bonnie Helper Michael Helper Lanny Jacob Fabiana Pachter Brian Pauls Jeanne Pauls Stuart Pudavick


Ben Berkal Andrew Brick Eric Ellis Sid Halpern Howard Kideckel Joel Lazer Peter Mendelson Jeff Morgan Martin Pollock Bernie Sucharov Ken Segal Adam Spigelman Sigi Wassermann Lorne Weiss

Sisterhood/ Women’s League Board of Directors Maxine Benditt Pamela Brooker Carole Jeffries, Judaica Gift Shop Phyllis Laveman Carol Levi, Weaving Harriet Lyons, Weaving Beverly Nord, Recording Secretary Susn Palmer Rochelle Pincovich, Mitzvah Group Sandy Polanski, Torah Fund Louise Raber, Immediate Past President Laurie Shapiro, Membership Thelma Sures Denise Waldman Alice Weissmann

Book Club

Toni Berenhaut Margaret Kellerman McCulloch

Gift Shop

Carole Jeffries, Chair Pat Charad Brenda Greenberg Terri Kushner Roslyn Nairn Rochelle Pincovich Sybil Plattner Susan Rosenby Joanne Rothberg Thelma Sures Shirley Wasserman

Mitzvah Group Sharon Allentuck Ruth Billinkoff Bev Binder Brenda Booke Eleanor Burke Esther Dashevsky Barbara Goldenberg Randy Goldman Brenda Greenberg Becky Hochman Ellen Hamburg Faye Vickar Lazer Harriet Lyons Beverly Nord Rochelle Pincovich Elizabeth Posen Louise Raber Chana Thau Rhonda Youell

Willow Place Faye Vickar Lazer

Lou Cogan Raymond Deutscher David Friedman Perry Schulman SZWinnipeg ShaareyZedekWinnipeg

204 452 3711



Sign up for Updates by Email



Yoga with a

Jewish Twist

Sisterhood Book Club Explore and discuss a new book at each meeting led by Toni Berenhaut and Margaret Kellerman McCulloch.

Tuesday, March 8, 7 PM All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

Shabbat Mornings

NEW TIME 10:00 AM on Feb 6, 20, Mar 5, Apr 2, 16, 30

These dates coincide with Kids Shabbat Fun & Games (p4) You are invited to join our popular new Shabbat program where you will be supported in connecting with your body, mind and spirit. Stretch and strengthen your physical and spiritual muscles as you learn yoga postures and basic meditation techniques in this exciting class infused with Jewish prayer and teachings. Each class will include movement and meditation linked to Jewish teachings and will end with a guided relaxation. Students with and without yoga experience are welcome. Adults of all ages and teens 13+ are welcome, including all shapes, sizes and levels of ability. Chesed, loving-kindness, will provide the foundational attitude to practice. Please bring a yoga mat if you have one. After class, we welcome you to join the remainder of the Shabbat morning service and/or the Kiddush. You are also invited to attend Torah L’Chayim (Torah Study) at 12:45 PM led by Chazzan Anibal Mass.

FREE | Walk-ins Welcome, Pre-Registration Encouraged

Patricia Kovnats

Patricia loves teaching! She has been a certified yoga instructor for seventeen years and also teaches MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction). By day, Patricia works as a Mental Health Clinician. Her graduate work focused on using yoga and meditation as adjunct therapies in mental health service delivery. She is whole hearted in her belief in the value of these practices in promoting personal growth and healing. Patricia looks forward to sharing these practices with you in a Jewish context.

204 452 3711


Please register


Congregational Second Seder

Saturday, April 23, 5:30 PM

B’nai Nevi’im: Children of Prophets Chavurah Held on the following Wednesdays at 8 PM: Feb 10, 24, Mar 9, 30, Apr 13, 27 We have now embarked on a journey through the Former Prophets—as depicted in the books of First and Second Samuel, and First and Second Kings–featuring the likes of the prophets Samuel, Nathan, Elijah, Elisha, and others—not to mention King Saul, King David, King Solomon, and their royal descendants, right down to the destruction of the First Temple in 586 BCE. These often obscure books of the Bible offer a fascinating glimpse into the early history of Israel, and the complex and harrowing history through which we were guided by both Prophet and King, dozens of centuries before our own complex era. “Even if they [Israel] are not prophets, they are [nevertheless] the children of prophets” (Babylonian Talmud, Pesachim 66b). Free | Walk-ins Welcome




90-Minute Shabbat Morning Service

Shabbat Mornings at 10:00 AM Following the service, join us for Kiddush and Torah L’Chayim

Join us for a shortened, more engaging, relaxed and interactive Shabbat morning experience! Inspired by Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Sid Schwarz and endorsed by our Clergy and Ritual Team, this service is on most Shabbat mornings and includes instrumental accompaniment.



204 452 3711

Contact us with your questions or to register

On the following Shabbat Mornings that include a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, the service will begin at 9:00 AM and run to 11:00 AM: Feb 13 (Choir, No Keyboard) Feb 27 (Keyboard, No Choir)

Sisterhood Shabbat Shabbat, February 6, 9:00 AM Sh’ma Koleinu - Hear our voices as the members of the Shaarey Zedek Women’s League lead a special, warm and inspirational service. All are welcome and please stay and enjoy a delicious kiddish with us following the service. Committee: Pamela Brooker and Phyllis Lavemen Everyone is Welcome - Women and Men, People of All Faiths


Traditional Megillah Reading Thursday, March 24, 7:30 AM

Torah L’Chayim Chazzan Aníbal Mass

Minyan Services Monday to Thursday 7:30 AM and 6:00 PM Friday 7:30 AM and 5:30 PM Saturday AM (See 90-Minute Service info above) Saturday PM 6:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM Louis Riel Day Mon, Feb 15, 9 AM and 6 PM Good Friday Mar 25, 9 AM and 5:30 PM

Shabbat following Kiddush

This study group covers a range of topics associated with the Torah portion of the week, quoting from a wide variety of Kabbalistic, Rabbinic and modern sources, in a way that even a beginner will be able to gain a clear understanding. Each weekly lesson will feature a free English/Hebrew guide, with commentaries and study questions for you to take home.

Live! to Services from anywhere! Click the Live Broadcast Icon at

Winnipeg Harvest Volunteer Night Held on the following Thursdays at 6:30 PM Feb 4, Mar 3, Apr 7 Please Register

Food Donations Bring a tin for the bin next time you come to shul. Donation bins for both Winnipeg Harvest and JCFS are located outside the office doors. Winnipeg Harvest Note: Please check your food labels - WH will accept items that are up to six months past the indicated Best Before Date.

is accepting gifts (new/unused only) in our Willow Place Drop Bin in the lower lobby of the shul. We are looking for clothing, including PJs, shoes and underwear for women, children and teens (all sizes) as well as toiletries, first aid goods, toys and games, school supplies, DVDs, baby supplies, bedding (twin and double), bath linens and gift cards for grocery stores, restaurants and bus tickets. Please donate gently used clothing and household items to: Helping Hands 1825 Main St/ Centre Flavie 450 Provencher Blvd

Willow Place is a government-funded emergency shelter in Winnipeg for women experiencing domestic abuse.

Old Glasses?

Contact us with your questions or to register

204 452 3711

204 452 3711

Tu B’Shevat (15 Shevat) Mon, Jan 25 Louis Riel Day Mon, Feb 15 Purim Katan (14 Adar I) Tue, Feb 23 Daylight Savings Sun, Mar 13: 1-Hr Forward @ 2AM Spring Begins Sun, Mar 20 Purim (14 Adar II) Thu, Mar 24 Good Friday Fri, Mar 25 Easter Sun, Mar 27


Donate them at the shul for people in need in third world countries


Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood




Questions? Want to register? 204 452 3711


Sun, Mar 20 @ 3:00 PM Bouncers, Crafts, Carnival Games, Prizes, Food, Puppet Show, and More!! ($7/Family, Members $5/Family, Pre-Registration and Walk-ins Welcome)

Dor Chadash Family Megillah Reading Wed, Mar 23 @ 6:30 PM Members of the Dor Chadash Youth Choir will perform a Purim Puppet play written by Chazzan Anibal “Yitzchak” Mass scripted from pop songs that are top of the charts! It will include music sung by Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Adele, One Direction, Walk the Moon, OMI, and Flo Rida. (FREE - Pre-Registrations and Walk-ins Welcome)

Bubbies, Zaidies and Bubbelehs with Leslie Emery Enjoy quality time with your grandchild in this wonderful program (simple crafts, stories, play, celebrate, learn) We welcome parents to join us as well!

Family Service with Leslie Emery Shabbat 10:30 AM on Jan 30, Mar 12, 26, Apr 9 Bring the whole mishpucha and your friends!

Ages 18 mths-3 yrs

Winter: Wednesdays to Mar 23 at 9:30 AM Spring: Apr 6 to Jun 22 Each Session: $110 (Members: $90) Drop-in rate: $12 (Members $10), siblings ½$

Ages 3 and Up

Thursdays, Jan 21 - Mar 24 at 1:00 PM Spring: Apr 7 to Jun 23 Each Session: $110 (Members: $90) Drop-in rates: $12 (Members $10), siblings ½$

Shabbat Fun and Games with Gabi Kneller Shabbat at 9:45 AM on Feb 6, 20, Mar 5, Apr 2, 16, 30 Come and enjoy Shabbat friendly crafts, games, activities, music and singing. Note: These dates coincide with Yoga with a Jewish Twist (See page 7).



Live! to Services from anywhere! Click the Live Broadcast Icon at

Sign up for our Weekly

Wisdom eBlast

which includes what’s on this Shabbat morning, a video message from Rabbi Green, information about Torah L’Chayim from Chazzan Mass, Family Service with Leslie Emery plus information about our Shabbat programs including Yoga with a Jewish Twist with Patricia Kovnats, and Kids Fun and Games with Gabi Kneller

Sign up today! or call 204-452-3711

Event / Notice

Minyan: Mon-Thu 7:30 AM, 6:00 PM




Fri 7:30 AM, 5:30 PM Sat AM (See 90-Minute Service info below), Sat 6:00 PM Louis Riel Day Mon, Feb 15 - 9:00 AM, 6:00 PM Good Friday March 25 - 9:00 AM, 5:30 PM Held on most Shabbat Mornings at 10:00 AM. On the following Shabbat Mornings that 90-Minute Shabbat include a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, the service will begin at 9:00 AM and run to 11:30 AM: Morning Service February 13 (Choir, No Keyboard), February 27 (Keyboard, No Choir) Every Shabbat following Kiddush (Approximately 12:45 PM) Torah L’Chayim (Torah Study) Sun 9:00 AM, 6:00 PM

Family Service with Leslie Emery Winnipeg Harvest Volunteer Night Sisterhood Shabbat Shabbat Fun and Games with Gabi Kneller

Shabbat, Jan 30, Mar 12, 26, Apr 9 10:30 AM

Yoga with a Jewish Twist Children of Prophets Chavurah Sisterhood Book Club Purim Carnival Family Megillah Reading Traditional Megillah Reading Bubbies, Zaidies and Babies (18 mths-3 years) Bubbie and Me and Zaidie Make Three (3 years+) Sunday School Winter Session



Thursday, Feb 4, Mar 3, Apr 7

6:30 PM

Registration Required


Shabbat, February 6

9:00 AM



9:45 AM

Walk-ins Welcome


Shabbat, Feb 6, 20, Mar 5, Apr 2, 16, 30 Shabbat, Feb 6, 20, Mar 5, Apr 2, 16, 30 Wednesday, Feb 10, 24, Mar 9, 30, Apr 13, 27

10:00 AM Pre-Registration & Walk-ins


8:00 PM

Pre-Registration & Walk-ins


Tuesday, Mar 8, Apr 12 Sunday, March 20 Wednesday, March 23 Thursday, March 24

7:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 AM

Pre-Registration & Walk-ins Pre-Registration & Walk-ins Pre-Registration & Walk-ins -

7 4 4 6


9:30 AM

Pre-Registration & Walk-ins



1:00 PM

Pre-Registration & Walk-ins



10:00 AM

Registration Required


Contact us with your questions or to register 204 452 3711 561 Wellington Crescent Winnipeg MB R3M 0A6


A p r i c o t  C h o c o l a t e  Po p py S e e d  P r u n e  $ 1 2 . 2 5 / d oz Order by Wednesday, March 16 | 204-975-3485 204 452 3711





Art at the ZEDEK is a new project that welcomes modern day artists to share artwork that demonstrates their connection to Jewish life, culture, identity or heritage – defining the visual culture of today. Proposals will be reviewed by a panel of arts professionals. Selections will be displayed at the shul in small exhibition spaces. Each installation will coincide with an art opening that will include a guest from the community who will speak on a Judaic topic inspired by the artwork. The goal is to invigorate our community with art, providing the congregation with the opportunity to enhance their connection to Judaism, and to showcase visual arts in the community. Shaarey Zedek has a history of arts leadership, beginning with its fabulous, mid-century modern design, Leo Mol stained glass windows, contemporary menorah by Secter Associates, glass relief work in the foyer by Warren Carther, and more.

Eligibility and Criteria

To be eligible – You must be a local artist or have significant ties to the community, which should be demonstrated (You do not need to be a member of Shaarey Zedek) • You must be a professional in the fields of Fine Arts, Arc hitecture, Photography, Graphic Design, Landscape Arc hitecture, Theatre Design, Fashion, Crafts, or be a student in one of these fields • Original ar twor k only • Submissions may be painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, graphic design, architectural plans, etc • You must include – Artists must submit a three line bio • 100 to 150 word description of how the work relates to Jewish life, culture, identity or heritage • A digital image of the work for publication (300+ dpi) • Title, date, media and dimensions of the work

Selections are made by the Art at the ZEDEK Committee. Committee members include: Amy Karlinsky

Howard Gurevich

BA Hons Vis Arts, MA Art History

Gallerist and Owner of Gurevich Fine Arts

Sandy Polanski

Member of the House and Building Committee

Submissions and Questions by email only to art@szwinnipeg. This is an ongoing project with the goal of featuring four art pieces per year. You may submit your proposal at any time.






Shaarey Zedek

YEARS Click the Live Broadcast Icon at Live! to Services from anywhere!

Celebrating Community and Culture




Shaarey Zedek


Celebrating Community and Culture

2016 • 5776

Purim Carnival and Megillah Readings! Sisterhood Shabbat

Sisterhood ‘Doesn’t It Yoga with a Jewish Twist Make You Proud... (Shabbat Mornings)

Shabbat Morning Fun and Games with Gabi Kneller

Family Service with Leslie Emery

90-Minute Shabbat Morning Service

Sisterhood Book Club

Sunday School

Art at the Zedek

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