Santa Fe New Mexican, July 9, 2013

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013 THE NEW MEXICAN


TIME OUT Horoscope


The stars show the kind of day you’ll have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult

HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Tuesday, July 9, 2013: This year you are unusually expressive, and you appear to have dynamic moneymaking skills. Do not take what anyone else says for fact. Leo knows how to spend money! ARIES (March 21-April 19) HHHH Do not hold back. You could come up with an even better idea than what is being worked with. Share your thoughts. Tonight: Dinner out with a loved one. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) HH You see many possibilities. You like many ideas, but when you share some of them with a roommate or partner, his or her immediate reaction might be far from positive. Tonight: Make a favorite treat. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) HHHH You might want to grasp what is happening before you even respond. You could get a lot of calls, but one request seems quite significant. Tonight: Hang out with friends. CANCER (June 21-July 22) HHH Verify that all bills are paid and your finances are in order before making any more purchases. Tonight: Relax to a movie or hop on the Web. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) HHHH You have the ability to beam in anything you want; the problem is figuring it. A complication involving your personal life could put a damper on your day, if you allow it to. Tonight: Jump over an obstacle. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHH You might want to write down some of your thoughts instead of sharing them right now. You could be confused as to which way to head. Tonight: Chat the night away.

Super Quiz Take this Super Quiz to a Ph.D. Score 1 point for each correct answer on the Freshman Level, 2 points on the Graduate Level and 3 points on the Ph.D. Level.

Subject: SCIENCE (e.g., It is defined as mass per unit of volume. Answer: Density.) FRESHMAN LEVEL 1. The central object of the solar system. Answer________ 2. The ISS is a modular structure. What is it? Answer________ 3. This physical force appears to exert a mutual attraction between all masses. Answer________ GRADUATE LEVEL 4. Ganymede is the largest one in the solar system. Answer________

5. These are elastic arches of bone forming a large part of the thoracic skeleton. Answer________ 6. What is the common name for the liquid secreted by your lacrimal glands? Answer________ PH.D. LEVEL 7. What is the boiling point of water using the Kelvin scale? Answer________ 8. In chemistry, what is a mole? Answer________ 9. Which organ of the body is affected by Bright’s disease? Answer________


1. Sun. 2. International Space Station. 3. Gravity. 4. Moon (Jupiter’s). 5. Ribs. 6. Tears. 7. 373 k (kelvins). 8. A unit for measuring the number of molecules in a substance. 9. Kidney.

SCORING: 18 points — congratulations, doctor; 15 to 17 points — honors graduate; 10 to 14 points — you’re plenty smart, but no grind; 4 to 9 points — you really should hit the books harder; 1 point to 3 points — enroll in remedial courses immediately; 0 points — who reads the questions to you? (c) 2013 Ken Fisher


LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) HHHH Meetings might be more important than you realize. Someone younger than you will step up. On one level, you might not like what you hear. Tonight: Where the crowds are.

Woman hurt by distant, rude family Dear Annie: This is my second marriage. My husband has two children from his first marriage and a stepdaughter. His first wife had several affairs. I feel it may have been due to his lack of support for her. He was always working and never had time for his wife and kids. We married five years after his divorce. My husband and I are happy, and he is devoted to me. But he continues to work a great deal, and I am often lonely. I know it would help to have my own outside interests and hobbies and to go out with my friends, but I miss the closeness I had with my first husband. We did everything together. The problem now is his kids. We have not spoken to them in nearly three years. When his oldest granddaughter sent us a graduation invitation, I sent her a text thanking her for inviting us. She wrote back, “Who is this? I do not recognize the number.” That really hurt me. I gave nine years of my life to that little girl, trying to be a good step-grandmother. I wrote her back and said, “Once upon a time, you called me Grandmommie. I still love and miss you.” I have heard nothing more from her. My husband’s children have no respect for their father because he was always gone. I tried to overcome that for many years, but it went sour. What can we do to get these problems corrected? Should we send a graduation gift? — Hurting in Oklahoma Dear Oklahoma: First, while your relationship with these children seems distant, let’s not mix apples and oranges. Unless your phone number is programmed into this grandchild’s phone, your name would not come up when you texted, and she would not have known who was contacting her. You can call the children and grandchildren directly and ask how to warm up the relation-

Sheinwold’s bridge

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) HHHH Your attitude could be preventing you from knowing what choices to make. You might even misread a boss, parent or key person in your life. Tonight: Up late. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) HHHH As difficult as it might be, you might want break precedent and do something very different. Understanding evolves if you are ready to detach and honor your inner voice. Tonight: Think positively. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) HHH You might want to rethink a decision involving a partner and money. You might not see eye to eye. Honor who you are, and initiate a conversation. Tonight: Meet someone halfway. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) HHHH After you listen to a loved one, partner or dear friend, you could be convinced that he or she is right. Tonight: So many invitations for you to choose from! PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) HHHH Stay mellow, and understand the limitations of your present path. You could be out of sorts and wondering what to do next. Stay levelheaded. Tonight: Do something for you. Jacqueline Bigar


Chess quiz

The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words and words using an apostrophe give you clues to locating vowels. Solution is by trial and error. © 2013 by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

WHITE HAS A CRUSHER Hint: Paralyze Black’s pieces. Solution: 1. Nd5! Rxd5ch (other moves are even worse) 2. Kxd5 w

Today in history Today is Tuesday, July 9, the 190th day of 2013. There are 175 days left in the year. Today’s highlight in history: On July 9, 1943, during World War II, the Allies launched Operation Husky, their invasion of Sicily, with nighttime landings of American and British troops; a full-scale incursion by sea began in the small hours of July 10.

Hocus Focus

ship. But we can’t promise anything will change unless your husband becomes more involved, and he does not seem inclined. But please send a graduation gift. It’s a start. Dear Annie: I am at my wits’ end. I have tried every angle imaginable to stop an employee from showing her butt crack. I even bought her a long T-shirt. She wore it once and says she can’t find it. Am I wrong to think that she should not be allowed to dress this way? She says that I am the only person who has a problem with it, but I’m simply the only one willing to speak up. Firing her is not an option. — Fairfield, Conn. Dear Fairfield: If there is no consequence for dressing so unprofessionally, there is no reason for her to change her clothes. Dress codes should be enforced. We recommend you talk to whoever is in charge and ask that a dress code be established and consequences spelled out — including termination for someone who repeatedly and deliberately refuses to adhere to the requirements of the job. This girl undoubtedly believes her exhibitionism is appealing. But it is actually a source of ogling and amusement at her expense. She should save it for after hours. Dear “No Hypocrite in Paducah, Ky.,” who is addicted to alcohol, criticized family members for being addicted to food. He said, “How is it more legitimate to grab a doughnut when under stress than to pour myself a cocktail?” There is a HUGE difference. I grew up in a home where both of my parents were alcoholics. Alcohol changes a person’s behavior toward others. Food does not. I would much rather have had obese parents than emotionally damaging alcoholics. I wouldn’t have needed so many years in therapy. — Lynn in Louisville


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