Spring 2019 SFCC Continuing Education Schedule

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Public speaking can be intimidating, but effectively communicating your ideas when speaking to others is one of the most sought-after skills by individuals, business owners and employers alike. Develop and strengthen your ability to inform and influence others with successful presentations. Learn how to prepare and deliver more powerful presentations, use impactful nonverbal behaviors and design memorable visual aids. Wednesday, Feb. 13, 3 wks., 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Course # BP303 01/CRN 30950 Sandra Smith, Fee: $59

NEW! Team Power: Leveraging to Improve Performance

How can a team’s power be more than the sum of its parts? Discover techniques that can improve your team’s effectiveness and enhance your impact within your organization. Learn the stages of team development, planning for next steps and how to implement effective team-building tools you can use immediately. If you are a supervisor, manager, project leader, business owner or staff member with lead responsibilities, come and gain team power skills. Thursday, Feb. 21, 1 day, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Course # BP408 01/CRN 31055 Ken Everingham, Fee: $89

Creativity and Innovation: Developing Your 21st Century Skillset

Creativity and innovation are critical skills for performing almost all jobs today. Explore what stimulates creativity in this highly interactive hands-on workshop. Develop techniques to improve individual and team problem solving and discover how to establish the necessary conditions to foster innovation. Build your creativity tool kit by using innovative techniques to generate better solutions for your personal and professional life. Wednesday, Mar. 13, 1 day, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Course # BP468 01/CRN 31056 Ken Everingham, Fee: $89

Introduction to Your iPhone

Learn how to use your iPhone for more than phone calls. Get tips on basic setup and syncing through iCloud, along with an explanation of how the various tools like Contacts and Calendars fit together. Hear suggestions for saving money on data consumption and extending battery life. Find out about useful apps and how you can configure your screen to personalize your experience. Friday, Apr. 5, 2 wks., 9 a.m. to noon Course # BP359 01/CRN 30951 Jason Goodyear, Fee: $69

Small Drones for Business

Do you want to become a licensed commercial drone pilot? Bring your ideas for using drones in business and learn about the safe operation of unmanned aircraft systems, flight operations and regulations. Prepare to take the FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate for Commercial Operations. Discuss incorporating drones into business opportunities. Instructor Rick Thomas is an FAA certified flight instructor pilot with more than twenty years’ experience working with unmanned aircraft in military, commercial and educational organizations. Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 9, 2 days, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Course # BP465 01/CRN 31030 Rick Thomas, Fee: $229


Registration Instructors Online Learning Professional Development Kids Stuff Personal Enrichment

Presenting Your Ideas to Others


Register at www.sfcc.edu or 505-428-1676

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