Sevenoaks Senior College Term 1 Newsletter 2021

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APRIL 2021





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Harmony Day at Sevenoaks Senior College is a significant day of celebration, which allows students and staff to share their







represented by students from some 50 different cultural backgrounds, making Harmony Day one of the most important occasions on the College calendar. We were very privileged to have Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse








performance. The duo brought a modern take on ancient Aboriginal traditions, merging acoustic guitar, and capturing the natural rhythms of the Noongar language. This was followed by a number of student performances to entertain the crowd. Students and staff made new friends with snakes and koalas and explored their artistic side with face painting, henna tattoos and painting umbrellas, among many other fun activities. An array of traditional food was also on offer. One of the event organisers, Kim Davies, said "the highlight of the day for me was witnessing three students dressed in their elaborate national costume, proudly showcasing their heritage and culture. The three girls were sat together, getting involved in the African drumming session, essentially showcasing their nationality whilst learning about the culture of another. The coming together of our students with such respect and unity was truly inspiring to see." A huge thanks to the event organisers Kirstie Cusens and Kim Davies along with the guild members and student helpers for making the day such a success! 275 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington WA 6107 Phone 9356 4900 | Fax 9356 4911


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KATIE EDWARDS It was certainly an unusual start to the year as Perth was put into lockdown and the return of our students to the College was delayed. We were pleased that the students could return in week 2 and, even though they were required to wear masks, they arrived ready and raring to get started! I would like to thank the students and staff on a fantastic first week. It was such a pleasure to see. The term continued to be busy with students completing their Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) in week 5. The College Ball was a resounding success with our wonderful year 12 students and staff enjoying an excellent night. Here at Sevenoaks we respect and value the widely varied backgrounds of our students. Harmony Day was a fantastic celebration of our amazing cultural diversity within our inclusive community where ‘everyone belongs’. The College completed its public school review this term which was highly successful. The College was recognised for its young adult ethos and its commitment to providing meaningful pathways for every student. The report can be found on the College website. Despite the challenges and uncertainty of the 2020 school year, our results were very pleasing. All our ATAR students gained places at University with a further 19 students gaining university preparation places. 72 students gained places at TAFE. Many others entered the workforce and/or secured apprenticeships. I am extremely proud of the achievements of our students, especially the resilience and determination they showed throughout 2020 with the challenges of the COVID pandemic. Now, more than ever, attributes such as these, and others like flexibility and perseverance are going to be critical to the success of our young people. I am sure our students will continue to rise to the challenge and seize every opportunity to be the best they can be through 2021 and beyond.

"I would like to recognise and thank all the teachers, advocates, College staff and Board, who work tirelessly to ensure our students have the best opportunities to reach their potential. Our staff’s relentless commitment to the students ensures no student is disadvantaged."

Students will have received their progress report at the end of term one. This will have provided some feedback for students to set goals for next term. It will be a busy term as Year 12 students participate in Externally Set Tasks (ESTs) and Year 11 and 12 students in exams. I am looking forward to a productive term two as we continue to work with our young people as they ‘find their future’.




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This term, our students and staff had a surprise visit from Louisa "Bang Bang Lulu" Hawton, a three-time Boxing World Champion and Australia's only current WBC World Champion. Louisa, along with business powerhouse and inspirational leader, Maurise Maclou, chatted with students about the power of not only physical but also mental health and the importance of empowering young women in the community. Louisa and Maurise run a program called 'Women Who Run The World', which has been designed to inspire women of all walks of life to

"It's been so great to reconnect with my Science teacher Kim. Sometimes it's not just about what you're learning, but the time and space someone will give you that can make the world of difference. You can excel when you're inspired." WORLD BOXING CHAMPION Louisa "Bang Bang Lulu" Hawton shares the story of her inspirational teacher our very own Ms Davies!

make a positive change.

SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS 2020 WINNERS A huge congratulations to Mara Busoy (pictured right), who received a $15,000 scholarship to Curtin University and to Saif Kaimkhani, Lorna Ngige, Rimjhim Baghel, Mariam Motawea, Ashley Champion and Jasmine Hickey, who will receive $1500 per year for 3 years as UWA Hackett (Fairway) Scholarship winners. The Australian Defence Force also recognises students with important awards each year.

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We would like to congratulate John Sarana who received the Long Tan Award for his positive contribution to the community and college, and for his impressive leadership potential. The Inaugural Future Innovators' Award was presented to Saif Kaimkhani for his achievement in STEM subjects. Congratulations students! APRIL 2021 NEWSLETTER



click here It has been a very busy start to 2021 in Canning Skills. Our highlights include the Leaving to Learn

opportunities and visits to the Fremantle Prison, Shelley Foreshore and the B Street Smart Event. The students have completed a SHQ program, focussing on healthy lifestyle choices and culminating in a tour of the head office in Northbridge. Students have completed the Canning Skills Workplace Induction Program in preparation for Work Experience in Term 2. Skills Road also helped us launch our job portfolios.

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Our students continue to work through their Individual Learning Plans and Personal Interest Projects as part of the Big Picture Program. We are looking forward to welcoming

our families in for an informal morning tea and catch up to finish off the term.

CONSTRUCTION FUTURES CENTRE EXCURSION The students in Canning Skills had the opportunity to attend an excursion to the Construction Futures Centre this term. The excursion aims to encourage students interested in the construction industry as a vocational pathway to take the next step through either trade opportunities or Certificate II qualifications via traineeships or work experience. We hope you all loved getting a unique insight into WA's building and construction industry through the virtual and augmented reality technologies, artefacts, videos, games and static displays!

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CLONTARF ACADEMY NEWS CLONTARF CUP This term our Sevenoaks Clontarf football team competed in the Clontarf Cup, where a total of 18 different academies took part to form eight teams with four in each division. Our Sevenoaks boys joined four players from Yule Brook to take the team to 20 players in total. The boys played very well and came away with a win! The early morning training sessions that have been running since the beginning of term on Tuesday and Thursday mornings paid off with the team displaying improved fitness and skills. The Clontarf Cup coincided with a two night stay at the Fremantle Prison Hostel. The boys really enjoyed each other's company and fully embraced the experience.




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Sevenoaks Follow the Dream students enjoyed a beautiful International






Aboriginal Women's Voices' at the Grand Ballroom Crown Perth. Eight Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women shared their powerful stories. The organisers also requested a student to speak at the event and Follow the Dream Coordinator, Jennet Hansen, nominated Aaliyah Nestoridis. Aaliyah delivered an empowering speech based on the theme ‘Choose to Challenge’. She spoke about her involvement with Follow the Dream, her personal challenges and how she overcame them. Aaliyah recognised the strong role models in her family and then called on young women to rally together and hold each other up towards








Congratulations girls, we are so proud of you!

"I really enjoyed the visit. It gave us a new insight into both sides of the confrontation between the police and Indigenous people. It is good to have Aboriginal people as police officers as it de-escalates conflict and establishes a connection or more neutral feeling."

Liam Hayden YEAR 11 STUDENT

POLICE VISIT Follow the Dream was proud to host Inspector Geoff Regan, A/Snr Sergeant Community Engagement Coordinator, Leonie James and Aboriginal Police Cadet, Nakisha Ogilvie. The visit was organised by coordinator Jennet Hansen in a move for better relations between Indigenous students and police and to also promote the career pathways on offer to students. All Aboriginal students from the College were invited to attend.

click here Of special note was the privilege to listen to Inspector Geoff Regan, who recently appeared on Flashpoint where he discussed his continuous experience with racism and his personal struggles. Inspector Regan encouraged students to work towards change. He said, "growing up, I faced racism as a young fella, along with many other Aboriginal people. I wanted to change things. It was always instilled in me that if you want to change things you have got to be a part of it." Follow the Dream will continue to work on an engagement program with the police to ensure that students are empowered to make the right choices and also be a part of change. click here



STUDENT GUILD A huge congratulations to Year 12 students Aron Biju, Ryan Haynes, Alisha Hussain, Tegan Smith, Smarika Thapa and Zehrah Al Asaadi, and Year 11 students Karla Castaneda, Daymon Eades, Safeer Kaimkhani, Ju Stuh, Aaliyah Nestoridis and Bismillah Moqaddam, who were recently elected by their peers and teachers to represent the entire student body as Guild members. We can't wait to watch you continue to grow and develop as leaders. Well done students! click here


Trade Training has re-started a Friday extension program this term for students interested in modifying cars. Students will take the engine, gearbox and differential from a Holden Commodore Clubsport that was donated to the college, and endeavour to make it all fit into the body of a much smaller Suzuki Swift. This project will involve most aspects of car building and modification such as mechanical work, panel beating, auto electrical and chassis fabrication. The aim is to be able to take this car to different shows throughout the year and showcase the many talents of our students. The modifications to the vehicle are ongoing, so there will always be more to do. The after school program is open to any student wishing to get involved.


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Our Year 12 students celebrated their College Ball at the beautiful Pan Pacific Hotel in February. It was a fabulous evening of mocktails, music, dinner and dancing thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. Students and their partners are commended on their impeccable behaviour, great attitude and of course impressive dance moves on the night.



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