2023 SSC Course Selection Handbook

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Course Selection Handbook

Are you ready to

Find Your Future?

Sevenoaks Senior College 275 Sevenoaks Street CANNINGTON WA 6107 (08) 6235 7200

www.sevenoaks.wa.edu.au @sevenoaksseniorcollege @sevenoaksseniorcollege

Contents Welcome.................................................................................................... 6 An important message for prospective students, parents and carers........ 7 WACE requirements................................................................................... 8 Pathways to Find Your Future..................................................................... 10 University Pathways..............................................................................12 University Entry Requirements (ATAR) ................................................. 14 Curtin UniReady Program ..................................................................... 15 Sevenoaks Big Picture Academy ...........................................................16 Employment Pathway.......................................................................... 18 Career Industry Pathways.................................................................... 20 Automotive....................................................................................... 22 23 Aviation (drone).................................................................................... Business Administration and Management...................................... 24 Community Services......................................................................... 25 Engineering - Automation/Mechatronics.......................................... 26 Health and Nursing........................................................................... 27 Hospitality........................................................................................ 28 Metals and Engineering.................................................................... 29 Other Careers/Industries.................................................................. 30 Exploration Pathway............................................................................. 32 Awareness Pathways.............................................................................34 SCSA Course Descriptions............................................................................36 VET Certificates............................................................................................43 Endorsed Programs......................................................................................48 Additional Offerings.....................................................................................50 52 Additional Support Programs ....................................................................... 52 Extra Curricular Events and Activities............................................................ What's Next? ................................................................................................52

Moort Koorliny Quarnt Kaatidjin

Families coming together in the place of learning We acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians of the lands and waters on which our students live and are educated. We acknowledge and understand that Elders, parents, families and communities are the first educators of their children and we recognise and value the cultures and strengths that Aboriginal children bring to the classroom. Aboriginal people have a long tradition of teaching and learning through sharing their connections with country, community, language and culture, and through their oral histories, stories and lived experiences that are passed from generation to generation. We recognise and value the learning that Aboriginal children bring with them from their homes and communities into the classroom.


Welcome Welcome to Sevenoaks Senior College. We are committed to developing a unique model of 21st Century Senior Schooling to ensure that every student is well equipped to deal with the opportunities of their post school pathways. Three enduring features of Sevenoaks are: Find Your Future, the Young Adult Ethos and the Advocacy Program. Our unique identity has attracted young people from across the metropolitan area and the regions to attend our senior college which is just like being at work, TAFE or university. I look forward to welcoming students to our unique senior school environment and supporting every one of them to find their future.

Welcome from the Principal

Dr Karen Read Principal


An important message for prospective students, parents and carers Our pathways offer flexibility for students to explore their career aspirations and to find their future. If students are not sure, they can combine employment, training and university preparation courses to determine their future pathway. Students can also join us if they haven’t met their goals at the end of Year 12 and want to enrol to complete their secondary schooling. Our college is managed differently with greater flexibility for students as they map out their future in a supportive and inclusive young adult learning environment. Student timetables vary depending on their course choice, with a range of starting and finishing times. Students can arrive at the beginning of their first class and leave at the end of their last class whilst some days they may be off-site at TAFE or work placements. All students are supported by an advocate who works closely with the student in monitoring their academic and social development, ensuring students feel empowered to be in control of their own future by making informed decisions about themselves, for their future. We encourage prospective students to explore our pathway offerings and make an appointment to come and enrol with us. We know that students love their time with us and we know that future students will thrive in our young adult learning environment. Come and find your future with us!


WACE Requirements

The Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)


All students enrolled in Year 11 and 12 in Western Australia are aiming to achieve the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). Successful completion of the WACE is a requirement for direct University entry, most TAFE courses, and employers.

What is a “unit equivalent”? Students can obtain unit equivalents through VET qualifications and/or endorsed programs. The maximum number of unit equivalents available through VET and endorsed programs is four Year 11 units and four Year 12 units.

Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement The Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA) is issued to all Year 12 students at the completion of their secondary schooling. The WASSA provides a formal record of what students leaving Year 12 have achieved as a result of their school education in Western Australia.

You may obtain: up to eight unit equivalents through completion of VET qualifications OR up to four unit equivalents through completion of endorsed programs OR up to eight unit equivalents through completion of a combination of VET qualifications and endorsed programs, but with endorsed programs contributing no more than four unit equivalents.

How do I complete the WACE? To qualify for a WACE, students must successfully meet a number of requirements relating to breadth and depth, an achievement standard and the literacy and numeracy standard in their senior secondary schooling. You must: • demonstrate a minimum standard of literacy and a minimum standard of numeracy • complete a minimum of 20 units, or equivalents • and complete: at least four Year 12 ATAR courses OR at least five Year 12 General courses (or a combination of General and up to three Year 12 ATAR courses) or equivalent OR a Certificate II (or higher*) VET qualification in combination with ATAR, General or Foundation courses. Please note: Students who enrol in a Foundation course must enrol in a Certificate II or higher. Breadth and Depth All students must complete a minimum of 20 units or the equivalent over Year 11 and Year 12. To complete this requirement, students must complete the following: At least ten Year 12 units or equivalent four units from an English learning area course, post-Year 10, including at least one pair of Year 12 units from an English learning area course One pair of Year 12 units from List A (arts/languages/social sciences) One pair of Year 12 units from List B (mathematics/science/technology)

For VET qualifications: a Certificate I is equivalent to two Year 11 units a Certificate II is equivalent to two Year 11 and two Year 12 units a Certificate III or higher is equivalent to two Year 11 and four Year 12 units a partially completed Certificate III or higher is equivalent to two Year 11 and two Year 12 units. (Credit is only allocated if the criteria for partial completion are met) Achievement standard You must achieve at least 14 C grades or higher (or equivalents) in Year 11 and Year 12 units, including at least six C grades (or equivalents) in Year 12 units. Literacy and numeracy standard For the WACE literacy and numeracy standard you may: pre-qualify through achieving Band 8 or higher in the reading, writing and numeracy tests of the Year 9 National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) OR demonstrate the minimum standard of literacy and numeracy by successfully completing the relevant components of the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA)* in Year 10, 11 or 12. *OLNA tests are run twice per year for both Year 11 and Year 12 to give students the opportunity to meet this standard.


Pathways to Find Your Future Our pathways will connect you to your future. Our pathways are purposeful, engaging and motivating and above all, personalised so that you can transition to your post school career with success. To support pathway planning, you will participate in career education and work exploration activities alongside the development of a personalised career portfolio to take with you when you leave Sevenoaks. Our integrated work-learning focus provides unique opportunities for you to gain extensive work-related experience whilst you complete your course. This is supported by our industry partners with pathways into employment and on-the job Welcome frompathway the Principal training. Through enhanced preparation and planning, we will incorporate the skills of the 21st Century needed for success whilst enabling you to potentially pursue training, employment and university pathways in the one plan over your two years with us. We will ensure that you are prepared for your future. “Our students benefit from the numerous relationships and partnerships currently in place with industry, educational institutions, and support agencies. We will foster and develop these partnerships to continue to provide unique advantages to Sevenoaks students.”


“Our students are equipped with contemporary and emerging work capabilities to meet the challenges of the current and future work environment” As you explore your opportunities, we bring your attention to several programs which you might consider during your time with us. We have expanded our university pathway offerings through the Curtin UniReady program which enable you to study four university units, whilst completing Year 12. Completing UniReady successfully will give you an automatic qualification to enter some undergraduate courses at Curtin University. We are also mindful that many of our students work part-time whilst studying with us or will need to work to fund future career aspirations e.g. University, TAFE. So, we have introduced opportunities for students to gain industry standard competencies through barista training (making coffee for our café culture), First Aid Certificates and an industry level White Card focussed on safety in the construction industry. Just like you might participate in one of our College sports teams, this is voluntary but will open many doors for you in the future. We have also worked with industry to be able to deliver a ‘Passport to Success’ program which focusses on industry standard soft skills e.g. teamwork and communication skills. All students will have an opportunity to complete this course and again, it will open many doors for you into the future. I encourage you to explore your options in this handbook as you make the first step to ‘find your future’. If you are unsure, please call us and ask for advice. Dr Karen Read Principal


University Pathways


"I want to go to university"

If you plan to progress into a career requiring a university level qualification: you may: have a clear idea of the career you want, or know you want to continue into a professional pathway but, aren’t sure which career that might be, you want to: study academic courses, and work toward achieving WACE, then the ATAR Pathway is for you. This pathway is designed to assist you to: gain an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)^, and explore your potential future career options. In year 11 students will enrol in: a relevant selection of ATAR courses including at least one List A and at least one List B course, ADWPL Workplace Learning*, and one or two other courses or a Certificate. In Year 12, students will progress into the Year 12 equivalent ATAR courses. ^ An ATAR ranges from 99.95 to zero, and reports your rank position relative to all other students. It takes into account the number of students who sit the WACE examinations in any year and also the number of people of Year 12 school leaving age in the total population. If you have an ATAR of 70.00, for example, it indicates that you've achieved as well as or better than 70% of the Year 12 school leaver age population in the state. The ATAR allows the results of any WA student applying for university admission interstate to be directly compared with results in other states. *All students in the ATAR Pathway will also participate in one unit of workplace learning, requiring 55 hours of work placement. This placement will be aimed at exploring future career options. If the placement has not been completed before the end of term three Year 11, students will participate in the placement between weeks 7-8 in term 4.

"I am interested in studying biomedical science and ultimately becoming a doctor. My particular field of study requires specialised knowledge and prerequisite subjects to be attained in Year 11 and 12 in order to have a more direct access to this university course. I really enjoy the challenging nature of my ATAR classes and appreciate how supportive my teachers are in helping me to achieve my goal" - Alison, Year 12


University Entry Requirements Applying for University Entry All students who are on a pathway to University need to understand University entry requirements so that they can ensure they have selected the best courses for their chosen field of study. Requirements for University Entry Students in Year 12 who have completed a minimum of four ATAR (examination) courses will apply for direct entry to University through the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC). TISC provides services for Curtin University, University of Western Australia (UWA), Murdoch University and Edith Cowan University (ECU). University admission requirements for school leavers include: • Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) • Competence in English • Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) • Prerequisites specific to the University and Course you are applying for. Competence in English for University Admissions For all universities, students must demonstrate competence in English by achieving the prescribed standard in ATAR English. For most universities this is a scaled score of at least 50 in ATAR English. There are some concession mechanisms for students who fail to meet the competence in English requirements and these are dealt with on a case by case basis. Prerequisites Not all University courses have prerequisites. Visit www.tisc.wa.edu.au or universities’ websites for details of prerequisites for courses. In most cases, prerequisites require a scaled score of 50 or more in the prerequisite WACE course. Please note that Mathematics prerequisites differ across university courses.

Support at Sevenoaks Year 11 and Year 12 students who are aiming for University entry receive a range of support at Sevenoaks. Careers Advisor All ATAR students have access to appointments with our dedicated Careers Advisor throughout their time at Sevenoaks. It is important that students use this support to get individualised advice. Year 11 Pathways to Year 12 All students enrolled in three or more ATAR courses in Year 11 will have a weekly scheduled class to assist them prepare for Year 12, which is compulsory. This course covers study and research skills which will support students undertaking the demanding ATAR pathway. Year 12 University Pathways All Year 12 ATAR students attend a weekly University Pathways session, which is compulsory. During this time, all relevant information for University entry and preparation for University life is provided. In addition, all Year 12 ATAR students will have a predicted ATAR provided for them from Year 11 and will work directly with our Careers Advisor to ensure that, when applying for University entry, they will have the best chance possible. Alternative Entry Each University offers a range of alternative entry pathways into some of their courses. Our Careers Advisor works closely with University staff involved in these alternative entry pathways and is an excellent resource in this area. In 2023, we are excited to be able to offer our Year 12 students the opportunity to enrol in the Curtin UniReady Program. You can find more details about this option on the following page.


Curtin UniReady Enabling Program The UniReady Enabling Program is now available to students at Sevenoaks as a WACE Endorsed Program. This allows students who would not otherwise meet university minimum entry requirements to do so, whilst remaining in school and achieving a WACE.

Please note, UniReady in Schools students do not have the option to undertake the Mathematics for Science unit and as such do not meet the entry requirements for direct entry to Construction Management and some Science and Engineering courses.

What is UniReady? UniReady is an alternate entry pathway, run by Curtin University. Students complete four units and upon successful completion of the course, are awarded a notional ATAR of 70 and English competency. This will provide entry into a number of Curtin’s minimum entry courses.

What do UniReady in Schools students study? The program is designed to develop students' independent learning skills and prepare them for university study. Students will study the following four units in Year 12, two courses per semester.

How is UniReady different to ATAR? Generally, students who wish to study at University will gain entry via their ATAR score, which is calculated from the results of their ATAR courses. However, this is not the only pathway to Curtin, as we recognize that there are other non-ATAR students who will be successful at university. The ATAR pathway focuses on the academic knowledge required for each specific field of study. However, UniReady students develop transferable study and communication skills needed for University. Our core units focus on developing students’ skills in terms of reading, writing and communication. Our optional units introduce students to the different study areas, and cover both the required academic content as well as developing general study and technical skills. What courses does UniReady lead to? UniReady in Schools leads to a range of Curtin Health Sciences, Science and Engineering, Humanities and Business courses. View the full list of courses that UniReady leads to at www.curtin.edu.au/uniready.

Units • Fundamentals of Academic Writing • Foundations of Communication • Introduction to Health Sciences • Introduction to Humanities Pre-requisites Students will need to have achieved: Minimum grades of A or B in all Year 11 courses with a course average of 70% or higher in general courses OR A predicted ATAR above 65 Required OLNA standards Attendance above 90% A sound work ethic including adherence to deadlines and being recommended by course teachers A capacity to work independently


Big Picture Academy

"I understand the Big Picture program and like the learning style/environment"


The Big Picture Academy at Sevenoaks Senior College offers students an opportunity to engage and connect with education by using a personal learning plan that enables each student to pursue their passion. Students learn through attending work placements, and exhibiting and talking about their experiences. Students will design and create a special interest project and reflect on what they have learned. This is the Big Picture learning cycle that connects students to an educational experience that is relevant, enjoyable and interesting. Students in the Big Picture Academy learn in an advisory (class) and are taught by experienced advisors (teachers). Each advisory will provide students with a personalised learning program that allows them to pursue their own special interests whilst achieving a variety of academic outcomes. Each advisory is supported by staff specifically trained to work with young people and assist them to manage their busy and sometimes complex lives; these staff include an Aboriginal teacher, student support coordinator, a nurse, and two education assistants. During advisory time, students will participate in a number of master classes where course content and skills will be taught to ensure they can move along their learning continuum. Students will also enjoy opportunities to learn outside of the classroom via excursions, internships and/or workplace learning. Employability Skills and Training Program Students will be allocated to a Certificate course that meets their needs, ability and experience. It is expected that students will achieve at least one of the below qualifications during their two years in the Big Picture program: 22472VIC - Certificate I in General Education for Adults 22473VIC - Certificate II in General Education for Adults 22474VIC - Certificate III in General Education for Adults FSK20119 - Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways Access to school based traineeships Access to mainstream courses Students who complete the 22473VIC Certificate II or III in General Education for Adults will be able to access a range of courses at TAFE. These are nationally recognised and transferable qualifications. Students may also be enrolled in FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways during their time in the program. This certificate is valuable for students wishing to move directly to employment or to explore other vocational training opportunities. University Entry Students with university aspirations who are strong independent learners have the opportunity to pursue their passions and develop a graduate portfolio that will showcase their skills and knowledge in a particular field of interest. This pathway requires the student to develop a senior thesis, demonstrate a level of specialist knowledge and experience, and build a network of experts and mentors in their chosen field. Students who produce a portfolio of a high enough standard can apply for direct access to a number of courses at a range of universities. All students in the Big Picture program will develop a post school action plan that may lead them to applying for preparation courses at select universities. Advisors in the Big Picture program work closely with the College careers counsellor to ensure students are given every opportunity to succeed.


Employment Pathway


“I want to get a job as soon as possible” If you want to: gain a paid job as quickly as possible, and learn the skills to keep a job, then the Employment Pathway is for you. This pathway is designed to assist you to: establish links with employment services, develop you job application skills, develop work readiness skills, enhance your: personal competencies, problem solving and managing, conflict skills, effective work habits, and skills for professional growth explore and experience the world of work, and gain experience in a workplace. In year 11 students will enrol in: Passport to Success, FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways ADWPL Workplace Learning, and three other courses or certificate/s. Students can apply for a TAFE VETDSS certificate as part of this pathway. Both South Metropolitan TAFE and North Metropolitan TAFE offer a wide variety of VET qualifications to secondary students. Students attend a TAFE campus one or two days per week to complete their course and participate in their normal school program on the other days. Students undertaking VETDSS courses as part of their secondary education including preapprenticeships in schools courses are exempt from tuition, resource and enrolment fees. However, depending on the chosen course students may be required to purchase a uniform, protective equipment, textbooks or trade equipment/tools. Students can apply for these certificates directly to the TAFE however, there is a limited application period. Refer to the South Metro TAFE and North Metro TAFE webpages to see how to apply and the deadlines or ask us if you are unsure.

"I was part of the trade training centre and scored a work placement in Year 11 with a company who manufacture specialised, professional, heavy duty turf equipment. I managed to secure a full time apprenticeship with them and left school shortly after. My goal was always to get straight into the workforce and Sevenoaks helped me achieve this. - Sevenoaks graduate


Career/Industry Pathways

"I know the career I want"


If you: have chosen your future career, are ready to progress on your journey to achieve that career, and wish to work toward achieving WACE, then a Career/Industry Pathway is for you. In this Pathway you will participate in: an industry specific certificate or course in your chosen career, related work placement/s, and other relevant courses. Each Industry Pathway will be supported by an industry consortium, for example the Technical Education for Communities (TEC) Consortium. The Consortium is a partnership between Sevenoaks Senior College and relevant industry partners who provide industry guidance, work placements and support students’ pathways into the industry. There are multiple Industry Pathways you can select from, either: on campus at Sevenoaks Senior College, or at TAFE or a private Registered Training Organisation (RTO) one or two days per week, or through a School Based Apprenticeship/Traineeship Note: In the Career/Industry Specific Pathways you will be automatically enrolled in relevant courses. However, you will also select a variety of other courses or a certificate of your choosing.

"I always knew my future was in welding. I was part of the Year 10 Friday group that had the opportunity to use the trade training centre and got to know the possible pathways before attending Sevenoaks in Year 11. Even though I knew the career I wanted to end up in, it was also important for me to finish Year 12 and get my WACE. Thanks to the specialised skills and knowledge I gained in my two years at Sevenoaks, I got a full time job as an apprentice welder straight after finishing my schooling" - Sevenoaks graduate


Automotive The Automotive Industry Pathway is delivered and assessed through the Sevenoaks Trade Training Centre. This includes an industry standard and superbly equipped Automotive workshop. TEC Consortium partners have equipped the workshop with extra equipment such as: Heavy Duty engines, tools and propriety training resources from Cummins, and multiple light automotive vehicles from AHG. Students participate in work placements with multinational and local partners, including: Cummins, Komatsu, GKR, AHG, WestTrans, ThermoKing and many more. This program has outstanding employment and pathway outcomes for students. Many accept a traineeship or apprenticeship which they could be offered during year 11 and 12. Some students choose to remain in the program to the end of year 12, applying for and gaining jobs, apprenticeships or continuing to further training in the industry. Welcome from the Principal Students will enrol in: AUR20720 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation, ADWPL Workplace Learning, Automotive Engineering and Technology, and three other courses or a Certificate of their choice.

Aviation (drone)


The aviation pathway is one of your first steps toward your chosen career either flying commercial drones or in related industries. On completion of this pathway, you may progress to: higher level or related qualifications, including pilot studies, aviation management, flight attendant, helicopter crew, and rescue crew, commercial drone pilot, or a multitude of other careers which incorporate the use of drones, including advertising and marketing, media, artist, architecture, defence forces, events management, mining, police, photography, retail, search and rescue, surveying, and training. Students will enrol in: AVI30419 Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot – Visual Line of Sight), ADWPL Workplace Learning*, and four other courses or a Certificate of their choice. *Placements will be in a variety of workplaces for students to investigate careers where they could potentially fly drones.


Business Administration and Management The Business Administration and Management Industry Pathway is delivered and assessed at Sevenoaks through a virtual online platform and in a simulated business. Students will have the opportunity to experience different job roles that they might encounter in a business environment. The outcomes from this pathway are specific to the business environment however, they are extremely valuable for all workers in modern society and future tertiary students wanting to develop valuable computer and word processing skills. Students are expected to participate in a relevant work placement in the business industry. This pathway is one of your first steps toward your chosen career in the Business Administration and Management industry, you may progress to: higher level qualifications which lead to roles in the business field, such as human resources, project management, financial management, small business management, team leader, small business operator, or entrepreneur, or move directly into employment as office assistant, junior clerk, junior personal assistant, receptionist, administration assistant, clerical worker or data entry operator. In year 11 students will enrol in: BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills^ ADWPL Workplace Learning Business Management and Enterprise three other courses or a certificate of their chosing. In year 12 students will have the opportunity to combine this pathway with the Curtin Uni Ready course. ^ Students have two years to complete the BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills however, if they are able to complete the certificate in one year they have the opportunity to complete the BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (as a Dual Qualification) in Year 12.


Community Services A new pathway offered at Sevenoaks Senior College in 2023. The Community Services Industry Pathway is delivered and assessed at Sevenoaks through a virtual online platform and in real workplaces. This pathway is one of your first steps toward your chosen career in the community services industry, you may progress to: higher level qualifications, and/or move directly into employment as assistant community services worker, assistant childcare worker, assistant disability worker, aged care worker, care service employee, customer service staff, social work roles or youth services roles. In Year 11 students will enrol in: CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services ADWPL Workplace Learning, and four other courses or a Certificate of their choosing. In Year 12 students will have opportunity to either: move into the HLT23215 Certificate II in Health Support Services, apply to participate in the 52895WA Certificate IV in Preparation for Health and Nursing Studies in 2024, or enrol in the Curtin Uni Ready course. In 2023 we have a pilot group of 20 Year 12 students participating in the 52895WA Certificate IV in Preparation for Health and Nursing Studies one day per week with North Metropolitan TAFE. This is a pathway to the Diploma of Nursing, and other Tertiary pathways that accept a Certificate IV as an entry requirement, particularly in health-related careers. Make an appointment to speak with our Career Advisor if you would like to discuss tertiary pathways in more detail.



Automation/Mechatronics The program focusses on Mechatronics Engineering underpinned with the themes of: automated manufacturing 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC plasma cutter, and CNC router; automated projects including drones, robotic arm, and automated toy electrical vehicle; entry into the First Robotics competition; and a variety of other projects. Projects will lead the way in preparing students for the new digital revolution and for the future workforce that is needed. Students will start with the basics of "C" programming to interface with the arduino microprocessor to control their robotic arms. The fastest growing faculty at Curtin University is Mechatronics. It is the second year running that the University of Western Australia has offered a degree in Automation and TAFE have offered a Certificate II in Automation, with a specific focus in a Mining Automated Environment. This pathway is one of your first steps toward your chosen career in the Engineering industry, in which you may progress to higher level qualifications at university or TAFE, and/or heavy duty automotive apprenticeships, CNC programming and operating, Welcome from (solidworks) the Principal trainee mechanical draftsmen and STEM related fields. In Year 11, students will enrol in: Engineering Studies, FIRST Robotics Competition and ADWPL, a mathematics course, and three other courses or a Certificate of their choosing. In year 12 students will have the opportunity to combine this pathway with the Curtin Uni Ready course.


Health and Nursing Health and Nursing is a new pathway offered at Sevenoaks Senior College in 2023. The Health and Nursing Industry Pathway is delivered and assessed at Sevenoaks through a virtual online platform and in real workplaces. This pathway is one of your first steps toward your chosen career in the health and nursing industry, you may progress to: higher level qualifications, and/or move directly into employment as a hospital attendant, hospital orderly, health records officer, patient services assistant, hospital ward assistant, food services assistant (hospital) or various other health assistance roles within aged care/disability/mental health sectors. In Year 11 students will enrol in: HLT23215 Certificate II in Health Support Services, ADWPL Workplace Learning, and four other courses or a Certificate of their choosing. In Year 12 students will have opportunity to either: move into the CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services, apply to participate in the 52895WA Certificate IV in Preparation for Health and Nursing Studies in 2024, or enrol in the Curtin Uni Ready course. In 2023 we have a pilot group of 20 Year 12 students participating in the 52895WA Certificate IV in Preparation for Health and Nursing Studies one day per week with North Metropolitan TAFE. This is a pathway to the Diploma of Nursing, and other Tertiary pathways that accept a Certificate IV as an entry requirement, particularly in health-related careers. Make an appointment to speak with our Career Advisor if you would like to discuss tertiary pathways in more detail.


Hospitality The Hospitality Industry Pathway is delivered and assessed through an industry standard simulated kitchen and a variety of hospitality functions and events, including service through a real-life coffee cart which provides coffees for visitors and other students. Students are expected to participate in a relevant work placement in the hospitality industry. This pathway is one of your first steps toward your chosen career in the Hospitality industry, you may progress to: higher level qualifications, and/or move directly into employment as a bar attendant, cafe attendant, catering assistant, food & beverage attendant, front office assistant or customer service assistant. In Year 11 students will enrol in: SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality, ADWPL Workplace Learning, and four other courses or a certificate of their choice. In Year 12 students will have the opportunity to combine this pathway with the Curtin Uni Ready course.

Metals and Engineering


The Metals and Engineering Industry Pathway is delivered and assessed through the Sevenoaks Trade Training Centre. This is an industry standard and superbly equipped Engineering/Industrial workshop. Where possible the program is delivered in the workshop through real projects provided by local companies. Students are expected to participate in a relevant work placement in the metals and engineering industry. This program has outstanding employment and pathway outcomes for students. Many accept a traineeships or apprenticeship which they could be offered during Year 11 and 12. Some students choose to remain in the program to the end of Year 12, applying for and gaining jobs, apprenticeships or continuing to further training in the industry. Students will enrol in: MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways, ADWPL Workplace Learning, Materials Design and Technology – Metals, and three other courses or a certificate of their choosing.


Other Careers/ Industries

31 If your chosen career isn’t listed as a Career/Industry Specific Pathway, you have a variety of options, including: apply to TAFE to participate in one of the VETDSS certificate options one or two days per week while studying for the remainder of the week at Sevenoaks Senior College, select options from the certificates and courses offered at Sevenoaks which give you relevant grounding in the career, or apply as a private student to an external program for one or two days per week while studying for the remainder of the week at Sevenoaks Senior College. This option is called a Notice of Arrangement (NOA). With each of these options you will enrol in Workplace Learning to gain experience in the career field. TAFE VETDSS Both South Metropolitan TAFE and North Metropolitan TAFE offer a wide variety of VET qualifications to secondary students. Students attend a TAFE campus one or two days per week to complete their course and participate in their normal school program on the other days. Secondary school students undertaking VETDSS courses as part of their secondary education including pre-apprenticeships in schools courses are exempt from tuition, resource and enrolment fees. However, depending on the chosen course students may be required to purchase a uniform, protective equipment, textbooks or trade equipment/tools. Students can apply for these certificates directly to the TAFE however, there is a limited application period. Refer to the South Metropolitan TAFE and North Metropolitan TAFE webpages to see how to apply and the deadlines. Notice of Arrangement (NOA) A variety of Registered Training Organisations (RTO) offer private certificates for school aged students. Some of these are offered as online or one or two days per week. These programs are user pays and a private arrangement between the student, parent/guardian and RTO. If a student enrols in one of these programs, they can apply for a Notice of Arrangement (the NOA application form is available from the Sevenoaks Senior College Program Coordinator – VET). If the NOA application is approved by the Department of Education, the student is allowed to be both a student at the private RTO and school part-time.

"Studying at Sevenoaks allowed me to undertake a Cert III in Legal Services offsite once a week at North Metro TAFE. This means I'll be one step closer to attaining my dream job as a Human Resource Manager once I leave school" - Amber, Year 12 student


Exploration Pathway


“I have one or two ideas about my future career and I want to explore them” If you: have an idea of one or two careers you are interested in, are ready to explore and experience these career/s, and want to work toward achieving WACE, then the Exploration Pathway is for you. This pathway is designed to assist you to: explore and experience the career/s in detail, and develop skills and knowledge relating to the career/s you are interested in. In Year 11 students will enrol in: a relevant certificate or course offered on campus, and/or apply for a TAFE VETDSS certificate, ADWPL Workplace Learning, and four other courses and/or Certificates. In Year 12 students will have the opportunity to combine this pathway with the Curtin Uni Ready course. TAFE VETDSS Both South Metropolitan TAFE and North Metropolitan TAFE offer a wide variety of VET qualifications to secondary students. Students attend a TAFE campus one or two days per week to complete their course and participate in their normal school program on the other days. Secondary school students undertaking VETDSS courses as part of their secondary education including pre-apprenticeships in schools courses are exempt from tuition, resource and enrolment fees. However, depending on the chosen course students may be required to purchase a uniform, protective equipment, textbooks or trade equipment/tools. Students can apply for these certificates directly to the TAFE however, there is a limited application period. Refer to the South Metro TAFE and North Metro TAFE webpages to see how to apply and the deadlines.

"From a young age, I knew I had a passion for the beauty industry. Having the opportunity to complete a Cert II in Retail Cosmetics offsite every Friday at South Metro TAFE has been a great stepping stone to achieving my goal of one day becoming a beauty therapist" - Charlotte, Year 12 student


Awareness Pathways

Career Choice


“I don’t know what career I am interested in but I have experience in a workplace” If you want to: find a possible career pathway for yourself, develop your ability to make future career choices, and work toward achieving WACE, then the Career Choice Pathway is for you. This pathway is designed to assist you to: investigate a variety of different careers or post school options to see what might be right for you, and choose one or two careers to explore in more detail. In Year 11 students will enrol in: Passport to Success, Career and Enterprise General, ADWPL Workplace Learning, and three other courses or a certificate. Students may remain in the Awareness Pathway in Year 12 however, the aim is for students to progress to one of the other Pathways in Year 12.

Work Readiness “I don’t know what career I am interested in and I have limited work experience” If you want to: gain your first experience in a workplace/job, develop work readiness skills, find a possible career pathway for yourself, develop your ability to make future career choices, and work toward achieving WACE, then the Work Readiness Pathway is for you. This pathway is designed to assist you to: explore and experience the world of work, develop work readiness skills, gain experience in a workplace, investigate a variety of different careers or post school options to see what might be right for you, and choose one or two careers to explore in more detail. In Year 11 students will enrol in: Passport to Success, FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways ADWPL Workplace Learning, and three other courses or a certificate. Students may remain in the Awareness Pathway in Year 12 however, the aim is for students to progress to one of the other Pathways in Year 12.


SCSA Course Descriptions


English Every student must select one English Course English (ATAR)

The English ATAR course focuses on developing students’ analytical, creative, and critical thinking and communication skills in all language modes, encouraging students to critically engage with texts from their contemporary world, the past, and from Australian and other cultures. Through close study and wide reading, viewing and listening, students develop the ability to analyse and evaluate the purpose, stylistic qualities and conventions of texts and to enjoy creating imaginative, interpretive, persuasive and analytical responses in a range of written, oral, multimodal and digital forms. English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD) (ATAR) The EAL/D courses are designed for students who speak another language or dialect as their first or ‘home’ language. EAL/D focuses on development of the competent use of Standard Australian English (SAE) in a range of contexts. The EAL/D ATAR course develops academic English skills to prepare students for tertiary study.

English (General)

The English General course focuses on consolidating and refining the skills and knowledge needed by students to become competent, confident and engaged users of English in everyday, community, social, further education, training and workplace contexts. The course is designed to provide students with the skills to succeed in a wide range of post-secondary pathways by developing their language, literacy and literary skills. Students comprehend, analyse, interpret, evaluate and create analytical, imaginative, interpretive and persuasive texts in a range of written, oral, multimodal and digital forms. English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD) (General) The EAL/D courses are designed for students who speak another language or dialect as their first or ‘home’ language. EAL/D focuses on development of the competent use of Standard Australian English (SAE) in a range of contexts. The EAL/D General course prepares students for a range of post-secondary destinations in further education, training and the workplace.

English (Foundation)

The English Foundation course aims to develop students’ skills in reading, writing, viewing, speaking and listening in work, learning, community and everyday personal contexts. This course is for students who have not demonstrated the literacy standard in the OLNA. Students undertaking this course will improve their English skills in spelling, punctuation and grammar, which support them to achieve OLNA.

English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD) (Foundation)

The EAL/D Foundation course is designed for students who speak another language or dialect as their first or ‘home’ language and who have not demonstrated the literacy standard in the OLNA. EAL/D focuses on the mechanics of Standard Australian English (SAE) and its use in the community, the workplace or in further education or training. Practical, relevant tasks delivered through a range of engaging contexts teach students to become effective communicators, code switching between languages or dialects successfully.

Literature (General)

The Literature General course focuses on creating readings of literary texts and students creating their own texts, including essays, poems, short stories, plays and multimodal texts. Students learn to read texts in terms of their cultural, social and historical contexts; their values and attitudes; and their generic conventions and literary techniques. Students learn to create texts paying attention to contexts, values and conventions. Students learn about literary language, narrative, image and the power of representation. Students experience the aesthetic and intellectual pleasure that reading and creating literary texts can bring.


Mathematics Mathematics Methods (ATAR)

The Mathematics Methods course focuses on the use of calculus and statistical analysis. The study of calculus provides a basis for understanding rates of change in the physical world, and includes the use of functions, their derivatives and integrals, in modelling physical processes. The study of statistics develops students’ ability to describe and analyse phenomena that involve uncertainty and variation. Mathematics Methods provides a foundation for further studies in disciplines in which mathematics and statistics have important roles. It is also advantageous for further studies in the health and social sciences. In summary, this course is designed for students whose future pathways may involve mathematics and statistics and their applications in a range of disciplines at the tertiary level.

Mathematics Applications (ATAR)

The Mathematics Applications course focuses on the use of mathematics to solve problems in contexts that involve financial modelling, geometric and trigonometric analysis, graphical and network analysis, and growth and decay in sequences. It also provides opportunities for students to develop systematic strategies based on the statistical investigation process for answering statistical questions that involve analysing univariate and bivariate data, including time series data. The Mathematics Applications ATAR course is designed for students who want to extend their mathematical skills beyond Year 10 level, but whose future studies or employment pathways do not require knowledge of calculus. The course is designed for students who have a wide range of educational and employment aspirations, including continuing their studies at university or TAFE.

Mathematics Essentials (General)

The Mathematics Essential General course focuses on using mathematics effectively, efficiently and critically to make informed decisions. It provides students with the mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding to solve problems in real contexts for a range of workplace, personal, further learning and community settings. This course provides the opportunity for students to prepare for post-school options of employment and further training.

Mathematics (Foundation)*

The Mathematics Foundation course focuses on building the capacity, confidence and disposition to use mathematics to meet the numeracy standard for the WACE. This course is for students who have not demonstrated the numeracy standard in the OLNA. It provides students with the knowledge, skills and understanding to solve problems across a range of contexts including personal, community and workplace/employment. This course provides the opportunity for students to prepare for post-school options of employment and further training. *Only available to students who have not gained Category 3 in OLNA.


Career Education Business Management and Enterprise (General)

The Business Management and Enterprise General course focuses on establishing and operating a small business in Australia and aims to provide students with an understanding of the knowledge and skills of the processes and procedures required for generating business ideas and turning them into a viable business venture. Factors that impact on business innovation and success, business planning, and legal aspects of running a small business are examined. Students engage in the running of a small business, or participate in business simulations, to develop practical business skills and to develop financial and business literacy. Through the consideration of real businesses and scenarios, students develop knowledge, understanding and skills that enable them to analyse business opportunities, develop proposals and make sound, ethical business decisions. The course equips students to participate proactively in the world of business, behave responsibly and demonstrate integrity in business activities.

Career and Enterprise (ATAR)

Career education involves learning to manage and take responsibility for personal career development. The Career and Enterprise ATAR course involves recognising one’s individual skills and talents, and using this understanding to assist in gaining and keeping work. Key components of the course include: the study of different career development theories and the application of these theories to an individual’s career development; entrepreneurial behaviours; learning to learn; and the exploration of social, cultural and environmental issues that globally affect work, workplaces and careers.

Career and Enterprise (General)

Career education involves learning to manage and take responsibility for personal career development. The Career and Enterprise General course involves recognising one’s individual skills and talents, and using this understanding to assist in gaining and keeping work. The course develops a range of work skills and an understanding of the nature of work. Key components of the course include: the development of an understanding of different personality types and their link to career choices; entrepreneurial behaviours; learning to learn; and the exploration of social, cultural and environmental issues that affect work, workplaces and careers. Throughout this course you will develop practical skills in how to effectively search and apply for work. You will create a resume and career portfolio as well as learn techniques for addressing selection criteria and interview questions.

Health and Physical Education Health Studies (General)

The Health Studies General course focuses on health as a dynamic quality of life. Students will consider the way in which beliefs and attitudes influence health decisions and learn how to plan and take action that will promote their own and the health of others. They examine the impact of social and environmental factors on health and use inquiry skills to investigate and respond to relevant issues. The course also provides students with opportunities to develop skills that will enable them to pursue careers in health promotion, research or community health care.

Physical Education Studies (General)*

Physical Education Studies course contributes to the development of students’ physical, social and emotional growth. The Physical Education Studies General course provides students with opportunities to understand and improve performance through the integration of theoretical concepts and practical activities. Through engagement as performers, leaders, coaches, analysts and planners of physical activity, students may develop skills that can be utilised in leisure, recreation, education, sport development, youth work, health and medical fields. You will be required to demonstrate your understanding via engagement and participation in both theory and practice in order to be successful in this course. *Three course options offered: Physical Education Studies - Multi Sport (General), Physical Education Studies - Soccer (General) and Physical Education Studies - Volleyball (General)


Science Chemistry (ATAR)

The Chemistry ATAR course equips students with the knowledge, understanding and opportunity to investigate properties and reactions of materials. Theories and models are used to describe, explain and make predictions about chemical systems, structures and properties. Students recognise hazards and make informed, balanced decisions about chemical use and sustainable resource management. Investigations and laboratory activities develop an appreciation of the need for precision, critical analysis and informed decision making. This course prepares students to be responsible and efficient users of specialised chemical products and processes at home or in the workplace. It also enables students to relate chemistry to other sciences, including biology, geology, medicine, molecular biology and agriculture, and prepares them for further study in the sciences.

Human Biology (ATAR)

The Human Biology ATAR course gives students a chance to explore what it is to be human—how the human body works, the origins of human variation, inheritance in humans, the evolution of the human species and population genetics. Through their investigations, students research new discoveries that increase our understanding of human dysfunction, treatments and preventative measures. Practical tasks are an integral part of this course and develop a range of laboratory skills; for example, biotechnology techniques. Students learn to evaluate risks and benefits to make informed decisions about lifestyle and health topics, such as diet, alternative medical treatments, use of chemical substances and the manipulation of fertility.

Human Biology (General)

The Human Biology General course gives students a chance to explore how the human body works. Students focus on bones, muscles, nerves and hormones, and how they maintain the body to act in a coordinated manner. The causes and spread of disease and how humans respond to invading pathogens are studied, as well as the role of males and females in the process of reproduction. Students investigate the body systems through real or virtual dissections and practical examination of cells, organs and systems. They research contemporary treatments for dysfunctions of the body systems and are encouraged to use ICT to interpret and communicate their findings in a variety of ways. Second-hand data is used to investigate transmission of diseases from a historical perspective and recent global incidences.

Integrated Science (General)

The Integrated Science General course enables students to investigate science issues in the context of the world around them. It encourages students to develop their scientific skills of curiosity, observation, collection and analysis of evidence, in a range of contexts. The multidisciplinary approach, including aspects of biology, chemistry, geology and physics, further encourages students to be curious about the world around them and assume a balanced view of the benefits and challenges presented by science and technology. Students conduct practical investigations that encourage them to apply what they have learnt in class to real-world situations and systems.

Physics (ATAR)

The Physics ATAR course focuses on how energy and energy transformations can shape the environment from the small scale, in quantum leaps inside an atom’s electron cloud, through the human scale, in vehicles and the human body, to the large scale, in interactions between galaxies. Students have opportunities to develop their investigative skills and use analytical thinking to explain and predict physical phenomena. Students plan and conduct investigations to answer a range of questions, collect and interpret data and observations, and communicate their findings in an appropriate format. Problem-solving and using evidence to make and justify conclusions are transferable skills that are developed in this course.

41 Psychology (ATAR)

The Psychology ATAR course focuses on psychological knowledge which supports an understanding of the way individuals function in groups. Students learn about major psychological models and theories, and the methods used to conduct scientific investigations in the discipline of psychology. Students apply research methods and ethical principles as they analyse data to illustrate how empirical procedures are used to examine phenomena, such as memory, attention, attitudes, personality and group behaviour. Acquiring this foundation of scientific method and critical thinking is a valuable skill which students can apply throughout their study, work and everyday lives.

Psychology (General)

The Psychology General course focuses on psychological knowledge which supports an understanding of the way individuals function in groups. Students learn about well-known psychological models and theories, and the methods used to conduct scientific investigations in the discipline of psychology. Acquiring this foundation of scientific method and critical thinking is a valuable skill which students can apply throughout their study, work and everyday lives.

Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) Geography (ATAR)

The Geography ATAR course focuses on students’ curiosity about the diversity of the world’s places and their peoples, cultures and environments. It provides students with the knowledge and understanding of the nature, causes and consequences of natural and ecological hazards, international integration in a range of spatial contexts, land cover transformations, and the challenges affecting the sustainability of places. In the ATAR course, students learn how to collect information from primary and secondary sources, such as field observation and data collection, mapping, monitoring, remote sensing, case studies and reports.

Geography (General)

The Geography General course focuses on how students can use their imagination, creativity and problemsolving skills to consider the interconnections between places, explore the spatial patterns and processes related to environments at risk, and the protection of such environments through management at local, regional and global levels. They will also develop their knowledge of the world around them and the issues facing countries and societies as a result of hazards, globalisation and environmental change. To do this they learn how to collect information from primary and secondary sources, such as field observation and data collection, mapping, monitoring, remote sensing, case studies and reports.

Modern History (ATAR)

The Modern History ATAR course enables students to become critical thinkers and helps inform their judgements and actions in a rapidly changing world. Students are exposed to a variety of historical sources, including government papers, extracts from newspapers, letters, diaries, photographs, cartoons, paintings, graphs and secondary sources, in order to determine the cause and effect, and the motives and forces influencing people and events. Through the process of historical inquiry, students are encouraged to question and evaluate historical sources; identify various representations and versions of history; use evidence to formulate and support their own interpretations; and communicate their findings in a variety of ways.

Modern History (General)

The Modern History General course exposes students to a variety of historical sources, including government papers, extracts from newspapers, letters, diaries, photographs, cartoons, paintings, graphs and secondary sources, in order to understand the historical narrative including cause and effect, and the forces influencing people and events. Through the process of historical inquiry, students are encouraged to question historical sources; identify various representations and versions of history; use evidence to formulate and support their own interpretations; and communicate their findings in a variety of ways.


Technologies & The Arts Applied Information Technology (General)

The Applied Information Technology General course provides students with the knowledge and skills to use a range of computer hardware and software to create, manipulate and communicate information in an effective, responsible and informed manner. Students develop an understanding of computer systems; the management of data; and the use a variety of software applications to investigate, design, construct and evaluate digital products and digital solutions. The course offers pathways to further studies and a range of technology-based careers and a set of skills that equip students for the 21st century and give them an appreciation of the impact of information technology on society.

Design (General)*

The Design General course focuses on developing skills and processes for current and future industry and employment markets. Students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to understand design principles and processes, analyse problems and devise innovative strategies through projects. Students are able to focus on particular contexts from a choice of photography, graphics, dimensional design and technical graphics. The Design General course also emphasises the scope of design in trade based industries allowing students to maximise vocational pathways. *Two courses are offered: Design - Graphics (General) and Design - Photography (General).

Engineering Studies (General)

The Engineering Studies General (Mechatronics) course is essentially a practical course focusing on real-life contexts. Students apply a design process to research and present information about materials, engineering principles, concepts and ideas, and design proposals. Students develop their engineering technology skills in planning and implementing a process to manipulate tools and machines to produce a prototype of their designed solution. Our focus at Sevenoaks is for students to produce Automated projects through Automated manufacturing using an integrated Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics(STEM) approach.

Materials Design and Technology (General)*

The Materials Design and Technology General course is a practical course. Students can choose to work with metal, textiles or wood, with the design and manufacture of products as the major focus. Students have the opportunity to develop and practise skills that contribute to creating a physical product, while acquiring an appreciation of the application of a design process, and an understanding of the need for materials sustainability. Students will learn and practise manufacturing processes and technologies, including principles of design, planning and management. *Three courses are offered: Materials Design and Technology - Metals (General), Materials Design and Technology - Textiles (General) and Materials Design and Technology - Wood (General)

Visual Arts (General)

The Visual Arts course focuses on experiences and explorations. You will develop artworks based on your life, personal experiences and the local environment. As part of the course, you will participate in various art experiences aimed at developing your sense of observation. You will explore ideas and approaches to art making using a variety materials and explorations. When exploring ideas and approaches to art making, you will investigate the work of Australian and international artists.


VET Certificates



Vocational Education and Training (VET) Certificates These qualifications are proposed offerings for the 2023 academic year. At the time of publication, no agreements have been entered into with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) for the delivery of these qualifications. On the basis of interest from students in each qualification, the school will initiate a formal partnership agreement with an RTO for the delivery of the qualification.

AVI30419 Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot – Visual Line of Sight)

This is your opportunity to learn how to fly a drone, while also learning the rules and requirements to operate for commercial or business purposes. This is the highest qualification available for high school students wanting to obtain a Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Remote Pilot Licence(RePL) and develop industry leading skills within the remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) industry. Obtaining your Remote Pilots Licence is the first step to being able to operate remotely piloted aircraft systems, otherwise known as drones or UAVs for commercial or business purposes without weight or operating restrictions. This certificate is delivered on-campus and at a local open space by South Metropolitan TAFE. Students completing this qualification can pursue employment opportunities in the industry or use the qualification as a pathway into further studies at a Certificate IV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma level. Alternatively, students can explore Certificate III qualifications in aviation, for example pilot studies, aviation management, flight attendant, helicopter and rescue crewman.

AUR20720 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation

This is your opportunity to learn about the Automotive industry in our superbly equipped Automotive workshop located in our Trade Training Centre. The workshop is industry standard but, has also been equipped with additional vehicles and equipment provided by multinational and local automotive companies. This qualification aims to: provide students with the initial automotive employability skills and knowledge that prospective employers are looking for, and to reflect the role of entry level employees who perform routine tasks under direct supervision in the industry sector. Students will: gain an understanding of the automotive industry in a simulated workshop, learn basic use of automotive workshop equipment, safe work practices and manual handling skills, and learn the basic purpose and features of vehicle systems. This certificate provides apprenticeship opportunities in the automotive retail, service and repair sectors of the industry.

"Everyone’s so friendly and the teachers are so kind. They treat you like adults, you treat them like adults, respect goes both ways. It’s very welcoming for all of the students" - Sevenoaks graduate

46 BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills*

This is your opportunity to participate in a simulated small business. This qualification develops skills, knowledge and experience: in a variety of entry-level business services job roles, in a range of broad-based business skills that are applicable to almost all industries, including a range of some of the most common digital technologies and applications used across businesses today, and for individuals who have not yet entered the workforce and are developing the necessary skills in preparation for work. Students will carry out a range of basic procedural, clerical, administrative or operational tasks that require self-management and technology skills. Students will perform a range of mainly routine tasks using limited practical skills and fundamental operational knowledge in a defined context. The skills developed in this certificate are valuable for most employees and workers. They are also very relevant to students, providing fundamental skills to assist their learning, whether at school, TAFE or university. *Potential Dual Qualification with BSB30120 Certificate III in Business for students who complete the Certificate II and choose to progress to the Certificate III

BSB30120 Certificate III in Business

Students enrol in the BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills and if students complete the Certificate II they can progress to the Certificate III. This qualification reflects the varied roles of individuals across different industry sectors who apply a broad range of competencies using some discretion, judgement and relevant theoretical knowledge. Students will develop and build teamwork, interpersonal skills and organisational capabilities which can be used to further strengthen their employability skills for their future career. The importance of digital literacy in the workforce will be addressed, and students will gain a deeper understanding of its importance to their work lives.

CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services - you must also enrol in ADWPL

This is your opportunity to participate in community services work placements. Students will develop skills and be assessed on campus at Sevenoaks Senior College and in the workplace. Students will learn about responding to workplace problems, working with diverse people, providing first aid and personal stress management in the community services environment. Students will be well-placed for future employment and further study and will gain valuable practical exposure to a range of duties and tasks. This program provides pathways to: further industry-related study, potentially apply for the 52831WA Certificate IV in Preparation for Health and Nursing Studies in year 12, and community services work such as providing support and assistance to a variety of clients including childcare, aged care, education assistant and the disability sector.

CUA20620 Certificate II in Music

Do you have a passion for music and may wish to involve yourself in the music industry? By the end of this two-year course you will: learn to work in a team, perform music in a group; develop industry knowledge; and operate recording and PA equipment using safe handling practices. You will also gain experience in music creation including song writing. Students may enter the qualification with limited or no experience. After completing this course, you can pursue employment in the music industry or complete further industry-related study. However, this is a fantastic certificate for any student, as most employers recognise the importance of well-rounded employees.

47 FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways

This qualification is designed for students who require further foundation skills development to prepare for workforce entry or vocational training pathways. It is also suitable for students who are investigating their future career options through the development of a vocational training and employment plan. It is suitable for students who require: a pathway to employment or further vocational training; reading, writing, oral communication, learning and numeracy skills primarily aligned to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) Level 3; and entry level digital literacy and employability skills This certificate is valuable for students wishing to move directly to employment or to explore other vocational training opportunities.

HLT23215 Certificate II in Health Support Services - you must also enrol in ADWPL

This is your opportunity to participate in health services work placements. You will develop health support skills and be assessed on campus and in the workplace. This qualification reflects the role of workers who provide support for the effective functioning of health services. At this level workers complete tasks under supervision involving known routines and procedures or complete routine but variable tasks in collaboration with others in a team environment. This program provides pathways to: potentially apply for the 52831WA Certificate IV in Preparation for Health and Nursing Studies in year 12, and employment in a variety of health support roles and other vocational training in the health related industry.

MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways (Metals)

Our exceptional engineering workshop located in our Trade Training Centre provides a well-equipped and industry standard learning environment where students participate in real life engineering projects. This qualification is intended for students interested in gaining exposure to an engineering or related working environment with a view to entering into employment in that area. Students will develop trade like skills and knowledge in a range of engineering and manufacturing tasks which will enhance their entry-level employment prospects for apprenticeships, traineeships or general employment in an engineering-related workplace.

SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality

Love the buzz and vibe of hotels, bars and restaurants? Get your skills in shape for a career in this exciting area. Learn about the hospitality industry, safety and security in the workplace, food and beverage service and more, and spend some time putting your skills into practice in a supervised simulated work environment. Successful completion of this qualification provides you with the skills to become a kitchen hand, cook’s assistant, food and beverage attendant, a coffee maker and other vocational training in the hospitality industry.



Endorsed Programs Cisco Networking Academy - IT Essentials

The IT Essentials course is offered as an online curriculum that is supplemented with in-class practical experiences. The course provides an introduction to computer hardware and software skills needed to help meet the growing demand for entry-level ICT professionals. You will learn the fundamentals of computer hardware and software, as well as advanced concepts such as security, networking, and the responsibilities of an ICT professional. A full range of computer hardware and software are provided to enhance student experiences in assembly, trouble-shooting, repair, replacement and software installation. IT Essentials is classified as an Endorsed program. It counts towards completion of student WACE as a 2-unit equivalent. Successful completion of the IT Essentials course will give students two C grades towards graduation.

PFRC First Robotics / ADWPL

The FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC) is an awe-inspiring STEM Outreach project which combines the excitement of sport with the rigours of science and technology. Under strict rules, limited resources, and time limits, teams of students are challenged to design a team “brand”, hone teamwork skills, and build and program robots to perform prescribed tasks against a field of competitors. Volunteer professional mentors lend their time and talents to guide each team. In the process of constructing the robot along with the other tasks performed throughout the FIRST® Robotics Competition team, students learn valuable life skills such as teamwork, collaboration, public speaking, technical science and engineering skills, Gracious Professionalism®, and more. The FIRST® Robotics Competition gives students the opportunity to develop skills and gain new experiences including: Build and compete with a robot of their own design; Learn and use sophisticated software and hardware; Learn from professional engineers; Learn real life engineering practices; and Make lifelong connections with other passionate, tech-loving people, The First Robotics program is recognised as a Provider-developed endorsed program by the School Curriculum Standards Authority (SCSA). In 2023, Sevenoaks Senior College will combine the program with one unit of the SCSA developed ADWPL – Workplace Learning endorsed program.

Workplace Learning

Workplace Learning is an opportunity for students to explore future career options, gain and develop general workplace skills, and practice specific industry skills. Students will be supervised by workplace supervisors and supported by our Workplace Learning Coordinators. This program benefits students by: providing the opportunity to explore future careers; making learning more engaging and relevant in a real-life environment; providing the opportunity to experience and acquire industry skills; providing the opportunity to experience what it means to be an employee and an employer; improving employability, work ethic and work readiness; and providing the opportunity to apply Vocational Education and Training in the workplace. This program runs for the whole year and students will be required to attend an induction program and interview during school time. In order to complete this program, students will do a minimum of 55 hours in the workplace per placement. Students complete at least two placements per year. Work placements occur once a week. You will be required to find your own way to the workplace and to work according to the hours of work at your placement. During work placements, students will need to make sure that you complete the set work in your courses at school. Workplace Learning is classified as an Endorsed Program. It counts towards the completion of the student’s WACE as a unit equivalent. The workplace learning interview forms part of the induction process and is conducted during the school day during a zone when the student has no scheduled class. Students who plan to continue with Workplace Learning into Year 12 also complete at least two weeks in the workplace in Year 11 starting in week seven, term four. Students can use their part-time job to complete this program (wage slips must be available to prove working hours) however, one unit must be completed as a school organised placement to explore a student’s career pathway. All students who enjoy a practical unit of work and who would like the opportunity to explore a work area of interest are encouraged to enrol in this course.


School Based Programs


(not yet endorsed) Passport to Success

The Passport to Success is an industry developed micro-credential which is being provided to Sevenoaks Senior College students by Cummins South Pacific. Passport to Success is a suite of products and services proven to foster in-demand ‘life skills’ or ‘soft skills’ that young people need to truly succeed from home to school to work and career. Refined over more than a decade, Passport To Success responds to the needs of businesses, educational institutions, governments, non-profit organisations, and young people themselves. Passport to Success has been implemented through the International Youth Foundation (IYF) in over 50 countries through a global network of more than 5,500 trainers. Industry supporters who developed the passport use this program within their own companies. Students will participate in activities selected from the Passport to Success units targeting the students’ pathway needs, including: Personal Competencies Problem Solving and Managing Conflict Effective Work Habits Skills for Professional Growth

Additional Offerings Cafe Culture

A good barista is more than someone who simply makes coffees. A skilled barista has knowledge of the entire process to effectively prepare the desired cup of coffee. A barista can acquire these skills by attending training classes, but to be skilled takes a significant amount of experience. Participants will initially participate in the following units of competency: SITHFAB005 - Prepare and serve espresso coffee SITXFSA001 - Use hygienic practices for food safety They will then gain more experience making coffees, honing their skills through practice. This program will start participants on their journey to be a competent and skilled barista. The micro-credential program is suitable for students already enrolled in the Certificate II Hospitality and others who wish to gain coffee making skills to complement their life skills or increase their breadth of career skills and experience, and to support part-time employment options.

First Aid

Participants will participate in the unit of competency HLTAID011 Provide First Aid. The Provide First Aid course would benefit students at work and in preparation for a future career and personal life. The course provides an excellent general grounding in first aid and will enable you to perform appropriate first aid procedures and basic life support skills. This unit is appropriate for both work and training requirements across a range of workplace and general life settings. This micro-credential is suitable for students already working, preparing for future work or someone wishing to develop their general first aid skills.

White Card

White Card is evidence that you have completed a General Construction Induction course or White Card course. This course is mandatory for anyone who works or wants to work in the construction industry. Students will participate in the unit of competency CPCCWHS1001 – Prepare to work safely in the construction industry. Upon successful completion students will be issued with a White Card.


Additional Programs and Support Every student at Sevenoaks is assigned to an Advocate who is a teacher in the College. The Advocate has a maximum of fifteen students under their care and is responsible for supporting students with attendance, academic progress and achieving their post-school goals. Advocacy groups meet for one hour per week and individual meetings are held with students in the group several times a term. Sevenoaks also has a dedicated, friendly and professional student services team, which include: a Youth Support Worker, College Psychologist, College Nurse and Aboriginal Support Teacher. One to one counselling services are also available to all students at Sevenoaks. Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students have access to a number of additional support programs including: Follow the Dream, Deadly Sista Girlz, and the Clontarf Football Academy. For more information on all of the above listed programs and support services, please visit our website.

Extra Curricular Events and Activities As well as supporting students in their academic and career goals, Sevenoaks recognises the importance of developing young adults who are also positive citizens. Through a series of events, sport and leadership opportunities, our students are exposed to out of classroom learning that helps them develop into the adults they want to be. Every year, students at Sevenoaks have the opportunity to participate in a number of on and off site evets and activities including: the Year 12 School Ball, Harmony Day, Sevenoaks Got Talent, Book Week, Wellbeing Week, NAIDOC, Reconciliation Week and a number of course focussed incursions and excursions. Students can also nominate in both Year 11 and 12 to be part of the Student Guild. The Guild plays an active leadership role in the school, presenting student ideas to the College leadership team. Elections are held in March. Once elected to the Guild, students are guided through a leadership program that includes camps, seminars, meetings and community service activities. Sevenoaks is also proud to field a number of competitive local and inter school sporting teams in soccer, basketball, volleyball, AFL, netball and badminton.

What's Next? Once you have returned your enrolment pack with the relevant completed forms and documents, you will be contacted to arrange a meeting with one of our enrolment team members. In this meeting, you will be guided through the course selection process to ensure we enrol you into a pathway that best supports your vision for your future. You will then receive further information in December regarding booklist items and your contributions and charges. All uniform purchases are to be made via Uniform Concepts either online via the link on our website, or by visiting the Uniform Concepts Willetton Superstore located at 30 Kembla Way, Willetton WA 6155. Semester 1 2023 Term 1 - Wednesday 1 February - Thursday 6 April School Holidays - Friday 7 April - Sunday 23 April Term 2 - Monday 24 April - Friday 30 June School Holidays - Saturday 1 July - Sunday 16 July

Semester 2 2023 Term 3 - Monday 17 July - Friday 22 September School Holidays - Saturday 23 September - Sunday 8 October Term 4 - Monday 9 October - Thursday 14 December

Make sure to keep an eye on our website www.sevenoaks.wa.edu.au and follow us on social media @sevenoaksseniorcollege for the most up to date information on all things Sevenoaks. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the College on (08) 6235 7200 or email us at Sevenoaks.SC.Admin@education.wa.edu.au.

We look forward to welcoming you into our College community and being part of your journey to Find Your Future!

Sevenoaks Senior College 275 Sevenoaks Street CANNINGTON WA 6107 (08) 6235 7200

www.sevenoaks.wa.edu.au @sevenoaksseniorcollege @sevenoaksseniorcollege

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