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More Space For Feeding The Hungry

As previously mentioned in this report, Denton Community Food Center distributed 896,881 meals in 2020, more than double the year before. The growth they experienced was unlike anything they ever could have been ready for. Their new location at Serve Denton is already three times the size of their old location, but less than a year into operation, they already needed more.

Specifically, they needed more space for cold and frozen foods. They had already upgraded from a standard kitchen at their old location to a brand new 600 sqft freezer cooler at Serve Denton. But that was already not enough space for the food they needed to store.


Thanks to Federal COVID-19 funds allocated to Denton County and approved by Commissioner’s Court, Denton Community Food Center was able to install a second, brand new cooler that is twice the size of their current one.

Denton Community Food Center is now able to keep even more cold and frozen food in their state-of-theart food center to feed tens of thousands of hungry people in Denton County.

Tom Newell, Board Chair for Denton Community Food Center said,

"Frozen and refrigerated food is in greater demand and availability and more commonly donated by food distribution sources and trucking companies. The additional cooler and freezer space will allow us to rescue and accept more donated food to serve families in need in our growing community.