The Brazilian Texas Magazin Edition December 2018

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JoĂŁo Figueira Represented as Petrobras America Inc. The Company of the Year 2018.


of Petrobras America Inc.


In This Issue Telavancin Ptential lTeavancinPromising Promising Potential TreatmentOption Optionfor for MRSA... MRSA in Treatment Cystic Fibrosis Patients

Personalityofofthe the Month Month Personality KarloCelso Mesquita Dr.Dr. Karlos Celsode Mesquita...

Carbon reducion target met Carbon reduction target met earlier in Brazil^s Amazon, Cerrado earlier in Brazil’s Amazon...

On August 23rd, 2018, Amb. Alfredo Camargo, Consul General of Brazil in Houston, JoĂŁo Figueira - president of BRATECC and president of Petrobras America, and other BRATECC members and guests, honored Mr. Jim Mcingvale, also known as Mattress Mack, for his efforts during and in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey @ Summer Business Mixer.

In This Issue

3 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

The Best African-Brazi

Dr. Fabiano Dorneles Ramos, Dr. Waldete T Dr. Fabiano Dornelles Ramos, graduated in Metallurgical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in 2000 and obtained his Master's Degree in Mining Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at same University in 2003, in partnership with the SIW Institute (Stiftung Institut für Werkstofftechnik) of Bremen, Germany.

Dr. Waldete Tristão, Graduated in Pedagogy 19901997 Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo title: Toy Library: an option to stimulate the scientific practice, creativity and desire to learn Advisor: Marisa Del Cioppo Elias A (a): Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, PIBIC/CNPQ, Brazil.- obtained Master in Education:

Dr. Ramos pursued his Doctorate Degree at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, having completed the practical component in HZG (Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht) in Geesthacht, Germany. He has extensive experience in the area of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, with an emphasis on structure of metals and alloys, surface engineering and friction stir welding processes.

history, politics, society 2004-2006 Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo title: Trajectories of black women in the education of young children in the District of Jaraguá, São Paulo: differentiated processes and training for work, Year of production: 2006 Prof. Dr. Marcos Cezar de Freitas.

He is currently an adjunct professor at the Federal Institute of Science and Technology (IFRS) at the Caxias do Sul campus, Rio Grande do Sul.

Dr. Tristão, pursued your Doctorate in education 20132017 University of São Paulo title: ethnic and racial diversity in the curriculum of early childhood education: the study of the educational practices of a MUNICIPAL SCHOOL of São Paulo - Monica Machado Pinazza.

4 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

português. Nosso objetivo é manter a nossa língua viva e incentivar os brasileiros que moram nos Estados Unidos a falar cada dia melhor. Afinal, manter a língua portuguesa é tão importante como manter as tradições do nosso povo. Ou seria, manter a língua é parte de manter as tradições? Bom, fica a dica para quem quiser meditar sobre o assunto. Essa semana eu li uma frase muito interessante, que me fez pensar um pouco sobre o asunto que estamos abordando aqui: “Síndrome do pedantismo gramatical. É uma forma de TOC, na qual as pessoas sentem a necessidade de corrigir todo erro gramatical. Você tem?” Pensei um pouco no assunto e concluí que tenho sim. Tenho a necessidade e a obrigação de corrigir, se não todo erro, mas pelo menos alguns, porque é importante mantermos o português da melhor forma possível. Entendemos perfeitamente que em uma situação de contato sempre há a possibilidade de termos de uma língua entrarem na outra. Os linguistas chamam este fenômeno de “code switching,” e pode ser visto com grande frequência aqui no Texas entre falantes de espanhol, que passam do inglês para o espanhol no meio de uma frase. Para nós brasileiros que somos minoria linguística aqui nos Estados Unidos, se não formos cuidadosos e carinhosos com nossa linda língua portuguesa, logo logo estaremos falando uma mistura de português, inglês e espanhol que não será nem uma língua, nem outra, mas uma grande confusão! Voltando à questão do “pedantismo gramatical,” gostaríamos de esclarecer que as situações que se apresentam aqui nos Estados Unidos são um pouco diferentes das situações com as quais nos deparamos no Brasil, e o que estamos advogando aqui é algo que vai ajudar a nós que nascemos no Brasil e aprendemos a língua lá, assim como aos que são descendentes de falantes de português e querem ter esta habilidade linguística como parte importante do seu currículo. Como qualquer pessoa pode comprovar, nenhuma companhia jamais contrarará alguém que coloque no seu curículo que fala uma mistura indistinta das três línguas, e que não sabe escrever uma carta oficial, ou mesmo ler um texto literário em português. Sim, muitos dos que falam esta mistura se “fazem entender,” mas não podem utilizar o português em situação formal.

mas a forma de expressão das pess as frases e expressões traduzidas do com a forte influência do espanhol erando que cerca de setenta por cen hola é perfeitamente compreensível a tece com o restante trinta por cento é dois assuntos: o uso do verbo assisti

Há uma enorme confusão com esse querendo expressar a gratidão a todo izado pelo grupo de brasileiros em S no Facebook: “obrigado a todos que a Isso seria muito interessante em esp forma de expressar a gratidão a tod geral. Então concluimos que “asistir participar do evento.

Tempos atrás lancei uma campanha muitas pessoas estavam usando err essante caso foi de uma pessoa qu escreveu “voçê,” “importânçia” e “pre palavras com cedilha. Na primeira ve um deslize e não dei tanta importânc casualidade, li outra vez seus recad que era um procedimento padrão da nadamente. O famoso sinal diacrítico tre os alunos estrangeiros que estu aprendemos a língua portuguesa no B Vamos relembrar a nossa professor bina com a,o,u , portanto temos moça combinações (e,i) não temos que usa cedilha nos prova.

ilians of the Year 2018

Tristão and Dr. Jorge Alberto S. de Oliveira Dr. Jorge Alberto Soares Oliveira graduated in Oftemologista and hi is Colonel of the Fire Department in Rio de Janeiro. Obtainer his Master’s Degree in Medicine from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1962), Diploma in Law from the Brazilian Faculty of Juridical Sciences (1974), Master’s in Ophthalmology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1995). Dr. Jorge pursued his Doctorate Degree at the of Ophthalmology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2002). He is currently Director General of Medical Hospital Santa Casa de Misericordia of Rio de Janeiro and Professor of Ophthalmology Assistant Medical School Souza Marques. Associate professor at the UFRJ School of Medicine Ophthalmology discipline. Of the Brazilian Society of Ophthalmology. Member of the Society of Medicine and Surgery of Rio de Janeiro. Member of the Brazilian Medical Association. Of the Brazilian Society of Ocular Plastic Surgery. Founder Holder of Ocular Plastic Studies Center.

5 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

Bem, por hoje é só. Desejamos a tod de 2014 nos traga doçura, esperanç sempre um coração puro como o das

BRATECC’s New Board Members On November 30th, 2018 the Brazil-Texas Chamber of Commerce had their first annual ceremony celebrating the “Person of the Year and Company of the Year Award” at The Houstonian Hotel, Club & Spa. BRATECC delivered the awards during a Luncheon, which was preceded by breakfast and a Forum titled “Brazil 2019 and Beyond - Opportunities and Risk Management Under the Newly Elected Government”. The forum began with Bratecc’s Keynote Speaker Marcio Felix, Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil, who spoke of the two years of technical and business activities that changed the perspectives in the Brazilian O&G sector. This was followed by our First Panel about the impact of the Brazilian presidential elections, which included panelists Roberto Ardenghy (Moderator), Consul - Economic and Commercial Affairs at Consulate General of Brazil, NY; Francisco Monaldi, PhD,

Fellow in Latin American Energy Policy, Center for Energy Studies at the Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University; Luciano De Castro, PhD, Assoc. Prof., University of Iowa; Vicente Falanga, O&G Analyst, Bradesco BBI; Matthew Taylor, PhD, Professor, American University, Washington, D.C. The Second Panel was about managing ethics, compliance and governance risks in Brazil in an improved and more transparent post-lavajato environment, which included panelists Christopher DeSa (Moderator), Managing Director, Global Risk & Investigations Practice; Alex Juden, General Counsel, Schlumberger; Daniel Fridman, Partner, White & Case; Bruno Maeda, Partner, Maeda, Ayres & Sarubbi Advogados; Amadeu Ribeiro, Partner, Mattos Filho Advogados. Both panels were followed by a very dynamic Q&A session with interaction between the moderator, the panelists and the audience.

6 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

After the panels, Marcio Felix delivered to Carla Lacerda, President at ExxonMobil Brazil, the Person ofthe Year, and to João Figueira, President of Petrobras America, Inc., who represented PETROBRAS S.A. as the Company of the Year. At the closing of the event Cid Silveira introduced BRATECC’s New Board Members to the audience. 7 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018


To Our Readers Editorial

To Our Readers


To our Loyal Readers:

Editor in Chief Brazilian Texas Magazine May 2011 issue has received an overwhelming reader feedback with Editor in Chief The Brazilian Texas Magazine May 2011 issue has Sergio Lima an international circulation of 5,000 copies.The isreceived an dedicated overwhelming reader feedback with sue totally the celebration of the Thewas Brazilian Texas MagazinetoDecember 2018 on-line isSergio Lima an international circulation of 5,000 copies.The is- Brazil Representative:: 10th anniversary of overwhelming the Brazil Texas of sue has received an reader Chamber feedback with totally celebration asue 1.75 was million hits. Thededicated issue focused the celebration of of the Commerce (BRATECC).We wanttoon tothe extend our inSergio Luis Representativ Brazil the 15thtoanniversary anniversary of Brazil Texas Chamber of 10th of the Brazil Texas of vitation other companies to participate in Commerce the Chamber (BRATECC) and(BRATECC).We the first Annual Ceremony the our inRio das Ostras Commerce wanttocelebrating to extend ing magazines with the opportunity highlighting Sergio Luis “Person of the Year and Company of the Year Awards” at the their history, challenges and successes achievedin as vitation to other companies to participate the comSergio@braziliantexasmaga Houstonian Hotel, Club & Spa. Leandro Lima PETROBRAS AMERICA doingopportunity it in the present Rio das Ostras ing magazines withis the to pubhighlighting lication.The magazine staff is interviewing the ”Mayor BRATECC delivered the awards during a business luntheir history, challenges and successes achieved as Rio de Janeiro ofcheon, Houston Parker” for the December 2011 whichAnnise was preceded by breakfast a Forum titled Leandro Lima PETROBRAS AMERICA is doingand it in the present pubissue. Both 2011 issues will have a circulation 10,000 copies with and a 40-page stan“Brazil 2019 and of Beyond - Opportunities Risk ManageLeandro@braziliantexasmag lication.The magazine staff is interviewing the ”Mayor Mexico Representative: ment Newly Elected Government”. dardUnder formatthe including interviews, comments and various articles covering current topRio de Janeiro of Houston Annise for the December ics of interest to general audience and promoting the Parker” cultural exchange and trade 2011 Jobell Lima We want tothe extend invitation to Brazil. companies to participate in coming magazines with stanissue. Both 2011 issues will have a circulation of 10,000 with a 40-page between Stateour of Texas and We look forward to the thecopies valuable participation Mexico Representativ the opportunity to highlight their stories, challenges and successes achieved as PETROBRAS dard format including comments and various articlesare covering topGuadalajara of your company in theinterviews, coming 2011 Brazilian Texas Magazine.We thankfulcurrent for AMERICA is doing in the current publication. ics interest to general cultural exchangethat and trade the of strong support received audience from all of and thesepromoting invaluable the friends and companies Jobell Lima Special Contribuition are constantly feeding the Brazilian Texas Magazines with its interesting articles and between the State of Texas and Brazil. We look forward to the valuable participation Jobell@braziliantexasmaga The 2019 issues will continue with its DIGITAL publications, a circulation of 30-page standard advertises. Weinterviews, continue incoming same direction and we are working hardtopics to give the best format including and various articles covering current of interest to Guadalajara of your company in thecomments 2011 Brazilian Texas Magazine.We are thankful for Valter Aleixo possible service to our customers and readers. Thanks so much for those that have dethe general audience and promote the cultural exchange and trade between the State of Texas the strong support received from all of these invaluable friends and companies that Otto fanini and Brazil. posit their thrust on us for many years and a special mention to the Magazine cooperators, Special Contribuitio Claudia Glasper are constantly feeding the Brazilian Texas Magazines with its interesting articles and eaders, and places that have warmly allowed us to place our publication for distribution Traicy Glasper advertises. We continue same direction and wein are working to give We look forward to the valuablein participation of your company the coming 2019hard Brazilian Texasthe best Vera Pereira Valter Aleixo Magazine We are very thankful forreaders. the strongThanks support received from allthose of the invalupossiblepublications. service to our customers and so much for that have deSergio Lima Raulina D Otto fanini able friends and companies the Brazilian Texas Magazines with their interesting articles and posit their thrust on us fortomany years and a special mention to the Magazine cooperators, Claudia Glasper advertisements. eaders, and places that have warmly allowed us to place our publication for distribution Cover Traicy Glasper We continue to work hard with our mission in providing the best possible service to our customers Vera Pereira Joe Rondan and readers. Thank you so much for those that have deposited their trust on usSergio for manyLima years Raulina D and a special appreciation for the magazine supporters.


Sergio Lima

China still top destination of Brazil exports

Brazilian exports in November grew 25.4 percent in value. And China is still the main destination, with 26.3 percent of the total. The figure is more than twice the US, which comes second, with 11.9 percent. The data come from the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV). Exports to China went up 97.6 percent (in value) compared to November last year. The items with the most significant contribution were soybeans (45 percent) and crude oil (32 percent). The increase, FGV says, comes as a result of the US–China commercial war, which encourages China to seek other suppliers of goods like soybeans.

4 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2011

Cover Joe Rondan Photos 19335 Cypress Peak Ln. Katy,Tx - 77449 713 505 0120


19335 Cypress Peak Members of Brazilian Press International Association Katy,Tx - 77449 713 505 0120

Members of Brazilian Press Int Association Phone: 954.548.5626


This rate, however, is likely to be temporary and will not compensate for the deterioration of the market conditions worldwide, in case protectionist becomes stronger. Agëncia Brazil By Vitor Abdala Rio de Janeiro

8 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

Phone: 954.548.562 info@abiinter.

Carbon reduction target met earlier in Brazil’s Amazon, Cerrado

The target was voluntarily adopted by Brazil in 2010 as part of the 16th session of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Cancun, Mexico, according to Thiago Mendes, secretary for climate change and forests with Brazil’s Foreign Ministry: “Brazil’s commitment to the reduction of deforestation was based on cutting down this amount of tons of carbon dioxide,” he pointed out. “As the world wonders whether it’s possible to have environmental quality and economic growth at the same time, Brazil shows it’s possible to reduce emissions and actually achieve economic development,” Mendes went on to argue.

Rural Environment Registration, a digital system in which rural property must be registered in Brazil for the creation of a database for surveillance and efforts to fight deforestation as well as environmental and economic planning in rural areas. During one of the presentations, the Brazilian president signed a document requesting the Brazilian Forum on Climate Change—linked to the president’s office—to outline the necessary requirements Brazil must fulfill in order to zero net emissions of greenhouse gases as of 2060. The proposal must be handed in in four months’ time and be based on studies and debates held by a number of sectors of society.


In his address, Temer said the environmental issue was brought under the limelight over the last few decades and argued that this shows mutual understanding between government and society, adding that “the preservation of the environment is the preservation of life.”

In addition to decreasing deforestation, the main factors that made it possible to meet the target ahead of time were management of protected areas and the

9 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

Fonte: Agência Brasil

Synopsis This is the spectacular story of the sale of the London Bridge in the 60's by the City Hall of London through an International auction. In the desert of Arizona in United States, in the 60's, our history begins; the epic of a Real Estate Agent and an Entrepreneur who, despite his exploits in the escalation of the new industrial revolution of the early 20th century, will always be remembered as the man who acquired the greatest piece of antiquity in history, a true Bridge! An unusual real estate transaction that had everything to be one of the biggest failures in history, but became a thunderous real estate phenomenon, turning a desert into an oasis of tourism in the heart of the Arizona desert in the United States.The 1960s had just begun and the state of Arizona wanted to expand its vast territory with new developments and new cities, and across the Atlantic in the post-war London, the Mayor of London decided to sell the London Bridge a business as unusual as impossible, as people used to say that time.

In the battle for the love of his life, the President of the City Council, after several days of brainstorming decided to propose an international auction, and with that he imagined that he could approach more and more of the woman who had crossed his path, the Mayor’s Secretary.

After the acquisition of the bridge in London by the Entrepreneur Robert McCulloch, it was dismantled and transported by ship to California, and by trucks to Lake Havasu in Arizona, then was reassembled in the middle of the desert and later a river was opened to justify the installation of bridge, creating the city of Lake Havasu City! Adventure, romance, entrepreneurship and determination involve one of the most unusual real estate developments in the modern age, where the reader will be driven on a journey back in time from World War II to the present day, and can determine what influence the Beatles have on this stunning business idea. _Um_Poema#.XBfm1FVKjIU?&_=0

Two Bridges, One Poem By: Osvaldo Tetaze

Chapter I The capacity of overcoming and of persistence of the human being sometimes takes surrealist contours due to the result that is reached, and nothing more appropriate to exemplify this concept, than the history behind the sale of the London Bridge by the London City Council in the decade of 1960. In the distant desert of Arizona in the United States, in the 1960’s, began our story of a man who despite his exploits in the escalation of the new industrial revolution of the early twentieth century, will always be remembered as the man who acquired the greatest piece of antiquity in history, a real Bridge! Robert Paxton McCulloch, was born on May 11, 1911, son of Richard McCulloch and Mary Grace Beggs. His grandfather, John Beggs, made his fortune installing Thomas Edson power plants in various locations around the world, in addition to manufacturing electric trolleys. Robert McCulloch and his two brothers inherited Grandfather's fortune in 1925. McCulloch received his engineering degree and his first company was Engineering Company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, his native land. There, he also built car engines and with 30 years old, McCulloch sold the company and started the McCulloch Aviation. In 1946, at the age of 35, he was looking for other business to install a new factory, and as his brothers had partnered with Ralph Evinrude in the manufacture of small gasoline engines for boats, and then McCulloch discovered a new market, the portable saws that came to revolutionize that market, where anyone could use it only to cut trees or ice from lakes and rivers. In 1950 McCulloch started the McCulloch Oil Corporation to explore oil and gas, land development and thermal energy.

Despite Evinrude's leadership in the boat engine market, McCulloch still wanted to grab a part of that business, which took him to the place where started this history that put his name in the history. wanted to expand its vast territory with new enterprises and new cities, and at that time the American government, with the purpose of getting rid of unoccupied land that belonged to the Federal Government, and also to promote the development of the states, donated to the state of Arizona the area where Lake Havasu exists, a lake that was formed by the waters of the Parker Dam, in a totally inhospitable piece of desert where it had only one abandoned Airfield runaway track of the American Air Force. Then, the State’s government had the obligation to promote the development of the donated areas by the Federal Government, and thus the Arizona’s government trying to develop that piece of land in the middle of the desert, promised to donate that area to anyone who proposed to implement housing and tourism projects in the region. So, the entrepreneurial vision of McCulloch came on the scene, because he wanted to bring a unit of his saw factory and with those land he could develop a project to create a city and sell properties to develop the local, and then he negotiated with the state of Arizona where he received the land through donation, with the obligation to develop and promote any real estate project, according to local laws, of course. McCulloch then developed a housing project for a whole city, where he would take advantage of the two sides of a peninsula with a lake that was formed by the Parker Dam hydroelectric plant, also thinking about another venture linked to the manufacture of boat engines, and then our story begins.

11 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

The Legacy of Cha

If there’s a word that means the same thing all over the world,

has the same sound when you heard it, as well as brings the same image to your mind, certainly is “Champagne�! We can name dozens of words that are already incorporated in any local language in its original writing, and mostly are the words of the new technology and of the new generation of the social media. When we listen or read the word Champagne we always think in the famous sparkling French wine. Nowadays, the world recognizes Champagne as the region of north-east of France, land of the famous sparkling wine. According the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, the Romans were the first to plant vineyards in this area of northeast France, with the region being cultivated by at least the 5th century, possibly earlier.

When Hugh Capet was crowned King of France in 987 at the cathedral of Reims, located in the heart of the region, he started a tradition that brought successive monarchs to the region with the local wine being on prominent display at the coronation banquets. There is a crucial point to better understand the difference between sparkling wine and Champagne, because all champagne is sparkling, but not all sparkling wine is champagne. The sparkling name is given to every wine that undergoes two natural fermentations. The first of these is the alcoholic fermentation, common to all wines, that turns grape sugar into alcohol and occurs in tanks or oak barrels. Other crucial point to understand this matter, is that when the sparkling wine acquires the effervescence it can occur in pressurized stainless steel tanks (charmat method) or can be made in the bottle itself (champenoise or traditional / classic method).

12 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

ampagne in Brazil As a result, sparkling wines can be produced in different locations with different processes and grapes. Now, let's go to the controversial term “Champagne”. Briefly, Champagne is a sparkling white wine produced in the Champagne region of north-east France. To receive this nomination, the drink must be produced in the administrative region of Champagne-Ardenne and must be made with Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay grapes, grown within this delimited region, respecting strict production methods. The brand name champagne is rigorously controlled in France by an Entity named “Domination of Origin Controlled”, established in 1927 and protected with great vigilance. The control is so strict that there are even examples of such cases as the Commune of Champagne, a locality with 660 inhabitants, situated in Switzerland, which had to leave out the name Champagne in the (non-sparkling) wines produced in its territory according to an agreement between Switzerland and the European

For the same reason, the high-fashion company Yves SaintLaurent had to stop the launch a perfume that had called Champagne. The nomenclature had to be modified and the perfume was marketed under the name of Yvresse. However, there is a little fact in Brazil that must be showed to the public, because despite the prohibition all over the world to use the brand name in any sparkling wine that is not produced in the norht-east region of France, there is one Winery in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, one of the best regions in South America for grape production, “Vinícola Peterlongo” – Peterlongo Winery – that still has the rights to produce and marketing in Brazil its Champagne, and the history of how it happened is pretty amazing. While all wine producers all over the world had to abandon the Champagne nomenclature, in Brazil, more precisely in the mountains of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the Peterlongo Winery was able in the 1970s to obtain authorization from the Federal Supreme Court to keep the name champagne on its labels.

13 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

This happened because the drink began to be produced there with the required process, before the regulation of 1927 in France. After a long legal process in the seventies against a French Company, Peterlongo Winery won the right to use and disclosure the name in the presentation of its products in accordance with the Brazilian Law number 78.835.

The method of this noble drink inspired Peterlongo to create a winery, whose project was consolidated over the time. In 1915, with the help of the youngest son of Manoel, Armando Peterlongo, the winery expanded a production that strictly obeyed the criterion of Perignon.

The state of Rio Grande do Sul was one of the southern Brazilian region that received the first Italian families in the second half of the 19th century, and one. of these families was formed by Manoel Peterlongo, an immigrant who brought remarkable development to Brazil. The Brazilian Imperial Government’s project to promote colonization in Rio Grande do Sul resulted in an industrial success that strengthened the economy in several segments, and among the protagonists of the innumerable enterprises, was Manoel Peterlongo who was a Surveyor in Italy.Established around 1878 in the region where today are the cities of Garibaldi, Bento Gonçalves, Caxias do Sul, Gramado, among others, to demarcate land, the Italians did not fail to find a segment of industry that was still in its initial process of formation. In his package of experience, Manoel Peterlongo brought a European conscience and the recipe to elaborate the delicious champagne.

The natural fermentation in the bottle itself, which originated natural gas, was one of the differentials. The meticulous work of positioning bottlenecks down to remove impurities from the cork, and the required rotational movements, has successfully positioned the quality of Peterlongo sparkling wine on the market. The fascination in elaborating a noble drink, which Manoel Peterlongo already tasted in Italy, was maintained by the son Armando Peterlongo, who innovated and expanded the production of natural sparkling wine during the 20th century. Today the Winery belongs for another group of enterprises directed by its owner Luis Carlos Sella, who bought it in 2002, and this history is still pretty amazing, due to the extreme coincidence that occurred the facts that bring Sella to conclude one of the biggest deal of his life. Some could say that from heaven Mr. P.In 1915, with the help of the youngest son of Manoel, Armando Peterlongo, the winery expanded a production that strictly obeyed the criterion of Perignon. The natural fermentation in the bottle itself, which originated natural gas, was one of the differentials.

14 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

In 1915, with the help of the youngest son of Manoel, Armando Peterlongo, the winery expanded a production that strictly obeyed the criterion of Perignon. The natural fermentation in the bottle itself, which originated natural gas, was one of the differentials. The meticulous work of positioning bottlenecks down to remove impurities from the cork, and the required rotational movements, has successfully positioned the quality of Peterlongo sparkling wine on the market. The fascination in elaborating a noble drink, which Manoel Peterlongo already tasted in Italy, was maintained by the son Armando Peterlongo, who innovated and expanded the production of natural sparkling wine during the 20th century. Today the Winery belongs for another group of enterprises directed by its owner Luis Carlos Sella, who bought it in 2002, and this history is still pretty amazing, due to the extreme coincidence that occurred the facts that bring Sella to conclude one of the biggest deal of his life. Some could say that from heaven Mr. P eterlongo conducted him to that day in 2002 to the airport of Bento Gonçalves where Sella has another industry. The entrepreneur Sella who pilots its own jet Cessna Citation in its wanderings around the Country, attributes to an incredible coincidence that how he learned that the Peterlongo Winery could be one of the best investments of your career. Partner at the Rinaldi Motorcycle Tires factory in the city of from Bento Gonçalves, he was helping a friend from Manaus, Amazon, who was trying to buy an airplane Seneca which was parked in the airport of neighboring Garibaldi. When the friend went to get the plane, Sella found himself casually in the hangar with one of the winemakers of Peterlongo.

While the plane was prepared for the long transfer to Manaus, the winemaker said that the company where he worked was experiencing serious financial difficulties, and that bankruptcy was imminent. This fact triggered the entrepreneurial instinct of Sella, who until that day had never been interested in wines and winery, much less in vineyards, caves or even oak barrels. Immediately he asked to the Peterlongo employee to schedule an interview with the owners of the winery. A week later, Sella attended the meeting driving an old Ford Escort that belonged to one of his collaborators in the Rinaldi Tire factory, since he wasn’t with his car that day. The simplicity of the vehicle driven by the unknown who wanted to buy one of the most traditional Brazilian wineries must have positively impressed the owners, imagined Sella. But conversation evolved well and after a superficial assessment of the situation the business ended up being realized. Five days before the Judge decrees the Bankruptcy, Peterlongo Winery was “saved by the bell”, as use to say Sella, who concluded the deal to pay all debts and keep the centennial company running.

15 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

Peterlongo has always been at the forefront of the Brazilian wine industry, because was the first winery to employ female laborers and the pioneer in the minimum wage for its workers, already under the management of Armando, in the 1930s. It conquered Brazil and reached the international market in the next decade, with its labels marketed by the Macy's network, in New York.

Peterlongo Winery still produces its traditional sweet filtered sparkling wine named “Espuma de Prata” (Silver Foam), best-selling in Brazil and Colombia, however, Sella has been investing for 15 years in the revitalization of vineyards and the fine sparkling wines from Peterlongo’s portfolio.

Peterlongo became a ubiquitous brand in official Brazilian solemnities of the time, baptisms of ships and airplanes, their sparkling wines were also part of the menu of banquets offered by several Brazilian governments and even the Queen Elizabeth II, of England, praised the “Brazilian Champagne” when she visited the country.

Since the great party of commemoration of the company’s 100 years in 2015, this process has been intensified, and the results begin to appear. Recently, the Sparkling Elegance Champagne Nature won the Top Ten in the National category of sparkling wines in the “Expovinis”, the largest wine fair in Brazil, held in São Paulo.

16 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

However, Peterlongo’s most attractive investment in recent years has been, without doubt, the hiring of the consultancy of the French enologist Pascal Marty, responsible for upgrading the winery’s top line. Formed at the prestigious Wine Institute of Bordeaux, France, Marty was winemaker of the legendary Baron Philippe de Rothschild S.A. for over 14 years, and responsible for some of the most daring and successful winemaking projects in the French industry all over the world.

Even without completing Peterlongo’s recovery work, a Company that was considered “a cultural patrimony of Brazil”, and despite the sentimental attachment to the enterprise, Sella does not rule out the possibility to sell the company for an offer, well, let us say, irrecusable. Business is business and the wine industry is exciting. I can get out of it, but I will not go out of the wine world anymore, he says.

17 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

HOUSTON Media Network Ray Hewitt’

“Rock of Salt”

Is a historical and religious site in Rio de Janeiro, in the neighborhood of Saúde. The site was originally a quilombo village. An association group still lives there: Community Descendents from the Quilombos of Pedra do Sal (Portuguese: Comunidade Remanescentes de Quilombos da Pedra do Sal).

The site was recognized in 1984 by INEPAC, the Institute for state cultural heritage (Instituto Estadual do Patrimônio Cultural). Pedra do Sal is a place with special significance for Cariocas of African descent and fans of samba and choro music. It is considered the center of the area known locally as "Little Africa", which was full of collective houses of escaped and freed slaves. Great sambistas have played there, including Donga (musician) (pt/de), João da Baiana, Pixinguinha and Heitor dos Prazeres.

History circa 1608 A group of migrants from Bahia moved to the Saúde area as where prices were cheap and the area was close to the port where the men could find work with cargo ships. The first large docks of Rio de Janeiro and warehouses were being built at this time, the alleys and streets extended to Pedra da Prainha, later known as Pedra do Sal, where there was a large slave market.

History circa 1817 AstheBahian population was concentrated around Pedra do Sal, it became a meeting place of the neighborhood. It became a point of cultural reference for the black population. In fact, the Bahian colony had an important impact on all parts of Carioca life, with even leaders of the city visiting the terreiros of Candomblé and festivals in the area. The area gained a tradition of social cohesion, which influenced the whole heterogeneous community of the port. The house of Candomblé belonging to João Alabá was one of the most important places for the Bahians, with many well-known Mães-de-Santos met here, such as Ciata, Bibiana, Mônica and Perciliana. These women gained respect for their central positions in the terreiros and for their participation in the local community, helping integrate African traditions into the city and expanding the cultural life of the city.

18 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

“Rock of Salt" Aunt Ciata

The most famous and influential Mãe-de-Santo was

Hilária Batista de Almeida, known as Aunt Ciata. She is mentioned in all reports about the early growth of samba Carioca and carnival groups. She was born in Salvador, Bahia in 1854, on the day of Saint Hilarius and arrived in Rio de Janeiro when she was 22. She fell in love with another Bahian, Norberto and had a daughter, Isabel. She was a confectioner, and sold her sweets on Rua da Carioca, always in Bahian traditional dress. Later, Aunt Ciata lived with João Batista in a relationship that produced 15 children. A woman of great initiative and energy, she worked constantly and was a founder of the carioca tradition of Bahian "quituteiras" – traditionally clad, snack sellers and unofficial representatives of Bahian culture, including Afro-Brazilian religions. In the first half of the 19th century, she was mentioned in the book titled "Viagem Pitoresca e Histórica do Brasil" by Jean-Baptiste Debret. In the terreiro of João Alabá, Aunt Ciata was responsible for preparing offerings for her saint.

Aunt Ciata was the main creator and organisor of the ranchos of the Saúde area. She was one of those responsible for the change in the nature of the early Carnaval parades. Besides those involved in the ranchos, various undesirable types would take to the street in groups and often instigate violence. The Rio carnaval only shed its brutal image in the first half of the 19th century, becoming more festive and eventually with the creation of the modern samba schools.

Location The Saúde neighbourhood, in which Pedra do Sal is located, is in the 1st Administrative Region of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), an area close to the central business district. Officially Saúde is between Praça Mauá and a Barão de Tefé, including the hill of Conceição e Valongo. However, locals consider that the real and historical boundary of the neighbourhood is Gamboa. Pedra do Sal is more than just a part of the culture of black Brazilians, it is a historic and religious monument. It hosts regular samba da roda sessions today.

19 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

2040 Strategic Plan and 2 Managem


Petrobras reports that its Board of Directors has approved, in a meeting held yesterday, the 2040 Strategic Plan and the 2019-2023 Business and Management Plan, prepared in an integrated manner.

The company clarifies its purpose and reaffirms its values:

2040 Strategic Plan The Strategic Plan brings a new vision of an integrated energy company, aligned with the needs and the evolution of society’s habits that will increasingly seek diversification in energy sources and uses. The focus in oil and gas, present in the vision of the previous plan and still important for the coming years, will give more room for other energy sources, on the horizon until 2040. 20 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

2019-2023 Business and ment Plan The strategies of the company were adjusted, defining the focus of its actions by business segment, in view of the transition toward a low-carbon economy, risks relating to the geographical concentration and commodity, detailed below: Exploration and Production • Maximize the value of Petrobras through active management of the E&P portfolio; • Ensure the sustainability of oil and gas production, prioritizing activities in deep waters.

profitability, in addition to maintaining the safety and debt reduction metrics that guide the company’s strategies: • Total Recordable Injuries per million man-hour frequency rate (TRI) below 1.0 in 2019; • Net debt/adjusted EBITDA below 1.5 in 2020; • Return on capital employed (ROCE) above 11% in 2020. The following assumptions were considered for the Plan’s deliveries:

Natural Gas • Optimize the position in the natural gas and energy segment in Brazil and develop positions on the global market through partnerships.

The 2019-2023 Business and Management Plan investment portfolio adds up to US$ 84.1 billion and was built considering three central value generation engines for the company:

Refining, Transportation, Trading and Petrochemicals • Maximize the value of Petrobras through active management of the portfolio for refining, logistics, trading and petrochemicals, integrated into the activities of national oil and gas production; • Leave the fertilizer business, LPG distribution, biodiesel and ethanol holdings and production. Renewables • Operate in profitable renewable energy businesses, with focus on wind and solar energy in Brazil. Corporative Strategies • Develop critical skills and a culture of high performance to meet the new challenges of the company; • Prepare Petrobras for a more competitive environment based on cost and scale efficiency and digital transformation; • Assess current and future partnerships seeking integrity and value generation; • Strengthen the credibility, the pride and the reputation of Petrobras among our stakeholders. 2019-2023 Business and Management Plan Integrated into the Strategic Plan, the Business and Management Plan details the operational planning, with a focus on safety, as well as the financial planning and the pursuit of profitability in our businesses for the next five years. The Plan incorporates a new top metric, seeking to ensure

Exploration and production continue to be the most important value generation engine of the company, and the focus remains on the development of production in deep waters, notably in the pre-salt areas. Refining, transportation and trading will continue to operate in integration with E&P, but with a new participation model for Petrobras, considering partnership with other companies, and in the case of petrochemicals, its potential integration with refining will be better explored. With the expansion of gas production, the company will pursue greater value generation, considering natural gas as a vehicle for growth and establishment of a global position for Petrobras. The company will also seek partnerships in renewable energy businesses, as a new value generation engine with focus on a sustainable future for the company. Oil, NGL and Natural Gas Production In 2019, oil production growth will be 10% in Brazil and 7% in total production, due to the entry into operation of 5 new systems in 2018 and 3 more in 2019.

21 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

Fonte: Agência Petrobras

Continuous cost efficiency and pre-salt lifting costs below US$ 7/boe will drive the average lifting cost to levels under US$ 10/boe from 2020. Repositioning in Refining The Plan foresees repositioning in refining by means of partnerships in the Northeast and South clusters, which represent 40% of the installed refining capacity in Brazil, allowing to share business risks and establish a more dynamic, competitive and efficient sector, in addition to generating liquidity for the company. Sustainability This plan also brings a commitment to the decarbonization of processes and products, establishing zero growth of absolute operational emissions until 2025, considering 2015 as reference, even with increase in production. Targets are set to reduce emissions intensity by 32% in E&P and 16% in Refining between 2015 and 2025, when we’ll reach 15 kg CO2e/boe in E&P and 36 kg CO2e/t CWT in Refining.

The company will seek an optimal capital structure, with leverage (net debt/(net debt+shareholders equity)) around 25%. The shareholder remuneration policy will be maintained and any change in the distribution of dividends will take into account the reduction of indebtedness indicators and new investment opportunities. Risk Management Petrobras continues to map its main risks and adopt specific initiatives for the improvement of risk management, including the identification and planning of mitigation actions, in order to allow timely and appropriate response, in any scenario. Among the main risks identified in the 2019 - 2023 Plan horizon, the following stand out: • Implementation of major projects; • Trade policy; • Performance of partnerships and divestments; • Legal proceedings and contingencies; • Business continuity.

Fundability Through the discipline of costs, debt reduction and commitment to profitability, the company estimates a strong free cash flow generation in the plan period. Petrobras will move forward with the divestment projects already announced and will continue with partnerships and divestments driven by active portfolio management, with potential cash entry of US$ 26.9 billion over the period of the plan. These initiatives, combined with an operating cash generation estimated at US$ 114.2 billion, after dividends, taxes, and contingencies, will allow Petrobras to carry out its investments and reduce its debt, without the need for new net borrowings on the horizon of the plan. Throughout the Plan, it is foreseen the start-up of 13 new systems. For the period between 2020 and 2023, total oil and natural gas production will grow at an average rate of 5% per year.

Next page - The Petrobras News

Pre-payment of debt and new financing with Banco Santander PHOTO GERALDO FALCÃO - Agência Petrobras

Petrobras reports that today it prepaid a debt with Banco Santander in the amount of US$ 1 billion, due 2023. Simultaneously, it signed with the same institution a new line of credit worth US$ 750 million, due October 2028 and with more competitive financial costs. These transactions are in line with the company's liability management strategy, which aims to improve the amortization profile and the cost of debt, taking into account the deleveraging target set forth in its 2018-2022 Business and Management Plan.

Fonte: Agência Petrobras

Petrobras Start-up of P-75 in Búzios field pre-salt of Santos Basin

Petrobras informs that yesterday it has started the production of oil and natural gas in the Búzios 2 area, in the pre-salt of Santos Basin, by means of platform P-75, second unit installed in the Búzios field. The FPSO (floating production, storage, and offloading unit of oil and gas) is located approximately 210 km off the coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, at a water depth of 2,000 meters. With a daily capacity to process up to 150,000 barrels of oil and compress up to 6 million cubic meters of natural gas, P-75 will produce through ten producing wells, also using seven injection wells. Relief vessels will be used to offload the oil production, while gas will be drained by pre-salt pipeline routes. P-75 is the fourth platform to start production in 2018, after the FPSO Cidade Campos dos Goytacazes in the Tartaruga Verde field,

the P-69 in the Lula field and the P-74 in the Búzios

field. These platforms, together with P-67, which is already located in the Lula field, and P-76, which should go to the Búzios field in December, will conclude the six systems planned for this year in Brazil, contributing to the increase of Petrobras' production in the horizon of the 2018-2022 Business and Management Plan. Búzios Field Búzios, discovered in 2010, is the main field under the Transfer of Rights Agreement and began its production this year in April through platform P-74.

The Transfer of Rights regime gives Petrobras the exclusive right to explore and produce up to five billion barrels of oil equivalent in the Santos Basin. Fonte: Agência Petrobras

Telavancin Promising Potential Treatment Option for MRSA in Cystic Fibrosis Patients MRSA Slideshow: A Closer Look at MRSA What is MRSA?


tiny cluster of bacteria is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), seen under a microscope. This strain of the common “staph” bacteria causes infections in different parts of the body -- including the skin, lungs, and other areas. MRSA is sometimes called a “superbug” because it doesn’t respond to many antibiotics. Though most MRSA infections are minor, some can be life-threatening.

Responsible for several issues ranging from skin infections and sepsis to pneumonia and bloodstream infections, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus continues to plague patients in the health care and community setting, as well as the providers who treat them. When acquired in patients with cystic fibrosis, clinical outcomes are known to be even worse, affecting several organs—primarily the lungs—and resulting in an increased rate of declined respiratory function as well as infections that can have severe, and sometimes deadly, consequences.

24 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

Now, however, for the first time, investigators have found that telavancin—a drug that is currently used to treat skin infections and hospital-acquired pneumonia—has potent in vitro activity and low resistance development potential when used against S aureus isolates in patients with cystic fibrosis, making it a promising potential treatment option for this population. “Telavancin (TLV) is a lipoglycopeptide antibiotic approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2009 for the treatment of complicated skin and skin structure infections and in 2013 for the treatment of cases of nosocomial pneumonia, however its application for the treatment of CF-MRSA pneumonia infections was not known, so our studies are contributing to extending the application of TLV for CF treatment,” Adriana E. Rosato, PhD, associate professor in the department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine at Houston Methodist Research Institute told Contagion®. “We were also inspired by the fact that CF patients have a short life time—until 40 to 50 [years]—so our priority is to contribute to better treatment in this patient population.” Dr. Rosato and her team hypothesized that TLV might be a promising treatment option for CF-patient-derived MRSA and MSSA infections, as in vitro studies have shown that TLV has activity against MRSA. To prove this, the investigators screened a total of 333 strains of CF patient-derived S aureus of the wild-type or small-colony-variant phenotype, collected from both adults and children at 3 different cystic fibrosis centers: Houston Methodist Research Institute, UW Health and the Center for Global Infectious Disease Research. TLV was found to display activity against all 333 strains collected. When testing the activity of the drug against 23 MRSA strains, the investigators observed intermediate resistance to ceftaroline (CPT)—a new beta-lactam antibiotic that targets PBP 2a in MRSA— in 20 of the strains, and

high-level resistance to CPT in 3 of the strains. The authors note that although high levels of resistance to CPT is rare, intermediate resistance is more common in patients who have chronic infections. “Among all strains, the TLV MIC90 was 0.06 mg/liter, i.e. 8-fold lower than the daptomycin (DAP) and CPT MIC90 and 25-fold lower than the linezolid (LZD) and vancomycin (VAN) MIC90,” the authors write. Using time-kill experiments, the investigators assessed the in vitro effectiveness of TLV compared with DAP, VAN, and CPT. They found that TLV showed activity against all tested strains and displayed rapid bactericidal activity as well. The activity profile for the drug at a free serum concentration of 8 mg/liter showed that TLV performed better than VAN (16 mg/liter), LZD (10.4 mg/liter), and CPT (16 mg/liter).

EDITORIAL The investigators also set out to determine the fate of

To Our Readers mutation selection that could be projected by the potential prolonged use of TLV in patients with cystic fibrosis. To do this they lookedTexas at 3Magazine specificMay strains: AMT The Brazilian 2011 issue has received overwhelming reader found feedbackthat with 0114-48, WIS 664, and an TMH 5007. They an international circulation of 5,000 copies.The isdue to the ease ofsue mutation had been was totallyselection dedicated towhich the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the resistance Brazil Texas Chamber noted in control strains, TLV mutant is inde-of Commerce (BRATECC).We want to extend our inpendent of the CFvitation patient background of the instrains. to other companies to participate the com-

ing magazines with the opportunity to highlighting their history, challenges and successes achieved as “We demonstrated that TLV has bactericidal activity PETROBRAS AMERICA is doing it in the present publication.The magazine staff is interviewing ”Mayor against the S aureus strains tested, includingthethose of Houston Annise Parker” for the December 2011 against which and LZD displayed reduced activity, issue. Both 2011 issues CPT will have a circulation of 10,000 copies with a 40-page standard format including various articles covering current topwhich might interviews, providecomments TLV a and significant advantage over ics of interest to general audience and promoting the cultural exchange and trade the drugs to look eradicate strains and between the Statecurrently of Texas andused Brazil. We forward tothose the valuable participation of your company in the coming 2011 Brazilian Texas are thankful for prevent future exacerbations,” the Magazine.We study authors write. the strong support received from all of these invaluable friends and companies that clinicalfeeding trial the is currently underway to its assess the pharareA constantly Brazilian Texas Magazines with interesting articles and advertises. We continue in sameof direction we are working hard to give fibrothe best macokinetic profile TLV and in patients with cystic possible service to our customers and readers. Thanks so much for those that have desis, usually need dose adjustment because of an posit theirwho thrust on us for many years and a special mention to the Magazine cooperators, eaders, and places havevolume warmly allowed us to place our publication for distribution increase inthatthe of distribution and clearance.

“The next step for our research is] to perform in-vivo Sergio Lima analyses studies that could lead to translational application/clinical trial,” Dr. Rosato added. “However, we are limited in research fund.



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25 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018 4 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2011

Personality of the Month

Dr. Karlos Celso de Mesquita Titular Member Section of Surgery - Chair 28 - patron Eduardo Augusto Moscoso Dr. Mesquita, graduated in medicine from the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (1964). In 1971, he became a lecturer at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UniRio), with the work titled "Mc Murray osteotomy in the treatment of coxarthrosis." He is currently professor of Uerj. Has experience in the area of medicine, with emphasis on orthopedics and operates on the following topics: arthroplasty, hip fracture, fracture and trauma. Among endorsements and awards, he was awarded the diploma of benefactor member of the Polyclinic of Rio de Janeiro; diploma of honor of the Brazilian Society of Orthopaedics; emeritus member of the Brazilian College of Surgeons, among others. In addition, he holds a Post-Doctorate from the University of London. Born on march 24, 1941, in Castelo (ES). Son of Post doctoral degree from the University of José Maria de Mesquita and Maria Dolores Ber- London (1988-1990) with a scholarship from san de Mesquita. He graduated in Medicine from CAPES. Adjunct Professor of the Discipline of Orthe State University of Rio de Janeiro (1964). In thopedics and Traumatology (UERJ) (1975-1977). 1971, he became a professor of Orthopedics and Professor Axuliar of the same discipline, from Traumatology at the Federal University of Rio de 1977 to 1980, when he was appointed Professor Janeiro (UniRio), with the work entitled “Osteoto- of Orthopedics and Traumatology at FCM (1980). my of Mc Murray in the Treatment of Coxarthrosis”. 26 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

Head of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Service of Pedro Ernesto University Hospital (1978-1996), retired to assume the position of President of the Brazilian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (1997 - 1998). Head of the Department of Surgical Specialties of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of UERJ (1986-1989 and 1992-1993). Emeritus Titular Member of the Brazilian College of Surgeons; Member of the Board of Directors of the Association for Rational Treatment of Fractures (1998). Member of the Editorial Board of the Brazilian Journal of Orthopedics of the Brazilian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology. He has experience in the field of Medicine, with emphasis in orthopedics and mainly works on the following topics: arthroplasty, hip, fractures, fracture and trauma.

Between mentions and prizes, he was awarded the Diploma of Benefactor Member of the Polyclinic of Rio de Janeiro and the New Headquarters of the Brazilian College of Surgeons and Diploma of Honor to Merit of the Brazilian Society of Orthopedics. And Medals of the Portuguese Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (1984); Argentine Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology (1997) and Peruvian Society and Orthopedics and Traumatology (1998). On the occasion of his candidature as Full Member of the National Academy of Medicine, he presented a report titled "Osteosynthesis with Early Ambulation in Transtrocanterial Fractures". Picture - Sergio Lima, Editor The Brazilian Texas Magazine, visit the Dr. Karlos C. Mesquita in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

What is Immunotherapy? How does immunotherapy spark the immune system to help fight cancer?

What is immunotherapy? Immunotherapy is a broad category of cancer therapies that use the body’s immune system to fight cancer cells. These cells are different from normal cells, in that they do not die normally. Think of these rapidly-dividing cells like an out-of-control copy machine that won’t stop creating images. These abnormal cells frequently change, or “mutate,” to evade the immune system. Immunotherapy drugs are designed to alert the immune system about these mutated cells so it can locate and destroy them. Immunotherapies fall into three general categories: checkpoint inhibitors, which disrupt signals that allow cancer cells to hide from an immune attack; cytokines, protein molecules that help regulate and direct the immune system; and cancer vaccines, which are used to both treat and prevent cancer by targeting the immune system.

The immune system is always on patrol, like a police force charged with ridding the body of foreign invaders, such as viruses, bacteria or fungi. Lymph nodes, which make up most of the immune system, serve as police stations throughout the body. White blood cells, such as “T cells,” fight infection and cancer. They are the police officers. When a foreign invader is detected, the entire immune system is alerted through chemical signals, just as a police station would radio police officers to alert them about a problem. Cancer cells are not recognized as invaders because they are the body’s own cells that have mutated, so that once-healthy cells no longer behave like normal cells. The immune system doesn’t recognize this distinction, allowing these dangerous cells to grow, divide and spread throughout the body.

28 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

One way cancerous cells stay hidden is by sending signals to the PD-1 CTLA-4 receptors at certain checkpoints on immune cells. Those signals trick the body’s police force into thinking the cancer cells are normal. Immunotherapy drugs known as checkpoint inhibitors are designed to disrupt those signals, allowing the cancer cells to be exposed as invaders and triggering an immune system response. Cytokines and cancer vaccines are other types of immunotherapies used to generate an immune response by helping the body recognize cancer cells. Care team Immunotherapy may be an option for you if you have certain forms of kidney or lung cancers, melanoma and some head and neck cancers. The treatment may work better for some cancers, so your doctor would need to monitor your progress closely and may pair immunotherapy with other treatments. Managing side effects

T-cell therapy T cells are immune cells that fight infection. In T-cell therapy, some T cells are removed from a patient’s blood. Then, the cells are changed in a laboratory so they have specific proteins called receptors. The receptors allow those T cells to recognize the cancer cells. The changed T cells are grown in large numbers in the laboratory and returned to the patient’s body. Once there, they seek out and destroy cancer cells. This type of therapy is called chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy. Researchers are still studying this and other ways of modifying T cells to treat cancer. Currently, these treatments are only available in clinical trials. Cancer vaccines A vaccine is another method used to help the body fight disease. A vaccine exposes the immune system to an antigen. This triggers the immune system to recognize and destroy that antigen or related materials. There are 2 types of cancer vaccines: prevention vaccines and treatment vaccines. Learn more about cancer vaccines. Questions to ask the health care team

Immunotherapy can cause a variety of side effects, including fatigue, nausea, mouth sores, diarrhea, high blood pressure and fluid buildup, usually in the legs. Breast cancer patients, in particular, may experience fever, chills, pain, weakness, vomiting, headaches and rashes. The side effects of immunotherapy generally become less severe after the first treatment. Immunotherapy is a broad category of cancer therapies that uses the body’s immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. Immunotherapy may be used in combination with other cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.

Talk with your health care team about whether immunotherapy may be part of your treatment plan. If so, consider asking these questions: •What type of immunotherapy do you recommend? Why? •What are the goals of this treatment? •Will immunotherapy be my only treatment? If not, what other treatments will be a part of my treatment plan? •How will I receive immunotherapy treatment and how often? •What are the possible short-term and long-term side effects of immunotherapy? •How will this treatment affect my daily life? Will I be able to work, exercise, and perform my usual activities? •What immunotherapy clinical trials are available for me?

29 Brazilian Texas Magazine 2018

Brazil-Texas Chamber of Commerce Ceremony celebrating the “Person and Company of the Year Award�.

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