West Michigan Woman December/January 2023-24

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D E C E M B E R /J A N UA R Y 2 0 2 3 -24 : W M W


VOLUME 12 , ISSUE 3 www.westmichiganwoman.com

December/ Jan u ary 20 23 - 24

PRESIDENT & PUBLISHER Kasie Smith Serendipity Media, LLC






MANAGING EDITOR Sarah Suydam ART DIRECTOR Courtney Van Hagen

page 12


LE T TER + ONLI NE page 4 SP OTLIGHT page 5 WE LLNE SS page 6 What’s an End-of-Life Doula?

West Michigan Woman is published bimonthly by Serendipity Media, LLC; 535 Cascade West Parkway SE; Grand Rapids, MI 49546. Periodical postage is pending at Grand Rapids, MI, and additional mailing offices. Subscription

HOME page 8 Make the Holidays Merry and Bright with These Hosting Tips

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RE LATI ONSH I PS page 10 Finding Balance When You and Your Partner Enjoy Different Things

West Parkway SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546. Submissions of photographs, articles, and other material is done at the risk of the sender, and Serendipity Media, LLC

FI NANC I AL page 32 2024 Tax Prep: What to Know

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TRAV E L page 34 In Michigan, Art Is Everywhere

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Q & A page 36 Cathy Holbrook: Leading West Michigan’s Oldest Performing Arts Organization

the publisher.

West Michigan Woman is published by Serendipity Media

© 2024 Serendipity Media LLC





KASIE SMITH | P re s i d e nt & P u b l i s h e r | k asi e@ser endi p i t y- medi a.com It’s hard to believe that 2023 is coming to an end. As I ref lect on the past year, I’m grateful for so

many things, including our readers, advertisers, social followers, event attendees and the team at West Michigan Woman. We’ve had the opportunity to share with you six issues, 52 enewsletters, and more social media content than I can count. The best part? The stories of local businesses, leaders and expertise we get to share that is in turn received positively by you! Thank you for engaging with our work and allowing us to shed a light on the people, places and things that make West Michigan such a great place to live. As you can tell, this issue is special because it features the 2023 Readers’ Choice Awards. You, our readers, were able to

share the love and help inf luence who is featured in this issue. Thank you to all the nominators who engaged in helping us highlight over 100 local and deserving businesses. From wellness to home, relationships to finance, the 2023 Readers’ Choice Awards highlights those businesses you feel should be recognized for their contribution to our community. Thank you for taking time to visit these establishments and see what makes them so great! In this issue, readers are also treated to some great content highlighting the arts scene here in West Michigan and throughout the state. Our Q& A features Cathy Holbrook from St. Cecilia Music Center, a place that was started by nine women in 1883 and is still thriving 140 years later, featuring great music and new programming. And, while taxes and death are not topics most of us like to talk about, they’re a part of life. If you turn to page 32, you’ ll learn some tips for preparing for the 2024 tax season, along with available credits we should all be mindful of. And, if you’re experiencing the hardship of caring for a terminally ill family member, turn to page 6 to learn about what an end-of-life doula is and how they can support you and your family. While loss is something we all experience, everyone deals with grief in different ways. Having support for your entire family can help with the emotional healing that is required as you go through such a difficult time. As we close the book on 2023, we hope you have time for ref lection and can end the year surrounded by family, friends and fun traditions. Thank you for being a part of the West Michigan Woman community. We appreciate you and look forward to seeing you in the new year!



in our F RE E eN ew s le t t e r !

f o u n d o nly on w e s tm ichig a nw om a n. com T o p R e a d ar t i cles last mont h: Dr. Diana Bitner: Approachable. Real. Vulnerable. True. You're Busy, They're Busy: How to Nurture Your Friendships Anyway


Liz Marie Galvan's Tips for Creating Your Own Cozy Home Renovations 101


D E C E M B E R /J A N UA R Y 2 0 2 3 -24 : W M W


Photo © Jeff Kieff Photography

UNLOCKING MIGRAINE RELIEF THROUGH SCIENCE-BACKED SUPPLEMENTS Migraines can be debilitating, but science has uncovered powerful supplements to help you reclaim your life. Let’s dive

THE BOVÉE WAY! PILATES RE-MASTERED Old school, stuffy Pilates has been remastered by Master Instructor

deeper into the most studied supplements that can help you reduce the frequency and

Ahmé Bovée. Bovée Pilates is all about discovering your hidden


potential and breaking free from restraints. 40,000 hours of expertise

• Riboflavin (Vitamin B2):

and development have led her to a new way to teach Pilates—the

Clinical studies show that

Bovée way! Those who frequent Bovée’s studio, Pilates in East, know

riboflavin can reduce the

something special is happening there. The instruction is a step above;

frequency and severity of

the way you feel after class makes you want to come back for more. So, what’s the secret sauce?

migraine attacks. • Magnesium Glycinate: This

Bovée says, “We draw out the organic intelligence of your body, so

specific form of magnesium

it just feels right from the start and we use positive psychology. It’s a

is considered the best for

warm, welcoming environment where you can’t help but excel!”

migraine relief, as it helps

Try a class for free! Contact Pilates in East to schedule a free intro class 616.242.9595 | info@pilatesineast.com | pilatesineast.com Ad on page 35

relax blood vessels and has been linked to reduced migraine occurrences. • Coenzyme Q10: CoQ10, an antioxidant, supports mitochondrial function


and may reduce migraine frequency.

The newest Anna’s House location on Northland Drive in

• Butterbur - Nature’s

Grand Rapids is officially open and serving guests with unique

Preventive Power: Butterbur

menu offerings and smiling faces! This is the 11th Anna’s

is renowned for its ability to

House restaurant in Michigan, and complements its other Grand

reduce inflammation in blood

Rapids locations on Plainfield Ave and East Beltline Ave.

vessels, helping to prevent

Located at 5488 Northland Dr NE, former home to Burger

migraine attacks before they

King, the restaurant will serve breakfast and lunch daily until

even start.

3 p.m. Anna’s House prides itself on catering to a wide variety

The quality of these

of dietary needs and preferences such as gluten-free, dairy-

supplements matters, as it

free, vegan and vegetarian. The Anna’s House team is excited

can significantly impact their

to expand its presence in the Grand Rapids area and continue

effectiveness. For best results use

their mission in “saving the world from an ordinary breakfast!” Visit annashouseus.com. Ad on page 29

professional grade supplements. Photo © Hannah Sorensen

Contact us for more information: keystonerx.com | 616.974.9792.






“Do you guys ever think about dying?” - Barbie


While many folks have heard of doulas in relation to childbirth, it’s likely many haven’t

encountered the idea of an end-of-life doula (or death doula)—someone who assists a dying person and their loved ones before, during and after a death. Like many professions, it takes a special kind of person to walk this path voluntarily with others at their most vulnerable. But there’s much to learn and understand about the end-of-life period. Laura Hoekstra, an End-of-Life Doula and Owner of Grace In The Leaving End-of-Life Doula

Services, explained more about what her work entails. “We provide non-medical, emotional, spiritual and practical support, as well as education about

the dying process, preparation for what’s to come and guidance while you’re grieving,” said Hoekstra, who’s no stranger to personal grief. She considers this career to be her calling, saying: “I didn’t choose this line of work; it chose me.”

LAURA HOEKSTRA End-of-Life Doula and Owner, Grace In The Leaving End-of-Life Doula Services

The death of Hoekstra’s husband in August 2000, when their daughter Betsy was only a toddler, changed the trajectory of her life. Later, Hoekstra was a caregiver for both her parents until their deaths in 2013 and 2020. Over the years, she’s led grief support groups, book studies and shared her grief journey with others. Having been a caregiver while working full-time and parenting, Hoekstra understands a person can only stretch themselves so far to meet the demands of aging or terminally ill loved ones.

Learn more by following Grace in the Leaving on Facebook, LinkedIn or at graceintheleaving.com.

“As I moved toward retirement, I realized my life experience, gifts and skills were uniquely equipping me for end-of-fife work,” she explained. “That’s why I obtained my training and certifications, then opened my small business in November 2022.” End-of-life doulas work with people as early as a first diagnosis all the way through bereavement. They offer many services which can be adapted to the specific needs of the individuals and families they serve, such as: Companionship; household support; hands-on, non-medical comfort measures; life review and legacy work; logistical planning; respite care; bedside vigil; identification of community resources; and much more. But it’s true, there remains a stigma surrounding death, with many refusing to confront their mortality at all. “Many people think that talking about death and dying will jinx them, possibly even hastening their own death or that of a loved one,” Hoekstra said. “But just as we’re born, we will die. And there


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Laura Hoekstra Headshot © Gina Ruark

Wellness Stock Photo © Adobe Stock

are things we can do to make that part

and their families; we don’t take the place

of life less mysterious. We need to better

of doctors or hospice professionals.”

around so much sickness, death, grief

understand the process; know more about

In her volunteer work as a victim

and loss,” Hoekstra said. “For me, my

this inescapable and universal life event.”

advocate with the Kent County Sheriff ’s

life is clearly richer and deeper because

“People often wonder how I can work

Hoekstra hopes people can move to talk

Office, Hoekstra sees many unexpected

I understand the beauty in each of life’s

more openly about grief and create space

deaths in which families often have no

seasons. Listening to life stories, sharing

for caring conversations.

idea what their loved one wanted, the

music and rituals, helping families care for

“As members of communities, we know

location of important paperwork and how

and comfort their loved ones, celebrating

how to prepare for and celebrate the birth

best to honor them. She works to guide

life by honoring death … there’s nothing

of a child. This same level of planning for

them through that difficult journey.

more rewarding.” WMW

death shouldn’t be rare and it shouldn’t be something we leave to the ‘professionals’ in medical or funeral care,” Hoekstra said. “It’s time we become our own best advocates for the kind of care and quality of life we want if or when terminal illness interrupts and challenges our plans.” Misconceptions about this time in our lives abound. “One of the greatest misconceptions is that hospice care only benefits someone who is within days or weeks of dying,” Hoekstra explained, noting that evidence shows persons under hospice care for a terminal diagnosis have a better quality of life, and sometimes even more quantity, than those without. End-of-life doulas, Hoekstra shared, can help fill a gap for those in hospice as it relates to non-medical needs, caregiver support, family support with anticipatory grief, organizing space and paperwork. “I serve people in their homes, wherever that home may be: With family, alone, assisted living or even in the hospital,” she said. “End-of-life doulas support clients






Hosting (especially for the holidays) can

be a monumental and often exhausting task. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to always feel that way. According to Liz Marie Galvan, USA Today best-selling author, interior designer and West Michigan woman, an organized host is a good host. “I’ve found the key to holiday hosting is

simply planning ahead,” said Galvan. Before we dive in any further: If you

love a good list, take the time to handwrite all tasks that need to be taken care of so you can check them off as you go (is there anything more satisfying?). Galvan works to set the tone for the holidays through carefully curated decor,

Photos © Anna Vanderberg Photography

including multiple Christmas trees throughout her home and property. “The way to make guests feel comfortable and cozy is by making them feel at home,” she said, recommending keeping a mini hot chocolate bar set up in a corner of

bed of greenery (faux or real) down the table’s center and top with candlesticks—and, they don’t have to be real candles to feel cozy,” she said. “There are some great battery-powered options that look quite realistic and can give the same effect.” If scent is important to you, consider having a simmer pot of ingredients like orange slices, cinnamon sticks, clove and rosemary going to fill your home with a truly festive aroma.

the kitchen for when guests arrive. “I

For food, feel free to make things as simple or complex as you wish. Reach out to guests

love welcoming people into our home by

ahead of time to ask for any meal requests and to get insight into any dietary restrictions or

quickly filling their hands with a warm

allergies. And if children are in attendance, consider adding some dedicated time for cookie

drink and perhaps a snack to tide them

baking and decorating to get everyone involved. Not much of a cook? Ask guests to bring a

over until dinner is served. I also love

dish, or reach out (early) to one of many West Michigan’s many local catering options.

nesting everything on a bed of evergreen branches. My collection of Santa mugs is both decorative and practical. Make it personal with your own collection or family

Don’t forget the magic of a good tablecloth, which not only elevates the look of your table, but comes in clutch when cleaning up. “At the end of the night, fold in the sides and carry it right into the dishwasher, along with cloth napkins if you’re using them,” Galvan said.

treasures, whether it’s your grandmother’s apron or a favorite cookie jar.” Placing everything needed for setting the dinner table—serving bowls, utensils, etc.—out early is also a top time-saving tip of Galvan’s. “For a simple holiday centerpiece, lay a


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Galvan’s new book, Create Your Own Cozy: 100 Practical Ways to Love Your Home and Life, is available now wherever books are sold. For more tips, visit lizmarieblog.com and @lizmariegalvan.

Guests staying overnight? Galvan offers up the following tips: • Prepare your guest area ahead of time. • Have throw blankets and pillows readily available. • Fill a basket with those oft-forgotten essentials. • Have a table nearby for a glass of water, reading glasses, a lamp, bedside book, etc. • Share Wi-Fi passwords and other helpful information. • Plan for meals, and make snacks and drinks readily available. • Provide a closet, drawer or space for guests’ belongings. If space is tight, consider sleeping options like air mattresses, portable cots or thick throw beds that can be unrolled as needed. “If you’re hosting, don’t be afraid to ask for help,” Galvan said. “Remember, things don’t have to be perfect! The simple truth is this: Making guests feel comfortable is not so much about the decor or the design or furniture or the space—it’s about the thoughtful welcome and little touches.” Whatever holidays you celebrate, these tips are sure to help make your hosting duties less stressful so you can enjoy time spent with those who matter most to you. WMW





When You and Your Partner Enjoy Different Things


Relationships Stock Photo © Adobe Stock


If you’d have asked me six years ago about NFL draft picks, what makes a strong defensive line, why you should (or shouldn’t

go for it on fourth down), the nuances of an onside kick, or what exactly makes Barry Sanders is the best running back of all time, the answer likely wouldn’t have been nearly as informed as it would be today. That’s because over the years, I’ve grown fond of football thanks to my boyfriend’s interest and near genius-level knowledge of the sport, obscure rulings and all. While it started as his hobby, it’s now something we enjoy together (even though our respective teams are rivals). However, I realize things aren’t always that simple and partners may have hobbies that don’t overlap at all, making it difficult

to navigate. It got me thinking … What are you supposed to do in this case? I started asking around to learn what friends and colleagues thought of finding this oftentimes delicate balance. Here are a few things I’ve learned when discussing the subject.

BE INQUISITIVE AND ASK QUESTIONS Express curiosity in your partner’s hobbies and encourage them to do the same about yours! A colleague—whose interests include

terms of scheduling and sharing the load at home, you could take a

writing short stories, baking and crafting—finds genuine enjoyment

page out of one of my colleague’s books and draft up a (literal on-

in her partner’s car hobby because he teaches her about the history

paper) contract with your significant other specifically outlining

behind certain makes and models when they attend car shows. She

expectations for one another surrounding said hobbies. By doing

in return teaches him about her favorite art pieces and authors.

this, you’re in full agreement and understanding of what works for

Having this kind of playful curiosity allows you to share something

each other. And yes, amendments to the contract can certainly be

together, have deeper conversations and also potentially inspire you

made along the way. It’s your shared document, after all!

both to explore new interests together. You might also learn you’ve got more common ground than you may have initially realized!



quite your jam? That’s totally fine! There’s nothing wrong with

Do you both love movies but the genre of the newest release isn’t In 2023, I got back into running and recently ran a half marathon.

skipping out on what you genuinely don’t enjoy. There will always

While I certainly wouldn’t turn my boyfriend away if he wanted to

be another movie you can go see together or a cozy movie night

join me in a race, I know it’s not his thing. The best thing he did

at home to plan. You could also still be “alone together” (a.k.a.

during my training and race was simply be there and be supportive,

in the presence of each other while enjoying different hobbies).

whether it was asking how a Sunday morning long run went, traveling

This could mean reading on the couch while the other works on

to the race and waking up with me at 3:45 a.m. or cheering and

assembling a miniature model on the coffee table. You’re not less

filming me crossing the finish line. He knew how much it meant

of a partner for being free birds every now and again!

to me and made compromises to ensure I had a good experience.

Of course, if one party in the relationship finds the other’s

In addition, he ended up enjoying the race day energy and had fun

hobby to be hurtful or disrespectful in some way, that warrants a

soaking it all in while I was out there on the course doing my thing.

larger conversation and assessment of whether a compromise can realistically be reached.

CONSIDER PUTTING THINGS IN WRITING If you and your partner’s hobbies cause occasional friction in

Remember: Not everyone is going to be into the same things you are … And that’s OK! As long as you’re both on the same page and show you respect the things that make each other happy, you’ ll be on the right track. WMW


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HOLIDAY JOY ABOUNDS IN ADA VILLAGE Whether you're looking for a unique gift for a loved one or treating yourself to something special to wear to your next holiday gathering, the small-town charm of Ada Village offers loads of options to shop, dine and support locally owned businesses this holiday season. Croft Haus, Gina's Boutique and the James Boutique all feature a curated collection of on-trend clothing. Looking for a dress for that holiday work event? They have you covered. Need a wide-leg jean for the fashionista on your list? Check. Looking for something for the kiddos? Stop into Tip Toes for on-trend or classic finds. Adventure-minded shoppers will love Beyond of Ada, home to an array of outdoor upscale brands for the whole family, including Cotopaxi, North Face and Patagonia.

If home décor and gifts are what you seek, stop into Croft Haus, Ada Village Pharmacy or Laurel and Jack. There you’ll find an array of cozy throws, scented candles, items for your pup or cards that leave you laughing. For the bookworms on your list, Plumfield Books has literary options for all ages and wine to purchase (and sip) while browsing. Then, stop into Pursuit for beautiful wrapping paper to give your purchases that perfect finishing touch. Before heading home, stop at one of the many dining options for a sip or snack. Grab a latte at Brody’s Be Café or a beer at Gravel Bottom Brewery. Luna, MudPenny and Garage Bar all have great casual food offerings, and if you’re craving pasta or pizza … you need to check out Ada Village’s newest addition, Myrth.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR THESE UPCOMING ADA VILLAGE EVENTS: Winter Window Competition | December 1-31 | Visit the decorated storefronts in Ada Village and vote for your favorite. Tinsel, Treats, & Trolleys | December 1, 5:30-9 p.m. | Watch the Ada Bridge lighting, take a trolley ride, and grab a holiday sweet treat at the Averill Museum. Women’s Night | December 9, 6-9 p.m. | A perfect excuse for a night of shopping, dining and socializing with your friends.

Photos © Croft Haus, Myrth, Gravel Bottom Brewery

Discover everything Ada Village has to offer at adavillage.com.








Our lives wouldn’t be what they are without the stellar local establishments found around every corner of West Michigan, from the newly founded to the well-established and everything in between. Those local staples are what the West Michigan Woman Readers’ Choice Awards are all about. With categories reflective of sections of the magazine and website, the awards seek to highlight YOUR favorite local businesses and people who deserve to be recognized for the services and specialties they provide. Earlier this fall, West Michigan Woman readers voted and rallied to have their voices heard—and the results are in. Keep reading to see our finalists and winners for the third annual Readers’ Choice Awards.

*Categories with more than three businesses indicate a tie during the nomination period. Beneath the winner, remaining category finalists appear in alphabetical order.*


D E C E M B E R /J A N UA R Y 2 0 2 3 -24 : W M W


BEAUT Y Options for beauty services in West Michigan abound! We know from personal experience: Once you find your go-to professional who just “gets it,” you’ll be fiercely loyal. With beauty and aesthetic services being sources of self-care for many, it's necessary to recognize those establishments which make us feel like our best selves— from a haircut and a facial to that cosmetic procedure you’ve always wanted.

D ay S p a Design 1 Salon Spa design1.com » Ethos Day Spa | ethosdayspa.com » Woodhouse Spa | facebook.com/woodhousegrandrapids

Hai r S a lo n Design 1 Salon Spa design1.com » Lilith’s Lair | lilithslairgr.com » Salon Re: | salonre.com

Nai l S a lo n POSH Nails & Spa poshnails.net » Design 1 Salon Spa | design1.com » JV Nails & Spa | jvnailsandspa.business.site

L a s h & B row S e r v i c e s Siren & Proper sirenandproper.com » The Reckoning Studio | thereckoningstudio.com » Skinfluencer | skinfluencer.as.me » Wanderlux Salon + Spa | wanderluxgr.com

Photos © Adobe Stock

P l a sti c Su rge r y Bengtson Center for Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery bengtsoncenter.com » Center for Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery - Dr. Ringler | stevenringlermd.com

» Plastic Surgery Associates | psa-gr.com

Medical Spa Beauty ReNew Aesthetics mybeautyrenew.com » Bengtson Center for Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery | bengtsoncenter.com

» Skin CoLAB | skincolab.com

Tat to o S tu d i o Honest to Goodness htgtattoo.com » balm. | balmtattooing.com » Meeting House | @meetinghousetatu




WELLNESS Prioritizing overall well-being through each of life’s seasons is something West Michigan Woman has always taken seriously. Though wellness services come in a variety of forms and range across a plethora of providers, they all have one thing in common: Each helps women throughout the West Michigan community live their healthiest and happiest lives—whatever that looks like for them.

Wo m e n’s H e a lth Cli ni c s & S e r v i c e s Grand Rapids Women’s Health grandrapidswomenshealth.com » Harmonic Wellness Centre | harmonicwellnesscentre.com » true. Women’s Health | truewomenshealth.com » Women’s+ Health Collective | whcollective.com

M e nta l H e a lth S e r v i c e s Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services pinerest.org » THE PLAYGROUNDgr | theplaygroundgr.org » Wedgwood Christian Services | wedgwood.org Photos © Adobe Stock

P hys i c a l Gy m YMCA grymca.org » MVP Athletic Club | mvpsportsclubs.com » Valeo / Training | valeotraining.com

B o uti q u e F itn e s s S tu d i o The Barre Code Grand Rapids thebarrecode.com/mi-grand-rapids-grhh/ » CKO Kickboxing | ckokickboxing.com/mi-grand-rapids » Valeo / Training | valeotraining.com

Nutr iti o n a l S e r v i c e s Born Clinic bornclinic.com » DBC Natural Holistic Health Center, PLLC | drdenboer.com » Harmonic Wellness Centre | harmonicwellnesscentre.com

C a n n a b i s & CBD P rov i s i o n a r y Pharmhouse Wellness pharmhousewellness.com » CBD Store of Michigan | cbdstoremi.com » Fluresh | fluresh.com


D E C E M B E R /J A N UA R Y 2 0 2 3 -24 : W M W

Ad d i cti o n S e r v i c e s Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services pinerest.org » Sanford Behavioral Health | sanfordbehavioralhealth.com » Wedgwood Christian Services | wedgwood.org

H o li sti c C a re C e nte r Harmonic Wellness Centre - Hollie Schipper, ND harmonicwellnesscentre.com » Integrative Wellness Grand Rapids - Carrie Dennie, ND, RAc | integrativewellnessgr.com

» Natural Health Improvement Center | nhicwestmi.com


W EST MI CHI GAN DE RMA T O LO GY COMPASSIONATE SERVICE AND EXCEPTIONAL CARE Since 1982, West Michigan Dermatology has been a leading presence for all your dermatological needs, including sophisticated medical, pediatric and surgical dermatology care for adults and children. Whether you’re concerned about a rash or new mole, our providers offer a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Most often, patients seek us out for treatments for acne, cysts, moles, warts, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea and skin cancers, as well as routine skin cancer screenings. We also offer cosmetic procedures through the Skin Revitalizing Center, including options for exfoliating and rejuvenation treatments, chemical peels, micro-needling, laser treatments, and Botox, Dysport and dermal fillers. Our family of providers includes nine board certified dermatologists, eight experienced and knowledgeable physician assistants and a nurse practitioner highly trained in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema and atopic dermatitis. Visit our Skin Revitalizing Center in Grandville or on East Beltline. Mention this ad to receive 20% off your choice of treatment.

Photo © J Photography




W E L L N E S S Continued... Chi ro p r a cti c C a re

O pto m etr y

Rise Wellness Chiropractic

Grand Rapids Ophthalmology



» Kooistra Chiropractic Clinic | kooistrachiropractic.com » The Chiropractic Doctors | bestgrandrapidschiropractor.com

» Cascade Ophthalmology, PC | cascadeeyes.com » Premier Family Eyecare | premierfamilyeyes.com

D e r m ato log y

Vete r i n a r y

Dermatology Associates of West Michigan




» West Michigan Dermatology | westmichiganderm.com » Wolverine Dermatology | wolverinedermatology.com

» Cottonwood Veterinary Center | cottonwoodvetcenter.com » Family Friends Veterinary Hospital | familyfriendsvet.com

D e nti str y Great Lakes Dental Care greatlakesdentalcare.com » 616 Dental Studio | 616dentalstudio.com » Brian S. Nylaan, DDS | nylaandental.com

Photos © Adobe Stock


BR IAN S. NY L AAN , DDS Our motto is “Changing lives one smile at a time.” A healthy smile leads to a healthier body and a healthier outlook on life. Our goal is to help you achieve your goals for your smile, your health and your life. Visit NylaanDental.com

Photo © Michael Buck, M-Buck Studio, LLC


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BUSINESS & CAREER West Michigan Woman is passionate about empowering women to be firm in their determination to break the mold and succeed in business. Whether it’s returning to the professional workforce after years away, breaking into a traditionally male-dominated industry, fostering mentor/mentee relationships or finding the right developer for your ecommerce website, these businesses, institutions and associations help make “dream careers” our everyday realities.

P rofe s s i o n a l As s o ci ati o n Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce grandrapids.org » Inforum | inforummichigan.org » SWAN - Strong Women Arise Network | swansuccess.com

C o nti nu i ng Ed u c ati o n Grand Valley State University gvsu.edu » Cornerstone University | cornerstone.edu » Grand Rapids Community College | grcc.edu

S k i lle d Tr a d e Ed u c ati o n Grand Rapids Community College grcc.edu Photos © Adobe Stock

» West Michigan Construction Institute | wmcinstitute.com » Wedgwood Christian Services | wedgwood.org

L aw F i r m

In s u r a n c e A ge n cy

Warner Norcross + Judd LLP

Great Lakes Insurance & Financial Services Agency



» Coonen Law, PLLC | coonen-law.com » Mika Meyers PLC | mikameyers.com » Sadek Law PLC | sadeklawplc.com

» BHS Insurance | bhsins.com » The Insurance Group - Stacy Segrist Kamphuis | Doug Kamphuis | the-insurance-group.com

Ac c o u nti ng S e r v i c e s Hungerford Nichols CPAs + Advisors hungerfordnichols.com » 4K Accounting Services | 4kaccounting.com » Symmetrical Solutions | symmetrical-solutions.com

IT Ser vices Kinetix Technology Services | kinetixinc.com Rehmann | rehmann.com » Business System Solutions | bssconsulting.com » Millenia Technologies | mtvoip.com




PERSONAL FINANCE It can be overwhelming to know what choices to make in relation to our personal finances, especially when taking on endeavors for the first time like buying a home, transitioning a loved one into a retirement community, ensuring your estate is in order and more. That’s where these professionals come in! No matter the occasion or situation, knowing who you can trust with your finances is paramount.

Estate P l a n ni ng Mika Meyers PLC mikameyers.com » CBH Attorneys & Counselors | cbhattorneys.com » Coonen Law, PLLC | coonen-law.com

D i vo rc e At to r n ey Mika Meyers PLC mikameyers.com

F i n a n ci a l Ad v i s o r Abby Lininger – Drake Financial Group - Primerica primerica.com/lininger » Daniel Kempker – Baird Private Wealth Management | kkcp.bairdwealth.com/team/daniel-kempker

» Growtrust Partners | growtrust.com

Bank Huntington Bank huntington.com » Fifth Third Bank | 53.com » United Bank | unitedbank4u.com

M o r t g a ge Le n d i ng Lake Michigan Credit Union lmcu.org » Treadstone Funding | treadstonemortgage.com » VanDyk Mortgage | vandykmortgage.com

Cre d it Uni o n Lake Michigan Credit Union lmcu.org » Adventure Credit Union | adventurecu.org » Consumers Credit Union | consumerscu.org


D E C E M B E R /J A N UA R Y 2 0 2 3 -24 : W M W

» Debra Colletti – Colletti & Mobilia PC | collettiandmobilia.com » Thacker Sleight PC | thackersleight.com




STYLE Whether it’s your favorite sweater, those handmade earrings you pull out for special occasions or that perfect gift for someone special, West Michigan’s boutiques and talented artisans create and offer unique goods that match our vibes to a T. Because we know self-expression so often shines through one’s personal style, we encourage you to make bold choices in the name of honoring your true self.

Wo m e n’s Clothi ng B o uti q u e Gina’s Boutique ginasgr.com » A.K. Rikk’s | akrikks.com » Leigh’s | leighsfashions.com

Chi ld re n’s B o uti q u e Pink Lemonade pinklemonademi.com » Hopscotch Children’s Store | hopscotchstore.com » Tip Toes | shoptiptoes.com

M e n’s B o uti q u e Fitzgerald’s Men’s Store fitzs.com » A.K. Rikk’s | akrikks.com » Glik’s | gliks.com Photo © Adobe Stock

B r i d a l B o uti q u e Renee Austin Wedding reneeaustinwedding.com » Second Dance Bridal & Formal Consignment | seconddancegr.com » Spring Sweet | springsweet.com » True Society – Grand Rapids | facebook.com/truesocietygrandrapids


D E C E M B E R /J A N UA R Y 2 0 2 3 -24 : W M W

S h o e S to re Mieras Family Shoes mierasfamilyshoes.com » Borr’s Shoes and Accessories | borrs.com

» VanHoecks Footwear | vanhoecks.com

Founded in 1901. For 5 generations the DeVries family has exceeded customer expectations with quality merchandise, unsurpassed service & a knowledgeable staff.

J ewe le r DeVries Jewelers devriesjewelers.com » Almassian Jewelers | almassianjewelers.com

» Preusser Jewelers | preusserjewelers.com

C o n s ig n m e nt o r Su stai n a b le B o uti q u e Gild the Lily shopgildthelily.com » Rock Paper Scissors Consignment Boutique | rpsconsign.com

» Wearforward | wear-forward.com

Thank you


S h o p p i ng D i str i ct Downtown Holland downtownholland.com » Breton Village | cwdrealestate.com/ great-spaces/breton-village

» Uptown | uptowngr.com

411 Leonard St. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 616-454-6892 www.devriesjewelers.com


Photo © DeVries Jewelers




DO W NTOWN HOL LA N D FIND GIFTS FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST! Imagine a holiday shopping experience that’s actually, well … enjoyable! One where the snow melts away on the heated cobblestone sidewalks almost as quickly as it falls from the sky; where the streets are lined with thousands of twinkling lights and the scent of fresh greenery fills the air; a place where you can find gifts for everyone on your list in one easy stop. Downtown Holland is the go-to place for all your holiday shopping needs! For the fashion influencer in your life, you’ll find the latest trends in both men and women’s clothing, accessories and footwear at boutiques like Frances Jaye, jb and me, or Studio K Clothing Co. Shop for your favorite foodie at Fustini’s or The Seasoned Home, where you’ll find a wide selection of flavored olive oils, herbs and spices, and the cutest gifts for entertaining guests all year long. Satisfy a sweet tooth with a box of hand-dipped chocolates from the Holland Peanut Store, owned and operated by the Fabiano family for over 120 years. Or, grab a box of flavorful macarons from Le Bon Macaron that are so authentic they’ll think you’ve traveled to Paris! The athletes and adventurers in your life will love a gift from Gazelle Sports or The Outpost of Holland. For those staying cozy at home, create the perfect gift basket with a custom-blended candle from Garsnett Beacon Candle Co., a coffee table book from Reader’s World and a soft throw pillow from Anna Interiors. You can even support a great cause with your holiday shopping at The Bridge, a nonprofit gift shop selling colorful fair-trade products from across the globe.

gifts and save big during the early morning Shopping Jam event! Participating shops will open two hours early for one day only,

No matter who you’re shopping for (even if it’s for yourself),

offering savings of 30% off at least one item

you’re bound to find the perfect gift in Downtown Holland!

from 8-9 a.m. and 25% off from 9-10 a.m.

On Saturday, December 16, snag your last-minute holiday

The earlier you shop, the more you save!

See downtownholland.com for more. 22

D E C E M B E R /J A N UA R Y 2 0 2 3 -24 : W M W

Photos © Downtown Holland




T R AV E L What’s better than a good getaway? Most would argue: not much! Like you, the West Michigan Woman team are fans of the many exhilarating and rejuvenating experiences found all throughout West Michigan and beyond. From weekends spent enjoying art-centric events to soaking up the simplicity and stillness of a quaint waterfront destination, our state and region offer an abundance of opportunities for exploration.

H ote l Amway Grand Plaza amwaygrand.com » Canopy by Hilton | facebook.com/canopygrandrapids » JW Marriott Grand Rapids | facebook.com/ilovethejw

Re s o r t Grand Traverse Resort & Spa grandtraverseresort.com » Crystal Mountain | crystalmountain.com » Grand Hotel | grandhotel.com

B e d & B re a k fa st The Inn at Black Star Farms blackstarfarms.com/inn » Peaches Bed and Breakfast | peachesinn.com » Wickwood Inn | ​​w ickwoodinn.com

G o lf C o u r s e Egypt Valley Country Club egyptvalley.com » Pilgrim’s Run Golf Club | pilgrimsrun.com » Thousand Oaks Golf Club | thousandoaksgolf.com

Photo © Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park

A r ts At tr a cti o n Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park meijergardens.org » ArtPrize | artprize.org » Grand Rapids Art Museum | artmuseumgr.org

Fa mi ly- Fr i e n d ly At tr a cti o n John Ball Zoo jbzoo.org

We e ke n d G etaway

» Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park | boulderridgewap.com » Grand Rapids Children’s Museum | grcm.org » Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park | meijergardens.org

Traverse City

O utd o o r At tr a cti o n

traversecity.com » Grand Haven | visitgrandhaven.com » Ludington | pureludington.com » Saugatuck/Douglas | saugatuck.com

Tr ave l A ge n cy Witte Travel & Tours wittetravel.com » Cruise Planners – Lori Visser, V TA | globespinnertravel.com » Edgewood Travel – Meredith Rothouse | edgewoodtravel. com/team/meredith-rothouse


D E C E M B E R /J A N UA R Y 2 0 2 3 -24 : W M W

Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park meijergardens.org » Blandford Nature Center | blandfordnaturecenter.org » John Ball Zoo | jbzoo.org

S p o r ts At tr a cti o n West Michigan Whitecaps milb.com/west-michigan » Grand Rapids Griffins | griffinshockey.com » Muskegon Luge Adventure Sports Park | msports.org



SHOP, DINE AND CELEBRATE THE SEASON IN UPTOWN GRAND RAPIDS In addition, Uptown invites you to its highly anticipated 26th annual Shop Hop event on Thursday, December 7, as part of a full season of holiday spirit on the streets of Uptown. On this special evening only, businesses pull out all the stops to offer an extra-festive visit, with merriment From street lamps tied with greenery and bows to

including free trolley rides between districts,

beautifully tailored storefront windows spruced

streetside entertainment and surprise guests and

to the nines, Uptown Grand Rapids has decked its

goodies all night long. The event is a wonderful way

halls just for you! The district warmly invites you

to knock out that shopping list with memorable gifts

to a full season’s worth of shopping, dining and

not found in larger traditional shopping centers that

supporting local, now through December 24—with

also support the livelihoods of local and independent

extra special festivities planned for December 7.

makers, right here at home. What a joyful and jolly

Uptown’s four walkable business districts include East

way to celebrate the spirit of the holidays!

Fulton, East Hills, Eastown and Wealthy Street. The

For more information about the Uptown district,

districts—connected by their charming and renowned

including its Shop Hop event, head to uptowngr.com,

brick-paved streets—are uniquely nestled among

where you’ll find helpful maps, driving and

cozy and historic residential neighborhoods, and are

parking information, a comprehensive business

located just one mile east of downtown Grand Rapids.

directory and more.

Uptown is West Michigan’s largest small business community and is home to nearly 400 small and independently owned and operated businesses in every category. It’s here you’ll find boutiques and retail shops bursting with unique and specially made goods. Clothing, toys, books, sweets, games, sporting goods, home décor … there’s something for everyone. Gift cards are available at most retailers as well, providing an opportunity to give the gift of an Uptown experience! There’s also dining and entertainment to suit every mood, as well as spas and sweeteries, yoga studios and coffee shops, cocktail lounges, art galleries, music stores and more.

Photos © Uptown Grand Rapids, Inc. WMW : WESTMICHIGANWOMAN .COM



HOME The old saying “home is where the heart is” rings true for a reason. Your abode is your own personal shelter from the storm, where milestones happen and where memories are always being made. Thankfully, whether you’re planting spring flowers for the garden, are on the hunt for the perfect accent chair, or are seeking a designer to create your dream dwelling, these West Michigan establishments have you covered.

Re a lto r/ Re a l Estate A ge nt Kristin Siebers – City2Shore kristinsiebers.city2shore.com » Brandon Snellink – RE/MAX | brandonsnellink.remax-michigan.com » Megan Hill – EXP Realty LLC | exprealty.com » Stacey Czarnopis – Charter Properties | charterpropertiesgr.com/agent/stacey-czarnopis

Home Decor Delight In Designs delightindesigns.com » Commune | @commune_gr » Kathryn Chaplow COLLECT | kathrynchaplowcollect.com » Mason Jones | masonjonesshops.com

Photo © Snowden Builders

Inte r i o r Re n ovati o n S e r v i c e s Fu r nitu re

Grand Rapids Construction, LLC

Talsma Furniture


talsmafurniture.com » Klingman’s Furniture & Design | klingmans.com

» Amber Valley Construction | ambervalleyconstruction.com » HWC Homeworks Corp. | hwchomeworks.com » PK Building Remodeling, LLC | pkbuildingremodeling.com

F lo o r i ng

K itch e n Re m o d e li ng

DeGraaf Interiors

Shelly’s Kitchens & Designs



» Rockford Floor Covering | rockfordfloorcoveringmi.com » West Michigan Flooring | westmiflooring.com

» HWC Homeworks Corp. | hwchomeworks.com » TruKitchens | trukitchens.com

Inte r i o r D e s ig n

L a n d s c a p e & O utd o o r D e s ig n

Katelynn Scott – Decorating Den Interiors

Harder & Warner Landscapes and Boutique Gardens



» Evolve Organizing Solutions | evolveorganizingsolutions.com » Kathryn Chaplow Interior Design | kathrynchaplow.com

» Hilbrands Landscape Management, Inc. | 616.942.9591 » Kappes Landscapes | kappeslandscapes.com

Re s i d e nti a l C o ntr a cto r/ H o m e B u i ld e r

G re e n h o u s e

DeHaan Homes

Countryside Greenhouse



» Lanser Construction | lanserconstruction@gmail.com » Snowden Builders | snowdenbuilders.com

» Koetsier’s Greenhouse | koetsiers.com » Motman’s Greenhouses | motmansgreenhouses.net

» Huizen’s Furniture | huizensfurniture.com


D E C E M B E R /J A N UA R Y 2 0 2 3 -24 : W M W

Cle a ni ng S e r v i c e s

Ele ctr i ci a n

Clean Bee Home Services

Cherry Valley Plumbing & Electrical



» Pinnacle Cleaning Services | pinnaclean.com » Sparkle & Shine Cleaning Services of West Michigan

» Accent Electric | 616.361.5140 » Webb Electric of Grand Rapids | facebook.com/webbelectric

| sparkleandshinecleaningservices.net

H VAC S e r v i c e s

Ha n d y m a n S e r v i c e s

Vredevoogd Heating & Cooling

Mr. Handyman of Greater Grand Rapids



» ACR Heating and Cooling | acrheatingandcooling.com » R & R Mechanical Services | rrmechanicalsvs.com

» Overbuilt Construction Co. | overbuiltco.com » PK Building Remodeling, LLC | pkbuildingremodeling.com

C a r D e a le r s hi p

O rg a nizi ng S e r v i c e s

Fox Motors

JJ Organizational Design


jjorganizeme.com » Evolve Organizing Solutions | evolveorganizingsolutions.com » West Michigan Organizing Company | westmiorganizingco.com

» Borgman Ford Mazda | borgmanmazda.com » Sparta Chevrolet | spartachevy.com

Auto m oti ve Re p ai r S h o p

P lu m b e r

Christian Brothers Automotive

Godwin Plumbing & Hardware



» Arie Nol Auto Center | arienol.com » Ronda Auto Centers | rondaautocenters.com

» Canfield Plumbing & Heating | canfieldph.com » McDonald Plumbing | mcdonaldplumbing.com

Pet B o a rd i ng Whiskers Resort & Pet Spa whiskerspetresort.com » Camp Bow Wow | campbowwow.com » Eddie and Barkus | eddieandbarkusholland.com » Lazy K Kennels | lazykkennels.com

Pet G ro o mi ng Fido & Stitch fidoandstitch.com Photo © Adobe Stock

» The Hound Dog Pet Grooming | facebook.com/thehounddoggr » Tiffany’s Pet Spot | tiffanyspetspot.com


to the readers of West Michigan Woman for choosing us as a


w w w.arienol.com




FOOD & DRINK You could throw a dart at a map of West Michigan and chances are it’s going to land on one of the many beyond delicious bars, restaurants, coffee shops and more found throughout the region. It’s true: There’s always something new to try—from brews, brunch food and Bordeaux blends to the farm fresh and fancy. We’ll raise a glass to that!

Photo © Michigan Wine Company

Fa r m e r s Ma r ket

D i sti lle r y

Fulton Street Market

Long Road Distillers



» Holland Farmers Market | hollandfarmersmarket.com » Rockford Farmers Market | rockford.mi.us

» Eastern Kille Distillery | easternkille.com » Wise Men Distillery | wisemendistillery.com


B r u n ch

St. Julian Winery

Anna’s House



» Hudsonville Winery | hudsonvillewinery.com » Kayla Rae Cellars | kaylaraecellars.com » Michigan Wine Company | michiganwineco.com

» Morning Belle | morningbellebrunch.com » Terra GR | terragr.com

B rewe r y Founders Brewing Co. foundersbrewing.com » Brewery Vivant | breweryvivant.com » New Holland Brewing | newhollandbrew.com


D E C E M B E R /J A N UA R Y 2 0 2 3 -24 : W M W

F i n e D i ni ng Leo’s Seafood & Restaurant Bar leosrestaurant.com » Bowdie’s Chophouse | bowdieschophouse.com » MDRD | amwaygrand.com/dining/mdrd

Fa r m -to -Ta b le D i ni ng

C o ck tai l B a r

Terra GR




» Café Mamo | cafemamo.com » grove | groverestaurant.com

» Buffalo Traders Lounge | buffalotraderslounge.com » Drip Drop Cocktail Room | dripdropcocktailroom.com » Obstacle No.1 | obstacleholland.com

Veg a n / Vegeta r i a n D i ni ng The Green Well thegreenwell.com » Gaia House | gaiahousecafe.com » Stella’s Lounge | stellaslounge.com » The Unicorn Tavern | theunicorntavern.com

C a s u a l D i ni ng Butcher’s Union butchersuniongr.com » Butcher Block Social | butcherblocksocial.com

» Seventy-Six Restaurant | seventysixholland.com

C of fe e S h o p Madcap Coffee madcapcoffee.com » Herman’s Boy | hermansboy.com » Last Mile Cafe | lastmile.cafe

Ju i c e & S m o othi e B a r Fruition thefruitionlife.com » Good Judy’s Market & Juice Bar | drinkgoodjudys.com

» Sip Organic Juice Bar | siporganicjuicebar.com




SPECIAL EVENTS We know firsthand how much goes into planning a special event and how every detail eventually comes together. No matter if you’re planning a company retreat, baby shower, wedding, retirement celebration or otherwise, the special event experts in West Michigan are always willing to put their best foot forward to ensure the vision for your occasion comes to life.

Eve nt P l a n n e r Pineapple Punch Events pineapplepunchevents.com » Destination Consultants | destinationconsultants.com » Special Occasions, LLC | specialoccasionsmi.com

Inti m ate Eve nt S p a c e (Capacity under 50)

The Goei Center thegoeicenter.com » Glass House | glasshouse.community » West End GR | westendgr.com Photo © Mod Bettie Portrait Boutique

S p e ci a l Eve nt o r We d d i ng Ve nu e (Capacity of 50 and up)

Re nta l S e r v i c e s

The Goei Center

Cascade Rental Center



» The High Five GR | thehighfivegr.com » Wildwood Family Farms | wildwoodfamilyfarms.com

» B-n-T Tents Inc. | bnttents.com » Special Occasions, LLC | specialoccasionsmi.com

C ate r i ng S e r v i c e s

F lo r i st

Gilmore Catering

Eastern Floral



» Kangaroo Kitchen and Catering | kangarookitchengr.com » KJ Catering | kjcatering.net

» Kennedy’s Flowers & Gifts | kennedyfloral.com » Posh Petals | poshpetalsfloral.com

P h otog r a p h e r Elise Kutt – Mod Bettie Portrait Boutique modbettie.com » Deb Oliviara – Oliviara Multi Media | oliviaramultimedia.com » Michael Buck – M-Buck Studio, LLC | mbuckstudio.com

Eve nt Ente r tai n m e nt Brena brenaband.com » Adrian Butler (AB) | everythingab.com » QC Event Sound | facebook.com/qceventsound Photo © Michael Buck, M-Buck Studio, LLC


D E C E M B E R /J A N UA R Y 2 0 2 3 -24 : W M W




2024 TAX PREP:


What to Know

A new year means a new tax season

is right around the bend. Are you prepared? To learn what folks should know and be focusing on right now to ready themselves, we connected with Rebecca Postma, CPA, MST, of Beene Garter, A Doeren Mayhew Firm.

WHAT TO DO RIGHT NOW First, Postma emphasizes the importance of gathering and organizing your tax documents now.

It’s also important to check your IRA distributions. “You must start making required minimum distributions from your traditional IRA accounts when you reach age 72 (73 if you reach age 72 after December 31, 2022),” Postma said, noting that though this rule was suspended for 2020, it’s once again required. “Failing to meet this requirement triggers some very high IRS penalties.”

“Before year’s end, start gathering tax documents you’ ll receive from your employer, bank, brokerage firm and others,”


Postma said, noting you should receive this information (some

While tax rates didn’t change for 2023, Postma notes that

of which may be delivered electronically) by the end of January.

income tax brackets are much wider than they were for 2022

“Throughout the year, you should also be gathering receipts

due to inf lation. Postma also adds that businesses and self-

for deductions, such as donations, medical costs and property

employed taxpayers should be aware that the first-year bonus

taxes, if you plan to itemize.”

depreciation has begun to phase-out in 2023. There are also

You should also max out your retirement account contributions.

some credits to be mindful of, should they be applicable to your

“Some of the best investments may be tax-deferred retirement

individual situation.

accounts, since they compound over time free of taxes,” Postma

Residential Clean Energy Credit: “This credit applies if you

said. “Company-sponsored retirement plans may be the best,

install an alternative energy system in your home that relies on

because employers often match some contributions. Try to

a renewable energy source, such as solar, wind, geothermal or

contribute the maximum amount allowed for your specific plan.”

fuel cell technology,” Postma said, adding the credit is 30% of

Postma says you should also harvest your investment losses to

the equipment and installation cost. “Beginning in 2023, the

offset your gains (while avoiding the IRS “wash sale” rule) and

credit also applies to battery storage technology with a capacity

consider “bunching” your itemized deductions.

of at least three kilowatt hours.”

“Bunching generally means paying two years’ worth of deductions in a given calendar year,” Postma explained. “This increases your deductions in one tax year, making it advantageous to itemize. When your itemized deductions are lower in the next year, you take the standard deduction. By bunching your itemized deductions over alternating years, you can get the maximum benefit on your returns.”


D E C E M B E R /J A N UA R Y 2 0 2 3 -24 : W M W

By bunching your itemized deductions over alternating years, you can get the maximum benefit on your returns.

Financial Stock Photo © Adobe Stock


Energy-Eff icient Home Improvement Credit: “This credit


Publication Title: West Michigan Woman

applies if you install energy-efficient improvements in your


Publication No.: 11-500

home, such as windows, doors, heaters and air-conditioners,”


Filing Date: September 15, 2023


Issue Frequency: Bi-Monthly


No. of Issues Published Annually: 6


Annual Subscription Price: Free


Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: Serendipity

Postma said. “Many changes have been made to the credit starting with 2023 and going through 2032; most notably, the $500 lifetime limit was increased to a $1,200 annual limit.”

Media, LLC

Clean Vehicle Credit: “The tax credit for buying an electric vehicle was significantly changed by the Inf lation Reduction

535 Cascade West Parkway SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 8.

Office of Publisher: Serendipity Media, LLC 535 Cascade West

Act,” Postma explained, noting that while the maximum credit remains at $7,500, final assembly of the EV must happen in

Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Parkway SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546


Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor: Publisher: Kasie Smith and Managing / Editor: Sarah Suydam

North America.

Serendipity Media, LLC 535 Cascade West Parkway SE,

Postma also recommends notifying your tax professional (or hiring one for the first time) if you’ve had a major life event in 2023 so nothing gets missed (think: new job, marriage, divorce,

Grand Rapids, MI 49546 10. Owner: Kasie Smith, Serendipity Media, LLC 535 Cascade West Parkway SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 11. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding One Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages,

birth of a child, etc.).

or Other Securities: NONE 12. Tax Status Has Not Changed During Preceding 12 Months

WORKING WITH A PRO Benefits to working with a tax professional abound, from saving you time and money by finding deductions or tax credits you may miss on your own to helping you plan for the future.

13. Publication Title: West Michigan Woman 14. Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: October/November 2023 15. Extent and Nature of Circulation: Woman’s Lifestyle

“A tax professional can often provide you with strategies to


Total No. Copies (Net Press Run)

lower your overall tax burden,” Postma said. “They keep up to


Paid and/or Requested Circulation

available to you. Along with preparing your tax returns, they can help you develop a plan to lower your future tax obligations.” DOING IT YOURSELF?

F E AT U R E D I N THIS ARTICLE: REBECCA POSTMA, CPA, MST Beene Garter, A Doeren Mayhew Firm



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3. Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, street Vendors, counter Sales,


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Total Paid and/or Requested Circulation (Sum of 15b(1), 15b(2), 15b(3) and 15b(4))


and keep your documents organized in case of an audit. Postma faster delivery of any potential refunds. WMW


3541. (Include advertiser’s proof and exchange copies)

the most common errors seen by the IRS, according to Postma), also recommends opting for direct deposit, which should allow


Tackling your taxes on your own? Double and triple check basic details such as names and social security numbers (one of

No. Copies of Single Issues Published Nearest Filing Date

1. Paid/Requested Outside-County mail Subscriptions Stated on Form

date on the constant changes to the tax code each year, and can ensure you’re taking advantage of all deductions and credits

Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months




Free Distribution by Mail (Samples, Complimentary, and other Free) 1. Outside-County as Stated on Form 3541



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16. This Statement of Ownership will be printed in the December/January 2023 issue of this publication. 17. Signature and Title of Editor, Publisher, Business Manager, or Owner: I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete. I understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information on this form or who omits material or information requested on the form may be subject to criminal sanctions (including fines and imprisonment) and/or civil sanctions (including multiple damages and civil penalties).

Rebecca Postma Headshot © Beene Garter, A Doeren Mayhew Firm

Kasie Smith, President/Publisher; September 15, 2023






Photo © Dennos Museum

One of the beauties of living in Michigan is the abundance of natural beauty that surrounds us, from beachy summers

to colorful autumns to snow-swept winters to blossoming springs. Each of our changing seasons serves as a muse, inspiring art in all its forms in every corner of the state. No matter which direction our quest for culture takes us, there’s tremendous creativity to be found. Let’s look at a few

of the highlights.

or a live show. The Fox is a work of art in

Symphony Orchestra or the College of

USA Today recently ranked the Detroit

itself—from its beacon-like marquee to

Music, see a Broadway show, or enjoy a

Institute of Arts as the No. 1 art museum

its lavish interior—and it’s designated as

more intimate experience at Club 750,

in the entire country. The. Entire.

a National Historic Landmark.

where the Jackson Lounge is reimagined


into a 100-seat nightclub.

Country. Its 100-plus galleries and approximately 65,000 works spanning centuries, cultures and styles make it a

LOOK INTO LANSING Michigan’s Capital also has much to

For outdoor art, stroll through downtown on Lansing Community

offer. One noteworthy destination is

College’s Sculpture Walk, where 600

the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum

works are presented within a 48-acre

Creative Corridor, which runs between

at Michigan State University. This

area. Don’t miss “Red Ribbon in the

Warren Avenue and Rosa Parks Boulevard

contemporary art museum and

Sky,” a local favorite.

and features an expansive array of street

architectural wonder—designed by Zaha

art, murals and graffiti. Visitors can also

Hadid—is groundbreaking both inside


hop on the Detroit People Mover and see

and out. Permanent and temporary


mixed-media exhibits through the Art in

collections feature international works of

Proudly owning the designation of

the Stations collection.

art across a variety of media and themes.

“Art Coast of Michigan,” this art lovers’

For performances and events, look

Also on the MSU campus is Wharton

mecca spills into Fennville, as well as

into what’s happening at the iconic Fox

Center for Performing Arts. Get immersed

other smaller surrounding cities.

Theatre, whether for a Broadway musical

in a classical performance by the Lansing

For a blend of provocative and

must-visit for any art enthusiast. Not far from the DIA is the Grand River


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Photo s (LtoR) © Michigan Economic Development Corporation / Allison Kay Bannister /

culturally relevant exhibits, films,

scene. Make plans to go to the City Opera

performances and workshops, head

House for a Traverse Symphony Orchestra

to Saugatuck Center for the Arts. And,

concert or the Old Town Playhouse for

galleries such as Amazwi Contemporary

community theater. The main stretch

Art, James Brandess Studios & Gallery,

of downtown is filled with upscale

Petter Art and Wine Galleries, Khnemu

galleries, as well as Crooked Tree Arts

Studio, and Roan & Black are just a few

Center, while the Dennos Museum Center,

popular stops. Or, simply look around …

a Smithsonian affiliate, is home to a vast

there’s public art all over!

collection of Inuit art. On site at Dennos

Evan Zimmerman for MurphyMade

is Milliken Auditorium, where a number MAKE YOUR WAY TO MIDLAND

of live performances take place.

The headquarters of Dow Chemical

While up north, don’t forget to stop at

might not come to mind as an arts and

Legacy Art Park, located on the grounds

culture hub, but reasons to visit this

of Crystal Mountain Resort. Connecting

hidden gem are plenty. A tour of the

nature, art and Michigan history, this

Alden B. Dow Home & Studio, a mid-

30-acre attraction features more than 50

century modern masterpiece designed by

works of art in its permanent collection.

the home’s namesake, is just one. There’s

And, it’s an outdoor concert venue! It’s

also Dow Gardens, a 110-acre botanical

open from dawn to dusk year-round. WMW

garden that puts on a stunning seasonal display of annuals and perennials interspersed with stately bridges and water features. It also hosts special events and is open year round—just be sure to check their current hours of operation. Also worth the drive is Midland Center for the Arts. Known for its world-class entertainment and cultural programming, the center brings together art, history, science, performing arts, films and education. Attend a concert, view exhibits, take a class, and learn about the past and future—and more! TAKE IN TRAVERSE CITY Where to begin? Like the other hotspots we’ve looked at, the Grand Traverse region also has a vibrant arts

CONTRIBUTOR ALLISON K AY BANNIS TER has b een a West Michigan resident since 19 87 and a profes sional writer since 20 02. A GVSU alumna , she launched her own freelance writing busines s in 2017. Allison is a cookie connois seur, word nerd , aspiring gardener, and metastatic breast cancer thriver who loves traveling in Michigan and b eyond , and enjoys ar t, world cuisine , wine , music , and making homemade preser ves .







St. Cecilia Music Center’s Executive and Artistic Director since 2006, Cathy Holbrook has held a leadership role in non-profit

arts organizations around the country for over 30 years. No stranger to the music world, Holbrook was also once personal assistant to world-renowned pianist, composer and conductor André Previn. Since joining SCMC, Holbrook has facilitated a rebrand of the Center; envisioned and initiated jazz, folk and chamber music

series featuring world-renowned and Grammy-nominated musicians; and led various partnerships, some of which have placed SCMC on a national level of exposure through syndicated interviews. During her time at SCMC, Holbrook—who is in charge of booking all artists on the presenting series—has seen the number

of concerts presented in the jazz, folk and chamber series increase seven times over, while SCMC’s revenue and ticket sales have greatly increased. From 2015-2016, Holbrook also orchestrated a $5.5 million capital campaign that allowed SCMC to complete a $2.5 million building renovation, while also doubling the size of SCMC’s endowment. As SCMC celebrates 140 years, we caught up with Holbrook to hear the latest.

this season and it’s extremely inspiring

Lincoln Center is a very important

to think that in 1883, nine Grand Rapids

accomplishment. The addition of the

women gathered together to conceptualize

Jazz Series, and the incredible musicians

this organization and 140 years later we’re

we present, f illed a gap in the music

not only still here, but thriving.

community in Grand Rapids. And,

SCMC has sur vived two world wars,

most recently, the addition of the folk

the Great Depression, the Spanish f lu

series has broadened SCMC’s audience

and of course, most recently, COVID. To

tremendously. Expanding and elevating

be f lourishing at this time is something

the concerts presented by SCMC is

I’m very proud of, but I also know I’m

something I’m very proud of.

standing on the shoulders of many before me who kept this organization going. Photo © Michael Buck, M-Buck Studio, LLC


I’m grateful and humbled to have great support from the board and staff and to play a part in an institution with such a rich history. OF ALL YOUR EFFORTS DURING YOUR 17 YEARS WITH SCMC, WHICH ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF? I’m very proud of the three presenting

new genres to SCMC during my tenure. We

series I created at SCMC. The partnership

are celebrating SCMC’s 140th anniversary

with the Chamber Music Society of

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More great music! This year, the three series bring incredible musicians with a variety of offerings. And, as part of our

opportunity to bring new programs and



School of Music, we’ve expanded the “In the Classroom” programs so we can bring music education to those who don’t typically have access to such activities. WMW Visit scmcgr.org to learn more.


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