9 Web Design Trends to look forward to in 2019

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9 Web Design Trends to look forward to in 2019

What do you think, you are all done that your website is all set to dominate the digital space? What do you think, backing it up with all the latest features mean your work is done? Well, the answer is a big NO. A website that looks stylized and modern today might look completely outdated in the next few months. All thanks to the continuous advent of new web design trends, that you have to pace up with for surviving in digital space. As the leading ​web design company in Jaipur​, we are here to tell you about the trends in web designing for the upcoming year. Here it goes:

1.Improved security with HTTPS and SSL Web developers in India and all over the world are working hard for improving security in the digital world. Hence one trend that we all look forward to is better security with SSL and HTTPS.

SSL, a popular acronym in digital space stands for secure socket layer. Establishing an encrypted connection between the web browser and the server, it helps in making the server more secured. SSL certificates are now considered essential for protecting the sensitive data of the business and also to save the website from cyber attacks. This also helps in improving your rankings on search engines. You can easily identify whether the website is SSL certifies or not. SSL certificates can be identified by checking the added “S” with a padlock to http:// in the address bar.

2.​Blockchain continue to rule The impact of Blockchain continues to rule in the upcoming year as well. Primarily it was all focused on Bitcoin​ but its functions have made it quite popular in e-commerce sector as well. One of the biggest befit of Blockchain is it enables the easy sharing and distributing of digital data while restraining its copying. Enabling the decentralized storage of substantial files without any failure, it can also accredit smart contracts. There is so much to be left unfolded with Blockchain and it surely is going to be trendy for this year as well.

3.​Programming Language With the continuous upgrades in digital space, web developers and programmers are working hard every day to make things simpler and better. These upgrades are made on programming language as well. Recent improvements like ES6 and ES7 in JavaScript are something that we look forward to in the upcoming year. These new updates have worked wonder for programmers as now they can use arrow function for simplification of programming codes. Also, fabrication of new elements from existing values has never been easier, all thanks to object spreading which makes it as smooth as a cakewalk.

4. A compelling storytelling As per the new norms and standards, storytelling is gradually becoming quintessential. Associating your products with a story will only ascend its value. Making your product more human will help the target audience to relate to your product on a personal level. Your web design should be more than all those coding and pixels. If you present your product story not as something that you’re offering, but as something that empowers consumers and or something to satisfy their evolving needs, you will definitely generate more prospects. Seeing the current trends, we as the leading web design company in India are expecting to see the major rise in the use of animation and Gifs for storytelling on websites.

5.Say hello to floating navigation menus Primarily the ​best web development company in Jaipur​ focuses on developing the fixed navigating menus for the website. This navigating menu forms the base of an effectively functional website. But now the designers are focusing on floating navigation menu. Navigation bars are now positioned below

the browser’s chrome and are detached from other designed elements. This menu then becomes constant for all the web pages. This means that you can see this navigation menu on all the web pages of the website.

6. Innovation in typography Typography plays an important role when it comes to driving the attention of visitors. Gone were the days when the neo-grotesque san serif fonts were popular in web designing in respect to typography. They still are in trend, but designers are tweaking it and exploring other types of typefaces as well. In the upcoming year, you can see the blend of sans serif and serif fonts for more luring typography.

7. Organic backgrounds and shapes In the yesteryears, it was card-based UI that forms the core of many web designs. However, the trend has changed and you can see many apps and websites featuring organic designs. Bold colour amoeboid blobs, straight lines, elementary shapes, stirring diagonals and other geometrical shapes as well.

8. Say a big “HOLA� to Motion UI As we have mentioned earlier, you will see some really cool animation as the essential part of web designs for 2019. Hence, you need to acquaint yourself with Motion UI as well. This library allows you to tweak and to be all playful with the animations. This empowers the web developers to use the animation as they want. It also helps in adding transitional effects to these animations which are notable. This is one trend when incorporated can step up your game. Every element of the website can be altered, tweaked, transformed an all thanks to Motion UI library. Let your anime be your interactive characters and let them behave the way you want them to.

9. Single page websites Gone were the days when websites consist of a homepage and many other web pages. The upcoming year is focusing on a single page website, bidding adieu to the homepage. With the concurrent featuring of multiple input channels, web developers are planning to make them function with each other in complete harmonious ways. Leaving the traditional homepage practices, best web Development Company in India are now aiming to explore other potent points to access the website.

2019 will also continue to focus on delivering the user-friendly experience and hence pace up your websites with all the latest trends is the only option you are left with. Hire the best web design company in India to know more about these trends and to incorporate them in your websites as well.

Reference : http://www.damies.co.in/blog/9-web-design-trends-to-look-forward-to-in-2019/

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