The Things to Say “NO-NO” to while Content Writing

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The Things to Say “NO-NO” to while Content Writing

“NO-NO”… yes, that’s the word you will read most of the time in this piece. For today, we have chosen to discuss the things which are a strict no-no while composing content for your website. The very reason to say no to these things is mostly that they contradict the standards and norms set by the search engine. Some of them are totally against the law too. So, give it a good read before drafting the content. Here it goes:

1. Say NO-NO to Plagiarism Yes, we know that you have had heard about it so many times, yet there are chances that people still overlook something so essential. Duplicate content on your site from other sites not only is illegitimate, it eventually may end getting you in serious troubles. Penalty and even website removal from the search engine is the end result.

Therefore you should be very particular when it comes to content. Authenticity and originality are what you should strive for.

2. Say No-No to Long Sentences We know your content writer might be a grammar Nazi. He or she might formulate the best of content with appropriate punctuation’s and grammar. But as per the standards, short and precised sentences are ideal for web content. They are easy to comprehend for both users and search engines as well. If you have a lot to say, break the sentences accordingly.

Ideally, a paragraph should constitute 80-100 words. 4-5 lines are considered apt for a formatted paragraph in web content.

3. Say no-no to complicated content

Your content relevancy is not judged by the “technical jargons” you use to ascend it. Try to write the language that is easily comprehended even by a layman.

4. Say No-No to keyword stuffing Many a times content is just stuffed with keywords that might get it better rankings for a short span. But for the longer period, it is irrational and even not in compliance with the standards of the search engine. Also, your visitors are accessing your website to know something relevant. Bombarding your content with keywords is absolutely futile.

5. Say No-No to overselling of your products and services We as the leading ​web development company in India​ would say that you have to maintain a balance between your promotional content and non-promotional content. For instance, if we add the promotional content in every paragraph, you might abandon this article after two to three paragraphs there and then. And to be honest, it is totally fine.

Sure the website aims at branding and promotion, but that doesn’t mean to go overboard with self-advertisement. An informative content with the relevancy to satisfy the visitors need is what you strive for. There is a thin line between advertising and boasting as per consumers. You have to understand this as an entity offering something.

Put the value in your content and that will work as your most compelling tool to convince the buyers.

6. Say no-no to copyright images without legit permission You can find some pictures on the internet very randomly which are totally ideal for your content. But don’t just use them without the permission or purchase. You might get sued for this.

These are some of the things that need a strict NO-No while content writing. As the leading ​web design company in India​, we suggest you ascend your web with the quality content avoiding these mistakes. A dynamic web design with a healthy content…you are all set to go.

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