how can network engineer switch to devops

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How can network engineer switch to devops

The rise of the Internet has revolutionized everything, from finance to media to retail to finance to finance. Software is no longer an afterthought when it comes to managing a business. It is essential to all functions. Software, whether it is online services or apps, can be made available to clients on many different devices. This allows businesses to communicate with customers. Software distribution and software development have seen a paradigm shift similar to the industrial automation that was introduced to physical goods producers in the 20th century.

Businesses may benefit from adopting the DevOps strategy to increase speed and consistency in the release of new software, reduce the chance of errors and downtime and improve the quality of their products overall. Although it can be used in many industries and businesses, it is most useful for those who value agile practices and rapid iteration.

Our DevOps for Network Engineers training will help you get acquainted with some great tools/technologies used for NetDevOps, such as Git, CI/CD Pipeline, Ansible, pyATS, Python Jinja2, Docker Containers, Kubernetes, and Terraform.

Many network enthusiasts have asked the question, "Can a network engineer switch to DevOps?" This blog will provide the answers.

Is it possible for a network engineer to switch to DevOps.

It is possible for Network Engineers to move into a DevOps position. Many network engineers have successfully made the switch to DevOps because they have significant overlaps and often work together.

Let's break it down into the most fundamental questions to make it more understandable

What's the next step after the network engineer?

Modern life is dependent on high-tech equipment, digital systems, Internet connections, integrated circuits. Without the network engineer none of these things would be possible.

It's important to broaden your horizons once you have become a network engineer. DevOps can be a great way to advance your career as network

engineer. Happy customers might be helped by many of the technical and business benefits that DevOps advocates list. DevOps offers many advantages. 

Product delivery is faster and better

Simplified processes and improved speed in problem solving

Improved scalability, accessibility

Improved operational consistency

Maximize the use of resources

Greater automation

System results more clearly

Innovation is more important

Future dependence on any role depends on many factors. Whether network engineering is the future depends entirely on your career.

Are network engineers still relevant?

DevOps is the next career choice after network engineer. The industry has bright prospects for DevOps engineers. As more companies adopt agile practices and place more importance on software delivery speed and reliability, it is likely that DevOps staff will be in greater demand.

DevOps engineers are in high demand for their ability to create and deliver software quickly and reliably.

Many people are still unsure if a network engineer is in demand. DevOps opens up new opportunities.

Are network engineers still in demand?

Your career as a networking engineer can be transformed to become a DevOps Engineer, which will allow you to remain in high demand and as such is a top priority for many companies. The demand for DevOps specialists will continue to grow as organizations adopt agile methods and place high importance on software delivery speed and reliability.

When is it okay to not use DevOps

It is not a good idea to choose DevOps if you have already made a decision and chosen cybersecurity or the CCNP- CCIE route. You will get the best opportunities if you follow what interests you.


To make the transition to DevOps, you will need to learn new skills such as programming, automation and CI/CD. Agile approaches are essential for working in development teams. It might be worthwhile to explore learning opportunities, such as the PyNet Labs online courses, in order to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for a DevOps function. If you are a network engineer and want to change careers to DevOps, it is a good idea to look into mentoring opportunities or internships to gain practical experience in the field.

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