Social media marketing strategies that work | SEOTonic

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Social media marketing strategies that work

There is no single framework for social media marketing strategy that works for every single business. Different brands have different goals when it comes to social media marketing. Your business has to curate a social media marketing plan depending on what it wants to achieve through social media platforms.

Social media marketing strategies for your brand

Social media marketing works best if you create a personalized strategy depending on your brand's requirements, objectives, and resources. You can take inspiration from some of these popular social media marketing strategies that can show results if implemented right:

1. Run a social media audit

If your brand already has a social media presence, you should audit what is already working and what isn't. Your audit should have the following questions:

✓ What kind of audience engages with your brand the most?

✓ On which social media platforms are your target audience most active?

✓ How large or small is your social media presence compared to competitor brands?

✓ What kind of content in your account is gaining the maximum reach and traction?

These are just some of the basic questions. You can add more questions to the list according to your brand's specific goals. Select some KPIs that can help you evaluate these questions and monitor these KPIs regularly. We are a PPC management company that can help your brand grow with effective advertising campaigns.

2. Explore different social media platforms

There are countless social media platforms - Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest, and the list goes on. How do you know which social media platforms will bring the best results for your brand? You need to experiment with multiple platforms. Different social networks work for different kinds of brands with different audiences.

So, your brand needs to constantly experiment with different social channels. For instance, if you are a brand that has a young audience, Snapchat, Instagram, and Pinterest might be the platforms that work for you. If your audience consists of the older generation, Facebook can be your go-to platform. If you cater to a more professional audience, LinkedIn can be a game changer for your social media strategy. Also, different content strategies work for different platforms. Let's say you are a cosmetic brand. You can set goals according to the platform:

✓ Instagram or Pinterest- for makeup inspirations and tutorials.

✓ Twitter- for resolving customer queries and complaints.

✓ LinkedIn- for giving more insights into the technical aspect of your business

✓ Facebook- for product announcements.

Now that you have an idea of the different platforms you can use to promote your business, let us discuss each platform in detail:

• LinkedIn marketing

If you want your brand to grow on LinkedIn, you need to follow these tips:

✓ Keep your publishing schedule consistent

On LinkedIn, you don't need to post two to three times a day. You only need to maintain a regular posting schedule- twice or thrice a week or once a day according to your goals.

✓ Optimize your brand's LinkedIn profile

Add the relevant keywords in the about us section of your brand's LinkedIn profile. Brainstorm a good headline and profile summary. Put your brand's logo as the profile picture.

✓ Leverage LinkedIn marketing tools

You can use paid marketing tools to boost your brand's LinkedIn profile. We are an agency that offers LinkedIn marketing services and can help you grow your business with this platform.

• Instagram marketing

✓ Define a brand aesthetic

Your brand's Instagram profile should have a particular feed aesthetic that reflects your brand's personality. It could be playful, professional, loud, cosy, or anything else which depends on your audience's taste.

✓ Conduct a competitive analysis

Research the marketing strategy of your competitor brands performing well on this platform. What kind of content are they posting? Which audience demographic is engaging the most with their content? What are the hashtags they are using? But do not copy any of these strategies. Personalize it according to your brand's goals. Also, evaluate what existing gaps your brand can fill in.

✓ Run ads

You can run ads for your brand on Instagram to help your brand reach people who don't follow you but might be relevant potential customers. We are an Instagram marketing agency that can help your brand gain popularity on this platform and generate higher leads.

• Facebook marketing

✓ Leverage your Facebook profile

Share social media images, links, videos, and any other content that promotes your business (both directly and indirectly). But the content should resonate with your target audience. Include a mix of humorous as well as educational resources.

✓ Make use of Facebook ads

With Facebook classic ads, you can run campaigns that target specific demographics based on Facebook user data age, location, education, and interests. You can run A/B testing ads and set ad budgets. You can even run targeted local ads. We are a Facebook marketing agency that can help your brand achieve its marketing goals through this platform.

✓ Host Facebook contests

It is yet another popular strategy to increase your brand awareness and reach. However, you can run contests directly on the platform itself but rather with third-party apps. Platforms like Pagemodo and Shortstack offer a lot of free contest templates.

3. Seek inspiration to create your content mix

Creating the right content strategy is pivotal to your brand's social media marketing strategy. Research your successful competitor's content strategy, check out award-winning campaigns (related to your brand) and analyze the kind of content your target audience generally engages with to create the right content mix.

Ensure that your content is well-balanced between informative, educational, and promotional. The content needs to be well-aligned with your audience's interests and brand goals. Also, figure out the perfect posting frequency that works for your audience. Posting too much or too little will affect your brand engagement. Track metrics to ensure that your content strategy is in the right direction.

If you need help with your brand's social media marketing strategy, our social media marketing agency experts can help you with it. We have been offering social media marketing services for years and have helped multiple brands grow on social platforms.
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