selfish. issue 2

Page 1


Š Unless otherwise noted, the copyright for all parts (photographs, texts and illustrations) as well as for the whole design is reserved by myself.

BLACK adjective

WHITE adjective

Black is the color of coal, ebony, and of outer space. It is the darkest color, the result of the absence of or complete absorption of light. It is the opposite of white and often represents darkness in contrast with light. Black is the color most commonly associated with mourning, the end, secrets, magic, power, violence, evil, and elegance.

White is the color of fresh milk and snow. It is the color the human eye sees when it looks at light which contains all the wavelengths of the visible spectrum, at full brightness and without absorption. It does not have any hue. White is the color most often associated with innocence, perfection, the good, honesty, cleanliness, the beginning, the new, neutrality, lightness, and exactitude.

between by

Marc Noe

between the black and the white between the groom and the bride between the heat and the cold between the coming and the old between together and alone between the hidden and the shown between the wolf and the dog between the prince and the frog between a smoking and the clown between a smile and a frown between the jealous and the kissed between the one and the dismissed between the right and the wrong between a whisper and a song between confidence and trial between acceptance and denial between the will and the pain between the bow and the aim between love and hate between destiny and fate

Jeannot Staff

What associate



› Light

› Power

› Goodness

› Elegance

› Innocence

› Formality

› Purity

› Death

› Perfection

› Mystery

› Safety

› Fear

› Cleanliness

› The unknown

› Positive things

› Negative things

› Success

› Black Humour

› Faith

› Strength

› Coolness

› Authority

› Snow

› Grief

› Simplicity

› Looking thin

› High Tech

› Calmness

› Angels

› Reluctance

› Hospitals › Doctors


› Sterility

› Clouds

› Low fat

› Rain

› Dairy products

› Ashes

› Easyness

› Neutrality

› Feathers

› In-Between

› Heaven

› Balance

› Ice

› Sadness

› Fog

› Inconspicuousness

› Charity

› Boredom

› Low weight

› Plainness

› Marriage

› Incertitude

29 in b&w


Sunset Boulevard (1950)


Oh Boy (2012)


The Seventh Seal (1957)


Raging Bull (1980)


My Darling Clementine (1946)


Schindler’s List (1993)


Sullivan’s Travels (1941)


Night of the Hunter (1955)


Metropolis (1926)

10. Psycho (1960) 11. Pandora’s Box (1928) 12. The Artist (2011) 13. On the Waterfront (1954) 14. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) 15. The Haunting (1963) 16. The Big Sleep (1946) 17. Dr. Strangelove (1964) 18. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) 19. Manhattan (1979) 20. Night of the Living Dead (1968) 21. The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) 22. Young Frankenstein (1974) 23. The Defiant Ones (1958) 24. The Bicycle Thief (1949) 25. Portrait of Jennie (1948) 26. Casablanca (1942) 27. Touch of Evil (1958) 28. Top Hat (1935) 29. Das weisse Band (2009)

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black white

White Pictures taken in the Philippines by Jeannot Staff

Black by


Once upon a time, there was a girl called Miss Amber Stood. She was a real beauty, with hair as black as wood and a skin as white as snow. She was a sad girl, never talked much and mostly kept to herself. In fact, she always felt as the black sheep of her family: different, alone and was mostly in a grey mood. She was a rather shy girl and didn’t have many friends. She was always friendly an helpful when others were in need, but she mostly felt misunderstood. She couldn’t really confide in anybody, even if she often felt the need to. It seemed to her, that most people were happy, without a care and she couldn’t bring herself to feel the same way. She mostly felt like being trapped in a deep black hole with nobody to handle her a latter to climb into the colourful world that was waiting for her out there. Sometimes, she could feel the light, the warmth on her skin but the grey clouds were lingering upon her like a scratchy blanket ready to cover her mood. One day, her boss, Mr Carl O. Full gave her a day off, so she decided to put on her little black dress and go see an old black and white movie she always wanted to see. So Amber took off and wandered down the dark street, out into the pitch black night. When she was halfway through the dark alleys of the silent city, she suddenly heard a noise. She turned around but no one was there.

But suddenly, the thought: ‘What do I have to lose? What am I living for anyway?’ And she stopped in her tracks and turned around, ready to face the evil. She was as white as a ghost, totally aware of the fact, that she was gonna throw her life away, here and now, on the black pavement. In a few hours’ time, people will find her beaten to black an blue, her soft face will be covered with a black eye and her time of death will be put down in black an white, on a white sheet, just as she saw it in the movies oh so many times. But she didn’t care. ‘I can’t possibly feel any more lonely in death than I have been feeling all my life’, she said to herself. And then, she closed her eyes, drew one last sharp breath an waved the imaginary white flag, waiting for her attacker to bring her down. But nothing happened. The only sound she could hear, were the cries of a black raven, lurking over her. She felt exposed but ready to go down. Ready to end her life an ready to be released from an existence she couldn’t acknowledge anymore the way she once used to. In other words, she was ready to be set free. And than she felt it: a touch. But not in her face nor in her stomach but something was snuggling past her legs. And it didn’t feel bad, bad rather good. Amber didn’t even feel frightened anymore.


She opened her eyes, looked down herself and what she saw there wasn’t what she expected: a cute, small, furry ginger cat was looking up to her with pleading an bedding green eyes.

As she already was in a hurry and was so looking forward to have a night all to herself, in a black room with some strangers and calming Film Noir tunes, she took to her heels.

She was taken aback because the dark black monster she expected turned out to be a small, helpless, colourful ball of fur just as desperate and in need of help as Amber was.

With images of cold blooded killers in her head, she began to feel uneasy. Someone was following her and it frightened her to think that somebody was about to do her harm. She has seen too many black movies showing her the horror human nature is capable of. She knew too well what could happen to young girls in little black dresses out on the street, all by themselves.

And she thought to herself: ‘If I was ever waiting for a sign, this is it’, forgot all about the movies and took the cat, swearing to give it all the love she herself so desperately needed.

‘Hello? Anybody there?’

And she was really sure about one thing: Not all cats look the same in the dark.




world In


white there is


so much

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29 video clips


Michael Jackson

17. R.E.M.


Man on the moon


Amy Winehouse

18. Stereophonics

Back to black

Maybe tomorrow

3. Madonna

19. Duffy



4. Beyonce

20. Beck

If I were a boy

Modern guilt

5. Metallica

21. Oasis




Chris Isaac

22. Tina Turner

Wicked games

What’s love got to do with it

7. Cher

23. Nirvana

Walking in Memphis


Robbie Williams

24. The Rolling Stones

In bloom



Snoop dogg feat pharell

25. Justin Timberlake

Drop it like it’s hot

10. Adele

Love is strong Suit & Tie

26. Die Antwoord

Someone like you

Fok julle naajers

11. Prodigy

27. Spin doctors

No good

Two princes

12. The police

28. Björk

Every breath you take

Big time sensuality

13. Paula Abdul

29. Jay Z feat. Alicia Keys

Straight up

Empire state of mind

14. U2 One 15. Red Hot Chilli Peppes

Give it away

16. Eagle Eye Cherry

Save tonight

to n e t s Li lete p m o the c list on play cks 8tra

: A Hypochondriac’s Notes to Her Shrink by the simps : lots of consciously arranged pictures : even more freshly drawn illustrations : and tons of talented artists (who happen to be my friends)



Š nadia recken | all rights reserved

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