Pad evaluative report

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PG 4-5


PG 6-9


PG 10-32


PG 33-35


PG 36-39


PG 40-57


PG 58-77


PG 78-89


PG 90-107



The purpose of this project is to revive an abandoned building and make it functional again by giving it a new form of architecture through an extension. The new functionality given to the revived building will be as a new venue for weddings and other functions.

The whole purpose of the extension is to be as adaptable and versatile as possible. In this case form will follow function, which means that the extension’s interior will be designed to change its atmosphere according to the client and the theme required.

I hope to achieve a versatile interior space which is adaptable and this will be done through lighting and providing interactive technology in the space for maximum customisation wanted by the clients.



This project has two different research backgrounds which then combine to give a final finished product.

1 - THE BUILDING DESIGN The main focus of the project being designing an extension to the building which incorporates a different style to the existing building and introduce a new form of architecture which is upcoming and has a new approach in tackling old and abandoned buildings.



2 - THE FUNCTIONALITY The functionality this project hopes to achieve is to provide a space for hosting functions which has a different approach to event hosting. The whole space will incorporate new interactive technology to make the space more customisable and modern. I will go into detail about this in my research.




The initial stage of this project started off with researching on our idea and finding a site for this idea. This stage was set out as a submission for which I got 7 weeks. Week 1 and week 2 - setting out the idea Thinking about a building that I would like to use. Not sure about the functionality of it. The type of building I wanted was going to be very traditional and historical looking within Edinburgh. I looked at Rosslyn Chapel but as it was such a traditional building and being realistic, I would not get the permission to do a project on it as it is already functional and in a good state. ROSSLYN CHAPEL - FIRST SITE IDEA

After a tutorial with my tutor I came to a decision that I wanted to design a venue for events such as weddings and other functions. In the same week, I came across a new style of architectural design which reuses old/abandoned buildings and transforms them to a new fully functional building, giving it a purpose again. As I already knew I wanted to find a building with a historical look, this style fit perfectly with my project. Not focusing on finding a building at that moment, I looked further into how old/abandoned buildings can get transformed and what are the different styles I can use. Out of all the transformative styles which were weaving, parasite, wrapping, inserting and juxtaposing: I liked the idea of weaving and parasitic architecture more. I though in this kind of style you can really see the contrast between the old and the new which at the same time complimented each other and fit well to adapt to the functionality of the space.


PARASITIC ARCHITECTURE It has been given the term ‘’parasite’’ because just like the organism, the parasite, it lives off the host. Often called the parasitic architecture, it can be defined as flexible, temporal and exploitive style of architecture which attaches itself on to the topic or side of the building in order to complete themselves

WEAVING ARCHITECTURE It has been called weaving because the new structure is weaved in and out of the older structure. The new design is not very recognisable from the older structure as it does not form an apparent pattern with its form. The architect replaces certain elements from the existing structure, leaving some intact while placing new elements over and into the older structure. After a building has used this method, it becomes impossible to imagine the old and new fabric as separate as they work together to form a design.


_INSPIRATION___ Astley Castle

Sant Francesc Church

The styles reflected in the building above are parasitic and weaving. The influence these buildings had on me was the way they both have two different architectural styles infused into one building. Astley Castle is used the same tone of colour and similar materials for the new structure. The major difference being the feel of the texture, rough against the smooth bricks and this is how the building is defined in its architectural transformation.


Sant Francesc Church has used contemporary modern architectural style against the rustic old facade. This building differs in structure style, materials used contrast and compliment each other and the colour tone is very much influenced by lighting.


Week 3 At this point (week 3), I had to take a step back as all the research I had done was on buildings which were in very bad condition from the inside and the outside. These buildings were ruins and for me tackle such a project was a step in the wrong direction as it was all too architectural and for me to go into the research I would have to look in restoration, building’s structure and would have to make the building from scratch. This would be hard as any floor plans wouldn’t be useful and making the building on CAD would have been very challenging as well. This approach wouldn’t have let me focus more on the interiors and the functionality of the space. So for this to work, I needed to find a building which was in poor condition but had all the external façade still intact.

I came back to finding a building which will suit the requirements I needed from it. Then I came up with the idea of looking at risk register for Scotland to find building which are at risk. This was a perfect way to go as I would be able to find buildings on the register which are in a perfect balance between being in a poor state to need refurbishment and not totally torn down as well. Many building in the Craiglockhart area of Edinburgh seemed perfect for the project as they were a decent size. Then I came across the Redhall House building which stood out from the rest as it had its own big lawn, plenty of parking space and open area around it which gave room for any extensions I would want to add in the future.




ABOUT - The building was in bad condition with the windows covered with plywood, graffiti at the main entrance, overgrown plants and bushes in the surrounding and the basement door was broken which implies break-ins to the building. The site seemed the right size for my project and the changes I wanted to make to it. The lawn outside was more than ideal for any outside functions and the building had plenty of open space around it to make building extension possible. The site was surrounded by greenery and from a height, water of Leiths could be seen from the building.







Week 4 This week I focused on the functionality of the space and started my research on event set ups and what is required in different events. I researched on traditional to modern weddings, dark themed setups to light themed setups, interactive conferences and exhibitions. All these gave me an idea on how events are very different from one another and how important lighting is in all aspects of this business.



INFIRMARY STREET BATHS TRANSFORMED INTO DOVECOT STUDIOS Infirmary Street Baths were transformed into Dovecot Studios in 2009 with a ÂŁ12 million budget. The building is very important for my project as it is exactly what I want to do with the Redhall House. The building has been given an extension and refurbished from the inside and outside to convert it into tapestry studios and a venue for functions.




THE VU This building is a venue and hosts all kind of functions. The location makes use of the surroundings which is covered in greenry and surrounded by water. This venue is an inspiration for me as it is a new built and uses ceiling projections to suit any theme wanted by the clients. This is what I want to incorporate in my own design and make the design as flexible as possible. I had got in touch with the architects who designed this venue, for the floor plans. The person associated with this project got back to me with the advice of making my design my flexible and adaptable as hosting can be a complex business approach.




PRESTONFIELD HOUSE The Prestonfield House looks very similar to the Redhall house in terms of structure style and materiality. I can look at how the outside area is managed here in relations to hosting functions outside. The inside has a very traditional and rich decore and it hosts functions with the similar taste. The main feature being the cravings and the stone work inside the building which defines and sets the tone to any functions held here. My design will aim to be very different from the Prestonfield House and not have many fixtures and incorporate different themed functions.




MANSION HOUSE Situated in the Edinburgh Zoo, this is a very unique location which offers outdoor and indoor functions and is a very traditional looking building from the Victorian Era. Like the Prestonfield House, this building is also defined by its cravings and stone works and hosts functions where the facade is the key element of design. I used to work here, so from my personal experience, I have a good idea of how spaces like these need to change and how important factors such as storage spaces, wayfinding and lighting are.




These weeks I I started to build the building in CAD form on Google SketchUp. As I did not have any sections of the building, I had to talk to my tutor and work out mathematically how high each floor was. The main problem arised when I had to design the stairs and the roof. The stairs in the building were at two ends and both sets were a different size and layout to one another. This made it hard to judge the height of the building and making sure the CAD model was to proportion and all the floors lined up well. I got really stuck at making the roof as it was all disproportioned and pitched from different sides and moreover, I did not have a roof plan or any sections to help me with the height of it. The roof was an important aspect as it was a part of the attic, the walls formed the roof’s height. At this point I was really stuck as I had tried many attempts at making drawing the roof, however I couldn’t get it right. After many failed attempts, I spoke to my tutor about it and she said that I keep trying to draw the roof and if I still couldn’t get it right then to leave it out for this submission. It took me a week to finish my CAD model without the roof, which I had decided to deal with at a later stage. Along with this I started research on the stakeholders and which company would be owning this business. I decided that Compass Group would be a good company to own a venue as this as they are in the catering business and host events and have many venues around Edinburgh which can make transportation and storage of furniture easier.





This week was about focusing on collaging for our two major spaces which we want to design. As this submission was only worth 10% of the whole grade, not much time was spent on designing the collage and because of other projects going on at the same time, I wasn’t much happier with the end result. However, it did represent of how the spaces could look like and what the whole function of the building was.


SPACE 1 I decided to design a conference room and a bigger event room. My collage inspiration came from modern conference room designs. As I wanted to design a bright and neutral toned room, I designed the room with neutral tones and focused on making it very professional looking.


SPACE 2 The second space I designed was a dance floor in which I focused on designing the opposite of a conference room and making it look spacious and colourful. Instead of using neutral tones, I used bold tones to have a lively and vibrant theme going.




This week was about submission 3 and preparing floor plans for our building. Through this we would have a general idea of our layouts and what different options we can have. As I had to add on an extension, it was important for me to decide and plan in which direction the extension would fit well with the whole building. At this point, designing the extension wasn’t important but working in bird view perspectives to figure out the layout was the aim. I generally wanted the extension near the lawn area, so the views can be good for the guests. However, this wasn’t possible as any construction on the lawn is not allowed and the road beside is too narrow and is used as a main road to the rear parking area. The only place where the extension could be built was at the back of the building where there was a lot of space and greenery. The location according to me was good as well as it was south/west facing which meant evening functions would give a great view and the Water of Leith could also be seen from a height. As the building was very old, it had many inner walls. I wanted an open planned space where spaces could be opened up and closed down as required by the event. Keeping all of the points mentioned above in mind, I created floor plans which were open to adaptation and easy to navigate around. This submission was also only worth 10% of our grade however, it gave us a great idea on the direction we can go into with our buildings.


I worked through many ideas and layout (some shown above), which varied from adding extensions , taking out inner walls and working out wayfinding for staff and visitors.




The improved plans consist of an added extension, new lifts, more open planned layout and public and private spaces. It is a mixture of all the ideas I worked on earlier. The extension shape and design has not been decided yet, however, its location in respect to the whole building will be as shown in these plans.



This submission was very essential in shaping up my project and have a clear idea of what direction I will be heading. It was essentially a synthesis and resolution of the En Loge and Parti submissions. I had to complete a document which explained my building in planning/ sectioning terms. Along with this, I had to pick a space which was critical to my building and develop it in detail. During the scheme design, I had a lot of problems with designing my extension which I will go into detail later.


WEEK 10 AND 11 During these two weeks, I did more research on buildings with extensions and what kind of design would fit best with the site that I have chosen. I looked at more work by Malcolm Fraser who designed Dovecot Studios and other kind of extensions designed for old buildings. I needed more time to look at extension designs as this is a major part of my project and needs to be perfect in order to make the building work as a venue.

Different Extension Designs

This extension design is very different from the building itself in form, materiality and tone. These kind of designs want the extension to be prominent and standout to the surroundings. This is parasitic architecture where the extension has been built on top with some supporting structure underneath.

This extension design has a more neutral approach to it. It has picked out tones and materials from the old structure to incorporate in the extension. These kind of extensions are more common to find as they do not get many objections due to their shape or tone as they blend into the old building. The whole design is very simple yet modern which makes it work as an extension.


This extension style is parasitic with weaving in the inside of the building. It has many different forms incorporated and one can clearly tell that this building has been modified as it does not follow the old structure’s form or materiality.

This extension style has used neutral toned colours and simple form however, when attached to the old structure, it does not look neutral at all. The building form has been followed through to the extension however, a contrast in the materiality is what makes this extension style stand out.

These extension styles need a lot of precise design and thinking behind it to make it work as an extension whilst complimenting the old structure. The main feature here being the lighting which invites you into the building.


WEEK 12 After researching on extension styles, I was still confused as to which way to go as it was too architectural. So I just started doing some designs of extensions for the Redhall House and played about with forms and materials. SCRIBBLED IDEAS





WEEK 13 TILL WEEK 15 These weeks went into designing the CAD model for the extension attached on to the Redhall House. At this point, I was really confused as to how the extension design is fitting in with the building and went on with building the design without thinking it through much. I was at a point where I just wanted the extension to be done and move on to the interiors. The form changed from being round to a polygonal as I thought the extension needed to be a bit more angular to carry on the structural design of the old structure. I really felt I needed my tutor’s advice at this point however, it was not possible as we were on holidays and the confusion was too big to be dealt with over email. Whilst designing the roof for the extension, I came across the problem of how to attach the new roof to the old roof as the new roof’s height was higher than the old roof and it was all very uneven and hard to accomplish on the CAD model. To solve this problem I did more sketches on new roof designs which consisted of replacing the whole roof completely or just attaching the new and the old roof.

Reasons for changing the whole roof - New documents state that the roof skylight has been damaged and roof has let rain water through which has damaged it further. - The existing roof will need repairing immediately and in the near future beacause of its health. - The roof is very uneven and adding on an extended roof may not look good in design terms.

New roof design My design idea for the roof contains of glass, lighting and a pitched shape making it stand out from the existing structure. Also, it will provide an aesthetic appeal to the building and more options for set up for the client (lighting, decorations)


WHOLE ROOF CHANGE This idea consists of changing the whole roof and incorporating more skylights and an even pitched roof with the extension added on.


After showing these sketches to my tutor over the email, she raised good points of how the planning and building council may find the whole roof replacement unnecessary and I had to keep in mind all the building regulations which would not allow me to replace the roof unless it is already broken. This motivated me and gave me the idea to go ahead with the semi-change to the roof, which would be attaching the extended roof to the old roof and taking down parts of the roof only where necessary. This would be seen as reasonable to the planning council and reuse the old structure which is what my initial concept is (reusing/reviving an old/abondoned building).

Reasons for semi-change to the roof - Planning and building council’s regulations on unecessary demolition restricted me to replace the good parts of the roof. - It may be hard to tackle in the CAD model however, it will fit well with my concept of a new kind of architectural transformation which can be clearly seen with a different shape for the extended roof. - It will reuse a lot of the old structure and save on waste such as materials.





WEEK 16 TILL WEEK 18 After sorting out the extension design, I started to work on the floor plans, sections and perspectives.


The floor plans have been designed keeping in mind wayfinding, storage space, open planned spaces and easy access to all areas.




The main space will be the area in the attic which is a part of the extension. The space in its original set up will not have many fixtures such as chairs, tables. This is so the space can be customised according to the event requirements. The image below shows a conference meeting set up in the attic area where projectors are installed in the roof for any projections needed and movable furniture to set the room as desired.


The image below shows a wedding altar set up in the same attic space. Decorations such as drapes, flowers can be hung from the roof and the walls to give a more bright, fresh atmosphere to the space.




After submission 4 presentation, I got comments saying that my extension design is not doing justice to the existing building and the whole design is not fitting in well. I was prepared for comments like these as I knew my extension design was not very good and I was struggling to get the design right in the first place. After discussing with my tutor about the extension design, she advised me to keep looking for inspiration and other extensions to buildings to get ideas and to keep sketching any ideas I have. We discussed that my current extension design can be modified to have curvier edges or pointier edges and should include new stairs for safety reasons. At this point, I started to sketch all these ideas as shown on the next page. Along with designing my extension, I was tight on time as this submission of ‘major space’ was to include detailed perspectives of our major space along with any sections, models and floor plans. However, this was only possible after I have designed my new extension.




After many ideas and sketches and not finding anything good. I started thinking out of the box and tried a rectangular shaped extension rather than a polygonal as I thought it will look more in tone with the existing structure.

I thought that this extension design, shown above looks good and fits in well with the old building. The pitched roof is overhanging the outer walls. The extension contains of balconies on each floor, stairs, windows and supporting structure (legs) on the outside. After a tutorial with my tutor, she also approved of the design, however, small changes were still to be made with the orientation, balcony and the stairs.



I was inspired by his designs of the leg structures. I liked the idea of a big extension supported by thin hollow steel legs . This gave the space underneath the extension a path and the legs acted as a guide to the path.




At the start of the week, I started working on floor plans and layout for the new extension design as I felt that I needed a break from designing the form and outer shape of the extension. As I knew that the extension would be in a rectangular form, I started working on the inner space. These sketches look into how the roof can be joined to the old roof and where the stairs, balcony, lifts will fit in with the new design. The design and layout in the sketches on the next page are not the final layout.



In week 21, I worked on the CAD model and made the new extension making all the changes stated below. After another tutorial with my tutor, we decided on the following points - The orientation of the extension’s shape will change to South/West facing windows. This will give the users a nice view of the sunset in the evenings and make the most use of the natural light provided. - Changing the orientation of the extension will also give it a more rectangular form which fits well with the old structure as it is in rectangular form as well. - Changing the layout of the lift and stairs to the side of the building so the wall dividing the extension to the old structure has a more cleaner finish to it. - Covering the part where the stairs will sit so it does not drag away the focus from the extension’s form - Changing where the balcony sits and only having a balcony on the attic floor in the front by taking down the roof at the front. This will seperate the balcony from the inside space and make the new to old roof ratio even. Users will still get the amazing views from the top and the stone work at the front of the building will remain untouched. - Large windows with thin walls in between them will look elegant with the overhanging roof and extended floor. - A patio type balcony to be added at the large window at the back to give more accessibility to the space.






These weeks I worked on the inner perspectives and how I want the space set up. As my project is all about customisation, I wanted to do two different perspectives which had a big contrast between them in terms of furniture use, theme, lighting and movement. These could have only been possible through changed lighting and decoration which I feel are the biggest part of setting any theme. At this stage, I thought it was important to do a reflective ceiling plan which would incorporate lighting, projectors, track ligthing in the roof. This would need the roof to be hollow in certain places to fit all the technology. It was important that all these were hidden in the roof to give the space a cleaner finish and not have any wiring or lighting in the way. I researched into projectors and how to project on the floor, ceiling and 3d surfaces and spot lighting. I also looked into LCD screens and interactive surfaces for further customisation provided to the client.








Perspective showing a dinner function in the main extension space in the attic. This set up has used decorations and has a very traditional approach to its set up. It is making use of all the natural light provided from the large windows as well.



Perspective showing the same space set up for an exhibition which is using all the projectors, spot lighting and interactives surfaces provided to enhance the experience of the users. The windows have been covered with roller blinds over which a projection screen has been hung to achieve complete blackout.


This submission was about developing a detail from our major space. The detail should be shown in isometric view and have sections showing the detail and materiality of that particular detail. The main aspect of my design was that it should be customisable. Lighting and decoration was a big part of my design and to incorporate them I needed to design a unit which can hang off decorations and removable lighting. Along with this I worked on perspectives of my major space to show how this detail will work within the space.



The detail that I thought should be developed further was a track lighting which will incorporate hooks and lighting to hang off decorations and spot lighting. Below are some ideas on the track lighting.









WEEK 27 This week I worked on more perspectives on the inner space to incorporate the track lighting.






WEEK 27 TILL WEEK 33 This was the last submission for our project. No major changes which have not been covered in the previous submissions took place. This submission was to put everything together and present our drawings on a portfolio level.

This will cover - Floor plans - RCP plans - Sections and Elevations - Perspectives - Structural strategies

The coming pages will show my final design visually and what I have been working towards for the past year.


















Perspective showing a set up for a dinner party where decorations have been used and lanterns are hanging off of the track along with drapes.


Perspective showing the space set up for an exhibition where the use of projectors, interactive surfaces has been done. Track spot lighting and other objects are hanging off from the track lighting. Both the perspective are very different and show how decorations and lighting can really make a difference to the set up.





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