Global Impact Report
Addressing Important Topics Facing Administrators Today
The Power of the Learning Loop
Seesaw, a Learning Experience Platform trusted and loved by 25 million educators, students, and families worldwide, is making a profound impact on some of the most important topics school administrators are facing today. Tailored for PreK-6th grade students, Seesaw enables schools to actively involve parents, guardians, and family members in what we call “the learning loop”, fostering a collaborative partnership in their child’s educational journey. Engaging students in these crucial developmental years can yield positive and enduring effects academically, socially, and emotionally, instilling a lifelong love of learning.
This impact report includes testimonials from educators and school leaders from around the world, highlighting successful strategies they are employing to implement Seesaw and the positive impact it’s having on their school community and student achievement.
Seesaw’s Learning Experience Platform supports OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 Conceptual Learning Framework from the Student Agency for 2030.
Reference #1: “Students with involved parents or caregivers earn higher grades and test scores, have better social skills and behave better at school.”
Reference #2: “Research shows that responsible and positive family engagement with schools improves student achievement, reduces absenteeism and strengthens parents’ confidence in their child’s education.”
Reference #3: “An effective learning environment is built on ‘co-agency,’ i.e. where students, teachers, parents, and the community work together. Teachers play a key role in designing a learning environment that values agency.”
Reference #4: “When students play an active role in shaping their lessons, they are more likely to participate, ask questions, have open and candid discussions, express opposing opinions and make challenging statements.”
*Source: Agency_for_2030_concept_note.pdf
Family Engagement & Communication
Seesaw helps schools develop strong family relationships as partners in their child’s learning. This is particularly critical for supporting families of all types including: immigrant families, divorced families, families overseas, and those with non-English speaking family members. This helps foster a sense of belonging, provides support, bridges geographical gaps, and ensures inclusive participation in their child’s education. Parent-teacher conferences, translation assistance, and involving extended family members all contribute to building a strong foundation that lays the foundation for a child’s success in life.
“Our families consistently affirm that Seesaw gives them a window to their child’s learning and helps them feel connected to the school, despite leading busy lives that sometimes prevent them from physically being here. Our students LOVE sharing their learning progress with their families and the fact that their work is being ‘published’ and shared with their families, motivates them to show their best selves and aligns perfectly with our high expectations culture. Seesaw is a wonderful platform that supports us in celebrating learning and working in partnership with our families and community.”
- Karen Morris, Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction, Australia
“Parents have commented on how they can be a ‘fly on the wall’ to their children’s classroom and how they feel more involved in their child’s education in a way that was never possible in their own educational journey.”
- Conall Mac Loingsigh, Assistant Head of Prep School, United Arab Emirates
“I send all my parent communications through Seesaw. I love that every single one of my families is connected (especially important for parents who do not live together) and can see their child’s work and hear about the great things that are happening in our class and at our school. This has helped me tremendously in fostering positive home/school connections.”
- Allison Sirdar, Grade 3/4 Classroom Teacher, Canada
“Working at a school where parents often are required to travel for work and many students have grandparents and other family members overseas, Seesaw has been an amazing tool for sharing students’ learning. My favourite memory is a boy whose family moved to Perth, Western Austrailia (WA) for his dad’s work. He shared the family code with grandparents in New South Wales, Autrailia (NSW) and grandparents in England. It was amazing that families in different parts of the country and world were part of our classroom.”
- Glenda Harnett, Project Coordinator Teaching and Learning,
“We want all our students to have equity and we want all our families to be in the loop of what’s happening at school. We want school to be a transparent place where a family member knows what’s happening. We can do that with Seesaw.”
- Joni Quintavelle, Technology Integrationist, United States
“Pupils enjoy sharing work that they are proud of with their families. It helps parents engage and see what their child is learning throughout the year rather than receiving everything at the end. Pupils are encouraged when family members comment on their work.”
- Fiona Batista, P4 Teacher, Scotland
“The family of a student in my class struggled to communicate with us due to a language barrier. We were able to share his learning through Seesaw and the family was excited about what they were seeing. They came to parent conference nights because they knew they would be able to show us what they were seeing on Seesaw and find ways to express how proud they were.”
- Michelle Read, Year 5 and 6 Teacher, New Zealand
“Being employed in the United Arab Emeriates (UAE) exposes me to diverse nationalities. Seesaw’s messaging and translation features facilitate effective communication, strengthening parent-child and educational connections by overcoming language barriers.”
- Ingy Fahmy, 7th Grade Teacher, United Arab Emirates
“I am a pre-kindergarten teacher, and my little friends are often unable to share what they have done throughout the day. Seesaw provides a window into the classroom, allowing parents to see all the wonderful experiences and learning what is happening in the classroom. At the beginning of the school year, when new children may be experiencing some separation anxiety and be a little teary at drop off, it is comforting for parents to see a picture of their child smiling and happily engaged five minutes after drop off. It allows parents the opportunity to carry on with their day knowing that their child is happy and in good hands. Seesaw allows me to do this!”
- Mary Almeida, PreK Teacher, Canada
“Our students get a thrill when they see their parents respond to their posts in Seesaw. Many of our parents are in the Defence Force and Seesaw allows them to track posts no matter where in the world they are serving at the time. It helps the children feel connected to their parents even though they are away on deployment.”
- Nigel Tongs, Deputy Principal, New Zealand
“Children love to share their learning. During the day, they will ask, “Will you take a photo of me with my picture/writing/model to show my mummy?” They then want to see the picture to check that they’re happy with it! Sometimes, they will ask if they can take a photo of their friend to send it to their parents too. It is so lovely for them and their adults at home to experience their learning journey wherever they are.”
- Suzanne Gratton, Reception Teacher, England
“Our school no longer has walls because of Seesaw. Our parents enjoy the transparency Seesaw creates. Families are part of their child’s learning journey and can see and discuss everyday learning experiences.”
- Natalie See, Principal, Australia
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Table of Contents 02 | Family Engagement & Communication 04 | School Participation & Attendance 05 | Student Achievement 07 | Teacher Support, Retention, & Positive School Culture 08 | Student Engagement 10 | Equity & Access
School Participation & Attendance
Students are much more likely to participate in school when they feel supported by their family and school staff. Seesaw helps increase school participation by creating joyful and inclusive experiences that engage all types of students to have a positive learning experience. This helps teachers effectively reach new students, shy or reserved students, and facilitate remote learning for sick or injured students. These factors help foster improved attendance rates and continuous learning experiences for all students, regardless of their situation.
“As a school with largely disadvantaged pupils, where parents have had negative personal educational experiences, family engagement has historically been a struggle. Seesaw has allowed parents to view their children’s learning on their devices when it suits them. As work can be presented in audio and video format, it supports parents who may have literacy difficulties. After implementing Seesaw across the school, 95% of parents are commenting and engaging with their child’s learning, and attendance at Parents Evenings has increased significantly.”
- Charlotte Branney, Deputy Head Teacher, United Kingdom
“Teaching multilingual students, and developing oracy skills is HUGE. Seesaw provides a safe space for my introverted students to record their voices. So often I have students who do not participate in class discussions but shine in their recorded assignments. Seesaw allows them to practice using new vocabulary as well as share their understanding of the material. As a result, it builds their confidence!”
- Maria Spentzos, 6th Grade Teacher, United States
“Recently at our teacher-parent learning conferences, I received some amazing feedback from a parent of a new student in my class. Their child has recently started at our school, leaving their previous school due to not having the best experience, and this is their first time using Seesaw. They shared how they love spending time each evening to look over at their child’s Seesaw journal at the new posts. They were impressed with how excited their child was sharing about each item and how Seesaw is allowing them to have a more positive outlook on school.”
- Kylie Stutt, Primary School Teacher, New Zealand
“I once had a new, shy learner join our class. Transitioning to a new school was already a scary experience, compounded by the reality that they had very little productive English language expression. Seesaw allowed us to scaffold their introduction by assigning “Getting to know me” type activities for them to share, providing sentence starters to help with peer responses, and even posting pictures of important people and items in their homes. By the time their first day arrived, they were already familiar with their classmates and felt a bit more comfortable stepping into a new learning space.”
- Andrea Lillis, Fourth Grade Teacher, Mongolia
“My lightbulb moment was when one of my students who was shy and hated sharing was able to make videos to record their thoughts and make connections. Seeing their confidence blossom was amazing. Being able to participate and receive feedback on Seesaw helped them with so many different areas at school and home.”
- Katy Hunnicutt, Year Five Teacher, China
“We have been using Seesaw for now for seven years. We moved to Seesaw to help with our continuous reporting throughout the year. I have been working with staff to build the capacity of reporting through technology and Seesaw. This helped us move into the pandemic as we were able to move quickly and efficiently into an online realm. From then I have continued my Seesaw journey through the assessment functions now available and making all staff comfortable with building their online resource libraries to better engage our pupils in their learning.”
Sinead Mcgourty, Year 1 Teacher, Ireland
“Having digital portfolios of pupil work is invaluable. Pupils, parents, and teachers alike enjoy viewing work and giving meaningful feedback which is cherished by learners. The range of media that is supported makes Seesaw very inclusive and gives every pupil an opportunity to showcase their understanding and achievement. The digital portfolio provides a vital link for families. Using Seesaw’s digital portfolios has enhanced the school experience for our whole community.”
“During the pandemic, we used Seesaw to ensure the continuity of learning among our students. With Seesaw tools and features, I felt that my students were able to learn the essential skills even in a remote learning setup. Now that we are back to the new normal, Seesaw is still a staple in my classroom because it keeps my students engaged and the parents involved. We feel like Seesaw enables us to make learning alive and interesting.”
- Shane N. Daquiz, Year 4, Philippines
“Seesaw creates an opportunity to deliver instruction that covers a multitude of learning styles and preferences while delivering high-quality content.”
Student Achievement
Seesaw’s Learning Experience Platform correlates with improved end-of-year assessment outcomes by focusing on elementary learners’ unique needs. Unlike other products, Seesaw enhances the elementary student, teacher, and classroom experience with age-appropriate solutions. It equips teachers with tools and curriculum to maximize students’ potential during their crucial foundational years. Seesaw fosters critical thinking, comprehension, and fluency assessment, facilitating tailored interventions. It promotes collaboration between families and teachers, aligning strategies with classroom curriculum and empowering both educators and families alike to drive academic growth and student success through joyful and dynamic learning environments.
“Some children were scrolling through their Seesaw portfolio, looking at past learning experiences from when they were in a lower grade. While scrolling, they were discussing amongst themselves what they can now do that they couldn’t when they were ‘younger.’ They kept saying, ‘Now I can write this word,’ or ‘I couldn’t count to 20, and now I can even write the numbers.’ This is an amazing opportunity for them to self-assess their own learning and feel motivated about the milestones they’ve reached.”
- Beatrice Moccia, Assistant Principal for Curriculum, Germany
- Michael Johnston, Acting Principal Teacher, Scotland
- Teagan Belitski, Vice Principal,
“Incorporating Seesaw into my classroom has been pivotal in achieving high-quality instruction, and I’ve been passionate about helping other educators do the same. The immediacy of voice note feedback is unmatched, and I’ve been mentoring colleagues on using this feature to create a deeper connection with pupils. Introducing them to Seesaw’s multimedia features, I’ve seen how it can elevate our collective approach to high-quality instruction, as pupils become more engaged and responsible for their learning. I often recommend resources from Seesaw’s activity library, optimising our instructional time. By demonstrating how to craft custom activities, I’ve supported fellow teachers in ensuring instruction is tailored to each pupils’s unique needs.”
Richard Poth, Technology Consultant, United Kingdom
“Throughout the school year, my students complete personal goal-setting in a variety of subject areas. Because my students view Seesaw as a safe and familiar space, they are so honest and vulnerable regarding both their goal-setting efforts and their self-reflections that happen along the way. I am continually surprised and impressed by the raw and real quality of this goal-setting and reflecting process, and I am often touched by the growth that I have seen my students make. Most importantly though, the way that my students can see their progress and be proud of themselves for their successes is the most impactful and rewarding part of all.”
- Stefani Oakes, 1st Grade Teacher, Canada
“I love that I can set high-quality lessons for most key learning areas for my students. I can differentiate the content to best suit the individual student’s needs. It encourages students to explain their thinking. Students can work at their own pace and submit their work. I can give them quality feedback instantly.”
- Meredith Moody, Senior Teacher, Australia
“Seesaw was able to help my students look at their learning and self-reflect to understand what they need to improve on. One of my students noticed their reading fluency was something they could work on and through recording and listening to themselves back, they worked on it and it eventually led to better outcomes.”
- Lauren O’Connor, Year 4 Teacher, Australia
“I utilise Seesaw extensively in my STEAM classroom due to its exceptional capacity for building comprehensive digital portfolios of students’ achievements. What truly sets it apart is its versatility, empowering students to express themselves through various mediums. This diverse toolkit not only fosters individuality but also supports differentiated learning, ensuring that every student has equitable access to the educational experience.”
- Tam Scharf, STEAM Teacher, Australia
“Seesaw creates an opportunity to deliver instruction that covers a multitude of learning styles and preferences while delivering high-quality content.”
- Teagan Belitski, Vice Principal, Canada
“A pupil explained the process of adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators using the record feature. The pupil then used this to help with the following homework. The pupils did not need any teacher intervention after they had been taught it. They also could refer back to this whenever they needed it.”
- Lee Farrington, Year 5 Teacher, England
“I love that when teachers use Seesaw to its fullest capability, then failure isn’t an option for students. They can try again until they’ve mastered the skill. It changes the culture of the classroom and brings joy back in when kids know failure isn’t an option. All kids can succeed.”
Teacher Support, Retention, & Positive School Culture
Schools across the world are facing teacher shortages. In light of this reality, keeping existing staff happy and engaged while developing teachers who are new to the profession are critical drivers of positive school culture and academic achievement. For experienced teachers, Seesaw helps to alleviate their workload and enhance their productivity with easy-to-administer assessments, ready-to-teach lessons aligned to their standards, multiple ways to differentiate, and parent communication tools that are seamlessly connected to student learning. For teachers new to the profession, Seesaw provides tools that align with effective teaching practices like promoting student voice and choice, providing scaffolds and opportunities for differentiation, and lessons based on effective teaching methods (gradual release of responsibility, for example).
“In times of teacher shortages, the Seesaw voice recording tool is a blessing for students with special needs like dyslexia. Students with ADHD love the games menu which I was able to link using Seesaw templates and motivate participation and engagement. I could not have imagined the ease with which I can give flipped learning experiences to different ability groups and differentiate the content. The multimodal presentation facilities provided by Seesaw are the best way to facilitate multiple means of representation. Seesaw has even helped me understand the interests of my students through their choices.”
- Manju Senan, 5th Grade Teacher, Australia
“Seesaw has completely transformed my teaching. One of my favorite ways to use Seesaw is for STEM Fridays. Students work in collaborative groups to create a design plan. After hands-on time to create, students are able to upload pictures and/or videos of what they have created. They are able to reflect on what worked well and areas they can improve. Students are able to edit the people to reflect their STEM team and all students have access to the cooperative activity.”
- Erin Buening, 1st Grade Teacher, United States
“Seesaw has been the most amazing tool for connecting with our families and creating a community. As many speak English as an additional language, Seesaw’s translation tool has been amazing for us. It is fabulous to be able to share notices with families that also include photos, videos, and links to important websites. Families shared photos/videos with us on our recent school holiday break, and it has really helped to be able to share student work via Seesaw with our families so they know what is happening at our new school!”
- Rachael Lehr, Associate Principal, Australia
“As a teacher, Seesaw cuts down the workload of printing photos and sticking them into books. The recording of work is instant and the feedback is instantly recorded too.”
- Klansee Reynolds Bulmer, 2nd Grade Teacher, New York
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- Tiffany Wood, Instructional Technology Specialist, United States
“I appreciate having access to materials and ideas for all grade levels. I teach grade five, but my students’ abilities are wide-ranging. Having early phonics instructional materials alongside reading response activities to novels makes my life a lot easier!”
- Reagan Elysia Niedan, Year 5 Teacher, Canada
“Seesaw has been a tremendous help to myself and my classroom assistants in that we can assess and bring our results together in one place, making future planning so much easier for us all.”
- Janet Edgar, Year 1 Teacher, Northern Ireland
“Catering to a range of learning needs in my class has never been easier. I use math rotations almost daily and can easily differentiate between a student’s needs. At times, I have had students working several years below their peers, and others working well above. Seesaw allows me to create really specific activities based on their needs.”
- Jessica Thorburn, Year 4 Teacher, Australia
“When working as a digital technology specialist and teaching 20 classes across the school, Seesaw was an incredibly useful tool to track student learning through their digital portfolios. After a lesson, I was able to quickly go through student responses to Seesaw tasks that I had created and mark against my criteria, making assessing and reporting so much easier.”
- Eilis Smart, Digital Technology Specialist, Australia
“The parents at our school were feeling quite disengaged with their children’s learning and felt they wanted to see more. Seesaw has helped with this and now the parent engagement is much better.”
- Sophie Perez, Year 6 Teacher, United Kingdom
“Once a year, we have student-led conferences in which the students get to showcase their learning. Having digital portfolios helps the students collect and build their portfolios throughout the year which makes my work seamless. They also can share with their parents at home in case they are not able to attend the conferences in school.”
- Lillian Mwendwa, 3rd Grade Teacher, Kenya
“It is wonderful having student’s work in one place and sorted according to subject. The digital portfolio is a wonderful tool for walking parents through their child’s academic progress during student-led conferences. It also helps me with organization and I love how it eliminates the use of paper! Environmental stewardship is a big theme in our school and this compliments our efforts seamlessly.”
- Adam Reid, 5th Grade Teacher, Canada
“As computing lead and deputy head of our school, I am always looking for ways to help our staff with workload, but also engage our children. Seesaw enabled us to do both. It has totally changed the way we do things and has cut our workload massively. Our use of Seesaw also enabled us to apply and be awarded part of the EdTech 50 schools in the UK where we were invited to the House of Lords in London and given an award.”
- Miss J Pattison, Deputy Head Teacher and Computing Lead, England
Student Engagement
Seesaw is instrumental in promoting student engagement through its versatile features tailored to support diverse learning needs and preferences. Seesaw’s “Daily Check-Ins” enable educators to gain insights into students’ interests, well-being, challenges, and situations, fostering a supportive and empathetic learning environment. Seesaw also enhances learning experiences by animating diagrams, incorporating audio elements, and allowing for annotations, making complex concepts more accessible and engaging for students. Whether documenting a science experiment or a STEM project, Seesaw facilitates hands-on learning experiences, promoting active participation and deeper understanding. Seesaw supports joy and celebration in the classroom, reinforcing positive behavior and creating memorable learning moments that inspire students to thrive academically and emotionally.
“When I am looking for a way for my students to fully engage with a topic and to show me that they have a good understanding of it, my first stop is always Seesaw! My students can experience a lesson richly and interact with it at their own pace. They develop ownership of their learning in a way that was not possible before we began using Seesaw.”
- Sheila Dunwoodie, Pedagogical Consultant, Canada
“My favourite Seesaw story was a moment with a wee boy I was struggling to engage with. He had high learning needs and lots of behavioural issues, and I hadn’t managed to find something that hooked him and showcased his talents. Through Seesaw, I discovered an amazing artistic talent, creativity, and humour in this student. I assigned an open-ended ‘complete the image’ art task after being inspired by the Community Library, and his response was so clever, funny, and intricate. It led to lots of art expressions and a bonding moment between him and me.”
- Sophie Lennon, Year 1/2 Teacher, New Zealand
“Seesaw provides my students with accountability, creativity, and engagement. Seesaw meets students where they are at. The user-friendly digital platform gives my students the power to engage in their own rights as digital citizens. Students learn to receive and give positive feedback.”
Tonya Kelly M.Ed, 4th Grade Teacher, United States
“I just love the fact that children who don’t usually engage in homework or tasks respond so well to Seesaw. One child last year rarely completed tasks at home or engaged, but completed all of the tasks and loved the oral feedback she got. She even made videos and recordings after school! It was great to develop parental engagement and she got praise for something she never did before. It was amazing to see the transformation and eagerness to complete everything we did on Seesaw.”
- Emma Chichester, Primary Teacher, United Kingdom
“Each time we publish work to our digital portfolio, we spend five minutes at the end of the lesson showcasing each student’s work. They love seeing their work up on the screen. We use the Tell Ask Give (TAG) peer feedback strategy, where students think, pair, share, and then tell us something they liked, ask a question, and give a suggestion. The students absolutely love this time and often end up using the suggestions from their peers in future lessons.”
- Brittany Warton, Year 2 Teacher, Australia
“The Seesaw digital portfolio allows the youngest learners to actively see their growth. Seesaw empowers the children to share their thinking and ideas. It is a powerful tool to demonstrate how they have improved since the beginning of the year.”
- Wendy Brandse, Kindergarten Teacher, United Kingdom
“Students’ faces light up when they are assigned a Seesaw activity because they know they are in for a fun time. Even students who do not follow up on worksheets and homework love completing Seesaw activities. Motivation is key in learning, and with Seesaw that is a given.”
- Valeria Villarreal, Year 5 Headteacher, Mexico Emirates
“Watching the joy of the students, that for the first time can articulate their learning in a style that suits them, is the most magical moment.”
- Laura Lang, Year 3/4 Primary School Teacher, Australia
Equity & Access
Seesaw serves as a powerful tool for promoting equity and access in education by addressing the diverse needs of all students, regardless of their backgrounds or abilities. Seesaw is designed to meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) content accessibility guidelines and equip teachers with the resources and tools they need to implement Universal Design for Learning (UDL), multiply their reach, and personalize learning to ensure that every learner receives the assistance they need to succeed. Seesaw also serves as a source of motivation for populations with ASD and ADHD, and facilitates the documentation of learning for students with special needs, supporting educators in implementing individualized education plans (IEPs) and 504 accommodations effectively. Moreover, Seesaw breaks down barriers related to poverty, educational challenges, and language barriers by providing equitable and accessible access to educational resources to students and their families. For example, Seesaw supports multilingual students and their families by providing resources in multiple languages to foster inclusive learning environments. By ensuring equitable support and attention to all students, Seesaw promotes inclusivity in education, ultimately empowering every learner to achieve at their fullest potential.
“With all the different tools within Seesaw, students have a voice and choice as to how they want to showcase their learning. It engages all students and gives teachers important assessment data that can be used for reporting. Seesaw is a one-stop shop!”
- Mai Lu, Relieving Deputy Principal, Australia
“I teach in a special needs classroom where all the students have diverse and different abilities. Seesaw has allowed me to diversify my classroom instruction. It has allowed me to assist those who cannot read by providing audio instructions.”
- Caryn Marnewick, Special Education Teacher, New Zealand
“There are so many tools in Seesaw that allow teachers to meet the needs of their students. Visuals and recorded directions help make the content accessible!”
- Martha Thomas, TK-8 Technology Curriculum Specialist , United States
“I teach a composite class of children from seven to 11 years old. This makes differentiation particularly important. Using Seesaw means that I can record instruction videos and allocate them to specific students. This allows me to work with one group of children, while others are listening to my instructions for their activity using their Seesaw journal.”
- Kevin Beattie, Year 3-6 Teacher, Northern Ireland
“As a Special Needs teacher, Seesaw has been invaluable in allowing children with additional needs to engage with learning in a fun and active way. The children are taking ownership of their learning and seeing progress on their digital profile.”
- Laura Shaw, Special Needs Teacher, Ireland
“Seesaw has enabled me to customize learning experiences and cater to individual student requirements. Through the platform’s interactive features, students can engage with a variety of multimedia resources, such as videos, images, and audio recordings, which accommodate different learning styles and preferences. Additionally, Seesaw’s built-in assessment tools allow teachers to assess student understanding in real time, providing immediate feedback and the opportunity for targeted interventions. The platform’s accessibility features further enhance inclusivity, as it supports various assistive technologies and provides language support for multilingual learners.”
- Edith Mbalaga, Year 2 Teacher, China
“Seesaw creates an opportunity for students who arrive in our classrooms with many different needs and abilities to express knowledge, understanding, and reflection in the best way they know how. Students who may have been marginalized or not included in the lesson, activity, or reflection, now have an opportunity to express themselves!”
- Kati Devlin, Pre-K-6 Inclusive Education/Resource and EAL Teacher, Canada
“Seesaw provides so many other ways for children to express themselves outside traditional reading and writing. It allows educators to see a broader spectrum of personalities and skills in your classroom. For children with different needs (e.g. dyslexia), they can respond orally to questions and activities where a written response might be too much for them. This means they can be fully engaged with an inclusive task, not just put up with an amended version which may make them feel othered. It also gives the child the choice of how best to respond, allowing for more meaningful interactions with the content.”
- Roisin Martin, Special Education Teacher, Ireland
“Giving children the voice they so desperately need is one thing as a teacher I am so thankful to to Seesaw for. It is so much more than just posting pictures or work of the children’s academic studies. It allows children to express their abilities without having a cap on it.”
- Hannah Maybury, Year 6 Teacher, England
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Keeps everyone in the learning loop
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