Seenukara Magazine Volume 2

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JULY/AUGUST 2022 | 2 Maldives Government & Opposition remain committed to One-China Policy


In his message, President Xi wished prosperity to Maldives, and happiness and well-being to its people. He also noted the close ties China shares with Maldives.

President Xi expressed his willingness to work with the Maldivian government to continue their traditional friendship whilst strengthening mutual political trust and practical co-operation between the two nations. President Xi further expressed his hopes for more people-to-people exchanges between China and Maldives.

Additionally, President Xi conveyed China’s willingness to promote steady development of the future-oriented all-round friendly and cooperative partnership between

China and the Maldives mutually beneficial to the two countries.

President Xi has remained steadfast in promoting kinship between China and the Maldives over the years. As such, China has undertaken multiple developmental projects in the Maldives, working together with the administrations on housing projects and the ChinaMaldives Friendship Bridge project that changed the face of Greater Malé Region.

President Xi also paid a historic state visit to the Maldives in 2014 President Xi also spoke with President Solih in 2021, discussing on how the two nations can build on the existing diplomatic ties.

China has remained a close friend to the Maldives over the past decades, supporting the island nation in multiple developmental projects and providing aid to the Maldives in its time of need.

2 3SEENUKARA MAGAZINE | JULY 20222022 ިއލޖ | ލއޖމ ރކނީސ CONTENTS President Xi Focus: China’s green miracles highlight Xi’s vision of ecological civilization 4-5 34-35 Wang Yi: The One-China Principle Is What Underpins Stability across the Taiwan Strait 48 China dedicated to strengthening ChinaMaldives diplomatic ties: Ambassador Wang Lixin Only when people all over the world live better lives can prosperity be sustained, security safeguarded and human rights solidly grounded. 54-55 China-Maldives Friendship Bridge – A Symbol of Profound Friendship
Xi Jinping sends message of felicitations on the 57th Independence Day of Maldives President Xi Jinping High-level Dialogue on Global Development 24 June 2022 Quote of the month President
Xi Jinping sent a message of felicitations to President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, the government, and the people of Maldives on the occasion of the
th Independence Day of the island nation.

President Xi focus: China’s “green miracles” highlight Xi’s vision of ecological civilization

In his recent letter replying to primary school students in Britain, Chinese President Xi Jinping introduced his vision of green development and his commitment to ensuring harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

Noting that he attaches great importance to tackling climate change, President Xi said that he has always highlighted that “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets” -- a notion that has won broad support in today’s China.

He also said that China has been taking unprecedented steps to tackle climate change, and has made remarkable progress, adding that the country will go on making even greater achievements.

Indeed, under the guidance of Xi’s vision of ecological civilization, tremendous progress on greening China has taken place over the years, from cultivating the Chinese people’s eco-civilization awareness to adding new forests, grasslands and wetlands, and combating air and water pollution.


A survey released during the COP15 conference last year showed that the eco-civilization concept enjoys a high level of recognition among the general public in China.

Regarding the relationship between the environment and development, around 55 percent of people polled said the process of environmental protection brings new economic opportunities and presents a promising prospect, according to the survey, which was conducted by the Research Institute for Eco-civilization, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

The findings are based on the answers to 10,038 internet questionnaires, together with more than 3.5 million online posts and comments that were analyzed with big-data technology, said Zhang Yongsheng, head of the research institute.

“Ecological progress has significantly improved the quality of development and people’s wellbeing in China,” Zhang quoted the findings as saying.

Eco-civilization is spearheading a sweeping transformation of the development paradigm, which will reshape the approach to development, the business model, people’s understanding of a happy life, as well as attitudes toward consumption, employment and wellbeing, said Zhang.

As Xi told British pupils in the letter, schools of various kinds and at all levels in China attach great importance to the education on ecological civilization, adding that Chinese pupils, by starting from the trivial things in their lives, have developed a good habit of conserving energy and protecting the environment, and have learned to live a green and low-carbon life.


In the letter, the Chinese president said the British pupils are welcome to visit China, and do a tour of the world’s largest wind-power plant and solar-power station, as well as the widest man-made forest and the country’s picturesque national parks.

As the president knows so well, these places bear witness to the Chinese people’s ceaseless efforts to make their country a beautiful one. Over the years, forest coverage has expanded, the country’s living environment has improved, and the economy has been placed on a more sustainable path.

Thanks to afforestation efforts, 960 million mu (64 million hectares) of trees have been planted in China over the past decade. The country’s forest coverage has now reached 23.04 percent, up 2.68 percentage points from 2012

The China National Botanical Garden was officially inaugurated 18 April, 2022, in Beijing. With a planned area of 600 hectares, the garden has more than 30,000 kinds of plants and 5 million representative plant specimens from five continents.

The botanical garden is a national plant-diversity protection base, and an important symbol of the country’s level of sustainable development.

China’s environmental efforts have also garnered international acclaim. In 2017, China’s Saihanba afforestation community won the Champions of the Earth award, the highest environmental honor of the United Nations.

The area of desertified land in the country has shrunk by an annual average of 2,424 square kilometers, indicating a reversal of the situation in the late 1990s, when desertified land was expanding by 10,400 square kilometers annually.

China’s energy consumption per unit of GDP, or energy intensity, declined by 28.7 percent from 2011 to 2020

The proportion of coal in the nation’s total energyconsumption mix was reduced from 69.2 percent to 56.8 percent during the 2010-2020 period.

Looking forward, though challenges still remain, China will continue to place ecological protection high on its policy agenda.

On March 30 this year, Xi planted trees in Beijing, marking the 10th year of his participation in the annual tree-planting activity as the top leader, and demonstrating how much he values efforts to make the country’s land greener.

“I want to do my bit for the Beautiful China initiative, and also to sow the seeds of ecological conservation in the entire society, among the Chinese youth in particular,” he said.

sertified land was expanding by 10,400 square kilometers annually.

Xi said that he has always highlighted that

“lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets”

a notion that has won broad support in today’s China.

Last year, the share of days with good air quality rose to 87.5 percent, up 0.5 percentage points from 2020 This progress was built on marked improvements during the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020), which saw goodair days increase by 5.8 percentage points to 87 percent.

China’s energy consumption per unit of GDP, or energy intensity, declined by 28.7 percent from 2011 to 2020

The proportion of coal in the nation’s total energyconsumption mix was reduced from 69.2 percent to 56.8 percent during the 2010-2020 period.

Looking forward, though challenges still remain, China will continue to place ecological protection high on its policy agenda.

On 30 March this year, Xi planted trees in Beijing, marking the 10th year of his participation in the annual tree-planting activity as the top leader, and demonstrating how much he values efforts to make the country’s land greener.



Last year, the share of days with good air quality rose to 87.5 percent, up 0.5 percentage points from 2020 This progress was built on marked improvements during the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020), which saw goodair days increase by 5.8 percentage points to 87 percent.

“I want to do my bit for the Beautiful China initiative, and also to sow the seeds of ecological conservation in the entire society, among the Chinese youth in particular,” he said.

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BEIJING, 24 April, 2022
plant in Dingxi, Northwest China’s Gansu province. [Photo/Xinhua]

President Xi Jinping highlights ecological civilization

General secretary’s article demonstrates resolve to attain low-carbon transition

General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee Xi Jinping has stressed incorporating the concept of harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature into the country’s economic and social development, highlighting it as one of the vital characteristics of China’s socialist modernization.

The construction of ecological civilization should be implemented without fail, he stressed in an article published on 1 June in the issue of Qiushi Journal, the flagship magazine of the CPC Central Committee.

Stressing the important role of green development, he also reiterated the nation’s strong resolve to achieve its low-carbon transition, despite difficulties and challenges.

President Xi, who is also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, noted that historical, transformative and comprehensive changes have been achieved in the country’s construction of ecological civilization thanks to a series of major strategic arrangements since the 18 th National Congress of the CPC in 2012.

The past nine years have seen the occurrence of heavy haze effectively curbed and the number of black, odorous water bodies significantly reduced, he said in the article. The country has made “concrete steps” toward building a beautiful China.

China accounts for 25 percent of the global net increase in leaf area from 2000 to 2017, said the article, citing data from NASA satellites.

What has happened proves that the construction of ecological civilization and green, low-carbon and circular development not only meet people’s evergrowing demand for a beautiful environment, but also enable China to achieve higher-quality development that is more efficient, equitable, sustainable, and secure, the article said.

President Xi’s article was strongly endorsed by Wang Jinnan, head of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning.

From 2013 to 2020, the country’s GDP increased by 94

percent, while the number of cars increased by 150 percent, Wang, who is also an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said during a recent online event.

Despite these increases, many indexes on resources and environment have been declining, Wang noted, signaling the positive changes achieved by China’s greening endeavors.

During that period, the nation’s energy consumption per unit of GDP dropped by 16 percent and its carbon emissions per unit of GDP declined by 22 percent.

However, President Xi’s article emphasizes that China still faces many difficulties and challenges in promoting the development of its ecological civilization.

Traditional industries still take up a large share of China’s industrial structure, and strategic emerging, high-tech industries have yet to play a dominant role in driving economic growth, said the article. With its

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energy mix not yet fundamentally transformed, the root causes of pollution in some key regions and industries remain to be addressed.

China aims to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and realize carbon neutrality before 2060. The tasks in realizing these targets are immense, President Xi said in the article.

The country’s low-carbon transition will not come easily and it will be a process of “learning by doing”, said Wang Yi, vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institutes of Science and Development.

The country needs to foster new economic drivers based on constant theoretical research and practice, said Wang, who is also a member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the country’s top legislative body.

It’s a new long march for China to promote the construction of ecological civilization and realize its climate targets. “The country needs to cross the river by feeling the stones,” he added.

President Xi said in the article that harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature is a top concern as the nation forges ahead in meeting the social and economic development targets set for the 14th FiveYear Plan (2021-25) period.

In the period, China has entered a critical moment when environmental protection is progressing from quantitative to qualitative changes, the article said.

Unremitting efforts to promote green, low-carbon development are needed during this period.

“I have stressed many times that the causes of ecological and environmental problems are rooted in

growth modes and lifestyles,” President Xi said in the article.

“To establish and improve a green, low-carbon and circular economic development system and promote the comprehensive green transition of economic and social development is the fundamental solution to the country’s ecological and environmental problems.”

The article reiterated that the nation must guard against misconduct caused by misunderstandings; for instance, some regions attempt to vigorously introduce projects with high energy consumption and emissions to counter downward economic pressure. Related government bodies and regions should tighten thresholds and stop projects that go against

the central government’s requirements.

To promote global sustainable development, he called for active participation in global environmental governance, and strengthening international cooperation in the fields of climate change, marine pollution control and biodiversity conservation.

Efforts should also be made to advance the modernization of China’s governance system and capacity on the environment.

Party committees and governments at different levels should “undertake their political duties in building ecological civilization while ensuring that the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee are fully implemented”.

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Fourth volume of “Xi Jinping: The Governance of China”

President Xi Jinping hosts High-level Dialogue on Global Development

The fourth volume of “Xi Jinping: The Governance of China” has been published by Foreign Languages Press in both Chinese and English. The book will be available at home and abroad.

and acute assessment of major theoretical and practical issues concerning the development of the Party and the country, the publisher said.

Employing originality in vision and a full range of ideas and strategies, Xi has provided answers to questions concerning the present and future of China and its peo ple, and the wider world, according to the publisher.

President Xi Jinping hosted the High-level Dialogue on Global Development on 24 June in virtual format, calling for joint efforts to promote global development and foster a development paradigm featuring benefits for all, balance, coordination, inclusiveness, win-win cooperation and common prosperity.

The latest volume contains a compilation of 109 pieces of spoken and written works of Xi Jinping, general sec retary of the Communist Party of China Central Commit tee, from 3 February, 2020, to 10 May, 2022, along with 45 photographs taken since January 2020. It is divided into 21 sections by topic.

In the course of over two years, Xi has led the Party and the people in the effort to respond to changes and open up new prospects, while making a penetrating analysis

This volume is designed to help officials and the public better understand and apply Xi Jinping Thought on So cialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is also intended that this volume will keep the internation al community abreast of the latest developments in Xi’s thoughts, and explain the development path that China has chosen and its approach to and theory of gover nance, the publisher said.

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25 June, 2022BEIJING, 2 July, 2022

The latest volume contains a compilation of 109 pieces of spoken and written works of Xi Jinping, general sec retary of the Communist Party of China Central Commit tee, from 3 February, 2020 to 10 May, 2022, along with 45 photographs taken since January 2020. It is divided into 21 sections by topic.

In the course of over two years, Xi has led the Party and

the people in the effort to respond to changes and open up new prospects, while making a penetrating analysis and acute assessment of major theoretical and practical issues concerning the development of the Party and the country, the publisher said.

Employing originality in vision and a full range of ideas and strategies, Xi has provided answers to questions

President Xi went on to call for joint efforts to create an enabling inter national environment for develop ment, adding it is important that we pursue development in real earnest and promote development in con cert, build an open world economy, and shape a global governance system and institutional environment that are more just and equitable.

concerning the present and future of China and its people, and the wid er world, according to the publisher.

This volume is de signed to help officials and the public better understand and apply Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is also in tended that this vol ume will keep the in ternational community abreast of the latest developments in Xi’s thoughts, and explain the development path that China has chosen and its approach to and theory of governance, the publisher said.

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President Xi Jinping holds talks with Indonesian President Joko Widodo

relations from a strategic height and a long-term perspective, in order to bring greater benefits to the two peoples and make greater contribution to peace and stability in the region and beyond.

President Xi noted that China and Indonesia are at similar development stages, have entwined interests, follow similar philosophies and development paths, and share a closely connected future. Building a ChinaIndonesia community with a shared future is the common aspiration and expectation of the two peoples.

President Xi expressed his delight that the two sides have decided on this overall direction. Under this overarching goal, China will work with Indonesia to cement strategic mutual trust and firmly support each other in defending sovereignty, security and development interests, in exploring development paths in line with national conditions, and in growing the economy and bettering people’s lives. The two sides need to further deepen high-quality Belt and Road cooperation for more fruitful outcomes. They need to strive for completing the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway on schedule and to high standards, and ensure good implementation of such major cooperation projects as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Corridor and the “Two Countries, Twin Parks”. China will

continue to fully support Indonesia in building a regional vaccine production hub, and will step up public health cooperation with Indonesia. China is willing to import more commodities and quality agro- and by-products from Indonesia. China will take an active part in the development of Indonesia’s new capital and the North Kalimantan Industrial Park, expand cooperation in development financing, and cultivate new growth drivers in digital economy and green development, among other areas.

President Xi pointed out that facing changes in the world that are unfolding in ways like never before, China and Indonesia need to stand together in solidarity, fulfill the responsibilities of major developing countries, follow true multilateralism, uphold open regionalism, and contribute Oriental wisdom and Asia’s input to the development of global governance. China fully supports Indonesia in hosting the G20 Bali Summit, and will increase coordination and cooperation with Indonesia for a full success of the Summit. China will give full support to Indonesia’s ASEAN chairmanship next year, and will enhance solidarity and coordination with ASEAN, with a focus on the five proposals on building our home together, to further unleash new dynamism of the China-ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership.

On the afternoon of 26 July, President Xi Jinping held talks with Indonesian President Joko Widodo at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. In a warm and friendly atmosphere, the two presidents had a comprehensive and in-depth exchange of views and reached a series of important common understandings on China-Indonesia relations and on international and regional issues of mutual interest.

On the afternoon of 26 July, President Xi Jinping held talks with Indonesian President Joko Widodo at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. In a warm and friendly atmosphere, the two presidents had a comprehensive and in-depth exchange of views and reached a series of important common understandings on China-Indonesia relations and on international and regional issues of mutual interest.

President Xi noted that President Widodo is the first head of state China hosts after the Beijing Olympic Winter Games. This speaks volumes about the strong commitment of the two sides to growing their bilateral ties. In recent years, under the joint guidance of the two presidents, the China-Indonesia relationship has enjoyed robust growth, demonstrating great resilience and vitality. Strategic mutual trust has been further consolidated, and the four-pillar cooperation, namely

political, economic, people-to-people and maritime cooperation, has kept deepening. The two sides have acted proactively and with a strong sense of responsibility to maintain regional peace and stability and promote international unity and cooperation. They have thus set an example of major developing countries seeking strength through unity and win-win cooperation. Facts have proven that a sound China-Indonesia relationship not only serves the shared long-term interests of the two countries, but also has positive, farreaching impacts regionally and globally. Currently, the Chinese people are working toward the second centenary goal of building a great modern socialist country in all respects, while the Indonesian people are actively pursuing Vision 2045 President Xi expressed his readiness to work with President Widodo and continue steering the steady and sustained growth of bilateral

President Xi Jinping

In talks with visiting Indonesian President Joko Widodo in Beijing, 26 July, 2022

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China fully supports Indonesia in hosting the G20 Bali Summit, and will increase coordination and coorporation with Indonesia for a full success of the Summit.

China welcomes Indonesia’s continued active participation in “BRICS Plus” cooperation. China appreciates Indonesia’s support for and commitment to the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative, and is ready for closer communication and cooperation with Indonesia in this regard.

President Widodo wished the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China a complete success, and expressed his confidence that China will score even greater achievements under the strong leadership of President Xi. Indonesia and China are comprehensive strategic partners with an important goal of jointly building a community with a shared future. Their cooperation is mutually beneficial, not only serving the two peoples well but also contributing significantly to peace and development in the region and beyond. In an international landscape full of uncertainties, the sound cooperation between Indonesia and China has demonstrated the strategic nature of the bilateral relations. It adds positive energy to the region and the entire world. Indonesia will work with China to keep deepening their comprehensive strategic partnership and make still greater contribution to regional peace and global development. Indonesia admires China’s remarkable accomplishments in poverty alleviation and

wants to draw on China’s successful experience. China is welcome to take an active part in the development of Indonesia’s new capital and the North Kalimantan Green Industrial Park, seek greater strategic synergy between the Global Maritime Fulcrum and the Belt and Road Initiative, and deepen cooperation in such areas as investment, technology, vaccine and medical and health care. The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway is a symbol of Indonesia’s rapid development. Indonesia is ready to work with China to ensure that it is completed and put into operation on schedule and becomes another milestone in bilateral friendship. President Widodo thanked China for supporting Indonesia’s G20 presidency. Indonesia will maintain close coordination with China for the success of the G20 Bali Summit. As the ASEAN rotating chair next year, Indonesia is ready to make active efforts for the growth of ASEAN-China relations.

The two presidents also exchanged views on issues including the Ukraine crisis. They shared the view that the international community should create conditions for peace talks, play a constructive role in deescalating the situation in Ukraine and stabilizing the global economic order, and work together to maintain the hard-won peace and stability in the region.

Facts have proven that a sound China-Indonesia relationship not only serves the shared long-term interests of the two countries, but also has positive, far-reacing impacts regionally and globally.

President Xi Jinping

In talks with visiting Indonesian President Joko Widodo in Beijing, 26 July, 2022

President Xi Jinping

In talks with visiting Indonesian President Joko Widodo in Beijing, 26 July, 2022

The two sides issued a Joint Press Statement on the Bilateral Meeting between President of the People’s Republic of China and President of the Republic of Indonesia. They also signed an MOU on jointly promoting cooperation between the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative and the Global Maritime Fulcrum, and other cooperation documents covering such areas as vaccine, green development, cyber security and ocean.

On the evening of the same day, President Xi Jinping and Madame Peng Liyuan hosted a dinner for President Joko Widodo and Mrs. Iriana Joko Widodo.

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China will continue to fully support Indonesia in building a regional vaccine production hub, and will step up public health cooperation with Indonesia.

President Xi Jinping stresses upholding socialism with Chinese characteristics to build modern socialist country

Xi said.

The past five years since the 19th CPC National Congress have been extremely extraordinary, President Xi said.

The CPC Central Committee has united and led the entire Party, military, and the Chinese people in effectively coping with the grave and complex international situation and a stream of severe risks and challenges, and advanced socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

President Xi said the Party’s overall leadership and the CPC Central Committee’s centralized, unified leadership have strengthened.

We made every effort to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, promote high-quality development, and advance reform swiftly but steadily. We also made solid progress in developing wholeprocess people’s democracy and proactively fostering an advanced socialist culture, he said.

China prioritized ensuring and improving people’s wellbeing, mobilized all sectors of society in the anti-poverty

campaign, and devoted significant energy to ecological conservation.

We have resolutely safeguarded national security, maintained overall social stability, pushed forward defense and military modernization, resolutely safeguarded peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and advanced major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics on all fronts, said President Xi.

The 70th-anniversary celebration of the People’s Republic of China took place during the period, and the CPC marked its 100th founding anniversary and launched a campaign for the study of the Party’s history.

Facing the sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, China, with the commitment to putting the people and their lives above all else, waged an all-out people’s war to curb the spread of the virus, President Xi said.

The country has managed to protect the health and safety of the people to the greatest extent possible and achieved the best results in the world in coordinating economic development with the COVID-19 response, President Xi noted.

President Xi Jinping has stressed holding high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and striving to write a brand new chapter in building a modern socialist country in all respects.

President Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks at a study session of provincial and ministerial-level officials held in Beijing.

President Xi stressed adherence to socialism with Chinese characteristics and the guidance of the latest achievement in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of the times on the new journey to build a modern socialist country in all respects.

He underscored strengthening confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics and driving forward the historical process of national rejuvenation.

President Xi also highlighted the coordinated implementation of the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy in writing a brand new chapter in building a modern socialist

country in all respects.

The opening ceremony of the study session was attended by Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu, Wang Yang, Wang Huning, Zhao Leji and Han Zheng, all members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. Vice President Wang Qishan also attended the event.

Noting the importance of the upcoming 20th CPC National Congress to be held at a crucial moment on the new journey to build a modern socialist country in all respects, President Xi said goals, tasks and policies for the cause of the Party and the country for the next five years and beyond will be made at the congress.

It is of key importance to building on past successes to further advance the cause of the Party and the country, to the future of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, President Xi added.

Against the backdrop of accelerating global changes unseen in a century, and more complex risks, challenges, contradictions and problems, the fundamental task is to run our own affairs well, President

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BEIJING, 27 July, 2022

We have effectively exercised overall jurisdiction over the special administrative regions based on the Constitution and the regions’ basic laws, he said. We have formulated and enacted the Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and secured the grasp of Hong Kong’s overall situation.

In the face of the rapidly-changing international landscape, we have safeguarded our national dignity and core interests during our struggle and have kept a firm hold on the initiative of our development and

security, President Xi said.

We have improved implementing full and strict governance over the Party and worked tirelessly to tighten discipline and improve conduct. We have also taken coordinated action to see that officials do not have the opportunity, desire, or audacity to commit corruption, said President Xi.

He noted that these efforts have made the Party’s ties with the people closer and facilitated the development of a sound political atmosphere. It provided significant political guarantees for developing all areas of the Party

Noting the importance of the upcoming 20th CPC National Congress to be held at a crucial moment on the new journey to build a modern socialist country in all respects, Xi said goals, tasks and policies for the cause of the Party and the country for the next five years and beyond will be made at the congress.

and the country’s endeavors.

Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era since the Party’s 18th National Congress, President Xi said. He noted that the remarkable changes that took place in the decade of the new era are a milestone in the history of the Party, New China, reform and opening up, socialism, and the Chinese nation.

President Xi said that achieving national rejuvenation will be no walk in the park, and it will take more than drum beating and gong clanging to get there.

President Xi called for resolve to undertake a great struggle with many new contemporary features, and readiness to work even harder toward the goal of rejuvenation.

All the achievements in the past 10 years were made thanks to the joint endeavors of the CPC and the people, he said.

The guidance of the scientific theories of Marxism is a distinct political character and a strong political advantage of the CPC, President Xi noted.

On the basis of adapting the basic tenets of Marxism to

China’s specific realities and its fine traditional culture, the CPC has established the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and achieved a new breakthrough in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context, President Xi said.

President Xi urged the whole Party to constantly adapt Marxism to the Chinese context and keep it up-to-date.

Speaking of China’s success in pursuing and expanding a Chinese path to modernization, President Xi said that there is no set form of modernization or one-size-fits-all modernization standards in the world.

The modernization China is pursuing is the socialist modernization led by the CPC, President Xi noted.

We must rely on our own efforts to drive China’s development, and make sure the future of China’s development and progress remains firmly in our own hands, he said.

The 20th CPC National Congress will offer a panoramic prospect of the two-stage strategic plan for China’s drive to build a great modern socialist country in all respects, and will in particular lay out plans for the strategic missions and major measures in the next five

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years, President Xi said.

Noting that the next five years are a crucial period for starting the building of a modern socialist country in all respects, President Xi said sound development in the five years will be of vital importance to achieving China’s second centenary goal.

President Xi called for efforts to focus on tackling unbalanced and inadequate development, and work on new ideas and measures to address problems.

President Xi stressed ceaselessly exercising full and rigorous governance over the Party, warning against any slackness or weariness.

By engaging in great self-transformation, the Party can steer great social transformation, he said.

President Xi called on all CPC members to remain committed to the Party’s fundamental purpose of wholeheartedly serving the people, and do everything for the people while relying on the people in everything they do.

All Party members should always maintain close ties with the people, and accept the criticism and oversight of the people, he added.

While presiding over the opening ceremony of the study session, Li Keqiang said senior officials should thoroughly study President Xi’s important speech, follow its guiding principles both in thinking and action, promote reform, development and stability in their respective regions and departments, and set the stage for the Party’s 20th National Congress with concrete action.

Addressing the closing ceremony, Wang Huning urged the participants to resolutely uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, further grasp and apply Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and continue to improve their capacity for political judgment, thinking and implementation.

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Xi speaks with Biden over phone

BEIJING, 28 July, 2022

Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke with U.S. President Joe Biden on the phone at the request of the latter on Thursday evening. The two presidents had a candid communication and exchange on China-U.S. relations and issues of mutual interest.

President Xi pointed out that in the world today, the trends of turbulence and transformation are evolving, and deficits in development and security are looming large. Faced with a world of change and disorder, the international community and the people around the world expect China and the United States to take the lead in upholding world peace and security and in promoting global development and prosperity. This is the responsibility of China and the United States as two major countries.

He underscored that to approach and define China-U.S. relations in terms of strategic competition and view China as the primary rival and the most serious longterm challenge would be misperceiving China-U.S. relations and misreading China’s development, and would mislead the people of the two countries and the international community. The two sides need to maintain communication at all levels and make good use of existing communication channels to promote bilateral cooperation.

Recognizing the many challenges facing the global economy, President Xi underscored the need for China and the United States to maintain communication on such important issues as coordinating macroeconomic policies, keeping global industrial and supply chains stable, and protecting global energy and food security. Attempts at decoupling or severing supply chains in defiance of underlying laws would not help boost the U.S. economy. They would only make the world economy more vulnerable.

He said the two sides need to work for de-escalation of regional hotspots, help rid the world of COVID-19 as early as possible, reduce the risk of stagflation and recession, and safeguard the international system with the United Nations at its core and the international order underpinned by international law.

President Xi elaborated on China’s principled position on the Taiwan question. He highlighted that the historical context of the Taiwan question is crystal clear, and so are the fact and status quo that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one and the same China.

The three China-U.S. joint communiques embody the political commitments made by the two sides, and the one-China principle is the political foundation for ChinaU.S. relations, Xi said, adding that China firmly opposes

secession aimed at “Taiwan independence” and external interference, and never allows any room for “Taiwan independence” forces in whatever form.

The position of the Chinese government and people on the Taiwan question is consistent, and resolutely safeguarding China’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity is the firm will of the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people, he said.

The will of the people cannot be defied and those who play with fire will perish by it, he said, adding that it is hoped that the United States will be clear-eyed about this.

He also called on the United States to honor the OneChina principle and implement the three China-U.S. joint communiques both in word and in deed.

Biden said the world is at a critical moment, adding that U.S.-China cooperation benefits not only the people of

the two countries, but also the people of all countries.

The United States hopes to keep an open line of communication with China to enhance mutual understanding and avoid misperception and miscalculation, and will work with China where the interests of the two countries align and, at the same time, properly manage differences, he said.

He reiterated that the One-China policy of the United States has not changed and will not change, and that the United States does not support “Taiwan independence.”

The two presidents also exchanged views on issues including the Ukraine crisis. President Xi reiterated China’s principled position.

Both presidents viewed their call as candid and indepth. They agreed to stay in touch and instructed the two teams to keep up communication and cooperation.

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Li Keqiang attends the World Economic Forum Special Dialogue with Global Business Leaders

On the evening of 19 July, 2022, Premier Li Keqiang attended the World Economic Forum (WEF) Special Virtual Dialogue with Global Business Leaders, delivered a speech, interacted and communicated with business representatives at the Great Hall of the People. Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab of the WEF presided over the special virtual dialogue, and nearly 400 businessmen from more than 50 countries attended the dialogue. Li Keqiang said, the current international and regional situation is undergoing profound and complex evolution, and various challenges and uncertainties have increased significantly. President Xi Jinping stated in his address at the 2022 World Economic Forum Virtual Session that China will stay committed to reform and opening-up. A peaceful and stable environment is a prerequisite for development. China is ready to work with all parties to uphold the international system with the United Nations at its core, practice multilateralism and jointly safeguard world peace and tranquility. It is a common and urgent task for all parties to promote the stable growth of the world economy. All

countries should strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, ensure the stable supply of food and energy, and keep industrial and supply chains secure and smooth. All countries should strengthen solidarity and cooperation, firmly maintain and promote economic globalization, deepen bilateral and multilateral international cooperation, and promote balanced, inclusive and sustainable development that benefits all.

When introducing China’s economic situation, Li Keqiang said, affected by a new round of pandemic and other unexpected factors, the economic downward pressure increased sharply in the second quarter of this year, and the main indicators fell deeply in April. We took decisive action and prompt control to put stable growth in a more prominent position. We refrained from resorting to a deluge of strong stimulus policies, push the existing policies to produce effects early on, and launched and implemented a package of 33 policies and measures to stabilize the economy. The downward momentum of major economic indicators slowed down in May. In June, the economy rebounded steadily, and its main indicators rebounded relatively

quickly from negative to positive. The surveyed urban unemployment rate dropped significantly, driving the economy in the second quarter to achieve positive growth. We are also clearly aware that the foundation of economic recovery is not yet solid, and maintaining stable economic performance still requires arduous efforts.

Li Keqiang stressed that China, as the world’s largest developing country, has huge development potential. We will fully implement the new development philosophy, efficiently coordinate pandemic prevention and control and economic and social development, motivate all sectors, and uphold that for China, development is the foundation and key to overcoming all challenges, so as to promote economic operation to return to the normal track as soon as possible. Keeping major economic indicators within an appropriate range is mainly supported by stable employment and prices. Since 2020, the policies we have implemented in response to major shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic are reasonable in scale, without “flooding” the economy with mass stimulus policies, and create conditions for preventing inflation. This year’s summer grain has increased production and a bumper harvest, reaching a record high. Autumn grain production represents sound momentum, and coal and electricity supply is stable, which lays the foundation for domestic prices to run smoothly and also

contributes to global food and energy market stability. China has more than 160 million market entities, and intelligent and hardworking people, which provides the greatest resilience and self-assurance for economic development. In recent years, we directly respond to the needs of market entities when implementing macro policies, and stabilize employment and increase personal income by stabilizing market entities. We will maintain the continuity and pertinence of macro policies, and continue to focus on assisting market entities to relieve difficulties and sustain themselves for economic development. Macro policies are not only precise and powerful, but also reasonable and appropriate, without introducing super large-scale stimulus measures, excessive money supply, or sacrificing future interests for the sake of excessive growth targets. We must be fully aware of the situation on the ground and make utmost efforts to strive to achieve a better level of economic development throughout the year. The package of detailed policy measures to stabilize growth still have considerable room to play an effective role.

The VAT credit refunds in the first half of the year have exceeded 1.8 trillion yuan and the continued implementation of the policy will further expand the actual scale of refunding VAT credits; the actual use of special-purpose bonds for local governments and the use of newly issued policy-backed and developmentoriented financial instruments will form effective

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investment in more physical workload and hence boost employment and consumption. We will stay committed to adding momentum through reform, and deepen reforms to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services, so as to further stimulate market vitality and social creativity.

Li Keqiang pointed out that China’s economy has been deeply integrated into the world, and opening up to the outside world is China’s fundamental state policy. China’s development cannot be separated from the

world, the world’s development also needs China. We will deepen high-standard opening up to the outside world, adhere to free and fair trade, and pursue parallel progress in the two “wheels” of multilateral and regional trade cooperation. We will continue to foster a market- and law-based and internationalized business environment, ensure equal access of foreign enterprises to open areas in accordance with the law, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results in fair competition. We are willing to strengthen international cooperation in

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi sends well wishes to the Maldives on 57th Independence Day

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, sent felicitations to Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid on the occasion of the 57th Independence Day of Maldives.

official visit to Maldives in January 2022. During his visit, he met with Foreign Minister Shahid and discussed the role-model diplomatic relations between the two countries.

the fight against the pandemic, achieve more targeted and science-based prevention and control under the premise of ensuring the safety of pandemic prevention, continue to optimize the visa, testing and other prevention and control policies, further promote orderly resumption and increase of international passenger flights, advance outbound business and trade and cross-border employment activities in a prudent and orderly manner, and better promote personnel exchanges between China and foreign countries as

well as communication and cooperation with other countries.

Li Keqiang also answered questions from representatives of foreign entrepreneurs on the sound and stable development of China-U.S. relations, addressing climate change, prospects for manufacturing development, and consumption policies, among others.

Xiao Jie and He Lifeng attended the above event.

In his message, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi extended sincere congratulations and best wishes to Maldives and its people. He expressed his readiness to work with Foreign Minister Shahid to implement important consensus between President Xi Jinping and President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi also expressed China’s willingness to consolidate and expand mutually beneficial cooperation in different sectors. He noted that China looks forward to promoting and developing the future-oriented comprehensive and friendly partnership and cooperation between the two nations.

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi paid an

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s visit to the Maldives in 2022 coincided with the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and the Maldives. He noted that China is willing to work with Maldives to further strengthen the ties between the two nations, and work together to promote cooperation under the Belt and Road initiative, and elevate the China-Maldives diplomatic ties further.

China looks forward to working with Maldives on key projects surrounding infrastructure, housing, and boost post-pandemic recovery of Maldives, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi noted.

During his visit State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi also inaugurated new assistance and developmental projects in the Maldives.

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China’s FM Wang Yi meets Indian FM Jaishankar on bilateral ties

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on the sidelines of the Group of 20 (G20) foreign ministers’ meeting in Bali, Indonesia.

Wang said at the meeting that since March this year, China and India have maintained communication and exchanges, effectively managed differences, and the bilateral relations have generally shown a recovery momentum.

China and India, Wang said, share common interests and similar legitimate claims. As the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, major countries

like China and India will definitely not go with the flow, but are destined to uphold strategic determination, achieve their respective development and revitalization in accordance with the established goals, and make greater contributions to the future of mankind.

Wang said the two countries should take practical actions to implement the important consensus of the leaders of the two countries that “the two countries are not each other’s threats, but cooperation partners and development opportunities.”

He also said the two countries should push for the early return of the bilateral relations to the right track and light

Wang said the two countries should take practical actions to implement the important consensus of the leaders of the two countries that “the two countries are not each other’s threats, but cooperation partners and development opportunities.”

up the bright future of the relations together.

Wang said China appreciates India’s support for its hosting BRICS meetings and the High-level Dialogue on Global Development in June, and it will support India’s work in 2023 as the next rotating chair of the G20 countries and of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

Noting that both countries, as advocates of multilateralism, share views in areas ranging from safeguarding peace and security, boosting economic recovery, improving global governance, to jointly combating COVID-19, Wang said they should strengthen coordination and cooperation, and join efforts to make international relations more democratic, international order fairer, the developing countries’ voices to be heard more and their legitimate interests better maintained.

Jaishankar said since the meeting of the two foreign ministers in March, the two sides have made positive progress in terms of safeguarding stability along the borders, promoting practical cooperation and facilitating people-to-people exchanges.

He noted that the Indian side looks forward to a positive, cooperative and constructive India-China relationship, and stands ready to work with China to release a clear signal to push for the improvement of bilateral ties, and turn the consensus and vision of the two leaders into tangible results.

He thanked China’s support for India’s role as the next rotating chair of the G20 and the SCO in 2023 India would continue upholding strategic autonomy and an independent position on international affairs.

Both sides agreed to support Indonesia in successfully hosting the G20 meetings this year, jointly push the meetings to focus on the central topics, and help global post-pandemic recovery.

Wang is here to attend the G20 foreign ministers’ meeting on Thursday and Friday. He is on an Asia tour, which takes him to Myanmar, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia.

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BALI, Indonesia, 7 July, 2022

Wang Yi: Stay Committed to Upholding True Multilateralism

On 8 July, 2022, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on the Bali Island.

Wang Yi said, the G20 was born from international cooperation in response to the global financial crisis. At the first G20 Summit, it was made clear that we should uphold multilateralism, strengthen the partnership and work together to cope with challenges. At a time when world peace and development face major challenges, we should stay committed to upholding true multilateralism and being “three partners”.

First, we should be partners with mutual respect and consultation on an equal footing. International affairs should be managed by all countries through consultation and international rules should be jointly set and observed by all countries. There is only one system in this world, that is, the international system with the

United Nations at its core. There is only one order, that is, the international order underpinned by international law. This has been the consensus of the international community.

Second, we should be partners of peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. Only by attaching importance to the security of others and maintaining everyone’s security can we truly realize our own security. To place one’s own security above the security of others and intensify military blocs will only split the international community and make oneself less secure.

Third, we should be partners for openness, inclusiveness, and connectivity. Competition between countries should be fair but should not be vicious or even malicious. Building a closed and exclusive “small yard with high fences” is to go against the trend and is doomed to fail.

Wang Yi Expounds on China’s View on the Afghan Issue

On 29 July, 2022, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) foreign ministers’ meeting in Tashkent. Wang Yi expounded on China’s view on the Afghan issue.

Wang Yi said, Afghanistan has currently come to a critical point of transition from chaos to order, and the overall situation is stable, but it also faces many challenges. The SCO should adhere to engagement and dialogue to encourage Afghanistan’s efforts to build a broad-based and inclusive government and exercise moderate and prudent governance;  help those in distress to assist Afghanistan in improving people’s livelihood and recovering the economy; pool efforts to combat terrorism and urging Afghanistan to clear all terrorist forces; conduct multilateral coordination to gather more consensus of countries in the region.

Wang Yi said, not long ago, Afghanistan suffered from an earthquake, and China provided humanitarian assistance for the Afghan people via multiple channels. China will work with the SCO member states to help the Afghan people tide over the current difficulties, and support Afghanistan in actively exploring a development path that is suited to its national conditions and in line with the trend of the times.

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Wang Yi: The One-China Principle Is What Underpins Stability across the Taiwan Strait

On 11 July, 2022, local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivered a policy speech on renewing the firm commitment to open regionalism and answered questions at the ASEAN Secretariat.

Asked by reporters about the root cause of the current tensions across the Taiwan Strait and how to maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, Wang Yi stressed, the one-China principle is what underpins stability across the Taiwan Strait.

Wang Yi said, history and practice have proved time and again that when the one-China principle is fully recognized and earnestly followed, the Taiwan Strait would remain calm and tranquil and the two sides across the Strait would enjoy peace and development. However, when the one-China principle is willfully challenged or even sabotaged, there would be dark clouds or even violent storms across the Taiwan Strait.

Wang Yi said, the current tensions across the Taiwan Strait are rooted in the fact that Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities have abandoned the 1992 Consensus, which embodies the one-China

principle, undermining the important foundation for the peace and development of cross-Strait relations, and going further down the wrong path of seeking independence by soliciting foreign support. At the same time, it must be pointed out that the United States is constantly distorting and hollowing out the one-China principle, trying to disrupt and hinder China’s development by playing the “Taiwan card”.

Wang Yi said, people are now talking about maintaining the “status quo”. What is the “status quo” of the Taiwan question? The facts are crystal clear. The two sides across the Taiwan Strait belong to one and the same China, and Taiwan is a part of China’s territory. Though there has been political antagonism between the two sides of the Strait, China’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity have never been severed. This is the true status quo of the Taiwan Strait, which has not changed since ancient times and will not change. Those challenging and undermining the status quo are precisely the DPP authorities that advocate “independence”, and the external forces that attempt to use the Taiwan question to contain China.

Wang Yi stressed, the Taiwan question is the core of China’s core interests, and safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity is the bounden responsibility of every Chinese people. Anyone, any

force or any country should by no means dream of separating Taiwan from China.

Wang Yi pointed out, the one-China principle is also the basic principle for China to establish diplomatic ties with other countries, and constitutes a part of the post-World War II international order. China hopes and believes that all countries can fully recognize the serious harmfulness of “Taiwan independence” and secession, and work with China to uphold the one-China principle. A more clearcut attitude in upholding the one-China principle and more forceful measures to contain separatist forces will lead to more possibilities for peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and more guarantees for regional peace and prosperity.

Wang Yi said, the United States has stressed many times recently that it would safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of every country. Taking into account the track record of the U.S. side, China attaches great importance to these remarks, because they conform to the basic norms governing international relations and the purposes of the UN Charter. But we need to stress a point, that is, the United States should not apply double standards, nor should it chop and change. China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity on the Taiwan question should also be respected and safeguarded. This is also a test of the international credibility of the United States as a major country.

Wang Yi said, history and practice have proved time and again that when the one-China principle is fully recognized and earnestly followed, the Taiwan Strait would remain calm and tranquil and the two sides across the Strait would enjoy peace and development. However, when the one-China principle is willfully challenged or even sabotaged, there would be dark clouds or even violent storms across the Taiwan Strait.

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Wang Yi: Carry Forward the Shanghai Spirit to Continuously Promote the Building of a Closer SCO Community with a Shared Future

On 29 July, 2022, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) foreign ministers’ meeting in Tashkent.

Wang Yi said, the world today is entering a new period of turbulence and transformation, with changes and a pandemic both unseen in a century, and constant flare-ups of international and regional hotspot issues. The task of development and stability of all countries remains arduous and strenuous. We need to carry forward the Shanghai Spirit, uphold solidarity and help each other, and continue to promote the building of a closer SCO community with a shared future. Wang Yi put forward China’s proposals in this regard.

First, strengthen solidarity and cooperation. The SCO countries should follow the purposes and principles established by the SCO Charter and the Treaty on LongTerm Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation among member states, continuously cement the foundation of mutual trust, support the protection of each other’s core interests and major concerns, and safeguard the sovereignty, security and development interests of all countries. The SCO countries should firmly support each other in following the development paths suited to national conditions, back each other in taking major measures to maintain social stability, and jointly create a sound environment for the development and revitalization of countries in the region.

Second, consolidate regional security. The SCO countries should practice the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and oppose creating bloc confrontation and undermining regional stability. The SCO countries should intensify efforts to combat the “three forces” of terrorism, separatism and extremism, including the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, reach a plan acceptable to all parties on improving the mechanism for responding to security threats and challenges as soon

as possible, and expand cooperation in non-traditional security areas.

Third, promote sustainable development. The SCO countries should adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, carry out more sustain able cooperation projects that benefit people’s live lihoods, and deepen high-quality Belt and Road co operation. The SCO countries should leverage the unique advantages of the member states, make the SCO’s voice heard and demonstrate SCO’s respon sibility in maintaining the security of international in dustrial and supply chains as well as international food and energy security. The SCO countries should draw up a roadmap for expanding the scale of local currency settlement, and provide stronger financing guarantees for cooperation on major projects. The SCO countries should continue to carry out all-round cooperation in fighting the pandemic, and advance cooperation in poverty alleviation, green development and other fields.

Fourth, uphold multilateralism. The SCO countries should oppose peddling the false so-called narrative of “democracy” against “authoritarianism” and creating confrontation in the international community. The SCO countries should firmly promote genuine multilateralism, advocate the common values of all mankind, and work to improve global governance. The SCO countries should strengthen multilateral coordination and cooperation, oppose unilateral sanctions and “long-arm jurisdiction”, and defend the common interests and development space of emerging

markets and developing countries.

Fifth, enhance the development of the organization. The SCO countries should promote the enlargement of the group in a steady and orderly manner, take into account the geographical distribution and other factors, accept more observer states and dialogue partners while increasing new members, and make more countries that share the same cooperation concepts of the SCO obtain a corresponding legal status, so as to increase the comprehensive strength of the SCO and demonstrate its openness and inclusiveness. The SCO countries should strengthen the mechanism building to promote more efficient decision-making, more practical cooperation and smoother coordination in the SCO.

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Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China

On 2 August, 2022, in disregard of China’s strong opposition and serious representations, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visited China’s Taiwan region. This is a serious violation of the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-U.S. joint communiqués. It has a severe impact on the political foundation of China-U.S. relations, and seriously infringes upon China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. It gravely undermines peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and sends a seriously wrong signal to the separatist forces for “Taiwan independence”. China firmly opposes and sternly condemns this, and has made serious démarche and strong protest to the United States.

There is but one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory, and the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. This has been clearly recognized by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 of 1971. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, 181 countries have established diplomatic relations with China on the basis of the one-China principle. The one-China principle is a universal consensus of the international community and a basic norm in international relations.

In 1979, the United States made a clear commitment in the China-U.S. Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations — “The United States of America recognizes the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China. Within this context, the people of the United States will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan.” Congress, as a part of the U.S. Government, is inherently obliged to strictly observe the one-China policy of the U.S. Government and refrain from having any official exchanges with China’s Taiwan

region. China is all along opposed to the visit to Taiwan by U.S. congressional members, and the U.S. executive branch has the responsibility to stop such visit. Since Speaker Pelosi is the incumbent leader of the U.S. Congress, her visit to and activities in Taiwan, in whatever form and for whatever reason, is a major political provocation to upgrade U.S. official exchanges with Taiwan. China absolutely does not accept this, and the Chinese people absolutely reject this.

The Taiwan question is the most important and most sensitive issue at the very heart of China-U.S. relations. The Taiwan Strait is facing a new round of tensions and severe challenges, and the fundamental cause is the repeated moves by the Taiwan authorities and the United States to change the status quo. The Taiwan authorities have kept seeking U.S. support for their independence agenda. They refuse to recognize the 1992 Consensus, go all out to push forward “desinicization”, and promote “incremental independence”. The United States, for its part, has been attempting to use Taiwan to contain China. It constantly distorts, obscures and hollows out the one-China principle, steps up its official exchanges with Taiwan, and emboldens “Taiwan independence” separatist activities. These moves, like playing with fire, are extremely dangerous. Those who play with fire will perish by it.

The position of the Chinese Government and people on the Taiwan question has been consistent. It is the firm commitment of the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people to resolutely safeguard state sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is the common aspiration and sacred responsibility of all Chinese sons and daughters to realize the complete reunification of the motherland. The will of the people is not to be defied, and the trend of the times cannot be reversed. No country, no forces and no individual should ever misestimate the firm

There is but one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory, and the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. This has been clearly recognized by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 of 1971.

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, 181 countries have established diplomatic relations with China on the basis of the one-China principle. The one-China principle is a universal consensus of the international community and a basic norm in international relations.

resolve, strong will and great capability of the Chinese Government and people to defend state sovereignty and territorial integrity and to achieve national reunification and rejuvenation. China will definitely take all necessary measures to resolutely safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity in response to the U.S. Speaker’s visit. All the consequences arising therefrom must be borne by the U.S. side and the “Taiwan independence” separatist forces.

China and the United States are two major countries. The right way for them to deal with each other lies only in mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, noconfrontation and win-win cooperation. The Taiwan question is purely an internal affair of China, and no other country is entitled to act as a judge on the Taiwan question. China strongly urges the United States to stop

playing the “Taiwan card” and using Taiwan to contain China. It should stop meddling on Taiwan and interfering in China’s internal affairs. It should stop supporting and conniving at “Taiwan independence” separatist forces in any form. It should stop its acts of saying one thing but doing the opposite on the Taiwan question. It should stop distorting, obscuring and hollowing out the oneChina principle. It must take credible actions to observe strictly the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-U.S. joint communiqués, deliver on the “five noes” commitment made by the U.S. leadership (i.e. not seek a “new Cold War”; not seek to change China’s system; the revitalization of its alliances is not against China; not support “Taiwan independence”; not look for conflict with China), and not go further down the wrong and dangerous path.

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Chinese FM makes remarks on U.S. violation of China’s sovereignty

In disregard of China’s solemn representations, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi brazenly went ahead with her visit to China’s Taiwan region, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said.

This move seriously violates the one-China principle, maliciously infringes on China’s sovereignty and blatantly engages in political provocations, which has aroused strong indignation among the Chinese people and widespread opposition from the international community.

It proves once again that some U.S. politicians have become “troublemakers” of China-U.S. relations, and that the United States has become the “biggest destroyer” of peace across the Taiwan Strait and for regional stability.

The United States should not dream of obstructing China’s reunification. Taiwan is a part of China. The complete reunification of China is the trend of the times and an inevitability of history. We will leave no room for the “Taiwan independence” forces and external


No matter how the United States supports or connives at the “Taiwan independence” forces, it will be all in vain. The United States will only leave more ugly records of gross meddling in other countries’ internal affairs in history. The Taiwan question arose when the country was weak and chaotic at the time, and will surely end with national rejuvenation.

The United States should not fantasize about undermining China’s development and revitalization. China has found a correct development path in line with its own national conditions. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, 1.4 billion Chinese people are striding towards the Chinese-style modernization.

We put the development of our country and nation on the basis of our own strength, and are willing to coexist peacefully and develop together with other countries. But we will never allow any country to undermine China’s stability and development.

I want to stress that the one-China principle is the key stabilizing force for peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and the three China-U.S. joint communiques are the real “guardrails” for peaceful coexistence between China and the United States.

Provoking trouble on the Taiwan question in an attempt to delay China’s development and undermine China’s peaceful rise will be totally futile and will surely lead to total failure.

The United States should not fantasize about manipulating geopolitical games. Seeking peace, stability, development and win-win cooperation are the common aspirations of regional countries.

The introduction of the Taiwan question into the regional strategy by the United States, which inflates tensions and stokes confrontation, is against the trend of regional development and goes against the expectations of the

The United States should not dream of obstructing China’s reunification. Taiwan is a part of China. The com plete reunification of China is the trend of the times and an inevitability of history. We will leave no room for the “Taiwan independence” forces and external interfer ence.

The United States should not fantasize about distorting facts at will. The U.S. side claimed that China is escalating the situation, but the basic facts are that the United States first provoked China on the Taiwan question and blatantly violated China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

U.S. House speaker visiting Taiwan. Yet the basic truth is that past mistakes cannot be used as an excuse to repeat them today.

The U.S. side claimed that it cannot restrain the Congress due to the separation of powers. But the basic norm of international law is that the United States must fulfill its international obligations, and key politicians should not misbehave.

people in the Asia-Pacific. This is very dangerous and stupid.

The one-China principle has become a basic norm governing international relations and an integral part of the post-Second World War international order.

What the United States should do is to immediately stop violating the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and stop playing the “Taiwan card” to disrupt the Asia-Pacific region.

The United States should not fantasize about distorting facts at will. The U.S. side claimed that China is escalating the situation, but the basic facts are that the United States first provoked China on the Taiwan question and blatantly violated China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The U.S. side claimed that there was a precedent of the

It also claimed that China’s pursuit of reunification is a “threat” to Taiwan, but the basic logic is that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory and the Taiwan question is purely an internal affair of China. It is lawful and justified that China upholds territorial integrity and opposes secession.

I want to stress that the one-China principle is the key stabilizing force for peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and the three China-U.S. joint communiques are the real “guardrails” for peaceful coexistence between China and the United States.

Clinging to the United States to seek “independence” is a dead end, and attempts to use the Taiwan question to contain China are doomed to failure.

In the face of the great cause of national reunification, the Chinese people have the gut not to be misled by fallacies or scared by evils, the ambition to never be intimidated or crushed, the determination to unite as one, and the ability to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and national dignity.

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Wang Yi Elaborates on China’s Position on the Taiwan Question at a Press Conference for Chinese and Foreign Media

On the afternoon of 5 August, 2022, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a press conference for Chinese and foreign media after attending the series of foreign ministers’ meetings on East Asia cooperation in Phnom Penh.

Wang Yi expressed his readiness to elaborate on China’s position on the Taiwan question. Given that the United States has just spread disinformation and falsehoods, it is even more important for us to clear the air and set the record straight with facts.

Wang Yi pointed out that Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, in total disregard of the firm opposition and repeated representations of the Chinese side and with the condonement and even arrangement of the U.S. government, went ahead with the visit to China’s Taiwan region. This reckless move seriously undermined China’s sovereignty, seriously interfered in China’s internal affairs, seriously violated the commitments made by the U.S. side, and seriously jeopardized peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. It is only natural that China makes a firm response. Our position is justified, reasonable and legal; our measures are firm, strong and measured; and our military exercises are open, transparent and professional. They are consistent with domestic and international laws, as well as international practices. They are aimed at sending a warning to the perpetrator and punishing the “Taiwan independence” forces. We will firmly safeguard China’s

sovereignty and territorial integrity, resolutely stop the United States’ attempt to use the Taiwan card to contain China, and firmly shatter the Taiwan authorities’ illusion to pursue Taiwan independence by soliciting the support of the United States. At the same time, we are upholding the international law and the basic norms governing international relations, particularly noninterference in countries’ internal affairs, which is the most important international norm enshrined in the UN Charter. If the principle of non-interference is ignored and discarded, the world will return to the law of the jungle, and the United States will become even more unscrupulous in treating and bullying other countries, especially small and medium-sized countries, from a position of strength. We could not allow that to happen. All countries need to come together to ensure that this

will not happen and that humanity will not regress.

Wang Yi said that because of this, more than 100 countries have spoken out, reaffirming their firm commitment to the one-China policy and underscoring their understanding and support of China’s legitimate position. UN Secretary-General António Guterres explicitly stressed that the UN remains committed to the UN General Assembly Resolution 2758. The centerpiece is the one-China principle, namely, there is but one China in the world, the government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China, and Taiwan is a part of

In response to the U.S. argument that a visit to Taiwan by the House Speaker is not without precedence, Wang Yi stressed that the visit of then Speaker Newt Gingrich to Taiwan is a terrible mistake, and the Chinese government vehemently opposed it at the time. The United States has no right or reason to repeat the wrongdoing, and cannot use mistakes in the past as excuses and reasons for repeating them today. Does that mean just because the United States has committed so many wrongdoings in history, it has the right to do them all over again?

Regarding the U.S. allegation that China is changing the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, Wang Yi said that this is an out-and-out lie and groundless accusation. Taiwan has never been a country. There is only one China in the world and both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one and the same China. This has been the status quo of Taiwan since ancient times. The China-U.S. Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations in 1978 clearly underlined that the government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China, and Taiwan is a part of China. This has been the status quo of the Taiwan Strait for decades. However, this status quo has indeed been broken. The saboteurs are not China, but the United States and the separatist forces in

China. This is the unified voice of justice of the international community.

Wang Yi stressed that the U.S. attempt to use the Taiwan card to contain China is only wishful thinking. It will by no means hold back the historical trend of Taiwan’s return to the motherland, nor can it stop the historical process toward the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The “Taiwan independence”  forces’ attempt to seek independence by soliciting U.S. support is nothing but a fantasy, which is doomed to be a dead end, and it will only tighten the noose around their necks.

Wang Yi said, Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan has actually become a farce. By doing so, she has lifted the rock only to drop it on her own feet, because what she did only reinforced the consensus of the international community on the one-China principle. It only makes the Chinese people even more united and determined to advance the process of building a great modern socialist country and to achieve national reunification.

Wang Yi stressed that the U.S. attempt to use the Taiwan card to contain China is only wishful thinking. It will by no means hold back the historical trend of Taiwan’s return to the motherland, nor can it stop the historical process toward the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The “Taiwan independence” forces’ attempt to seek independence by soliciting U.S. support is nothing but a fantasy, which is doomed to be a dead end, and it will only tighten the noose around their necks.

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Taiwan. In 2000, the United States put the so-called “Taiwan Relations Act” it unilaterally concocted before the three China-U.S. joint communiqués. Isn’t this changing the status quo? Several years ago, the United States took out the once-secretive so-called Six Assurances to Taiwan and made that part of its oneChina policy. Isn’t this changing the status quo? Isn’t this hollowing out the one-China policy? Our suggestion is that the U.S. government revisit and take a serious look at the three China-U.S. joint communiqués, so that they will have a clear understanding of what the status quo really is and who is really changing the status quo. The same goes for the Taiwan authorities. Since the Democratic Progressive Party took office, it has been pushing for “incremental Taiwan independence” and “de-sinicization”, and trying to create the false impression of “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan” on various occasions. Isn’t this blatantly changing the status quo? If Mr. Sun Yat-sen were still alive, he would tell Tsai Ing-wen to her face that she has betrayed the ancestors.

Wang Yi called on all parties to stay highly vigilant against the reported U.S. expansion of military

deployment in the region. The typical U.S. playbook is to create a problem first, and then use that problem to achieve its own objective. But in front of China, this just won’t work! This is our stern warning to the United States: do not act recklessly or manufacture an even bigger crisis.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at the meetings that the United States would like to see

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Announces Countermeasures in Response to Nancy Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan

international law observed and national sovereignty and territorial integrity upheld. In response, Wang Yi said that we haven’t heard the U.S. side saying so for a long time. How many things has the United States done that violated the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries? If the United States is seriously correcting its mistakes, we will encourage them to do so. But the key is to take concrete actions. The first priority is to honor its commitment on the Taiwan question, respect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, stop interfering in China’s internal affairs, and stop supporting and conniving at the “Taiwan independence” forces.

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In disregard of China’s strong opposition and serious representations, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visited China’s Taiwan region. On 5 August, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China announced the following countermeasures in response: 1.Canceling China-U.S. Theater Commanders Talk. 2.Canceling China-U.S. Defense Policy Coordination Talks (DPCT). 3.Canceling China-U.S. Military Maritime Consultative Agreement (MMCA) meetings. 4.Suspending China-U.S. cooperation on the repatriation of illegal immigrants. 5.Suspending China-U.S. cooperation on legal assistance in criminal matters. 6.Suspending China-U.S. cooperation against transnational crimes. 7.Suspending China-U.S. counternarcotics cooperation. 8.Suspending China-U.S. talks on climate change.

Wang Yi: The U.S. Side Makes Mistakes on the Taiwan Question in Three Aspects

achieve its own strategic objective. Signs show that the United States, by orchestrating Pelosi’s sneaky visit to Taiwan, is trying to repeat its old tricks. The U.S. side is taking the opportunity to beef up its military deployment in the region, which deserves high vigilance and a resolute boycott from all sides.

On 7 August, 2022, during his visit to Bangladesh, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, in line with at the latest situation and pointing at the U.S.’ groundless arguments, stated that the U.S. side has made mistakes in three aspects regarding its House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s sneaky visit to China’s Taiwan region.

First, the United States’ crudely  interfered in China’s internal affairs. In disregard of China’s repeated advice and warnings, the U.S. side insisted on arranging the third highest-ranking official of the U.S. government to pay the so-called “visit” to China’s Taiwan region. Taiwan is part of China, not a part of the US territory. The U.S. side itself has made public commitments on this. The U.S. side’s act is therefore a serious violation of China’s sovereignty.

Second, the United States connived at and supported the “Taiwan independence” forces. Any country safeguards the national unity and not allow separatist forces to act recklessly. The ruling Democratic Progressive Party in the Taiwan region has included the pursuit of “independence” in its party program, and in recent years, it has tried every possible means to push for incremental “Taiwan independence” and create the false impression of “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan”. By publicly emboldening and siding with the separatist forces, the U.S. House speaker has made

herself an enemy of the Chinese people.

Third, the United States deliberately sabotaged peace across the Taiwan Strait. The typical U.S. playbook is to first create a problem, and then use that problem to achieve its own strategic objective. Signs show that the United States, by orchestrating Pelosi’s sneaky visit to Taiwan, is trying to repeat its old tricks. The U.S. side is taking the opportunity to beef up its military deployment in the region, which deserves high vigilance and a

Wang Yi said that China’s firm stance and its legitimate, reasonable, lawful, necessary, open and proportionate measures are aimed at safeguarding China’s sacred sovereignty and territorial integrity, stopping the United States’ attempt to use Taiwan  to contain China, shattering the Taiwan authorities’ fantasy to pursue Taiwan independence by soliciting the support of the United States, and earnestly safeguarding peace across the Taiwan Strait and regional stability.

Wang Yi stressed that the principle of non-interference in internal affairs is the “golden rule” for state-to-state

resolute boycott from all sides.

Wang Yi said that China’s firm stance and its legitimate, reasonable, lawful, necessary, open and proportionate measures are aimed at safeguarding China’s sacred sovereignty and territorial integrity, stopping the United States’ attempt to use Taiwan  to contain China, shattering the Taiwan authorities’ fantasy to pursue Taiwan independence by soliciting the support of the United States, and earnestly safeguarding peace across the Taiwan Strait and regional stability.

Wang Yi stressed that the principle of non-interference in internal affairs is the “golden rule” for state-to-state relations and the “magic tool” for developing countries to safeguard their sovereignty and security. We appreciate those countries for their understanding and support for China’s position. As unilateral bullying acts happen from time to time in today’s world, the international community should reach an even clearer consensus and speak even louder, so as to jointly uphold the basic norms governing international relations and international law, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all developing countries.

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China dedicated to strengthening China-Maldives diplomatic ties: Ambassador Wang Lixin

Chinese Ambassador to Maldives, Wang Lixin sent felicitations and congratulations to President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid, the government, and the people of Maldives on the occasion of the 57th Independence Day of the Maldives.

Ambassador Wang noted the traditional friendship between China and Maldives over the past five decades and called China-Maldives friendship a role model for the world.

She also paid a courtesy call to First Lady Fazna Ahmed in April 2022. During the meeting, Ambassador Wang expressed China’s willingness to work with Maldives to strengthen the China-Maldives friendship.

Ambassador Wang noted China’s readiness to work closely with Maldives to consolidate mutual trust, deepen substantive cooperation, and pass down traditional friendship with the guidance of the consensus

between the two leaders of China and Maldives.

Ambassador Wang is dedicated to strengthening the diplomatic ties between China and Maldives. As such, she expressed that China looks forward to working together with Maldives on infrastructure, housing, and other social projects.

Ambassador Wang noted that the China-Maldives Friendship Bridge has set a milestone in the friendly cooperation’s between the two nations. She also noted that China is ready to work with Maldives to hold celebratory events and promote future-oriented cooperative partnership between China and Maldives.

As Chinese Ambassador to Maldives, Ambassador Wang has been actively involved in China’s postpandemic relief efforts to the Maldives.

Chinese TV programmes to be aired in Maldives

China-Maldives Cultural Association agrees to air TV programmes

depicting information on China and Chinese culture via Ocean TV in Maldives. Ocean TV is a channel that airs cultural programmes from various countries in the Maldives. At a ceremony held at Chinese Embassy on 10 August, the agreement was signed on behalf of China by Ambassador Her Excellency Wang Lixin. Chairperson of ChinaMaldives Cultural Association, Mohamed Rasheed, signed on behalf of the Association.

Ambassador Wang pays a courtesy call to Maldivian Foreign Secretary

Chinese Ambassador to Maldives, Her Excellency Wang Lixin paid a courtesy call to Foreign Secretary of Maldives, Ahmed Latheef on 24 July 2022 During the meeting, the two leaders discussed ways to strengthen the existing diplomatic ties between the two countries. Ambassador Wang also discussed the activities being carried out to celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations between China and Maldives. This is the first courtesy call by Chinese Ambassador since Ahmed Latheef was appointed Foreign Secretary.

CPPCC’s Vice Chairperson holds discussions with Maldivian Deputy Speaker of Parliament

Chinese Peoples Political Consultation Conference (CPPCC)’s Vice Chairperson Gu Shengzu holds discussions with Maldivian Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Eva Abdulla via video link in July. During the call, Vice Chairperson Gu and Deputy Speaker Eva discussed on ways to strengthen the existing diplomatic relations between China and Maldives. They also discussed the multiple activities being carried out to celebrate 50 years of diplomatic ties between the two countries. Chinese Ambassador to Maldives, Her Excellency Wang Lixin also joined the video link meeting.

Chinese Ambassador meets President of Human Rights Commission of Maldives

Chinese Ambassador to Maldives, Her Excellency Wang Lixin met the President of the Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM), Mariyam Muna. At the meeting held at the Chinese Embassy in August, president of HRCM shared the initiatives by the Commission to ensure protection of human rights in the Maldives. Ambassador Wang and HRCM president also discussed ways Chinese Embassy can contribute to HRCM’s initiatives as part of China’s efforts to contribute to Maldives in social sector.

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Maldives Media Council Meets

Ambassador Wang

Maldives Media Council (MMC) met with Chinese Ambassador to Maldives, Her Excellency Wang Lixin on 25 August, 2022 MMC’s President Mohamed Shafaau Hassan, MMC Secretary General, and MMC members joined the meeting held at the Chinese Embassy. During the meeting MMC and Ambassador Wang discussed training opportunities for Maldivian journalists and ways the Embassy can contribute to the development of the Maldivian media.

Chinese Ambassador gives interview on China-Maldives relations

Chinese Ambassador to Maldives, Her Excellency Wang Lixin gave an interview about the diplomatic relations between China and Maldives, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the countries. During her interview with World Knowledge Publishing House, Ambassador Wang spoke on how China-Maldives diplomatic ties have developed over the past five decades. Ambassador Wang has great experience managing diplomatic ties between China and other Asian countries, having filled multiple roles in the Chinese Foreign Service sector.

Chinese Director-General of the Department of Asian Affairs meets Maldives Ambassador to China

Chinese Director-General of the Department of Asian Affairs of Foreign Ministry, Liu Jinsong meets Maldives Ambassador to China, Aishath Azeema during June. During the meeting held at Chinese Foreign Ministry, Director-General of the Department of Asian Affairs Liu and Ambassador Azeema discussed ways to strengthen the existing diplomatic ties between China and Maldives. China and Maldives will hold multiple celebrations this year to mark 50 years of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

Ambassador Azeema attends conference in Fuzhou, China

Maldivian Ambassador to China, Aishath Azeema attended a HighQuality Development and Low Carbon Industry Summit in Fuzhou, China this August. Ambassador Azeema also visited several industrial zones in Fuzhou after the summit. China has been contributing to the Maldives’ efforts to minimize carbon emission and build renewable energy resources. During July, Ambassador Azeema met with the Vice President of one of China’s largest renewable energy firms in Zhejiang, China.

Ambassador meeting Vice President of China Tianying

Maldives Ambassador to China, Aishath Azeema met with the Vice President (VP) of China Tianying, Xu chengzhi on 7 July, 2022. China

Tianying is one of the largest environmental management companies in China. During the meeting held at Maldivian Embassy in China, Ambassador Azeema and VP Xu discussed ways China Tianying can contribute renewable energy resources to the Maldives. China remains steadfast in their contribution of renewable energy resource development to the Maldives.

Maldives invited to Shanghai Corporation as a Dialogue Partner

Maldives has been invited to join as a Dialogue Partner at Shanghai Corporation Organization Summit in September. Maldivian Government thanked Shanghai Corporation for the invitation. The decision was made during Shanghai Corporation’s Foreign Minister’s Summit held at Uzbekistan on 27-28 July 2022. Shanghai Corporation Organization was founded on 15 June 2001. The Organization boasts 8 member countries – China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

Malé City decides to become Kunming’s sister City

Capital of Maldives, Male’ City has decided to become China’s Kunming City’s sister-city. The decision was made unanimously by Male’ City Council’s 61st General Meeting. Male’ City Mayor Dr. Mohamed Muizzu said Maldives has built relations as a sister-city with other Chinese cities in the past as well. Dr. Muizzu noted that Male’ City continues to receive support from the sister-cities. Dr. Muizzu added that Male’ City will receive Kunming City’s support as a sistercity.

Art and Photography Competition

organized to mark 50 years of diplomatic ties between China and Maldives

China-Maldives Cultural Association is organizing an Art and Photography Competition to celebrate 50 years of diplomatic ties between China and Maldives. Artwork and photography submitted for the competition must reflect China-Maldives relations. Winners in both categories will receive MCR 5,000 Runner-up will receive MVR 3,000 and Second Runner-up will receive MVR 2,000. Interested candidates can sign up for the competition by 30 August, and submit artwork and photography by 15 September, 2022

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Maldives Government and Opposition remain committed to One-China Policy

One-China Policy.

It is noteworthy that the 76th United Nation’s General Assembly (UNGA)’s President and Maldivian Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid, alongside UN’s SecretaryGeneral António Geterres have also stated that the UN will adhere to the UNGA Resolution 2758 which recognizes Taiwan as a province of China. This resolution is the centerpiece of the One-China Policy.

The UN General Assembly adopts the draft resolution on the restoration of the lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China in the UN, 25 October 1971 – Photo Credit: UN

The Maldivian Government and the opposition, Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and People’s National Congress (PNC) – known as the Progressive Congress, have reinstated their commitment to the One-China Policy, accepting China’s sovereignty as one nation of which Taiwan is a province.

The Spokesperson at Maldivian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed the Maldivian Government’s position on the One-China Policy following Speaker of the U.S House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi’s visit to China’s Taiwan region. The Maldivian Government stated the Administration remains committed to the One-China Policy as the foundation of its diplomatic ties with the People’s Republic of China. Furthermore, the Maldivian Administration stated it will continue to reaffirm this position in the international Sphere.

The Progressive Congress also issued a statement reaffirming their commitment to the One-China Policy; a feat that unites the Administration and opposition as one. In their statement, the Progressive Coalition urged international stakeholders to maintain dialogue and practice forbearance when addressing sensitive issues.

As China-Maldives celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries, Maldives, alongside 170 other countries and international organizations have reaffirmed their commitment to the

Chinese Government has also expressed their viewpoint on the Taiwan issue, stating the nation will defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Chinese Government also noted that despite the presence of separatist groups in Taiwan seeking an independent state, the people of the People’s Republic of China support the national reunification.

A historical overview of the ‘Taiwan Question’ indisputably shows that Taiwan has always been a part of China. Archeological discoveries and research have documented how China developed Taiwan since the olden days. In fact, the earliest written references of Taiwan date back centuries and depict the Sui Dynasty and Song and Yuan dynasties efforts to set up administrative bodies in Taiwan.

Over the course of history, Taiwan has been invaded by multiple foreign forces. China has always fought to defend Taiwan as one of its provinces. In the 1600’s, General Zheng Chenggong was hailed as a national hero after expelling Dutch colonialists from Taiwan, leading to the prefecture administration in Fujian Province in 1684. Taiwan was officially deemed a province of China in 1885

In 1894, Japanese forces declared war against China and conquered Taiwan. China remained unswerving in what became known as the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-1945), ultimately calling for the recovery of Taiwan.

province of China, and Taiwan is referred to as ‘Taiwan, Province of China’ at the UN.

Over the years, separatist groups in Taiwan have sought an independent state. However, UN and 170 countries remain committed to the One-China Policy that recognizes Taiwan as a province of China.

Shedding light on more recent events, multiple countries have criticized the US House of Speaker, Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, calling it a serious violation of China’s sovereignty. Global criticism has been aimed at Pelosi for ‘blatant violation and gross interference of China’s territorial sovereignty.

Qiao Guanhua (first from left), then vice foreign minister of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and Huang Hua (second from left), then Permanent Representative of the PRC to the United Nations, attend the 26th United Nations General Assembly, 25 October, 1971 (File photo)

China issued The Cairo Declaration in 1943, together with United States and United Kingdom, recognising that all the territories stolen by Japan should be restored to China. In October of 1945, China announced it will resume sovereignty over Taiwan following Japanese surrender. Since then, Taiwan has been a province of China, de facto.

The UN bodies have since recognized Taiwan as a

Chinese Ambassador to the Maldives, Wang Lixin issued a statement on how the visit seriously undermined China’s sovereignty and violated diplomatic commitments made by the US to China. She added that China has every right to respond with countermeasures to defend its territorial sovereignty.

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On 25 October, 1971, the People’s Republic of China was admitted into the UN. The vote was split 76 in favor, 35 opposed and 17 abstentions.

China-Maldives Friendship Bridge – A Symbol of Profound Friendship

The China-Maldives Friendship Bridge that was constructed under former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Qayyoom’s tenure changed the face of Greater Malé Region. Four years since its construction, the China-Maldives Friendship Bridge remains the biggest infrastructure development project in the Maldives. Both Maldives and China have described the bridge as a symbol of profound and unwavering friendship between the two nations.

Speaking on the occasion of the fourth-year mark since the China-Maldives Friendship Bridge was opened to public, Chinese Ambassador to Maldives, Wang Lixin stated that a 100 million trips have been made on the bridge.

The China-Maldives Friendship Bridge was constructed under a grant loan from China and state funds from Maldives. The bridge has since changed the lives of the people in the Greater Malé Region, making traveling to

the Velana International Airport and Hulhumalé convenient and less time consuming.

Since the bridge was opened, traffic has increased between Malé City and Hulhumalé as more people travel to Hulhumalé to and from work. Multiple businesses have opened up in Hulhumalé and the most recent addition – the Hiyaa Residences – have seen a population of nearly 15,000 relocated to Hulhumalé Phase II.

Maldivian Foreign Minister and 76th UNGA President, Abdulla Shahid described the China Maldives Friendship Bridge “as an enduring symbol of the close cooperation between the Maldives and China”. In his tweet, Minister Shahid thanked the Chinese Government for their continued support and priority to the development of Maldives. Minister Shahid has previously stated that the China-Maldives Friendship Bridge has brought transformative changes to the

Maldivian people.

Ambassador Wang stated that as China and Maldives ready to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two nations, China is committed to promoting kinship between the two nations.

Ambassador Wang further stated that the ChinaMaldives Friendship Bridge has greatly facilitated the daily lives of the people, and also promoted the socioeconomic development of the Maldives.

State Councilor and Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China, Wang Yi, has previously stated that the joint construction of the maritime silk road by China and Maldives serves the common interest of the people

of the two nations.

Ambassador Wang also expressed China’s willingness to work together with the Government of Maldives to build Belt and Road and embark on a journey of prosperity and happiness shared by the two nations.

The China-Maldives Friendship Bridge has been a longstanding dream of the Maldivian people, the idea and hope of which date back to the first republic in the Maldives. China’s commitment to promoting a futureoriented cooperative partnership between China and Maldives has realized the dreams of hundreds of thousands of Maldivians. The China-Maldives Friendship Bridge is truly a testament of profound, unwavering friendship between the two nations.

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Foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Chinese mainland, in actual use, expanded 17.3 percent year on year to 798.33 billion yuan in the first seven months of the year, the Ministry of Commerce said.

China’s oil giant Sinopec has discovered abundant flows of natural gas and crude oil in its Shendi-1 exploration program, in the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Shendi-1 is one of the world’s deepest commercial oil and gas fields, with an average depth reaching 7,300 meters.

The construction of China’s second domestically built large cruise ship kicked off Monday in east China’s Shanghai. The 341-meter-long and 37.2-meter-wide giant vessel has 2,144 passenger cabins and can sail at a maximum speed of 22.7 knots.

China has 42 items inscribed in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists, ranking first in the world, according to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Ganzhou City, southwest China’s Jiangxi Province, relies on orange and other agricultural industries to help reduce poverty. The development of orange industry has driven 1 million people in the Gannan area to get rid of poverty. Orange has become the “fruit of wealth” for the people to become well-off.

Stretching to a total 191 kilometers, the expressway linking Yuxi and Chuxiong in Yunnan Province officially opened to traffic. The expressway consists of 90 tunnels and 328 bridges, passing through mountains and valleys that presented considerable engineering challenges during the 4-year-long construction process.

China had 54 nuclear power units in operation and 23 under construction as of June this year, the second largest number of nuclear power units in operation or under construction in the world, an official with the National Nuclear Safety Administration said on Tuesday.

China has made notable progress in the protection of cultural relics over the past 10 years. By the end of 2021, there were 108 million pieces (sets) of state-owned movable cultural relics, and about 767,000 immovable ones. The total number of world heritage sites in China has reached 56, ranking second in the world, said the vice minister of culture and tourism.

Aerial photos show commercial vehicles being shipped onto a ro-ro cargo vessel to depart for Africa at Qingdao Port in E China’s Shandong. By far this year, the export volume of commercial vehicles from Qingdao Port has grown over 90% on year-on-year basis.

The world’s first 3,000-ton wind farm installation vessel, the “N966,” returns to the COSCO Shipping Offshore Terminal in Qidong, Jiangsu Province, after it successfully completed sea trials. Next, it will head to the UK’s Dogger Bank Wind Farm, the world’s largest offshore wind farm, which is currently under construction.

China aims to achieve scientific literacy among at least 15% of its population by 2025, according to a new national plan for sci-tech popularization released on Tuesday. The plan sets the 2025 goal at 5 percentage points above the 2020 figure.

More than 1,800 pieces or sets of cultural relics lost overseas have been returned to China over the past ten years, according to the National Cultural Heritage Administration.

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The Peljesac Bridge in the south of Croatia, built by a Chinese consortium, has carried nearly 500,000 vehicles since its opening on 26 July. The bridge connects the Croatian mainland with the Peljesac Peninsula, giving the country a continuous land link that bypasses Bosnian territory.

Art students from across China sketch in the ancient village of Hongcun, Yixian county, Anhui Province, on Monday. Ten art centers have opened as tourists visit the ancient village for what authorities call the “sketching economy.”

Mayor Dr. Mohamed Muizzu reaffirms commitment to UCLG and contributions of China’s BRI to the development of infrastructure in Malé city.

Malé city’s Mayor Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has noted on the extensive role of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in ushering in a new age of infrastructure development in the Maldives. Mayor Dr. Mohamed Muizzu made the comments while delivering a speech at the 2022 Executive Bureau Meeting of Asia Pacific region of the United Cities and Local Governments Organization, where he noted on the many contributions made by China’s BRI to the development of infrastructure in Malé city.

A China-funded green sewage treatment plant in Bangladesh has been up and running since April. For millions of dwellers of the eastern side of the Bangladeshi capital, the plant, the largest in SouthAsia, is like a dream come true.

The salt lake in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province, appears rosy pink as temperature climbs in August. The pink lake is a natural phenomenon due to the presence of microorganisms in the water.

Mayor Dr. Mohamed Muizzu stated that the Maldives had the privilege of being invited and joining the initiative in 2014, becoming one of the first partner members of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. Drawing form his close experience in the initiative as the Minister of Housing and Infrastructure at the time when he was entrusted with the implementation and management of unprecedented infrastructure projects in the Maldives, Mayor Dr. Mohamed Muizzu spoke on the high-level bilateral exchanges between the Island nation and the People’s Republic of China.

He further elaborated on how a deep mutual understanding and desire to prosper and grow enabled both countries to kickstart and successfully complete some of the most iconic and ambitious projects in the history of the Maldives. He noted that through iconic projects such as the China-Maldives Friendship bridge under China’s BRI, directly contributed to the transformation of the capital city, enhancing the lives of the residents of the city and creating greater synergy in the Greater Malé city area.

He also credited the financing opportunities enabled through the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) proving critical to the timely implementation of the project, where Mayor Dr. Mohamed Muizzu was the country’s Governor to AIIB.

The Chinese-built Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway has just celebrated its fifth anniversary of safe operation. As a landmark project of Belt and Road cooperation between China and Kenya, the 480-kilometer line that connects the country’s capital to its busiest port offers local people opportunities to develop their careers.

Tourists use bamboo rafts to float down the Yongan River in Xianju County, Taizhou City, China’s Zhejiang Province, where they can observe egrets and undulating mountains while enjoying the clear water and lush shoreline.

Dr. Mohamed Muizzu also noted on the enhanced relations between Malé city and China’s Suzhou in Jiangsu province. He reiterated on the enhanced cooperation between the two cities through greater collaborations which led to greater training opportunities, enhanced business ties and investment opportunities.

Closing his speech, Dr. Mohamed Muizzu noted that as the Mayor of Malé city he recognizes the need to address the needs of the People, and that he hopes to learn from the BRI to bring happiness to the people of Malé city and add to the wealth of the capital city of Maldives.

58 59SEENUKARA MAGAZINE | JULY 20222022 ިއލޖ | ލއޖމ ރކނީސ
70 71SEENUKARA MAGAZINE | JULY 20222022 ިއލޖ | ލއޖމ ރކނީސ އގކތޙފޞ ިރހށޔިރކ ިރެތްތަމްޙަރ ާޓްށެވާމިތ ީނަދިމ ްނުމެކެދ ާނިއަޗ ގްނިޕްނިޖ ީޝ ްސީއަރ : ްއެމަކިހެވްށަރ ނކނ މއ ،ިއޓއހމދ ނކިތގފފއ ގއ ކ ތމޒިތނިއ ނދރހ ،ީދށކރވށކ ނވދށކތޔމިޙ އތޤއހ ީނސނިއ ނ ީތމ ކޅކނ ކ ހިރހ ގޔިނދ ،ީކތގ ިނކއމހ އމ ޅއިރިދ ޅގނރ ށނނމނއ ހިރހ ިބިތ ނނިދިއދހ ގނިޕނިޖ ީޝ ސީއރ ނރީރޤތ ިވއދ ިއގޓނމޕލވިޑ ލބލގ ނއ ގލިއޑ ލވލ-ިއހ 2022 ނޖ 24 ސބ ގހމ ިމ 69 67 65 62 ުރީޒަވ ީޖިރާޚ ެގާނިއަޗ ،ިއަގުމަކްނަކ ޭޅުގ ާނާވިއަތ ިފިއަވްއަރުކުލަދްއަބ ާންނީރެވްސޫނ ްށަމުކްއެދ ިއަގޭޖްއާރ ްއަތްމާރްގޮރްޕ ީވީޓ ެގާނިއަޗ ެޖްއެވްސަބްއެއ ެގާނިއަޗ ިއަގުމުރެއިރުކ ިއާމަކިތަގާފ ެގޭޖްއާރިހެވިދ ުޑޮބ ުރުއަދ ެގްވިޓޭއިޝީނިއ ްޑޯރ ްޑްނެއ ްޓްލެބ ާމަކިތަގާފާފުއ ްސެވުދަބައ ްށަންނުތިޔްއަރ ިއާމުއަޤ ިހެވިދ ަނަވ 57 ެގޭޖްއާރިހެވިދ ،ްނުމަވަންނަގިއަޑަވިދެއ ްށަމުރެއިރުކ ގްނިޕްނިޖ ީޝ ްސީއަރ ެގާނިއަޗ ާޔިންހަތ ެގުހަވުދްނަވިނިމ .ެވެއިފިއަވްއުނޮފ ްސީއަރ ،ުހަވުދަނަވ 26 ެގުހަމިއަލުޖ ެގުރަހައ ަނަވ 2022 ނރއިރކ މކިތގފފއ ސވދބއ ށނނތިޔއރ ިއމއޤ ިހވިދ ީނދއ ޑނގޅއ ގްނިޕްނިޖ ީޝ ްސީއަރ ްށަޙިލާޞ ުދަމްއަޙުމ ްމީހާރްބިއ ީވްނާމަޒ ީކައެޖްއާރިހެވިދ ިއާއާނިއަޗ ،ިއަގާޔިނުހަތ ިމ ިވްއުނޮފ ިދައ .ެވެއަފެވުޅާދިވ ިއަގުމަކުމުއަޤ ެދ ްތޮއ ްއެމަކިރެތްތަމްޙަރ ެގުމުއަޤ ެދ ،ާފްނަމ ެގުމުޅުގ ިހަދަބ ްތޮއ ިއަގުދެމ ެގުމުއަޤ ެދ .ެވެއަފިއަވްއަރުކަގަހާފ ްނަކާދްނުމެބިލ ްށަންނުތިޔްއަރ ިއަގުދެމ ެގުމުއަޤ ެދ ،ިއަގުޖެސެމ ިމ ެގްނިޕްނިޖ ީޝ ްސީއަރ ެގޭޖްއާރ ްނުހަފ ުނުވެރުކުމިއާޤ ްނުތޮގީމްސަރ ްނުޅުގ ްކިޓެމޮލްޕިޑ ްނުލުރާބްއެއ ާމަކިރެތީހެއ ާދްނެގްނުމެދ ްނިއާނިއަޗ ްށައީޤްއަރަތ ްސްވިޑްލޯމ-ާނިއަޗ ްށޮކަޞްއާޚ ްނީކަވ .ެވެއެވިއަފާވްއަރުކ ަގަހާފ ީޚީރާތ ިދައ ުބާޔިމާކ ެގ )ްޖިރްބ ެލާމަނިސ( ްޖިރްބ ްޕިޝްޑްނެރްފ .ެވެއެވ ިއަފާވްއަރުކުއައ ްއަތްނާދނަހ ެގުޢޫރްޝަމ ްނުޅުގ ެގޭޖްއާރ ާއާނިއަޗ ީނަވ ްސީއަރ ެގާނިއަޗ ިއަގުޖެސެމ ިމ ިކެއ ިދައ .ެވެއަފްނެގިއަޑަވިދެއ ްށަމުއިދ ްނުމަވިހަދަބ ްށަރުތިއ ްނެގިއަލުރާބްއެއ ުމުއަޤ ެދ ްށަޑޮބ ްސެރުވްށަރާހިމ ްނުކަތާރިއާދ .ެވެއަފިއަވްއަރުކަގަހާފ ްނަކުމްނިހުމ ެގުމުރުކްތަކްއަސަމ ރއިސ ގމކިހފ ދނމނނއ ށއނިއޗ ،ިއގބވޖ ިވއދ ީޝ ސީއރ ިއަވްއެދެވުޅާދިވ ުރްއިސ ެގުމަކިހެފ ާދްނުމަންނައ ްށައާނިއަޗ ީއާދިތްބިއ ެގުތާލިވ ިސޭރިގނިއ ގްނިޕްނިޖ ީޝ ްސީއަރ .ެވެއިފިއަވްއެދުބާވަޖ ްށަކައީޓިސ ެގްނީދުކާވަޔިކ ެގާލަޙުރަމ ިވްއެދ ީޝ ްސީއަރ ުހަވުދ ަނަވ 24 ެގުހަމްލީރްޕޭއ ެގުރަހައިމ ްށައާނިއަޗ ިއަގުތޮގ ިވްއެދެވުޅާދިވ ްށަންނީދުކާވަޔިކ ،ިއަގުބާވަޖ ާވްއެދ ްށަމުވިރެތުއަކްއަރ ްށަޓްށެވާމިތ ީކަރްއިސ ެގުމަކިހެފ ަންނައ ެގީތަމަދަބުރަފ ،ާކަތުރޯކ ާކަތުޑނަގްނެފ ިދައ .ެވެމަކުލާމަސ ްށޮކުލޫބަޤ ްނަކްއެކަތާދުމުރަހ ެނޭވެރުކުނުގައ ީކަމަކިހެފ .ެވެތަކްއަސަމ ާދްނުމެވެރުކ ްއަތިލަގްނަޖ ަޔިބ ްނެގިއަދްނިއ ްސަގ ިއަގާނިއަޗ ީނަވ ީޝ ްސީއަރ ިއަވ ިއާނެފ ،ާށަމުއަނެގ ްނުރިދ ްށަކަތްނިބ ްސަފަނަހ ،ާށަމުދްއެފުއ ްނުމަވްއަރުކ ްއެކަތްތަކްއަސަމ ަޞްއާޚ ްށަމުނިދުނ ަޔިވުރަޔްއަޣަތ ެގުތާލިވިސޭރިގނިއ ިދައ .ެވެއަފެވުޅާދިވ ިއަގުމަކާވަދްނެގ ަތަކަހ ްނީވައ ިއާންނިއަވ ،ްށޮކްތަރާޔިޒ ްށައާނިއަޗ ްނުތިޔްއަރ ްނުތައ ެގްނުނާސްނިއ ،ާކަތިނެވުކެއ ަޔިބ ެމްނެއ ެގޭޔިނުދ ާދްއަފުއ ،ާކަތިލަގްނަޖ ޯބ ާވިއަފާދްއަފުއ ްނެގިއަދްނިއ ްއެހަގ ްސާހްއަތެއ ރަޗޭނ ަޔިބ ާވިއަފާދްއަފުއ ްށަމުރުކ ިރެތުއަކްއަރ ުމާޒިނ ީތަރުދުޤ ްށަމަކާވިއަފިވެލިއަވުޅުހ ްސެވުދަބައ ުތަވުޢަދ ެގުމުލިއަލަބ ްއަތުކާޕ .ެވެއަފެވުޅާދިވ ީނަވ ްށަމުރުކްތަޔާމިޙ ިށެވާމިތ ިއަގުތަމާޢަޒ ެގްނިޕްނިޖ ީޝ ްސީއަރ 10 ަޔިދިމ .ެވެންނުމަވްއެދ ީނަދ ްއެތަޔްއިމްނަހައ ުޑޮބ ްށަރަވ ިށެވާމިތ ،ުކެއާމަކިހެފ ިއައ ްށައާނިއަޗ ޭރެތ ެގުރަހައ ްށަކަރަވ ްނުބަބަސ ެގީޤްއަރަތ ިވިނެޓްއެހެމެދ ޭވެނެގ ްނެގްށޮކްތަޔާމިޙ ެގާނިއަޗ ްށަމަކާވުރުތިއ ްއަތުތަޞުރުފ ެގީނަދުމާއ ާއާފީޒަވ 64 ިއަގާނިއަޗ ޭރެތުރަހައ 10 .ެވެއެރުކުލޫބަޤ ްނުތިޔްއަރ .ެވެއަފިއަދްނިއ ްސަގ ީނަވ ްށަލައ ިއަގުމިބ ެގުރަޓްކެހ ްނައިލިމ .ެވެއަފެވުޑޮބ ްށަރުތިއ ީނަވ ުދްއަޙަރަސ ެގީލަގްނަޖ ެގާނިއަޗ ީނަވ ްނަކުފާސ ެގިއަވ ިއާނެފ ،ިވެރުކުދަމ ްއަތްނިބ ްސަފަނަހ .ެވެއަފިވެރުކުރުތިއ
ދީއ ާ ތ މ ަ ހ ިރ ު ފ ގ ޖއ ާ ރިހ ވިދ ް ށއީސިލ ޮ ޕ ާ ނިއ ަ ޗް ނ ަ ވ 2 | 2022 | ުދަދައ ްޓްސަގޮއ/ިއަލުޖ

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