2019 Annual Report

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Dear Colleagues,

painstaking “ While and methodical work can feel slow or even stagnant, it can also result in transformative conversations and outcomes.

As I reflect on 2019 and look towards an uncharted future, I’m reminded that while some change can occur seemingly overnight, progress happens slowly over time. At SEEA, we often say we “meet people where they are” to describe how we work. To us it means understanding the priorities, values, and motivations of our stakeholders and helping them to see how energy efficiency can serve as tool to achieving their goals. In my experience it can take years of information sharing and conversation to facilitate movement from one stage to the next. In 2019 we have seen that while painstaking and methodical work can feel slow or even stagnant, it can also result in transformative conversations and outcomes. SEEA is honored to be part of these conversations and to be considered the trusted source on energy efficiency in the Southeast. Over the past year, SEEA has created state-based policy resources, amplified the importance of electric transportation, supported better training and implementation on energy codes, and taken deliberate action in order to promote energy efficiency in the region. Thank you to our members, funders, and board of directors for helping guide and support our work to advance energy efficiency. This year I have been inspired by the thoughtful discussions about how to implement energy efficiency in a way that is practical, inclusive, and beneficial for all. We are entering a globally transformative age and it’s clear we are ready for change. We are excited continue to serve as a voice for the region and to facilitate those crucial next steps forward. Thank you, Mandy Mahoney President

FINANCIALS 2019 Revenue Sources State/Federal/Direct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41% Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33% Membership (include conferences & events) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24%



Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2%














2019 Annual Report



POLICY Energy Efficiency Policy Energy Efficient Transportation Policy In 2019, the energy efficiency policy team at SEEA The energy efficient transportation team continues homed in on a desire for basic information on how ento build a strong foundation of general knowledge on ergy efficiency policies are developed and deployed electric vehicles and energy efficient transportation throughout the region. We responded by creating eduthroughout the Southeast. In Georgia, we briefed Georgia cational resources and leading collaborative discussions Public Service Commission staff on the benefits of utilwith members, community partners, policymakers, and ity programs as they began evaluating Georgia Power’s other stakeholders. We released the first four resources request for cost recovery for charging infrastructure. In in a series entitled State Guides for Utility Energy Efficiency December 2019, as part of the approval of the rate case, Planning. The guides for Florida, Georgia, North Carolithe commission included provisions to allow Georgia na, and Virginia were published in March and updated Power to expand their electric vehicle charging infrain October. This series will continue to grow throughout structure program and receive cost recovery for some 2020 with updates to existing guides, creating additional or all of those costs. In partnership with Oglethorpe state guides, and hosting supplemental webinars. Our Power, we developed an EV Tools & Incentives Guide for Quarterly Highlights keeps stakeholders informed of electric cooperatives across Georgia which provides current events and trends that shape the information and guidance on electric Southeast energy efficiency landscape. vehicle programs. We applied learnings from the highlights, The energy efficiency transportation the state guides, and the annual policy team provided additional educationsurvey to present an interactive session, al opportunities including a webinar, A Energy Efficiency Policy: How it Happens & Seamless Charging Experience for the EV Why it’s Important at the 2019 SEEA ConDriver: What Policies are Needed?, on This year, we are ference, which ranked as this year’s top consumer protection for electric vehicle more confident­ly conference session, affirming the need drivers and a commissioned report on exploring how energy for essential policy information. the economic benefits of electric vehicle efficiency can This year, we are more confidently incentives in Georgia. We focused heavimprove quality of exploring how energy efficiency can imily on energy efficient transportation at life in the Southeast. prove quality of life in the Southeast. the 2019 SEEA Conference, and offered Cyrus Bhedwar, director of policy, confour sessions on electric transportation, venes the Utilities-Only Low-Income from general education to case studWorking Group quarterly to share notes ies. We also hosted our first conference on low-income utility program design ride and drive, which offered a firstand promote innovative approaches to hand experience with electric vehicles. easing energy burden. Cyrus also conAdditional events, like Electric Vehicle tinued working with regional partners in North Carolina Day at the Georgia Capitol in March, electric vehicle on the SEEF-invested project to make residential energy displays, and ride and drive events throughout the efficiency programs easier to administer and access. state provided our team hands-on opportunities to en2019 also gave us an opportunity to engage in more gage with a wide audience on the benefits of energy conversations on emerging technologies and their efficient transportation. potential effect on policy and the energy industry. To reinforce our role as a thought leader in energy A session on blockchain at the 2018 SEEA Conferefficient transportation, director of energy efficient ence sparked member interest and confusion on the transportation, Anne Blair, works with multiple collabmuch-hyped technology. In June 2019, we published orative groups throughout the Southeast. Introduction to Blockchain in Energy to cut through the noise, identify pragmatic use cases, and assess the potential of blockchain.


| Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance

2019 Annual Report




| Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance

BUILDINGS, RESILIENCY & HEALTH At their core, building energy codes are a tool to proIn Virginia, we are funding Viridiant to develop and tect quality of life, and one of the few ways to ensure implement energy code trainings and stand up an enerthat the places where we spend most of our time are gy code circuit rider program for builders, building code built with safety, health, and resilience in mind. In 2019 officials, architects, and HVAC contractors to provide SEEA maintained our role as the go-to experts on buildbetter housing stock for Virginia homeowners and renting energy codes in the Southeast. We participated in ers. We are also supporting municipal efforts in Norfolk the code adoption process in Florida, Tennessee, and to develop strategies to improve the efficiency of the Virginia and promoted code provisions that boosted city’s buildings. energy efficiency. Our work helped prevent rollbacks of In Birmingham, Alabama, we are supporting a collabvital energy code provisions, and in Virginia our technical oration between the city and Neighborhood Housing expertise informed an agreement allowing mandatory Services to retrofit energy burdened housing stock, ultiblower door testing to be included in the Virginia Unimately lowering energy bills and providing healthier living form Statewide Building Code for the first time. conditions for low-income households. In Southeast FlorThe Florida Energy Code Circuit Rider program, now in ida, county and municipal governments are using their its fifth year, continues to provide guidance, training, and SEEF grant to develop policies that can meet aggressive education to building officials, regulators, and contracgreenhouse gas reduction targets while also reducing tors. The program serves as a model for ensuring the unienergy burdens on Florida’s most vulnerable communities. form administration of building code across the region. These projects expand the region’s energy efficiency Our independently researched reports, Construction, ecosystem by including energy efficiency in conversation Codes and Commerce: Residential Construction Data alongside other issues, from affordable housing to health. Review and Construction, Codes and In 2019 SEEA staff also participated Commerce: Commercial Construction in a range of initiatives to improve the Leveraging energy Data Review dispel the myth that adopthealth and resilience of buildings in our efficient building ing more stringent energy code has a region. We provided technical support policies ensures negative effect on building activity in on upgrading energy code criteria for that buildings in the Southeast. We led the project team, the Atlanta Regional Commission’s (ARC) the Southeast are comprised of the Pacific Northwest NaGreen Communities initiative, a voluntary healthy, resilient, tional Laboratory and Viridiant, that program for metro Atlanta communiand affordable. studied and analyzed residential energy ties. In partnership with the Institute code in Virginia for the U.S. Department for Sustainable Communities and the of Energy. The final report, released in Southeast Florida Climate Change ComOctober, concluded that improved compact we hosted a workshop focused on pliance with the state’s energy code national energy code development; state could save 150,752 MMBtu in energy adoption, local jurisdiction authority, each year, which equates to nearly $3 implementation, and enforcement; best million in cost savings, and reductions of nearly 75,000 practices for planning and zoning ordinances, as well as MT CO2e. Over a 30-year period, these impacts grow building for resiliency in Florida. Over 100 participants to 70,099,058 MMBtu, $1.3 billion, and over 34 million attended representing more than thirty Southeast CO2e in avoided emissions. Florida jurisdictions. In the fall, we secured approval to allocate grants from a pool of legacy funds from SEEA’s allocation under the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program through the Southeast Energy Efficiency Fund (SEEF). Four of these projects convene local and municipal stakeholders to develop strategies that improve the affordability, health, and resiliency of the region’s aging and inefficient building stock.

2019 Annual Report



DIVERSITY & CULTURE of the conference sessions focused on diversity and Diversity, Inclusion, & Integration inclusion work. With the support of The Karen and Neal The pursuit for social and racial equity is rooted in the Elliott Fund, we were able to offer conference scholarships history of the Southeast, and there is still work needto eight students and young professionals. More than ed to counteract the effects of that legacy. At SEEA, we half of the scholarship recipients self-identified as either have made a pledge to thoughtfully and deliberately a minority or a person with a disability. build diversity, inclusion, and integration values into our We acknowledge that the path to achieving more strategic planning process and our work with our memequitable energy solutions in the Southbers, suppliers, utilities, manufacturers, and other stakeholders. In 2019, we The Southeast Energy east is not always clear. Despite this uncertainty, we are determined to seek began the first phase of this process by Efficiency Alliance is out community partners, resources, and recruiting a subcommittee of the SEEA committed to creating opportunities for growth as we continue board of directors to focus on improving opportunities for this journey through 2020 and beyond. the representation of women, minoridiversity, inclusion, and ties, and LGBTQ persons within the organization. The subcommittee developed integration across race, Strategic Planning In 2019, we began a collaborative proa new communications plan and ongender, age, religion, cess to update our strategic plan and guide boarding messages for incoming board identity, and experience the organization for the next three years. members to reflect these values. to generate more Staff and board members convened over At the 2019 SEEA Conference, we inequitable outcomes a six-month period to assess our mission, corporated more diverse content into for all. vision, values, and programmatic goals. the program and targeted our outreach The 2020–2023 Strategic Plan will be to encourage diverse attendance and released in June 2020. vendor engagement. Thirty-five percent




| Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance

2019 Annual Report




SEEA connects energy stakeholders throughout the Southeast to insightful policy analysis, thought leadership, and member events. With your membership, gain access to the latest energy efficiency news, expert-led webinars, and in-depth resources. Work one-on-one with SEEA staff, experts in energy-efficiency policy, energy-efficiency transportation, and built environment who speak at more than 200 industry events annually. Participate directly in our work by joining SEEA’s board of directors or advisory committee. Connect with nearly 300 energy efficiency leaders annually at our annual conference and network with industry peers at member events throughout the year.

Member List Advanced Energy Alabama Power Alternative Energy Systems Consulting/AESC American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy American Efficient AO Smith APTIM Arkansas Advanced Energy Association Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) Association of Energy Services Professionals CenterPoint Energy Clean Cities Atlanta CLEAResult Cleco Corporation Cobb Electric Membership Corporation Covestro Cox Enterprises Daikin Dominion Energy Duke Energy EarthX ecobee Ecoer Emerson Energy Blockchain Consortium Energy Solutions Entergy Services, LLC.

EVHYBRIDNOIRE EZ Green Home Facility Solutions Group Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Foundation for the Mid-South Franklin Energy Group GDS Associates Gemini Energy Solutions Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Power Google Honeywell Huntsville Utilities ICF Illume Ingersoll Rand Karen and Neal Elliot Fund Lime Energy Lockheed Martin Lone Starling Consulting MaxLite Milepost Consulting Mississippi Power Company NAIMA National Energy Improvement Fund, LLC. Nexant Oglethorpe Power Corporation Opinion Dynamics Oracle Orlando Utilities Commission Phillips

Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association Santee Cooper Power SEEL Silvercote Slipstream Smart Electric Power Alliance Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative Smith, Gambrell and Russell LLP Southern Company Gas Southface Strategic Systems Sustainability Consultants, LLC. Tennessee Valley Authority The Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina, Inc. Trusted Counsel U.S. Department of Energy UNC Environmental Finance Center Uplight Vermont Energy Investment Corporation Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Virginia Energy Efficiency Council West Virginia Office of Energy Willdan Xavier University of Louisiana

READY TO BECOME A MEMBER? Contact Pamela Fann, director of member services, at 404-602-9647 or pfann@seealliance.org.


| Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance

2019 SEEA BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND ADVISORY BOARD Board of Directors John Silkey, Chair American Efficient

Therese Griffin Dominion Energy South Carolina

Advisory Board Tammy Agard EEtility

Mitchell Simpson, Vice Chair Arkansas Energy Office

Jim Herndon Nexant

Hammad Chaudry Cleco Corporation

R. Neal Elliott, Treasurer American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy

Cindy Herron Tennessee Valley Authority

Kate Konschnik Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University

Rosa Cassidy, Secretary Lockheed Martin Leigh Alderman Georgia Health Policy Center, Georgia State University Aaron Berndt Google Todd Berreman CenterPoint Energy Marion Bracy Xavier University of Louisiana Al Christopher Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy

Bill Hosken A.O. Smith Corporation Huiet Joseph Cox Enterprises Steve Leeds Sustainability Consultants, LLC Stephen O’Day Smith, Gambrell and Russell LLP

Michael Smith Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina Jeremy Townsend CLEAResult Jay Wrobel U.S. Department of Energy

Jim Rabon Santee Cooper Alan Shedd Oglethorpe Power Corporation Jeff Smith Georgia Power

Brian Coble

Advanced Energy

Tim Duff

Duke Energy

Joseph Gehrdes Huntsville Utilities

Kelley Smith Burk Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Peter Westlake Orlando Utilities Commission

2019 Annual Report



50 Hurt Plaza, Suite 1250 404-856-0723 info@seealliance.org seealliance.org

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