SCM Autumn 2012

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can be helpful on a date!

neutral environments can water down the feminine energy. So it's important for SCM: We talk a lot about tapping in to our independent, strong, women to keep this own source, but what are your ways to in mind. We need to do our work in our release energy? feminine to meet the masculine. (And men, vice-versa.) RJ: Yes, any way to ground yourself. For me, it's by going for a walk or doing something in SCM: What do you have coming up so that nature. I just get out of the room/house and people can learn more about you and your let Mother Earth do her job. If you can't get work? outside, even for 5 minutes, do some sort of movement: dance or jumping jacks, or RJ: The book is the best place to start use an instrument that will get your energy because there are 35 individual practices to moving. help women get in touch with their feminine and empower their energetic presence. SCM: How does working with feminine ____________________________ energy affect personal relationships? RJ: Immensely! Which part do I share? {laughs} The masculine essence wants to pursue and the feminine essence wants to be pursued. We don't want to have to call him all the time. When you are in your feminine presence, it's going to drop you into more of a receptive mode and he's going to feel it and want to pursue. You need to be in your joy and he needs to be in your joy. But he will feel it when you are in your feminine. It will inspire him into his masculinity. Or if he doesn't, you will realize quickly that he's not there and needs to do his work. But oftentimes a woman will step into the masculine role to compensate but that doesn't help. SCM: So this is a great tool for rekindling a relationship? RJ: Absolutely. Opposites only attract PURCHASE NOW in sexual essence but that is the only o learn more about Rachael Jayne Groover aspect. For a relationship you will want to T and The Art of Feminine Presence™ visit: complement. We always want to be mindful of creating that polarity. On the other hand, 28

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