A Sustainable Sedgeberrow

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Production Team: Nik Clutterbuck, Alan Griffiths, Mike Parker, Mike & Kim Workman, Chris & Mel Wilson, Marilyn Butt, Watercolour by Pam Cuthbert.

A Review of the Past Decade whilst Exploring Action for the 2020’s and Sustainability Development into 2032. Information You May Like to Have, Questions You May Wish to Ask Please make sure to share your thoughts on future sustainable living at every opportunity.

A SeSaME Production.

Sedgeberrow Sustainable Environment - Index 2009/10 2010/11 2010/12 2012/18 2013/14 2013/16 2013/15 2013/14 2008/19 2011/16 2010/20 2010/16 2016/20 1914/18 Years


Sedgeberrow Sustainability So Far


3 A Vision for the Future & SeSaME Launch. 4 SeSaME Oil Buying Club & School Solar. 5 School Green Flag & Saga of the Feed In Tariffs. 6 Rooftop Housing Retrofits & Sedgeberrow Post Launch. 7/8 Sedgeberrow Renewable Energy Research. 9 Village Hall Sustainability Upgrade. 10 Swedish Delegation & The Green Deal. 11 Sedgeberrow Village Home Energy Survey. Flooding Response & Isbourne Catchment Group Developments. 12/13 SeSaME Overall Winner Wychavon Intelligently Green Awards. 14/15 15 Sandfield Farm “Open Farm Scheme” 16 Celebrating Financial Gains from Sustainable Development. 17 Sedgeberrow Sustainability Slumbers. 18/19 Sharing a Successful Sustainability Past from an Earlier Age.

Future Sustainable Plans for Sedgeberrow in 2020s

2018/20 Recycling Food Waste & SeSaME Pantry. (Picture on page 29). 2020s A Zero Carbon Future free from Oil & LPG Gas.

2012/20 2017/20 1970/20 2016/20 Ideas For The Control Of The Next Twelve Years.

Sedgeberrow Residents Have a Say External Wall Insulation & Windows Refit. New Build House with Air Source Heat Pump installation. Six Decades of Allotment Growing Success. Solar Power in Practice


20 21 — 22 23 24 25/26

Acting Now for Tomorrow’s Children’s Futures Transport Affordable Housing and Housing Affordable to live in. Village Pantry Picture Really Energy Efficient New Build Housing. Your future Expectations for New Building Development? Renewable Energy – The Future and How? Wildlife, Biodiversity, Green Space & Extreme Weather. Food Waste Digesting the Facts. Printed on recycled paper courtesy Mike & Kim Workman

We Have A Climate Emergency

See page 36 - “ We need to do it Right Here, Right Now. GT”

27 28/29 29 30/31 32/33 32/33 33 34/35

We Have A Climate Emergency

Production Team: Nik Clutterbuck, Alan Griffiths, Mike Parker, Mike & Kim Workman, Chris & Mel Wilson, Marilyn Butt, Watercolour Pam Cuthbert.

What Sedgeberrowites have achieved so far? 2009. A Vision For The Future 2008. Sedgeberrow Flood Group. The flood group was formed after the major July 2007 flood to improve preparations for any future flood risk and ensure the relevant response actions. The group have developed self- help leaflets for residents, an emergency flood plan, emergency warning siren, fa lood friends scheme (with volunteers & equipment that can be used in a flood) and to monitor the local drainage systems/river and report any issues directly to the relevant agencies. The group is coordinated by a flood warden Richard Hunt, nominated by the Parish Council, and crucially aided by volunteers from within the village. 2009. Sedgeberrow Sustainability started in earnest with the conclusions made by the volunteers in Sedgeberrow Community Group who produced the 2009 village plan in A Vision for the Future: “In strengthening our community, issues unique to Sedgeberrow can be dealt with in the most effective way, whilst bearing in mind our responsibility to wider global concerns affecting all communities – climate change, peak oil, and reliance on imported food. Addressing these issues will enable us to make the transition towards sustainability a process for enjoyment, challenge and celebration” Richard Hunt, Marilyn Butt, Peter Loomes, Cerys McCreanor Colette Malin, Paul Mahony, Alice Robin, John de Paris, Guy Redmond. 2010. Sedgeberrow Sustainable and Manageable Energy (SeSaME). Inaugural Meeting. A meeting linked to those concerns raised by the 2009 report. “SeSaME aimed to open up a treasure trove of renewable energy, informing, encouraging and supporting a sustainable village community, exploring, and where possible, acting on the activities found to be needed.” Attended by: Bob Cooper, Chris Marshall, Dan Marshall, Mike Parker, Carolyn Savory, and Chris Wilson. Apologies: Melanie Wilson, Andrew White. Elected Officers: Chair and Sedgeberrow Post Editor Mike Parker. Treasurer Chris Marshall. Secretary Mel Wilson. Committee Member Chris Wilson Website Administration. 194 Countries signed

3 the Paris Climate Accord

Charting Sedgeberrow’s Sustainability Journey Via The Past - from 2010 to 2016

2010. SeSaME Oil Buying Club. Managing a bulk oil buying syndicate might not seem particularly environmentally friendly, until you realise that what it does is alleviate an existing and undesirable status quo, reducing the footfall of heavy vehicles into the village, benefiting pedestrian safety whilst reducing diesel pollution from large vehicles. It provides some cost savings for buyers and a modest income for local initiatives over 12 local villages, whilst funding many of SeSaME’s sustainability and information projects. Sedgeberrow has had a community bulk oil buying group from 2010, at first based on a single supplier, expanding to 12 villages around the A46 by 2014, with 7 suppliers submitting tender quotes. Savings achieved by members in the 2018/19 order year, for an active membership of around 270, are in the region of £15,723 on delivery of 333,385 litres. Village dividends earned by Oil Buying Club members during 2018/19 were: Ashton under Hill £254, Aston Somerville £49, Beckford £140, Childswickham £13, Dumbleton £104, Elmley Castle £103, Hinton £43, Kemerton £21, Overbury & Conderton £224, Sedgeberrow £640, Wormington £13. Cheques to a value of approx £1,666.00 were distributed to chosen local village groups, with SeSaME receiving the £640. It really appears after ten years that our rural reliance on heating oil shows little evidence of a significant lowering in demand. An increasingly urgent target that needs addressing now. 2011. School considers solar panels. Sedgeberrow First School sought to join the County Councils “Spend to Save” scheme, based on a March 31st 2012 deadline, and began to explore the viability of installing Solar panels. See over page. Well Established FACT

4 The Ice is Melting

2010/12. School Green Flag Status Sedgeberrow First School applied for and achieved Green Flag status.They reported being delighted to have been awarded their first Green Flag having worked very hard over the last two years towards becoming an EcoSchool and continued to re-apply for re evaluation and higher levels up to the present day. The assessor said he was absolutely delighted with the environmental education work that had been done at the school and was unable to give any new suggestions that would help them strengthen their Eco-Schools work in the future, except to continue the way they are. The application was judged ‘stunning’ the assessor saying in all his years he had never heard an eco-code as good as theirs – it was in the form of a rap and the whole school performed it for him. Comments in the congratulatory letter were as follows: “A fabulous first Green Flag application and assessment. Very well embedded across the school curriculum and exciting work with the community too. Very pleased to see lots of further ideas for improvement”. Thanks were given to Mrs Holdstock and the eco-committee for all their hard work, to Miss Ioannides who would be continuing as Eco cocoordinator and to the whole school who have really embraced environ2012. Feed In Tariffs (FIT) arbitrarily removed before the originally promised deadline by national leaders at Westminster. This threw a spanner in the works for the potential school solar. Though a court judgement later ruled the government’s action was illegal and reinstated them, issues around the school buildings had moved on by then. Mainly due to understandable uncertainty about future government decisions and problems that might arise. Plus the critical “Spend to Save Scheme had already been put on hold. Luckily they later got there in the end. (See page 9) Editors note: This was an important court ruling if you are planning a renewable energy installation. It provides the certainty that a Government cannot make retrospective cuts to future schemes that are installed at an agreed fixed tariff. Well Established FACT

5 The Earth is Warming

2012/14. Rooftop Housing Association Insulates Sedgeberrow Homes. When village homeowners were commenting on all the work being undertaken by Rooftop from 2012 to insulate 10 of their Sedgeberrow homes they never thought how it would strongly influence their own later decision to invest in their own outside insulation. When SeSaME, in partnership with Wychavon Housing and Act On Energy, was offering grants to home owners for an offer to insulate their homes many of them had talked to their neighbours about their first winter with the new insulation. Reports of lower heating bills and a improved warmth retention told them that their sometimes quite large contribution would be worth it. Rooftop estimated that the total saving for households as a result of those works would be in the region of approx. £270 per property. 2012/18. SeSaME launches Bi-monthly Sedgeberrow Post. Initial first year start up costs of £700 to purchase our own printer, ink and stapling equipment were met by three individual grants of £100 from SeSaME, Flood Group and Parish Council. Plus £400 from Liz Eyre, our local Worcestershire County Councillor’s Divisional Fund Scheme. SeSaME now has a newer printer and all current costs were met by advertising and SeSAME Oil Buying Club dividends. After 43 publications SeSaME editor Mike Parker has passed on the opportunity of collating and writing up the Sedgeberrow news to a younger resident. Sea Levels are Regularly

6 flooding the Streets of Miami

2013/2014 Renewable Energy research 2013. Sharenergy feasibility Studies for Hydro and Wind. Government funding had luckily became available from a new Rural Community Energy Fund (RCEF), aimed specifically at feasibility studies to determine the viability of any renewable energy projects. SeSAME decided that our project, if approached as a local co-op, would bring significant financial advantages to the village and it was agreed that we should at least ask relevant questions.

Presentation by Ruth Corrall, Sustainable Communities Project Manager, Worcs CC .2015

Sharenergy was approached to help with preparing a bid for RCEF Stage 1 funding towards a detailed feasibility study, including securing 4 days of Sharenergy’s time from the Co-operative Enterprise Hub to help with business planning and preparing for legal negotiations with a landowner. Hydro. The feasibility of Hydro power from the river Isbourne was first considered. The River having lost its Fall, once part of the old mill energy generation, we assessed the strength of Flow. After considering the extent of the necessary environmental impact needed it was decided not to pursue Hydro any further. An online check for wind possibility was undertaken instead and revealed to be positive. 2013 Sedgeberrow Energy Co-op Tackling the RCEF application form it became clear that SeSaME was not a suitable community organisation to apply for RCEF money. What was required was an Industrial Provident Society (IPS). So the Sedgeberrow Energy Co-op Ltd was formed and registered with the Financial Conduct Authority on 19th August 2013. Though an independent body this new Co -operative was to operate as a natural extension of SeSaME’s work, complementing its other activities.- Sedgeberrow Energy Co-op Ltd. Four members of SeSaME formed the Co-op’s Founding Members as Sedgeberrow Energy Co-op Ltd. (SEC). Chris Marshall. Chris Wilson. Mel Wilson. Mike Parker. At this stage there were many unanswered questions. the important thing was to still be asking questions. (Contd Over) Climate Emergency is

7 Real and Urgent

Wind Turbine. After obtaining the support of the Landlord, Tenant Farmer and Parish Council, the new co-operative began a full feasibility study with Sharenergy for a medium scale 500kW Turbine on Blakes Hill. This was funded by a grant of ÂŁ7,800 Government from the Rural Community Energy Fund. (RCEF). The project eventually had to be mothballed in late 2014, just as the new Co-operative was preparing for making an application to the RCEF Stage 2 loan fund, ready for their planning application.

Cartoon Courtesy of Chris Madden

Regrettably the main reasons for being obliged to make this decision were: 1). Inadequacy of grid capacity made large scale upgrade works necessary, taking a minimum of 2 years, in which no new offers would be issued. 2). Government electricity contracts, open to other energy sources such as nuclear, have been closed to onshore wind since 2015. 3). Planning restrictions make it extremely difficult to set up new wind projects in England. It appears that a huge amount of effort and voluntary work on many residents energy projects, has been stymied by failure to provide long term, consistent planning nationally, compounded by poor communication about likely future policy changes. Sharenergy: a not-for-profit organisation which helps communities fund, build and own renewable energy generation.. https://www.sharenergy.coop/

(See over page) 2016. School & Village Hall Solar PV being installed by Energy

Bejing City in China is 8

Solutions .

choked with Industrial Pollution

2013/2016. Energy report for Sedgeberrow Village Hall SeSaME requested Act on Energy to make a site visit to Sedgeberrow village hall as part of the district’s Community Building Energy Survey. They looked at type of construction, ventilation and insulation – heating, water and lighting – and energy management, then gave advice on potential improvements. It led to the following outcomes: a). The Village Hall committee checking and then improving insulation to a level enabling the viability of installing new radiators and fitting an air source heating system. b). SeSaME applying for and winning a £10,000 grant for the heating system from “Welcome to Our Future.” c). SeSaME liasing with the School, Worcestershire County Council and local renewable energy specialists, Energy Solutions of Malvern, to fund and supervise the installation of joint, financially separate, Solar PV Systems on the combined roof space. (Regrettably by 2016, shortly after completion, Energy Solutions had informed us that:” though they had wanted to be here for the long term and despite a busy year with sub-contracting work for British Gas Solar they were now faced with very little work and certainly not enough L to R: Alex Pearson Energy Solutions, Colette to make it viable to continue.” Malin VH Committee Chair, Bill Richardson Saying: “We are not alone in this, many other companies have ceased WTOF, Mike Parker SeSaME, George Mackison. Wychavon DC. (Photo: Richard Hunt) to trade or diversified into other areas of business. They left details of future sources for support and advice. Act On Energy: www.actonenergy.org.uk Act On Energy encourages energy conservation by providing free and impartial advice to householders and small businesses in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Coventry, Solihull and surrounding local areas. Free Advice Line: 0800 988 2881

Ancient Canadian, Arboreal

9 Forests have been cleared away

2014. Sedgeberrow Welcomes Swedish Visitors SeSaMe hosted the Spring weekend visit of a Swedish Party, who came to the UK to share our experiences of recent sustainable activities. The Sedgeberrow day, apart from eating and socialising together, thanks to a generous Evesham Journal loan of the Evesham Adventure Playground minibus, was able to cover various activities: a) An introduction to outlying villages. b) A view of the Rooftop Housing Association's external insulation action currently under way. c) A visit to the site of Sandfield Farm Higher Stewardship community action. d) A visit to see our resurging allotments. e) Details of Solar panel installations in the village. f) The Vale Transition film, "Greening the Vale.” g) Pictures of our village flood related experiences. h) Be given leaflets and local booklet information about Worcestershire County and District activities, including a copy for each villager of "Sedgeberrow Energy Scene."

2013 to 2015. The Green Deal A government initiative from January 2013 to encourage consumers to make energy-saving improvements to their home, such as loft insulation or double glazing. The scheme was basically a loan, which allowed you to spread the cost of the improvements over a period of between 10 and 25 years. Green Deal loans were different from standard loans because the repayments were added to your electricity bill. Plus, they aimed to abide by the ‘golden rule’, which states that the cost of the loan should not exceed the cost of the energy saved. A low take-up rate and some emerging concerns about standards, with many potential users experiencing it as flawed, prompted a government decision to end Green Deal funding in July of 2015.The Green Deal Home Improvement Fund, giving grants towards the cost of energy-efficient measures, was also no longer available. (Editor Note)

Sea Levels are Regularly 10 flooding the Streets of Miami

2013/ 2014. Home Energy Survey of Sedgeberrow Properties SeSaMe and Village Volunteers set out, in partnership with Wychavon District Council and Act on Energy, to survey the Energy Efficiency of all households in the village of Sedgeberrow Wychavon District Council had been developing plans in conjunction with Warmer Worcestershire partnership to intensively target a compact community, to identify potential improvement measures and attitudes towards having them carried out. SeSaME was chosen as a suitable local community group and with Act on Energy assisted the Council in developing the project. Village properties also include a significant number of listed buildings in a conservation area with 57 buildings quoted on the historic building list. By collecting this data the project hoped to be able to offer households a suite of energy efficiency measures that could be delivered, including measures such as loft/ cavity/external wall insulation along with heating improvements and some suggestions on minimising fuel cost by energy switch/bulk buying. Wychavon’s Principal Housing Officer, Mary Unwin together with Rachel Jones of Act on Energy organised the survey sheet and the training of 15 Sedgeberrow volunteers, who planned the survey form’s content with them. Wychavon District Council printed the actual form and a crib sheet that explained the purpose of each question together with a “Sorry we missed you today card” to leave when people were out. Those volunteers went on to undertake the actual survey, delivering to every house, talking to villagers and collecting the completed forms. The Housing Officer wrote to all villagers before the Survey was about to begin and this was complemented by a piece in the Sedgeberrow Post explaining in detail the reasons for SeSaME doing the Survey. The response was good with a 61% return of completed forms. The findings of the survey were published by SeSaME in March 2014 in a booklet, the “Sedgeberrow Energy Scene” printed by SeSaME, assisted by a Parish Council grant. (Energy Scene available on the SeSaME website at www.sesame.me.uk.) Rain Forests in Indonesia 11 have been Incinerated

Responses to Sedgeberrow Floods of July 2007 2008. Sedgeberrow Flood Group. The flood group was formed after the major July 2007 flood to improve preparations for any future flood risk and ensure the relevant response actions. The group have developed self- help leaflets for residents, an emergency flood plan, emergency warning siren, flood friends scheme (with volunteers & equipment that can be used in a flood) and monitor the local drainage systems/river and report issues directly to the relevant agencies. A group coordinated by a flood warden Richard Hunt, nominated by the Parish Council, crucially aided by Annette Dawson and other village volunteers. 2015. The Flood Group celebrated Anthony Perry from the Environment Agency, Sedgeberrow born & bred and very supportive of village efforts, being awarded a British Empire Medal. He L to R: Paul Mahony, Richard Hunt, had also been instrumental in 2005 for David May, Anthony Perry the development of an improved flood alleviation scheme for the village and the replacement of the old Bridge on Cheltenham Road . http://www.sedgeberrow.com/floodgroup/ Isbourne Catchment Group 2014. August saw the flood group set out a prospectus to send to all local groups and agencies along the full length of the River Isbourne to address longer term issues in future flood prevention. By December the Isbourne Catchment Group (or I.C.G.), a community group focussed upon the catchment of the River Isbourne from its source on Cleeve Common to its confluence with the River Avon at Evesham - distance of 14 miles with a wide catchment area of circa 48 square miles - was officially established after a meeting of representatives from across the area. 2015. March saw the Official ICG launch meeting engaging with over 30 attendees from a wide range of agencies including; The Environment Agency, Worcestershire County Council, Gloucestershire County Council, Tewkesbury Borough Council, Winchcombe Town Council, Dumbleton Parish Council, Representative of L Robertson MP, Cabinet Member for Highways & Flooding, Gloucestershire Rural Community Council, Severn & Avon Flood Group, Cotswold Conservation Board.

(Contd over page)

Ancient Greenland Glaciers 12 are Rapidly Disappearing

Worcestershire Archive & Archaeology Service, National Flood Forum, and the Isbourne Industrial Estate. By June a formal ICG Constitution was agreed and signed by 7 members representing parishes in Winchcombe, Cleeve & Sedgeberrow. Officers included Jem Williamson and Annette Dawson of Sedgeberrow, as Chair and Flood Secretary respectively. 2016. By March the group had raised its initial target of £20,000 to undertake a full hydrological study of the catchment and by October received the full report from the University of Gloucestershire and Countryside & Community Research Institute with detailed option analyses for Natural Flood Management for each area of the Isbourne. (Leaky Dam) 2017 November Therese Coffey, the Minister responsible for flood prevention awarded £500,000 to the Avon and Worcestershire tributaries “slow the flow” programme with the Isbourne Catchment Group identified as a priority. 2018. Working in partnership with Worcestershire County Council and the Environment Agency a full-time Project Officer, Wendy Bufton, was appointed, who took up post in August to work in conjunction with the Isbourne Catchment Group and local landowners. 2019. The first set of Natural Flood Management structures have now been installed in the upper reaches of the river Isbourne catchment and work continues to move slowly downstream. <== Worcs CC Leaky Dam Information Board

Food Group Interested in organic fair-trade, whole foods? Our group allows you to buy in bulk which can help reduce your carbon footprint, minimise the amount of packaging used and save you money. If you would like more information about the group please email Emma at emmakhartwell@gmail.com Farmers crops in India 13 totally Washed Away

SeSaME Wins Wychavon Intelligently Green Awards 2016. Wychavon District Council promotes their view that:“We have a vital role to play in cutting energy consumption, tackling fuel poverty and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Energy efficiency and renewable energy are important issues for Wychavon residents too and they expect us to play a strong role in addressing them.” “As community leaders, service providers and the local planning authority, we can help to tackle these issues across the breadth of our activities.” Intelligently Green Plan is a response to these challenges and expectations. They say; “Being ‘intelligently green' is about making choices that not only have a positive impact on the environment, but can also generate a return in financial or community terms.” “Our Intelligently Green Plan sets out our vision for a greener, more energy efficient and self-sufficient Wychavon by 2020. It focuses on four themes: energy; construction; food, tourism and green space; and transport.” They judge five award categories; Individual & household, Small Business, Larger Business, and School & College. SeSaME had been nominated for the Community Group Award and attended the second Wychavon Intelligently Green Awards Ceremony hosted by actor and comedian Alistair McGowan. SeSaME won that category and to their surprise and delight were announced as the overall winners of 2016. (2020 - the Plan is currently being upgraded) Of their work, Cherrie Mansfield, Strategy and Performance Manager at Wychavon and organiser of the awards, said: “We were impressed with the way SeSaME has developed over the last two years. Its work picks up a number of elements of our Intelligently Green Plan. The group is a great example of a whole community working together to reduce the carbon footprint of their village.” https://www.wychavon.gov.uk/intelligentlygreen (See over page)

We Need to Change Things 14 Right Here Right Now

Mike Parker as SeSaME Chair received the trophy thanking Treasurer Chris Marshall, Secretary Mel Wilson and website manager Chris Wilson. “It had been a team effort” he said. “Without those three plus Mick and Kim Workman, who every two months printed 340 copies of the Sedgeberrow Post, and the band of villagers organised by Marilyn Butt and Brian delivering the Post around the Village, it would not have been possible. “There is still so much to do” he said and expressed concern at the recent removal nationally of many of the key incentives for both energy conservation and for renewable energy generation, which had made SeSaME’s past achievements possible.


Sandfield Farm

Sandfield farm in Sedgeberrow is farmed by Emma Harrison with husband Robert, under an agri-environment scheme which offers payments to farmers and land managers in England for effective land management to protect and enhance the environment and wildlife. Emma offers an ‘open farm’ scheme hosting up to 100 days a year, including classes from Sedgeberrow First School, with teachers incorporating many aspects of their children’s experience on the farm into the school’s curriculum. There is a new purpose built classroom with kitchen facilities. They also have a large poly tunnel which is a very useful space in wet weather. The scheme’s primary objectives are: 1). Conserve wildlife (biodiversity). 2) Maintain and enhance landscape quality and its character. 3) Protect what historic environment we have. 4) Protect our natural resources (water and soil). 5) Promote public access and understanding of the countryside. Pond Dipping There are also secondary objectives for genetic conservation (rare breeds), flood risk management, and an overarching objective to contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation. Climate Emergency is 15 Real and Urgent

SeSaME 2010 to 2016

Financial Advantages of being Intelligently Green

Village Housing External Wall Insulation

Climate Emergency is 16 Real and Urgent

Sedgeberrow Sustainability Slumbers 2016 to 2020 SeSaME Sustainability initiatives could justifiably be described as almost marking time since 2016. Oddly enough it began soon after the village group became both Community Group and Overall winner of the 5 categories judged in Wychavon’s DC’s welcome Intelligently Green Award. We lost the ability to repeat and extend all the improvements we had been advised about and helped to implement. Then illegal changes to the feed in tariff (FIT) had to be reversed, with FITs eventually phased out anyhow. We lost the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund (GDHIF). The Dept of Energy and Climate Change was absorbed into the Department of Business Energy & Industrial Strategy, the Green Deal Communities project ending. From the start we faced problems with electricity grid capacity which now requires large scale upgrade works. The later withdrawal of Access for Renewables to the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS), with its tax relief for those investing in community renewable energy projects being removed was another blow. Support for Solar energy became increasingly haphazard. Planning restrictions made it extremely difficult to set up new wind projects in England, as a national policy, and onshore wind became vulnerable to fairly predictable nationwide rejection at the planning stage. Imaginative and creative schemes at local level became much more difficult to implement, and were not helped by a fraught roll out of smart meters. All these barriers have led to insulation and renewables installers going out of business, including the excellent local firm that oversaw and installed improvements to our village hall and school. A general lack of confidence and direction among householders and the local communities was created. We have been left at the end of the rainbow; “dreaming of a land we think we heard of once in a lullaby,” so we ask: “why then and oh why

can’t we do it now?” With apologies to Judy G. Mike P

Cartoon courtesy Tandberg

Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter 17 says “Care for our common home”

WW11 Picture Postcards here speak of today. A United Britain can create the sustainable lifestyle needed to face the really formidable threat of the climate emergency that we now face. If global heating is left unchecked our lives will be (Contd Over)

Well Established FACT 18

The Sea Level is rising

transformed - once we cross the Rubicon there is just no turning back! See how the Defence of the Realm Act took over control at: Farming in Britain during the Second World War. http://oldecuriosity.blogspot.com/2015/02/ww2-farming-in-britain-during-second.html

The Imperial War Museum WW11 postcards remind us that informed united action is possible. We need to take control again, defend our realm! A Massive Change of 19 action is due NOW

Future Plans for the 2020’s Sustainable Sedgeberrow into 2032 Sedgeberrow will continue to have some ongoing benefit from our early actions in the last decade. We have: some better insulated houses and public buildings; at least 20 properties sporting solar panels; some control over the number of heavy lorries delivering fossil fuels. But we clearly need some say over a whole range of sustainability issues with regard to any future plans. The next 16 pages will seek to highlight future options that you may wish to support, highlighting missed opportunities with ways of offering some alternative future action. Some new recycling initiatives have begun recently, with information about them below. Actions more welcome to read about than the news that the year 2019 brought 20 new build houses to Sedgeberrow, with Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) inexplicably installed for heating. 2018 - SeSaME launched a Community Pantry supported by Evesham Adventure Playground, at “schools out” time on Thursdays during term time, under the slogan “Filling bellies not bins.” Every Thursday the Four Pools Playground passes on a selection of the waste food they collect daily from local supermarkets to SeSaME member Mike Parker. Research estimates show that 30-50% of food produced globally for human consumption is wasted; that 7.3 million tonnes of food is wasted every year in the UK. Villagers, parents and children - with a small donation towards the running costs of the Playground’s all electric van - are able to contribute practically and educationally to improving our responses to such wanton waste. Most days it all goes, with the odd carrot ending up benefiting the horses. (See Pantry Picture of table outside the Hovis house on page 29) 2018 – SeSaME member Mel Wilson began collecting Aluminium Drinking Cans & Printer Cartridges. Cans can be dropped in the green bin with the poster attached, that’s at the Hovis House on Main Street. All monies raised from the cans and cartridges goes to the Evesham Adventure Playground. http://www.eveshamadventureplayground.btck.co.uk/ There are other key items that villagers can recycle being explored, and linked to the Terracycle project: https://terracycleblog.co.uk/2019/01/23/ the-beginners-guide-to-recycling-with-terracycle/ SeSaME would welcome hearing from anybody wishing to take on some of the Terracycle recyclables as their project. Climate Emergency is 20 Real and Urgent

2019 - Sedgeberrow hosts 20 New Houses with LPG Boilers. June 2018 OFTEC (Oil Fired Technicians) Annual Conference, Richard Vianello, Deputy Director (BEIS) addressed members. His presentation examined what BEIS envisaged was a future framework for heat in building, how to achieve the decarbonisation of heat in buildings. He reported that: “heat is the single biggest reason we use energy in our society and the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK. Decarbonising heat is our most difficult policy and technology challenge to meet our carbon targets.” (Clean Growth Strategy - https://www.gov.uk/ government/publications/clean-growth-strategy ) Meeting our legally binding target of reducing emissions by at least 80 per cent by 2050 implies decarbonising nearly all heat in buildings and most industrial processes.” Key deliverables are: 1. Phase out the installation of high carbon fossil fuel heating (domestic and non-domestic) during the 2020s starting with new build. In Attendance Mike Parker 2. Reduce barriers to low carbon heating deployment. 2020 - SeSaME says: given the new Department of Energy and Business Strategy’s (BEIS) strategy for the 2020s, it seems building houses in rural villages in 2019, heated by Liquid Petroleum Gas, means avoidably locking new village residents into what will be built-in energy obsolescence. See following pages for future sustainable planning ideas that you may wish to support when considering further village developments. Are you investing 21 in Renewables?

Sedgeberrow Residents Have A Say External Insulation of a three bedroom attached house I have been talking to the owner of a 1930’s three bed home she retro-fitted with external wall insulation in 2013. It was a cold house without cavity walls, which also needed re-rendering, as damp was appearing, and all the windows needed an upgrade. She was ahead of the game six years ago, making a successful grant application for funding under the Green Deal funding scheme, which was quickly oversubscribed. It became the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund (GDHIF) administered through the District Council, supported by Act On Energy with fitting undertaken by EON. She though had a direct grant, could obtain quotes from three local firms choosing GPD Contracts Ltd, who did a good job over about three weeks (http://gpdcontracts.com/ ).The grant offered 75% of the overall cost up to a maximum of £6,000 with an overall cost of £13,000. Her efforts meant a warmer house with an improved appearance and without the damp. “It warms up quicker, staying warm longer” she said. “It has reduced my gas (LPG) usage by about a third.” Useful tips she gave were: “When windows need upgrading, complete that task before fitting external insulation. When attaching new fittings to a wall through the new insulation do check what new technique is needed to avoid spoiling its effectiveness. Make sure you all have the top of the insulation well covered, or bird’s efforts to nest in the eaves can mean their pecking away ends up with polystyrene balls littering the garden.” Has she any regrets? She wouldn’t think twice about wanting to have the work done, knowing what she does now, but without the grant aid it could easily have been another story. Worth remembering is that it was Worcs CC in partnership with Wychavon DC that later linked the GDHIF to the Energy Companies Obligation, (ECO) enabling so many village houses to retrofit insulation on external walls. Given the inevitable phasing out of fossil fuel boilers in the 2020s we urgently need more householders given that kind of support. Editor More Recent Insulation Work in Hand <===

A Massive Change of 22

action is due NOW

Sedgeberrow Residents Have A Say Air Source Pump Heating of a four bedroom detached house It’s a bright chilly morning and I’m baking, sat in a direct shaft of sunlight concentrated through triple glazed wall to ceiling windows, as I interview Lee Collis at his and Carol’s four bedroom house on the Winchcombe Rd out of Sedgeberrow. They found and bought the house in 2015, whilst it was still being underconstruction. They had loved its design and position in the village at first sight. Its price was also not out of step with other properties. How its boiler worked was not something anyone usually thinks to examine in great detail, so later watching the under-floor heating pipes being installed was an eye opener. It turned out that after four years they are “over the moon” with their air source heat pump – which with its ground floor heating system and thermostatic radiators upstairs maintains the whole house at a steady 19 to 20 degree heating level. There was some new technology to master at first but Lee said that finding the right You Tube video soon gave him the knowledge he needed. The house being built to very high insulation standards was reassurance too. He did decide to install a wood burner that at times could give them that lost “log fire joy” feeling, but also provide critical backup after any power cuts. He has calculated that his all in running costs; lighting, heating, hot water and cooking have amounted to between £1,300 and £1,400 annually, which is well within his expectations for a four bedroom house, whilst crucially producing a low carbon footprint. It’s interesting to note that with south facing photovoltaic panels on the roof, those gains could have been increased even more significantly. Editor Climate Emergency is 23

Real and Urgent

Sedgeberrow Residents Have A Say Six Decades of personal Sedgeberrow allotment success. We residents have a lot to learn about local food production and allotment management from well established villager Alan Griffiths. He started his half acre allotment just off the lower Main Street in 1970. Alan grows a bit of everything: apples, plums, pears, damsons, all sorts of berries, and rhubarb whilst covering all seasonal vegetables. Whilst the two to three months a year fallow period is bolstered by freezing produce that can help supplement items that have to be shop bought at those times. With partner Megan, a daughter’s and sons families with five and three children respectively, and two great grandchildren, he has a good fourteen mouths able to call on the earth’s bounty that he nurtures. He reckons maintaining his land’s productivity on a site Land behind Main St that must be four times the Churchill Rd allotments probably means on average being out there from his nearby house for at least two hours a day With greater hours in the summer, whilst less in winter times, particularly February, the quietest. In March he is extra busy with planting and nurturing seeds and preparing the ground. He says there are no shortages of positives about allotment tasks; the regular varied exercise, fresh air, free fruit and vegetables virtually all the year round without needing travel miles. The sense that you are a real time provider. (Editor) Talking to Alan you realise that as the village allotment off Churchill Rd struggled attracting new members for several years, due to very difficult access, we should seek another more suitable site as the village adapts to the practical food challenges of the climate crisis. Any Suggestions? Want to be involved in local growing? Ask Chair Richard Hunt. Call 01386 882079. Useful Websites: Check out Alderton Gardening Club https://www.aldertonvillage.co.uk/alderton-gardening-club.html . Growing Worcestershire: http://www.growingworcestershire.org.uk/. Climate Emergency is 24 Real and Urgent

Sedgeberrow Residents Have A Say Solar Power in Practice. We installed solar panels on our Sedgeberrow house at Walnut Bank in 2014. Our PV installed capacity from 12 Sunpower panels is 3.92kWp and we have a 3.6kW Fronius inverter to turn the sun power into electricity. Since then we have benefited by reduced electricity bills. And this has not been entirely down to regularly switching to the best green electricity deal. In 2014, the government set feed in tariffs at 12.7p/kWh for generation and 5.3p/kWh for deemed export. The deemed export is an agreement that on average 50% of the power generated is exported to the grid. What that means to us in practical terms is that we get paid 18p for every kWh we generate. Others before us have had higher tariffs than this and more recently the tariff has dropped to less than 12.7p. We do it because it's the right thing to do. But is it worth the investment? For us it is. Let's put some perspective on this. We are a family of 5, living in a reasonably modern house (built in 2004). It was given at that time an Energy Efficiency Rating of D, which has been improved to a C since installing PV and replacing light bulbs with LEDs. Last year our electricity bill was ÂŁ645 and the income from the 12 Sunpower panels was a very welcome ÂŁ666. We had been billed for 4500kWh electricity and we generated 3700kWh. It means that someSolar Generated Income times we are generating more than we need, but mostly we need more than we generate despite using our appliances carefully e.g. only running the dishwasher in daylight hours. Graph shows how PV generation varies over a year. Peak and trough indicate the effect of variation of the length of day and height of sun over the year. (Contd over page) Should you be 25 consuming differently?

Sedgeberrow Residents Have A Say Solar Power in Practice - Contd. But it's not that simple, is it? It’s more complicated because: we are also reducing our electricity bill by using solar energy instead of electricity from the national grid. Using the theory that we export 50% of what we generate, then on the flip side we are not importing 50% of what we generate. Last year we generated 3700kWh. Half of that is 1850kWh, so without the panels our electricity usage would have increased from 4500kWh to 6350kWh. Our bill would have been about ÂŁ265 more. So to help us use as much of the energy we are generating as we can we have installed a solar iBoost. This is a clever device that maximises our utilization of solar energy. It detects when we are generating more energy than we are using and automatically switches on the tank immersion heater hot water. That has meant we do not need to turn the oil boiler on for about 4 months over the summer and still have plenty of hot water. A return on our efforts that is not yet quantifiable is our being better adapted to future renewable energy storage developments and distribution. Developments that are currently predicted to arise incorporate a wide range of renewable energy generation sources into a local community energy network. Linking that network to battery storage that can respond profitably to the vagaries of supply and demand through a smart network would make way for investment in community generation projects. Nik Clutterbuck See page 31 for information about a 2016 experiment with battery Cartoon found on a Woodmansterne card. storage during an Orkney housing Editor (Matt Cartoon Š Telegraph Media Group) development Trial. Climate Emergency is 26 Real and Urgent

Ideas you can think about, and if it suits have a go. Help give our children happy thoughts in 2032 Transport Go Electric: When it’s new car time, go electric. You don’t have to buy new if you are on a tight budget. To the editors knowledge, Sedgeberrow villagers are driving six all electric vehicles and there may be more. He has had his for three years, charging 99% at home as most journeys are within 100 miles return. Go Electric: If you are a local trader with a small van. Our local Evesham Adventure Playground did, fundraised to buy one for local journeys and the waste food collection. There are grants for help with charging points. Try the office for low emission vehicles https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/ attachment_data/file/722543/workplace-charging-scheme-questions.pdf

Get Cycling: No bike? Visit the Evesham Adventure Playground bike workshop to buy, swop or get your old bike fettled - Open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you live in, or around Sedgeberrow and are an avid cyclist, have a go at improving things. There is a splendid separate cycle lane alongside the carriageway on the A46 between Evesham and Sedgeberrow. That’s it - no link to cross over to Hinton. The mad mayhem on the main highway needs a courageous kamikaze attitude to venture as far as Ashton under Hill and the rolling rustic roads it leads to. If you get the chance ask the decision makers: “Why on earth after a decade, hasn’t the job been finished, meaning maximum return on a big investment.” Take the bus: is our service good enough? What do you need now, and how should it link to future new build housing? Walk to School, Shop and Work: is that possible? What are obstacles that you would you like to see removed, or new services needed. Contact Clare Charlton. Worcs C C. Wychavon Public Health Practitioner. Tel 01386 565182. Or visit Living Streets at www.livingstreets.org.uk/ Are you buying 27 Sustainably ?

How do we define Affordable Housing? The official definition of “Affordable housing” would seem to be: “housing which is deemed affordable to those with a median household income or below as rated by national and local government, or by a recognized housing affordability index. Or put more simply: “Enabling people living in them to afford the combined rent and running cost?” They are inevitably managed by a Housing Association like local Rooftop Housing Group, which administers 20 houses in Sedgeberrow and will have responsibility for another 7 of the 20 houses currently under construction in Main Street, which they have specified should have air source heat pumps. A question for us all: “Should all houses be made more affordable to run, especially new one’s that we build now, and particularly draughty old ones that were built in earlier times?” What do you think?

Making Old Buildings affordable to live in. Experts agree that energy efficiency – reducing energy demand – is the cheapest and most effective means to meet reduce carbon emissions. A recent International Energy Agency report stated the most important fuel for the future is energy efficiency. This is because the cheapest energy is energy we don’t use. https://www.iea.org/efficiency2019/ A report for the UK Committee on Climate Change assessed the UK situation where, despite the importance and vast potential of energy efficiency measures, the energy debate is focused on supply. http://theconversation.com/high-bills-the-cheapest-energy-is-energy-wedont-use-20732. When Richard Vianello of BEIS at the 2018 Tewkesbury OFTEC conference raised the issue of their needing to adopt a policy of promoting Heat Source Pumps the response of the boiler technicians was clear. It would work on costs with new builds but not the older properties where insulation costs, adequate refits and the new boilers would be beyond the finances of most property owners. (Contd Over) https://www.gov.uk/buy-sell-your-home/energy-performance-certificates Climate Emergency is 28 Real and Urgent

They would need a programme of supporting grants, similar to those Sedgeberrow benefited from five years ago. Many old houses are likely to require an extensive refit to achieve the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of at least C needed to properly benefit from installing an Air Source Heat Pump to replace an Oil or Gas boiler. Have you a solid wall that needs insulating? https://energysavingtrust.org.uk/home-insulation/solid-wall

Solid Wall - long & short pattern.

Cavity Wall - even pattern all lengthways. Filling Bellies, Not Bins! <== SeSaME Community Pantry Picture (See page 20)

SeSaME Pantry

There is another Pantry in the Village. Sedgeberrow Playgroup has its own Food Share Group. It’s linked to a UK charity, FareShare dedicated to saving good food from going to waste and redistributing it to frontline charities, They organise collection of the food from a Supermarket and Colette Malin, the Manager, collects it late Monday for distribution on the Tuesday - for Parents only. Editor

Are you investing 29 in Renewables?

Really Energy Efficient New Build Housing. A recent International Energy Agency stated the most important fuel for the future is energy efficiency. https://www.iea.org/efficiency2019/report This is because the cheapest energy is energy we don’t use. You can read about Worcestershire Climate Change Strategy here: file:///C:/Users/SeSaME/Downloads/ Worcestershire_Climate_Change_Strategy_2012_to_2020%20(5).pdf Housing heat loss shown as a prime target. Editor

A. Cardiff Low Carbon House In 2015 Cardiff University designed and built a carbon-positive house near Bridgend. Cardiff Professor Phil Jones, who led the project, reported: "Using the latest technology, innovation and design, it is indeed possible to build a zero carbon house at low costs, creating long-term benefits for both the economy and the environment.” "The cost of our carbon-positive house was similar to that of the social housing benchmark, making it an affordable option for house builders. We hope that this can be replicated in other areas..." As a householder don’t you want to know how much the house costs to live in, as much as if not more than its cost to build or buy? There was once a Code for Sustainable Homes that allowed councils to demand that builders meet high environmental standards on energy, water, materials, waste and pollution. Do you want your councils to make such demands of house building in your community? https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/122063-smart-carbon-positiveenergy-house Passiv Haus Trust: https://www.passivhaustrust.org.uk/ Climate Emergency is 30 Real and Urgent

B. Rooftop Housing Rooftop were able to produce a ground-breaking scheme built to Code for Sustainable Homes Level 6 (this highest possible level). The scheme at Blake’s Hill North Littleton consists of 10 family homes. In order to meet the Code for Sustainable Homes Level 6, the homes have to achieve net carbon emissions of zero. To ensure this happens the scheme was designed and orientated to maximise use of natural sunlight. Further features include the use of renewable energy technologies, high levels of insulation, compost and recycling provision, rainwater harvesting technologies, a sustainable urban drainage system and allotments. As a result, the running costs for these properties is significantly reduced. www.rooftopgroup.org

C. Orkney housing development Trial 2016. A domestic battery system, using renewable energy to supply low-cost electricity to properties, is being trialled by Orkney Builders (Contractors) Ltd/ They have partnered with energy storage developer Solo Energy, to deliver a low carbon energy scheme. Tesla Powerwall batteries are installed in 30 affordable homes. All 30 properties are fitted with solar (photovoltaic ) panels, the output from which will combine with locally generated wind energy to charge up the Powerwall batteries. Once charged, the batteries – fitted to the exterior of the properties – can provide enough electricity to power a household for up to a day. The batteries within the housing development can also be linked to act as a local energy storage system, enabling increased renewable generation across the grid. Their software platform allows them to operate linked batteries across the grid as a smart energy storage network, charging from the grid when local renewable generation is high, and when electricity prices are low. Their aim is to change the current status quo of supply (from fossil fuel generation) responding to demand, to one where demand can instead respond to variable supply from renewable generation. https://davidcflanagan.com/2016/12/13/powerwall-trial-for-low-carbonorkney-housing-development/ Contd Over

It is up to 31 All of Us

E. Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Changing the structure, or even appearance of a Historic Building, appears fraught with pitfalls and advice from a specialist would seem advisable. Their need however is just as important as it is for any dwelling in their effort to successfully transfer to a low carbon heating system, . A good start would be to reference any problems to Historic England who have a booklet: Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings: Insulating solid walls. Historic England: https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/ publications/eehb-insulating-solid-walls/

Your future Expectations for New Buildings, their Development and Sustainable Living. You might easily ask. Does new housing utilise renewable energy and is it orientated accordingly? Is it well insulated whilst made of heat resilient, and sustainable material. Living in Sedgeberrow, rainwater re-cycling for domestic use with a sustainable drainage system, and semi-permeable pathways are likely to be high on your agenda. More importantly so would being without polluting gas or oil. But then what are your thoughts on what you might consider to be more mundane features, which can be more easily and economically included at construction, like: clothes drying facilities, bike storage, electric vehicle charging points, and perhaps potential sites for you to have a green roof, if you wish? Achieving all these would certainly be a significant step towards the UK’s National Strategy of designing out fuel poverty for future generations. What do you think?

Renewable Energy, the Future for Sedgeberrow? Heat is the single biggest reason we use energy in our society and the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK. The government’s Clean Growth Strategy states that: “Decarbonising heat is our most difficult policy and technology challenge to meet our carbon targets Earlier surveys show that our Sedgeberrow rural community contains more than 80 houses built before 1940, 30 of those prior to 1920 and with solid walls. There are well over 120 with oil fired boilers and we know of about 70 burning LPG Bulk – 20 of those installed in 2019 new builds this year - 10 solid Fuel and 9 LPG bottles. It seems clear that we must very soon replace our fossil fuel boilers with Contd Over

Climate Emergency is 32 Real and Urgent

renewable energy fuelled ones. As a rural village in the 2020s Sedgeberrow will have the dual task of retrofitting its all old properties to a sufficient insulation standard that will respond efficiently to the installation of new heat pump systems. What do you think?

Renewable Energy – How? Luckily for us the UK has infinite sources of renewable energy: solar, wind at sea and on land, hydro on land and at sea. Both Sedgeberrow and Evesham have significant potential for land based wind turbines to generate renewable electricity within the ownership of a local energy co-operative. There are currently at least 30 houses in Sedgeberrow with roof top photovoltaic panels and 6 all electric vehicles charging from the electricity grid. It would seem prudent to explore all and every possible opportunity for local generation of electricity. What do you think?

Wildlife, Biodiversity & Green Space. Corridor connectivity and habitat provision for wildlife have all suffered. through pressure on green space. Gone are the frequent sightings of water vole on a walk along the Isbourne. Maintaining and even improving the quality of the local environment throughout any village development will be important in ensuring no further losses. What do you think? Can YOU help? Help us identify parcels of village area land where tree planting could be an option, even without easy vehicle access. Help us find a landowner willing to offer a long lease, or even sell to an allotment committee, an adequate piece of village land suitable for growing, and with vehicle access.

Extreme Weather A last thought from 2017, Try this Committee on Climate Change video https://youtu.be/SDxmlvGiV9k Would you declare a Climate Emergency? "A situation in which urgent action is required to reduce or halt climate change and avoid any potentially irreversible environmental damage resulting from it." Oxford Dictionary

Are you investing 33 in insulation?

Exploration for new Fossil Fuels 34 Should stop immediately

Source: CAT - Centre for Alternative Technology

Renewables can 35 save us money

We Have Urgent action is required to reduce or halt climate We Have change and avoid any potentially irreversible A Climate A Climate environmental damage resulting from it. Emergency Emergency

"We are at a unique stage in our history. Never before have we had such an awareness of what we are doing to the planet, and never before have we had the power to do something about it. Surely we have a responsibility to care for our blue planet. The future of humanity, and indeed all life on Earth, now depends on us." David Attenborough, Blue Planet II In October 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a special report describing the enormous harm that a 2°C rise is likely to cause compared with a 1.5°C rise. The message of our scientists is clear: the time for action is NOW. Drastic changes must be made in the next 11 years if we are to prevent climate breakdown. Just Do It! “Right Here. Right Now! Greta Thunberg. “Sustainable Sedgeberrow for the 2020s” is available online at: www.sesame.me.uk ====> Editors: Mike Parker. Tel: 01386 881863. Nik Clutterbuck Email: energy@sesame.me.uk Website www.sesame.me.uk Printing costs have been met with funds from SeSaME (Sedgeberrow Sustainable and Manageable Energy) This publication is printed on recycled paper courtesy Mike & Kim Workman

194 Countries signed 36 the Paris Climate Accord

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