How to insure reliable signal transmission in high speed operation of slip ring?

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How to insure reliable signal transmission in high speed operation of slip ring? How to insure reliable signal transmission in high speed operation of slip ring? Related

What style of vehicles is cheaper to insure and which is body type more expensive? Also, which insurance company is generally cheaper with SUVs such as a ford explorer?" Do you need to have car insurance to rent a car? I used to live in Ohio. Now i live in Florida. I'm trying to plan a trip up to Ohio to see my friends next week. I sold my car here in Florida because i really didn't need it anymore. So of course my car insurance was cancelled after that. Will they let me rent a car without insurance? I know you can buy the rental company's insurance which i will do of course. Thank you in advance. Truck hits curb due to icy road..Damage is extensive. Will insurance pay? ? I was heading down a hill; the road was icy. The truck wasn't stopping properly. It slid into a curb; damaged the wheel (rim). Now, the truck swirves to the left when I drive. I thought I needed an alignment. Went to an auto shop; turns out I need to replace a control arm ($569 just in parts) and some frame pulling is needed....AND an alignment. Total cost: $1750 (with labor) I do have comprehensive coverage with a $500 deductible. I just called my insurance and am waiting to hear back from a claims rep. (they said within 24 hrs); can they deny this for any reason? I really need the truck fixed soon.... Also, will my premiums increase? By a lot???" Is it a legal requirement to have insurance when you are self employed? I am about to sign a contract, as a self-employed contractor, and one of the point refers to me having liability insurance. Is it a legal requirement?" Help! Car insurance suspension and keep no claims!? Hey, need some urgent advise please! I'm intending on selling my car and am currently 6 months into my car insurance - the menace in this is I intend to purchase another car though my insurance aren't able to insure it though others are! Is there any possible way I can maintain my current insurance to btain the NCB and just become insured by a alternate insurer for my new purchased car? My method was suspending my current insurance and then cancelling at renewal (therefor obtaining no claims?) Need a real helping hand please!" How long until driving on a suspended license ticket on DMV record is ignored by insurance companies?

How long until driving on a suspended license ticket on DMV record is ignored by insurance companies? Whoever is on insurance card for car insurance is covered right? The car insurance company is suppost to print new policy paper if someone has been taken off the policy right? How much renters insurance coverage are apartment complexes allowed by law to tell the renter they have to car? I was told by a apartment complex that I had to have $3,000,000 worth of coverage in my policy. Is this amount allowed by law? I've never heard of such a large policy amount for renter's insurance. BTW, I live in north Texas." Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?!? I'm looking at car insurance and the cheapest i can find is around 2000, that's 166 a month and i can't afford that :/ I'm looking to get a renault clio, corsa or a ford KA, anyone know any really cheap car insurance places i can look at?! X" Is a 2006 Hyundai Tiburon GS a good first car for a 16 year old male and about how much would insurance cost? It is a V4. I have taken Driver's Ed. I have taken Defensive Driving. Taken the State Farm test thing. The car is dark blue. Health Insurance for pregnant women? I was laid off from my job and I have been unable to find a new job, my cobra insurance is about to run out and I am looking for affordable insurance for pregnant woman. I do not qualify for medicaid because my husband does work but insurance is not offered through his employer. Does anyone know of a company that has a plan that will cover pregnancy and after?" Would having 2 cars be the same insurance as 1 car? I have a 09 dodge charger, which you will probably figure the insurance is higher than average. So I was thinking, If I buy another lower level car, for example, a dodge neon. keep in mind that I am the owner of both cars, and only I will be driving the cars. would the insurance be the same or even lower?" Can i buy a car with no car insurance? don't i get the insurance afterwards... both of my parents just past so I'm trying to get my life going....just need a little help NO HATERS Paying 10k a year for car insurance?

with a great driving record for 3 cars total is that even possible to charge that much. I have been told that if I move to Illinois it will cost that much. "If i get cheap insurance on my leased car, can the bank find out and reposess it?" i believe i am supposed to have comprehensive coverage on the car, however its just way to expensive to do that as well as the ridiclous payment i have. I heard somewhere that if you get the cheaper insurance, that the bank can find out and take the car back, which i would obviously like to avoid." Can I get medi-cal if I already have health insurance? I am insured with blue shield in California, and just found out I'm pregnant. My insurance doesn't cover prenatal care. I know my income qualifies me for California's medi-cal coverage for pregnant women, but will having insurance make it so that I won't qualify for medi-cal? Also, my live in boyfriend makes more than the income cap. Will that affect things? I just want to make sure I get some sort of medical care." "Visiting CA, do I need to get auto insurance?" I have an IL driver's license but no auto insurance. I am planning to visit family in CA. Is it legal for me to drive my mom's car without having auto insurance? If not, where can I get short term (2-day) auto insurance?" "After buying a car, can you immediately drive it, without switching insurance?" Or do you need to buy the car, go to the insurance company, switch it over, go back to the dealership, then get the car? I live in AR if that is relevant." Quote for Car Insurance!? Hello, I need some help in with Car Insurance...............So, I want to purchase a Honda Accord coupe iES 1997-1999, I went on those car insurance compare sites and was quoted over 4000pounds!!! Here is the information I gave there, i was born in 1990, have license for 5 years, I have an international drivers license, I started living in the UK in April 2013, unemployed......Can someone please tell me why i was quoted so much money!! I even tried putting my partner who has been driving for 14 years and no luck! Is there any way for me to get cheaper car insurance? And is comprehensive or third party cheaper for me? Thankxx" What type of insurance is needed to start a cheerleading team? I would like to start a cheerleading team but do not know what insurance is needed to protect me from being sued if someone is injured during practice. and what other advice is important to know when starting such a bussines? We are buying a 1995 mobile home (14X70). Does anyone have any idea how much insurance would be in Alabama?

We are buying a 1995 mobile home (14X70). Does anyone have any idea how much insurance would be in Alabama? How much money will I save if I go on my parents' insurance plan? Ok, so I did hear that if I go under my parents' insurance plan that it would be a lot cheaper. If it is cheaper, how much cheaper? How much would I be paying a month or every 6 months, for example. I did request a quote from progressive and what they came up with is..... $485.19 every month , $613 a month with travelers. How much will I be saving if i go under my parents' insurance? Thank you all in advance!" How many of you out there have Car Insurance? i'm an insurance agent (youngest one in the office-only 22) and i'm trying to come up with some numbers for how many people are driving around uninsured. if you have Insurance what company do you have? if you dont why not? and have you ever been insured? children under 16 (or unlicensed individuals) need not answer. Why does my car insurance cost too much? I am 19 and just passed my test (UK). I have a 1.0 liter Micra and I have put my details in comparison website. The quotes I am getting are around 4000. Is this right ? it seems too much. Any ideas? In the state of il. If ur parents give u a car in their name. Do u need to have the car insurance in your name? Does the car insurance have to be in ur name to be able to drive da car if u are under the age of 18 . Or can u drive da car on ur parents name on der insurance.? How to insure reliable signal transmission in high speed operation of slip ring? How to insure reliable signal transmission in high speed operation of slip ring? Will Geico raise my insurance? I recently got a ticket for going 30mph over and I will most likely get 4 points on my license if I choose not to hire an attorney. If I take the 4 points, how long would it take to get the points erased for my license? And will Geico raise my insurance rate? I'm in Florida" How much would car insurance cost for me? I'm 17 years old, canada, ontario. Just started driving.. Anyone recommend a company, or any adivce, what are the costs per month." I am looking for a good insurance company. Do you have any recommendations? I am a full time student and require more insurance than just what I can get from being a student. Does anyone know of a good insurance company for the state of NC?

Mustang GT Insurance? I am now 15 and 9 months and when i turn 16 and 9 months around May next year i would like to get a new 2015 Mustang GT for 32k. There is a problem. My mom is worried about how much she will have to pay for insurance so i would like to get an estimate from you guys before asking her to call the insurance company. By the way we are from Poland( I am first generation born in New York Brooklyn now in Maryland). I was thinking maybe she could just tell the insurance company she is buying a second car for herself to maybe keep the insurance company from knowing its for a 16 year old they wont be able to trust.(Even though i have been driving my Mom's Camry for a few years now and am beyond responsible enough.) I was hoping below a 100$/month? (P.S. She is very responsible and had never been in an accident caused by her fault so her insurance company trusts her and i believe she is with Erie Insurance now after she switched from Geico who were overcharging her for the house coverage i believe...) Would having a fake nitrous system in my car increase insurance rate? Would having a fake nitrous system in my car increase insurance rate? Cheap car insurance/ first car whats been ur best quote? hi im all most finished my driving lessons and wondering about the insurance ect i dont wanna spend hours on compere or that putting in details , but wondering if there r any first time drivers out there and give me there thoughts on how i would get a cheap car and cheap insurance" Buying a new/used car & insurance? Okay, if you are buying a new/used car will they refuse to sell it to you if you have a warrant? How about insurance will the insurance company refuse to insure you & your vehicle if you have a warrant?" What is the process of renting a car through your insurance? Im calling about it tomorrow but I just dont want to sound completely clueless. So how does the process go for this? Does the insurance just tell you where to go and when to pick up the car and you just go get it or is there more??? This is assuming insurance pays for it completely. Health Insurance in NC? Recommendations for Health Insurance in NC for adult and Child. Any good experiences with service and cost? Could I get car insurance before having a car? I don't seem to have a car at the moment like I mentioned. But I was wondering if I could get a car first and then purchase the insurance or would that not work?

Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance? I just got married this past year and just found out that I am pregnant. My husband and I are freaking out because I am still under my mother's insurance. I am only 24 and supposed to be covered until I am 26. I am also a student. So question is: Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance? If I am covered then for how long? till the baby gets here? Is the baby covered? If I am not covered then how can I get covered? Why can't small businesses in each state group together to get better and more affordable health insurance? Who regulates this? The insurance companies? The large companies? It doesn't make sense that this cannot be done. How much car insurance should I buy? So I'm online looking at insurance quotes and they all ask how much coverage I would like, I'm really not sure. What is the normal amount that people usually get? what is the normal deductable?" Which life insurance companies pay for death by suicide? I'm 27 and live in New York. Where can I find a good car insurance? I leave in Los Angeles. at the present time I have insurance with Farmers but I want to change it because it is expensive. I'm thinking about Progressive Insurance, What do you think and what else do you suggest? Thanks" Would my car insurance company give me any problems if I get a 2nd car? I am the only driver in my household but I plan to get my son a car and register it under my name and put it on my insurance. He has a license and lives at a different address. Would the insurance company get suspicious about anything? What are some healthcare insurances available for 63 yrs old? My mom is looking for healthcare insurance. How soon do i need auto insurance after buying a vehicle (used)? I am buying a truck for the summer, and i was just wondering if i need insurance to drive it back home, or whether i can just drive it home and then get insurance...sounds stupid" Camaro Insurance cost?

I know insurance is a hard to estimate on since there are so many things that determine the price but can anyone tell me about the insurance for a 2012 camaro would cost for me? or how much extra it would cost for my situation. I have a 1998 toyota 4 runner and I am a 19 year old female. No tickets or car wrecks ever. My dad is getting me a new car and I am trying to talk him into letting me get a camaro. About how much extra would it cost yearly to go from an SUV to a sports car like a camaro? How much is insurance in a car for a 17 year old? I get my provisional this week and I'm just wondering how much it is? I'm from Ireland by the way. What is cheaper to run on daily bassis Toyota Celica or Honda Civic Type-R? I would like to maybe buy a Celica 190 I'm still deciding between this and the Type-R. I'd like to know does the Type-R cost a lot to run or is the Celica cheaper? I do about 100 miles a week would this kind of mileage be too expensive for any of the two cars? I'd also like to know what the average service charges are when it's due one. Also are they quick? I'm 34 so insurance is not too bad for me but I just would like to know from other owners of these cars what the real cost of these great machines are.Cheers How does it cost for insurance on a sports car? How does it cost for insurance on a sports car? Georgia average auto insurance payout for pain and suffering? if a uninsured person get hit by insured person who hit and ran and there is pain and suffering with personal injury what is the average payout? Cheapest car insurance companies for young drivers? Cheapest car insurance companies for young drivers? I was in a car wreck how much should i ask for from insurance company? i had to go to the hospital for whiplash very painfull also missed over a week of work they are paying for the repairs top my car but what about me .........i was sitting at a red light and this chick crashed in to me from behind How to insure reliable signal transmission in high speed operation of slip ring? How to insure reliable signal transmission in high speed operation of slip ring? Expensive insurance. why? I've never been in an accident or recieved a ticket before so why is my insurance so expensive. Yes I am male but I am 25 ... It should have become cheaper a while ago but I'm paying about 50$ more a month than all of my friends and some have the same company.. I have liabillity as well.. how much cheaper should your insurance be

if you never been ticketed or been In a crash? Thanks. Will my parents car insurance go up if they co sign for me? I have my own car and need car insurance but I need my parents to co sign for me. I'm getting a different insurance company from what my parents have on a different everything. Will them co signing for my insurance affect their insurance with anything? Like will their insurance go up because they co sign for me? Or if I get a ticket or in a wreck will it raise their insurance costs? We live in the USA. Individual insurance for person with no income and 69 year old? 69 year old, no income, not eligible for medicaid (5 year permanent residency rule). Lives with daughter. She needs to have insurance. Can she have the insurance individually (remember, she has no official income) or she can have insurance at marketplace through her daughter as a family member? Though daughter has her own insurance through her employer. what is the best way and minimum charge here? Thanks in advance!" What is the cheapest Mitsubishi lancer insurance wise? I want a Mitsubishi that looks nice, a bit like an evo, without the crazy insurance price or high speed engine. Any suggestions. I'm 19 and have been driving just over a year." Moving to France - car insurance? I am moving to France next week and will be taking my British registered car. I rang my insurers who told me that they would only insure me 'up to the ferry' and after that more Affordable health insurance for pregnancy in Washington DC or Maryland? Do anyone know of a good affordable health insurance that cover pregnancy I mean everything from appointments and labor and delivery besides medicare? Car accident and no insurance.? My mom was involved in a car accident and she found out her insurance was cancelled earlier. It was her fault and the other driver is insured, but they took away her license. We know she has to pay out of pocket but is there a company that will pay the lump sum for her so she can pay the company little by little?" How much do driving lessons reduce my car insurance? I haven't seen a question like this before on Yahoo answers, but is the 350$ lessons (6 hours) really worth it? (Driving isn't hard, I know, but I want the lessons solely to reduce insurance rates)"

How Much for a 17 year old to have full coverage on a car? I REALLY dont wanna be on my dads insurance anymore, because i want to get a car of MY own in MY name and im not sure what to do because of how much full coverage would cost for myself. Any suggestions. Can i have my car in my name and be on somebody elses insurance? or what? i just cant pay 350 a month for full coverage!" What happens if you don't pay your car insurance? I've been paying an exorbitant amount of money for State Farm insurance for quite some time. I'd like to cancel it and get insurance from Progressive instead. Opinions on the companies aside (that's not the issue), what will happen if I just stop paying for State Farm and buy the Progressive policy? I'm all paid up til today." Car insurance confusion? I have full comp. insurance for my car and I can drive any other vehicle as 3rd party (As per policy). I also own another car which is not insured to anyone...Can I drive my this car (un insured) under my existing policy as 3rd party ? If a driver is not covered in your insurance and drive your car are they insured? my daughter is 16 and is getting her first car today. I only listed the car in my insurance, if she gets in a car crash will she be covered? Or what will happen to her and the car?" What do car insurance companies have access to? my friend was trying to tell me what he did to get him cheaper insurance.... he lied through his teeth so do insurance companies in Canada have access to the following: marriage status medical records where you live if you have kids security on house and car driving records and what other info do they have access to because my friend said he lied about all that and pays cheap insurance now How does Progressive compare your insurance rates with top companies? How is that possible? I've applied for Progressive quotes before (and wasn't impressed at all), but how are they able to do that? Insurance companies all have complex formulas that are used to calculate rates using several factors, including driving history, location, credit, household drivers, vehicles, etc. Unless they have robots online that steal competitors' bandwidth and automatically fill out the forms, it doesn't seem possible. If that was the case, you would think other companies would block Progressive from abusing their servers. Any ideas?" Changing Auto Insurance? My 6 month insurance is up and its time for a renewal, recently i felt that my rates are to high and i would like to change to a different insurance company. But i have a couple of questions before i proceed and would like some suggestions. 1)How do i change my Auto insurance? Such as what are the normal processes one goes

through. 2)Will cancelling my current account with them result in any extra charges? it is a renewal btw. 3)Should i get a quote from Geico first? (im trying to switch from Safeco to Geico) 4)Are there other Auto insurance companies i should consider? THANKS!" How much does your car insurance cost? I want to see by how much i am overpaying. How much do you pay a month, where do you live, and what type of car do you have?" What's the best auto insurance? What kind of insurance do you have? Is it cheap? 50cc moped scooter insurance? I live in PA. I am thinking about geting a moped scooter 50cc. About how much does insurance cost? Transferring Car Insurance? I just re-newed my car insurance but now im purchasing a new car. Is it possible to get the balance of my last insurance payment transferred over to my new car? Or will I have to pay for insurance again in full? Is AARP a good health insurance plan? I'm in my 20s, any suggetions of a good health insurance coverage plan? hospital, perscription, the whole nine!?!?" High car insurance cost? why does car insurance cost so much for first time insured? where can i find cheap car insurance that cost less than my car payment? How much will my car insurance cost? (I dont know anything about cars or insurance so please bare with me!)Okay so i'm 20, female and I have a Vauxhall Corsa 1998. I got it when i was 19 and i'm paying A LOT for my insurance- 199 a MONTH! This is my first car and I bought it in December 2011. Anyway, its due for renewal in October. Im insured third party fire and theft. Bought the car for 600, I live in London. My question is how much will my insurance cost when i renew it? The reason i'm asking is because I don't want to call my insurance company and ask them, cos if they tell me a price and its still very high i'll just panic and agree to it without looking around. Will it go down by much? I haven't made any claims or anything like that!! my excess is 250 if it helps. Thanks! ... I realise that you probably won't be able to give me accurate quote- but anything will help!" Car insurance for 17 year old?

So I'm 17 and looking for a car, I'm a football referee and could do with my own transport to get to games ect plus I'd love a car :P so can anybody suggest cars with cheap insurance for a 17 year old male, also is there any factors that would bring my insurance down ?? Thank you" Speeding ticket.. insurance increase? okay soo I just turned 18 last tuesday, and today, I got a speeding ticket. I was going 58 in 40, but I really didn't notice that. the cop went by me in the other direction and apparently his radar said I was going 58. I know I've sped on that road before, but this time I honestly don't think I was. it was my second speeding ticket.. I got one last year that didn't go on my record or something so the insurance company never found out. but this time, I can't imagine I'd be so lucky. I've been googling car insurance and how much it would go up, but I can't find it anywhere. I believe we're with arbella. my parents are going to kill me and I don't know what to do that will help this situation. so I guess I have two questions: one, how much will my family's insurance increase? and two, what to do I do to minimize the penalty, or whatever you want to call it. I'm perfectly willing to pay the fine..if I was speeding, I deserve that." "Lawsuits have been limited to $250,000 in California for years now - insurance costs haven't gone down...? all. Why do Republicans pretend that is the solution to healthcare costs? How to insure reliable signal transmission in high speed operation of slip ring? How to insure reliable signal transmission in high speed operation of slip ring? What does my comprehensive and my collision deductible have to do with my car loan? I just received a letter from Capital One Auto Finance saying that my new insurance policy is inadequate. I upped the comprehensive and collision deductible from $500 to $2500, which saves me over $400 dollars a month. According to Capital One, this is too high and has to be lowered back down to $1000 or less. But I would sooner become an employee at the Bunny Ranch, before I pay a $600 monthly car insurance bill and a $365 car note. Hell, I would have to become an employee at the Bunny Ranch if I had to pay a $600 monthly car insurance bill and a $365 car note. I feel like as long as I'm giving Capital One their money, my deductible should have nothing to do with them." How can I get affordable health insurance? I'm 19, in good health, not pregnant nor do I already have a child. I was told by the state that I have to either be under 18 or have a child to get Medicare. My job does not offer insurance. What can I do? I'm on a very low income, and can't afford very much, but I am willing to pay something." How much does medical insurance cost per month? I'm talking about medical insurance gotten through an employer. And I'm interested in the FULL premium, not just the employee's share. (So if your employer pays half,

multiply your payment by 2.) Whatever your situation, please let me know. Because I want to know what to expect for each of the following situations: - Employee Only Insured - Employee + Spouse - Employee + Child - Whole Family Thanks!" Texas Car Insurance - 16 Years Old - Provisional License? Okay, I'm sixteen years old (turning seventeen on July) and I have my provisional driver's license already. I don't have a car so I use my parents' when I drive. They don't let me drive alone because I'm not part of the car insurance. My question is: do I need to be part of the insurance coverage that we currently have for our car to be able to legally drive alone, even though I don't own it? Or can I drive alone without insurance as long as owner of the car (my parents) know that I took the car? 10 points to whoever answers the best and the clearest." Help with car insurance please :)? Around how much would car insurance for a 'W REG VW BEETLE 3 DOOR HATCH BACK 2.0L PETROL' be? I am a young driver too. Thank you :) Licence wrong date when applying for insurance? when you get a quote along the way it asks you to enter when you recieved your licence. what if i put 2-3 years old when in actual fact it is only 2 months old. Will the insurance company find out that i am not telling the truth or can i get away with it? Do they check my licence to see when i got it. thanks. How do insurance companies calculate insurance? I went on to a price comparison site to check car insurance. For the car I wanted the price was great 320 for 1 year inc breakdown cover. (Insurance group 14). It got me thinking if I got a car in a lower insurance group what the price difference would be. So I entered the exact same details apart from a car in insurance group 2. The cheapest quote was 318 (only 2 cheaper than group 14) Surely the price should have been a lot cheaper than a measly 2?? How much should my insurance go up with a new car? Right now I have a 1995 honda accord, I play about 90 a month, what should I expect to pay with a 2007 mazda 3?' Im 19, on insurance with my parents, no tickets or accidents. THANKS!" Why are there not provisions in the ACA that put caps on how much health insurance premiums can increase? I just bought into a health insurance policy as I work 2 part time jobs and get no benefits in those jobs. Now my health insurance provider is saying my health insurance premiums will increase by 50% with higher deductibles and higher out of pocket maximums. This will put a strain on my finance as I can barely afford what I have now and having a $1500 increase really hurt. Why did this ACA not have something to cap these outrageous premium increases plus benefit decreases? It seems to be making it unaffordable rather than affordable.

Why do we need car insurance anyway? i know we need it by law, but why is it needed, and i need some estimates on insurance for my first car, honda 2002, pre owned." How Does Full Coverage Auto Insurance Work? How Does Full Coverage Auto Insurance Work? Got into a car accident - how much will my premium increase if I go through insurance? My friend says at most it could be $1000-2000 damage - but I'm trying to get the bare minimum fixed if they'll let me do that at their recommended company is nationwide... How much would insurace cost monthly? Im 16 and im gettin a 2003 cadillac CTS when i get my licences and i have a few questions. The car is $10,932 how much would the down payment be also how much monthly plus insurance?" How much will my car insurance go up and who should pay? My ex-husband just bought my 17 year old son a car. He will not pay for the insurance and my son does not have a job to pay for it or for gas money. How much will the insurance cost and who should pay for it? My ex or me? Car insurance? cheaper to be on parents plan? I am looking to make my auto insurance a little bit cheaper and save some money. could I had my mother put my car on her insurance and put me as a primanry driver if i dont live there? How do i find out if a car insurance company is a real company? I have Geico right now.Got into a reck they raised my insurance 3 times is much i was paying. I found a company Colorado Casualty,They said they will give me insurance at a good price less than i first started with Geico 4 years ago.S o i want to check this company out ,but don't know how." How much would the average monthly payments be on a motorcycle for a teen? I'm 15, turning 16 in a few months, and I wanted to get a Ninja Kawasaki 250r. Most likely used, and around 2008 or 2009. I live in Las Vegas. Please include repairs, insurance, etc."

Someone crashed into me will their insurance pay for my car? So I was going down a main street when this guy passed the stop sign. We made a police report and he took the blame but the cop wanted to blame it on me. Now the other car has insurance but it wasn't the guys car. Will their insurance still pay for mine. Some one please answer quick. How does AAA insurance work? I want to start driving I'm a fifteen female. I want to drive my moms four wheel drive Subaru. We have AAA insurance and I live in the state of California. I'm just not sure what the insurance policy would be... Or whatever. So basically, what would our insurance be? I'm pretty sure this makes little to no sense and I apologies sincerely but to be quite frank I don't understand insurance whatsoever. So if you could explain to me that would be amazing. Thank You for your time" Where can I find car insurance for my situation? I've been without insurance for almost a year now. I canceled my old policy because I do not drive my car anymore and I'm selling it. So I finally bought a new car, and I am currently looking for insurance. But I haven't had any insurance the past year. Where can I get insurance?" Do you have health insurance? if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deducatbale do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance? also, do you support obamacare?" How much will driving lessons in an automatic car be? I live in the UK, and i'm having to learn to drive in an automatic car because i have a disability which affects my concentration How much would it be to take lessons in an automatic car? And is the insurance more expensive? Thanks" "I have three inflatable jumpers, do I need to have liability insurance?" Well I just bought three jumpers to start my own business, but I'm wondering if I need liability insurance and permit? In the state of California, please help" "Car insurance, change of profession?" Hi All, I pay my car insurance in full every year. I am currently a Technologist - and this is what I specified when applying. I will be returning to full time education in September - so will be a full-time student rather than a technologist. I am fully comp. insured for social use. Do I have to let them know about my change in profession and will this affect how much I pay (even though I've already paid for year up to next April)? Any advice would be much appreciated." Can an insurance quote lower you credit score?

I am looking to buy a car soon ... but I am a new driver and I know my insurance will be hight ... I am planning to go insurance company to insurance company to get quotes. Does that lower my credit score? How to insure reliable signal transmission in high speed operation of slip ring? How to insure reliable signal transmission in high speed operation of slip ring?

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