The Weight of Hatred

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Would you pray for America right now? You might pray, “Oh God, bless America. Lord, we deserve judgment, but we need mercy. Bring this nation, Lord, back to You. The troubles that we see in our land are tokens of Your love to bring us to our knees. Lord, it’s beyond us. God, we need You in America.” ~Adrian Rogers, June 2020

Jerusalem Cross This complex cross, also called the Crusader’s Cross or Fivefold Cross, has several interpretations. The main cross is composed of four tau (T) crosses representing the Old Testament law. The four small Greek crosses symbolize the fulfillment of the law in the gospel. The five crosses together represent the church’s mission: to spread the gospel to the four corners of the earth. They’re also said to symbolize Christ’s five wounds (hands, feet and side).

1st Sunday

2nd Sunday

3rd Sunday

4th Sunday





Filmed in front of a live studio audience, The Movie Jesus takes Sight & Sound’s stage production to the big screen for a special event. It is a Broadwaylike musical has been seen by more than 1 million people. Check it out TODAY!!!

There is ROOM for YOU!!

Ya’ll think Mary ever told Jesus, “I’m not one of your little Disciples?!”


he 2020 BET Awards aired on June 28, 2020 for the first time on CBS! This is the first time that the Black owned network was show cased on a white cable station for the masses. BET following social distancing protocols brought everyone’s favorite artist and lots of flavor given the circumstances. But one of the standout performances was the mixing of musical genres. Jonathan McReynolds, new age gospel with Kane Brown’s country gospel. BET Award show host, Amanda Seales graciously pointed out that both country and gospel music originated for the Black community. Jonathan McReynolds and Kane Brown's performances brought the show to a beautiful place with both of their joined performances.

Thu, July 16, 2020 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PT

DATE AND Tue, July 14, 2020 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM PDT

KEYNOTE SPEAKER , ERIC THOMAS ET is the epitome of hustle, drive, determination, and success. Millions of followers have been able to apply the principles revealed in his award nominated autobiography, The Secret to Success, which has scaled the social media charts with over 50 million hits. Eric will be at Manifest 2020 sharing how

Attachment A June 8, 2020

WHY THE DISPLAYED HATRED AND SCORN TOWARD AMERICANS OF AFRICAN DESCENT? Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard INTRODUCTION: The first man Adam was created on the continent of Africa in the Mesopotamia Valley of the Serengeti in East Africa, thus a man of color created from the ground. We know that

the Garden of Eden was in East Africa because the Holy Bible mentions the four contributary Rivers that came together there. First, The Pison; Gihon; Hiddekel; and Euphrates (Genesis 2: 11-14). Today’s displayed hatred toward ethnic Americans of African Descent, who descended from the first man created by God Adam. These citizens of the United States of America seem to be hated severely by the ethnic White citizens of this country and despicable actions toward them has baffled many.

The majority of people in this nation are not aware of the history of mankind, the crown of God’s creation; Their beginning, living, thriving, and development in the land of Africa. What is needed is: “back to the Holy Bible” for answers to God’s creative plan for human kind. From the Garden of Eden where Satan first deceived the woman (Eve) and beguiled the man (Adam), and continuing to lead mankind in the hatred toward God’s human creation by causing intensified evil to flourish. Satan’s Demons are still at work carrying out Satan’s work among the human family created by God. The spirit of Satan working through mankind that caused rejection against the Holy Bible, God’s Word to the subjects of planet earth. The removal of the Holy Bible and prayer from learning institutions and trying to make the holy Bible fit into their sinful thinking about various ethnic groups of the human race, and trying to treat them as sub-humans.

The home is where the truth of God’s Word should begin long before the school system get our children they should be taught by precept and example to always respect the crown of God’s creation, mankind. Thus, for young, and old of every ethnic group of the all the ages is avoid of the Scriptural truths of God’s wisdom. When God’s Word is rejected, mankind replaces it with his own wisdom which will has failed. Just as Satan did in the Garden of Eden by attacking the crown of God’s creation, Adam, and Eve, he does the same thing today by enticing them to turn away from God, and to listen and follow him in evil pursuit. Satan has never ceased to try to over-through the authority of God Almighty (YAHWEH). You see, the Holy Bible teaches how mankind was created and from what God used to create him. Thus, man was created from the ground (dust) of the earth (Genesis 2:125), and many ethnic people are hung-up on skin pigmentation? May I ask for your thinking? “What color is the (earth, ground, dust?)” When did the color pigmentation change from dark (earth/dust/dirt) to Pale/White skin in pigmentation?

Does the Holy Bible talk about a skin change? Only one place in the entire Bible, (II Kings 5:1-25). It seems to be so important to certain ethnic groups to hate the pigmentation of the first persons created by God (ADAM and EVE), and their descendants look just like them. Why then is God’s design hated and rejected? God led them to migrate all over the continent of Africa and finally to other parts of His earth causing them to settle by permission, crimes, or choice. Thus, His first created descendants are Americans of African descent, and those in other countries by God design. YES, they are hated because their pigmentation resemble the first man created. How the ethnic African people got to this new land was a crime in high proportion. On their way to this new land which took some nine months of

travel and many of the women were impregnated while on aboard of those ships during the Middle-passage by the ship’s crews and when they arrived they came with babies of mixed ethnic people from the slave ships; and the crimes of sin continued after their arrival. I love and respect this country’s laws especially when those laws are applied equally toward all of the United States of American’s citizens regardless of their ethnicity. I can’t think of any other country of which I would want to exchange its laws for this country’s

laws governing righteously the lives of all its citizens the same whether they are poor or rich and applied to all

the same. But the present unjust murdering of certain ethnic

groups is sinfully despicable. One may ask: “will this hatred ever end?” Some may wonder why the above ethnic citizens in these United States of America are treated the way they are. The answer to the question may never come to pass because of ostentatious actions of the power to be governing our country and its affairs. The present troubles we face have not gone unnoticed by God, and He will repay. THE CELEBRATION OF FREEDOM FROM AMERICAN’S SLAVERY SYSTEM. Juneteenth the recognition of freedom from the Holocaust of American Slavery System. A shameful disgrace on the pages of crime and violence committed by ethnic white citizens against Citizens of American of African Descent is on record as one of the worse crimes of racial violence in these United States of America. It happened in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on June 19, 1921, almost (100-years ago). A grave racial massacre on March 8, 1921, where they killed Black citizens, burned homes and businesses to the ground in the Greenwood Black neighborhood were totally destroyed. The attack lasted about (18-hours) carried on by a white mob. Hundreds were killed between May 31-June 1, 1921. Yes, one of the darkest days in the history of theses United States of America of racial hatred. The alleged reason for the massacre was that of a white woman who was an elevator operator ran out of the building screaming when a black boy got on the elevator and she said that he sexually molested her.

To the young black boy who ran away for fear of the accusation of which was never proven to be true, but a white woman said that it was. The following day whites came to the Greenwood neighborhood with guns, knives, bricks, and other weapons and killed hundreds of blacks out of the (100,000) residing in the Greenwood neighborhood, burned their houses and businesses to the ground. The white ethnic people in that area acted on what was an alleged accusation and the newspaper never carried the story, neither did it make it in the history books at that time. That was a dark day in this nation for Americans of African Descent. On January 31, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation granting freedom to the slaves, and States fought for the next four years. It was December 18, 1865, when 4.8 million Africans and Americans of African Descent march out of slavery. However, Texas didn’t the news until June 19, 1866, thus, Juneteenth became the day to celebrate the freedom of the slaves.

AFRICANS ROOTS IN THIS NEW WORLD The roots of African people has been planted deep into the soil of this new land long before it became a nation. Permit me to share and or remind some of you of pertinent information about the tragedy of (Ethnic Americans of African Descent in this Country). Perhaps some are not aware of the ethnic Black People in this Country. Did you know that before the docking of the celebrated “Mayflower in the Plymouth Harbor in late November of 1620, African people were here. Before the colonies were organized into these United States of America, on July 4, 1776, African people were here. Two hundred and fifty-one years before Thomas Jefferson and company framed the “Declaration of Independence” and the “Constitution of the United States of America” African people were here.

According to John Rolfe who portrayed Pocahontas states: “That a big buff bowed Spanish

ship sailed up the River James in late August 1619, on their way to the Caribbean with indentured servants on board and the ship docked in the Harbor at Jamestown, Virginia. Twenty African Indentured servants were traded for food, and three of the men with Spanish sir names: ANTONY, PEDRO, and ISABELLA and seventeen others stepped ashore. Those twenty African indentured servants were not slaves. After they paid off those who had traded them for food by working their land, they were freed of their indebtedness. Thus those Africans became landowners themselves, and were able to sue in the courts for justice just as any other people of the colony. This was two hundred and forty-years before the signing of the “Emancipation Proclamation” on January 31, 1861 by President Abraham Lincoln--African people were here. But in the winter of 1629, all had changed, the ruling class of ethnic white people in the colony of Virginia decided to confiscate the property of these Africans and they were internalized into the American Slavery System by the people of the colony Virginia.

The market became wide open for kidnapped slaves from the continent of West and Central Africa, and slavery became a way of life in this country. The African slaves were made to forget their names, there village and country of origin. These African people were made to do the work in developing this country by cleaning homes and clearing the land, building roads, working in the fields of this country without a stake in the country as slaves. Thus, they had nothing to pass on to their children and children’s children. However, no other country treaded African ethnic people like the United States of America

did. They were bought to this country against their will and throw together because of the pigmentation of their skin no matter what country they came from on the continent of Africa.

All other ethnic people who came voluntarily to this country were welcomed with open arms through Ellis-Island and became a part of this new land. The “Holocaust of American Slavery System” and the Civil war ensued between the Northern and Southern States from 1861 to 1865. But not African people who were kidnapped and crammed in to slave ships and many died in the Middle Passage on their way because of the conditions. Slavery was rooted in the fabric of this nation, and highly deplorable especially in the Southern States of this country where the worse treatment were poured out against ethnic Africans and Americans of African descent. But after two and hundred and forty-years of slavery; came the signing of the “Emancipation Proclamation” into law on January 31, 1861, by Abraham Lincoln, the Southern and Northern States engaged in a civil war that lasted over four-years. On December 18, 1865, some 4.8 million Americans of African Descent marched out of the holocaust of American slavery system. They migrated across these United States of America, and here we are today (371-years) later a people who survived the crawl holocaust of America’s slavery system, but yet hated. WHY? During slavery, African people built this country and yet there are those who would deny their descendants to freely enjoy the fruits of their forebearers’ slave labor even after enduring the whip, lash, amputations, torture, cruelty, lynching, including hanging from the trees in utter disgrace.

However, ethnic descendants of white people have profited from their forebearers and are presently enjoying the free labor from Africans from their inheritors. In this present epoch of violence against Americans of African Descent has increased against African people of which we have witnessed including open murder via social media by those who have taken an oath to serve and protect, have proven that their oath means nothing but lies when it

comes to protecting all the citizens of this country. They (police) can’t be trusted to do the right thing toward Americans of African Descent. Demonstration against their actions all over the world clearly says that they are wrong; and many of them call themselves Christians. I ask: “from what Bible are they reading and following?” The Holy Bible teaches: “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a re-

proach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34NKJV). The whole world is protesting along with us the shameful actions against Americans of Africans Descendants who are citizens of this country as they are torched and murder in these United States of America, and sometimes with impunity. Let me go on record by saying that I love this country’s laws, I served in the United States Air Force under its flag for (6-years and 10-months), and was honorably discharged. Thus, I can’t think of no other country with laws written for the protection of its citizens like the United States of America. But it seems to fail when it comes to Americans of African Descent.

Now is the time for all people of good will to join together and denounce hatred against any people. We must repent to God, and change our methods of governing especially toward Americans of African Descent as well as other ethnic groups. The Good Lord is depending on all of His people of the human race to stand up and unite against unrighteousness at all times. What God Guides He Provides! Amen. Until He Comes, I Am Serving Christ Joyfully,

Bishop Dr. Wm. LaRue Dillard, D.D., Ph.D. SBC, Monrovia, CA.-Under-shepherd, Emeritus

Attachment B

IV. Class of 2020 High School Graduate

Joel Cashe Adell Parents: Nancy Elizabeth Acosta High School: Egewood High School Honors/Awards: Magna Cum Laude, ASB Leadership Award, Excellence in the Arts, IB Diploma Plans & Goals: Attend Whittier College to major in Psychology & Theatre Favorite Scripture/Quote: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.“ MLK

Denali Applewhite Parents: Jamel Applewhite & LaToya Willis Perry Grandparents: Diakona Larry & Renee Willis, Tony & Revlyn Applewhite High School: Lamar High School (Texas) Honors/Awards Best Defensive Player of the Year (Women’s Lacrosse), Shot Put & Discus MVP Plans & Goals: HBCU Bethune Cookman University to major in Psychology Favorite Scripture/Quote: For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 “I only debate with my equals, all others I teach.” Dr. John Henrik Clarke

IV. Class of 2020 High School Graduate – continued

Madison Kirsten Brown Parents: Dr. Stephen and Bequida Brown Grandparents: Ray and Diakona Venda Hawkins High School: Eleanor Roosevelt High School Honors/Awards: High Honors 2017-2017, Seal of Biliteracy Plans & Goals: Attend San Francisco State University to major in Sociology & Political Science Favorite Scripture/Quote: “Not for ourselves alone are we born.”

Lucille Norma Jean Hernandez Parents/Guardians: High School: Plans & Goals: Favorite Scripture/Quote:

Tim & Yvonne Spicer Mt. Olive High School Attend Citrus to major in Vocal Music Greater love has no one than this; to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:13

IV. Class of 2020 High School Graduate – continued

Christa Jana Ann Moreland Parent: Grandparent: High School: Honors/Awards: Plans & Goals: Favorite Scripture/Quote:

Chantell Passion Grant Sandra Ann Graves Carter High School Principal’s Honor Roll, Distinguished Scholar, 4.0 Society Attend University of California, Santa Barbara as Communications major That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. 2 Corinthians 12:10

Tyus McCoy Monroe Parents: Grandparents: High School: Honors/Awards: Plans & Goals: Favorite Scripture/Quote:

Christopher Monroe & Aysheh Spicer-Monroe Tim & Yvonne Spicer Los Osos High School Outstanding Student Award Join United States Coast Guard, IT Program But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. I Peter 5:10

IV. Class of 2020 High School Graduate – continued

Marquise Elijah Robinson Parents: Grandparent: High School: Plans & Goals: Favorite Scripture/Quote:

Ganesha Lee, Marquise & Jamorra Robinson Alicia Ross Lincoln High School Attend Musicians Institute to become music producer Hard work beats talent, when talent fails to work hard.

Carlianna Runnels Parents: Grandparents: High School: Honors/Awards: Plans & Goals:

Favorite Scripture/Quote:

Allison Walker Pastor James & Brenda Walker Culver City High School Honor Roll Attend Santa Monica College, then California State University, Fresno to major in Animal Science You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you. Psalms 86:5

IV. Class of 2020 High School Graduate – continued

Tyler Allen Spicer Parents: Timothy Spicer & Joanna Acevedo Grandparents: Tim & Yvonne Spicer High School: Monrovia High School Plans & Goals: Attend college to pursue legal career Favorite Scripture/Quote: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Cerryn M. Thomas Grandparents: High School: Plans & Goals:

Betty Thomas Alta Loma High School Attend California State University, Dominguez Hills to study Art

IV. Class of 2020 High School Graduate Received diploma after 82 years at age 98.

Vivian Fisher Parents: School:

Julian & Gladys Fisher (deceased) Monrovia High School

V. Class of 2020 College/University Graduate

Lauren Nichole Dickson Parents: College/University: Degree/Major: Career Plans & Goals: Favorite Scripture/Quote:

Diakona Michael & Felicia Markham Dickson California State University, Long Beach Bachelor of Arts, major Studio Art Pursue career in major area of study Whether you succeed or not, is irrelevant, there is no such thing. Making your unknown known, is the important thing. Georgia O’Keefe

Vincent Ramone Dillard, Sr. Spouse: Candy Dillard College/University: Long Beach City College Degree/Major: Associates of Arts, major Architecture Design & Drafting Architecture Career Plans & Goals: Favorite Scripture/Quote:

V. Class of 2020 College/University Graduate- continued

Candace Jewelle Johnson Parents: James & Gail Johnson College/University: Grand Canyon University Degree/Major: Bachelor of Science, major Marketing & Advertising Career Plans & Goals: Career as marketing manager, business owner or data analyst Favorite Scripture/Quote: Jesus answered and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ it will be done.” Matthew 21:21

Melanie Genel Phillips Parents: College/University: Degree/Major: Career Plans & Goals: Favorite Scripture/Quote:

Geneva Douglas & Melvin Phillips University of Phoenix Bachelor of Science, major in Psychology Counselor, or specializing in child behavior and development Proverbs 3:5-6; Philippians 4:13 “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. Remember that your difficulties do not define you. They simply strengthen your ability to overcome.” Maya Angelou

V. Class of 2020 College/University Graduate- continued

Justin Isiah Powell Parents: Grandparent: College/University: Degree/Major: Career Plans & Goals: Favorite Scripture/Quote:

George & Taniya Powell, Sr. Jacquelyn Powell Chaffey College Associate of Arts Degree - Marketing major To continue education to pursue Bachelor degree I will lift my eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help. Psalms 121:1

Khalil Williams Parents: Grandparent: College/University: Degree/Major: Career Plans & Goals: Favorite Scripture/Quote:

Pastor Jason & Lois Jenkins, Na’em & Camille Williams Diakona Carrie Walker California State University, Los Angeles Bachelor of Arts, Sociology major To become high school or collegiate head coach Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrew 11:1

V. Class of 2020 College/University Graduate- continued

Coy L. Youngblood.III Parents: Grandparent: College/University: Degree/Major: Career Plans & Goals:

Mary Funchess Joyce Wilson University of California, Santa Cruz Bachelor of Arts, major Film & Media Production Pursue career in film and media production

VI. Class of 2020 Post Graduate Degree

Brennen Bruce Carter Parents: Grandparent: College/University: Degree/Major: Career Plans & Goals: Favorite Scripture/Quote:

Bruce & Lena Carter Mother Lois Gaston University of Washington Master of Education, Leadership in Higher Education major Accepted at UCLA & NYU, Ph.D. in Sociology The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Psalms 23:1

Marquise Ramon Robinson Spouse: Parent: College/University: Degree/Major: Career Plans & Goals: Favorite Scripture/Quote:

Jamorra Robinson Alicia Ross University of Phoenix Master of Business Administration, Business Administration major Become successful business entrepreneur The Lord is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation; He is my God, and I will praise Him; My father’s God, and I will exalt Him. Exodus 15:2

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