2023 Annual Report

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2023 Annual Report


Rebuilding in 2023 As Second Presbyterian Church commemorated 185 years of ministry in the city of Indianapolis, we recommitted ourselves to the work of rebuilding within and beyond our congregation, guided by the words of Isaiah 58:12. “Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live in.” In a time when many have lost faith in the institutions that once provided structure to our common life, we are called to rebuild trust. Following years of separation and isolation, we are called to rebuild community. While people of every age struggle to find purpose, we are called to rebuild paths to abundant life. As deepening division and the forces of polarization tear us apart, we are called to rebuild bridges across the chasm. The following pages highlight a small sample of how we are rebuilding together through relational engagement, impactful mission, and transcendent ministry. As was true in the time of Isaiah’s letter to the exiles returning to Jerusalem, it is time for us to rebuild.

With peace and grace,


Worship In 2023, we continued to see steady increases in worship attendance and participation in our weekly services. In-person attendance grew by 12%, and livestream viewing increased 22% in 2023. We celebrate and give thanks for these encouraging signs of vitality and growth! Throughout the year, the focus of our staff and lay leadership was on ministries that are relational (how are we bringing people together?), impactful (what difference are we making?), and transcendent (to whom are we pointing?). We’ve pursued the call to be a charging station for all God’s people and a church for the city of Indianapolis, seeking to engage members, guests, friends, and the broader community in all that we do. And, this fall, we began a season of rebuilding — continuing the faithful work of those who laid the foundation of our congregation 185 years ago and the many generations of members and leaders who have served Second well. We offer our best to the work of ministry to which God calls us — to be a welcoming community of faith where Jesus Christ transforms lives.




Music and Fine Arts Min

Our participation is either back to or exceeding pre-COVID numbers as diverse opportunities are available to our congregation, and the community is focused on learning, growing, and serving in worship, mission, and outreach through multiple art forms as we share the transformational message of Jesus Christ. While our primary mission is to support the worship life of Second Church, MFA also committed to living into the vision of “A Church for the City.” We partnered with other churches, organizations, and artists in music-making, fellowship, evangelism, hospitality, and direct support. ACCOMPLISHMENTS •

Presenting a Sacred Arts Series that welcomes new and returning guests into our sanctuary.

Ministering to area hospitals and senior homes by providing live music.

Partnering with the International Violin Competition of Indianapolis, Watercolor Society of Indiana, Penrod Arts Fair, and community artists to share the beauty of God’s handiwork through art exhibitions.

Lenten Concert, featuring Sanctuary Choir & Festival Orchestra. (March)

Supporting Northside Food Pantry through the Sanctuary Choir’s “Be a Good Egg” and student gift card collection. (March and November)

Joy of Ringing Concert, featuring the Circle City Ringers, St. Luke’s UMC & Second’s Handbell Ensembles. (April)

Hosting the Spring Ring for Handbell Choirs across the Midwest. (April)

Ukrainian Bandura Ensemble Concert. (April)

Ministering to Marquette Senior Home residents with Second Winds. (June & December)

Ronen Chamber Ensemble Concert. (October)

Partnering with Witherspoon Presbyterian Church on a musical celebration of “Art & Soul” at the Artsgarden. (November)

Curating an art and music immersion for an intergenerational audience based on the theme, Do You Hear What I Hear? (December)

Sharing God’s message of hope, love, peace, and joy during the Carmel Symphony Orchestra Holiday Pops Concerts, featuring the Sanctuary Choir. (December)

Providing a welcoming space for our neighbor arts organizations and schools, including Indianapolis Children’s Choir and the Oaks Academy. (December)

Other significant accomplishments include the commencement of the Milner Chapel Organ project, the commission and dedication of a new painting in the redesigned parlor by local artist Kyle Ragsdale, and the establishment of a Legacy Gallery in McFarland Hall.


CenterPoint Counseling The year 2023 was a year of patience and restoration for CenterPoint Counseling. After an unfortunate water pipe break on Christmas Eve 2022, which flooded all of CenterPoint along with space directly below, it was a long process to restore CenterPoint offices. However, during this time, the ministry forged ahead and concluded the year welcoming over 300 new clients, offering over 6,000 counseling sessions and providing nearly $110,000 of financial support through the Samaritan Fund. Additionally, two new therapists joined the staff, increasing the ability to broaden care for the community. CenterPoint Counseling successfully ended 2023 in a fully restored, peaceful, and welcoming environment. Looking ahead, CenterPoint’s goals include increasing care in the community with outreach, counseling and programming, further collaborations with Second Church, and a re-introduction of the New Day (for families of divorce) program. Additionally, in 2024, CenterPoint will welcome a new Executive Director and, with mixed emotion, celebrate the retirement of Rev. Dr. David Chaddock. David has served this ministry from its inception more than 36 years ago. His leadership, passion, and unwavering devotion to this congregation and community will be missed dearly. We look forward and invite you to join us in honoring David at a reception in May. For CenterPoint, 2024 will be a year of transition and rebuilding.

Children’s Circle Preschool It was another fun year at Children’s Circle Preschool. 2023 began with a period of adjustment as water damage from a burst pipe moved several classes into other spaces of the church. Our staff and families were wonderful and accommodated these changes. Despite the mess and construction, school continued, and our students enjoyed fun and meaningful school days. We finished the 2022-2023 school year with 168 children from 122 enrolled families. In March, we celebrated our PreK students with a music program and art show and hosted Donuts with Dads. We hosted moms and special guests for a Mother’s Day Tea in May and welcomed 50 students for our Summer School program in June. We “graduated” 48 PreK students, having nurtured and prepared them for Kindergarten in the fall. In August, we welcomed our staff of 30 back to kick off the new school year, overjoyed to return to completed classrooms and two newly installed playgrounds. 2023 brought so many blessings to CCP. It is hard to believe we are already halfway through this school year. Our students have grown and changed so much. Being a part of these early years and to provide an impact to their learning is a blessing that our teachers and staff will cherish forever.


Communications Through weekly bulletins, newsletters, website, social media, and printed pieces, our goal is to strategically communicate to keep members informed and increase engagement in our local community and beyond. This year, we launched the redesign of the website, which will be finalized in 2024. We also began working with a new video company to help convey Second’s story. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

SECONDCHURCH.ORG 30,436 Views in December




596 Followers 36.7%



This year, we launched the podcast “Faithful Discourse with Chris Henry.” We’ve released 6 episodes featuring various guests in 2023. The live worship continues streaming on our website, YouTube, Facebook, and Roku channels, which reached more than 13,000 viewers in 32 countries.

Listen On






Children and Family


What a momentous year in Children’s Ministry! We began the year with a teacher training. They left equipped with best practices, our Child Protection Policy, counsel on creating safe space for neurodivergent children, and a rich theological foundation for faith formation. Sunday school was ready to resume! Two winter events served parents, especially: a forum on Faith and Child Development, and a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party. The former summarized the theology and practice of children’s faith formation generally, while the latter equipped parents to lead their child(ren) through Lent. In addition to Presbyterian Parenting Small Groups and “Sunday School for Parents,” these events equip the child’s first teachers. An interactive “Stations of the Cross” and fabulous week of Vacation Bible school concluded the program year. In the fall, we began Sunday school with a new curriculum; Godly Play faith formation centers around scripture and wonder, creating space for children to enter the story curiously, and to exit having created meaning in their lives with a developing Christian language system. Prioritizing the formation of the whole family, we threw two big parties this fall: one for All Saints and one for Advent. Both revealed that formation is both faithful AND fun!


Youth Rebuilding in 2023 looked like living into one of our core values: Joy. The joy of seeing youth pursue their passions – artists, musicians, singers, poets, athletes, writers, programmers, gamers, and so much more! The joy of witnessing youth lead, teach, and mentor children during VBS. The joy of Wednesday night youth group — a time in the middle of the week for youth to come and to simply be — no productivity, no busyness — sharing a meal and sharing life through conversation about life and faith. We also welcomed the permanent titles of Tom Markey as Director of Youth and Families and Andrea Kamwendo as our Coordinator of Youth Ministries.


Engagement We had 53 new members and three retired pastors join our fellowship. Notable events included Welcome Table brunches focused on welcoming and orienting guests into Second, two all-church brunches and the church picnic where the congregation gathered around the table, dunk tank, and calliope instrument to enjoy food, games, and music together.

PICNIC on the

LAWN Sunday, September 17

Adult Formation Adult formation completed a very full year in 2023, offering 18 regular Sunday and mid-week classes, four special events, and two retreats, with over 60 volunteers supporting the various classes and events. Highlights included the visits of Rev. Winterbourne Harrison-Jones, senior pastor of Witherspoon Presbyterian Church, discussing the important work of Howard Thurman as we confront the continuing challenges of racism in our society; Dr. Peter Enns, best-selling author and co-host of the popular Bible for Normal People podcast, discussing the best ways to read and study the Bible; and Dr. Andrew Whitehead, associate professor of sociology at IUPUI, speaking on his recent book American Idolatry, and challenging us to confront the dangers of Christian Nationalism. Throughout the year, adult formation has continued to focus on scripture as the primary means by which the Spirit forms us for participation in the mission of God. While Bible studies and classes focused on the truth of our faith and its good news for the world, a special emphasis was placed on centrality of love in the continual work of rebuilding our church, city, and world in the aftermath of a global pandemic.


Young Adults 2023 was a year of continued growth for our community of young adults at Second! Relationships to God were strengthened and new friendships developed in community groups and college-age cohorts. There were unique opportunities for sabbath and renewal at the Montreat College Conference in January, Young Adult Winter Retreat in February, and Grown-up Summer Camp in July. Serving shoulder to shoulder across our city, young adults volunteered with NeighborLink, Habitat for Humanity, SAWs, and Christmas with our Northside Neighbors. Thanks to the hospitality and leadership of our young adults, we continue to welcome those who are new to Indianapolis, to our church, and to the faith. Faith was nurtured and friendships were formed through a mix of monthly social gatherings, chances to serve, and ongoing formation opportunities. Together we were able to multiply our joys and divide the burdens that come in the transitions of young adulthood. Whether celebrating around tables at Friendsgiving with one who found faith in Christ or relaying in ridiculous costumes at camp, following Jesus in 2023 was made more joyful together!



Women@Second continues to build on the ministry’s rich legacy of service and sisterhood - reaching both within and beyond the community of Second. Over the last several months, Women@Second has collaborated with the fruitful programming of Second’s many ministries in the spirit of service, hospitality, and mission. Within our ministry, we have gathered in homes to share meals, make memories, and meet new members of our community, fostering deeper friendships and forging ahead in this new year with faith (and a little fun!) We have shared the joy of serving meals, organizing donation efforts, supporting neighborhood schools, and so much more. Perhaps most exciting is the upcoming launch of Second Treasures—a thrift store offering clothing and accessories for children, women, and men—to be housed within Second and born out of the beloved legacy of Second’s Clothing Sale. Relying on donations and volunteer efforts from church members, we seek to support the needs of our Washington Township Neighbors throughout the year. Watch for all of this, plus Bible studies, inspiring speakers, volunteer opportunities, and more, to continue throughout 2024!




Men@Second Men@Second come together regularly in fellowship, study, and service to grow in relationship with God and each other. Each month, between 30-45 men gathered for Revival over a meal and live music. At Revival, we heard men share their faith journeys, the Men@Second band led us in new and familiar songs, and new and old friendships were sparked and fostered. Men@Second held its first ever Men’s Retreat where men learned and discussed what it means to “Live Intentionally” as we love God, one another, and ourselves. Men@Second launched a “Connectors” ministry, aimed at broadening participation and connections through one-on-one and group gatherings. Weekly small groups, including Tuesday morning’s Men’s Fellowship Breakfast, Pregame on Sunday mornings, and The Huddle on Thursday evenings, met to grow as friends and disciples of Jesus Christ.

Second Act

Second Act had many memorable and meaningful opportunities to gather those who are in their ‘second act’ or ‘second half’ of life, sharing the joy of this season of life together and building up the body of Christ. In addition to our regular monthly gatherings, we held quarterly Speaker Series events and enjoyed representing Second out and about in Indianapolis at concerts, plays, and other outings. The biggest highlight of 2023 was our trip to Montreat, North Carolina, where a group of 32 enjoyed the beauty and majesty of the mountains, spent time together singing and in worship, tried our hand at pottery-making, and formed new and deeper friendships in Christ. We also began planning a summer 2024 trip to Germany and Switzerland to learn about the Protestant Reformation. Together, we celebrate the gift of the body of Christ and the blessing of sharing the journey of life and faith in community.


Stewardship Second Presbyterian Church is grateful for the generosity of so many members and friends, whose faithful giving provides funding for the wonderful programs, services, food and support for our neighbors in need, learning opportunities, support groups, worship, children and youth efforts, pastoral care, and so much more. These efforts are the lifeblood of the Church and fill our beautiful building each day with energy, activity, and God’s care and love, thanks to you. Stewardship efforts in 2023 included a campaign to raise funds for the new chapel organ, and the Home Campaign which supports the Utility and Rent Assistance program and other services that help keep families safely and securely housed. On Giving Tuesday, the Congregation responded generously to help Christmas with Our Northside Neighbors. The annual In Our Hands Commitment Campaign featured videos of our members sharing their stories as we stretched to reach our pledge goal for 2024. Stewardship is about engaging our members in God’s work at Second, and about saying thank you for the gifts of time, talent, and treasure provided so generously by so many. Last spring, Porch Parties were a highlight, held in neighborhoods across the community. Members and Second friends came together in the homes of their neighbors to meet and greet one another, and to hear a thank you for their support, as well as an update on Second activities. We look forward to a second round of Porch Parties in 2024. Thank you members and friends of Second Presbyterian Church for your continuing support, engagement and generosity!

In Our Hands



Endowment In 2023, the Second Presbyterian Endowment Fund celebrated 100 years since its founding in 1923. Over those 100 years, the Endowment has grown to provide significant annual support for nearly all program areas of the Church including Footsteps of Faith, CenterPoint Counseling, our Music and Fine Arts programs, children and youth ministries, the Northside Mission Food Pantry, and our wonderful Lake Fellow Program. The Endowment’s 100th was celebrated throughout the year beginning in February at the Congregational Meeting. An Endowment Annual Report was produced for the first time in many years. Second’s Endowment Fund is one of the largest among PCUSA congregations with nearly $62M in assets as of December 31, 2023. It is well managed by a Board of Trustees that meets quarterly. A new charitable gift annuity program was launched in 2023 offering members an opportunity to create a charitable annuity that has tax benefits and will provide lifetime income for them as well as benefit the future of Second Presbyterian Church. Contributions to the Endowment are joyfully received at any time during the year and can be directed to benefit many different causes at Second Presbyterian Church.


Second Presbyterian Church


Endowment Fund 2022



Mission Northside Food Pantry served 8,508 families in 2023, making 673 home deliveries, an increase of 15% from the year before. With this success came an increased need for volunteers, currently requiring around 80 volunteers plus three staff each week. We just finished our second year of providing community dinners where we were able to fellowship with our Northside Neighbors. In September, Second Church hosted the Interfaith Panel Build with Habitat for Humanity, joining together with 32 faith community members and building two panel homes in just one morning. $125,000 was raised and Second had 44 out of the 200 volunteers who graciously came to serve that day. Our mission outreach speaks to our desires to be impactful and relational in our community. Second’s new partnership program with Fay Biccard Glick called F.A.S.T. (Families Accelerating, Sustaining and Thriving) provided 10+ fully trained volunteers who are ready to walk beside six families that are enrolled and moving through their goals to live a more abundant life.




In 2023, our deacons continued to serve as the hands and feet of Christ delivering meals and flowers, sharing the Lord’s Supper with our homebound members, and reaching out to those in grief with compassion and care. In addition to the deacons’ weekly ministry of home communion, our deacons together with members of our pastoral staff gathered throughout the year with members and friends of Second living at Marquette Manor, Hoosier Village, and the Barrington to share prayer and communion together in community. This year, we found comfort in worship through the Annual May Memorial Service remembering loved ones who have died, and the Advent Service of Wholeness and Healing. Our four Support Groups continued to provide space for healing and understanding, and we began a new group for those who are caring for aging parents. We re-started our Knitting and Crocheting Ministry, which allows our members to use their creative gifts to serve others by knitting and crocheting prayer shawls, winter caps, and blankets for our members and for our Northside neighbors. We give thanks for all the ways that our members, elders, deacons, and staff work through our Care Ministries and in our daily living to deepen relationships, to come together in community and in prayer, and to show up for one another in times of joy and in times of sorrow.


Church Leadership We are grateful for Second’s church officers, who are nominated and elected by our congregation. These men and women have prayerfully and faithfully guided Second through a period of intense change, keeping our focus on the work of ministry to which God calls us — to be a welcoming community of faith where Jesus Christ transforms lives.



Ruling Elders, who are entrusted with the spiritual government of the church, are elected by the congregation, ordained for life, and serve on the Session for a three-year term.

The office of deacons as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. Deacons serve in one of three areas: Community, Congregational, and Christmas with our Northside Neighbors.

Moderator/President: Rev. Chris Henry Vice-Moderator/Vice/President: Don Palmer

Moderator: Dick Poppa

Clerk of Session: Cathie Reese

Vice Moderator: Lynn Wilson

Treasurer: Brent Benge

Secretary: Jordana Marcus

Care Committee Chair: Marilyn Kuhn

Treasurer: Claire Liechty

Commitment Committee Chair: Bob Zachidny

Congregational Committee Chair: Rich Wynne

Communication Committee Chair: Jennifer Shirk

Community Committee Chair: Annette Davis

Engagement Committee Chair: Teri Cochran

Christmas with Northside Neighbors Chairs:

Formation Committee Chair: Ted Vatnsdal

Steve Matthews (Chair) and Meg Shanley (Co-Chair)

Human Resources Committee Chair: Krissy Seufert Mission Committee Chair: Fred Emhardt Operations Committee Chair: Brent Benge Strategy and Innovation Committee Chair: Don Palmer Worship Committee Chair: Sara Sears


Staff The ministries of Second are supported by a dedicated group of individuals who ensure the success of our programs, classes, and events.




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