When is the best time to move out

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Moving Out of Your Parents' House: A Guide

Are you ready to move out of your parents' house? 63% of young adults cite gaining independence as the primary reason for moving out. Other common reasons include starting a new job (18%), attending college (12%), or living closer to friends/partner (7%).

Moving out of your parents' house is a major life decision. 25-26 is the most common age range to move out However, your financial situation and ability to support yourself should be the primary factors in determining when to move out, not your age

Determine If You're Truly Ready

Before taking this significant step, assess if you're emotionally and financially prepared Moving out requires a stable income source to cover rent, utilities, groceries, and other expenses. To prepare for moving out:

● Examine your finances

● Make a monthly budget

● Determine how much to spend on rent

● Check your credit score

● Save for a security deposit

● Budget for furnishings and moving costs

The average rent in the U S is $1,713 for an apartment as of March 2024 according to RentCafe Experts recommend spending no more than 30% of your gross monthly income on rent

Having a good credit score, ideally above 650, will help you qualify for an apartment. Save up for a security deposit, which is typically one month's rent Factor in additional costs like furniture, moving expenses, renters insurance, and utility setup fees when budgeting

Find Suitable Housing

Research neighborhoods aligning with your needs - proximity to work/college, amenities, safety, and affordability. Decide between renting an apartment or buying a house based on your finances Secure housing before giving notice to your parents

Discuss With Parents

Have an open conversation with your parents about your decision While exciting, moving out impacts your relationship dynamic. Discuss visit plans to maintain your bond. Your parents' advice on budgeting, housekeeping, and adulting can be invaluable

Make a Moving Plan

Compile a checklist covering packing supplies, hiring a cleaning service, changing address, setting up utilities and renter's insurance at the new place Decide what belongings to keep, donate or discard. Start packing non-essentials early.

Create a Moving Timeline

The best time to move is mid-September through April, which is the off-season for moving.

Scheduling your move during the off-season provides several advantages:

● More availability and flexibility with professional house cleaning services

● Less competition for moving services

● Potentially lower rates from moving companies

For DIY moves, early spring or late fall are ideal to avoid extreme summer and winter weather

However, the optimal moving season depends on factors like:

● Your location and climate

● Family considerations like school schedules

● Your personal schedule and timeline

To get the best rates and dates, aim to move:

● During the middle of the month

● On weekdays rather than weekends

Always get quotes from at least three moving companies to compare rates and availability for your target move date

Build Your Starter Home

Make a list of essentials like furniture, kitchen items, cleaning supplies and purchase them gradually Accept hand-me-downs from parents/friends to reduce costs initially

Embrace Independence

While living at home can help you save money, moving out teaches valuable life skills and independence Moving out marks your first step into true adulthood While challenging, it allows you to grow, make your own choices and chart your life's course Maintain relationships, but revel in this newfound freedom.

With proper financial planning, you can successfully transition into living on your own The key is ensuring you have steady income that covers all your living expenses before taking the leap.

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