Seaside Magazine August 2020 Issue

Page 56

Why Rotary? I want to help. I like to help. In fact, I think I need to help. I was used to being an active community member back in Manitoba but as a fairly new Islander, I wasn't quite sure where and how to get involved. Enter Sidney by the Sea Rotary Club. Sure, I'd heard about Rotary Clubs over the years; exchange students, parks and raffle tickets came to mind but I didn't really understand the world of Rotary until this last year. Even though I'm still new, I'm blown away by their impact and reach. Founded in 1905 for professionals with diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas and form meaningful, lifelong friendships, they have grown to be known for their humanitarian service, both locally and globally. "The Four-Way Test" is foundational for Rotary and has stood the test of time … . Of the things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Rotary is definitely not your grandpa's place anymore – everyone is welcome, encouraged and invited! With so much competition for my time, I was unsure whether this was the organization for me. We all have to think long and hard about what we want from a group that would have a weekly spot on our calendars. For me, I wanted opportunities to: • connect with people in my area who also wanted to make the world a better place. Check! • help others (both locally and globally) in a capacity that I felt comfortable with. Check! • learn from others. Check! • have fun. Check! From serving ice cream at the Saanich Fair, to game nights to international exchanges, there is a way for everyone (and their partners) to be as involved as they'd like and you don’t have to break the bank to do it. Presently our club is highlighting a very timely mask project as well as a community uniting flag project where for only $50 you can have a Canadian flag "planted" in your yard every long weekend throughout the summer. You can find out more at Many clubs are having virtual meetings so now is a great time to easily check out numerous clubs without leaving the comfort of home. 4 5 8 1 3 9 2 6 7

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Puzzle by

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Hardly Simple

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Puzzle by

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Middle of the Road

by Stephanie Staples

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