Rowing Station and GimbledCup
In July, the Seven Seas Gallery in Nantucket, MA, celebrated the diversity of what we call Marine Art with a show highlighting the works of artist Mark C. Parsons. Originally from Marion, MA, Parsons and four childhood friends rebuilt a wrecked 42-ft. ketch and sailed it around the wo rld in the early 1990s. Though he wouldn't describe himself as a marine artist, many of his sculptures clearly show the influence of his fouryear, 30,000 mile sailing voyage. Parsons teaches drawing an d sculpture at Hunter College and archirecrure ar rhe Prarr Instirure in Brooklyn, where his studio is locared. He holds a BA in sculpture from rhe University ofMassachuserrs-Dartmourh and an MFA from Cornell University. Among orher places, his wo rk has been displayed in the Arrists Gallery at rhe San Francisco Museum of Modern Arr, rhe ISE C ultural Foundation in New York, rhe Unired Narions in New York, rhe Kennedy Center For The Arrs in Washingron, DC, rhe Provincerown Arr Museum, and rhe New Bedford Arr Museum. For more information on Mr. Parsons, see: (right) Mark Parsons' sculpture.
(left) "Security Boarding' by Stephanie Fracasso, (oil on canvas, 18 x 14 inches) "Members ofa Coast Guard Marine Safery and Securiry Team conduct an at-sea boarding ofa commerical vessel. "
In June, the Coast G uard accepted 30 pieces of original artwork inro its permanent collection. Stephanie Fracasso's oil painting "Security Boarding" was awarded rhe George Gray Award for artistic excellence in depicting rhe missions of rhe USCG . The Coasr G uard Arr Program uses fine art as an ourreach rool for educaring audiences abour rhe USCG. Through public displays at museums, galleries, libraries, and events, Coasr G uard arr rells rhe srory of rhe service's missions, heroes, and hisrory.
TI1e Annapolis Marine Arr Gallery and arrisr John Barber have announced a new parrnership, whereby the Gallery is rhe sole disrriburor and publisher of his limired edirion prims. Barber has dedicated his wo rk ro documenting rhe endangered and vanishing aspecrs of rhe C hesapeake Bay and rheArlantic coast. Mr. Barber srudied ar Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, where he received his BFA in 1969. During rhar rime, he became arruned ro rhe plighr of rhe Chesapeake Bay and has devored much of his career ro painting rhe beauty of rhis valuable and rhrearened esruary. Each year, Mr. Barber spends considerable rime in rhe field, actually working on the decks of skipjacks, buy-boats, and crab skiffs ro develop a more intimate knowledge of his subj ects. Mr. Barber is a member of the American Society of Marine Artists, TI1e Nature Conservancy, the Virginia Coasr Reserve, and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, of which he was recenrly made a rrustee, and has COU RTF.SY ANN APO LIS MARI NE A RT GALLERY made continous efforts ro protecr rhe heritage of the C hesapeake Bay. Through donations of his art work and copyrights, nearly a half-million dollars has been raised ro further the efforts of rhese non-profir conservation groups. (Annapolis Marine Art Gallery, 110 Dock St., Annapolis, Maryland 2 1401; Ph. 410 263-4100; www. Also: John Barber Arr, Inc., Ph. 804 814-475 1; www.johnbarberart. com; e-mail: (right) "Twilight Finish" by john Barber Twilight Finish depicts Wednesday Night Races at the Annapolis Yacht Club in downtown Annapolis.