Produced by INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF OUTDOOR ARTS & CIRCUS Fri 16–Sun 18 Sep 2022 In YarmouthGreat

Joe Mackintosh | Director KEY: Performances take place around the town on numbered pitches. Their locations are shown on the site plan on p40-41. Most shows are family friendly, but some may contain content unsuitable for a younger audience where we will provide age guidance or advisories. All our shows are friendly for the d/Deaf. At the festival, there will be some BSL interpreted shows. Access Stewards will be available on site for further information.
Les Commandos Percu –Silence! HH Producties
As ever, this year’s International festival brings together some of the very best artists from around the world –with over 45 companies and solo artists from Argentina, Spain, France, Belgium, Zimbabwe, The United States, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England. The programme is a rich mix chock full of UK and World Premieres and new creations, including many Out There Arts co-productions created through residencies here at the Drill House in Great Yarmouth. The festival is also spreading out across space and time. We are working with local communities and partners, Freshly Greated to produce a series of ‘Stirrings’ across the week followed by the town centre festival kick off on the Friday night. There is a huge weekend programme spread across town including our growing seafront programme supported by Visit Great Yarmouth. On Saturday Night French legends ‘Les Commandos Percu’ will process from the park to the beach for ‘Silence’ –their incredible percussion and pyrotechnic spectacular. It’s a fabulous edition and entirely free to the public so make the most of it – you may need more than one day here to do that.
outtherearts_ukouttherearts1outtherearts Make & Do | 32 Eat Street | 34 Diary | 36-39 Festival Map | 40-41 Accessible Out There | 42 Greener Out There | 43 Beyond Out There | 44 Festival Thank Yous | 46 Cover image: Lizzy @cutpastestickrepeatGuyWelcometothe14th
edition of Out There! We were all hugely moved by the incredible audience response to last year’s festival. We were one of the very few large festivals in the UK to be able to go ahead in full form in 2021 during a very challenging year and this year we are delighted to present the festival in what we hope will be something more akin to ‘normal’ circumstances.
(p20) ©

Osian Meilir – Qwerin (bach) (p24) StirringsNeighbourhood This year in the week leading to the festival, we’re rallying the community with some Out There performances in key locations around the town. See p4 to find out more. KEEP Out There FREE! Out There Festival is produced by Out There Arts, a registered charity (1063853). By making a small donation to our on-site collectors you can help us continue bringing great events to Great Yarmouth. WE SUGGEST FOR YOUR GREAT DAY OUT ManoAmano –Kinematos (p22)

04STIRRINGSCOMMUNITY Tripotes La Compagnie –Encore Une Fois (p29) Les Commandos Percu –Silence (p20) Be Flat – Follow Me (p7) Below: Farm Yard Circus (p13) As the drum beats grow increasingly louder, the festival approaches. The local community readies itself for a weekend of the most outrageous and inspiring outdoor arts and circus performance in the UK. To aid with these preliminary celebrations, we’re programming surprise performances in various areas of the Great Yarmouth borough. Visit to find out the programme schedule and more. Weds 14 & Thu 15 Sep Cobholm | Malakoff | Blackfriars | Magdalen Estate In collaboration with CPP Freshly Greated On your doorstep…

05 KICKFESTIVALOFF!WITHPARTYINTHEPARK Kick off the Out There Festival experience with an array of fine music, projections, circus performance, drinks and food to get yourself ready to drop into a weekend of the most awe-inspiring performances and breath-taking arts. St George’s Park | Fri 16 Sep | 5-10pm Ales Fine local ales from brewerYarmouthGreatLacons. Food A selection of EatfooddeliciousfromStreet. cocktails cocktailsExclusive from the Gonzo’s Tea Room cocktail team. Jones & Barnard – Medicine Show (p19)

ProgrammeWeekend ADRENALISM (GB-SCT) Hey SolutionsClimateTextIdiots,MeYourChange INTERACTIVE THEATRE Warren and Stew are two middling public relations managers from a fossil fuel multinational. Faced with an existential crisis to humanity that is probably of their own making, corporate have tasked Warren and Stew to charm, hassle, cajole and provoke you into contributing imaginative blue-sky thinking solutions to climate change. PITCH 12 Sat & Sun: 1.20pm & 3.20pm 30 mins ARDAL (GB-CYM)BICNIC ForagingSound WALKABOUT Join Ardel Bicnic on an ambient ramble around the festival for a foraging of samples and soundscapes that surrounds our everyday lives. Using portable backpacks, have a go with contact soundhydrophonesmics,andsoundpedalstocreateloops. PITCH WR Sat: 12noon & 3.40pm Sun: 12noon & 3.30pm 45 mins OUT THERE PRODUCTIONSUPPORTEDARTS Production supported by Four Nations Outdoor Arts Bursary06 MorwennaRosey©

BE FLAT (BE) UK Premiere… Follow Me PARKOUR | CIRCUS Discover Great Yarmouth in a unique way as the town transforms into a stage with the skyline as a backdrop, the cobblestones as a dance carpet and the traffic as a soundscape. Follow two ‘urban acrobats’ as they interpret the space with daring stunts and fluid movement. PITCH 20 Thu, Fri, Sat & Sun: 6pm 60 mins OUT THERE SUPPORTEDARTSPRODUCTION In collaboration with CPP Freshly Greated 07 BOOKTicketedFREEshowONLINE RosiersWillem©

BESIDES COLLECTIVEOURSELVES(UK) The CourtRoving WALKABOUT Children – bring your parents to justice. The pompous Right Hon. Judge Titebottom and the greasy barrister, Mr F.Arts Loudly are here to bring justice for your parent’s naughtiest childhood crime in a trial by child jury. PITCH WS Sat: 12.50pm & 3pm Sun: 12.50pm & 2.55pm 30 mins OUT THERE SUPPORTEDARTSPRODUCTION Production supported by Four Nations Outdoor Arts Bursary 08 BraidwoodGraeme©

09 CHRIS LYNAM (ZW) The Beast of Theatre CIRCUS | THEATRE A man with an Eraserhead haircut says don’t be afraid to caress the beast… it only wants to play! Indescribably wild and wondrous physical comedy from Chris Lynam, the infamous iconoclastic clown. PITCH 6 Sat: 2.05pm & 5pm Sun: 2.10pm & 5pm 50 Recommendedmins age 16+ Show contains nudity and adult references BILLY READ (UK) Forbidden Identity DANCE Forbidden Identity explores the personal struggle of a Deaf child growing up in a hearing world; denied access to British Sign Language and a Deaf community. Using street dance, tutting, mime, and sign language to explore themes of isolation, frustration and communication barriers. PITCH 1 Sat: 12.25pm & 3pm Sun: 12noon & 2.30pm 20 mins SandyEmilie©

10 CURIOUS CO. (UK) Dept. Complaintsof INSTALLATION In support of our national pastime (grumbling), Curious Company’s Department of Complaints would be delighted to see you. Need to vent, air an issue, noticed a niggle? No grumble is too big or too small. Post it on the board or if you want to take it further come into the office and fill out a form. Let’s grumble! PITCH 13 Sat & Sun: 12.15pm & 2.45pm 90 mins DAISY BLACK (UK) FERAL CIRCUS | FILM Feral adj. – in a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication. FERAL is a cross-artform project combining circus performance, short film, original prose, bespoke music and fine art. It explores a reconnection with the land, drawing on the folklore and ecology surrounding each pivotal moment of the year, the process of rewilding and seasonal ecology. PITCH 5 Sat: 7.25pm 50 mins OUT THERE SUPPORTEDARTSPRODUCTION

11 OFDEPARTMENTGRUFF(UK) D.O.G MUSIC D.o.G is an all singing all playing comedy pastiche band in complete dog regalia. Howl along to well loved tunes dished up by this pack of versatile mutts as they ramble and shamble along the streets of Great Yarmouth in musical delight. PITCH 17 & 6 7pm:Fri: pitch 6 2.40pm:Sat: pitch 17 5.55pm: pitch 6 40 mins

DRILLAZ CIRCUS SCHOOL (UK) World Premiere… Drillaz ShowcaseFestival CIRCUS Roll up! Roll up! The Drillaz Circus School is in town! Led by Head Tutor Raul Cañas, prime yourself for a spectacular display of circus skills as our youth circus stars deliver another dazzling performance. PITCH 9 Sat & Sun 2.50pm | 40 mins OUT THERE PRODUCTIONARTS Sponsored by 12 EILIDH REILLY (GB-SCT) Alright Doll INSTALLATION Interrogate the myth of the unlucky woman and reject mainstream portrayal of gender based street harassment and violence in this interactive outdoor artwork. PITCH 10 Installation: 2pmPerformances12noon-5pm–Sat&Sun:&4pm|45mins OUT THERE SUPPORTEDARTSPRODUCTION Production supported by Four Nations Outdoor Arts Bursary JMAPhoto:Photography

13 FARM YARD CIRCUS (UK) Farm CircusYard CIRCUS Bring the cows home with oldtime tunes and raucous rhythms and a juggling suite composed of hay bales, wheelbarrows, a tractor tyre, and even an old scarecrow. Who knew farm life was such a circus spectacle? PITCH 11 Sat & Sun: 1.15pm & 5.05pm In45minscollaboration with CPP Freshly Greated

HALF A STRING (UK) The Puppet Van Presents The Lost Colour PUPPETRY | THEATRE Malcolm Brushell, a professional painter and amateur alchemist is on a quest to find the pinky-est pink paint on the planet. From cracking rocks, mashing vegetables and even bottling a spritz of cow’s wee, he has created every colour imaginable…except for that rascally illusive pink. Can you help him? PITCH 8 Sat & Sun: 12noon, 1.30pm, 3.30pm, 4.40pm 20 mins 14

HANDS DOWN CIRCUS (UK) Tape That ACROBATICS A charming acrobatic duet navigates a colourful and malleable world constructed with tape. As the physical world around them is stretched to create barriers and obstacles – the two wonder how many problems can be fixed with a few rolls of tape. PITCH 19 Sat & Sun: 12.50 & 3pm 30 mins OUT THERE SUPPORTEDARTSPRODUCTION Production supported by Four Nations Outdoor Arts Bursary 15HainsworthNeil©

16 ICHI (JP) One BandMan MUSIC Hilarious, bonkers, brilliant. ICHI, from Nagoya in Japan, takes the notion of a one-man band to new limits, combining his quirky instrument.objectsallHatbox-pedal-drumKalilaphone,ranginginstrumenthandmadeinventionsfromStilt-bass,Balloon-pipes,andmannersofeverydayturnedmusical PITCH 16 Sat: 12.30pm & 3.25pm Sun: 12.30pm & 2.45pm 45 mins JOHNSONISHARIAH (UK) World Premiere… Stormskater SKATING One of the UK’s best roller skaters thunders down to Out There. Stormskater gives us insight into the sport and its community, as well as exploring issues of appropriation, ownership, authenticity, and the fundamental need for space. PITCH WT Sat & 1.05pm,Sun:2.50pm & 4.20pm 20 mins

17 JOLI VYANN (UK) Timeless CIRCUS | DANCE A daredevil yet poignantly sensitive representation of time, irreversibility and climate change. Joli Vyann uses their unique and dynamic style of dance, circus and theatre on a 7m high rotating hourglass, to tell the story of civilisation as we know it and its fragile relationship with time and nature. PITCH 14 Sat & 351.50pmSun:&4.25pmmins OUT THERE SUPPORTEDARTSPRODUCTION Co-commissioned by Without Walls Consortium Sponsored by

18 JON HICKS (UK) The Visionary THEATRE/COMEDY Fantastical wisdom and mystical powers from beyond knowledge! From a dramatic, funny, enthralling, faith free, street prophet of our times! With his adherent, Reuben, he reflects and reacts to modern life and its surroundings. Predictions, illusions, proclamations and panic abound. He can sow insight, confusion and uncertainty in his “audience”. Be expectant to bear witness to Maxims, Magic and Maybe Mayhem. PITCH 15 Sat & Sun: 1.20pm & 4.15pm 45 mins OUT THERE SUPPORTEDARTSPRODUCTION

19 LA CIE (FR/IT/CH)DETASOUER UK Premiere… Monta Tanto DANCE | THEATRE Our society is a whirlwind and it has wreaked havoc on our bodies and communities, transforming us into wistless husks. Drawing on folklore and popular culture, we’re invited to return to a playful nature, wonderful diversity and the essential. PITCH 7 Sat: 1.55pm & 6.35pm Sun: 1.55pm & 6pm 50 Containsmins mild nudity Recommend 16+ JONES & BARNARD (UK) ShowMedicine COMEDY Purveyors of the finest ‘Tosh’, an elixir of youth and vitality; the esteemed intellectuals Jones and Barnard have unleashed their own brand of quackery, healing and duplicitous doctoring on an unsuspecting audience. See with your own eyes as the bland, bald and bucolic are miraculously ‘cured’. PITCH 19 Sat & Sun: 1.25pm & 3.35pm 40 mins In collaboration with CPP Freshly Greated LopezAinara©

OUR RETURNSNIGHTSATURDAYPARADE Don’t miss! 20 MUSIC | THEATRE Silence… A cacophony of drums rumbles through the air as musical pyrotechnicians storm the streets of Great Yarmouth. An intimately present troupe of French artists, Les Commandos Percu headlines our Saturday Night Spectacular and with them brings the concept of silence – the sound that exists between two notes. Post-apocalyptic and rife with animalistic sound and raging fire, Les Commandos Percu gives us music that speaks to the guts, energy in motion, street to street amongst the public, they enlighten the sky with their spectacular grandeur. A truly unique visual sensation that can only be understood by experiencing it first hand! SILENCE! LES COMMANDOS PERCU (FR) UK Premiere… PITCH 1 Sat: 9pm | 60 mins

21 Les Commandos Percu – Silence! at the Out There Festival 2022 is a community collaboration with local volunteers with support from Freshly Greated and the HSHAZ Cultural Consortium. © G. Courtois Sponsored by

MANOAMANO (AR) UK Premiere… Kinematos CIRCUS A duo of acrobats stand atop a Chinese pole. Tension rides high, ready to break as the floor far below looms closer. Follow these tender characters as they battle with the ground, trying to fly while sharing sweet, and naughty humour. PITCH 2 Sat: 2.25pm & 4.05pm Sun: 1.55pm & 4.25pm 30 mins MISCHITELLIMARGHERITA(IT) UK Premiere… Amore Pony CIRCUS A journey to discovery of femininity between fairytale suggestions and grotesque implications. Narrated by an eccentric and naive protagonist who will lead you inside the elusive world of desire made of unstable equilibriums and talking mini ponies. PITCH 12 Sat & 12.25pmSun:& 2.25pm 45 Sponsoredmins by22

MATTHEW KEYS (GB-SCT) FactoryAstonishment CIRCUS | THEATRE IS IT YOU? Take a slice out of your day. Rise up and discover if you are the chosen one. Join a member of the Order of the Venerable Crust and gain a deeper understanding of yourself with a personal reading. Perhaps you are the chosen one? PITCH 19 Sat & 452.10pmSun:&4.20pmmins OUT THERE PRODUCTIONSUPPORTEDARTS Production supported by Four OutdoorNationsArtsBursary OFELIA BALOGUN & KIM NOBLE (UK) TIDAL DANCE A duo of dancers explore their Welsh, Norman and Yoruba roots to find common ground with mythology and cosmology, celebrating their ancestry and feminine lineage. PITCH 3 Sat: 2.25pm & 3.50pm Sun: 2.25pm & 3.45pm 15 mins OUT THERE SUPPORTEDARTSPRODUCTION Production supported by Four Nations Outdoor Arts Bursary 23 MATTHEW HARRISON (UK) Actual Reality Arcade INTERACTIVE | INSTALLATION The Actual Reality Arcade reaches its 100th edition at Out There. Celebrate the milestone with brand new games and its never-seenbefore beach location. A life-sized interactive game zone for all ages, inspired by classic arcade games where you play for real. PITCH ARA Sat & Sun: 12noon–5pm OUT THERE SUPPORTEDARTSPRODUCTION The Actual Reality Arcade 100th edition is supported by Time and Tide Museum and Retro Games Exhibition Co-commissioned by Without Walls Consortium

24 PARTYOSIAN MEILIR (GB-CYM) Qwerin (bach) DANCE A contemporary dance performance that extends the boundaries of traditional Welsh folk dance. Charged with joy and taking inspiration from the pulsating energy of Queer nightlife and the weaving, flowing patterns of folk dance with a twist. PITCH 3 & 1 12.55pm:Sat: pitch 3 4.35pm: pitch 1 1.50pmSun: & 4.10pm: pitch 3 25 mins Great Yarmouth’s best outdoor party returns with eclectic DJ’s spinning sonic cocktails, multisensory experiences, a fine selection of street food, a special festival ale brewed by Lacons brewery and legendary tipples from Gonzo’s Tearoom. We certainly are getting in the spirit of the party, as we get a little more ‘Out There’ this year at the St George’s Park bar. Grab a bite from Eat Street – see p34. ST GEORGE’S PARK Fri 5-10pm, Sat & Sun 12noon ’til late | PITCH 6 Sponsored by ST GEORGE’SPARK

The Lick Vinyl legend that is Gonzo’s resident DJ, Jake the Lick, keeps the party spinning with dance worthy hits from around the world. Supported by
YOUTHCOLOSSAL Poetry and projections from Great Yarmouth’s own anarcho-art space, music rehearsal and DIY venue. music
ofDepartmentGruff Ruff and roll, howling blues – a pack of versatile mutts jam along to well loved tunes. All singing, all playing.
no Dowty – get on board B’More McVowty’s World Music Express!
ParrJason Self taught poet, sculpture artist and musician presents a unique exhibition of his past work and performance.
DJ 1000Vincent Hectic, eclectic, Britain’s most easterly vinyl obsessive that was “Propa Gangsta”.
DJ McvowtyBmore Good

RAG & BONE (UK) Jabberwock! ROVEABOUTWALKABOUT “Beware the Jabberwock, my son!” slanders Lewis Carrol. But don’t worry, this Jabberwock is a friendly and inquisitive beast, fluttering its eyelashes and burbling and whiffling its way through the town. VARIOUS PITCHES 12noon:Sat: pitch 19 2.05pm: pitch WR 6.35pm: pitch WP 12noon:Sun: pitch 19 2.05pm: pitch WR 4.05pm: pitch WP 45 mins 26 PETER SWEET & LEONIE BAKER –TINY COLOSSUS (US/UK) World Premiere… DoomFoolish THEATRE | PUPPETRY Emerging from the realm of our collective imagination, the wizard Burnhart and his loyal creature Pippa arrive with a lofty ambition: to save the world! Follow this wizard trapped in a tragicomedy debate on climate change, using contemporary mask theatre, comedy and found-object puppetry. PITCH 9 Sat & 12.20pmSun:& GaffikinJane©

SARAH MUNRO (UK) UK Premiere… Miss O’ DolliramaDazzlingGenie’s INSTALLATION Miss O’Genie and her Damnable dolls present an alternative approach to a coconut shy. PITCH MOG Sat & Sun: 12noon-6pm ROGIER KAPPERS (NL) UK Premiere… The Glass Grinder MUSIC Why did the glass organ – popular in the 18th and 19th century – almost vanish from the world? The story goes that the etheric sound of singing glasses can bring a state of trance or hypnosis. The Glass Grinder dived into its history and built the only glass organ in the Netherlands – making 52 drink glasses sing! PITCH 18 Sat: 252.15pmSun:2.10pm12noon,&4.15pm12noon,&3.40pmmins 27

TOUSSAINT TO MOVE (UK) Beatmotion Mass MUSIC | DANCE A performance of play intervention and animated communication. A dance and vocal play is taking place in your neighbourhood, where you’ll witness a community of movers and groovers embark on a journey through multiple sound tapestries and movement conversations. Take part and be witness to the power of the voice and movement combined to express and liberate. PITCH 3 Sat: 12noon & 4.15pm SPITZ & CO. (UK) World Premiere… Blue Hawaii MUSICAL COMEDY Award-winning Elvis impersonator Joe Reeve stars in his version of the classic Elvis film “Blue Hawaii”. Assisted by enthusiastic Tour Manager Josephine Cunningham, this is the musical comedy to take your world and turn it all around to Paradise. PITCH 3 Sat: 1.30pm & 2.55pm Sun: 12.55pm & 2.50pm 45 mins 28 OUT THERE ARTS SUPPORTED PRODUCTION Presented in partnership with community performers supported by Freshly Greated LythgoeTheseus© TetzlaffAnne©

TRIPOTES LA COMPAGNIE (BE) UK Premiere… Encore Une Fois CIRCUS Six shoulders, three heads and one collective – brings you a playful energy of circus, seesawing between reckless danger and perilous fragility. A trio of circus acrobats bring you a careful balance of destructive chaos on a seesaw and the delicacy of ping pong juggling. 29 PITCH 1 Fri: 8.40pm Sat: 1.40pm & 8.15pm Sun: 1.10pm & 3.40pm45min In collaboration with CPP FreshlySponsoredGreatedby LeentjesTom©

30 TWOMUCH CIRCUS (SP) UK Premiere… Get Ready CIRCUS An absurd mush-up of circus, physical theatre and comedy which talks about relationships, social conventions and love. Tablecloths will slide, cereals will fly, mugs will roll, tea will spill but this couple will manage to keep their routine ticking. PITCH 1 Sat: 12.55pm & 3.30pm Sun: 12.30pm & 3pm 30 mins OUT THERE SUPPORTEDARTSPRODUCTION Production supported by Roundabout Europe and Out There Arts VANHULLE DANCE THEATRE (UK) World Premiere… Dovetail DANCE We Rise… stripped back, all-powerful contemporary dance and a digital soundscape capture the human resolve in us all – the ability to bend but not break. At a time when the world and people are trying to reset, the past gives way to change and a future where resilience and strength have never been more important. PITCH 12 Sat & Sun 12noon, 2pm & 4pm 15 mins Rivière‘Marso’Mickaël©

31 WORKING BOYS CLUB (UK) SoundsServing MUSIC | INSTALLATION There’s nothing like a pint at your local. There’s nothing like hanging out in the beer garden at your local. There’s nothing like it. The regular’s discount, the stains, the smells, the lads, the ladies, the loos, dance moves, the banter, the booze, the bar knowing your order, the spilt drinks, the sticky shoes. Serving Sounds is a multi-sensory sound installation that serves bass rather than beer. PITCH 4 Sat & Sun 12noon-6pm In collaboration with CPP Freshly Greated PetitdemangeMike©

Make & Do 32 Putting on a Progress 1578: Immersive Experience Become a spy in 1578, through the magic of immersive technology, bear witness to see if you have what it takes to join the Walsingham’s secretive permissiontoComplete‘Watchers’.thechallengesreceiveacertificateoftospy! ST GEORGE’S PLAZA 12yrs+ Artboretum Dab your hand in handmade crafts, homemade cakes, handcrafted art and a diverse range of activity in our Artboretum at St George’s Park. An artistic collection of local traders and craft stalls. PITCH A Say it Stitchwith Need a stitch or two? Spend the time to mend some pre-loved clothing into stylish festival de rigueur! PITCH WP POP 1578: Into the Unknown In 1578 Elizabeth I and over 200 courtiers travelled into unknown lands on her annual progress. Join us to create vibrant illuminated window displays celebrating the joy of exploration, curiosity, and Elizabeth I’s visit to Norfolk. ST GEORGE’S PLAZA All Ages Explore our full workshop programme over at Workshopstobroughtyouby Photos © Katherine Mager

LoungeFestival TheDrillHouse Escape the hubbub and head to the Drill House for our festival lounge. THE DRILL HOUSE | PITCH FL Fri 6pm-’til late | Sat & Sun 12noon–late | All welcome 33 50s & 60s dance floor fillers: Hoodoo Blues, Voodoo Bop and a dash of Trash Exotica! DJ El Diablo Rojo Good music no Dowty – get on board B’More McVowty’s World Music Express! DJ Bmore McVowty Saturday night is party night with a programme of charismatic DJs... Then in the evening… During the day… Kick back with the kids with a programme of workshops and activities for families.

You’ll find locations serving food and drink on our site plan (p40-41)
BUYING A T-SHIRT Dress to impress in our exclusive 2022 festival tshirt. MAKING A DONATION You can help maintain the quality of the festival by giving a few pounds to one of our donations team or pineapple barrels.
TheDrillHouse Chill out away from the festival hubbub and grab a bite to eat and a pint at The Drill House while the kids get hands-on with some circus activity and a variety of craft workshops.
Out There is full of surprises. You may find some spread out through this programme, hidden gems in the diary, or curious findings on our website. Keep an eye out and you might just be amazed by what you may find in a town come alive with art and culture.
There’s food for every mood on EAT STREET. Head on over to Trafalgar Road next to the park for a selection of delicious eats from a variety of local vendors. The perfect recharge during the festival experience. Drop into MERMADELICA in the park for a unique alfresco experience. Delicious ice cream, fresh coffee and yummy grub throughout the weekend.
In the park
St TheatreGeorge’s Enjoy music busking on the plaza, a sandwich and a drink at the theatre’s Pavilion Café as part of our HSHAZ Zone.
Spend penny!a The Out There Festival is produced by Out There Arts, a registered charity. The festival remains almost entirely free. You can help support the festival by buying a t-shirt or making a donation.
Eats & Drinks

If you’re here with children, we recommend you write your phone number on their arm. If you lose your child, report to one of the Info Points straight away while we locate them.
WHAT ABOUT THE WEATHER?! We’re outdoors so the weather can change! Performances will continue as long as it is safe to do so. Shows may be delayed (and occasionally cancelled) at the discretion of the festival if the weather becomes too bad. We’ll keep you up-to-date on Twitter @outtherearts
US – We have official festival photographers around across the weekend capturing photos and film that we may use on social media and in future promotional material. If you do not wish to be featured, please make it known to the filmmaker/photographer. Visiting
From boutique stays to traditional seaside B&Bs, a caravan by the sea or gorgeous glamping destinations, Great Yarmouth and the surrounding area offer all sorts of wonderful ways to accommodate your festival break.
HERE TO HELP You’ll spot our Festival Hosts around the park and at the Info Points. They’ll help with enquiries, point you in the right direction and give you some festival tips. Some will also be carrying out our festival evaluation – this helps us measure the success of the festival and tell us a little bit about our audiences.
There are benches and cushions at many shows, but bringing a sit-mat or blanket always helps!
It’s vitally important and helps prove our case to funders, ensuring the festival for future years. Please do complete an evaluation if you’re asked.
the great pictures and films you take at Out There. Share them on social media and tag us:
Make a weekend of it!

36WEEKEND FESTIVAL DIARY Sat 17 Sep ARTIST SHOW PITCH Dur/Mins Page 12noon Rag & Bone JABBERWOCK! 19 45 26 12noon Toussaint to Move BEATMOTION MASS 3 45 28 12noon Working Boys Club SERVING SOUNDS 4 12-6pm 31 12noon Half a String THE PUPPET VAN PRESENTS 8 20 14 THE LOST COLOUR 12noon Eilidh Reilly ALRIGHT DOLL 10 12-5pm 12 12noon Rogier Kappers THE GLASS GRINDER 18 25 27 12noon Ardal Bicnic SOUND FORAGING WR 45 06 12noon Matthew Harrison ACTUAL REALITY ARCADE ARA 12-5pm 23 12noon Vanhulle Dance Theatre DOVETAIL 12 15 30 12noon Sarah Munro MISS DAZZLINGO’GENIESDOLLIRAMA 3 12-6pm 27 12noon Precious Plastic East LITTER ARCADE 13 12-4.15pm 43 12noon HSHAZ BUSKING SESSIONS STGP 12-4pm 39 12noon Say it With Stitch SAY IT WITH STITCH WP 12-5pm 32 12noon Curious Spark PUTTING ON A PROGRESS 1578: STGP 12-4pm 32 IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE 12noon Festival Lounge By Day… FL 12-5pm 33 12.15pm Curious Company DEPARTMENT OF COMPLAINTS 13 90 10 12.20pm Peter Sweet – Tiny Colossus FOOLISH DOOM 9 45 26 12.25pm Billy Read FORBIDDEN IDENTITY 1 20 09 12.25pm Margarita Mischitelli AMORE PONY 12 45 22 12.30pm ICHI ONE MAN BAND 16 45 16 12.50pm Beside Ourselves Collective THE ROVING COURT WS 30 08 12.50pm Hands Down Circus TAPE THAT 19 30 15 12.55pm Osian Meilir QWERIN (BACH) 3 25 24 12.55pm TwoMuch Circus GET READY 1 30 30 1.05pm Ishariah Johnson STORMSKATER WT 20 16 1.15pm Farm Yard Circus FARM YARD CIRCUS 11 45 13 1.20pm Jon Hicks THE VISIONARY 15 45 18 1.20pm Adrenalism HEY IDIOTS, TEXT ME YOUR 12 30 06 CLIMATE CHANGE SOLUTIONS! 1.25pm Jones & Barnard MEDICINE SHOW 19 40 19 1.30pm Half a String THE PUPPET VAN PRESENTS 8 20 14 THE LOST COLOUR 1.30pm Spitz & Co BLUE HAWAII 3 45 28 1.40pm Tripotes La Compagnie ENCORE UNE FOIS 1 45 29 1.50pm Joli Vyann TIMELESS 14 35 17 1.55pm La Cie deTASoeur MONTA TANTO 7 50 19 2pm Vanhulle Dance Theatre DOVETAIL 12 15 30 2.05pm Chris Lynam THE BEAST OF THEATRE 6 50 09 2.05pm Rag & Bone JABBERWOCK! WR 45 26 2.10pm Matthew Keys IS IT YOU? 19 45 23 2.10pm Rogier Kappers THE GLASS GRINDER 18 25 27 2.25pm Margarita Mischitelli AMORE PONY 12 45 22
37 ARTIST SHOW PITCH Dur/Mins Page 2.25pm ManoAmano KINEMATOS 2 30 22 2.25pm Ofelia Balogun & Kim Noble TIDAL 3 15 23 2.40pm Department of Gruff D.O.G 17 40 11 2.45pm Curious Company DEPARTMENT OF COMPLAINTS 13 90 10 2.50pm Ishariah Johnson STORMSKATER WT 20 16 2.50pm Drillaz Circus School DRILLAZ FESTIVAL SHOWCASE 9 40 11 2.55pm Spitz & Co BLUE HAWAII 3 45 28 3pm Hands Down Circus TAPE THAT 19 30 15 3pm Beside Ourselves Collective THE ROVING COURT WS 30 08 3pm Billy Read FORBIDDEN IDENTITY 1 20 09 3.20pm Adrenalism HEY IDIOTS, TEXT ME YOUR 12 30 06 CLIMATE CHANGE SOLUTIONS! 3.25pm ICHI ONE MAN BAND 16 45 16 3.30pm Half a String THE PUPPET VAN PRESENTS THE LOST COLOUR 8 20 14 3.30pm TwoMuch Circus GET READY 1 30 30 3.35pm Jones & Barnard MEDICINE SHOW 19 40 19 3.40pm Ardal Bicnic SOUND FORAGING WR 45 06 3.50pm Peter Sweet – Tiny Colossus FOOLISH DOOM 9 45 26 3.50pm Ofelia Balogun & Kim Noble TIDAL 3 15 23 4pm Vanhulle Dance Theatre DOVETAIL 12 15 30 4.05pm ManoAmano KINEMATOS 2 30 22 4.15pm Jon Hicks THE VISIONARY 15 45 18 4.15pm Rogier Kappers THE GLASS GRINDER 18 25 27 4.15pm Toussaint to Move BEATMOTION MASS 3 45 28 4.20pm Ishariah Johnson STORMSKATER WT 20 16 4.20pm Matthew Keys IS IT YOU? 19 45 23 4.25pm Joli Vyann TIMELESS 14 35 17 4.35pm Osian Meilir QWERIN (BACH) 1 25 24 4.35pm Half a String THE PUPPET VAN PRESENTS THE LOST COLOUR 8 20 14 5pm Chris Lynam THE BEAST OF THEATRE 6 50 09 5pm Festival Lounge By Night… FL 5pm-’til late 33 5.05pm Farm Yard Circus FARM YARD CIRCUS 11 45 13 5.55pm Department of Gruff D.O.G 6 40 11 6pm Be Flat FOLLOW ME 20 60 07 6.35pm La Cie deTASoeur MONTA TANTO 7 50 19 6.35pm Rag & Bone JABBERWOCK! WP 45 26 7pm Colossal Youth POETRY PROJECTIONS 5 7-10pm 25 7.25pm Daisy Black FERAL 5 50 10 8.15pm Tripotes La Compagnie ENCORE UNE FOIS 1 45 29 9pm 1 60 20SILENCE!Les PercuCommandos

38WEEKEND FESTIVAL DIARY Sun 18 Sep ARTIST SHOW PITCH Dur/Mins Page 12noon Billy Read FORBIDDEN IDENTITY 1 20 09 12noon Toussaint to Move BEATMOTION MASS 3 45 28 12noon Working Boys Club SERVING SOUNDS 4 12-6pm 31 12noon Rag & Bone JABBERWOCK! 19 45 26 12noon Half a String THE PUPPET VAN PRESENTS 8 20 14 THE LOST COLOUR 12noon Eilidh Reilly ALRIGHT DOLL 10 12-5pm 12 12noon Rogier Kappers THE GLASS GRINDER 18 25 27 12noon Ardal Bicnic SOUND FORAGING WR 45 06 12noon Matthew Harrison ACTUAL REALITY ARCADE ARA 12-5pm 23 12noon Vanhulle Dance Theatre DOVETAIL 12 15 30 12noon Sarah Munro MISS DAZZLINGO’GENIESDOLLIRAMA MOG 12-6pm 27 12noon Precious Plastic East LITTER ARCADE 13 12-4.15pm 43 12noon HSHAZ BUSKING SESSIONS STGP 12-4pm 39 12noon Say it With Stitch SAY IT WITH STITCH WP 12-5pm 32 12noon Curious Spark PUTTING ON A PROGRESS 1578: STGP 12-4pm 32 IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE 12noon Festival Lounge By Day… FL 12-5pm 33 12.15pm Curious Company DEPARTMENT OF COMPLAINTS 13 90 10 12.20pm Peter Sweet – Tiny Colossus FOOLISH DOOM 9 45 26 12.25pm Margarita Mischitelli AMORE PONY 12 45 22 12.30pm ICHI ONE MAN BAND 16 45 16 12.30pm TwoMuch Circus GET READY 1 30 30 12.50pm Beside Ourselves Collective THE ROVING COURT WS 30 08 12.50pm Hands Down Circus TAPE THAT 19 30 15 12.55pm Spitz & Co BLUE HAWAII 3 45 28 1.05pm Ishariah Johnson STORMSKATER WT 20 16 1.10pm Tripotes La Compagnie ENCORE UNE FOIS 1 45 29 1.15pm Farm Yard Circus FARM YARD CIRCUS 11 45 13 1.20pm Jon Hicks THE VISIONARY 15 45 18 1.20pm Adrenalism HEY IDIOTS, TEXT ME YOUR 12 30 06 CLIMATE CHANGE SOLUTIONS! 1.25pm Jones & Barnard MEDICINE SHOW 19 40 19 1.30pm Half a String THE PUPPET VAN PRESENTS 8 20 14 THE LOST COLOUR 1.50pm Joli Vyann TIMELESS 14 35 17 1.50pm Osian Meilir QWERIN (BACH) 3 25 24 1.55pm ManoAmano KINEMATOS 2 30 22 1.55pm La Cie deTASoeur MONTA TANTO 7 50 19 2pm Vanhulle Dance Theatre DOVETAIL 12 15 30 2.05pm Rag & Bone JABBERWOCK! WR 45 26 2.10pm Chris Lynam THE BEAST OF THEATRE 6 50 09 2.10pm Matthew Keys IS IT YOU? 19 25 23 2.15pm Rogier Kappers THE GLASS GRINDER 18 25 27 ARTIST SHOW PITCH Dur/Mins Page 2.25pm Margarita Mischitelli AMORE PONY 12 45 22 2.25pm Ofelia Balogun & Kim Noble TIDAL 3 15 23 2.30pm Billy Read FORBIDDEN IDENTITY 1 20 09 2.45pm Curious Company DEPARTMENT OF COMPLAINTS 13 90 10 2.45pm ICHI ONE MAN BAND 16 45 16 2.50pm Ishariah Johnson STORMSKATER WT 20 16 2.50pm Drillaz Circus School DRILLAZ FESTIVAL SHOWCASE 9 40 11 2.50pm Spitz & Co BLUE HAWAII 3 45 28 2.55pm Beside Ourselves Collective THE ROVING COURT WS 30 08 3pm Hands Down Circus TAPE THAT 19 30 15 3pm TwoMuch Circus GET READY 1 30 30 3.20pm Adrenalism HEY IDIOTS, TEXT ME YOUR 12 30 06 CLIMATE CHANGE SOLUTIONS! 3.30pm Half a String THE PUPPET VAN PRESENTS 8 20 14 THE LOST COLOUR 3.30pm Ardal Bicnic SOUND FORAGING WR 45 06 3.35pm Jones & Barnard MEDICINE SHOW 19 40 19 3.40pm Rogier Kappers THE GLASS GRINDER 18 25 27 3.40pm Tripotes La Compagnie ENCORE UNE FOIS 1 45 29 3.45pm Ofelia Balogun & Kim Noble TIDAL 3 15 23 3.50pm Peter Sweet – Tiny Colossus FOOLISH DOOM 9 45 26 4pm Vanhulle Dance Theatre DOVETAIL 12 15 30 4.05pm Rag & Bone JABBERWOCK! WP 45 26 4.10pm Osian Meilir QWERIN (BACH) 3 25 24 4.15pm Jon Hicks THE VISIONARY 15 45 18 4.20pm Ishariah Johnson STORMSKATER WT 20 16 4.20pm Matthew Keys IS IT YOU? 19 25 23 4.25pm ManoAmano KINEMATOS 2 30 22 4.25pm Joli Vyann TIMELESS 14 35 17 4.40pm Half a String THE PUPPET VAN PRESENTS 8 20 14 THE LOST COLOUR 4.45pm Toussaint to Move BEATMOTION MASS 3 45 16 5pm Chris Lynam THE BEAST OF THEATRE 6 50 09 5pm Festival Lounge By Night… FL 5pm-’til late 33 5.05pm Farm Yard Circus FARM YARD CIRCUS 11 45 13 5.30pm African Choir of Norfolk 1 30 6pm Be Flat FOLLOW ME 20 60 07 6pm La Cie deTASoeur MONTA TANTO 7 50 19 7pm Colossal Youth POETRY PROJECTIONS 6 7-10pm 25 39


42 Large Print Brochure Audio Format Brochure Easy Read Brochure BSL Interpretation on select shows Audio Description on select FestivalshowsAccess and Venue Multi-SensoryGuide Touch Tours and Q&A for select showsAccess availableVolunteersatinfopoints We are committed to ensure the festival is an inclusive, safe and accessible space for everyone. We have a variety of initiatives in place to remove barriers to attendance and greater engagement. IfATOUTACCESSIBLETHERETHEFESTIVALyouhaveanyaccessqueriesorfeedback please email us or call us on 01493 745458.

We’ve joined Vision: 2025 with the mission to reduce our Festival greenhouse emissions by 50% by 2025.
Inspired by classic Great Yarmouth arcade games and presented by Precious Plastic East. Near Pitch 13. Become a Green Volunteer and help us keep the festival litter free.
Use@outtherearts1recyclingfacilities at the Savefestival.upyour plastic bottle tops and have a go at the Litter Arcade on the seafront.
Out There Arts recognises we are facing a global climate emergency. We are putting measures in place to help us be more environmentally responsible across all aspects of our organisation and the events we deliver.
All of our pitches are powered by a renewable mains source. We have formulated Sustainable Trading Standards for all Artiststallholders.andstaff catering will be completely plant-based (100% meat, fish and dairy free). We are using ecolibrium’s Travel Carbon Calculator for all domestic and international artists. We have programmed shows focusing on environmental change. Be sure to check out Adrenalism (p6) and Peter Sweet & Leonie Baker – Tiny Colossus (p26). We use a local provider, Blackwell Print, who offset our printing by planting trees.
Enjoy a drink at the Festival Bar with our renewable cups. Use our water refill stations to help reduce plastic waste. Where possible walk or use public transport to attend the festival. You can also consider joining our Travel Sharing Facebook Group
HOW YOU CAN HELPWHAT WE ARE DOING Find out about our Environmental Plan at
Fire on the Water Our autumn fire spectacular returns for its second year with a unique beach edition spin on 2021’s smash hit. Visit our website to stay up to
Beyond Out There
Our ambition is to build Great Yarmouth as a UK circus and outdoor arts capital, supporting artists to develop their work here and bringing great entertainment and opportunities to local people. Much of this work now focuses around the National Centre for Outdoor Arts and Circus at The Drill House, Out There Arts’ venue, and the creative engine room of the festival. Check out what else we’ve in store over the coming months… 44
Drillaz Our flagship circus school offers young people the chance to work with professional tutors, to explore and develop a range of circus skills. 2-18yrs | Prices vary Drill EventsHouse Circus, performance, poetry, spoken word, live music. Out There Arts doesn’t stop at the festival. We produce a year-round programme at The Drill House all with our signature

Signs Celebrating
for all
Fri, Sat, Sun 3D
Great Yarmouth Market Place looking south with pump, 1870-1890 ©Percy Trett Collection, Norfolk Museum Service upcoming current HSHAZ art artists. ZONE Shop the heritage and the history of Great Yarmouth’s buildings with community created 3D Shop Signs. HAZ ZONE Fri, Sat,
Sun 45
HSHAZ And More! Visit
projects. ArtWindowTrail Explore illuminated window shop art displays created by local and upcoming
Deep into the second year of the Great Yarmouth High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) Cultural Programme, the town has come alive with unique art projects inspired by its distinct heritage and community. your visit to Out There take a walk around the HAZ zone marked pink on the map and experience a vibrant and engaging art community in the public space.

ConsortiumYarmouthGreatHSHAZ The Out There Festival Team Artistic Director: Joe Mackintosh Executive Director: Veronica Stephens Communications and Development Manager: Emily Phillips Content Strategist: Marcin Rodwell Production / Facilities Manager: Tim Tracey Freelance Head of Production/Health and Safety Advisor: Ken Rankin (Blue Yonder Events) Freelance Drill House Operations Manager: Denise George Assistant Producer: Jacob Hewes Festival Intern: Tristan Symonds Freelance Festival Assistant: Xene Morrison Freelance Technical Production Management: Alex Antonis and Max Heller (Blue Yonder Events) Participation and Development Manager: Katy Kingston Participation Programme Coordinator: Taraneh Jahanpour Event Coordinator: Connor Gooch Bookkeeper: Kay Rose Caretaker: David Bloomfield Housekeeper: Reda Zaleckaite Festival MC: Dulce Duca Brochure Design: Anne Reekie Media Relations: Jungle Communications Out There Arts Board Malcolm Colin-Stokes (Chair), Jonathan Newman, Councillor Bernard Williamson, Holly Notcutt, Neil Darwin, Carol Alexandra Todd, Matthew Smith, Hannah Wooller, Neil Darwin. Also thanks to Great Yarmouth Borough Council Visit Great Yarmouth Arts Council England Freshly Greated – Creative People and Places Great Yarmouth ESAG members Drillaz Circus School Head Tutor: Raul Cañas Drillaz Circus School Tutors: Kizzy Ryall-Davies, Andrea Garcia Drillaz Circus School Assistants: Paige Wells, Misha Marjoram Discreet Security: Jason Burrage Catering: Angelo Carvalho And the many freelance event staff, crew, and volunteers as well as the sponsors, businesses and contractors who help make the festival the great success that it is! PARTNERSEVENTPRINCIPLE EVENT PARTNERS FESTIVAL FUNDERS SECTOR PRODUCEDPARTNERSBY Out There Arts is a registered charity 106385346Thank you

g y y local and established family firm of estate agents... Our professional team has a combined property knowledge and experience of over 225 years A dedicated team of well presented Celebrating 30 years, we are your local and established family firm of estate agents... PROUD SUPPORTERS OF THE OUT THERE FESTIVAL 2022 Our professional team has a combined property knowledge and experience of over 225 years. A dedicated team of well presented property professionals who are all effective communicators. We really care about you and your property. 01493 844489 01493 844489

9 July 2022 - 20 March 2023 A Gaming Journey from Arcade to ZX Spectrum Time and Tide Museum, Blackfriars Road, Great Yarmouth, NR30 3BX Curated by young people from Kick The Dust in Great Yarmouth, funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund