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BRITAIN’S relations with Brussels plunged to an icy new low last night after the latest round of Brexit talks broke up in acrimonious deadlock. Chief negotiator Michel Barnier enraged UK officials with a point-blank refusal to let the discussions move on to a new trade deal without a recognition that Britain owes the EU billions in taxpayers’ cash.

He claimed the issue was undermining “trust” in the Government and accused Britain of wallowing in “nostalgia”. But ministers hit back with a warning that we will not be bullied into backing down. EU Exit Secretary David Davis told him tersely: “I would not confuse a belief in the free market for nostalgia.” The pair traded barbs in their most frosty exchange yet after their talks

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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

35,000 Islamist fanatics are living in Britain, warns EU terror chief

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9p Af_e :_XgdXe FIVE dangerous foreign criminals a day are being freed to wander Britain’s streets, according to Home OfďŹ ce ďŹ gures. Some 1,885 offenders were released in the year to June after ďŹ nishing sentences. They included killers, sex attackers, robbers and drug dealers. The ďŹ gure is up 10 per cent on the previous year. Thousands of criminals are being “managed in the communityâ€?. A total of 5,728 foreign-born criminals due to be deported are living in Britain.

9p D`Z_X\c Befnc\j BRITAIN is home to as many as 35,000 Islamist fanatics, with 3,000 said to be of concern to MI5, the EU’s anti-terror chief warned yesterday. The EU counter-terrorism coordinator Gilles de Kerchove said terrorists are preparing atrocities “under the radarâ€? and that the bloc “will suffer more attacksâ€?. And he insisted more bollards – similar to those installed on bridges across the UK capital after attacks in Westminster and London Bridge – are needed to protect “easy targetsâ€?. “The United Kingdom has identiďŹ ed 20,000 to 35,000 radicalsâ€?, he said. “Of these, 3,000 are worrying for MI5, and of those 500 are under constant and special attention. “I wouldn’t like to put a concrete ďŹ gure on it, but (in Europe) tens of thousands, more than 50,000.â€? And he added: “We must select those who are really worrying and the most dangerous, and they should be monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week.â€? Mr de Kerchove said would-be terrorists no longer had to go to Syria, where Islamic State has its stronghold in Raqqa. He cited attacks such as the Manchester Arena suicide bombing in which Salman Abedi killed 22 people in May after being radicalised online while living in the UK He said: “They succeeded in preparing the attacks under the radar. The propaganda of the organisation no longer requires people to go to the Caliphate. “They can attack in their places of origin, including on a small scale with home-made weapons.â€? Trucks, vans and cars have emerged as the new weapons of choice for terrorists, Mr de Kerchove said. Mohamed Bouhlel massacred 86 when he used a lorry to plough into crowds celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France, last year. Twelve people were killed in a

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J_XdYc\j EU counter-terror chief Gilles de Kerchove similar attack at a Christmas market in Berlin in December. A van was also used to kill 16 people on Las Ramblas in Barcelona earlier this month. Mr de Kerchove called for major cities across Europe to be redesigned to stop terrorists being able to crash into large crowds using vehicles. He said: “We must work more at protecting so-called easy targets. “Bollards and the redesigning of pedestrian streets are necessary. “There is a clear effect of imitation in terrorism and it seems clear that something like Barcelona will happen again.â€? While terrorists have so far favoured low-tech methods, he said IS could soon begin launching cyber-attacks. He said: “I would not be surprised if in the next ďŹ ve years it happens. Not that it works but that they try. One should not underestimate the potential of IS.â€?

Nearly a third have been loose for more than ďŹ ve years and 2,246 have dodged deportation for more than a year. Only two out of 484 offenders freed between April and June were kicked out. Liberal Democrat MP Alistair Carmichael said: ‘These ďŹ gures show that the Home OfďŹ ce is a shambles.â€? The Home OfďŹ ce said that in 2016/17 it removed more than 6,340 foreign national offenders, the highest total ever. More than 37,000 have been removed since 2010.

One in four pensioners struggling to pay bills ONE pensioner in four is struggling to pay bills as campaigners warn that eradicating poverty among the elderly is “not a job doneâ€?. As many as 2.8 million people aged over 65 have to watch every penny with 800,000 unable to afford even the basics, according to a survey by the charity Age UK. More than a million are unable to meet an unexpected expense of ÂŁ200, while nearly as many would be unable to replace a broken oven. Being able to keep their homes warm is a problem in the winter for over 500,000 pensioners while 700,000 are unable to keep their homes damp-free Yet ÂŁ3.5billion in beneďŹ ts go unclaimed every year, including help with council tax demands. Caroline Abrahams, charity director at Age UK, said: “Today we are at risk as a society of blithely assuming that every older person is comfortably off, but these new ďŹ gures show that to be way off the mark. “With so many older people worried about being hard up it is certainly not ‘job done’ when it comes to ending pen-

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JfZ`Xc 8]]X`ij :fii\jgfe[\ek sioner poverty. Trying to make ends meet on a low income is a big challenge at any age, but if you are an older person living on your own who is praying your ageing television somehow keeps going, because you know there is no way you’ll ever be able to afford to replace it, life becomes especially grim.â€? The charity surveyed 1,300 older people about their money worries for a report, Poverty In Later Life. Pensioners are urged to contact Age UK so they can ďŹ nd out if they are entitled to ďŹ nancial help from the state. The research found that about 286,000 older people are unable to pay regular bills, while 1.3 million are left isolated and lonely as they have no access to a car and cannot afford a taxi. According to ofďŹ cial ďŹ gures, retired households have tripled their incomes in the past 40 years, substantially narrowing the gap in earnings with working-age households. Back in 1977 the average pensioner household’s income was worth ÂŁ10,500

at 2016 prices – just 52 per cent of the ÂŁ20,200 earned by non-retired households. But by the ďŹ nancial year ending in 2016, those pensioner incomes had risen to ÂŁ29,500, according to the OfďŹ ce for National Statistics. However, the number of pensioners living below the poverty line has now increased to 1.9 million (16 per cent) in the UK. This is calculated as living on an income below 60 per cent of the median household income. The average retired pensioner lived on a state pension (including pension credits) of ÂŁ11,018 last year. A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said: “By introducing the triple lock and protecting the poorest through Pension Credit, we have reduced pensioner poverty. “Other support, such as winter fuel payments, should give older people the assurance that they can turn up their heating when they need to, without the fear of an unaffordable bill.â€? l Visit ageuk.org.uk or call 0800 678 1174 for free information and advice.

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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017


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Gwyneth Paltrow admits her romantic life is a minefield – and now her website is being sued

FROM macrobiotic diets and perking up your sex life to how to treat ailments you did not know you had, Gwyneth Paltrow’s aspirational website Goop offers a glimpse into her perfect lifestyle. But the Oscar-winning actress can be as mortal as the rest of us – and has confessed she is terrible at relationships. Gwyneth, 44, is currently dating writer Brad Falchuk, co-creator of the hit musical comedy show Glee. But she famously “consciously uncoupled” from Coldplay lead singer Chris Martin, 40, in 2014 after 10 years of marriage and two children – Apple, 13, and Moses, 11. They were divorced last year but remain friends. At 24, she was engaged to Brad Pitt, whom she dated from 1994 to 1997, but said she called it off because she was not ready for marriage. She also had a three-year on-off relationship with actor Ben Affleck from 1997 to 2000. Paltrow yesterday admitted that the ending of the relationships were largely her fault. She said: “Oh my God, I’ve ruined so many relationships. I’m a pretty good friend and sister and daughter, but I am at my potentially most vulnerable in the romantic slice of the pie.” Recalling her time with Pitt – who went on to marry Friends actress Jennifer

Ê@ Xd dfjk mlce\iXYc\ `e k_\ ifdXek`Z jc`Z\ f] k_\ g`\Ë Aniston before leaving her for Angelina Jolie, whom he is currently divorcing – she said: “I ****** that up, Brad!” But her romantic life is not the only thing to land Gwyneth in hot water. In July, Goop was forced to take down claims that products sold on the site were based on NASA technology. Goop claimed that a £100 packet of stickers said to be made from “NASA spacesuit material” could “rebalance energy frequency in our bodies”. Mark Shelhamer, former chief scientist at the US space agency’s human research programme, said: “Wow. What a load of BS this is. Not only is the whole premise like snake oil, the logic doesn’t even hold up. If they promote healing, why do they leave marks on the skin when they are removed?” The watchdog organisation Truth In Advertising last week launched a lawsuit challenging the marketing of 50 products promoted by Goop but Gwneth put up a staunch defence. Of her critics, she said: “It was so deeply unfair and I wish people would do their homework before they are vitriolic about it.” She insisted she would not hide from the backlash, adding: “Going into a hole is exactly the opposite of the lesson.” Goop was started in 2008 and has grown into a multimillion pound business endorsing “wellness” products such as £50 jade eggs that women wear internally to prevent uterine prolapse or crystals to treat infertility.

Gwyneth has been linked to a string of celebrity partners including, top, Brad Pitt, middle, Ben Affleck and, left, Chris Martin, the father of her two children. She is now with Brad Falchuk, inset

Terror suspect ‘got lost on way to Windsor Castle’

Court sketch of Chowdhury ***

A SUSPECTED terrorist accused of attacking police with a Samurai sword outside Buckingham Palace got lost after trying to use his Sat Nav to get to Windsor Castle, it was claimed yesterday. Uber driver Mohiussunnath Chowdhury, 26, was instead taken to a nearby pub, where he is then said to have decided to head towards Buckingham Palace. Bangladeshi-born Chowdhury, who has British citizenship, allegedly drove

9p D`Z_X\c Befnc\j a blue Toyota Prius towards a marked police car on Constitution Hill around 8.30pm last Friday. He stopped about two feet away and officers approached him, London’s Westminster magistrates court heard. Mark Carroll, prosecuting, said: “Officers approached the vehicle and spoke with the male driver and as they did so the male took hold of a large sword from inside the vehicle and


whilst still in the vehicle, shouted ‘Allahu akbar’ several times.” During an alleged struggle with police, he was sprayed with CS spray, the court heard. Three officers suffered minor injuries. No members of the Royal Family were at the Palace at the time. Evidence from the dashboard camera of the car appears to show the suspect leaving his home at around 6.30pm after typing “Windsor Castle”. An hour later, he was outside a pub,

according to reports. Chowdhury, of Luton, made a brief appearance at court yesterday, charged with preparing an act of terrorism. He allegedly left a suicide note, telling his sister: “By the time you read this, I will be with Allah.” Wearing a grey prison tracksuit, softvoiced Chowdhury spoke only to confirm his name, age and address. He was remanded in custody to appear at the Old Bailey on September 21.


Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

=fli flk f] Ôm\ 9i`kfej [\dXe[ XZk`fe Xj X d`cc`fe `cc\^Xc `dd`^iXekj Ê^f d`jj`e^Ë BRITAIN is probably home to more than one million illegal immigrants who may never be found, experts warned last night. The number includes those who were smuggled into the UK or entered on false papers, those overstaying their visas and failed asylum seekers who disappear. Eight in 10 people believe the Government should take stronger measures over illegal migration, according to a British Social Attitudes poll. Alp Mehmet, of Migration Watch UK, said: “We have long pointed to the likelihood of something in

9p >`c\j J_\c[i`Zb excess of a million illegal immigrants here. We have no reason to change that view. “Indeed, it is a figure that has been supported by a former head of the UK Border Agency as well as the former head of Home Office enforcement.” Until 2005 the Government insisted no estimate was possible. But a year later a Home Office report estimated there were 430,000 in the UK. In 2009 the London School of Economics suggested it totalled 618,000.

Last year one migrant was caught trying to sneak in every 10 minutes. Official data showed 56,132 attempts. It relates to the number intercepted by Border Force but no one knows how many made it here undetected. The Home Office said: “It is harder than ever before for those with no right to be here to remain in the UK. Whether it is working, renting a property, opening a bank account or driving a car, we can now take tougher action on those who flout the law.”

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Deadlock demands =IFD G8>< FE<

ended unexpectedly early having made virtually no progress on key issues. Patience with the negotiations appeared to be wearing thin at Westminster last night. Senior Brexit-backing MPs believe the veteran Eurocrat is attempting to railroad the UK into paying more and giving in to EU demands. Former Tory Cabinet minister John Redwood said: “Mr Barnier should realise that there is no legal obligation for Britain to pay anything at all. “It is manifestly in the EU’s interests that he gets on with building a strong future relationship, which is what Britain is offering. “He is very lucky that the UK Government has made such a generous offer on trade. The UK always pays its bills when they are properly constructed. We don’t pay bills for things we haven’t had and for expenditure after we have left.” Tory backbencher Charlie Elphicke, a supporter of the Eurosceptic group Change Britain, said: “The EU’s stubbornness and inflexibility is doing little to aid the progress of negotiations. Many of the key issues in the withdrawal talks are inextricably linked to our future trading relationship, therefore Brussels must be willing to move forward to the next stage of discussions.

@ii`kXk`fe “Both sides can then work towards a deal which benefits citizens and businesses across the UK and EU.” After four days of wrangling between the British and EU negotiating teams at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, the talks broke up more than four hours ahead of schedule yesterday. They are due to reconvene next month but the agenda will be dominated by the same sticking points, including the massive divorce fee sought by Brussels. At a news conference filled with testy exchanges, Mr Barnier admitted there had been “no decisive progress” on key issues. In one menacing aside, he insisted his “determination” should not be read as anger. “If I do get angry sometime, it will be obvious,” he warned. The diplomat hinted that talks may have to be intensified, suggesting

Theresa May in Tokyo yesterday they may need more frequent meetings. He voiced deep irritation that Mr Davis’s team had refused to accept EU claims that Britain was “legally obliged” to honour a string of financial obligations that extend beyond the official exit date in March 2019. The EU insists Britain should remain committed to a series of loans to Ukraine and a string of countries in Africa and other parts of the world as well as a series of environmental and infrastructure projects. “In July the UK recognised that it has obligations beyond the Brexit date but this week the UK explained that these obligations will be limited to the last payment to the EU project before departure,” Mr Barnier said. He once again refused to spell out the potential exit bill. European Commission sources have suggested it could reach an eye-watering £90billion. Mr Davis responded by defending the Government’s right to “rigorously” question every detail of the EU’s financial demands. “It will, of course, lead to difficult exchanges – nobody will pretend it was anything but a tough exchange this week – but I think the British taxpayer would expect nothing less,” he said. Mr Davis warned that the two

Japan set for deal BRITAIN is set to agree a quick trade deal with Japan after the country’s leader said he had faith that Britain would continue to be an attractive place for his country’s businesses to invest. Speaking on the second day of Theresa May’s three-day visit, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the Japan-EU trade treaty now being negotiated would form the basis of a post-Brexit deal with the UK. Japan’s agreement to seek to establish a partnership with Britain which could come quickly into force after Brexit is seen as a significant victory by the UK side. Mrs May said: “Our intention is that the UK will be free to sign new bilateral trade agreements with partners around the world in any interim Brexit period, and we have agreed here today that we want to see a swift conclusion of the ambitious EU-Japan economic partnership agreement. Prime

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;\glkp Gfc`k`ZXc <[`kfi# `e Kfbpf Minister Abe and I have agreed that as we exit the EU we will work quickly to establish a new economic partnership between Japan and the UK, based on the final terms of that agreement. “We will set up a new joint working group to examine how we can unblock remaining barriers to trade and take steps to build the closest, freest trading relationship.” Mrs May addressed some 250 business people at a forum in Tokyo and had separate 10-minute meetings with the chiefs of Japanese industry giants Hitachi, Nissan and Toyota, who have big investments in the UK. The discussions were described by British officials as “really positive”. Mr Abe underlined Japanese firms’ desire for “greater transparency and predictability” from Britain about /lmx

Daily Express Friday September 1 2017



as EU declares Britain’s for Brexit are ‘impossible’ Mr Johnson yesterday

Boris calls Tories to back May as leader 9p DXZ\i ?Xcc Xe[ 8c`jfe C`kkc\

Worlds apart... David Davis scratches his head as EU negotiator Michel Barnier addresses a press conference yesterday after talks broke up unexpectedly early sides were at loggerheads over what Britain will be legally due to pay on leaving the bloc through the EU’s Article 50 departure process. “It’s fair to say across the piece we have a very different legal stance, but, as we said in the Article 50 letter, the settlement should be in accordance with law and in the spirit of the UK’s continuing partnership with the EU,” he added. Mr Davis pointedly disagreed with Mr Barnier over the way the talks had gone, suggesting there had been “some concrete process”. And he repeated his call for the EU to show “flexibility” by giving up its rigid refusal to allow the trade talks to open before significant progress has been made on the divorce bill, the settlement rights of EU citizens and

on trade the Brexit process. “The UK’s departure from the EU has to be successful for the UK, the EU and global economy,” he said. “I have trust in the UK economy after Brexit. Many Japanese companies even after the Brexit vote have decided on new investments in the UK. This is testimony to Japanese companies’ expectations of the UK. “From the UK, in the EU exit negotiation, there has to be transparency and predictability to minimise any damage to the businesses. We have received that commitment and we value this greatly. Even after Brexit the UK, for business people, will continue to be an attractive, compelling place. I am convinced of that.” Later he told a press conference that new investment by Japanese companies in the UK showed the “profound trust” the companies have in the British economy.

UK expatriates and other withdrawal issues. “This is not about skipping ahead or trying to reopen previous discussions, it is about pragmatically driving the process we all want to see,” he insisted. Mr Barnier is expected to present his assessment of whether the talks can move on to the trade issue before a summit of EU leaders in October. “At the current state of progress we are quite far from being able to say that sufficient progress has taken place,” he said. And he accused the British team of making “simply impossible” demands for access to the EU’s single market. “The UK wants to take back control, wants to adopt its own standards and regulations – but it also wants to have these standards recognised auto-

matically in the EU,” he said. “This is simply impossible. You cannot be outside the single market and shape its legal order.” He added: “In some proposals I see a sort of nostalgia in the form of specific requests which would amount to continuing to enjoy the benefits of single market membership, without actually being part of it.” Meanwhile, senior Tory MP Anna Soubry last night issued a joint appeal with Labour backbencher Chuka Umunna for the UK to remain a member of the EU’s Customs Union. The two prominent Remain campaigners claimed quitting the union would be “a reckless and economically dangerous self-inflicted wound”.

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Juncker and Blair meet in same building as Brexit talks yesterday


TONY Blair inflamed anger over the stuttering Brexit negotiations yesterday with a public show of affection for chief EU bureaucrat Jean-Claude Juncker. In a highly-provocative gesture, the former Labour prime minister held a private meeting with the European Commission president as the third round of increasingly ill-tempered talks between British and Brussels officials were concluding. Mr Blair, who has been branded “Remaniac-in-chief” for his fanatical desire to halt Brexit, met the former Luxembourg premier in the same European Commission building where the talks were taking place. EU officials refused to reveal what the pair had met to discuss but insisted there was no “conspiracy”. Eurosceptics were disgusted by the embrace on such a crucial day in the Brexit talks. Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage said it was “Juncker’s kiss of death of nationstate democracy”. Tory MP Andrew Bridgen said Blair was dealing with regime that does not have Britain’s best interests at heart.

BORIS Johnson leapt to the defence of Theresa May last night following renewed speculation about her leadership. The Foreign Secretary praised her drive to get Britain out of the EU and backed her to lead the Tories for the long haul. The Prime Minister faced sniping from pro-Brussels MPs and peers within Tory ranks yesterday following her vow to lead the party into the next general election. Critics, including former ministers Lord Heseltine and Nicky Morgan, claimed she was unlikely to still be in her job by 2022 when the poll is due. But Mr Johnson said: “I’ve made it clear I’m giving my undivided backing to Theresa May. “We need to get Brexit done. She’s ideally placed to deliver a great outcome for our country. I think she gets it. She really wants to deliver it. I’m here to support her.” Mrs May also gained an ally in former Tory leader Lord Howard, who insisted she was “right” to stay on. He said the Prime Minister had “quite rightly said there is a job to be done and she is the right person to do it”. He added: “I think the Government is back on track and I think the whole of the Conservative Party should now concentrate on supporting her.”


Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

9p :pi`c ;`ofe SIR Elton John led the tributes to Princess Diana yesterday as fans turned the gates of Kensington Palace into a colourful sea of memorials for the 20th anniversary of her death. The pop superstar, 70, posted a picture on Instagram of himself with Diana and wrote: “20 years ago today, the world lost an angel. RIP.” Sir Elton, who performed a special version of his hit Candle In The Wind for Diana’s funeral, was among several members of her friendship circle to mark the anniversary. Businesswoman Rosa Monckton called Diana – godmother to her daughter Domenica Lawson – a “truly extraordinary woman”. She added: “She was everything to everybody. She broke down the walls. “She busted the myth of being a fairytale princess.” Ballet legend Wayne Sleep, who famously danced with Diana to Billy Joel’s hit Uptown Girl at a Royal Opera House Christmas concert in 1985, said he wished he had done more for her. The 69-year-old spoke to guests at a Diana remembrance service at Mildmay Mission Aids hospital, in east London. He said: “I never realised how close I was to her until she died.”


‘The world lost an angel’...Sir Elton leads tributes to Diana


Afp Fashion designer Elizabeth Emanuel posted a picture of herself and former husband David with Diana at St Paul’s Cathedral, adjusting the train on the wedding dress they made for her. She said: “Thinking of the wonderful times we spent with Diana and the great joy she brought into our lives.” Meanwhile, thousands of people converged at Kensington Palace from all over the world to honour Diana with bouquets, cards, photographs, candles, ribbons and notes. Fans laid out a spectacular floral centrepiece at the gates, with Diana’s name spelt out in 12-inch letters made of white carnations and pink roses. The group also brought along an enormous cake, topped with a picture of the Princess, which they served out in 100 portions. Organiser Terry Hatt, 82, of Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, said: “We wanted to do this today to show that she will never, ever be forgotten.” Trish Hoskin, a self-styled Diana superfan, spent £3,000 travelling from her home in Australia

Sir Elton with Diana in 1993. Above, a girl lays flowers at Kensington Palace yesterday

to lay flowers but insisted: “It has been worth every penny.” The 56-year-old software developer added: “I couldn’t come back in 1997 and I have always regretted it.” Evelyn Marie Seidel, 68, who runs the Lady Di Club Germany, flew in from her home in Holzminden, Lower Saxony, to pay her respects with a handmade card. She said: “I think maybe Diana is even more popular in Germany than she was in the UK.” In Paris,


mourners laid flowers at the site of the car accident where, alongside her lover Dodi Fayed, Diana sustained fatal injuries on August 31, 1997. Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo laid the first bouquet at the Alma Tunnel. Diana’s sons, Princes William and Harry, were understood to have spent the day at home in quiet reflection.



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20th anniversary coverage ‘mawkish’ says BBC editor 9p DXib I\pefc[j A SENIOR BBC editor yesterday said he was “bored” by the coverage of the 20th anniversary of Princess Diana’s death – describing it as “mawkish drivel”. Nick Serpell, the corporation’s obituary editor, responded to an appeal on Twitter by BBC presenter Simon McCoy for people’s thoughts on the Princess of Wales’s death in Paris in 1997. Mr McCoy had tweeted: “Broadcasting BBC News Channel live from Kensington Palace. 20 years since death of Diana – seems like yesterday. Your thoughts?” Mr Serpell quickly replied: “Bored.” The 66-year-old journalist had said in an earlier Facebook post: “Hopefully today will the last on which we have to suffer mawkish media Diana drivel.” Mr Serpell also retweeted a post by Times columnist Iain Martin on Wednesday night that

Nick Serpell...Diana story ‘boring’ read: “Incredible drivel on BBC Newsnight about Diana. “It is simply not the case that everyone capitulated to the madness that week. Millions of us didn’t.” Mr Serpell remained unrepentant last night. He said:

“People have all sorts of opinions.” He has previously spoken about how the BBC was “caught out” by Diana’s death: “Sometimes we have two prominent people dying at the same time. “The classic case I remember is Mother Teresa and the Princess of Wales, Princess Diana. “Now obviously Princess Diana pushed a lot of Mother Teresa’s coverage off because it was seen, certainly in this country, as a much more significant death.” The journalist is no stranger to controversy. Speaking in April last year, he claimed that the growing wave of celebrity deaths was the new normal. The BBC later issued a thinlyveiled rebuke to Mr Serpell. A spokesman said: “The BBC has clear guidelines covering the use of personal social media – the journalist has been reminded of them and his responsibilities.”






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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017 Picture: REUTERS

?lii`ZXe\ m`Zk`dj ]fiZ\[ kf Õ\\ YcXq\ Xk Z_\d`ZXc gcXek HUNDREDS of families left devastated by Hurricane Harvey faced new misery yesterday after a chemical plant was engulfed by an “incredibly dangerous” fire. As firecrews battled the blaze in Houston, Texas, everyone living within a mile and a half of the plant was ordered out of their homes when “noxious” gases were released during two explosions. Fifteen police officers were taken to hospital after inhaling the smoke and suffering irritation to their eyes, lungs and skin. Executives at chemical company Arkema – which makes organic peroxides – said the fumes were not

=ifd ;Xe`\c 9Xk\j `e E\n Pfib deadly, but told people to go to their doctor if they inhaled them. The first explosion happened at about 2am local time after a power failure caused by flooding. Police went from door to door ordering residents to evacuate, but there was confusion over how dangerous the smoke and gases were. Rich Rennard, an executive with Arkema, said chemicals were stored in nine ice-cooled containers and chemicals in one had caught fire after the ice melted. Mr Rennard said he “fully expects” the other containers to do

the same and said they could burn “quickly and very violently”. He added that the smoke was “noxious”, although a county sheriff said it was no more dangerous than inhaling campfire smoke. Meanwhile, as rescue teams continue to airlift victims to safety, coastguards in Houston began door-to-door searches for bodies as the waters start to recede. At least 39 people have died as a result of the hurricane and more than 100,000 homes have been damaged. The White House last night said President Trump wants to pledge $1million (£774,000) of his own money to the relief fund.

A US navy helicopter hoists a woman to safety from her flooded home in Beaumont, Texas

Cricketers run for cover after crossbow bolt lands on pitch 9p Af_e Knfd\p

CRICKETERS and fans were evacuated from The Oval ground yesterday after a crossbow bolt was fired on to the pitch. The metal-tipped bolt was fired from outside the south London home of Surrey County Cricket club and landed between two fielders. An astonished bowler was stopped in his tracks as the arrow landed a few yards from him during the Surrey versus Middlesex match. An umpire picked it up and, as players ran for the safety of the pavilion, spectators were urged to take cover before being evacuated. Middlesex County Cricket Club said on Twitter: “Play suspended at the Oval on advice of security. “Players have left the field after a crossbow bolt landed on the square.” Surrey player Stuart Meaker tweeted: “We have just officially gone off the field because a metal tipped arrow just landed on the pitch!!” The 12 to 18-inch bolt is believed to have been fired from the gas holder end of the famous ground in Kennington. Experts say it travelled about 150 yards and must have been fired from “a very powerful crossbow”. The player nearest the spot where it landed was Surrey’s Ollie Pope. A Met spokesman said police are reviewing CCTV footage from outside the ground in the hunt for the shooter. He added: “The incident is not being treated as terrorism related.” He said officers carried out a “controlled evacuation” of the ground and that police are keeping an “open mind” about the motive. There were no reports of injuries. The match was abandoned as a draw with Middlesex 214 for seven in their second innings. Middlesex were leading by 181 runs with three wickets in hand. Middlesex fan Jeremy

An umpire retrieves the crossbow bolt Lawrence said: “I was sitting by the players’ entrance and I saw all of the players and the umpires run off the pitch. I thought, ‘It’s not raining, what’s going on?’ It was a very ghastlylooking thing. It could have done damage to everybody.” England and Middlesex batsman Nick Compton joked on Twitter: “Sir Robin of Loxley [Robin Hood] has just arrived at the Oval.” But BBC commentator Dan Norcross said later: “I can’t stress enough what a dangerous weapon this arrow was. It could so easily have hurt someone and it landed eight yards from about five players.” l Officers arrested a man on suspicion of carrying a knife at Westminster Cathedral yesterday afternoon. ***

Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

9p Af_e Knfd\p A FEMALE spa owner accused of sexually assaulting a male client during a massage wept yesterday as she told how the allegation has “ruined my life”. Kerry Brocklebank, 43, denied groping the man and accused him and a masseur of concocting the claim in an attempt to sue her. The man, a keen runner, had told jurors Ms Brocklebank rubbed oil into his calves, thighs and lower back as he waited for a sports massage. He claimed she was drunk and wearing a bikini as she gave him the unwanted massage at the Huntingdon Spa, in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire. The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said he felt “violated” and alerted police. But Ms Brocklebank yesterday insisted she only touched his lower legs “for a few seconds” and did “nothing nasty”. She said she had gone into the massage room to get fresh towels and was embarrassed to find the man stripped to his underpants, Cambridge Crown Court heard.

Groping charge ruined my life, sobs spa woman

GifmfZXk`m\ The man was in a “provocative position” on the table and had been waiting for sports therapist Henry Godfree, the jury was told. Ms Brocklebank, of Huntingdon, said she rubbed lavender, lemongrass, peppermint and rosemary on to his calves to break the ice. She told the jury: “I said, ‘Are you waiting for Henry?’ He said, ‘He’s just gone to the bathroom. He’ll be back in a second’. “I picked up the towels and walked around the massage bed and placed them on the table. “While I was doing so, I was talking to him.” She said she apologised to him for being left unattended, saying: “I will start massaging your calves until he gets here.” She added: “We were both very uncomfortable. I know he knew I had caught him in the wrong position, the wrong way round with no towel, and I didn’t know what to say or do.” She believed she had interrupted

Brocklebank gave massage in a swimsuit something “personal or inappropriate” between the two men, the court heard. Ms Brocklebank told police: “When I entered the room, he looked shocked and embarrassed. I was pretty shocked and embarrassed myself because he was

lying in an inappropriate manner.” She added: “When he asked me to stop, I couldn’t believe he was serious. I said to him, ‘I’m a trained massage therapist. I will straighten your calf muscles out until Henry gets here’.” Mr Godfree walked in and “had a go at her” in a clash which made her feel “old and useless”, the jury was told. Ms Brocklebank also told officers she believed the alleged victim and Mr Godfree planned to “fabricate the incident” to gain compensation. Yesterday she sobbed as she told the jury: “They have already achieved what they set out to achieve. “They have ruined my business, ruined my home and ruined my life.” She also insisted there was “absolutely nothing sexual” about the encounter as the calf muscle is not a “sexual zone”. Ms Brocklebank said she was wearing a conservative, one-piece swimsuit with white polka dots and not a bikini. She dismissed claims she was “six out of 10 drunk” but admitted being “tipsy” after a glass of prosecco and two glasses of champagne. Ms Brocklebank denies sexual assault or an alternative charge of common assault last October. She also denies perverting the course of justice by sending threatening messages to Mr Godfree. Referring to the incident, Ms Brocklebank allegedly wrote: “Sorry, did I interrupt gay time?” Mr Godfree told the jury he is not gay. The trial continues.



Ms Brocklebank outside court yesterday. Inset, Henry Godfree

Schools told to expand to meet demand for places

Warning...Richard Watts

BRITAIN is facing an education crisis with too few secondary school places to meet demand, experts have warned. Nearly half of local councils face a shortfall within the next five years, according to the Local Government Association. The situation is so bad it wants new powers to force academies and free schools to expand. The number of children attending primary school has increased in recent years, fuelled by a rising birth rate in the 2000s. The spike is now making its

9p >`c\j J_\c[i`Zb way through the school system and recent projections indicate secondary school numbers in England are set to rise by almost a fifth over the next decade. Analysis of Department for Education data and local pupil forecasts show 125,000 children face missing out on a secondary school place by 2022 in England and Wales. Academies and free schools answer directly to the department, bypassing local council control. Richard Watts,

chairman of the LGA’s Children and Young People Board, said: “Councils have worked hard to help create almost 600,000 additional primary places since 2010. This is no small feat. “However, as those children move on to secondary schools, the majority of which are now academies, securing new secondary places in the areas where they are needed is becoming increasingly difficult. If we are to avoid this looming secondary school crisis, councils need to be able to force academy schools to expand if voluntary


agreement is impossible and must be given back powers to open new maintained schools themselves.” LGA analysis suggests 12 local authorities would face a shortfall in secondary school places from 2018/2019 without changes. That figure rises to 23 in 2019/20, 41 in 2020/21, 57 in 2021/22 and 66 in 2022/23. ¬ÊMore than 60,000 appeals were lodged by parents this year after their children were denied places at their favoured school. More than a fifth of the appeals were successful.


Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

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Hashem Abedi, 20, is said to have played a ‘key role’ in blast at concert in May

Brother of the Manchester bomber faces trial in Libya

Bomber Salman Abedi

THE younger brother of Manchester bomber Salman Abedi is to go on trial in Libya. Hashem Abedi, 20, is alleged to have played a “key role” in the suicide blast at the Ariana Grande pop concert which killed 22 people, including seven children. Libya’s chief prosecutor Al Sadiq Al Sour said yesterday: “All signs point to Hashem being directly involved, assisting his brother and collecting materials for the bombing.” He said investigations would be completed in two months “at most”, ready for a trial. But Manchester mayor Andy Burnham said last night he had “grave concerns” about the move. “Any trial conducted thousands of miles from Manchester would in no way represent justice for those affected,” he said. “It is essential that any trial connected to the attack takes place in the UK under British law.”

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Jailed, legal chief who took £300,000 from family wills 9p 8e[p Iljj\cc A SENIOR executive at a law firm who stole more than £300,000 of money families should have received in wills has been jailed for four years. Rachel Swettenham, 55, used the stash to buy a boat, cars and fund a property portfolio. She transferred the cash while acting as executor of wills in the probate department of solicitors in Stockport, Greater Manchester. The mother-of-three, who earned £32,000 a year, plus bonuses, used the money to buy a £327,000 house in Deganwy, North Wales, plus a further investment property. She and husband Roger, 55, also bought a £40,000 cabin cruiser and spent more on cars, furniture and paying off credit card debts.

JZXd Swettenham tried to cover her tracks by using “miltary-style” software to delete client files but the scam was exposed when her bosses became suspicious. Mark Deverell, senior partner at Gorvins solicitors, where she had worked for 35 years, told Manchester Crown Court that Swettenham was dismissed in 2014 when the swindle came to light. He said: “Families were victims of Rachel’s manipulation. They did not receive money that was rightfully theirs and instead Rachel and Roger enjoyed it for themselves.” Swettenham admitted fraud to the value of £316,162. Her husband admitted money laundering of £159,527. He was given a 12-month suspended jail sentence and told to do 200 hours unpaid work. The couple have since /lmx



Rachel Swettenham and her estranged husband Roger at court yesterday split up. Gorvins has refunded all the money stolen from clients. Prosecutor Maria Brannan said Swettenham had withdrawn money from the accounts of dead clients and transferred it into accounts of clients for whom she had power of attorney. In one case she transferred £187,978 from an elderly woman’s account in the months before her death. Miss Brannan said Roger Swettenham was “a knowing and willing recipient” of the money and played an active role in spending it.




Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

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AVID DAVIS has done a fine job in Brussels of fairly representing the British Government’s position and trying to find ways in which he can work together with his EU counterparts to deliver a mutually beneficial Brexit deal. Sadly his honest, flexible and pragmatic approach has not been matched by his opposite number. EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier has been more of a hindrance than a help ever since the Brexit process began. As an individual he has proved to be petty, thin-skinned and arrogant. This is hardly the sort of personality that lends itself to working with British diplomats and politicians to find a way forward. As a negotiator he has been stubborn and inflexible. His refusal to consider trade talks until we have agreed to send Brussels billions of pounds is a significant reason why more progress has not been made. It is difficult to see how we can do business with a man who shows no real interest in compromise. The Government must do all it can to appeal to the more reasonable figures on the EU side. If that fails, ministers cannot be afraid to walk away from the talks.

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REPORT reveals that nearly 80 per cent of the British public wants tougher action to deal with illegal migration. This is an issue that has largely been glossed over by the Westminster elite but with voters furious at the porous state of our borders it is not something that can be ignored. The UK Border Force is woefully under-equipped making it difficult to prevent people from coming here illegally. Meanwhile, the efforts to arrest and deport those who do sneak into Britain are simply not up to scratch. Some of the blame for this of course lies with the European human rights laws that make it so hard for the authorities to deport people. With the current strategies for tackling illegal migration proving hopelessly inept, it is no surprise that so many people want to see politicians and officials pull their socks up and start doing better.

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HILE crowds were queueing to enter Kensington Palace yesterday, the BBC’s obituaries editor let slip that he was “bored” with the coverage surrounding the anniversary of Princess Diana’s death. Love or hate her, there are few people capable of evoking such powerful emotions two decades after their death. She may be gone but she has certainly not been forgotten.

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S OTHER prime ministers have found out before her, Theresa May has just discovered that there is no way you can answer a question on your leadership intentions without inviting a barrage of speculation. Asked a straight question as to whether she would like to lead the Conservatives into the next election, she said that yes, she was in it for the long term – provoking her enemies in the party, including Lord Heseltine and Nicky Morgan, into snorts of derision. But what if she had answered “no”, that she hadn’t yet made up her mind, or if she had tried to divert the interview on to a different subject? It would have caused just as much of a frenzy. Listen to her, people would have said, her heart isn’t in it any more. It’s not a matter of if she is deposed but when. Of course Theresa May bears a lot of responsibility for the weakened position of the Government. There was nothing wrong in her calling a general election this year but she damaged her performance first by dithering, then by running a lacklustre and unnecessarily long campaign which allowed Jeremy Corbyn to perfect his act as a personable champion of ordinary people. Looking at how the Conservatives threw away her majority, the obvious narrative is that Theresa May is a useless campaigner and should not be allowed by her party to fight a second general election. Yet that ignores just how far away is the next election. If, as Harold Wilson said, a week is a long time in politics, four years and nine months is more like a geological age.


NEVITABLY the political landscape will be hugely different then. There is no reason at all why Mrs May, employing her political skills and making the most of any luck that comes her way, should not go into the next election as the unassailable leader of her party. After all, who just a year ago would have given Jeremy Corbyn the slightest chance of establishing himself, as he has now done, as beyond challenge as Labour leader? Who, last December in the afterglow of a remarkable by-election result for the Lib Dems in Richmond

team unable to make much progress. They look bogged down. But if there were a way of shorting shares in Michel Barnier, I would do it now. There is only so long that EU governments and commercial interests in EU countries are going to tolerate his posturing. They, like our own Government, have a strong interest in doing a free trade deal so that business between Britain and the rest of Europe can carry on without tariffs or other barriers to obstruct it.

9 DEFIANT: Mrs May said she is ‘not a quitter’ this week Picture: PA

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Gfc`k`ZXc Zfdd\ekXkfi Park, would have had their money on fresh-faced Tim Farron being forced out of his job little more than six months later? Going back rather further, it would have taken a brave soul in 1981, when Mrs Thatcher was under huge pressure in the face of riots and a deep recession, to predict that she would go on as prime minister for another nine years and establish herself as one of the most dominant reformers in modern British history. In politics, sometimes the least likely outcome is what actually happens. For Theresa May to earn the right to fight the next election,

she will need a triumph. And there is a rather obvious one awaiting her if she can seize it: a good deal out of Brexit. There seems to be a widespread assumption on the part of Remain voters – and among some who voted Leave – that the Brexit negotiations are going badly. It is an impression that has been generated mostly by the bluster of Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator. He chose from the outset to play hardball, to refuse so much as to talk about a free trade deal before Britain agreed to pay his outrageous and speculative leaving bill. That has left David Davis and his

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ARNIER seems to think that a trade deal is some kind of gift to Britain, whereas of course it is in the mutual interest of most people in Europe. If anything, given Britain’s trade gap with other EU countries – they sold to us last year £70 billion more goods and services than we sold to them – businesses elsewhere in Europe have an even greater incentive to do a deal than we do. Barnier isn’t going to shift so at some point it will be up to Theresa May to play the stateswoman and appeal over his head to the governments and businesses of the EU – look, we want to do business and but for your chief negotiator we would be able to do it. If Theresa May can deliver open trade with the EU without paying an outrageous bill, it will be a political and personal triumph which not even her most bitter opponents will be able to take away from her. If the economy continues to grow well, defying the doommongers who are still hoping for some kind of Brexit recession, and if her Government can make a start establishing stronger economic relations with countries outside the EU, Theresa May won’t just have seen off her critics, she will have become one of our great prime ministers. This of course is only one possible version of the future. Another has the Prime Minister facing some kind of embarrassment and failing to survive this year’s party conference. But there is nothing inevitable about the early political demise for which some believe she is destined. I am minded to think that any surprises in her political fortunes are more likely to be on the upside. ***

Daily Express Friday September 1 2017


=i\[\i`Zb =fijpk_ 8 cfiipcfX[ f] kiflYc\ ]XZ\j ]lkli\ [i`m\ij THERE are times when you glance at the calendar and think: with luck I won’t be around by the time that arrives. Driving a long distance on a motorway is already traumatic enough with tens of thousands of thundering juggernauts occupying not one but all three lanes. Their favourite sport seems to be squatting side by side in perfect formation, mile after mile, as one seeks to overtake another with a speed advantage of a quarter of a mile per hour. But a fresh delight is in the offing: no-driver lorries. There is talk of trucks with software that will steer them from start-point to destination, at legal speed but with an empty cab. Another idea is that a driver sits up there as ever but exists only to steer the monster. All power settings are automatic. The danger, it seems, is that this chore will be so boring the little dears will nod off. Yet a further hazard is that their tiny brains will deduce that they can save fuel and money by forming nose-to-tail columns to take advantage of their mutual slipstreams. Sounds good until the poor car driver, seeking to join the motorway from a slip-road, is confronted by an unbroken column of wagons 30 miles long. At which point no doubt some teenage hacker will invade their database and divert them to Fishguard which will intrigue the citizens of that fine Welsh port. By then, with God’s good grace, I shall be in sole command of a mobility scooter trundling down to the Jolly Cricketers at lunchtime. Always assuming the lorries get there with the necessary supplies in time.

Youngsters need some life lessons


T Dfe\p dXkk\ij MORE revelations to alleviate the usual news-free August. It seems French President Emmanuel Macron, in office for only three months, has worked his way through £24,000 worth of make-up. He is not very large so it must be hard for the French to work out what he really looks like under all that slap. But over here we have our own eyebrow-raisers. The University of Bath has a vice-chancellor, name of Dame Glynis Breakwell, and she has a salary. Take a deep breath: £451,000 per annum. Surely the name ought to be Breakbank. There was a vote held on whether or not the committee that awards this staggering salary for the chore of presiding over a lot of other committees ought to be censured for giving away such a huge sum of money. Among those who voted against the idea… Dame Glynis. So that’s all right then.

Pictures: GETTY, REX

O ANOTHER academic year is about to begin. Over the past couple of weeks pupils received their gradings for GCSE or A-levels with varying levels of joy or disappointment. Shortly a sizeable proportion of those who finished school this summer will present themselves as freshers for university. But all is not well in the groves of academe. Four of the most prestigious public schools seem to have got themselves involved in a scandal over cheating for exam results. How on earth did that happen? Back in the day chaps didn’t do that, when chaps were chaps. But it is the tip of an iceberg. From the instructing side come reports that more and more students are choosing “soft” courses rather than rigorous disciplines such as the classics or maths and sciences. I take the view that any country that recategorises dodgy polytechnics as real universities and permits degree courses in golf club management and media studies is asking for it. Detached observers claim that even with this lowering of standards the academics themselves are not doing anyone any favours by permitting “helpful” papermarking to enhance the pass figures in order to make the percentages look better than they ever would 30 years ago.

RADITIONALISTS who study the students themselves do not appear to be consumed with admiration either. One’s eye falls upon articles claiming that on campus after campus the student body has been consumed by a brainless but suffocatingly arrogant political correctness that permits not a smidgin of variation from the accepted Left-wing viewpoint. Those who think universities are places for lively and iconoclastic debate are barking up the wrong tree. Today, say the oldtimers, they are hotbeds of ultra-conformism where a single dissentient word can lead to mass outrage, ostracism, the banning of speakers and placard-waving

:fe]lj`fe i\`^ej `e I\X[`e^ LIFE can become very confusing as you shuffle past your 79th birthday. There was this world-weary scribe wondering why an American lady with an Armenian name, an expansive cleavage and a vast bottom was coming to a rock festival at nearby Reading. Surely Kim Kardashian has better things to do across the Atlantic. It needed the CO to point out with a series of monosyllables including “prat” if I recall to enlighten me. She is not the same as Kasabian, below, who did indeed appear at said festival. So my apologies to the blameless strummers from Leicester with perfectly normal rear ends.

® APOLOGIES: Kim Kardashian was not at Reading festival marches and demos. Youngsters still very wet behind the ears feel able to instruct their professors that displeasing statues must come down and busts be removed. More to the point, the academic authorities, having apparently no authority, are capitulating. Without wishing to be censorious of the very young it might bear stating just a few provable facts. By sheer mathematics the freshers and undergraduates have never contributed a thing to this country, quite simply because they have not yet had time. They have lived their entire lives off dad, mum and taxpayer every

hour of each day. With rarest exception they have learned very little about the real world out there beyond the school gates. This is not to be rude, it is a simple fact. There hasn’t been time. I have a recommendation. A battlefield tour of all the cemeteries where lie the millions of young men who gave their lives so that the divas of today could even live at all, let alone in a very indulgent society. Put the tours on the school or varsity curriculum. Even in our straitened circumstances, surely we could afford that? They might actually learn something.

THE word “never” is frequently overused when referring to history and rarely accurate but surely there has never been such a chaotic White House as we contemplate today. The departure of key adviser Steve Bannon marks yet another ambush and fatality from the civil war that appears to wage unceasingly behind the stately facade so familiar from repeated usage. Donald Trump’s noncombatant wife, plus his daughter and son-in-law, appear fixtures (so far) but the rest of the internal landscape is beginning to look like a bad day on the Somme. Meanwhile, quietly in the background, special counsels are beavering away on enquiries that could even one day bring down the Commander-in-Chief himself. Not since the tumult of Watergate has the situation around the most powerful man in the world looked so uncertain. Yet North Korea just keeps brewing away. And we think we have problems? This place is an island of tranquillity and bonhomie compared to what is going on beyond our borders.

I<KLIE F= K?< DFQQP NFLC; 9< 8 KIL< KI@9LK< KF Ê:8KËJ <P<JË :LEE@E>?8D IT SEEMS a priceless collection of engineering drawings of the old De Havilland Mosquito has been discovered and a group of enthusiasts is going to try to build one from scratch. The young will not recall it but it was a brilliant Second World War fighter-bomber. Faster than a German fighter, it could outclimb the Messerschmitt and thus escape. It pioneered pinpoint low-level bombing, slicing away the walls of Amiens jail so the Resistance fighters imprisoned there could escape. Later it did the same to the Gestapo HQ in Copenhagen. Twenty years ago, just before he died, its most famous

flier, Group Captain John Cunningham, showed me around the De Havilland museum at Hatfield and told me a cracking (true) story. In the middle of the war British scientists had so miniaturised the little-known wonder called radar that it could be fitted to the Beaufighter and Mosquito. With it we could suddenly find and shoot down German bombers in pitch blackness. The Luftwaffe was desperate to find out how. So a story was invented. John Cunningham was “outed” in the media and alleged to have the eyes of a cat. “Cat’s Eyes Cunningham” could see in the dark. It was all


bunkum. As he cheerfully explained to me, he had 20-20 vision like everyone else. It happened that food minister Lord Woolton also had a problem: a mountain of carrots he could not get rid of. So the story went out that it was a diet of carrots that gave John Cunningham his cat’s eyes. In a week every boy was clamouring to his mum for carrots. The surplus mountain was eaten. Eventually the Germans discovered why their night-bomber losses had spiralled. But by then it was too late. John Cunningham was a great flier and a real hero. I hope the Mozzy flies again – in his honour.


Daily Express Friday September 1 2017


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T WAS nothing short of a miracle that in this age of Simon Cowell and Nigella Lawson, of Davina McCall and Gordon Ramsay, we should have been blessed with Len Goodman and Mary Berry. Who would have thought it? A professional dancer, 59 years old, hardly even famous in his own household and a woman, 75 no less, never previously heard of. How did such improbables become 21-century heroes? And who was to know that having walked into our hearts they would both walk out at the same time? This week there were the bakers in the tent, baking sans Mary, next Saturday evening will be Strictly without Len. Oh the programmes will be fine, the cakes will still rise, the dance will go on but something has been lost – not just two charming performers but a little taste of an England that’s gone. They are irreplaceable, both of them the sort of people they don’t make any more. And what a marvellously unmatched pair: the old-style diamond geezer, the Cockney from Bethnal Green and the delightful, beautifully spoken lady from Bath. Len was an apprentice welder when he took up ballroom dancing at the age of 19. As a little girl Mary had polio and her father brought her pony to the hospital to see her. There is a way of being firm but fair, of telling people what they need to do better without being unkind, not shirking from saying where people have fallen short, giving praise where it is due without getting hysterical. It’s something people find difficult nowadays. But Len is a longtime judge of ballroom and Mary has had a lifetime teaching people how to cook. Is Len really as full of enthusiasm and bongenius but he was a genie, who homie as he seems to be? I hope he is magicked us backwards. Ronnie but as a suspicious Yorkshireman, Corbett did the same. They were the I’ve always wondered about cheery last of their breed. Cockneys. Whatever. Anyone who Mary Berry is a world away from can make shouting “SEVEN!” into a the ubiquitous celebrity chefs. She national event has my compliments. doesn’t show off. She just wants peoFrom everything one knows Mary ple to bake well and share her joy in is exactly as one would wish she is. A doing it. Obviously she makes a betdoting mother, 50 years married, ter sponge than you or me (certainly from a happy and well-established than me). She is of the school of the family. Keen churchgoer, in love with late Marguerite Patten who taught gardening. One of her Desert Island the nation how to manage during discs was Onward Christian Soldiers rationing and the sainted Delia who partly because Arthur Sullivan comhas been such a help though unlike posed the tune in what is now her Delia, who hated being on television, summerhouse. Mary obviously loves it. I’ll tell you why Len Goodman – unlike Ray Winstone for instance, impossible to avoid if you watch football on TV – takes you to places other professional Cockneys can’t. Because OOK around public life, watch he conjures up Henry Cooper, greenthe passage of time remove us grocer-boxer, old-school national from our past. In politics one hero. Never champion of the world thinks of Kenneth Clarke, one of the but champion of our hearts. ’Enery last whose presence, style and was always an old-fashioned bloke oratory connects us with an age even when he was young (so was when there were many like him or Bobby Charlton, even as a kid). Dennis Skinner, the truculent old socialist (David Cameron called him a dinosaur but Skinner’s still at it, Cameron ain’t). OOPER and Charlton were Britain is blessed with someone born within a couple of years who continues to link us with the of Mary Berry. But it’s not nation’s past going back before simply a question of how old you are. almost any of us can remember. That Len Goodman is a year younger than of course is the Queen, for whom in Mick Jagger but it’s as if they come many ways the 1950s never ended. from different countries, different She may be the only person in Britworlds. ain who doesn’t need to go on Who The Strictly people knew what Do You Think You Are? to find out they were doing when they went for who she thinks she is. Does she Bruce Forsyth, someone else who watch Strictly, one wonders, or the conjured up another time, the sort of Great British Bake Off? Has she entertainer who took us back to a ever baked? time long gone and, along with Len, Mary was awarded a CBE in 2012. to the far-off days when the local Isn’t it time Her Majesty did somePalais was where you went on a thing for Len? Saturday night and where you would very likely meet the person you were going to marry. Brucie wasn’t a

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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

GP pleads not guilty to 118 sex offence charges A FAMILY doctor appeared in court yesterday accused of sexually assaulting 54 patients – including a child under the age of 13. Dr Manish Shah, 47, denies committing 118 sexual offences at a GP surgery between 2004 and 2013. He is charged with 65 counts of assault by penetration, 52 counts of sexual assault, and one count of sexual assault on a child under 13. The offences are alleged to have taken place at the Mawney Medical Centre in Romford, Essex. Shah, of Romford, was suspended from practising as a doctor by the General Medical Council in August 2014, Barkingside magistrates’ court heard. The charges were not read out during the short hearing. Emilie

Dr Manish Shah yesterday

9p DXib I\pefc[j Morrison, prosecuting, said: “In terms of the charges, there are a total of 118 charges in this case. There is one charge against section seven of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, 65 against section two of the same act, and 52 against section three of the same act.” Asked for a plea by District Judge Richard Hawgood, Shah’s defence lawyer, Julian Woodbridge replied: “Indication not guilty.” Shah stood in the dock, with his hands c l a s p e d behind his back, and confirmed that was correct. Judge Hawgood told him: “I hear what y o u r

indication is. These are matters that can only be dealt with in the Crown Court. “I am sending you for trial on these matters to the Crown Court at Snaresbrook. “It is appropriate for me to inform you that if you weren’t to appear for your trial, then your trial can take place in your absence.” Shah was granted conditional bail. The court heard that he is not to practise as a GP or purport to do so. He is not to attend the medical centre and is not to contact any former or current patients of the centre. Shah is also not to contact any employee, past or present, of the centre. And he is also not to access NHS medical records directly or indirectly. Mr Woodbridge told the court: “There is no difficulty with those conditions. He is due to appear at Snaresbrook Crown Court on September 27.


;flYc\ kXb\ Df^^`\ _Xj X glii]\Zk ZXk fe _`j YXZb 9p >`cc`Xe :iXnc\p THE sight of a lazy cat catching a ride on another feline’s back has been making pet lovers look twice. But when the white cat turns its head, the tabby is revealed as an optical illusion created by markings on its fur. Dubbed ‘Metacat’, the picture has already been shared thousands of times on social media. One user said it could rival The Dress – a photo that sparked rows over whether it was white and gold or blue and black when it was seen by millions in 2015. Another said it was a forewarning of doom: “Metacat is here to rule us all twice as hard as a nonMetacat could.” A third pointed out the obvious: “There is a cat on this cat.” But Metacat, inset, is treating the fuss with disdain. It’s clearly water off a duck’s back to this feline.



Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

Victory for tycoon as ex loses plea to increase £3.5m divorce payout Pictures: RICHARD GITTINS

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Karen Hart at court yesterday for her appeal hearing


THE ex-wife of a property tycoon yesterday lost her plea to increase her £3.5million divorce payout to £5million after the Appeal Court ruled her share was not unfair. Karen Hart, 61, complained the original settlement after the breakdown of her marriage to millionaire John Hart, 82, was “the worst possible result”. But a judge ruled that Mr Hart was already wealthy before the marriage and entitled to keep a greater share of his fortune. The former air hostess was seeking to overturn a 2015 judgment which divided the family wealth of £9.4million, leaving her with £3.5million to cover her “reasonable needs”. Family judge Stephen Wildblood had found originally that Mr Hart had brought £2.6million into the marriage in 1987. He also decided that a trust fund worth £5.5million belonged to Mr Hart. The couple began living together when he was 48 and she was 27. Peter Mitchell, her barrister, argued the award was “unfair and discriminatory” and said Mrs Hart should have been handed more than £5million. “Marriage is a partnership of equals and, if you build up a pot together, you should share equally in that pot,” he said. But Grant

Millionaire John Hart yesterday Armstrong, for Mr Hart, said that at the time of the marriage he was already a very rich “man of substance” and had built a property development empire after starting on his father’s market stall selling fruit in the 1950s. By comparison, his bride was a financial “mouse” whose only asset was a Porsche, he said. “This was not a case where a couple grew their assets together,” Mr Armstrong added. Far from being unfair to her, the divorce had left Mrs Hart “a home, a holiday home, a lifetime income at a very considerable figure and clear of liabilities”, he said. Ruling on Mrs Hart’s appeal,


Lord Justice Moylan said there were “deficiencies” in Mr Hart’s evidence about the extent of his assets. But he said: “I have, after much reflection, come to the conclusion that the judge did not fall into error when awarding the wife £3.5million. “The judge was plainly entitled to find that the husband had substantial wealth at the commencement of the relationship because this was agreed.” The pair separated in 2006 and started divorce proceedings in 2011. Since then, the court heard, Mr and Mrs Hart have spent more than £500,000 on lawyers’ fees during their fight over money. Nicola Walker, Mrs Hart’s solicitor, said the decision was a “dangerous precedent”. She said: “For nearly 20 years it has been a settled principle that divorcing spouses should share equally in the fruits of their matrimonial partnership. “Mr Hart frustrated that inquiry by his refusal to provide relevant information and has been allowed to reap the benefits.” When they met in 1979, Mrs Hart was an air hostess and Mr Hart a wealthy property developer. The couple, who have two adult children, lived in a £1.1million five-bedroom gated house in Wishaw, Warwickshire.


Cfm\Ëj `e X`i N\Ëm\ X efj\ ]fi ifdXeZ\ A WHIFF of another person’s body odour could be enough to make us fall in love, according to experts. Scientists found that cells in the brain respond to chemical smells which trigger bonding. Previous research has shown that animals use smell to bond with kin. For example, a lamb can find its way back to its mother despite sheep in a huge flock looking almost identical. Researchers at the University of California studied tadpoles which swim in family groups and found they produce “chemical odourants” to create kinship bonds. Young tadpoles could even be “tricked” into preferring stranger tadpoles by using a different compound. Doctor Davide Dulcis co-authored the study, published in the journal Neuron. He said: “We have innate responses in relationships, falling in love and deciding whether we like someone. “We use a variety of cues and these odourants can be part of the social preference equation.”



Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

DEBORAH ADMITS STRICTLY WAS TERRIFYING SPEAKING of Strictly Come Dancing (see right) Dragons’ Den star Deborah Meaden recalls the abject terror she felt when appearing on the show. “I’ve always said nothing scares me and then I did Strictly. It was terrifying,” says the 58-year-old famed for her no-nonsense attitude as a Dragon. “I was on the show in 2013 but even today when I hear the music I get a panicky feeling in my stomach.” The investor and entrepreneur valiantly lasted until week five and hails the support – above the call of duty – of her husband Paul, 54, during her time under the glitterball. “He came to cheer me on and also sent me flowers before each dance. He even themed them to match the routine, so when I did the Viennese waltz he sent me edelweiss.” Contestants’ partners wanting to avoid the curse of Strictly should take note…


Secret... WHICH star – back on drugs recently – proceeded to spend an entire evening in a cupboard as he thought someone was coming to get him?


IXk`e^j n`e `j b\p ]fi J_Xife SHARON OSBOURNE would like nothing more than The X Factor to trounce Strictly in the ratings as she doesn’t want to be part of a show that’s in decline. The 64-year-old – who is back on the judging panel alongside Simon Cowell, Nicole Scherzinger and Louis Walsh when the programme returns at 8pm tomorrow – takes it personally when the BBC One dance show gets better viewing figures. “You don’t want to be on a show that’s failing do you?” she tells Day & Night. “You want to do the best and for the show to do the best, that means ratings. “I want it to do great for Simon, for myself, for everybody. Nobody takes

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a job and goes, ‘Oh, I hope this fails. I don’t care if it’s the least-watched show in England.’” As such Sharon is fully supportive of show supremo Simon’s plans to alter things this time, including more focus on contestants performing their own material. “Look, the show does well, that’s why it comes back – people love it and I love it. [But after] 14 years something has to change. It has got to evolve… all of the pantomime is gone.” However Sharon’s happy about one thing remaining the same – the judging panel’s non gender-specific pay packets, adding: “I am so against the inequality. Not just in showbusiness – it makes me sick.”

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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

& Night


IN LONDON: Comedian HUGH DENNIS on Jackson’s Lane in Highgate… Presenter GAIL PORTER shopping on Oxford Street…

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Pictures: GETTY

FIRST female Doctor Who JODIE WHITTAKER has no fear about crossing any gender lines – because the double-hearted Time Lord isn’t even human anyway. “I’m playing an alien and gender is not a part of that,” says the 35-year-old who recently played a nurse masquerading as a doctor in BBC One medical drama Trust Me. “A moment like this, of being the first woman cast as something, it makes you really think about your sex, whereas actually what you want to do is play a part where your gender is irrelevant,” she adds. And while the Yorkshire lass admits the decision to hand her the keys to the Tardis was certainly a momentous one in the show’s illustrious 54-year history, she thinks the fuss is much ado about nothing. “There’s no right or wrong way to do it. The rules went out the window.”

COMEDY duo David Mitchell and Robert Webb might want to make another sketch show – but reckon the internet has killed off the format. The pair are returning to Channel 4 on Wednesday next week in new sitcom Back. Although they’d love to bring another quickfire comedy sketch show to TV because they enjoyed doing Bafta-winning That Mitchell And Webb Look for BBC Two, David thinks it won’t happen thanks to online sharing of sketch comedy of the past. “We love sketch shows. But they’re so unfashionable now… Nobody makes them,” says the 43-year-old, pictured left. “People send round sketches that have already been made to each other on YouTube. “That side of it is going very well for sketch shows. But the actual making of new ones, that’s less.”




FRIEND’S EARLOBE TRYING TO CUT THEIR HAIR.” KATE WINSLET EXPLAINS WHY SHE WENT INTO ACTING LIAM GALLAGHER has announced his first solo arena tour. The former Oasis frontman will kick off his 10-date UK tour with a gig in Belfast on October 30 and finish in his native Manchester on December 16. Following the release of the 44-year-old’s debut album As You Were early next month, it seems the rivalry between Liam and his estranged brother continues unabated. Noel, 50, has hinted that he’s also releasing new material with his band the High Flying Birds later this year. Liam, right, commented: “We’ve slagged off every band in the universe and now me and him are going head to head. I’m sure his record is gonna be great, man, but I feel double proud of mine.” Before adding with signature swagger: “I do exactly what it says on the tin. I’m here to give the people what they want.” Tickets for the tour go on general sale from September 8.





Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017













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TIQUETTE is a Japanese obsession so Theresa May faced a diplomatic challenge this week when she was confronted with an intricate tableau of octopus, sea urchin and salted entrails of sea cucumber – a marine animal rather than a vegetable – on her first day in Japan. Despite the unfamiliarity of the ingredients, however, the Prime Minister is said to have acquitted herself with aplomb at the dinner with her Japanese counterpart. However others have fared less well when it comes to eating in public. Here are some of the most catastrophic political food-related faux pas of recent times. ¬ At a G8 dinner in Hokkaido, Japan, in 2008 Gordon Brown was presented with a complex looking dish with which he was unfamiliar. “What’s this?” the former prime minister asked an aide, who told him it was sushi. Scanning his plate for the safest thing to try, Brown spotted a lump of something green that he presumed was a vegetable and swallowed it whole. Unfortunately it was a lump of wasabi: a spicy Japanese plant which tastes like horseradish. The effects were predictably eye-watering.

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?@:B<P PRINCESS Diana’s biographer Andrew Morton recalls the day he first heard the explosive revelations about her life. Morton, who released Diana: Her True Story in 1992 – written with the Princess’s secret co-operation – remembers hearing the royal’s initial tape recording after she agreed to answer his questions via an intermediary. “I’ll never forget the moment I listened to the first tape,” he tells Sky News. “I was in a working men’s café in north London… Diana was talking about eating disorders, about suicide attempts, about this woman I’d never heard of before called Camilla.” Admitting the extent of his “paranoia” at the time, Morton adds: “I went back to the underground and I stood well clear from the platform edge because I thought, ‘I’ve been let into a secret. Maybe someone’s going to do away with me!’”

SPEAKING of James Bond, Sir Sean Connery delighted fans this week by making a rare public appearance at the US Open tennis tournament in New York. He has not acted on the big screen since an unhappy experience on 2003 film The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Explaining his decision to retire, the no-nonsense Scot later remarked: “I’m fed up with the idiots… the ever-widening gap between people who know how to make movies and the people who green-light the movies.”

¬ In 2015 David Cameron caused scone wars in Devon after he suffered a cream-tea catastrophe. The former prime minister was sitting in a North Devon tea room when he was asked whether it was “jam or cream first”. He plumped for jam. It was the wrong answer. That’s the way things are done in Cornwall – Devonians insist that it is always cream followed by the jam. “Wrong way round. I knew I’d get it wrong,” he wailed, adding controversially: “It all tastes the same, doesn’t it?” Cameron was also pilloried nationally when he was photographed eating a hot dog with a knife and fork.

BUTTY OF JOKES: Miliband, left, was mocked; they stuck the knife into Kasich, above; milk and hot dogs don’t go

¬ÊThe previous year Ed Miliband had demonstrated his complete inability to eat a bacon butty like a normal person. The former Labour leader struggled to cope with the sandwich and the awkward photograph that resulted was used as a source of mockery for months.

¬ÊIn a bid to prove that he is just like the rest of us, Donald Trump was happy to post an image of himself tucking into a bucket of KFC. Unfortunately his aides hadn’t informed him that most people do not eat the chicken and chips combo with a knife and fork. But then this is


WHILE having famously portrayed James Bond’s female boss M, Dame Judi Dench, pictured, doubts the 007 role will ever be played by a woman. “To take on that part is difficult,” she tells Woman’s Weekly. “I don’t think you will see a female Bond.” On her own time in the lucrative franchise the actress happily adds: “I did Bond for 17 years and made eight films. Did they pay me well? Certainly. Those films are the ones that made me the most money.”

¬ Though he later denied it, Labour grandee Peter Mandelson once mistook a Hartlepool fish and chip shop’s mushy peas for the considerably more upmarket avocado dip guacamole.

¬ÊEating under the glare of cameras is certainly fraught with difficulty, a fact to which many foreign politicians can testify. In 2015 German chancellor Angela Merkel was snapped from an unflattering angle enthusiastically eating a pickled herring after the naming ceremony of a fishing trawler.


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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

the man who likes to eat fine aged steak with tomato ketchup. ¬ÊEven Trump’s predecessor isn’t beyond reproach. Barack Obama was once photographed eating ice cream from a cone with a spoon despite the fact that

HOT PICK: Brown chose wasabi from the sushi selection

most people would agree that the only way to eat it is to lick it until it’s finished.

with his kosher hot dog – mixing meat and dairy is strictly forbidden in the kosher world.

¬ US governor John Kasich’s bid for the Republican presidential nomination last year never recovered from him being filmed eating pizza with a knife and fork. Sensibly, his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton avoided the cheesecake she was offered on the campaign trail. “I learned early on not to eat in front of all of you,” she told photographers. “So, I’m sitting here just pining for a bite.”

¬ÊUndoubtedly the most dramatic example of a diplomatic food mishap occurred in 1992 when President George Bush Senior was the guest of then Japanese prime minister Kiichi Miyazawa. In the middle of a 12-day trip, Bush had just been beaten at tennis by his host. As he stood in the receiving line before a state dinner he was suddenly overcome with nausea. He decided to return to his duties but after eating a course of raw salmon and caviar he fainted and vomited on Miyazawa’s trousers. A secret service agent vaulted over the table to catch him as he fell while his wife Barbara quickly held up a napkin. As his entourage lowered him to the floor, the president’s eyes fluttered open as he quipped: “Just roll me under the table until the dinner’s over.”

¬ In 1972 senator George McGovern, the Democratic presidential nominee, committed “career suicide” with his gastronomical gaffe in New York. He asked for a glass of milk to go


TENNIS champion Jimmy Connors, who turns 65 this weekend, was one half of a 1970s “golden couple” with fellow American player Chris Evert. Relations between the pair – once engaged – became strained after the release of Connors’ memoirs in 2013 when he hinted her decision to have an abortion had caused their split four decades previously. Evert, who won the Wimbledon singles title three times, angrily responded: “I am extremely disappointed he has misrepresented a private matter that took place 40 years ago.” GOOD Morning Britain presenters Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid, pictured, who enjoy sparring on the airwaves, will finally be reunited on-screen next week following their summer break. The pair marked their impending return by enjoying a “yearly night out” together in London. Piers, who cheekily describes Susanna as a “dangerous drinking partner”, proudly reports they were still letting their hair down in a Soho bar at 4am. SOCIALITE businessman Sir David Tang, who died this week aged 63, enjoyed recalling how Sir Richard Branson fell out with late tycoon Sir James Goldsmith. “There was a famous occasion where Richard Branson went to stay with Jimmy Goldsmith… and Richard Branson pushed Jimmy Goldsmith into the pool,” Tang explained. “Well, he didn’t like that very much and after lunch he sent his butler to Richard Branson’s room who said, ‘We’ve packed everything and you are leaving now’.” <dX`c d\ Xk1 _`Zb\p7\ogi\jj%Zf%lb


Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

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LB e\\[j Z_Xe^\ Xk _\cd c`b\ X _fc\ `e k_\ _\X[ I FOR one am delighted that Theresa May is planning to stay. With the stock market booming, the pound steadying, immigration falling, unemployment at a record low, foreign investment pouring in, Brexit talks well under way and countries around the world queuing to enter free-trade deals with us, we need a leadership change like a hole in the head. Who other than far-Left action groups, unemployed immigrants, gullible students and Westminster bubble Remoaners would want to risk all this for the prospect of a disastrous Marxist fling with Jeremy Corbyn, who has already reneged on his election promises? So good on you Theresa, see us through a successful Brexit to the next election, when Corbyn will be consigned to history and Britain will be a strong, proud and independent nation once more. Roy Daniels, Luton, Beds

<LËj jkXeZ\ fe 9i\o`k `j gXkife`j`e^ Xe[ [`jd`jj`m\ BRUSSELS is patronisingly dismissive of the UK’s efforts to leave the EU on mutually acceptable terms (“Don’t drag your feet over Brexit, May tells Brussels”, August 31). The negotiators are digging their heels in and demanding a colossal upfront payment before issues like trade and citizenship are properly discussed, never mind agreed. Their stance is like going into a shop and handling over your cash before the shopkeeper will tell you what, if anything, they will let you buy. No wonder EU trade negotiations with other countries take so many years to complete. Steven Guy, Southwell, Notts

9i`kX`e dljk b\\g flk f] l^cp ]\l[ lec\jj kXi^\k\[ IF America had been testing nuclear weapons, firing missiles towards Cuba and threatening to flatten Havana, Trafalgar Square would have been permanently full of protesters. The deafening silence and lack of response to North Korea’s actions speaks volumes. Kim is very clever. He knows that more people will be out protesting about a US retaliation than his first strike. Let


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WE didn’t vote for the Prime Minister in order for her to quit on us (“May: I’m not a quitter”, August 31). We put her there to do a specific task and that was to lead the voting majority into EU-free self governance. No person or party should lose sight of the fact that this country is the world leader of democratic governance. And no matter what Remoaners may think, they cannot overturn the result. To strengthen her position, I would suggest that the PM now dispenses with rhetoric and resorts to action. Her supporters would dearly love to see her pull us out of the hated European Union now and there should not be any impediment that can prevent that from happening. The sooner the PM gets on with that all the better for her supporters. The rest would soon latch on to the fact we will be better off out. United we can be a successful world-leading democracy again. Tony Holmes, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Notts VOW: Prime Minister promised to deliver Brexit

us hope that our government has the brains to keep out of it unless we are targeted. Alex Owen, Coventry

CXi^\ gXp gXZb\kj j_flc[ Y\ YXj\[ fe g\i]fidXeZ\ RON Hopwood (Letters, August 31) is right that the City of London creates much wealth for the UK. But obviously excessive salaries, and particularly bonuses, when companies are not performing must be curtailed. He says that

nobody seems to worry about the excessive pay given to footballers, but I know for a fact that millions of people do moan about this but nothing seems to be able to be done. I would pay any professional a basic salary and then bonuses for goals scored and matches won and position in their league. The “experts” who advise putting £400-plus per month into savings or pension schemes must live on another planet compared to the ordinary British worker. Michael Cook, Poole, Dorset

KXb\ XZk`fe X^X`ejk k_fj\ ]l\cc`e^ Afe^$leËj ifZb\kj @J K?< E<N >I<8K 9I@K@J? 98B< F== 8 JL::<JJ6 NORTH Korea has been a hermit state with trade embargoes for longer than most people can remember (“Korean crisis: World on the brink”, August 30). But Kim Jong-un appears to have unlimited access to missiles, both long and short range. I am no “rocket scientist”, however with my limited knowledge, where does this murdering despot get the necessary equipment from to produce these nuclear rockets? It certainly isn’t available from his local DIY store. The impotent UN should reveal who is suspected of supplying North Korea and bring sanctions against any country found to be involved. Andrew Suter, Ampleforth, N Yorks


WELL, what a relief that was. All my fears about Channel 4 ruining Great British Bake Off were unfounded (“On the rise... 6.5m watch Bake Off”, August 31). The biggest compliment I can pay the show is that it was like the return of an old friend. Everything seemed just as it should be and Prue Leith was a great replacement for Mary Berry. Sandi Toksvig was great as a presenter, although I’m not so sure about Noel Fielding. But all my focus was on the performance of the bakers and, of course, Paul Hollywood’s dreamy eyes. Janet Anderson, Portsmouth


SO the new series of Bake Off drew a record audience but how many were just tuning in out of curiosity? Whoever was in charge tried to con us into believing nothing had changed by keeping the whole show exactly the same. But that was like replacing your child’s dead hamster with a new one from the pet shop... eventually the replacement fails to live up to expectations or starts to irritate you with its different behaviour and your child spots it looks slightly different. Watch the viewing figures start to plummet. Tom Knowles, Chester


;fg\p ZXi gXib`e^ Yfjj\j ZXeËk g\eXc`j\ k_\ jc\\gp WHEN we travel along the motorways throughout this country there are signs telling us to take a break if we are tired and that tiredness can kill. But ParkingEye appear to believe that you can’t sleep for more than two hours in a service station car park or you will be fined (“QC wins legal battle after he was fined for nap in car park”, August 31). It’s stupid as someone who has stopped due to tiredness has no way of knowing how long he or she will sleep for. Tom Skupham, Scorton, Lancs

?\i\Ëj kf X ]lcc <e^c`j_ kf _\cg lj c`m\ X c`kkc\ cfe^\i SO eating fatty foods can prolong our life (“A high-fat diet can help you live longer”, August 30). Having read with interest Lynne English’s thoughts in response to this and, in particular, her views regarding the delights of milky coffee and a cream doughnut (Letters, August 31), I trust that her breakfast was appropriate to her surname, including black pudding, of course. Good health, Lynne! Norman Rendle, Cardiff

K\e k_`e^j pfl e\m\i be\n XYflk%%% J\gk\dY\i A new month begins today, so here are some September facts.

(% September is the ninth month and has nine letters in its name. It is the only month with the same number of letters in its English name as the number of the month. )% For the Ancient Romans, it was the seventh month of the calendar which is why it is named after the Latin for “seven”, septem. *% The shortest month in the UK was September 1752 which lost 11 days in the change from Julian to Gregorian calendar. +% The September birthstone is sapphire; the

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flowers are Morning Glory, forget-me-not or aster. ,% “Making your Christmas cake in September is perfect” (Mary Berry). -% The only US president born in September was William Taft (born September 15, 1857). .% Only one UK prime minister died in September: Arthur Wellesley (died September 14, 1852). /% September is the month when thunderstorms are most frequent in the UK. 0% September is the month when the Arctic Ocean is most free from ice. ('% “By all these lovely tokens, September days are here; With summer’s best of weather; And autumn’s best of cheer.” (Helen Hunt Jackson).

www.express.co.uk/contactus where you will find an easy to use form. Alternatively you can write to Readers Editor, Daily Express, 10 Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6EN. We will do our best to correct it as soon as possible. If you have a complaint concerning a breach of the Code please go to www.express.co.uk/contactus where you will

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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

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NDER cover of darkness scores of men tunnel their way to freedom from a prisoner of war camp. They melt into the night and use a variety of cunning ruses to evade recapture, with varying degrees of success. Most people are familiar with the plot of The Great Escape, the everpopular Hollywood film. It’s based on actual events in 1943 when Allied prisoners staged a mass breakout from Stalag Luft III, about 100 miles from Berlin. What’s not so well known is that the Germans staged their own version in the Second World War, and it has striking similarities. The other great escape happened at the Island Farm prisoner of war camp in Bridgend, South Wales, in 1945. On the night of March 10, 70 German prisoners fled using a tunnel concealed beneath an accommodation hut. It was the biggest mass escape involving German prisoners during the war. Now, after years entombed in concrete, the 30ft escape route has been examined by scientists using ground-penetrating radar. Remarkably it’s largely intact, still propped up with wooden beams made from benches stolen from the camp canteen more than 70 years ago. Built in 1938, Island Farm on the outskirts of Bridgend was originally intended as a dormitory camp for female workers at the nearby munitions factory. After a period housing American troops ahead of the Normandy landings it was hastily converted into a PoW camp in late 1944. “At its peak Island Farm held 2,000 Germans,” says historian Brett Exton. “It was a huge place with 30 huts.” It’s thought some of the prisoners began plotting their escape almost immediately. According to locals one tunnel was detected in January 1945 but the warning was ignored. “The second tunnel was dug below Hut 9 because it was near the perimeter fence and also on the edge of the camp where it was less likely to be observed,” says Exton, who is also chairman of the Hut 9 Preservation Group. “The sub-soil in this area is vibrant orange so the prisoners concealed it behind a false wall.”

N_\e .' EXq`j Yifb\ flk f] X GfN ZXdg `e 9i`[^\e[# Jflk_ NXc\j# `k nXj X dXafi \dYXiiXjjd\ek ]fi k_\ Xlk_fi`k`\j% Efn k_\ klee\c k_\p lj\[ kf Õ \\ _Xj Y\\e leZfm\i\[ PLOTTERS: German officers being held in Island Farm camp, above. Hut 9, left, and the tunnel dug by the fugitives


HE Germans used knives and meat tins to dig their escape route which ran about 30 feet to the other side of the barbed wire. A ventilation pipe was made from empty cans and air was forced through by a handoperated fan. When supplies of wood from the stolen benches ran low, cut down bed posts were used. In the 1963 film Allied prisoners of war are seen singing to cover the sound of tunnelling. It’s claimed that the Germans at Island Farm did exactly the same by forming an enthusiastic choral society. Would-be escapers were split into groups and, in another echo of The Great Escape, each man was given false papers and maps produced in the camp. The ingenuity of the escape committee even stretched to home-made compasses. They dug through the winter and soon the tunnel, four feet underground, was ready. After the final roll call on the night of March 10 the prisoners made their move, dropping one by one into the claustrophobic space. It’s known that 70


Daily Express Friday September 1 2017


men escaped and it’s claimed that the figure would have been much higher if not for a careless prisoner, whose white kit bag was picked up by the sweep of a guard’s torch. In the confusion it’s said that a pursuing guard fell into the tunnel exit. One German was shot and injured but by then four hours had elapsed since the first prisoner crawled through. “There was a massive manhunt involving police and the Army,” adds Exton. “Local farmers were asked to check outbuildings and look out for suspicious characters. “The escape caused huge embarrassment, not least because it later emerged that the camp authorities had been given a tip-off that it was being planned. The guards were criticised for their sloppiness.” Additionally Island Farm had no

raised sentry posts, which would have given a good view of the perimeter, and security lighting was poor. The BBC reported the breakout the next day, describing how members of the Home Guard had joined the search. Initially there were fears that the prisoners might attack the neighbouring munitions factory but it soon became evident that they were intent on fleeing. One group, led by infantryman Hans Harzheim, made for the nearest road and stole an Austin 10 belonging to a doctor. Another claim is that they even asked off-duty camp guards, who were not yet aware of the escape plot, for a push. They wanted to get the vehicle away from the owner’s house and out of earshot before the engine was started. It’s thought these prisoners,


including an airman, were heading for Croydon airport where they intended to steal a plane. But they got hopelessly lost and ran out of fuel near Gloucester. The group, posing as four Norwegians, got as far as the Birmingham suburbs by train before being recaptured. Although the initial escape was a brilliant success, the eventual fate of Harzheim and his colleagues was typical. As church bells were sounded to signal the escape, two more prisoners were spotted by a policeman eight miles from Bridgend and recaptured. One of the men was found to have a reasonably accurate map drawn on the tail of his shirt. Others were caught when they asked for directions at a Girl Guide camp and their accents gave them away. Some made it as far as the docks at Southampton. Within a week every fugitive had been rounded up, although rumours persist that there was a government cover-up and a handful made it back to Germany – in Allied terms a home run. With security no longer trusted, Island Farm was shut down and prisoners transferred to another camp in Nottinghamshire. Those who had escaped appeared to have enjoyed their brief taste of freedom, with one remarking that being on the run had been “good

sport”. There’s no record of any reprisals against the recaptured Germans, in contrast with the punishment shootings of 50 Allied prisoners who were caught after escaping from Stalag Luft III. In 1946 Island Farm had a shortlived revival holding high-ranking officers, including some suspected of war crimes, as they awaited trial at Nuremberg. Then over the years the site fell into disrepair and in the 1990s what remained was eventually bulldozed. All that was left was Hut 9, which was saved by conservationists and can now be visited twice a year. At these times it’s filled with artefacts to recreate its wartime appearance. Original German PoW graffiti still adorns the walls of the hut. A walkway in Bridgend town centre will also be launched next year, telling the story of Island Farm. As for the tunnel it was concreted up but it has now been investigated by the same team from Keele University that located one of three underground passages at Stalag Luft III. Images gathered by the scientists show how well the Bridgend escape route has withstood the passing of time. Although it’s not considered safe enough to allow visits, the tunnel will be preserved as a lasting reminder of an ingenious piece of German engineering.


Daily Express Friday


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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

N\\b\e[ =`cdj >F;ËJ FNE :FLEKIP (Cert 15; 105mins) GOD’S Own Country has been dubbed the British Brokeback Mountain but that really doesn’t do it justice. This intense romantic drama marks an auspicious debut from director Francis Lee who captures a vivid sense of the bleak Yorkshire landscapes and the turmoil of a dour, buttoned-down character struggling to express his emotions. Johnny (Josh O’Connor) works on his dad’s farm and at night drinks himself into oblivion. When

Romanian farmhand Gheorghe (Alec Secareanu) is hired, Johnny is aggressive and rude towards him. Gheorghe is content to work hard and hold his tongue. Then the two men head to the moors for the lambing season and a brooding tension erupts into passionate sex. Their tentative relationship feels like the first warm ray of sunshine in Johnny’s cold world. Directed with assurance and poise, God’s Own Country looks fantastic and has a raw honesty. Both men are exceptional and our compassion for Johnny is hard won and deeply felt. An GREAT: O’Connor and Secareanu outstanding debut feature.


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BjgYZg bdhi 9p 8ccXe ?lek\i K?< C@D<?FLJ< >FC<D (Cert 15; 109mins)


HERE is a strong whiff of Hammer horror about The Limehouse Golem, a lurid murder mystery set in the murkiest corners of Victorian London. The music thunders like an oncoming train, the spilling of ruby red blood will turn your stomach and you almost expect a dapper Peter Cushing to stride out from the shadows and take command. Bill Nighy proves an acceptable Cushing substitute as John Kildare, a Scotland Yard inspector determined to catch a serial killer and save an innocent woman from the gallows. Based on the novel by Peter Ackroyd, The Limehouse Golem seems designed to confuse, pointing the finger of suspicion in multiple directions and suggesting that anyone from a motley collection of suspects could be the guilty party. The little grey cells must work overtime just to keep up. At first the focus is on Elizabeth Cree (Olivia Cooke), a former darling of the music hall crowds who now stands accused of poisoning her husband John (Sam Reid). Her case attracts considerable attention but not as much as that of a vicious Jack The Ripper-style killer called The Limehouse Golem who is striking fear into the hearts of respectable Londoners. Cor blimey! Kildare is assigned to the case in the knowledge that he is expected to fail. Rumours that he is “not the marrying kind”, nudge nudge, have dogged his career and he is considered expendable. He selects sergeant George Flood (Daniel Mays) as his trusty deputy and the investigation begins. Almost like Holmes and Watson,

HAMMER TIME: Bill Nighy and Olivia Kildare and Flood start to hunt for clues, sift through evidence and explore all the roads that seem to lead to music hall star Dan Leno (Douglas Booth). Other prime suspects include no less a luminary than Karl Marx (Henry Goodman), novelist George Gissing (Morgan Watkins) and even John Cree. Could that be the reason why Elizabeth killed him? All is

K_\Xki\ CFFK Park Theatre, until September 24. Tickets: 020 7870 6876 IF this production does not restore Joe Orton to his rightful place in the pantheon of great British playwrights, there’s no justice. On the one hand, he was transgressive, gay, angry and a criminal, imprisoned for defacing public library books. On the other, his plays are a uniquely British blend of satire and farce, tastelessness and erudition, the formal and unconventional. First produced in 1965, Loot is possibly his finest work. It is the story of two young men, Dennis and Hal, who hide the proceeds from a bank robbery inside the coffin of a dead woman who just happens to be Hal’s mother. Set entirely in a funeral home with the coffin centre stage,

GOOD: Matthews, Redford, Frenchum and Ruddin Michael Fentiman’s production is a masterclass in physical comedy. As the two ne’er-do-wells become increasingly desperate to conceal their loot, they have to deal with a venal Irish nurse who has set her eyes on the widower McLeavy (Ian Redford) for her eighth husband, a creepy policeman posing as a Water Board official and a corpse that needs

manoeuvering from coffin to cupboard to wheelchair and back again. Fentiman directs like a man possessed. This production contains more speed and energy in five minutes than most current comedies in their entirety. And the cast is superb. Sam Frenchum and Calvin Demba are utterly convincing as the hapless crooks with wavering sexual /sou

Daily Express Friday September 1 2017


JK8I I8K@E>J „Ê;fe k Yfk_\i „„ÊGffi „„„ÊNfik_ X cffb „„„„Ê>ff[ „„„„„Ê<oZ\cc\ek

]dgg^Y ^c V YVg` eZg^dY i]g^aaZg Like most Christie adaptations of late, it also features an impressive cast that includes Eddie Marsan as seedy theatrical impresario “Uncle�. Director Juan Carlos Medina favours theatrical excess and graphic scenes of blood-sodden butchery. In his vision of the 1880s, London is a dirty, dangerous city in which daylight barely pierces through the doom and gloom of soot-encrusted walls and muddy, mucky streets. It is also a place where women are very much second-class citizens and suffer at the hands of men who think themselves lords and masters and above the law. That small undercurrent of social commentary adds some extra spice to a juicy whodunit.

98:B KF 9LI>LE;P „„„ (Cert 15; 113mins)

Cooke in The Limehouse Golem eventually revealed in a vivid Gothic chiller that keeps us guessing with sequences in which Kildare’s hunches and speculations are made real. We witness each of the suspects commit bloody murder and, like Kildare, must decide on their innocence or guilt. It’s a bit like an episode of Ripper Street conceived by Agatha Christie.

A PRODIGAL son’s return sparks a bittersweet family reunion in Back To Burgundy, a sentimental drama in which the beautiful French countryside is a major attraction. Ten years after he left to travel the world, Jean (Pio MarmaĂŻ) returns to the family winery. His father lies gravely ill, his sister Juliette (Ana Girardot) is trying to run the business and his younger brother Jeremie (François Civil) is struggling with the demands of a bossy father-in-law. Jean’s return brings years of resentments and regrets bubbling to the surface and every way he turns summons a memory of the past. There are enough personal issues here to sustain a soap opera but the performances are engaging and the ďŹ lm is very likeable, especially as we witness the landscapes through the

changing seasons of sun-dappled summer and snow-clad winter.

G8KK@ :8B< „„„ (Cert 15; 109mins) PATRICIA (Danielle Macdonald) may be in the gutter but she is looking at the stars in Patti Cake$, a low-budget American drama that is rough and ready at the start but blossoms into a life-afďŹ rming charmer. In her wildest dreams Patricia is Killer P, the new darling of the rap world. In reality she works in a dive of a bar in New Jersey, cares for her ailing Nana (Cathy Moriarty) and lives in the shadow of her blowsy, alcoholic mother Barb (Bridget Everett). Life is full of humiliations and setbacks for Patricia. Nobody is willing to take her seriously and everything from her size to her skin colour is a problem. Who has time for a white rapper nicknamed Dumbo? Persistence brings its own rewards and some lucky breaks as she joins forces with best friend Jheri (Siddharth Dhananjay) and African-American mentor Bob (Mamoudou Athie) to form her own band, proving that fairy tales can come true.

joined by Irish waitress Caitlin (Tara Lee). Random encounters, narrow escapes and some tough home truths drive a scrappy story that is delivered with considerable charm.

JKI8KKFE „ (Cert 15; 94mins) EVEN as a bargain-basement Spooks, Stratton fails to cut the mustard. This globetrotting spy yarn is desperately old hat and lacking in budget and energy. Dominic Cooper stars as British Special Boat Service commando John Stratton. Back in London after a botched Middle East mission, he becomes the one man who can thwart a chemical attack on the capital. Filled with car chases and shootouts, Stratton cannot overcome a weak script and some odd casting, including Danish star Connie Nielsen with a cut-glass English accent as Stratton’s MI5 commander.

LE8 „„„ (Cert 15; 92mins) THE screen version of David Harrower’s award-winning play Blackbird is not easy viewing as it explores the legacy of abuse. Una (Rooney Mara) is in her 20s and shackled to a past that involved a sexual relationship with a much older family friend who should have known better. He subsequently served a four-year prison sentence. Ray (Ben Mendelsohn, above, with Mara) is now married and living under a different name. Una tracks him down, determined to confront him and discover what she really meant to him. Rooney gives a forceful performance while Mendelsohn is creepily plausible as a man who seems both predatory and sincere in his feelings for the younger Una.


DFFE ;F>J „„„


(Cert 15; 91mins) TELEVISION director Philip John makes a promising ďŹ lm debut with Moon Dogs, a quirky, nicely acted comedy that follows two stepbrothers on a road trip from Shetland to Glasgow. Thor (Christy O’Donnell) is heading south to ďŹ nd the mother who abandoned him when he was a baby while Michael (Jack Parry-Jones) wants to check up on his girlfriend Suzy (Kate Bracken). Along the way they are


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proclivities. Christopher Fulford is brilliant as the pettifogging Truscott who speaks in the elaborate language of a pompous minor ofďŹ cial and is given to bouts of absurdly savage violence. With her corncrake voice and conniving attraction, Sinead Matthews’ Fay resembles Barbara Windsor’s diabolical Irish cousin. And Anah Ruddin isn’t so much acting as acted upon in her role as the corpse. She’s prodded and poked, stripped and stuffed upside down into a cupboard and she thoroughly deserves her ovation when she rises from the cofďŹ n at the end. Rude, blasphemous, corrosive, Loot is also articulate, verbally dextrous and howlingly funny, like a Carry On ďŹ lm written by

Jonathan Swift. The lines sparkle and zing as they draw blood from the Roman Catholic Church, the police, the government and any institution on which Orton sets his sights. His rage is channelled into comedy that is as fresh today as it was when it was written. This is not, I concede, for the easily offended. But it’s their loss.

C8K< :FDG8EP „„„„ Trafalgar Studios, until September 16. Tickets: 020 7492 1548 AN ELEGANT middle-aged couple await their guests at a small but perfectly formed dinner party. The wife fusses with the table settings while the husband attempts to soothe her anxiety. They have never met their guests but they

have an intimate and tragic connection. A year earlier their gay son committed suicide after being bullied at school by the son of their guests. The meeting is intended to allow all parties to air their feelings, make apologies and reach some kind of closure. Naturally it doesn’t quite work out like that. Canadian Jordan Tannahill was 23 when he wrote this play after a similar incident occurred to one of his friends. The wonder is that Late Company is so brilliantly balanced between accusatory anger and humane understanding. Tannahill nails the cultural differences between the two families, the upmarket, arty hosts and the more earthy, grounded

guests, without making cheap jibes about their differing political views. This is not a Left versus Right debate but something far more personal: “You’re as complicated as a colouring book!â€? shouts grieving mother Debora (Lucy Robinson) in a line that deďŹ nes her character. Tannahill lets the story unravel through the interaction of the characters, nervous references to the dead boy Joel and the occasional outburst. Beautifully performed by all, especially David Leopold as the culpable son Curtis, it is a model of controlled information as revelations about Joel’s behaviour leak steadily into the room like dripping blood.


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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

DLJ@: DP J@O 9<JK 8C9LDJ 8;8D ?<EJFE ADAM HENSON, 51, has been a presenter of the BBC’s Countryfile since 2001 and he runs the Cotswold Farm Park. His book A Farmer And His Dog (BBC Books, £20) is out this week and he is appearing in theatres to support it. See cotswoldfarmpark.co.uk

D8;E<JJ1 Fe\ Jk\g 9\pfe[¿ (Union Square) In my schooldays I was very much into ska and 2 Tone: the world of the pencil tie and loafers. At discos we’d do the ridiculous dancing Madness used to do, what my children now say is dad dancing. If I can sneakily put it on, I still enjoy it.

K?< JG<:@8CJ1 K_\ Jg\Z`Xcj (EMI) I’ve always liked music with a fast beat. A girlfriend I was at school with borrowed this and never returned it. Then I met up with her later in life and she’s now the mother of my children so the album is back in my collection. The lengths a man will go to!

K?< A8D1 @e K_\ :`kp (Polydor) I went to see them a few times. Bruce Foxton used to jump in the air with his guitar and it was great. I went on

to buy Style Council albums as well. I always liked that smart, sharp look.

L)1 9fp (Universal/Island) Fantastic. I listened over and over again. When this comes on, it brings back memories of being at agricultural college. I followed them for a while after this album then stopped liking them so much.

K?< JKI8E>C<IJ1 K_\ :fcc\Zk`fe (0..$(0/) (EMI) I particularly liked Peaches and Nice ’N’ Sleazy. One of my sisters was really punky and I was influenced by her. She went quite hardcore though and I didn’t rush out to buy the Anti-Nowhere League like she did.

G8FCF ELK@E@1 Jleep J`[\ Lg (Warner) My series producer at the BBC was listening to this in the car a few years ago. I thought: “Crikey, I really like this, who is it?” I love the diversity and his pacy singalong songs. I’d love to see him live and it’s what I told my kids I wanted for Christmas – but they failed me!

:8IFC@E< I<<J

BOOK OFFERS GILES COLLECTION 2018 £8.99 PUBLISHED BY HAMLYN OCTOPUS PBK Giles is back for 2018 and the theme this year is holidays, so get ready for an acerbic look at festivities through the eyes of the 20th century’s greatest cartoonist. A perfect gift guaranteed to make dads and granddads chuckle on Christmas morning, this official Giles book, with a foreword by Bill Turnbull, is a great addition to the classic Giles collection.

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Yp DX^^`\ FË=Xii\cc Tinder Press, £18.99


AGGIE O’FARRELL has structured her captivating memoir around “17 brushes with death” and if her premise sounds bleak, it shines a spotlight on some of the most intense, defining moments of her life. O’Farrell, the award-winning author of novels that include The Hand That First Held Mine and Instructions For A Heatwave, recounts a series of terrifying experiences including, to name but a few, being held at knifepoint in Chile, catastrophic blood loss during childbirth, almost drowning at sea, several near-misses with cars, a terrifying flight and contracting an amoebic parasite in China. One of the most chilling scenes is of an encounter with a man on a remote mountainside, “blocking my way, waiting for me... his gaze slides over my face, my body... it is the look of a man working something out, planning the logistics of a deed”. O’Farrell, then 18, masks her fear by walking briskly downhill, making frantic conversation with the man until she is within reach of safety. She reports the incident to the police but they don’t take her seriously. Two weeks later the same man raped and murdered another woman. Throughout I Am, I Am, I Am (the title is from a Sylvia Plath poem) O’Farrell makes references to a near-death experience with encephalitis

which she contracted when she was eight. To this day her vision and spatial awareness are unstable, she is prone to falling and dropping things. Climbing stairs requires intense concentration. She stammered for most of her childhood and has never drunk alcohol or worn high heels. Towards the end of the book we are given the full, horrific story. “When you are a child, no one tells you that you’re going to die. You have to work it out for yourself.” Eight-year-old O’Farrell analyses the words and facial expressions of family and doctors, becoming “alert to nuance”. When she pulled through, doctors thought she would never walk again. When she finally returned to school, after months of convalescence followed by months of physiotherapy, her disability made her a pariah, “a spaz, a moron, a joey”. Heartbreakingly “every day I had the choice of either going without lunch or climbing the stairs the only way I could, on all fours, like a bear, like a baby, with the whole school watching”. Such a devastating experience might have made her timid and cautious but she determined to take a cavalier, sometimes reckless approach to life. Then she became

DETERMINED: Maggie O’Farrell

a mother. She has three children and the second, now eight, suffers agonising chronic eczema and 12-15 allergic reactions a year which can be triggered by anything from an egg being cracked nearby to sitting near someone who ate muesli for breakfast. There have been so many hospital dashes that her daughter is on first-name terms with their A&E nurses.


ESCRIBING the unimaginable challenges of day-today life with such a vulnerable child, O’Farrell betrays not a shred of self-pity, her energies focused on giving her daughter as normal a life as possible. O’Farrell values her privacy and the only reason she decided to write I Am, I Am, I Am was to show her daughter that her repeated brushes with death do not single her out as unique. So she is determined not to reveal any more than is necessary which can be frustrating for nosy readers like me. But this memoir has a refreshingly original premise and O’Farrell’s emotional acuity makes it a powerful account of a determined and thoughtful life. Her fiction is always a masterclass in empathy and the same is true of I Am, I Am, I Am which lingers even longer in the memory for being drawn from real life.

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HXVcYVa VcY ^cig^\jZ Vh \]dhih C8JK JKFG KFBPF Yp AXd\j 9lZbc\i Doubleday, £12.99 DESPERATE to escape a scandal that ruined his career as a corporate lawyer in London, Alex Malloy starts a new life in Tokyo. He hopes that by running 6,000 miles from the mistakes he has made and the people he has hurt he can turn his back on the past and reinvent himself. Working as an English teacher at a private school, he is immediately mesmerised by the completely alien but intoxicating Japanese city and he revels in his newfound anonymity. But then he falls for the enigmatic Naoko, an art dealer who is also hiding a troubled past that catches up with her. Alex will have to strike a dangerous deal with gangsters if they are to have a future together. Buckler lived in Japan where he worked as an English teacher and, if this dark debut novel is anything to go by, he

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obviously found it a troubling experience. But although Last Stop Tokyo is quite bleak with thoroughly unlikeable characters, the vivid setting and skilfully plotted story is compelling and hard to put down.

:F;<E8D< M@CC8E<CC< Yp Clb\ A\ee`e^j John Murray, £14.99 AFTER taking revenge for her father’s murder, linguistics student and sociopath Oxana Vorontsova is awaiting trial at a /lmx


Daily Express Friday September 1 2017


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KATE GARRAWAY, 50, is an ITV breakfast-time host who has fronted GMTV Today and Good Morning Britain. Her book about turning 50, The Joy Of Big Knickers (Blink, £8.99), is out in paperback next week. Yp J\YXjk`Xe =Xlcbj Vintage, £8.99 My all-time favourite. He was a journalist so his language is unflowery yet wonderfully romantic. It’s a love story set in the First World War, a mesmerising period for me. My grandfather lost his parents in the war. His dad died digging tunnels, described so well that you’re there, then his mother died of a broken heart.

Yp A\ee`\ D\cXd\[ Tinder Press, £18.99

DYSTOPIAN fiction has been a strong theme in 2017. From the hugely successful TV production of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale to reports that sales of George Orwell’s classic 1984 have increased by 10,000 per cent, it seems we can’t get enough of terrifying imaginings of a future gone wrong. Gather The Daughters is about a future gone very wrong indeed. This dark, compelling debut tells the story of a religious cult that traps women and girls in a nightmarish rule-bound world Life on their isolated island is constrained by complex and strictly enforced regulations that are particularly draconian if you are female. Women and girls are expected to submit to the will of their husbands and fathers

and cannot do anything without a chaperone. As girls reach puberty they enter their “summer of fruition” and are matched with a husband, then expected to have children. Their only freedom comes in the summer when prepubescent children are allowed to leave their parents and live wild in the woodlands. The story is told from the perspective of four teenage girls. Vanessa is the daughter of a “wanderer”, men who are allowed to leave the island to get supplies from “the wastelands” or the mainland. She is unusual in that her father allows her access to a limited selection of books. Amanda is recently married, pregnant and coming to terms with the news that she is expecting a girl, a prediction that leaves her distraught. Janey is 17 and the oldest unmarried girl on the island. She has delayed puberty by starving herself, so strong is her desire to avoid a “summer of fruition”. A natural leader, she begins to question whether what the girls are told about the wastelands is true. Then young Caitlin, at the

end of a summer of freedom, witnesses a shocking event that incites a rebellion among the girls and could change everything. The four girls’ stories interweave to create a disturbing picture of life in a society where women’s bodies aren’t their own. This is a novel that gives away its secrets slowly. The true horror, and make no mistake, this is a horror story, only becomes apparent over time. Life for women on the island is intolerably constrained but there is a much darker undercurrent for the girls. So much so that when a baby girl is born, it is customary for everyone present at the birth to cry. When a brutal test predicts that she is carrying a girl, Amanda sobs: “I can’t make her go through what I did.” At a time when it feels as if women’s rights around the world are being slowly eroded, this absorbing novel is both gripping and to-the-bone chilling. Melamed is definitely a talent to watch.

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CONTROL: Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale described a disturbing future for women

Marge is an eccentric babysitter with coloured hair who can’t resist an adventure. At bedtime we read two pages each and I do different voices. Yp <d`cp 9ifek Vintage, £6.99 The book I loved when I was a child. We were camping in Brontë country and the way she describes the landscape turned a wet holiday into a brooding, romantic storm of excitement.


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Yp Alc`Xe :cXip Andersen Press, £6.99 This is a brilliant piece of children’s literature. My son particularly finds it hilarious. The Bolds are a family of hyenas masquerading as humans and living in Teddington. It looks in a very funny way at how we judge people.

D8I>< 8E; K?< >I<8K KI8@E I<J:L< Yp @jcX =`j_\i Piccadilly, £5.99 I’ve just read this to my children.

Yp AXe\ 8ljk\e Vintage Classics, £7.99 I didn’t like this at school. I found it annoying and petty but I feel awful about that. I see it differently now. I came to it after watching the TV version which found the humour and passion beneath.

;I<8DJ =IFD DP =8K?<I Yp 9XiXZb FYXdX Canongate, £9.99 A great example of a genre I love: political autobiographies. I know the politics is often skewed and they’re representing their own history in the best light but people who have risen to power and struggled to do good work in public life are fascinating.

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d[ i]Z eVhi gZ[jhZ id WZ h^aZcXZY Ural Mountain remand centre when she is offered a way out. Konstantin, who works for a secretive global power-elite, recruits her to become the perfect assassin. A hellish year later, this young Russian woman is trained to kill without mercy for her paymasters. She is given a new life and a new name, Villanelle. Then she crosses MI5 agent Eve Polastri. When Polastri is tasked with hunting Villanelle, her mission becomes an obsession that will put her in the crosshairs of the ruthless killer. It may not be an original premise to have a beautiful, highly-trained female assassin working for a shadowy group of wealthy people. But this short novel works because it doesn’t take itself too seriously and the chief protagonists are interesting characters who make good foils

for each other. Codename Villanelle is easy to read, exciting and fun which is probably why it is being filmed as a BBC America TV drama, Killing Eve, due out next year.

K?< LEHL@<K ;<8; Yp 8ljdX Q\_XeXk B_Xe No Exit Press, £7.99 WHEN businessman Christopher Drayton falls to his death from a clifftop path late at night, it appears to be an accident. Detective Rachel Getty and her boss Esa Khattak normally handle minority-sensitive cases, so Getty is surprised when Khattak takes on the case. Then it comes to light that Drayton may have been a war criminal linked to the Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia in 1995. That would provide a murder motive for plenty of people among Canada’s community of Bosnian

refugees. As they dig deeper into the life of Drayton, Getty and Khattak uncover other troubling secrets and must work out whether the horrors of war or more recent crimes have led to his death. British-born Zehanat Khan lives in America and holds a PhD in international human rights law. An expert on the Srebrenica massacre, she opens each chapter with statements from war crimes hearings at The Hague and interweaves the narrative with stories of the ethnic cleansing and mass rapes that took place in Bosnia in the early 1990s. If her characters are a little one-dimensional and her lengthier passages challenging to read, Zehanat Khan is to be applauded for tackling such an important subject in a police procedural.

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N TIMES gone by people would warn their children against straying near the gypsy camps. The gypsies, it was said, would kidnap the children and pass them off as their own. There was one obvious flaw here – the gypsies had plenty of mouths to feed already. As GYPSY KIDS: OUR SECRET WORLD (Channel 5) proved last night though the story’s real meaning lay elsewhere. A couple of the youngsters featured were lucky not to be living by the roadside. Indianna, a ball of energy who hurtled around her permanent site on a quad bike, was looking forward to moving into a prefab chalet with her own bed. She had no interest in a house made of bricks in a street though. Jimmy and Mina always lived in

DXkk 9Xpc`j fe cXjk e`^_kËj KM houses and despite doing brilliantly in school and making friends, they moved every few years. Moving was an important part of the way of life, so much so that when they walked to school, they said their prayers, an important duty that could only be done “on the road”. They were didn’t want to let go of a distinct tradition but nor did they want to spend every night in a different hedgerow. The kids who

were living like that hated it and wanted something better. Margaret had moved 30 times in the last six months and she spoke with the weary bitterness of someone far older. Every few days, the same soap opera would unfold around her and her friends. The bailiffs would arrive and then the police. The men would clash with the hi-vis vests and slowly, painfully, everyone would move on. In one episode, Margaret and her friends occupied a pick-up truck so that the bailiffs couldn’t seize it, delightedly squealing the rudest things they knew out of the window. It looked like the only chance they got to have some fun. When you considered that local councils spent £18million a year shifting travelling people off land, it didn’t make sense. It made even

G@:BJ F= K?< ;8P Jgfik1 Nfic[ :lg C`m\1 DXckX m <e^cXe[# .%(,gd# @KM The Premier League is only three games old and already there is a break in the schedule to allow for international matches. Mark Pougatch presents coverage of the Group F qualifier from Ta’ Qali National Stadium in Attard. Malta have lost every group match so far but produced a spirited display in last October’s reverse fixture at Wembley. First-half goals by Liverpool’s Daniel Sturridge and Tottenham’s Dele Alli gave England a 2-0 win on that occasion but Harry Kane (left) and his team-mates will be looking to reward the travelling fans with a more emphatic victory this time. With commentary from Clive Tyldesley and ex-Three Lions boss Glenn Hoddle.

Jane nervously waits for Steven to get some answers as she becomes increasingly desperate for the truth, and Mick’s worries about Fi’s odd behaviour escalate when he decides to ask her to do the speech on behalf of The Vic at the Walford in Bloom event. It leads to the pair (Lisa Faulkner and Danny Dyer, both above) having a heart-to-heart in order to finally get to the bottom of what’s been going on. /lmx


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secondary Harrop Fold isn’t a place where everyone blends in. Tensions billowed last night over thoughtless “Osama bin Laden” insults and misunderstood comments over terrorism. The staff neither escalated issues nor ignored them, they wanted the kids to talk then move on. At the same time perhaps they trusted that the experience of going to school highlights everyone’s similarities. Watching small boys drawing rude pictures on the back of a van has never been my idea of a charming scene but last night, it was that shared mischief that confirmed Syrian Rani’s membership of the gang. Before long he was going over to Jack’s house for oven chips and that, ultimately, is how the world becomes a better place.

;@; PFL BEFN6 <e^cXe[Ëj jkXi jki`b\i ?Xiip BXe\ ifj\ k_ifl^_ k_\ `ek\ieXk`feXc iXebj# i\gi\j\ek`e^ _`j Zflekip Xk le[\i$(.# le[\i$(0# le[\i$)' Xe[ le[\i$)( c\m\c Y\]fi\ jZfi`e^ fe _`j j\e`fi `ek\ieXk`feXc [\Ylk fe DXiZ_ ).# )'(,%

KiXm\c1 :il`j`e^ N`k_ AXe\ DZ;feXc[# 0gd# :_Xee\c , Still looking absolutely stunning and somehow defying the ageing process, Jane McDonald (left) is back for a new series. Traversing the Baltic on board the Viking Sky, the presenter takes full advantage of the ship’s amenities. Her first stop is Tallinn in Estonia, a medieval town with much ancient architecture. Next up is St Petersburg in Russia, where Jane heads to the Hermitage Museum before a third stop in Helsinki, the beautiful capital of Finland.

less sense when you met teenager Jamesy, another old man with a boy’s face, whose family spent years clearing a dumpsite the council didn’t want but still faced eviction. All that money chasing people away, or a tenth of it, providing permanent sites? It depends, of course, on whose “sense” you mean. The kidnapping story, after all, was never about the danger to kids. It was just about fear. Following up the success of Educating Yorkshire, and echoing strands in the fictional Ackley Bridge, EDUCATING GREATER MANCHESTER (C4) arrived last night with a clamour of bells, scraping chairs and bellowing teachers. With a continually changing ethnic make-up and quadrupling numbers of pupils needing help with English, Salford

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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

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6.00 Breakfast The latest headlines. 9.15 Countryfile: Summer Diaries How a secret wartime mission brought garlic to the Isle of Wight. Last in the series. (W) (S) 10.00 Homes Under The Hammer Properties about to be auctioned in Staffordshire and South London. (R) 11.00 Britain’s Home Truths Nicki Chapman looks at new towns across the UK. Last in the series. (R) 11.45 Close Calls: On Camera A building site worker digs up a Second World War bomb. (AD) (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt (AD) (R) (W) (S) 1.00 BBC News At One, Weather 1.30 Local News, Weather (S) v 1.45 Red Rock Michael’s criminal endeavour seems doomed and lashing out lands Conor in trouble. (W) 2.30 Impossible Gameshow in which 30 recurring players compete for the chance to win £10,000. (R) (W) 3.15 Escape To The Continent Anita Rani offers advice on buying property in Sweden as she helps a couple from London find a dream family home in the country’s capital of Stockholm. (AD) (R) (W) (S) 4.15 Flog It! Two antiques experts hunt for antiques in the Bowes Museum at Barnard Castle in Co Durham. Paul Martin presents. (R) 5.15 Pointless Quiz show, presented by Alexander Armstrong. (R) (W) (S) 6.00 BBC News, Weather (W) (S) 6.30 Local News, Weather (S) v

6.00 Flog It! Trade Secrets (R) (S) 6.30 Countryfile: Summer Diaries Margherita Taylor heads to St Michael’s Mount. (R) (SL) (W) (S) 7.15 Britain’s Home Truths Gloria Hunniford explores housing in Northern Ireland. (AD) (R) (W) (S) 8.00 Sign Zone: Gardeners’ World Advice on how to keep crops coming up to the end of autumn. (R) 9.00 Victoria Derbyshire (W) (S) 11.00 BBC Newsroom Live (W) (S) 1.00 Perfection Nick Knowles hosts the general knowledge quiz. (R) (W) 1.45 The Sorcerer’s Apprentice 2010 (PG) A wizard in modern-day New York recruits an ordinary teenager to help protect the city from a mystical enemy. Fantasy adventure, with Nicolas Cage, Jay Baruchel and Alfred Molina. (AD) (W) 3.25 Coast Australia Tim Flannery reveals his role in discovering Australia’s polar dinosaurs. (AD) (R) 4.15 Planet Earth (AD) (R) (W) (S) 5.15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Antiques experts James Braxton and Kate Bliss invest a lot of money in their final lots. (R) (W) (S) 6.00 Eggheads Jeremy Vine hosts the quiz in which the winners of famous gameshows work as a team to tackle a new set of challengers. (R) 6.30 Royal Recipes Anna Haugh cooks up a mille feuilles dessert from the recipe book of a Buckingham palace kitchen maid. (W) (S)

6.00 Good Morning Britain A lively mix of news and current affairs, plus health, entertainment and lifestyle features. (W) (S) 8.30 GMB Today Hosted by Ben Shephard and Ranvir Singh. (W) (S) 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show Guests air their differences. (R) (W) 10.30 This Morning Celebrity chat and lifestyle features. (W) (S) 12.30 Loose Women With TOWIE star Megan McKenna. (W) (S) 1.30 ITV News, Weather (W) (S) 1.55 Local News, Weather v 2.00 Judge Rinder Cameras follow criminal barrister Robert Rinder as he takes on real-life cases. (W) (S) 3.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal David Dickinson and the team head to Derbyshire, where a mystery box has Stewart Hofgartner stumped and Jan Keyne falls for the charms of a 19th-century French clock. (R) (W) (S) 3.59 ITV Local Weather (W) (S) v 4.00 Tipping Point Ben Shephard hosts the arcade-themed gameshow, in which contestants drop tokens down a choice of four chutes in the hope of winning a £10,000 jackpot. Last in the series. (R) (W) (S) 5.00 Cash Trapped Quiz show. (W) 6.00 Local News, Weather v 6.15 ITV News, Weather (W) (S) 6.45 Emmerdale Kerry tries to keep Daz’s return a secret as she helps him prepare for a job interview – but Dan stumbles on the truth. (AD) (W) (S)

6.00 Countdown Word game. (R,S) 6.45 Will & Grace Comedy. (R,S) 7.10 The King Of Queens (R,S) 7.35 The King Of Queens (R,S) 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond Marie and Frank accidentally crash their car into Ray’s house. (AD) (R,S) 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond US comedy with Ray Romano. (R,S) 9.00 Frasier Classic comedy. (R,S) 9.30 Frasier Classic comedy. (R,S) 10.00 The Big Bang Theory (R,S) 10.30 The Big Bang Theory (R,S) 11.00 The Simpsons (AD) (R,S) 11.30 The Simpsons (AD) (R,S) 12.00 Channel 4 News Headlines. 12.05 Couples Come Dine With Me Well-to-do country types Des and Jo kick off the competition. (R,S) 1.05 French Collection Three Brits scour France’s largest flea market. (S) 2.10 Countdown With sports presenter Mark Pougatch. (S) 3.00 Cheap Cheap Cheap Noel’s Store goes Gallic when Barry has a French promotion in-store. (S) 4.00 A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun Ben Hillman tries to find a home in Almeria, Spain for £120,000. (R,S) 5.00 Come Dine With Me (S) 5.30 Streetmate Scarlett Moffatt helps 24-year-old Brad find romance. 6.00 The Simpsons Selma flies to China to adopt a baby. (AD) (R,S) 6.30 Hollyoaks Harry puts on a positive front as he and Tony bond over fond memories of Ste. (AD) (S)

6.00 Milkshake! Children’s shows. 9.15 The Wright Stuff Matthew Wright and the panel debate the day’s issues before opening the discussion to the studio audience and inviting viewers to offer their opinions. 11.15 The Yorkshire Vet Julian Norton is called out to a poorly three-day-old calf who has collapsed. He suspects a bacterial infection and thinks it could be contagious. (R,S) 12.10 5 News Lunchtime (S) 12.15 The Hotel Inspector Alex Polizzi tackles the Grant Arms Hotel in Ramsbottom, Manchester. (R) 1.15 Home And Away (AD) (S) 1.45 Neighbours Aussie soap. (AD) 2.20 NCIS The team tries to trace the history of a gun believed to have been used in a murder at a naval base and the relatives of the child who found the weapon come under suspicion. (R,S) 3.15 Jesse Stone: No Remorse 2010 (12) The chief of police has been suspended from the force and finds it harder than ever to control his drinking problem as a result. Detective thriller, starring Tom Selleck and Kathy Baker. Edited for violence. (W) (S) 5.00 5 News At 5 Headlines. (S) 5.30 Neighbours With Jack’s encouragement, Steph makes some life-changing decisions. (AD) (R,S) 6.00 Home And Away Wally admits to an affair with Charlotte. (AD) (R,S) 6.30 5 News Tonight A round-up of the evening’s headlines. (S)

ROOM 101: Frank Skinner helps decide which pet hates should be banished, 11.05pm

, EB


. EB


7.00 The One Show Alex Jones 7.00 Celebrity Antiques Road hosts the final edition of the week, Trip Former Blue Peter featuring the usual mix of celebrity presenters Sarah Greene and guests and stories. (W) (S) Peter Duncan are joined by the 7.30 A Question Of Sport experts Natasha Raskin and Guests include Stuart Pearce, Catherine Southon as they hunt Joanna Rowsell-Shand, Max for antiques in the cross-country, Chilton and Ross Taylor. (R) (W) treasure-hunting challenge. (R) v 8.00 EastEnders Jane waits for

Steven to get answers and Mick about Fi’s odd behaviour. worries See Pick Of The Day. (AD) (W)

10.00 BBC News At Ten (W) (S)

10.25 Local News, Weather v 10.35 Comedy Playhouse: Tim Vine Travels In Time See Pick Of The Day. (W) (S)


11.05 Room 101 The panel show returns as three celebrities argue the case for having their pet hates banished for ever. (R) 11.40 The NFL Show Mark Chapman presents a preview of the new season. (W)

&' b^Yc^\]i

8.00 Mastermind This week’s subjects include the FIFA World Cup, the Battle of Agincourt and Alexander the Great. (W) (S) v 8.30 Only Connect Quiz show based on lateral thinking, as a team of boardgamers takes on three lovers of Latin cuisine. v

8.30 Celebrity MasterChef The contenders are tasked to cook a duck breast with Swiss chard and a caper butter sauce in just 12 minutes. Split into teams they then make lunch for over 120 9.00 Gardeners’ World As the plants in the jewel garden reach members of staff and players at the peak of their late summer the Oval Cricket Ground, home of glory, Monty Don starts planning Surrey County Cricket Club. Back for the spring by planting ferns at HQ, the battle for a semi-final and offering advice on the care place reaches its climax as the and maintenance of wildlife four celebrities cook a faultless ponds. Including Weather. (S) v two-course meal. (AD) (W) (S)



ONLY CONNECT: Victoria Coren Mitchell presents the quiz show, 8.30pm

12.10 FILM: The Box 2009 (12) A couple are given a mysterious box with a button on it and told that if they press it, they will be given a million dollars but that someone will die. Sci-fi thriller, with Cameron Diaz and James Marsden. (AD) (W) (S) 2.00-6.00 BBC News (W) (S)

TIPPING POINT: Ben Shephard asks the general knowledge questions, 4pm

7.00 Channel 4 News Including sport and weather. (S) 7.15 World Cup Live Malta v England (Kick-off 7.45pm). Mark Pougatch presents coverage of the Group F qualifier from Ta’ Qali National Stadium in Attard. Malta have lost every group match so far, but produced a spirited display in last October’s reverse fixture at 8.00 The Crystal Maze Wembley. First-half strikes by A team of air cadets travel Daniel Sturridge and Dele Alli through the Aztec, Medieval, gave England a 2-0 win on that Industrial and Future zones of the occasion, but they will be looking Maze, tackling a range of skill and to reward the travelling fans with mental challenges. This is a unit a more enterprising performance whose members are certainly this time around. With analysis by not short of confidence. (AD) (S) Ian Wright, Ryan Giggs and Paul Ince, plus commentary from Clive 9.00 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Tyldesley and Glenn Hoddle. Countdown Jimmy Carr hosts See Pick Of The Day. (W) (S) the words-and-numbers quiz, with captain Jon Richardson and Jason Manford taking on guest captain Alan Carr and Katherine Ryan. DJ Ivan Brackenbury – aka Tom Binns – joins Susie Dent. (S)

10.00 QI Guests Colin Lane, Sarah 10.00 ITV News, Weather Millican and Noel Fielding join regular panellist Alan Davies and host Sandi Toksvig. (R) (W) (S) v 10.30 Newsnight Analysis of 10.30 Local News, Weather v the day’s events, presented by 10.40 World Cup Qualifier Evan Davis. (W) (S) Followed Highlights Malta v England. by Weather. Latest forecasts. (W) Mark Pougatch is joined by Ian Wright and Glenn Hoddle to 11.05 Dragons’ Den present action from the Group F Deborah Meaden, Peter Jones, encounter at Ta’ Qali National Touker Suleyman, Tej Lalvani Stadium in Attard. England and Jenny Campbell consider the expected to maintain their profit-making potential of furniture unbeaten record in the group. (W) made from old aeroplane parts, a range of organic dog treats and 11.45 Tipping Point Gameshow, healthy snacks. (AD) (R) (W) (S) hosted by Ben Shephard, in which contestants answer 12.05 Sign Zone: Dangerous questions to win turns on an Borders: A Journey Across arcade-style machine. (R) (W) (S) India & Pakistan Seventy years after Partition, journalists Adnan Sarwar and Babita Sharma travel along the border of Pakistan and India. (R) (SL) (W) (S) 1.05 Sign Zone: Normal For Norfolk (AD) (R) 1.35-6.45 This Is BBC Two (W) (S)

THE CRYSTAL MAZE: Richard Ayoade guides a team through the Maze, 8pm

12.35 Jackpot247 Viewers are offered the chance to participate in live interactive gaming from the comfort of their sofas. 3.00 Storage Hoarders (R) 3.50 ITV Nightscreen

NEIGHBOURS: Piper makes a grand gesture to Xanthe, 5.30pm

7.00 Secrets Of The National Trust With Alan Titchmarsh The presenter, with help from Joan Bakewell, reveals treasures of the National Trust, starting with Knole in Kent, once one of the most sought after palaces. (R,S) Followed by 5 News Update. (S) 8.00 Celebrity 5 Go

Motorhoming New series. Lesley Joseph, Don Warrington,

Melvyn Hayes, Nick Heyward and Cleo Rocos experience life in campsites and the freedom of the open road. See Pick Of The Day. (S) Followed by 5 News Update.

9.00 Cruising With Jane

McDonald New series. Travelling aboard the Viking Sky,

the presenter visits Tallinn in Estonia, St Petersburg in Russia, Helsinki in Finland and ends in the Swedish capital of Stockholm. See Pick Of the Day. (S)

10.00 Naked Attraction Sussex hairdresser Mark has appeared on the show before – but was rejected as a body in the face round. Now he’s back and determined to find a date, but will he make the right choice now the roles are reversed? (AD) (S)

10.00 Judy Garland: In Life And Death Pathologist Dr Jason Payne-James examines the actress’ sudden death, which occurred in June 1969 not long after her wedding to fifth husband Mickey Deans, with her body found in her bathroom. (S)

11.05 Married To A Celebrity: The Survival Guide Joan Collins, Freddie Flintoff, Jon Richardson and their other halves write a list of things their partners do that drive them crazy, before meeting up on screen to air their grievances for the first time. (R,S)

11.00 Inside Balmoral Exploring the history of Balmoral, a 50,000-acre estate, twice the size of the city of Manchester, which stretches across the Scottish Highlands. Cameras explore the impact that events behind its walls have had. (R,S)

12.10 The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice (R) 12.55 FILM: Endless Love 2014 (12) Romantic drama. 2.40 The State (R) 3.40 Location, Location, Location (R) 4.35 Double Your House For Half The Money (R) 5.30 Kirstie’s Vintage Gems (R) 5.45 Too Many Cooks (R)

12.00 SuperCasino Viewers get the chance to take part in live interactive gaming, with an entertaining mix of roulette-wheel spins and lively chat from the presenting team. (S) 3.10 Eve Of Destruction (S) 4.40 House Doctor. With Ann Maurice. (R) (SL) (S) 5.05 House Busters (R) (SL) (S) 5.35-6.00 Wildlife SOS (R) (SL) (S)

(S) SUBTITLES (R) REPEAT (AD) AUDIO DESCRIPTION (SL) SIGN LANGUAGE (W) WIDESCREEN v Regional variations opposite Recommended Ê Outstanding



Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

televisionexpress 5STAR 6.00 Teleshopping Home shopping. 8.00 8 Simple Rules US sitcom. (S) 8.20 Baby Ballroom Reality series. 9.10 Access Latest showbiz gossip. 9.15 Milkshake! Fun for youngsters. 11.00 My Wife And Kids Michael gives Vanessa’s father a job. (S) 11.30 My Wife And Kids Michael plans a romantic evening with Jay. (S) 12.00 8 Simple Rules US sitcom. (S) 12.30 8 Simple Rules Hit comedy. (S) 1.00 Dance Moms Part one of two. 2.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away Agents try to evict a woman who owes £6,000 in unpaid rent. (S) 3.00 Neighbours Australian soap. (S) 3.30 Home And Away (AD) (S) 4.00 Dance Moms Abby and her dance company are on edge as they prepare to go head-to-head with rivals the Candy Apples. (S) 5.00 My Wife And Kids Part two of two. Michael and Jay reminisce about the good times they have shared. (S) 5.30 My Wife And Kids Vanessa’s father moves in after his wife kicks him out of their home. (S) 6.00 Neighbours With Jack’s encouragement, Steph makes some life-changing decisions. (AD) (R,S) 6.30 Home And Away Tori doubts Brody’s story and suggests he continue his search for a rehab clinic. 7.00 FILM: Made Of Honor 2008 (12) A single man realises he is in love with his best friend, but has never done anything about it out of a fear of commitment. Romantic comedy, starring Patrick Dempsey, Michelle Monaghan and Kevin McKidd. (S) 9.00 FILM: Green Lantern 2011 (12) A cocky test pilot is given a mysterious ring by a dying alien and transported to another world, where he learns he has been recruited into a galactic peacekeeping organisation. Sci-fi adventure, starring Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard and Mark Strong. (S) 11.15 FILM: Role Models 2008 (15) Comedy, starring Paul Rudd. (W) (S) 1.20 Emerald City 2.20 Emerald City 3.10 You’re The Worst (S) 3.25 You’re The Worst 4.00 Teleshopping

5USA 6.00 Teleshopping Home shopping. 9.00 Access Latest showbiz gossip. 9.10 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation New recruit Langston investigates a murder on his first day with the team. George Eads stars. 10.00 Law & Order A death row prisoner’s guilt is questioned. (S) 11.00 Law & Order Briscoe and Green grow frustrated with a murder case. Crime drama, with Jerry Orbach. 12.00 CSI: Miami A wealthy businessman is killed. (AD) (S) 1.00 Access Latest showbiz gossip. 1.10 FILM: Trust No One 2016 (PG) Thriller, starring Nicole de Boer. 3.00 NCIS McGee is sent to a women’s prison to interview a murder suspect, but ends up being captured and held hostage by the inmates. (S) 4.00 Law & Order The murder of a white teenager in Harlem seems like an open-and-shut case – until two patrol officers are implicated in the crime. Steven Hill stars. (S) 5.00 Law & Order The team investigates the bombing of a helicopter. Michael McKean stars. (S) 6.00 CSI: Miami A suspected carjacker is murdered. (AD) (S) 7.00 NCIS Vance insists on taking charge of an investigation into the fatal shooting of a boxer. (AD) (S) 8.00 NCIS The team tries to trace the history of a gun believed to have been used in a murder at a naval base. (AD) 9.00 Law & Order: Los Angeles A workplace shooting spree leads to unexpected accusations that the team is allowing racial factors to influence its investigation. Corey Stoll stars. (S) 10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The team investigates the abduction and killing of a woman in a building owned by powerful investment banker Richard Morgan. 11.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit A witness in a rape case is reluctant to testify. (S) 11.55 NCIS As Christmas approaches, the team works overtime to solve a robbery. Peter Coyote guest stars. (S) 12.55 CSI: Miami (AD) (S) 1.50 CSI: Miami (S) 2.50 CSI: Miami (AD) (S) 3.50 Access 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping

Radio 1

FM: 97.6-99.8 MHz 6.33 The Radio 1 Breakfast Show With Nick Grimshaw: Music and topical chat. 10.00 Clara Amfo. 12.45 Newsbeat. 1.00 Scott Mills. 4.00 The Official Chart With Dev. 5.45 Newsbeat. 6.00 Radio 1’s Dance Anthems With Dev. 7.00 Annie Mac. 10.00 Pete Tong. 1.00 B.Traits. 4.00-6.00 Radio 1’s Essential Mix.

Radio 2

FM: 88-90.2 MHz 5.00 Vanessa Feltz: Early morning music and chat. 6.30 Sara Cox. 9.30 Ken Bruce. 12.00 Jeremy Vine. 2.00 Steve Wright In The Afternoon. 5.00 Simon Mayo. 7.00 Tony Blackburn’s Golden Hour. 8.00 Friday Night Is Music Night. 10.00 Sounds Of The 80s. 12.00 Anneka Rice: The Happening. 2.00 Radio 2’s Funky Soul Playlist. 3.00 Radio 2 Playlist: New To 2. 4.00-5.00 Radio 2 Playlist: 21st Century Songs.

Radio 3

FM: 90.2-92.4 MHz 6.30 Breakfast. 9.00 Essential Classics. 12.00 Composer Of The Week: Brahms. 1.00 News: Headlines. 1.02 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert. 2.00 Afternoon On 3: At London’s Royal Albert Hall, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, under conductor Louis Langrée, performs works by Bernstein, Copland and Tchaikovsky. 4.30 In Tune: Sean Rafferty introduces a lively mix of chat, arts news and live performance. His guests include the Silesian Quartet, performing live in the studio. Including 5.00, 6.00 News. 6.30 BBC Proms 2017: At London’s Royal Albert Hall, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, under conductor Daniele Gatti, perform works by Wolfgang Rihm and Bruckner. Presented by Petroc Trelawny. 8.45 BBC New Generation Artists: Violinist Veronika Eberle and pianist Francesco Piemontesi play Brahms’ Violin Sonata No 1 in G. 9.15 WB Yeats And The Artifice Of Eternity: See Radio Choice. 10.15 BBC Proms 2017: At London’s Royal Albert Hall, Jools Holland pays tribute to Stax Records with original stars Eddie Floyd, William Bell, Booker T Jones and Steve Cropper, plus Tom Jones. 11.30 World On 3. 1.00-7.00 Through The Night.

Radio 4

FM: 92.4-94.6 MHz LW: 198 kHz 5.30 News Briefing. 5.43 Prayer For The Day. 5.45 Farming Today. 5.58 Tweet Of The Day. 6.00 Today. 9.00 The Reunion. 9.45 (LW) Daily Service. 9.45 (FM) Book of the Week: How Not To Be A Boy. 10.00 Woman’s Hour. 11.00 The Funeral Singer. 11.30 The Cold Swedish Winter. 12.00 News. 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 12.04 Home Front. 12.15 You And Yours. 1.00 The World At One. 1.45 Streets Apart: A History Of Social Housing. 2.00 The Archers: Lilian tries to explain herself. 2.15 Drama: Further From Heaven: Black comedy, by James O’Neill. 3.00 Gardeners’ Question Time: Peter Gibbs presents the panel show from Lerwick, Shetland. 3.45 Short Works: Joseph, by David Szalay. 4.00 Last Word: Matthew Bannister celebrates the lives of famous and less wellknown people who have recently died. 4.30 More Or Less: Tim Harford investigates the numbers that are prevalent everywhere – in the news, in politics and in life generally. 4.55 The Listening Project: The mother of a severely disabled daughter talks with her friend. 5.00 PM: Presented by Carolyn Quinn. 5.54 (LW) Shipping Forecast. 5.57 Weather. 6.00 Six O’Clock News. 6.30 The Museum Of Curiosity: With guests Kathy Lette, Andy Miller and Stephen Fry. Last in the series. 7.00 The Archers: Lexi clears up some confusion. 7.15 Front Row: Arts programme. 7.45 Subterranean Homesick Blues: By AL Kennedy. Last in the series. 8.00 Any Questions? With Deputy President of the National Farmers’ Union Minette Batters, singer and activist Billy Bragg, Labour MP Lisa Nandy and Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg. 8.50 A Point Of View: Weekly reflections on topical issues with a range of contributors. 9.00 Home Front Omnibus: Parts 2125. By Mike Walker. Another chance to hear the episodes covering the period from 8th August to 1st September 1917. 10.00 The World Tonight: With Razia Iqbal. 10.45 Book at Bedtime: Afterworld: By Anthony Doerr. Last in the series. 11.00 Great Lives. 11.30 Enlightenment After Dark. 11.55 The Listening Project. 12.00 News, Weather. 12.30 Book of the Week: How Not To Be A Boy. 12.48 Shipping Forecast. 1.00 As BBC World Service. 5.20-5.30 Shipping Forecast.

Radio Choice WB Yeats And The Artifice Of Eternity, Radio 3, 9.15pm

Radio 3 revisits the programme produced by Theo Dorgan, exploring the legacy the poet and senator WB Years has left. Plus, how he is still a living presence in the cultural and public sports news, interviews and features. 7.45 5 Live Sport: International Football 2017-18: Malta v England (Kick-off 7.45pm). Commentary on the World Cup Group F qualifying fixture. Plus, updates on San Marino v Northern Ireland and Lithuania v Scotland. 10.00 Nihal Arthanayake. 1.00 Up All Night.


MW: 1053, 1089, 1071, 1107 kHz 6.00 The Alan Brazil Sports Breakfast. 10.00 Jim White. 1.00 Hawksbee And Jacobs. 4.00 Adrian Durham And Darren Gough. 7.00 Kick-off: Malta v England (Kick-off 7.45pm). Mark Saggers presents commentary on the Group F World Cup qualifier at the National Stadium. 10.00 The Two Mikes. 1.00-6.00 Extra Time With Tom Latchem.

life of Ireland and the wider world, a mere 152 years after he was born. A pillar of both the Irish and British literacy establishments, Dorgan’s influence helped find the Abbey Theatre. He also served as an Irish Senator for two terms, which are amongst his achievements. Liam Shaw

BBC World Service on digital only

5.00 News: Latest headlines. 5.06 The Newsroom. 5.30 Science In Action. 6.00 Newsday. 8.30 Business Daily. 8.50 Witness. 9.00 Newshour Extra. 10.00 World Update. 11.00 The Newsroom. 11.30 World Football. 12.00 News. 12.06 The 5th Floor. 1.00 The Newsroom. 1.30 Heart And Soul. 2.00 Newshour. 3.00 News. 3.06 Tech Tent. 3.30 World Business Report. 4.00 BBC OS. 6.00 News. 6.06 The 5th Floor. 7.00 The Newsroom. 7.30 Sport Today. 8.00 News. 8.06 HARDtalk. 8.30 CrowdScience. 9.00 Newshour. 10.00 News. 10.06 Trending. 10.30 World Football. 11.00 The Newsroom. 11.20 Sports News. 11.30 World Business

reader offer 76240


Report. 12.00 Newshour Extra. 1.00 News. 1.06 Business Matters. 2.00 News: Latest headlines. 2.06 The Newsroom. 2.30 Heart And Soul. 3.00 News. 3.06 Global Business. 3.30 Stumped. 4.00-5.00 Newshour Extra.

Classic FM

FM: 100-102 MHz 6.00 More Music Breakfast. 9.00 John Suchet: The best classical music. 1.00 Bill Turnbull. 5.00 Classic FM Drive. 7.00 Smooth Classics At Seven. 8.00 The Full Works Concert. 10.00 Smooth Classics. 1.00 Katie Breathwick. 4.00-7.00 Jane Jones.

Absolute Radio

MW: 1215, 1197, 1242 kHz 6.00 Christian O’Connell’s Breakfast Show. 10.00 Claire Sturgess. 1.00 Andy Bush. 4.00 George Godfrey. 6.00 Pete Donaldson. 8.00 Absolute 80s With Ben Burrell. 11.00 Alex Baker. 4.00-8.00 George Godfrey.

Radio Wales

MW: 882, 657 kHz FM: 93.9-95.9, 103.7-103.9 MHz 5.00 Mal Pope: Music and chat. 6.30 Good Morning Wales. 9.04 Dot Davies. 11.03 Wynne Evans. 1.04 Eleri Siôn. 4.00 Good Evening Wales. 6.30 The Unexplainers. 7.00 News. 7.03 The Friday Night Social. 10.03 Chris Needs. 1.00 As BBC World Service.



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Radio 5 Live

MW: 909, 693 kHz 5.00 Morning Reports. 5.15 Wake Up To Money. 6.00 5 Live Breakfast. 10.00 5 Live Daily With Emma Barnett. 1.00 The Friday Sports Panel. 2.00 Kermode And Mayo’s Film Review. 4.00 5 Live Drive. 7.00 5 Live Sport: Darren Fletcher presents build-up to Malta v England in their football World Cup qualifier. Plus,

REGIONAL VARIATIONS BBC1 Variations Wales: 7.30-8.00 Cardiff Bay Lives BBC2 Variations Wales: 7.00 Mastermind 7.30 Scrum V Live. Cardiff Blues v Edinburgh. 9.30 Only Connect 10.00-10.30 Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience ITV Variations ITV CHANNEL: 12.35 ITV Nightscreen S4C 6.00 Cyw: Hafod Haul 6.15 Cyw: Guto Gwningen 6.30 Cyw: Sam Tân 6.40 Cyw: Twt 6.50 Cyw: Peppa 7.00 Cyw: Cacamwnci 7.15 Cyw: Olobobs 7.20 Cyw: Digbi Draig 7.35 Cyw: Dona Direidi 7.50 Cyw: Sara A Cwac 8.00 Cyw: Ysbyty Cyw Bach 8.15 Cyw: Ty Mel 8.20 Cyw: Y Dywysoges Fach 8.35 Cyw: Syrcas Deithiol Dewi 8.45 Cyw: Dwylo’r Enfys 9.00 Cyw: Igam Ogam 9.10 Cyw: Oli Dan Y Don 9.25 Cyw: Chwedlau Tinga Tinga 9.35 Cyw: Cymylaubychain 9.45 Cyw: Bach A Mawr 10.00 Cyw: Ben Dant 10.15 Cyw: Sam Tân 10.30 Cyw: Bobi Jac 10.40 Cyw: Octonots 10.55 Cyw: Peppa 11.00 Cyw: Cacamwnci 11.15 Cyw: Blero Yn Mynd I Ocido 11.25 Cyw: Twm Tisian 11.35 Cyw: Straeon Ty Pen 11.50 Cyw: Cymylaubychain 12.00 Newyddion S4C A’r Tywydd 12.05 Heno 1.00 Cofio’r Comin 2.00 Newyddion S4C A’r Tywydd 2.05 Prynhawn Da 3.00 Newyddion S4C A’r Tywydd 3.05 Portreadau 3.30 Cadw Cwmni Gyda John Hardy 4.00 Awr Fawr 5.00 Stwnsh: Bernard 5.05 Stwnsh: Cog1nio 5.30 Stwnsh: Mwy O Mwfs: MOM 5.45 Stwnsh: Gwboi A Twm Twm 6.00 Newyddion S4C A’r Tywydd 6.05 100 Lle 6.30 Pum Merch, Tri Chopa, Un Cwch 7.00 Heno 8.00 Pobol Y Cwm 8.25 Codi Pac 9.00 Newyddion 9 A’r Tywydd 9.30 Jiwcbocs Y Stiwdio Gefn 10.00 Caryl 10.30 999: Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru 11.00 Gwyl Y Meirw: Mecsico

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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017


today’s choice

Sky Cinema Premiere

Sky 301

6.00am Kill The King (2016) (15) Crime drama, starring Emily Browning. 7.40 Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them: Special A behind-the-scenes look at the latest trip into JK Rowling’s wizarding world. 8.10 Blinky Bill (2015) (PG) Animated adventure. 9.40 Trolls (2016) (U) Animation. 11.25 Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them (2016) (12) Harry Potter prequel. 1.50pm Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them: Special A behind-the-scenes look at the latest trip into JK Rowling’s wizarding world. 2.20 Allied (2016) (15) Wartime thriller. 4.35 Blinky Bill (2015) (PG) With the voice of Billy Birmingham. 6.15 Trolls (2016) (U) With the voices of Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake. 8.00 Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them (2016) (12) Starring Eddie Redmayne. 10.20 Allied (2016) (15) Starring Brad Pitt. 12.35am Ouija: Origin Of Evil (2016) (15) Supernatural horror prequel. 2.30 Daylight’s End (2016) (15) Horror. 4.30 Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them: Special A behind-the-scenes look at the latest trip into JK Rowling’s wizarding world. 5.00 Ghostbusters: Special Interviews with the cast of the movie reboot.

Sky Cinema Comedy

• Times quoted are BST

Ice Age: Collision Course HHH

Sky Cinema Family, 4.45pm

6.00am 1941 (1979) (PG) With Dan Aykroyd. 8.05 Spider-Man: Homecoming – Special The making of the new superhero movie. 8.35 Who’s Harry Crumb? (1989) (PG) With John Candy. 10.15 Just Married (2003) (12) With Ashton Kutcher. Noon Sausage Party (2016) (18) With Seth Rogen. 1.40 The Top Ten Show 2017 The biggest box office hits in the UK and US. 2.00 Bridesmaids (2011) (15) With Kristen Wiig. 4.10 The House Bunny (2008) (12) With Anna Faris. 5.55 The Intern (2015) (12) With Robert De Niro. 8.00 Sausage Party (2016) (18) Animated comedy, featuring the voice of Seth Rogen. 9.35 Bridesmaids (2011) (15) With Kristen Wiig, Rose Byrne and Melissa McCarthy. 11.45 The Blues Brothers (1980) (15) With John Belushi. 2.05am Vacation (2015) (15) With Ed Helms. 3.50 Death At A Funeral (2010) (15) Starring Chris Rock. 5.30 Spider-Man: Homecoming – Special

Sky Cinema Action & Adventure Sky 307

6.00am Bad Blood (2014) (15) With Abigail Breslin. 7.35 Pitch Black (2000) (15) With Vin Diesel. 9.30 The Chronicles Of Riddick (2004) (15) With Vin Diesel. 11.35 The Lord Of The Rings: The Two

Towers (2002) (12) With Elijah Wood. 2.35pm Braveheart (1995) (15) With Mel Gibson. 5.35 The 5th Wave (2016) (15) With Chloe Grace Moretz. 7.30 Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (2009) (12) With Shia LaBeouf. 10.00 Universal Soldier (1992) (18) With Jean-Claude Van Damme. 11.50 Universal Soldier: The Return (1999) (18) With Jean-Claude Van Damme. 1.20am Cyborg (1989) (18) With JeanClaude Van Damme. 2.50 Death Warrant (1990) (18) Starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. 4.30 Smokey And The Bandit II (1980) (PG) Starring Burt Reynolds.

Sky Cinema Family

Sky 306

6.00am The Good Dinosaur: Sky Movies Special Sky Movies takes a special look at Pixar’s animated prehistoric adventure. 6.30 DuckTales The Movie: Treasure Of The Lost Lamp (1990) (U) Animated adventure. 7.50 The Angry Birds Movie (2016) (U) Animation. 9.35 Ice Age: Collision Course (2016) (U) Animated sequel. 11.15 Storks (2016) (U) Animated adventure. 12.50pm Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Road Chip (2015) (U) Family comedy sequel. 2.30 Moana: Special A look at the animated Disney adventure. 3.00 The Angry Birds Movie (2016) (U) With the voice of Jason Sudeikis. 4.45 Ice Age: Collision

Sky 304


Sky 317

6.00am Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) (12) Sci-fi prequel. 8.15 Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977) (U) Sci-fi adventure. 10.25 Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980) (U) Sequel. 12.35pm Star Wars: Episode VI – Return Of The Jedi (1983) (U) Starring Mark Hamill. 2.50 Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens (2015) (12) Starring Daisy Ridley. 5.10 Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999) (U) Starring Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor. 7.30 Star Wars: Episode II – Attack Of The Clones (2002) (PG) With Ewan McGregor. 10.00 Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) (PG) Animated sci-fi adventure. 11.40 Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge Of The Sith (2005) (12) Starring Hayden Christensen. 2.05am Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) (12) Starring Felicity Jones.

Sid the sloth and pals return for their fifth big-screen adventure as they are forced to save the day when a cosmic blunder leaves Earth in the path of an asteroid. Scrat’s never-ending pursuit of his elusive acorn catapults him into space but he inadvertently places his home planet in all kinds of trouble. With the lovable creatures facing certain doom, they set off on another quest full of madcap thrills and spills where they encounter a whole host of new characters who add yet another level to this popular children’s franchise. Animated sequel, with the voices of Ray Romano, Denis Leary, Jennifer Lopez and John Leguizamo. chris mchugh

Sky 308

Sky Cinema Star Wars

Course (2016) (U) With the voice of Ray Romano. See Today’s Choice. 6.25 Storks (2016) (U) With the voice of Andy Samberg. 8.00 Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Road Chip (2015) (U) With Jason Lee. 9.40 Throne Of Elves (2016) (PG) Animated fantasy. 11.25 The Adventures Of Huck Finn (1993) (U) Disney adventure, starring Elijah Wood. 1.20am Ice Princess (2005) (U) Comedy drama. 3.00 Throne Of Elves (2016) (PG) Featuring the voice of Ashley Boettcher. 4.40 DuckTales The Movie: Treasure Of The Lost Lamp (1990) (U) With the voice of Christopher Lloyd.

Sky Cinema Drama & Romance

Sky 310

6.35am Irrational Man (2015) (12) With Joaquin Phoenix. 8.20 Concussion (2015) (12) With Will Smith. 10.30 Bravetown (2015) (15) With Josh Duhamel. 12.30pm Dreamgirls (2006) (12) With Jamie Foxx. 2.45 As Good As It Gets (1997) (15) With Jack Nicholson. 5.10 Australia (2008) (12) With Nicole Kidman. 8.00 Fathers And Daughters (2015) (15) Drama, starring Russell Crowe. 10.00 Dreamgirls (2006) (12) With Jamie Foxx. 12.15am An Officer And A Gentleman (1982) (15) With Richard Gere. 2.25 Boulevard (2014) (15) With Robin Williams. 4.00 A Passage To India (1984) (PG) With Peggy Ashcroft.

6.30am Hollywood’s Best Film Directors 7.05 Kung Fu 8.15 Kung Fu 9.20 Trooper Hook (1957) (PG) 11.05 Gunsight Ridge (1957) (U) 12.50pm Kung Fu 1.55 Kung Fu 3.00 Stars In My Crown (1950) (PG) 4.40 The Naked Spur (1953) (PG) 6.25 Fort Vengeance (1953) (PG) 7.50 Sherlock Holmes And The Voice Of Terror (1942) (U) 9.00 Until Death (2007) (15) Action drama, starring JeanClaude Van Damme. 11.10 Paycheck (2003) (12) 1.30am Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura 2.30 Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura 3.25 Hollywood’s Best Film Directors


Freeview 15 - Sky 315

11.00am Mr Popper’s Penguins (2011) (PG) Family comedy. 12.50pm The Dark Crystal (1982) (PG) Puppet fantasy. 2.35 Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998) (PG) Romantic drama. 4.55 The Phantom (1996) (12) Superhero adventure. 6.55 Johnny English Reborn (2011) (PG) Spy comedy sequel. 9.00 The World’s End (2013) (15) Sci-fi comedy, starring Simon Pegg. 11.10 Police Story: Lockdown (2013) (15) Action adventure sequel, starring Jackie Chan. 1.25am King Boxer (1972) (18) Martial arts action adventure.

Disney Channel

Sky 609

7.00am Tangled: Before Ever After (2017) (U) Fantasy. Noon Lemonade Mouth (2011) (U) Teen musical. 6.02 Tangled (2010) (PG) Musical fantasy.

entertainment satellite, cable and digital ITV2

Freeview 6 - Sky 118

6.00am Nathan Sykes: The Hot Desk 6.10 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 6.30 Below Deck 7.20 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 8.00 Emmerdale 9.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold Top 100 Weddings 10.00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10.30 The Great Indoors 11.25 Below Deck 12.20pm Emmerdale 1.30 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 2.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 2.50 The Jeremy Kyle Show 5.00 Judge Rinder 6.00 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.00 Totally You’ve Been Framed! Gold 8.00 Film: Inception (2010) (12) Christopher Nolan’s sci-fi thriller, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen Page. 11.00 Family Guy 12.30am American Dad! 1.30 Through The Keyhole 2.30 Teleshopping


Freeview 10 - Sky 119

6.00am Judge Judy 6.40 The Royal 7.40 Heartbeat 8.40 Where The Heart Is 9.40 Judge Judy 11.00 Rising Damp 11.30 You’re Only Young Twice 12.05pm The Darling Buds Of May 1.10 Heartbeat 2.10 The Royal 3.10 The Darling Buds Of May 4.20 You’re Only Young Twice 4.55 On The Buses 5.25 Rising Damp 5.55 Heartbeat 7.00 Murder, She Wrote 8.00 Doc Martin 9.00 The Street 10.25 Law & Order: UK 11.30 Film: The English Patient (1996) (15) 12.30am FYI Daily 12.35 Film: The English Patient (1996) (15) 2.25 The Suspicions Of Mr Whicher 4.05 On The Buses 5.00 Rising Damp 5.30 ITV3 Nightscreen


Freeview 24 - Sky 120

6.00am Snooker V Darts 6.05 The Chase 6.55 Storage Wars: Texas 7.40 The Professionals 8.35 Ironside 9.40 Quincy ME 10.40 Minder 11.50 The Professionals 12.50pm Cycling: Vuelta A Espana 1.50 Ironside 2.55 Quincy ME 4.00 Minder 5.00 The Professionals 6.00 Storage Wars: Texas 7.00 Cycling: Vuelta A Espana 8.00 Classic TT 9.00 Film: Clear And Present Danger (1994) (12) 10.00 FYI Daily 10.05 Film: Clear And Present Danger (1994) (12) 11.50 Film: The Keeper (2009) (15) 12.50am FYI Daily 12.55 Film: The Keeper (2009) (15) 1.55 Minder 2.45 ITV4 Nightscreen 3.00 Teleshopping


Sky 106

6.00am NCIS: Los Angeles 8.00 Monkey Life 9.00 The Dog Whisperer 11.00 Modern Family Noon NCIS: Los Angeles 3.00 Supergirl 4.00 The Flash 6.00 Duck Quacks Don’t Echo 6.30 The Simpsons 8.00 Modern Family 9.00 Zoo. Sci-fi thriller, starring James Wolk. 10.00 The Force: North East 11.00 Ross Kemp On Gangs Midnight A League Of Their Own. Comedy quiz. 1.00 The Force: Manchester 2.00 Ross Kemp In Search Of Pirates 3.00 Motorway Patrol 4.00 Animal 999 5.00 Monkey Life


Freeview 28 - Sky 136

6.00am Hollyoaks 6.30 Coach Trip: Road To Zante 7.00 Made In Chelsea 8.00 Melissa & Joey 9.00 Black-ish 10.00 Baby Daddy 11.00 How I Met Your Mother Noon The Goldbergs 1.00 The Big Bang Theory 2.00 Melissa & Joey 3.00 Baby Daddy 4.00 Blackish 5.00 The Goldbergs 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 Coach Trip: Road To Zante 8.00 The Big Bang Theory 9.00 Film: Immortals (2011) (15) 11.10 The Big Bang Theory 12.10am Gogglebox 1.15 Tattoo Fixers On Holiday 2.20 Celebs Go Dating: The Finale 3.15 Body Fixers 4.05 Rude(ish) Tube 4.30 How I Met Your Mother


Freeview 14 - Sky 138

8.55am A Place In The Sun: Home Or Away 11.00 Four In A Bed 1.35pm A Place In The Sun: Home Or Away 3.45 Time Team 5.55 Vet On The Hill 6.55 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 7.55 Grand Designs 9.00 Professor T 10.05 24 Hours In A&E 12.15am Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 1.15 24 Hours In A&E 2.15 Grand Designs 3.20 8 Out Of 10 Cats Uncut. Comedy panel show, with Jimmy Carr.


Sky 110

7.00am Goodnight Sweetheart 7.30 Lucky Feller 8.00 The Piglet Files 8.35 A Sharp Intake Of Breath 9.10 Butterflies 9.50 Goodnight Sweetheart 11.10 Only Fools And Horses 11.30pm Goodnight Sweetheart 12.50am The Piglet Files 1.25 Butterflies 2.00 The Thin Blue Line 2.35 Lucky Feller 3.05 Big School 4.00 Home Shopping

Sky Living

Sky 107

6.00am 60 Minute Makeover 7.00 Nothing To Declare 8.00 Road Wars 9.00 Cooks To Market 9.15 My Kitchen Rules: Australia 10.30 Nothing To Declare Noon Elementary 1.00 Criminal Minds 2.00 Cold Case 3.00 Cooks To Market 3.15 Stop, Search, Seize 4.15 Border Security USA 5.15 Nothing To Declare 6.45 My Kitchen Rules: Australia 8.00 Elementary. Natalie Dormer (Game of Thrones) guest stars. 9.00 Nashville 10.00 Bones 1.00am Road Wars 2.00 Sun, Sea And A&E 3.00 Cold Case 4.00 Border Security: Canada’s Front Line 5.00 Nothing To Declare

CBS Action

Freeview 39 - Sky 148

CBS Reality

Freeview 66 - Sky 146

6.00am Teleshopping 9.00 JAG 10.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 11.00 Diagnosis Murder Noon Bonanza 2.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 3.00 NCIS 4.00 Walker, Texas Ranger 5.00 JAG 6.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 7.00 Diagnosis Murder 8.00 Walker, Texas Ranger 9.00 NCIS. Guest starring Michael Nouri. 10.00 NCIS: Los Angeles 11.00 Diagnosis Murder Midnight NCIS: Los Angeles 12.55 NCIS 1.50 NCIS: Los Angeles 2.40 MacGyver 3.35 Walker, Texas Ranger 4.20 The Wild Wild West 6.00am Teleshopping. Buy goods from home. 9.00 Judge Judy 9.50 Missing With Troy Dunn 10.45 Unsolved Mysteries 11.40 48 Hours: Mystery 12.35pm Judge Judy 3.10 Missing With Troy Dunn 4.05 Unsolved Mysteries 5.00 Judge Judy 7.00 Medical Detectives 8.00 48 Hours: Mystery 9.00 Death Row Stories 10.00 Snapped: Killer Couples 11.00 Evil Twins Midnight Uncovering The Date Rape Killer 1.00 Death Row Stories 2.00 Snapped: Killer Couples 3.00 Teleshopping 4.00 Cops: Reloaded 5.30 Neighbours At War

BBC Four

Freeview 9 - Sky 116

7.00pm World News Today, Weather 7.30 Top Of The Pops: 1984. Including appearances from the Smiths, Scritti Politti and Ozzy Osbourne. 8.00 BBC Proms 2017 11.45 Film: Hello Quo (2012) (15) 1.05am Top Of The Pops: 1984 1.45 When Pop Ruled My Life: The Fans’ Story 2.45 One-Hit Wonders At The BBC

Comedy Central

Sky 112


Sky 124

8.00am The Middle 10.00 Friends 1.00pm Impractical Jokers 2.00 Friends 3.00 8 Simple Rules 4.00 Friends 8.00 Impractical Jokers 8.30 Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes 9.00 Bob’s Burgers 10.00 Film: Zoolander (2001) (12) 11.55 South Park 1.00am The Daily Show 1.30 The President Show 2.00 South Park 3.00 Brickleberry 3.25 Legends Of Chamberlain Heights 3.50 Two And A Half Men 4.15 Friends 5.00 Teleshopping 8.00am Monk. Starring Tony Shalhoub. 9.00 The Mentalist 11.00 Body Of Proof 1.00pm NCIS 3.00 The Mentalist 5.00 Body Of Proof 7.00 NCIS 10.00 Bull 11.00 Family Guy Midnight American Dad! 1.00 Family Guy 2.00 American Dad! 3.00 Family Guy 4.00 American Dad! 5.00 Teleshopping


Sky 520

6.00am How It’s Made 7.00 Alaskan Bush People. Reality documentary series. 8.00 Tanked 9.00 Superyachts 10.00 Fast N’ Loud Noon Diesel Brothers 1.00 Railroad Alaska 2.00 Alaska: The Last Frontier 3.00 The Last Alaskans 4.00 Gold Divers 5.00 Naked And Afraid 6.00 Wheeler Dealers 7.00 Fast N’ Loud 8.00 Gold Divers 9.00 James May’s Toy Stories 10.00 Rise Of The Machines 11.00 Street Outlaws: New Orleans 1.00am Street Outlaws 2.00 Street Outlaws Vs Fast N’ Loud 3.00 Street Outlaws 3.50 Rise Of The Machines 4.40 Tanked 5.30 How It’s Made

sport Sky Sports Main Event

Sky 401

6.00am Good Morning Sports Fans 8.30 Paddock Uncut 8.45 Live Formula 1 10.55 Live Formula 2 Championship 11.40 Paddock Uncut Noon Sky Sports Today 2.00 Live Kia Super League Cricket 6.00 Live Kia Super League Cricket 7.00 Live WCQ. Lithuania v Scotland (Kick-off 7.45pm). Coverage of the Group F World Cup qualifying match at LFF Stadium in Vilnius. 10.00 Live Nxtgen Boxing. Coverage from York Hall in Bethnal Green. 11.00 Through The Night Midnight Through The Night

Sky Sports Premier League Sky 402

6.00am Premier League Highlights 10.00 Premier League Daily 11.00 Fantasy FC – Merse Meets Carrick Noon The Fantasy Football Club: Merse Meets Gazza 1.00 The Fantasy Football Club: Merse Meets Tony Adams 2.30 One2Eleven: Joe Cole 2.45 One2Eleven: Stuart Pearce 3.00 One2Eleven: Sol Campbell 3.15 One2Eleven: Gordon Banks 3.30 One2Eleven: Jamie Carragher 3.45 One2Eleven: Paul Gascoigne 4.05 One2Eleven: Tony Adams 4.25 One2Eleven: Jamie Carragher 4.40 One2Eleven: Paul Gascoigne 5.00 One2Eleven: Joe Cole 5.15 One2Eleven: Stuart Pearce 5.30 One2Eleven: Sol Campbell 5.45 One2Eleven: Gordon Banks 6.00 Fantasy FC – Merse Meets Carrick 7.00 The Fantasy Football Club: Merse Meets Gazza 8.00 The Fantasy Football Club: Merse Meets Tony Adams 9.30 One2Eleven: Joe Cole 9.45 One2Eleven: Stuart Pearce 10.00 One2Eleven: Sol Campbell 10.15 One2Eleven: Gordon Banks 10.30 One2Eleven: Jamie Carragher 10.45 One2Eleven: Paul Gascoigne 11.05

One2Eleven: Tony Adams 11.25 One2Eleven: Jamie Carragher 11.40 One2Eleven: Paul Gascoigne Midnight Premier League Best Goals 1.00 Premier League Highlights

Sky Sports Cricket

Sky 404

6.00am Cricket’s Greatest 7.00 Masterclass: Kumar Sangakkara 7.15 Pace In The Zone: Nasser Hussain 7.25 Masterclass: Jack Russell 8.00 Masterclass: AB De Villiers 8.30 Cricket’s Greatest 9.00 Cricket’s Greatest 9.30 Masterclass: Kevin Pietersen 10.00 Masterclass: Kumar Sangakkara 10.15 Pace In The Zone: Nasser Hussain 10.25 Masterclass: Jack Russell 11.00 Cricket’s Greatest 11.30 Cricket’s Greatest Noon Cricket’s Greatest 12.30 Cricket’s Greatest 1.00 Masterclass: Kumar Sangakkara 1.15 Pace In The Zone: Nasser Hussain 1.25 Masterclass: Jack Russell 2.00 Live Kia Super League Cricket 6.00 Live Kia Super League Cricket 9.30 Cricket’s Greatest 10.30 Masterclass: Flintoff And Key 10.50 Atherton: BFI Cricket On Film 11.10 Masterclass: Flintoff And Key 11.30 Cricket’s Greatest Midnight Kia Super League Cricket 3.30 Cricket’s Greatest 4.00 Masterclass: Adam Gilchrist 4.30 Masterclass: Kevin Pietersen 5.00 Cricket’s Greatest

Sky Sports Action

Sky 407

6.00am Sky Sports Boxing Gold 7.00 Sporting Records 7.30 Sports Unlimited 8.30 Live New Zealand NPC Rugby. Hawke’s Bay v Canterbury (Kick-off 8.35am). 10.20 Rugby Greatest Games 10.30 Sporting Records 11.00 Racing News 11.30 NFL – Greatest Games 1.00pm NFL – A Football Life 3.00 NFL: America’s Game 5.00 Rugby Greatest Games 5.10 Live

Currie Cup Rugby Union. Blue Bulls v Griquas (Kick-off 5.15pm). 7.00 Great Sporting Moments 7.15 Boxing: Champions Of Tomorrow 7.45 Live Nxtgen Boxing. From York Hall in Bethnal Green. 11.00 NFL: America’s Game Midnight New Zealand NPC Rugby Union 1.50 Currie Cup Rugby Union 3.40 Great Sporting Moments 4.00 NFL: America’s Game

BT Sport 1

Sky 413

5.30am World Sailing 6.00 Cricket Classics: Aus V Eng 1990 7.00 Cricket Classics: Aus V Eng 1991 8.00 Cricket Classics: Aus V Eng 1991 9.00 MotoGP Films: Jorge 10.30 MotoGP Rewind 10.45 Rugby Tonight 11.45 Aviva Rugby: Games Of The Season 1.15pm Premier League World 1.45 Tottenham V Man Utd 1965/66 2.15 Arsenal V Sheffield United 1965/66 2.45 Leicester City V Man Utd 1965/66 3.15 MotoGP Rewind 3.30 Bundesliga: Best Of August 4.00 The Football Archives: 1970/71 4.30 The Football Archives: 1972/73 5.00 The Football Archives: 1973/74 5.30 The Football Archives: 1977/78 6.00 Rugby Tonight 7.00 Live Gloucester V Exeter Chiefs. (Kick-off 7.45pm). 10.00 Ref: Stories From The Weekend 11.00 The Big Match Revisited Midnight Hero CPL Magazine 12.30 CPL T20 Cricket 1.30 Live CPL T20 Cricket. Jamaica Tallawahs v Guyana Amazon Warriors. From Sabina Park, Kingston.

Eurosport 1

Sky 410

9.00am US Open Tennis 12.30pm US Open Tennis 3.30 Live US Open Tennis. The fifth day of the final Grand Slam event of the season, featuring third-round singles matches at Flushing Meadows in New York. Midnight Live US Open Tennis. Further coverage of the fifth day.


Sky 529

6.00am Pawn Stars 7.10 American Pickers 8.00 Counting Cars 9.00 Ancient Aliens 10.00 Forged In Fire 11.00 Top Shot Noon Ice Road Truckers 1.00 Pawn Stars 2.00 Counting Cars 3.00 American Pickers 4.00 Storage Wars 5.00 Top Shot 6.00 Forged In Fire 7.00 American Pickers 8.00 Robert Redford’s The West 9.00 Detroit Steel. The Mobsteel crew stumbles upon a 1974 Plymouth Road Runner, the perfect car for their new showroom. 10.00 Counting Cars 10.30 Counting Cars: Supercharged 11.00 Forged In Fire Midnight Top Shot 1.00 American Pickers 2.00 Storage Wars 3.00 Homicide Hunter 4.00 Forged In Fire 5.00 Pawn Stars


Freeview 19 - Sky 537


Freeview 25 - Sky 196

6.00am Dickinson’s Real Deal 6.45 Battle Factory 7.10 Coast 8.00 Heroes Of The Somme 9.00 Wild Canada 10.00 Wild France Noon The Life Of Mammals 2.00 Great Barrier Reef With David Attenborough 3.00 Some Mothers Do ’Ave ’Em 5.00 Black Ops 6.00 Coast 7.00 Hitler’s Space Rocket 8.00 Impossible Engineering 10.00 The Two Ronnies Sketchbook 11.25 Some Mothers Do ’Ave ’Em 12.05am Coast 1.05 Black Ops 2.05 Mummies Alive 3.00 Home Shopping 7.00am Homes Under The Hammer 8.00 A Place In The Sun: Home Or Away 9.00 Bargain Hunt 10.00 Escape To The Country 11.00 Ground Force Noon Homes Under The Hammer 1.00 DIY SOS: The Big Build 3.00 Honey I Bought The House 4.00 Escape To The Country 5.00 Homes Under The Hammer 6.00 Bargain Hunt 7.00 Ground Force 8.00 A Place In The Sun: Home Or Away 9.00 Escape To The Country 10.00 DIY SOS: The Big Build 11.00 Nick Knowles’ Original Features Midnight Escape To The Country 1.00 DIY SOS: The Big Build 2.00 A Place In The Sun: Home Or Away 3.00 Bargain Hunt

National Geographic Sky 526

8.00am Nazi Secrets Noon Apocalypse: The Rise Of Hitler 2.00 WWII’s Greatest Raids 7.00 Air Crash Investigation 8.00 Nazi Megastructures 10.00 Hitler’s Supergun. Hugh Hunt examines how the Nazis built the largest cannon in history during the Second World War, a 25-barrelled piece built into a French hillside. 11.00 Air Crash Investigation Midnight Hitler’s Last Year 2.00 Nazi Secrets

Universal Channel

Sky 113

6.00am White Collar 7.00 Teleshopping 8.00 White Collar 10.00 Rescue Special Ops Noon Major Crimes 3.00 NCIS 8.00 Major Crimes 9.00 Law & Order: Trial By Jury 10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 2.00am White Collar 3.00 Sea Patrol 4.00 Numb3rs


Freeview 85 - Sky 663

7.00am Colour, Craft & Journal 8.00 Dolly Dimples Cardmaking Essentials 9.00 Threaders Bag Making One Day Special 10.00 Chameleon Weekend WOW 11.00 Leonie Pujol Bags of Inspiration Noon Colour, Craft & Journal 1.00 Threaders Bag Making One Day Special 2.00 Dolly Dimples Cardmaking Essentials 3.00 Bee Crafty 4.00 Chameleon Weekend WOW 5.00 Threaders Bag Making One Day Special 6.00 Heartfelt Creations One Day Special 7.00 Bee Crafty 8.00 Heartfelt Creations One Day Special

Daily Express Friday September 1 2017 To order Complete Calvin and Hobbes at £70 (published by Andrews McNeel) call 01872 562310; visit www.expressbookshop.com; or send a cheque to Express Bookshop, PO Box 200 Falmouth TR11 4WJ. UK Delivery is free.


Russell Grant

Bill Watterson


Britain’s celebrity astrologer

Celebrating on this day: singer Barry Gibb, 71, and singer Gloria Estefan, 60.

Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20 Realising a goal fills you with pride. You’re capable of hard work. This sets you apart from the crowd. If you’re unemployed, you’ll get an opportunity to apply for a prominent position. References from business will make you a top contender.

0905 789 3701**


To order a copy of Optimism Sounds Exhausting: A Dilbert Book at £12.99 (published by Andrews McNeel) call 01872 562310; visit www.expressbookshop.com; or send a cheque to Express Bookshop, PO Box 200 Falmouth TR11 4WJ. UK Delivery is free.

Scott Adams

Taurus Apr 21 – May 21 Travelling on business will be more pleasant than you expect. An upbeat guide will show you the spots preferred by locals. Eating at excellent restaurants will be enjoyable. If there’s anything you enjoy, it’s a meal prepared with fresh ingredients.

0905 789 3702**

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Lisa Wild



An insurance refund or settlement will improve your finances. Use this windfall to enhance your career prospects. Taking an advanced training course, buying a good interview suit or upgrading your computer are all good ways to attract jobs.

0905 789 3703**

Libra Sep 24 – Oct 23 Working from home will be a welcome relief. You’ve grown weary of lengthy commutes and office politics. If this isn’t a permanent arrangement, talk to your boss. It may be possible you can stay home at least a few days each week.

0905 789 3707**

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22 Someone will confess a crush on you. Their admiration is flattering. There’s a good chance you are attracted to your admirer. If you’re single, there’s no reason not to embark on a romance. Don’t worry what others will say about this relationship.

0905 789 3708**

Sagittarius Nov 23 – Dec 21 Your hard work will result in a big pay cheque. New appliances will enhance the value of your investment. If you don’t own your own place, you’ll be able to buy one. Choose a neighbourhood that gives you lots of privacy.

0905 789 3709**

To order the Rupert annual for 2018 (no.82) at £9.99, please call 01872 562315, or send a cheque/PO to Rupert Bear shop, PO Box 200, Falmouth, TR11 4WJ or online at www.classicrupertbearshop.com. UK delivery is free.

Rupert and Rollo gaze around in great anxiety. “We’re shut in! However are we going to get away?” says the little bear. As they crawl round they see that there is no other door. Suddenly there is a noise and the ship trembles as it starts to move. “I hope they won’t go far!” whispers Rollo. But the ship doesn’t stop and, at length, it begins to rock. “Gracious, we’re going to sea! We must let them know we’re here!” he says. So they both shout at the top There’s no escape, the doors are locked, of their voices and bang on the roof. They both begin to bang and shout © Express Newspapers 2017 No wonder both the chums feel shocked. And hope the men will let them out.

Digestive biscuits These are a favourite biscuit and even better when home-made. The dough can be made in advance and left in the fridge until ready for baking. Makes 24. INGREDIENTS 150g plain wholemeal flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

30g medium oatmeal 20g bran 100g dark muscovado sugar 50g unsalted butter 4 tablespoons milk, or as needed

METHOD 1) Sift the flour, baking powder, salt and bicarbonate of soda into a mixing bowl, then add the oatmeal, bran and sugar, and mix well to combine. 2) Add the butter and rub in to make a breadcrumb texture. 3) Add the milk and stir it in well so the mixture comes together to form a soft dough. 4) Turn the dough out onto a sheet of greaseproof paper and shape it into a log, about 25 cm long. Wrap the paper round the dough and roll it gently back and forth to make a smooth shape. Twist the ends of the paper together to seal. 5) Chill the dough for about 30 minutes, or longer if preferred. 6) Preheat the oven to 190C/170C fan assisted, gas mark 5. 7) Unwrap the dough and, using a very sharp knife, cut it across into slices 8mm thick. 8) Use the greaseproof paper to line a baking sheet, and place the biscuits on it. Bake for about 12 minutes or until lightly browned. 9) Cook on a wire rack before serving.

Cancer June 22 – July 23 Let your romantic or business partner assume some of your responsibilities while you take a break. You don’t like making trouble for anyone, but this situation is different. In recent weeks, you’ve gone above and beyond the call of duty.

0905 789 3704**

Leo July 24 – Aug 23 Your workload is challenging. Instead of trying to handle responsibilities, ask for help. If you continue to forge ahead with no complaint, your employer will assume you don’t have enough on your plate. Nothing could be further from the truth.

0905 789 3705**

ALAN’S TIP OF THE DAY: Sow a pot of parsley and keep on a windowsill indoors and you’ll have plenty for the Christmas season. It’s also worth potting up a few roots of mint and a clump of chives, after cutting the tops down almost to ground level and bringing them indoors.

Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20 You’ve been undergoing a major transformation. This has required hard work and sacrifice. At times, you wondered if the journey is worthwhile. Now you’re beginning to see the fruits of your labour. Keeping a diary will be a valuable exercise for you.

0905 789 3710**

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19 If you want to go back to college, buy a home or access a health service, approach a government agency for assistance. Keep a copy of every record you send. Having a paper trail makes all the difference when talking to officials.

0905 789 3711**

Virgo Aug 24 – Sep 23

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

Collaborating with your romantic partner will be enjoyable. You’ll be delighted to discover the depth of your amour’s creativity. Your ability to prioritise tasks and achieve perfection will win their admiration. If you’re single, you won’t be for long.

Friends in high places will assist you. You’re always so helpful with your favourite people. Now it’s time to receive some of the generosity you’ve given to others. If you’ve been longing to change your appearance, get the ball rolling now.

0905 789 3706**

0905 789 3712**

**Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge – maximum of five minutes duration. You must be over 18 and have the bill payer’s permission. Service Provider: Spoke. Helpline: 0333 202 3390.



Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

ON YER BIKE: From left to right, Montague Park in Wokingham, Kent Wharf and Morris Court In London are all built close to or have access to cycle routes

Active way to new life cycle HOLIDAY HOMES FOR SALE






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T all started with the Beijing Olympics in 2008, when Britain dominated the cycling events to win 14 medals – eight of them Gold. Then there was London 2012, when Sir Bradley Wiggins was crowned king of the road after winning the gruelling time trial. Now as Chris Froome follows his Tour de France win this year by leading the current Vuelta a Espana in Spain, it sometimes seems like Britain’s gone cycling mad. In London, 670,000 journeys a day are now made by bicycle says Transport for London (TfL), which is equal to the number of daily journeys on the Tube’s Victoria Line. Now TfL has plans for more cycle ways with London’s first Quietway – Q1 – opening last June between Waterloo and Greenwich. The route passes through Deptford, where owners of new homes at Kent Wharf, near the River Thames, will have bicycle storage as well as communal gardens and open-plan interiors at apartments being built by Bellway (01689 886 400; bellway.co.uk). These are on sale from £384,995 to £624,995 and are just minutes from Deptford High Street and a short cycle ride from historic Greenwich. “There has definitely been an increased interest in cycling in the past few years, providing a fast and efficient way to commute and exercise,” says head of sales Emma Denton. Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the capital in south-west London’s Colliers Wood, Morris Court is a collection of 42 one, two and threebedroom apartments close to the start of TfL’s Cycle Superhighway 7, an 8.5-mile safe cycling route to Southwark Bridge. Flats cost from £410,000 and are available through shared ownership (0844 406 9800; lqpricedin. co.uk). Lucy Chitty, sales and customer services director at L&Q says: “London’s cycle routes are creating faster and more direct journeys, making the city even more accessible than ever before. “Cycle Superhighway 7 means residents can get from Colliers Wood to Kennington in just 30 minutes – offering an

SADDLE UP: Tour de France winner Chris Froome has inspired people to ride

By Deborah Stone escape from early morning traffic and tube disruptions.” However it’s not just in London where cycling to work is catching on fast. Lynnette St Quintin, sales director for Barratt Southern Counties says: “The appetite that this country has seen for cycling over the past five years is at an all-time high and as a result we are seeing an increasing demand for households with both storage provision for bikes as well as access to the cycle network. “Cycle paths are becoming increasingly important for home buyers, not only for leisure purposes but as an alternative commute to work. “Our Montague Park development in the Berkshire town of Wokingham is one that offers its residents excellent cycle ways into the town, connecting the development to the train station for those who don’t want to take the bus or drive.” The Barratt development is near a 30-acre Country Park with cycle links to the town centre. Two-bedroom apartments are available from £297,995 (08443 348199; barratthomes.co.uk). And at Willesborough, near Ashford in Kent, a David Wilson Homes development has three and four-bedroom detached houses for sale near National Cycle Network routes right on their doorstep. Commuters can cycle to Ashford International station in less than 15 minutes from Chestnut Grange, where four-bedroom houses are for sale from £409,995 (08445 010766; dwh.co.uk). Cycle routes through Ashford connect Rochester to Hythe and Canterbury to Tunbridge Wells. “We’ve seen a number of environmentallyconscious buyers who enjoy active pursuits like cycling, choosing to make Chestnut Grange their home because of the range of recreational and leisure facilities on offer in the local area,” says Natalie Perry, director of sales and marketing for Barratt David Wilson Kent. Makes you wonder what the crowds will be like for this year’s Tour of Britain from Edinburgh to Cardiff, which starts on Sunday.

INFORMATION: tourofbritain.co.uk /lmx

Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

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Company Registered Number: 08516049 In Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation Registered Office: 311 High Road, Loughton, Essex IG10 1AH (previously 41 George Lane, South Woodford, London E18 1LN) Principal Trading Address: 41 George Lane, South Woodford, London E18 1LN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Richard Rones was appointed Liquidator of the above named company on 21 August 2017. All claims against the company should be sent to the Liquidator at the below address. Office Holder Details: Richard Rones of ThorntonRones Limited, 311 High Road, Loughton, Essex IG10 1AH. Further information about this case is available from Michelle Sheffield at the offices of ThorntonRones Limited on 020 8418 9333. R Rones, Liquidator

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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

crusader prize crossword

ACROSS 1 Relaxed, putting emphasis on 9 release (6-4) 6 Clambering around 10 11 youngster (4) 10 Fiasco as young lady broke lace (7) 11 Qualification is nothing after 12 13 expert victory (7) 12 Somehow like emu to get Washington in a state (9) 14 15 16 13 Group without safety device (5) 14 Composer’s ecstasy (5) 15 Oriental finds each more 17 18 19 20 severe (9) 17 Incur a flu variant from cable car (9) 20 Seat takes chap to 21 22 23 24 Switzerland (5) 21 Reappear concerning dog (5) 23 Dither, being empty and sick 25 26 inside (9) 25 Pilot reaches starting point by way of hill (7) 26 Prisoner to cite new pride (7) 27 28 27 Notice European agent (4) 28 Point that way to friend in a FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN £100 CASH read down the spiritual way (10) 1










Alphapuzzle® tests your logic and word power. Each grid number represents a letter. Every letter of the alphabet is used. Use the given letter or letters — below the main grid — to start. Solution tomorrow.

DOWN 1 Mused about a plant (5) 2 Film about British feline showing disobedience (9) 3 Gathering certainty in state assistance (6,8) 4 Spot of brief recklessness (7) 5 Ruler to send me back to reporters (7) 7 Strange to send a line (5) 8 Paint-stripper to ignite strike first (9) 9 Offset table with what’s left (14) 14 Cut a fibre in order to divide (9) 16 Finest nail, prone to break (9) 18 Always allow out a youngster (7) 19 Engineers have bike to use again (7) 22 Brittle snack (5) 24 Guard initially lost access (5)

Difficulty: 7/10; Target: 24 mins; Clue: It’s borrowed, reportedly, solo. YESTERDAY’s solution: Across: Cope, Jailbird, Abusive, Miser, Inset, Cancel, Samosa, Wisdom, Arable, Feast, Laird, Equerry, Doggerel, Went. Down: Craziest, Fled, Pours, Morning, Vistas, Budge (clue), Agency, Renege, Lemon, Influx, Instead, Agree, Dark, Amethyst.


letters in the highlighted squares to reveal the mystery word.

TO ENTER: Call 0904 161 1607 and leave your answer and details, or text DXFRI followed by a space, your answer, name and address details to 84010. Calls cost £1.50 plus your telephone company’s network access charge. Texts cost £1.50 plus your standard network rate. Lines close at midnight tonight. Or send your grid containing the answer in the shaded squares by posting it to: Crusader Crossword, September 1, PO Box 12578, Sutton Coldfield B73 9BT. Entries must be postmarked by September 2 at the latest. SP: Spoke – 0333 202 3390. For any postal enquiries, call helpline number. ● The winner will be the first random correct entry drawn from all entry routes after the closing date of September 8. Need Help? Call 0904 161 1609 for 5 extra clues! Calls cost £1.50 plus your telephone company’s network access charge.



ACROSS: 1 Cobbler, 5 Rampage, 9 Shovelful, 10 Gilet, 11 Another, 12 Recital, 13 Incandescence, 18 Art department, 20 Excerpt, 23 Massive, 25 Drape, 26 Authoress, 27 Riposte, 28 Decrypt. DOWN: 1 Casual, 2 Biologist, 3 Leech, 4 Referenda, 5 Ruler, 6 Megacycle, 7 Allot, 8 Extolled, 14 Cheerless, 15 Estimated, 16 Not likely, 17 Calendar, 19 Bedsit, 21 Cramp, 22 Trace, 24 Stoic. Prizeword: Melody

Address Postcode



mensateaser: WIN The Windsors Series One and Two on DVD

Target times: Average: 20 mins Good: 16 mins Excellent: 12 mins Yesterday’s solution: CLOVE, CURRY (across or down)

For your chance to win, call: 0907 181 2722* *Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge and last 2.5 minutes. Lines close at midnight on Thursday, September 7. For full T&Cs see www.express.co.uk/campaigns/terms/7. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390.

YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION dehorn dough enough ghee hedge hedger heed herd here hereon hero heron hoed hone honed horde horn horned hound hour hued huge hung hunger hungered rough roughed roughen ROUGHENED

Call 0907 181 2585 for today’s Target solution *Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge.

*SP: Spoke – Helpline 0333 202 3390






















Both today’s words in a moment

THE ALPHABEATER CAN you crack the Alphabeater? Each grid number represents a letter – or black square. As in Alphapuzzle, every letter of the alphabet is used. But you have to complete the grid too! Use the given letters and black squares below the grid to start. The grid is ‘rotationally symmetrical’ – in other words, it looks the same if you turn the page upside down. Solution tomorrow.

Yesterday’s solution Black squares: 3, 7, 11, 15, 17, 19, 20, 24, 27, 28, 32, 33, 35, 39. Across: Desert, Island, Sleaze, Flouncy, Rifle, Shows, Amaze, Hogweed, Acquit, Advice, Gasket. Down: Disturb, Hexad, Dyed, Foxglove, Pester, Even, Keg, Fjord, Tic, Yams, Bonsai, Japonica, Bust, Oddly, Devoted.

Extra letter clues

0907 181 2560 (Deduct three minutes for each extra clue letter heard)

Full solution

0907 181 2558

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1

*Calls cost 80p per minute 21 plus your telephone company’s network access charge.








Target Time: 36 minutes 29


































































































































































2 22

3 23

4 24

5 25

6 26





8 28

9 29

10 30

11 31



21 17


18 23

























● Alternatively, for six Extra Letter clues to your mobile, text DXBEAT to 88010. Texts cost £1 plus your usual operator rate









13 19






















3 4





16 21



























13 13



































Alphapuzzle® ©2017 Acorn Editorial Ltd. All words appear in Chambers Dictionary.

small crossword 2





8 10 12

13 14 16





20 ● The Express Bookshop stocks a wide selection of puzzle books across all crossword puzzle genres. To obtain our up to date list please visit www.expressbookshop.com, call 01872 562310 or write to Express Bookshop, PO Box 200, Falmouth TR11 4WJ. Please enclose an SAE for return.

YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION ACROSS 1 Abilities, 7 Unhurt, 9 Platter, 10 Read, 12 Pen, 13 Glanced, 14 AOB, 15 Ella, 17 Idiotic, 19 Hollow, 20 Greengage. DOWN 1 Approach, 2 Bile, 3 IPA, 4 Intention, 5 Thence, 6 Erred, 8 Tentacle, 11 Dawdle, 13 Go for, 16 Ling, 18 TBA.

ACROSS 1 Café (6,3) 7 Approximately (2,2) 8 Untrue (5) 10 University, in short (3) 11 Quest (6) 13 Fractious (9) 14 Relating to a line (6) 16 Personal pride (3) 18 Hold royal office (5) 19 Let it stand (4) 20 Potassium nitrate (9) DOWN 1 Thinks carefully about (9) 2 Commands (6) 3 Cardinal number (4) 4 Consume food (3) 5 Whale fat (7) 6 Say again or repeatedly (9) 8 Splinter group (7) 9 Partly cook by boiling (7) 12 School jacket (6) 15 Nasal organ (4) 17 Capital gains tax (abbr.) (3)

For today’s solution call: 0907 181 2582

*Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge.


Target: 22 mins

Fill the grid so that every column, row, and 3x3 square includes all of the digits from one to nine.

3 1 4 9 7 5 2 5 4 8 9 1 4 8 2 6 5 7 2 4 8 1 5 6 2 1 3 4 8 9 7 5






Level: Moderate





Answer for Teaser 25/08/17: Croissant and bagel.


*Calls cost 75p plus your telephone company’s network access charge.

Halve your Target Time!

TODAY’S TARGET Good 31; very good 46; excellent 61 (or more). Solution tomorrow.



0901 322 5601 0901 322 5607





The Target uses words in the main body of Chambers 21st Century Dictionary (1999 edition) HOW many words of four letters or more can you make from the letters shown here? In making a word, each letter may be used once only. Each must contain the centre letter and there must be at least one nine-letter word. No plurals or verb forms ending in “s”.










Take the online Mensa workout at www.mensa.org.uk or apply for a supervised IQ test in your area, email bookatest@mensa.org.uk or telephone 01902 772771. Mensa does not accept hyphenated words, and uses the Oxford Dictionary of English (Second Edition Revised) as its official reference.

AK = 9, ZM = 12 and VL = 4 and IN = ?


•The Express Bookshop stocks a wide selection of puzzle books across all crossword puzzle genres. To obtain our up to date list please visit www.expressbookshop.com, call 01872 562310 or write to Express Bookshop, PO Box 200, Falmouth TR11 4WJ. Please enclose an SAE for return.

The hilarious comedy is out now on DVD courtesy of Acorn Media International. The royal family as you’ve never seen them before features an all-star comedy line-up including the inimitable Harry Enfield as Prince Charles.

Can you make two common five-letter words from the nine letters given, using each letter only once? You can – but only if one letter features in both words in the squares on the right. There’s at least one way to do it, and you have to have the right letter at the crossover – but which one is it? See if you can find the answer within our target time. If you need help, ring our clue-line below to find out the crossover letter. Solution on Monday.


extra letter clues: 0907 181 2568 (Hear up to six Extra Letters, deduct two minutes for each clue letter heard) Alternatively, for six extra letter clues direct to your mobile, text DXALPHA to 88010. Texts cost £1 plus normal network operator rate. full solution: 0907 181 2565; Across ONLY: 0907 181 2561; Down ONLY: 0907 181 2562. *Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge.


Today’s answers: Beginner = 7; Intermediate = 43; Advanced = 6.



Extra clues:

0901 322 5609 *Calls cost 75p plus your telephone company’s network access charge.

Today’s solution:

0907 181 2573 *Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge.

YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION 9 5 2 3 4 8 6 7 1

7 8 3 2 1 6 5 4 9

4 1 6 7 5 9 3 8 2

6 3 7 8 9 5 2 1 4

1 8 2 5 2 4 7 6 5 9 1 8 4 1 5 9 7 6 8 3 3 2 4 1 8 7 9 4 9 3 6 2 6 5 3 7

3 9 4 6 2 7 1 5 8

● The Express Bookshop stocks numerous books of Sudoku puzzles (from £5.99) and the Infinite Suduko CD Rom (£9.99). To order, please call 01872 562310 or order online at www.expressbookshop.com. UK delivery is free.


Daily Express Friday September 1 2017




Enter your answers as indicated by the arrows, including items connected with our TV star, then read the letters in the shaded squares to spell out the dancer with whom he won the 2016 Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special (7,7). Answers on facing page.

Solve our crossword, then rearrange the letters in the shaded squares to reveal the name of a TV series (3,9)


Chris _, Radio 2 DJ

Our star’s first name









8 9




13 14

The Rolling _, British rock band

Almond, for example

Item for blocking sound out


Large country (1,1,1)

Employ High school dance

Steak cut _ Longoria, Desperate Housewives star

Bone in the chest


Deities _ Masters, TV show with our star

Came out


Rooney _, US actress

Mosque leader Leave out


Heroic Word of religious praise

_ Nicodemou, Home and Away’s Leah Maritime

Be victorious

French for ‘friend’

Woman’s name


Prophet of classical antiquity


“Doing” words _ Wilding, TV presenter Spoil

_ Michele, played Rachel in Glee Trevor _, Waking the Dead actor

Large bird

Competitive runner

Black gemstone Well done

My Name is _, US sitcom

Ernie _, golfer

17 18


DOWN 1 __ Tointon, former EastEnder (4) 2 Home and Away character played by Scott Lee, __ King (6) 3 Jimmy __, the host of 8

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21 Charity __, Emmerdale character played by Emma Atkins (4) 22 US actor famed for playing Hawkeye in the TV series M*A*S*H, Alan __ (4)

Enjoy hours of fun and test your skills with the handy BridgeMate computer game. The Xtra _, TV show our star has hosted

Bar of coral

State of being unconscious


Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (4) 4 Actor whose TV credits include Coronation Street, Nigel __ (6) 5 Darcey __, Strictly Come Dancing judge (7) 6 Street where the Desperate Housewives lived, Wisteria __ (4) 9 Hannah __, S Club 7 singer who has appeared in Casualty and Primeval (9) 10 Actor who plays Chesney

Brown in Coronation Street, Sam __ (5) 14 __ Swift, actor who played Richard in Keeping Up Appearances (5) 17 BBC antiques and auction series, Bargain __ (4) 19 __ Jordan, former Strictly professional (3) 20 Coronation Street character played by Catherine Tyldesley, __ Price (3) ANSWERS on facing page.


reader offer

(rrp £39.99) _ Mack, Not Going Out star

World Our star’s New surname Symphony composer


BridgeMate only £34.99

Expression of contempt Spanish for ‘one’

ACROSS 5 The __, ITV police drama which ended in 2010 (4) 7 Comedian who has been a QI panellist, __ Brigstocke (6) 8 __ Khan, runner-up on the first series of The Apprentice (5) 11 Blue Peter presenter from 1983 to 1987, __ Ellis (5) 12 Len Goodman’s __ in Rhyme, new BBC game show (8) 13 Actress whose TV credits include Janey in My Family, Daniela Denby-__ (4) 15 Lee __, Blue singer who plays Woody Woodward in EastEnders (4) 16 Comedian who plays Prince Charles in The Windsors, Harry __ (7) 17 Miranda __, comedienne appearing with her mum on All Gardens Great and Small (4) 18 TV presenter who was the first 2017 Celebrity Big Brother winner, __ Nolan (6)


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words muddlesome

If we asked you what “7 D of the W” stood for, you would soon guess we meant 7 Days of the Week, but what are the rather more tricky ones below? You’ll find the answers on the next page – except for the last one, which is part of our Mentathlon, offering a £50 prize on its own, or a chance of the grand Mentathlon prize (details on facing page). Today’s theme is the Highway Code.

In the following passage, the numbers 12345 represent different letters: 2332 and her 323 went for a 145345 in the 3212 Valley but the 3223 bread gave them both 342543 poisoning. 2332 got into a 12345 because that night was the final of the 523523 competition and she had dreamt of taking the trophy back to 252542 Avenue. Alas, she was in so much 1243, that hope went straight down the 123. (See facing page for competition details).

70 M P H S L on the M 13 C L to S at 50 M P H 6 P P for U a M P W D 1 B C and 1 R C on a N O S

1 D B L on a N S L S

We’ve scrambled up the titles of three Cole Porter songs. Can you work out what they are? You’ll find the answers to the first two on the next page. The third you’ll have to work out yourselves, for a chance to win £50 or to enter our Mentathlon competition (details on facing page).

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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017



Quiz of the WEEK

The ULTRA Alphapuzzle

1 Which 1995 spy film, the 17th in the series, was the first to star Pierce Brosnan, right, as James Bond? 2 Born Shawn Corey Carter in 1969, what is the professional name of the rapper who married Beyonce in 2008? 3 Which main river runs through the walled city of Chester, England? 4 Who starred as café owner Rene Artois in the BBC comedy series ‘Allo ‘Allo!? 5 What is the nickname shared by Brentford Football Club and Barnet Football Club? 6 Into which body of water does the River Danube empty? 7 Which famous protest by the Sons of Liberty COMPETITION QUESTION against the British took place in In typography, what is the name of Massachusetts, on December 16, 1773? the unit that is equal to the point 8 ‘It’s cold outside’ is the opening line to which size in use? song, a 1979 UK No. 1 for Tubeway Army? 9 Which Australian model starred as Sheela Answers below – except the last alongside Hugh Grant in the 1990s film question (see below for competition Sirens? entry details).





London’s biggest home entertainment and lifestyle event returns to Novotel Conference Centre from September 29 - October 1, 2017, bringing visitors high-end luxury products from around the globe. We are offering 7 tickets(worth usually £15 each).


Picture: Innuos

prize answers and winners – Aug 18


DITLOIDS (5 Paralympic Golds for Ellie Simmonds): Mrs L Golding of Willesborough, Kent. MUDDLESOME (Edgar Mitchell): Mr G Scholfield of Rotherham, S Yorks. QUIZ OF THE WEEK (Vivien Leigh): J Leigh of Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset. CLOCK-WISE (Soda): C Ashton of Leyland, Lancs. WORDS (Forte): Mrs M Angelides of Winchester, Hants. £50 prizes will soon be on their way to each of you. SUMTHING (5x8=40; 4x5=20; 9x3=27). This week’s 5 winners each bag tickets to the London Homebuilding & Renovating Show. This week’s two Mentathlon winners who each receive pet food with Natures Menu are J Collins of Godalming, Surrey and Mrs S Clark of New Milton, Hants. The Mentathlon answer was LEASH.

+ ?









x =


= ?




= =



We’ve given you one digit – the 1 in the top row. Here are the missing digits to fit in:

0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 7, 7, 9

MENTATHLON: WIN Green People goodies Award-winning organic beauty brand Green People is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2017. To mark this milestone, we’re giving three lucky readers the chance to win a box of their Orange Blossom ‘A Divine Treat’, and Damask Rose ‘A Heavenly Treat’ special edition collections worth £50 each. Each beautifully-presented box contains a naturally-scented skincare trio that has been lovingly created by Green People using only ethically-sourced ingredients to bring you the purest gift that nature can offer.

REMEMBER, the ONLY way to win our great Mentathlon Grand Prize is to call

0907 181 2724

The Express Puzzled Mentathlon is in five parts, each consisting of a single part of one of our puzzles. Each part carries a £50 prize and all five combine for the star prize above. The five events are as follows: DITLOIDS (left): What is 1 D B L on a N S L S? WORDS (left): What does 12345 spell? MUDDLESOME (left): Which Cole Porter song is question 3? QUIZ OF THE WEEK: The competition question above. CLOCK-WISE (above): What is the answer to clue 1? Answers should be sent to Express Newspapers, PO Box 10220, Sutton Coldfield B76 1ZH on a postcard – one for each event please – clearly marked with the name of the event, your answers and your name and address. Winners of the £50 prizes will be chosen at random from all correct entries received by Wednesday, September 6.


23 11

12 12

21 15







11 20


21 19



9 12















1 8
















0907 181 2578


(Deduct three minutes from Target Time for each extra letter heard)



Alternatively, for 6 extra clues to your mobile, text:






Texts cost £1 plus your usual network rate.

Full solution: 0907

181 2579 181 2576 Down only: 0907 181 2577




Across only: 0907

*Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge.

14 12

*SP: Spoke – Helpline 0333 202 3390



12 8




























DXALPHAX to 88010






5 11


For up to six Extra Clue Letters, call:




8 22





18 4


19 5



7 26


26 3

12 3




9 26




2 15



24 25




For a chance of this great prize all you have to do is fit the missing numbers into the grid below so that all the sums are correct – reading left to right or on single lines top to bottom. There are 11 squares to fill, with one digit in each, and the 11 digits you must use are listed beneath the grid. But where do they all go? When you have completed it just copy the grid onto a postcard and send it, with your name, address and phone number to: Express Newspapers, PO Box 10220, Sutton Coldfield B76 1ZH to arrive by Wednesday, September 6. The winner will be picked at random from all correct answers received by that date. For full terms and conditions see www.express.co.uk/campaigns/terms/7



MENTATHLON GRAND PRIZE: After solving all five of the aforementioned puzzles, you’ll need to do a little more to have a chance of winning the above prize: Take the last letters of the answers to DITLOIDS, WORDS, MUDDLESOME, QUIZ OF THE WEEK and CLOCK-WISE – that’s all five competitions. Now rearrange these into a five-letter word for chew steadily. And that is all you need for a chance to win. Entries must be phoned to our Mentathlon line on 0907 181 2724. Lines close at 11.59pm on Tuesday, September 5. *Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge. Maximum call duration 2.5 minutes. The winner will be chosen at random from all correct entries. Sp: Spoke, 0333 202 3390. Full terms and condition at www.express.co.uk/comprules

Last Friday’s solution Across: Deity, Spite, Vanquish, Elan, Recess, Muzzle, Cordial, Fringe, Nature, Tale, Negative, Skate, Adorn. Down: Ivory, Earmark, Eunuch, Context, Truss, Sergeant, Champion, Award, Pretzel, Junior, Trawler, Rebel. Alphapuzzle® © 2017 Acorn Editorial Ltd

TRIVIA WORDSEARCH Pole to Pole. Solve the clues and find the answers in the grid. Answers below. 1 In the 9th century, Alfred the Great was ruler of which ancient kingdom? (6) 2 What gemstone can be cut into a multi-faceted design known as a brilliant? (7) 3 The opening of the grouse shooting season, referred to as the Glorious Twelfth, occurs in which month? (6) 4 Which ancient Greek harbour was famous for its enormous statue known as the Colossus, one of the Seven Wonders of the World? (6) 5 Which 19th-century poet referred to 18th-century poet Thomas Chatterton as ‘the marvellous Boy’? (10) 6 In which city was the RMS Titanic built? (7) 7 Who directed the 1942 film The Magnificent Ambersons? (5,6) 8 Lucius Tarquinius Superbus was the last king of which ancient civilisation before it became a republic? (4) 9 Which actor sang Wonderful Copenhagen in the 1952 biopic Hans Christian Andersen? (5,4) 10 Which Greek philosopher was the tutor of Alexander the Great? (9)







ANSWERS Shaded letters: JANETTE MANRARA. DITLOIDS 70 Mile Per Hour Speed Limit on the Motorway, 13 Car Lengths to Stop at 50 Miles Per Hour, 6 Penalty Points for Using a Mobile Phone Whilst Driving, 1 Black Car and 1 Red Car on a No Overtaking Sign. MUDDLESOME 1 Miss Otis Regrets 2 Anything Goes. QUIZ OF THE WEEK 1 GoldenEye 2 Jay-Z 3 Dee 4 Gorden Kaye 5 The Bees 6 Black Sea 7 The Boston Tea Party 8 Are Friends Electric? 9 Elle Macpherson. TRIVIA WORDSEARCH 1 Wessex 2 Diamond 3 August 4 Rhodes 5 Wordsworth 6 Belfast 7 Orson Welles 8 Rome 9 Danny Kaye 10 Aristotle.

There are six answers to be entered clockwise on the clock face. Each has four letters and each begins with the last two letters of the previous one, until we come full circle with answer six ending with the first two letters of answer one. Here are the clues: 1 You (archaic) 2 Expel 3 An attempt 4 Competent 5 Popular building toy 6 Barbarian





WELCOME to the ULTRA Alphapuzzle™ – Friday’s special ‘extra-tough’ version of Britain’s favourite wordpower challenge. Each number in the grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. All 26 letters are used. TARGET TIME: 30 minutes. Solution next Friday.









TV CROSSWORD Across: 5 BILL 7 MARCUS 8 SAIRA 11 JANET 12 PARTNERS 13 ASHE 15 RYAN 16 ENFIELD 17 HART 18 COLEEN 21 TATE 22 ALDA. Down: 1 KARA 2 HUNTER 3 CARR 4 HAVERS 5 BUSSELL 6 LANE 9 SPEARRITT 10 ASTON 14 CLIVE 17 HUNT 19 OLA 20 EVA. The TV series is: ILL BEHAVIOUR. ARROWORD Across: Melvin, Stones, USA, Nut, Rump, Dips, Rib, Eva, Lego, Omit, Emerged, Ada, Pshaw, Ami, Nautical, Ill, Odoom, Reef, Rav, Lea, Coma, Emu, Racer, Jet, Earl, Bravo, ELS, Her. Down (left to right): Jest, Mara, Dvorak, Outdated, Uno, Mar, Evans, Rant, Oracle, Earplug, Irma, Onus, Use, Epic, Verbs, Gods, Air, Prom, Hallelujah, Imam, Lee, Eve, Bet, Win, Factor.




Daily Express Friday September 1 2017


Edited by DAVID SHAND email: city@express.co.uk Visit City & Business pages online at www.express.co.uk/city Tel: 020 8612 7156


12642.9 +114.4 17948.6 +156.7 7430.6 +65.4 19803.6 +187.0 4073.0 +36.1 3727.0 million

POPULAR SHARES ON THE RISE AstraZeneca Aviva BAE Systems Barclays BP BT Group Centrica GlaxoSmithKline HSBC Holdings Int Consolidated Airlines Lloyds Banking Group Marks & Spencer Group National Grid Rolls-Royce Holdings Royal Bank of Scotland Royal Dutch Shell 'B' Royal Mail Saga Sky Unilever Vodafone Group Whitbread

4541 522½ 607½ 191 445¼ 292½ 200 1533½ 750½ 611½ 63¾ 319½ 974¾ 914 252 2160½ 394¼ 202¾ 956 4519 221½ 3758

+88 +5½ +4½ +½ +3¼ +1¾ +4½ +16½ +1½ +10½ +¼ +2 +9 +4½ +3½ +2 +3¾ +3½ +4½ +57½ +2¾ +96

POPULAR SHARES ON THE SLIDE Sainsbury (J) Standard Life Aberdeen Tesco

235½ 429½ 181

-¼ -¼ -1½


21952.4 19646.2 27970.3 12055.8 5085.6

+59.9 +139.7 -124.3 +53.4 +29.3

1.289 142.005 1.085

-0.004 -0.500 -0.002

110.188 0.842

-0.0714 +0.0005


DOLLAR VALUE Dollar/Yen Dollar/Euro


1311.75 1021.84 1345.49 52.26

OTHER INDICATORS Base rate Halifax mortgage rate Retail Price Index House price Index Unemployment

0.25% 3.99% +3.6% (CPI +2.6%) +4.9% 1,484,000

TOURIST’S POUND Australia Canada China Czech Rep. Denmark Eurozone Hong Kong Hungary Israel Japan Kenya Mexico New Zealand Norway Poland Saudi Arabia South Africa Sweden Switzerland Thailand Turkey United States

1.59 dollar 1.57 dollar 7.94 renminbi 26.57 koruna 7.82 krone 1.06 euro 9.72 dollar 304.47 forint 4.35 shekel 135.86 yen 132.63 shilling 21.60 peso 1.74 dollar 9.69 krone 4.29 zloty 4.68 riyal 16.19 rand 9.94 krona 1.21 franc 40.42 baht 4.46 lira 1.26 dollar

888 f ined over gambler care ONLINE gaming group 888 has been hit with a record £7.8million penalty for failing to protect customers who were at risk. A technical failure in its systems meant more than 7,000 customers who had voluntarily banned themselves from gambling were still able to access their accounts. They were able to deposit £3.5million into their accounts and continue to gamble for over 13 months because 888’s self-exclusion procedures were not robust enough, says the UK Gambling Commission. The firm also failed to recognise visible signs of problem gambling behaviour by one customer, who stole £55,000 from their employer to feed their habit as they staked more than £1.3million over a 13-month period, placing over 850,000 bets. The customer was sentenced to 16 months in prison for theft and false accounting. Commission chief executive, Sarah Harrison, said: “Safeguarding consumers is not optional. This penalty

JIMMY CHOO WALKING TALL INTO TAKEOVER JIMMY Choo strode towards its £896million takeover by US fashion brand Michael Kors in confident mood after more than doubling half-year profit. The luxury shoemaker, whose celebrity fans include supermodel Cindy Crawford, pictured, shrugged off a “challenging” trading environment as its stores makeover and new accessories and footwear products paid off. Pre-tax profit soared 174.2 per cent to £18.1million on 16.5 per cent higher revenue of £201.6million, with same-store retail sales up 3.5 per cent. Its men’s collections saw the fastest growth and now make up 9 per cent of revenue. Chief executive Pierre Denis said: “We continue to diversify our revenue streams. We are delighted with our performance and are positioned to deliver over the remainder of the year.”

By David Shand package reflects the seriousness of 888’s failings to protect vulnerable customers.” The penalty includes £3.5million repayment of deposits made by the self-excluded customers, £62,000 compensation to the employer from whom money was stolen, with £4.25million going to a social cause to invest in measures to tackle gambling-related harm. The Commission has also ordered an independent audit of 888’s customer protection processes. Gibraltar-based, London-listed 888, which is set to join the FTSE 250 this month and spans poker, casino, sports betting and bingo, said it worked with the Commission throughout its review and had reached a voluntary settlement. It added: “The company accepts the conclusion of the review and is committed to providing players with a responsible as well as enjoyable gaming experience.”

Ladbrokes’ money on the second half LADBROKES Coral doubled its dividend payout as it backed its future prospects despite a lack of “sporting sparkle”. A strong digital side, which grew revenue 17 per cent to £374.5million, helped overall half-year sales lift 1 per cent to £1.2billion, with group operating profit up 7 per cent to £158.3million. The interim dividend is doubled to 2p per share. It suffered many punter-friendly football results, taking a £1.5million hit as Newcastle won the Championship title after Brighton conceded an 89th-minute equaliser to Aston Villa. Chief executive, Jim Mullen, said: “The business is looking to the second half with confidence.”

Restaurant Group’s ‘turnaround served’ RESTAURANT Group’s recipe for success whetted investors’ appetite as it tempts back diners with better value and quality meals. The Frankie & Benny’s and Chiquito operator is undergoing a turnaround after losing customers through premium pricing and menu changes. Half-year adjusted pre-tax profit fell 30 per cent to £25.5million as like-for-like sales dipped by 2.2 per cent, but shares jumped 28½p to 346½p as chief executive Andy McCue hailed “good progress”. He said: “Our leisure customers are enjoying a better value, higher quality product, our growth plans for our pubs and concessions businesses are advancing well and we have made good progress on cost efficiencies.”


John Lewis sells tradesmen


JOHN Lewis is adding plumbers and builders to its services for shoppers looking to spruce up their homes. The retailer, known for selling electricals and furniture, is expanding a trial of its Home Solutions from John Lewis enabling customers to book qualified tradespeople online whom it has approved. After initial




3i Group .......................... 969½ A.B. Foods .........................3322 Admiral Group ....................1931 Anglo American ........... 1402½# Antofagasta........................1035 Ashtead Group ................1663# AstraZeneca ....................4541# Aviva ................................ 522½ Babcock International ...... 812½ BAE Systems .................... 607½ Barclays ............................191# Barratt Development ........ 624½ BHP Billiton ................... 1476½ BP .................................445¼# British Amer.Tob .............4831# British Land ..................... 611½ BT Group .......................292½# Bunzl .................................2310 Burberry Group ..................1797 Carnival...........................5375# Centrica ...............................200 Coca-Cola HBC...................2644 Compass Group..................1652 CRH ...................................2715 Croda International .........3842# DCC ...................................7045 Diageo ............................2592# Direct Line Insurance ........380# EasyJet...............................1196 Experian Group...................1554 Ferguson............................4603 Fresnillo..........................1616# G4S ...............................283½# GKN ..................................319# GlaxoSmithKline .......... 1533½# Glencore .......................... 359½ Hammerson.......................561# Hargreaves Lansdown .........1400

52 WEEK +/- HIGH LOW +11½ +29 +7 +38½ +20 -9 +88 +5½ +7½ +4½ +½ +3½ +22 +3¼ +77 +6½ +1¾ +19 +19 +65 +4½ +19 +27 +47 -17 +30 +34½ +¼ +14 +30 +52 -4 -9½ -¼ +16½ +2¾ -4 +37

969½ 3323 2178 1412½ 1064 1751 5508 544 1105 677 239¼ 629½ 1483½ 519¼ 5643 674 397½ 2465 1818 5390 236¾ 2660 1760¼ 2920 4020 7540 2594 411¼ 1431 1705 5145 1827 341 376½ 1722½ 366¾ 609½ 1447

604½ 2361 1732 779¾ 480¾ 1182 4007 419 801½ 519½ 164¾ 439 968 417½ 4258½ 578 282 1988 1247 3349 192¼ 1615 1372¾ 2449 3072 5860 1956½ 333¾ 873½ 1383 4142 1091 220 299½ 1459 174 530½ 1148



HSBC Holdings ...............750½# Imperial Brands........... 3200½# Informa ..........................690½# InterContinental Htl.........3856# Intertek Group ...................5110 Intl Consolidated Airlines.. 611½ ITV................................... 158½ Johnson Matthey ................2764 Kingfisher ............................299 Land Securities ..................1010 Legal & General..............260¼# Lloyds Banking Grp ..........63¾# London Stock Ex. ............3950# Marks & Spencer ............. 319½ Mediclinic Intnl................. 764½ Merlin Ent. .....................461¼# Micro Focus .......................2273 Mondi .............................2113# Morrison (Wm) .....................246 National Grid.................... 974¾ Next...................................4129 Old Mutual ....................... 207½ Paddy Power Betfair........6815#

52 WEEK +/- HIGH LOW +1½ +12 +10 +28 +90 +10½ +1¾ +8 +3½ +10½ +1 +¼ +6 +2 +21½ +5 -8 +27 +¾ +9 +83 +1½ +70

769½ 4130 712½ 4468 5120 633½ 219½ 3540 386¼ 1133 276 73 3983 395½ 1036 537 2660 2120 253 1110½ 5680 229 9185

559¼ 3120 629½ 3035¾ 3038 362¾ 153 2727 292 939 205¾ 52½ 2621 310 679 426 1955 1511 192½ 895 3617 185 6665



Pearson .........................606½# Persimmon.........................2659 Provident Financial ...............883 Prudential ................... 1815½# Randgold Res .....................7910 Reckitt Benckiser ............7332# Reed Elsevier .....................1691 Rentokil Initial................304½# Rio Tinto ..................... 3746½# Rolls-Royce Group ................914 Royal Bank Of Scot ..............252 Royal Mail ....................... 394¼ RSA Insurance Grp ........... 666½ Ryl Dutch Shell ‘A’ ...........2127# Ryl Dutch Shell ‘B’ ....... 2160½# Sage Group ...................... 692½ Sainsbury (J)..................... 235½ Schroders .......................3368# Scottish Mortgage................433 SEGRO ..............................538# Severn Trent ......................2269 Shire.............................. 3833½ Sky ......................................956 Smith & Nephew ................1397 Smiths Group .....................1545 SSE.................................1425# St James’s Place .............1153# Standard Chartered ..............770 Standard Life ................... 429½ Taylor Wimpey.................. 200½ Tesco...................................181 TUI AG ...............................1308 Unilever...........................4519# United Utilities .....................910 Vodafone Group ............... 221½ Whitbread ..........................3758 Worldpay..............................417 WPP Group ........................1420

52 WEEK +/- HIGH LOW +2 +38 -9 +26 +5 +33 +26 +4½ +67½ +4½ +3½ +3¾ +1 +1 +2 +4½ -¼ +13 +5¾ +4 +16 +87 +4½ +18 +6 +17 -17 -2½ -¼ +2¾ -1½ +16 +57½ -1 +2¾ +96

880 2669 3320 1885½ 8015 8108 1717 305 3770 979 269 525 672½ 2282½ 2377½ 756 281¾ 3503 435 540½ 2553 5323 1007 1397 1684 1599 1238 846¾ 447 203¼ 218¾ 1340 4520½ 1056 231½ 4307 430½ +6 1921

tests in Milton Keynes, the service is being rolled out across Bath, Bristol, Cardiff, Cheltenham, Gloucester and Taunton from September 12. Development chief Tom Athron said: “We have taken a lot of care to find professionals who will deliver service to the standard that people expect from us.”

573 1663 589½ 1304½ 5470 6514 1282 206 2257 639½ 170½ 386½ 496 1798½ 1882½ 599 228¾ 2657 302¼ 385½ 2073 3613 750½ 1067 1339 1379 908½ 607 324½ 139 160¾ 1001 3092 854½ 190½ 3408 256½ 1414

SUPPORT services provider Serco Group gained 9p to 117¾p as UBS told clients to buy with a 145p price target, but the same broker cut its rating on G4S from buy to neutral, sending shares in the security giant 9½p lower to 283½p. Recruiter Hays firmed 10¼p to 183p as it grew annual operating profit 17 per cent to £211.5million after strong performances in its overseas markets made up for its weakness in the UK and Ireland. Home-collected credit lender Morses Club was 10p richer at 144p after a half-year trading update. Customer numbers increased by 12 per cent to about 233,000 and credit issued was up by a quarter to £82.2million. Convenience retailer McColl’s was marked up 2½p to 269p after a 31.1 per cent third-quarter revenue rise following its acquisition of 298 Co-op stores. Director share buying lifted Aura Energy 0.05p to 1.53p, while a telematics supply contract boosted Trakm8 5½p to 87½p. 21st Century Technology eased 0.13p to 3¼p despite its half-year operating loss narrowing from £500,000 to £200,000.

Daily Express Friday September 1 2017


+ BG + Barclays + BT + Centrica + Dixons Carphone + First Group + HSBC + Kingfisher + Marks & Spencer + Next + Prudential + Rolls-Royce + Sainsburys + Tesco + Unilever + Vodafone + Whitbread + WPP COMPANY



Aerospace & Defence Avon Rubber . . . . . . . . . . . . 935# BAE Systems . . . . . . . . . . . .607½ Chemring Group. . . . . . . . . . 177# Cobham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137¼ Meggitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 QinetiQ Group . . . . . . . . . . . 230# Rolls-Royce Group. . . . . . . . . 914 Senior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274½ Ultra Electronics . . . . . . . . . 1850#

-1½ 1119 825 +4½ 677 519½ -1¼ 204½ 136¼ +1 152½ 96¼ +10 520 410½ +¾ 319¾ 227¼ +4½ 979 639½ +2½ 276 171½ -15 2204 1677

Alternative Energy Porvair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .489¾# +19¾

606 355½

Automobiles & Parts GKN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319# Torotrak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +½

-¼ 376½ 299½ 4¼ +¼

Banks Barclays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191# BCB Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11¾ Bco Santander . . . . . . . . . . .504½ HSBC Holdings . . . . . . . . .750½# Lloyds Banking Grp . . . . . . .63¾# Royal Bank Of Scot . . . . . . . . 252 Standard Chartered . . . . . . . . 770

+½ 239¼ 164¾ 21¾ 6½ +6½ 535 332 +1½ 769½ 559¼ +¼ 73 52½ +3½ 269 170½ -2½ 846¾ 607

Beverages Barr (AG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .630½ +9½ 660 471¼ Britvic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .755½ +8½ 756 523½ Coca-Cola HBC . . . . . . . . . . 2644 +19 2660 1615 Diageo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2592# +34½ 2594 1956½

Chemicals Carclo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163½ -1½ 179 112 Croda International. . . . . . . 3842# -17 4020 3072 Elementis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .269½ -5 317 204 Johnson Matthey . . . . . . . . . 2764 +8 3540 2727 Synthomer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473 509½ 343¼ Treatt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481 +3¼ 523 182½ Victrex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2037 +9 2074 1488

Construction & Materials Alumasc Group. . . . . . . . . . . . 168 202 Balfour Beatty . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 +3 298½ Boot (Henry) . . . . . . . . . . . . .304¾ +4¾ 310 Clarke T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 93¼ Costain Group . . . . . . . . . . .446¾ +1¾ 489¾ CRH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2715 +47 2920 Galliford Try . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1392 +12 1583 Gleeson (MJ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639 +18½ 705 Keller Group . . . . . . . . . . . .826½# +15½ 951 Kier Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1176 +18 1503 Kingspan Grp . . . . . . . . . . . 2996# +32¼ 3023½ Low & Bonar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79# +2 89¾ Marshalls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .438¼ +6¾ 439½ Morgan Sindall . . . . . . . . . . . 1257 +12 1435 Smart (J) & Co. . . . . . . . . . .110½ 112½ Titon Holdings. . . . . . . . . . . .146½ +1½ 174½ Tyman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .340½# -3¼ 367

142½ 256 192 57 331 2449 1131 497 644½ 1140 2002¼ 60 266 680 102½ 86½ 242¼

Electricity Drax Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .308½ +1¼ 384½ 277½ SSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1425# +17 1599 1379

Electronic & Electrical Equipment Dialight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .801½ +6½ 1115 631 Halma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093 -5 1178 886½ Morgan Crucible . . . . . . . . . . . 300 +2½ 338½ 258¾ Oxford Instruments. . . . . . . . 1049 +12 1134 618 Renishaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4580 4646 2416 Spectris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2314 -40 2834 1906 TT Electronics. . . . . . . . . . . .225¾ +¼ 227 131 Volex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64¾ -1½ 67 36½ Xaar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .390½ -10¼ 520 326¾ XP Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2640 -10 2751 1642

Equity Investment Instruments Aberdeen All Asia. . . . . . . . .566¾ +1½ 579 Aberdeen Asian Sml . . . . . . 1067 -1 1094 Aberforth Smll.Co. . . . . . . . . 1288 +12 1333 Acencia Debt . . . . . . . . . . . .125½ +½ 125½ Acorn Income . . . . . . . . . . . .443½ 453 Advance Devlpg Fund . . . .612¼# -5 619 Albion Tech.& Gen. VCT . . . . 67¾ 68½ Albion VCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 71 Alliance Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . 725# +4 729 Artemis Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 +3½ 300¾ Aurora Inv.Tst. . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 203 Baillie Gifford Japan . . . . . . .711½ +6 711½ Baillie Gifford Shin Nip . . . . . . 757 +3¾ 758 Bankers Inv.Tst . . . . . . . . . . 837# +15 839½ Baronsmead VCT.2 . . . . . . . . 86¾ 90½ BH Global GBP . . . . . . . . . . 1338 +3 1340 BH Global USD . . . . . . . . .1031¾ +2 1031¾ BH Macro GBP. . . . . . . . . . . 2003 +17 2160 Biotech Growth Trust . . . . . .833½ +21¾ 833½ BlackRock Mining. . . . . . . .388½# +5½ 403 Blue Planet Intl Tst . . . . . . . . . . 46 +½ 50½ BlueCrest AllBlue . . . . . . . .211¾ 215 Bluehone AiM VCT2 . . . . . .33½# 37 British Assets Tst . . . . . . . .118½# +¼ 121¾ British Empire Tst . . . . . . . . .710½ +7½ 711½ Brunner Inv.Tst . . . . . . . . . . . 723# -½ 739½ Caledonia Inv.. . . . . . . . . . . . 2776 +16 3008 City Natural Res.Yld. . . . . .115¾# +¼ 147½ City Of London . . . . . . . . . . . 428# +3¾ 441 Dunedin Ent.IT. . . . . . . . . . .362½ +5½ 371½ Dunedin Income . . . . . . . . . .259½ +¾ 271 Dunedin Small. . . . . . . . . . . .240¾ +¼ 245 Eastern Euro Tst . . . . . . . . .339¼ +5¼ 341¾ Edin Wwide Inv. . . . . . . . . . . . 647 +½ 661¾ Edin.Drgn.Tst.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 +3 363¼ Edin.Inv.Tst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712 +7 779½ Edin.US Tracker . . . . . . . . .1199½ -½ 1299 Elderstreet VCT . . . . . . . . . . . 54½ 63 Electra Private Eq. . . . . . . . . 1671 +37 5110 F&C Cap&Inc . . . . . . . . . . .325¾# +4 327½ F&C Smaller Cos . . . . . . . . . 1328 +6½ 1340½ F&C US Smaller Companies 824 +6 925 Fidelity Asian . . . . . . . . . . . .387½ +2¾ 405½ Fidelity European . . . . . . . . .224¼ +3¼ 226 Fidelity Japanese . . . . . . . . . . 126 +¾ 126¼ Fidelity Special . . . . . . . . . . .246½ +3½ 250¼ Finsbury Gwth&In. . . . . . . . . . 755 +7 756 For.&Col.Inv.Tst . . . . . . . . . .618½ +8 619 Foresight Tech.VCT . . . . . . . . . 74 75 Gartmore Euro.. . . . . . . . . . . 1404 +2 1415 Genesis E.M.F.. . . . . . . . . . . . 699 +6 699

482¼ 902 986 108½ 335 473½ 63 63 566 226 164 511¾ 504 657½ 81 1181 925 1875 627¾ 271½ 35½ 191 33½ 102¾ 559½ 565 2326 107 384 299 228¾ 190 248¾ 467¾ 288½ 661 1045 54 1615 273¼ 1094 730 309¼ 169 94¼ 194¾ 614½ 492½ 69 1006 570



Graphite Ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746 +2½ Hansa Tst ‘A’ . . . . . . . . . . . .932½ +2½ Hansa Tst Plc . . . . . . . . . . . .945¼ +10 Henderson Euro.Tst . . . . . . . 1195 +16 Henderson Far Est . . . . . . . . 380# -2½ Henderson High Inc . . . . . . . . 194 +2 Henderson Opp Tst . . . . . .951½# Herald Inv.Tst. . . . . . . . . . .1075½ +14½ HGCapital Tst. . . . . . . . . . . . 1700 -4 HSBC Infrastructure . . . . . .162½# -¼ Impax Env.Mkt . . . . . . . . . . .243½ +2¾ Int.Biotech.Tst. . . . . . . . . . . . 624# +10½ International Public . . . . . . . . . 162 Invesco Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . .284¾ +¾ Invesco Inc Gth Tst . . . . . . . . 296 +3 Invesco Perp UK . . . . . . . .479½# +2¼ JPM American . . . . . . . . . . . 390# +4 JPM Asian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 +5 JPM Claverhouse. . . . . . . .687½# +5½ JPM Elect Man Gwth . . . . . . 764# +7 JPM Emerg Mkt . . . . . . . . . .857½ +6 JPM Euro Sml Co . . . . . . . .385½ +1½ JPM Global Emerging . . . . . 129# +¼ JPM Indian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 +9½ JPM Japanese . . . . . . . . . . .379½ +5½ JPM Mid Cap . . . . . . . . . . . . 1072 +9 JPM Overseas IT . . . . . . . . . . 319 +3¾ JPM Smaller Co . . . . . . . . . . . 966 +4¾ JPM US Sml Co . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Jupiter Euro. . . . . . . . . . . . . .685½ Jupiter Primdna . . . . . . . . . .325¾ +¼ JZ Capital Partners . . . . . . .515½ -3 Keystone Inv.Tst. . . . . . . . . . 1690 +10 Law Debenture . . . . . . . . . .607½# +2 Lowland Invest Co . . . . . . . . 1515 +10½ Majedie Inv. . . . . . . . . . . . . .273½ -1½ Manchester&Lon. . . . . . . . . .368¾ -½ Martin Currie Pac. . . . . . . . .392¼ +¼ Martin Currie Prtflo Tst . . . . .241¾ +¾ Matrix Inc & Gwth 4 . . . . . . .79½# Maven Income And Growth VCT 56½ Mercantile Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . 2005 +24 Merchants Tst. . . . . . . . . . . .488¼ +8 Mid Wynd Int. . . . . . . . . . . . .465½ +1½ Midas Inc&Gwth Tst. . . . . .177¼# +¼ Mithras Inv.Tst . . . . . . . . . . .219½ Monks Inv.Tst. . . . . . . . . . . . . 714 +4 Montanaro Euro Tst . . . . . . . . 810 +6½ Montanaro Uk . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555 +3½ Murray Inc.Tst. . . . . . . . . . . . . 789 +7 Murray Int.Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . 1297 +15 New India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .464¾ +4¾ New Star Inv.Tst. . . . . . . . . . . 105 North Atl.Smlr.Tst . . . . . . . .2602½ -2½ Northern 2 VCT . . . . . . . . . . . 66½ Northern Investors . . . . . . . .237½ Northern Venture . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Oxford Tech 2 VCT . . . . . . . . . 30 Oxford Tech VCT . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Pacific Assets . . . . . . . . . . . .256¾ +2¼ Pacific Horizon . . . . . . . . . . .294½ +1¼ Pantheon Int. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1800 +2 Perpetual In.&Gwth . . . . . . .380¼ +3¼ Polar Cap.Tech . . . . . . . . . . 1057 +18 RCM Technology Trust . . . . 1047 +4 RIT Capital Partners. . . . . . . 1947 +12 Ruffer Investment . . . . . . . . .234½ +1 Schroder Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 +¾ Schroder Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .293¾ +½ Schroder Japan . . . . . . . . . .199¾ +½ Schroder UK . . . . . . . . . . . . .171¼ +1 Schroder UK M&S . . . . . . . . . 512 +¼ Scottish American . . . . . . . . 367# +2 Scottish Inv.Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . 829 +6 Scottish Mortgage . . . . . . . . . 433 +5¾ Shires Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .269½ +4 Shires Smlr.Co . . . . . . . . . . .252½ +½ Small Comp Div.Tst . . . . . . . . 253 SPARK VCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20¾ Standard Life Equity. . . . . . .463½ +3 Standard Life UK Sml . . . . .442¾ -2¼ SVM Global . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 +¾ SVM UK Emerging. . . . . . . . . 77½ Talisman VCT. . . . . . . . . . . .54½# Temple Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1293 +15 Templeton Emrg. . . . . . . . . . . 766 +4 The European Inv.Tst . . . . .927¾ +7¾ Throgmorton Tst. . . . . . . . . .442¾ -1¼ TR Euro.Growth . . . . . . . . . . 1166 +6½ TR Prop. IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367 +1¼ Troy Inc & Growth Trust . . . . 78¼ +½ Value & Income . . . . . . . . . .275½ -½ Witan Inv Trust . . . . . . . . . . 1043# +8 Witan Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 +1½ Wwide Healthcare . . . . . . . . 2584 +58


764½ 932½ 976½ 1195 388¼ 201¼ 975½ 1098 1725 179¼ 246½ 633½ 162¼ 291¼ 308 499½ 392½ 361½ 698¾ 765 861½ 387 131¼ 770 386 1075 320½ 979½ 290½ 714½ 342½ 575 1835 613 1565 311 383½ 405 243 97 67½ 2012 492 465½ 178½ 227½ 718½ 810 563 817¾ 1297 474½ 110 2760 78 955 83½ 35 38 264½ 294¾ 1842 408½ 1060 1055 1979 240 441½ 302 205 176¾ 532½ 367 834½ 435 269½ 253 255½ 20¾ 463½ 445 295½ 77½ 55½ 1319 766 940 447¼ 1166 369 82½ 282 1047 325 2584

573 801½ 805 885 326 174 753 782½ 1283 159¼ 200 487 150½ 222 263½ 383 319 264 562 637 653 275¼ 110 579 309¾ 852 234 748¾ 207¾ 515 283¾ 452½ 1585 488 1277 248 272 313 202½ 79½ 56½ 1624 411½ 398½ 154¼ 164 494½ 580¼ 433 692¾ 1093 354¼ 89 2350 64½ 237½ 68 20 32 224¾ 202 1445 355 727 721¼ 1721 223 324 248 160 155¾ 407½ 292½ 687½ 302¼ 212½ 189½ 184½ 18 371½ 341 240 59 50½ 1090 558½ 696 314½ 703 275 72½ 237 814 272 1905

969½ 199¼ 375½ 361½ 434 327½ 1715 80¼ 1447 172½ 954½ 926½ 303½ 627½ 199¾ 546½ 500 3983 46 169 486 3320 2806 2534 3503 2516 252½ 501½

604½ 183 274 258¼ 251½ 205½ 1273 29½ 1148 130½ 450¾ 573½ 157½ 448½ 112½ 393½ 302½ 2621 40½ 108¾ 303¾ 589½ 1748 1883½ 2657 1967 217½ 333½

Financial Services 3i Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .969½ +11½ 3i Infrastructure. . . . . . . . . . . . 197 +1½ Ashmore Group . . . . . . . . . .368½ +6¾ Brewin Dolphin . . . . . . . . . . .356½ +2½ Charles Stanley . . . . . . . . . . . 434 Charles Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 +8 Close Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . 1545 +14 Guinness Peat Group . . . . . . . 79 -¼ Hargreaves Lansdown. . . . . 1400 +37 IFG Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161½ +7½ IG Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645 +8½ Intermediate Cap.Grp . . . . . . 888 +16 International Pers Fin . . . . . .194¾ -¼ Investec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590 +5½ IP Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115½ +3 Jupiter Fund Man. . . . . . . . .536½ +8½ Liontrust Asset Man . . . . . . .493¾ +5 London Stock Ex. . . . . . . . . 3950# +6 Lonfin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44½ Man Group . . . . . . . . . . . . .167½# +2½ Paragon Group. . . . . . . . . . .409½ +1½ Provident Financial. . . . . . . . . 883 -9 Rathbone Brothers . . . . . . . . 2780 -15 S & U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000 +10 Schroders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3368# +13 Schroders NV . . . . . . . . . . . 2449# +11 Shore Capital . . . . . . . . . . . .227½ Tullett Prebon . . . . . . . . . . . .493½ +29



Walker Crips Group . . . . . . .46¾#




Fixed Line Telecommunications BT Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .292½# +1¾ 397½ 282 KCOM Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 +¾ 121 87½ TalkTalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 +1½ 219 152½ Telecom Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . 1090 -8 1321 1048

Food & Drug Retailers Booker Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Greggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1203 Morrison (Wm) . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Ocado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .309¾ Sainsbury (J) . . . . . . . . . . . .235½ Tesco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 United Drug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837

+¾ +11 +¾ +5¾ -¼ -1½ +18

212¼ 1203 253 325 281¾ 218¾ 866½

168 901½ 192½ 238½ 228¾ 160¾ 612½

A.B. Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3322 +29 3323 Anglo-Eastern . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830 +3 888 Carr’s Milling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 +2¾ 167¼ Cranswick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2990# +24 3005 Dairy Crest . . . . . . . . . . . . . .595½ +12½ 690 Devro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .230½# +1 250¾ Glanbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1435¼# +6½ 1795¾ Greencore Group . . . . . . . . . 205# +7¼ 302¼ Kerry Grp ‘A’ Shs . . . . . . . .7189¼ +3¾ 7511 Premier Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . 41½ +2 55½ REA Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 370 Tate & Lyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .683½ +12½ 807 Unilever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4519# +57½ 4520½

2361 446½ 124 2118 547½ 140 1304½ 190 5703¼ 38 238½ 659 3092

Food Producers




1102 489½

Mobile Telecommunications

966 155 490 362 2315 1475 1319 261¼ 64 267½ 88 165 5835 146½ 227 1041 2083

Nonequity Investment Instruments

569 110 407¼ 160¼ 1525 1004 911 148 38 194½ 52 20 4125 115½ 144 592 1492

Industrial Metals & Mining Evraz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .335¼# +19¾ 338¾ 125¾ Ferrexpo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .299¼# +2 304 62¾ Interntl Ferro Metals . . . . . . . . . . 1

Industrial Transportation BBA Aviation. . . . . . . . . . . . .301¾ Braemar Shipping Serv . . . .300¼ Clarkson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2803 Fisher (J) & Sons . . . . . . . . . 1549 Ocean Wilsons . . . . . . . . . . . 1080 Royal Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . .394¼



Industrial Engineering Bodycote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 956 -5½ C.H. Bailey . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147½ Castings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .467½ +4½ Fenner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343# -3½ Goodwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1620 +45 Hill & Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1285 +4 IMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1135# +3 Melrose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 -9¼ Renold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53¾ +1 Rotork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229¼# +1 Severfield-Rowen . . . . . . . . .68¼# +1½ Slingsby H.C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Spirax-Sarco . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5620 +15 Tex Holdings. . . . . . . . . . . . .132½ Trifast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .217¾ +3¾ Vitec Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 998 +10½ Weir Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1795 +17


Vedanta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .852½ +5½

+1½ 323¾ 236¼ -7¼ 375¾ 234¾ +31 3010 1942 +19 1761 1449 +5 1115 930 +3¾ 525 386½

Inmarsat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732 +14 850½ 603 Vodafone Group . . . . . . . . . .221½ +2¾ 231½ 190½ European Ass Tst. . . . . . . . 1310# 1340 982½ Invesco Lev. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80½ 83½ 76¼ Oryx Int.Gwth.. . . . . . . . . . . .712½ 722½ 625 Rights &Iss.Inc . . . . . . . . . . 2140# +27½ 2165 1465

Nonlife Insurance Admiral Group . . . . . . . . . . . 1931 Beazley Group . . . . . . . . . . . 511# Direct Line Insurance . . . . . . 380# Esure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .272½# Hiscox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1278# Jardine Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . . 1155# Lancashire . . . . . . . . . . . . .687½# Novae Group . . . . . . . . . . . .709½ RSA Insurance Grp . . . . . . .666½

+7 2178 1732 +5 525 362 +¼ 411¼ 333¾ -3 304½ 189 +5 1373 982 +9 1224 947½ +1 758 631 -½ 835 506 +1 672½ 496

Oil & Gas Producers BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .445¼# Cairn Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . .171½ Enquest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25¼ Exillon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Gulf Keystone Pet. . . . . . . . . . 122 JKX Oil & Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . 13¾ Ophir Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77½ Premier Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55½ Regal Petroleum. . . . . . . . . . . . 3½ Ryl Dutch Shell ‘A’ . . . . . . . 2127# Ryl Dutch Shell ‘B’ . . . . . .2160½# Salamander Energy . . . . . . 79½ Soco International . . . . . . . . . 119 Tullow Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

+3¼ 519¼ 417½ -2 243 166½ +½ 55 24¾ -½ 174½ 96¾ +¼ 375 90 33½ 13½ +2¼ 99¾ 67¾ +1¼ 96 44¼ -¼ 5½ 2¾ +1 2282½ 1798½ +2 2377½ 1882½ +1½ 161½ 113½ +2 284 145½

Oil Equipment, Services & Distribution Amec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .422½ +7 619½ 406¾ Hunting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402¼ +8¾ 640 382½ John Wood Group . . . . . . . . 566# -1 894½ 553 Lamprell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 +¾ 115½ 56 Petrofac. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .418½ +5 952½ 349

Personal Goods

Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology

Travel & Leisure

Mondi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2113# +27



Gas, Water & Multiutilities Centrica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 +4½ 236¾ 192¼ National Grid. . . . . . . . . . . . .974¾ +9 1110½ 895 Pennon Group . . . . . . . . . . . 812# -1 944 768 Severn Trent. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2269 +16 2553 2073 United Utilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . 910 -1 1056 854½

General Industrials DS Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .497¾ +6¼ 501½ 380 RPC Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927# +9½ 1007 720½ Smiths Group . . . . . . . . . . . . 1545 +6 1684 1339 Vesuvius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578# -4½ 606 341¾

General Retailers Ashley (Laura) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8¾ Brown (N.) Group . . . . . . . . . . 327 Caffyns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480 Carpetright . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193¼ Debenhams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40¼ Dignity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2258 Dixons Carphone . . . . . . . .173½# Dunelm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .584½ Findel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Flying Brands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 French Connection. . . . . . . . . 40¼ Halfords Group . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 Inchcape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .832½# John David Group . . . . . . . . . 324 Kingfisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 Lookers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109½ Marks & Spencer . . . . . . . . .319½ Moss Bros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96¼ Mothercare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99¼ Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4129 Pendragon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Pets At Home . . . . . . . . . . . .182½ Saga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202¾ Sports Direct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 Ted Baker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2495 Topps Tiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 WH Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1849

+¼ 22½ 8¼ +5 329½ 176 570 465 -2¾ 252 150 64 39¾ +20 2871 2229 -2¼ 389 172½ +11 932 545 +6 215¾ 159½ -½ +9½ +½ +7¾ +3½ +½ +2 +4 +1¼ +83 +¾ +2 +3½ +¾ -12 -1½ +4

50¼ 385 859½ 456 386¼ 136½ 395½ 120 132 5680 39 248 226 418 3050 116¼ 1863

31¼ 312 590½ 258½ 292 97½ 310 90¾ 95¼ 3617 27¾ 155 182¾ 268¼ 2320 79¼ 1447

Health Care Equipment & Services Bioquell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .253½ -2 Consort Medical . . . . . . . . . . 1102 +21 Mediclinic Intnl . . . . . . . . . . .764½ +21½ Smith & Nephew . . . . . . . . . 1397 +18

261½ 126 1169 972½ 1036 679 1397 1067

Household Goods & Home Construction Abbey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1315 Barratt Development . . . . . .624½ Bellway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3203 Berkeley Grp Hldgs . . . . . . 3741# Bovis Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . 1054 Colefax Group . . . . . . . . . . .517½ Headlam Group . . . . . . . . . .626½ Mcbride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175½ Persimmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2659 Reckitt Benckiser . . . . . . . . 7332# Redrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .620½ Taylor Wimpey . . . . . . . . . . .200½

+45 1315 1052½ +3½ 629½ 439 +23 3252 2213 +41 3747 2330 +4 1056 751½ 540 445 -4½ 651½ 443 -¾ 204¼ 154¼ +38 2669 1663 +33 8108 6514 +9½ 622½ 371½ +2¾ 203¼ 139

The service is provided for general information only and is not intended to address individual requirements. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making investment decisions. Reasonable care will be taken in ensuring the accuracy of the information provided but it may include errors, omissions or inaccuracies.

Stobart Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 +4¾ Wincanton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 -2

302 147 308 186¼

Leisure Goods Games Workshop . . . . . . . . 1640 +20 1689 Photo-Me Intl. . . . . . . . . . . . .165¾ +6½ 177¾

500 140

Life Insurance Aviva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .522½ +5½ 544 Chesnara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .398¾ +19¼ 399¼ Legal & General . . . . . . . . .260¼# +1 276 Old Mutual . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207½ +1½ 229 Phoenix Group . . . . . . . . . . .782½ +1½ 798½ Prudential . . . . . . . . . . . . .1815½# +26 1885½ St James’s Place . . . . . . . . 1153# -17 1238 Standard Life . . . . . . . . . . . .429½ -¼ 447

419 301¾ 205¾ 185 697½ 1304½ 908½ 324½

Media 4imprint Group . . . . . . . . . . 2015# Bloomsbury Publish. . . . . . . 172# Daily Mail & Gen . . . . . . . . .623½ Euromoney Inst. . . . . . . . . . . 1123 Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .319½ Haynes Publishing . . . . . . . . . 176 Huntsworth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Informa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .690½# ITE Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 ITV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158½ Johnston Press. . . . . . . . . . . . 12¾ Moneysupermarket . . . . . .319½# Pearson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .606½# Quarto Group . . . . . . . . . . . .127½ Reed Elsevier . . . . . . . . . . . . 1691 Rightmove. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4122 Sky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 956 STV Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .384¾ Tarsus Grp.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .307½ Trinity Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Utd Business Media . . . . . . .663½ Wilmington Group . . . . . . . .240¾ WPP Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1420

+165 2015 1546 +3 182 148¼ +9 804½ 608½ +55 1216 944 -½ 325 122½ 193½ 110 -½ 80¾ 36 +10 712½ 629½ +4 180¼ 133 +1¾ 219½ 153 27¾ 8 +4½ 361¼ 262 +2 880 573 322½ 127½ +26 1717 1282 +65 4346 3631 +4½ 1007 750½ +9¾ 427 348 321 241½ 121 76 +8½ 764½ 653½ +¼ 282 227 +6 1921 1414

Mining African Barrick Gold . . . . . .202½ -2¼ 549½ Anglo American . . . . . . . .1402½# +38½ 1412½ Anglo Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 +3¼ 141¼ Antofagasta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1035 +20 1064 Avocet Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34¾ -1¼ 107½ BHP Billiton. . . . . . . . . . . . .1476½ +22 1483½ Centamin Egypt . . . . . . . . .151½# -3¼ 190½ Fresnillo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1616# -4 1827 Gem Diamonds . . . . . . . . . . . 80¾ 128¼ Glencore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .359½ +2¾ 366¾ Hochschild Mining . . . . . . . . 284# -3¼ 331½ Kazakhmys . . . . . . . . . . . . . .840½ +16½ 868½ Kenmare Res. . . . . . . . . . . .267¼ +6¼ 366¼ Lonmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 +1 225 Petra Diamonds . . . . . . . . . . . 94¼ +¾ 171½ Petropavlovsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7½ +½ 9 Polymetal Intl. . . . . . . . . . . . .884½ -51 1095 Randgold Res. . . . . . . . . . . . 7910 +5 8015 Rio Tinto . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3746½# +67½ 3770 Sirius Minerals . . . . . . . . . . . . 27¼ -¼ 41¼

157¾ 779¾ 95 480¾ 31½ 968 115 1091 76½ 174 187 171¼ 240 63 90¼ 6 731½ 5470 2257 17¼

Capital & Counties . . . . . . . .271¼ +4½ 324¾ Capital & Regional . . . . . . . . . . 56 +½ 64 Cardiff Property . . . . . . . . . . 1625 1712½ CLS Holdings . . . . . . . . . . .222¼# +8 1989 Daejan Holdings . . . . . . . . . . 5950 +50 7005 Development Sec. . . . . . . . .185¼ 200 F&C Commercial . . . . . . . .150¼# +1¼ 151¾ Foxtons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88¾# +2 122¾ Grainger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255½ +1 270¼ Helical Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 -1 356¼ London & Ass.Prop . . . . . . . . 19# +½ 23¼ Mountview Est. . . . . . . . . . . 12025 12200 Panther Secs. . . . . . . . . . . . .332½ 345 Raven Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47¾ -1 55 Savills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .885½ +11½ 952 St. Modwen Prop.. . . . . . . .353½# +11 369½ Stewart & Wight . . . . . . . . . . . 525 525 UK Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 +2½ 104½ UK Commercial Prop . . . . . . . 91# +1½ 92½ Wynnstay Props. . . . . . . . . . . 565 565

263 52 1350 190¼ 5370 152¾ 120¼ 86½ 215 250½ 18¼ 10350 292½ 35¾ 657 260 485 81½ 77½ 470

Real Estate Investment Trusts Big Yellow Group . . . . . . . . .808½ +23 British Land. . . . . . . . . . . . . .611½ +6½ Derwent London . . . . . . . . . . 2784 +39 Great Portland Est.. . . . . . . .605½ +8½ Hammerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561# -4 Hansteen Holdings. . . . . . . .132½ -½ Highcroft Inv.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 920 Intu Properties . . . . . . . . . . .248¾ +1¼ Land Securities. . . . . . . . . . . 1010 +10½ London & Stamford Prop . .166¼# Mckay Secs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 +9 Mucklow (A&J) . . . . . . . . . . . . 486 +¼ Primary Health . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 +½ SEGRO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538# +4 Shaftesbury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 997 +½ Town Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 +3¼ Unite Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693 +5 Workspace Group . . . . . . . . . 887 +11

822 674 3007 703¾ 609½ 136 952½ 316 1133 174½ 242¼ 521 121 540½ 999½ 325 697½ 948

635 578 2359 587½ 530½ 104 882½ 243¾ 939 138½ 171 415 105¼ 385½ 872½ 270 543½ 623

2120 1025 75

1661 678 65¼

2640 185

2041 97

Software & Computer Services Aveva Group . . . . . . . . . . . . 1928 +39 Computacenter . . . . . . . . . . . 1023 +7 Electronic Data Proc. . . . . . . . 65½ Emblaze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25¼ Fidessa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2098# +52 Gresham Computing . . . . . .179½ +1½ Intec Telecom . . . . . . . . . . . . 71¾ Micro Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2273 -8 Microgen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 +27½ RM Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162# -¾ Sage Group . . . . . . . . . . . . .692½ +4½ SDL International . . . . . . . . .452¼ -2¼ Triad Group . . . . . . . . . . . . .60½#

2660 1955 495 178 193½ 120 756 599 670 415½ 85½ 42½

Support Services Acal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 +5½ Aggreko. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 +17½ Ashtead Group . . . . . . . . . . 1663# -9 Babcock International. . . . . .812½ +7½ Berendsen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1265 -6 Bunzl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2310 +19 Cape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .264¼ +1¼ Capita Group . . . . . . . . . . . .648½ +11½ Carillion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 -1¼ Communisis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55¼ -½ DCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7045 +30 De La Rue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621 -2½

328 1064 1751 1105 1292 2465 264½ 1058 270 57 7540 703½

204½ 765 1182 801½ 733 1988 140¾ 452½ 42½ 35 5860 550½

# Ex-dividend * Ex-rights a Ex-All c Ex-capitalisation † Shares suspended


1136 652 581½ 1705 5145 341 102 184 787½ 475¾ 83½ 437½ 5120 730 2225 68 24 533 511½ 297¼ 45½ 565 1168 305 1030 516 297½ 150 106¼ 181¼ 167¼ 59¼ 150 333 1696 430½

831 300½ 383 1383 4142 220 54¼ 129 523 356 56½ 159½ 3038 471 1625 52½ 3½ 425¾ 325 180½ 38 398½ 843½ 206 696½ 325 163½ 106 80 87¼ 98¼ 31 37½ 221 1331 256½

BATM Advanced . . . . . . . . . . . 18 +¼ 20 15¼ CML Microsystems . . . . . . . . 420 492½ 335 Imagination Tech . . . . . . . . .135¾ +4¾ 291½ 95½ Laird Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . .141¼ +2¼ 253¼ 100¼ Northamber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30½ -1 33 30 Spirent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97¼# +1¾ 127½ 77


Real Estate Investment & Services


Technology Hardware & Equipment

Burberry Group. . . . . . . . . . . 1797 +19 1818 1247 PZ Cussons . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343# 372½ 294¼ Supergroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1590# +2 1718 1330 AstraZeneca . . . . . . . . . . . . 4541# +88 5508 4007 BTG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .696½ +½ 730 534½ Genus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1863 +38 2042 1689 GlaxoSmithKline . . . . . . . .1533½# +16½ 1722½ 1459 Hikma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1252# +21 2297 1119 Oxford Biomedica. . . . . . . . . . . 9¾ 10¾ 3 Shire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3833½ +87 5323 3613

Forestry & Paper


Diploma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1083 -6 Electrocomponents . . . . . . .632½ -4½ Essentra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534 +4 Experian Group . . . . . . . . . . 1554 +30 Ferguson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4603 +52 G4S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283½# -9½ Harvey Nash Group . . . . . . . . . 84 +1¾ Hays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 +10¼ Homeserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731 +6½ Howden Joinery . . . . . . . . . . . 426 +11¼ IEnergizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56½ Interserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168¼ -1 Intertek Group. . . . . . . . . . . . 5110 +90 John Menzies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707 -1½ London Security . . . . . . . . . . 2225 Macfarlane Group . . . . . . . . . 66½ +¾ Mangmnt Consulting . . . . . . . . 6¾ Mears Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435 -2 Michael Page . . . . . . . . . . . .510½ +18¾ Mitie Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 +1 Norish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45½ Northgate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403# -4¾ Paypoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .920½ +14½ Rentokil Initial . . . . . . . . . . .304½# +4½ Ricardo Group . . . . . . . . . . .731½ +17½ Robert Walters . . . . . . . . . . . 510# RPS Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .288¾ -5¼ Serco Group . . . . . . . . . . . . .117¾ +9 Shanks Group . . . . . . . . . . . . 92¾ -2 SIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 +4 Smiths News . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 +1½ Speedy Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53½ +½ St.Ives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 -2¼ SThree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 +7¼ Travis Perkins . . . . . . . . . . . . 1505 +34 Worldpay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417

British Amer.Tob. . . . . . . . . 4831# +77 Imperial Brands . . . . . . . .3200½# +12

5643 4258½ 4130 3120

888 Holdings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 +10 300½ Air Partner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 -3 135 Carnival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5375# +65 5390 Celtic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129½ 129½ Compass Group . . . . . . . . . . 1652 +27 1760¼ Domino’s Pizza. . . . . . . . . .270½# +2¼ 394 EasyJet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1196 +14 1431 Enterprise Inns . . . . . . . . . . .141¼ +1¼ 148¾ FirstGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117½ +2½ 153 Fuller Smith & Turner. . . . . . 1015 1096 Go-Ahead Group . . . . . . . . . 1801 +43 2308 Greene King . . . . . . . . . . . .689½# +20½ 840 GVC Holdings. . . . . . . . . . . .780½ +20½ 819½ Heavitree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 442½ InterContinental Htl. . . . . . . 3856# +28 4468 Intl Consolidated Airlines . . .611½ +10½ 633½ Irish Continental Uts . . . . . . . . 517 -4 534¼ Ladbrokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118½ +1 154¾ Marston’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115½ +3 152¼ Merlin Ent.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .461¼# +5 537 Millennium & Cop. . . . . . . .468½# +17½ 475 Mitchells & Butlers . . . . . . . . . 248 +3 287¾ National Express . . . . . . . . . 359# +2 380 Paddy Power Betfair . . . . . 6815# +70 9185 Rank Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 +6½ 243½ Restaurant Gp . . . . . . . . . . .346½ +28½ 400¼ Ryanair Holdings . . . . . . . . . 1651 +34 1783¾ Sportech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 +½ 108¾ Stagecoach Group . . . . . . . . 167# -5¼ 227½ Thomas Cook Group . . . . . .125½ +1½ 125¾ TUI AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1308 +16 1340 Wetherspoon (JD) . . . . . . . . 1092 +28 1094 Whitbread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3758 +96 4307 William Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247½ +2½ 322¾

204 85¼ 3349 71 1372¾ 263½ 873½ 86¼ 100¾ 972 1693 649½ 594 392½ 3035¾ 362¾ 373¾ 111¼ 111½ 426 410¼ 221 334¾ 6665 186¾ 287 1026 63¾ 163½ 66¼ 1001 814 3408 240

AIM 600 Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 +1½ Arbuthnot Banking . . . . . . . 1344# +31 ASOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5667 -64 Boohoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 -5¾ Camellia . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10360½ +35 Churchill China . . . . . . . . . .1002½ +40 City Of London . . . . . . . . . . . . 4½ CPP Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13¼ +¼ Cropper (James) . . . . . . . .1852½ Dewhurst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .682½ Falkland Islands . . . . . . . . .282½# -4½ Filtronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12½ -¼ Finsbury Food Group . . . . . .109½ -1 Flowgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +¾ Goals Soccer . . . . . . . . . . . .103½ Gresham House . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Hornby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 +½ James Halstead . . . . . . . . . . . 448 +1¾ Johnson Service. . . . . . . . . . . 135 -4 Majestic Wine . . . . . . . . . . . .317½ +4½ Molins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155½ -5½ Monitise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Nichols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1810½ +5½ Numis Corporation . . . . . . . . . 283 +5 Ovoca Gold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8¼ Patagonia Gold. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1¼ Portmeirion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 914 -18½ Rockhopper Exploratn . . . . . 20½ -½ Ten Alps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Trans-Siberian Gold . . . . . . . . . 36 UBC Media Group . . . . . . . . . . 6½ Victoria Oil & Gas . . . . . . . . . . 57½ -2½ Young & Co Brewery A . . . . 1385 -1

16½ 1717 6425 266 11334 1162½

8½ 1245 4519 81¾ 8155 815

16½ 1852½ 705 332½ 13¾ 136½ 12 114 331 40½ 542 139½ 439½ 162½ 3¼ 1958 286¼ 13¾ 3¼ 997½ 31¾ 1¾ 52 9¼ 79¾ 1400

5¼ 896 615 187½ 9¼ 103 +¾ 92 297½ 29 421¼ 98¾ 277½ 48 2¼ 1381 216 8¼ 1¼ 749 18½ +½ 33½ 5¼ 31 1255

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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

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2.00 Ambre Des Marais 2.35 Flashing Glance 3.10 Valleyofmilan

G ESTATES LTD HANDICAP HURDLE 2.00 S£2,599 (Class 5) 2m 3f 123yds (9 dec)

FLEETWOOD JACK (22) Miss Brown 6 11 12................R Johnson SAHALIN (31) J Flint 4 11 9.............................................. T J O’Brien l AMBRE DES MARAIS (10) J Farrelly 7 11 8(7ex)........N Fehily GREENWORLDSOLUTION (16) Jennie Candlish 5 11 4 Sean Quinlan ANTON DOLIN (16) (D,F) M Mullineaux 9 11 4....Mr L Stones(7) ANOTHER JOURNEY (16) (C) S-J Davies 8 11 3............ B Hughes TAROUM (8) (D) J Flint 10 10 13................................M Bastyan(7) COME ON LOUIS (36) Oliver Greenall 9 10 8................ I Popham GWILI SPAR (44) Miss L Hurley 9 10 0.......................J M Davies BLINKERS: Nos. 7, 8 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 4, 7, 8, 9 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 1, 6. W-Factor: Ambre Des Marais (99); Taroum (94); Another Journey (90). SP FORECAST: 13-8 Ambre Des Marais, 6 Fleetwood Jack, Anton Dolin, 7 Sahalin, 8 Another Journey, Greenworldsolution, 12 Gwili Spar, 14 Taroum, 25 Come On Louis. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4F7 5U8 U8/1 3L6 543 7L6 5-74 P-L8 FP5

3.45 Deadly Move 4.15 Ckalco Des Loges 4.50 Prince Khurram


LAGER HANDICAP CHASE 3.45 WREXHAM £5,198 (4) 2m 4f 72yds (7)

225 HEPIJEU (36) (D) C Longsdon 6 12 0..............................J J Burke 233 l DEADLY MOVE (16) P Bowen 8 12 0............ James Bowen(7) 5-LL MASTER BONES (86) A Wintle 8 12 0............................R Johnson 23L MINELLA FORFITNESS (12) (C&D) C Pogson 10 11 12.A Pogson P-42 RALEAGH MOUNTAIN (16) (S) D Skelton 6 11 10.........H Skelton 1LP WHOS DE BABY (13) (C&D) S-J Davies 9 11 4..............R T Dunne 465 BALLYCOOL (47) (C&D,T) Miss L Russell 10 10 13......Derek Fox BLINKERS: No. 6 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 1, 2, 5, 7 CHEEK PIECES: No. 1 HOOD: No. 2. W-F: Deadly Move (99); Raleagh Mountain (98); Minella Forfitness (96). SP FORECAST: 7-4 Raleagh Mountain, 5-2 Deadly Move, 6 Hepijeu, 8 Minella Forfitness, 10 Whos De Baby, 12 Master Bones, Ballycool. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

WILCOX-JONES MEMORIAL MAIDEN HDL 2.35 JILLY £2,599 (5) 2m 145yds (7) RACING SYNDICATES NOVICES’ HDL 4.15 DEVA £3,249 (4) 2m 3f 123yds (4) F2-5 CHOZEN (111) T Vaughan 5 11 0.............................................A Johns DRAGON DU CLOS N Twiston-Davies 4 11 0...S Twiston-Davies 355- l FLASHING GLANCE (132) Tom Lacey 4 11 0..........R Johnson 3LF- LAND LEAGUE (133) Stuart Edmunds 6 11 0...............B J Powell ROYAL MARSKELL (F62) Miss G Kelleway 8 11 0........ J Quinlan 33- SAINT CONTEST (F61) A King 4 11 0....................... W Hutchinson 4P-6 LITTLE DOTTY (26) G Fierro 8 10 7.....................Kevin Jones(5) HOOD: Nos. 1, 3. W-Factor: Flashing Glance (99); Chozen (95); Land League (95). SP FORECAST: 5-2 Land League, 7-2 Saint Contest, 9-2 Flashing Glance, 5 Dragon Du Clos, Royal Marskell, 10 Chozen, 25 Little Dotty. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


WHAT HAPPENS NOW (11) (F) D McCain 8 12 0....Will Kennedy DR ROBIN (58) P Bowen 7 12 0.....................................Sean Bowen l VALLEYOFMILAN (13) (C&D) D McCain 10 11 13.....L Murtagh(5) CERNUNNOS (47) T R George 7 11 7............................... P Brennan SEBASTIAN BEACH (35) (D) Jonjo O’Neill 6 11 7......A Coleman CLUBS ARE TRUMPS (15) (D) Jonjo O’Neill 8 11 2..K Moore(3) BLINKERS: Nos. 2, 4 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 2, 4 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 3, 6. W-Factor: Valleyofmilan (99); What Happens Now (96); Dr Robin (96). SP FORECAST: 5-2 What Happens Now, 3 Dr Robin, 4 Valleyofmilan, 9-2 Sebastian Beach, 7 Cernunnos, 10 Clubs Are Trumps. 1 2 3 4 5 6

111 P-41 331 3UL 551 2LL


Bangor TRACK FACTS: GOING: Good. Left Handed. TOP TRACK JOCKEY (2012-17): R Johnson 19% Strike rate. TOP TRACK TRAINER (2012-17): D McCain 18% Strike rate. FIRST TIME: 2.35 Flashing Glance (hood), Chozen (hood), 3.10 Dr Robin (tongue strap), 4.50 Ritasun (hood), Mr Lando (blinkers).

l CKALCO DES LOGES (151) D Skelton 5 11 5.....Bridget Andrews(3) PSYCHEDELIC ROCK (15) I Williams 6 11 5................. T J O’Brien WHISKEY BARON (61) A Wintle 5 10 12........................ B Poste(3) EQUUS MILLAR N Twiston-Davies 4 10 11........S Twiston-Davies TONGUE STRAP: No. 1. W-F: Ckalco Des Loges (99); Psychedelic Rock (98); Whiskey Baron (79). SP FORECAST: 11-10 Ckalco Des Loges, 6-4 Psychedelic Rock, 9-2 Equus Millar, 33 Whiskey Baron. 1 2 3 4

214- 012 257


CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR H’CAP HURDLE £3,899 (4) 2m 145yds (9)

211 l PRINCE KHURRAM (8) (C,D,F) D McCain 7 12 5(7ex).L Murtagh(5) L07 DOLLAR AND A DREAM (16) M Mullineaux 8 12 0.. Mr L Stones(7) 353 RITASUN (F5) H Whittington 4 11 13............................H Bannister 744 DESHAN (16) T Vaughan 6 11 12............................................A Johns 78-1 GOLD CLASS (F21) (D) Olly Murphy 6 11 10.................R Johnson 935 KHISMET (16) (D) J Flint 4 11 9..................................M Bastyan(7) 344- MR LANDO (F51) (D) J Farrelly 8 11 9........................Sean Bowen 5P0 ST PETER’S SQUARE (56) A Dunn 6 11 8..................N Scholfield 64-4 THE OTMOOR POET (40) A Hales 4 11 5.......................G Sheehan BLINKERS: Nos. 5, 7 TONGUE STRAP: Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 1, 9 HOOD: No. 3. W-Factor: Prince Khurram (99); Gold Class (98); Ritasun (93). SP FORECAST: 5-2 Prince Khurram, 3 Gold Class, 6 Ritasun, 8 Khismet, Deshan, 10 Mr Lando, 12 St Peter’s Square, 14 Others. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

BEATEN FAVOURITES: 3.45 Deadly Move(hcp ch), Raleagh Mountain(hcp ch). 4.15 Psychedelic Rock. 4.50 Gold Class(hcp). LONGEST TRAVELLER: Ballycool (3.45) 281 miles. STABLE SWITCH: 4.50 St Peter’s Square from Eoin Doyle in Ireland to A Dunn.

Evening results SEDGEFIELD: Good

4.30—IRISH HAWKE (Will Kennedy, 4‑1 2nd fav) 1; Mathayus (8‑1) 2; Ange Des Malberaux (7‑2 fav) 3. H’cap 12 ran. 11/4l, 3/4l. (D McCain). Tote: £4.20; pl £2.20, £2.90, £2.00. exacta: £41.10. tricast: £121.91. trifecta: £128.20. CSF: £33.44. 5.00—GIBSON PARK (H Skelton, 13‑8 2nd fav) 1; Man Look (11‑10 fav) 2; Strummer (10‑1) 3. 7 ran. 13l, 16l. (D Skelton). Tote: £2.30; pl £1.10, £1.10. exacta: £3.90. trifecta: £11.70. CSF: £3.49. 5.30—ASHOKA (H Skelton, 7‑1) 1; Pemba (3‑1) 2; Capsy De Mee (9‑4 fav) 3. H’cap 5 ran. shd, 9l. (D Skelton). Tote: £7.50; pl £3.40, £1.50. exacta: £23.30. trifecta: £85.50. CSF: £27.24. 6.00—DANCEINTOTHELIGHT (Mr T Gillard, 16‑1) 1; Cape Of Glory (4‑1) 2; Craig Star (10‑3 fav) 3. H’cap 8 ran. 3l, 23/4l. (D McCain). Tote: £12.50; pl £3.90, £1.50, £1.40. exacta: £83.50. tricast: £256.21. trifecta: £381.80. CSF: £74.58. 6.30—HIGHBURY HIGH (N Fehily, 11‑8 fav) 1; Brother Scott (10‑1) 2; Muwalla (4‑1 2nd fav) 3. H’cap 8 ran. 2l, 3/4l. (N Mulholland). Tote: £2.00; pl £1.10, £2.60, £1.40. exacta: £16.40. tricast: £42.15. trifecta: £51.00. CSF: £14.63. 7.00—NEMEAN LION (A Nicol, 9‑2) 1; Bal De Rio (2‑1 2nd fav) 2; Bafana Blue (40‑1) 3. 8 ran. nk, 11l. (P Kirby; 4-6 fav Shining Romeo). Tote: £7.70; pl £1.60, £1.10, £10.20. exacta: £24.10. trifecta: £359.50. CSF: £15.78. 7.30—SHRUBLAND (H Skelton, 9‑4 fav) 1; Bohernagore (18‑1) 2; Baraboy (6‑1 2nd fav) 3. H’cap 14 ran. nk, 7l. (D Skelton). Tote: £3.00; pl £1.40, £5.10, £2.10. exacta: £47.80. tricast: £222.73. trifecta: £311.00. CSF: £39.13.

Placepot: £88.60 Quadpot: £39.40


5.40—WOLFCATCHERJACK (Miss S Brotherton, 0‑0 fav) 1; Best Example (5‑1 2nd fav) 2; Gabrial The Terror (11‑1) 3. H’cap 7 ran. 13/4l, 8l. (Sir M Prescott). Tote: £1.10; pl £1.02, £2.20. exacta: £2.50. trifecta: £5.40. CSF: £1.88. 6.10—POWER SURGE (P Dobbs, 12‑1) 1; Mesbaar (9‑4 2nd fav) 2; Military Parade (8‑13 fav) 3. 10 ran. 23/4l, 1/2l. (R Beckett). Tote: £15.90; pl £3.90, £1.10, £1.02. exacta: £57.90. trifecta: £88.10. CSF: £41.02. Nonrunner: Hyperloop. 6.40—JUST FOR FUN (T Hamilton, 9‑1) 1; Laura Knight (3‑1 fav) 2; Hope And Glory (14‑1) 3. H’cap 13 ran. 1/2l, 1l. (R Fahey). Tote: £9.60; pl £2.70, £1.60, £5.00. exacta: £32.80. tricast: £398.73. trifecta: £916.10. CSF: £34.24. 7.10—HURRICANE ROCK (H Bentley, 8‑1) 1; Newstead Abbey (9‑2 jt fav) 2; Top of The Bank (9‑2 jt fav) 3. H’cap 12 ran. ns, 21/4l. (S Dow). Tote: £8.70; pl £2.30, £1.90, £2.10. exacta: £53.00. tricast: £185.92. trifecta: £221.70. CSF: £42.19. Non-runner: Canadian Royal. 7.40—EESHA BEAUTY (H Bentley, 11‑2 co 2nd fav) 1; Merkava (8‑1) 2; Star Of Zaam (6‑1) 3. 11 ran. 11/4l, nk. (M Botti; 7-2 fav Another Day Of Sun). Tote: £5.70; pl £1.70, £2.70, £2.10. exacta: £58.10. trifecta: £375.80. CSF: £47.23. Non-runner: Seaborough. 8.10—ROUGE NUAGE (J Quinn, 12‑1) 1; Energia Flavio (9‑1) 2; Florencio (9‑1) 3. H’cap 12 ran. shd, shd. (C Allen; 7-4 fav Envisaging). Tote: £14.60; pl £3.30, £2.70, £2.90. exacta: £131.80. tricast: £1045.43. CSF: £108.90. 8.40—IFTITAH (H Bentley, 7‑1 co 2nd fav) 1; Robbie Roo Roo (7‑1 co 2nd fav) 2; Bell Heather (15‑2) 3. H’cap 11 ran. 13/4l, nk. (G Peckham; 7-2 fav Flower Cup). Tote: £7.50; pl £2.30, £2.10, £2.70. exacta: £56.60. tricast: £390.15. trifecta: £493.80. CSF: £55.59. Non-runner: Tafteesh.

Placepot: £71.00 Quadpot: £70.90



MAIDEN STAKES (DIV 1) 2YO TRUST FORD HANDICAP 3YO 2.45 EBF £3,881 (5) 7f (16) 3.55 £8,092 (3) 1m

1 (4) BEACHWALK Sir M Stoute 9 5...................... R L Moore 2 (11) 6 BLACKLOOKS (19) I Furtado 9 5....................F Norton 3 (2) 82 l DARK SPEC (19) Mrs P Sly 9 5............. Rob Hornby 4 (3) DELSHEER H Palmer 9 5............................James Doyle 5 (15) EMARAATY J Gosden 9 5................................J Crowley THE Scout 6 (10) 7 ENZEMBLE (21) D Elsworth 9 5.................. S De Sousa 1.40 SPOOF (nap) 3.55 Madeleine Bond 7 (14) HISTORY WRITER D Menuisier 9 5.......... R Kingscote 2.10 Red Alert 4.25 Here’s Two 8 (12) 9 MASKED DEFENDER (99) Mrs A Perrett 9 5.J Mitchell 9 (1) NIGHT SPARK R Beckett 9 5..............................P Dobbs 2.45 Dark Spec 5.00 Eolian 10 (6) 04 RUM RUNNER (14) (F) R Hannon 9 5.............. S Levey 3.20 Bathsheba Bay 11 (13) SAM GOLD R Varian 9 5......................................A Atzeni 12 (8) 74 TAUREAN DANCER (23) (F) M Bell 9 5.J P Spencer 13 (5) 6 TECHNOLOGICAL (50) G Margarson 9 5....T Queally NURSERY 2YO £4,528 (Class 5) 5f 10yds (11 dec) 14 (16) WESTBROOK BERTIE M Channon 9 5............ C Bishop 1 (6) 751 l SPOOF (8) (D) C Hills 9 8(6ex)...... C Shepherd(3) 15 (7) 6 BECKY SHARP (27) J Boyle 9 0................P Cosgrave 2 (1) 1L4 FIRENZE ROSA (19) (D) J Bridger 9 7 16 (9) L LADY JAYNE (79) I Williams 9 0.................G Downing W-Factor: Dark Spec (99); Emaraaty (97); Delsheer (96). Josephine Gordon 3 (8) 433 BIG TIME MAYBE (17) T Dascombe 9 6.R Kingscote SP FORECAST: 4 Emaraaty, 5 Beachwalk, 11-2 Dark Spec, 6 Rum 4 (3) 026 ZALSHAH (17) R Hannon 9 6......................T Marquand Runner, 7 Delsheer, 10 Sam Gold, 12 Night Spark, 16 Others. 5 (2) L31 THE GOLDEN CUE (30) (C&D) Steph Hollinshead 9 4 EBF MAIDEN STAKES (DIV 2) 2YO A Beschizza £3,881 (5) 7f (15) 6 (5) 14L AQUADABRA (28) (D) M Channon 9 3.... S De Sousa 7 (4) 20L ONEFOOTINPARADISE (27) P McBride 9 2.D Probert 1 (4) 522 l BATHSHEBA BAY (27) R Hannon 9 5.. R L Moore 8 (11) 284 KODIAC EXPRESS (17) Mike Murphy 9 1........ A Fresu 2 (8) 8 BREATH CAUGHT (59) R Beckett 9 5.............P Dobbs 9 (7) 125 DREAMBOAT ANNIE (18) (D) M Usher 9 1.. S Drowne 3 (14) L CAVIAR ROYALE (16) B Meehan 9 5...........J Fortune DIRILIS ERTUGRUL I Mohammed 9 5....... S De Sousa 10 (9) 73L IVY LEAGUER (17) B Meehan 9 0.................J Fortune 4 (9) ECHO COVE J Chapple-Hyam 9 5..........Martin Harley 11 (10) L46 COMSELLE (13) W Kittow 8 10................ Oisin Murphy 5 (7) 6 (6) 8 EXPROMPT (35) H Palmer 9 5.....Josephine Gordon VISOR: No. 3 TONGUE STRAP: No. 3 HOOD: No. 1. 7 (2) 6 GEMBARI (15) I Furtado 9 5.............................F Norton SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 5. 8 (1) GRAFFITI MASTER (F) J Gosden 9 5....James Doyle W-Factor: Spoof (99); Aquadabra (89); Big Time Maybe (87). 9 (11) ISLE OF MAN C Cox 9 5................................S Hitchcott SP FORECAST: 4 The Golden Cue, 11-2 Big Time Maybe, 6 Spoof, 7 10 (15) 3 LA LA LAND (30) J Osborne 9 5............. J P Spencer Zalshah, 8 Aquadabra, 10 Others. 11 (12) L OCEAN SIDE (57) R Hannon 9 5....................... S Levey 12 (3) POMPEY CHIMES G L Moore 9 5.............. H Crouch(3) VISIT RACINGUK.COM HANDICAP 13 (13) PORT OF CALL Mrs A Perrett 9 5.................J Mitchell £3,881 (5) 5f 10yds (10) 14 (5) ZAAJER Owen Burrows 9 5.............................J Crowley 1 (4) 331 BABYFACT (37) (C&D) M Saunders 6 9 12.Georgia Cox(5) 15 (10) L QUICK RECOVERY (50) J Boyle 9 0........P Cosgrave 2 (9) 17L MADAME BOUNTY (14) Ed Walker 3 9 11.. DOUBTFUL W-F: Bathsheba Bay (99); Graffiti Master (96); La La Land (95). 3 (8) 834 VERY HONEST (29) B Johnson 4 9 9.........J Mitchell SP FORECAST: 5-2 Bathsheba Bay, 4 Graffiti Master, 8 Zaajer, La 4 (2) 111 OUR LORD (9) (D) M Attwater 5 9 8....... Rob Hornby La Land, 12 Isle Of Man, Breath Caught, Exprompt, 14 Others. 5 (1) 5D6 l RED ALERT (67) W Muir 3 9 7............... S De Sousa 6 (6) 3U1 GNAAD (7) (D) A Bailey 3 9 6(6ex).Joshua Bryan(5) 7 (3) 795 MERDON CASTLE (16) (D) J Chapple-Hyam 5 9 5 Martin Harley 8 (5) L98 DR DORO (55) (D) I Williams 4 8 8.. Josephine Gordon IN-FORM TRAINERS (last 10 days) Owen Burrows 71% (2 wins 9 (10) L33 JOHN JOINER (25) (D) P Hedger 5 8 5.......F Norton and 3 places from 7 runners), A Bailey 67% (2/2/6), P Bowen 10 (7) 007 SECRET ASSET (17) (C&D) Mrs L Williamson 12 8 5 62% (4/4/13), P Midgley 56% (6/3/16), H Morrison 55% K O’Neill (2/4/11), A Balding 53% (5/11/30), D Skelton 53% (4/4/15), R CHEEK PIECES: No. 10. Hughes 53% (3/6/17), Sir M Prescott 53% (4/6/19), H Candy SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 1, 4, 9. 50% (2/3/10), J Berry 50% (2/0/4), J Bethell 50% (3/1/8). W-Factor: Red Alert (99); Babyfact (97); Our Lord (97). IN-FORM JOCKEYS H Skelton 64% (4 wins and 3 places from SP FORECAST: 5-2 Our Lord, 9-2 Babyfact, 5 John Joiner, 13-2 11 runners), W Kennedy 60% (1/2/5), Sean Bowen 58% (1/6/12), Gnaad, 7 Madame Bounty, 10 Very Honest, Red Alert, 14 Others. J Mitchell 56% (1/4/9), L Edmunds 54% (1/6/13), D Tudhope TRACK FACTS: GOING: Good to Soft. Right Handed. TOP TRACK 53% (10/9/36), S De Sousa 51% (9/19/55), N Fehily 50% JOCKEY (2012-17): R L Moore 22% Strike rate. TOP TRACK (2/2/8), R Johnson 50% (4/7/22). TRAINER (2012-17): Sir M Stoute 24% Strike rate.

JACKPOT: www.totepoolliveinfo.com




Vital statistics



THE Scout 1.50 Moxy Mares 2.20 ANN WITHOUT AN E (nb) 2.55 MR STRUTTER

3.30 Noble Behest 4.05 Hart Stopper 4.40 Fieldsman 5.10 Halinka

AUCTION STAKES 2YO 1.50 NOVICE £2,588 (Class 6) 7f 218yds (10 dec)

1 (1) 134 FRENCH FLYER (20) M Dods 9 9............P Mulrennan 2 (5) 1 TRUMPS UP (24) (F,T) M Channon 9 9....... J F Egan 3 (6) LL AIRPLANE (13) T Easterby 9 2... Rachel Richardson(3) 4 (3) L3 BREATHABLE (13) (F) T Easterby 9 2..............D Allan 5 (9) GABRIEL’S OBOE M Walford 9 2..................D Costello 6 (4) 3 l MOXY MARES (27) D Loughnane 9 2.......L Morris 7 (10) SINCERELY RESDEV D O’Meara 9 2............D Tudhope 8 (2) THE KNOT IS TIED T Easterby 9 2...........J P Sullivan 9 (8) WEINBERG D McCain 9 2...........................................G Lee 10 (7) GOLDEN GUIDE K Burke 8 11.................. P J McDonald W-Factor: Moxy Mares (99); French Flyer (95); Trumps Up (94). SP FORECAST: 3 Moxy Mares, 7-2 French Flyer, 5 Trumps Up, 6 Breathable, 8 Golden Guide, 10 Sincerely Resdev, 14 Weinberg, 16 The Knot Is Tied, 20 Others.

FILLIES’ NOVICE STAKES 2YO 2.20 EBF £4,270 (4) 7f 218yds (8)

(3) 21 EXHORT (21) (S) R Fahey 9 6.......................P Hanagan (8) 35 l ANN WITHOUT AN E (13) (F,T) M Channon 9 0 J F Egan (4) BOLLIN JOAN T Easterby 9 0..............................D Allan (5) L ENDLESS TANGENT (18) T Dascombe 9 0.P J McDonald (6) 38 FROLIC (18) Sir M Prescott 9 0................... Doubtful (1) 58 GAMESTERS ICON (35) B Smart 9 0...................G Lee (7) SEMPRE PRESTO R Fahey 9 0.....................T Hamilton (2) 95 VENTURA ROYAL (18) D O’Meara 9 0........D Tudhope W-Factor: Ann Without An E (99); Exhort (88); Endless Tangent (85). SP FORECAST: 6-5 Exhort, 3 Ann Without An E, 7 Ventura Royal, 8 Sempre Presto, 12 Endless Tangent, 14 Gamesters Icon, 16 Bollin Joan. TRACK FACTS: GOING: Good. Left Handed. TOP TRACK JOCKEY (2012-17): P Mulrennan 15% Strike rate. TOP TRACK TRAINER (2012-17): R Fahey 16% Strike rate. FIRST TIME: 2.55 Equipe (hood), Twentysvnthlancers (blinkers), Spike (tongue strap). BEATEN FAVOURITES: 2.20 Frolic. 4.40 Benjamin Thomas(hcp), Mango Chutney(hcp), My Dad Syd(hcp). DRAW: High numbers best on the straight course, low numbers best at 7f & 1m LONGEST TRAVELLER: Noble Behest (3.30) 270 miles. STABLE SWITCH: 5.10 Lady Volante from Lucinda Egerton to Rebecca Menzies. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

B - Bangor S - Sandown T - Thirsk Airplane..................... T 1.50 Ambre Des Marais...... B 2.00 Anastazia................... S 4.25 Ann Without An E....... T 2.20 Another Journey........ B 2.00 Anton Dolin................ B 2.00 Aquadabra.................. S 1.40 Archetype.................. S 3.55 Armagnac................... T 5.10 Art Collection............. T 4.05 Aviator....................... T 3.30 Babyfact..................... S 2.10 Ballycool.................... B 3.45 Bathsheba Bay........... S 3.20 Be Bold....................... T 2.55 Beachwalk.................. S 2.45 Becky Sharp............... S 2.45 Benjamin Thomas....... T 4.40 Big Time Maybe.......... S 1.40 Blacklooks.................. S 2.45 Bollin Joan................. T 2.20 Braes Of Lochalsh...... T 3.30 Breath Caught............ S 3.20 Breathable................. T 1.50 Buskin River............... T 5.10 Captain Dion............... T 4.05 Caviar Royale............. S 3.20 Cernunnos.................. B 3.10 Chaplin Bay................ T 4.40

Chozen....................... B 2.35 Ckalco Des Loges....... B 4.15 Classic Seniority........ T 4.05 Clubs Are Trumps....... B 3.10 Come On Louis............ B 2.00 Comselle.................... S 1.40 Dapper Man................ T 2.55 Dark Spec................... S 2.45 Deadly Move............... B 3.45 Delsheer..................... S 2.45 Deshan....................... B 4.50 Dirilis Ertugrul........... S 3.20 Dollar And A Dream.... B 4.50 Dr Doro...................... S 2.10 Dr Robin..................... B 3.10 Dragon Du Clos........... B 2.35 Dream Team............... T 5.10 Dreamboat Annie........ S 1.40 Dreaming Time........... T 5.10 Echo Cove.................. S 3.20 El Hombre.................. T 4.05 Elucidation................. S 3.55 Emaraaty.................... S 2.45 Emily Goldfinch.......... S 4.25 Endless Tangent......... T 2.20 Enzemble.................... S 2.45 Eolian......................... S 5.00 Equipe........................ T 2.55 Equus Millar............... B 4.15 Exhort........................ T 2.20 Exprompt................... S 3.20 Favourite Treat.......... T 4.40 Fieldsman................... T 4.40

HANDICAP 2.55 SELLING £2,727 (6)



(3) 722 l MR STRUTTER (53) (C,D) J J Quinn 3 9 6.J Hart (2) 15L BE BOLD (12) (D) Rebecca Bastiman 5 9 6.. D Tudhope (1) 3LL TWENTYSVNTHLANCERS (50) (D) P Midgley 4 9 3 G Lee (7) 086 DAPPER MAN (5) (D) Roger Fell 3 9 2.....T Hamilton (4) 274 STRINGYBARK CREEK (13) (D,T) M Channon 3 8 11 David Egan(3) (6) 4L7 SPIKE (14) (D,F) D McCain 4 8 7... Connor Murtagh(7) (5) 7-L7 PRECIOUS SKYE (108) Ronald Thompson 3 8 6...P Aspell (8) 8-L0 EQUIPE (5) R M Whitaker 3 8 6......................C Hardie BLINKERS: Nos. 3, 6 VISOR: No. 2 TONGUE STRAP: No. 6 HOOD: Nos. 1, 8. W-Factor: Mr Strutter (99); Spike (93); Stringybark Creek (91). SP FORECAST: 13-8 Mr Strutter, 4 Stringybark Creek, 9-2 Be Bold, 6 Dapper Man, 8 Twentysvnthlancers, 12 Spike, 25 Precious Skye, 33 Equipe. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

FOR AGENCY HANDICAP 3.30 A£4,852 (4) 2m 13yds (5) 423 (2) 261 (4) 013/ (1) 525 (3) 701


ON FIRE (18) J Bethell 4 10 0.......................D Tudhope STORMIN TOM (18) (D) T Easterby 5 9 12 Rachel Richardson(3) AVIATOR (J568) J Eustace 9 9 11.........................G Lee BRAES OF LOCHALSH (32) J Goldie 6 9 8.. P J McDonald l NOBLE BEHEST (17) (D,T,S) M Tregoning 3 8 6 G Wood(3) CHEEK PIECES: No. 5. W-Factor: Noble Behest (99); Stormin Tom (95); On Fire (94). SP FORECAST: 2 Noble Behest, 11-4 Stormin Tom, 7-2 On Fire, 5 Braes Of Lochalsh, 8 Aviator. 1 2 3 4 5

LIGHTFOOT HANDICAP 4.05 THEAKSTON £7,439 (3) 6f (12)

1 (3) 500 CLASSIC SENIORITY (13) (D) Mrs M Fife 5 9 10 D Tudhope 2 (6) 042 RED PIKE (13) (C&D) B Smart 6 9 10 Adam J McNamara(3) 3 (12) 600 MUNTADAB (13) (C,D) Roger Fell 5 9 9...T Hamilton 4 (8) 647 CAPTAIN DION (25) (D) K Ryan 4 9 6.............K Stott 5 (1) 300- MUJASSAM (349) (D) D O’Meara 5 9 6......... P Makin 6 (2) 321 EL HOMBRE (50) (D,F) K Dalgleish 3 9 5.R Scott(5) 7 (5) 110 RELATED (13) (D) P Midgley 7 9 3...........Martin Lane 8 (11) 130 LEXINGTON TIMES (13) (D) Mrs R Carr 5 9 2.J P Sullivan 9 (4) 105 l HART STOPPER (14) (D) M Bell 3 8 13.L Steward 10 (7) 466 ART COLLECTION (25) (D) Mrs R Carr 4 8 12.J Garritty 11 (10) 403 FULL INTENTION (25) T Dascombe 3 8 10... P J McDonald 12 (9) 617 THE ARMED MAN (13) (C&D) C Fairhurst 4 8 9 Paula Muir(7) BLINKERS: No. 7 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 1, 4, 8, 11. W-Factor: Hart Stopper (99); El Hombre (95); Lexington Times (95). SP FORECAST: 11-2 Red Pike, 6 El Hombre, 7 The Armed Man, Hart Stopper, Classic Seniority, 8 Full Intention, 10 Muntadab, Lexington Times, 12 Others.

INDEX Firenze Rosa.............. S 1.40 Flashing Glance.......... B 2.35 Fleetwood Jack.......... B 2.00 French Flyer............... T 1.50 Frolic.......................... T 2.20 Full Intention............. T 4.05 Gabriel’s Oboe............ T 1.50 Gamesters Icon.......... T 2.20 Gembari...................... S 3.20 Gnaad......................... S 2.10 God Willing................. T 4.40 Gold Class.................. B 4.50 Golden Guest.............. T 5.10 Golden Guide.............. T 1.50 Golden Wolf................ S 5.00 Graffiti Master........... S 3.20 Greenworldsolution.... B 2.00 Gwili Spar................... B 2.00 Halinka....................... T 5.10 Hart Stopper.............. T 4.05 Harvest Wind.............. S 3.55 Helfire........................ S 4.25 Hepijeu....................... B 3.45 Here’s Two................. S 4.25 High Acclaim.............. S 3.55 History Writer............ S 2.45 Icespire...................... S 3.55 Inexes........................ T 4.40 Isle Of Man................. S 3.20 Ivy Leaguer................ S 1.40

John Joiner................ S 2.10 Keeper’s Choice......... S 5.00 Khismet...................... B 4.50 Kilbaha Lady............... T 5.10 Kirkham...................... T 4.40 Know Your Limit......... S 5.00 Kodiac Express........... S 1.40 La La Land.................. S 3.20 Lady Jayne................. S 2.45 Lady Volante.............. T 5.10 Land League............... B 2.35 Lexington Times......... T 4.05 Little Dotty................ B 2.35 Madame Bounty.......... S 2.10 Madeleine Bond.......... S 3.55 Mango Chutney........... T 4.40 Masked Defender........ S 2.45 Master Bones............. B 3.45 Merdon Castle............ S 2.10 Minella Forfitness...... B 3.45 Miss Osier.................. S 4.25 Mississippi Miss.......... S 4.25 Mister Blue Sky.......... S 5.00 Moxy Mares................ T 1.50 Mr Lando.................... B 4.50 Mr Strutter................ T 2.55 Mujassam................... T 4.05 Muntadab................... T 4.05 My Dad Syd................. T 4.40 Night Spark................ S 2.45


(7) 217 ARCHETYPE (29) (C,D) S Crisford 9 9.Oisin Murphy (6) 121 PILLAR OF SOCIETY (34) (D) R Hannon 9 7.S Levey (4) 1-75 ELUCIDATION (114) (S) Sir M Stoute 9 5.. R L Moore (2) 334 HIGH ACCLAIM (61) R Teal 9 5.................. S De Sousa (5) 1-2L ICESPIRE (99) (F) J Gosden 9 3.....................A Atzeni (3) 1 ROBIN WEATHERS (48) W Haggas 9 2....P Cosgrave (1) 111 l MADELEINE BOND (28) (D) H Candy 9 1 Georgia Cox(5) (8) 3-23 HARVEST WIND (23) C Cox 8 11.................S Hitchcott CHEEK PIECES: No. 4 HOOD: No. 5. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 2, 7. W-F: Madeleine Bond (99); Archetype (97); Pillar Of Society (95). SP FORECAST: 7-2 Madeleine Bond, 9-2 Robin Weathers, 5 Elucidation, 11-2 Pillar Of Society, 6 Icespire, 7 Others. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

LETTINGS FILLIES’ H’CAP 4.25 AMETHYST £3,881 (5) 7f (10) 1 (9) 133 HELFIRE (23) (D) H Morrison 4 9 12.... C Bennett(3) 2 (10) 943 SARANGOO (43) (D) M Saunders 9 9 10.Georgia Cox(5) 3 (2) 712 l HERE’S TWO (8) (D) R Hodges 4 9 7...... K O’Neill 4 (1) 434 ANASTAZIA (36) (D,F) P D’Arcy 5 9 5........ J Haynes 5 (4) 1-88 MISSISSIPPI MISS (17) Dr J Scargill 3 9 3.R Kingscote 6 (8) 37-0 POYLE EMILY (25) M Madgwick 4 8 13....Fran Berry 7 (7) 824 VIOLET’S LADS (34) B Johnson 3 8 12......J Mitchell 8 (5) 142 EMILY GOLDFINCH (42) (D) P McEntee 4 8 11.Danny Brock 9 (6) 1L5 MISS OSIER (15) R Guest 3 8 11.................. S De Sousa 10 (3) 824 TWILIGHT SPIRIT (22) A Carroll 3 8 6.........F Norton CHEEK PIECES: No. 9. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 2, 3. W-Factor: Here’s Two (99); Helfire (95); Emily Goldfinch (95). SP FORECAST: 7-2 Here’s Two, 5 Helfire, 6 Sarangoo, Twilight Spirit, Emily Goldfinch, 8 Anastazia, 10 Violet’s Lads, 12 Others.

PAY HANDICAP 3YO 5.00 BISHOPSGATE £5,822 (4) 1m 1f 209yds (10)

1 (9) 5-72 RISING (14) B Meehan 9 7.........................James Doyle 2 (8) 221 GOLDEN WOLF (20) (D) R Hughes 9 6.......S W Kelly 3 (4) 177 MISTER BLUE SKY (20) (D) S Kirk 9 6.M Godwin(5) 4 (10) 222 KNOW YOUR LIMIT (16) Ed Walker 9 5.J P Spencer 5 (5) L51 VIKING HOARD (16) (D) H Dunlop 9 4........J Crowley 6 (7) 521 KEEPER’S CHOICE (25) D Coakley 9 1........T Queally 7 (3) 948 SEE THE CITY (79) J Eustace 9 0.......................R Tate 8 (6) 561 l EOLIAN (29) (D,F) A Balding 8 13... Oisin Murphy 9 (2) 1-20 PEACE AND PLENTY (142) (D) W Muir 8 11.M Dwyer 10 (1) 832 PRECIOUS ANGEL (16) R Hannon 8 10........... S Levey BLINKERS: No. 5 CHEEK PIECES: No. 8. SOFT/HEAVY WINNERS: Nos. 3, 8. W-Factor: Eolian (99); Golden Wolf (98); Viking Hoard (98). SP FORECAST: 9-2 Know Your Limit, 5 Golden Wolf, Eolian, 6 Rising, Precious Angel, 7 Viking Hoard, 8 Others. FIRST TIME: 1.40 Big Time Maybe (tongue strap). BEATEN FAVOURITES: 1.40 Zalshah. 3.20 Bathsheba Bay, Breath Caught. 3.55 Elucidation(hcp). 4.25 Helfire(hcp). 5.00 Know Your Limit(hcp). DRAW: Low numbers best in sprints, especially in large fields on soft going LONGEST TRAVELLER: Blacklooks (2.45) & Gembari (3.20) 187 miles. STABLE SWITCH: 2.10 Merdon Castle from Mrs R Carr to J Chapple-Hyam, Red Alert from J Tuite to W Muir.

QUINN 50 NOT OUT HANDICAP 4.40 NICK £4,852 (4) 7f (12) 1 (7) 284 2 (1) L5L 3 (4) 822 4 (11) 950 5 (2) 320 6 (10) 112 7 (8) 925 8 (6) 535 9 (5) 573 10 (3) 13L 11 (9) 633 12 (12) 246

INEXES (8) Mrs M Fife 5 9 12.........................B McHugh ZYLAN (32) (D) Roger Fell 5 9 12..............T Hamilton l FIELDSMAN (10) (D) D O’Meara 5 9 11.D Tudhope GOD WILLING (27) (D) D Carroll 6 9 8.Ger O’Neill(7) MY DAD SYD (28) (D) I Williams 5 9 7.M Fernandes(7) MANGO CHUTNEY (24) (C&D,F) J J Davies 4 9 3 P Makin BENJAMIN THOMAS (18) J J Quinn 3 9 3........J Hart FAVOURITE TREAT (5) (C,D) Mrs R Carr 7 9 2.. J Garritty CHAPLIN BAY (20) (D) Mrs R Carr 5 9 1.J P Sullivan ROUND THE ISLAND (55) R M Whitaker 4 9 0 L Edmunds(3) VINCENZO COCCOTTI (13) (D,T) K C-Brown 5 8 12 Hollie Doyle(3) KIRKHAM (20) Julie Camacho 4 8 12 Joe Doyle BLINKERS: No. 4 VISOR: Nos. 5, 7 CHEEK PIECES: Nos. 1, 6, 9, 12 EYE COVERS: No. 8. W-Factor: Fieldsman (99); Mango Chutney (98); Round The Island (96). SP FORECAST: 4 Fieldsman, 6 Mango Chutney, 7 Benjamin Thomas, Vincenzo Coccotti, My Dad Syd, 10 Chaplin Bay, Kirkham, 12 Inexes, Favourite Treat, 14 Others.

HANDICAP 3YO 5.10 APPRENTICE £3,234 (5) 7f 218yds


1 (7) 156 DREAMING TIME (14) (D) J Tate 9 13...P Hainey(10) 2 (10) 1L2 GOLDEN GUEST (5) G Margarson 9 11.Jane Elliott(6) 3 (5) 615 STUBYTUESDAY (18) M W Easterby 9 11 Harrison Shaw(10) 4 (3) 443 l HALINKA (23) R Varian 9 10........... David Egan(3) 5 (1) 5L6 DREAM TEAM (16) (D) M Dods 9 9...C Rodriguez(6) 6 (4) 836 OUR GRETA (35) (C) M Appleby 9 7.A Rawlinson(3) 7 (9) L04 ARMAGNAC (15) M Bell 9 6.............Tristan Price(10) 8 (2) 447 SUSSEX GIRL (23) J Berry 9 4........Nicola Currie(7) 9 (8) 2-77 BUSKIN RIVER (14) (F) J Eustace 9 4 Adam J McNamara 10 (11) 394 KILBAHA LADY (27) N Tinkler 9 3..............R Scott(3) 11 (6) 533 LADY VOLANTE (120) Rebecca Menzies 9 2 Hollie Doyle TONGUE STRAP: No. 10 CHEEK PIECES: No. 5. W-Factor: Halinka (99); Dreaming Time (98); Dream Team (97). SP FORECAST: 4 Armagnac, 5 Stubytuesday, 11-2 Dreaming Time, 6 Golden Guest, 7 Kilbaha Lady, 8 Halinka, 10 Dream Team, 12 Our Greta, 14 Others.

gossip from The gallopS Midlands: RALEAGH MOUNTAIN (3.45 Bangor) Newmarket: ELUCIDATION (3.55 Sandown) North: EXHORT (2.20 Thirsk) South: NOBLE BEHEST (3.30 Thirsk) Noble Behest.............. T 3.30 Ocean Side................. S 3.20 On Fire....................... T 3.30 Onefootinparadise...... S 1.40 Our Greta................... T 5.10 Our Lord..................... S 2.10 Peace And Plenty....... S 5.00 Pillar Of Society......... S 3.55 Pompey Chimes.......... S 3.20 Port Of Call................ S 3.20 Poyle Emily................ S 4.25 Precious Angel........... S 5.00 Precious Skye............. T 2.55 Prince Khurram.......... B 4.50 Psychedelic Rock........ B 4.15 Quick Recovery.......... S 3.20 Raleagh Mountain....... B 3.45 Red Alert.................... S 2.10 Red Pike..................... T 4.05 Related....................... T 4.05 Rising......................... S 5.00 Ritasun....................... B 4.50 Robin Weathers.......... S 3.55 Round The Island........ T 4.40 Royal Marskell............ B 2.35 Rum Runner................ S 2.45 Sahalin....................... B 2.00 Saint Contest............. B 2.35 Sam Gold.................... S 2.45 Sarangoo.................... S 4.25 Sebastian Beach......... B 3.10 Secret Asset.............. S 2.10 See The City............... S 5.00

Sempre Presto........... T 2.20 Sincerely Resdev........ T 1.50 Spike.......................... T 2.55 Spoof.......................... S 1.40 St Peter’s Square....... B 4.50 Stormin Tom............... T 3.30 Stringybark Creek...... T 2.55 Stubytuesday............. T 5.10 Sussex Girl................. T 5.10 Taroum....................... B 2.00 Taurean Dancer.......... S 2.45 Technological............. S 2.45 The Armed Man.......... T 4.05 The Golden Cue.......... S 1.40 The Knot Is Tied......... T 1.50 The Otmoor Poet........ B 4.50 Trumps Up.................. T 1.50 Twentysvnthlancers... T 2.55 Twilight Spirit............ S 4.25 Valleyofmilan............. B 3.10 Ventura Royal............ T 2.20 Very Honest............... S 2.10 Viking Hoard............... S 5.00 Vincenzo Coccotti...... T 4.40 Violet’s Lads.............. S 4.25 Weinberg.................... T 1.50 Westbrook Bertie....... S 2.45 What Happens Now..... B 3.10 Whiskey Baron............ B 4.15 Whos De Baby............. B 3.45 Zaajer......................... S 3.20 Zalshah....................... S 1.40 Zylan.......................... T 4.40


Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

Kyle can be a big noise It is a tried-and-tested formula and one that has earned the 22-year-old world No42 his place in the third round of the US Open. He beat Steve Johnson 7-5, 6-2, 7-6 on Wednesday night and today plays Denis Shapovalov. Shapovalov, by way of contrast, is just 18 and already is ranked No69 in the world. A feisty left-hander who can hit the cover off the ball, he began the year ranked No250 and was regarded as a talent for the future, not for the present. But then he got himself defaulted from Canada’s Davis Cup tie with Britain by thumping a ball away in frustration and hitting the umpire in the eye as he did so. He was playing Edmund

From Alix Ramsay at Flushing Meadows at the time, and his moment of madness handed the rubber to the Yorkshireman and the tie to Britain. Since then Shapovalov, below, has not looked back. He beat Edmund at Queen’s Club and then, at the beginning of August, he beat Juan Martin del Potro and Rafael Nadal on his way to the semi-finals of the Masters 1000 in Montreal. That pushed him into the world’s top 100. It is not the standard career path for any aspiring player, but it seems to have worked for the Canadian. “In a funny way, that incident actually helped him mature because since then he has done good,” said Edmund. “It hasn’t put him down. He has really learnt from it and moved forward in a positive way.” Edmund has tried to take if not a leaf then maybe a tiny shoot from Shapovalov’s book this summer. Britain’s No2 is big and strong but he is awfully quiet and he thinks that perhaps his on-court persona is an area that

AFTERNOON RACING RESULTS ❑ 2015 Gold Cup winner Coneygree starts his latest campaign in the Guinness Kerry National at Listowel on September 13 ahead of a possible tilt at the £250,000 Ladbrokes Trophy (formerly the Hennessy Gold Cup) at Newbury on December 2. ❑ NEWCASTLE’S Tapeta track will host an official trial for the Kentucky Derby, the £100,000 Burradon Stakes, on March 30, 2018.

BATH: Good to firm

1.40—ZAIN SMARTS (David Egan, 6-1) 1; Following Breeze (16-1) 2; Jonnysimpson (14-1) 3. H’cap 12 ran. 21/4l, nk. (P Evans; 9-2 fav Just For The Craic). Tote: £6.30; pl £1.50, £4.70, £4.20. exacta: £120.20. tricast: £1296.66. trifecta: £2744.00. CSF: £94.35. Non-runner: Cove Beach. 2.10—MONSIEUR GLORY (P Cosgrave, 11-4 2nd fav) 1; Pastoral Music (7-2) 2; Tobouggaloo (7-2) 3. H’cap 6 ran. 11/2l, 41/2l. (Tom Clover; 2-1 fav Hepplewhite). Tote: £3.00; pl £1.60, £1.70. exacta: £12.90. trifecta: £44.00. CSF: £12.97. 2.40—HIGH WELLS (R Winston, 7-1) 1; Snowy Winter (4-1 2nd fav) 2; Affair (6-1) 3. H’cap 8 ran. 4l, 11/4l. (S Durack). Tote: £5.60; pl £1.60, £1.90, £1.20. exacta: £21.20. tricast: £54.23. trifecta: £95.10. CSF: £17.09. Nonrunner: Casemates Square.Casemates Square| Rule 4 applies to All Bets, deduct 30p in the pound 3.10—CORONATION COTTAGE (C Bennett, 6-1) 1; Dandilion (9-4 fav) 2; Swendab (9-1) 3. H’cap 8 ran. 13/4l, 13/4l. (M Saunders). Tote: £6.80; pl £2.20, £1.10, £3.10. exacta: £23.80. tricast: £120.74. trifecta: £121.30. CSF: £19.61. 3.40—PAINT (Hollie Doyle, 5-2 fav) 1; Dark Blue (16-1) 2; Far Dawn (14-1) 3. H’cap 9 ran. 3/4l, shd. (R Hannon). Tote: £3.30; pl £1.60, £4.50, £3.50. exacta: £47.60. tricast: £474.52. trifecta: £421.50. CSF: £46.32. Non-runner: Golden Footsteps. 4.10—GOOD WAY OFF (J Fortune, 11-4) 1; Chalky (5-2 2nd fav) 2; Holiday Girl (7-1) 3. 6 ran. 13/4l, 3/4l. (L Cumani; 15-8 fav Awfaa). Tote: £3.50; pl £1.80, £1.30. exacta: £9.70. trifecta: £40.30. CSF: £9.95. 4.40—OEIL DE TIGRE (Sophie Ralston, 13-2) 1; Showmethewayavrilo (11-4 fav) 2; Burauq (8-1) 3. H’cap 9 ran. hd, 3/4l. (A Carroll). Tote: £8.10; pl £2.20, £2.40, £2.30. exacta: £31.40. tricast: £135.84. trifecta: £299.60. CSF: £25.04.

Placepot: £105.80 (Race 1) 5, 13, 7; (2) 2, 3; (3) 3, 2, 5; (4) 5, 6, 7; (5) 2, 9, 6; (6) 1, 3; Quadpot: £7.50


1.20—CHILEAN (Oisin Murphy, 11-4) 1; Kind Act (5-2 jt fav) 2; Rua Augusta (5-2 jt fav) 3. 6 ran. 11/4l, 11/4l. (M Meade). Tote: £3.50; pl £1.70, £1.40. exacta: £11.50. trifecta: £24.40. CSF: £9.96. 1.50—ALMOREB (J Crowley, 7-2) 1; GOLDEN GOAL (P Bradley, 10-3 2nd fav) 1; Omeros (2-1 fav) 3. H’cap 10 ran. dht, 21/4l. (R Hannon, S bin Suroor). Tote: Almoreb £2.20, Golden Goal £2.10; pl Almoreb £1.30, Golden Goal £1.80, Omeros £1.30. exacta: Almoreb, Golden Goal £8.20, Golden Goal, Almoreb £7.50. tricast: Almoreb, Golden Goal, Omeros £14.28, Golden Goal, Almoreb, Omeros £14.14. trifecta: Almoreb, Golden Goal, Omeros £24.30, Golden Goal, Almoreb, Omeros £24.00. CSF: Almoreb, Golden Goal £7.87, Golden Goal, Almoreb £7.79. 2.20—MISTER BOB (T Durcan, 16-1) 1; Piedita (11-10 fav) 2; Taper Tantrum (3-1 jt 2nd fav) 3. H’cap 6 ran. nk, 5l. (J Bethell). Tote: £11.70; pl £1.20, £3.60. exacta: £46.70. tricast: £71.87. trifecta: £111.00. CSF: £35.38. Nonrunners: Argante, Jack Bear.


2.50—ALJULJALAH (A Atzeni, 10-3 2nd fav) 1; Bumptious (25-1) 2; Zest (8-1) 3. 7 ran. 3 /4l, 11/4l. (R Varian; 10-11 fav Raven’s Lady). Tote: £4.10; pl £1.80, £6.90. exacta: £50.20. trifecta: £224.90. CSF: £74.50. Non-runner: Flourishing. 3.20—SIEGE OF BOSTON (J F Egan, 9-2 jt 2nd fav) 1; Cainhoe Star (9-2 jt 2nd fav) 2; Murdanova (33-1) 3. H’cap 14 ran. ns, hd. (J Butler; 4-1 fav Medicean El Diablo). Tote: £5.30; pl £1.90, £2.20, £5.90. exacta: £30.10. tricast: £621.08. trifecta: £564.30. CSF: £24.88. Non-runner: The Happy Hammer. 3.50—THE JUGGLER (Martin Lane, 7-4 fav) 1; Just Fab (6-1 2nd fav) 2; Master Of Heaven (8-1) 3. H’cap 12 ran. 7l, 1l. (W Knight). Tote: £2.50; pl £1.10, £2.50, £3.20. exacta: £14.30. tricast: £74.11. trifecta: £82.40. CSF: £12.75. Nrs: Lifeboat Lad, Midnight Mood. 4.20—CHILLI JAM (L Keniry, 4-1 2nd fav) 1; Tommy’s Secret (7-2 fav) 2; Avocet (33-1) 3. H’cap 13 ran. 23/4l, 1/2l. (E De Giles). Tote: £4.80; pl £1.80, £1.80, £5.80. exacta: £17.40. tricast: £414.53. trifecta: £521.60. CSF: £17.69. Nonrunner: Conistone. 4.50—MOBBHIJ (Oisin Murphy, 11-8 fav) 1; Sileel (9-2) 2; Stanley (7-2 2nd fav) 3. 8 ran. 1/2l, 21/4l. (S bin Suroor). Tote: £2.00; pl £1.10, £1.40, £1.80. exacta: £8.00. trifecta: £23.00. CSF: £7.94.

Jackpot: Not won, pool of £7,791.37 carried over. Placepot: £64.40 (Race 1) 3, 4; (2) 6, , 9; (3) 4, 6; (4) 1, 2; (5) 2, 5, 4; (6) 9, 4, 3; Quadpot: £18.80

MUSSELBURGH: Good to firm

1.30—DEBAWTRY (P Makin, 4-7 fav) 1; Brandy Station (5-2 2nd fav) 2; Pavarella Shoes (50-1) 3. 4 ran. nk, 23/4l. (D O’Meara). Tote: £1.30; exacta: £2.00. trifecta: £7.80. CSF: £2.28. Non-runners: Funkadelic, Me Before You. 2.00—PLACEBO EFFECT (A Mullen, 4-1 jt fav) 1; Ray Purchase (7-1) 2; Burnieboozle (4-1 jt fav) 3. H’cap 10 ran. 11/4l, 11/4l. (O Pears). Tote: £3.60; pl £1.30, £2.50, £1.70. exacta: £25.30. tricast: £118.44. trifecta: £104.30. CSF: £30.59. Non-runner: Bibbidibobbidiboo. 2.30—KIKINI BAMALAAM (C Beasley, 10-3 fav) 1; Ventura Gold (10-1) 2; Here In The Dark (15-2) 3. H’cap 9 ran. 3/4l, 2l. (K Dalgleish). Tote: £3.50; pl £1.50, £2.90, £2.30. exacta: £42.10. tricast: £228.66. trifecta: £510.00. CSF: £35.25. Non-runner: Kylie Rules. 3.00—RASELASAD (R Ffrench, 6-4 fav) 1; Our Charlie Brown (7-4 2nd fav) 2; Inglorious (13-2) 3. H’cap 4 ran. 13/4l, 23/4l. (Miss T Waggott). Tote: £2.50; exacta: £4.40. trifecta: £7.80. CSF: £4.41. Non-runner: Trooper’s Gold. 3.30—BONNIE ARLENE (J Fanning, 2-1 2nd fav) 1; Wor Lass (12-1) 2; Gold Chain (14-1) 3. H’cap 5 ran. 3/4l, 31/2l. (M Johnston; evens fav Erinyes). Tote: £3.60; pl £2.30, £3.80. exacta: £18.70. trifecta: £73.90. CSF: £21.92. Nonrunner: Fire Leopard. 4.00—TIRANIA (P Mulrennan, 15-8 2nd fav) 1; Peach Melba (13-8 fav) 2; Rajar (15-2) 3. H’cap 5 ran. 3/4l, shd. (W Haggas). Tote: £3.60; pl £1.10, £1.60. exacta: £5.10. trifecta: £16.30. CSF: £5.25. Non-runner: Maureb. 4.35—MY GIRL MAISIE (C Beasley, 5-2 fav) 1; Tagur (7-1) 2; Jack Blane (3-1 jt 2nd fav) 3. H’cap 7 ran. 13/4l, 2l. (R C Guest). Tote: £2.80; pl £1.50, £3.00. exacta: £18.70. tricast: £50.54. trifecta: £55.70. CSF: £19.12. Non-runner: Hot Gossip. 5.10—SEE VERMONT (D Fentiman, 14-1) 1; Hadley (2-1 fav) 2; Red Forever (12-1) 3. H’cap 10 ran. ns, shd. (Rebecca Bastiman). Tote: £15.90; pl £4.10, £1.40, £3.50. exacta: £51.20. tricast: £321.26. trifecta: £688.30. CSF: £42.15.

Placepot: £55.70 (Race 1) 3; (2) 4, 10, 1; (3) 7, 1, 3; (4) 1; (5) 5, 2; (6) 3, 2; Quadpot: £19.00.

needs work. “This trip I felt I’ve been maybe a bit more animated,” he said. “My natural thing is probably to be a bit quieter, it’s more my personality. I have the same thoughts and stuff but you just keep them to yourself. “I believe my ball-striking is really good, it’s some of the best in the world, but where I’m going wrong is in other areas. That’s one of the things I’ve tried to do more – take the fight to the opponent mentally.” Cameron Norrie also believes he has found his way here at Flushing Meadows. He was beaten 6-2, 6-4, 6-3 by Pablo Carreno Busta but the experience of winning his first Grand Slam match on Monday has given him confidence. “I belong here and I can play at this level,” he said. Jamie Murray and Bruno Soares started the defence of their US Open title by beating Julian Knowle and Alexander Peya 6-4, 7-6 yesterday.

QUIET MAN: But Britain’s Kyle Edmund wants to be more animated Picture: RICHARD HEATHCOTE

Froome sees lead cut after taking a tumble CHRIS FROOME survived a mechanical problem and a crash to keep hold of his Red Jersey in the Vuelta but his advantage was cut to 59 seconds. The Team Sky leader dropped 20 seconds to closest challenger Vincenzo Nibali (Bahrain-Merida). Trek-Segafredo’s Alberto Contador, ninth in the GC standings, gained 22 seconds on Nibali and the rest of the general classification contenders. Lotto Soudal’s Tomasz Marczynski attacked on the final descent to take victory on stage 12 ahead of Omar Fraile (Team Dimension Data) and Jose Joaquin Rojas Gil (Movistar). Contador and Nicolas Roche (BMC) attacked on the final climb, with the Spaniard enjoying an advantage of 20 seconds from the Team Sky-led peloton. But on the descent into Antequera, Froome suffered a



mechanical problem and, after switching bikes, tumbled as he took a corner. Sky dropped Wout Poels and Mikel Nieve back to help and the pair managed to keep the Briton in red. Sky’s line-up for the Tour of Britain, which begins on Sunday, includes Welshman Geraint Thomas, in

??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? to ??????? 1tackle ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? 1. Which French striker recently joined Arsenal from Lyon for a club-record fee? 2. Which Czech tennis player won the Aegon Classic in Birmingham this year? 3. Which former Dutch star has succeeded Sam Allardyce as manager of Crystal Palace? 4. Which Hampshire leg-spinner made his England debut on his home ground in the first T20 match against South Africa? 5. Which US sprinter won the men’s 100m and 200m double at the 1956 RATINGS Summer 0-3 Oh dear Olympics? 4-6 Small beer 7-9 So near 6. Which 10 Sporting seer horse won a record fifth King George VI Chase at Kempton Park in 2011? 7. Which English League Two football team play at Field Mill? 8. Which Welsh taekwondo fighter won gold in the women’s 57kg category at the 2012 and 2016 Olympics? 9. Which team beat the Pittsburgh Steelers in the 2011 Super Bowl? 10. In what year did Juan Manuel Fangio win the last of his five Formula One world titles?

ANSWERS: 1 Alexandre Lacazette. 2 Petra Kvitova. 3 Frank de Boer. 4 Mason Crane. 5 Bobby Morrow. 6 Kauto Star. 7 Mansfield Town. 8 Jade Jones. 9 Green Bay Packers. 10 1957.

PLAYERS develop at different rates and in different ways. Kyle Edmund is a slow burner – he makes steady progress, consolidates his position in the rankings list and then tries to find a way to kick on and take the next logical step forward.


action for the time since a crash in the Tour de France. Mark Cavendish is also back after his high-speed tumble at the Tour, in which he broke his shoulder. ❑FORMER world road champion Lizzie Deignan could miss this year’s championships in Norway later this month after surgery to remove her appendix.

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FALL GUY: But Chris Froome still leads the Vuelta



LEWIS HAMILTON has ended speculation about a possible move to Ferrari by revealing he will sign a new Mercedes contract before the end of the season. “I plan to extend with this team,” said Hamilton, in Monza for Sunday’s Italian Grand Prix. “The team are fully committed to me and I have never picked up the phone and spoken to other teams.”

VALENTINO ROSSI is out of the race for the 2017 title after breaking a leg in training in Italy last night. The Italian underwent an operation and will miss the GP at Misano, his home track next weekend. The incident occurred off-road. The Movistar Yamaha rider was third in the standings.


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Daily Express Friday September 1 2017



Key signings: Freddie Burns (Leicester), Sam Underhill (Ospreys) Big loss: George Ford (Leicester) If they were a dessert, what would they be? Viennetta. Looks expensive and appealing but something missing. Injury magnets, they will start without England pair Underhill and Charlie Ewels. They went backwards last season and with no Ford it will be hard to reverse that direction of travel. LEAGUE PREDICTION: 8th (5th in league last season)


Key signings: Nic White (Montpellier), Matt Kvesic (Gloucester) Big loss: Geoff Parling (Munakata Sanix Blues) If they were a dessert, what would they be? A Victoria sponge. Solid, comforting and infinitely better than the sum of the parts. Setting out as champions will be a new challenge but for the Chiefs, masters of the under-the-radar signing, they won’t be far away. PREDICTION: 3rd, will lose sf (2nd, champions)


Key signings: Owen Williams (Leicester), Jason Woodward (Bristol) Big loss: Jonny May (Leicester) Kingsholm will serve up Apple crumble. Can hit the heights and beat the best but capable of folding feebly against the worst. New head coach Johan Ackerman has his work cut out to make an impression, and they are likely to slide closer to the bottom than last season. PREDICTION: 10th (9th)


Key signings: Demetri Catrakilis (Montpellier), Renaldo Bothma (Bulls) Big loss: Nick Evans (retired) The Eton mess of the top flight. Carefree and flamboyant, the substance of the Premiership blue bloods will be stretched by fighting on two fronts after qualifying for the Champions Cup. Tough Namibian No8 Bothma will make some holes but, post-Evans, it is hard to see Quins back in the top half. PREDICTION: 7th (6th)


Key signings: George Ford (Bath), Jonny May (Gloucester) Big loss: Ed Slater (Gloucester) A slice of Christmas cake, anyone? It has taken an age to make but now with Matt Toomua and Manu Tuilagi – rich midfield ingredients – finally fit together the mixture looks highly appetising at Welford Road. Play-off qualification is an annual tradition, but they may get polished off before the silver comes out. PREDICTION: 1st, will lose final (4th, lost sf)


Key signings: Napolioni Nalaga (Lyon), Saia Fainga’a (Brumbies) Big loss: Luke Narraway (Coventry) If they were a dessert, what would they be? Rice pudding. Good to see such a traditional name back on the menu in the Premiership after promotion but lacking in star quality. Irish will be strong relegation favourites. PREDICTION: 12th (promoted last season)


Key signings: Toby Flood (Toulouse), Maxime Mermoz (Leicester) Big loss: Marcus Watson (Wasps) If they were a dessert, what would they be? Coconut macaroons. The Pacific Island influence is strong and the flair of the likes of Sinoti Sinoti and Sonatane Takulua should be freed up even more with Dave Walder promoted to head coach. With Flood back to direct the traffic, the Falcons could be the surprise package. PREDICTION: 4th, will lose sf (8th last season)


Key signings: Piers Francis (Blues), Cobus Reinach (Sharks) Big loss: Louis Picamoles (Montpellier) Definitely a Battenberg. Square and ordered, the Saints way can sometimes look a bit old hat. They will miss King Louis as he returns to France but with Dylan Hartley back as captain, under-performance on the same scale as last season is unlikely to be tolerated. PREDICTION: 6th (7th)


Key signings: James O’Connor (Toulon), Faf de Klerk (Lions) Big loss: Sam Tuitupou (Coventry) An Eccles cake. The fierce North-west regionalists have a higher currant count this season with the electric Spingbok De Klerk and playboy Wallaby O’Connor bringing the glamour, but the smallest squad in an attritional league is vulnerable to injuries. PREDICTION: 9th (10th)


Key signings: Liam Williams (Scarlets), Calum Clark (Northampton) Big loss: Chris Ashton (Toulon) The Premiership’s Rock cake. Impenetrable defensively, they are almost impossible to break down. May be vulnerable in September before all their Lions return to action but, having made the play-offs for the past eight seasons, they will be there again this year. PREDICTION: 2nd, champions (3rd, lost sf)

We will all be THE aftershocks from the Lions series will be felt in the Aviva Premiership when it kicks off tonight, with champions Exeter sensing it may lead to a more defence-orientated league.

Baxter says defence now the best form of attack Neil


Last season, the two most potent attacking sides, Wasps and Exeter, fought out a dramatic final decided in extra-time as try-scoring trumped try-prevention. It temporarily exploded the myth that defence ultimately wins titles. But the prevailing lesson from New Zealand in the summer, according to Rob Baxter, is that defence is on its way back and the instincts of the Chiefs’ shrewd director of rugby tend to be spot on. “I definitely think you will be seeing more and more teams use defence as a pressure weapon. That’s what you saw in New Zealand and the Lions had a great deal of success with it,” said Baxter. “They put pressure on their basic skills and you saw that, under pressure, the All Blacks

RUGBY CORRESPONDENT are human and make just as many mistakes as everybody else. You’ve seen Saracens be very effective with it and we like to think we have decent line speed in defence. You will see more and more teams in the Premiership use it as a way of breaking up teams who want to attack in a fluid manner.” Pragmatism is a sobering launch message for a league that has lost one of its finest attacking showmen in Wasps’ Kurtley Beale, but there are some exciting incomers. Watch out for the giant Fijian wing Napolioni Nalaga at London Irish and the new Northampton half-backs Cobus Reinach and Piers Francis, a novelty as an


Key signings: Juan de Jongh (Stormers), Gabiriele Lovobalavu (Bayonne) Big loss: Kurtley Beale (Waratahs) If they were a dessert, what would they be? Baked Alaska, of course. Exciting, risky and a bit of a culinary high-wire act. Not sure how it works but it generally does. The departure of Wallaby class-act Beale, who returns Down Under, does put a play-off spot at risk though. PREDICTION: 5th (1st, losing finalists)


Key signings: David Denton (Bath), Ethan Waller (Northampton) Big loss: Val Rapava-Ruskin (Gloucester) The flapjack of English rugby. A bit stodgy and you wouldn’t want too much of it but it does what it says on the tin. Gary Gold has been hired to ensure the Warriors stay up and, with his attention to detail, they probably will, though they will do well to improve on last year’s placing. PREDICTION: 11th (11th)

CONFIDENT: Exeter’s Rob Baxter wants his side to embrace their status as England’s top team tonight

Burrow rolls back the years to put

LIAM SMASHER: Sutcliffe celebrates scoring Leeds’ third try

ROB BURROW was up to his old tricks last night – driving through the heart of the opposition and helping Leeds to victory. The diminutive playmaker and seven-time Grand Final winner, who retires at the end of the season to join the Rhinos’ coaching staff, was promoted to the starting line-up at the last minute


38 26

By Ross Heppenstall when Joel Moon pulled out with a groin problem. The 34-year-old opened the scoring and superbly created another try for Liam Sutcliffe, inspiring a win that secured

the Rhinos a top-four finish and subsequent play-off semi-final. But Rhinos coach Brian McDermott was not happy. He said: “I thought it was awful. We got distracted and were too easily put off our game. We were pretty soft defensively, but we won.” Challenge Cup winners Hull, forced to play just five days

after their Wembley win over Wigan, rested four players. Leeds led when Burrow flighted a dangerous kick towards the Hull defence and then collected Tom Briscoe’s knock-down to score. Hull responded through Stevie Michaels and Marc Sneyd, recipient of the Lance Todd Trophy as man of the match in the Wembley triumph ***


Daily Express Friday September 1 2017


tackling like Lions English playmaker returning from the Blues in Auckland. Pay attention to the resurrection, hopefully, of Manu Tuilagi in a lethallooking backline at Leicester where a £700,000 investment in George Ford should bear fruit, as well as the development of Sam Underhill at Bath and the Curry twins at Sale. Indeed, with Matt Kvesic aiming to relaunch his career at Exeter, this could be the season of the poacher flanker. Kvesic will start on the bench at old club Gloucester tonight alongside Exeter’s Lion Jack Nowell as the Chiefs launch their defence. Life is subtly different operating with a target on your back, as Exeter are about to find out, but having taken all previous steps in their stride since arriving in the Premiership, they are confident they can handle this one. “We have to be comfortable with it,” said Baxter. “I want to experience Friday night at Gloucester as champions. “We are not going to be a team who are scared of losing a game or scared of what people will say if we don’t win just because we were champions last year. I want us to go up there, throw some punches, get ourselves into the game and see what playing in the Premiership is

like when you are currently the top team in England.” Such an exalted billing will grate with Saracens, who the Chiefs eliminated in the semi-final at Sandy Park last season. Fresh from their preparations in Bermuda, the European champions have them in their sights. “The fact that we didn’t do as well as we thought we could do makes this season exciting,” said Saracens fly-half Owen Farrell. “We were beaten by a good team down in their back garden. Hopefully it will make us more eager to improve and put a good foot forward early on this year. “The thing about last year was that we were in a good spot in the league for a long time but ended up finishing third. If we can get in a good position, stay in a good position and get a home semi-final that will put us in better stead.” At the other end of the table, Worcester, who pulled clear of relegation with Gary Gold’s arrival last season, can again expect to be in a

survival scrap, this time with promoted London Irish. The Warriors are the worst starters in the Premiership – having won just 18.2 per cent of their opening fixtures – so tonight’s trip to Newcastle, which they undertake with Ben Te’o on the bench, does not bode well. Over the course of the campaign, though, they should have just enough to hold off Irish. If defence is to be king this season, a side who leaked eight tries to Yorkshire Carnegie in the two-leg Championship play-off final in May could be too porous to stay up in the top flight.

MAJOR LAW CHANGES No penalty try conversions. Automatic seven points instead. Penalties won with time up now allowed to be kicked out of play for a lineout. ‘Fox’ tactic employed so amusingly by Italy against England at Twickenham last season to remove the offside line is banned. No contesting the ball from the ‘wrong’ side after making a tackle. No hacking the ball through at a ruck with the boot. Scrum-halves free to feed the ball straight on to their own hooker’s foot. No8s free to fish the ball out of the second row at a scrum. Ball has to go out of play, rather than foot of kick catcher, for a lineout.

skids under Hull over Wigan, converted. But the pendulum soon swung back in Leeds’ favour when prop Brad Singleton crossed. Once again, Hull responded and this time England prop Scott Taylor barrelled over. Sneyd converted again for 12-12 but Hull lost skipper Gareth Ellis to a yellow card. Soon after, Sutcliffe put Leeds ahead for a third time

and the hosts grabbed a fourth try when prop Mitch Garbutt dived over. Hull scored again through Danny Washbrook but Adam Cuthbertson galloped through in response. Then Matt Parcell claimed Leeds’ sixth try. Kallum Watkins kicked seven goals as Leeds sewed things up despite Josh Bowden’s late try.

SPORT IN BRIEF FIFA World Cup European Qualifying Group A


BULGARIA (2)........ 3 SWEDEN (2) .......2 Manolev 12 Kostadinov 33 Chochev 79

Lustig 29 Berg 44

FRANCE (1) ........... 4 HOLLAND (0) ......0 Griezmann 14 Lemar 73, 88 Mbappe-Lottin 90

LUXEMBOURG (0) . 1 BELARUS (0) ......0 Da Mota Alves 60

P France ........................7 Sweden.......................7 Bulgaria......................7 Holland.......................7 Belarus.......................7 Luxembourg ................7

W 5 4 4 3 1 1

D 1 1 0 1 2 1

L F 1 15 2 14 3 12 3 13 4 4 5 7

A 5 7 14 10 12 17

Pts 16 13 12 10 5 4

Group B

HUNGARY (2) ........ 3 LATVIA (1) ..........1 Kadar 6, Szalai 27 Solovjovs 68 (og)

Freimanis 40

PORTUGAL (2)....... 5 FAEROE ISLES (1)1 Ronaldo 3, 29 (pen), 64 Baldvinsson 38 William Carvalho 58 Att: 25,087 Oliveira 84

SWITZERLAND (1) . 3 ANDORRA (0)......0 Seferovic 42, 63 Lichtsteiner 67

P Switzerland .................7 Portugal .....................7 Hungary ......................7 Faroe Is ......................7 Andorra ......................7 Latvia .........................7

W 7 6 3 1 1 1

D 0 0 1 2 1 0

L F 0 15 1 27 3 11 4 3 5 2 6 3

A 3 4 8 15 16 15

Pts 21 18 10 5 4 3

Group H

BELGIUM (6) ......... 9 GIBRALTAR (0) ...0 Mertens 15 Att: 37,000 Meunier 18, 60, 67 R Lukaku 21, 38, 84 (pen) Witsel 27, E Hazard 45

CYPRUS (0)........... 3 BOSNIA-HERZ (2).2 Christofi 65 Sunjic 33 Laban 67, Sotiriou 76 Visca 44

GREECE (0) ........... 0 ESTONIA (0) .......0 P Belgium ......................7 Greece .......................7 Bosnia-H.....................7 Cyprus ........................7 Estonia .......................7 Gibraltar .....................7

W 6 3 3 3 1 0

D 1 4 2 1 2 0

L F 0 33 0 10 2 15 3 8 4 5 7 3

A 2 3 8 11 17 33

Pts 19 13 11 10 5 0


SPECSAVERS COUNTY CH’SHIP DIVISION ONE—Essex v Somerset (Chelmsford): Essex 159 (50.2 overs; P A van Meekeren 4-60, C Overton 4-40) and 293 (100.1; A J Wheater 88, N L J Browne 83, R N ten Doeschate 67). Somerset 164 (64.0; J C Hildreth 51; J A Porter 5-40) and 109 (37.5; J A Porter 7-55). Essex (19pts) beat Somerset (3pts) by 179 runs. Warwickshire v Lancashire (Emirates Old Trafford): Warwickshire 200 (62.2; K M Jarvis 6-67, R McLaren 4-45) and 344 (104.0; T R Ambrose 104, D P Sibley 57). Lancashire 504-8dec. (125.0; L S Livingstone 224, S Chanderpaul 95) and 42-2 (7.2 overs). Lancashire (24pts) beat Warwickshire (2pts) by 8 wickets. Middlesex v Surrey (The Kia Oval): Middlesex 247 (84.2; S D Robson 57) and 214-7 (68.1; J A Simpson 88no). Surrey 280 (87.4; J J Roy 79, B T Foakes 73; T S RolandJones 4-66). Surrey (10pts) drew with Middlesex (9pts).

All Blacks showed that they are human

P Essex............ 10 Lancashire .... 10 Hampshire .... 10 Surrey .......... 10 Middlesex ..... 10 Yorkshire ...... 10 Somerset...... 10 Warwicks ...... 10

FORMER Hull favourite Jordan Rankin has made his move to Huddersfield permanent. The 25-year-old Australian utility back, right, who has played the last seven matches for the Giants after joining them on a short-term deal from Wests Tigers, has signed a three-year contract. “The club are heading in the right direction and I’m delighted,” said Rankin, who scored 21 tries in

47 games in his first stint in the Super League for Hull between 2013-15. “I’ve joined the club at the right time with results going our way and our team looking strong.” SALFORD are set to turn to Luke Walsh or Trent Hodkinson as a replacement for fellow Aussie half-back Michael Dobson, who is leaving to return home following surgery on his thumb.



W 7 4 3 1 2 3 1 1

L 0 1 2 1 3 4 5 6

D Bat 3 22 5 25 5 20 8 36 5 24 3 14 4 16 3 17

Bwl 28 27 24 23 25 26 28 20

Pts 177 141 117 115 106 103 80 68

DIVISION TWO—Durham v Derbyshire (Emirates Riverside): Durham 480-9dec. (120.4; P D Collingwood 177, C T Steel 72, P Coughlin 68, M J Potts 53no; G C Viljoen 5-130) and 39-1 (9.2). Derbyshire 164 (64.3; G Onions 4-44) and 354 (109.2; L M Reece 106, B T Slater 57). Durham (24pts) beat Derbyshire (2pts) by 9 wickets. Leicestershire v Kent (Canterbury): Leicestershire 350 (101.4; L J Hill 85no, C F Parkinson 75; D I Stevens 8-75) and 135-6 (36.0). Kent 333 (93.5; S A Northeast 97; N J Dexter 5-76). Kent (11pts) drew with Leicestershire (12pts). Notts v Northamptonshire (Trent Bridge): Nottinghamshire 213 (50.1; M H Wessels 69, S J Mullaney 58; M Azharullah 5-63, R J Gleeson 4-38) and 344-9dec. (67.2; M H Wessels 116, S R Patel 64). Northants 141 (37.5) and 253 (66.5; R I Newton 53). Nottinghamshire (20pts) beat Northamptonshire (3pts) by 163 runs. Worcestershire v Gloucestershire (New Road): Worcestershire 363 (102.4; B L D’Oliveira 93, O B Cox 61; L C Norwell 4-54) and 295-8dec. (71.4; D K H Mitchell 130, B L D’Oliveira 55). Gloucestershire 258 (75.3; J M R Taylor 101no; E Barnard 4-23) and 211 (77.2; R Ashwin 5-68). Worcestershire (23pts) beat Gloucestershire (5pts) by 189 runs. P Notts ............ 11 Worcs ........... 11 Sussex ......... 10 Kent ............. 10 Northants ..... 10 Gloucs .......... 10 Glamorgan .... 10 Durham ........ 11 Derbyshire .... 10 Leics............. 11

W 7 6 6 4 5 2 2 3 1 0

L 0 3 3 1 3 3 6 4 7 6

D Bat 4 39 2 36 1 25 5 27 2 20 5 17 2 19 4 30 2 20 5 27

Bwl 33 30 27 27 27 25 29 28 27 26

Pts 204 172 153 143 132 99 90 78 73 62

4TH ODI—India v Sri Lanka (Colombo): India 375-5 (50; V Kohli 131, R G Sharma 104, M K Pandey 50no). Sri Lanka 207 (42.4; A D Mathews 70). India won by 168 runs.

VUELTA A ESPANA (Motril - Antequera 160.1 km)—Stage 12: 1 T Marczynski (Pol) Lotto Soudal 3h 56m 45s, 2 O F Matarranza (Spa) Dimension Data +52s, 19 N Roche (Irl) BMC Racing Team +7m 47s, 32 C Froome (Gbr) Team Sky +8m 7s, 136 A Yates (Gbr) Orica-Scott +21m 49s. Overall: 1 C Froome 49h 22m 53s, 2 V Nibali (Ita) Bahrain-Merida +59s, 11 N Roche +4m 25s, 23 A Yates +24m 42s, 41 S Yates (Gbr) Orica-Scott +54m 46s.


D+D REAL CZECH MASTERS (Albatross Golf Resort, Prague)—1st Rnd (Gbr & Irl unless stated): 66 C Shinkwin, 67 P Widegren (Swe), J Heath, D Frittelli (Rsa), 68 C Lee, J Ahlers (Rsa), O Lengden (Swe), J Morrison, F Aguilar (Chl), J Suri (USA), C Hanson, P Karmis (Rsa).


First Utility Super League Super 8’s LEEDS ................38 HULL .................. 26 Leeds—T: Burrow, Singleton, L. Sutcliffe, Garbutt, Cuthbertson, Parcell. G: Watkins (7). Hull—T: Michaels, Taylor, Washbrook, Bowden. G: Sneyd (5).

P Castleford ..... 26 Leeds ............ 27 Hull ............... 27 Wakefield ...... 26 St Helens ....... 26 Wigan ............ 26 Salford .......... 26 Huddersfield .. 26

W 22 18 15 14 13 12 13 11

D 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 3

L 4 9 11 12 12 11 13 12

F 849 645 625 636 559 615 604 605

A 428 571 591 593 456 560 597 528

Pts 44 36 31 28 27 27 26 25


US OPEN (Flushing Meadows, New York)—Men, 2nd Rnd: V Troicki (Ser) bt S Travaglia (Ita) 7-6 (8-6) 7-5 6-0, A Dolgopolov (Ukr) bt (15) T Berdych (Cze) 3-6 6-1 7-6 (7-5) 6-2, D Dzumhur (Bih) bt C Stebe (Ger) 4-6 6-4 6-0 6-1, A Rublev (Rus) bt (7) G Dimitrov (Bul) 7-5 7-6 (7-3) 6-3, (31) F Lopez (Spa) bt F Verdasco (Spa) 6-3 6-2 3-6 6-1, J Millman (Aus) bt M Jaziri (Tun) 6-1 7-6 (7-1) 6-1, (11) R Bautista Agut (Spa) bt D Brown (Ger) 6-1 6-3 7-6 (7-3), (24) J M Del Potro (Arg) bt A Menendez-Maceiras (Spa) 6-2 6-3 7-6 (7-3), (30) A Mannarino (Fra) bt B Fratangelo (USA) 6-3 6-7 (4-7) 6-1 6-2. Women, 2nd Rnd: (1) K Pliskova (Cze) bt N Gibbs (USA) 2-6 6-3 6-4, J Brady (USA) bt (23) B Zahlavova Strycova (Cze) 6-1 6-1, M Niculescu (Rom) bt A Bogdan (Rom) 6-2 3-6 6-3, (4) E Svitolina (Ukr) bt E Rodina (Rus) 6-4 6-4, S Rogers (USA) bt (25) D Gavrilova (Aus) 7-6 (8-6) 4-6 7-6 (7-5), (12) J Ostapenko (Lat) bt S Cirstea (Rom) 6-4 6-4, D Kasatkina (Rus) bt C McHale (USA) 7-5 6-3, K Kanepi (Est) bt Y Wickmayer (Bel) 6-4 6-2, N Osaka (Jpn) bt D Allertova (Cze) 6-3 4-6 7-5. Men, Doubles 1st Rnd: (4) J Murray (Gbr) & B Soares (Bra) bt J Knowle (Aut) & A Peya (Aut) 6-4 7-6 (8-6), (2) L Kubot (Pol) & M Melo (Bra) bt G Duran (Arg) & N Skupski (Gbr) 6-3 3-6 6-3. Women, Doubles 1st Rnd: M Barthel (Ger) & C Witthoeft (Ger) bt N Broady (Gbr) & D Jurak (Cro) 7-6 (7-5) 6-2, R Atawo (USA) & S Lisicki (Ger) bt N Melichar (USA) & A Smith (Gbr) 3-6 7-5 6-3,

GREYHOUNDS HOVE: 6.28 Oakfield Caesar 4-1 (4-2 £14.65). 6.44 Lemon Derek 7-1 (3-6 £44.88). 7.01 Harmonic Wave 10-1 (6-5 £44.94). 7.16 Crinkill Wonder 8-1 (4-2 £40.45). 7.32 Droopys Jock 5-2 (4-3 £16.85). 7.48 Hedsor Misty 12-1 (4-5 £112.97). 8.04 Rackethall Jess 5-4f (4-3 £8.42). 8.19 Donation 4-9f (6-1 £2.76). 8.36 Ballinclare Solo 4-1 (3-1 £19.08). 8.52 Punkrock Rambo 9-2 (1-6 £19.47). 9.07 Lundys Lane 7-2 (2-6 £26.23). 9.22 Droopys Martial 4-5f (6-2 £3.17) NR T5.

TODAY’S DIARY (7.45pm unless stated)

FIFA World Cup European Qualifying Group C Czech Republic v Germany......................... Norway v Azerbaijan................................... San Marino v Northern Ireland ................... (Live on Sky Sports Main Event)

Group E Denmark v Poland ..................................... Kazakhstan v Montenegro (5pm) ............... (Live on Sky Sports Football)

Romania v Armenia ................................... Group F Lithuania v Scotland .................................. (Live on Sky Sports Main Event)

Malta v England ......................................... (Live on ITV 1)

Slovakia v Slovenia ....................................

IRN-BRU Cup—2nd Rnd: Stranraer v Partick U20. European U-21 Ch’ship Q’fying— Group Four: Holland v England (5pm). Group Eight: Switzerland v Wales (6pm).


Women’s Super League—SemiFinal: Surrey Stars v Western Storm (2.15). Final: Southern Vipers v TBC (6).


Betfred Super League Super 8s (8pm): Huddersfield v Castleford, Salford v Wakefield, St Helens v Wigan.


Aviva Premiership (7.45): Gloucester v Exeter, Newcastle v Worcester. Guinness PRO14 (7.35): Cardiff Blues v Edinburgh, Munster v Benetton Treviso, Ulster v Cheetahs.


Daily Express Friday September 1 2017 CAFE CULTURE: Hull City’s Russian boss Slutsky went into caffeine overdrive in order to learn English

If you score against Hull I’ll sign you INSIDE

LEONID SLUTSKY has outlined his new Hull City transfer policy – sign up any player who nets against his team. Midfielder Jackson Irvine scored for Burton in mid-August before By Ivan Speck striker Nouha Dicko Beverley, they come up repeated the feat for to me and wish me all Wolves three days later. the best in the future. Slutsky was so “I’m ready to work impressed, he signed even harder for them. both players this week I don’t know how before jokingly pointing that’s possible, maybe out to his squad there working 25 hours a day is only one surefire way instead of 24 because I not to be replaced. am so thankful to them “If you want to come for this relationship. to Hull City, you have “The story about to score. Dicko scored how my playing career and he’s come. Irvine ended is a funny one scored and he’s come,” now looking back, but said Slutsky. “The best I was in hospital for a option for my players if year. I knew that they don’t want to have climbing the tree to competition for their rescue the cat was very places is to keep clean dangerous, but I was sheets.” Irvine played polite to my neighbour in the Confederations and I couldn’t say no. I Cup for Australia in the fell and my summer, and left ankle Slutsky said: broke like “I’ve known glass into a about both thousand players for a pieces. It was while and I very difficult, watched how but maybe Irvine played I was nothing for Australia special as a in the player and summer.” I was born to That event be a coach.” was staged in Unlike Russia, host IRVINE: New recruit many foreign of next year’s managers, Slutsky has World Cup, Slutsky’s taken a high-intensity home country and route to learning where his playing days English, at a language were ended at just school in London 19 when he fell out of a recommended to him tree trying to rescue a by Chelsea owner neighbour’s cat. His heart now resides Roman Abramovich, and drinking lots of in east Yorkshire, coffee. saying he has never felt “The teacher told me more at home than at that English culture is Hull. He said: “It is the about conversations first time in my career between people I have been at a club and relationships so where the supporters I really researched your sing a song about me. “Of course, the CSKA mentality. I watched a lot of musicals in Moscow supporters London and I spoke to were special too, but people everywhere, in they sang more about hotels, in the street. the players there. “I would go to five “I am very proud of cafes in a row and have and thankful at the a coffee in each one. same time to the Hull Not for the coffee but supporters. From the to speak with new first game, they sang people and to hear the about me. I was different accents.” unbelievably surprised. ❑SKY BET is the proud “And when I sit in title sponsor of the EFL. a restaurant in Hull or



By Matthew Dunn THERE has been plenty of trash-talk about Harry Maguire this week – including from his mum.

But English football’s newest recruit is used to a bit of gentle abuse. After all, he was sitting in the stands among the England fans showing their frustrations in France last summer at yet another tepid performance. The Leicester defender was called up for the first time at the start of the week and arrived at St George’s Park to check in carrying two scruffy-looking black bin bags, one in each hand. A video of his appearance immediately went viral, so at odds was it with the Luis Vuitton look favoured by most Premier League stars. With various news organisations also circulating the touching clip, it finally came to the eyes of his mother back home in Sheffield. “I saw the stuff on Twitter with me and the bags,” Maguire said. “My mum texted me later on to ask what on earth I had in there! It was a bit of fun. “They were just full of boots and shin-pads that I had to give to the kit man. I will try to treat myself to some proper luggage if I am called up again. “In the meantime, I try my best to keep my feet on the floor and stay as humble as I can and let my ability do the talking.” The journey to St George’s has been so swift that it is perhaps no surprise that the 24-year-old has not had time to pack properly. Just 15 months ago, the closest Maguire was to the England senior team was as a fan. He paid to join his mates in France to watch Roy Hodgson’s side in the 2016 European Championships, and was in the Stade GeoffroyGuichard in Saint Etienne when the tepid 0-0 draw with Slovakia set England on an ill-fated path to meet Iceland in the knockout stages. “It is strange to think that last year I was sat in the stand in France watching them against Slovakia and now I am in the squad,” said Maguire.

GROUP F ENGLAND Slovakia Slovenia SCOTLAND Lithuania Malta

P 6 6 6 6 6 6

W D L 4 2 0 4 0 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 0 0 6

F 10 12 6 9 6 2

A PTS 2 14 4 12 3 11 10 8 11 5 15 0

IT’S BIN AN EDUCATION: Maguire, left, trains with England yesterday

Maguire bags his big chance “It was great experience and the fans were great. They follow us in numbers and there is always a terrific atmosphere. “I got a feel of an England international and hopefully that will stand me in good stead in the future. “It will be a proud moment when I get to pull on the shirt, something I have been thinking and dreaming about since I was a kid. “I am very passionate about England – I have always watched them and followed them. When I do get to pull on that shirt it will be a great achievement.” Tonight might come too soon for Maguire, although having been relegated with

Hull last season, he is hopeful that his summer move to Leicester will give him the platform to earn many more chances in the future. A knee injury denied him an earlier call-up for the June internationals. “Staying in the Premier League was massive for my England chances,” he said. “It has been a bit of a rollercoaster, the last few months. The disappointment of getting relegated from the Premier League is an awful time for a footballer. After that it would have been a great confidence boost to come away with England, but it wasn’t to be. “As soon as we got relegated I felt that it was a chance to prove to myself that I could

play another season in the Premier League. When Leicester came in, it was a great opportunity. “If you are not playing in the top league against the best players it is hard to be selected for the national team, where you face the best players in the world.”

Southgate won’t hammer Hart FROM BACK PAGE

insisting that, at international level at least, he still does not see him as a central midfielder. The England manager has deployed him there twice in his tenure, against Lithuania at home and France in Paris, and both times the result was a disappointment. “I know where Liverpool see him but I won’t share that,” he said. “But no, I don’t see him [as a central midfielder]. He could play as a No8 in certain

systems, but we really like him as a wide player. We tried him in a couple of games to look at a different profile, but the explosive power and pace, ability to go on the outside and cross the ball, means he is more productive there.” Southgate will name a full-strength side against Malta, an island smaller than the Isle of Wight who are four places in the world rankings behind the Cook Islands. “Within the squad of players we’ve got, we’ve got real competition for places in every

area of the field,” he said, “so you have to earn the right to get in the squad, and then get in the team. The selection process is important.” England full-back Kyle Walker said: “Every game is massive and we’ve got four coming up. “It’s never going to be easy. When everyone plays against England they always seem to give that extra 50 per cent. “So we have to raise our game and match that, and our quality should shine through with the players we’ve got.”




Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

FOOTBALL: WORLD CUP QUALIFIERS By Tony Banks PHIL JONES has hit back at his two-game UEFA ban for swearing at anti-doping officials.

The Manchester United defender was suspended after losing his temper following the Europa League final win over Ajax in Stockholm in May. Jones was found guilty of “directing insulting and abusive language” and showing “a lack of cooperation and respect” towards an official. The incident came after the England defender tried to celebrate with his team-mates on the pitch but was hauled off to do the test by officials. Jones will miss United’s opening Champions League game, having sat out last month’s Super Cup final. He admits he swore, but says it was because he was upset at not being able to join his teammates in holding up a banner in tribute to the 22 victims of the Manchester bomb attack that had taken place 48 hours earlier. Jones, set to win his 22nd cap for England against Malta in Valletta tonight or Slovakia at Wembley on Monday, said: “I knew in about the 75th minute that me

I’m sorry but they tested my patience and Daley Blind were up for doping, the doctor told us, which was not a problem. It was fine by me, I’ve done it many times. “But it’s not as if we had just won the Mickey Mouse league. We’d won the Europa League. I’m sure anyone can understand you work so hard all year to win a prestigious competition like that – then someone says you can’t celebrate with your team. “We’d planned to do the banner for the Manchester attacks. It’s quite close considering we are a Manchester team based in Manchester – but it wasn’t to be. “I complied with rules and did my urine sample, did my blood sample and ended up with a twogame ban. I couldn’t believe it. It’s harsh.

You see players go in for legbreaking challenges and they get a one or two-game ban. I could understand if I didn’t comply with the rules, but I did. “Maybe there was language that was inappropriate, but it wasn’t directed at the official himself. I definitely didn’t look at him in the eye and say he was this and that. “Looking back on it now, did I deserve a fine? Possibly, but a two-game ban is a bit out of the ordinary. “They said did I want to leave any comments, I said ‘no’ and walked out of the room. I’m sure they’ve seen far worse. I’ve seen far worse and I’m not going to name names. “I’ve moved on. It’s done. I’ve got the ban and I’ll serve it and look to the Champions League.” Jones admits he has had a stop-start career at United, but believes that has been down to injuries. He has also been weighed down by Sir Alex

Ferguson saying he could become the greatest player in the club’s history. Under Louis van Gaal, he was consigned to the sidelines, but he is getting into a good rhythm under Jose Mourinho. “You’re young and you read the Ferguson comments but it goes straight over your head,” he said. “You think, ‘Oh, that’s good’ – and you go out to Nando’s with your mates! “The manager says nice things but I don’t like to sit there and think ‘that’s nice’ because football is a very, very strange game, you can be up one minute and down there the next. You just have to – and I know it sounds stupid – take each day as it comes. “I have seen comments from Mourinho and it’s nice to hear but I’m under no illusions. It’s a long season and things can change very quickly. I need to keep doing what I’m doing in training and in matches.”

MISSING LINK: His United team-mates unfurl their banner while Jones was hauled off for a drugs test


We can’t be easy prey AIDY BOOTHROYD’S England Under-21s must learn to be “the hunted”. Boothroyd’s squad for the clashes with Holland tonight and Latvia four days later feature a host of players who were part of England Under-20s’ World Cup triumph in June. Everton’s Dominic Calvert-Lewin, scorer of the winner in the final against Venezuela, and Newcastle’s Freddie Woodman, who saved a penalty in that game, are among those who have been brought into the Under-21s. Boothroyd, above, said: “This group used to be hunting but now

they’re the hunted. It’s the Under-20 world champions they’re playing. “You’d rather have that pressure. They know they’ve done the best they can at that age group. The next thing is to do it at Under-21 level and senior level. “That’s what we’re all here for, like at a football club trying to push all of their best players into the senior team to help them.” The Holland and Latvia games, in Doetinchem and Bournemouth’s Vitality Stadium respectively, are the first fixtures in the 2019 Euro Under-21 qualifying campaign.

Chester’s top tip JAMES CHESTER feels Wales would top their success of reaching the Euro 2016 semi-finals should they qualify for next summer’s World Cup in Russia. Chris Coleman’s side shocked European football to reach the last four in France, but their hopes of taking part in a second straight major competition lie in the balance. Wales host Austria in Cardiff in their World Cup qualifier tomorrow, in third place in Group D. “What we achieved last summer is enough motivation for us as a group to want to experience it again,” said centre-half Chester, above. “We do

By Alex Bywater not get very long in this career and these opportunities don’t come around very often. To reach the World Cup would top what we did last summer.” Wales are level on points with Austria ahead of their must-win clash. Coleman will welcome back Gareth Bale, but Neil Taylor and key midfielder Joe Allen are suspended. Chester believes playing alongside ex-England captain John Terry with Villa has improved him. He said: “It’s been good. John has got an awful lot of experience.”

Walters lift for O’Neill



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JONATHAN Walters flew to Tbilisi with the rest of the Republic of Ireland squad yesterday after he had trained fully for the first time this week. The 33-year-old Burnley striker, above, has been nursing an ankle injury that kept him out of his club’s Premier League clash with Tottenham on Sunday. But he was able to train properly

yesterday to increase manager Martin O’Neill’s hopes he will be fit for tomorrow evening’s World Cup qualifier in Georgia. Walters scored the goals that secured their Euro 2016 play-off victory over BosniaHerzegovina and a late equaliser against Austria in June to keep the Republic locked together with Serbia at the top of Group D.

EDEN HAZARD scored in his first match of the season as Belgium thrashed Gibraltar 9-0 in their World Cup qualifier in Liege last night. The Chelsea star, who has missed the start of the season as he recovers from an ankle operation, was captain and hit the sixth goal on a night when Manchester United’s Romelu Lukaku scored a hat-trick.



Daily Express Friday September 1 2017

Clement uses old pal’s act to steal Sanches WHEN Paul Clement was unveiled as Swansea’s third boss of last season in January, his only priority was keeping a side devoid of confidence in the Premier League. But after joining from Bayern Munich, he said he hoped to use his experience of working at some of Europe’s biggest clubs to help strengthen the squad. Eight months on, another season in the top-flight long since secured and Bayern’s midfield starlet Renato Sanches penned to a season-long loan deal, Clement has landed one of the biggest coups of the window. How has he done it? Simply, Clement has used his friendship with Bayern boss Carlo Ancelotti to good effect. Clement was No2 to Ancelotti in Munich prior to returning to English football and also worked alongside the Italian at Chelsea, Paris Saint-Germain and Real Madrid. His contacts and friendship allowed him to move ahead of Chelsea, Liverpool and Monaco and seal a £7million package deal for Sanches, 20, but with no option to buy. Clement said: “I’m delighted to secure Renato’s services. He is a player I know well having worked with him for six months at Bayern before my own move to Swansea. “He is one of Europe’s elite young talents who has already achieved a lot for his age, including winning Euro 2016 with

By Alex Bywater Portugal. Having moved from Benfica to Bayern, he has not played as much as he would have liked. But this move to Swansea and the Premier League will provide him with a positive development experience. He is a dynamic, powerful central midfielder who I believe has all the attributes to suit the Premier League.’’ Sanches’ arrival is a big statement by Clement, who also let Fernando Llorente go to Tottenham for £15million and replaced him with former Swans striker Wilfried Bony. The Ivorian scored 34 goals for the Welsh side, but was unwanted at Manchester City with Pep Guardiola keen to offload his £128,000 weekly wage two years after he went to the Etihad for £28m. Bony has taken a significant cut in salary to rejoin Swansea, but underwent a medical late last night. Official confirmation of his £12m transfer allowed Swansea to let Llorente – who scored 15 goals last season – move to Spurs. Elsewhere, Clement opted against signing long-term target Nacer Chadli after refusing to meet West Brom’s £25m valuation, but did add 18-year-old former 1860 Munich goalkeeper Steven Benda to his squad on a three-year deal.

PUT YOUR SHIRT ON ME: Swans’ Sanches


Oxlade’s worth the wait for Klopp JURGEN KLOPP finally got his man last night – three years after Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain first caught his eye.

Oxlade-Chamberlain, whose last game for Arsenal came coincidentally in Sunday’s demoralising 4-0 defeat at Anfield, has signed a five-year deal worth a reported £120,000 a week as he completed his £35million move. For Klopp, the capture of the 24-year-old marks a happy end to a three-year interest in the player, dating back to the Champions League when his Borussia Dortmund side beat Arsenal 2-0. “He came on as a sub and made a big impact,” said Klopp. “He immediately stood out because of his pace and skills and his attitude in such a big game for a young player. “I remember him chasing back to make a brilliant challenge on Henrikh Mkhitaryan in the box to save a certain goal. “We won that game but lost the return match at Arsenal when he started and played well. I think he hit the post. “Since then I’ve followed him and when I heard it may be possible to sign him I didn’t think twice.” Oxlade-Chamberlain has been high on Klopp’s wanted

THEN AND NOW: Oxlade-Chamberlain against Dortmund in 2014 and, left, in his new strip yesterday

By Ian Whittell list all summer but the situation gathered momentum when Arsenal accepted an offer from Chelsea. The midfielder spoke with the defending champions but it is understood he did not receive the guarantees he was seeking about the role he would be handed, with Oxlade-Chamberlain seeing himself as a central midfielder rather than a wing-back. “I hear a lot of talk about positions but let’s talk about the player; he is someone with really good abilities who always gives everything for his team,” said Klopp. “A player that is positive and willing to take risks to try to make things happen. “He may still be young but he has a lot of experience. Already he is a very good player and he has the mentality and desire to get even better – that excites me.” Oxlade-Chamberlain is understood to have turned down larger contracts from both Arsenal and Chelsea. But he gave an insight into his

thinking following Arsenal’s FA Cup final win in May when he joked live on TV with Steven Gerrard that, as a youngster, he had dreamed of filling the Anfield legend’s role. Such comments endeared him to Liverpool fans, who applauded and sang his name when he was substituted at Anfield on Sunday. Oxlade-

He came on as a sub and made a big impact. His attitude stood out

Chamberlain finally completed his move and thanked Arsenal fans yesterday while insisting his focus remained on England’s World Cup qualifiers. He wrote on Instagram: “I want to publicly thank Arsene Wenger, the coaching and club staff and my amazing team-mates for all of the incredible opportunities I’ve been given. Thank you so much to you, the fans, who have always had my back – I honestly couldn’t be more grateful.” Speaking from the England camp, Oxlade-Chamberlain added: “I’m here with England and we’ve got two big games coming up, so I want to focus on them. But I can’t wait to get to Melwood.” Divock Origi, meanwhile, has agreed a season-long loan move to Wolfsburg with Liverpool inserting a clause in the £6m deal that they can recall the striker in January if they wish.




Daily Express Friday September 1 2017


Main picture: SIMON GALLOWAY

CAN YOU HEAR THE DRUMS FERNANDO: Llorente is rated at £15 million

By Matthew Dunn HOW they laughed when the season kicked off. Tottenham, it appeared, had completely forgotten to sign anybody at all.

But as the transfer window shut at 11pm yesterday, it marked the end of another day of late deals by the north London club as Daniel Levy once again usurped Jim White as the star of deadline day. While the chairman had top billing for weaving his magic, undoubtedly he was ably assisted by the lovely Mauricio Pochettino. The reputation the Tottenham manager has built for himself, together with his Catalan connections, was enough to persuade Barcelona’s Andre Gomes to snub West Ham to enter discussions with Spurs, even though the deal did not go through. By keeping his powder dry while the market rode the tidal wave of Neymar’s record-breaking move, Levy has cast into stiller waters and plucked out a few late bargains. Davinson Sanchez was the first to arrive for a fee which, if he is successful, will rise to £42m. That is just £7m more than Arsenal paid for Shkodran Mustafi last year before fees went through the roof. Paulo Gazzaniga followed from Southampton for an undisclosed fee to provide goalkeeping cover while £8m teenage defender Juan Foyth arrived from Estudiantes. More names for Danny Rose to Google. The Tottenham and England full-back’s name was notably absent from the search engines on deadline day despite his speaking his mind to a national paper. Levy is a man whose arm cannot be forced, so while he was quite happy to pocket £68m for two defenders in Kyle Walker and Kevin Wimmer – who could not make the team at the end of last season – the exit door at the club’s training ground remained firmly locked to everybody else. As a result, prize assets like Harry Kane could just sit and watch yesterday. “Daniel

EVANS: Also missed

Levy recipe makes tasty Spurs dish likes to do it on the last day to get the best deal, but we just have to wait and see,” the Tottenham talisman said from his relaxed perch on one of the St George’s Park sofas earlier this week. “Daniel is a great businessman,

the way he runs the club, the new training ground, the new stadium, he does what he wants to do. Some chairmen are different. He does what he does and feels it’s the best way to help out the team.” Sure enough, the paperwork for Serge Aurier, left, was finally completed in the final 24 hours. At £23m Tottenham have a replacement for Walker who is three years younger, with 14 more international caps and two league titles under his belt. Oh, and £31m in the bank. Not for long, though. Some of that was

earmarked already for Swansea’s Fernando Llorente who at 32 falls outside Tottenham’s usual template but at £15m definitely suited their budget. And of course it was completely irrelevant that signing him would mean putting one over Chelsea, who Levy still has not forgiven for pinching Willian on the drive into London from the airport. Levy can wake up this morning content with another deadline day’s work and a renewed appetite for the rest of the season.


Sanchez slips out of Pep’s reach

FROM BACK PAGE unwanted centre-half Eliaquim Mangala. The French defender wanted to join Inter Milan on loan while City were trying to complete a permanent sale to Crystal Palace, which collapsed. Evans was seen only as squad back-up by Guardiola and it was the Sanchez situation that caused him massive frustration. City CEO Ferran Soriano had been talking to Gunners chief executive Ivan Gazidis all summer only to be told they would not sell Sanchez, but the situation changed on Monday when Arsenal finally indicated they would sell as soon as a replacement was in. Yesterday, while he was on duty with his national squad, Sanchez was reportedly telling Chile team-mates he expected to be a City player before the day was out. City had even sent club officials over to South America

poised to complete paperwork. Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain did leave, prompting Aaron Ramsey to say: “Not only have we lost a great player, we’ve lost a great guy.” Lucas Perez has also left Arsenal and will return to Deportivo La Coruna on loan. Tottenham signed Ivory Coast right-back Serge Aurier from Paris Saint-Germain. PSG continued their astonishing spending spree by signing Kylian Mbappe, 18, on a season-long loan with an option to buy the striker next summer. Burnley completed the £5m signing of striker Nakhi Wells and Everton paid an initial £8m for Hajduk Split winger Nikola Vlasic. Watford snapped up £3m Dutch defender Marvin Zeegelaar, while Leicester brought in on loan Bayer Leverkusen back Aleksandar Dragovic. Brighton signed Newcastle keeper Tim Krull on loan and Argentine right-back Ezequiel Schelotto from Sporting Lisbon.

FROM BACK PAGE he had changed his mind. “He wants to reconsider his position during the January window. He is currently injured so I think technically he will be with us because he is under contract for another year. “It is a big surprise but that is football.” The Barkley blow came after Conte yesterday also saw deals for Fernando Llorente and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain

fail as Tottenham stole Spain striker Llorente for £15m and Liverpool sealed a £35m deal for Oxlade-Chamberlain. Earlier in the window, Chelsea had also missed out on Everton striker Romelu Lukaku and Paris Saint-Germain defender Serge Aurier, as well as Juventus full-back Alex Sandro. Conte did last night land Torino full-back Zappacosta in a £25m deal and they also sealed a £35m deal for Leicester midfielder Drinkwater.

Barkley deal is off as Chelsea squirm

Daily Express Friday September 1 2017


From Matthew Dunn in Valletta GARETH SOUTHGATE has refused to hammer Joe Hart for his poor club form and confirmed he will give the West Ham goalkeeper the gloves for tonight’s World Cup qualifier against Malta. With the London club struggling at the foot of the Premier League, there has been much focus on the 10 goals Hart has shipped already in just three games. “From my point of view, we’re three games into the season but he has been excellent,” said Southgate. “As a manager, we’ve only conceded the two goals in Scotland in this Group so, for me, I think he’s rewarded me with the performances I wanted. “I don’t think anyone else has had an opportunity yet to stake a strong enough claim to take over. But Joe knows there is competition for places, and that is healthy. “Whether he needs a confidence boost or not, I think it’s important he plays. “There was an opportunity to make a change against Malta and then change it back, but that would have created more speculation and uncertainty. I told him a couple of days ago he was playing because I felt it was the right thing to do.” There was less of a confidence boost for Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, however, with Southgate somewhat spiking the excitement of his new challenge at Liverpool by TURN TO PAGE 52, COLUMN 3 Published by Express Newspapers, The Northern & Shell Building, Number 10 Lower Thames Street, London, EC3R 6EN. Printed by West Ferry Printers Ltd.,Unit A & B , Kimpton Road , Luton LU2 OTA; Johnstons Press, Outgang Lane, Dinnington, Sheffield, S25 3QE; D C Thomson, 80 Kingsway East, Dundee DD4 8SL; Independent News & Media, 124-144 Royal Avenue, Belfast BT1 1EB. ; Bermont Impresion S.L Avenida de Alemania 12, 28821 Coslada, Madrid Spain. Deposito Legal no. TO-394/96; T.F. Print SA, Tenerife; EUROPRINTER SA Zone Aéropole avenue Jean Mermoz B 6041 GOSSELIES. The Daily Express adheres to the ethical and professional standards of the publishing industry as set out in the Editor’s Code of Practice.

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THE EXPRESS 1 SEP 2017. No 37001 A B C D E F G H I J K L P Q R S *T U W 1 2 3 4 W B D S

as they clinched £60m-worth of deals for Danny Drinkwater and Davide Zappacosta – but they will come as scant consolation for frustrated manager Antonio Conte. Everton majority shareholder Farhad Moshiri said: “The two clubs agreed a deal of £35m. I think personal terms were agreed and after the medical we heard from Paul Martin, his agent, that

Southgate sticking with Hart

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The 23-year-old travelled down to London to have his medical after the fee was agreed between the clubs but, after taking the tests, it was announced that he had changed his mind. Chelsea salvaged some pride from a shambolic transfer window

By Tony Banks

HART: Will play against Malta


ROSS BARKLEY delivered a final blow to Chelsea’s transfer window last night as he turned his back on a £30million move – after taking his medical.

THANKS BUT NO THANKS: Barkley pulled the plug on his £30m move


Barkley takes his medical then snubs angry Chelsea

about £90m – only for the Frenchman to have a change of heart. It became a frustrating day for Guardiola and City, who had been talking to Arsenal about Sanchez, left, since May. A bid for West Brom centre-half Jonny Evans also proved problematic because City failed to get rid of their TURN TO PAGE 55, COLUMN 5



By Ian Whittell and Ian Winrow

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MANCHESTER CITY were last night left fuming with Arsenal over the Alexis Sanchez saga. Pep Guardiola’s City were encouraged to make their second bid of the week – up to £60million – by Arsenal as the summer transfer deadline counted down. City were told the second bid would succeed as long as Arsenal could find a big-name replacement. Arsenal seemed to have done just that in Monaco’s Thomas Lemar, who would have cost

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