2016 sdcf annual report

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Strengthening South Dakota ANNUAL


2016 Text 1

For Donors We simplify the charitable giving process with straightforward fund establishment and charitable gift management.

LEADERSHIP REPORT....................................................... 3 FUNDS 4 Fund Types.......................................................................... 5 New Funds Established in 2016....................................... 6 DONORS 8 A Lasting Impact................................................................ 8

For Advisors We partner with financial and legal advisors to help individuals incorporate philanthropic goals in their estate plans.

Nonprofit Spotlight: Build Dakota Scholarship Program................................. 9 Donor List.......................................................................... 11 GRANTS 23 South Dakota Fund Grants............................................. 24 Community Innovation Grants........................................ 27 Grant Recipient Spotlight:

Empowering South Dakota Communities, Strengthening Lives Since 1987, the South Dakota Community Foundation has worked to strengthen

For Nonprofits We support charitable and nonprofit organizations throughout the state by offering grant opportunities, establishing agency endowment funds and providing related administrative support.

our state. Our donors have provided for South Dakota’s communities to not only

Nonprofit Savings Account Grants............................... 31 Foundation Grants........................................................... 32 COMMUNITIES 41

handle difficult events but to foster growth and prosperity in their area.

CSA Spotlight:

South Dakota’s nonprofit organizations and communities are supported

Hoven Area Community Foundation.............................. 41

through donations from these generous South Dakotans.

Community Savings Accounts....................................... 43

We all want to support our communities and benefit the lives of generations to come. Our mission is to help donors create a lasting legacy by supporting causes important to them while strengthening lives in South Dakota. We strive to help both donors and nonprofits maximize their efforts.


Dakota State University.................................................. 29


For Communities We help communities of all sizes achieve their goals through permanently endowed funds called Community Savings Accounts, which are invested with the SDCF and managed by a local board of directors.

FINANCIALS 44 Financials.......................................................................... 44 Leadership........................................................................ 46

Table of Contents 2



On November 11, 1987, Governor George S. Mickelson stood in the Capitol rotunda and shared his vision for South Dakota. He described the importance of building partnerships with businesses and individuals to provide for the long term sustainability of communities and nonprofit causes and organizations across the state. The South Dakota Community Foundation was established to strengthen South Dakota by protecting our values and providing for the future. We have never lost sight of the purpose of our organization and the importance of our work, and we are honored to share our 2016 annual report with you. As you turn each page, you’ll learn how our partnerships with both donors and nonprofits are strengthening South Dakota every day. Generous South Dakotans invested $31 million in the more than 800 funds we manage. Together, we awarded more than $13 million in grants and scholarships, and all of our funds benefited from investment returns in excess of 11.5%. Thank you for continuing to invest in the South Dakota Community Foundation to build a brighter, stronger South Dakota. Your generosity strengthens our communities, our schools and the missions of nonprofit organizations across South Dakota. We look forward to celebrating 30 years of service to South Dakota as we continue to hold fast to our promise and commitment to you and our future generations.

Our History The South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) was created as a public, nonprofit corporation on November 11, 1987, as part of the late Governor George S. Mickelson’s vision for South Dakota’s second century. To establish the SDCF, the McKnight Foundation and 3M Corporation issued a $5 million challenge grant to the state of South Dakota. The South Dakota native William L. McKnight, a former CEO of the 3M Corporation and founder of the McKnight Foundation. The state of South Dakota committed $2 million, and within twelve months, SDCF leadership raised the additional $3 million from private donors to fulfill the challenge grant. Today, the SDCF, a public nonprofit organization, holds approximately $259 million in total assets and manages 810 funds. The earnings from needs and causes throughout the state. With the continued generosity of South Dakotans and solid investment returns, the SDCF will continue to serve individuals, families and


Leadership Report

John Porter, Board Chairman


The aim of the South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) is to make giving back simple and effective by providing trustworthy guidance and investment management to South Dakotans who want to benefit communities and charitable organizations.

grant memorialized the life of

those funds support charitable

Stephanie Judson, President

Investing in South Dakota’s Future

communities across the state for generations to come.

How the giving process works: When you establish a fund at the SDCF, the principal of your charitable donation is invested. Each year, a percentage of your fund’s value is made available for distribution through grants to charitable causes. As investment returns accumulate, the fund can continue to impact South Dakotans forever. We put the power of endowment to work for good. What you can give: You can donate a variety of assets to benefit others. We accept: Cash Gifts

Cash, Check or Credit Card

Non-Cash Gifts

Stocks and Bonds, Land, Commodities and Personal Property

Planned Gifts

Bequests, Life Insurance, Charitable Trusts and Gift Annuities

Where your donations can go: We work with you, your family and/or your financial advisor to make giving to causes you care about a seamless process. We offer a variety of fund types to meet your charitable goals. For example, you can designate specific charitable organizations, set up a scholarship for local students, support your local community savings account or make a broad impact on culture, economic development, education, health and human services. Who we serve in addition to donors: Nonprofit Organizations: In 2016, nonprofits received over $1 million from the SDCF through the South Dakota Fund and the Community Innovation grant programs. In addition, nearly $13 million was distributed to nonprofits through the funds the SDCF manages for donors. The SDCF also offers agency endowment funds and Nonprofit Savings Accounts to help nonprofits create long-term funding sources. Communities: The SDCF has a fund type specifically for communities called Community Savings Accounts (CSA). A CSA will help support basic needs and enhance the quality of life within a community through grant awards to local organizations for years to come. Today, there are 76 CSAs across the state. Advisors: We partner with professional advisors to help clients accomplish their charitable goals through estate planning. Investing in South Dakota’s Future


Fund Types

19+34+15121M7 19+15+121M734

Designated Funds (38%)

The South Dakota Community Foundation is made up of more than 810 endowed funds that hold approximately $259 million. Each fund type allows a donor to accomplish different goals. See which fund type best fits your charitable intentions. The percentages listed reflect the portion of total SDCF assets each fund type represents.

19+12+734151M 19+12+734151M

Agency Endowment Funds (19%) Established by a nonprofit to create a long-term funding source to support the organization.

Benefit specific charitable organizations selected by the donor. With a designated fund, you can support organizations that are important to you for generations. Learn how an estate gift helps a community on page 8.

Community Savings Accounts (15%) Giving community members a way to support basic needs and enhance the quality of life in their hometown. A local board of directors raises funds and distributes grants in the community. Learn more about the future of the Hoven community on pages 41-42.

Donor Advised Funds (11%)


Allow donors maximum flexibility with their giving. Each year, donors recommend nonprofit organizations to receive grants. Donors can also name successor advisors to continue the giving tradition or designate the organizations they would like to receive benefits beyond their lifetimes.


South Dakota Fund (9%)

Scholarship Funds (7%) Benefit South Dakota high school graduates pursuing higher education. As a scholarship fund holder, you will set the focus of the scholarship and application parameters. The SDCF will handle all the paperwork necessary to comply with federal regulations and issue the scholarship checks. The Build Dakota Scholarship Endowment Fund was established to provide full-ride scholarships at South Dakota’s technical institutes. Learn more on page 9-10.

Helps to meet the diverse and vital needs of people across the state in the areas of culture, economic development, education, health and human services. Donors can establish a named fund within the South Dakota Fund to honor their family’s name forever. The SDCF Board of Directors selects grant recipients throughout the year based on a competitive grant selection process. The SDCF awarded a grant to Dakota State University for a proximity beacon app. Read more on pages 29-30.



FUNDS | Fund Types

Field of Interest Funds (1%) Support broad areas of interest, specific issues, people groups or geographic areas. Donors can choose to support causes represented by existing field of interest funds or start their own. The SDCF Board of Directors awards the grants from these funds each year.

New Funds Established in 2016 JANUARY 1 – DECEMBER 31

In 2016, donors and organizations established 53 new funds at the South Dakota Community Foundation to benefit charitable causes across the state. To browse all 800 funds held by the SDCF, visit SDCommunityFoundation.org/Funds and use our Find a Fund tool.

Allied Arts Endowment Fund To provide financial support to Allied Arts.

James & Jeanne Arneson Memorial Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Wilmot High School.

Bruce & Sharon Bergman Legacy Fund To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes at the recommendation of the donor.

Capital Area Counseling Capital Campaign Fund To provide financial support to the Capital Area Counseling building project.

Christen Family Fund - National Council Boy Scouts of America To provide financial support to National Council Boy Scouts of America as designated by the donor.

Jim Cordts Memorial Scholarship Fund To provide financial support for scholarships as recommended by the Madison Central School Educational Foundation.

Jacob Dahl Memorial Scholarship Fund To provide financial support for scholarships as recommended by the Board of Directors of the Castlewood Education Foundation.

Day County Food Shelf & PACH Program Fund To provide financial support to Day County food shelf and PACH program as recommended by the Day County Community Foundation Board of Directors.

Deadwood BPOE #508 Fund To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes at the recommendation of the donor.

Deubrook High School Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Deubrook Area High School.

John & Delice Gleysteen Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Castlewood High School pursuing a degree in music, music education and fine arts.

Deanna Lien, center, visits with Barbara Honeycutt, Superintendent and John Gomez, Finance Director about the Bruce H. & Deanna Lien Scholarship Fund. This fund provides financial support to graduates of St. Thomas More High School.

Greater Clark Area Agriculture & Health Sciences Fund To provide financial support to students studying agriculture or health sciences as recommended by the Greater Clark Area Foundation Board of Directors.

Gropper Clement Legacy Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Huron, James Valley Christian, Kadoka and Miller High Schools.

Hanse Family Fund-City of Webster To provide financial support to City of Webster public library and youth programs as designated by the donor.

Hanse Family Fund-St. John's Lutheran Church of Webster To provide financial support to St. John's Lutheran Church of Webster as designated by the donor.

Hanse Family Fund-Webster Alumni Foundation To provide financial support to Webster Alumni Foundation as designated by the donor.

Hanse Family Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Webster area continuing their education at Augustana College.

Hetland Cemetery Fund To provide financial support to Hetland Cemetery as designated by the donor.

Larry & Darlene Hutchinson Fund To provide financial support to White River Methodist Church as designated by the donor.

Joy Ranch Endowment Fund To provide financial support to Joy Ranch at Lutherans Outdoors in South Dakota as designated by the donor.

Karim Family Cultural Heritage Center Museum Fund To provide financial support to Cultural Heritage Center Museum as designated by the donor.

Mansour Karim Scholarship Fund To provide financial support for nursing students attending Capital University Center in Pierre, SD.

Kimball Area Foundation To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes in the Kimball area at the recommendation of the local Board of Directors.

Jacob Kolousek Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Wessington Springs High School.

Larson Family Teen Challenge of the Dakotas Fund To provide financial support to Teen Challenge of the Dakotas as designated by the donor.

Lead Playground Fund To provide financial support to the playground project in Lead, SD.

Bruce H. & Deanna B. Lien Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to St. Thomas More graduates as designated by the donor.

New Funds Established in 2016


New Funds Established in 2016 - continued JANUARY 1 – DECEMBER 31 Make-A-Wish Foundation of South Dakota Fund To provide financial support to MakeA-Wish Foundation of South Dakota.

Craig Matthesen Chadron Junior/Senior Baseball Fund To provide financial support to Chadron, NE junior/senior baseball program as designated by the donor.

Craig Matthesen Chadron State Fund To provide financial support to Chadron State College for scholarships as designated by the donor.

Craig Matthesen Huron Community Foundation To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes in the Huron area at the recommendation of Huron Community Foundation Board of Directors.

Diana & Grant McCann Math Education Scholarship Fund To provide financial support for scholarships to South Dakota High School graduates pursuing additional education in mathematics as recommended by the South Dakota Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Donald A. (Bucko) Monsen Memorial EMT/Healthcare Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Britton, SD who plan on pursuing prehospital EMT/paramedic or healthcare related education. To provide financial support to Moody County Historical Society. To provide financial support to NESODAK at Lutherans Outdoors in South Dakota as designated by the donor.

Dean & Hazel (Coats) O'Bryan Charitable Foundation To provide financial support to graduates of Bennett County High School.

Outlaw Ranch Endowment Fund To provide financial support to Outlaw Ranch at Lutherans Outdoors in South Dakota as designated by the donor.

Prairie Winds 4-H Foundation To provide financial support to Prairie Winds 4-H Leaders Council as designated by the donor.

RASDAK Fund To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes at the recommendation of the donor.

Rural America Initiatives General Operating Fund To provide financial support to Rural America Initiatives.

Dr. Michael & Cynthia Schlosser Scholarship Fund To provide financial support for scholarships to current and past members of the South Dakota Junior Hereford Association who are pursuing post-secondary education.

Casey-Lu Schultz Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Miller High School.

SDARL Graduate Fund To provide financial support to South Dakota Agriculture and Rural Leadership Foundation.

FUNDS | New Funds Established in 2016

community involvement, but he actively gave back during his life by mentoring the young people he hired to work in his store.

NESODAK Endowment Fund

To provide financial support to Rapid City Arts Council.


E S T A T E P L A N N I N G : A n I m pa c t B e y o n d Y o u r Y e a r s

Moody County Historical Society Fund

Rapid City Arts Council Endowment Fund

The James & Jeanne Arneson Memorial Scholarship Fund provides financial support to graduates of Wilmot High School.

A Lasting Impact

Seifert Family Trust Spearfish Food Pantry Designated Fund To provide financial support to Spearfish Food Pantry as designated by the donor.

The Dean & Hazel (Coats) O’Bryan Charitable Foundation was set up to support graduates of Bennett County High School.

Seifert Family Trust Spearfish Salvation Army Designated Fund To provide financial support to Spearfish Salvation Army as designated by the donor.

Seifert Family Trust Spearfish Senior Center Designated Fund To provide financial support to Spearfish Senior Center as designated by the donor.

South Dakota Agricultural Foundation Fund To provide financial support to South Dakota Agricultural Foundation as designated by the donor.

Jim Thompson Memorial Ag Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to the Ag program within the Madison Central School District as designated by the donor.

Tripp County 4-H Trust Fund To provide financial support to 4-H programs in Tripp County as recommended by the First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Board of Directors.

Valley View Country Clubhouse Fund To provide financial support to Valley View Clubhouse project.

Verendrye Museum, Inc. Fund To provide financial support to Verendrye Museum.

Glen Wilbur Memorial Endowment Fund To provide financial support for scholarships as recommended by the Madison Central School Educational Foundation.

Craig Matthesen with his niece, Kristin Fianacca, and sister, Virginia Matthesen Hagemeier.

Craig Matthesen was the definition of a small town businessman. He prided himself on providing local service to the Huron community for decades as the owner of Freeze Frame Video, an independent video rental store. Craig passed away unexpectedly at the age of 65 in March 2016. Today, his friend, financial advisor and president of the Huron Community Foundation Steve Gohn looks out the same storefront window that Matthesen did each day. With a partner, Gohn purchased the building on Dakota Avenue from his friend to house his own local business, Avail Wealth Management. “It’s bittersweet to be in the building. I miss my friend,” said Gohn. “Although he had a gruff, sarcastic personality, he had a big heart, and a desire to make an impact on his community.” Matthesen poured himself into starting and making his business a success. His commitment to his business left little time for

“Craig grew up in a wonderful, loving home and learned his frugality and entrepreneurship from his dad,” said Matthesen’s brother, Larry Matthesen. “He learned the value of investing at an early age and followed it throughout his life.” With the help of Gohn, Matthesen planned to make an impact after his lifetime. Matthesen remembered that when growing up in Chadron, Nebraska, an individual left money to the community after passing away. With the gift, the town built a new baseball field for the entire community to enjoy. The concept of

Matthesen’s estate gift, which is currently valued at approximately $1.5 million, will increase the Huron Community Foundation’s assets to $2.75 million. The funds will be invested, and the earnings will be available each year for grant distributions to nonprofit organizations by the Huron Community Foundation’s local board of directors. “Craig was a good businessman, and over time, he realized the Huron Community Foundation was a good steward of the funds entrusted to it,” said Gohn. “It was important to him that we are very careful to make sure grant funds are used to touch as many people as possible in Huron. And we do exactly that.”

“Craig gave to three things he cherished: baseball, the Huron community, and South Dakota.” - Larry Matthesen

that selfless act stuck with Matthesen throughout his lifetime, and he decided to carry it on with an estate gift to the Huron Community Foundation to benefit the Huron community, Chadron State College and the baseball program in Chadron. “Craig gave to three things he cherished: baseball, the Huron community, and South Dakota,” said Larry Matthesen. “He felt the South Dakota Community Foundation was best to use the money.”

In the years ahead, your community will face unforeseen challenges and changing needs just like Huron. If, like Craig Matthesen, you want to help your community thrive in the generations to come, call the South Dakota Community Foundation at 800.888.1842 to learn how we can help you accomplish your charitable goals.

Estate Planning: An Impact Beyond Your Years


2016 Lake Area Technical Institute Scholars and Industry NONPROFIT SPOTLIGHT

Build Dakota

Scholarship Program B u i l d i n g S o u t h D a k o ta ’ s T e c h n i c a l W o r k f o r c e

In December 2014, Dana Dykhouse, Chief Executive Officer of First PREMIER Bank saw a growing need in the state’s technical workforce and approached T. Denny Sanford with an idea to provide full-ride scholarships at South Dakota’s technical institutes. The scholarships would encourage more students to consider these high-need trades and bring a refreshed awareness to what technical institutes have to offer. Mr. Sanford decided to generously commit $25 million to the project. Dykhouse and Sanford then proposed the idea to South Dakota Governor Dennis


Daugaard, a strong supporter of South Dakota’s technical schools and career and technical education. Both Mr. Sanford and the Govenor agreed to partner with the SDCF to administer the dollars. The Govenor committed $25 million from the South Dakota Future Fund. The Build Dakota Scholarship fund is held in an endowment with the South Dakota Community Foundation to offer scholarships after Sanford’s money has been disbursed. Sanford’s investment will pay for approximately 300 full-ride scholarships for the first five years of the program. The endowment will then be used to fund additional

DONORS | Build Dakota Scholarship Program

scholarships going forward. In return for the full-ride scholarship, recipients agree to work in South Dakota, in the field paid for by Build Dakota, for three years following graduation. Build Dakota approved programs are in the fields of agriculture, automotive, building trades/construction, energy, engineering, healthcare, IT/CIS, precision manufacturing and welding. “This partnership between Mr. Sanford and Gov. Daugaard is not only a monetary one,” said Deni Amundson, Program Manager for the Build Dakota Scholarship Fund. “Build Dakota has also partnered

with the South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation and Governor’s Office of Economic Development and is managed by the South Dakota Department of Education. Build Dakota’s partnership with these state entities has provided a catalyst for education and economic development to come together in one program.”

Most of the Build Dakota cohort that started in 2015-2016 will be graduating in May 2017. Since 2015, more than $8.4 million has been committed to 593 Build Dakota scholars. Over $4 million more will be committed for the 2017-2018 school year.

“As an employer in the Rapid City area, we understand the importance of the availability of skilled workers in all vocations, but especially with the high demand for technical skill jobs,” said Scott Barbour, President of Northwest Pipe Fittings.

Each technical institute works to partner with local businesses and industry to address local work force needs within the identified program. The business and Build Dakota share in the education costs - allowing the scholarship dollars to go even further in educating South Dakota’s workforce.

“Although we don’t benefit directly with workers eligible for any of the Build Dakota scholarships, I believe strongly in supporting Western Dakota Tech and the Build Dakota program. The indirect benefit of quality workers in the vocational areas helps their industries, which in turn strengthens our local economy as a whole. That is why we support Western Dakota Tech and the Build Dakota Scholarship program,” says Barbour.

“By establishing and cultivating this system of industry involvement and partnership with the technical institutes, the impact of Build Dakota will be felt for years to come,” said Amundson. This partnership with local industry also allows students to begin networking with potential employers early in their education through interview events at the technical institutes. Once they have been matched with a partner, either by the business or school, some businesses offer opportunities for part-time work and mentorship while the scholar is completing his or her education. The scholar may also be offered employment upon graduation.

Build Dakota also works with economic development professionals across the state to present a “Build Dakota Roadshow”. Build Dakota travels with representatives from the technical institutes and meets with potential students,

school staff, parents and local businesses. This provides the opportunity to not only hear more about Build Dakota and the technical institute partner programs, but makes the connection to get these potential students in the room together with potential employers. This assists local youth in discovering all of the opportunities available to them in their own back yards. “These full-ride scholarships continue to change people’s lives while helping to address a critical need in our state,” said Dykhouse. “Not only will these individuals who complete their technical school education serve a vital role in our communities, they will become tomorrow's entrepreneurs and successful business owners that will enhance the quality of life in South Dakota.” To learn more about the Build Dakota Scholarship Fund, please visit https://www. builddakotascholarships.com.

“These full-ride scholarships continue to change people’s lives while helping to address a critical need in our state.” - Dana Dykhouse

298 individuals received scholarships for the 2015-2016 school year and 295 for the 2016-2017 school year. 56 students have completed their programs to date.

LEFT PHOTO: Mr. Dana Dykhouse identified the growing need for a technical workdfoce in South Dakota and approached Mr. Sanford in 2014 with the idea to pay for full-ride scholarships to the state’s technical institutes. RIGHT PHOTO: Left to right: A student receives a Build Dakota Scholarship from Deni Amundson, Build Dakota Scholarship Program Manager, Dana Dykhouse, Build Dakota Board Chairman, Keley Smith-Keller, Assistant Director of the SD Dept. of Education Dept. of Career and Technical Education, and Jeff Holcomb, past Southeast Technical Institute President. Build Dakota Scholarship Program Text 10

2016 Donors List Behind each and every fund at the South Dakota Community Foundation there is an individual, family or community that has a strong desire to help others. We are inspired by the generosity of South Dakotans who gave 3,467 gifts through the SDCF in 2016. We hope you will be as well. A

Aberdeen Area Community Foundation

Robert & Erin Fouberg Rodney & Glenna Fouberg Harr Motors, Inc. Marion Hayes Donald & Renita Kainz Tim & Amy Kessler Dr. Daniel & Margaret Lister Stacy Sandvig Leon & Virginia Tobin

Thomas C. & Patricia A. Adam Family Fund South Dakota Community Foundation

AIA South Dakota Scholarship Fund AIA South Dakota

Alcester Community Foundation

Anderson Pharmacy, Inc. John D. Gubbrud Morningside Manor

Allied Arts Endowment Fund Allied Arts Fund, Inc.

Armour Community Foundation

Blue Moon Bob’s Farm Service, LLC Donna Brenner Dean’s Auto Body Jay DeWaard Douglas County Insurance Fairway Seed First State Bank-Armour Gary & Phyllis Hrdlicka Craig & Diane Krsnak Russell & Barbara Ledeboer Bev Leibel Mark’s Photographic Images, Inc. Dar Morrow Brad & Kim Preheim Don Putnam Janet Reiman Gary Rothenberger family Dennis Sanders Thomas & Linda Soukup Todd Vogt Werk Weld, Inc. James Whetham Carter & Sharon Wiese Wilson True Value Larry & Ronda Wilson Nathan & Becky Wunder

James & Jeanne Arneson Memorial Scholarship Fund Erik & Elizabeth Arneson Glen & Robin Gattis


Donors | 2016 Donor List

Matt & Glenda Matrosky Robert & Joan Pegg

Aurora County Historical Acquisition & Preservation Fund Miller Family Homestead Fund Harold C. & Marilyn A. Hohbach Foundation B

David & Wally Baas Memorial Scholarship Fund Laura Baas

Reuben & Marlowe Bareis Family Fund Dr. Reuben Bareis

Virginia C. Barry Family Fund Nancy C. Barry

Ruth Sylvia Bayne Fund

Ruth Sylvia Bayne Trust

Beresford Community Foundation

Wayne & Sharon Akland Ameriprise Financial - Gift Matching Program Anonymous Mark & Norma Brunick Stephanie Miller Davis Memorial Fund Sally Dolan Robert Frieberg Thomas & Jill Frieberg Helen K. Grace Jerry & Kathleen Hill Jensen Insurance & Real Estate Mark & Jonda Jensen W.K. Kellogg Foundation Michael & Pamela McGill Jeff & Jane Norling Joan P. Nygaard Gary L. Schaap Jerry & Carla Zeimetz Watchdog Education Foundation Wayne & Sharon Akland Beresford School District 61-2 Col. Mark & Dr. Terri Buechler Nate Burdine & Jolene Loetscher David & Susan Christensen Gerald & Peggy Dahlin Sally Dolan Helen K. Grace W.K. Kellogg Foundation Newdale Country School Reunion Committee Jared & Emily Olson Gary L. Schaap Michael & Jessica Seivert

Curtis Travis Judy Travis Shanna Rae Christensen Memorial Scholarship Fund David & Susan Christensen Sally Dolan

Beresford Public Library Fund Beresford Public Library

Bruce & Sharon Bergman Legacy Fund Sharon Bergman

Bethany Cemetery of Hosmer, SD Fund John & Cora Heckenlaible Family Fund

Charles Bingham Memorial Scholarship Fund Deuel School District No. 19-4

Marlin Bjerke Memorial Scholarship Fund

Dennis & Jane Evenson

Boys & Girls Club of Brookings Fund

Boys & Girls Club of Brookings

Boys & Girls Club of Moody County Fund Boys & Girls Club of Brookings

Boys & Girls Club of the Capital Area Fund

Stevan & Pat Brown Todd & Zahra Pfeifer South Dakota Community Foundation

Boys & Girls Club of the Missouri River Area Fund Joe & Brenda Flannery

Boys & Girls Club of Yankton Fund Boys & Girls Club of Brookings

Britton Area Foundation

The 6000 Investment Club Doris Alberts Anonymous Doris Beck Family of Debbie Beck Darrell & Becky Berreth Neil & Muriel Bien Ron & Jean Binger Monte & Laureen Bonn Kathy Bosse Rick & Cheryl Bosse John & Kathy Bruce Scott & Jo Bush Charles & Karyl Card Doug & Carla Card Mary Chamberlain Jack & Jeanne Clark Class of 1962 Class of 1979 Max & Peggy Davidson Myles & Karen DeVine Sandy Dinger Paulette Dissell Greg Donaldson Kent & Jane Duerre

Family & Friends of Karyl Card Tom & Lori Farber Barbara Franzen Mick & Jeanne Furman Yvonne Gibbs Judy Gulleson Mavis Gunderson Emelie Haigh Theresa Henehan Mark & Faye Hoines Kent & Sara Holland Horton Holding, Inc. Ronald R. Jarrett Marty & Val Jensen Audery Johnson Lee Johnson Ray & Sharon Johnson David Jones Tonya Klein Pete & Mavis Krista Richard & Diane Kristofferson William E. Kurschat Dale & Susan Kurth Barbara Kuske Grace Landmark Dale & Bonnie Larson Linda Larson Ryan Likness James & Leah Luitjens Dennis & Jane Mattson Bill & Jodi Meyer Larry & Durelle Meyers Marty & Julie Micko Denis & Karen Mikkelson David & Diane Mitchell Clark & Pamela Moeckly Richard & Alice Moeckly Pete & Melinda Nelson Dan & Bonnie Olson Family of Doris Olson Harlan & Karen Olson Kervin & Lela Olson Neal & Jan Pearson James & Sandy Peters Marilyn Peters Harland & Jane Peterson Gordon Phillips Jean Phillips Robert Pollmann Terry & Pam Price Peter Rabenberg & Connie Steiner Bill & Linda Richter Walt & Patty Roehr Greg & Virgie Schaaf Schott family Schuller family Matthew & Audrey Schuller Donald & Norma Schumaker Vivian Scott Al & Marlene Sime Ralph & Darlene Skare Debra Skonberg Sandra, Tyranny & Treva Smart Bill & Patty Spiry Charles & Donna Stehly Connie Steiner Kenny & Dorothy Stillson Howard Stocking LaVerne & Virginia Swanson Steven & Michelle Swanson

Don & Donna Symens Paul & Faye Symens Bryce & Marjorie Thoelke Richard & Marcia Thompson Donald & Sharon Tisher Jennings & Ruth Tobin Linda Tom Ollie White Maris & Connie Williams Vollie Ann Williams Charles & Colleen Wismer Kurt Zuehlke, Shana & families Kent & Cindy Zuehlke

Canton Home & Farm Supply, LLC Ed Carpenter Class of 1945 Class of 1962 CMI Bid-Well Companion Animal Clinic Crawford Counseling Center Charles & Sherry Davis Earl & Mary Dean Timothy & Kelli DeJong Phyllis Ellis Todd & Debra Esche Fossum & Bindert, LLP

Murray & Helen Rowe Sanford Health Rodney & Lora Schneller Security Savings Bank Jon & Kristy Sogn Norm & Bonnie Solem Eric & Jenna Stearns Andrew & Sara Steffensen Swenson Chiropractic Center Michael & Joanne Szarmach Linda Thormodsgard J.L. & Mary Toso Dorothy Trumm

J.K. & M.A. Ellefson Wallace & Judy Evans Alicyn Even First Dakota National Bank Fischer, Rounds & Associates, Inc. Kathleen Flyger Melisa Forest Georgetown Park Apartments Kacy Gill Robert & Becky Grandpre Jennifer Gray

Britton Public Library Fund Russell Buisker Roger & Lavonne Furman Darian & Andrea Kilker Peggy Satrang Greg & Virginia Schaaf Britton Public Library Designated Fund Myles DeVine memorial Barbara Kuske

Buffalo Foundation

BankWest Foundation Dakota Praire Bank Veronica Duffy Fischer, Rounds & Associates, Inc. Mack & Karen Wyly

Build Dakota Scholarship Endowment Fund State of South Dakota

Build Dakota Scholarship Program Fund T. Denny Sanford

Bush Foundation Community Innovation Grant Program Bush Foundation

Bush Foundation Fund Bush Foundation C

John F. & Ruth D. Cannon Fund

Estate of Ruth D. Cannon

Canton Public Schools K-12 Foundation

Donald & Sarah Abbas Anderson Pharmacy-Canton Arne Anderson David & Karen Anderson Dorothy Anderson Anonymous Back the PAC Dwayne & Carol Bauder Jason & Karolyn Baumann Keith Beachler & Susan Irons Arnold & Dusti (West) Behr Richard & Teresa Beitzel William & Lisa Bentley Erin J. Beyke Agency, Inc. Kevin & Nancy Bitterman Richard & Constance Bogue Mike & Lois Broderick Canton Class of 1966 Canton Dental Clinic Canton fundraiser

Staff Members of Working Against Violence, Inc. (WAVI) in Rapid City share details of an upcoming project to benefit clients of the shelter with Dr. Ed Seljeskog. Ed and his wife Peg use their donor advised fund, (Seljeskog Family Fund) with the SDCF to benefit many organizations in the Rapid City community through their yearly distributions.

Perry & Barb Fossum Brad & Kristin Goodroad Haisch Pharmacy Daniel & Catherine Heinemann Mark & Cathy Hennies Hoffman Oil Company Hot Steel Custom Fabrication, LLC Diane Houser James & Jane Jibben Tim & Monica Jones Roger & Debra Kleinschmit/ Sunnyside Laundromat Dawn Knutson James & Jennifer Kolvek Chris & Karla Krogmann Gaylon & Karla Lems Lincoln Conservation District M & S Drainage, Inc. Todd & Joan Magnuson Catherine Mastalir John McWayne, Jr. & Rev. Dr. Jean Layton Curtis Meendering Ardeth Nixa Donna Passick Bradley & Karren Peterson Donald Pottratz Steve & Dallas Renli Lee & Sarah Richarz John & Linda Ripley

Linda Tuntland Henry Van Voorst Concrete, Inc. Pete & Cami Van Wyhe Douglas & Julie Verley Jason & Cheri Vetos Justin & Amanda Wallner Wash & Ride, LLC Douglas & Cori Wersal Helen Whaley Jeffrey & Lynn White Laurie Wiebe Craig & Kari Winquist James & Laura Woods Pete & Cami Wyhe Steven & Kathryn Ziebarth

Capital Area Counseling Capital Campaign Fund

Rob & Marty Allison Anonymous Lynell Asher Alan & Debra Bakeberg Kenneth & Twyla Bartholomew Beck Motor Company Shirley Bernie Kristin Brueggeman Kelly Charron Robert & Cynthia Clair Sarah Eddie Dennis & Shirley Eisnach

James Groves & Lynne DeLano Crystal Hanson Lenny Hanson Therese Heyer Annette Hulm Michael & Loretta Jochim Virginia Jones Glenn & Phyllis Jorgenson Charitable Fund Derek & Kristin Meyers James & Susan Mollison Heather Nelson Debra Ness Shelli Ness Jan Norris Roger & Nila Novotny Michael & Rochelle Oakland Ronald & Linda Olinger Ryan & Kimberly Olson T.J. & Arla Poindexter Lindsey Riter-Rapp Gary & Annette Ray Gonzalo & Tiffany Sanchez Davis Schofield Dedra Shaw Mark J. Smith Dennis & Debra Snyder Randi Spaid Jody Spangenberg Jana Sprenger 2016 Donor List 12

The Seifert Family Trust Fund provides annual support to the Spearfish Senior Center, the Spearfish Food Pantry and the Spearfish Salvation Army.

Katie Starzl Cheryl Stone Kevin Stulken Herb & Deanna Sundall Sunrise Bank Dakota Charlie M. Thompson Tommy Thomsen memorial Maxine Thomsen W.C. & N.L. Thomsen Randall & Mary Turner Bill & Tina Van Camp Carrie Ward Susan West D. Mark & Glennis Zarecky

Castlewood Education Foundation Endowment Fund

Castlewood Education Foundation Jacob Dahl Memorial Scholarship Fund Castlewood Education Foundation John & Delice Gleysteen Scholarship Fund Bill & Jane Bobzin Ron & Mona Gleysteen Arlys M. Sikorski Roxann Bruinsma Kemink Memorial Scholarship Fund Castlewood Education Foundation

Centerville Foundation

Centerville 5th Grade Class Shelley & Deborah Diercks Dennis & Diane Hubert Jensen Insurance & Real Estate Greg & Diane Marshall Larry & Susan Overgaard Mavis Overgaard Stan & Dawn Schaal

South Dakota Bankers Foundation, Inc.

Clay-Union Foundation Fund Clay-Union Foundation

Constance D. Borlaug Cleveland Fund

Herbert B. Cleveland Mark & Beth Massa South Dakota Community Foundation

Dick & Jan Cone Pheasants for Kids Fund Red Wagner Memorial Fund Jim Bates

Corsica Area Foundation Norman Ligtenberg

Coteau Prairie Chapter Pheasants Forever Scholarship Fund

Helen Budahl Pheasants Forever, Inc.

Cribs for Kids, South Dakota Fund

South Dakota State Medical Association Alliance

Clay & Karen Cudmore Fund Clay & Karen Cudmore South Dakota Community Foundation D

D.C. Booth Fish Hatchery Generations Fund Booth Society, Inc. Nadine Fidler David H. Gaines Michael Roberts Walter & Judy Tyndale

Christen Family Fund National Council Boy Scouts of America

Stephanie Miller Davis Memorial Fund

Christensen Family Fund

Day County Community Foundation

Paul & Donna Christen

Chris & Sheila Christensen Dean & Shirlyn Christensen Deb Christensen Dr. R.M. & Linda L. Christensen Jens & Nyla Christensen Jens & Rochelle Christensen Joyce Christensen Robert Christensen Michael Miller


Citibank (South Dakota) N.A. Fund

Donors | 2016 Donor List

Cara Lee Davis

Nita Aadland Marla Althoff Virginia C. Barry Ashley Baumgarn Mary Bloom Kelli Bullert Beth Chambers CorTrust Bank-Mitchell Dakotacare

Shelley Deutsch Sharon Dolney Ellen Ellis Ashley Ewalt Farrar Family Community Development Fund Rodney & Glenna Fouberg Jill Gaikowski G. Todd & Angie Garry Elizabeth Gravley David & Cynthia Hahler Kelly Hanson Dianne Haugen Shirley Kuecker Donna Kwasniewski Debbie Lee Natalie Lesnar Dan Menking James Mumford & Rita Johnson David Rogers John & Jenika Sannes Kathryn Sannes Thomas & Angela Sannes Alyssa Shoemaker Richard Solberg South Dakota Community Foundation Norma Tol Jenna Wik Judy Williams David Wyman Megan Zenk Day County Food Shelf & PACH Program Fund Anonymous Day County Legacy Fund Anonymous Day County Online Education Assistance Fund Anonymous Dennis L. Dolney Scholarship Fund Dennis Dolney

Deadwood BPOE #508 Fund Deadwood Lodge Elks

Deadwood Days of 76 Museum, Inc. Fund Days of ‘76, Inc.

Deadwood Days of 76, Inc. Fund Days of ‘76, Inc.

Dr. Roscoe E. Dean, Jr. & Helen Hoy Dean Memorial Fund Gail & Susan Arnott

Deubrook High School Scholarship Fund

Deubrook Alumni Association

Deuel County Community Foundation

Verdelle Anderson E.W. Atyeo memorial Charles & Pamela Atyeo Robert Atyeo Matthew & Tamara Baer Clear Lake Dental, LLC Crystal Springs Rodeo, Inc. Deuel Area Development, Inc. DJO Global Dennis & Jane Evenson First Bank & Trust Barbara Goens Gordon Goens Good Samaritan SocietyDeuel County Wade Gubrud Law Offices of Gunderson, Evenson, Boyd & Knight, LLP Michael & Jennifer Hawley H-D Electric Cooperative, Inc. George & Ruby Holborn Darold & Mary Hunt David & Sandra Korinek Edwin & Shirley Krause Paul & Gail Kvernmoe Lyndon & Kathleen Limberg Pamela Lynde Dr. Martin H. & Judy Oleson Perkins Trust Pete’s Lumber, Inc. Pheasants Forever, Inc. Michael Schiefelbein Wayne & Marlene Schiefelbein Jeffery & Tahna Smith Don Michael Svedeman Technical Ordnance, Inc. Toben Chiropractic Cliff Viessman, Inc.

Deuel Public School Foundation

Deuel School District No. 19-4

Doland Community Foundation Jeffrey & Jean Albrecht Thomas Albrecht Gary & Donna Armstrong Lloyd & Deloris Battest Boyd-Wagner Agency Dan & Jane Bucks Harvey & Ruth Caldow

John & Amy Christenson Marion Clements Stephanie Courington Dakotaland Federal Credit Union Darcie Decker Marodean Decker Vohn & Dianna Decker Lon & Jacquelyn Denison Chris & Sue Divich Duane & Phyllis Divich Chad & Lisa Dockter John & Jodine Drayer Farmers State Bank - Turton Darlene Fitzmaurice Leroy & Marilyn Fuerst Laurie Gehner Great Western Bank Juanita Gregersen Darrel & Karen Hahn Heartland State Bank Steven & Elizabeth Hofer David Holmes Hugh & Linda Holmes Randy & Rose James Delores Johnson Darlene Kahle Barry & Pam Kaufman Keith & Josephine Kitzman Dennis & Sylvie Koslowski Joe & Renae Lehman Tara Jo Hansen-Leinen Darrel & Cleola Lewis Melinda Lindskov Francis (Tal) & Fay Lockwood Harold & Darla Loewen Patricia Manolis Monte & Ruth Mason Terry Mason Pat Mendel Memorial Fund William Menne Tip & Alyce Miles Greg & Linda Morgan Arlette Muehl Northern Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gregory & Cyd Rahm Richard & Diane Rahm Don & Rosemary Rounds Julianne Schneider Trudee Schur South Dakota Community Foundation Bernadine Stahl Kevin & Danielle Teigen Gloria Thiesen Monte & Joann Troske Angeline Tschetter Jeffrey Vogel Bonnie Wagner Doris Weber Welch Family Trust Rachel Winter Erwin Wipf

Glenn & Kathryn Duncan Scholarship Fund Stephen Foley


Ty Eschenbaum Foundation Anonymous Paul & Heather Kostboth Ochsner Partnership

Eureka Community Foundation Kristen Palaschak

Perry & Doreen Evans Scholarship Fund Perry Evans Estate F

Fairy Godmother’s Fund

James Abbott Rodney & Sandra Ackerman Richard & Susan Aguilar Joel & Jane Albrecht Jim & Beth Benning Victor & Patty Beringer Tim & Bonnie Bjork Jim & Donna Boekelheide Bruce Brandner Susan Burgard Richard & Mary Carter Charity Luncheon Paul & Donna Christen Bernie & Sally Christenson Family Fund & Marian Raines Bernie & Sally Christenson Citibank (South Dakota) Citibank-McKnight Fund Betty Clay J. Compton Janet B. Cronin Barb Cutler Jan DeBerg Trish Delaney Dana & LaDawn Dykhouse Kris & Steve Egger Charitable Fund Douglas & Anita Eilers Mark & Holly Engelhart Cy & Sandy Farner Robert & Erin Fouberg Rodney & Glenna Fouberg Theodore & Carol Fowler Todd & Linda Fulmer Eldon & Suzanne Gilchrist Mrs. Mary Louise Gorman Richard & Nancy Gowen Linda Mickelson Graham Janet Grasse Grossenburg Cattle Company, Inc. Emily Guhin John & Carolyn Guhin Robert & Gail Gunderson Wayne Gustafson William & Patricia Haigh Jim & Nini Hart Theresa Henehan Jon & Carla Hoffman Joan Hogan Dody Hopkins Marilyn Hoyt R. Sally Isburg Ardelle Johnson Bradley & Carol Johnson Deb Jorgensen Darrel & Deanna Kaiser

Paul & Susan Kiepke Jean A. Koehler Charles & Caroline Kornmann Mary Lamont Carson & Julie Larson Doris Larson Ray & Cyndy Larson Dolores Lauinger Edith Lien Vicki Lust Mark & Beth Massa Robert & Donna Masters Don & Carmen Meyer Mickelson Family Fund Amy Mickelson Rees & Bonnie Mielke Brad & Kathy Moore Stephen & Trudy Morgan Gerald & Galynn Nichols Dan & Ginger Niemann Michael & Ann Paradise Patti Petersen John & Penny Porter Presentation College Georgia Ramos Lavern & Jean Rasmussen Barbara Reed Harms Robert & Roberta Rohl John & Tona Rozum Dr. Stephanie Russo Norbert & Jane Sebade Dr. Edward & Peg Seljeskog Scott & Debra Shephard William & Marcia Shorma Family Foundation Ann Sigelman Anthony & Jobi Skjefte Jill Slobotski Jacqueline Sly Terry & Anita Small Connie Ruhl - Smith Laura Snow Jerry & Deb Soholt South Dakota Community Foundation Robert & Sandra Spencer James & JoAnn Sperry John & Nancy Sternquist Kathy Stuck Leon & Virginia Tobin Peggy Urquhart Ronald & Joyce Wagner Lanny & Vicki Walker Roger & Jody Werth Curt A. & Susan R. Wischmeier Dawn Woods

Faulkton Area Foundation

Tom & Linda Bartholomew Crop Security Agency, Inc. Dacotah Bank-Aberdeen Dacotah Bank-Faulkton David Hedt Kevin & Tiffany Hofer Charles & Sharon Huss Land O’ Lakes Foundation Luce, Luze & Reck Funeral Homes Orin & Phylis Melius Supporters of Faulkton Area Foundation

Feeding South Dakota Fund South Dakota Community Foundation

Field of Dreams Fund Anonymous South Dakota Fund

First Fidelity Bank & Bonesteel Community Foundation

First Fidelity Bank-Bonesteel Logan Thoene memorial

First Fidelity Bank & Burke Community Foundation Myrna Lea Brunz First Fidelity Bank-Burke Leroy & Janice Smith

First Fidelity Bank & Gregory Community Foundation First Fidelity Bank-Gregory Jim & Marilyn Pochop

First Fidelity Bank & Jones County Community Foundation George & Nancy Allen Jim & Bernie Butt Jr. Cressy family Jack Dugan Dean & Deborah Faber First Fidelity Bank-Murdo Dave Geisler Dwight & Sheila Hurst Chris & Cheryl Iverson Linda Kessler memorial Scott & Amy Kittelson Lillibridge Family Community Support Fund Susan Lyman Ardith Helene Miller Raymond & Gloria Miller Dennis & Julie Moore Murdo Ford, LTD. Brian O’Reilly Paul & Katherine Patterson Bruce & Karen Royer Charlie M. Thompson Mack & Karen Wyly

First Fidelity Bank & Platte Area Foundation

First Fidelity Bank-Platte David & Bernadette Nelson City of Platte - “Round-Up”

First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Community Foundation Charles & Beverly Axtell Craig & Dawn Covey First Fidelity Bank-Colome First Fidelity Bank-Winner Keith & Gracia Goodhope Chuck & Norma Keiser Estate of Francis Kramer Joel Leyden Raymond, Jr. & Rita Neyens Grossenburg Family & Employees Fund Grossenburg Implement, Inc. Gordon Horgen Memorial Scholarship Fund Jerome & Virginia Laurent Donald & Fern Jorgensen Scholarship Fund

2016 Donor List 14

First Fidelity Bank-Winner William J. Matousek George & Elizabeth LaCompte Fund Colby & MaryAnn LaCompte Matousek Family Fund William J. Matousek Tripp County 4-H Trust Fund Raymond, Jr. & Rita Neyens Grant & Wendy Schramm Tripp County 4-H Trust Fund Tripp County Water User District - Martin & Mary Jorgensen Scholarship Fund William J. Matousek

First Interstate Fall River Area Fund John & Sandra Miller

First Interstate Greater Belle Fourche Fund Collins Cleaning Systems, LLC

First Interstate Greater Sturgis Area Fund Festival of Trees fundraiser

First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund Dawn Hilgenkamp Sunshine Inn West River Electric Association, Inc.

First Interstate LeadDeadwood Area Fund

Thomas & Patricia Adams Blackstone Lodge & Suites Thomas & Karen Carr Glorianne Davis Deadwood Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc. Peter & Jacqualyn Fuller Michael Headley & Elizabeth Freer Katie Helling Joan Irwin Judith Jelbert Matthew & Kayla Klein Lead Area Chamber of Commerce Lead-Deadwood Community Chili Feed Dan Leikvold Peterson CPA, PC Wendy Pitlick Steven Rice Les & Cheryl Roselles Michael Schumacher Constance Walter James Wefso & Cameon Jacobson Lead Playground Fund Black Hills Corporation Foundation

Michael J. Fitzmaurice State Veterans Home Endowment Fund Michael Birnbaum Knights of Columbus Kenneth Northrup Pioneer Bank & Trust


Donors | 2016 Donor List

State of South Dakota Supporters of South Dakota Veterans Home

Five Counties Endowment Fund Lemmon Area Medical Association

Franssens Family Cemetery Fund Randall F. Franssens

Freeman Community Foundation

Family of Glenn Gering Marian Gering Emily Hofer Stewart Hofer Frederich Mayer Estate Barbara Schmeichel Orville A. Waltner Estate Timothy & Mary Waltner

Friedens-Heinz Cemetery Fund

Jim & Lori Berreth M.C. Jones & Sarah Klaudt Vern & Ethel Ochsner

Friends of the North Sioux City Community Library Fund Friends of the North Sioux City Community Library

Frank F. Fukuda Fund

Community Foundation of Henderson County


Gettysburg Area Community Foundation Janet B. Cronin Kevin & Elaine Hegerle

Goldcorp-Wharf Sustainable Prosperity Fund Wharf Resources, Inc.

Greater Clark Area Foundation Dala Albright Alma Bauman & family Joseph & Sharon Bjerke David & Annette Boehnke Bruce & Peggy Brekke Dean Bymers Dale & Ann Christenson Clark High School Clark Insurance Agency, Inc. Terri Cordrey Dacotah Bank-Clark John & Maureen Fischer Chad G. Fjelland Marlin & Joyce Fjelland Todd & Susan Fjelland Wayne & Linda Fuller Golf Tournament Randy & Karen Gruenwald Jerry & Robin Hartley Joyce Helkenn Dale & Karen Hoffman Joseph & Sharon Hulscher Mary Hurlbert Brian & Kristin Johnson Dona Kennealley Carmen Kloster Thomas & Brenda LaBrie

Harley & Joan Lamb Sharon Larson Lookout Bar & Grill Angie Lorenz Mary Nelson Roger & Jessica Nordhus Scott & Erin Ogdahl Harlan & Jean Sundvold Ronald & Joan Sundvold UBS Matching Gift Program David & Carol Warkenthien Skylar Welk & Juie Bjerke Fay Wookey Memorial Gayle Wookey Joy Wookey Tom & Kathleen Wookey Greater Clark Area Agriculture & Health Sciences Fund Eralia N. Kennealley Living Trust Dale Peckham Memorial Award Fund Jon Caster

Greater Lyman Foundation

Merle & Marlene Aamot Seth & Marilyn Allen Michael & Nola Rae Ambur Bankwest, Inc. Rod & Donna Bowar Thomas & Joyce Bowman Jean Ann Brakke Nelson & Tracy Brakke Dallas & Judith Brost Jim & Bernie Butt Roger & Judy Campbell Raymond & Jeanne Chaussee Choal Construction Chloe Collins Matt & Christie Collins Scott & Jean Collison James & Gretchen Cooney Dakota Prairie Bank Carole Diehm Keith Dorman Angela Ehlers Lance & Doris Ekberg Betty Fedderson James A. Fulwider Owen & Sally Garnos L.E. & Esther Gerard Mary Lou Gilman Great Western Bank Gary & Connie Grittner Steve & Karen Gunter R. Kim & Lucy Halverson Curt Halvorson family Kent & Mildred Hamiel Noel & Janet Hamiel Wade & Chyree Hamiel Hieb Land & Cattle Company, LLC Michael & Paula Hildebrandt Cody & Heather Hoffman Edith Holmquist Laurel & Gerry Houchin Loretta Jackson Edward & Joyce Jessop Justin & Lisa Jessop Beverly Johnson John Jones

Dennis & Joan Kenzy Mildred Kenzy Gerald & Lorna Kistler Lela Knudson Greta Langdeau Christine Leichtnam James Lindley Don & Sandra Manger Donny & Sheila Manger Ruth Ann McManus David & Judy Mertens Eugene & Betty Jean Mertens Pam Michalek Carmen Miller Eva Miller Francis Milnar Richard & Mary Mishler Wayne & Dorothy Monson Town of Oacoma Paul & LaVerne Olson Carol Parker Leonard & Joan Potter Peter Quale & Michelle Woster Janet Rabern Redi Mix, Inc. Rodney & Lynnette Sather Edna Schelske Don Schindler Kenneth & Janet Schindler Austin P. Schmalz, D.D.S. Ralph & Marlene Schuiling Dorothy Skufca Craig & Dorothy Smith Dustin Smith Mike Sprenger & Carol E. Birgen Stulken, Petersen, Lingle, Walti & Jones, LLP Herb & Deanna Sundall James & Carol Sundall Vincent & Linda Svoboda Larissa Sweeney Wanda Lee Sweeney Jeffery Tveit Daryld & Betty Walters Vollie Ann Williams Lonnie & Sandra Wolcott James Woster Leona Zastrow

Through Helen Grace’s leadership, service and gifts to the Beresford Community Foundation and the Watchdog Education Foundation, they are able to make a tremendous impact on quality programs in the community and schools. Pictured are Helen Grace and Nathan Jensen, Watchdog Education Foundation, President.

Grossenburg Implement Laurel, NE Community Support Fund

Grossenburg Implement, Inc.

Grossenburg Implement Wayne, NE Community Support Fund

Grossenburg Implement, Inc.

Groton High School Class of 1969 Scholarship Fund Tom & Jane Heinz Marsha McAlister Robert & Valerie Wegner

GROW South Dakota Foundation

GROW South Dakota

Harvey Gunderson Memorial Scholarship Fund Clark Gunderson H

John & Elsie Griffin Memorial Fund

Hanse Family Fund-City of Webster

Gary & Connie Grittner Fund

Hanse Family Fund-St. John’s Lutheran Church of Webster

Griffin Family Endowed Fund Gary & Connie Grittner

Gropper Clement Legacy Fund James & Dianne Gropper

Grossenburg Implement & Employees 4-H Support Fund Hughes & Stanley Counties

Grossenburg Implement, Inc.

Grossenburg Implement Bloomfield, NE Community Support Fund

Grossenburg Implement, Inc.

Grossenburg Implement Hartington, NE Community Support Fund

Grossenburg Implement, Inc.

Estate of Phyllis Hanse

William, Jr. & Nancy Barry Monty & Mary Jo Bloom Estate of Phyllis Hanse

Hanse Family Fund-Webster Alumni Foundation Estate of Phyllis Hanse

Hanse Family Scholarship Fund Estate of Phyllis Hanse

Harrisburg Community Foundation

Harrisburg Community Foundation

John & Cora Heckenlaible Family Fund Arline Heckenlaible

Herreid Community Foundation

A-1 Heating & Air, LLC Rodney & Sandra Ackerman Anonymous Darlene Bates JoAnne Bauer Bruce & LeeAnn Brandner William & Julie Brandner Campbell County Bank Jerome & Violet Deibert James & Faye Dupper Con Edison Development, Inc. Dennis & Wendy Feist Bill & Connie Fischer Goehring Construction Larry & Susan Goehring Good Samaritan SocietyHerreid Herreid All School Reunion Herreid Bingo Fundraiser City of Herreid Herreid Community Foundation - Progressive Supper Herreid Economic Development Corporation Herreid Livestock Auction, Inc. Herreid Lumber, Inc. Leann Horner David & Martina Kary Kroontje Law Office Barry & Deb Larson Gary & Brenda Larson Linton Hospital Penny & Aldine Mittleider Ron & Diana Mittleider

Mitzel & Sons, Inc. Tom & Mary Mitzel Maebel Nieuwsma Tyler & Lisa Ochsner Vern & Ethel Ochsner Patti Pudwill Tim Pudwill Todd & Colette Pudwill Gordon & Dianna Quaschnick Kirk Quaschnick Ryan & Mindy Quaschnick Casey Rossow & Shan Lehrkamp Laurance & Reta Rossow Roger & Naomi Rossow Lydia Rueb S & S Realty, Inc. Chester & Carol Sayler Josh & Debbie Sayler Ronald & Patricia Schauer Robert & Rosemary Schuetzle Sons of the Legion South Dakota Community Foundation Tour of Homes fundraiser Town ’n Country Gals Trail Café Valley Telecommunications JoAnn Volk Jay Volzke & Nicole Meier Dennis & Marlys Volzke Richard & Judith Volzke Weisbeck & Sons, Inc. Esther Weisbeck J. & Melissa Weisbeck Mark & Lisa Weisbeck Dick & Suzanne Werner Dwight & Julie Wiest Donna Wolff

Elton & Willetta Hess Endowment Fund Elton H. Hess, Jr.

Willetta Holt Hess Endowment Fund

Elton H. Hess, Jr.

Hetland Cemetery Fund

Estate of Dale Andersen

Hill City Scholarship Foundation Fund

Avera Health Black Hills Central Railroad Justin Cutler Granite Sports, Inc. Neiman Timber Company Doug Peters & Mathew Peters Douglas & Anita Peters Detlev & Connie Prautzsch Howard R. Schrier Robert & Jo Anna Warder James, III & Lindsy Wathen Owen & Carol Wiederhold Bernard & Virginia Wilcox RAC Scholarship Fund Granite Sports, Inc.

Curtis Marvin Hohn Endowment Fund

Roger & Shirley Schuller

Hoven Community Foundation Leo & Rose Arbach Memorial Fund Stephen & Trudy Morgan William, Alice & Evelyn Rausch Family Memorial Fund Edgar & Donna Ihle Jeffry & Leanne Ihle Renee Ihle Stephen & Trudy Morgan Janice Rausch

Huron Community Foundation

ACE Realty, LLP AFLAC Agsense, LLC American Bank & Trust Person Anderson Agency, LLC Anderson Furniture Avail Wealth Management, LLC Barton’s Heating & Cooling Bauman Agency, Inc. Annette Bowen Todd O. Brueske Construction Canaries Baseball Benefit Carlson’s Northside Service, Inc. Carpet Center, Inc. Churchill, Manolis, Freeman, Kludt, Shelton & Burns, LLP The Clothing Company Cornerstone Financial Solutions, Inc. Curt’s Heating & Cooling, Inc. Eldon & Doris Dahl Dakota Environmental, Inc. Dakota Family Dentistry Dakota Inn, LLC Dakota Promotions, Inc. Dakota Provisions Dakotaland Federal Credit Union Ken Decker Darold & Jill Dornbush Dramstad Refrigeration & Electric, Inc. Beverly Erdahl Farm Credit Services of America Farmers & Merchants Bank First National Bank of Omaha First Premier Bank First Presbyterian Church Fuchs Orthodontics Michael & Mary Fuchs Fullerton Furniture, Inc. Steven & Kristin Gohn Greater Huron Development Corporation Heartland Pork, LLC Snow Huether & Coyle Huron Chamber & Visitors Bureau Huron Clinic Foundation, LTD Huron High Twelve Club 145 Huron Laboratory Services Huron Regional Medical Center Huron Sertoma Club Huron Title Company

2016 Donor List 16

Huron Veterinary Hospital P.A. Iverson Motors James Valley Veterinary Clinic Douglas & Rhonda Kludt Jerrod & Lisa Kranzler Kuhler Funeral Home George & Deborah Kuhler Land O’Lakes, Inc. Foundation Larson Cable Trailers, Inc. Craig & Tasha Lee Thomas Light Mid-Dakota Rural Water System M-O Federal Credit Union NCFE Air Huron, LLC Northwest Pipe Fittings, Inc. Justin & Andrea Olson Tony & Jamie Olson Mary Pearson Picek Construction Company, Inc. Pierce & Harris Engineering Company, Inc. Potter’s Shoes Prairie Smiles Family Dentistry Premier Equipment, LLC Prostrollo Motor Sales, Inc. Ravine Creek Ranch, LLC April Rigge Schoenhard Ford & Huron Motorsports Jennifer Schroder Cole Searing Jim & Susan Searing Signature Plus John & Sherrie Single South Dakota Wheat Growers Association SSK, LLC Marla Ann Starr Tritech, Inc. Trussbilt, LLC Tschetter & Hohm Clinic, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Welter Funeral Home Dick & Suzanne Werner Darrell & Jean Wharton Wheeler, Erickson, & Wheeler, LLP Tori White Wilbur-Ellis Company Huron Event Center Endowment Fund Prairieland Collections, Inc. Craig Matthesen Huron Community Foundation Estate of Craig Matthesen

Larry & Darlene Hutchinson Fund Larry Hutchinson I

Ipswich Area Foundation

John W. & Carolyn Bloemendaal Shirley Bloemendaal Laurie & Kathy Gerdes Harlan & Lynette Heitz Donald & Donna Petersen Connie Williams David & Kristeen Williams


Donors | 2016 Donor List

Daktronics, Inc. First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc. First Premier Bank NorthWestern Energy Rapid City Regional Hospital Raven Industries, Inc. Sanford Health South Dakota Network, LLC South Dakota Trust Company Charitable Fund

Lucille McCright Leischner Scholarship Fund

McCright & Associates, LLC Mark & Pat Stanforth Joel & Maureen Weiss

Lewis & Clark Children’s Assistance Fund Teen Challenge of the Dakotas in Brookings receives ongoing support from the Larson Family Teen Challenge of the Dakotas Endowed Fund.The support included the renovation of a building downtown to serve men transitioning back to life in the community.

Irene Area Community Foundation

Class of 1957 G & S Siding & Contracting Robert & Carol Hansen Dale Holm George & LoAnn Kjeldseth Robert & Barbara Satter Sherman & Kimiko Petersen Promise Fund Sherman Petersen J

James Howard Jenssen Memorial Scholarship Fund Shirley Jenssen

Jerauld County Heritage Center Support Fund Beverly Sorensen

Joy Ranch Endowment Fund DeMaris Nesheim

Dr. Judson & Marilyn Mabee and Dr. Kate Birkenkamp Memorial Fund Dr. Ray & Kris Birkenkamp

Matt & Stephanie Judson Family Fund

Matt & Stephanie Judson South Dakota Community Foundation K

Jafar & Zahra Karim Endowment Fund

Foster Rentals, Inc. Mansour Karim

Mansour Karim Scholarship Fund Mansour Karim

Elmer & Kay Karl Foundation Elmer Karl

Kimball Area Foundation

Heath Lumber Company

Kiwanis Club of Pierre & Ft. Pierre Foundation Jerry Wattier

Knight Foundation

Knight Foundation

Marty Kranz Memorial Scholarship Fund

Kim Eggers Lynn & Jackie Gudmundson Greg & Erica Peterson Jayda Swenson L

Lakota Code Talkers Memorial Fund June Lee Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community Ronald & Carol Viet

Langford Area Community Foundation

Scott & Deni Amundson Anonymous Darrell & Carol Bacon C. Kevin & Betty Carson Dave & Lisa Carson DaMar Farmers Elevator Alan & Laurie Darling Claudia (Likness) Dempsey Donald & Dorothy Erickson Friends of LeRoy Erickson Joel & Karen Erickson Robert & Marcia Erickson John & Debbie Eye Bruce & Joan Foote Yvonne Gibbs Greiner Electric Chad & Jakelle Hardy Blair & Yvonne Healy Helms & Associates Jennifer Hermes Kevin & Jessica Holler Douglas & Janet Hupke Daren & Paula Jensen Mark & Audrey Johnson Roger & Judy Johnson Richard & Diane Kristofferson Dale & Bonnie Larson Dennis & Shirley Larson Duane & Jane Larson Douglas & Brenda Lesher Ryan Likness Agency, Inc. James & Joan Likness Marjorie Likness Monte & Carol Likness

Martin & Julene Micko Denis & Karen Mikkelson Vicki Mitchell Mark Nelson Matthew & Michelle Nelson Michael & Marlene Nelson V.P. & M. Nelson Wayne & Jean Nelson Donnell & Suzanne Ogren Joyce Ogren Keith & Patty Ogren Roy Ogren Donald & Jane Olson Milo & Connie Olson Norman Olson Mark & Dawn Osness Pierson Ford-Lincoln David & Gwen Planteen David & Gaylene Reints Evelyn Reints Paul & Marcia Reints Kenneth & Deloris Saeger Schuller family Matthew & Audrey Schuller Rodney & Rose Sell South Dakota Wheat Growers Association Steven & Michelle Swanson Tinta Lodge 116 Donald & Sharon Tisher Jennings & Ruth Tobin Rodney & Evelyn Tobin L.A. Villalpando & Carol Erickson Roger & Robin Williams Vollie Ann Williams

Patricia M. Larson Excellence in Education Award Fund Maree Larson

Larson Family Teen Challenge of the Dakotas Fund Paul & Muffy Christen Legacy Fund O. Dale Larson

Leadership Endowment Fund Leadership South Dakota

Leadership South Dakota Fund American Bank & Trust Black Hills Power, Inc.

Brasel family Catholic Daughters of America Daniel & Patricia Eisenbraun David & Nancy Kettering Diane Kettering Don & Pam Kettering Richard & Theresa Kulbel Diane Ness Ron & Mary Pesek John & Nancy Sternquist

Norman & Irene Lien Memorial Scholarship Fund Platte-Geddes Leighton & Sue Lien

Bruce H. & Deanna B. Lien Scholarship Fund Bruce H. & Deanna Lien Endowment Fund Deanna Lien

Lyle Signs Inc. Scholarship Fund Lyle Signs, Inc. M

Madison Central School Educational Foundation Fund Jim Cordts Memorial Scholarship Fund Madison Central School District Evelyn Jones Scholarship Fund Madison Central School District Madison Central School Educational Foundation Scholarship Fund Madison Central School District Jim Thompson Memorial Ag Scholarship Fund Madison Central School District Glen Wilbur Memorial Endowment Fund Madison Central School District

Make-A-Wish Foundation of South Dakota

Make-A-Wish Foundation of South Dakota

Martin Community Foundation Liberty Development, LLC

Craig Matthesen Chadron Junior/Senior Baseball Fund Estate of Craig Matthesen

Craig Matthesen Chadron State Fund

Estate of Craig Matthesen

Mellette County Community Foundation

William & Donna Adrian Theresa, Tony & Carole Benda First Fidelity Bank-Murdo Barry & Kathryn Jensen Brian O’Reilly Kathleen Strain Mellette County Grossenburg Family Fund Grossenburg Implement, Inc. Rosebud Concrete, Inc.

Pat Mendel Memorial Fund

Donald & Lavonne Mendel

Brian Meyer Memorial Scholarship Fund

Venture Communications Cooperative

Miller Area Foundation

Modern Woodmen of America Chapter 13114 Jim & Shirley Anderson Terry & Valerie Augspurger Joy Baker Coss Agency, Inc. Daniel & Sheila Coss Marles Dean Mike & Nanette Donlin Jim & Nini Hart Kevin & Tiffany Hofer Richard Joy Fund Allen & Dawn Joy Don & Joan Joy Harriet Kopplin Land O’Lakes, Inc. Foundation Modern Woodman of America Margaret Moncur Dora Mowry Dave & Kim Nelson North Central Farmers Elevator Gary & Connie Palmer Glenn & Darlene Puncochar Steve & Connie Schroeder Donald & F. Luella Schultz Neil & Sandra Stevens Michael & Anne Weaver Ron & Betty Jo Welch Kenneth & Sandra Werdel Ray & Grace Dearborn Hand County Youth Development Fund Beverly Sorensen

Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center Fund

Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center Designated Fund Cities Management Cecilia Clarizio Ryan & Heather Fischer

Daniel Foreman Ann Hannigan Numa & April Iraeta Sheila Jimenez Tonya Konrad Matt & Nell Marsh Kami Marts Shaun McNamara Jessica McVay Richard & Shelley Nielson Lori Owens Jane Page Nora Pepper Nathan Semsch Dawn Smith South Dakota Bankers Foundation, Inc. South Dakota Community Foundation Tidewater Property Management Brian & Linda Vik Neil Ward & Heather Stanley Renee Wasilik Mark Whitlock

Mitchell Area Charitable Foundation Endowed Fund Mitchell Area Charitable Foundation

Mitchell Christian Education Association Endowment Fund Mitchell Christian Education Association Mitchell Christian Education Association Designated Fund Laura Baas

Mitchell Technical Institute Foundation Fund Mitchell Technical Institute Foundation

Donald A. (Bucko) Monsen Memorial EMT/Healthcare Scholarship Fund Jennifer Monsen

Montrose Area Foundation

Joseph & Jamie Bartmann Jay & Colleen Cleveland Daktronics, Inc. Dean & Tracy Kueter Dan & Terri Smith William & Connie Smith Montrose Area Scholarship Fund Joseph & Jaimie Bartmann Dean & Tracy Kueter Dan & Terri Smith William & Connie Smith Lawrence & Constance Zimmer

Moody County Historical Society Fund

Moody County Historical Society

Coach Russ Morrell Memorial Scholarship Fund Helen Kranz Richard Morrell Sue Morrell On behalf of Fort Randall Credit Union Thrivent Financial

Lillian Myers Memorial Fund Stephen R. & Mary Lynn Myers Family Fund N

Dean Nachtigall Memorial Fund Nachtigall Ranch Family Limited Partnership

NAMI South Dakota Fund NAMI South Dakota - Ken Heeren Memorial Fund Harriet Heeren

NESODAK Endowment Fund DeMaris Nesheim

Jerome & Juanita Nolz/Deuel Faculty Scholarship Fund Dean & Shirlyn Christensen Sheila Heiberger Steven Johnson Ramona Lundberg Jayda Swenson Bonnie TeKrony

Nordby Family Fund

William & Tara Anderson Paul & Mary Aylward Thomas & Betty Clark CorTrust Bank-Mitchell Jayne M. Dutenhoeffer Jeff & Linda Erickson Farmers & Merchants Gillette Pepsi Companies, Inc. Cy & Teresa Haatvedt Jim & Nini Hart Marilyn Hoyt Randy & Adele Jacobson Patricia A. Manolis Trust Mitchell Area Chamber of Commerce Earl Nordby 2000 CRT Gary & Joan Olson Laura Ann Osman Floyd & Janice Peterson Larry & Beth Picek Kathryn Christen Mitchell Ramstad John & Tona Rozum John & Sherrie Single South Dakota Community Foundation Terry & Cindy Torgerson Ronald Vecchie Gopal M. Vyas Daniel & Karen Wehde Dick & Suzanne Werner Mr. & Mrs. R.A. Wilkens Wis-Pak Central, Inc.

Ronald Noren Memorial Fund Goodshop Buddy & Jamie Seiner South Dakota Community Foundation

Northwestern Community Foundation Kenneth Lillemoe

2016 Donor List 18


Dean & Hazel (Coats) O’Bryan Charitable Foundation Doug O’Bryan Karen O’Bryan Kurt & Linda O’Bryan

OEF/OIF Operation New Dawn Fallen Heroes of South Dakota Fund South Dakota Federation of Republican Women Greg Wagner memorial

Outlaw Ranch Endowment Fund DeMaris Nesheim P

Dr. Lynn Merton Paege Charitable Fund

Dr. Lynn M. Paege Charitable Lead Trust

Parker Area Community Foundation Carnel & Judith Hagen James & Lori Jones

Parkston Area Foundation

Michael & Diane Braley Eugene & Shirley Iverson Robert & Eileen Prien Greg & Linda Weber

SDARL Graduate Fund

Prairie Winds 4-H Foundation

SDTA Memorial Scholarship Fund

John & Penny Porter

Hughes/Stanley County Achievements Days

Professional Soil Scientists Association of South Dakota Fund

Deuel School District No. 19-4 Gettysburg School District Hitchcock-Tulare School District Lance & Shirley Howe Professional Soil Scientist Association of South Dakota R

Rapid City Arts Council Endowment Fund

Rapid City Arts Council


Kasey & Karla Abbott Michael Christensen RASDAK Sunset Shuttle, Inc.

Ravinia School Memorial Alumni Fund Dr. Janice Ebersdorfer Dale E. Hall

Jerald W. Peterson Memorial Scholarship Fund

David C. Reetz Scholarship Fund

Philip Area Community Foundation

Donald C. Reetz Scholarship Fund

C. James & Alice Jean Peterson

Jack & Marty Hansen Jan Hewitt Agengy Marion & Darlene Matt Donna Newman Anita Peterson Grossenburg Implement & Employees Philip Area Fund Grossenburg Implement, Inc. Duane & J’Nai Hauk

Pierre/Ft. Pierre Area Community Foundation

Tony & Sharon Wegner

Pollock Community Foundation

Virgil & Darlene Binfet Joel & Marcy Brust Al & Nancy Getten Darlene Hanson R.W. & Micki Klein Delores Kluckman Dennis & Cindy Moser Kenneth & Arlene Odde James & Sharon Puppe David & Bonnie Thompson Nate & Jeannie Tracy Ted & Mary Lou Wiest

Glenn & Elaine Pommer Scholarship Fund Deborah Greenwell Sharon Peterson Dale & Mary Pommer


John T. & Penny L. Porter Family Fund

Donors | 2016 Donor List

Helen A. Reetz

Helen A. Reetz

Godfrey Roberts Hockey Support Fund

Carsten Mueller Oahe Hockey Association

Charles & Lois Ann Rose Foundation

Charles & Lois Ann Rose

Charles & Edith Rose Memorial Scholarship Fund Charles & Lois Ann Rose

Rural American Initiatives General Operating Fund Rural America Initiatives S

Salem Area Foundation

Vincent & Kathrine Serritella

Sanborn Central Foundation

Boyd & Dody Hopkins Sanborn Central Scholarship Foundation

Dr. Michael & Cynthia Schlosser Scholarship Fund Cynthia Schlosser

Glenn & Alta Schnell Memorial Scholarship Fund Charles & Lois Ann Rose

Casey-Lu Schultz Scholarship Fund Donald & F. Luella Schultz

SDARL Alumni Association

Richard & Nancy Coit Interstate Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc. Venture Communications Cooperative

SESDAC Foundation

SESDAC Foundation, Inc.

Shakespeare Garden Society Endowment Fund Beverly Sorensen

Paul & Ann Sigelman Fund Ann Sigelman

Donald Clyde Simmons Family Foundation Donald C. Simmons, II Donald C. Simmons, Jr.

Sioux YMCA Foundation Fund Sioux YMCA Designated Fund Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Graham Carol Mann

Sisseton Area Foundation

John A. “Jack” & Marcella C. Adams Fund Roderick Anderson Michael & Amy Brooks Robert & Colette Hull Dennis & Mary Jensen Larry & Tamzon O’Connor Joan Rice Roberta Rice Joe & Evelyn Schuch Thrivent Financial Rita Vellenga memorial Valley View Country Clubhouse Fund Anonymous Dale & Joan Carlson Dacotah Bank-Aberdeen Patrick Dady Larry & Nancy Deutsch Ken & Bonnie Erdahl John & Angela Fitzgerald Horton’s Processing Robert & Colette Hull Terry & Sandi Jaspers Frank & Cheryl Karst George & Joan Kjellsen Roger & Estelle Pearson Roberts County National Bank Keith & Anita Sharf Harold & Mary Torness Family Fund Merv Zabel

Six Points, Inc. - Cheyenne River Youth Project Fund John & Camille Baldwin Six Points, Inc.

Smart Software Solutions, Inc. Scholarship Fund

Smart Software Solutions

South Dakota Ag & Rural Leadership Legacy Fund

Craig & Peggy Bieber Jerry & Lori Cope Raymon & Pamela Epp Nathan & Michelle Franzen Dale & Connie Groop Terry & Jennifer Henrie Eric & Roxanne Knock Myron & Mary Williams

Gene Renschler Audry Ricketts Catherine Schmidt Kate Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Warren Sealey Irene Sears Sidney L. Smith Post 24 Rodney & Joyce Smith South Dakota American Legion Band

South Dakota Farm Bureau Scholarship Fund

South Dakota Head Start Association Fund

South Dakota Fund

South Dakota Heritage Endowment Fund

FBL Financial Group, Inc. Michael & Beryl Held Scott & Michelle VanderWal The Delta Air Lines Foundation Kris & Steve Egger Charitable Fund

South Dakota Head Start Association

Karim Family Cultural Heritage Center Museum Fund Mansour Karim

South Dakota Agricultural Foundation Fund

BankWest Foundation Dacotah Bank-Aberdeen Glen & Janet Davis William & Janell Even Farm Credit Services of America Nathan & Michelle Franzen Lucas & Laura Lentsch Christopher Maxwell & Molly Weisgram

South Dakota Library Association Leon Raney Endowment Fund

South Dakota American Legion Foundation

Donald Ackerman American Legion Department of SD State Headquarters Remodel American Legion Hudson Post 128 American Legion Post 88 Gunner & Gloria Baatrup Darrel Barry Bergstrom Bodeen Post 128 Byron & Kaelyn Callies Clyde & Nita Colson Custer Post 46 Department of South Dakota American Legion Bill & JoAnn Dolan Charles R. Doman Post 131 Annette Dunham Paul & Kathy Evenson Jerald & Mary Fox G. Dale “Hoot” Gibson Lonnie & Judy Greenfield John, Jr. & Gladys Guthmiller Dave Gutzmer Terry Hanson G. & Charlene Henle Roy S. Hickman Post 78 Dale Holm Hugh & Linda Holmes Homestake Post 31 JCPenney-Change for the Better Campaign Johnson Peterson Post 179 Kingsburg County American Legion Phillip Konechne Michael Kraft Krogman Family Fund of the Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Gary & Cheryl Lyngen Derald Mack Randall & Theresa Maeschen Stephen & Lavilla Martens Kevin & Glenda Meyer William Neale & Daive Neale Hans Nelson Peden & Cole Post 109 John J. Peters Post 159

Dolores Larson Dorthy Liegl Bonnie Lievan Steven Lust Automotive Judith Meierhenry Kent & Zindie Meyers Matthew & Donna Moen Ted & Karen Muenster Donald & Lorraine Nemer Gary & Connie Palmer Kenneth & Lavonne Pickering A. Rocklin & Judith Quam Kyle Schaefer Daniel & Rebecca Schenk Jan Schock Don & Vonnie Shields Orville & Charlotte Smidt L.L. Spicer Mike & Lesta Turchen Kyle Underwood Clyde Williams

South Dakota Library Association

South Dakota Livestock Industry 4-H Trust Fund

South Dakota 4-H Foundation

South Dakota National Guard Minuteman Fund When Ralph passed away in 2016, he made provisions in his estate to expand his fund, the Ralph & Frances Mitchell Fund. This fund supports students and hospice organizations or providers in the Platte, Chamberlain and Kimball areas. Pictured are Ralph Mitchell, center, Trudy Morgan, SDCF board member, left and SDCF president, Stephanie Judson, right.

Francis Van Sambeek Betty Vaughn Gary Warne

South Dakota Auto Dealers Association Fund

Bob Beadle Leasing Central States Health & Life Company of Omaha Liberty Chrysler Center, LLC Prostrollo Motor Company SDADA Services, Inc.

South Dakota Bar Foundation

South Dakota Bar Foundation Rural Lawyer Recruitment Fund South Dakota Bar Foundation

South Dakota Beadle Club Foundation

Dean & Shirlyn Christensen Barry Furze South Dakota Beadle Club

South Dakota Coaches Foundation

South Dakota Coaches Foundation

South Dakota Engineering Society Fund

Stephen Bareis Dennis & Tami Clark Thomas Gilsrud James & Jeanne Goodman

Field of Dreams Fund First Fidelity Bank-Colome James & Julia Higgins JustGive Killian Community College Fund Claudia B. Merthan Tom & Michele Olsen Robert & Rebecca ChristenPohlad Charles & Bonny Schroyer Charlie M. Thompson

South Dakota Habitat Conservation Fund

Gary Jensen Tim Kessler Monsanto Fund South Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society South Dakota Conservation Pass Through Fund State of South Dakota

South Dakota Hall of Fame Charitable Perpetual Fund

Beresford Bancorporation, Inc. Capitol Bancorporation, Inc. Dana Dykhouse Dan & Arlene Kirby Family Restricted Fund Aelred & Irene Kurtenbach MLAEA Charitable Fund T. Denny Sanford Jeffry Scherschlight

South Dakota High School Activities Association Fund South Dakota High School Activities Association

South Dakota Highway Patrol Fund Presbyterian Women South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance James & Adelyne Stearns

South Dakota Humanities Council Endowment Fund

South Dakota Humanities Council South Dakota Humanities Council Designated Fund David & Marilyn Aronson Frank & Sheryl Barnett Dorothy Bauske Steve & Loreen Bunkers Loren & Becky Converse Thomas & Sherry DeBoer Holly Downing John Erickson & Emily Haddad David & Deborah Gilbertson Grant & Anne Gormley Michael & Jean Haug Mary Hayenga John & Larae Husmann Alvin & Mary Kangas Karen Kildahl Nancy Koupal Larson Foundation

Trent & Nicole Bruce Kevin & Daneen Curley Kathryn Daane Kevin Griese Tracy Heiser Matthew & Dawn Jamison Adam & Brittni Punt Timothy & Anne Reisch Steve & Heidi Siemonsma South Dakota National Guard Museum

South Dakota Newspaper Foundation Fund

Bridge City Publisihing, Inc. R. Kim & Lucy Halverson Mark & Ronda Roby

South Dakota Nurses Foundation

Gary & Mary Brendtro Carrie Clausen Hansen Mike & Julia Dangel Dr. Kay Foland Todd & Linda Fulmer Haveen Gluf Randy & Adele Jacobson Kathy Jorgensen Timothy & Beverly Jorgenson Ardelle Kleinsasser Janet Lord Judith Niklason Mary V. Piper Christina Plemmons South Dakota Nurses Association South Dakota Nurses Foundation Erica Trebesch

2016 Donor List 20

South Dakota Nurses Association Undergraduate Nursing Scholarship Fund Doris Heine Ellann K. Petersen Marianne M. Stenvig Memorial Scholarship Fund Cynthia Elverson Donald & Linda Erlenbusch

Jason Harms Steve Hoffman Ricky Hoogendoorn Finn & Stephanie Jensen Justin & Carrie Larson Jack & Kathryn Ramsdell SDTA Services, Inc. Lowell & Karen Somsen

Ida Snorteland Seifert Family Trust Spearfish Food Pantry Designated Fund Edward H. & Muriel C. Seifert Charitable Remainder Trust Seifert Family Trust Spearfish Salvation Army Designated Fund Edward H. & Muriel C. Seifert Charitable Remainder Trust Seifert Family Trust Spearfish Senior Center Designated Fund Edward H. & Muriel C. Seifert Charitable Remainder Trust

Justin & Ardis Speer Scholarship Fund Justin Speer Estate

St. Michael’s Cemetery Perpetual Fund-Herreid, SD Clement & Angeline Brandner Florence Brandner Kathleen Flyger State of South Dakota

Stanley County Wrestling Facility Fund Dakota Praire Bank Jerry Johnson T

Trail of Governors Endowment Fund

Gladys and the late Francis Kramer, donated appreciated assets to the Tripp County Community Foundation. A gift that will benefit Tripp County for generations to come.

Marlin & Joyce Fjelland Linda Herrick Mary Ingram John Jacoway & Linda Kropenske Gary & Audrey Stevens Kathryn Vigen Rita H. Walsh Scholarship Fund Dennis & Sherry Smith John Walsh

South Dakota Occupational Therapy Association Fund Mary Kueber Anthony & Shari Weber

South Dakota Symphony Orchestra Fund South Dakota Symphony Orchestra Designated Fund Farmers & Merchants

South Dakota Trucking Association Fund

Mark & Sandra Anderson Jeff Davis Jerald & Ruthie Frasier


Donors | 2016 Donor List

South Dakota Trucking Association Kurt & Colleen Swanson Vern Eide Motorcars Cliff Viessman, Inc.

South Dakota Wheat, Inc. Fund

South Dakota Wheat, Inc.

Spearfish Community Foundation

Anonymous Jeremy & Melissa Barnett Black Hills Pioneer Edward & Gloria Clark Ron & Sher Edstrom Kari Engen Edward Furois Carol Lee Hilgemann Lela Knudson Scott & Letti Lister Robert & Linda Meyer Jon & Mary Pochop Fred & Priscilla Romkema John & Cathy Segrist

William Adam Robert Amundson Mary Boyce Thomas Boyce Amy Brecht Vernon & Gloria Bump Capitol Bancorporation, Inc. Joe & Kathryn Carmody Keith & Donna Crandell Tom & Leisa Davis Delta Dental of South Dakota Jeff & Hattie Edman Stephen & Kristin Egger Dennis & Shirley Eisnach Matt & Amy Eldridge Elaine Emery Family & Friends of Patricia Adam Karl & Eileen Fischer Leroy & Charlene Foster Dave Geisler David & Deborah Gilbertson Rodney & Janice Haag Philip & Karen Johnson Matt & Stephanie Judson Betty Larson Buron & Karen Lindbloom Larry & Debera Lucas Wendel & Germaine Mead Lavon Meyers Mike & Kathi Mueller David & Patricia Panzer John & Constance Pohlman Donald & Melissa Puepke Ronald & Priscilla Schmidt Charles & Bonny Schroyer

John & Lori Simpson South Dakota Dept. of Health-Offices of Vital Records & Health Statistics Jim & Yolonda Soyer Daniel & Sandra Turgeon Uncle Matt Charles & Patricia Van Gerpen Tonnis & Sara Venhuizen Bryan Walz & Kathy Christenson Fred & Julie Waxler Helen Wegner Harvey & Anne Wollman Jim & Nora Wosepka D. Mark & Glennis Zarecky Steven & Sandra Zinter Joe & Kristen Zueger

Trail of Governors Foundation Fund

Acorn Trust Company Wendell & Betty Ames Anne Anderson James & Darline Anton Arden & Darlene Barlow John & Julie Bendler Roland Benson Vernell Benson Ronald & Wilma Bjerke David Bockorny James & Ruth Bolin Randy & Michele Brich Susan Burgard Leonard Collins Keith & Donna Crandell Delta Dental of South Dakota Calvin & Sheila Dennison Jason & Meghan Dilges Douglas & Kelly Dix David & Jackie Driscoll Donald Dunham, III Roger & Jean Easland James & Kathleen Ellenbecker Fischer, Rounds & Associates, Inc. Gary & Sherry Fisher Foster Rentals, Inc. Leroy & Charlene Foster Kevin & Linda Fridley Janet Furimsky & Bruce Emerson Dave Geisler Warren E. Green & family Jeff, Denise, Zachary & Michael Green Linda Green Margie Green Virgil & Lavonne Green Dennis & Elizabeth Gripenstraw Gary & Connie Grittner Otto & Linda Hagedorn Curtis Halverson Margaret B. Haugan Living Trust Charles & Lona Haussman Cheryl (Green) Haussman K. John, III & Julie Heilman Mikel & Deborah Holland Larry & Brenda Jansen Terry & Sandi Jaspers

Barry & Kathryn Jensen Rick & Ana Jensen Scott & Julia Jones Mansour Karim Henry Kosters Ronald & Rose Larson Dale & Denise Luckhurst Paul & Dawn Marso John & Carol McGrath Bruce & Sherry McGuiness Charles & Linda Mehlbrech Frank & Fe Miller Betty J. Moore Mueller family Ryan & Kimberly Olson Ben & Nance Orsbon Mario & Margie Parodi Marva Parsons Perkins Family Charitable Fund Roger & Suzanne Pries Archie & Helen Rackerby Jan Rasmussen Patricia Rausch Kevin & Darleen Reiser Ian Rounds & Elaina Rounds Don & Rosemary Rounds Jamison & Cathy Rounds Marlys Sandoval Garry & Gloria Scott Billie Swan T.F. Riggs High School Class of 1973 Alan & Keiko Tarver Maxine Tunell Jon B. Urbach Michael Vehle Max & Linda Voller Jeffrey & Mary Anne Vonk Randolph Walling Russell & Sandra Whitley

Tripp Area Community Foundation

Delmar & Carol Guthmiller Reischl family

Trust for the Future Fund

Dorsey & Whitney Trust Company, LLC First Lawyers Trust Company South Dakota Trust Company Charitable Fund

Trustee & Staff Fund Irving Hinderaker Jack Yonkovich

Tyndall Community Foundation Thomas & Donna Alberts William & JoAnne Balvin Donna Bohlmann Richard & Debra Branaugh Dakota Prairie Studio Stephen Foley Frank’s Trading Post, Inc. Good Samaritan SocietyTyndall Norman & Martha Grimme JoAnn Jonas Royal F. Koch Agency, Inc. Royal & Coleta Koch Judith Mace Harlan & Julie Nielsen Daniel & Lisa Rothschadl Harvey & Delores Rothschadl P. Stephen & Mary Schnitker

James & Vicki Schuurmans Wayne Schuurmans Security State Bank Tyndall Richard Svanda Candyce Echelberger Torsney City of Tyndall “Round up Utilities” Program Tyndall Community Foundation Jennifer Wagner Justin & Jayna Wagner Ronald & Janet Wagner Zieser & Rothschadl Marlene Zieser Diana & Grant McCann Math Education Scholarship Fund Greg McCann U

USS South Dakota (SSN 790) Commissioning Committee Fund

Fair Tax, Inc. Brian Hagg Ted & Karen Muenster J.B. & M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation Joel & Susan Rosenthal Charitable Gift Account at Schwab Charitable Stephanie Herseth - Sandlin United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. - Polaris Base V

Verendrye Museum, Inc.

Verendrye Museum, Inc. Verendrye Museum, Inc. Designated Fund Paul & Muffy Christen Legacy Fund

Vermillion Area Community Foundation

John Banasiak & Carol Strandell Bank of the West Terrence & Lindia Brady Robert Brown & Anna Christensen Jeff & Brenda Chatham Orla Christensen & Joan England Clark & Deborah Christensen Alan Clem E. Howard & Marjory Coker Cleland & Pat Cook Donald & Jeanne Dahlin David & Lynne (Daugherty) Day Dr. William & Cyndi Dendinger Joe & Mary Edelen Jeffrey & Kristine Esbenshade Patricia Flanigan Douglas & Barbara Goodman John & Patricia Gors Kurt & Susan Hackemer Richard Hammond & Sarah Chadima Todd & Kelly Heine Gerald & Mary Lea Hennies Gloria Hensley Janet Hoff Joe & Jeanette Hubert

Gene & Marjorie Iverson Allen & Maxine Johnson Dennis & Beth Johnson Delores Jorgensen Keith & Candace Lomica Joy Fern Kaufman Knutson Family Dentistry, LLP Shari Kolbeck Alvin & Kyong Leber Michelle Maloney Lonnie & Sandra Mockler James Moran Janet Neitzke Jo Nesmith Phyllis Packard James & Bergen Peterson John Powell Paul & Jessica Preister Walter & Dorothy Reed Charles & Rosie Roegiers Richard & Lynn Rognstad Sharon Ross Arthur & Lana Rusch Larry & Loretta Severson Keith & Debra Thomas Craig K. Thompson Attorney at Law Timothy & Kathleen Tracy City of Vermillion “Round up Utilities” Program Robert Wharton Patrick & Theresa Wingen Charles & Barbara Yelverton Mark & Karyl Yockey David W. Day Family Endowment Fund David & Lynne (Daugherty) Day Roger L. Kozak Education Fund Patricia Kozak Roger L. & Patricia A. Kozak Endowment Fund Patricia Kozak

Viborg Community Foundation Creamery Bar & Grill Troy & Amy (Sorlien) Lee Jay W. & Melanie Parsons Gladys Paulsen Christopher Peterson Kevin Smith Gary B. Ward W

Wagner Area Foundation

Patrick & Becky Breen Mike & Rebecca Brunsing G.F. Buche Company Dan & Kelli Cimpl Commercial State BankWagner Duane & Patricia Deurmier Jeff & Julie Doom Sandy Fechner Michael & Kara Frei Robert & Patricia Frei David & Marcia Honomichl Kaberna Insurance, Inc. David & Ericka Kotab Arlo Miller Wayne & Candyce Scherr Roger & Beth Schroeder

Thomas & Linda Soukup Tom & Vicki Studelska Richard & Cheryl Thaler Mary Louise Wipf Al Pirner Memorial Scholarship Fund Jean Pirner

Webster Alumni Foundation Fund

Lyle Berg Esther Sandve Webster Alumni Foundation

Webster Class of 1989 Fund John Shoemaker

Wilmer & Esther Werner Family Scholarship Fund

Dick & Suzanne Werner and Harlan & Marlene Silbaugh Dick & Suzanne Werner

Wessington Springs Area Community Foundation

Gail & Susan Arnott Mary Jane Belz Casey & Valinda Bridgman Jeff & Kimberly Burg Thomas & Kathryn Dean Hatch Farms, Inc. Jason, Kristi, Robbie & JR Hine Myron Hinrichs Verle & Lila Hoffman Jerauld County Lee & Jackie Johnson Jeff & Laura Kieser Kirk & Lynda Luymes Levi Olinger Tom & Michele Olsen Larry & Ann Olson Dale & Melissa Schimke Linda Shultz family Beverly Sorensen South Dakota Community Foundation Jacob Kolousek Scholarship Fund Scott & Amber Kolousek

Dick & Evelyn Whirlwind Horse Endowed Scholarship Fund John & Maureen Fischer

June Wilkinson Scholarship Fund Kay Crawford

Marvin Wilkinson Scholarship Fund Kay Crawford Y

Yankton Area Foundation

Jesse Kampshoff & Frani Kieffer

YBA Educational Endowment Fund Showplace Wood Products, Inc. Z

John Zilverberg Family Foundation John Zilverberg Scholarship Fund John Zilverberg Family Foundation 2016 Donor List 22

2016 Grants




Nonprofits are important to individuals and families in South Dakota. This is why the SDCF offers a variety of grants to support the work of nonprofits across the state. Each grant program has a different focus and application procedure.

In 2016, the South Dakota Community Foundation awarded 70 grants, totalling nearly $586,000 from the

Nonprofits can visit SDCommunityFoundation.org/Grants to view guidelines and application instructions for each grant program.

across the state. The SDCF received 97 applications with requests totaling over $1.3 million during 2016.


South Dakota Fund Grants The South Dakota Fund is an unrestricted fund that makes grants in support of culture, economic development, education, health and human services. The SDCF Board of Directors awards grants throughout the year to nonprofits that meet vital and diverse needs across the state.

South Dakota Fund Grant Distributions GRANTS AWARDED 1987 - 2016 Since 1987, the South Dakota Fund has awarded 1,110 grants including challenge grants to Community Savings Accounts for a total of $12.7 million.


Number of Grants: 70


The Nonprofit Savings Account program enables nonprofit organizations to mobilize their donor base to build a sustainable revenue stream. The program hopes to spark the growth of endowed funds that can help support nonprofits now and well into the future. The SDCF Board of Directors selects recipients once each year.


Number of Grants: 5

Grants | Grant Program Introduction




Marshall Brown* Day

Grant Faulk Spink*








Meade* Lawrence*

SDCF Board of Directors, present Avera St. Mary’s Community Crisis Team with a Community Innovation Grant to use a collaborative approach to keep persons affected in mental crisis as close to home as possible.










Jerauld Sanborn

Lyman Aurora










McCook Minnehaha*

Mellette* Fall River

The Cheyenne River Youth Project in Eagle Butte is a youth and family services organization integral to the Cheyenne River Reservation’s support system. The organization serves the community by offering youth programs and family services that foster healthy choices and life practices. A Nonprofit Savings Account grant will assist with their ongoing needs through a designated fund.

Ogalala Lakota*








$0 - $24,999

$50,000 - $99,999

$300,000 - $999,999

$25,000 - $49,999

$100,000 - $299,999

$1 Million +






Bon Yankton Homme



* 2016 Grant Recipient Counties

Areas of Focus

Foundation Grants encompass all grants and scholarships distributed by individual funds administered by the SDCF. Fund holders, scholarship committees and local Community Savings Account boards recommend grant recipients to the SDCF, which then distributes checks to nonprofits.

Number of Grants: 1,597




Foundation Grants




The SDCF has partnered with the Bush Foundation to offer Community Innovation Grants. These grants support communities using problem-solving processes that lead to more effective, equitable and sustainable solutions. The SDCF’s Board of Directors selects recipients in three rounds each year.

Nonprofit Savings Account Grants




Community Innovation Grants

Number of Grants: 43


HorsePower provides equestrian programs to people in the Sioux Empire with disabilities. A South Dakota Fund grant assisted with their lessons and programs scholarship fund.




South Dakota Fund. The grants ranged in size from $1,000 to $20,000 and were distrubuted to nonprofits

The South Dakota Community Foundation’s grantmaking committee members review applications and award grants to nonprofits in five areas of focus:

The Spearfish Community Foundation provides financial support to several nonprofits in the Spearfish community.


Economic Development



Human Services 2016 South Dakota Fund Grants Text 24

2016 South Dakota Fund Grants Aberdeen BMX

Aberdeen - $15,000 Expand & Improve Facilities

Accelerate Center for Intensive Early Intervention

Sioux Falls - $5,000 Family Tuition Assistance

Beadle & Spink Enterprise Community Doland - $5,000 Strategic Positioning & Planning

Black Hills Community Loan Fund, Inc. Black Hills Region - $9,544 Financial Literacy Education

Black Hills RSVP+

Western SD - $3,000 Recruiting, Training & Placing Younger Volunteers

Black Hills Works Foundation

Rapid City - $10,000 Production Equipment Upgrades

Books 4 Kids Program Eastern SD - $4,500 Book Distribution

Boys & Girls Club of Aberdeen Area Aberdeen - $10,000 Community Facility Upgrades

Boys & Girls Club of the Black Hills Hill City - $5,350 Outdoor Education

Butterfly House & Marine Cove

Sioux Falls - $8,340 “Ocean in Motion” Outreach Program

Canton Senior Center

Canton - $2,000 Senior Exercise Program

Capital Area Counseling Service Pierre - $20,000 Resource Library Materials


Grants | 2016 South Dakota Fund Grants

Career Learning Center of the Black Hills Black Hills Region - $5,000 Workforce Development Preparation Program

Catholic Social Services

Rapid City - $5,000 Adult Education

Chamber Music Festival of the Black Hills Black Hills Region & Pine Ridge Indian Reservation - $5,000 Music Education Programs

City of Herreid

Herreid - $20,000 Workforce Housing

Club for Boys

Rapid City - $7,000 Physical Health Project

Community Savings Account Statewide - $50,000 Matching Grants

Community & Youth Involved, Inc. Fort Pierre - $10,000 Facility Upgrades

Consumer Credit Counseling Service of the Black Hills

Native American Reservations, Western SD - $4,000 Financial Literacy & Home Buying Programs

Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation Crazy Horse - $10,000 Upper-Level Summer Internship Program

Early Childhood Connections

Rapid City - $7,000 Preschool Scholarship Program

Elkton Community Museum and Historical Society Elkton - $3,000 Digitizing Newspapers

Elm Lake Action Committee

Frederick - $5,000 Storage and Shelter

Ethan Historical Society Ethan - $10,000 Community/Fitness Center Upgrades

Eureka Community Benevolent Hospital Association

Eureka - $20,000 Eureka Hospital Upgrades

Helpline Center

Sioux Falls - $5,000 Non-Profit Capacity Building Workshop


Sioux Falls - $5,000 Scholarship Program

Izaak Walton League of America – Sunshine Chapter Pierre - $5,000 Trap Range Upgrades

Kennedy Parent Organization

Pierre - $2,000 Healthier Generation Program

Lakota Funds

Kyle - $3,750 Economics Education

Literacy Council of the Black Hills Rapid City - $4,750 Tutor Training

Mitchell Area Safehouse-Family Visitation Center

Mitchell - $3,750 Safehouse Upgrades

Multi-Cultural Center of Sioux Falls Sioux Falls - $8,710 Building Better Relationships

Municipality of Ethan Ethan - $3,000 Veterans Memorial

NeighborWorks® Dakota Home Resources Deadwood - $5,000 Housing Program Expansion

New Directions Down Syndrome Association Sioux Falls - $2,000 The Buddy Walk

Northeast South Dakota Economic Corporation Northeast SD - $10,000 Revolving Loan Fund Loss Reserve Program

Northern Hills Training Center Spearfish - $3,000 Employment Training

Otterman Post #94 American Legion

White River - $5,000 Frontier Arena Upgrades

Passages Women’s Transitional Living Rapid City - $10,000 Residential Re-entry Support Program

Philip Health Services Philip - $20,000 Challenge Grant

Pierre Post 8 Baseball Pierre - $20,000 Stadium Upgrades

Ranger Field Renovation Committee Hill City - $15,000 Field Upgrades

REALTORS® for Kids, Inc. Spearfish - $3,000 Medical Financial Assistance

Running Strong for American Indian Youth Pine Ridge Indian Reservation - $10,000 Organic Gardening Program

Apply We invite your nonprofit to apply for a South Dakota Fund Grant. Letters of inquiry are accepted anytime at SDCommunityFoundation.org/ SDFund. If invited to submit a full proposal, applicants will complete an application online. For more information, visit our website or call 800.888.1842.

Rural America Initiatives

Rapid City - $10,000 Building Design

Sanford Health Network Chamberlain - $5,000 Mental Health Care Program

South Dakota FFA Foundation, Inc.

Huron - $10,000 SD FFA Ag Learning Center Upgrades

SDSU Extension

Brookings - $10,000 “Flipped Learning” Video Development

Sheltered Reality Wagner – $2,000 Music Education

Sioux Falls Jazz & Blues Society Sioux Falls - $5,000 Jazz Fest 25 Guitar Art Project Expansion

South Dakota Agricultural & Rural Leadership

Statewide - $10,000 Leadership Development Training

South Dakota Agricultural Foundation Statewide - $10,000 Establishing Endowment Fund

South Dakota Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities Statewide - $5,000 Network Development

South Dakota Historical Society Foundation Pierre - $5,000 Exhibit Upgrades

South Dakota Humanities Council Statewide - $15,000 Young Readers Initiative Expansion

South Dakota Lions Eye and Tissue Bank Statewide - $6,000 Modular Clean Room Upgrades

South Dakota Lions Foundation Statewide - $10,000 Vision Screening for Pre-Schoolers

South Dakota Masonic Foundation

Statewide - $3,000 South Dakota Child Identification Kit Program

South Dakota Network Against Family Violence Statewide - $10,000 Emergency Services

South Dakota Project Learning Tree

Accelerate Center for Intensive Early Intervention received a South Dakota Fund grant to offer tuition assistance to families of children ages two to six with autism or other developmental disabilities.

Lead - $2,000 Environmental Literacy Program

South Dakota Symphony Orchestra Sioux Falls - $3,000 Marketing & Fundraising Strategies

South Dakota Urban Indian Health, Inc.

Sioux Falls - $11,000 Health Screening Program

Special Olympics South Dakota

Figure skaters, the Oahe Hockey Association, children attending summer recreation courses in the community, high school P.E. students, curling classes, as well as the general public have benefited from a grant to the Pierre Area Youth Skating Association Foundation.

Statewide - $10,000 Unified Champion Schools Program

Sturgis Community Preschool Sturgis - $1,000 Play Area Upgrades

Veterans of Foreign Wars Mitchell - $10,000 VFW Post Upgrades

Volunteers of America, Dakotas

A $15,000 South Dakota Fund grant will assist the Ranger Field Renovation Committee in raising $1.2 million to renovate the track and field facility in Hill City.

Sioux Falls - $10,000 Services for Homeless & At-Risk Veterans

Western South Dakota Senior Services Inc. Black Hills Region - $10,000 Commercial Delivery Vehicle

Young Life

Rapid City - $10,000 Technology Upgrades

The American Legion Otterman Post #94 grandstand committee in White River received a $5,000 grant to assist with upgrades to Frontier Arena. 2016 South Dakota Fund Grants 26


Community Innovation Grants

Homes for South Dakota Statewide – $10,000 Affordable Housing Program

BRINGING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS TO COMMUNITIES Today’s changing community needs and complex challenges require creative thinking and new approaches. That is why the Bush Foundation partnered with the SDCF to support nonprofits that are leading the way in community innovation in South Dakota. The grants help nonprofits address a need in a community by increasing collective understanding of the issue, generating ideas and implementing solutions. These steps, which may be repeated, eventually lead to a breakthrough in addressing a community need that is more effective, equitable or sustainable than existing approaches. In 2016, the SDCF awarded $419,000 in Community Innovation Grants to 43 nonprofit and charitable organizations to carry out inclusive, collaborative and sustainable solutions. The SDCF received 135 applications with requests totaling more than $1.2 million.

Hope in Life

Rapid City – $8,305 Suicide Prevention Program

Hot Springs School District

Hot Springs – $10,000 Racial Disparity Effort

Hoven Area Community Foundation

Hoven – $10,000 Community Focus Groups

Lakota Funds

Statewide – $10,000 Home Inspectors Preparation Course

Lakota Language Consortium

Statewide – $10,000 e-Learning Portal

Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota Custer Economic Development Corporation: $10,000

Centerville Development Corporation: $10,000

2016 Community Innovation Grants Alzheimer’s Association, South Dakota Chapter

Brookings County Youth Mentoring Program

Black Hills Farmers Market

Butte County Railroad Authority

Statewide – $10,000 Statewide Needs Assessment

Rapid City – $10,000 Platform for Local Foods/ Agriculture Industry

Black Hills Habitat for Humanity Pine Ridge Indian Reservation – $10,000 Housing Shortage

Brookings – $10,000 Jackrabbit Youth Mentoring Club

Belle Fourche – $10,000 Strategic Plan

Center for Creativity & Innovation Aberdeen – $10,000 Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Black Hills Playhouse

Centerville Development Corporation

Black Hills State University

Cheyenne River Youth Project

Rapid City – $10,000 Access to Arts Study

Spearfish – $10,000 “Bike Spearfish!”


Centerville – $10,000 Downtown Focus Groups

Eagle Butte – $9,825 Art Education Plan

Grants | 2016 Community Innovation Grants

Sioux Falls – $10,000 Tracking Program Outcomes

McCrossan Boys Ranch Chiesman Center for Democracy

Feeding South Dakota

Community Crisis Team

Foundation Center

Community Services Connections of the Black Hills

Front Porch Coalition

Custer Economic Development Corporation

Grow South Dakota

Statewide – $10,000 Community Summits

Pierre – $10,000 Mental and Behavioral Health Focus Groups

Rapid City – $1,000 Proactive Aging Project

Custer – $10,000 Economic Growth Community Conversations

Dakota State University Madison – $10,000 Proximity Beacon App

Native American Community Board

Lake Andes – $10,000 Public Service Announcements

Native Educational Endeavors, Inc.

Statewide – $9,947 Women in Leadership: Legacies & Opportunities Project

Parents Matter Coalition of Pierre/Fort Pierre Pierre – $10,000 Public Awareness Program

PAST Foundation

Statewide – $10,000 Hybrid Preservice for Student Teachers

SHEDCO – Southern Hills Economic Development Corporation

Hot Springs – $10,000 Rebrand, Relabel, Reinvent Process

Sioux Empire Character Counts Coalition, Inc. Sioux Falls – $10,000 Character Education Programs

Sioux Falls – $10,000 Mobile Texting Program

Yankton – $10,000 Yankton School Food Pantry Project

South Dakota Agricultural & Rural Leadership

Apply Does your nonprofit have

Statewide – $10,000 Leadership Development in Rural Communities

a creative solution to solve a

South Dakota Agricultural Foundation

part of the $400,000 available

Statewide – $10,000 Strategic Planning

South Dakota State University

Brookings – $9,961 Immigrant Workforce Program

community problem? We invite your organization to apply for through Community Innovation Grants in 2017. Visit SDCommunity Foundation.org/CIG to review grant guidelines and to fill out an applicaction.

St. Francis House

Sioux Falls – $10,000 Feasibility Study

Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation

Porcupine – $10,000 Food Sovereignty Initiative

University of South Dakota

Statewide – $10,000 Advance Care Planning Program

Wagner Area Horizons Team, Inc. Wagner – $10,000 Racial Equity Project

Youth & Family Services, Inc.

Rapid City – $10,000 Middle School Community Conversations

Volunteers of America Northern Rockies Rapid City – $10,000 Diaper Distribution Program

Statewide – $10,000 Foundation Directory Online Program Rapid City – $10,000 Suicide Prevention Education & Training Practices Statewide – $10,000 First Impression Tours Program

Health Connect of South Dakota Statewide – $10,000 “Growing Up Healthy” Program

South Dakota Agricultural & Rural Leadership Foundation: $10,000

University of South Dakota Department of Nursing: $10,000

2016 Community Innovation Grants 28

“Blessinger and Jorgenson are on to something truly amazing here. Developing these devices and employing the practices described in this grant will be a way to improve people’s lives in real and everyday ways”, says Dr. Benjamin Jones, Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, Dakota State University. “I am surprised no one else has thought of this before, but not at all surprised that these two remarkable people are getting it done.”

A $10,000 check from the Community Innovation Grant program is awarded to DSU representatives. Pictured are (left to right) Dr. Ben Jones, Academic Dean for College of Arts & Sciences; Andrew Jorgenson, student; Dr. Justin Blessinger, Professor for College of Arts & Sciences, Stephanie Judson, President of the SDCF and Dr. Jose’Marie Griffiths, President of DSU GRANT RECIPIENT SPOTLIGHT

DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY: GET READY TO GoTo M a k i n g B u i l d i n g s a n d S u r r o u n d i n g s M o r e A c c e s s i b l e f o r E v e r yo n e


Dr. Justin Blessinger, Professor for College of Arts & Sciences, Dakota State University (DSU) approached a building on campus with a friend who was blind. Neither of them were familiar with this particular building and were unsure where their meeting was being held. Dr. Blessinger consulted the “sliding letter” board (similar to a marquee) for names and office numbers of employees. The sign was not accessible as there was no Braille. He began to wonder if there was a better way to address the nontechnical, very human problem of locating relevant and critical information about our immediate surroundings.


Grants | Grant Recipient Spotlight

“Everyone of a certain age remembers when the ADA pointed out our responsibility and privilege to make public facilities physically accessible. It was not always easy. But once we accomplished that, we began to reap the incredible benefits of welcoming our fellow Americans with disabilities more fully into our workplaces, our schools, and our stores”, says Justin Blessinger, Professor for College of Arts & Sciences, DSU. “We had new colleagues, new students, new customers and new friends. And the great news is that we can do more, and this time it will cost a fraction of a fraction of the resources used to transform our buildings.”


Developers Dr. Justin Blessinger and Andrew Jorgenson, student assistant and coder, faced several challenges when attempting to implement the GoTo application. Users need to know when they might benefit from proximate information. They need to be able to “feel” that information is near, or to be alerted through any means they prefer. After weighing several options, it became apparent that a tiny Bluetooth device commonly called a “beacon” would serve the purpose. Initially developed for iPhone, the idea was quickly replicated on Android devices thanks to Google’s efforts to create an

The GoTo Dashboard features their App icon.

unrestricted protocol that would work for any mobile device. Project developers needed to make sure that the beacons could “talk” to a phone. Andrew was enthusiastic about the project and worked tirelessly on innovative code solutions and attention to security details. PROJECT HAS IMPLICATIONS FOR EVERYONE….

Once a solution was identified, it became evident that everyone could benefit from this application. As soon as a sighted person walks past a marquee, your chance to gather information about your surroundings has passed. Can’t find the restroom? Check your phone and the GoTo app. What if there is an emergency and you need a First Aid kit, a defibrillator, a fire extinguisher or an emergency exit? Check your phone and the GoTo app. The app picked up these signals as soon as you entered the building

equipped with beacons. “This technology provides access within buildings and I see that as a game changer”, says Dr. Marje Kaiser, Superintendent, SD School for the Blind and Visually Impaired/SD School for the Deaf. “Imagine a mall in which each store can identify itself auditorily. Imagine an office building that shares the location of each office. Imagine a conference with vendors able to connect with passers-by.”


The GoTo app is affordable and will probably be free. Developers estimate that they can install beacons throughout a multistory building for a few hundred dollars. While first developed for the handicapped, it has become apparent that anyone could use the information available through the GoTo application. Developers hope that this solution can be integrated in all publicly funded buildings.


In 2016, the SDCF selected DSU in Madison to receive a $10,000 Community Innovation Grant to design and implement an app to improve accessibility for persons with disabilities. The ultimate goal for this grant, would be its adoption at both the state and national level to improve accessibility for critical information. “We commend Dakota State University staff and students for identifying a need and formulating an innovative solution, “says Ginger Niemann, program officer at the South Dakota Community Foundation. “This project shows promise for replication and application far beyond what was first proposed.”

DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA? One of the South Dakota Community Foundation’s goals is to help communities that have identified a need reach a solution that is effective, equitable and sustainable. We invite your non-profit organization to apply for funds available in 2017. Visit http://www. SDCommunityFoundation.org/ CIG/ to review grant guidelines and to fill out an application. Learn more about SDCF grants on page 23.

Grant Recipient Spotlight Text 30



Nonprofit Savings Account Grants SUPPORT FOR NONPROFITS NOW AND INTO THE FUTURE The SDCF is committed to strengthening nonprofits in our state. We recognize the value of committed staff and volunteers and understand the importance of consistent funding to support their work. We look forward to partnering with interested nonprofits and their supporters to build endowment funds that will support their mission now and in the years to come. Nonprofits apply to the program, and if awarded, the organization receives a $20,000 challenge grant from the SDCF after successfully fundraising $80,000 in endowed funds from donors. The total of $100,000 is added to a designated fund at the SDCF and provides perpetual funding to further each organization’s mission. One of the benefits of this program is that it removes administrative burdens from nonprofits. The SDCF handles all donor contribution receipts, commingles contributions for investment purposes and completes all necessary tax filings and audits.

foundation Grants Foundation Grants are awarded at the recommendation of donors who have established funds at the South Dakota Community Foundation. These grants include distributions from each of the fund types that SDCF administers, including agency endowment, community savings accounts, designated, donor advised, field of interest and scholarship. In 2016, $12,903,000 was distributed to nonprofit organizations through 1,597 foundation grants.


Aberdeen Area Community Foundation

2016 Nonprofit Savings Account GRANT Recipients Cheyenne River Youth Project

Feeding South Dakota

Rapid City Arts Council

Aberdeen BMX Aberdeen Development Corporation Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota Rodney & Glenna Fouberg Family - Northern State University Fund Northern State University Foundation Rodney & Glenna Fouberg Family - Presentation College Fund Presentation College Hospital Patient Transportation Fund Shriners Hospitals for Children

John A. “Jack” & Marcella C. Adams Fund The Cheyenne River Youth Project serves their community by offering youth programs and family services that foster healthy choices and life practices on the Cheyenne River Reservation.

Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation

This statewide hunger relief organization fights daily to eliminate hunger in our state with help from donors.

The Rapid City Arts Council serves as champions for inclusive, innovative and inspired art opportunities, this council enriches the community it serves.

Gethsemane Episcopal Church Masonic Lodge #131 Sisseton Area Foundation South Dakota Parks & Wildlife Foundation St. Peter’s Catholic ChurchSisseton

AIA South Dakota Scholarship Fund Emily Ingemansen Spencer Sommers

Verendrye Museum

Alcester Community Foundation

City of Alcester Alcester-Hudson School District 61-1 Union County Health Foundation, Inc.

ALM Fund

Nonprofits can visit SDCommunityFoundation. org/NSA to find out how to The Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation is a Lakota managed, grassroots organization focused on creating sustainable change and ending poverty on the Pine Ridge Reservation. 31

Grants | 2016 Nonprofit Savings Account Grants

The Verendrye Museum is dedicated to preserving the rich history of the Fort Pierre area, this group will use their endowment fund to help create a funding stream to sustain operations and maintenance for both their downtown museum and the recently restored 1906 Fort Pierre train depot.

apply for a Nonprofit Savings Account grant in 2017.

South Dakota Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities

American Baptist Churches of the Dakotas Fund ABCD-Camp Judson

Loren J. Ammann Foundation Area IV Senior Citizens Planning Council, Inc. Heart of the Whetstone Valley Horizons Wilmot Care Center Wilmot Community Club Wilmot Community Foundation

Wilmot Fire Department Wilmot School District 54-7 Zion Community Church

Sidney E. & Edis J. Anderson Perpetuity of Beauty Fund Bluff View Cemetery First United Methodist Church Northern Illinois University Foundation Our Savior Lutheran Church

ARC South Dakota Fund Grant County ARC Oahe Chapter ARC

Armour Community Foundation

City of Armour Armour Community Exchange Armour Fire Department

John Around Him Scholarship Fund Oglala Lakota College

Associated General Contractors of South Dakota, Inc. Building Chapter Fund Mitchell Technical Institute Foundation

Aurora County Historical Acquisition & Preservation Fund Miller Family Homestead Fund Aurora County Historical Society

Ken Austin Memorial Education Fund

Hennepin Technical College

Avera Community Benefits Fund

Avera St. Mary’s Foundation B

David & Wally Baas Memorial Scholarship Fund Ellie Bleeker Zachary Buche Levi Knight Aaron Lemon Kendra Nydam Adam Rasmussen Katie Reynen Emily Reynen Matthew Scherrer

Paul and Muffy Christen established a designated fund to benefit Feeding South Dakota.

Emily Schrag Riley Shields Kelsey Thompson Wesley VanderPol Luke Williams Casey Zoss

Bruce & Darleen Bakken Scholarship Fund Cooper Millar

Reuben & Marlowe Bareis Family Fund

Black Hills Community Theatre Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation Nature Conservancy Rapid City Club for Boys, Inc. South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Foundation Storybook Island, Inc. University of Colorado Foundation Westhills Village Foundation Youth & Family Services Foundation

Virginia C. Barry Book of Golden Memories Fund

Webster United Methodist Church

Virginia C. Barry Family Fund Webster 20/20, Inc.

Bennett County High School Scholarship Fund Anderson Scholarship Fund Angie McDonnell Cozad Scholarship Fund Sage Alexander Knight I Scholarship FundBennett County Rachel Risse Knight II Scholarship FundBennett County Briana Kratovil

June Anderson Sommer & Robert Sommer Scholarship Fund Miranda O’Bryan Sullens I Scholarship FundBennett County Christopher Begeman Sullens II Scholarship Fund-Bennett County Tate Petrak

Beresford Community Foundation

Beresford Area Arts Council, Inc. City of Beresford Beresford Public Library Beresford School District 61-2 Beresford Senior Citizens Center Watchdog Education Foundation Beresford School District 61-2

Bethany Cemetery of Hosmer, SD Fund Bethany Cemetery Association

Charles Bingham Memorial Scholarship Fund Aavrie Kielty Jennifer Mueller Kali Trautman

Marlin Bjerke Memorial Scholarship Fund Ben Witte

Timothy & Carol Kay Bjorkman Foundation Berakhah House

Elliott & Eileen Bouchie Scholarship Fund Olivia Rausch

Boy Scout Troop #133 Fund Boy Scout Troop #133

Foundation Grants 32

Boys & Girls Club Corporation Fund

Boys & Girls Club Corporation, Inc.

Boys & Girls Club of Brookings Fund

Boys & Girls Club of Brookings

Boys & Girls Club of Moody County Fund

Boys & Girls Club of Moody County

Boys & Girls Club of Yankton Fund

Boys & Girls Club of Yankton

Audrey Brevik Memorial Scholarship Fund Hannah Karbo Kaleen Rolf

Britton Area Foundation

Blessed Minds Learning Center Britton Community Theatre Britton-Hecla School District 45-4 Claremont Summer Recreation Program Glacial Lakes Area Development Hannah Kilker Marshall County Prayer Rock Museum Northern Fort Playhouse Austin Schlagel Bertha Gronseth Pool Fund City of Britton

Britton-Hecla School Foundation Britton PTA Scholarship Fund Abby Flanery Britton Student Council Scholarship Fund Justin Ringkob Britton-Hecla High School Scholarship Fund Justin Ringkob Anna Bushby Scholarship Fund Cara Werner Philip & Gladys (Haverly) Doyle Scholarship Fund Abby Flanery Farrar Family Scholarship Fund Justin Ringkob Dena Kilker Scholarship Fund Jared Lentsch

Alfred & Julia Bucher Education Trust Fund Josey Aasby Trent Augspurger Cassie Beckett Drew Beilke Adam Bertsch Brady Brockel Laurel Diekhoff Chloe Edgar Lexy Gimbel Devon Gnat Kaitlyn Hague Emily Harr Karlie Harvey Jacob Heezen


Grants | 2016 Foundation Grants

Lucas Henry Kari Huber Stephanie Huber Jason Manning Danielle McCauley Nicholas Ortmeier Claudia Rombough Lucas Simpson Logan Single Kristi Steptoe Alyssa Stevens

Build Dakota Scholarship Program Fund

Lake Area Technical Institute Mitchell Technical Institute Southeast Technical Institute State of South Dakota Department of Education Western Dakota Technical Institute

Burke School District Scholarships Burke High School Class of 1963 Fund Jennifer Higgins KayDee Kirwan Olivia Reiser Josh Tuttle Jon Glover Memorial Scholarship Fund Zach Sebern Hampl Scholarship Fund Zach Sebern Mr. & Mrs. August Steffen Sr. Scholarship Fund Ashlyn McCarthy Tyson Serr

Bush Foundation Fund

Bush Foundation Community Innovation Grants

John P. Bushfield Scouting Fund

Sioux Council Boy Scouts of America C

Canistota Community Foundation

Canistota Development Corporation Zion Lutheran Church

John F. & Ruth D. Cannon Fund Behavior Management Systems, Inc. Black Hills Playhouse, Inc. Black Hills Workshop Foundation Children’s Home Society of South Dakota LaSalle Academy Storybook Island, Inc. Western South Dakota Catholic Foundation

Canton Public Schools K-12 Foundation

Canton School District 41-1

Glen T. & Anna May Carlis Family Fund Dakota State University

Castlewood Education Foundation Endowment Fund Gaylord Hoftiezer Memorial Scholarship Fund Sydney Moss

Marjorie Hoftiezer O’Brien Memorial Scholarship Fund Sydney Borer

Centerville Foundation

Centerville Development Corporation Centerville Rotary Club Bailey Johnson Junior Achievement of South Dakota Emily Snyder Richard & Edith Lindvall Scholarship Fund Heather Rist

Children’s Home Society Fund

Children’s Home Society of South Dakota Children’s Home SocietyChild Advocacy Center of the Black Hills Fund Children’s Home Society-Child Advocacy Center Children’s Home SocietyChild’s Voice Fund Children’s Home SocietyChild’s Voice Fund

Christen Dakota Wesleyan Scholarship Fund

Dakota Wesleyan University

Christen Feeding South Dakota Fund Feeding South Dakota

Christen Hohm Lusk Greater Huron Area Foundation

Believe Fest Huron Area Center for Independence Junior Achievement of South Dakota Munce’s Math Splash Central Ken & Lois Borecky FundFirst United Methodist of Huron Foundation First United Methodist of Huron Foundation Ken & Lois Borecky FundHuron Area Senior Center Huron Area Senior Center Ken & Lois Borecky FundNational Jewish Center for Immunology National Jewish Health Ken & Lois Borecky FundNyoda Girl Scouts-Huron Chapter Dakota Horizons Girl ScoutsHuron Chapter Ken & Lois Borecky FundSalvation Army Foundation Salvation Army Ken & Lois Borecky FundSioux Council BSA Camping Endowment Sioux Council BSA Camping Endowment Ken & Lois Borecky FundUnited Way of Huron United Way of Huron Paul & Carol Hohm Fund Central Prairie Red Cross Dakota Horizons Girl ScoutsHuron Chapter First Presbyterian Church Huron Area Boy Scouts Huron Hockey Association James Valley Christian School

Nordby Center for Recreation Pyle House Museum Salvation Army United Way of Huron Violet Tschetter Memorial Home Huron Little League Baseball Fund Huron Area Baseball Association

Christensen Family Fund Prospect Hill Cemetery Association Springs Area Bus, Inc.

Bernie & Sally Christenson Family Fund

Children’s Home Society of South Dakota Fairy Godmother’s Fund First Congregational United Church of Christ First United Methodist Church South Dakota Aviation Hall of Fame

Russ & Marilyn Christiansen Family Fund Josi Minor

Citibank (South Dakota) N.A. Fund

The Banquet Fairy Godmother’s Fund Feeding South Dakota Howard Wood Dakota Relays Minnehaha County Pheasants Forever Northern State University President’s Bowl SculptureWalk Sioux Falls, Inc. Sioux Empire Baseball Association Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation Sioux Falls Catholic School Foundation Sioux Falls Jazz & Blues Society Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary South Dakota 4-H Foundation South Dakota FFA Foundation, Inc. South Dakota Law Enforcement Charity South Dakota State University South Dakota State University Foundation Starbase of South Dakota, Inc.

Clark High School Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund Hannah Gruenwald

Dick & Jan Cone Pheasants for Kids Fund Red Wagner Memorial Fund Izaak Walton League of America - Sunshine Chapter

Major General Duane L. ‘Duke’ Corning Scholarship Fund Kailey Eskam Andrew Roth Hannah Whitlock

Corsica Area Foundation

Corsica All School Reunion Corsica Historical Society Dakota Trails Golf Course

First Fidelity Bank & Bonesteel Community Foundation

Hoekstra Beukelman Scholarship Fund Brittany Bamberg Rylan DeHaai Kylee Feenstra Lydia Hansum Emily Van Zee Shayla VanderPol

Bonesteel Fire Department Fairfax Community Development Corporation Fairfax Fire Department Listen & Learn Club Womens Club

First Fidelity Bank & Burke Community Foundation

CorTrust Bank ALM Community Foundation Artesian Volunteer Fire Department Forestburg Community Development Corporation Letcher Fire Department City of Mt. Vernon Sanborn County 4-H Shooting Sports

Coss Family Foundation

American Heart Association Coss Family Scholarship Fund Megan Fiala

Coteau Prairie Chapter Pheasants Forever Scholarship Fund Aavrie Kielty

Crazy Horse Centennial Fund Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation

Clay & Karen Cudmore Fund

Junior Achievement of South Dakota Phi Delta Theta Foundation University of South Dakota Foundation

Alden Cutler Scholarship Fund Nicolas Paulson

Richard “Rich” & Sharon Cutler Family Fund University of South Dakota Foundation D

Lloyd E. Dahley Fund Anne Carlsen Center for Children Fund Anne Carlsen Center for Children Children’s Care - Lloyd Dahley Fund LifeScape Jamestown College Fund Jamestown College Village Family Service Center Fund The Village Family Service Center

Lloyd E. Dahley Scholarship Fund Lloyd E. Dahley Scholarship Fund-Britton Austin Schlagel Lloyd E. Dahley Scholarship Fund-James Valley Christian School Haley Krogstad

Dakota Discovery Endowment Fund Friends of the Middle Border, Inc. Leland D. & Josephine A. Case Memorial Fund Friends of the Middle Border, Inc.

Burke Community Senior Center, Inc. City of Burke Community Memorial Hospital, Inc.

The Montrose Area Foundation provides funds for Correne’s Court.

Dakota Wesleyan University - Kelley Center for Entrepreneurship Fund

Dakota Wesleyan University

Daneville Heritage Association Fund

Daneville Heritage Association

Stephanie Miller Davis Memorial Fund

Beresford Area Foundation

Helen Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund Taren Jones

Day County Arts Council Fund Day County Arts Council

Day County Community Foundation

City of Roslyn WAVE Dennis L. Dolney Scholarship Fund Madison Koslowski Kayla Paszek Preston Premus Nolan Richie Taylor Sinner Aaron Weyh Harry & Denice Knapp Family Fund Webster Boy Scout Troop #33

Bob & Marlene Deal Memorial Scholarship Fund Colton Clemens Jade Mosher

Dr. Roscoe E. Dean, Jr. & Helen Hoy Dean Memorial Fund Shakespeare Garden Society

Deuel County Community Foundation

Clear Lake Historical Society & Museum Inc. Deuel Area Development, Inc. Deuel County DARE Program Deuel County SART Deuel School District No. 19-4 Gary Historical Association Goodwin Area Hall SACH Program

Sarah N. Dipity Fund

Custer County Library Heath Hunsather Ben Marchand Shawn Robertson

Roland Dolly Loyalty Scholarship Fund

Black Hills State University

Glenn & Kathryn Duncan Scholarship Fund Alex Caba

Clinton W. Dykstra Scholarship Fund Carter Klapperich

Darlene J. Dykstra Scholarship Fund Maddison Puwill E

William H. Edwards Scouting Fund

Sioux Council Boy Scouts of America

Jeffory A. & Linda G. Erickson Family Fund Northern State University Foundation

Estelline Alumni Association Scholarship Fund Sierra Lutz Jesse TeKrony Estelline Alumni Gail Harrenga Memorial Scholarship Fund Abigail Benning Elizabeth Bjorklund Maxxwill Hausman

Excellence in Economic Development Fund

Campbell County Economic Development F

Fairy Godmother’s Fund

Grants to Individuals (8)

Fellowship of Christian Athletes Fund Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Field of Dreams Fund

Pierre Post 8 Baseball South Dakota Fund

First Dakota National Bank Blunt Area Foundation

Blunt Rural Fire Department

First Fidelity Bank & Jones County Community Foundation Jones County Senior Center Jones County Turner Youth Foundation Rails to the Future

First Fidelity Bank & Platte Area Foundation

Bright Beginnings Learning Center Platte Senior Citizens Community Group, Inc. Ralph & Frances Mitchell Fund Hope Antonsen Catia Bok Brigitte Byrd Caylin Overweg Haley Pazour Claire Raders Lisa Smith Sami Jo Steinfeld Platte Health Center Fund Platte Health Center

First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Community Foundation

Community Youth Center, Inc. Molly Connot Thaver Water Legion Post 146 Tripp County 4-H Leaders Association Cohl Turnquist Winner American Legion Auxiliary Winner Girls Softball Association Antes Family Memorial Scholarship Fund Payton Eagle Grossenburg Family & Employees Fund Avenue of Flags Friends of Tripp County Library Immaculate Conception Church South Central Development Corporation Gordon Horgen Memorial Scholarship Fund Bailey Volmer Donald & Fern Jorgensen Scholarship Fund Sidney Durrin Matousek Family Fund Avera St. Mary’s Tripp County Historical Society Ray & Grace Neyens Family Scholarship Fund Grant Winter

2016 Foundation Grants 34

James & Lawrence Neyens Scholarship Fund Calah Covey Taylor Hrabanek Pauli Family Memorial Fund Friends of Tripp County Library Tripp County Historical Society Harold E. Smith Scholarship Fund Duncan English Tripp County Water User District - Lawrence Wagner Scholarship Fund Jacey Feyerisen Tripp County Water User District - Martin & Mary Jorgensen Scholarship Fund Reed Harter

First Interstate Fall River Area Fund

Black Hills Area Community Foundation Boys & Girls Club of the Black Hills Christmas in the Hills Fall River County Historical Society St. John’s Lutheran Church

First Interstate Greater Belle Fourche Fund

American Red Cross Belle Baseball Association Belle Fourche Area Community Center Belle Fourche Bronc Booster Club Belle Fourche Lions Club Belle Fourche Parents Who Care Belle Fourche Senior Citizens Center Black Hills Roundup Chutes for Charity Center of the Nation Concert Association Feeding South Dakota Girl Scouts-Dakota Horizons Newell Community Club Newell Museum Newell School District 9-2 Northern Hills Area CASA Program REALTORS® for Kids, Inc. St. James Episcopal Church Suncatcher Therapeutic Riding Academy West River Transit Authority Western Resources for Independent Living Belle Fourche Banner Settlement Fund AFAM South Dakota Cedar Lodge 124 Belle Fourche Area Community Center Butte County Ambulance Christian Life Center Good Shepherd Clinic, Inc. St. James Episcopal Church

First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund William Housman Austin Huether Tayah Huether Interior Roping Club Carlee Johnston


Grants | 2016 Foundation Grants

Carson Johnston Wall Golf Association

Gregory County Hope Society Gregory County Shelter Gregory Public Library Mayo Foundation South Central School District 26-5 St. Ann Catholic Church

First Interstate LeadDeadwood Area Fund

Boys & Girls Club of the Black Hills Historic Homestake Opera House Lawrence County Teen Court City of Lead Lead Deadwood Arts Center Northern Black Hills Society for Preservation of Performing Arts Northern Hills Alliance for Children Twin City Clothing Center

Bill & Mary Fisher Scholarship Fund-Edgemont Dustin Curl

Bill & Mary Fisher Scholarship Fund-Hot Springs Dale Ruhoff

Bill & Mary Fisher Scholarship Fund-Oelrichs Leonard Red Hair

Frank Fools Crow Scholarship Fund Oglala Lakota College

Freeman Community Foundation

First Circuit CASA Freeman Athletic Association, Inc. Freeman Volunteer Fire Department Cole Graber Growing Dreams Learning Center Madysen Pravecek

Ruth D. Frick Ames Fund Courtney Heezen Emily Powell Lauren Sagmoe Deisrae Vanzee

Friends of SD Public Broadcasting Fund

Friends of South Dakota Public Broadcasting

Frank F. Fukuda Fund

Matson Halversen Christiansen Hamilton Foundation

Virgil (Bill) Fulwider Family Fund Gregory Avera G

Adeline Gassen Fund

American Legion Auxiliary Gregory Ivy Ekroth Gregory Community Services, Inc. Gregory Public Library St. Joseph’s Catholic Church

Gettysburg Area Community Foundation

Gettysburg Ambulance Gettysburg American Legion Oahe Area Youth Center

Alfred A. Halsted Educational & Scholarship Fund Adrienne Kusek

Cyril Hastings Memorial Scholarship Fund Owen Stavick

Students across South Dakota receive funds from the more than 220 scholarship funds managed by the SDCF.

Girl Scouts of the Black Hills Council, Inc. Fund

Girl Scouts-Dakota Horizons

Goldcorp-Wharf Sustainable Prosperity Fund Black Hills State University Handley Recreation Center Historic Homestake Opera House Homestake Visitors Center Lead-Deadwood School District 40-1 South Dakota Center for Enterprise Opportunity

Granary Rural Cultural Center Fund Brown County

Greater Clark Area Foundation

Emily Binger Clark Chamber of Commerce Clark Development Corporation Clark School District Cyclone Athletic Booster Club Savannah Fisher Raegen Florey Jasmine Foster Braxton Hartley Haley Meier

Greater Lyman Foundation

Johnson Peterson American Legion Post 179 Kennebec Public Library Lyman County 4-H Club Lyman County Historical Society Presho Volunteer Fire Department Reliance Cemetery Association Reliance Volunteer Fire Department Thrift Store & More

Greater South Dakota Education & Research Foundation

Greater South Dakota Education & Research Foundation

Greater Sturgis Lifecare Foundation

Greater Sturgis Lifecare Foundation

Gregory County Child Protection Team Scholarship Fund Molly Graesser Allison Sebern

Gregory Masonic Lodge #158 Scholarship Fund Ivy Ekroth Jacey Feyereisen Megan Preslicka

William Mibra & Byrne Smith Griffith Foundation - Huron Area Community Development Foundation Huron Regional Medical Center Foundation

William Mibra & Byrne Smith Griffith Foundation- SDSU Fund South Dakota State University

Gary & Connie Grittner Pass Through Fund

Community & Youth Involved, Inc. South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Foundation Trail of Governors Foundation Fund Verendrye Museum, Inc.

Groton High School Class of 1969 Scholarship Fund Emily Raap Allison Weber

Harvey Gunderson Memorial Scholarship Fund Michael Cutshaw Morgan Engelkes

Wayne & Jacque Gustafson Family Fund Wayne & Jacque Gustafson Family Fund-Make-A-Wish Foundation Make-A-Wish Foundation of South Dakota Wayne & Jacque Gustafson Family Fund-Sioux YMCADupree Sioux YMCA H

Hollis “Curley” & Rose Haisch Charitable Endowment Fund Bonesteel Ambulance Bonesteel Area Community Development Corporation City of Bonesteel Bonesteel Fire Department Burke Riding Club Fairfax Fire Department Gregory County 4-H Gregory County Historical Society

Heartland Area United Way Fund

Heartland Area United Way Fund

Ray & Lillian Hebert Scholarship Fund - Bonesteel/ Fairfax Madison Jons

Ray & Lillian Hebert Scholarship Fund - Burke Dell Drey

Helmuth Hoff Scholarship Fund Laura Brown Kelsey Buchmann Ashlea Fischer Kayla Neugebauer

Herreid Community Foundation Community Action Group Herreid Area Housing Development, Inc. Herreid Fitness Center Herreid Youth Sports

Elton & Willetta Hess Endowment Fund Takini School

Willetta Holt Hess Endowment Fund Wiconi Wakan Health & Healing Center

Hill City Scholarship Foundation Fund

Jessica Houser Zaida Meza Shannon Perlinski Taylor Vaughn Courtney Welu RAC Scholarship Fund David McKeen Zachary Stanford

Craig M. Hilton Memorial Scholarship Fund Bailey Bradford

Hinrichs Family Scholarship Fund Kaci Schimke

Hoch Drug Foundation

Bon Homme County Food Pantry Bon Homme School District 4-2 Cavalier Corner Friends of South Dakota Public Broadcasting Annie Hoerth Morgan McAllister Morgan Rothschadl Veronica Sanders Paige Schuurmans

Harley & Sharlene Hoffman Family Fund Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Salvation Army - Aberdeen

Curtis Marvin Hohn Endowment Fund Elizabeth Hansen Libbey Miles Allyson Monson Cole Sonne Sierra Vanderzee

Boyd & Dody Hopkins Family Foundation


Ipswich Area Foundation

Edmunds County 4-H BB Gun & Archery Shooting Sports Edmunds County 4-H Shooting Sports Sydney Hammrich Ipswich Baseball/Softball Boosters Ipswich Trail Days Dustin Northrop Rachel Severson

Irene Area Community Foundation

Horton Holding, Inc. Charitable Giving Fund

City of Irene Sherman & Kimiko Petersen Promise Fund Hannah Anderson Tessa Buchanan Erin Hansen Taylor Lee Autumn Sees

Hoven Community Foundation


Augustana University Dakota Wesleyan University

Kerry Lynn Horn Memorial Scholarship Fund Briana Leber

Marshall County Ambulance

Hoven Country Club Hoven FFA Hoven Service Club Hoven Summer Recreation Leo & Rose Arbach Memorial Fund Hoven Pool Community Fund

Hoven High School Fund Hoven School District

Delyle L. Huber Memorial Fund Family Service, Inc.

Clinton, Dorothy & Elaine Hurlbut Foundation

United Presbyterian Methodist Church

Huron Community Foundation

American Legion Auxiliary Community Development Foundation First United Methodist Church Helpline Center City of Huron People’s Transit South Dakota State Fair Foundation United Way of Huron Wheeler Family Fund First Assembly of God Riverview United Methodist Church United Way of Huron

Huron University Foundation

Huron University Foundation

Huron Youth Advisory Council Fund

City of Huron Park & Recreation First United Methodist Church Huron First Assembly of God Huron Hockey Association Huron Public School District 2-2 Pheasants Forever South Dakota State Fair Foundation United Way Heartland Region Young Women’s Christian Association

Merlin & Almeta Jacobsen Memorial Fund Jadesa Jones

Governor William J. Janklow Memorial Fund University of South Dakota Foundation

Wilfred Jaspers Scholarship Fund Hanna Leschisin

Ron & Jean Jennings Scholarship Fund Jacob Heezen

James Howard Jenssen Memorial Scholarship Fund Avery Davis Cole Hoelscher Kyle Koch Jamie Smith

G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson Memorial Scholarship FundFt. Pierre Kevin Boring Lukas Chase Kaycee Cronin Shale Kramme Daniel Slama Kelsey Vandenhemel G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson Memorial Scholarship FundMontrose Katelyn Condon Noah Edwards Hannah Erickson Marissa Painter Miranda Painter Morgan Sechser G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson Memorial Scholarship FundPierre Allison Bruce Cortney Dowling Renee Gallagher Nathan Remmich Zayn Snyder McKenzie Wernsmann

Johnson Motor Co. - Howard B. Johnson Scholarship Fund Tanner Schabot- Shultis

Anna Nelson Johnson Scholarship Fund Tia Pawlowski

Richard Joy Family Fund Trinity Lutheran Church

Richard Joy Fund

Miller Area Foundation The Salvation Army Trinity Lutheran Church

Matt & Stephanie Judson Family Fund City of Pierre K

Bill Kadoun Scholarship Fund Nathan Jones

Kilian Community College Fund South Dakota Fund

Klein Foundation Fund Calvin & Bernice Anderson Fund Klein Foundation, Inc.

David Kranz - Argus Leader Media Journalism Scholarship Fund Tatum Dean Sarah McDonald

Marty Kranz Memorial Scholarship Fund Jaci Carter Cordell Giese

Evelyn C. Kuhrt Exemplary Educator Award Fund Bev Ball

Bill & Evelyn Kuhrt Scholarship Fund Shelby Bork Rachel Buxcel Calli Glaze Alexis Hullinger Tana Volmer Wyatt Weber L

Gertrude Lampe Fund Lampe-Dakotaland Museum Dakotaland Museum Lampe-Grace Episcopal Church Grace Episcopal Church Lampe-Salvation Army The Salvation Army Lampe-YWCA YWCA-Huron

Lamport Family Foundation Hailey Aldentaler Aimee Allcock Carmen Allcock Andres Andresen Brandon Barrett Kelsey Barrett Betsy Beck Emma Bennett Emily Bremmon Augustus Buss Evan Carlson Olivia Carlson

2016 Foundation Grants 36

Annie Christenson Eric Christofferson Cornerstone Bible Church Amberlyn Crews Lyndsey Effling Shelby Elsen Kristen Erickson Alexandra Farber Abby Flanery David Flanery Sydney Fosness Bo Fries Amanda Greenmyer Ramy Hagen Tomi Hagen Mason Hanse Alex Hardina Bryanna Haug Cody Heitmann Aaron Henricks Carley Hill Preston Holland Mykaela Janisch Courtney Jensen Blaze Jones Kassi Jones Nathan Jones Trey Jones Logan Kann Hannah Kilker Garret Knebel Laura Kronbach James Lang Aria Meyer Alec Moeckly Megan Morris Jonahon Mundt Jennifer Nelson Preston Ochsner Amber Ogren Brent Ogren Cully Olson Drew Planteen Shelby Price Joshua Punt Zachary Punt Jared Rabenberg Mallori Rabenberg Justin Ringkob Tanner Roehr Rose Hill Evangelical Free Church Samuel Sanderson Austin Schlagel Samantha Shields Elizabeth Sorensen Olivianne Stavick Owen Stavick Karsten Stiegelmeier Nicole Svatos Toni Symens Carrie Wegleitner Eric Wegleitner Nathan Wegleitner Steven Wegleitner Caleb Wenz Cara Werner Bradyn Wieker

Langford Area Community Foundation Town of Claremont Glacial Lakes Area Development


Grants | 2016 Foundation Grants

Hillside Cemetery Langford Fire Department Langford School District City of Pierpont Clark Larson Memorial Scholarship Fund Jordon Carson

Langford Scholarship Fund Eric Christofferson

Patricia M. Larson Excellence in Education Award Fund Brookings Foundation

Leadership South Dakota Fund Leadership Endowment Fund Leadership South Dakota

Lucille McCright Leischner Scholarship Fund Brooke Bigge Katie Lucas

Lewis & Clark Children’s Assistance Fund

Lewis & Clark Behavioral Health Services, Inc.

Bruce H. & Deanna Lien Endowment Fund

Bruce H. & Deanna B. Lien Scholarship Fund

Norman & Irene Lien Memorial Scholarship Fund - Corsica Emily Van Zee

Norman & Irene Lien Memorial Scholarship Fund - PlatteGeddes Samantha Ringling

Milton & Leona Lindell Scholarship Fund Cully Olson Owen Stavick

Evelyn & Bill Lohmann Conservation Fund

South Dakota Wildlife Federation

WM Looby Bennett County Scholarship Fund Rhett Fanning Marcus Heath Brady Hicks Sam Ireland Angie McDonnell Miranda O’Bryan Rachel Risse Alexander Rous Derek Vander May Rachel Winters

Jim & Vicki Lust First Foundation

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

Lyle Signs Inc. Scholarship Fund Allison Bich Daniel Foley Dylan Hageman Andrea Pommer Nikki Zobel M

Madison Central School Educational Foundation Fund Dennis Hegg Memorial Scholarship Fund Hailea DeJong

Nicholas Petersen Norm Johnson Educator Endowment Fund Madison Central School Educational Foundation, Inc. Evelyn Jones Scholarship Fund Hailea DeJong Taner Denhoed Simone Droge Sherif El-Gayar Jason Gale Hadassah Meyer Amanda Ricke Sydney Swenson Jordan Thompson Jennifer Weist Madison Central School Educational Foundation Scholarship Fund Jay Knutson Madison Central School Educational Foundation, Inc.

Darren R. Mallow Fund Morgan Parke

Francis T. Malone Scholarship Fund Kermit Huddleston

Marsh Family Advised Fund City of Onida

Marsh Family Scholarship Fund Melinda Ravnaas Kristen Sieck

Martin Cemetery Association Fund

Martin Cemetery Association, Inc.

Martin Community Foundation

Bennett County 4-H Shooting Sports Bennett County Community Action Bennett County High School Bennett County Kids in the Kitchen 4-H Bennett County Ranchers Group

Mellette County Community Foundation American Legion Post 94 Wood Volunteer Fire Department

Pat Mendel Memorial Fund Doland Community Foundation

Norm & Margo Meriweather Veterinarian Scholarship Fund Alex Cermak Hannah Ellsworth

Duane Mertes Memorial Pheasant Restoration Fund Trey Jones Garret Knebel

Brian Meyer Memorial Scholarship Fund Mikayla Prouty Jami Wilson

Mickelson Family Fund

Fairy Godmother’s Fund Lincoln High School Booster Club, Inc. Wegner Arboretum Society

Governor George S. Mickelson Leadership Endowment Fund

Coach Russ Morrell Memorial Scholarship Fund

Midland Community Scholarship Fund

Mt. Pleasant Cemetery FundArtesian, SD

Tiffany Stoeser

Kruse Bierle Destiny Dale Brody Jones Chauncey Trapp

Miller Area Foundation

Trent Augspurger Community Day Care Association Girl Scouts of Miller Good Samaritan Society-Miller Hand County 4-H Club Hand County Ambulance Hand County Angel Tree Hand County Health Wellness & Community Foundation Helping Hands McWhorter House Museum Miller Fire Department Miller School District 29-4 Miller Swim Club Miller Youth Football Miller/Wessington/Wolsey Baseball Association Rustler Roost Education Center Sheltered Reality, Inc. United Methodist Church Wheels on Meals Corporation Ray & Grace Dearborn Hand County Youth Development Fund Hand County 4-H Club Miller Class of 1952 Fund Miller School District 29-4

Milltown Cemetery Fund Milltown Cemetery Association

Mitchell Area Charitable Foundation Endowed Fund Mitchell Area Charitable Foundation

Mitchell Christian Education Association Endowment Fund Mitchell Christian Education Association

Mitchell Elks Lodge #1059 Fund Mitchell Elks Lodge #1059

Mitchell Technical Institute Foundation Fund Mitchell Technical Institute Foundation

Montrose Area Foundation

City of Montrose Montrose United Methodist Church Ruste Waul Post 154 Montrose Area Scholarship Fund Katelyn Condon Noah Edwards Megan Erickson Gavin Flatten Maria Holland Marissa Painter Miranda Painter Morgan Sechser

Morgan-Naslund Fund Faith Public Library

Ali Kuca

Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Association

James & Gertrude Mueller Jones County Scholarship Fund Garline Boni Shelby Bork Carol Drayer Abigail Roghair

Judge F. E. Mullen Scholarship Fund Hadley Cropsey

Murdo Cemetery Association Fund

Murdo Cemetery Association N

Donald Naddy Fund

North Olympic Land Trust Olympic Community Action Programs Peninsula College Foundation Port Angeles Education Foundation Port Angeles Public Library Port Angeles Salvation Army Voices for Veterans Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County

Eleanor Naddy Fund

Clallam County Historical Society Peninsula College Foundation

National Music Museum, Inc. Fund National Music Museum

Native American Education Fund Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation

Margaret “Maggie” Nelson/ Bertha & Francis Moran Memorial Scholarship Fund Rex Schlicht Tayla Weber

Mattie Newcombe/Maynard Newcombe Fund


Oglala Lakota College Calvin Jumping Bull Scholarship Fund Oglala Lakota College

Harlan & Evelyn Olson Family Scholarship Fund Ryan John P

Dr. Lynn Merton Paege Charitable Fund Jacey Feyereisen April Good Jadesa Jones Alex Katsanos Ryan Schulz Sierra Smith Lucas Troyer Jacob Von Seggern

Parks & Wildlife Foundation’s, Adams Nature Preserve Fund

South Dakota Parks & Wildlife Foundation

Parkston Area Foundation

Dimock Community Park First Circuit CASA Wesley Genant Parkston Area Development Corporation Parkston Country Club Josh Rands Darrell D. Simmons Scholarship Fund Sydney Davidson Joshua Zwinger

Sherman Parrott Fund

Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of South Dakota Masonic Lodge #164 Pierre Masonic Lodge #27 Spring Valley Cemetery Association Yelduz Shrine Temple

George & Ellen Penn, Earl & Lempi Penn & Audrey Penn Anderson Scholarship Fund Christopher Brown Taylor McKenna Emily Monier Chelcie Speirs Rachel Whitmore

Joseph N. Nicollet Tower & Interpretive Center Fund

George & Ellen Penn, Earl & Lempi Penn, & Dave & Bev Penn Scholarship Fund

Jerome & Juanita Nolz/Deuel Faculty Scholarship Fund

Jerald W. Peterson Memorial Scholarship Fund

Casey Tibbs Foundation

Heritage Museums of Coteau Des Prairie

Rachel Baer

Nordby Family Fund

Beadle & Spink Enterprise Community (BASEC) Dakota Wesleyan UniversityFootball City of Huron Mitchell Area Safehouse, Inc. Mitchell Tennis Association Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota Polaris Project South Dakota Hall of Fame South Dakota Symphony Orchestra

Cassidy Gilbert Alexandra Hansen

Hayden Anderson Emily Raap Sandra Vehe

Jerald W. Peterson Stanley County High School Scholarship Fund Lukas Chase Kelsey Vandenhemel

Philip Area Community Foundation

Bad River Sportsmen’s Club Lake Wagonner

Pierre/Ft. Pierre Area Community Foundation

AAUW Preschool Community & Youth Involved, Inc. Daughters of the American Revolution Growing Up Together Junior Achievement of South Dakota Oahe Child Development Center, Inc. Pierre/Ft. Pierre Area Humane Society Verendrye Museum, Inc.

Rebecca Christen Pohlad Fund Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Pollock Community Foundation Community Action League Town of Pollock Pollock Volunteer Fire Department

Glenn & Elaine Pommer Scholarship Fund Maggie Edleman

Producers Beef Bank, Inc. USA FREE Q

Donald & Monica Qualm Scholarship Fund Mattiah Jons Seth Pistulka R

Kathryn Christen Mitchell Ramstad Foundation

Sioux YMCA Wayzata Community Church YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities

David C. Reetz Scholarship Fund Eric Page

Donald C. Reetz Scholarship Fund Caly Bornsen

Riter Family Fund

Literacy Council of the Black Hills

James & Zelda Ruddy Foundation Emma Abbott Breanna Busch Macey Claussen Breanna Couch Karly Eggleston Brittney Eichacher Matt Fouberg Shayna Frost Marlee Hattervig Kristen Holland Heather Hulls Ashley Johnson Rebecca Jones Tara Palmer Destiny Reilley Hiliary Ryan Vanessa Thompson Lisa Tschetter Deisrae Vanzee


Salem Area Foundation

First Circuit CASA McCook County 4-H Fairboard City of Salem Salem Pool Fund City of Salem John Stiefvater Memorial Scholarship Fund Andrew Streff

Sanborn Central Foundation Logan Effling Josh Feiner Thomas Hetland Tucker Kingsbury Tamra Mann Bailey Moody

Linda LaFave Sandau S.B.H.S. Class of 1988 Scholarship Fund Deidre Lamb

Kristine H. Sanders Scholarship Fund

South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Foundation South Dakota State University Foundation

Sandvig Family Fund

ACT 2, Inc. Boys & Girls Club of Aberdeen Area Christian Worship Hour Holy Cross Lutheran Church, LCMC Kids Against Hunger-Aberdeen Safe Harbor

Donald C. Sattler Fund

Avon American Legion & Auxiliary Avon City Library Avon Development Corporation Avon High School Avon Historical Museum Avon Lions Club Avon Volunteer Ambulance Avon Volunteer Fire Department First Baptist Church Friedenburg Church Faith Knodel Jacob Knodel Zion Lutheran Church

Dr. James C. Schmulbach Memorial Scholarship Fund Jenna Haag

Laska Schoenfelder Memorial Scholarship Fund Haley Hinker MiKayla Weiss

Schoenhard Community Foundation

Brule County 4-H Chamberlain Chamber of Commerce Chamberlain Fire Department Cozard Memorial Library Highmore-Harrold School District Kimball Fire Department Kimball School District Learning Disabilities Association of SD Missouri Valley Crisis Center 2016 Foundation Grants 38

City of Presho St. Joseph’s Indian School

Schwanke Family Scholarship Fund Lauren Johnson Michaela Kranz

Scoular Family Fund

RV/MH Hall of Fame

SDTA Memorial Scholarship Fund Brandon Koch Jessica McClain

Seljeskog Family Fund

The HOPE Center American College of Surgeons Foundation Cornerstone Rescue Mission Feeding South Dakota Oglala Lakota College South Dakota Synod of the ELCA Working Against Violence, Inc.

Seppala Family Scholarship Fund Roni Jankord

Paul & Ann Sigelman Fund Prairie Lakes Health Care Foundation Watertown Community Foundation

Donald Clyde Simmons Family Foundation Center for Health & Hope

Sioux Council Boy Scouts of America Fund

Sioux Council Boy Scouts of America

Sioux YMCA Foundation Fund Sioux YMCA

Sisseton Area Foundation

Roberts County Rescue Squad City of Sisseton Sisseton School District 54-2 Tekakwitha Living Center

Chris & Gene Smith “Get an Education” Memorial Fund Claudia Rombough

South Dakota American Legion Foundation American Legion Department of South Dakota South Dakota American Legion Foundation

South Dakota Auto Dealers Association Fund

Southeast Community College Southeast Technical Institute

South Dakota Bar Foundation Rural Lawyer Recruitment Fund South Dakota Bar Foundation

South Dakota Beadle Club Foundation Jody Childs Kate Haar Kent Knudson

South Dakota Chiropractic Foundation

South Dakota Chiropractic Foundation


Grants | 2016 Foundation Grants

South Dakota Coaches Foundation

South Dakota Coaches Foundation South Dakota Coaches Against Cancer Fund South Dakota High School Coaches Association

South Dakota Engineering Society Fund Grant Gonsor Melissa Mairena Nathan Powell

South Dakota Farm Bureau Scholarship Fund Braeden Edleman Shaelynne Heitsch Maria Schwader

South Dakota FFA Foundation, Inc. Fund

South Dakota FFA Foundation, Inc.

South Dakota Financial Literacy Fund

Black Hills Community Loan Fund, Inc. Consumer Credit Counseling Service of the Black Hills Lakota Funds

South Dakota Guardianship Program Fund

South Dakota Guardianship Program, Inc.

South Dakota Habitat Conservation Fund Pheasants Forever Fund Pheasants Forever South Dakota Conservation Pass Through Fund Ducks Unlimited, Inc. Pheasants Forever

South Dakota Hall of Fame Charitable Perpetual Fund

South Dakota Hall of Fame

South Dakota Heritage Endowment Fund

South Dakota Historical Society Foundation

South Dakota High School Activities Association Fund South Dakota High School Activities Association

South Dakota Highway Patrol Fund Lake Area Technical Institute Western Nebraska Community College

South Dakota Humanities Council Endowment Fund

South Dakota Humanities Council

South Dakota Junior Golf Foundation

South Dakota Junior Golf Foundation

South Dakota Junior Hereford Association Fund Calah Covey

South Dakota Lions Eye Bank, Inc. Fund

South Dakota Lions Eye Bank, Inc.

South Dakota Livestock Industry 4-H Trust Fund SDSU Extension - 4-H Program

South Dakota Nurses Foundation

Tamara Keefner Marianne M. Stenvig Memorial Scholarship Fund Kyle Anderson Chase Hurtig Rita H. Walsh Scholarship Fund Tara Weeman

South Dakota Symphony Orchestra Fund

South Dakota Symphony Orchestra David Elder Violin Chair Fund South Dakota Symphony Orchestra Nicole Keirnes Fund South Dakota Symphony Orchestra Hugo & Mabel Koerner Fund South Dakota Symphony Orchestra Life Celebrations Fund South Dakota Symphony Orchestra McDonald Grandchildren Flute Chair Fund South Dakota Symphony Orchestra

South Dakota Trucking Association Fund

Augustana University Massachusetts Institute of Technology South Dakota State University University of Sioux Falls

Spearfish Community Foundation

Matthews Opera House City of Spearfish Spearfish Foundation for Public Education Spearfish Young Life Teen Court Western Hills Humane Society High Plains Heritage Society Fund High Plains Heritage Society Spearfish Banner Settlement Fund Bella Pregnancy Resource Center Black Hills Gold Swimming Family Services Center/ YouthWise Good Shepherd Clinic, Inc. Helpline Center Matthews Opera House Northern Hills Alcohol & Drug Services Northern Hills Area CASA Program Ponderosa Apartments, Inc. REALTORS® for Kids, Inc. Spearfish Foundation for Public Education Spearfish Senior Citizen Center Special Olympics South Dakota Kenadi Jean Weis Foundation

Western Resources for disABLED Independence City of Spearfish Fund Dragon Puppet Productions High Plains Western Heritage Center South Dakota Center for Enterprise Opportunity Victims of Violence Intervention Program, Inc.

Special Olympics South Dakota Fund Special Olympics South Dakota

Justin & Ardis Speer Foundation

Rapid City Club for Boys, Inc. Shriners Hospitals for Children

Justin & Ardis Speer Scholarship Fund Nicholas Baker Nathaniel Bernard Keoni Bills Wyatt Bills Alexandra Brace Layne Byrne Kaylee Clark Colton Clemens Cassity Goetz Adrienne Gossard Quynn Langager Jade Mosher Justin Oberlander Karlie Robertson Tiffany Schell Stetson Stover Brianna Warren

Springfield College Museum Fund

Springfield Historical Society/ Springfield College Museum

St. Michael’s Cemetery Perpetual Fund-Herreid, SD

St. Michaels Church Cemetery Fund

St. Wilfrid’s Parish FundWoonsocket, SD

St. Wilfrid Catholic Church

Erwin A. & Georgiabelle M. Stainbrook Fund Avera St. Benedict Foundation-Stainbrook Fund Avera St. Benedict Health Center Lion’s Club of ParkstonStainbrook Fund Parkston Lions Club Mitchell Area Adjustment Training Center-Stainbrook Fund LifeQuest Our Home, Inc.-Stainbrook Fund Our Home, Inc. of Huron Fund Shriner’s Hospitals for Children-Stainbrook Fund Shriners Hospitals for Children

Steele Family Faulkton High School Scholarship Fund Madeline Aesoph Kaci Clement Megan Haberling

Josie A. Stewart Scholarship Fund Colton Damjanovich

Dakota Sturges Fund

Friends of South Dakota Public Broadcasting

John S. Sturges Memorial Fund American Legion 169-Clem Mortenson Post of Winner VFW Post 4674 of Winner Winner American Legion Auxiliary

W.H. Sturges Family Scholarship Fund Kylie Horstman Bailey Volmer

Oliver & Vi Swenumson Family Fund Heritage Museum of Roberts County

Oliver & Vi Swenumson Sisseton Memorial Library Fund

Sisseton Memorial Library T

Tiger Educational Foundation Fund Madyson Aberle Taylor Brekke Alyssa Brewer Emily Dale Cassondra Heumiller Grace Jensen Matthew Lepke Jaden Madison Karlie Spiry Kylee Wagner Linda DuBray Memorial Scholarship Fund Rachael Springfield

Harold & Mary Torness Family Fund

Center for Western Studies Coteau des Prairies Hospital & Clinic Foundation Grace Lutheran Church Heritage Museum of Roberts County Lutheran Outdoors in South Dakota Sisseton Arts Council Sisseton Swimming Pool Association Tekawitha Living Center Foundation Valley View Country Club, Inc.

Tripp Area Community Foundation

Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota City of Tripp Tripp-Delmont School District 33-5 Donald Kennedy Memorial Scholarship Fund Kelli Batterman Elizabeth Bitterman Laura Brown Kelsey Buchmann Kylee DeBoer Tara Droppers Cara Finck Ashlea Fischer

Dustin Fischer Malorie Fischer Patricia Fischer LaNae Fuerst Alicia Hanson Hannah Just Kayla Neugebauer Jeana Nuss Michelle Nuss Tanner Nuss Jessica Sandau Payton Schafers Kennedy Schatz Lauren Soulek Aaron Torres April Torres Morgan Ziegler

Tyndall Community Foundation Cavalier Corner U

USS South Dakota (SSN 790) Commissioning Committee Fund

Navy League of the United States, South Dakota Council V

Charles C. Van Loan Scholarship Fund Brianna Warren

Vermillion Area Community Foundation

Clay County Historical Society Habitat for Humanity of Yankton County Heartland Humane Society Missouri Valley Growth, Inc. Vermillion Community Food Pantry Vermillion Community Theater, Inc. Vermillion Public Schools Foundation Welcome Table, Inc. David W. Day Family Endowment Fund Vermillion Public Schools Foundation

Vermillion Lions Club Fund

South Dakota Lions Eye Bank, Inc. South Dakota Lions Foundation

Wagner Food Pantry Wagner Spring Baseball Wagner Walk/Cancer Program Wagner Wave Swim Team

Wagner-Woodward Family Endowment Fund

Black Hills State University Foundation

Webster Alumni Foundation Fund

Webster Alumni Foundation

Webster Area School Foundation

Webster Area School District 18-5

Wilmer & Esther Werner Family Scholarship Fund Rilynn Bates Samuel Borr Tanner Lesch Tegan Meidinger Tyrel Ott Erika Volk

Wessington Springs Area Community Foundation

American Legion - Willman Fee Post 14 Jerauld/Buffalo County 4-H Springs Area Bus, Inc. Wessington Springs Area Development Corporation City of Wessington Springs Wessington Springs School District Wessington Springs Senior Citizens Center Peter Havard, Sr. Memorial Fund Collin Anson Elliot Ohlrogge

Wessington Springs School Foundation Kleppin Scholarship Fund Hunter Mees Nicolas Paulson

Dick & Evelyn Whirlwind Horse Endowed Scholarship Fund Christopher Begeman

Dick & Evelyn Whirlwind Horse Scholarship Fund Taylor Amiotte Christopher Begeman

Vermillion Senior Citizens Service Fund

M.L. Wilhelm Education Fund - Custer

Viborg Community Foundation

June Wilkinson Scholarship Fund

Senior Citizens Services of Vermillion, Inc. Daneville Heritage Association Danish Brotherhood Society Danish Days Viborg Area Ministerial Association City of Viborg Viborg-Hurley School District 60-6 W

Wagner Area Foundation

Boys & Girls Club of the Missouri River Area Onward Wagner Southern Charles Mix County Dakota Rising

Hannah Kremer

Bengt Symstad

Marvin Wilkinson Scholarship Fund Bengt Symstad Y

Yankton Area Foundation

Anchoring to Hope Dakota Prairie Quilt Guild Heartland Humane Society Junior Achievement of South Dakota Onward Yankton, Inc. Servant Hearts Clinic Yankton County Parents as Teachers, Inc.

Yankton Little League Baseball Deborah Omanson Stevens Music Scholarship Fund Danielle Gillis

YBA Educational Endowment Fund Greater South Dakota Education & Research Foundation Z

John Zilverberg Family Foundation

American Legion American Legion Auxiliary Angel Tree Catholic Daughters of America Central South Dakota 4-H Rodeo Church of Christ Harrold Cemetery Association Highmore Catholic Cemetery Highmore Cemetery Association City of Highmore Highmore Civic & Commerce Highmore Clinic Highmore Golf Club Highmore Health Highmore Quilters Highmore Volunteer Fire Department Highmore-Harrold Rodeo Club Highmore-Harrold School District Hosanna Restoration Church Hyde County 4-H Leaders Association Hyde County Food Pantry Hyde County Historical Society Hyde County Meals on Wheels Hyde County Senior Citizens Hyde County Thrift Store Hyde County Treasurer Knights of Columbus New Horizons for Hyde County, Inc. Our Savior Lutheran Church Sedgwick Church South Dakota State University Spring Lake Pleasant View Cemetery Association Steps for Hope United Methodist Church Women’s Civic League John Zilverberg Scholarship Fund John Zilverberg Scholarship Fund Josey Aasby Kaitlyn Hague Hadley Hamlin Lucas Henry Olivia Knippling Danielle McCauley Logan Single

2016 Foundation Grants 40



COMMUNITY FOUNDATION H a r v e s t i n g H ov e n ’ s P o t e n t i a l f o r t h e F u t u r e The Hoven Area Community Foundation was established in 2010 to provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit causes in the Hoven area as recommended by the local Board of Directors. The board began by accepting a challenge from the South Dakota Community Foundation to raise $100,000. In return, Hoven would receive a $25,000 matching grant. The community started with family memorials and individual donations. After these donations were collected, the Plains Commerce Bank contributed $72,000 towards the cause to reach the goal of $100,000. The Hoven Area Community Foundation received the $25,000 challenge grant from the South Dakota Community Foundation in January of 2013. Since 2014, the Hoven Area Community Foundation has disbursed $15,000 in grants for improvements to local organizations and quality of life projects including the Hoven Service Club, the Hoven swimming pool, Senior Center, FFA teaching materials and more. 41

In addition to providing grant dollars back to the community, the Hoven Area Community Foundation seeks to be a catalyst for community prosperity. “The local service club was looking for a way to stimulate the community,” said Vern Rausch, President of the Hoven Community Foundation. “Hoven was not a large enough community to make a large enough foundation to earn the benefits that a larger one like the South Dakota Community Foundation can.” A recent project was launched to benefit the Hoven community called “Harvesting Hoven’s Potential for the Future”. In 2015, the Hoven Service Club received a $10,000 grant from the South Dakota Community Foundation to team up with Dakota Resources and Grow South Dakota to help Hoven grow. The Hoven Area Community Foundation also provided a $2,300 grant toward the initiative in June 2016. The initiative group thought it would be useful to ask citizens what immediate

Community Savings Accounts | CSA Spotlight

Hoven students are pictured with Hoven’s Potential for the Future initiative leaders while receiving a $10,000 Community Innovation Grant from the South Dakota Community Foundation.

Stephanie Judson, President of the South Dakota Community Foundation, presented the Hoven Community Foundation with a $10,000 Community Innovation Grant and highlighted the crucial part Hoven’s students played in distributing the needs assessment survey to the community.

Vern Rausch, member of the Hoven Area Community Foundation, is a coordinator for the Harvesting Hoven’s Potential for the Future initiative. Rausch has provided dedicated leadership and vision for the project.

The initiative group hosted a gathering to discuss the results of the needs assessment survey and identified the five priorities for Hoven’s initiative moving forward.

needs there are in the area. The group utilized students to distribute the online survey to their parents. “After World War II, the government was looking to rebuild American agriculture through the 4-H program and they started to educate parents through the youth,” said Rausch. “So we thought the best way to reach the parents with this survey was through the students. They were a crucial part of getting this online survey to the community.”

accommodate an after school program through available grants. In the business sector, the committee was working to enhance marketing strategies to raise awareness for local services. New potential daycare providers were approached to establish a transition plan. The housing committee worked with the Hoven FFA to complete a citywide clean up and were working to create more short-term rental options.

230 community members responded to the survey and results were published in October 2015. Survey information was presented at the first community gathering and five priorities were identified through conversation among residents. Committees were created to discuss healthcare, housing, youth, business and daycare. “The community felt strongly that these were our top five priorities so we set to work,” said Rausch.

“The dedicated community residents on the core and initiative teams are willing to make change happen around these initiatives for Hoven with guidance and support from the community coach,” said Paula Jensen, Vice President of Advancement for Dakota Resources.

Committee meetings were held throughout the beginning of 2016. By May, each committee had formed a plan and some had taken action. The youth committee’s focus was to organize summer workshops through the 4-H program and

In 2016, the Hoven Area Community Foundation applied for a Community Innovation Grant of $10,000 from the South Dakota Community Foundation for the community initiative and was awarded the grant in 2017. These funds will be used to provide Hoven volunteers benefits throughout the next 12 months from the Empower! Dakota program including community coaching visits, team training,

online learning with other community peers from across the state, an annual community celebration and other training and community engagement opportunities. Jensen said, “I see Hoven’s success as being directly related to them taking the time to 1) be inclusive, 2) learn around their issues, 3) discover the wise action to step into, and 4) persevere throughout this ongoing community empowerment process.” When asked what has led to their success thus far, Rausch replied, “If enough community members want something to happen, it will. Key factors for success were local people stepping up to take leadership positions.” “I am hoping this gives Hoven the boost to keep moving forward and looking toward a brighter future for our younger generation,” said Sara Johnson, Communicator with the Harvesting Hoven’s Potential for the Future initiative. If you want to learn more about “Harvesting Hoven’s Potential for the Future” initiative, please visit www.hovensd.com/services.

CSA Spotlight 42

Community Savings Accounts



The SDCF has partnered with 76 communities across South Dakota to form Community Savings Accounts (CSA). A CSA provides current, past and future residents with the opportunity to give back to the town they call home. With SDCF’s careful investment, a community’s CSA will continue to grow and support annual awards and grants in perpetuity ensuring the town continues to thrive for years to come. CSAs are under the control of a local board of directors. The board directs fundraising efforts and distribution of available funds. Through local guidance, the money raised in your community, stays in your community.

STRENGTHENING INVESTMENTS The ebbs and flows of the market require diligent analysis and constant oversight. The SDCF’s Investment Committee meets regularly to ensure investments are being managed prudently for long-term results.


C o m m u n i t y S av i n g s A c c o u n t s F u n d Va l u e s *



a donor’s initial investment




a steady stream of income to support charitable causes



growth in the fund over time





*Full CSA fund names can be found at SDCommunityFoundation.org/for-communities/csa-list/

Kimball Area Foundation

Challenges Fulfilled in 2016

Since inception, the SDCF has contributed


in challenge grants to build the endowed assets of local CSAs.

Doland Community Foundation Day County Community Foundation Wessington Springs Area Community Foundation 43

Community Savings Accounts Text

Total donations to CSAs exceeded

$1.8 million.


Partnering with the SDCF gives donors the maximum tax benefit. Our public charity status allows for tax-free investment income, so your charitable gifts can make the largest possible impact.

We are the largest and only statewide community foundation in South Dakota. Our pooled endowment allows us to access investments at a lower cost, which leads to higher net return.



Investment committee members are experienced business leaders who meet regularly to guide the SDCF’s investment strategy.

Our administration fee is an industry low. Our staff files all grant, auditing and government reports. We also provide quarterly statements to update fund holders.


2016 Accomplishments One new CSA


CSAs awarded over


through grants to 323 nonprofit organizations in their communities.

Endowed assets supporting South Dakota communities surpassed

$29.1 million.



Strengthening Investments 44






Cash and Cash Equivalents Contributions Receivable Investments Prepaid Expenses Land, Building, Furniture, and Equipment, Net of Accumulated Depreciation


13,417,738 244,549,474 20,651 967,541


$ 258,955,404

2015 $

12,403,110 350,000 205,723,790 4,450 1,006,021

Karl Adam

David Anderson

Dennis Batteen

Beth Benning

Bruce Brandner

Janet B. Cronin

Jeff Erickson

Kathy Gunderson

Charles Hart

Jim Hart

Marilyn Hoyt

Al Kurtenbach

Maree Larson

Deanna Lien

Keith Moore

Trudy Morgan

Anita Nachtigal

Stanley Porch

Norbert Sebade

Doug Sharp

Curt Wischmeier

John Porter Chairman

$ 219,487,371

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Liability under Charitable Gift Annuities Agency Endowments Assets Held for Others


Total Liabilities Total Net Assets TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS

82,669 38,298,713 44,026,339


69,440 21,699 32,516,771 41,672,543

82,407,721 176,547,683

74,280,453 145,206,918

$ 258,955,404

$ 219,487,371

REVENUES Contributions Investment Income, Realized and Unrealized Administrative Fees Miscellaneous TOTAL REVENUES


27,717,101 15,139,061 485,555 47,210


15,195,871 (6,963,036) 492,444 44,923



Program Services Supporting Services

10,714,723 1,333,439

9,595,636 1,332,315




31,340,765 145,206,918

(2,157,749) 147,364,667

$ 176,547,683

$ 145,206,918



CHANGE IN NET ASSETS Net Assets -- Beginning of Year Net Assets -- End of Year

45 Financials

Stephanie Judson President, CFP ®, CGPA

Jamie Farmen

Community Development Coordinator

Clay Cudmore

Chief Financial Officer, CPA, CMA

Beth Massa

West River Development & Program Officer

Ginger Niemann Program Officer

Kelly Nelson

Program Accountant

Jeff Veltkamp

Director of Development, MBA, CFRE

Janet Ricketts Program Assistant

Peggy Urquhart

Administrative Assistant



1714 North Lincoln Avenue | Pierre, South Dakota 57501 | 605.224.1025 Toll Free: 800.888.1842 | Fax: 605.224.5364 SDCommunityFoundation.org 47


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