City Times - Spring 2021, Volume 75, Issue 2

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City Times

Covering the San Diego City College community since 1945

Volume 75, Issue 2 May 21, 2021

your shot at educat ion SDCCD joins uc, cSU campuses in mandating COVID-19vaccines for B Y K ATI A P E CH E NK I NA News Editor


he San Diego Community College Distr ict will r equir e students, faculty and staff to get vaccinated against COVI D - 19 for in- per son lear ning for the fall semester, accor ding to a statement shar ed on social media on May 18. ?I n consider ation of the decisions among higher education institutions in San Diego County, the concer ns and pr efer ences stated by employees and students, and the r ate of COVI D 19 infections in our communities, the San Diego Community College Distr ict will r equir e employees and students to be vaccinated in or der to wor k, take classes, and r eceive services in- per son dur ing the fall 2021 semester,? wr ote SDCCD in a statement posted on its website and shar ed on Twitter. Histor ically, community colleges have not mandated vaccinations, accor ding to Dotti Cor dell, dir ector of Student Health Ser vices at San Diego City College, in an interview with City Times Media ear lier this month. ?Now we ar e in a differ ent wor ld of this pandemic,? she said. Still, she believed the decision would not be easy for distr ict officials. ?I ?m sur e they ar e weighing the pr os and cons and pr obably tr ying to evaluate (what) is in our students? best inter est and in the community?s best inter est,? Cor dell said. ?Their number one concer n is the safety of staff, students and faculty, and has been all along, especially since the

pandemic star ted.? The vaccination r equir ement will be limited by medical or r eligious exemptions, accor ding to the statement. The Distr ict?s decision is contingent on the Feder al Dr ug Administr ation fully author izing COVI D - 19 vaccines, and it is anticipated that one or mor e vaccines will be author ized by fall 2021. This announcement comes almost a month after a number of univer sities, including the entir e Califor nia State Univer sity and Univer sity of Califor nia systems, announced they would r equir e vaccination for COVI D -19. The decision of UC and Cal State systems will impact over one million students. Joseph Castr o, CSU chancellor, called the joint effor t ?the most compr ehensive and consequential univer sity plan for

fal l in-personl earning COVI D - 19 vaccines in the countr y.? Both systems ar e planning to have pr imar ily inper son classes. Such mandates have been a widely discussed topic acr oss higher education, but the r equir ement is not new. Univer sities and colleges have been challenged with the legality of vaccinations and var ious health tests for a centur y. I n 1925, in the case of Wallace v. Regents of Univer sity, when a student did not have a r equir ed smallpox vaccine and sued the University of Califor nia, the judge upheld the mandate. The UC system, like many other s, alr eady r equir es students to get measles, mumps and r ubella; var icella (chicken pox); tetanus, diphther ia and pertussis; meningococcal vaccines, and tuber culosis scr eening. These r equir ements ar e implemented to pr event the spr ead of contagious diseases in classr ooms and dor ms. But at this point, all thr ee cor onavir us vaccines have only been gr anted emergency use author ization by the

amongthecampusesthat haveannouncedmandates, asof presstime:

A gr owing number of Sout her n Califor nia colleges and univer sit ies will have vaccine mandat es for fall. Google Map by Kat ia Pechenkina

Food and Dr ug Administr ation, and only one, the Pfizer- BioNTech, applied for full appr oval ear lier this month. L ike for SDCCD students, the vaccination r equir ement will be limited by medical or r eligious exemptions, accor ding to the pr ess r elease issued by the CSU on Apr il 22. ?Ther e will always have to be exceptions for people who feel, or their doctor feels, that they have medical exemptions or exceptions based on r eligion,'' Cor dell said. ?The mandate would never be a 100 per cent, no matter who tr ies to institute something.? An inter n at City College, whose name is being withheld due to concer ns of the possible impact on their employment, shar ed their concer ns with City Times Media. ?I will say I ?m fully vaccinated and that was my choice befor e it was mandator y,? they wr ote in a dir ect message on I nstagr am. ?I am also ver y awar e that the situation is a double edge swor d. My child also r eceived the vaccine & tr ust me I ?m wor r ied for what that will mean in the futur e for him. Did I make the r ight choice? We won?t know definitely until 5- 10 year s fr om now.? To watch a news package on this story produced by CTTV multimedia journalist Katia Pechenkina, scan the QR code.



May 21, 2021 |

r e- imagining

Dest iny Gallegos-Munoz, ASG pr esident , st ands in fr ont of MS Building at San Diego Cit y College. SDCCD phot o

asg in new er a he Associated Student Gover nment of San Diego City College has had challenges over the year s and the class of 2021 has been facing the hur dle of a global pandemic. City ASG Pr esident Destiny Gallegos- Munoz had a fr ont seat as not just a student about to gr aduate, but as sitting ASG pr esident. She saw students pr eviously facing the hur dles of taking tr olleys to school ever yday, looking for childcar e, financial battles, and str uggling with ever yday life situations. For this year, they had to tr ansition into a vir tual lear ning envir onment. With ser vices being r emote and City classr ooms and faculty offices empty, all member s of the City community have faced unique logistical issues. Gallegos faced being the pr ototype of a vir tual gover nment on the City College stage, but the job of the Associated Student Body is still to r epr esent and listen to the voices of the student population despite the empty halls. I n ASG you get to join in the endeavor of doing what's r ight for students while helping shape initiatives and policies to benefit students.

Cur r ently the Associated Student body consists of eight member s who wor k thr ough many Zoom meetings and live str eamed events. ?I t has meant a lot to me to have those 8 ASG member s to str ive and push for war d,? Gallegos said. However, with ASG elections coming to a close this May, ther e wer e not enough par ticipants to fill all positions such as pr esident, vice pr esident, and senator positions. Ther e is still time to par ticipate because ther e will be a special election held for next semester. ?I believe City College cater s to our needs as students and we ar e confident we will be successful,? Gallegos said. Gallegos continues to wor k thr ough logistical issues, stating it is an honor to distr ibute 871 AS sticker s despite COVI D -19 r estr ictions. Gallegos descr ibes ASG as a place open to all students who want to be empower ed to make changes at their institutions. L ook out for the far ewell gr aduation speech fr om Gallegos at this year 's gr aduation cer emonies and fellow ASG member s distinguished by their r ed color ed sashes. I t is a bitter-sweet gr aduation with the dr ive- thr u and vir tual gr aduations typically done in per son. However, this speaks to the r esilience of the class of 2021.







Two City students win prestigious transfer scholarship worth up to $40,000 per year

B Y K ATH RYN G RAY M ULTIMEDIA JOURNALIST aised with differ ent native languages, cultur es, and pr eviously separ ated by the I nter national bor der, San Diego City College students Tatiana Butte and L ucia Huer ta now call each other family. Str anger s pr ior to attending City, Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergr aduate Tr ansfer Scholar ship r ecipients Butte and Huer ta ar e bonded



for life. ?I am so happy that we ar e shar ing this jour ney together and wher ever she goes for her education, we?ll stay in touch, we?r e family now,? Butte said about Huer ta. As the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Under gr aduate Tr ansfer Scholar ship r ecipients, Butte and Huer ta will be gaining much mor e than $40,000 per year of financial suppor t, but r ather a holistic suppor t system including per sonal and academic counseling and mentor ship r esour ces May21, 2021| Volume75, Issue2





PublishedasTheJay Sees (1945-1949), Fortknightly(1949-1978), City Times(1978-present). Part of the City Times Media platform IncorporatingnewspapersTecolote, Knight Owl & Flicks. Featured CTMStaff CandiseBerry District policy statement: Rachel DeLaTorre AyoElise Thispublicationisproducedasalearningexperience KathrynGray under San DiegoCityCollege?sDigital Journalism AssadKhalilzadeh Will Mauriz program. All materials, includingopinionsexpressed Christopher Tapanes herein, arethesoleresponsibility of thestudentsand VickyPineda shouldnot beinterpretedtobethoseof thecollege NICOLEVARGAS district, itsofficersor employees. Adviser

that consider the needs of the entir e student. ?I f I am having any pr oblems in school I can go to them, even if I need to take a br eak fr om school I will not be penalized, the scholar ship will be ther e for me when I go back,? Huer ta said. ?I t is a gr eat suppor t system that will help me a lot as I navigate thr ough college, as the fir st gener ation in my family to go.? I n 2016 Huer ta didn?t know what a community college was, and in 2021 Duringthespring2021semester, City Timeswill publish onlineregularly, or as newsbreaks, on Withcampus closedduetothepandemic, City Timeswill publishasinglecommencement print edition. CityScenemagazinewill publishoncein May. Letterstotheeditor: Letterstotheeditor arewelcome, 350 words or less. Thestaff reservestheright toedit for grammar, spelling, punctuationandlength.

she will tr ansfer to one of the top four- year univer sities in the countr y to study sociology. Keep asking questions, wor k har d and put your self out ther e is Huer tas advice to other students like her. She cr edits her mom for pushing her for war d. ?She always says not ever yone dar es to tr y, so just tr y and you ar e alr eady gaining something,? Huer ta said.

Howtoreachus: City Times SanDiegoCity College 1313 Park Blvd. | San Diego, CA92101 Newsroom: L-117 E-mail: Memberships: JournalismAssociationof Community Colleges CaliforniaCollegeMediaAssociation AssociatedCollegiatePress CaliforniaNewspaper PublishersAssociation

CITYGRADUATES | May 21, 2021


One mil estone at a time JKC SCHOL AR






ith a slight quake in her voice, br iefly pausing to apologize for her emotions, San Diego City College student L ucia Huer ta r ecounts the moment she was awar ded the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Under gr aduate Tr ansfer Scholar ship. Humble yet self-assur ed, Huer ta?s thoughts vacillated between disbelief and r elief when she listened to the awar d letter fr om the JKC Foundation being r ead aloud by her counselor. Unable to hold back her tear s Huer ta cr ied along with her mother and sister, who joined vir tually fr om their homes in Mexico. Huer ta, an honor s student studying sociology, was accepted to her top choice schools and is cur r ently deciding between the Univer sity of Califor nia L os Angeles and the Univer sity of Califor nia Ber keley. After being accepted, the financial r eality of attending a four-year univer sity weighed heavily on Huer ta. ?I don?t have to wor r y anymor e about being homeless,? Huer ta said. ?I hear d a lot of students don?t have a house because they can?t pay for it and they live in their car s, I thought I would have to consider that.? To r ead mor e, visit and type in L ucia Huer ta in the sear ch bar.

ociology major L or enzo Br ooks is one of the many students her e at San Diego City College who is gr aduating this Spr ing 2021 semester. Br ooks star ted his education at City in 2016 and after 9 months of extensive r esear ch of ever y community college in San Diego, he found that City College was the r ight fit for him. ?I t gave me a new per spective on life and in differ ent situations.? Br ooks said, adding ?I t?s helped me to get to this level of gr aduation, a new lease on life. "I t?s given me new hope within myself.? Br ooks will be tr ansfer r ing to Califor nia State Univer sity, San Mar cos to pur sue his bachelor 's in Sociology. Br ooks is a chef by tr ade, however he would like to use his degr ees that he r eceived fr om City College and his bachelor 's in Sociology to star t an or ganization that will help tr ansitional youth and young adults, especially young Black men. ?A lot of what I have seen and been thr ough in life, ther e's not a lot of r esour ces for young Black men out ther e," Br ooks said. "I f I can help one, then I am doing my job." To r ead mor e, visit and type in L or enzo Br ooks in the sear ch bar.

n September 2020, Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Under gr aduate Tr ansfer Scholar ship r ecipient Tatiana Butte was tr ying to get by dur ing the pandemic, taking as many classes as possible and using ever y fr ee moment to focus on scholar ship applications, submitting mor e than 30. Nine months later, her life has completely changed. Butte is tr ansfer r ing to the Univer sity of Califor nia Ber keley to study communications and political science, debt-fr ee. Butte, a dedicated honor s student since high school, was deter mined to focus on higher education and vowed to never go into financial debt. Her JKC Scholar ship combined with other s will give Butte the fr eedom to focus on her studies without financial pr essur e. Butte r ecalls when she fir st lear ned about the JKC scholar ship and put her intentions in wr iting. ?I wr ote this post-it, wr iting down that I will be a JKC scholar. I manifested it,? Butte said in a video inter view, holding an or ange squar e note up to the camer a while smiling with immense pr ide. To r ead mor e, visit and type in Tatiana Butte in the sear ch bar.



B Y K ATH RYN G RAY Phot o by L ucia H uer t a


B Y R ACH E L Phot o by L or enzo B r ooks




T ORRE Phot o by Tat iana B ut t e

cel ebrations



City College hosts DSPS and Black graduation ceremony to send off its students B Y R ACH E L D E L A T ORRE M ULTIMEDIA JOURNALIST he San Diego City College Disability Suppor t Pr ogr ams and Services held a vir tual Zoom celebr ation for students who ar e gr aduating or tr ansfer r ing this spr ing 2021 semester. The May 12 celebr ation honor ed DSPS students and administr ation who suppor ted them dur ing their time at City College. ?I ?d like to thank the DSPS counselor s for helping us accomplish what we may have thought would be difficult to do by our selves,? student


speaker Alicia Guer r a said. Even though ther e wer e a lot of tear s fr om students who spoke about how DSPS has impacted their lives, it was also a par ty that included music, laughter, and memor ies. ?We ar e not our disability, our disability doesn?t define us,? student speaker Michelle Juar ez said. Each student's name was called out along with their accomplishments and what certificates and degr ees they will be r eceiving at the end of the spr ing 2021 semester, followed by cheer s fr om the cr owd. Whether it was extr a time for tests or encour agement to r ecognize their

full potential, DSPS gave students the This gr aduation had no shor tage of confidence and r esour ces they encour aging wor ds along with disneeded to gr aduate. cussions about Asian hate and the justice that was ser ved in the Geor ge Cit y celebr at es B lack gr ads Floyd tr ial. Ther e was a positive side, which City College pr esented a war m was getting the chance to discuss send off for its gr aduates of color up- these moments in histor y that we loaded on YouTube on May 5. have faced with our futur e gener aGuest speaker Candace Kutungi tions, and maybe have a chance to spoke about our r ite of passage, pr event histor y fr om r epeating itself. which she believes was inspir ed by I fr ah Hussein, a City College gr adour ancestor s. uate with a love for poetr y shar ed her She wanted to ensur e that the spoken wor ds for the gr aduates. black community will continue to wor k together and climb the ladder of Multimedia journalist Candise Berry contributed to this report. success.



May 21, 2021 |

Com b at i n g h a A si an A m er i ca

History, advocacy, allyshipand B Y K ATH RYN G RAY Multimedia Journalist month dedicated to celebr ating cultur e and heritage, Asian Amer ican and Pacific I slander Her itage month has taken on additional meaning in 2021. I n r esponse to the curr ent epidemic of hate against the AAPI community, this month is now also a call to action for those within the AAPI community and their allies to use their voices in solidar ity to combat this hate. Accor ding to San Diego City College pr ofessor of human services and social wor k Kir in Macapugay and co- chair of the San Diego Asian Pacific I slander Coalition, Kent L ee, what we ar e seeing now is nothing new to AAPI communities. Extr eme systemic r acism has existed in this countr y since the fir st immigr ants fr om AAPI communities ar r ived in the United States in the 1800s. ?A lot of times when we talk about r acism, people think that we ar e only talking about interper sonal attacks when people call you a der ogator y name or physically assault you,? Macapugay said. ?What we r eally want to addr ess is how r acism against the AAPI community has been systemic.? Macapugay par tner ed with


L ee at a vir tual City event on May 14 to discuss histor y and r acism against the Asian Amer ican community in the cur r ent climate. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which bar r ed Chinese people fr om becoming Amer ican citizens, was in lar ge par t a r esult of Amer ican wor ker s on the West

Coast attr ibuting economic har dship and declining wages to Chinese wor ker s, who only compr ised 0.002% of the nation?s population at the time, explained Macapugay. The r acism per sisted, continued Macapugay, citing Pr esident Fr anklin D. Roosevelt's executive

Photos from top left: Japanese lantern statue surrounded by cherry blossoms in W Shrine and Gardens in Port Arthur, Texas, Historic building in Chinatown, San Fra Americans get officer rank, Camp Barkeley, Texas, National Park Foundation cel Marching Band in the 124th Rose Parade in Pasadena, California, Fil Am Float repres Francisco, California. Library of congress photos

CITYGRADUATES | May 21, 2021

at e agai n st t h e an com m un i t y

d howyou can makea difference or der 9066 put into place after the bombing of Pear l Har bor on Feb 19, 1942. ?120,000 people, the major ity of whom wer e actually American citizens, wer e placed in inter nment camps,? Macapugay said. ?This r esulted in the loss of millions of dollar s in pr oper ty, not to mention

In ciden t s by t h e n u m ber s: Between March 19, 2020 and March 31, 2021: - 6,600 incidents of AAPI hate reported to - 6.6% involved the elderly - 11% involved youth under 18 - Women were targeted 2.3 times more than others - Race was cited as the primary reason for discrimination Source:

also the emotional and mental toll that this took on people of Japanese descent.? Using minor ity gr oups as scapegoats for what the countr y is going thr ough can be seen thr oughout Amer ican histor y as r ecent as the Muslim tr avel ban enfor ced dur ing the Donald

Tr ump administr ation. ?When we look back we see that histor y sometimes has a habit of r epeating itself, and ther efor e today what we?r e seeing with the pandemic, even though it may be new fr om a media cover age standpoint, we begin to r ecognize that it echoes what we have alr eady seen in the past,? L ee said. I n r esponse to the incr eased incidents of hate and r acism dir ected at the AAPI community, L ee along with other par tner s founded the Asian Pacific I slander Coalition. The mission of the API Coalition is to facilitate conver sations with Asian and Pacific I slander communities and advocate for r epr esentation of voices thr ough leader ship, collabor ation and wor king towar d building a mor e equitable San Diego. The community, said L ee and Macapugay, has specific r equests fr om those who want to get involved at any level of engagement. Acknowledgement as a community, access to healthcar e, tr anslation ser vices, affor dable education, mental health ser vices, disaggr egated data, safety that does not involve incar cer ation of br own and black bodies, and allyship fr om those outside of the community ar e some of their cr itical r equests. Resour ces and opportunities for engagement can be found at sdapicoalition.or g.

Washington, D.C., Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco, California, Queen of Peace ancisco, California, Filipino lettuce field laborer, Imperial Valley, California, Chinese lebrates AAPI Heritage month in New York City, PAVA World Korean Traditional senting the Filipino Association of Portland in a local parade, Mural in Chinatown San




May 21, 2021 |

SDCCDsays goodbye t o l eader CHANCELLORCONSTANCECARROLLRETIRESONJUNE30after 17yearsat thehel mof district B Y G AB RI E L SCH NE I D E R Editor-in-Chief


he San Diego Community College Distr ict is one of the lar gest distr icts in Califor nia. Chancellor Constance Car r oll has been at the helm for 17 year s but she is pr epar ing to r etir e on June 30. ?My biggest takeaway is people,? said Car r oll, in an inter view with City Times Media. ?Ther e ar e wonder ful people who compr ise the San Diego Community College Distr ict.? I n a SDCCD student census, ther e wer e appr oximately 41,517 students enr olled in the distr ict for spr ing 2020. Car r oll said diver sity, equity and inclusion is a top pr ior ity for ever yone that wor ks at SDCCD. ?This par ticular activity begins with lear ning about the gr oups themselves,? Car r oll said. ?I f you begin by saying that I want to lear n mor e about people. I want to lear n mor e about their exper iences, then you can move into ar eas of legislation and activism, social justice for them.? The COVI D -19 pandemic has pr esented sever al challenges for both the distr ict and students of SDCCD, which includes having to adjust to r emote lear ning. Car r oll said they ar e ver y pr oud of the students and will do anything and ever ything to suppor t them in their endeavor s. ?I want to ur ge you not to give up hope but always to pur sue your dr eam no matter what the obstacles ar e,? Car r oll said. ?I f you ar e per sistent and believe in your self and believe in what you do, you will succeed.? I n 2014, Car r oll co-chair ed a

A paint er cr eat es a mur al at Cit y College for Chancellor Const ance Car r oll t o celebr at e her dedicat ion t o SDCCD. @Dr RickyShabazz on Twit t er phot o

successful advocacy campaign that established the states?s Baccalaur eate Pilot Pr ogr am, allowing 15 colleges to offer bachelor ?s degr ees in specific wor kfor ce fields. The tuition-fr ee San Diego Pr omise was also cr eated under dir ect leader ship fr om Car r oll. I t has ser ved mor e than 6,600 students and has expanded to cover a student?s fir st two year s at City,

Mesa, or Mir amar College, accor ding to the SDCCD website. ?Few people have done mor e for education, equity and inclusion than Dr. Constance Car r oll,? wr ote Mar k Caffer ty, pr esident and CEO of the San Diego Regional Economic Development Cor por ation in a message of appr eciation. ?San Diego is tr uly a better place because of her wor k.? Car r oll plans on pur suing her wor k

as pr esident and CEO of the Califor nia Community College Baccalaur eate Association, which is a nonpr ofit or ganization suppor ting the development and expansion of four-year, wor kfor ce-or iented pr ogr ams at Califor nia?s 116 community colleges. ?Above all (CCCBA) is focused,? Car r oll said. ?Someone needs to have a focus on this development and that?s what we will be doing.?

st epping int o spot l ight CARLOSTURNERCORTEZVIEWSROLEFROMTHELENSOFANEDUCATOR B Y G AB RI E L SCH NE I D E R Editor-in-Chief he San Diego Community College Distr ict has selected Car los Tur ner Cor tez to r eplace Chancellor Constance Car r oll, who is r etir ing after 17 year s. Cor tez has ser ved as the pr esident of the San Diego College of Continuing Education for the past six year s. ?I come at this wor k fr om the lens of an educator,? Cor tez said in an inter view with City Times in Febr uar y. ?I t is impor tant to have academics lead academic institutions because we under stand what happens in the classr oom.? As chancellor- designate, Cor tez will have to pr ior itize


safely r eopening the distr ict?s campuses, par tner ing with the community and industr y to ensur e economic r ecover y fr om the COVI D - 19 pandemic for its students, and engaging students to incr ease enr ollment, accor ding to the pr ess r elease that announced his selection. Vice Pr esident of SDCCE, Michelle Fischthal, has wor ked under Cor tez since she was elected in Febr uar y 2018. ?Dr. Cor tez has been a r ole model for me in community r elationship building,? Fischthal wr ote in a statement. ?His commitment to str engthening community par tner ships and collabor ation has r esulted in our filling educational and wor k obtainment gaps we hadn?t

Car los Tur ner Cor t ez sit s out side wit h his dog. @SDCEEPr esident on Twit t er phot o

pr ior.? I n addition to his r ole as pr esident of the SDCCE, Cor tez is also adjunct faculty at Johns Hopkins Univer sity, New Yor k Univer sity and UC Ber keley. He has been teaching for 23 year s.

To read more and to listen to the podcast scan the QR code.

CITYGRADUATES | May 21, 2021


summer semester'sstart aroundthecorner SDCCD, City College prepared for upcoming term that starts on June 7 B Y CH RI STOPH E R T APANE S Multimedia Journalist an Diego City College students should pr epar e now if they want to enr oll in summer cour ses. At City College alone, 221 cour se sections ar e available for the ter m, accor ding to mySDCCD por tal. Some of the subjects scheduled to be offer ed at City this summer include ar t, English, geology, health and mathematics. Those inter ested in getting involved in jour nalism can star t by enr olling in DJRN 100. Accor ding to Mar ciano Per ez, dean of Student Affair s, most classes will r emain r emote for this summer as the San Diego Community College Distr ict tr ies to deal with pandemic challenges. However, some classes that ar e har d to conver t will be on campus. Cer tain lab classes such as machine technology will par tially be back on campus in a hybr id for mat. Exer cise science classes ar e also scheduled to take place at Har r y West Gym, Mor ley Field and the Fitness Center.



Har r y West Gym was r ecent ly paint ed wit h t he name of Cit y College. @a_d619 on Inst agr am

The SDCCD will offer 921 cour ses in a ter m that will begin June 7 and r un until August 14.Classes will r un as long as 8 weeks and cost $46 per

unit. Financial Aid will be available and veter ans will still r eceive their benefits. Ther e ar e var ious ser vices avail-


able all summer long, such as Hunger Action Day. This event occur s ever y fir st Tuesday and last Monday of the month. The laptop loaner pr ogr am will be available thr ough City College?s website, Click on the City Chr omebook L oaner Pr ogr am link. Other pr ogr ams that will be available ar e the Math Academy and Extended Opportunities Pr ogr ams and Ser vices, also known as EOPS. For new college students r egistering at City, ther e will be a pr ogr am called PERG 110 sponsor ed by EOPS. This 6- week class will teach students community building and self empower ment skills. PERG 110 is a tr ansition to college cour se which cr eates a networ k of suppor t fr om peer s and staff to r eady students for the fall semester. I t star ts the last week of June. For detailed infor mation on all student r esour ces available this summer visit the City College website at Multimedia journalist Assad Khalilzadeh contributed to this report.


College TV news program, student nominated for a regional Emmy B Y VI CK Y P I NE DA CTM OPERATIONS M ANAGER


an Diego City College?s Newscene and multimedia jour nalist Noelle Mor tensen wer e nominated for r egional student Emmy, the Pacific Southwest chapter of the National Academy of Television Ar ts

and Ser vices announced on May 1. The 47th Annual Pacific Southwest Emmy Awar ds honor s outstanding achievement in r egional television in the Pacific Southwest mar kets including San Diego, L as Vegas, Santa Bar bar a, San L uis Obispo, Santa Mar ia, Baker sfield and Palm Spr ings. The Nov. 13 show, pr oduced by Susana Ser r ano, was nominated in the

The Nov. 13 show has been nominat ed for a r egional Emmy. SDCit yNewscene YouTube scr eenshot

student pr ogr amming-newscast categor y along with Palomar College. Mor tensen, who r ecently gr aduated fr om SDSU with a Theater degr ee, was the lone nominee in the student cr aft-talent categor y. ?I was ver y excited and at the same time ver y emotional,? said Serr ano, who is Newscene?s executive dir ector this spr ing. ?I t felt like I ?m wher e I 'm meant to be, it r einfor ced that feeling that this is the car eer I 'm supposed to be pur suing.? With City College closed due to COVI D -19 r estr ictions, Newscene had to find cr eative ways to continue to pr oduce a weekly show. New students had to be taught to r ecor d, pr oduce and edit fr om home. Despite the obstacles, the team put out 13 shows in 12 weeks, including a special election edition. Devon Doane solo-anchor ed the show that was nominated in his fir st semester in Newscene. ?Huge shout out to the talent, cr ew and teacher s for this!,? he wr ote on I nstagr am. ?We ear ned it!? For Mor tensen, the news that her r eel, a collection of shor t clips like a

Noelle Mor t ensen per sonal por tfolio, had been honor ed was a sur pr ise. ?I had no clue my pr ofessor submitted me for this,? wr ote Mor tensen in an I nstagr am post. The awar ds ceremony will be held on June 4 and str eamed live. To watch episodes of CTTV's Newscene, scan the QR code.

THINK cr it ically | WORK collabor at ively | REPORT Et h ically | PRODUCE ef f ect ively Bu ild you r por t f olio w it h h an ds-on pr of ession al exper ien ce lear n in g n ew an d em er gin g m u lt im edia t ools an d t ech n ologies in San Diego Cit y Colleges st at e-of -t h e-ar t f acilit ies. Scan t h e QR code t o lear n m or e & join t h e t eam !


May 21, 2021 |


Blinging out your cap for graduation day is so easy

cr eative activity that can be r eally r elaxing, and who doesn?t need to r elax these days?

B Y AYO E L I SE Multimedia Journalist r aduation season is upon us, which means college students ever ywher e ar e making plans to deck out their gr aduation cap for the big day. But why decor ate your cap and wher e do you star t? Ther e ar e many r easons why you?d want to style your cap, and once you see why, we?ll give you some tips to make your s the flyest of them all!


Per sonal izing isn?t just about t r adit ion YOU DI D I T! Decor ating your cap is a way for you to r ecognize your achievement. Whether you'r e tr ansfer r ing to a four-year univer sity, finishing an associates degr ee or r eceiving a certificate, r ecognizing this point in your life is impor tant. I t?s also a gr eat way to say thank you to your suppor t system who helped you achieve your goal. I f ther e is a family member, fr iend, par tner, pr ofessor or administr ator who helped you on your jour ney, this is a special way to acknowledge their suppor t! Decor ating a gr ad cap is also a

Get inspir ed Think of what you want to say with your cap. Ar e you celebr ating your self, thanking your suppor t system, or just something fun? Ther e is no wr ong answer her e! Just make sur e it?s mea ningful to you. I f you?r e getting stuck on ideas, check social media. I nstagr am, YouTube and Pinterest ar e gr eat places to look. Remember, no idea is too big or too small.

Get supplies Get the supplies you need to br ing your vision to life! You?ll need crafting supplies like scissors, glue, markers, glitter, ribbons, beads, rhinestones, flowers, wrapping paper, beads and more. Walking down the cr aft aisle of any stor e will give you even mor e ideas

A Cit y College gr ad shows off t heir cap at t he 2020 dr ive-t hr u gr aduat ion. Cit y College Flickr

on how to glam up your cap. Also consider that you?ll need pr inted pictur es to attach to your cap or other unique items. Make sur e you have ever ything you need on hand. Student Affair s, and even r etailer Dollar Tr ee, r ecommends heading to a dollar stor e to pick up these items for a budget.

mends using a cap topper to attach to your cap instead of decor ating your cap dir ectly. I t?s har d to keep the cap steady while decor ating, so attaching it is much easier. Another upside, if you change your mind or make a mistake, you can always star t over. City College caps ar e 8.5 x 8.5 inches, so your cap topper Get t he cr ew should be this t oget her size. You can make it out of You and your fr iends ar e anything like car dgr aduating together, so host boar d, constr uction paa vir tual decor ation par ty. per, whatever you feel can attach to This is a gr eat time to talk about your cap after you glue it on. your accomplishments, the futur e, Make sur e ever ything is secur e to catch up or whatever else you the your cap befor e wear ing it. and squad like to do.

Get cr af t y Br ing ever ything together. Remember, this is a cr eative pr ocess, so don?t feel the need to r ush. Student Affair s r ecom-

Time t o flex Now that your cap is fully decor ated, it's time to show it off! City College is hosting a drive-thr u celebration on May, 21, followed by vir tual commencement on May 28. Congr at ulat ions t o t he class of 2021!

A year into the COVID-19 pandemic, 17 student-athletes excelled in the classroom by completing at least 9.0 units with a 4.0 GPA



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