Mobile devices

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Mobile devices Negative effects on the environment, health and social relationships

Dangers to environment Mobile devices contribute to the increasing amount of electronic waste around the globe. Recyclers consider electronic waste a "rapidly expanding" issue. People  toss millions of cell phones each year in favour of newer technology. Most cell phones contain dangerous metals and plastics: if wasted in a landfill, these materials can pollute the air and contaminate soil and drinking water. The e-waste is often dismantled and burned, producing toxing emissions.

Dangers to health The blue light from electronic devices may be linked to physical health problems. It is emitted at high levels by smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other LED screens and may damage your vision and cause retinal damage and macular degeneration.

Germs: Mobile phones not only carry important data, but germs too.

The average mobile phone user puts their phone in contact with several places where it can pick up germs that may cause skin infections.

Basically if your hands are dirty, then your phone tends to be very contaminated with the same type of bacteria. So it's important to wash your hands with soap and water. You can also use a hand sanitizer, and importantly, clean your mobile phone often using cloths and wipes that are safe to use on devices.

Dangers to health The type of radiation emitted from mobile phones is electromagnetic radiation. It's present in mobiles because they use radio frequency (RF) waves to make and receive calls.

Studies have shown that exposure to the RF waves emitted from mobiles can cause:

Slightly raised blood pressure at the time of use

Direct brain warming after prolonged use

Mild fatigue after prolonged use


Dangers to health Dry eyes: we normally blink 16-20 times per minute, but while looking at a cell phone we blink just 6-8 times.

Headaches: poor neck position and eye strain increase the chances of headaches.

Blurry vision: strained ocular muscles can no longer focus at varying distances. While it is temporary at first, it can become permanent.

Computer vision syndrome: focusing on a screen for a long period of time strains the eye muscles, which are designed to focus naturally about 20 feet away.

Cell phone radiation delays sleep by about 6 minutes and can shorten your stage-4 sleep cycle by 8 minutes.

Dangers of addiction Smartphones are enormously useful, but sometimes their attraction can prove too strong. We feel compelled to respond to them, even if it means ignoring the people we’re with. They wake us in the night, interrupting our sleep. We feel anxious or naked when they are not there. They interrupt our work and our play .All these symptoms reveal a danger of addiction.

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