The Artichoke

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Celebrat ing Success Stories FALL 2022 Volume 5 healthcare RESTAURA NT MANAGEMENT COMMERCIAL FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT MEETING AND EVENT MANAGER FOOD PRODUCTION GOLF management club management INTERNSHIPS hotel andrestaurant management wine RECREATION TOU SM MANAGEMENT ECOTOU SM FE CA HOTEL MANAGEMENT MARKETING law CUSTOMER SERVICE RESORT spa & wellness center MANAGEMENT tourism development human resources information systems

Volume V Fall 2022



the president

Printed by: ART293 Instructor: Bernie Fritts

Students: Nicole Kalucki Paulina Lord

Printed on: BizHub C1070 Press with Fiery Controller, Scottsdale, CC Print Lab

Printed on 80# Kelly Digital Coated

With appreciation to: Cindy Kiefer for her editing skills and support. Eric Sells and the SCC Marketing team for its support.


Arizona is well-known as a popular tourist destination, thanks to more than 47 million people visiting the Grand Canyon state in 2019. Visitors spend more than $25 billion and generate more than 300,000 hospitality and leisure jobs, according to the Arizona Governor’s Office. Highly skilled professionals in hospitality and tourism management provide outstanding support and care for guests to ensure they return to the area to create unique experiences and memories. Scottsdale Community College (SCC) plays a vital role in developing our workforce to support the state’s tourism industry.

SCC’s Hospitality Management program prepares students for successful careers across many management positions at a hotel, resort, spa, or restaurant, as well as in event planning, golf, or tourism development. Graduates of the program are not only supporting the local hospitality and tourism industry, they are helping drive its five-star appeal.

The program—the only one of its kind across the Maricopa Community Colleges—continues to innovate and evolve. This industry, like many others, has had to significantly adapt its practices in the past few years because of the pandemic.

For local residents who take advantage of our incredible nearby restaurants and hotel properties, I am positive you are being exceptionally served by SCC alumni. I am proud to share this important program, and the people behind it, with you in this issue.

Sincerely, Eric Leshinskie, Ed.D. President

Eric Leshinskie, Ed.D. President Publisher: Scottsdale Community College, Visual Communication
Instructor: Peggy Deal, Program Director, Visual Communication Editor-in-Chief: Nicole Kalucki, ART290, Graphic Design V
Design Editors: Gary Lidman, ART290, Graphic Design V Amanda Claymore, ART281, Graphic Design III
Learn more about SCC Hospitality program graduates and their career success at: ©2022 Scottsdale Community College
E. Chaparral Road
AZ 85256

LETTER from the editor

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the Fall 2022 edition of The Artichoke!

Around two and a half years ago, fresh off graduation from ASU and still mid-pandemic, I found myself searching for something more outside of joining the workforce right away. While I learned a lot at ASU, I felt unready to face down the “real world” and was still searching for my path in life. Hesitantly I decided to try a couple of classes at SCC for visual communication. This turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made, as I discovered my love for graphic design and my admiration for the this school. This is a special place, not only because of the wealth of information that can be gained here, but because of the people who are here. With that, I want to start by thanking my super talented co-designer Gary Lidman, who has been a true friend and teammate through multiple editions of the Artichoke and various other projects and publications. I also want to thank Amanda Claymore who worked to make this edition of the Artichoke the best that it can be.

Last but certainly not least, I want to thank Peggy Deal for being an outstanding support system and mentor to me. Someone once said that “everything Peggy Deal touches turns to gold,” something I know to be true since I have seen firsthand how much effort and heart she puts into everything she does. I can honestly say that now after my short time at SCC I am leaving here a better person, more capable and sure, and most importantly, finally ready to take on the “real world.”

Thank You, Nicole Kalucki

table of CONTENTS

FALL 2022 3
4 6 10 12 13 INDUSTRY PARTNER One Great Team FEATURE Serving up Success with Hospitality TRENDING Sweat Like an Artichoke WORK & LEARN A Creative Solution BLOOMS Celebrating Student Success Stories Karen Hemmes Jack Williams Zachary Sporbert FALL 2022 3
Nicole Kalucki, Editor-in-Chief
“My internship provided the opportunity to use everything I was taught by the experienced professors at SCC.” –Carlene Leier

one great TEAM

“One Great Team” is the slogan for Joanna Jara, Director of Talent Acquisition for the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess. With an inclusive culture of people and caring, Jara values the connections she makes with others as the best part of her job.

Finding the right employees and placing them into the right positions is her goal. Taking extra steps to find the perfect job fit for each employee, Jara may even place applicants in positions for which they did not apply! As the overseer of the entire process of talent acquisition, she handles all the onboarding, orientation, and set up for a new employee’s first day, even sending them personal notes.

The pandemic took a toll on most businesses, but the impact on the hospitality industry was extreme. Still struggling to rebuild the momentum and renew the passion for the tourism industry, Jara explains how the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess is bringing business back. “The competition is tough, and we have to do something different to stand out. Our competitive advantage is our culture and true caring attitude toward all our people.”

The good news is that the hospitality industry in Arizona is rebounding. Debbie Johnson, Arizona Office of Tourism director, noted in a KTAR News report that Arizona’s tourism industry is recovering from the pandemic faster than the industry in other parts of the U.S. Johnson predicts Arizona will be back to our record-breaking tourism numbers in 2023.

In partnership with Scottsdale Community College’s Hospitality Program Director Janelle Hoffman for the past several years, the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess provides internships, job fairs, and other industry connections to SCC’s students. “We value the incredible preparedness the students from SCC have. They are truly excited about the industry and have a great understanding of the expected roles and the area,” stated Jara. “Our Spring 2022 intern, Carlene [Leier], was very professional and had a true willingness to learn. From start to finish, it was a pleasure to work with her.”

Teamwork and connections are core to success, both in the workplace and in college. SCC’s commitment to both aligns with the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess culture, and together, we are helping strengthen the industry. SCC and the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess do make “One Great Team.”

FALL 2022 5
Joanna Jara, Director of Talent Acquisition




Incredible weather and magnificent natural beauty have made tourism the number one export in Arizona, and Arizona continues to grow as a popular tourist destination. According to the Arizona Office of Tourism, 40.9 million people visited the Grand Canyon State in 2021 and collectively spent $23.6 billion. Visitor spending generated $3.4 billion in tax revenues, which equates to an annual tax savings of approximately $1,000 per Arizona household. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Arizona employs more than 335,000 leisure and hospitality workers as of July 2022.

Scottsdale Community College’s (SCC) Hospitality & Tourism Management program offers degrees and certificates that perfectly align with Arizona’s world-renowned reputation as a travel and tourist destination. The program prepares students for successful careers in managing hotel and resort properties, restaurants, spa and wellness centers, private clubs, golf management, and tourism development with a special focus on meetings and events.

Professor Janelle Hoffman, Director of SCC’s Hospitality & Tourism Management Programs, explains: “SCC’s Hospitality Management program offers degrees and certificates that provide real-world experience, so our graduates are ready to join the workforce. The hospitality and tourism industry operates in a highly

competitive environment, so it is important that those seeking careers as successful professionals be well-rounded and possess the combination of business and life skills that are in high demand with employers.” Graduates of the program are not only supporting the local hospitality and tourism industry, they are helping drive its five-star appeal. The course work focuses in the areas of guest services, facilities management, food production, accounting, information systems, marketing, human resources, and hospitality law. Recently developed courses include From Vine to Table (HRM142), highlighting the history and science of wine including weekly wine tasting, and Hospitality in Healthcare and Life Care Management (HRM170) which focuses on the projected demand in senior care facilities and health-related issues.

Students wishing to pursue a higher degree will benefit from SCC’s university partnerships, allowing for a seamless transfer of credits. The hospitality program has articulation agreements with Northern Arizona University (NAU) for students to complete a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies in Hospitality and Restaurant Management. The NAU 90/30 partnership allows a student to complete up to 90 credits with SCC and complete the final 30 credits through NAU on SCC’s campus or online. Other partners include Grand Canyon University (GCU) and Arizona

FALL 2022 7
40.9 million people visited the Grand Canyon State in 2021 and collectively spent $23.6 billion

State University (ASU), both of which provide for a transfer up to 64 credits. SCC’s Associate Degree in Applied Science in Hospitality: Tourism Development and Management is also fully accepted at ASU. While transferability is a vital component of education today, so is affordability. SCC is excited to introduce the “Hospitality Work & Learn Program” which offers students an opportunity to be hired for steady part-time work with an industry partner who will also cover the student’s tuition costs for up to two years allowing the completion of their associate of arts degree. According to

Professor Hoffman, “Our hospitality partners are holistically innovative and are excited to invest in the next generation of hospitality professionals.” Internships are another choice for hospitality students to obtain real work experiences that lend to learning individual work styles and assessing interests in different areas of the industry. The internship course, HRM295AC, requires 80 hours of work per credit hour and setting learning objectives that benefit both the student and the employer. The course concludes with a review by their workplace supervisor and a final project that recaps their semester experience. Internship partners include the world-renowned Fairmont Scottsdale Princess, Kimpton Hotel Palomar Phoenix, and Golf Tec. Hospitality and SCC Honors student Carlene Leier completed an internship experience with the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess as a Royal Service Agent, working in reservations and front desk. Carlene states, “My internship provided me the opportunity to use and revisit everything that was taught to me by my experienced professors at SCC. I made connections in the hotel industry and gained an understanding of the business in real time. I am so grateful to SCC and the Fairmont for the resume building opportunity.”

The best way to convey the success of an educational program is to assess the success and happiness of its alumni through personal testimonials. SCC officials recently met with several alumni to learn more about their roles at leading local hotels and resorts, how they have been successful

While transferability is a vital component of education today, so is affodability.

in the vocation, and the impact that the Hospitality Management program has had on their careers.

Vanessa Lister, Area Executive Meetings Manager for the Hyatt Place, Phoenix, and the AC Hotel, Tempe. Lister states she benefited by leveraging SCC’s partnership with NAU. Lister earned her bachelor’s degree without leaving SCC’s campus. The convenience of the 90/30 program allowed her to continue working locally in hospitality as she completed her NAU coursework.

Joseph Assar, Event Operations Manager at the JW Marriott Scottsdale Camelback Inn Resort & Spa. As an international student, Assar values the experience and education provided by SCC. Through the program at SCC, Assar experienced opportunities to explore all avenues of hospitality management, from culinary to operations management to event planning.

Zachary Sporbert, Assistant General Manager of The Camby Hotel, Autograph Collection. A key reason Sporbert recommends SCC’s Hospitality Management Program to future students is the faculty’s industry expertise. SCC’s relationships with local hospitality groups enable SCC to offer internships and workforce development opportunities to students.

If you are looking for a rewarding career that allows you to make every person you meet feel special and appreciated, hospitality management could be your calling. If you enjoy working with people and making them happy, make your new career in hospitality and tourism happen by registering for our Hospitality Management Program.

For more information on the Hospitality and Tourism Management Program visit hospitality-management or contact Janelle Hoffman,, 480-423-6260.

Resources: Arizona Republic,, Article: Hotel experience driven by workers. How local employees are shaping the industry. Monday, September 5, 2022. (pages 1A & 16A) Arizona Office of Tourism, (homepage statistics)



Come and check out the Scottsdale Community College Fitness Center and see what all the talk is about. You may be surprised by the wide range of our fitness equipment and training services, but you will be delighted with our community-based environment once you become a member. We offer flexible 4-month and 12-month non-credit memberships created for our community. To support your fitness goals, we even work with your insurance company through covered programs such as Silver Sneakers, Silver and Fit, and Renew Active.

SCC Fitness Center members enjoy many fitness options, ranging from exercise classes to personal training. We offer a wide variety of classes including Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates, Barre, Zumba, and Silver Sneakers. As part of your membership, you may schedule a one-on-one, one-hour appointment with an adjunct faculty instructor. All Fitness Center instructors are degreed and hold a National Certification for Personal Training. They will discuss with you what your goals and limitations may be and will write a personalized fitness plan for you.

Your trainer will introduce you to the workout equipment, set you up properly on each piece, record all your settings, and determine where you should begin your custom exercise plan.

The Fitness Center also features a 3-lane indoor track around the inside perimeter of the building, lined with large, beautiful picture windows. We provide multiple lines of cardio equipment, three different lines of sectorized equipment, and a wide variety of free weight equipment. But one of the best parts of the SCC Fitness and Wellness Center is the sense of community that is created by our fitness-minded community. Many people attend the Fitness Center for their health, but they stay because of the connections they make with fellow members. Many times, they unexpectedly run into their friends, neighbors, or parents of their kids’ schoolmates. Even better yet, our members often meet some new friends. Many create coffee groups, go out to lunch, or hit a happy hour together. Come sweat like Artie and join our community.

FALL 2022 11

For anyone that has seen the late 80’s movie The Secret of My Success, starring Michael J. Fox as he sets out for his first job post college (he wants to be an executive!) and hears time after time from interviewers: you need experience, the message often remains the same today. Employers want incoming talent to have prior, relevant experience so that new hires can begin doing the job at hand immediately. Yet college students are often forced to choose: school or work to pay the bills? The job they might take to pay said bills may be far from the career they aspire to achieve but again, choices.

As an institution of higher education, Scottsdale Community College (SCC) strives to support its students to achieve their educational goals leading to lifelong learning and gratifying and family-sustaining career paths. Herculean efforts are made to reduce barriers to reach these goals through financial aid, wrap-around student support services, and more. But what about that little issue related to having relevant work experience when they complete their studies?

The concept of a Work & Learn model is not new yet it is currently

receiving more traction in the workplace than ever before. In this model, an educational institution, like SCC, partners with an employer for a shared experience offered to individuals seeking a career without sacrificing education. Participants in this program ‘work’ approximately 20 hours per week with the partner employer in a role that introduces them to the industry in which they hope to establish a career. Simultaneously, the participant commits to ‘learn’ while completing either an academic certificate of completion or degree that coincides with their career aspirations. At the end of the program, and with satisfactory job performance, participants are often offered full-time, well-paid roles within the same organization.

In yet another effort to reduce the barriers to participant success, employers not only compensate for the work the participant does while on the job, they also cover the participant’s tuition and fees (excluding textbook costs). This reinforces the importance of achieving an education AND gaining necessary experience for success in the workforce. Additionally, participants begin to establish affinity with the employer which can



result in sustained retention beyond the program’s duration.

SCC was extremely excited to launch its first Work & Learn program with The Hartford in the late spring/early summer of 2022. Additional partnerships are currently in the works with several global hospitality giants. This particular model is flexible, by design, and has the potential to extend into many other industries: healthcare, IT, culinary, STEM, etc. The possibilities are truly endless.

The pandemic has contributed to a seismic shift that has forced employers to be more creative. Nearly every sector of the workforce has been plagued by talent shortages and hefty competition from other employers to recruit (and retain) staff. Models like the Work & Learn collaboration are the perfect win: employers are able to begin training future employees who are also students encouraged to persist in their educational pursuits. Skills learned in the classroom are applied, often the next day, on the job. Work & Learn programs are a creative solution to achieving an academic credential while also solving the ‘you need experience’ dilemma of the past!

Work & Learn programs are a creative solution to achieving an academic credential while also solving the ‘you need experience’ dilemma of the past!

Students at Scottsdale Community College (SCC) benefit from the unrivaled programs and opportunities, many of which are nationally and even internationally recognized for their curriculum and successes. The College provides top-tier learning in an environment that is friendly, comfortable and affordable. SCC’s culture is one of student success—always.

Here are some of the outstanding achievements by our... ARTICHOKE BLOOMS.

What would you say to convince someone to come to SCC?

There are many different classes and options at SCC. The campus is well kept and conveniently located off the freeway. The faculty is helpful and supportive. I enjoyed my time at SCC.

What made SCC the right fit for you?

Location and affordability.

Tell us about your time at SCC. I took various classes from DJing to biology to nutrition. I had a wide variety of programs to help me find my passion. I liked the campus, staff, and my classmates. Tell us about your favorite memory of SCC

Discovering my passion for nutrition. Props to Robert Martin for being an awesome nutrition professor! I really enjoyed all of his classes.

After leaving SCC, did you get a job or did you transfer to a university? Transferred to ASU.

What value has SCC brought to your personal life and or career?

I was able to afford to go to school. The ASU transfer pathway was very straight forward, I was able to start my education in community college and finish at ASU. If it wasn’t for SCC, I would not be where I am at today.

What are you doing now and for whom?

I am a Registered Dietitian working as a clinical dietitian at Banner University Medical Center Phoenix

I discovered that I wanted to pursue a degree in nutrition at SCC. I transferred to ASU in 2016, and graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics in 2018. In 2021 I became a Registered Dietitian.

FALL 2022 13
You can tell the caliber of an institution by the triumphs of its learners.
Karen Hemmes Graduated 2018 | Science in Nutrition and Dietetics

What are you doing now and for whom?

I am a student graphic designer for ASU Enterprise Partners Outreach Hub doing everything from print posters, banners, and invitations for the university to online advertisements and tee shirts.

What made SCC the right fit for you?

Honestly, going into college I never thought about where I would go. I just knew Community College was the right option for me. SCC ended up being my choice of school because of location and moving right after high school from California to Arizona. Knowing that, I really got lucky. Tell us about your time at SCC. SCC was great. I was not expecting to get so much value and learn as much as I did during my time. My degree program of Visual Communication went above and beyond to teach things that my current university does not even begin to cover. SCC set me up for success more than I ever knew it would during my time as a student. Tell us about your favorite memory of SCC.

Instructors go above and beyond for students and that was a huge part of my success. I really miss the instructors and their eagerness to help and assist me to grow as a designer.

After leaving SCC, did you get a job or did you transfer to a university?

I transferred to ASU Poly for Graphic Design and work for ASU Enterprise Partners | Outreach Hub as a student graphic designer.

Have you visited SCC since you graduated?


What would you say to convince someone to come to SCC?

If you’re looking to learn graphic design then definitely go to SCC because the program there goes above and beyond to really teach students key elements of design while simultaneously getting them ready for the workforce.

The Visual Communication program at SCC is that needle in the haystack you never expect to fin. The instructors go above and beyond to really teach graphic design in theory and in practice. Helping students every step of the way, they provide extra guidance and feedback to ensure you are ready for the next steps, either transfer or a real world career.

Jack Williams Graduated December 2020 | Visual Communication

Tell us about your time at SCC.

My time at SCC was an incredible educational experience. It encouraged my passion for the hospitality industry and in becoming a disciplined expert. I will always remain an advocate for one to pursue education in their life.

Tell us about your favorite memory of SCC.

The most memorable thing from my time at SCC is the friends and connections I made. These are friends and connection I still have to this day. There is a large core of SCC alumnus who are currently industry professionals in the Valley and we all stay connected. I have also maintained a close relationship with the faculty and the program itself.

After leaving SCC, did you get a job or did you transfer to a university?

I transferred to NAU to pursue my bachelor’s degree in the same discipline. I was also duel enrolled for a semester. Immediately following my graduation from NAU I obtained my first leadership position in Hospitality.

What made SCC the right choice for you?

SCC was the right choice for me because it offers a Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management. After taking some time off after high school, SCC allowed for an easier transition back into the world of higher education. Additionally, SCC makes for a seamless transition to a 4-year degree in the same discipline.

Have you visited SCC since you graduated?


What would you say to convince someone to come to SCC?

I would encourage anyone curious about pursuing higher education to start at SCC. Specifically, I would encourage anyone in the hospitality field to explore their degree in HRM. The HRM program at SCC is well designed and continues to adapt to today’s climate. It’s lead by Faculty who are hospitality professionals and have a passion for our industry.

What value has SCC brought to your personal life and or career?

The quality of the HRM program at SCC brought immense value into my career. It allowed for a seamless transition for me to continue my education. There is content I learned and connections I made which I still carry with me to this day.

What are you doing now and for whom?

I am the Assistant General Manager for The Camby Hotel, An Autograph Collection Hotel in Central Phoenix. The Management company I work for is Davidson Hotels and Resorts. This is my 2nd stint with the Camby and Davidson, as I was previously the Director of Rooms from 2018-2020. In between my time at The Camby, I worked for Marriott at the St. Regis Deer Valley in Park City, Utah. During my 20 year career I have worked for Fairmont, Starwood, Marriott, and Davidson.

FALL 2022 15
Zachary Sporbert Graduated 2009 | AAS Hotel Management


The Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) is an EEO/AA institution and an equal opportunity employer of protected veterans and individuals with disabilities. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, or national origin. A lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the career and technical education programs of the District.

The Maricopa County Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities. For Title IX/504 concerns, call the following number to reach the appointed coordinator: (480) 731-8499. For additional information, as well as a listing of all coordinators within the Maricopa College system, visit 9000 E. Chaparral

Road Scottsdale, AZ 85256

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