Scouts annual report 2015 16

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Annual Review 2015/16

CONTENTS 02 Chair’s Introduction 04 Chief Commissioner’s Report 06 Our Year in Numbers 08 Sustainable Growth and Development 12

Volunteer and Staff Development, Training and Support

16 Working in Partnership with the Wider Community 20 Quality Programme Delivery and Support 24 Supporting and Developing our Young People 28 Future Plans 30 Legal and Administrative Information 31

Membership Census 2016


Financial Review

34 Statement of Financial Activities 35

Balance Sheet

36 Supporters and Sponsors

WELCOME Scouting in Scotland is in great health with more members than ever. Over the last year we have made real progress in doing what we do better, and making it available to more young people. We are beginning to extend our reach further and deeper in to all communities.


A critical piece of the Board’s work has been to put in place the right structures and people to support the delivery of our Strategic Plan.�


A key aim of our strategy is that Scouting is shaped by young people in partnership with adults. Last year the Scottish Board approved the Youth Involvement Strategy and earlier this year we brought together 100 young people from across the country to help begin implementation, and develop the Youth Approved concept. Over the next year we will see youth involvement rolling out as a formal part of our decision making structures. A critical piece of the Board’s work has been to put in place the right structures and people to support the delivery of our Strategic Plan. We now have a number of new staff in place and, together with the existing team, they are transforming our work in supporting the delivery and development of Scouting across the country. I am particularly pleased to welcome a new Chief Executive to Scouts Scotland. Katie Docherty joined us in May 2016 and is in the process of modernising practices and reinvigorating the professional team as well as building solid relationships with our external partners. The restructured professional support team is required to deliver our strategic plan to develop and grow Scouting in Scotland. The Board is convinced that more local professional staff, supported by a central team, is a very successful approach. Over the last year we have been fortunate to have two Local Development Officers in Glasgow and Ayrshire and in each area they have achieved fantastic results in terms of more young people enjoying quality Scouting. This has been part of the UK Wide Uniformed Youth Social Action Project that has been funded through the Youth United Foundation (YUF). The Board is currently looking at how this model can be expanded and the areas that might best benefit. All of this work requires a huge amount of time from volunteers, and also a lot of money. Over the last year the Board agreed to adopt a budget deficit for the next two years, using some of our reserves to fund the extra expenditure.


Over the next year we will see our new fundraising strategy bringing us back to a budget surplus position with the development of a more mixed income stream. We had no hesitation in taking this route as the delivery of our strategy is critical to the future of the charity. The Board has agreed to extend our current Strategic Plan to 2018 to match the timeline of the UK strategy. This extension was used to review the strategy and make some minor amendments to the project delivery plan. Over the year the Board has travelled round the country as part of our plan to engage and consult more closely with members at a local level. The Board has been to Polmont, Troon, Stonehaven and our centre at Lochgoilhead. This initiative will continue in the future as we strive to be an open, transparent and consultative organisation. I’d like to say a huge thank you to the volunteer and professional team at Scouts Scotland. We have had huge change over the last couple of years and everyone has risen to the challenge. It hasn’t always been easy! I am confident that we now have an amazing team in place that will ensure, more than ever, that Scouting grows from strength to strength for the benefit of young people right across the country.

Moray Macdonald Chair, Scottish Board

120 Queen’s Scouts Awards were presented in the last year – something of a record. It was a great pleasure to see many of them marching proudly at the Annual Queen’s Scout parade at Windsor Castle.”


This is my fifth annual report as Chief Commissioner of Scotland. In reflecting on the past five years, I have been increasingly delighted to witness the impact of the many initiatives and developments that have come from both local and national Scouting. The last year has been no exception and the pace of growth and developments has not slowed down in any way. In the past year we have witnessed our 10th year of growth. Our youth membership grew by 2.5% to 37873 and our overall membership grew by 3.9% to 46095. The greatest increase in youth membership was seen in the Beaver and Cub Scout sections. Growth in the Cub Scout section is particularly pleasing in their centenary year, and I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting Centenary celebrations across the country in the past six months. It is also pleasing to recognise that 47% of our new growth was girls. I remain convinced that our continuing growth is due in no small measure to the increasing quality of the programme being delivered locally in Sections and Units across Scotland. Last year, the international dimension of our programme witnessed the participation of almost 200 Explorer Scouts and over 60 members of the International Service Team attend the World Scout Jamboree in Japan. The experience of living and working with over 35,000 Scouts and leaders from across the world remains one of the highlights of any Scouting experience, and Japan was no exception. The proximity of the campsite to Hiroshima and the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb proved to be a poignant opportunity to reflect on world peace and on the consequences of war, something which we seem to hear about on an almost daily basis. 120 Queen’s Scouts Awards were presented in the last year – something of a record. It was a great pleasure to see many of them marching proudly at the Annual Queen’s Scout parade at Windsor Castle. They have every right to be very proud of achieving our highest youth award. Hopefully, this only marks the beginning of their ongoing contribution to Scouting and their local communities.


The past year also saw the launch of the ‘A Million Hands’ project. Our partnership with the six national charities selected by our youth members is beginning to see a significant number of Sections and Units tackle some of the key challenges facing local communities including dementia awareness, mental health, water aid, and disability. I hope to see more of these projects come to fruition in the year ahead. Meaningful youth involvement has also been a key focus in the past year. The appointment of three Scottish HQ Commissioners for Youth Involvement and a superb Youth Summit involving over 100 young people held at the Edinburgh International Climbing Arena started the ball rolling. Regions are now appointing key leaders to develop this concept locally and Regional Youth Advisory Groups are taking shape. This is an exciting development and I would encourage all leaders to embrace the concept and encourage their young members to get involved. Our Regional and District training teams continue to deliver quality training to our adult leaders. Such training is important. We need to ensure that our volunteers have the skills to offer quality Scouting. I was particularly pleased that bespoke training for members of our Executive Committees – a key support to the work that we do – was rolled out across the country in the past year. Scouting can be rewarding and frustrating, challenging and satisfying, slow to change for some and changing too rapidly for others. Whatever you do and wherever you fit in our astonishing organisation, please accept my thanks for all you do. You have every right to be proud of our achievements.

Graham Haddock Chief Commissioner of Scotland

Youth Members

Adult Volunteers

people benefitted directly from Young People Taking the Lead funding

of districts applied and received funding for their Cub Centenary celebrations

grants were awarded through Scottish Development Fund

young people signed up for A Million Hands

Over young people attended National Youth Involvement events 6

Scouts Scotland will have an additional volunteer hours per month due to the Activity Permits funding opportunities.

The Cashback Sub-Committee channel nearly towards local development and growth initiatives by way of 28 Start-up and 32 Programme Grants.

Queen’s Scout Awards achieved


Scottish Scouts attended the World Scout Jamboree in Japan

tattie scones served up at Lochgoilhead for breakfasts


sleeps at Fordell

archery arrows shot at Meggernie

We’re committed to ensuring that Scouting is open to all, and that every young person can access the life changing adventure that we offer. This year we celebrated our 10th consecutive year of growth with 1,737 new members. Our numbers are now the highest they’ve been this century, with 46,095 members. That’s 37,874 young people who are supported by 8,222 adult members across Scotland. A massive 47% of new members are female. In 2016 we’ve also been celebrating the Cub Scout centenary, marking 100 years of fun, friendship, and adventure with the Wildest Birthday Party ever. The Cubs were our fastest growing Section this year, increasing by 3.4%. In 2015 we were really proud to be shortlisted for our work to include LGBTI members in Scouting in the ‘Equality Initiative of the Year’ category at the first ever Scottish LGBTI Awards. The event recognises and celebrates those who have made a positive contribution to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) equality and human rights in Scotland. We’ve also grown in some of the most challenging communities in Scotland this year. Our two Local Development Officers (LDOs) continued in their Youth United Foundation funded projects to open new groups in areas of social and economic deprivation in Glasgow and Ayrshire. Our expectations were far exceeded with 29 new Sections opening, which has brought Scouting to over 300 new young people and over 90 volunteers. As we continue to grow, so does the demand from young people to join Scouting. Although an amazing 800 adult volunteers joined us in the last year, we still have over 3,000 young people on our waiting lists. The Local Development Projects clearly show the massive impact that an LDO can make in growing and developing Scouting.


Having an LDO in South West Region has been hugely valuable in terms of helping start new Sections and Groups, and also in attracting new adult volunteers. The experience has also been extremely beneficial in securing the sustainability of some existing Groups and helping to open up Scouting to more young people with special needs. All of this would not have been possible within such a short space of time without the outstanding work of the LDO.� Colin Williamson, Regional Commissioner for South West


Without our incredible volunteers and staff, we simply wouldn’t be able to offer the life changing adventure of Scouting to thousands of young people. We are committed to ensuring that they are better trained, resourced, and continually up-skilled. This year our Programme and Region Support Committee launched a number of operational projects to help deliver our Strategic Plan. Specific projects have already begun to support Line Managers, review the volunteer journey, deliver community impact, support the Young Leader Scheme, and address issues of retention. Our Adult Training Team has been busy this year, developing and introducing an annual training survey to measure the reach and quality of training across the country. Feedback from the survey will be used to identify any areas that need more support. A ‘Keep Calm and….’ initiative was also introduced to help with on-going learning, and the team has already delivered sessions on safeguarding and presentation skills. During the past year the Board approved a new staff structure at Scouts Scotland Headquarters following a staffing capacity review. We have now expanded our professional staffing in areas of local development, communications, business, fundraising and partnerships to equip us with the right skills and capacity to deliver our Strategy. As part of the review, the Board also committed to supporting Local Development Officers and project based staff to target future growth. Scouts Scotland staff and volunteers held a team development weekend in February to further develop our strategy to extend it to 2018. As part of our commitment to ensuring that our staff and volunteers are supported and up-skilled, members of the team have been trained in social media, health and safety, leading in youth work, adventurous activities, charity finance, project management, employment / HR, and digital communications. The Scottish Board began a tour of the country this year, holding its meetings at local Scout headquarters around Scotland. This has allowed the Board to meet with local volunteers and better understand issues and initiatives at a local level, and receive feedback directly from members.


Having the Board meetings in different locations has provided us with a fantastic opportunity to meet members in the Scottish Scouting community. It has been really useful to hear the positives and negatives from local volunteers first hand which allows us to have the wants and needs of our members at the core of every Board decision - after all, it is integral that our members shape our Movement!� Robyn Seymour, Scottish Board Member


Scouting is at the heart of communities across Scotland. We work in partnership with external organisations to maximise our impact, and ensure that we can offer even more opportunities to our young people to become active citizens and make a positive contribution to society. Throughout the year our National Activity Centres have engaged with Education Scotland as a member of the National Network for Outdoor Learning, including the delivery of a training session for teachers. Through our membership of the Scottish Adventurous Activities Forum, we were also active members of a working group on the national consultation on the licensing of adventurous activities. Our Community Impact Project – A Million Hands – was launched in October and aims to mobilise half a million Scouts across the UK in support of four social issues chosen by our young people. The issues they chose were dementia, disabilities, mental wellbeing and resilience and access to clean water and sanitation at home and abroad. In February we met with the National Partners who are helping us to deliver this project: Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH), Alzheimer Scotland, Leonard Cheshire Trust, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Canal and River Trust, and Water Aid. Thousands of Scouts across Scotland have already signed up to take part. In November young people from all of the Cashback for Communities partners come together for the first time for #Strive 15. Youth members from Scouts Scotland, Boy’s Brigade Scotland, Girl’s Brigade Scotland, Girlguiding Scotland, and Youth Scotland created a joint advisory group to plan and deliver the event for over 70 young people. The group was supported by a communications team made up of young people who took over their organisation’s Twitter channels for the day. The event was a huge success with a packed programme and an address by the Minister for Children and Young People, Aileen Campbell MSP and Jordan Linden MSYP, Chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament.


I loved being part of Strive and learning more about other youth organisations in Scotland. Taking part in the planning and some of the presenting of this event definitely made me more confident. I got to use some of the skills I learned from my young spokesperson training last year to be able to stay calm and talk about my experiences in Scouting, as well as run an activity by myself.� Jennifer Dobbie, 17, Advisory Group Member


Our programme is integral to what we do and ensures that our young people are provided with opportunities for personal development, challenge, and achievement. Following the refresh of our Youth Programme across the UK, and feedback from our members, we launched new badges for our Beaver, Cub, and Scout Sections this year. The Thistle Awards provide a focus on Scotland, its people, and culture, whilst being fun and challenging for young people. Our National Activity Centres have continued to deliver quality programme and facilities for our members. Through camping and activities at Fordell Firs and Meggernie, and multi-activity weekends and badge courses at Lochgoilhead, we have provided a fun and safe environment for thousands of young people and Leaders from across the country. Throughout the year education, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, and other youth groups have also benefitted from the adventure that our Centres offer. This year, a record breaking 120 young people achieved their Queen’s Scout Award, which is the highest youth accolade in Scouting. The award helps young people to challenge themselves, try new things, learn life skills, and fulfil their potential. This year’s recipients took part in some incredible challenges, including winning medals in the 2013 Special Olympics, embarking on a sailing voyage, volunteering at a turtle conservation project in Indonesia, exploring Iceland, and helping to build a youth centre in Zambia. During the summer 300 Scottish youth members and adult volunteers headed off for the adventure of a lifetime at the 23rd World Scout Jamboree in Japan. The Scottish Scouts joined over 35,000 other Scouts from 155 countries and territories for an incredible international experience. As well as taking part in activities at the Jamboree site, the Scouts also immersed themselves in Japanese culture, through visits to Tokyo and Hiroshima, and spending time living with Japanese families.


The Jamboree was absolutely amazing. I was surrounded by people from so many different countries and learned loads of new things, including phrases in about 6 different languages! The highlight of the whole trip had to be living with a Japanese family in Ayabe. It was scary at first, as no one in the family spoke any English, but we managed to get by. One night they took us to a local Buddhist Temple, which was so different to what we would see at home and an amazing thing to experience.� James, 16, from Livingston



We are committed to ensuring that Scouting is shaped by young people in partnership with adults. In May 2015 we held Scotshape, which brought together over 100 young people to help develop our Youth Involvement Strategy. The Board has now approved the Youth Involvement Strategy, and work to implement it across Scotland is being led by a team of young people and adults who make up our Youth Involvement Development Group. As part of the strategy, three young people have been appointed as Commissioners for Youth Involvement to provide support and direction to local Scouting. Our first two constituent Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYP) were also elected at Scotshape. Throughout the year our two MSYPs have played an active role in the life of the Scottish Youth Parliament. Their motion asking for further and higher education to recognise the awards and accreditations that young people achieve through voluntary youth work led to the award of Group of the Year in March 2016. Our 2015 Annual Review and AGM was based on the theme ‘Youth Approved’ and the planning team was led by a 17-year-old Explorer Scout and six other young people under 25. The team organised and delivered the event, which launched our Youth Involvement Strategy to our wider membership. Following on from the success of the first Scotshape event, Scotshape 2016 was held at the Ratho International Climbing Centre in Edinburgh. Over 120 young people attended the event to help implement our Youth Involvement Strategy, support the development of a National Youth Advisory Group, and to continue improving youth involvement in Scotland. The weekend was full of practical handson activities to test the new youth involvement structures, develop the Youth Approved concept, and launch the strategy across the country.


After being a presenter at Scotshape 2015, I was given the opportunity to lead the planning team for ScotShape 2016, which was an absolutely fantastic experience. It really helped me to develop my leadership and communication skills, as well as the ability to motivate others and delegate tasks. It gave me a huge amount of confidence – I really wasn’t sure that I’d be able to lead a team to organise a residential event for over 120 young people. But I did it, and I loved it!” Lee, 19, from Aberdeen



During the year ahead the Board will continue progress towards delivering the extended Strategic Plan towards 2018. With our new staffing structure in place, together with a new Chief Executive, we are well placed to deliver on a number of key activities including: • Delivery of a new communication strategy • Reducing our reliance on membership fees and returning to a surplus budget position with the support of our new fundraising strategy • Driving quality programmes and better use of our National Activity Centres • Opening our new 20-bed Sir Garth Morrison Lodge at Fordell Firs • Building partnerships and alliances to enhance social action and community impact.




The Scout Association was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1912. Its powers include the appointment of local bodies for the management of its affairs in any particular part of the United Kingdom; under these powers its affairs in Scotland are delegated to Scouts Scotland, with a board for the management of its business. Scouts Scotland is an independently registered Scottish Charity with its own constitution. HONORARY PRESIDENT - Chris Tiso

SCOTTISH BOARD - EX OFFICIO MEMBERS Chair Chief Commissioner of Scotland Honorary Treasurer Chief Executive and Secretary

Moray Macdonald Graham Haddock John W Kennedy James A Duffy* (to 13/12/2015) Graeme Luke* (Acting Chief Executive from 13/12/2015)


SCOTTISH BOARD - ELECTED MEMBERS Simon McGrory Hamish Scott Colin Williamson Dan Harper Ian McPherson David Mitchell Brian Moretta Colin Hastie Callum Holt Derek Dunsire Kevin Stewart

Clyde Region Forth Region South West Region West Region Clyde Region Forth Region South East Region Forth Region Clyde Region East Region North East Region

2009 – 7/11/2015* 2009 – 7/11/2015* 2012 – 7/11/2015 2010 – 2016* 2012 – 2016** 1/06/2013 - 2016** 9/11/2013 - 2016 8/11/2014 - 2017 8/11/2014 - 2017 7/11/2015- 2018 7/11/2015- 2018

* elected for a second consecutive term ** elected following serving part-term / Casual Vacancy

APPOINTED MEMBERS Kristin von Wald Natalie Wilson

External Trustee External Trustee

7/11/2015 - 2018 7/11/2015 - 2018

External Trustee North East Region

7/11/2015 - 2016 27/2/2016 - 2016



Principal Address Fordell Firs, Hillend Dunfermline Fife, KY11 7HQ Bankers Royal Bank of Scotland 36 St Andrew Square Edinburgh, EH2 2YB Auditors Chiene + Tait LLP Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor 61 Dublin Street Edinburgh, EH3 6NL Investment Advisors Adam & Company Investment Management Ltd 25 St Andrew Square Edinburgh, EH2 1AF

CO-OPTED MEMBERS David McColgan Robyn Seymour

MINUTE SECRETARY Alan Willoughby* *Non-Voting






Beaver Scouts Cub Scouts Scouts Explorer Scouts Network members

9,361 10,818 8,544 2,761 246

1,341 1,731 2,019 948 104

10,702 12,549 10,563 3,709 350





Sections leaders Sectional Assistants & Skills Instructors Group Scout Leaders District Skills Instructors District Advisers District Scouters District Commissioners (incl. Assts & Deputies) Regional Skills Instructors Regional Advisers Regional Scouters Regional Commissioners (incl. Assts & Deputies)

2,982 515 357 8 16 14 104 7 12 0 29

2,183 428 150 2 13 14 66 2 4 0 17

5,165 943 507 10 29 28 170 9 16 0 46





District Administrators District Office Bearers Region Administrators Region Office Bearers Scout Active Support Individual Members and Associate Members

24 87 19 19 355 237

38 50 15 5 206 244

62 137 34 24 561 481





Members Associate Members

36,453 62

9,496 84

45,949 146





861 511 757

354 306 410

1,215 817 1,167




STATISTICAL INFORMATION Young Leaders Network members (recorded elsewhere) Total Network members

UNITS Beaver Scout Colonies Cub Scout Packs Scout Troops Explorer Scout Units Local Scout Networks Scout Active Support Units Young Leader Units Groups Districts Regions


632 668 569 257 33 70 70 602 53 8



The financial outturn for year ended 31 March 2016 is satisfactory having regard to the various initiatives taken during the year and the decision to invest some of our General Reserves in a restructuring of professional resources in order to better support the development of strategy through to 2018 and beyond. The General Reserve Fund reduced during the year by £135,739 before investment losses. Overall income in the General Fund was broadly in line with the previous year when the distorting impact of the Blair Atholl Jamborette is excluded. Within that, there was encouraging growth in income at both the Lochgoilhead (+8.4%) and Meggernie (+17.4%) Centres. While much of the additional income at Meggernie was a one-off World Jamboree Unit planning weekend, the growth at Lochgoilhead is encouraging and has continued into the following year. Grants from The Searle Memorial Trust, specifically to support the centre at Meggernie, continued at the same level as in the previous year while funding from The Scottish Government also continued through our Strategic Funding Partnership agreement. The deficit reflects costs related to the restructuring of the staff team at Headquarters and the recruitment to new roles to better support the work that we do. The new role of Head of Activity Centres is charged with improving the performance of all three activity centres, both in terms of the programme offered to our members and third party users, as well as the financial performance, and initial indications are extremely positive. The overall General Reserve Fund value was also adversely impacted by the reduction in value of our investment portfolio by some 2.3% during the year.


Designated Unrestricted Reserves increased substantially over the year, reflecting the transfer of restricted funds on the construction of the Sir Garth Morrison Lodge at Fordell Firs. The Lodge was completed after the end of the financial year and, at the balance sheet date, costs incurred have been included as Assets under Construction. Restricted Funds decreased in line with the increase in Designated Funds. Income to Restricted Funds totalled £348,595, including the grant of £65,000 from the Gannochy Trust, which once again has been used to support development initiatives in Groups, Districts and Regions across Scotland. Cashback for Communities Funding continues with income of £145,469 providing valuable direct financial support to local Groups, as well as funding development support initiatives. Grants received from the National Voluntary Youth Organisations Support Fund totalling £31,472 funded various other development and support initiatives. The Scottish Board acknowledges with grateful thanks the financial assistance provided by all our sponsors and supporters. Summary Financial Statements The summary financial statements contain information extracted from the full statutory report and accounts for the year ended 31 March 2016, which received an unqualified audit report and were approved by the Board on 10 September 2016. The accounts have been lodged with OSCR and can be obtained on request from Scottish Headquarters. Moray Macdonald Chair, Scottish Board


Unrestricted funds (£)

Restricted funds (£)

Total 2016 (£)

Total 2015 (£)

Income and endowments from: Donations and legacies Charitable activities Investment income

1,055,590 1,054,890 24,057

334,557 14,038

1,390,147 1,054,890 38,095

1,407,740 1,368,073 35,677






Expenditure on: Raising funds Costs of raising funds Investment management costs Charitable activities

483,772 4,091 1,694,367

2,403 322,474

483,772 6,494 2,016,841

472,338 5,109 2,165,254






Net income/(expenditure) and net movement on funds before Investment gains/(losses) Investment assets - realised (losses)/gains Investment assets - unrealised gains

(47,693) 12,902 (25,305)

23,718 7,578 (14,861)

(23,975) 20,480 (40,166)

168,789 (2,595) 50,403

Net income/(expenditure) and net movement on funds before transfers





Transfers between funds





Net movement in funds for the year





Reconciliation of Funds Total funds brought forward










The statement of financial activities includes all gains and losses recognised in the year. All incoming resources and resources expended derive from continuing activities.



2016 (£)

2015 (£)



553,732 325,207

566,132 332,490



21,180 189,734 1,779,256

18,868 129,880 1,994,618














FUNDS Unrestricted Funds General Reserves Designated Reserves Restricted Funds

1,152,158 877,775 682,135

1,297,150 479,558 979,021



TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS INVESTMENTS at Market Value Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds

CURRENT ASSETS Stock Debtors Bank and Cash Balances


Approved and authorised for issue by the Board of the Scottish Council 10 September 2016. Signed on their behalf on that date by:

Moray Macdonald Chair, Scottish Board


J W Kennedy BCom CA Honorary Treasurer


Alzheimer Scotland

Mark Beaumont

Arnold Clark

Michaela Ruff & staff, Perth Concert Hall

Atholl Arms, Blair Atholl

Mr & Mrs Anderson, Borenich Farm

Atholl Estates

Mrs Isabel Rodger

Atholl Glens

Muir Construction

Batleys Bentleys Shop Fitters, Dundee

National Voluntary Youth Work Organisations Support Fund

Brakes Group

Nationwide Building Society

CashBack for Communities

Palm Equipment

Climb Scotland

Perth & Kinross Council

Cowan & Partners, Edinburgh

Pride Edinburgh

Cumbria Waste Management

Provost of Stirling, Mike Robbins

Danish Soft Wood

Provost Liz Grant, Perth & Kinross Council

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

Purvis Marquees


Royal Bank of Scotland plc

Education Scotland


Ennstone Thistle


Exxon Mobil

Scottish Government Strategic Funding Partnership

Fordell Firs Scout Active Support Forestry Commission Scotland Fyne Events Gannochy Trust Gemini Supplies (Scotland) Ltd Gemm 4x4, Larbert Go Kayaking G Reekie Group Ltd Guide Dogs Hugh & Mary Miller Bequest Insch Active Support J Douglas Allan John Hawthorn John Mitchell, Grangemouth Keegan & Pennykid (Insurance Brokers) Ltd Kilsyth Medical Partnership

Scottish Scout Active Support Scottish Scout Active Support Marquee Service Scottish Waterways Trust Scottish Youth Parliament SCVO Searle Memorial Trust SLD Pump & Power Stirling High School Strathtummel, Pitlochry Taggarts Motor Group Land Rover The Miller Foundation Thomas Tunnock Ltd Tiso Water Aid YouthLink Scotland

Lady Gill Morrison Land Engineering Leonard Cheshire Disability Limpet Technologies Lloyds Banking Group Lochgoilhead Scout Active Support Mackie Motors, Arbroath MacRobert Trust


Scouts Scotland Fordell Firs Hillend Dunfermline Fife, KY11 7HQ T 01383 419 073 E Scouts Scotland is a registered Scottish Charity No. SC017511

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