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On Spital Fields Jonathan Dove EP 7744 Full Score A Community Cantata issuu version for perusal only

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On Spital Fields

Community Cantata

for Soprano and Tenor soloists, children’s choirs, community chorus, senior citizens’ choir, SATB choir, brass quintet and mixed instrumental ensemble

Full Score


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Commissioned by Spitalfields Festival with funds from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation to celebrate the life of Christopher Robert Vaughan 1961-1999

This score is a facsimile of the composer’s manuscript, reflecting the state of editorial work and correction as of June 2005


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On Spital Fields

A Community Cantata for soprano and tenor soloists, children’s choirs, community chorus, senior citizens’ choir, SATB choir, brass quintet and mixed instrumental ensemble.









Double Bass

Percussion: Timpani

Tubular Bells


Vibraphone (fans off throughout)

2 Tam-tams (one in gallery), Suspended cymbal, Clash Cymbals, Tambourine, Tom tom, Snare drum, Tabla & Bhaya, Bongos

2 Wood-blocks, Triangle, Vibraslap, 2 Shakers, Whip, Rattle, Guiro

Off-stage instruments

In movements 3, 6, 9, 12:

2 Trumpets in B flat

Horn in F

Tenor Trombone


2 Percussionists

In movements 9, 12 4 Piccolos

Score in C

Duration 70 minutes

On Spital Fields

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Singers’ roles

1 1. Spitalfields Garden

6 2. Christ Church Bells

17 3. Roman Burial

25 4. Petticoat Lane

58 5. The Song of the shirt

65 6. Poverty, poverty knock!

88 7. A Jewish History

99 8. It came to pass at midnight

107 9. Wake all the Dead!

129 10. Of the Tears

138 11. Culpepper’s Garden

Senior Citizens, Tenor Solo

Children 1 & 2, Community, Soprano & Tenor Solo

Children 2 & 3, Soprano Solo, SATB

Children 3, Senior Citizens, Community, Soprano Solo SATB

Senior Citizens, Soprano & Tenor Solo

Children 1, Senior Citizens, Community, Soprano & Tenor Solo, SATB

Children 2, Soprano Solo, SATB

Soprano & Tenor Solo, SATB

Children 1, 2 & 3, Senior Citizens, Community Soprano Solo, SATB

Community, Soprano & Tenor Solo

Children 3, Senior Citizens, Community, Soprano & Tenor Solo, SATB

156 12. Songbirds EVERYONE

SATB Choir in movements 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 Page Movement Sung

Children 1 in movements 2, 6, 9, 12

Children 2 in movements 2, 3, 7, 9, 12

Children 3 in movements 3, 4, 9, 11, 12

Senior Citizens in movements 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12

Community Chorus in movements 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12

Soprano Solo in movements 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Tenor Solo in movements 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12


1. Spitalfields Garden

issuu version for perusal only

q = 66 q = 66 Steady Steady
Clarinet in
Tubular Bells Harp Piano Accordion Solo Tenor Senior Citizens Violin Viola Violoncello
fp p fp p p p fp 1 Freely 8 Pno. T. Solo Db. "ThisisSpi tal-fields3 Gar den"- Andhe 3 mouthed theword 3 "gar den"- withscorn Edition Peters No. 7744 © Copyright 2004 by Hinrichsen Edition, Peters Edition Ltd, London. Text © Copyright 2004 Alistair Middleton
Double Bass

issuu version for perusal only

In tempo In tempo 12 Tub. B. Hp.
Vc. Db. p p p The 3 sha dow -of 3 Christ Church falls a-cross 3 Spi tal--fields 3 Gar den, - andin the p p p p 2 17
Hp. Pno. Accord. T. Solo Vln.
Vc. Db. mp mp mp pp sha dow -ofChrist Church, atthree o‘clock 3 inthe 3 af ter-noon-Isaw asight I ne ver-wish tosee again.ppmp ppmp pp mp ppmp 2

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3 Recit. 25 Hp. T. Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. Therearenoflow ers -inthisgar den- Creatures-hud dled-there 3 intheir 3 rags, p p p p 28 In tempo 4 T. Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. sleep -ing Herewerea 3 do zen -wo men,-rang ing -in 3 age from 3 twen ty-years tose ven-ty. - Nextababe, lying-a 3 sleep, flat 35 Recit. 5 T. Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. onthe 3 hard bench, withneither-pil low-nor 3 co vering- norwitha ny-one3 look ing -af ter-it. Farther-on, aman 3 40 T. Solo Vln.
Vc. Db. hiscloth ing-cakedwithgut ter-mud, asleep-withhis 3 head inthe 3 lap ofa 3 wo man-not morethan 3 twen ty-five-years 3

old, andal so -a 3 -sleep. Itwas thissleep ing -thatpuz zled-me. Butitwas 3 not tilaf ter-wards 3 thatI 3 learned Itisa

In tempo In tempo

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law ofthepo wers-thatbe thatthehome less-shall notsleep atnight.

43 6 A little slower T. Solo Vln.
Vla. Vc.
7 7
Tub. B. Hp.
Pno. T. Solo Vln.
Vc. Db. f f f
333 f f f f 4
8 53 Hp. Accord. Sen. Cit. p 33333333 p m m m m M m m M m My p lodg ison thecold ground, Andve ry-hard is 3 my 60 9 Accord. Sen. Cit. f m M M m M M m M m M fare, butthat whichtrou -bles me 3 most is Theunkind-ness-of my dear. Yet f still Icry: O turn, love, AndIpri thee-love, turn to 68 10 Hp. Accord. Sen. Cit. p 33333 m p m M M m m m m m me, For p thou arttheman I long for, Andalack! - What reme-dy?76 Cl. Hp. Accord. Sen. Cit. Vln. Db. p 333 3 3 M m m M m Butifthou wilthard en3 thyheart still Andbedeaf tomypiti3 fulp p 5
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80 Cl. Accord. Sen. Cit.
Db. 3f m M M m M M m moan, Then I mustendure-thesmart still, Andtum ble3 instraw alone. - Yet f f 6 11 85 Cl. Accord. Sen.
Vln. Vla.
Vln. Vla.
f fp M m M m p m stillIcry: O turn, love, AndI pri thee- love, turn tome, For p thou arttheman thatasffsff 6 f p 6
Vc. Db.

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90 12 12 Cl.
Pno. Accord.
p p p p p M M m lone art The cause ofmymi se-ry.p p p p 7
Vln. Vla. Vc. Db.

2. Christchurch Bells

Recitative Tubular Bells Harp Piano Tenor Solo f f f These cond -of 3 Ap ril -Sixteen-Six ty-two: - Mister-Moore cametome andhe andI 3 walked totheSpit tle, an 5 T. Solo hourortwo before-myLord 3 Mayor andtheBlewe coate boys came, whichatlast theydid, andafine sightofcha ri -ty-itis indeed.13 10 Tub. B. Hp. Pno. S. Solo f 33 f f 3 3 33 Mister-Phelps, thefamous-Bell foun-derin 3 White chap-pel, has 3 Or ders -to 3 cast a 3 setofEight 3 Bellsfor 3 theNew Church in 3 Spit tlefields.3 The 14 S. Solo Timber-work-andframes arenowmak ing-intheBel fry-ofthesaid Church. TheTe nor -is tobe 3 thir ty-six-hun dred-weight.3 3 3 8 issuu
version for perusal only

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14 Lively h. = 60 17
B. Hp. Pno.
fmp fmp fmp sim.
two three four five six They 29 15
B. Hp. Pno.
sound so won d'rous -great So woun dy -sweet Andtheytrowl so 39
thebonny-Christ church -bells One
B. Hp. Pno. Chil. f f f merri-ly,-mer rily,-mer rily,- andtheytrowl so merrily,-mer rily,-mer rily9


issuu version for perusal only

Oh! f In 2 groups thefirst andse cond -Bell, That e v'ry -day at Four and Ten Cry, Come, come, come, come,

Oh! f thefirst andse cond -Bell, That e v'ry -day at Four and Ten Cry,


come to pray‘rs: And the Vir ger - troops be fore -the Dean.

Come, come, come, come, come to pray‘rs: And the Vir ger -troops be fore -the Dean.

Vc. Went un to -St Ma ry -Spital,- un to -the ser mon, -allthemas ters -and ru lers, -and school mas-ters-and mis tres-ses,pizz. p pizz.

Vc. and all the child ren, - all in blue coats, with scut cheons -em broi -dered-on their sleeves with the arms of

16 49
17 Tub. B.
mp mp mp
59 18
Tub. B. Hp. Pno.
f f
71 T. Solo
19 80 T.

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90 20 Glock. Hp.
p p p Lon don Tink mf le,tink le,ting, goes the small Bell at Nine, To call the bee rers -home But the Dev 'l a man Will leave his p arco p arco p 103 21 Glock. Hp.
Vla. Vc.
Pno. T. Solo Chil. Vln.
And so two and two to ge -ther - and e v'ry -man in his place and Can, 'Till he hears the migh ty -Tom. pizz. p pizz. p 115 T. Solo
Vc. of fice, -And seats oneabove-ano-ther-for all the child ren, - sitting-one above-ano-ther-like steps. 11
Vla. Vc.

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22 124 23 Cl. Tub. B. Hp. Pno. Accord.
p fp fp fpp p Oh! (f) thebonny-Christ church -bells One two three four five six Oh! (f) thebonny-Christ church -bells One two three Twas on a Ho ly -Thursp arco p arco p p pizz. 12
Vla. Vc. Cb.

issuu version for perusal only

135 Cl.
B. Hp.
Chil. Vln. Vla.
Oh! thebon ny-Christ church -bells One two three four five six Oh! thebonnyfour five six Oh! thebon ny-Christ church -bells One two three four five six day - their in no -cent - fa ces -clean The child ren -walk ing -two and two in red and 13
Vc. Cb.

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145 24 Cl. Tub. B. Hp.
Chil. Vln.
Christ church
They sound so won d'rous -great Oh! thebonny-Christ church -bells So woun dyblue and green Grey hea ded -bead les - walked be fore -with wands as white as snow arco 14
Vc. Cb.

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156 Cl.
Hp. Accord. Chil. Comm.
Vln. Vla. Vc.
Till in to -the high dome of
they like Thames wa ter - flow 15
merrily,-mer rily,-mer rily,- merrily,-mer rily,-mer rily,- merrily,-mer rily,-mer rily,-mer rily,sweet merri-ly,-mer rily,- mer rily,-
rily,-mer rily,-

issuu version for perusal only

164 25 Cl. Tub. B. Hp.
S. Solo Chil. Vln.
Cb. f f f f f O f what a mul ti -tude - they seem‘d
Vla. Vc.
ring! Oh! thebon ny-Christ church -bells Oh! mf thebon ny-Christ church -bells Oh! thebon ny-Christ church -bells Oh! thebon ny-Christ church -bells
f f f f 16
Oh! thebonny-

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173 Cl. Tub. B. Hp.
Pno. Accord.
S. Solo Chil. Vln. Vla. Vc.
com pa
a ra
One two three four five six They sound so won d'rous -great So woun dyChrist church -bells One two three four five six They sound so won d'rous -great 17
flowers of Lon don -town
ted -in
diance -all their

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184 26 Cl.
B. Hp. Pno. Accord.
Vc. Cb. own The hum of mul ti -tudes-was there but mul ti -tudes-of
Vln. Vla.
sweet. Oh! thebon ny-Christ church -bells Oh! thebon ny-Christ church -bells So woun dy -sweet. Oh! thebon ny-Christ church -bells
Twas on a Ho ly -Thurs day - their in no -cent-fa ces18
Oh! thebon ny-Christ church -bells

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194 Cl. Tub. B. Hp. Pno. Accord.
S. Solo
lambs Thou sands of lit
-boys and girls rais ing -their in no -cent-hands
Vla. Vc. Cb.
One two three four five six One two three four five six One two three four five six clean The child ren -walk ing -two and two in red and blue and green 19
Oh! thebonny- Christ church -bells

issuu version for perusal only

27 204 28 Cl.
B. Hp.
S. Solo Chil. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc.
har mo
They sound so won d'rous -great merrily,-mer rily,-mer rily,So woun dy -sweet merrily,-mer rily,-
likeamigh ty -wind theyraisetoheav'n thevoiceofsong
-nious -
d'rings -
Grey hea ded -bead les -walked be fore -with wands as white as snow Till in to -the

issuu version for perusal only

214 29 Cl.
B. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo Chil. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. Cb. f f the seats of heav‘n a mong - Be neath -them merrily,-mer rily,-mer rily,- merrily,-mer rily,-mer rily,- merrily,-mer rily,-mer rily,-mer rily,- ring! merrily,- merrily,-mer rily,-mer rily,- Oh! thebon ny-Christ church -bells high dome of Pauls they like Thames wa ter - flow Twas 21

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222 30 Cl. Tub. B. Hp.
Cb. dim. dim. dim. dim. dim. sit the a ged - men wise guar dians -of the poor, Then che rish - pi ty -
Vln. Vla. Vc.
Oh! thebon ny-Christ church -bells
One dim. two three four five
Oh! thebon ny-Christ church -bells
on a Ho ly -Thurs day - their in no -cent-fa ces -clean dim. The child ren -walk ingdim. dim. dim. dim. 22
Oh! thebonny-Christ church -bells Oh! thebonny-Christ church -bells

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232 31 Cl.
B. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo Chil. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. Cb. p p p p lest you drive an an gel - from your door Then six One two three four five six One two three four five six two and two in red and blue and green p p p p 239
B. Hp. Pno. S. Solo pp che rish -pi ty - lest you drive an an gel - from your door 23

version for perusal only

Gently moving Gently moving 3. Roman Burial q = 72 q = 72 32 32 1 Trumpets in Bb 2 Horn in F Tenor Trombone Tuba Tam-tam
Bb Tam-tam Harp Piano Accordion Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Violin Viola Violoncello Double Bass Brass Quintet and percussion in gallery In gallery, right p 5 In gallery, left p 53 In gallery, rear In gallery, rear p In gallery, rear p In gallery, rear scrape with triangle beater pp sim. p p 3 Ontheeast side ofthischurch -yard lieth-a 3 Ontheeast side ofthischurch -yard lieth-a 3 Ontheeast side ofthischurch -yard lieth-a 3 Ontheeast side ofthischurch -yard lieth-a 3 p 3 p 3 p pizz. arco p 3 p pizz. 24 issuu
Clarinet in

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inthedig ging-whereof-many-earthen-pots


7 T.-t. Hp. Accord. S. A. T. B.
Vc. Db. 3 large field,
Fifteen-Se ven -ty-six - wasbro ken-upforclay tomakebrick 3 large field,
- whicha bout - theyear
ven -ty-six - wasbro ken-upforclay tomakebrick 3 large field,
Fifteen-Se ven -ty-six - wasbro ken-upforclay tomakebrick 3 large field,
Fifteen-Se ven -ty-six - wasbro ken-upforclay tomakebrick 3 3 3 3 33 11 T.-t. Hp. Accord.
Vln. Vla.
A. T. B.
Vc. Db. cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco 3 cresc. poco a poco
calledur werefound fullofash es andburnt bonesofmen towit, ofthe 3 cresc. poco a poco
inthedig ging-whereof-many-earthen-pots
werefound fullofash es andburnt bonesofmen towit, ofthe 3 cresc. poco a poco
ging-whereof-many-earthen-pots calledur
calledur werefound fullofash es andburnt bonesofmen towit, ofthe 3 cresc. poco a poco
werefound fullofash es andburnt bonesofmen towit, ofthe 3 cresc. poco a poco 3 3 cresc. poco a poco
poco a poco 3 cresc. poco a poco 25

version for perusal only

15 34 34 1 Tpt. 2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. T.-t. T.-t. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ff55 ff 5 ff coarse and brassy 33 ff coarse ff coarse ff f nat. f ff f ff f 3 Ro mans - thatin ha - bi-ted3 here. Ro mans - thatin ha - bi-ted-here. 3 Ro mans - thatin ha - bi-ted-here. 3 Ro mans - thatin ha - bi-ted-here. 3 f 3 f 3 f pizz. ff 3 fff 26 issuu

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18 1 Tpt. 2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. T.-t. T.-t. Hp. Pno. Vc. Db. 3 53 p 53 33 p p p p p p p p p 35 20 Hp. S. Solo Chil. Vln. Vla. Vc. p Inthislit tleUrne islaid Prewdence-Bald win (oncemymaid) Fromwhosehappy-spark herelet Spring Inthislit
p p arco p 27
tle-Urne islaid

issuu version for perusal only

thepur ple -Vi o-let, - thepur ple -Vi o-let, - thepur ple -Vi o-let - thepur

Prewdence-Bald (oncemymaid)

Fromwhosehap py-spark herelet Spring

thepur ple -Vi o-let - thepur ple -Vi o-let, - thepur ple -Vi o-let - thepur ple -Vi o-let. -

26 36
Hp. S. Solo Chil. Vln. Vla. Vc.
Hp. S. Solo Chil. Vln. Vla. Vc. Vio-let. -


issuu version for perusal only

Evr'y-one ofthesepots hadin them withash esofthedead

Evr'y-one ofthesepots hadin them withash esofthedead

Evr'y-one ofthesepots hadin them withash esofthedead

Evr'y-one ofthesepots hadin them withash esofthedead

onepiece ofcop per-money,- withtheinscrip-tion- oftheem peror-thenreign ing-

onepiece ofcop per-money,- withtheinscrip-tion- oftheem peror-thenreign ing-

onepiece ofcop per-money,- withtheinscrip-tion- oftheem peror-thenreign ing-

onepiece ofcop per-money,- withtheinscrip-tion- oftheem peror-thenreign ing-

37 Pressing forwards 35 Tamb. Hp. Accord. S. A. T. B.
Db. p
3 (sempre
p 38 Tamb. Hp. Accord. S. A. T. B.
Vln. Vla. Vc.
p 29

issuu version for perusal only

Someofthem wereofClau dius,-

Someofthem wereofClau dius,-

Someofthem wereofClau dius,-

Someofthem wereofClau dius,-

SomeofVespa-sian,- someofNero,-

SomeofVespa-sian,- someofNero,-

SomeofVespa-sian,- someofNero,-

SomeofVespa-sian,- someofNero,-

ofAn to -ni-nus-Pius,-

ofTraja-nus,- and o thers -

ofAn to -ni-nus-Pius,- ofTraja-nus,- and o thers -

ofAn to -ni-nus-Pius,-

ofTraja-nus,- and o thers -

ofAn to -ni-nus-Pius,- ofTraja-nus,- and o thers -

38 42
S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db.
Cl. Tamb. Hp. Accord.
p cresc.
cresc. 45 Cl. Tamb. Hp. Accord. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db.
39 A tempo 48 1 Tpt. 2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. T.-t. T.-t. Hp. Pno. Vc. Db. ff553 ff 53 p 553 ff coarse and brassy 3333 p ff coarse p ff coarse p ffp fp ff ff p pizz. ffp ffp 40 Faster q = 96 51 Cl. Hp. Accord.
mp mp mp sighing Ayme, alas,-heighho, heighho! Thus doth Messalina-go Upanddown thehouse acry-ing, - Forhermon key-lies amp sighing mp sighing 31 issuu
Vln. Vla.
version for perusal only

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59 41 Cl. Hp. Accord.
Chil. Vln.
66 42 42 Cl. Hp.
dy ing. - Death, thou art too cruel
be reave -her jewel, Ortomake asei zure
Vla. p Ofheron ly-trea -sure. Ifhermon key -die, Shewillsit and cry, Fie, fie, fie, fie, fie! 32
Chil. Vln.
43 A tempo 73 1 Tpt. 2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. T.-t. T.-t. Hp.
Vc. Db. ff553 ff 5553 3 ff 3333 p 53 ff gliss mf p ffp ffp fp ffp ff pizz. ff ff 33
Pno. Chil.
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4. Petticoat Lane

Fast q = 160 Clarinet in Bb Vibraphone Harp Accordion 1 2 3 Violin Viola Violoncello p 333333 p p 333333333333 p 333333 Pen Community Chorus, Senior Citizens and Children in 8 groups nya 3 lot, oyster!3 Co 3 nut!Ha'penny-bis 3 ha'p 'ny; 3 - three apen ny,-bis 3333 p 333333 p333333 pizz. p 6 44 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 2 3 Vln. Vla. Vc. cresc. 333333 cresc. 3333 333333333333 cresc. 33333333 cc p cresc. 3333 3 33333 Fish! Fried Co 3 nut! Co ker3 nut! Ha'penny3 bis cuits,3 ha'p 3 three a 3 penny,3 bis cuits3 Ha'penny-bis cuits,3 ha'p 'ny; 3 - three a 3 penny,3 bis cuits!33 cresc. 3333333333 cresc. 3333333333 cresc. 34 issuu version for perusal only
11 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 2 3 4 Vln. Vla. Vc. 333 333333 mf 33 333333333333 mf 3333 mf 33333333 cresc. 3 mf 3 fish! Ha'p 'ny! 3 - Ha'p 'ny! 3 - Ha'p 'ny!3 Fried fish! Co ker3 nut! Co ker-nut! 3 Ha'penny3 bis cuits,3 ha'p 'ny;3 three a 3 penny,3 bis cuits3 A 3 mf 33333333 3mf3333333 mf 15 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. 4 Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p 33333333 p 3333333333333333 p 3333333333333333 ha'p'ny-aglass, a 3 ha'p'ny-aglass, spark ling lemo-nade!33 p 33333333 p33333333 p p pizz. 35 issuu version for perusal only
45 19 Vib. Hp. Pno. 1 2 3 4 Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. cresc. 33333333 cresc. 3333333333333333 333333333333 3333 cresc. Fish! Fried fish! Ha'p 'ny! 3 - Ha'p 'ny! 3 Co ker3 nut! Co ker3 nut! Ha'pen-ny3 bis cuits,3 ha'p 'ny 3 - three a 3 penny,3 bis cuits3 Ha'pen-ny-bis cuits-ha'p 333 A 3 ha'p 'nya 3 glass, a 3 ha'p 'ny -a 3 glass, cresc. 33333333 cresc. 33333333 cresc. cresc. 36 issuu
perusal only
version for
23 46 Tamb. W. Bl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 3 4 5 Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. fp f 333 f 33333333 3333333 fmf 3 f M Ha'p 'ny!3 Fried fish! three a 3 pen ny-bis cuits!33 spark ling ---lemo-nade!Here's yourchewlry!3 Here's yourchewlry!3 Pen 3 a 3 pen ny, 3 pen 33 3 pizz. fmf 3333 pizz. 3fmf 333 fmf f 29 Cl. Tamb. W. Bl. Pno. 5 Vln. Vla. Vc. ff 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33333333 a 3 penny,3 pick 'emand 3 choose 'em, 3 pick 'emandchoose 'em,penny,- apenny,-pen ny,- apenny,-pick 'emandchoose 'em,pick 'emandchoose 'em 333333333333 37 issuu version for perusal only
47 33 Cl. W. Bl. Pno. Accord. 5 6 Vln. Vla. Vc. ff 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33333333 f rough 3333 pick'emand 3 choose 'em, 3 pick 'emand 3 choose 'em 3 pick 'emand 3 choose 'em, 3 pick 'emand 3 choose 'em 3 Large penny3 cabba3 -ges! Large penny3 cabba3 -ges! f rough arco 3333 48 37 Cl. Tamb. W. Bl. Pno. Accord. 5 6 7 Vln. Vc. f3 3 3 3 3 3 333333 33 3 Here'syour 3 chewl ry! 3 Here's your 3 chewl ry! 3 pick'emand 3 choose 'em 3 pick 'emand 3 choose 'em, 3 pick 'emand 3 choose 'em 3 Large penny3 cabba3 ges!Stoc kings! 3 Stoc kings! 3 Twopence-a 3 pair! arco f 38 issuu version for perusal only
49 41 Cl. Tamb. W. Bl. Pno. Accord. 5 6 7 8 Vln. Vla. Vc. f3 3 3 3 3 3 333333 33 3 Here's your 3 chewlry!3 Here'syour 3 chewlry!3 pick'emandchoose 'em 3 pick 'emandchoose 'em,pick 'emandchoose 'em 33333 Large penny3 cabba3 ges!Stockings!3 Stockings!3 Twopence-apair! 3 Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! pizz. pizz. 39 issuu version for perusal only
5045 51 Cl. Tamb. W. Bl. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 2 4 6 7 8 Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p 33 f f f fp 3333 f M M Penny-alot, oy -ster! 3 Pennya 3 lot, oyster!33 Co ker3 nut! Co ker3 nut! A 3 ha'p'ny-aglass, a 33 Large penny3 cabba3 ges! - Large penny3 cabba3 ges!Stock ings! 3 - Stock ings! 3 Shirts! Shirts! f arco p 33 f arco p 33 p f f p 40 issuu version for perusal only
50 52 Cl. Timp. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 4 5 6 7 Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 3 p 3333 3333 333333333333 33333333 M M Penny-alot, oy -ster! 33 ha'p'ny-aglass, spark ling -le mo -nade! - Spark ling -le mo -nade!3 Penny,3 apenny,3 penny,3 a 3 pen 3 pick 'emandchoose 'em, 33 3 Large pen 3 cabba3 ges!Stock -ings! 3 Stock ings! 3 3333333333 3333333333 arco 41 issuu version for perusal only
55 53 Cl. Timp. Susp. Cym. Glock. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. f f f mf fp 33333333 333 3 333 3 33333333 fp Thefoun tain-and theglas ses -glitter-in the Pen-nya 3 lot, oy ster!3 Co ker3 nut! -Co ker3 nut!Three a 3 penny,3 bis cuits!3 Spark ling ---lemo-nade!pick'emandchoose 'em,penny,- apen ny,-pen ny,- apenny33333333 Large penny3 cabba3 ges!Stockings!3 Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! f 3333 3f 333 f 42 issuu version for perusal only

issuu version for perusal only

sun, thele mon-ade-really-does spark le

thevar nish -of thewood shines

59 Glock. Hp. Pno. S. Solo 33333333333333333333
64 54 Cl. Glock. Hp. Pno. S. Solo 4 Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p 3 33 33333333333 p 33333333 andall looks clean, except-theow ner.A 3 ha'p'ny-aglass, a 3 ha'p'ny-aglass, 33 arco p 3333 arco p 3333 p p 43
69 Cl. Timp. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. f pf f 33333333 33333333 3333333333333333 f pf M Pennya 3 lot, oy -ster! 3 Pennya 3 lot, oy ster!3 Co ker3 nut! Three a 3 penny,3 bis cuits!3 spark ling lemo-nade! - Spark ling lemo-nade!Penny,3 a 3 penny,3 penny,3 a 3 penny,3 pick'emand 3 choose 'em, 3 Large penny3 cabba3 ges!Stockings!3 Stockings!3 Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! f 33333333 f 33333333 f arco f 44 issuu
version for perusal only
55 73 Hp. Accord. S. Solo Vc. Db. p 33333333333333333333 pp Close by isabrawny3 youngI rish -man - carrying-asmall bas ket3 ofnuts andsell ing-them as p pizz. p 78 56 Tamb. W. Bl. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo 5 8 Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. f 333333333333 f f grave ly -asif they 3 wereartic-les-suited-to hisstrength. Here's your 3 chewlry!3 Here's your 3 chewlry!3 Shirts! Shirts! pizz. f pizz. f f 45 issuu
perusal only
83 Cl. Tamb. W. Bl. Pno. Accord. 5 6 7 8 Vln. Vla. Vc. f3 3 3 3 333333 Penny,3 a 3 penny,3 penny,3 a 3 penny,3 pick'emand 3 choose'em, 3 pick 'emandchoose'em, 3 penny,3 a 3 penny,3 penny,3 a 3 penny,33 Large penny3 cabba3 ges! - Large penny3 cabba3 ges!Stockings!3 Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! arco f arco f 33 f 33 46 issuu version for perusal only
87 57 Cl. W. Bl. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo 5 7 8 Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. f3 3 3 3 3333 33333333 3333 p 33333333 3333 p p M Heaped up -trays offresh look-ing-sponge cakes car ried-intempt ingpick'emand 3 choose 'em, 3 pick 'emand 3 choose 'em 3 Twopence-a 3 pair! Shirts! Shirts! p p arco p p 47 issuu version for perusal only

issuu version for perusal only

91 Hp. Pno. Accord.
Vla. Vc. Db. 3333 3333333333333333 3333 3333333333333333 m pyra-mids. - Youths have stocks oflarge, hard look-ing-bis cuits, - andwalk about-cry ing:48
58 96 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. 2 3 4 7 Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. mf f 3 333 mf 333333 mf f 33333333333 mf 33333333333 f f 3333 M Co ker3 nut!Ha'penny 3 bis 3 ha'p 'ny; 3 - three a 3 penny,3 bis 3 Ha'pen-ny3 bis cuits,3 ha'p'ny3 A 3 ha'p 'nya 3 glass, a 3 Stockings!3 mff3333 333 mf 3f3333 33333 pizz. mf arco f3 arco f 49 issuu version for perusal only
100 59 Cl. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo 2 3 4 6 7 Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 3 p 3333333333333333 p 3333 In win ter - there 3 isthen the 3 pota-to - can 3 and the Co ker3 nut!ha'p'ny3 ha'p'nya 3 glass, Large penny3 cabba3 ges!3333 p 3333p p pizz. 3 p pizz. 50 issuu version for perusal only
105 Hp. Accord. S. Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 3333333333333333 hot el der3 wine -ap pa -ra - tus, - smok ing - pies and 60 109 Cl. Hp. Accord. S. Solo Vla. pf 33333333 p 33333333333333 f 33 pf 33333333 puddings, - roas ted -ap ples3 andchest nuts, - wal nuts,pizz. f 51 issuu version for perusal only
61 113 Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 2 3 6 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. cc p cresc. 3333 f 333 3 cc p cresc. 3333333333333333 cc p cresc. 33333333 f M Pennya 3 lot, oyster!3 Pennya 3 lot, oyster!3 Co ker3 nut! - Co ker3 nut!Ha'penny3 bis cuits,3 ha'p 'ny;3 three a 3 penny,3 bis 3 Large penny3 cabba3 ges!A CHOIR A A A cc p cresc. 33333333 cc p cresc. arco f 33333333 cc p cresc. arco f arco f 52 issuu version for perusal only
62 117 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 2 3 5 6 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. f333333 333333333333 333333333333 f 333333333333 f 333333333333 M Penny-a 3 lot, oyster!3 Penny-a 3 lot, oyster!3 Co ker3 nut!Ha'pen-ny 3 bis cuits,3 ha'p 'ny3 three a 3 penny,3 bis cuits3 Here's your 3 chewlry!3 Here's your 3 chewlry!3 Penny,3 a 3 penny,3 penny,3 Large penny3 cabba3 ges!scene which can not scene which can not scene which can not scene which can not f333333 333333 53 issuu version for perusal only
120 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 2 3 4 5 6 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 m Pennya 3 lot, oyster!3 Co ker3 nut! - Co ker3 nut!Ha'penny-bis cuits,3 ha'p 'ny; 3 - three a 3 penny,3 bis cuits!3 Ha'penny3 bis cuits,33 A 3 ha'p 'nya 3 glass, a 3 ha'p 'nya 3 glass, a 3 penny,3 pick 'emand 3 choose 'em, 3 pick'emand 3 choose 'em, 3 penny,3 a 3 penny,3 penny,3 a 3 penny,3 Large penny3 cabba3 ges! - Large penny3 cabba3 ges!be be held in be be held in be be held in be be held in 333333 333333 54 issuu
version for perusal only
123 63 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 M Penny-a 3 lot, oyster!3 Fish! Co ker3 nut!ha'p 'ny3 three a 3 penny,3 bis 3 Ha'pen-ny3 bis cuits,3 spark ling -----lemo-nade! - A 3 ha'p 'ny -a 3 glass, a 3 pick'emand 3 choose 'em, 3 pick 'emand 3 choose 'em 3 Here‘s your 3 chewlry!3 Large penny3 cabba3 ges!Stockings!3 Twopence -a 3 pair! a ny o ther part a ny o ther part a ny o ther part a ny o ther part 333333 333333 55 issuu version for perusal

issuu version for perusal only

126 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 333333333333 Fried fish! Ha'p 'ny!3 Ha'p 'ny!3 Co ker3 nut! - Co ker3 nut!ha'p -'ny 3 three a 3 penny,3 bis cuits3 Ha'penny 3 bis cuits,3 ha'p 'ny;3 ha'pny-aglass, spark ling ----lemo-nade!3 Here‘s your 3 chewlry!3 Penny,3 a 3 penny,3 penny,3 a 3 penny,3 pick 'emand 3 choose 'em, 3 Large penny3 cabba3 ges! - Large penny3 cabba3 ges!Twopence-a 3 pair! of the grea test ----ci ty -in the of the grea test ----ci ty -in the of the grea test ----ci ty -in the of the grea test ----ci ty -in the 333333 333333 56
129 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. cresc. 3ff 33333 cresc. 3ff 33333333333 333333333333 cresc. ff cresc. 333333333333 3ff 33333333333 M Ha'p 'ny 3 - Fried fish! Co ker3 nut!three a 3 penny,3 bis cuits!3 Ha'pen-ny3 bis cuits,3 ha'p 'ny3 spark ling ----lemo-nade!pick'emand 3 choose 'em, 3 penny,3 a 3 penny,3 penny,3 a 3 penny,3 pick 'emand 3 choose 'em, 3 pick 'emand 3 choose 'em 3 Large penny3 cabba3 ges! - Large penny3 cabba3 ges!Twopence-a 3 pair! Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! world. world. world. world. ff 333333 3ff 33333 57 issuu version for perusal only

issuu version for perusal only

64 132 Vibslp. Tamb. Hp. Accord. 1 2 3 7 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p p p p 33 M M M m Penny-a 3 lot, oy ster!3 Co ker 3 nut!Ha'pen-ny3 bis cuits,3 ha'p 'ny3
3 pair! Pet p ti-coat3 Lane Pet ti-coat3 Lane Pet p ti-coat3 Lane Pet ti-coat3 Lane Pet p ti-coat3 Lane Pet ti-coat3 Lane Pet p ti-coat3 Lane Pet ti-coat3 Lane pizz. p pizz. p pizz. p pizz. p 58

issuu version for perusal only

138 Vibslp. Susp. Cym. Tri. Hp. Accord. 5 6 7 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 3 M penny,3 a 3 penny,3 penny,3 a 3 penny,3 Large penny3 cabba3 ges!Twopence-a 3 pair! Pet ti-coat3 Lane Pet ti-coat3 Lane Pet ti-coat3 Lane Pet ti-coat3 Lane 59
143 65 Susp. Cym. Tamb. Tri. Hp. Accord. S. Solo 1.2 5 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. pp p p 33 M M M
Dress coats, frock coats, livery 3 coats and 3 tu -nics, pick'emand 3 choose 'em, 3 pick'emand 3 choose 'em 3 Pet p ti-coat3 Lane Pet ti-coat3 Pet p ti-coat3 Lane Pet ti-coat3 Pet p ti-coat3 Lane Pet ti-coat3 Pet p ti-coat3 Lane Pet ti-coat3 60 issuu version for perusal only
brown green -of velve- teen -
149 Vibslp. Shaker Hp. Accord. S. Solo 3.4 5.6 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p 3 m M Thedeep blue ofapi lot -jacket- Theshine ofthenew ly - tur pen- tined 3Waist coats, -pi lot 3 coats, work ing3 jac kets, 3 plaids Knee breech -es, 3 trou sers,Lane Pet ti-coat3 Lane Lane Pet ti-coat3 Lane Lane Pet ti-coat3 Lane Lane Pet ti-coat3 Lane 61 issuu
perusal only
version for

issuu version for perusal only

155 66 Shaker Hp. Accord. S. Solo 5.6 7.8 S. A. T. B. Vln.
Vc. Db. p p 3 M M black satin-waist coats - Little-groups ofbar gai-ners,-gownsofev'rygame keep -ers'3 coats hats, capes, dres sing3 gowns, Pet p ti- coat3 Lane Pet p ti- coat3 Lane Pet p ti- coat3 Lane Pet p ti- coat3 Lane 62

issuu version for perusal only

159 Hp. Accord. S. Solo 7.8 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 3 M m shadeandev' ry-pat tern- Between - two and 3 three Guern sey3 frocks and 3 shirts, Petti- coat3 Lane Petti- coat3 Lane Petti- coat3 Lane Petti- coat3 Lane 63

version for perusal only

162 Hp. Accord. S. Solo 3.4 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 3 miles of 3 oldclothes Waist coats, -pilot3 coats, work ing3 jac kets,3 plaids Petti- coat3 Petti- coat3 Petti- coat3 Petti- coat3 64

issuu version for perusal only

165 Hp. Accord. S. Solo 5.6 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 3 M Avis ta -ofma ny -co loured-gar mentsKnee -breeches,3 trou sers, - game keep - ers‘3 coats Lane Lane Lane Lane 65

issuu version for perusal only

67 169 Cl. Timp. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1.2 3.4 5.6 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p cresc. p cresc. cresc. p p cresc. p M Dress p coats, frock coats, livery 3 coatsand 3 tu nics, -waist cresc. coats, -pi 3 coats,work ing-jac kets, 3 plaids knee bree -ches,-trou sers, - game keep -ers‘3 coats 33 Dress mp cresc. coats, frock coats, livery 3 coats and 3 tu nics, -waist coats, -pilot3 coats,work 3 jackets, 3 plaids Dress mp cresc. coats, frock coats, livery 3 coats and 3 tu -nics, A p scene which can not -be be held cresc. -in a ny - oth er -part of the A p scene which can not -be be held cresc. -in a ny - oth er -part of the A p scene which can not -be be held cresc. -in a ny - oth er -part of the A p scene which can not -be be held cresc. -in a ny - oth er -part of the cresc. p p cresc. p cresc. arco p cresc. 66

version for perusal only

68 175 Cl. Timp. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1.2 3.4 5.6 7.8 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. hats, capes, dres sing3 gowns, Guern sey3 frocks andshirts, shirts, shirts, 3 knee bree -ches,-trou sers, - game keep - ers‘3 coats hats, capes, dres sing3 gowns, 3 waist coats, -pilot3 coats, work ing3 jackets,3 plaids knee breech -es,3 trou sers,Dress mf cresc. coats, frock coats, live-ry3 coats and 3 tu nics, - waist coats, -pilot3 coats, grea test ----ci ty -in the world. grea test ----ci ty -in the world. grea test ----ci ty -in the world. grea test ----ci ty -in the world. 67

for perusal only

178 69 Cl. Timp. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1.2 3.4 5.6 7.8 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ff ff ffp ff p ffp 3 shirts, shirts, shirts, shirts, shirts, shirts! Guern sey3 frocks and 3 shirts, shirts, shirts, shirts, shirts! game keep -ers‘3 coats shirts, shirts, shirts, shirts! work ing3 jackets, 3 plaids shirts, shirts, shirts, shirts! Pet p ti-coat3 Lane Pet p ti-coat3 Lane Pet p ti-coat3 Lane Pet p ti-coat3 Lane ff arco p 3 ff arco p 3 arco 3 pizz. ff ff p pizz. p 68 issuu

5. The Song of the Shirt

issuu version for perusal only

Hp Accn T. Solo p p Adead andgone 3 wag calledthestreet“Fa shion-Street” andmost ofthepeo ple-wholive init donote ven-see thejoke. 3333 70 Steadily moving 5 q. = 88 Cl.
Sen. Cit.
p p m M m
p 14 71
Withfin weary-andworn, With eye lids,-hea vy-andred, A
Db. mp mp M m m m m
Sen. Cit.
satinunwo-man-ly-rags, Plying-herneedle-andthread. Stitch! Stitch! Stitch! In

issuu version for perusal only


23 Cl. Accord.
m m m
pover-ty,-hun geranddirt,
30 72 Recit. Cl. Hp. Accord.
Solo T. Solo Sen. Cit. Vln.
Db. p No; Ihadtwo, butthey arebothdead, thanksbetoGod. 333
Andstill withavoice ofdo lo-rous-pitch, Shesang
Vla. Vc.
p p p 70
thesong oftheshirt.

issuu version for perusal only

lievedfromthebur den-ofmaintain ing-them, andthey, poordearcrea tures,-arerelieved-fromthetrou ble -of thismor tal-life.

35 Hp. S. Solo T. Solo Vln. Vla. Vc.
ofyourchil 333333 38 Hp. S. Solo Vln. Vla. Vc.
73 A tempo 41 Cl. Accord. Sen. Cit. Db. mp mp M m M “Work!
mp 71
IthankGod forit. Iamre -
Work! Work! Tillthebrain begins-toswim, Work! Work! Work! Tillthe

issuu version for perusal only

Tillo ver-thebut tons-Ifall asleep, - Andsew themon inadream.

Weep not,mywan ton, -smileupon-myknee: Whenthou artold there'sgrief enough-forthee. Mother's-wag, prettyboy,

50 74 Cl. Accord.
Sen. Cit.
m m M eyes areheavy-anddim!
58 Cl.
Seam, andgus set,-andband, Band, andgus set,-andseam, Accord. Sen. Cit.
M m
75 65 76
Db. Hp.
S. Solo
p 2222222222
p p 72

issuu version for perusal only

75 77 Hp.
S. Solo
Vla. 22222222
Father's-sor row, -Fa ther's-joy. Whenthyfa ther-first didsee Suchaboy byhim andme, Hewasglad, Iwaswoe; Hp. S. Solo Vln.
Fortune-chan ged-made himso, Whenheleft hispretty-boy, Lasthissor firsthisjoy.

issuu version for perusal only

78 A tempo 91 Cl. Accord. Sen. Cit.
Db. p p m M m
Vc. Oh!men withsis ters-dear!
p p 100 79
Oh!men withmo thers-andwives! It
mp mp M m m m m
Vc. Db.
is notli nen-you‘rewear ing-out Buthu man-crea tures'-lives!
Stitch! Stitch! Stitch! In
Cl. Accord.
Sen. Cit. Vc.
m m m
Db. pover-ty,-hun ger-anddirt, Sewing-atonce withadoub le -thread Ashroud aswell asashirt.

Accord. Sen. Cit.

pp m m m m

issuu version for perusal only

Work! Work! Work! Myla bour -ne ver-flags; Andwhat areitswa Abed of straw, A crust ofbread,

andrags, Thatshat tered- roof, andthisna ked -floor, Atable,- Abro -ken

m m chair, Andawall soblank, mysha dow-Ithank For sometimes-fal ling-there.

80 118
Vla. Vc. Db.
pp pp pp pp 128 81 Accord.
Sen. Cit.
Vln. Vla.
m m
135 Accord.
Vc. Db.
Sen. Cit. Vln.
Vla. Vc. Db.

version for perusal only

82 A little slower 142 Hp.
p 333333 333333
153 83 Hp.
Weep not,mywan ton, -smileupon-myknee: Whenthou artold there'sgrief enough-forthee. Thewan ton-smiled, fatherwept; Mothercried,
333 333
S. Solo
160 Hp.
baby-leapt; Morehecrowed, morewecried; Nature-could notsor row-hide. Hemustgo, hemustkiss,
333 333
S. Solo
76 issuu
Childandmo ther -ba by-bliss; Forheleft hispret ty-boy, Father's-sor row,- father's-joy.

6. Poverty, poverty, knock!

issuu version for perusal only

Driving Driving h. = 80 h. = 80 Clarinet in Bb
Vibraslap Bass Drum Guiro Snare Drum Tom Tom Harp
Piano Accordion
Violin Viola Violoncello
Brass Quintet in gallery, near choir 2 Percussion in gallery or with orchestra, ad lib. sfsfsf mf mf mf RS RS RS mf sfsfsf mfsfsfsf mfsfsf sf mfsfsfsf mf sfsfsf mfsfsfsf mf 77
Double Bass

version for perusal only

10 Cl.
B. D. Guiro S. D.
Tom Tom Hp.
Vla. Vc. Db. sfsfsf RS RS RS sf sfsf sfsfsf sfsfsf sfsfsf sfsfsf sfsfsf 78

issuu version for perusal only

ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -tyknock! Po mp ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

mp ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Po f ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Meloom isasay in'-allday.

ver -ty-knock!

ver -ty -

84 84 19 Cl. W. Bl. Shakers. Bongo Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 Chil. (Comm. 2 Sen. Cit.) 3 Sen. Cit. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. mp p p p p p f Po
Children in 3 groups (each with a small number of Community Chorus and Senior Citizens) mp
psfsf psfsf p pizz. p p 79

version for perusal only

25 Cl. W. Bl. Shakers. Bongo Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 Chil. (Comm. 2 Sen. Cit.) 3 Sen. Cit. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db.
ver -ty-knock!
Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po
ver -ty-knock!
ver -ty-knock! knock!
ver -ty-knock!
Pover-ty,-po ver-ty!-
sfsf sfsf 80 issuu
ver -ty-knock! Master's-tooflin ty-topay

issuu version for perusal only

85 85 31 Cl. Vibslp B. D. Guiro
D. Tom Tom Hp. Pno. Accord. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. sfsfsf mf mf mf RS RS RS mfsfsfsf mfsfsfsf mfsfsf sf mfsfsfsf mf sfsfsf arco mfsfsfsf mf 81

issuu version for perusal only

86 86 40 Cl. W. Bl. Shakers. Bongo Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 Chil. (Comm. 2 Sen. Cit.) 3 Sen. Cit. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. f p p p p f Po mp ver-ty,-po
I sfsf sfsf pizz. sfsf 82
ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!
mp ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!
mp ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty -
f ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

issuu version for perusal only

ver -ty-knock!

ver -ty-knock!

ver -ty-knock!

ver -ty-knock! knock!

ver -ty-knock!

ver-ty!knowsIcangut tle-whenI hearmeshut tle -go po ver -ty-po ver -ty-knock!

46 Cl. W. Bl. Shakers. Bongo Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 Chil. (Comm. 2 Sen. Cit.) 3 Sen. Cit. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p
Pover-ty,-po Pover-ty,-po Pover-ty,-po Pover-ty,-po Pover-ty,-po
sfsf sfsf pizz. sf 83

issuu version for perusal only

87 87 52 Vibslp B. D.
Bongo Susp. Cym.
D. Tom Tom
Pno. Accord.
p p p Again-hisloom crash es -and jars And he leans for ward4 pizz. pppp pppp pizz. pppp 84
Vla. Vc. Db.

issuu version for perusal only

60 88 88 Vibslp B. D. Shakers. Bongo Susp. Cym.
D. Tom Tom Hp. Pno. Accord.
Solo Vla. Vc. Db. o ver -his toil Inthewin dow -by him isa 22 85

issuu version for perusal only

68 89 89 Vibslp B. D.
Bongo Susp. Cym.
S. D. Tom Hp. Pno. Accord.
T. Solo
Vc. Db.
222 86
singing-bird inalit tle-cage who trolls hissong and seems tothink the

issuu version for perusal only

77 90 90 Cl.
B. D.
Shakers. Bongo Susp. Cym. S. D. Tom Tom Hp. Pno. Accord. T. Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. sfsf mf mf mf RS mf sfsf sfsf mf mfsf sf loom anin f stru-ment-ofmu sic.24 mfsfsf arco mf sfsf arco mfsfsf arco mf 87

version for perusal only

87 91 91 Cl.
B. D. W.
S. D. Tom
Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 Chil. (Comm. 2 Sen. Cit.) 3 Sen. Cit. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. sff p p p RS RS sf p sff Po mp ver-ty,-po ver-tyknock! Pover-ty,-po ver -tyPo mp ver-ty,-po ver-tyknock! Po mp ver-ty,-po ver-tyknock! Upev'ry-morn ing-atfive Iwon der-thatwe
sfsf sfsf sf pizz. sf 88 issuu
Bl. Guiro Shakers. Bongo

issuu version for perusal only

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

95 Cl. W. Bl. Shakers. Bongo Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 Chil. (Comm. 2 Sen. Cit.) 3 Sen. Cit. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. knock!
live Tired and yawn ing -on the cold morn ing - It‘s sfsfsf sfsfsf sf 89
Pover-ty,-po ver -tyPover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!
ver -ty-knock!

version for perusal only

102 92 92 Cl. W. Bl. Shakers. Bongo Hp. Pno. Accord. T. Solo 1 Chil. (Comm. 2 Sen. Cit.) 3 Sen. Cit. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p p p p p p The looms claim all the su pe -ri-or -
Pover-ty,-po ver-tyknock! knock! Pover-ty,-po ver-tyknock! Pover-ty,-po ver-tyknock!
sf sf pizz. p p pizz. p 90 issuu
Pover-ty,-po ver-ty!-
backtothedrea ryolddrive.

issuu version for perusal only

109 Cl.
B. D.
S. D. Tom Tom Hp. Pno. Accord.
Db. p p m m m space and 2 have it, 2 like grim en chan-ters-who provide - the fa mi -ly4 # arco arco arco 91

issuu version for perusal only

117 Cl. B. D. T.-t.
D. Tom Tom Hp. Pno. Accord. T. Solo
Vla. Vc. Db. f f mf f gliss f f M m m M with their scant food andthey mustbe propi-ti---a-ted- withthe 24 42 # f # f f f 92

issuu version for perusal only

123 93 93 Cl.
Vibslp B. D.
Vla. Vc. Db. sfsf mf mf mf RS RS mfsfsf mfsfsf sf M mfsf bestacco-mo-da-tion.4 mfsfsf arco mf sfsf arco mfsfsf mf 93
D. Tom Tom Hp. Pno.
134 94 Cl. Vibslp B. D. Guiro S. D. Tom Tom Hp. Pno. Accord. Sen. Cit. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. sfpp RS ff sf sfpp sf pp Oh dear, me poor 'ead it sings I should have wo ven -three strings sffpfp sf arco fpfp sffpfp pizz. ff 144 Cl. Hp. Pno. Accord. Sen. Cit. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. pmf But threads are breakin'-and my back is 4 b mf b bmf mf b pmfp 94 issuu
version for perusal only

issuu version for perusal only

151 Pno. Sen. Cit. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. f achin'- Oh dear, I wish I had wings. 4 b f bf f mfpmff 95 95 158 Vibslp B. D. S. D. Tom Tom Hp. Pno. Accord. T. Solo Vla. Vc. Db. p p p p p Thechil dren-sleep at 2 night between-the 4 legs ofthe 2 mons ters - who dea fen4 pizz. ppppp p pppp pizz. p pppp 95

issuu version for perusal only

166 96 96 Cl.
Vibslp B. D.
Ratchet S. D. Tom Tom Hp.
Vc. Db. f mf their first cries withtheir 2 whirr and rattle 2f 96
Pno. Accord. T.
Vln. Vla.

issuu version for perusal only

174 Vibslp B. D. Whip
Ratchet S. D. Tom
Tom Hp.
Pno. Accord.
Db. mf ff and who roar thesame tune tothem when they 97
Vla. Vc.

version for perusal only

183 Cl.
B. D.
Tom Hp. Pno. Accord. T. Solo 1 Chil. (Comm. 2 Sen. Cit.) 3 Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. f f f mf f RS f f f die Po f ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Po f ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -tyPo f ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! fsfsf arco fsfsf pizz. fsff arco f 98 issuu
Bongo S.
190 97 97 Vibslp B. D. Whip W. Bl. Guiro Ratchet Bongo S. D. Tom Tom S. D. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 Chil. (Comm. 2 Sen. Cit.) 3 ALL Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ff mf pppp mf RS ppfppf ppff mf pfp m f m knock! Pover-ty,-po ver-ty!Some Children, Community Chorus, Senior Citizens times -a shut tle -flies out Gives some poor wo man -a clout pizz. pp pizz. p p sfpfpfp 99 issuu
version for perusal only

issuu version for perusal only

199 W. Bl. Bongo Hp. Pno. Accord. ALL Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. mf mf p mfp p m m m m m There she lies bleed in' - But no bo -dy‘s-heed in'Who's going to arco p arco p arco p pizz. p 100

issuu version for perusal only

208 98 98 Cl. Vibslp B. D. Guiro S. D. Tom Tom Hp. Pno. Accord. ALL 1 ALL 2 3 Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p mp mp mp RS p fp m m p car ry -her out? Po mf ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -tyPo mf ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Po mf ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! fp p fp f arco p 101

issuu version for perusal only

214 Cl. Vibslp B. D. Guiro S. D. Tom Tom Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 ALL 2 3 T. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. pp RS RS
Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!
Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!
ver -ty-knock!
Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!
Pover-ty,-po ver -ty -

issuu version for perusal only

Po ff verty,po vertyknock!

*each muttering in own tempo pp

Po ff verty,po vertyknock!*Poverty, poverty knock

Po ff verty,po vertyknock!*Poverty, poverty knock pp

Po ff verty,po vertyknock!*Poverty, poverty knock pp

Po ff verty,po vertyknock! pp *Poverty, poverty knock

99 219 Recit. Recit. Tpt. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Vibslp B. D. S. D. Accord. T. Solo ALL S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ff ff ff ff ff ff ff m m
Severalthou sand-jour ney-men-wea vers- assem-bled-inSpi talfieldsandina 4 rio-tous andvi olent-man ner
sfp sfp ffsffz ffsffz 103

issuu version for perusal only

Po ff verty,po vertyknock!

Po ff verty,po vertyknock! pp Poverty, poverty knock

Po ff verty,po vertyknock! pp Poverty, poverty knock

Po ff verty,po vertyknock! pp Poverty, poverty knock

Po ff verty,po vertyknock! pp Poverty, poverty knock

100 A tempo 227 Recit. Tpt.
Hn. Tbn.
B. D. S. D. Accord. T. Solo ALL S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ff ff ff ff ff ff ff m M brokeo
pen-thehouse ofone ofthemas destroyed - hislooms, andcut agreatquan tityof 4 rich silk topie
sfp sfp ffsffz ffsffz 104


issuu version for perusal only

af ter-which theyplaced hisef fi -gy - inacart, withahal ter-about-his

Po p ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Po p ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Po p ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Po p ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Po p ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Po p ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Po p ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!


pp pp pp

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty -

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty -

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Po p ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

101 A tempo 238 Cl. Vibslp B. D. Guiro S. D. Tom Tom Hp. Pno. Accord. T. Solo 1 ALL 2 3 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. pp pp pp pp RS RS pp pp

issuu version for perusal only

neck, ane xe -cu-tio-ner onone side, andacoffin- ontheo ther.- They then

Pover-ty,po ver-tyknock!


Pover-ty,po ver-tyknock!

Pover-ty,po ver-tyknock!


Pover-ty,po ver-tyknock!

Pover-ty,po ver-tyknock!

Pover-ty,po ver-tyknock!

Pover-ty,po ver-tyknock!

Pover-ty,po ver-tyknock!

Pover-ty,po ver-tyknock!

Pover-ty,po ver-tyknock!

Pover-ty,po ver -ty

Pover-ty,po ver-tyknock!

Pover-ty,po ver -ty

Pover-ty,po ver-tyknock!

Pover-ty,po ver-tyknock!

Pover-ty,po ver-tyknock!

Pover-ty,po ver -ty

244 102 102 Cl. Vibslp B. D. Guiro S. D. Tom Tom Hp. Pno. Accord. T. Solo 1 ALL 2 3 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. cresc. poco a poco RS RS cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco
cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco 106

issuu version for perusal only

drove it throughse ve-ralstreets, hangediton agib

poco a poco



andburned ittoashes.-



verty Pover-ty,po vertyknock!

poco a poco verty,po vertyknock!

poco a


vertyknock! Pover-ty,po vertyknock!


cresc. poco a poco

verty,po vertyknock!


poco a poco verty,po vertyknock!



251 Cl. Vibslp B. D. Guiro S. D. Tom Tom Hp. Pno. Accord. T. Solo 1 ALL 2 3 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. cresc.
poco cresc.
poco RS RS RS
poco a
poco a
knock! Po cresc.
Po cresc.
a poco verty,po
Po cresc.
knock! Po
Po cresc.
Po cresc.
poco verty,po
knock! Po cresc.
poco verty,po
poco a
poco a

issuu version for perusal only

Soprano Solo, Tenor Solo Children, Senior Citizens, Community Pull ff proud op

Po ff ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Po ff ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

(including solo Sop & Ten) pres - sors - down,

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Po ff ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Po ff ver-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

103 259 Tpt. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. B. D. Cl. Cym. S. D. Pno. Accord. ALL S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff M
ff ff ff ff 108

issuu version for perusal only

Knock off each ty rant‘s crown, And break

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Hn. Tbn. Tba.
D. Pno. Accord. ALL S. A. T. B.
Db. M
Tpt. 1.2
Cl. B. D. Cl. Cym. S.
Vln. Vla. Vc.

issuu version for perusal only

(Ossia: 3rd or 8ve lower ad lib.) a ris to

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

267 104 104
Hn. Tbn. Tba.
D. Pno. Accord. ALL S. A. T. B. Vln.
Vc. Db. M M
Tpt. 1.2
Cl. B.
his sword.

issuu version for perusal only

- cra - cy, - Set up de mo cra cy, -

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,-po ver -ty-knock!

Hn. Tbn. Tba.
Tpt. 1.2
Cl. B. D.
Pno. Accord. ALL S. A. T.
Db. M M
Cl. Cym. S. D.
B. Vln. Vla. Vc.

issuu version for perusal only

And from hy po cri ---sy - Save us

Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock!

Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock! Pover-ty,po ver -ty-knock!

Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. B. D.
S. D. Pno. Accord. ALL S. A. T.
Db. M M
Tpt. 1.2
Cl. Cym.
Vla. Vc.

issuu version for perusal only

Pover-ty,-po ver-tyknock!

Pover-ty,-po ver-tyknock!

Pover-ty,-po ver-tyknock!

Pover-ty,-po ver-tyknock!

279 105 105 Tpt. 1.2
Cl. B. D.
Accord. ALL S. A. T.
dim. dim. dim. mp M dim. good Lord
Cl. Cym. S. D. Pno.
B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db.
dim. mp p dim. p 113

issuu version for perusal only

106 Slower 286 Recit. Pno. Accord. S. Solo p pp Thesilk trade issoto tal -ly3 at astand thattheSpi talfields-wea vers -livechief lyonDace catchedintheRi ver-Lea, 291 107 Pno. Accord. S. Solo T. Solo p pp andbread earnedbybeg Thisisasad falling-off, andnot moresad thanli teral-ly-true. Aneel, ninepounds anda 296 Accord. T. Solo halfinweight, wascaught intheRi ver-Lea lastSa tur-day-bytwo Spital-field-wea vers,299 Accord. T. Solo whichwheno pened,-had inits 3 maw amourn ing-ring, onwhichwaswrit ten-“Ja cob-Fran cis-Syl 3 ves -ter,-o bi -it302 108 Slower than before Hp. Accord. T. Solo mp 33 eighteenth-Fe bru -a-ry,-Se ven-teen 3 -Sixty-nine: - me men -to-mo ri.”306 Accord. S. Solo attacca Here liesthebo dy -ofDa niel - Saul, Spittle-field-wea ver-and that's 3 all. attacca 3 114

7. A Jewish History

issuu version for perusal only

Spacious Spacious
q = 88 q = 88 Clarinet in Bb Harp Accordion S. A. T. B.
Violin Viola
Bass pp 3 pp 3 3 pp 3 M 3 pp Our sto ry --be gins - with de gra pp Our sto ry --be gins - with de gra CHOIR pp Our sto ry --be gins - with de gra pp Our sto ry --be gins - with de gra pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 115

issuu version for perusal only

4 Cl. Hp. Accord. S. A. T. B.
Vla. Vc. Db. pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 33 pp 3 pp 3 M 3 M 3 da tion Our tel ling - ends with joy. da tion Our tel ling - ends with joy. da tion Our tel ling - ends with joy. da tion Our tel ling - ends with joy. pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 116

issuu version for perusal only


John, inthe ele-venth-of hisreign, comman-ded-all theJews bothmen andwo

King mf John, inthe ele-venth-of hisreign, comman-ded-all theJews bothmen andwo

King mf John, inthe ele-venth-of hisreign, comman-ded-all theJews bothmen andwo

King mf John, inthe ele-venth-of hisreign, comman-ded-all theJews bothmen andwo

152 10 Cl. Timp.
Pno. Accord.
Energetic q =
Vc. Db. f f f f f M M f f
f 110 19 Cl. Hp. Accord. S. A. T. B. Vln.
Vln. Vla.
non legato
non legato
Db. mf mf mf M M M
Vla. Vc.
mf mf mf mf 117

issuu version for perusal only

tobe impri-soned- andgrie vous -lypu

tobe impri-soned- andgrie vous -lypu

tobe impri-soned- andgrie vous -lypu

tobe impri-soned- andgrie vous -lypu

because-hewouldhave alltheirmo

because-hewouldhave alltheir mo

because-hewouldhave alltheir mo

because-hewouldhave alltheirmo

27 Cl.
S. A. T. B.
Vln. Vla. Vc.

issuu version for perusal only

Some f of them gave all theyhad

Some f of them gave all theyhad

Some f of them gave all theyhad

Some f of them gave all theyhad

111 111 35 Cl. Timp. Hp. Pno. Accord.
S. A.
T. B. Vln. Vla.
f f
Vc. Db.
f f f m m m m
f f f f 119

issuu version for perusal only

andpro mised-more toescape-soma ny-kinds of tor ment - toescape-somany-

andpro mised-more toescape-soma ny-kinds of tor ment - toescape-somany-

andpro mised-more toescape-soma ny-kinds of tor ment - toescape-somany-

andpro mised-more toescape-soma ny-kinds of tor ment - toescape-somany-

42 112 112 Cl. Timp. Hp. Pno. Accord.
f m m m M m
S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db.

issuu version for perusal only

kinds of tor ment -

kinds of tor ment -

kinds of tor ment -

kinds of tor ment -

forev'ry-one ofthem hadone oftheireyes attheleast plucked out;

forev'ry-one ofthem hadone oftheireyes attheleast plucked out;

forev'ry-one ofthem hadone oftheireyes attheleast plucked out;

forev'ry-one ofthem hadone oftheireyes attheleast plucked out;

50 113 Cl. Timp.
D. Hp.
S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc.
f f M m M M

issuu version for perusal only

A p mongst -whomthere wasone whichbe ing-tormen-ted-ma ny-ways

A p mongst -whomthere wasone whichbe ing-tormen-ted-ma ny-ways

A p mongst -whomthere wasone whichbe ing-tor men - ted -ma ny-ways

A p mongst -whomthere wasone whichbe ing-tormen-ted-ma ny-ways

58 114 Cl.
T. B.
Vla. Vc. Db. p
p p p p 122

issuu version for perusal only





65 115 115 Cl. Timp.
Hp. Pno.
T. B.
f f f f f m m
Vla. Vc. Db.
till f the king had caused ev'
som-himself -
till f the king had caused ev'
som-himself -
till f the king had caused ev' ry-day-
som-himself -
till f the king had caused ev' ry-dayf f f f 123
som-himself -

issuu version for perusal only

oneofhisgreat teeth to beplucked out

oneofhisgreat teeth to beplucked out

oneofhisgreat teeth to beplucked out

oneofhisgreat teeth to beplucked out

bythespace ofse ven-days,

bythespace ofse ven-days,

bythespace ofse ven-days,

bythespace ofse ven-days,

72 Cl. Timp. Hp.
Accord. S. A. T. B.
Vln. Vla. Vc.
f m M m m

issuu version for perusal only

and then gave theking tenthou sand-marks ofsil ver - tothe and then gave theking tenthou sand-marks ofsil ver - tothe and then gave theking tenthou sand-marks ofsil ver - tothe and then gave theking tenthou sand-marks ofsil ver - tothe

116 116 80 Cl.
Accord. S.
T. B.
Vln. Vla.
mf mf mf M M M m
mf mf mf 125
Vc. Db.

issuu version for perusal only

endtheyshouldpull outnomore

endtheyshouldpull outnomore

endtheyshouldpull outnomore

endtheyshouldpull outnomore

85 Cl. Timp.
S. A.
T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc.
ff mfff ff ff M

issuu version for perusal only

117 Spacious h. = 44 90 Cl.
Hp. Accord.
Vc. Db. pp pp pp M A small white dove Led me to Eng landpp pp pp pp 100 Cl. Hp. Accord. Child.
Vln. Vla.
Vc. Db. m But Eng land -is locked And the key is bro ken.127
Vln. Vla.

issuu version for perusal only

Inthethird ofEd ward-One,

In p thethird ofEd ward-One,

In p thethird ofEd ward-One,

Inthethird ofEd ward-One,

152 110 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p
inapar lia-ment-in Lon don - u su -ry wasfor
Energetic q =
inapar lia-ment-in Lon don - u su -ry wasfor
inapar lia-ment-inLon don - u su -ry wasfor
inapar lia-ment-in Lon don - u su -ry wasfor p p p p 119 119 Cl. Hp. Accord. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p p p m m m bid den -to theJews and the king com man - ded - thatev'ry-Jew shouldwear atab le -on his bid den -to the Jews and the king com man - ded - thatev'ry-Jew shouldwear atab le -on his bid den -to the Jews and the king com man - ded - thatev'ry-Jew shouldwear atab le -on his bid den -to the Jews and the king com man - ded - thatev'ry-Jew shouldwear atab le -on his p sempre p sempre p sempre p sempre 128

issuu version for perusal only

breast thebreadth ofapa veline,- or else a void -the realm

breast thebreadth ofapa veline,- or else a void -the realm

breast thebreadth ofapa veline,- or else a void -the realm

breast thebreadth ofapa veline,- or else a void -the realm

127 120 120 Cl.
S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc.
Db. m m M m

issuu version for perusal only

Not mf with-stand-ing-

inthenine teenth -of hisreign heba nished-themall outof mf


Not mf with-stand-ing-

inthenine teenth -of hisreign heba nished-themall outof

inthenine teenth -of hisreign heba nished-themall outof mf


inthenine teenth -of hisreign heba nished-themall outof

136 121 121 Cl.
Hp. Accord. S.
T. B.
Vln. Vla.
mf M M M
Vc. Db.
mf mf mf 130

issuu version for perusal only

Eng land, - giving-themon lytobear theircharge, tilltheywereout ofhisrealm.

Eng land, - giving-themon lytobear theircharge, tilltheywereout ofhisrealm.

Eng land, - giving-themon lytobear theircharge, tilltheywereout ofhisrealm.

Eng land, - giving-themon lytobear theircharge, tilltheywereout ofhisrealm.

144 Cl. Timp. Pno. Accord. S. A. T. B.
Vla. Vc. Db. mff f M
122 152 Cl. Hp. Accord. Child. Vln. Vla. Vc. pp pp pp A small white dove Led me to Eng landpp pp pp 131

version for perusal only

162 Cl. Hp. Accord. Child.
Vla. Vc. But Eng land -is locked And the key is bro ken.123 (Spacious, as at first) q = 88 172 Hp. S. Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. pp 3 3 InSix teen-fif-ty-five, Rabbi-Me 3 nas -seh-Ben 3 Isra3 elpp 3 pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 S. Solo didpeti-tion-theLord Protec-tor-for theread-mis-sion-oftheJews into-Eng land.3333 132 issuu

issuu version for perusal only

InSix teen-Fifty-six-theprotec-tor-Crom well -gavepermis-sion-fortheJews tomeet

wascalled Sha'arHa sha -ma

124 174 Hp.
Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. pp 3 3
S. Solo
pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 pp 3
125 176
S. Solo pri-vately-in
theirhou ses-forprayer andtoleaseaplot oflandin
theeast forthebu rial -of theirdead.
Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. pp 3 3
3pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 Hp. S. Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. pp 3 attacca 3 yim
Gate of Hea ven. attacca pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 pp 3 attacca 133
S. Solo
Anto-ni-o-Fernan-des-Car va-jal-foun ded-thecommu-ni-ty-which
whichisEng lished-thus: The

8. It came to pass at midnight

issuu version for perusal only

With movement With movement q = 76 q = 76 Clarinet in Bb
Timpani Harp Piano Accordion
S. A.
Tenor Solo
T. B.
Violin Viola Violoncello
pp pp pp
It pp with mystery came to pass at mid nightIt pp with mystery came to pass at mid nightIt pp with mystery came to pass at mid nightIt pp with mystery came to pass at mid nightpp pp pp pp 134
Double Bass
On (Always a little faster than choir, freely, recitativo) thefifth oflastNovem-ber- I

issuu version for perusal only

8 126 Timp. Hp. Pno. T. Solo S. A. T. B. Db. acciden-tal5 ly-strayed into-White cha-pel- Itwasami se -ra-ble-night Al ways -your 3 won ders -oc 3 curred -in 3 thenight Al ways -your 3 won ders -oc 3 curred -in 3 thenight Al ways -your 3 won ders -oc 3 curred -in 3 thenight Al ways -your 3 won ders -oc 3 curred -in 3 thenight 12 127 127 Timp. Hp. Pno. Accord. T. Solo S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. pp Wefound ourselves-before-theWork Gone were 3 thefirst born 3 ofE 3 atnight p It came to pass at midGone were 3 thefirst born 3 ofE 3 atnight It p came to pass at midGone were 3 thefirst born 3 ofE 3 atnight It p came to pass at midGone were 3 thefirst born 3 ofE 3 atnight p It came to pass at midp p p p 135

issuu version for perusal only

17 Timp. Hp. Pno. Accord. T. Solo S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. Crouchedagainst-thewall werefive bundles-of 3 rags. Theyweremo tion-less,- andhad nore 3night Judge mp ment-was 3 swift onAs 3 sy ria -at 3 night night Judge mp ment-was 3 swift onAs 3 sy ria -at 3 night night Judge mp ment-was 3 swift onAs 3 sy ria -at 3 night night Judge mp ment-was 3 swift onAs 3 sy ria -at 3 night 21 128 Timp. Hp. Pno. Accord. T. Solo S. A. T. B. Db. semblance-to thehu man-form. Fivegreatbee hives -co -vered 3 withrags Lightcameto 3 Da niel-while 3 dream ing -at 3 night Lightcameto 3 Da niel-while 3 dream ing -at 3 night Lightcameto 3 Da niel-while 3 dream ing -at 3 night Lightcameto 3 Da niel-while 3 dream ing -at 3 night 136

issuu version for perusal only

Fivedeadbo dies -ta ken-outofgraves, tiedneckand

heels and

co vered-with

rags wouldhavelooked likethosefivebundles- upon-whichthe

rainraineddown inthepub lic-street. “Whatis this?”saidmycompa “Whatis this?” We

24 Hp. Pno.
T. Solo Db.
3 27 129 Timp. Hp. Pno. Accord.
T. Solo
A. T.
B. Vln.
Db. pp
3 pp It came to pass at mid nightpp It came to pass at mid nightpp It came to pass at mid nightpp It came to pass at mid nightpp pp pp 137
Vla. Vc.

issuu version for perusal only

33 Timp. Hp. Pno. Accord. T. Solo S. A. T. B. Db. wenttotherag
rest-totheWork house-door. Igentlyshook it. Therags stirred. mp Watcho ver-your 3 city- bydayandby 3 night mp Watcho ver-your 3 city- bydayandby 3 night mp Watcho ver-your 3 city- bydayandby 3 night mp Watcho ver-your 3 city- bydayandby 3 night 37 Timp. Hp. Pno. Accord. T. Solo S. A. T. B. Db. Little-bylit tle-ahead wasunshrou-ded- Thehead ofayoung woman-of 3 three orfour andtwenty.333 Watch 3 o ver-your 3 ci tyby 3 day andby 3 night Watch 3 o ver-your 3 ci tyby 3 day andby 3 night Watch 3 o ver-your 3 ci tyby 3 day andby 3 night Watch 3 o ver-your 3 ci tyby 3 day andby 3 night 138
ged-bun dle-nea

issuu version for perusal only

rain, butnever-looked atme ormycompa-nion.- Wehadstopped before-thefive ragged-mounds.

130 41
Vla. Vc. p p “Tellus.
3 fal p p 47 Cl. Hp.
T. Solo
ly ing-here?”
at theblack sky andthe
Pno. Accord.
T. Solo Vln.
pp mp
Vla. Vc.

issuu version for perusal only

131 131 51 Cl. Hp. Pno. Accord.
Solo S. A. T. B.
Vc. pp p p p Five
- Crying-to 3 ev r’y-pas ser-by, - “Stopandguess!
Vln. Vla.
awful-sphin xes -by theway side
-of thenight cresc. Vanquish-the 3 dark 3
-of thenight cresc. Vanquish-the 3 dark 3
3 p p p 140
Vanquish-thedark ness -of thenight
Vanquish-the dark ness -of thenight

issuu version for perusal only

55 Cl. Hp. Pno. Accord.
Solo S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. f attacca f f f Whatisto 3 be the 3 end of 3 a soci-e-ty3 thatleaves ushere!” attacca vanquish-the 3 dark ness,- van quish-the 3 dark ness,- van quish-the 3 dark ness -of the night! vanquish-the 3 dark ness,- van quish-the 3 dark ness,- van quish-the 3 dark ness -of the night! f vanquish-the 3 dark ness,- van quish-the 3 dark ness,- van quish-the 3 dark ness -of thenight! f vanquish-the 3 dark ness,- van quish-the 3 dark ness,- van quish-the 3 dark ness -of the night! f attacca attacca 141

issuu version for perusal only

Relentless q = 144
9. Wake all the Dead
in B
Timpani Tubular Bells Harp Piano Accordion
T. Solo Community
Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Violin Viola Violoncello
Brass Quintet all together in gallery at choir end 4 Piccolos in gallery, dispersed 2 Percussion with orchestra sfz sfz ff ffff sfz sfz sfz ff sfz sfz sfz ff Christ Church, Spitalfields, 3 Febru-a-ry - Eigh -teen 3 Thir ty 3 sixCHOIR Christ Church, Spital-fields,Febru-a-ry - Eigh -teen 3 Thir ty 3 six3 333 sfz sf zs z sfz sf zs z sfz sfz ff 142
Double Bass
132 8 Cl. Timp.
B. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. S. A. T. B.
Vla. Vc. Db. f ff ff f ff A 3 larm - was 3 gi ven -by 3 per sons - whono -ticedsmoke fromthewin dows-ofthe 33 Alarm - wasgi ven-byper sons - whono -ticedsmoke fromthewin dows-ofthe 33333 33333 f f f fff 143 issuu
version for perusal only

version for perusal only

14 Cl. Timp.
B. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm.
Vla. Vc. Db. sfz ff ff sfz sfz ff sfz ff bel 3 wood on fire! bel 3 wood on fire! 3 sf zs z sf zs z sfz ff 144 issuu
133 Pushing forwards q = 152 20 B. D. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. Vla. Vc. Db. mf sfsf sf sfsfsf sf M sf M sf A 3 True and 3 Per fect -Re 3 la tion3 ofthat 3 E xe-cra 3 ble -and 3 Hor 3 Fact commit-ted-in 3 White Lyon 33 f 3 p 333333333333333 f 3 p 333333333333333 sfsfsf 145 issuu version for perusal only
24 134 Cl. B. D. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p 33 sfsfsfsfsfsfsf sfsfsfsfsfsfsf p 3333 sfsf M sfsfsf d sfsf Yard, in 3 Nor 3 Fol gate,3 neartheSpi 3 bysomema li3 dia-bo-licalspi-rited-per sons,3 forthe 33 3 3 33 p 3333333333333333 333333 33 33 3333333333 33333333333333 33 33 33 sfsfsfsfsfsfsf 146 issuu version for perusal only
29 Cl. Susp. Cym. Hp. Accord. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. cresc. poco a poco 333333 33 pp gliss. p cresc. poco a poco gliss gliss gliss gliss gliss. gliss 7 gliss. cresc. poco a poco 3333333 3 poi --soning-thewholeneigh bour-hood - ofpeo ple-dwel ling-there. 333333 cresc. poco a poco 333333 33 cresc. poco a poco 33333333 31 Cl. Susp. Cym. Hp. Accord. S. Solo Vln. Vla. f 33333333 f gliss. gliss. gliss gliss gliss gliss. gliss f gliss f 33333333 Iwilljust fetch my new bonnet.f 33333333 f 33333333 147 issuu version for perusal only

issuu version for perusal only

Thisisthecat whichate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwofarth ings

This + Second group isthedog whichhad

36 Cl.
Held back q. = 76
Hp. Accord. Chil.
p p
p pizz. p 136 44 137 Cl.
Vc. Db.
sighing This First group isthekid myfa ther-bought fortwofarth ings -
Hp. Accord. Chil. Vla. Vc. Db.

issuu version for perusal only

bitten-thecat whichate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwofarth ings -

This + Third group isthestick whichhadsmit ten-thedog whichhadbit ten-thecat whichate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwofarth ings -

51 Cl.
Accord. Chil. Vla. Vc. Db.
138 57 Cl.
Chil. Vln. Vla. Vc.
arco 149

issuu version for perusal only

Thisisthefire whichburned thestick whichhadsmit ten-thedog whichhadbit ten-thecat whichate thekid my

Thisisthefire whichburned thestick whichhadsmit ten-thedog whichhadbit ten-thecat which ate thekid my

64 139 Cl.
Pno. Accord.
Chil. Vln. Vla. Vc.
p M

issuu version for perusal only

fa ther-bought fortwofarth ings -

fa ther-bought fortwofarth ings -

Thisisthewa ter-whichput outthefire whichburned thestick whichhad

Thisisthewa ter-whichput outthefire whichburned thestick whichhad

Thisisthewa ter-whichput outthefire whichburned thestick whichhad

Thisisthewa ter-whichput outthefire whichburned thestick whichhad

70 140
D. Hp. Pno. Accord. Chil. Comm.
accelerando poco a poco
A. Vln. Vla.
Vc. Db.

issuu version for perusal only

smitten-thedog whichhad bit tenthecat whichate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwofarth ings -

smitten-thedog whichhad bit tenthecat which ate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwofarth ings -

smitten-thedog whichhad bit tenthecat whichate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwo farth ings -

smitten-thedog whichhad bit tenthecat which ate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwofarth ings -

Thisistheox which

Thisistheox which

Thisistheox which

Thisistheox which

Thisistheox which Thisistheox which

76 141
Pno. Accord.
Tpt. 1.2 Cl. Timp. B.
Chil. Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A.
p p M
Vla. Vc.


issuu version for perusal only





drank thewa ter-whichput outthefire whichburned thestick whichhadsmit ten-thedog whichhad

drank thewa ter-whichput outthefire which burned thestick whichhad smit ten-thedog whichhad

drank thewa ter-whichput outthefire which burned thestick whichhad smit ten-thedog whichhad

drank thewa ter-whichput outthefire whichburned thestick whichhad smit ten-thedog whichhad

drank thewa ter-whichput outthefire which burned thestick whichhadsmit ten-thedog whichhad

drank thewa ter-whichput outthefire whichburned thestick whichhad smit ten-thedog whichhad

83 Tpt.
1.2 Cl. Timp.
B. D. Hp.
Cit. S. A. T.
Vla. Vc. Db.

issuu version for perusal only

bitten-thecat whichate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwofarth ings -

bitten-thecat whichate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwo farth ings -

bitten-thecat whichate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwo farth ings -

bitten-thecat whichate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwo farth ings -

bitten-thecat whichate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwo farth ings -

bitten-thecat whichate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwo farth ings -

Tpt. 1.2 Cl. Timp. B. D. Hp.
Pno. Accord. Chil. Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. T.
Vln. Vla.
Vc. Db.

mf mf mf m

issuu version for perusal only

Thisisthebut cher-whokilled theox whichdrank thewa ter-whichput outthefire whichburned thestick whichhad

Thisisthebut cher-whokilled theox whichdrank thewa ter-which put outthefire whichburned thestick whichhad

Thisisthebut cher-whokilled theox whichdrank thewa ter-which put outthefire whichburned thestick whichhad

Thisisthebut cher-whokilled theox whichdrank thewa ter-whichput outthefire whichburned thestick whichhad

Thisisthebut cher-whokilled theox whichdrank thewa ter-which put outthefire whichburned thestick whichhad

Thisisthebut cher-whokilled theox whichdrank thewa ter-which put outthefire whichburned thestick whichhad

Thisisthebut cher-whokilled theox whichdrank thewa ter-whichput outthefire whichburned thestick whichhad

142 92
Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. Hp. Pno. Accord. Chil. Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. mf mf mf mf mf mf mf
Tpt. 1.2
mf mf

issuu version for perusal only

smitten-thedog whichhadbit ten-thecat whichate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwofarth ings.-

smitten-thedog whichhadbit ten-thecat which ate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwofarth ings.-

smitten-thedog whichhadbit ten-thecat which ate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwofarth ings.-

smitten-thedog whichhadbit ten-thecat whichate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwofarth ings.-

smitten-thedog whichhadbit ten-thecat which ate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwofarth ings.-

smitten-thedog whichhadbit ten-thecat which ate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwofarth ings.-

smitten-thedog whichhadbit ten-thecat which ate thekid myfa ther-bought fortwofarth ings.-

97 Tpt.
Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. Hp. Pno. Accord. Chil. Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. M m

issuu version for perusal only

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath whoslew thebut cher-whokilled theox! Thisisthean gel -of

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath whoslew thebut cher-whokilled theox! Thisisthean gel -of

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath whoslew thebut cher-whokilled theox! Thisisthean gel -of

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath whoslew thebut cher-whokilled theox! Thisisthean gel -of

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath whoslew thebut cher-whokilled theox! Thisisthean gel -of

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath whoslew thebut cher-whokilled theox! Thisisthean gel -of

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath whoslew thebut cher-whokilled theox! Thisisthean gel -of f f f f

143 103
Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. Hp. Pno. Accord. Chil. Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. f f f f f
Tpt. 1.2 Hn.
f f f f f M

issuu version for perusal only

death whoslew thebut

death whoslew thebut

death whoslew thebut

death whoslew the but

death whoslew the but

death whoslew the but

death whoslew thebut

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel -of death!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. Hp.
Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. T. B.
Vla. Vc. Db.
Hn. Tbn.

issuu version for perusal only

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

Thisisthean gel-ofdeath!

144 114 Tpt. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. S. D. Hp. Pno. Accord. Chil. Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff m
ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff 159

issuu version for perusal only

145 Fast q = 160 120 146 1 2 Picc. 3 4 Tpt. 1.2 Cl. Susp. Cym. Pno. Accord. Chil. ff ff ff ff ff 3333 ff 33 ff f ff ff Fire! gliss. Fire! gliss. 160

version for perusal only

130 147 1 2 Picc. 3 4 Tpt. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Cl. Susp. Cym. T.-t. Pno. Accord. Chil. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. f33 f3 f f fp p fp Fire! gliss. Fire! gliss Fire! gliss The f wood burnt through The The f wood burnt through The f f f f 161
140 148 Cl. Timp. Tub. B. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ff3333 3 3 ff 3333 33 ff gliss gliss gliss gliss ff 3 3 33 33 33 33 3 3 ff333333 twelve bells fell one by one twelve bells fell one by one ff3333 33 ff3333 33 ff333 333 162 issuu version for perusal only
144 149 Cl. Timp. Tub. B. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln.
Vc. Db. ffff 333 3 3 3 sffz sffz ff 3333 33 ff gliss. gliss. gliss gliss sffz ff 3 3 33 sffz 33 (sim.) 33 33 3 3 ffff 333 3 3 3 Thetwelve bells fell one by one Twelve bells fell Thetwelve bells fell one by one Twelve bells fell ffff 333 3 33 ffff 3333 33 ffff 333 333 sffz sffz 163 issuu version for perusal only
151 150 Cl. Timp. Tub. B. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ffffff 333 3 333 3 sffz sffz ff 33 ff 333 3 ff gliss gliss ff gliss gliss ff 3 3 sffz ff 3 3 sffz 33 3 3 3 33 3 ffffff 333 3 333 3 one by one One by one One by one one by one One by one One by one ffffff 333 3 333 3 ffffff 33333333 ffffff 333 3 333 3 sffz sffz 164 issuu version for perusal only
151 158 152 1 2 Picc. 3 4 Tba. Susp. Cym. Hp. Accord. Chil. Vla. Vc. Db. fff 33 fff 33 fff 33 fff 33 ff 33 f pfpf 333333333333 mf Sen. Cit. They are 3 mur der3 -ing peo ple -in thathouse They are 3 mur der3 ing -peo 3 in that 3 house 33 pfpf 3333 333 3333 333 pfpf 33333 33 33333 33 pffff 33333 3 33333 3 165 issuu version for perusal only

issuu version for perusal only

163 1 2 Picc. 3 4 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Susp. Cym. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 3 3 3 3 f 3f f ff gliss gliss f33333333 f Themost ofthem fell imme - diate -lyThemost ofthem fell imme - diate -lyf f f f 166

version for perusal only

166 153 1 2 Picc. 3 4 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Susp. Cym. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. fff 333 fff 333 fff 333 fff 333 fff 333 ff ff333 f f f gliss ff gliss. 3f 33 33 3 3 f vo mit --ing- Themost ofthem vo mit --ing- Themost ofthem f f f f 167
170 154 1 2 Picc. 3 4 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Hp. Pno. Accord. Chil. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. gliss gliss . pf 333333 3 33 3 33 3 mf Sen. Cit. They are 3 mur 3 ing -peo ple3 in that 3 house fell imme - diate -ly-vo mit- ingfell imme - diate -ly-vo mit- ingpf 3 333 333 pf 3 3333 33 pf 33333 3 168 issuu version for perusal only
174 155 1 2 Picc. 3 4 Tpt. 1.2 Tba. Cl. Susp. Cym. Hp. Pno. Accord. Chil. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. fff fff fff fff f333 f3 f f fff pf 333333 fff f They are 3 mur der3 ing - people3 in that 3 house O thers-found themselvesO thers-found themselvesf pff 3333 333 pff 33333 33 f f 33333 3 169 issuu version for perusal only

issuu version for perusal only

180 156 1 2 Picc. 3 4 Tpt. 1.2 Tba. Cl. Susp. Cym. Pno. Accord. Comm. S. A.
Vc. Db. ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ff 333 ff 3 ff ff ff ff f fff ff upon-theground someon thebeds O thersupon-theground someon thebeds O thersff ff ff ff 170
Vln. Vla.

issuu version for perusal only

upon-stools andchairs, hor rib -ly-cry ing-out androar ing -

upon-stools andchairs, hor rib -ly-cry ing-out androar ing -

187 157 poco accelerando 1 2 Picc. 3 4 Tpt. 1.2 Tba. Cl. Susp. Cym. Pno. Accord. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. fffsf fffsf fffsf fffsf f3 f 3 f f ffsf
f f f f 171

issuu version for perusal only

158 Urgently q = 176 194 159 Tpt. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Timp. B. D. T.-t. Pno. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vc. Db. ff ff ff ffmfffmfff ff ff pfpf ff
mind not poorlo vers -who
mind not poorlo vers -who
Wake all the dead! Whatho!
How sound ly theysleep whosepil
Wake all the dead! Whatho! Whatho! How sound ly theysleep whosepil
mind not poorlo vers -who
pil lows
mind not poorlo vers -who ff ff 172
Wake all the dead!
Whatho! Whatho!
How sound ly theysleep whosepil lows -lie low, They mind not poorlo vers -who Wake all the dead! Whatho! Whatho! How sound ly theysleep whose pil
Wake all the dead! Whatho! Whatho! How sound ly theysleep whose

issuu version for perusal only

205 160 Tpt. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Timp. B. D. T.-t. Pno. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vc. Db. mfffmfffmf pfpfpf walk above- On the decks of theworld instorms oflove. No whis per -now, norglance shallpass walk above- On the decks of theworld instorms oflove. No whis per -now, norglance shallpass walk above- On the decks of theworld instorms oflove. No whis per -now, norglance shallpass walk above- On the decks of theworld instorms oflove. No whis per -now, norglance shallpass walk above- On the decks of theworld instorms oflove. No whis per -now, norglance shallpass 173

issuu version for perusal only

Through wic kets -or throughpanes ofglass; For our win dows -anddoors areshut andbarred. Lie close in thechurch, andin the

Through wic kets -or throughpanes ofglass; For our win dows -anddoors areshut andbarred. Lie close in thechurch, andin the

Through wic kets -or throughpanes of glass; For our win dows -anddoors areshut andbarred. Lie close in thechurch, andin the

Through wic kets -or throughpanes ofglass; For our win dows -anddoors areshut andbarred. Lie close in thechurch, andin the

Through wic kets -or throughpanes ofglass; For our win dows -anddoors areshut andbarred. Lie close in thechurch, andin the

217 161 Tpt. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Timp. B. D. T.-t. Pno. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vc. Db. ffmfffmfff pfpf

issuu version for perusal only

227 162 molto accelerando . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tpt. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. T.-t. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. mfff ff pf ff ff ff church -yard! In ev 'ry -grave make room! make room! The world's at an end, and we come, we come, we come, we come! church -yard! In ev 'ry -grave make room! make room! The world's at an end, and we come, we come, we come, we come! church -yard! In ev 'ry -grave make room! make room! The world's at an end, and we come, we come, we come, we come! church -yard! In ev 'ry -grave make room! make room! The world's at an end, and we come, we come, we come, we come! church -yard! In ev 'ry -grave make room! make room! The world's at an end, and we come, we come, we come, we come! ff ff 175

issuu version for perusal only

163 Heavily h = 80 239 1 2 Picc. 3 4 Tpt. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Timp. B. D. Susp. Cym. T.-t. Hp. Pno. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ff ##bb ff #bb # ff #bb # ff b##b f5 f3 5 ff brassy f f f f f f f ff gliss. ff ff ff ff f fff 176
244 164 1 2 Picc. 3 4 Tpt. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Timp. B. D. Susp. Cym. T.-t. Hp. Pno. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ##bb #bb #bb b# f5 f3 5 ff f f f f f ff ff ff ff ff 177
issuu version for perusal only
248 1 2 Picc. 3 4 Hn. Tba. Cl. Susp. Cym. Hp. Accord. Vc. Db. ff bbbb #bb ff bbb ##bb ff b b ##bb ff b##bb# f f f ###b b## f ff f ###b b## f f 178 issuu
version for perusal only

issuu version for perusal only

165 253 Tpt. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Timp. B. D. T.-t. Pno. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. f33 55 5 f333 55 ff 3335 ff 3 f f f f ff ff ff 179

version for perusal only

166 A little held back 258 Picc. 1-4 Tpt. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. T.-t. Pno. Accord. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. fff sfff 5 sfff3 55 sffff 3 ffff ff ffff ffsffz ffsffz ff fffsffz fffffff M So, ff when the last and dread ful -Hour This crumb ling -Pa geant -shall deSo, ff when the last and dread ful -Hour This crumb ling -Pa geant -shall deff So, when the last and dread ful -Hour This crumb ling -Pa geant -shall deff
when the last and dread ful -Hour This crumb ling -Pa geant -shall deff
when the last and dread ful -Hour This crumb ling -Pa geant -shall defffffff fffffff fffffsffz ff fffsffz 180 issuu

version for perusal only

264 167 Picc. 1-4 Tpt. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. T.-t. Pno. Accord. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ffffff ffff 5 ff3ff 5555 ffffff 3 3 fffff ffff ff ffsffz ff ffsffz ff ffff fffsffz fff ffffffff M M vour The Trum pet -shall be heard on high vour The Trum pet -shall be heard on high vour The Trum pet -shall be heard on high vour The Trum pet -shall be heard on high vour The Trum pet -shall be heard on high fff fffff ffffffff fffsffz fffff fffsffz fff 181 issuu

issuu version for perusal only

269 rit. . . . . . . . . . . Picc. 1-4 Tpt. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. T.-t. Pno. Accord. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. fff ff 5 5 3ff3 55 fff 3 ffff ff ffff sffz ffsffz sffz ffsffz ff sffz fffsffz fffffff M The dead shall live, the liv ing -die And Mu sick -shall un tune -the The dead shall live, the liv ing -die And Mu sick -shall un tune -the The dead shall live, the liv ing -die And Mu sick -shall un tune -the The dead shall live, the liv ing -die And Mu sick -shall un tune -the The dead shall live, the liv ing -die And Mu sick -shall un tune -the fffffff fffffff sffz fffffsffz ff sffz fffsffz 182

issuu version for perusal only

168 A tempo 276 Picc. 1-4 Tpt. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. T.-t. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. fff fffff55 ff3fff3 5555 ffffff dim. 335 fffff dim. 5 fffff dim. ff dim. ff ff f fff dim. fff M Sky. Sky. Sky. Sky. Sky. fff fff fff fff 183

issuu version for perusal only

281 169 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Timp. Hp. Pno. Vc. Db. 53 53p3 55 p p p p 287 Hn. Tbn. Hp. Vc. Db. p5 dim. 5 pp pp pp

10. Of the tears

Slow q = 60 Vibraphone Harp Piano T. Solo p 333 3 3 p333 333 p 33333 I make hu 3 man - eyes. Theseare 3 170 8 Vib. Hp. Pno. T. Solo p 3 33333 p333333 p 3 33333 two cases;- inthe one Ihave 3 black and 3 hazel,- andintheo ther-blue andgrey. 3 14 171 Glock. Hp. Pno. T. Solo Glock ppmp 3 3 3 pp gliss. C§ Db gliss. 3mp 3 3 3 14 pp 3 3mp 3 Here yousee arethela dies' ---eyes. Yousee there'smoresparkle- andbril liance-about-themthanthe 333337 185
perusal only
issuu version for
17 172 Vib. Hp. Pno. T. Solo Vib. 3333 3 3 gentle-men's.- Most married-la dies -ne ver-take 3 out theireyes atall. 173 21 Vib. Hp. Pno. T. Solo p 3 33 33 3 p p 3 33 33 3 Some people-wear outaneye in half thetime ofthe 3 o thers3 25 Vib. Hp. Pno. T. Solo 3 33 333 3 333 33 Thisdoes n'ta 3 rise - fromthegrea ter-use ofthem 3 orroll ing-themabout, - butfrom thein 3186 issuu version for perusal only

issuu version for perusal only

174 29 Vib. Hp. Pno. T. Solo mf mf 3 33 3 33 3 333333 3 mf
34 175 Glock. Vib. Hp. Pno. T. Solo pp 33 pp tears,
ontheeye likea cid
tal- andso corrodes -
3 sur face.3333 176 39 Hp.
p sim.
44 Hp. S.
48 Hp.
creased se cre - tion - ofthetears, thein -creased se cre - tion - ofthe
androu ghens-the
S. Solo
Weep not,mywan ton, -smileupon-myknee; Whenthou artold there'sgrief enough-forthee. Streaming-tears thatne ver-stint, Like
Solo pearl drops fromaflint, Fellbycourse fromhiseyes, Thatano-ther's-place supplies:-Thushegrieved ine v'ry-part,
S. Solo Tearsofblood fellfrom hisheart, Whenheleft hispret ty-boy, Father's-sor row,- Father's-joy.

issuu version for perusal only

177 Freely 52 Tri. Hp. Pno.
Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ppp pp pp Bytheheaven andbythenight ly -vi si-tant!3 Wouldthatyou 3 pp pp pp pp 54 178 Tri. Hp. Pno.
Vc. Db. knew whatthenight ly -vi si-tant3 is! Itisastar ofpierc ing-bright ness!188
T. Solo

issuu version for perusal only

Forev'ry-soul thereisaguar dian-watch ing-it. Letman reflect-fromwhat heiscrea-ted.-

57 Tri. Glock. Hp.
T. Solo Vln. Vla. Vc.
179 Slow q = 48 60 Tri. Hp. Pno. Comm.
Vc. p pp Werevealed-thison
Wouldthatyou 3 knew whatthenight ofQua dr -is 3 like! 189
Vln. Vla.

issuu version for perusal only

63 Tri. Hp. Pno. Comm.
3 66 Tri. Hp.
Vla. Vc. Better-isthenight ofQuadr- thanathou sand-months. Onthatnightthean gels-andthespi rit-come
downwiththeir Lord'sbles sings-with 3 bles sings.- Thatnight ispeace till break of dawn. 190
Vla. Vc.

issuu version for perusal only

180 Spacious h = 48 (h = q prec.) 70
Tabla Bhaya Hp.
Vla. Vc. Db. p a little to the fore Tabla in A own patterns ad lib., gentle & seductive (vary) 3 pp By night I 3 wentin to3 thegar den - seek -ing some 3 balm For I was pp pp pp pp 74 181
T. Solo
Tabla Bhaya Hp. S. Solo T. Solo
Vla. Vc. Db. d pp delicate 3 b 3 mfp mppp By night sick with love E ven3 onthis, the dar -kest 3 of mpp b (harmonics ad lib.) 6 mppp mppp mppp 191
78 Cl.
Solo T. Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 33666 3 mf (vary) p Iwent 3 into-the gar den, seek ing - some balm nights, the rose I found Lit the night like a lamp. p p p p 82 182 Cl.
Tabla Bhaya
Tabla Bhaya Hp. S. Solo
Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p 3333 3 36 for I was sick with love. The rose lamp was so bright it a woke - the nightingale 192 issuu version for perusal only
T. Solo
86 183 Cl.
Solo T. Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. mf 55553 (vary) f mf Ah 3 33 Who sang its thou mf mf mf mf 89 184 Cl.
Bhaya Hp. S.
Tabla Bhaya Hp. S. Solo
Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p 666 p pp 3 So sweet was the sand songs. So p pp pp pp 193 issuu version for perusal only
T. Solo
92 Cl.
Tabla Bhaya Hp.
Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p 3 5 3 (vary) night-in gale's 3 -song that the flo wers - wept in ec sta ---sy - and sweet was the nigh -tin gale's 3 -song that the flo wers - wept in p 95 Cl.
S. Solo
Tabla Bhaya Hp. S. Solo
Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. mfp mfp mfp pain. ec sta --sy - and pain. The mfp 33333 3 p p p 194 issuu
T. Solo
version for perusal only

version for perusal only

185 98 Cl.
Tabla Bhaya Hp.
Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. pp 33 pp The rose drank her own tears. rose drank her own tears. 102 Cl.
S. Solo T. Solo Tabla Bhaya Hp. S. Solo T. Solo Vln.
Db. ppp mp Learn from the flowers. Learn from the flowers. 195
Vla. Vc.

issuu version for perusal only

186 106 Tri. Hp. Pno.
Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. pp pp This is Spital- fields 3pp pp pp pp 111 Tri.
Solo Comm.
Vc. Db. Gar denFrommygar den - at Spital-fields:pp 196
Pno. S.
Vln. Vla.

version for perusal only

With movement 11.
h = 60 Clarinet in Bb Harp Comm. pp pp Un der -Sa turn - are: In 2 Groups Un der -Sa turn - (n) 187 187 7 188 188 Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. pp pp pp M
Culpeper’s Garden
Clea vers, Clowns Wound Cres p ses, -Com frey, -Dar nel, -Dod dar, -Flea wort, -Flix -weed,
Ah pp Ah Ah pp Ah pp pp pp pp 197
Bar p ley, - Birds -foot, Bis tort - Blew bot-tle

issuu version for perusal only

14 189 189 190 190 Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. T.
pp pp pp M
Vln. Vla. Vc. Db.
wort. Knap -weed, Knot -grass, Fu mi -to-ry - Knap weed, -Knot grass, -Med lar -tree, Moss,
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah pp Ah pp pp 198
Stinking-Glad -win, Winter-green, - Hem lock, - Hemp.

issuu version for perusal only

Med lar -tree - Quince p -tree Rupture-wort Solomon’s-Seal, Mul lein, -Night shade, -Po plar -tree

21 191 191 Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. S.
T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc.
Ah Ah Ah Ah pp 199

version for perusal only

Sarazen’s-confound - Ser vice -tree, -



Both groups wort, -Tama-ris,-Melan-cho-lyThis tle, -

27 192 192 Cl.
Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. S. A. T.
B. Vln. Vla. Vc.
pp pp pp pp
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah pp pp pp pp 200 issuu

issuu version for perusal only

33 193 193 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln.
Vc. Db. p p p p sim. M p
Un p der -Ju pi-ter - Under-Ju piterUn p der -Ju piter - Under-Ju piterUn p der -Ju pi -terUn p der -Ju pi -ter - Un derp p p p 201
Black thorn, -Through wax,Tut san, - Woad

issuu version for perusal only

A In 4 Groups

grimo-ny,- Ale-xan-ders, - Asspa-ragus. - A vens, - Cink foyl, - Cost ma-ry,- Sweet

Agrimo-ny,- Ale-xan-ders, - Aspa-ragus, - A vens, - Cink foyl, - Cost ma-ry,-

Agrimo-ny,- Ale-xan-ders, - Asspa-ragus. - A vens, - Cink foyl, -

Agrimo-ny,- Ale-xan-ders, - Aspa-ragus, - A vens, - Cink foyl, -

194 194 39 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 2 Comm. 3 4 S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db.
- Under-Ju
- Under-Ju
Under-Ju piter - Under-Ju pi-ter - Under-Ju piter Un der -Ju pi -ter - Un der -Ju pi -ter - Un der -Ju pi -terJu pi -ter - Un der -Ju pi -ter - Un der -Ju pi -ter - Un der202

issuu version for perusal only


Cost ma-ry,-

Dande-ly-on,-Dock, Liver-wort,-Lung wort, -Sauce Alone-or

Under-Ju pi-ter -

Under-Ju pi-ter -

Un der -Ju pi -ter

Ju pi -ter -

45 195 195 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 2 Comm. 3 4 Sen. Cit. S. A. T.
B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. (Ped) Ci ce -ly,Sweet Ci ce
Cost ma -ry - Sweet Ci ce -ly, -
Sweet Ci ce -ly -

issuu version for perusal only

50 196 196 Timp. B. D. T.-t. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. Sen. Cit. T. B.
Db. mf mf p mf mf mf m mf (m) M Men only mf Under-Mars Under-Mars are Jack bytheHedge. mf Under-Mars Under-Mars are mf Under-Mars Under-Mars are mf mf mf mf 204
Vln. Vla. Vc.


issuu version for perusal only

197 197
forwards 55 Cl. S. D. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. mf cresc. poco a poco
beater on rim (or similar sword-like metallic effect) mf cresc. poco a poco non arpegg. mf cresc. poco a poco mf cresc. poco a poco mf cresc. poco a poco 4. mf Sweet 3 Bazil,3 Bramble-bush,-Bri o-ny,33 Arse (In 2 groups) mf smart, -A sa -ra3 bac -ca,3 Barber-ry-bush Arse smart, -A sa -ra3 bac -ca,33 Arse mf smart, -A sa -ra3 bac -ca,3 Barber-ry-bush 3 Worm mp cresc. Sweet 3 Bazil,3 Bramble--bush, 3 Bri o-ny,3 Arse mf smart, -A sa -ra3 bac -ca,3 Barber-ry-bush 3 Arse mf smart, -A sa -ra3 bac -ca,3 Barber-ry-bush Arse smart, -A sa -ra3 bac -ca,3 3 pizz. mf cresc. poco a poco pizz. mf cresc. poco a poco pizz. mf cresc. poco a poco 205

issuu version for perusal only

58 Cl. S. D. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 2 Comm. 3 4 Sen. Cit. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. mf Naddir,3 Master--wort,Mus tard,3 Mettles,33 Furze mf bush,-Gar lick,-Haw thorn,-Hops, Furzebush,-Gar lick,- Haw thorn,-Hops, Sweet 3 Bazil,3 Bramble-bush,-Brio-ny, 3 Sweet 3 Ba zil, 3 Bramble--bush, 3 Bri o-ny,3 SweetBa zil,3 Bramble--bush,Bri o-ny,3333 Barber-ry-bush Arse smart, -Asa-ra3 bac -ca,3 Barber-ry-bush 33 Arse smart, -Asa-ra3 bac -ca, 3 Arse smart, -A sa -ra3 bac -ca,3 wood, Worm wood, Sweet 3 Bazil,3 Bramble--bush, 3 Bri ony, 3 Sweet 3 Ba zil, 3 Bramble--bush, 3 Bri o-ny,3 Naddir,3 Master-wort,3 Mustard,3 Mettles,3 Furzebush,-Gar lick,-Haw thorn,-Hops, Furzebush,-Gar lick,- Haw thorn,-Hops, Barber-ry-bush Arse smart, -Asa-ra3 bac -ca,3 Barber-ry-bush 33 206

issuu version for perusal only

61 Cl. S. D. Hp. Pno. Accord. 1 2 Comm. 3 4 Sen. Cit. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. f f f f mf Bastard-Rhu barb,-This tles,-Tobac-co,3 Bastard-Rhu barb,-This tles,-Tobac-co,33 33333 Naddir,3 Master-wort,-Mus tard,3 Mettles,3 Naddir,3 Master-wort,-Mus tard,3 Mettles,33 3 Furzebush,- Gar lick,- Haw thorn,- Hops, Furzebush,- Gar lick,- Haw thorn,- Hops, SweetBa zil,3 Bramble-bush,-Bri o-ny,- Arse smart, -A sa -ra3 bac -ca,33 33 Arse smart, Asa-ra-bac-ca,3 Barber-ry3 bush 3 Barber-ry-bush Arse smart, -A sa -ra3 bac -ca,33 Worm wood, Naddir,3 Master-wort,-Mus tard,3 Mettles,3 Furzebush,- Gar lick,- Haw thorn,- Hops, 3 Bastard-Rhu barb,-This tles,-Tobac-co,3 Bastard3 Rhu barb,3 This tles, -To 3 bac -co,33 33 Arse smart, Asa-ra-bac-ca,3 Barber-ry3 bush 3 f f f 207

issuu version for perusal only

198 198 Flowing Flowing 63 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo T. Solo Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. p cresc. poco a poco p p cresc. p cresc. sim. M p m M Un p cresc. poco a poco der -the Sun are An ge -li-ca, - Che lon -dineUn p cresc. poco a poco der -the Sun are An ge -li-ca, - Che lon -dine2 Groups Un p cresc. poco a poco der -the Sun are An ge -li-ca, - Che lon -dineEye bright, -Loveage,-
Eye bright, -Loveage,- Rosa-Solis,Ah p cresc. poco a poco Ah p cresc. poco a poco Ah Ah p cresc. poco a poco Ah Ah p cresc. poco a poco Ah arco p cresc. poco a poco arco p cresc. poco a poco arco p cresc. poco a poco p cresc. poco a poco

issuu version for perusal only

nut -tree and Rhue, Saf fron, -Ro se -m’ry - Tormen-til, -

nut -tree and Rhue, Saf fron, -Ro se -m‘ry - Tormen-til, - Ah!

199 199 69 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord.
Solo T. Solo Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. m M m M
Ah Ah Ah Ah 209
Ma ri -golds, -
se -m’ry -
nut -tree and Ma ri -golds, -
se -m’ry -
nut -tree and Ma ri -golds, -
se -m’ry - Tormen-til, -

issuu version for perusal only

200 200 75 201 201 Cl. Vib. Hp.
Accord. S. Solo T. Solo Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. f f dim. f dim. f dim. M f dim. Tur f n(e) -so-l(e)-or He li -o-tro-pum,Ah! f Tur ne -so-le-or Ah! f Ah! f Ah! f Ah! f Ah! f Ah! f Ah! f f dim. f dim. f dim. f dim. 210

issuu version for perusal only

81 202 202 Cl. Vib.
Solo A.
Vc. Db. p p pmf p M p He li -o-tro-pum,Un p der-Mer cury - Under-Mer cu -ry - are p p p p 211
Vln. Vla.

issuu version for perusal only

Calaminth,-Carrots,- Carraway,-Dill. Calaminth,-Carrots,- Carraway,-Dill.

87 203 203 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno.
S. A. Vln. Vla. Vc. pp p ppp
der - the Moon are p Un der - the Moon are
pp pp pp 93 Cl.
Pno. Accord. S. Solo
S. Vln. Vla. Vc. Adder’s-Tongue, Colum-bine, - Flo wer3 de-LuceAdder’s-Tongue, Colum-bine, - Flo wer3 de-Luce -

issuu version for perusal only

Vc. Loose strife, -Moon wort, -Or pine, - Poppies, - Willow-tree. -

97 (poco
Vib. Hp.
Pno. Accord.
S. Solo T. Solo Vln. Vla.
101 Glock. Hp. Pno.
Saxi-frage, -
Lightly q. = 112
Chil. Vln.
pp pp pp 213
Vc. to the fore
gently can thephysi-cian-makesick menwell?
themagi cian-afor tune-divine?

issuu version for perusal only

109 205 Glock.
Hp. Pno.
Chil. Vln. Vla.
Without-li ly,-german-der,-andsops inwine? Withsweet briar- And 116 Glock.
Vc. Hp. Pno. Chil. Vln. Vla. Vc. bonfire- Andstraw ber-rywire
Andco lum-bine

issuu version for perusal only

206 125 207 Cl. Glock. Hp. Pno. Chil.
133 208 Cl. Glock. Hp.
Vla. Vc.
p sempre Within-andwithout, - inandout, roundasaball With p p p
Chil. Vln. Vla.
hither-andthi asstraight asaline Withlily,-german-der-andsops inwine 215

issuu version for perusal only

209 141 Glock.
Chil. Vln. Vla.
Vc. Withsweet briar- Andbonfire- Andstraw ber -ry-wire
150 210 210
Andco lum-bine
Cl. Glock.
Vc. mf f più f più f p più f WhenSa turn-didlive, therelived nopoor, mf mf mf 216
Accord. Chil. Vln. Vla.

issuu version for perusal only

158 Cl. Glock. Hp.
Pno. Accord.
Chil. Vln. Vla. Vc.
211 165 Cl. Glock. Hp.
Theking andthebeg gar-onroots diddine, Withli ly,german-der-andsops inwine, Pno. Accord. Chil. Vln. Vla. Vc. Withsweet briar
Andbonfire- Andstraw ber-rywire Andco lum-bine
q = 120 Lively 12. Songbirds 1 2 Piccolos 3 4 Piccolos in gallery: 1 & 2 near each other on one side 3 & 4 near each other on the other ffpffp ffpf3mp fffpffp ffp f3mp 212 9 1 2 Picc. 3 4 S. Solo mf3f pf f33 mf3pf33 Inawalk throughSpi talfields - noone-willfail tobestruck withthenum ber-ofsing ing-birdskept inthehous es 213 13 1 2 Picc. 3 4 T. Solo p 33 p33 p p
itssong andseems tothink the 218 issuu
Inawin dow -by him isa sing ing-bird
version for perusal only
17 214 1 2 Picc. 3 4 S. Solo T. Solo fmpp fmp p 3 fmp fmp
loom aninstru-ment-ofmusic.21 215 1 2 Picc. 3 4 S. Solo fmf fmf p3mp p 3mp callbirds-cansing thelongest.24 1 2 Picc. 3 4 S. Solo pmfpmf pmfpmf p p Wehaveknown alin insuch atrial perser-vere-initse mu -la tillitswooned from gliss its perch. 219 issuu
for perusal only
Thebirdcat-chers-lay consi de -ra-ble-wa gers-

issuu version for perusal only

216 216 With movement With movement 29 h. = 63 h. = 63 217 217 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Tri. Glock. Vib. Hp. Pno. Comm. S. A. Vln. Vla. Vc. pp p p p p p p Lau p da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!Lau p da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!Lau p da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!p p p 220

issuu version for perusal only

38 218 218 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Tri. Glock. Vib. Hp. Pno. Chil. Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. Vln. Vla. Vc. p pp p p p Lau p da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!Lau p da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!p p p 221

version for perusal only

47 219 219 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Cl. Tri. Glock. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Chil. Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. Vln.
Vc. p p mf p p p mf Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!mf To
me look that ye come, Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!p p p 222 issuu
weep with

issuu version for perusal only

56 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Cl. Tri. Glock. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Chil. Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. Vln. Vla. Vc. mp p p p mp Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!All manner-of birds in your kind; So none be left be hind.Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!p p p 223

issuu version for perusal only

220 220 65 Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. p To mourn ing -look ye fall With do lo -rous-songs fu ne -rall;74 221 221 Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. Some to sing and some to say, Some to weep and some to 224

issuu version for perusal only

83 222 222 Tri. Glock.
Accord. Comm.
Vc. p p p pray, Ev 'ry -bir dy - in his lay. Lau p da, -A ni -ma-me a,Lau p da, -A ni -ma-me a,p p p 225
Vln. Vla.

issuu version for perusal only

mf The (Group 1) gold finch, - thewag tail, - Thejang ling-jay to rail Theflecked pye tochat p (chat (Half) ter,-chat ter)Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num! - Lau da, -A ni -maDo mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num! - Lau da, -A ni -ma -

92 223 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Cl. Tri. Glock. Vib.
Hp. Pno.
Chil. S. Vln.
mf mf mf
Vla. Vc.

issuu version for perusal only

99 224 224 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Cl. Tri. Glock. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord.
Comm. S. A.
Vc. 1. p b b 3 p Of mf thisdo lorous-matterAnd Ro bin -Red -breast He shallbe thepriest The re qui -em-mass to sing me a, -Do mi -num!me a, -Do mi -num!227
Vln. Vla.

version for perusal only

Soft ly -war bl -ing,-Withthehelp ofred sparrow, Andthechatter-ing-swallow-This hearse for to hallow.

107 Picc. 1 Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc.
225 115 226 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Cl. Xyl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Chil. mpff mpmp p f f p Group 2 Thelark with the long toe 228 issuu

issuu version for perusal only

125 227 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Cl.
Xyl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord.
ff mpmp ff
so -
Thespink andthemarty-net-al
132 228 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Cl.
Thesho velar-withhis
Xyl. Vib. Hp.
ff mpmp ff long beak Thedote-rell-that foo lish -pecks 229
139 229 229 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Cl. Xyl. Pno. Accord. Sen. Cit. S. A.
Vc. mfmf mfmf p mfmf mfmf p mf And al so -the mad coot With a bald face And al so -the mad coot With a bald face And al so -the mad coot With a bald face p p p 230 issuu
Vln. Vla.
version for perusal only

version for perusal only

150 230 230 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Cl. Xyl. Pno. Accord.
Cit. S.
mfmf mfmf mfmf mfmf to toot The field fare - and the snyte The crow and the to toot The field fare - and the snyte The crow and the to toot The field fare - and the snyte The crow and the 231
Vla. Vc.

issuu version for perusal only

160 231 231 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Cl. Xyl. Pno.
Cit. S. A.
Vc. mfp mfp mf mf
232 170 Picc. 1
Vln. Vla.
kite The ra ven -called Rolfe His plain song -to solfe kite The ra ven -called Rolfe His plain song -to solfe kite The ra ven -called Rolfe His plain song -to solfe
Vla. Vc. mp to the fore p p
pizz. p pizz. p pizz. p 232
Xyl. Pno. Chil. Vln.
The Group 3 bu sy-chant ing-nigh tin-gale-Thepo pi-jay - totell hertail Thattoot eth -of ten -in aglass Shall

issuu version for perusal only

176 Picc. 1 Xyl. Pno.
Vc. readtheGos pel -at mass. Thema vis -withherwhis tle -Shall read the e pis - tle.233 182 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Xyl.
Hp. Pno. Comm. S. pfmf pfmf pf p p p f Our Our 233
Chil. Vln. Vla.

version for perusal only

234 234 188 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Xyl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. S.
Vc. p p pp p p pp p chan ters -shall be the cuck ove - The cul ver, -the stock dovechan ters -shall be the cuck ove - The cul ver, -the stock dovearco p arco p pizz. p 234 issuu
Vln. Vla.

issuu version for perusal only

With pee wit, -the lap wing - the ver si -cles-shall sing.

With pee wit, -the lap wing - the ver si -cles-shall sing.

196 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Xyl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. S.
Vln. Vla. Vc.
235 204 Pno.
p 235
Vla. p The Group 1 bit tern-with hisbump Thecrane withhistrump Theswan of Me nan -der - Thegoose and the gan der - Theduck and the pizz. p pizz.

version for perusal only

213 236 236 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Cl. Tri. Glock. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Chil. Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. Vln. Vla. p p p p p p p p p drake Shall watch at this wake. Ah All 3 Lau p da, -A ni -maLau p da, -A ni -maLau p da, -A ni -maLau p da, -A ni -map arco arco p 236

issuu version for perusal only

222 237 237 Cl. Tri. Glock. Vib.
Pno. Accord.
Comm. Sen. Cit. S. A. Vln. Vla. ha
Ah! me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A
-ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da,me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da,me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da,me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -

issuu version for perusal only

229 Cl. Tri. Glock.
A. Vln.
Ah ha Ah! A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!238

issuu version for perusal only

238 236 Vib. Hp. Pno. T. Solo T. Vc. p p p The owl that is so foul Must help us to howl. The owl that is so foul Must help us to howl. p arco 239 246 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Chil. Sen. Cit. B. p p Group 2 Withthephea The he ron -so gaunt And the cor mo -rant - The The he ron -so gaunt And the cor mo -rant - The 239

issuu version for perusal only

254 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Chil. Sen. Cit. B.
ter-hen to weep
240 240 261 Cl. Glock. Vib. Hp. Pno.
Solo S. A. Vln.
Vc. Thepuffin-and theteal money-shall theydeal Tothepoor folk at large Thatshallbe their Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num! - Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a,Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a,p p p 240
dyven-drop-to sleep,
268 241 241 1 2 Picc. 3 4 Cl. Glock. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo Comm. S. A. Vln. Vla. Vc. mpmf mpmf mp mp mf charge. Thesea mew -andthetit -mouse Thewood cock -withthe Do mi -num! - Thesea mew -andthetit -mouse Thewood cock -withthe Do mi -num! - Thesea mew -andthetit -mouse Thewood cock -withthe pmf pmf pmf 241 issuu
perusal only
version for

issuu version for perusal only

long nose Thethrustle-with herwar bling - Thestar ling-with herbrab blinglong nose Thethrustle-with herwar bling - Thestar ling-with herbrab bling-Andthedain ty -cur lew - Withthe long nose Thethrustle-with herwar bling - Thestar ling-with herbrab bling-Andthedain


276 242 242 1 2 Picc. 3 4 Cl. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo Comm. S. A. Vln. Vla. Vc. cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco mf cresc. poco a poco mf cresc. poco a poco mp cresc. poco a poco mp cresc. poco a poco (C major) gliss gliss. mp cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco Andthedain ty -cur lew
- Withthe
cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco 242
ty -cur lew -

issuu version for perusal only


gliss. gliss. gliss gliss gliss gliss. gliss gliss gliss.

gliss gliss. gliss.


283 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Cl. Tri. Glock. Hp.
S. Solo S.
sfz tur tle -so true tur tle -so true tur tle -so true Zsfz Zsfz Zsfz 243
Vla. Vc.

issuu version for perusal only

Lau f da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num! -

Lau f da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!Ah f ha Ah!

Lau f da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num! -

Lau f da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da,A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num! -

Lau f da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, - A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num! -

Lau f da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da,A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!ff ff ff arco ff

243 289 1.2 Picc.
Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B.
Glock. Hp. Pno. Accord. S.
S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ff 5 ff 5 ff ff ff ff ff ffff f ff ff ff ff
Solo Chil. Sen. Cit. Comm.

issuu version for perusal only

Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num! -

Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!Ah ha Ah!

Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num! -

Lau da, -A ni -mame a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num! -

Lau da, -A ni -ma - me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num! -

Lau da, -A ni -mame a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num! -

297 1.2 Picc.
Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. Glock. Hp. Pno. Accord. S.
Chil. Sen. Cit. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db.
3.4 Tpts. 1.2
5 5

issuu version for perusal only

Ah ha Ah! Ah ha Ah!

Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma -

Ah ha Ah!

Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma -

Ah ha Ah!

Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma -

244 244 305 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Tpts. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. Glock. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo T. Solo Chil. Sen. Cit. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 3 33 3 3 3 33 3
311 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Tpts. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. Glock. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo T. Solo Chil. Sen. Cit. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 3 33 3 33 Ah ha Ah ha me a, -Do mi -num!Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, Ah ha me a, -Do mi -num! - Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, Ah ha me a, -Do mi -num! - Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, 247 issuu
version for perusal only

version for perusal only

316 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Tpts. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. Glock. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo T. Solo Chil. Sen. Cit. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 3 3 3 Ah! Ah! Do mi - num! - Lau da, A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi - num!Ah! Do mi - num! - Lau da, A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi - num!Ah! Do mi - num! - Lau da, A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi - num!248 issuu

issuu version for perusal only

Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -

Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a,Ah ha Ah!

Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -

Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -

Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -

Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi -num!-Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a,ff ff ff ff

245 245 321 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Tpts. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. Glock. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo T. Solo Chil. Sen. Cit. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ff 5 333 ff 5 333 ff ff ff ff ff ffff f ff ff ff ff

version for perusal only

328 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Tpts. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. Glock. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo T. Solo Chil. Sen. Cit. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. ff 5 ff 5 Do mi - num! - Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi - num!Do mi - num! - Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi - num!Ah ha Do mi - num! - Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi - num!Do mi - num! - Lau da, -A ni -mame a, -Do mi - num!Do mi - num! - Lau da, -A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi - num!Do mi - num! - Lau da, -A ni -mame a, -Do mi - num!250
333 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Tpts. 1.2 Hn. Tbn. Tba. Cl. Timp. B. D. Glock. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo T. Solo Chil. Sen. Cit. Comm. S. A. T. B. Vln. Vla. Vc. Db. 3333 33 3 3 3 Lau da, A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi - num!Lau da, A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi - num!Ah! Lau da, A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi - num!Lau da, A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi - num!Lau da, A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi - num!Lau da, A ni -ma-me a, -Do mi - num!251
issuu version for perusal only

issuu version for perusal only

246 246 337 Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord.
Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. p p p p And now the dark clou dy -night Cha seth -a way - Pheo bus -bright, p p p 346 247 247 Picc. 1 Vib. Hp. Pno.
T. Vln.
p3 Tak ing -his course to wards -the west God send my spar row‘s252
Vla. Vc.

version for perusal only

355 248 Picc. 1 Cl. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo T. Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. p sim. But where to -should I Lon ger -mourn or cry? soul good rest! p p p 365 249 250 Cl. Glock. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. p p To Ju pi -ter-I call That my spar row -may fly A bove -the 253 issuu
375 251 251 Cl. Glock. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. S. Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. star ry - sky Totread theprettywren That is our 384 252 252 Glock. Vib. Hp. Pno.
Solo Vln. Vla. Vc. p p la dy‘s - hen; 254 issuu
version for perusal only


394 253 253 Picc. 1 Cl. Glock. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. pp 1. pppp p p p pp A men A p p p 404 254 254 Picc. 1 Cl. Glock. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. p p men 255 issuu
version for perusal

version for perusal only

255 414 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Cl. Vib. Accord. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. pp pp pp p pp A pp pp pp 420 256 1.2 Picc. 3.4 Tri. Glock. Vib. Hp. Pno. Accord. Comm. Vln. Vla. Vc. p p p men 256 issuu

issuu version for perusal only

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