The Value of Labels in Proper Branding

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When it comes to a company’s reputation, it’s not just their products that matter. The reputation a company’s brand has among consumers can be just as important as the products they make, if not more important.

A company's brand is essentially a promise to its customers that lets them know what separates their products and services from the competition. A brand is a representation of a company's identity as well as its goals and the reputation it wants to make for itself. The most successful companies are able to charge more for their products based on the strength of their brands.

What does a company need to do before it can establish a strong brand? • Establish the company's mission • Determine the value of the company's products and services • Understand the company's current public perception • Determine what public perception the company wants

Once a company has determined what it wants its brand to be, it needs to come up with a way to display it to the public. Labels play a key role in establishing a brand. A company's product labels communicate to consumers exactly what a brand is meant to represent.

Product labels give consumers important information about those products. This information includes:

Identification – a good label is not only pleasant to look at, but it also immediately identifies the product and its manufacturers.

Grading –

Description –

if products come in different sizes, qualities, etc., a label should clearly mark them.

strong labeling includes a basic introduction to the product, including its purpose and how to use it.

Customer protection –

Brand promotion –

by including selling price, product quantity, and other such information, labels help customers know they're not being taken advantage of.

in addition to providing important product information, labels tie a product to its manufacturer and associate it with its maker in the public eye.

What factors should be taken into consideration when creating a label?

Environment – The product – a label should always be fit to match a product’s size, color, materials, etc., so that they work well on the product.

what kind of environment is the product used in (extreme cold or heat, humidity, hazardous situations, etc.)? The label should be designed to survive those conditions.

The label's purpose –

Economy –

is the label just there to have the company's name? Does it need to include supplementary information? Pricing? Safety warnings?

a label should never be too busy. It needs to communicate all necessary information as efficiently as possible.

As you can see, there are a lot of factors that go into designing a strong label. To create a label that establishes your company's brand and contains all necessary information, it's best to partner with a printing and labeling company like Southern Coating & Nameplate with experience helping companies create effective labeling campaigns.

Southern Coating & Nameplate has years of experience helping companies create labels that help them establish their brands. SCN can create a variety of label types, including:

Pressure sensitive labels

Unique Identifier Labels (UID)

Metal plates

3D dome labels

Injection molded tags

Graphic overlays

Southern Coating & Nameplate has been serving all of its customers’ labeling needs since 1970. Since that time, SCN has been committed to providing the highest quality products and customer service possible. Learn more at, or speak with a customer service representative at (800) 430-4554.

Summary • Establishing a strong brand image is an important step for every company, and product labels are a key part in doing so. Labels convey important product information, communicate a brand's image, and provide customers with guarantees that protect them.

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