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WA President Division Report

The first few months of 2023 have been busy for the West Australian SCLAA group. As well as having access to a wide range of webinars provided by the national team, members have had access to several topical, thought provoking and educational face-to-face events. The flagship event was on 8th March, International Women’s Day. To celebrate the occasion the association welcomed three eminent female speakers to a popular event at the airy modern offices of Seer Financial Group in West Perth entitled “Women in Supply Chain – Careers and Challenges”.

Keynote speakers were Kim Horwood, Partner, ECO Circular Sustainable Supply Chain, Alex Terry, CEO of the Mentoring Effect, and Angela Coley, a Senior Procurement Manager in the Resources Sector. With a focus on female empowerment, career development and sustainability in the Supply Chain sector, the contrasting styles of the speakers provided fascinating listening and provoked a lively follow up discussion. Sixty plus attendees ranging from students to seasoned industry professionals were also able to network over refreshments kindly provided by Recruitwest. Thanks to our guests and sponsors for delivering an outstanding event.

The SCLAA’s long standing relationship with Edith Cowan University and its Supply Chain and Logistics courses provided the backdrop for two further events, in March and April. Members of the association’s WA committee spoke to students and non-student members at events focussing respectively on “The Role of Logistics in Supply Chain Management” and “Transportation Management”. Thanks are due to Chris Trowbridge, Jim Kelly, Blair Pierson and Brian Lynn for drawing upon their diverse industry experiences to highlight to audiences contemporary thinking and real-life experiences in these areas, with a focus on their relevance to Western Australia. A rare and unexpected treat at the end of the event was a dance display from Associate Professor Ferry Jie and his daughter which demonstrated that there’s still room for fun and creativity in the fast-paced modern supply chain world.

Of particular interest at April’s event was the formal announcement of the SCLAA’s 2023 Mentoring Program. David Sutherland as the WA Program Leader outlined the value of a strong Mentor-Mentee relationship to both parties in building a career in the industry, and Robert Hooper, a graduate of the 2022 program eloquently related how he’s benefited from it. The learn more about the Mentorship Program contact the SCLAA or access the details via the association’s website.

Watch the SCLAA’s communication channels for information on more upcoming WA events, particularly the imminent site visits to state-of-the-art local workplaces.

Finally, there’s always room for enthusiastic individuals to join the SCLAA WA’s committee. Don’t underestimate the career benefits of such an involvement. Contact the association or one of its local committee members for more information.

Brian Lynn WA Director