Science to Sage Interview with Karen Elkins

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EXPLORING THE WONDER Science to Sage is a platforms for leading edge scientist, philosophers, inspired artists, and innovative thinkers the world-over.



ENJOY Interviews by Karen Elkins, Editor and Designer of Science to Sage E-Magazine — meet the contributors.






ABOUT YOUR HOST KAREN ELKINS Karen has created many platforms for

Conference, Electric Universe and the

leading edge scientist, philosophers,

Water Conference. She has also

inspired artists, and innovative thinkers

presented at three “alternative energy”

the world-over. From publishing her


online magazine Science to Sage, hosting events, or conducting interviews

Karen co-produced and promoted

via her podcast or conferences, her

events in Vancouver, BC, for best-selling

creativity and passion is there.

authors in the arena of science and consciousness, hosting Gregg Braden,

Karen is also an award winning author in

Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lynne McTaggart,

the area of science for her book

Micheal Bernard Beckwith and more.

Insideout: Revealing the Mysteries of Creation and the Wisdom to Live

For 23 years, in Los Angeles, Karen had

Consciously Connected.

an advertising agency catering to the consumer electronics and the fashion

She is the publisher, researcher and

industry. Clients included: JBL, Infinity

designer of Science to Sage E-Magazine.

and Harmon Kardon.

To-date Karen has produced over 64 editions. She has co-created editions for

Karen’s passion of education evolved out

Namaste Publishing, HayHouse and

of being a parent and needing

Shaloha Productions.



in the arena of gifted and

creative learners. This inspired an 8 year For 2 years Karen hosted a radio show

commitment co-founding Silbury

on the Awakening Zone where her

Education for Gifted and Creative

magazine came alive interviewing icons

Learners and running the Vancouver

such as Dr. Emoto, Dr. Gerald Pollack, Dr.

Chapter of the Gifted Association. She

Rupert Sheldrake, Wal Thornhill, John

was featured in Vision Magazine as a

Stuart Reid, Freddy Silva and many

visionary in the field of education and


has been on numerous radio shows

She has done interviews at the

E n e rg y S c i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y

including the CBC.








Second AUDIO Interview

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LINK Spiritual Scientist International Researcher & Educator GDV/Bio-Well -Light, Life, Wellness Analysis

Dr. Krishna Madappa NEW Magazine

NEW Interview



NEW WATER TECHNOLOGY International water scientist Robert Slovak is regarded as one of the world’s foremost water experts. Over his carrier in water he has written hundreds of articles and presentations on water technology, water quality and consumer advice. He took his astronautical and mechanical engineering degrees and knowledge and with his brother Jack became early pioneers in Reverse Osmosis technology building a company that was later acquired by 3M. In 2004, Robert introduced an obscure 1897 medical discovery known as Original Quinton Marine Plasma to the North American market, and it has been embraced by leading-edge clinics and health practitioners ever since. In 2010 Robert added his nutraceutical breakthrough called “Molecular Hydrogen” (H2) to the professional medical and consumer market.


Robert is a founding investor in Quicksilver Scientific, the global leader and innovator in liposomal nutraceuticals. Recently, Robert’s decades long interest in Deuterium Depleted Water (DDW) took a new direction forward with his co-founding of Litewater Scientific, dedicated to providing the most deuterium depleted water on Earth to the North American market and development of next generation deuterium depletion technology. He serves as the Chief Science Officer of Litewater. Robert continues to be a very active figure in the rapidly expanding role of water in the wellness and anti-aging community, making appearances and presentations worldwide.

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Science to Sage


Tesla Tech Conference


SCIENCE TO SAGE DESIGN Science of Longevity



Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. | Sound to Water Click and Listen D r. L e o n a rd G . Horowitz (DMD, MA, MPH, DNM, DMM) is an internationally known authority in public health, emerging diseases, and natural healing. Author of seventeen books, he is globally known as the most outspoken critic of the genocide he ascribes to the "military-medical-petrochemicalpharmaceutical cartel." Dr. Horowitz’s award winning presentations, publications, and five documentary films, have served as the impetus for global change through the “528LOVERevolution.” Numerous Hollywood productions have sourced from ideas generated by this world leading naturopathic doctor, trained in dental and general medicine. In his 2007 book, LOVE the Real Da Vinci CODE, and 2-hour DVD documentary, The LOVE CODE, Dr. Horowitz first presented the musicalmathematics underlying the spiritual mechanics of creation. His “Perfect Circle of Sound™” revelations have been revolutionizing the music industry as well as water science. With Dr. Joseph Puleo, Dr.

Horowitz revealed the original Solfeggio musical scale frequencies encoded in the Bible. He later theorized the 528Hz frequency of sound is the precise LOVE tone, and prophetically important “key to the House of David.” He introduced thousands of recording artists to this musical technology of Divine creativity with which instruments and voices can be retuned to prompt miraculous healings. Dr. Horowitz seeded the concepts presented in this article across the Waters of the World by producing the international Concert for the Living Water, LIVE H2O, June 19-21, 2009. D r. H o r o w i t z ’s a r c h i v e d w e b s i t e i s


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About Dr Buchanan: Director of Wave Front BIOresonanceTM Research at Steamboat Healing Center in Reno, Nevada. As a practicing Sonatherapist he regularly meets with clients from around the world each month offering “self-healing” via light, color, sound, water, and subtle energy therapeutics. Certified in Cymatic Therapy, he also works regularly with Yukinori Matsushita and “Manners”-certified Cymatic Therapeutic colleagues in Japan, among other nations. Having followed the research and development of the late Sir Dr. Peter Guy Manners for over twenty years via their mutual colleague Yukinori Matsushita, in 2008 Dr. Buchanan met briefly with Dr. Manners at the latter’s home in Broadway, England. Following Manners’ review of Buchanan’s research, Buchanan was directly authorized and encouraged to carry on the vibrational healing technology the good doctor had been developing since the 1950s. In August 2008 Dr. Buchanan published SONA: Healing with Wave Front BIOresonance™ — a landmark text on vibrational healing now distributed to physicians and vibrational healers around the globe. It is being utilized as an educational manual by professional clinicians in the U.S., Canada, Europe, the Middle East, India and parts of Asia, South America, South Africa, Australia, and Japan. In December of 2011 Buchanan began his “Sonatherapy” channel on YouTube that in a little over three years has garnered well over 257,000 uploads of Cymatic videos featuring healing Wave Front BIOresonance™ Sonationswith 1,388

subscribers. These free, “self-healing” videos are viewed by, with ongoing emails received from, individuals in far-flung international locales, such as Pakistan, Africa, India, Russia, Indonesia, and elsewhere. Sonatherapy® is slowly being recognized as the healing technology of our time and of the future. As a lifelong musician and educator, Buchanan is also Director of Music for Cosolargy® International; former Director of Admissions, the Jamilian University of the Ordained; former Editor, The Community Communiqué; Director of The Music Guild; Conductor of the Jamilian Hand Bell Choir; and, Co-chairman of the American Association of Concerned Clergymen, the Advocates for Religious Rights & Freedoms. For decades Buchanan has served also as Vice President of the Andean Explorers Foundation & Ocean Sailing Club (AEF&OSC); Navigator for OSC; and has chaired the following committees: Cartography, Education, Epigraphy, Motion Picture & Video, and Musicology. Former


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Universal Water: The Ancient Wisdom and Scientific Theory of Water West is a scientist, educator, and founder of corporations and foundations focused on diverse water quality projects. He is the author of three books and journal articles that address a range of topics. Hydromimicry: Strategies for a Water Planet explores the micro- and macroscale roles of water with a focus on supporting or emulating them in our approach to natural resource and energy challenges. Water can serve as a model

for the decisions and strategies we employ to address today's environmental and technological issues, including those that are rarely associated with water. The second edition of Hydromimicry presents thirty examples of mimicking water's unusual attributes and is available through Amazon. Hydromimicry examples cited in this article and many more, visit


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Dr. Gerald Pollack at the University of Washington laboratory, have discovered that water is NOT always H2O. When touching most surfaces, water transforms itself into socalled Exclusion Zone (EZ) water, whose formula is H3O2. EZ water differs in all respects from H2O. And, there is a lot of it, everywhere. The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor documents this fundamental discovery and uses it to explain common everyday phenomena, which you have inevitably seen but not really understood. To summarize, at least four factors bear responsibility for the painfully slow emergence of new principles: (i) the blighted history of the

water field has kept scientists away; (ii) water is so common that everyone presumes that the fundamentals have been resolved; (iii) deviating from mainstream views can be unsettling; and (iv) questioning the prevailing wisdom has always been a risky business, in science as elsewhere. These obstacles have combined to produce a long-term stall. I am trying my best to crank up that stalled engine.


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Bulgaria Water Conference issue Sale Link

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Bulgaria Water Conference LINK

Bernd Kroeplin, TAO Group, Germany

LINK Interview Water Conference

Konstantin Korotkov, University of St. Petersburg


Emoto Foundation, Yasuyuki Nemoto


Vladimir Voeikov, Ph. D



James Joachim Hurtak and Desiree Hurtak, Academy for Future Science





Richard Cassaro is a Madrid-based author, lecturer, filmmaker, and tour guide from New York City. His published books Written in Stone (2011), The Missing Link (2016), and Mayan Masonry (2018) offer rare insights into ancient megaliths, spirituality, mythology, magic, symbolism, secret societies, comparative religion and occult archaeology. Cassaro has discussed his work on the History Channel, and in documentary films like Magical Egypt 2. His articles have appeared in print journals and web media around the globe; and he has delivered well-received lectures about his findings in the UK, Italy, Peru, Egypt, Spain, Mexico, Cyprus, and the U.S. In his capacity as a field investigator, he hosts travel adventures to archaeological sites worldwide.

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Freddy Silva is a best-selling author, and leading researcher of ancient civilizations, restricted history, sacred sites and their interaction with consciousness. He is also a leading expert on crop circles.


Described by one CEO as "perhaps the best metaphysical speaker in the world right now,� for two decades he has been an international keynote speaker, with notable appearances at the International Science and Consciousness Conference, the International Society For The Study Of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, and the Association for Research and Enlightenment, in addition to appearances on Gaia TV, History Channel, BBC, and radio shows such as Coast To Coast.

LINK He is also a documentary filmmaker, art photographer, and leads private tours to sacred sites in England, France, Egypt, Portugal, Yucatan, Malta, Peru/Bolivia, and Scotland. If you wish to book Freddy for a conference, lecture or workshop, anywhere in the world, large or small, please contact him via this website.





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Coming Soon

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FEATURE IN… Science to Sage first issue…Cover Art and Article by Richard Sale Link

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Richard Merrick Rosslyn Chapel - Sound, Geometry, History Click & Listen

Sale Link The Venus Blueprint makes the startling case that the orbital resonance pattern of Venus as seen from Earth was central to the development of early science, religion and government. Throughout recorded history, the pentagonal cycle of Venus has been repeatedly associated with the feminine aspect of God from Babylonian Ishtar and Indian Shukra to the Saxon goddess Eastre and Greek Aphrodite. New evidence now suggests that the orbital geometry of Venus, tracing out a rose pentacle between the Sun and Earth, was used as a sacred fertility symbol to design the world’s greatest temples. Revealed here for the first time, this is the story of The Venus Blueprint. The evidence begins with the discovery of a Vedic religious symbol known as Mount Meru etched into the sacristy wall of 15th-

century Rosslyn chapel. This one symbol leads to a cascade of revelations suggesting this Roman Catholic collegiate chapel was actually designed to celebrate a much older Vedic cosmology known today as The Birth of Venus. A step-by-step analysis explains how the Blueprint symbol was used to design the chapel’s acoustics, placement of architectural symbols and overall floor plan. More significantly, the same Blueprint pattern is shown to match the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Temple of Jerusalem, the Greek Parthenon, Roman Pantheon and St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, among others. HarmonicTheory/VenusBlueprint/ page10.html

John Stuart Reid | Cymatics

Water and the Hologram LINK

Sound to Light Click and Listen Co-inventor of the CymaScope, John's work is inspired by acoustic pioneers, Ernst Chladni, Mary D. Waller and Hans Jenny and has taken their findings to a new level. His primary interests lie in investigating sound as a formative force and discovering why sound heals. Sale Link


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Prof. Dr. Konstantin Korotkov


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His scientific line, known as the Electrophotonics, based on Gas Discharge Visualization technique (GDV), is a breakthrough beyond Kirlian photography for direct, realtime viewing of the human energy fields. This new technology allows capturing with a special camera the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy, emanating to and from humans, animals, plants, liquids, powders as well as inanimate objects and translate this into a computerized model.

Using the GDV Bioelectrography to study the special properties of water allowed creating new guidelines for water treatment. The study of water and aqueous solutions is one of the main directions of development of GDV Bioelectrography techniques. The EPC/GDV technique is accepted by the Russian Ministry of Health as a Medical technology and certified in Europe. More than 1000 doctors, practitioners and researchers benefit from using this technology worldwide. More than 150 papers are published on GDV in different countries.


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Don Estes and Josef Tyls Ph.D Click & Listen

Science, Sound and Water on the EDGE Don Estes currently serves a CEO and Director of InnerSense Inc., and Psiometric Science, Inc. He is a certified medical

light, color, sound, music and algorithmic automata.

technologist, laboratory director and neuroscientist. He has lectured worldwide on sensory science and vibrational medicine, appearing on CNN, NBC, ABC, Entertainment Tonight, Science Frontiers, the Discovery Channel and Next Step, which won an Emmy award in 1994. Estes is the inventor of VibraSound® Sensory Resonance™ technologies, used by both professionals and nonprofessionals for m u s i c , s o u n d t h e r a p y, r e l a x a t i o n , entertainment and expanded states of mind. His theories include proprietary knowledge and patents in the fields of

Josef Tyls III M.Sc. Ph.D.

field of

expertises covers all aspects of industrial engineering, electronics design and development, biology and bio-oxidative medicine, electro-medicine, water processing, and high definition audio systems used for healing. His deep understanding of the fundamental structure of matter and its interrelationship with human consciousness is the basis of many of his unique technologies. of quantum physics.



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In the News

The Geometry of Life and Love Listen

Very diverse conversation, reaching across disciplines. Sale Link




Rupert Sheldrake Morphic Resonance Rupert Sheldrake, a biologist and author, is best known for his hypothesis of morphic fields and morphic resonance, which leads to a vision of a living, developing universe with its own inherent memory. He worked in developmental biology at Cambridge University, where he was a Fellow of Clare College. He was then Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), in Hyderabad, India. From 2005 to 2010 he was Director of the PerrottSale Link

Warrick project, funded from Trinity College, Cambridge.

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John Hagelin, Ph.D. Consciousness

A world-renowned quantum physicist, educator, author, and public policy expert. John Hagelin, Ph.D. ( is a world-renowned quantum physicist, educator, author, and

effectively harness the laws of nature, it is possible to solve acute social problems and enhance governmental effectiveness.

public policy expert. Dr. Hagelin has

He is currently Professor of Physics and

conducted pioneering research at CERN

Director of the Institute of Science,

(the European Center for Particle Physics)

Technology and Public Policy at Maharishi

and SLAC (the Stanford Linear Accelerator

University of Management, and Minister

Center) and is responsible for the

of Science and Technology of the Global

development of a highly successful grand

Country of World Peace.

unified field theory based on the Superstring. In his book, Manual for a Perfect Government, Dr. Hagelin shows

He was featured in What the Bleep.

how, through educational programs that develop human consciousness, and through policies and programs that

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Vernon Roth Nature of Reality = Elements of Light Vernon began studying Electronics and Mechanical Design at a very early age. When in his early 20’s, while studying Physics and Psychology, Vernon learned of the essential interconnection between forces of energy and forces of nature.

For the last 15 years, Vernon has studied and developed technologies and formulations that use this interconnection to generate energy, to heal and educate to higher levels of consciousness.

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Tesla Tech Conference



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Paul M. Babcock, VP Advanced Development Paul has twenty-nine years of experience in industrial electronic applications, as a technician, training specialist, service manager, project manager and applications and design engineer. Paul has worked with public entities and private organizations in fields ranging from avionics, power generation, telephony and alternative energy. He has broad experience designing and implementing custom communication and electronics systems in both the public and private

sectors, and in developing large-scale communications solutions for the oil a n d g a s i n d u s t r y. P a u l i s recognized for his expertise in alternative energy systems and power generation for companies and individuals in especially remote locations. Since 2001 Paul has been turning Magnetic Energy from theory to fact and building FlyBack Energy Inc. into a business platform to launch Magnetic Energy products into the marketplace.

Science, Energy and Technology Conference

Wal Thornhill Electric Universe Model Wal graduated in physics at Melbourne

authored paper in Japan on the plasma

University in 1964 and began postgraduate

phenomenon at the centres of galaxies

studies with Prof. Victor Hopper’s upper

(Barred-Spiral Galaxy Analog in the Dense

atmosphere research group. He become an

Plasma Focus). A special issue of the Open

independent researcher with many papers

Astronomy Journal in 2011 is to feature the

featured in

Electric Universe and Wal’s paper, Toward a

U.S. journal, Aeon, and the

Review of the Society for Interdisciplinary

Real Cosmology in the 21st Century.

Studies (SIS), in England. He served as a council member of the SIS in the 1980’s while

Wal was awarded a gold medal in 2010 by

working in London for the Australian

the European Telesio-Galilei Academy of

government. He also attended a

Science for his work on the Electric Universe.

postgraduate course in Astrophysics at the University of London and meetings of the

Wal, influenced by the works of Velikovsky,

Royal Astronomical Society (RAS), the British

was invited to attend the first international

Astronomical Association (BAA) and the

conference on the subject of Velikovsky and

British Association for the Advancement of

The Recent History of the Solar System at

Science (BAAS). Wal’s peer-reviewed papers

McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, in

on the electrical nature of stars and

1 9 7 4 . T h e re h e m e t Ve l i k o v s k y a n d

supernovae (The Z-Pinch Morphology of

subsequently visited him at his home in

Supernova 1987A and Electric Stars) was

Princeton, NJ, on April 28, 1979. It was but a

published in the IEEE Transactions on Plasma

few months before Velikovsky passed away.

Science, Vol 35 No. 4, Special Issue on Space

The discussion turned on the key question

& Cosmic Plasmas – August 2007. A co-

raised by his theory of recent planetary

authored paper with plasma physicist C. J.

catastrophe – the true nature of gravity and

Ransom on the Martian “blueberry”

its role in cosmology. That led Wal to a re-

phenomenon (Plasma-Generated Craters and

examination of Einstein’s legacy and the

Spherules) was also published and a co-

electrical nature of matter.

2 Books

• Thunderbolts of the Gods

• The Electric Universe

DVD’s -

• Symbols of an Alien Sky,

• The Lightning-Scarred Planet Mars

Video @ EU -Click & Listen Radio Interview Click & Listen

w w w. t h u n d e r b o l t s . i n f o principal public interface for the Electric Universe paradigm.

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Energy in Motion


Electric Universe Conference

What Creates Reality


Interview Kongpop U-Yen

Interview and Article

Interview and Article Edo Kaal New Model of the Atom SAM is a model of atoms that unify chemistry and physics that is simple and solves many enigmas.

Michael Clarage, Ph.D. Our Living Cosmos





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Dr. Miceal Ledwith


The Raise and Fall of the Halo Dr. Miceal Ledwith, L.Ph., L.D., D.D., LL.D (h.c), served as a Catholic priest and as Professor of Theology and College President for over 25 years in Ireland. During the course of his academic and administrative careers he lectured extensively to interested adult groups in many countries and continues to speak at venues all over the world today.

He is a long-time member of Ramtha's School of Ancient Wisdom and has been invited to speak at Events held by the school for several years at many venues throughout the world. Â He was one of the scholars featured in "What the Bleep Do We Know," and its sequel "Down the Rabbit Hole."

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The Origins if Man ..and the human condition.


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Emergence of the Omniverse Universe - Multiverse - Omniverse Accessing Spiritual Freedom in the Omniverse on New Earth by Letting Go of the Transhumanist Agenda, AI Artificial Intelligence Singularity, and False Afterlife/Interlife Reincarnation Matrix Emergence of the Omniverse (2020) is one important tool of liberation from our presumed status as a prison planet for Souls in an enforced, unconscious reincarnation birth-death cycle that cosmologist Wes Penre and Futurist Webre document, providing us with powerful strategies to exit the false Afterlife/Interlife Reincarnation Matrix into the larger Omniverse. The Omniverse Equation is: Omniverse = Multiverse + Spiritual Dimensions [Intelligent Civilizations of Souls + Spiritual Beings + Source (God)] Alfred Lambremont Webre's book Exopolitics founded the science of relations among civilizations in the multiverse. Webre's ground-breaking initial book on the Omniverse integrated empirical data from intelligent civilizations in the multiverse and from the intelligent civilization of souls in the Interlife, demonstrating a functioning ecology of intelligence in the dimensions of the Omniverse. Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre’s principal social contributions have been (1) founding the science of Exopolitics through his 2000 book Exopolitics, (2) the 2014 discovery of the Omniverse as the 3rd major cosmological body [after the Universe and the Multiverse] through which humanity understands the cosmos, and (3) the development of the Positive Future Equation that describes Soul development in our Universe & Omniverse. Amazon


Leigh J. McCloskey ADAM REBORN AND EVE RESTORED Adam Reborn & Eve Restored: (Based on his book), will deepen our understanding and appreciation of the story of Genesis. The depth and implication of this story restores to waking consciousness the tragic and beautiful love of Universal Adam and his beloved Eve, the children of Sophia and Splendor. It is time to tell a better, more loving story of who we are, where we come from and why we are here.

"We are born of spontaneous creation which is the language of art, life and love. Like can only be known by like, human consciousness is an art form of infinite beauty and meaning. It is time to return home, to reclaim the library of our ancient knowing and to tell the stories that heal and nourish generations. I like this version of being human better, and that's enough for me. This is my contribution, enjoy." Leigh J McCloskey

BOOKS - Amazon



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Sample of Art Work

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Leigh J. McCloskey is a modern Renaissance Man. His interest, knowledge, study and learning ranges from art, acting, music, history, religion, mythology, philo-Sophia and esotericism to string theory, quantum physics and the multidimensional nature of consciousness. He has deeply studied Hermeticism, Alchemy and Kabbalah and has hosted twice weekly philosophical salons at his home, Olandar, for over thirty years. He has written, illustrated and published six books. He lectures both nationally and internationally and has given numerous talks and presentations of his holographic art and visual philosophy. Leigh’s site has links to many his talks on the front page of his website, as well as visual essays and more.

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Eliza Mada Dalian

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Miraculous: Healing into Consciousness. Eliza Mada Dalian,


known as Mada, is a self-realized mystic, internationally acclaimed master healer, spiritual teacher, and best-selling awardwinning author of In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into Consciousness. She is the founder of the evolutionary Dalian Method (DM), an advanced selfhealing system for the new humanity. Described as "lightening in a bottle," it is a healing modality of the future, which is offered to us today. The Dalian Method brings a revolution in how healing and

transformation can be handled to help permanently eradicate the blocks that prevent us from being in ultimate health and living our full potential. Mada travels internationally teaching how to use the Dalian Method to fast forward our journey of healing into consciousness. She also offers private sessions to adults and children, online courses, seminars, retreats, and teacher trainings to a worldwide audience.

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Safron Rossi, Ph.D A Conversation with the Editor of GODDESS by Joseph Campbell Click and Listen

Edited by Safron

mass audience. His works, including The



Hero with a Thousand Faces and The

executive director

Power of Myth (with Bill Moyers), rank

of the Opus

among the classics in mythology and

Archives a




Research Center, Goddesses shows

Editor Safron Rossi,

how Campbell traced the

Ph.D., is associate core

b l o s s o m i n g f ro m o n e G re a t

faculty at Pacifica

Goddess to the many goddesses of

Graduate Institute in the

the mythic imagination. The book

D e p t h P s y c h o l o g y,

follows the feminine divine from

Jungian, and Archetypal

Neolithic Old Europe into Sumerian

Studies program where

and Egyptian mythology, through

she teaches courses on

Homer’s epic Odyssey, the Greek

mythology and depth

Eleusinian Mystery cult, Arthurian

psychology. She is also

legends of the Middle Ages, and

curator of collections at

into the Neoplatonic Renaissance.

Opus Archives & Research Center, home of the Joseph Campbell library and


manuscript collection.

Joseph Campbell (1904–1987) is widely credited with bringing mythology to a

For more information visit the Joseph Campbell Foundation online at

Bill Harvey


“You Are The Universe: Imagine That” Presents “Theory of Everything” Reconciling Science and Religion You Are The Universe: Imagine That ( presents a “theory of everything” that reconciles science and religion in a way that anyone can understand and visualize. Unlike the unified field theories of Albert Einstein and modern unified field theorists, Bill’s picture of the universe can be visualized by nonmathematicians.

best action to take? Do you have an inner guidance system that can be tuned into? Are the words of the great spiritual leaders of all time a single “code”? In his warm and often humorous manner, Bill invites readers to experiment with the ideas, be open-minded, and “experience for yourself what may well be the true nature of reality”.

Thought experiments in You Are The Universe: Imagine That involve readers as active participants in exploring answers to questions such as: Is the universe conscious? Can you communicate with the universe and receive communication back? Does the universe provide you with clues as to the



Jon DePew Three things create ALL things! Discover ancient secret--it’s the True Da Vinci Code. Click and Listen

I have been researching energy on my own for many years. I do my own experiments as to confirm or disprove my own thoughts pertaining to energy. This technique of doing experiments of my own conception and not just replicating others experiments, has enabled me to uncover some very important and original discoveries which is now changing science on a daily basis. There are many self imposed restrictions scientists have placed on themselves, and thus causing science not to progress forward as quickly as it should have. Doing my own work and absorbing anything I felt was relative to TRUTH in regards to Energy is how I advanced to a level that has been o verwhelming in rewarding and truthful knowledge. I've studied through the years a few great researchers of energy from history such as Nikola Tesla , Edward Leedskalnin , Albert Cushing Crehore among others.

experiments, I saw something in my magnetic work similar to the ancient Flower of Life design. This instantly made me realize that all of Sacred Geometry was really the SEGMENTED BLUEPRINTS to MAGNETIC ENERGIES .. This conclusion also tied together some work of Ed Leedskalnin, an immigrant from Latvia and the builder of the Coral Castle or also known as Rock Gate. An amazing muti-ton hand carved coral stone complex located in Homestead Florida. Ed Leedskalnin had left a subtle visual design on the cover of one of his small self published booklets entitled "MAGNETIC CURRENT". This was a design showing two flexible curves seen in many ancient designs and architectures. So on my own, I took those two curves and proved my conclusions of Sacred Geometry being the Blueprints of Magnetic energies. I proved it visually , mathematically, and most

I only absorbed and focused my attention on


what I felt were TRUTHS within all my reading, and original experimenting of my own design. Then one night doing some physical scientific


Featured ‌30 pages in this edition Sale Link

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The Alphabet That Changed the World offers startling new insights of interest to readers in the fields of religion, history, philosophy, language, and consciousness. Rabbinic tradition asserts that every letter

Using over 200 color illustrations, Tenen

of every word of Torah is a word in itself.

establishes geometric metaphor as the

In The Alphabet That Changed the World,

best framework for understanding the

author Stan Tenen demonstrates that each

deepest meaning of the text. Such

letter is also a hand gesture, and, at this

geometry models embryonic growth and

level, Hebrew forms a natural universal

self- organization, and also the core of

language. All people, including children

many healing and meditative practices.

before they speak and people without

Many subjects from contemporary science

sight, make use of these gestures. Tenen

were appreciated through the methods

examines the Hebrew text of Genesis and

and means available to the ancients; The

shows how each letter is both concept

Alphabet That Changed the World makes

and gesture, with the form of the gesture

this authoritative recovery of the “science

matching the function of the concept,

of consciousness” in Genesis accessible

revealing the implicit relationship

for the first time to contemporary readers.

between the physical world of function and the conscious world of concept.


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Howard Martin | HeartMath Howard Martin has been instrumental in assisting Doc Childre, for 30 years, in the development and teaching of HeartMath's programs. Howard is the Executive Vice President, Strategic Development and speaks internationally on the HeartMath approach to advancing human performance that is based on compelling scientific research. HearthMath links heart function with health, emotional well-being and intelligence. Through workshops and keynote Howard audiences ranging from corporations, to the armed forces, to educators, families, and human service providers.


Howard is co-author with Doc Childre of The HeartMath Solution, He also developed a tape series, "The HeartMath Method.�

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Information in the field & what have we known for a long time?

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Jeff Harve | Radionics About:

Jef spent six years in the United

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Current Research

focuses on

States Navy and was inducted into a watcher

information field modulation of matter, clinical

group that infiltrated many of the Jesuit

research involving patterned frequency

Illuminati controlled military organizations. He

engram modulation of the Central Nervous

was assigned to EC Division, an electronics

System pain neuromatrix, activating dormant

unit and worked in the Intelligence Center on

areas of the brain mind matrix, astral

board the now decommissioned aircraft carrier

manipulation and consciousness projection in


both animate and inanimate partners.

Today Jef is board certified in nutrition and

He utilizes various leading edge technologies

specializes in homotoxicology for creating

including, but not limited to radionic/torsion/bio

detoxification protocols utilizing homeopathics,

field generators, Shiva and Shakti Neural

oxygen species combined with hydrogen, and

Stimulation Systems and complex signal wave

system specific plant-based endocrine


adaptogens delivered by traditional means as well as holographic methods. Jef provides the

As a military trained remote viewer and

scalar systems used for coding holograms to

radionics technologist he assists the brain in

various practitioners and companies entering

directing energy patterns for various remote

the field of holographics.

field manipulation strategies including biological effects.

Dianne Collins

Do You QuantumThink? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World

Do You QuantumThink? Winner of 6 Book Awards professionally, and globally. “My entire life has been devoted to the

I’m not talking about another ‘how-to’—

questions: How do we create the results we

I am talking about a monumental wake-up in

truly desire? With 6,000 years of wisdom

the way we think and live.”

available at the touch of a smart phone, how is it we’re still not living it?

From studying everything from physics to metaphysics I made a few life-altering discoveries that led me to create the QuantumThink® model—a system of thinking comprised of principles and practices that make it quick and easy for anyone to live the wisdom of science and spirituality in modern practical life—not just to know the principles— to finally embody them and apply them in b u s i n e s s a n d p o l i t i c s , p e r s o n a l l y,

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Bruce Lipton & Margret Horton Sale Link

The Honeymoon Effect

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Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi

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Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.

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WHERE ARE THE CURES? Steve Ross Ph. D. is the Cofounder and CEO of the World Research Foundation


For more than 40 years Steven has researched and lectured around the world. He has delivered more than 250 lectures and made presentations to various worldwide government agencies, hospital associations and consulted for the insurance industry. He has acted as an expert witness for the City of Los Angeles and consults with scientific researchers around the world. Steve has an active interest in esoteric subjects and has delivered hundreds of presentations in all areas of philosophy and subtle energy subjects. His life has been varied and exciting from playing beach volleyball with the famous basketball legend, Wilt Chamberlain, to spending time in European castles, home of ancient alchemists. Having had unusual experiences in his early twenties he is as comfortable in metaphysical areas as he is in scientific pursuits. Steve has been led around the world through dreams and visions and credits this venue for the acquisition of the incredible holdings existing within the World Research Foundation worldwide network. Steve’s book A Grand Design of Dreams relates these stories. World Research Foundation P.O. Box 20828 Sedona, AZ 86341 Phone: (928) 300-7879



WELLNESS & BILL TILLER’S WORK The Genius of William A. Tiller’s Physics and the Promise of Information Medicine LINK

Fascinated by the mysterious power of human intention to make things happen? Discover its real-world applications by exploring the breakthrough research of psychoenergetic science.Does the physics of consciousness have you scratching your head? Want to know how being intentional can improve your life? Ever wonder where science and spirituality intersect? As a protégé of Dr. William A. Tiller, Dr. Nisha Manek is well-versed in the trailblazing scientist’s cutting-edge research and theories. A former esteemed member of Mayo Clinic’s Division of Rheumatology and an internationally recognized leader of Integrative Medicine, Dr. Manek is at the forefront of innovative approaches to health and wellness. Now she’s slicing through the

scientific jargon with an insider’s look into how intention will be the next big medical breakthrough.Bridging Science and Spirit: The Genius of William A. Tiller’s Physics and the Promise of Information Medicine is a beginner’s handbook to this pioneering field. Using lab-based evidence and illuminating illustrations, Dr. Manek connects current scientific understandings of thermodynamics and the nature of awareness with universal spiritual truths. With these thought-provoking theories driving practical techniques, the medical and technological evolution inevitable in your lifetime is stunning.In Bridging Science and Spirit, you’ll discover:An easy-to-understand overview of William A. Tiller’s most influential work- Seven pillars that support the shared principles of science and spirit- More than sixty drawings to clearly illustrate the core scientific conceptsAn exploration of the levels of consciousness and how they impact your relationship with reality- An entertaining mix of history, physics, and spiritual anecdotes, and much, much more!Bridging Science and Spirit is a simple guide for unlocking the capacity of human intention. If you like expert insights, complex scientific concepts explained in everyday language, and intellectually energizing material, then you’ll love Dr. Nisha Manek’s unprecedented resource.Pick up Bridging Science and Spirit to expand your mental horizons today!

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Jonathan Goldman | Sound Healing Jonathan Goldman, M.A., is an internationally renowned writer, musician and teacher.

He is an

authority on sound healing and a pioneer in the field of harmonics. Jonathan is the author of several books including his recent release,

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The Divine Name

(Hay House)

Visionary Award for “Best Alternative Book” of the Year, The 7 Secrets of Sound Healing (Hay House); Healing Sounds (Inner Traditions); and Shifting Frequencies (Light Technology).


Grammy nominee, his award winning recordings include: “Chakra Chants”, Sale Link


“The Divine Name,” and "Reiki Chants". He is the Founder and Director of the Sound Healers Association and CEO of Spirit Music. In Spring 2011, Jonathan Goldman was named as one of Watkins’s Reviews “100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People on the Planet.”

Robert Dursi C.N. M. FREQix Technology Link What is the cause of the disease in the body, emotion/mind or spirit in the first place is what needs to be addressed or as is said, “We could be barking up the wrong tree” with the method of treatment or treatments that are selected. Pointing a guilty finger at the microorganism for causing this or that disease and trying to cure the person by killing the germ will never achieve the goal of a true and lasting healing.

and spiritual genetics thus a l l o w i n g s y n e r g y (cooperation a n d higher union) with the full unobstructed manifestation of the pure essence of life (The Divine Spirit).


Robert Dursi, C.N.M. has worked in the fields of allopathic and alternative medicine for 28 years. Studies in Homeopathy, Biochemistry, Immunology and Blood Morphology, he is a Certified Nutritional Microscopist, Holistic Health Counselor and Bio Resonance Sound Therapist. He has private health and wellness practice in Santa Monica, California.

The doctrine that the human will cooperates with the Divine Spirit in the work of regeneration

Spiritual definition-

Remember... The final door to enlightenment (salvation) only has a handle on the inside! But, we can humbly knock and patiently wait!

A bodily organ or medicine that cooperates with another or others in the work of regeneration.

Biological definitionThe regeneration, cleansing, clearing and unblocking of biological, mental, emotional


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Stephen Lewis Energetic Balancing in the Field

If health, healing, extreme well-being, selfempowerment, longevity, antiaging and higher consciousness are areas of interest to you, Stephen Lewis is someone you’ll wish you’d met years ago. He’s devoted the last 50 years to helping people unleash their innate potential to heal themselves on every level. After decades of extensive study and practice in the healing arts (including degrees in chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, Oriental Medicine and more) and quantum mechanics, he closed his waiting-list-only private practice in 1999 to launch EMC2 (Energetic Matrix Church of Consciousness, LLC) and his spiritual, holographic, self-healing technology that helps nearly 60,000 world-wide heal the energetic causes behind their disease potentials, 24/7, as they lead their busy lives. While many adhere only to their dependence on doctors and drugs, people on his AIM Program (All Inclusive Method) are becoming “the first in the

history of their family with no family history, except the good stuff”. To help people understand that they are the only ones who can heal themselves, Stephen wrote the novel, Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness, which is based on the reality of his decades of work and private practice and how they evolved into the AIM Program. And while he continues his relentless expansion of the half million frequencies already identified and in the AIM database, he makes time for his weekly Everything is Energy radio show and for writing articles on the need for healing, such as “Deconstructing/Reconstructing Humpty Dumpty.

Click and Listen ”.

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Cynthia Sue Larson Quantum Jumping & Mindset

Cynthia Sue Larson is a best-selling author, life coach, and inspirational


speaker who optimizes life possibilities with quantum physics principles. Known as "The Quantum Optimist," Cynthia helps people discover their many possible selves and jump into their favorite lives while staying focused on the question "How good can it get?"

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Entanglement Larry Dossey Seven Billion Minds, or One? Where is your Consciousness? Listen IN

Larry Dossey, M.D., is a leader in bringing scientific understanding to spirituality, and rigorous proof to complementary/integrative medicine. Dr. Dossey lectures at leading medical schools and hospitals around the country. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller Healing Words, and eleven other books that have been translated and published all around the world.


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Joyce Hawkes PH. D. Near-Death Experience to Healer JOYNCE blends and makes whole o u r splintered perceptions of the roles of science FREE ABOUT and spirit in healing. Her beautiful vision of how cells house the very power of the universe, speaks to a greater understanding and the interconnectedness of the spiritual in the physical. In this broader understanding, Joyce bridges the gulf between the tangible and the intangible. She offers up the potential for self-healing, always waiting within us.

spiritual healing. Dr. Hawkes skillfully c o m b i n e s h e r s o l i d s c i e n t i fi c grounding and experience in mainstream biophysics with personal insights gained from a near-death experience and extensive training in the alternative healing arts. Hawkes beautifully demonstrates how science and spirituality can peacefully coexist and inform each other in beneficial and refreshing ways."

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Her books is both art and science for healing”

"Cell-Level Healing is a remarkable bridge between conventional cell biology and the far reaches of self and


The Power of Peace in You takes you on a journey that leads to the heart of your soul. As you read the true stories of people who walked through a maze of challenges to discover and then share their innate gifts with the world – it will inspire you of what is possible for us all.

This book of newfound wisdom holds you captive as it describes an energy stream of pure peace that ignites a power within people to recognize their greatest potential, and how you can bring this transformative gift into your life as well.

We have lost touch with this inherent power we once knew; The Power of The Peace in You shows us that it is not that distant anymore – we can access it now to heal and discover the happiness this knowledge brings. It’s not a concept – it’s experiential; you know it as it expands within you. Chapter-by-chapter, you’ll find signposts to guide your personal journey. From the initial stirring when you recognize Something’s Changing… Are You Listening, to dissolving old patterns in Trials, Tribulations & Other Bumps on the Road, from finding the courage to following your dreams in Returning with New Knowledge, to the incredible synchronistic events that occur when you are Creating Your Life with Purpose & Love.

Each marker includes insights of the authors’ quest, her struggles and triumphs, and stories of the people she was destined to meet in her travels around the globe. Maasai warriors in Africa struggling to find hope, jobless professionals looking for work in America, depressed teens in college wanting to be healthy, and ten year olds being bullied at school. Their stories will encourage you as you see yourself in them and allow their victories to inspire your own.

T h e P o w e r o f P e a c e i n Yo u i s a transformational tool for an awakening into greater consciousness that you will return to time and again; The Practices at the end of each Chapter can guide you in creating a life that matches your highest aspirations. And the Stillness Session CD accompanying this book will deepen your connection to the innate wisdom at your core.

What better time than now, to embrace who you truly are.

THE PURPOSE OF THIS BOOK: oTo ignite the power of peace in you – to

find the courage, strength and serenity to live a life that is meaningful and of value.

oTo learn how to connect with the higher

intelligence of the heart - in the midst of chaos and the anxiety created by life’s uncertainty.

oTo inspire - through stories of everyday

p e o p l e f ro m a ro u n d t h e g l o b e , w h o transcended major challenges, and now offer their talents to uplift and empower others. oTo offer a transformational tool – for the

awakening of consciousness. Sale Link


Marlise Karlin The Power of Peace within YOU

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Marlise Karlin is an internationally renowned

Although she later became a successful

author, recording artist, educator, and

entrepreneur, few would have foretold the

humanitarian, recognized for igniting the

extraordinary shift that would cause her to

power of peace in people around the world.

become a humanitarian, dedicated to

The Simplicity of Stillness ® Method she

expanding peace in the world.

founded in 2004 is pioneering new awareness today in the field of healing and

What could possibly have happened to

consciousness through this infinite energy

prompt her to leave the comfort of all she


had attained for a future that was unfamiliar and unchartered?

Marlise’s journey was fueled by the limitations of her dramatic childhood circumstances – growing up with an alcoholic parent, becoming a teen runaway, substance abuser and then a young single mother.




When his son Joshua acquired an uncontrolled seizure disorder at five months of age, Ted Kuntz entered one of the darkest periods of his life. After years of anger, despair and fear, Ted Kuntz had a lifetransforming encounter with his son. This encounter changed the way he saw both his son and himself. Kuntz began an intensive journey of self inquiry to discover what Click and Listen

pointed him in the direction of peace, joy and happiness, and what pointed him in the direction of anger, sadness and despair. Peace Begins With Me is an inspiring summary of the wisdom Kuntz acquired on this journey. Kuntz reminds us we can experience peace, joy and happiness through the practice of simple, yet powerful practices. Kuntz takes the wisdom of ancient masters and incorporates this wisdom into day-to-day language and action. You will discover: • Six ways of thinking that feed your negativity • Twelve strategies to increase your peace, joy and happiness • The difference between stress and distress • How to create Peace within.




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"Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre's principal social contributions have been (1) founding the science of Exopolitics through his 2000 book Exopolitics, (2) the 2014 discovery of the Omniverse as the 3rd major cosmological body [after the Universe and the Multiverse] through which humanity understands the cosmos, encapsulated in his book The Omniverse, (3) the development of the Positive Future Equation & the Ascension Hypothesis that describes Soul development in our Universe & Omniverse. "A graduate of Georgetown Preparatory School in classics (1960), Yale University (Industrial Administration Honors-1964), Yale Law School (International Law-1967), University of Texas (Counseling-1997) and a Fulbright Scholar (International Trade-1968), Alfred has taught at two universities (Yale University Economics Department-Taxation) & University of Texas Government DepartmentConstitutional Law). Alfred has served in leadership positions in environmental protection, international law and justice, public health, exopolitics, and public broadcasting. He was General Counsel of the New York City Environmental Protection Administration and later consultant to the Ford Foundation's Public Interest Environmental Law program, overseeing grantees Environmental Defense Fund and Natural Resource Defense Council. Alfred also served as Public Participant, Joint Public Affairs Committee, Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), Montreal, Quebec, Canada An international lawyer with Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, Alfred later served as NonGovernmental representative at the United Nations (New York & Vienna) and as Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, finding the governments of Tony Blair and George W. Bush guilty of war crimes in Iraq. In public health, Alfred served as Deputy Director of the Brownsville Community Health Center, serving 90,000 annual patient encounters in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, earning a Certificate from the Harvard School of Public Health (1995). In Exopolitics, while a Futurist at Stanford Research Institute, Alfred served as director

of the 1977 proposed Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study, as well as a Disclosure Project witness in 2001. In public affairs and politics, Alfred served as a Member, Governor's Emergency Taskforce on Earthquake Preparedness, State of C a l i f o r n i a ( 1 9 8 0 - 8 2 ) ; C o - D i r e c t o r, Assassination Information Bureau, Washington, DC, (Public interest counterintelligence to the House Select Committee on Assassinations); Elected Delegate, Texas Democratic Presidential Convention, Dallas, Texas (1996) A leader in public broadcasting, Alfred produced the Instant of Cooperation, the first live radio program in history between the Soviet Union [Russia] and the United States, nominated for an award at the UN General Assembly (1987). Alfred has been host on WBAI-FM (New York) and Vancouver Coop Radio and he has been featured on major international networks including CBC-TV, CBS-TV, CNN-TV, TruTV, PressTV, and others "Your autobiography is, in my opinion, the 21st century equivalent of both Augustine of Hippo's Confessions, and The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Your autobiography is revolutionary (as were the autobiographies of those two individuals) in the sense that it has innovated why and how an autobiography is written. "Similar to the two autobiographies mentioned above, in your own autobiography, you have the immense courage to share with the reader both your hardships and your achievements, throughout various phases of your current incarnation; in a candide and original manner. Your autobiography stands apart from theirs because you have written it for the altruistic reason of sharing your current "soul journey"; as a star chart, or road map, to help to inform, educate, empower, enlighten, and expand the consciousness of humanity on Earth. "Your autobiography, My Journey Landing Heaven on Earth, is another 'consciousness raising' work, par excellence�








InsideOUT is a compelling visual tapestry that threads leading edge science, world philosophies, with ancient wisdom. This includes all the branches of science and the arts. Through various lenses from the telescope, microscope and now the Cymascope, (sound made visible) you will understand the metaphor, Mosque to Cathedral, that sacred geometry, like the kaleidoscope, brings form to life. Discover this connects to mathematics, music, cosmology, and the rhythms and patterns that bring shape to life. From this renaissance perspective you will see a more holistic and connected universe. This is an invitation to the world to recognize our common roots and respect nature’s diversity.

Powerful! Elegant! Simple! “A compelling synthesis of modern science, ancient wisdom and timeless art melded into a revolutionary view of the universe, and our lives! “Where do we draw the line between science, spirituality, and nature’s secrets? In a visual journey of natural rhythms, cycles and geometry Karen Elkins book InsideOut demonstrates how everything from the very large to the very small— from the birth of galaxies to the formation of atoms and cells—emerges from simple, connected and unified patterns of nature. In doing so she reminds us that the key to our healing, and ultimately our survival, lies in our ability to embrace ourselves, and the world, as living, conscious and connected. Whether you’re an artist or an engineer, a home maker or a body worker, this books is about you, your world, and every relationship that you’ll ever experience in life. InsideOut is destined to become a cornerstone for teaching the unified science of the new millennium.” — Gregg Braden, New York Times bestselling author of Human by Design and The Divine Matrix "A visual feast. Karen Elkins’ “InsideOut” brings the newest and most intriguing science to a lay audience in a way that combines mystery with understanding. Rarely has science and art been blended in so effective a way.” — Gerald Pollack, PhD., Award Winning author, Professor, University of Washington

Award Winning Book. Why?

It is a visual exploration of our connected universe. Book Trailer

Explore • InsideOUT lifts the veil revealing the secret teachings of the ages for our times

“The fundamental language of all sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, as well as music, art and dance is a template which is behind all of nature, as we will see.” — Josef Tyls, Ph.D.

• Witness how all disciplines connect • See how as above, so below, so within • Witness the dynamic forces behind creation and its formula • Tour through the lens of over 60 leading edge scientists and innovative thinkers • See our common roots • Over 3,000 images, as seeing is believing





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