Vladmir Kush - Surreal Artists

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One flew over ! Wa"’s n#t

by Vladimir Kush ©

Ocean Spr#ts

Gigantic Leaf, fitting a whole country inside – is it possible? You may answer - impossible. But not quite... Every leaf is a tiny microcosm, filled with sun and water and producing the green molecules of life. As with our Great Leaf creating buildings and bridge, nurturing herds of animals, life. You can reach the Ocean by going down the stem, floating down its current.. And here it all is! We finally can track down the architecture of the painting, conceived by its’ artist. It seems like that thousand-year old Leaf has flown down from the branches of the Great World Tr e e , t h e s y m b o l o f t h e Universe. It exists in all world mythologies. No wonder that the picture is painted in greenishearthy “wooden” tones. The life juices of the leaf on the tree are mixed with the juices streaming down its trunk, and when reaching the Ocean, earth’s powerful River of Life.

The painter draws a clear analogy between current lines and growth rings of a tree. For annual rings reflect the current of time, the time-stream. Their thickness or thinness tells us much about the past. Was it the time of hurricanes or river floods, of the great heat or the great ice? A man is drawn into the stream of life. Though, knowing the past, he tries to direct the movement of his boat, the flow of time inexorably carries him away to the new shores. Whirlpools, shallows, and rough current do not leave time for thinking – so is the message underlying the picture. The cool greenish colors correspond to this mood.


Laser Tune-Up The grand scheme of the world and the definition of its architecture, geometry, and aesthetics is the result of Divine Wisdom. To comprehend his intentions Man invents models. Great Leonardo da Vinci supposed that constructing his mechanical models he could go beyond the capabilities of human mind and solve the mysteries of the Creator. To comprehend the mystery of flight, for example, he made from wax paste small models of birds capable to fly in the air. But whatever models Man may conjure up, he does this for the reverence of his Creator and for releasing the Creator’s wisdom. Only from this intentions does one build the Koln Cathedral and not a factory. Only through such reasoning will mankind paint a picture of the universe from the microcosm to the macrocosm. As is known, the “madness” of Don Quixote was born from the obsessive reading of chivalry books. The world of medieval romances became to him more real than the real life. Thus from an inhabitant of the sun-scorched dusty Spanish province of La Mancha he had turned into the citizen and ruler of the boundless Empire of Imagination. Its size, perhaps, had far surpassed that of the real Spanish empire stretched across the globe and created by other great Spaniards also called “madmen” – Columbus and Cortez! The artist assumes that in this New Empire there was also a place for the fantastic butterflies with splendid wings eclipsing the fauna of Colombia, Amazonia and Venezuela! So, instead of doing a glorious battle with the evil giant windmill, Don Quixote is going to enter the duel with the giant butterflies. Certainly, having such a “weapon,” he will not catch any butterfly. But his net could seize Beauty and Grace of these and many other amazing creations. Let us follow his noble example and stretch the net of our imaginations in search for beauty!

Fauna in La Mancha



The National Library in Vienna contains a miniature edition of the Holy Bible where God, the Lord of Sabbath, is depicted as the Architect who draws the boundaries of the future Earth in cosmic space by means of a pair of compasses. This served as the basis for the paintings, “Newton” and “The Hand of the Lord,” by William Blake, an English mystic, poet, and artist. In these pieces, Blake illustrates the creation of our world by the Lord-Geometrician. In this painting the artist shows us the boundaries of the Earth’s night. Two conical bundles are defined by the illumination of the Moon. This is the viewpoint of an observer, high above the Earth in the Cosmos. A romantic mood is created by the artist conveyed by the night voyage of the sailboat around the globe.

Morning Blo'om

Books by Vla$mir Ku% ©

“Just as differential equations combine into the whole such phenomena as the flight of a satellite and movement of a stone that seemingly have little in common, so a picture, dealing with images, should reveal an aesthetically principle, hidden from a superficial glance , in the diver sity of the surrounding world; that is just the world harmony,” Oleg Kush would repeat.

Vladimir Kush Gallery & Store

Ripples on the Ocean The ocean: symbol of infinity. In ancient Indian myths, the ocean was a never ending entity from which originated the earth as well as the rest of the universe. Chaotic behavior is characteristic of the ocean — the motion with which everything began. In this way, the undulating ocean resembles our subconsciousness — the source of our creativity. Our internal sight freely hovers over this limitless ocean, but returns to the finite by the smallest of margins. “The soul calls upon one to sense the world and beckons the abstract back to within the borders of reality from its unbound journey through infinity,” wrote German dramatist and poet Friedrich von Schiller Our perception of beauty originates from the combination of a strong harmonic start and the brute strength of chaos. The darkening blueness of the ocean approaching the horizon, a distant sailboat, and a ray slipping through the ripples on the water all intensify the painting’s motif of infinity and separation from human existence. Oh, no! This is not for humans. Ignorance and visions Are troubling us. Looking on the universe, we cannot envisage Infinity of time or space — galaxies, planets, stars. Uncertainties and doubts are oppressing us... (Arthur Rimbaud) The power of white-capped seas captivates, The flight of the soul is so much like the waves! But sooner or later we return To set our feet back on earth.

Vladimir Kush

We live not in a world of facts, but one of meanings and symbols.

Our thinking is naturally metaphorical within the limits of our existing cultural medium. The artist transfers a metaphor from the linguistic system to the visual system of painting. Presenting the evasive and ever-changing world through allegory and metaphor makes it possible to bridge two widely separated subjects, two seemingly incompatible things. K u s h b e l i e v e s t h a t re a l i s t i c pa intings display the a rtist ’s professional skill, drawing the viewer in to accept the impossible images enough to see the metaphors in them and explore the different layers of meaning. The skill of the artist to paint realistically allows this interrelation of different things to be convincing. This is Kush’s method,

“Metaphorical Realism.” “Possessing the art of metaphor is the only art that could not be learned from the others...Real metaphor is the intuitive perception of likeness in the things that are different” ( Aristotle)


Communication Body, Mind, Soul

Body Communication Metaphorical Realism Language Development Dolphin Talk? Synaesthetic Perception! Silence to Sound Hand Gestures Reveal You from the Inside Out and more... top

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