Consciousness, Science, Spirituality With Leading Thought Leaders

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Consciousness – Science
 Spirituality – Healing

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S C I E N C E TO S A G E Science to Sage e-magazine explores through the lens of scientists, sages, innovative thinkers, best selling authors, and artists.

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TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Kryon Channeling with Lee Carroll Will human civilization survive its “metamorphosis?” How Do We Communicate? How Do We Live a Fulfilling Life? Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D. Going from Fear to Love & Q & A Anita Moorjani Healed in an Instant: The Extraordinary Power of Group Intention Lynne McTaggart

Shaloha P r o d u c t i o n s

SEVEN of the top world pioneers, visionaries, brightest minds, leaders, authors and teachers in the field of Science, Spirituality, Consciousness and Healing

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Will human civilization survive its “metamorphosis?” Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.

Civilization can get to that higher level of evolution but only if we change our rapacious ways. The potential positive future for our species is analogous to the metamorphosis of a butterfly.

A caterpillar’s body is comprised of several billion cells. In the body of the growing caterpillar, the economy is booming and the cellular community is actively employed. The voracious appetite of this organism leads to their devouring the leaves of the plant on which they are living. Caterpillar growth slows and eventually comes to an end as the available resources are consumed. Within the pupa, the caterpillar cells are out of work and their highly structured community begins to fall apart. Specialized imaginal cells within the ensuing chaos provide organizing information and direction to create a different, more sustainable future. Metamorphosis is complete when the non-sustainable caterpillar civilization transforms into the ecologically sensitive butterfly civilization. The global crises we face today are Nature’s wake-up call for humans to realize that civilization needs to undergo a “metamorphosis,” — the current environmentally destructive “caterpillar” version of civilization must transform into a “new” sustainable organism, Humanity.

Kryon Channelling May 5, 2019

So, if you can extend this whole idea of communicated coherence, I’ll tell you that, although it would appear to be a linear process, it’s far bigger than you think. Group coherence, when scientifically measured, is where the individuals in the group are of like mind and a similar emotional state. Today, you just went through the actual measurement of those attributes. Imagine, for a moment, having many people in coherence and thinking about the same thing. It’s almost like you have a radio broadcasting station and, suddenly, it goes way beyond what you think it could. It's not a linear broadcast.


“Can a group help the coherence of one who sits before it, who is not in coherence?”

The answer is, yes.

[Lee Carroll]

The Power of Coherent Balance Coherence has a propensity to create a greater coherence. This effect hasn’t really been measured, where one group goes into coherence and another group somewhere else receives it. Coherence is, therefore, an energy that, by its purity, can build on itself. When you start having focused coherence, you start to see that others fall into that same coherence far easier because of those in coherence next to them. It may even seem contagious.

This is a premise, dear ones, that we have

would be. Light goes everywhere all at

given you in metaphysics that says that

once. In a dark room, when someone

balance broadcasts balance. True

lights a match, everyone can see a little

balance of consciousness creates energy.

better. So it doesn’t just benefit the one

When you have one balanced individual in

who lit the match. Then, eventually, others

a group of those who are not, or among

light a match because they see that the

chaos, that individual is not just one

one who has lit the first match can see far

among many, but rather, it’s like he has

better than before – they can see their

generated light in a dark place. People

situation better in the light. Pretty soon,

begin to feel the one who is balanced,

others get the idea, and more and more

and their own reaction to that balance

can see better. As we’ve said so many

then creates other balance. Many times,

times in these last thirty years: “If you can

coherence creates more of itself without

see one another better, then you’re not

any conversation at all, and you start to

afraid of each other.”

see the power of the created synchronicity that we have called

The fear that has happened on this planet


has been generated from those who can’t

see the other one, and who “surrounds This is only one attribute of many, which is

the wagons,” as they say, to protect

starting to occur on this planet. We told

assets and resources because they don’t

you about another one:

know about the other cultures or

We said that light begets light.

societies, or even their own neighbors.

This means that the light of high consciousness actually creates more of itself in a way that you’re not aware of, and that this attribute is not yet explainable to you. If you look at the example of a Lightworker creating light in a dark place, what you start to see is that light doesn’t stay in one place. It’s not linear or local, like an object or liquid

They can’t “see” them, so they fear them. However, when you can see each other, you can see they are just like you. You can see that humanity has so much in common and even, perhaps, you worship the same beautiful Creator. Perhaps it’s in different ways, but when you can see that you all understand the “image of God,” you begin to relax.


The Influence of Technology What would happen if you had that kind of coherence on the planet, even marginally? What would happen if you started to see one another better, and that formerly dark room, which is humanity, started to be illuminated? When you began to actually see one another, what would that be like? The answer is revelation, and it has already begun.

Did you realize that the invention of what you call the Internet seems to correspond with all of the things we began to tell you about in our 1989 arrival of Kryon? The Internet, dear ones, has allowed so many people on this planet to see you, and you to see them. The new Social Media that is being used by hundreds of millions of people is all about seeing beyond borders, and, for the first time, actually viewing how other cultures live. This, therefore, allows for revelation because of their similarities. That’s a different paradigm on this planet from any other time in history. It’s a revelation about humanity itself. 
 There are those who say, “Well, this whole technology explosion is dangerous to us. It actually takes away from the socialization of individuals with individuals.” If that’s you, then perhaps you are not appreciating the bigger picture? For the first time on the planet, cultures are looking at each other directly, instead of simply listening to their leaders regarding who they should or should not fear. Young people all over the world are starting to see other young people in foreign lands. They are doing this, not as individual to individual, but en masse – by the millions. They are beginning to realize that others are not as they were told.

When you can tune in and talk to regular people in country after country after country, you start to see something, and you get a coherence of understanding. There is the realization that you all want the same thing! What would happen if you dedicated a day or two to just understanding one another? Perhaps you would call it “Understanding Day,” where the whole idea would be to put yourself in a place of compassionate understanding with people in foreign places.
 Let’s say you could do that. In that day, in that moment, if you could then poll every Human and ask them this question: “Can you ever see a reason for the horror of war?” What do you think the answer would be? [Audience answers with a “NO!”] That’s correct. They’d all say no, overwhelmingly, overwhelmingly! Then you’d start to understand the dysfunction of what war does and how a few can affect the many. Then you begin to realize how the powerful can override those who are not, and you start to realize how your Internet has changed everything. It lets you see into the hearts of those you never knew before. It’s an example, dear ones, of technology that's ready for its time. It’s an example that perhaps not all technology is bad. It requires that a balance is needed of technology and humanism. It’s all part of the evolvement of humanity using the tools at hand … and more is coming.

What is the Fast-Track to Enlightenment? In this group [of seminar attendees], questions have been answered today, but other questions haven’t even been asked yet. One of the questions that has not been asked out loud is this: “What’s the fast-track to enlightenment?” And here is the answer: It’s the ability to sit down and be loved – the ability to sit down and be loved. In that state, information flows to you from your own library within.
 This is information that I have given many times in different ways, and it speaks of your own life history, and it starts with the mother. Those were the early days that many of you can’t remember – of being cuddled and held and loved and taken care of. There was nothing like it, nothing like it! All the chemistry was there – of perfect, unconditional love.


Too Smart to Want to Look? You don’t have to be smart or intelligent or evolved, dear ones, to understand love. You just don’t. You don’t have to have intellectual understanding of consciousness to be loved. You just don’t. That same care and love of MOTHER is pouring at you right now, right now, from the Creative Source. It’s pouring at you! However, there’s an invisible shield that keeps it away and it bounces right off this self-created barrier.

This shield keeps all that caring and love from being seen and felt, and you can give it as many names as you want, but the shield is strong – so much so that you don’t even know that love is even there! You can call this shield lack of belief or the fear of change. You can also be “trained out of it” by those you trust. Or you can be too “smart” to be interested in such odd things as metaphysics.

What about a metaphysical shield? A spiritual shield? Can you be fully engulfed in the study of energy and still have this shield?

[YES.] We will call it “intellectual metaphysics.” This is where someone is so involved in the mysteries of metaphysics and all the energy, that they never feel the love. They are just too much into the minutia of how things work to stop and be loved. Ask yourself. Are you really, really interested in all the mystery school information, and how energy may have been developed with consciousness of the past, and all the mysterious historical structures and what they mean … but you don’t really want to listen to Kryon? That’s a shield. You want everything but the love. Yet, the love is the answer to a much more balanced and healthy life. You want to cook the meal over and over but never eat it. You study gourmet cooking, then dash out to eat fast food.
 Isn't it time to stop that shield? How about finally recognizing it and simply dropping it? Say it: Fear of Truth is keeping you where you are.

Can you forget everything you were taught just for a minute? Right or wrong, or black and white – and just sit there?

[An Exercise] If you could do this, the shields will come dropping down for a moment. Do you dare ask yourself, “What if everything I thought I knew or was told is simply the 3D version of multipleD. What if everything I thought and believed was in black and white, and there is color everywhere?” If you can get to “neutral,” even for a moment, in comes the love of God and starts the lesson: This is what compassion is like. This is what love is like. Emulate it; be it. Understand it. This is the revelation of those who have been there. Even the highest scientists, engineers, and politicians have experienced this. It’s not just for the few. If you can go to that place, then you start understanding how to arrange and balance your beliefs and how to arrange your metaphysics and how to react to energy. Then your entire world starts to expand.

The Self Shield How many of you were told that you had to build a shield around yourself to keep certain things from happening? Well, I will tell you what it often does: It keeps you from being loved because you’ve got a shield of fear. You think you’re shielding the darkness, but you’re shielding everything, including balance. Did you know that? Don’t you feel that? There are so many, even in this group now and listening later, who still don’t t r u l y u n d e r s t a n d – s t i l l d o n ’t understand how to sit and be loved. They worry, even about their own belief system! “Am I doing it right? Am I doing it wrong?” They worry about dark energy, as though they had no light at all within themselves to change it. Many actually make up things to enhance the worry, because it’s a habit. They often get “worry support groups” going.
 If you can sit there and be loved just for a moment, everything starts to

snap into balance. It can rewrite your old program of what you think is important if you will allow it. We’ve said this before: This is the goal. If you want to know what enlightenment is, and you want to know about real truth, sit and be loved. The information will come directly from the “image of God” inside you – unblocked by the shield of unbelief.
 The Masters who walked this planet had a lot of followers. While the Masters walked the planet, and for generations later, many of the followers would get together and decide the meanings to be gleaned from what the Masters said and did. They also decided what rules should be built around their lives.

However, one rule was quite often missed.

Emulate these Masters. That’s what they came here for. When they would do miraculous things and when they taught about love, emulate this. The Masters personified love. Emulate this.

unblock the shield [LOVE]


Today, there is a different energy on this planet. It’s starting to shift in consciousness away from the darkness.

Beware that your media is not showing it, for your media is part of the worry machine.

The real media of light is your coherence, balance, and emulation of the Masters. For that creates light that goes everywhere. We are asking each one of you to take the mantle of a kind of mastery if you wish. It’s where you can emulate the Creator with your consciousness and your HigherSelf, and it becomes an integration where you can stand up anywhere in society and be peaceful. People will be attracted to you. And when they ask you about your inner quietness, you’re not going to give them a doctrine. Instead, you’re going to give them love. What a concept. What a concept! You are going to give them time, compassion, and understanding.
 You’re going to give them a compassion that’s infectious! It’s healing and joyful! There are those who will simply want to walk with you because they feel safe with you. Disease won’t be attracted to you because you’re balanced and you’re broadcasting it! Sound too esoteric? Ask a doctor: Does fear, unbalance, and stress create disease? Should I tell you that this shield of yours is a leading factor that allows disease? Are you

getting the truth of this?
 When they ask you how you balance, you can say, it’s all about the release of fear and embracing a greater love concept of who the Creator is. Tell them you are aware that you are here on purpose, and not a victim of the planet. Tell them you are actually experiencing it! Listen: You don’t have to give them a Kryon book! Just tell them about yourself, and how you feel, and how it has changed you.
 So many of you know and have seen what laughter can do and how it actually creates more laughter. In a group, when one person is laughing for a time, it will eventually catalyze all of them laughing. That’s what we’re talking about. That’s the attribute of light. T h a t ’s t h e b e a u t i f u l p a r t o f compassion and joy. Laughter is a consciousness and isn’t just an emotion or a cause-and-effect chemical attribute. It’s beautiful and sends great healing energy to those around you.

The Unusual and Odd Light-worker We say again, that there are those

tenfold, and spread your energy with

Lightworkers who chase away others

some joy and balance. You never

because they are so aggressive with

were more powerful!

their unusualness. Many are very

proud of this. Ask them: “Are you

Gone are the days where you have to

aware that you are so unusual that

be strange to believe in metaphysics.

you chase away people?” and they

Today, I will redefine metaphysics: It

will say, “Yes, that’s my task. I have to

is the study of energy beyond what it

be unusual to hold the energy of this

was defined as before. It is now the

planet.” Being unusual and odd and

study of the higher energies of

holding the energy of the planet was


the staple of Lightworkers in a much

older energy. Now, it’s not that way.

Perhaps somebody may ask you

what you believe in. You might tell That was then, and this is now. In this

them gently, “I believe in beautiful

new energy, you have thousands who

energies that surround me; I believe

are joyful and spreading light. They

in angels. I believe that there are

are no longer just holding energy.

processes of God we don’t


understand that are able to work with

IT! Once you understand the

our lives.” Dear ones, if you do this in

difference between the old planetary

balance and love, many are going to

energy and the new energy, I’ll tell

say, “Tell me more.” They are not

you what the revelation is: You’re

going to run the other way.

going to hold the energy of the planet

That’s the difference today – Light-worker, Old Soul. 
 That’s the difference.
 My partner represents a belief system that often seems to be odd and weird and strange – and it’s time to change that. You can take the truth of the energy that you’ve carried all these years and balance it and be beautiful to the planet. Beautiful! The result is that people will be attracted to your love and compassion and balance, and you won’t appear to be strange or weird. The Masters did not appear to be odd or strange. They appeared to be powerful and balanced – and when they sat and taught, nobody ran the other way. Their words were kind and soft and beautiful and wise and healing.

Now, that’s you.



Welcome to a new age, a real new age. This is not an evangelistic point of view, but rather, one where light is attractive and compassion even more attractive. Balance is kind, and that’s why you’re here.
 This message has been brought to you by all the angels in the room, the entourage in the room, and the ones who are cheering in an esoteric stadium right now – all together – GO DO IT – GO DO IT!
 Dear ones, today, you have help. The wind is at your back. Now go do it.

This is the message of Kryon and always will be – always will be.


And so it is. KRYON Sat-Sun-Mon

May 9-10-11, 2020 10:00AM to 5:00PM PACIFIC

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We think in words. We speak in words. In the silence of our minds, we hear the word-messages of our subconscious thoughts repeating at the dizzying rate of 60,000 to 80,000 times each day, according to scientific estimates. And now new evidence suggests that the power of our words extends far beyond what these statistics have revealed in the past. New discoveries in neuroscience are teaching us what our ancestors knew through direct knowing and experience.

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In The Wisdom Codes, you’ll hold in your hands powerful words and passages to heal yourself, times of powerlessness times of grief or loss times of anger instill deeper love find your deeper potential And you’ll learn so much more!

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The Wisdom Codes: Ancient Words to Rewire Our Brains and Heal Our HeartsIn The Wisdom Codes, I have curated a collection of trusted words that we’ve historically turned to in times of strife, distilled into a quickaccess, modern-day manual. These timeless codes are designed to bring you the greatest strength and the deepest healing, in the quickest way possible. Through consciously applying the word codes of the past to the challenges you are facing today, you can benefit directly from the wisdom of ancient sages, healers, mystics, and prophets.

How do we communicate? Wed, November 13, 2019

We communicate through energy!

The receptors read

vibrational energy fields such as light, sound and radio frequencies, and if the receptor is a-tuned to the particular frequency it can alter the proteins and change the shape of the receptor. This is the one of the ways our cells are impacted by the vibrational Universe. "Thought waves" and "emotional waves" being of obvious importance in the field effect on biology. We are immersed in living fields of vibrational information.

Specific frequencies and patters of electromagnetic radiation regulate DNA, RNA and protein syntheses, alter protein shame and function, and control gene regulation, cell division, cell differentiation morphogenesis (the process by which cells assemble into organs and tissues), hormone secretion, nerve growth and function.

"The intelligence of the heart is the intelligence of the Universe to hold itself in unison." - Joseph Chilton Pearce Video: We Communicate Through Energy YouTube Channel & Video: Everything is Energy

Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.

TEA WITH ANITA Sunday Mornings, Pacific Time

Fear is a calling for you to love yourself more. Common questions Anita gets are: How to get yourself to a place of love? And, how to get out of fear, stress, anger, etc., and feel more positive? So the questions are about feeling bad or negative, and getting to a place where you can feel your joy and passion (and feel good). You may judge yourself because you feel so inadequate and far away from your place of joy.

Going from Fear to Love

4 Steps

Easy and effective processes that applies to any situation.

Accept Peace



1) Accept where you are, without judgment – Accept the emotions you feel without judging them. A mistake that can be made is a feeling that I need to get rid of this feeling, like fear. You might be too scared to leave your job or relationship. No matter the situation, the fi rst step is to just accept, without judgment, that this is how I feel right now. Instead of fearing any fear that may be involved, just accept that you feel fear. Not accepting how you feel right now only adds more judgment and fear.

Breathe deeply and get into that space of accepting

whatever the emotions are. Accepting your emotions is the best form of self-love when you aren’t feeling good. Anything else is denying what you are feeling right now – that’s fear, not acceptance.

2) Once you are in acceptance, you’ll notice a feeling of peace. Hold that feeling of peace for periods of at least 20 seconds at a time. Stay out of your head. Just feel the feeling of acceptance of where you are right now, and love yourself through it. The feeling of peace is very neutral. The feeling of peace is like a crossroad where the options start opening up. Fear and stress block you from your own intuition and from options opening up.

3. Make the choice of gratitude. Consciously start noticing all the things that are good in your life. For example, with a health challenge, you might say -- I have a great family; or, At least this is manageable; or, There is always hope; or, my legs/ arms are functioning, etc. Focus on the areas that are healthy; rather than the health-challenges. Gratitude shifts your focus from uncomfortable feelings, like fear, anxiety, shame, stress, anger, etc., to what is good. Gratitude shifts your focus away from what you do not want, to what you do want. Consciously focus on what you love and what’s going right in your life -- or the outside world will consciously hold your focus on what you fear. Make that your practice. Take charge on what you focus on. It’s an act of self-love to focus on what you are grateful for.

4. When you are in the habit of holding that feeling for more than 5 minutes daily, it will be much easier to step into a place of joy, and feel lighter – which shifts your energy. Intuition kicks in when your energy shifts. And that’s when insights and opportunities show up. When you are in joy, there is a passion for life, and you feel good.

Q &A Question re choosing gratitude after being fired from a job – Your intuition will kick in when you feel like you’re in a good space. If you get fi red form a job, it usually means you outgrew it. It can lead to great opportunities. Question re anger – It is unhealthy to bottle anger up because it eats away at you inside, and can impact your health. Also, it may explode at an inopportune moment if you are triggered. The best thing is to accept that you are feeling anger, and vent in a healthy way. You can go for a walk or run; exercise; beat a punching bag or pillow, make a sound, etc. – anything to get it out. It is normal to feel anger. It’s unhealthy to judge yourself for feeling anger, which Anita used to do. That ends of suppressing and repressing it, and can cause damage inside. Now, she accepts that this is what she feels, and it’s OK – and then it passes. It stops being a trigger or button that someone else can push. Question re life on other planets or in the Universe – Anita believes there is life

in other places. It’s not possible that this is the only planet with life. We’re also not the most advanced life form. Other life forms probably try to communicate with us. Other life forms, in addition to spirits and guides, are probably trying to help us. Question re being told she’s a loser and not worth anything – Spend time away from that person so you can build up your own self-worth. Go back to Video #1, called Self-love made Easy. If you don’t consciously fi ll yourself with love and defi ne who you are, others will defi ne you, and it may not be what you want. Or they will fi ll you with fear. It’s so important to take your power back, defi ne who you are, fi ll yourself with what you want within you, and do not let others fi ll you with their fears. Even with a scary health diagnosis, take your power back from the doctor. Your life and health are in your hands. You can seek help from others. But it’s your journey; not theirs. No one is allowed to take your hope from you. Surround yourself with healers, teachers, and a support team who will support you on your trajectory to wellness.

Surround yourself with those who empower you and make you feel good -in any context in life.

Question re whether Wayne contacts Anita from the other side – All the time! He does it in many ways, like switching lights on/off. Your loved ones will communicate with you in all sorts of ways. Question re Esther Hicks channeling Abraham – We are all channels, as long as you are in that light space Her work is great, and she has made it pretty mainstream. (See Anita’s video, Tip of the Iceberg – you are accessing the soul or non-physical part of yourself, which knows your purpose.) Question re what to do for brain cancer – Get out of the fear. And watch some of Anita’s past videos, like What would I do differently, knowing what I know today, and others videos that are focused on health. Do what expands your energy, which means fi nding your joy. Being in your joy will heal you.

The first thing is to heal the fear of the illness. Your body gets into healing mode when you get out of the fear. That’s why it’s so frustrating that hospitals are fearful for so many. The focus needs to be on healing, but hospitals only focus on the physical symptoms. Your body can’t focus on healing if it has to deal with fear. The fear depletes the immune system. Fear is bigger than the disease itself. Question re finding a Vocation – Follow your intuition. It’s your calling, which is much bigger than a vocation. Ask yourself questions like, Who am I? What am I passionate about? What brings me joy? What does loving myself mean? Just be yourself and don’t worry about a vocation. Looking for a vocation or career/ job is so limiting. When you are authentic, what is truly yours will come to you.

Be yourself.

ANITA MOORJANI, AN INTERNATIONAL SPEAKER AND THE AUTHOR OF NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER DYING TO BE ME AND HER LATEST BOOK, WHAT IF THIS IS HEAVEN?, After a 4-year battle with cancer, Anita fell into a coma and was given days to live. As her doctors gathered to revive her, she journeyed into a near death experience (NDE) where she was surrounded by unconditional love and deep wisdom. In this place, she was given a powerful truth: HEAVEN IS NOT A DESTINATION; IT IS A STATE OF BEING. DURING HER NDE, ANITA WAS ALSO GIVEN THE CHOICE TO RETURN TO HER PHYSICAL FORM OR TO CONTINUE INTO THIS NEW REALM. She chose the former. And when she regained consciousness, her cancer began to heal.

To the

amazement of her doctors, she was free of countless tumors and cancer indicators within weeks.

Anita’s NDE has captured the hearts and attention of millions across the globe. She has been a featured guest on The Dr. Oz Show, Fox News, The Today Show, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, the National Geographic Channel, as well as The Pearl Report in Hong Kong, Headstart with Karen Davila in the Philippines, and many others. Today, Anita lives in the United States with her husband Danny and continues to share her incredible story and lessons internationally. Dying to Be Me has sold millions of copies worldwide, has been translated into 45 languages. Prior to her cancer diagnosis, Anita lived in Hong Kong and worked in the corporate world for several years. She was born in Singapore of Indian parents and grew up speaking English, Cantonese, and Indian dialect simultaneously.

NEW courses will be available here along with interactive communication with Anita.


By Dr. Todd Ovakaitys

Dr. Todd Ovakaitys video

Bio Dr. Todd Ovokaitys was first in his class in high school and won the coveted Bucky pioneer award. He was also at the top of his class at Northwestern University with the highest possible grade point average and after two years was one of 26 people accepted into an accelerated undergraduate and medical training program at Johns Hopkins university and medical school. He then completed specialty training in internal medicine and subspecialty training and pulmonary and critical care medicine at Georgetown University hospital. He was assessed by a faculty committee as the best of all the residents across the board. He was inspired to move to California to understand energy medicine and shortly after the journey had a vision of communicating with the pure

consciousness of DNA. This has resulted in coinventing a laser based interdimensional platform which has numerous US and international patents granted in the areas of nutraceuticals, agriculture including cannabis, and especially stem cell biology. He also pursues and provides training in the area of psycho emotional medicine, getting at the core root of any condition, physical or psychiatric, that can offer lasting relief. These discoveries have the potential to be a part of what may revolutionize and personalize the practice of medicine. He is also the composer and at times coconductor of the Lemurian choirs that create patterns of tones and information that can accelerate expansion of consciousness.



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Listen to the Inner View

Shaloha P r o d u c t i o n s

How do we live a fulfilling life? Human civilization is at an evolutionary crossroads where unsustainable human behavior is precipitating the planet's 6th Mass Extinction Event. Five times in Earth’s history, life was thriving when some event precipitated a wave of extinction, eliminating 70 to 90 percent of all plant and animal species. The last mass extinction event, 66 million years ago, noted for wiping out the dinosaurs, was apparently due to a massive asteroid impact in Mexico that upended the global web of life.

Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.

Epigenetics recognizes that the environment, and more importantly, our perception of the environment, controls genetic activity and behavior and thus shifts the focus of evolutionary theory to the role of the nervous system and consciousness. The Darwinian notion of the survival of the fittest is giving way to a more scientifically accurate, as well as, more positive theory of evolution, one that emphasizes the role of cooperation, interaction, and mutual dependence among all life forms. In the words of Lynn Margulis, “Life did not take over the globe by combat, but by networking.”

Our uncertain future is dependent on the actions we engage in today.

About Bruce H. Lipton

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences. Dr. Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist. He received his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville before joining the Department of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine in 1973. Dr. Lipton’s research on muscular dystrophy, studies employing cloned human stem cells, focused upon the molecular mechanisms controlling cell b e h a v i o r. A n e x p e r i m e n t a l t i s s u e transplantation technique developed by Dr. Lipton and colleague Dr. Ed Schultz and published in the journal Science was subsequently employed as a novel form of human genetic engineering. In 1982, Dr. Lipton began examining the principles of quantum physics and how they might be integrated into his understanding of the cell’s information processing systems. He produced breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, which revealed that this outer layer of the cell was an organic homologue of a computer chip, the cell’s equivalent of a brain. His research at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, between 1987 and 1992, revealed that the environment, operating though the membrane, controlled the behavior and physiology of the cell, turning genes on and off. His discoveries, which ran counter to the established scientific view that life is controlled by the genes, presaged one of today’s most important fields of study, the science of epigenetics. Two major scientific publications derived from these studies

defined the molecular pathways connecting the mind and body. Many subsequent papers by other researchers have since validated his concepts and ideas. Dr. Lipton’s novel scientific approach transformed his personal life as well. His deepened understanding of cell biology highlighted the mechanisms by which the mind controls bodily functions, and implied the existence of an immortal spirit. He applied this science to his personal biology, and discovered that his physical well-being improved, and the quality and character of his daily life was greatly enhanced. Dr. Lipton has taken his award-winning medical school lectures to the public and is currently a sought after keynote speaker and w o r k s h o p p re s e n t e r. H e l e c t u re s t o conventional and complementary medical professionals and lay audiences about leading-edge science and how it dovetails with mind-body medicine and spiritual principles. He has been heartened by anecdotal reports from hundreds of former audience members who have improved their spiritual, physical and mental well being by applying the principles he discusses in his lectures. He is regarded as one of the leading voices of the new biology. Dr Lipton’s work summarizing his findings, entitled, The new updated 10th Anniversary Edition of The Biology of Belief, (Hay House P u b l i s h i n g , s o f t c o v e r, I S B N 978-1-4019-4891-7). His second book, Spontaneous Evolution, Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From H e r e . ( H a y H o u s e P u b l i s h i n g , I S B N 978-1-4019-2580-2) and his third book, The Honeymoon Effect, The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth. (Hay House Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4019-2386-0)

Healed in an Instant: The Extraordinary Power of Group Intention By Lynne McTaggart

I had grown especially curious about the idea that thoughts are an actual something with the capacity to change physical matter. A number of bestselling books had been published about the law of attraction and the power of intention — the idea that you could manifest what you most desired just by thinking about it in a focused way — but to all of this I maintained a certain incredulity,

overwhelmed by a number of awkward questions. Is this a true power and exactly how allpurpose is it, I wondered? What can you do with it? Are we talking about curing cancer or shifting a quantum particle? And to my mind, the most important question of all: What happens when lots of people are thinking the same thought at the same time? Does this magnify the effect?

I wanted to examine whether this capacity was powerful enough to heal individuals, even the world. Like a twenty-first-century doubting Thomas, I was essentially looking for a way to dissect magic.

My 2007 book, The Intention Experiment, compiled all the credible scientific research that looked into the power of mind over matter, but its purpose was also an invitation. Very little research had been carried out about group intention and my plan was to fill that gap by enlisting my readers as the experimental body of group intenders in an ongoing scientific experiment. I gathered together a consortium of physicists, biologists, psychologists, statisticians and neuroscientists highly experienced in consciousness research. Periodically I would invite my internet audience, or an actual audience when I was delivering a talk or workshop somewhere, to send one designated, specific thought to affect some target in a laboratory — set up by one of the scientists I was working with — who would then calculate the results to see if our thoughts had changed anything. Eventually this project evolved into, in effect, the world’s largest global laboratory, involving several hundred thousand of my international readers from more than a hundred countries in some of the first controlled experiments on the power of mass intention to affect the physical world. As it turned out, the experiments did work. In fact, they really worked. In the 33 experiments I have run to date, 29 have evidenced measurable, mostly significant change and three of the four without a positive result simply had technical issues. To put these results in perspective, almost no drug produced by the pharmaceutical industry can lay claim to that level of positive effect. But as amazing as that is, it is not the most interesting part of the story. In 2008, in one of my early workshops, I placed participants in small groups of about eight just to see what would happen if group members tried to heal one of their group through a collective healing intention.


I thought the group effect would be a feel-good exercise — something akin to a massage or a facial — but I was shocked to listen to more than an hour of instant, near-miraculous healings the following day.

And throughout the next year, in every workshop we ran, whenever we set up our clusters of eight or so people in each group, gave them a little instruction and asked them to send intention to a group member, we were stunned witnesses to story after story of physical and psychic transformation. Marekje’s multiple sclerosis made it difficult for her to walk without aids. The morning after being the target of a Power of Eight group, she arrived at the workshop without her crutches. Marcia suffered from a cataract-like opacity blocking the vision of one eye. The following day, after her group’s healing intention, she claimed that her sight in that eye had been almost fully restored. Diane in Miami had such pain in her hip from scoliosis that she had to stop working out. During the intention she felt intense heat and a rapid-fire, twitching response in her back. The next day, she declared, “It’s like I have a new hip.” There were hundreds, even thousands, more experiences like these. And each time I was standing there watching these changes unfold right in front of me. During a talk I gave in Denver, Sande, a 63-year-old, had been a lifetime athlete but one of her knees was shot. “When I walk I can feel when my knee is going to pop out, which it does, and then I fall. I’m in a lot of pain.” She scheduled knee replacement surgery for a month’s time after a talk I was giving because she was fearful she would break a bone if she did not take care of it. During the talk, when I put members of the Denver audience in Power of Eight groups, tears rolled down Sande’s cheeks as she felt the pressure around her knee on both sides, “as if somebody with big mitts was holding my leg. It was warm, not hot. I never felt that before. It went down my whole leg, going down to my ankle — and I hadn’t told them about my ankles. When we opened our teary eyes we looked at our hands and everyone’s hands were vibrating.”

clusters of eight When I asked the audience if anyone had had an experience, Sande was the first to put up her hand. “Look,” she said, “I can bend my knees.” She leaned over and squatted down. “I could not do that before.” Three days later, the healing effects had persisted. “When I walk I don’t get that feeling that the knee will pop out,” Sande replied. “I can go upstairs without pain.” Since the Power of Eight group, she no longer needed her knee brace and was able to cancel her surgery.

Beverly, a massage therapist, never planned to come to my Denver talk because she was recovering from a car accident. “My crunched ribs were uncomfortable; my shoulder was singing a high-pitched, exquisite pain and wouldn’t stay in place without support,” she said. Nevertheless, a church group member was particularly persuasive, and Beverly arrived, holding her shoulder in place. During the Power of Eight circle, Beverly said, “I felt all the tension of the car wreck fall out of my left side. As I was supported by my groupmates a bubbling, Kundalinitype energy poured out onto the floor through my arm. My shoulder slid back to normal position, my ribcage released and I took a full breath for the first time in the six weeks since the accident.” Nearly two months later, Beverly wrote a progress report expressing that her shoulder had remained in place, “almost exclusively painfree.” And there were many other amazing experiences, even among the senders. A woman who had a stroke and could no longer focus her eyes was back to seeing normally. A fellow with bursitis could raise his arm all the way, as normal. Another woman who arrived with a migraine said it had completely cleared and one of the senders arrived with a cane and walked away from the event no longer needing it.

For many years I believed I was witnessing a placebo effect — until I began to realize that the senders were getting healed too.

Senders were healed

Wes Chapman, for instance, was in college working on a science degree when he was drafted and sent to Vietnam for the final year of the war. The experience traumatized him so much that he did not finish his university degree and was left in a state of depression. His bad luck seemed to carry on; even the high point in his life — his second marriage — was quickly extinguished after his wife died from cancer. At 65, he was at the ‘what’s the use’ stage where it was difficult for him to even make breakfast. In August, he joined a Power of Eight group, but sent healing intentions for two group members. Afterward, he said, he experienced his own amazing shift — a feeling of intense joy. He was able to easily handle all the activities that debilitated him previously. During a dream shortly afterward, he met his 19-year-old self, who told him “there’s still time.” Suddenly he felt compelled to re-engage in writing and even intense exercise, including weightlifting and 90-minute power-walks. “It feels like I’m 25, not 65,” he said. Andy Spyros had tried everything to remove old patterns that had interfered with her ability to make a good living. When she joined a Power of Eight group she shared her intention to find a dream job with ample income. None of the intentions the group tried were working for her. Andy then started shifting her intention to a young boy who had tried to commit suicide. “Two days after that, I got an unexpected offer to do product development and strategy for an online organization involved in human development, a job that would joyfully bring me money doing work I love!” said Andy.

For many years, I studied this phenomenon, trying to find out why these groups would have such powerful rebound effects. And then I discovered evidence that working in a large or small group and doing something altruistic activates the vagus nerve, one of the longest in the body, which connects with all the communication systems involved with caretaking. It slows down heart rate, calms the effects of any fight-or-flight autonomic nervous system activity and initiates the release of oxytocin, a neuropeptide that plays a role in love, trust, intimacy, kindness or compassion. Increased levels of oxytocin also have a marked healing effect on the body; they lower inflammation, boost the immune system, aid digestion, lower blood pressure, heal wounds faster and even repair damage to the heart after a heart attack. In 2016 neuroscientists from Life University, the largest chiropractic university in the world, carried out a series of studies of Power of Eight groups by placing qEEG monitors on some of the students participating in the circles. The results show that members of the group undergo major brainwave changes that are akin to those of a Sufi master during a state of ecstatic prayer — a feeling of blissful oneness. The powerfully transformational mechanisms at work in my healing intention groups appeared to be the unique power of group prayer coupled with an amazing mirror effect. Focusing on healing someone else brings on a mirrored healing. Intending in a group is a fast-track to the miraculous.

©Lynne McTaggart 2020 Adapted from Lynne’s new book The Power of Eight (Atria, 2017), which includes full instructions about how to do group intention and construct your own Power of Eight group. Author Lynne McTaggart can be found at

“Once you have a mystical experience and get your first glance behind the veil, you can never go back to business as usual.” ~ Dr. Joe

Dr. Joe’s Story Here

Perhaps we are on the verge of a great evolutionary jump. Another way to say it is we are going through an initiation, after all, isn’t an initiation a rite of passage from one phase to another? Perhaps the earth is assisting us in lifting the veil, initiating us to a quickening in energy, and enabling us to see our true nature. Maybe when we see, remember, and awaken to who we truly are, human beings can finally move as a collective consciousness from a state of surviving to a state of thriving.

THE 1 FIELD A 120-minute documentary Production, Directing, Editing, Script, Research: TSIPI RAZ Production & Photography: ELI SINGER Film Company: THE FIELD PRODUCTIONS FB:

What is consciousness and what is its power? Can it be tested using scientific tools? These are the questions that lead the film “THE 1 FIELD”. The platform chosen to examine these questions is a journey in Israel led by the channeler Lee Carroll, combined with 19 scientific experiments super vised by international research institutes examining the claims made throughout the journey.



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