Revelations the Pain Body

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The great minds of our time are bringing a new renaissance. The fusion of ideas, disciplines, and cultures has always advanced civilization, be it from the renaissance of the Middle East to Middle Ages of Europe, again, we stand at this crossroad. The new convergence of leading-edge science and ancient wisdom is bridging the heart and mind, science and spirituality, and East and West. Take a quantum leap in your understanding of the mysteries of our universe. See where the sage had their wisdom down to a science.

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Contributors: •

The Nature of Pain - Igor Kufaye

What is this Thing Called Healing - Stephen Lewi

The Art of Empathy - Karla McLare

Frequencies of Healing: We are All Sound Healers Jonathan Goldman & Andi Goldma

Special thanks to the Awakening

Zone/Crimson Circle for hosting

The Presence Process - Michael Brown, Courtesy of Namaste Publishin

Science to Sage Radio. I love that you can listen to the

Chanting a Path to Devotion - Krishna Das

contributors and feel the magazine

You Are the Placebo - Dr. Joe Dispenz

come alive.

Tell Me Who You Are - Devral Lava

Kayenta, Utah - Street Painting Festival presented by the Kayenta Arts Foundation, artists work see link to Foundation









All material is copyrighted by Science to Sage or is copyright of the authors. Science to Sage reprints these articles with the consent of authors.



et Science to Sage take you on a scienti c and mystical journey where the sciences, spirituality, world philosophies, and ancient wisdom fuse. Explore with leading-edge scientists, innovative thinkers, mathematicians, mystics and artists from around the world.

What sets Science to Sage apart? Our rich visual weave and imagery makes complex ideas accessible. Each edition is themed, and likened to the renaissance, we bridge disciplines so you can witnesses the interconnections of ALL things.




Imagine the Creator as a scientist and his/her toolbox is the physical elements. They include water, earth, air, and re. In

modern science, they nd form in liquids, solids, gases, and plasma. They are expressions of the same things. These elements are the building blocks of universes, from minuscule interatomic distances to the vastness of galactic arrays. ALL, including us, are made from stardust. Within this cyclical weave of elements is a connected tapestry which evolves geometry, chemistry, biology, and physics — this is our living matrix and the byproduct is the beauty we see. Rediscover the our human story. It has been hidden in plane view. Science to Sage lifted the veil. Editor, Researcher, and Graphic Designer Karen Elkins

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The story of individual metamorphosis is no longer an isolated event, but an integral part of global transformation on a collective level. For many, though, the impact of awakening is an

The Nature of Pai What is pain ? Is it a release, a protective mechanism, a natural response of the body to danger, a psychosomatic projection, all of these or something else altogether? Can we live without pain, or is it an integral part of our existence? Shall we suppress pain at all times



By Igor Kufayev

ambivalent experience accompanied by shadow of doubt at being unable to withstand, at times, this overpowering process. ..

The English word derives from Latin poena - meaning punishment pain, or Ancient Greek poine - a word related to penalty. Do we take that pain is literally punishment, or is it penalty in philosophical understanding of the term, like the re-payment for wrong action, whatever that action was. If we accept that view, than painful experiences are self-generational and we all are active participants to the pain we collectively produce even if being unaware of its consequences. Needless to say that the universal computation makes sure to distinguish between the types and forms before making us the receivers of physical or mental experience







There is neurobiological reasons for the existence of pain which are there to make sure we distinguish our experiences between those that give us pleasure and that of its opposite. Pain marks the pathways of an illness

and often reveals the way for treatment. The renowned physician Avicenna used to infect himself with terrible diseases in order to undergo the symptoms which allowed him to experience pain rst hand and understand the nature of the illness in all its complexity. Pain of all kind and physical pain in particular is a natural response of the body towards conditions where pain acts as a signal of a complex safety net Throughout history the understanding of pain changed inadvertently re ecting the existential attitudes towards the experience. Many cultures considered pain to be an important factor necessary for personal growth and maturity of a soul. In some the initiation contained exposure to pain and were seen as the right of passage, the coming of age. It seems with advance of science coupled with development of humanistic ideas, we

do our utmost to suppress the pain. Today 'painkilling' is an industry in its own right and part of the overall orientation of our culture with the emphasis on pleasure at all costs. After all who in their right mind would prefer pain to its opposite. As living creatures we all share that aspect, the unconscious desire to prolong pleasure and keep away from pain Without drawing any conclusions, what if pain is an inseparable response of our localized consciousness to the environment we live in ? We know that suppressed desire for pleasure erupts as an obsession often in an ugly way. Suppressing pain without reevaluating its cause is as detrimental to our overall health in a long term as indulging in pleasure without fully understanding the bounding nature of that experience

Many cultures considered pain to be an important factor necessary for personal growth and maturity of a soul. In some the initiation contained exposure to pain and were seen as the right of passage, the coming of age.

Rites of Passage

Pleasure and pain are two most important neurophysiological responses in the brain which mark our likes and dislikes and wire the connection between the body, mind and environment. There is strong evidence for biological connections between the neurochemical pathways used for the perception of both pain and pleasure, which con rms with the yogic view of both experiences being part of the same continuum









The Samkhya doctrine recognizes that process as the inner mechanics behind worldliness. Attachment arises from pleasure and pleasure is derived from attachment to the experience it produces. In turn pain gives rise to aversion and thus the circle of attachment and aversion

strengthens the Vasanas (psychic conditioning) of an individual psyche When we undergo pleasurable experience we take it for granted, for its a natural predisposition in our mind and needs no questioning as for the reasoning. One of the resultant states of awakening is an increased awareness of the deep connectedness of all psychological states and physiological conditions. Even if still automatically preferring pleasure to pain the awakened mind is no longer bound by the attachment the experience of pleasure otherwise incurs That is because spontaneous realization rests on the knowledge that they (pain and pleasure) follow each other (like the dials of a clock) with the change in the alternating

states with which Nature performs all actions. The Gunas (Sattva, Rajas, Tamas*) rotate and bring about changes in physical and psychological states of our system. Even a threshold of pain differs according to the predominance of a particular guna in an individual Whatever is the case, the one who set his/her mind on the path of yoga tries his/her best to overcome the cycle of attachment and aversion born of the experience of pleasure and pain. Both experiences produce the subconscious latencies in the shape of the above mentioned Vasanas. Attachment and aversion are rooted in misapprehension of reality which rmly binds the soul to the body by identi cation of the ''I'' (as a spectator) with the process of a spectacle

One of the resultant states of awakening is an increased awareness of the deep connectedness of all psychological states and physiological conditions.


Notes * According to The Samhkya, one of the Six Systems of Indian Philosophy,

The Gunas are primordial qualities which constitute Nature. On cosmological level Sattva is the energy of equilibrium; Rajas is the energy behind all motion; Tamas is primal factor behind inertia. In terms of psychological states of an individual, Sattva balances all processes and stands for light, clarity and peace. Rajas is responsible for excitement, passion, desire and consequently for all mental turmoil including pain and misery. Tamas as inertia rules stagnation and ignorance born of total identi cation with the physiology. Suf ce to say that everyone is a mixture of all three energies with minute combination/ proportion of the three Gunas which form the basis of an individual psyche Igor Kufayev Tashkent, Uzbekista

EVENTS - US and Canada

An artist and healer by nature, Igor has been sharing his revelations into the essence of Being since 2002. His approach is based on spontaneous and intuitive insight which allows him to empathize with uniqueness of each individual conditioning. He embraces life in its most terrifying contrasts through direct experience of Love, Life and Death, if only to appreciate more fully the predicament of human condition. 
 In his mid-thirties, a radical transformation of consciousness led him to teach a way of SelfRealization, rooted in Tantra, where all cognitive and physiological processes are orchestrated by the awakened energy and creative potentiality of Pure Awareness. Since 2012 he has been a regular speaker at the 'Science and Nonduality' Conference (SAND), both in USA and in Europe.








To cut these circuit is to break free from the chains with which the ''I'' is (seemingly) bound. Seemingly ? Well, the ''I'' is never affected by that which takes place on the level of cognitive (motor-sensory-mental) experiences, nor does it get affected by any uctuations brought about by the superimposition of those experiences onto the ''I'' (as the perceiver). No more than the images projected onto the screen have an effect on the light which illumines the movie. So is with our experiences in the world as far as the motor-sensory-mental responses are concerned

To cut these circuits is to brake free

What Is This Thing Called Healing?

By Stephen Lewis

I keep avoiding every request to write an article on, “Just What Is This Thing Called Healing”. The problem is, it’s too big.

Healing is inextricably

bound to spirituality and both are inseparable from consciousness.

The problem with

consciousness is I don’t know where it begins and there is no end. Just as there’s always more and greater consciousness, ultimately, there is always more and greater healing until, at last, one heals the rift of his separation from the universe.. and from his creator, and even then we must heal our collective separation from our universe. But, that’s for later, for now, we best begin at the ridiculous and work our way up toward the sublime.

First of all, if you have a shaving cut you

one’s body is not necessarily a function of

will not need to go on disability, and should

higher consciousness, but rather, a

not quit your day job. The consciousness

function of more focused consciousness.

required to heal it is of the most primitive

healing one’s body is survival and survival as we know is a very basic instinct

type, e.g. the limbic system. (Remember

In simple terms, if you focus on healing

the classic neurology joke. The limbic

something, you will probably do it. This, at

system is in charge of the 4 F's: Fight,

its most basic level, is a function of The

Flight, Feeding, and Reproduction).

AIM Program of Energetic Balancing. You are compelled to focus on healing each

Leaving limbic man behind, let's consider

and every imbalance (if it's in our

healing the "bigger stuff", like cancer, brain

database), 24/7... until you have healed

damage... any of the heavyweights. Now,

them. Again, that is healing one’s body. In

it's absolutely true that we heal with

fact, there is almost no choice offered you,

consciousness, but one does not have to

because healing one’s body is survival

be more conscious to heal an untreatable

and survival as we know is a very basic

disease or to repair irreparable damage. In

instinct. It is part of a package you should

fact, one may be totally self-involved

have gotten at no extra cost when you

(which is diametrically opposed to

came here.

conscious), and yet routinely perform

apparent "miracles" of healing. Healing

Focus All that being said (or written), we do have a choice to make and we are, ultimately, the result of the power of our intention.

Here is the way it works. There is nothing random or

I believe that as long as this disharmony exists we will

accidental in the universe... or in its inhabitants. If you are

develop "symptoms" which we call diseases. We may

born with the propensity for cancer, heart disease, etc.

heal these "symptoms" such as cancer, heart disease,

(hereditary, ancestral, past life, karmic... ?) and even if

MS, but as we heal each one, new "symptoms" will

your propensity becomes an active reality at the level of

appear, and so on and so on, until each of us perceives

you that is truly eternal, your

or understands that these are symptoms and that the real

propensity for disease is

disease is the choice we have made, and continue to

not causal, but is a

make, to separate ourselves from everything and

symptom of a deep,

everyone in the universe.

deeper, deepest problem. It is a symptom of a

That separation is your only disease, and it is volitional. It

fundamental disease of

is the cause, everything else is an effect.

your soul, and that disease of your soul can not be

So, this gives rise to an entirely new class of questions.

healed by you without

Who separated each of us from our universe? What


perpetuates that separation? How do we break this



cycle? How can we regain our soul, rather than spend our lives waiting for the next symptom? Easy, or, at least,

I believe that to the extent that your (our) consciousness

easily answered. As always, "the devil is in the details."

is not total and quantum, there is a fragmentation, a disharmony between your soul and the composite soul of

Each of us has his very own personal and private abyss,

the universe... which I call God.

and it is just that... a "seemingly" bottomless pit that we can never fill. It's a scary place, the abyss, and so,

considerate beings that we are, we isolate it. First we try

hereditary, ancestral, past life,

karmic... ?

Your abyss is what separates you from your soul, and from the personal and collective souls of everyone else.

Your Abyss

I think the contradiction here is becoming

and fences. Remove your warning signs.

apparent. Your abyss is your illusion. In fact,

Invite every curious creature in the universe

it's only threatening to one person in the

to peek into your abyss and feed and pet

world, and that would be, uh, you.

the monster who lives there. Put a ribbon around its neck. Monsters don't do well with

I can fly in your abyss. I can soar and glide.

ribbons. There are a lot of curious creatures

I can play in your abyss. I can love, be

out there, and you know what's going to

loved, make love and love you in your

happen? It'll get over crowded, they're going

abyss. Again, your abyss is an illusion. It's

to fill up that void and you'll have nothing left

my abyss that's frightening. And so on and

to hide from and no place to hide in. You will

so on...

have healed your soul from its "original disease", and, obviously, once that's gone,

Your abyss is what separates you from your

you can't have any new symptoms. I could

soul, and from the personal and collective

go on and on but I think you understand

souls of everyone else. Well, the good news

what I mean. All I can close with is,

is you can fill your abyss, just as you can

hopefully, we shall all find the courage to

heal your soul. The bad news is, you cannot

join hands and join forces and join souls... in

do it alone. You need the help of me and a

the oneness.

few billion others who are ready, willing and able. All you need to provide is a little courage. The courage that is required is to face whatever it is you keep in your abyss, whatever it is you fear. Tear down your walls


Stephen Lewis is the developer of the AIM Program of Energetic Balancing, cofounder of EMC2, the Energetic Matrix Church of Consciousness, LLC, and coauthor of Sanctuary: The Path To Consciousness, which chronicles his decades of research and the ultimate evolution of the AIM Program, a 24/7 spiritual healing technology for healing, well-being and connection through consciousness.

For more information, visit

“Sanctuary: The Path to Consciousness, though ctional in nature, is about a real place where we can discover the true nature of dysfunction in our lives and the ways that we may better achieve wellbeing and inner balance. It is also a story of hope for those individuals with problems and inner imbalances that have persisted despite their best efforts. This book points the way toward an energetic understanding of human existence, leading the new paths of insight and transformation that can greatly bene t all of humanity.

Everything is energy, despite our often limited perception of just the physical body and the material world. It is the belief of EMC that if you remove energetic imbalances (predispositions or 2 potentials for or susceptibility to the manifestation of physical disease) from consciousness, where everything is created, that they can neither manifest nor be sustained in the physical body.


assists you in healing yourself With over a half a million balancing energies, AIM can help you become the first in the history of your family with no family history, (except the good stuff).

Dr. Wayne Dyer - Listen to excerpt

Read about this spiritual healing technology and how it can help you remove subtle energy imbalances and travel the path to consciousness in order to attain and integrate emotional, physical and spiritual harmony.


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Richard Gerber, MD, author of Vibrational Medicine: New Choices for Healing Ourselve



Broad categories of energetic imbalances A 24/7 Spiritual Healing Technology that assists you in self healing

“People recognize that their inner needs aren’t being met. They’re itching for a change, but they don’t know

karmic and hereditary

how to get there. But people

The stuff we bring with us and inherit, along with the unresolved etiological emotional imbalances linked with each one. Many of these frequencies have names identical to or similar to “disease” names.

who have come here for energetic balancing nd that their feelings of well-being

acquired imbalances

return; they have much

Some naturally occurring in nature, such as disease frequencies acquired from insect bites, and others from chemicals or toxins we ingest or breathe in daily.

more energy, they think more clearly; and their emotions are calmer, more centered, and more loving.” - Sanctuary: The Path to

blockages to elevating consciousness Anything that negatively affects life force impedes the ability to raise consciousness, which is the ultimate goal of AIM. This would include negative emotional and spiritual vibrations and disempowering beliefs, imbalances that we can more deeply and continuously address by fully utilizing AIM's "enhancing frequencies.”


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Images Courtesy of Dan’s

4B? !LN I@ %GJ;NBS

Karla McLaren


n my four decades of work as an empath, I’ve

found that empathy is

without emotions, people would be completely

rst and foremost an

rational, like a computer, or like the hyper-logical

emotional skill. But in a culture where most

and seemingly unemotional Star Trek character,

people are confused by or upset about emotions,

Mr. Spock. However, nothing could be further

this fact can make empathy a dif cult thing to

from the truth. What Dr. Damasio discovered as

work with. Thankfully, I found a wonderful

he worked with many emotion-impaired patients

approach that makes working with emotions

throughout his career is that each emotion has a

easier, more fun, and more empathic

speci c role in the maintenance of essential social and cognitive functions. If you take

Emotions are actionrequiring neurological program

emotions away from people, they don’t become smarter; they become less able to function independently, they lose many of their interactional skills, and they often

In his work as a neuroscientist of emotion, Antonio Damasio has been able to study people who have lost their ability to feel some or all emotions. If you have been trained to think of

require direct assistance to care for and



emotions as mostly problematic, you might think of these people as lucky. Many of us imagine that







Excerpted from The Art of Empathy: A Complete Guide to Life’s Most Essential Skill




For instance, Damasio writes about a male patient1 with brain damage that severely impaired his emotions, and while the patient was still able to think, speak, and drive, he had a fascinating inability to make simple decisions. Dr. Damasio writes about giving the patient two possible dates for an upcoming appointment, and then watching in frustration-tinged fascination as the man spent nearly thirty minutes listing all of the possible differences between the two appointment dates (weather, driving conditions, other appointments – he was exhaustive). Finally, Damasio spoke up and suggested one of the two dates. The patient agreed willingly and easily – nothing in his meticulous list seemed to matter in the least – and then he left This patient’s logical, linguistic, and sequencing abilities were intact. His memory was intact. He could easily orient to day and time. But he couldn’t make any decisions about his preferences, and he couldn’t respond appropriately to the boredom and hurry-up signals Damasio was sending. He was as smart and as logical as anyone needs to be, but without

his emotions, he couldn’t make decisions. Damasio eventually realized that decisionmaking is the emotional process of attaching value and meaning to data. This patient knew all of the facts, but he didn’t know how he felt about any of them, and he was unable to make even a simple decision without assistance. Emotions are intimately involved in our thinking processes, and without them, facts just pile on top of each other without meaning or value. Emotions help us understand what’s important and what isn’t – and they help us attend empathically to the signals and needs of others Even the allegedly “negative” emotions are intrinsic to our functioning – even shame, even fear. Damasio writes about another patient2, a young woman with an early head trauma that interfered with her ability to feel shame, guilt, or embarrassment – and while you might think that this would be a wonderfully freeing state, it was a disaster. Without the ability to feel ashamed or embarrassed, this young woman was a social hurricane, unable (and unwilling) to behave in ways that worked for others, and eventually, for

herself. She was insensitive, unapologetic, unreliable, self-endangering, otherendangering, and so disruptive that she landed in multiple treatment facilities as a teen and eventually, as a young adult, had to be conserved because she was so socially disabled. She was intelligent, she came from a good family, and she had plenty of therapy and support – but without her shame, guilt, and embarrassment, she couldn’t function socially, show Concern for Others, empathize effectively, maintain relationships, complete schooling, keep a job, amend her behaviors, apologize for her misdeeds, or live independently. Without her shame, she couldn’t live as a fully functional member of the social world Dr. Damasio also writes of another woman3 with a very rare disease that caused calcium deposits to collect in, and essentially disable, her amygdala – which is a small, almond-shaped brain region that’s involved in processing fear. This intelligent woman, an artist and mother, was able to feel and identify all other emotions except fear – she couldn’t even draw a fearful face, though she could draw facial expressions of other emotions.


Even the allegedly “negative” emotions are intrinsic to our functioning – even shame, even fear.








She was a happy and outgoing person who had no social impediments, but she couldn’t tell instinctively whether people or situations were safe or not – she had to learn the hard way, and she reported that she had been taken advantage of by many people she trusted. Without access to her fear, this woman was not completely safe in the world; she didn't have the instincts or the intuition she needed to identify people and situations that might have harmed her. We’ve been trained to think of fear as a negative emotion, but without it, people are actually quite vulnerable Patients like these helped Dr. Damasio see through the confusing mists that obscure our understanding of emotions, and they helped him to identify the purpose of emotions. These patients and their disabilities helped Damasio create a working de nition for emotions that brings them into clear focus: Emotions are action-requiring neurological programs. They’re not positive or negative, glorious or shameful, right or wrong: they’re actionrequiring neurological programs With this de nition in place, we can approach emotions empathically –

not as problems to be eradicated, but as action-requiring programs that are essential for the maintenance of our whole and healthy lives. Understanding emotions as action-requiring neurological programs helps us observe them more intelligently and more functionally. Because, if an emotion requires an action, the next obvious question is: 1) Which action? And then: 2) What happens when I perform that action? The answers to these questions are: 1) The action you perform depends upon which emotion has arisen, and 2) When you perform the correct action, that emotion should recede naturally. This action-requiring approach helps us reframe not just emotions, but also the conditions we usually blame on emotions, such as repetitive anxiety or depression, or problems with anger, fear, or envy (and so on). Instead of looking at emotions as problems in and of themselves, we can – with this actionfocused approach – become more empathically intelligent about emotions, and more skillful as empaths _______________________________

Excerpted from The Art of Empathy: A Complete Guide to Life’s Most Essential Skill by Karla McLaren. Copyright © 2013 Karla McLaren. Published by Sounds True

Karla McLaren is a pioneering educator and award-winning author whose empathic approach to emotions revalues even the most "negative" emotions and opens startling new pathways into the depths of the soul. She is the author o f T h e A r t o f E m p a t h y, t h e groundbreaking book The Language of Emotions, and the interactive online course Emotional Flow.

VANCOUVER, BC FREE Talk & Signing - Karla McLaren
 Thursday, May 8, 2014 
 6:30pm to 8:00p Banyen Books & Soun 
 June 6 - 11, 2014
 at: Hollyhock
 details here

I<M?LP? not positive or negative, glorious or shameful, right or wrong





SCIENCE TO SAGE Interview Marlise Karlin,

The Power of Peace in YOU Marlise Karlin is an internationally renowned author, recording artist, educator, and humanitarian, recognized for igniting the power of peace in people around the world. The Simplicity of Stillness® Method she founded in 2004 is pioneering new awareness today in the field of healing and consciousness through this infinite energy stream.

Log in Host - Karen Elkin Show - Science to Sag Shows archive






Marlise’s journey was fueled by the limitations of her dramatic childhood circumstances – growing up with an alcoholic parent, becoming a teen runaway, substance abuser and

then a young single mother. Although she later became a successful entrepreneur, few would have foretold the extraordinary shift that would cause her to become a humanitarian, dedicated to expanding peace in the world. What could possibly have happened to prompt her to leave the comfort of all she had attained for a future that was unfamiliar and unchartered? power-of-peace/

The Power of Peace in You takes you on a journey that leads to the heart of your soul. As you read the true stories of people who walked through a maze of challenges to discover and then share their innate gifts with the world – it will inspire you of what is possible for us all. This book of newfound wisdom holds you captive as it describes an energy stream of pure peace that ignites a power within people to recognize their greatest potential, and how you can bring this transformative gift into your life as well.

We have lost touch with this inherent power we once knew; The Power of The Peace in You shows us that it is not that distant anymore – we can access it now to heal and discover the happiness this knowledge brings. It’s not a concept – it’s experiential; you know it as it expands within you.

Chapter-by-chapter, you’ll find signposts to guide your personal journey. From the initial stirring when you recognize Something’s Changing… Are You Listening, to dissolving old patterns in Trials, Tribulations & Other Bumps on the Road, from finding the courage to following your dreams in Returning with New Knowledge, to the incredible synchronistic events that occur when you are Creating Your Life with Purpose & Love. Each marker includes insights of the authors’ quest, her struggles and triumphs, and stories of the people she was destined to meet in her travels around the globe. Maasai warriors in Africa struggling to find hope, jobless p ro f e s s i o n a l s l o o k i n g f o r w o r k i n America, depressed teens in college wanting to be healthy, and ten year olds being bullied at school. Their stories will encourage you as you see yourself in them and allow their victories to inspire your own. The Power of Peace in You is a transformational tool for an awakening into greater consciousness that you will return to time and again; The Practices at the end of each Chapter can guide you in creating a life that matches your

highest aspirations. And the Stillness Session CD accompanying this book will deepen your connection to the innate wisdom at your core. What better time than now, to embrace who you truly are.

THE PURPOSE OF THIS BOOK: oTo ignite the power of peace in you – to find the courage, strength and serenity to live a life that is meaningful and of value. oTo learn how to connect with the higher intelligence of the heart - in the midst of chaos and the anxiety created by life’s uncertainty. oTo inspire - through stories of everyday people from around the globe, who transcended major challenges, and now offer their talents to uplift and empower others. oTo offer a transformational tool – for the awakening of consciousness.

Frequencies of Healing: We Are All Sound Healers

By Jonathan Goldman & Andi Goldman

listen to something. It is an energy that has the ability of affecting our brain, our nervous system, our heart rate and much more, including actually shifting and changing our cellular structure and DNA.

And this is only on a physiological level.

When you consider the use of sound on the

emotional body and particularly, the mental and spiritual bodies—the possibilities are endless.

Sound is an amazingly powerful tool. We teaching people how to use sound for healing. Yet when we rst tell people about this, most assume we are talking about some kind of music that needs a musical background and training. We are not! We differentiate between sound and music for this very reason—we are not talking about learning to sing and getting up in front of an audience to perform a song. That can be a very wonderful and courageous and even healing thing to do. But that is entertainment. We are talking about entrainment—the ability of one sound to shift and change the frequencies of another sound in order restore health and balance and create transformation. Our modern scientists are now in agreement with our ancient mystics—that everything is in a state of vibration. From the electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom to planets in distant galaxies moving around their suns, they’re all in motion and therefore, all in a state of vibration.


Conceptually at least, they’re all making sound.

Sound is an amazingly powerful tool. It is not something that occurs when we hear music or

This includes our bodies—every organ, every bone, every tissue, every portion of our body is in a state of vibration.

When these parts of our body are in a state of health, we say that we are in sound health. We are like this wonderful orchestra that is playing the “Suite of the Self”. But, with our body as a metaphor for an orchestra, what happens, when the 2nd violin player loses their sheet music? Soon they are playing out of tune and our of harmony. Soon the entire string section sounds off. Soon the whole orchestra is sounding disharmonious Now, when a part of our body begins to vibrate out of its normal healthy resonant frequency, we say it is vibrating out of ease and we say that this part of the body is “diseased”. The concept of using sound for healing is very simple. It is this: What if we could give the string player back their sheet music? What if we could somehow project the correct resonant frequency to that part of the body that was vibrating out of tune





















When you understand this as a basic principle of the universe that both quantum scientists and ancient mystics adhere to, you begin to understand about the power of sound and the potential of sound to be an extraordinary tool for both healing and transformation

As noted, everyone can be a sound healer! If you can sound an elongated vowel sound (called “toning”) or even hum, you can use sound for healing. Our voice has amazing abilities to create shift and change. Some of the scienti c data on the bene cial physiological effect of selfcreated sound include • • • • • •

Increased oxygen in the cell Lowered blood pressure and heart rat Increased lymphatic circulatio Increased levels of melatonin Reduced levels of stress related hormone Release of endorphins—selfcreated opiates that work as "natural pain relievers" Boosted production of interleukin-l, a protein associated with blood and planet productio Increased levels of nitric oxide, (NO), a molecule associated with promotion of healin Release of oxytocin, the “trust” hormon

Please remember, these are just some of the physiological bene ts, let alone those

shifts and changes that occur on an etheric level. Our chakras, for example, are understood as being composed of vibration and as such, they are extremely easily affected by vibration—especially by our own sounds. Thus, one of the rst exercises we teach at the “Frequencies of Healing” workshop is called “Vowels As Mantras” in which participants learn to resonate, balance and heal their chakras with their own self-created sounds. This is something that everyone can learn to do. And it is life changing We also share experiences working with many other modalities of sound healing that anyone can learn to use, including sacred Pythagorean Tuning Forks as well as doing other forms of chanting and toning. “Frequencies of Healing” will take place in Tucson on November 2nd and3rd. It is an extraordinary workshop that will provide lifelong bene ts. We invite you to come to a free multi-media presentation that Jonathan is doing at the Institute of Noetic Sciences in Tucson, the night before the workshop on November 1st. We know you will nd it entertaining and educational and perhaps a bit enlightening

About : Jonathan Goldman & Andi Goldma Jonathan Goldman, M.A., is an internationally renowned writer, musician and teacher. He is an authority on sound healing and a pioneer in the eld of harmonics. Jonathan is the author of several books including his recent release, The Divine Name

(Hay House) Visionary Award for “Best

Alternative Book” of the Year, The 7 Secrets of Sound Healing (Hay House); Healing Sounds (Inner Traditions); and Shifting Frequencies (Light Technology).

A Grammy nominee, his award winning recordings

include: “Chakra Chants”, “The Divine Name,” and "Reiki Chants". He is the Founder and Director of the Sound Healers Association and CEO of Spirit Music.

In Spring 2011, Jonathan Goldman was named as one of

Watkins’s Reviews “100 Most Spiritually In uential Living People on the Planet.” Andi Goldman, M.A., L.P.C., is a licensed psychotherapist, specializing in holistic counseling and sound therapy. She is the Director of the Healing Sounds® Seminars and Co- Director of the Sound Healers Association. She is a musician, teacher, sound healer, award-winning author, and the wife and partner of Jonathan Goldman. Jonathan and Andi co-authored Chakra Frequencies (Inner Traditions), winner of the Visionary Award for “Best Alternative Health Book” of the Year. Together Jonathan and Andi have dedicated their lives to the path of service, helping awaken and empower others with the ability of sound to heal and transform.




They live in Boulder, Colorado. Website:

What if the original creational sound of the universe was a hum? “I use this CD to raise my frequency and the frequencies with pleasurable results.” —Patricia Herlevi, The Whole Music Review

0 0-99933-33333-

An inter-dimensional vehicle of sound with the chanting of Jonathan Goldman & Lama Tashi all tuned to the Phi ratio. “This outstanding Merkaba music will take you to the deepest part of your being.” —Ed & Deb Shapiro, authors of Be The Change

Two new sonic revelations combined for the first time: the Divine Name–the lost sound of God and the Moses Code frequencies–the sound of the I AM.


“It’s like meditating while being wrapped in the arms of God!” —Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of Wishes Fulfilled


An exciting new dimension of sound that simultaneously balances both the chakras and brainwaves. “This CD is a keeper! It actually works–taking two sound technologies and combining them is a remarkable experience. This is a great recording.” —Greg Ozimek,

/ product-category/music-cds


Jonathan Goldma Sound Healing Jonathan Goldman, M.A., is an

Host - Karen Elkin Show - Science to Sag

Grammy nominee, his award winning

and teacher. He is an authority on sound

recordings include:

healing and a pioneer in the

eld of

“The Divine Name,” and "Reiki Chants".

Jonathan is the author of

He is the Founder and Director of the

several books including his recent

Sound Healers Association and CEO of

release, The Divine Name

Spirit Music.

Book” of the Year, The 7 Secrets of Sound

Reviews “100 Most Spiritually In uential

Healing (Hay House); Healing Sounds

Living People on the Planet.”

( I n n e r Tr a d i t i o n s ) ; a n d S h i f t i n g


Jonathan Goldman Healing Sounds® P.O. Box 2240, Boulder, CO 80306










In Spring 2011, Jonathan

Goldman was named as one of Watkins’s

(Hay House)

“Chakra Chants”,

Visionary Award for “Best Alternative

Shows archive


internationally renowned writer, musician


Log in

Frequencies (Light Technology).

Adam Abraham T h o u g h t user/phaelosopher








This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and attend them all: Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. – Rumi

“Acceptance is the doorway

to transformation.”

Excerpt from

“The Presence Process” by Michael Brown

Later on, a wise friend counseled me, “Acceptance is the doorway to transformation.” Again, the same message: welcome the guests inside you without judgment, without resistance, and they will change you, “sweep you clean,” from inside. The question was, “How?” Especially when they appeared dark, unfriendly, even mean-spirited



“Don’t kill the messenger. Receive the message.” The “messengers” are the people and situations that “upset” us, seem to thwart and diminish us. The “messages” are the unintegrated, not-yet-resolved emotional memories and wounds from early childhood that are being played out through these

current “adult” experiences. Like neglected children, they won’t leave us alone but continue to “out-picture” in our daily life as the individuals, events, and circumstances that cause us pain and discomfort. Often they express through one of three core emotions: anger, fear, or sadness/grief. Our usual, habitual response is either mental or physical. We try to gure it out with the mind or distract ourselves through physical activity and avoidance. We may eat, run, overachieve, or simply get into our head to avoid engaging. Yet, the scared, wounded kid place in us continues to suffer, desperately wanting and needing attention and acceptance. To approach these wounds, often our oldest and most tender, requires a method that’s both safe and effective.


a book

“Don’t kill the messenger. Receive the message.” The “messengers” are the people and situations that “upset” us, seem to thwart and diminish us.










everything in and around me vibrated with life – as if I had just been born.

In 1994, after years of pursuing endless modalities that led nowhere, I was confronted with the possibility that nothing and nobody “out there” could alleviate my suffering. My options at this point were either to check out – or check in Since I wasn’t yet ready to die, I embarked on a quest to heal myself. This began with a study of Swedish massage and qualifying as a Reiki Master. As I experimented on myself with various physical, mental, and emotional techniques, I discovered that when I maintained what I then called “a high personal energy frequency,” I lessened the intensity of my pain and the rate of its reoccurrence substantially. This was the rst whisper of what I now call present moment awareness











My rst signi cant encounter with Presence and the radiance of present moment awareness came in 1996 in a Native American sweat lodge in Tucson, Arizona, through the guidance of a Yaqui Indian Medicine Man. I shall never forget crawling out of the sweat lodge doorway on my hands and knees after a two–hour journey through heat, steam, drumming, singing, and praying. As I stood there in the cool night air, everything in and around me vibrated with life – as if I had just been born. This

particular moment was my rst taste of what it felt like to “show up” in my life After exiting the sweat lodge, I stood by the crackling re in reverent silence, remaining long into the night, feeling warm blood ow ing through my veins, crisp breath massaging my lungs, and the comforting rhythm of my heartbeat. For hours afterward, I experienced direct connection with Presence and the radiance of this beingness vibrating in every cell of my physical body, which I now began to understand as simply a vehicle for the manifestation of Presence. In fact, I often refer to the body as our “bodyvehicle,” so when I use the word “body” in this text, it’s in the sense of the body as a vehicle

I experienced direct connection with Presence and the radiance of this beingness vibrating in every cell of my physical body, which I now began to understand as simply a vehicle for the manifestation of Presence.

Through experiencing Presence, we become present.

I felt physically present, mentally clear, emotionally balanced, and vibrationally “in tune.”



As with my initial sweat lodge experience, being able to feel and



My second encounter with Presence and present moment awareness came a few months later, facilitated by ingesting a tea brewed from peyote cactus. Peyote is one of the most alkaline substances on the planet. It’s also undisputedly one of the foulest tasting liquids my mouth has ever encountered! Native Americans who ingest this plant as a sacrament in their Native American Church ceremonies refer to it as “the medicine.” My initial experience of ingesting “the medicine” was profound. After an hour of increasing discomfort and nausea, I awoke, as if from a deep and dark dream, into an experience of present moment awareness. Although it was only eeting, I experienced the undeniable sense of wholeness that comes from connecting intimately with Presence.

consciously commune with Presence throughout this peyote experience reunited me with the precious part of my authentic nature that had been obscured by the noise, busyness, and distractions of daily life. The peyote enabled me to step through a perceptual veil, on the other side of which life revealed itself as connected by a single intimate, intelligent, shared Presence. I saw how the breathtaking, luminous beauty of the natural world is hidden from us because of our preoccupation with unintegrated past trauma and fearful future projections In that moment, I became aware that my painful condition was no mere chance, but was purposeful. My painful neurological condition revealed itself not as my enemy, but as my friend and facilitator. It was Presence calling me back from a state in which I had unconsciously attached my attention to the mental web of time, causing my attention to become scattered

During this encounter with “the medicine,” it became obvious that the most important quest I could undertake would be to discover a practical way to increase my experience of present moment awareness. Unless I discovered a means of accomplishing this for myself, my usefulness to others would remain limited because I was inauthentic It was also apparent that experiences such as sweat lodges and peyote aren’t for everyone. The mechanisms of a journey into present moment awareness have to be as natural as possible – a pathway anyone can follow, no matter what their circumstances. Hence one of the questions I asked Presence was: How can present moment awareness be achieved primarily through inner work, instead of having to rely on external conditions, substances, tools, ceremonies, rites, and rituals?

I asked Presence

In that moment, I became aware that

my painful

condition was no mere chance,

but was

purposeful. My painful neurological condition revealed itself not as my enemy, but as my friend and facilitator.

The rst clue to achieving this was revealed the same year. I was introduced to the obvious but somehow overlooked technique of consciously connected breathing. Consciously connected breathing is the practice of breathing deliberately without a signi cant pause between our in-breath and our out-breath. In other words, there are no breathless gaps between breaths After my rst few consciously connected breathing sessions, I realized that using this modality produced an increasing sense of wellbeing, gained through enhanced personal presence. Also, for reasons I didn’t then comprehend, this breathing led to a gradual but consistent decrease in the intensity of my physical pain. For the rst time in many years, I experienced a glimmer of hope for a genuine resolution of the Horton’s Syndrome from which I was suffering














These breathing sessions also produced explosive insights. For example, by enabling me to experience moments of detachment from the goings-on of my daily routine, this natural breathing practice helped me discern a distinct difference between what Presence is and my unfolding human experience. I hadn’t

possessed the perceptual capacity to identify this difference before commencing consciously connected breathing. I was so enmeshed in my day-to-day experience that what I was going through had become the be-all and end-all of what I identi ed with As a consequence of using this breathing technique, I began noticing that whenever I encountered Presence, I knew a wholeness and completeness of being. This was an experience of effortless peace in which I was in perfect harmony with whatever transpired in my life. I realized that it was my unfolding physical, mental, and emotional experience that had become acutely unbalanced and in need of adjustment, not what I actually am. The notion that “our Presence requires healing” revealed itself as humorous By using consciously connected breathing to become increasingly present, I found myself making choices that restored my sense of wellbeing. For instance, I began responding to situations instead of reacting. This one simple shift in my behavior affected every facet of my experience. My encounters with the world around me, including other people,

increasingly manifested both harmony and a feeling of comfort At the same time, the intensity of my painful condition continued to subside. After years of suffering from this neurological agony – and the frustration, anxiety, anger, grief, and depression it seeded – a light was now shining in the darkness It dawned on me that there was no greater healing tool at my disposal than consciously connected breathing, coupled with the awareness of Presence this technique evokes. To discover more about this tool, I began facilitating others in this breathing practice, closely observing the effects Another key insight that came to me was that my intent to heal myself – to “get rid of my discomfort” – was misguided. Perhaps this was why I hadn’t succeeded despite my best efforts. In due course, I dropped my use of the word “heal” because of its connotation that something was wrong and had to be xed. Instead, I began using the word “integrate,” which to me meant there was a part of my experience that was unconscious – a part of my experience that I resisted, controlled,

These breathing sessions also produced explosive insights.

At the same time, the intensity of my painful condition continued to subside. After years of suffering from this neurological agony – and the frustration, anxiety, anger, grief, and depression it seeded – a light was now shining in the darkness.

And yes, I have successfully resolved the emotional state that manifested as my painful neurological ailment. I accomplished this by entering an intimate relationship with Presence, and by allowing this “inner knower” to take over as my guide into present moment aware- ness This same omnipotent quality is also within you, for it’s what we share – an aspect of what we are. This state of beingness is readily accessible to you. May this magical, mystical, and mysterious journey bless the quality of your entire experience as it has mine – and as it has for the many who have already accepted the invitation to show up fully in their experience











In the fast-paced world of today, present moment awareness is an unknown frontier as much as it’s an ever-open doorway into personal liberation. Presence is our trusted guide for entry and continuance. Like you, I’m a curious explorer. Onward, inward, and upward

Present moment awareness is a state of being as opposed to something we do. The simplest de nition of present moment awareness is to be fully aware of the moment we are in – or, to be present in the moment By habitually dwelling in a mental state, which allows us to project our attention into an illusory past or future, we miss out on the authentic physical and emotional experience that’s happening right now No one can tell us what’s required of us. However, our heart knows the difference between forcing something and allowing it to unfold organically. Don’t push the river! While moving through this process, thinking and engaging in outer physical “doings” move us away from direct feltperception. If we feel we are receiving insights that direct us to make any major adjustment to our appearance, behavior, or life circumstances, let’s agree to simply “be with” such insights for a while before acting. Allow this urge

to “do something” to breathe, so we may discover whether it’s a valid response or a reactive re ex. Such impulses for drastic action often erupt during the course of emotional processing as a reaction to unconscious emotional imprinting that’s surfacing for integration Journeys in which we mistakenly attempt to change ourselves by ddling with our behavior, appearance, or circumstances are like moving a radio around a room as a means of tuning into a desired station. In contrast, the journey initiated by The Presence Process, in which we discover how to adjust the quality of our experience at its causal point, requires us to leave the radio exactly where it is. Instead, we focus our attention and intent on turning the tuning dial. This is a much simpler approach than resorting to drama, and it enables us to tune into the music, which brings us exactly what we require


Instead, we focus our attention and intent on turning the tuning dial. Journeys in which we mistakenly attempt to change ourselves by ddling with our behavior, appearance, or circumstances are like moving a radio around a room as a means of tuning into a desired station.

The experience of present moment awareness is nowhere “out there” in the world. Present moment awareness is an inner accomplishment – an inside job. Having said this, once present moment awareness is activated by emotional integration, the results are automatically re ected in our experience of the world Activating awareness of Presence is free and available to all, regardless of external segregation caused by color, caste, or creed. It requires no rites, rituals, or dogma. Our capacity to be causally responsible is our birthright.



The Presence Process is the result of a quest that consciously began in the Arizona desert in 1996. It was here that South African-born author Michael Brown, who had been living a blissfully unconscious life as a music journalist, reunited with his authentic beingness and experienced the profound radiance of such communion. He wrote The Presence Process as a practical pathway for others who also intend to show up in their life experience. Since gifting us with the original Presence Process, Michael has also written Alchemy Of The Heart.


Explore Your Quantum self

A PORTAL to your inner world, where intention creates reality,

w i t h t h e P orta c l e

and an ORACLE to help navigate your inner space.

We live in the space and time domain. However, if you breathe, whisper, speak, tone, sing or otherwise express yourself into The Portacle, it reveals who you are on the other side of the quantum in the spectral domain. It allows you to see your inner radiance, hear your inner voice, and gives you the opportunity to effect true and lasting change on yourself at the most fundamental level of reality where reality originates. It’s a tool that reveals the real secret behind the law of attraction, which if properly applied,


can change your life forever


beyond the veil From Imaginary,

Stress Release and Management, with simultaneous Inspiration and Bliss.

Rehabilitation and Habit Refocusing.

Personal Development – SelfAwareness, Exploration, Realization and Mastery.

Yoga, TM, Zen, Mantras, Toning, Contemplation and Worship.

Transformation - Mood, Career, Finances, Relationship and Home.

Sports - Centering, Grounding, Inspiring, Focus and Perseverance.

Vocal Training - Accuracy and Precision of Voice for Singing or Acting.

Learning – Perfect for Students and Actors for Enhancing Memory & Cognition.

Manifestation of Intention Obtaining, Achieving, Changing or Becoming.

Adjunct to your Favorite Meditation or Personal Development Training.

Allasso – Transcending Human…Beyond Mortal… Transformation from an Evolutionary Physical Creature to an Existential Spiritual Essence.

to Your Reality

The Portacle is the rst of a new generation of true quantum biofeedback systems designed and tested by world-class supercomputers and over 60 years of combined research and development. We say true, because until now biofeedback has been limited to feeding back unrelated signals when speci ed goals are accomplished, such as a beep or ash of light. The Portacle inputs, processes and outputs the users own unique, personal waveforms

Product Resource Trainin









Chanting (Kirtan) is a part of the path of Devotional When we see the beauty of our own being we are seeing the beauty of the Being that is the One of which we are all a part. And when we turn towards that One, love is the natural reaction of the heart. God or Guru is an endless ocean of love truth and presence. First we may hear the distant roar of the crashing waves of the ocean and we're drawn to that sound. As we get closer, we can smell the ocean air and taste the sweet moisture. When we reach the beach and see the ocean for the rst time, we're trans xed by the vastness and Beauty. We run and we dive in and enjoy the freedom that comes from this ecstasy. Finally we merge with that ocean of love and somehow nd ourselves back on the shore, returning to ourselves so that we can share the experience with others. Those that have returned have given us these Names of God. These Names are the sound of the surf of that Ocean of Love. They hold the power to help us nd our way back to that ocean. We don't have to create anything; we don't have to manufacture any emotions or feelings. We can't make it happen. It already is. All we have to do is Remember. Everyone has their own path to this beach, to the Ocean, but we all wind up in the same place. There is only one...One.

The following is an excerpt from 'Pilgrim of the Heart' audio series by Krishna Das "The words of these chants are called the divine names and they come from a place that's deeper than our hearts and our thoughts, deeper than the mind. And so as we sing them they turn us towards ourselves, into ourselves. They bring us in, and as we offer ourselves into the experience, the experience changes us. These chants have no meaning other than the experience that we have by doing them. They come from the Hindu tradition, but it's not about being a Hindu, or believing anything in advance. It's just about doing it, and experiencing. Nothing to join, you just sit down and sing. Satsang is where people gather together to remember, to turn within and nd their own inner path to the One. When we gather together to sing like this we are helping each other nd our own paths. We all must travel this path by ourselves because each of us is our own path. All these paths wander on in their own way, but in truth we are all travelling together and until the last of us arrives we will all keep travelling. So let's sing!

Vancouver, BC - June 27









Tickets at Banyen Books and Sounds/(604) 737-8858

Krishna Das

Where to Find Kirtan with Krishna Das tour_schedule.cfm


Photo by John Phaneuf

“Is it possible to teach the principles of the placebo, and without relying on any external substance, produce the same internal changes in a person’s health and ultimately in his or her life?”

Points to Consider...


Dr. Joe asks...

affected by our experiences I will take you through the physiology of what happens in your brain when the

- How we can control our genetics:

placebo effect is operating. You’ll read that, in one sense, the placebo works

Like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, who had the power she sought all along but

because you can embrace or entertain a

didn’t know it, we also possess a power that we may not have previously

new thought that you can be well, and

realized was ours— the keys that can set you free of the limitations of your own

then use it to replace the thought that

genetic expression

you’ll always be sick. That means you can change your thinking from

- Why you should believe in a healthier you:

unconsciously predicting that your future is your same familiar past to beginning to

it means that you’ll have to examine how

will work because you’ve been educated about its bene ts, the better your

you think, what the mind is, and how

chances of responding to the thought of improving your health and getting

these things affect the body.

better because you assign more meaning to it.

the effect. So if you believe that a particular substance, procedure, or surgery

outcome. If you agree with this idea, then

The placebo effect suggests that the more you believe in the cause, the better


anticipate and expect a new potential




90% of our genes are

I’ll introduce you to the quantum universe, the unpredictable world of the

You think somewhere between 60,000-70,000 thoughts in one day, and 90% of those thoughts are exactly the same ones we had the day before. As a result of this conscious or unconscious process, your biology stays the same. Neither your brain nor your body changes because you’re thinking the same thoughts, performing the same actions, and living by the same emotions— even if you secretly hope your life will change. You can’t change your life until you change

matter and energy that make up the atoms and molecules of everything in the universe, which turn out to really be more energy (which looks like empty space) than solid matter. The quantum model, which states that all possibilities

your thoughts

exist in this present moment, is your key

- If we pretend we are younger, we can actually become younger:

to using the placebo effect for healing, because it gives you permission to choose a new future for yourself and

The new science of epigenetics has taught us that the mind can instruct new

then actually observe it into reality. You’ll

genes to behave in new ways, so when we act younger than we are, we can

then understand just how possible it

actually start to feel and look younger too, and there’s even scienti c experiments

really is to cross the river of change and

to prove it

make the unknown known.

- Our answer to Nature vs. Nurture: Recent studies have shown that approximately 90% of our genes are affected by our experiences. This means that your genes are affected by your interactions with your family, friends, co-workers, and spiritual practices, as well as your sexual habits, exercise levels, and more. And if our experience is what activates a





good number of our genes, then our nature is in uenced by nurturing.





- Why change is dif cult for us:

all possibilities exist in this present moment

A r e

t h e

- What happens to our brain when we meditate:


making your mind matter

Like hypnosis, meditation is a way to bypass the critical mind and move into the subconscious. The whole purpose of meditation is to take your attention off your outer world, your body, and time—and to pay attention to your inner world of thoughts and feelings. In terms of the placebo effect, it takes a similar high degree of suggestibility to be greater than the body and greater than the environment for an extended period of time—that is, to accept, believe, and surrender to the idea of your inner world being more real than your outer world

- A striking new study that’s a real game changer:

I will give you step-by-step instructions for using the meditation

It shows that irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients were able to dramatically

techniques I teach in my workshops—

improve their symptoms by taking placebos— even though they knew full well that

the very same techniques that

the medication they were given was a placebo, not an active drug. Our brains and

workshop participants used to

bodies are our own biological pharmacy that can mimic the drugs we take on a daily

produce the remarkable results you’ll

basis. There’s evidence to prove it

have read about in the book.


step-by- step instructions to produce the remarkable results




Y o u

perceptions can heal or hurt our bodies: 
 We have the power to create a new reality by shifting our attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions. So when people heal themselves using the placebo effect, they don’t accept the

nality of their diagnosis,

prognosis, or treatment. Nor do they believe in the most probable outcome or future destiny that their doctors outlined. And nally, they don’t surrender to the diagnosis, prognosis, or suggested treatment. Because they had a different attitude from those who did accept, believe, and surrender, they were in a different state of being.




create your personality—your personal reality



- How our attitudes, beliefs, &

It is all about how attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions change your state of being and create your personality—your personal reality— and how you can shift them to create a new reality. You’ll read about the power that unconscious beliefs exert and have a chance to identify some of those beliefs you’ve been harboring without realizing it. You’ll also read about how the environment and your associative memories can sabotage your ability to change your beliefs I’ll explain more fully that in order for you to change your beliefs and perceptions, you must combine a clear intention with an elevated emotion that conditions your body to believe that the future potential that you selected from the quantum eld has already happened. The elevated emotion is vital, because only when your choice carries an amplitude of energy that’s greater than the hardwired programs in your brain and the emotional addiction in your body will you be able to change your brain’s circuitry and your body’s genetic expression, as well as recondition your body to a new mind (erasing any trace of the old neurocircuitry and conditioning).

whenever you make your brain work differently, you’re changing your mind

When you learn new things and begin to think in new ways, you are making your brain re in different sequences, patterns, and combinations. That is, you are activating many diverse networks of neurons in different ways. And whenever you make your brain work differently, you’re changing your mind. As you begin to think outside the box, new thoughts should lead to new choices, new behaviors, new experiences, and new emotions.


Now your identity is also changing.

Y o u

A r e

t h e


making your mind matter

If your thoughts, choices, behaviors, experiences, and emotional states remain the same for years on end— and the same thoughts are always equal to the same feelings, reinforcing the same endless cycle—then your brain becomes hardwired into a nite signature. That’s because you are re-creating the same mind every day by making your brain re in the same patterns. Over time, this biologically reinforces a speci c limited set of neural networks, making your brain physically more prone to creating the same level of mind—you’re now thinking in the box. The totality of those hardwired




circuits is called your identity.

Your personality is made up of how you think, act, and feel. It is your state of being.

You must observe and pay attention to those emotions that you’ve memorized and that you live by on a daily basis.

“The abilities of this innate intelligence, subconscious mind, or spiritual nature are far greater than any pill, therapy, or treatment, and it is only waiting for our permission to willfully act. We are riding on the back of a giant, and we're getting a free ride.

This giver of life lends power to whatever we are being; it bestows on us the power to express life in whatever way we choose.”

What Fires Together, Wires Together.

Make Your Life Matte


making your mind matter d r. j o e d i s i p e n z a

My Personal Story... I hope I can inspire you.

Y o u

A r e

t h e


making your mind matter

I never planned on doing any of this. The work I’m currently involved in a s a s p e a k e r, a u t h o r, a n d researcher sort of found me. In order for some of us to wake up, we sometimes need a wake-up call. In 1986, I got the call. On a beautiful Southern California day in April, I had the privilege of being run over by an SUV in a Palm Springs triathlon. That moment changed my life and started me on this whole journey. I was 23 at the time, with a relatively new chiropractic practice in La Jolla, California, and I’d trained hard for this triathlon for months.

I had nished the swimming segment and was in the biking

portion of the race when it happened. I was coming up to a tricky turn where I knew we’d be merging with tra c. A police o cer, with his back to the oncoming cars, waved me on to turn right and follow the course. Since I was fully exerting myself and focused on the race, I never took my eyes o of him. As I passed two cyclists on that particular corner, a red fourwheel-drive Bronco going about 55 miles an hour slammed into my bike from behind. The next thing I knew, I was catapulted up into the air; then I landed squarely on my backside. Because of the speed of the vehicle and the slow re exes of the elderly woman

driving the Bronco, the SUV kept coming toward me, and I was soon reunited with its bumper. I quickly grabbed the bumper in order to avoid being run over and to stop my body from passing between metal and asphalt. So I was dragged down the road a bit before the driver realized what was happening. When she nally did abruptly stop, I tumbled out of control for about 20 yards.

I can still remember the sound of the bikes whizzing by and the horri ed screams and profanities of the riders passing me— not knowing whether they should stop and help or continue the race.








As I lay there, all I could do was surrender.

I would soon discover that I had broken six vertebrae: I had compression fractures in thoracic 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 and lumbar 1 (ranging from my shoulder blades to my kidneys). The vertebrae are stacked like individual blocks in the spine, and when I hit the ground with that kind of force, they collapsed and compressed from the impact. The eighth thoracic vertebra, the top segment that I broke, was more than 60 percent collapsed, and the circular arch that contained and protected the spinal cord was broken and pushed together in a pretzel-like shape. When a vertebra compresses and fractures, the bone has to go somewhere. In my case, a large volume of shattered fragments went back toward my spinal cord. It was de nitely not a good picture.






As if I were in a bad dream gone rogue, I woke up the next morning with a host of neurological symptoms, including several di erent types of pain; varying degrees of numbness, tingling, and some loss of feeling in my legs; and some sobering di culties in controlling my movements.

So after I had all the blood tests, x-rays, CAT scans, and MRIs at the hospital, the orthopedic surgeon showed me the results and somberly delivered the news: In order to contain the bone fragments that were now on my spinal cord, I needed surgery to implant a Harrington rod. That would mean cutting out the back parts of the vertebrae from two to three segments above and below the fractures and then screwing and clamping two 12-inch stainless-steel rods along both sides of my spinal column. Then they’d scrape some fragments o my hip bone and paste them over the rods. It would be major surgery, but it would mean I’d at least have a chance to walk again. Even so, I knew I’d probably still be somewhat disabled, and I’d have to live with chronic pain for the rest of my life. Needless to say, I didn’t like that option.

But if I chose not to have the surgery, paralysis seemed certain. The best neurologist in the Palm Springs area, who concurred with the rst surgeon’s opinion, told me that he knew of no other patient in the United States in my

condition who had refused it. The impact of the accident had compressed my T-8 vertebra into a wedge shape that would prevent my spine from being able to bear the weight of my body if I were to stand up: My backbone would collapse, pushing those shattered bits of the vertebra deep into my spinal cord, causing instant paralysis from my chest down. That was hardly an attractive option either.

I was transferred to a hospital in La Jolla, closer to my home, where I received two additional opinions, including one from the leading orthopedic surgeon in Southern California. Not surprisingly, both doctors agreed that I should have the Harrington rod surgery. It was a pretty consistent prognosis: have the surgery or be paralyzed, never to walk again. If I had been the medical professional making the recommendation, I’d have said the same thing: It was the safest option. But it wasn’t the option I chose for myself.

It was a pretty consistent prognosis: have the surgery or be paralyzed, never to walk again.

But it wasn’t the option I chose for myself.

I believe that there’s an intelligence, an invisible consciousness, within each of us that’s the giver of l Maybe I was just young and bold at that time in my life, but I decided against the medical model and the expert recommendations. I believe that there’s an intelligence, an invisible consciousness, within each of us that’s the giver of life. It supports, maintains, protects, and heals us every moment. It creates almost 100 trillion specialized cells (starting from only 2), it keeps our hearts beating hundreds of thousands of times per day, and it can organize hundreds of thousands of chemical reactions in a single cell in every second—among many other amazing functions. I reasoned at the time that if this intelligence was real and if it willfully, mindfully, and lovingly demonstrated such amazing abilities, maybe I could take my attention o my external world and begin to go within and connect with it— developing a relationship with it.





But while I intellectually understood that the body often has the capacity to heal itself, now I had to apply every bit of philosophy that I knew in order to take that knowledge to the next level and beyond, to create a true experience with healing. And since I wasn’t going anywhere and I wasn’t doing anything

except lying facedown, I decided on two things. First, every day I would put all of my conscious attention on this intelligence within me and give it a plan, a template, a vision, with very speci c orders, and then I would surrender my healing to this greater mind that has unlimited power, allowing it to do the healing for me. And second, I wouldn’t let any thought slip by my awareness that I didn’t want to experience. Sounds easy, right?

A Radical Decision Against the advice of my medical team, I left the hospital in an ambulance that brought me to the home of two close friends, where I stayed for the next three months to focus on my healing. I was on a mission. I decided that I would begin every day reconstructing my spine, vertebra by vertebra, and I would show this consciousness, if it was paying attention to my e orts, what I wanted. I knew that it would demand my absolute presence . . . that is, for me to be present in the moment—not thinking about or regretting my past, worrying about the future, obsessing about the conditions in my external life, or focusing on my pain or

symptoms. Just as in any relationship we have with anybody, we all know when someone is present or not with us, right? Because consciousness is awareness, awareness is paying attention, and paying attention is being present and noticing, this consciousness would be aware of when I was present and when I wasn’t. I would have to be totally present when I interacted with this mind; my presence would have to match its presence, my will would have to match its will, and my mind would have to match its mind.

So for two hours twice a day, I went within and began creating a picture of my intended result: a totally healed spine. Of course, I became aware of how unconscious and unfocused I was. It’s ironic. I realized back then that when crisis or trauma occurs, we spend too much of our attention and energy thinking about what we don’t want instead of what we do want. During those rst several weeks, I was guilty of this tendency on what seemed like a moment-to-moment basis.

I would have to be totally present when I interacted with this mind; my presence would have to match its presence, my will would have to match its will, and my mind would have to match its mind.

Choice It’s ironic. I realized back then that when crisis or trauma occurs, we spend too much of our attention and energy thinking about what we don’t want instead of

what we do want.

In the middle of my meditations on creating the life I wanted with a fully healed spine, I would all of a sudden become aware that I’d been unconsciously thinking about what the surgeons had told me a few weeks prior: that I would probably never walk again. I would be in the midst of inwardly reconstructing my spine, and the next thing I knew I was stressing over whether I should sell my chiropractic practice. While I was step-by-step mentally rehearsing walking again, I would catch myself imagining what it would be like to live the rest of my life sitting in a wheelchair—you get the idea.











So every time I lost my attention and my mind wandered to any extraneous thoughts, I would start from the beginning and do the whole scheme of imagery over again. It was tedious, frustrating, and, quite frankly, one of the most di cult things I’d ever done. But I reasoned that the nal picture that I wanted the observer in me to notice had to be clear, unpolluted, and uninterrupted. In order for this intelligence to accomplish what I hoped—what I knew—it was capable of doing, from start to nish I had to stay conscious and not go unconscious.

Finally, after six weeks of battling with myself and making the e ort to be present with this consciousness, I was able to make it through my inward reconstruction process without having to stop and start over from the beginning. I remember the day I did it for the rst time: It was like hitting a tennis ball on the sweet spot. There was something right about it. It clicked. I clicked. And I felt complete, satis ed, and whole. For the rst time, I was truly relaxed and present—in mind and body. There was no mental chatter, no analyzing, no thinking, no obsessing, no trying; something lifted, and a kind of peace and silence prevailed. It was as if I no longer cared about all of the things I should have been worried about in my past and future.

And that realization solidi ed the journey for me, because right around that time, as I was creating this vision of what I wanted, reconstructing my vertebrae, it started to get easier every day. Most important, I started to notice some pretty signi cant physiological changes. It was in that moment that I began to correlate what I was doing inside of me to create this change with what was taking place outside of me—in my body. The instant I

made that correlation, I paid greater attention to what I was doing and did it with more conviction; and I did it again and again. As a result, I kept doing it with a level of joy and inspiration instead of such a dreadful, compromised e ort. And all of a sudden, what had originally taken me two or three hours to accomplish in one session, I was able to do in a shorter period.

Now, I had quite a bit of time on my hands. So I started to think about what it would be like to see a sunset again from the water’s edge or eat lunch with my friends at a table in a restaurant, and I thought about how I would never take any of that for granted. In detail, I imagined taking a shower and feeling the water on my face and body, or simply sitting up while using the toilet or taking a walk on the beach in San Diego, the wind blowing on my face. These were some things that I had never fully appreciated before the accident, but now they had meaning—and I took my time to emotionally embrace them until I felt as if I were already there.

I didn’t know what I was doing at the time, but now I do: I was actually starting to think about all these future potentials that existed in the quantum eld, and then I was emotionally embracing each of them. And as I selected that intentional future and married it with the elevated emotion of what it would be like to be there in that future, in the present moment my body began to believe it was actually in that future experience. As my ability to observe my desired destiny got sharper and sharper, my cells began to reorganize themselves. I began to signal new genes in new ways, and then my body really started getting better faster.

The persistence, conviction, and focus to manifest any potential future lies within the human mind and within the mind of the in nite potentials in the quantum eld. Both of these minds must work together in order to bring about any future reality that potentially already exists. I realized that in that way, we are all divine creators, independent of race, gender, culture, social status, education, religious beliefs, or even past mistakes. I felt really blessed for the rst time in my life.

I made other key decisions about my healing as well. I set up a whole regimen (described in detail in Evolve Your Brain) that included diet, visits from friends who practiced energy healing, and an elaborate rehabilitation program. But nothing was more important What I was learning is one of the main principles to me during that time than getting in touch with that of quantum physics: that mind and matter are intelligence within me and, through it, using my mind to heal not separate elements, that our conscious and my body.

unconscious thoughts and feelings are the very





blueprints that control our destiny.

At nine and a half weeks after the accident, I got up and walked back into my life—without having any body cast or any surgeries. I

had reached full recovery. I started seeing patients again at 10 weeks and was back to training and lifting weights again, while continuing my rehabilitation, at 12 weeks. And now, almost 30 years after the accident, I can honestly say that I’ve hardly ever had back pain since.

Chapter 9: Three Stories of Personal Transformation

making your mind matter Joe Dispenza, D.C., the best-selling author of Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Evolve Your Brain, studied biochemistry at Rutgers University. He also holds a Bachelor of Science degree with an emphasis in neuroscience, and earned his Doctor of Chiropractic from Life University in Atlanta, Georgia. He has received postgraduate

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training and continuing education in neurology, neuroscience, brain function and chemistry, cellular biology, memory formation, and aging and longevity One of the scientists, researchers, and teachers featured in the awardwinning lm What the BLEEP Do We Know!?, Dr. Joe has lectured on six continents and 27 different countries, educating people about the functions of the human brain Workshops & Events 





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By Science to Sage Design

"Tell me who you are."

By Devrah Laval

At the age of twenty-nine, Devrah Laval - master counselor, facilitator, and author of The Magic Doorway Into the Divine - had a lifealtering mystical experience along with a profound physical healing that awakened her to her own true nature.







I guess it was my time or, rather, God's time. I was 29 years old. I had a good husband and I was a successful model and dancer. By conventional standards, I had an enviable life and yet I felt s o m e h o w e m p t y. S o m e t h i n g w a s haunting me. Then, during a routine check-up, my doctor told me that my uterus had completely dissolved and I would never menstruate again. I would never have any children. I was devastated by the news and was telling a friend about it when she told me about an upcoming workshop designed to take participants to enlightenment, provided they were willing to apply themselves. I



The Magic Doorway Into the Divine felt a surging force of desire, stronger than anything I had ever known. My simple response was "I must go. We both forgot about my uterus Getting myself to the workshop was surprisingly dif cult. When I told Jeff, my husband, he said, "You can't go." He had never tried to prevent me from doing anything before, but this time he was not only adamant, but angry. I felt that I was ghting for my life. I told him I was going anyway. The next day I asked my boss if I could take Saturday off, but he refused. Like my husband, he was adamant. I told him I was sorry but I must go. By the time I left for the weekend, I had no idea if I would have a job or a marriage when I returned on Monday. But I felt as if something greater was driving me and I had no control over it Sleeping bag in hand, I was dropped off at an old retreat lodge for monks outside the city. Everything was white and austere. No owers. No colour. There was one tiny closet for everyone's clothes.

Each small bedroom had eight hard bunk beds. It was an icy night in November and everything felt harsh, cold and naked. I just wanted to go home, but I also knew I had already crossed the line and there was no returning I was ushered downstairs to the workshop room with the other participants, where we were welcomed with herbal tea and honey. All of our valuables were collected, packaged and stored away for safekeeping. We were not allowed to wear watches, jewelry, makeup or cologne. Nor were we allowed to drink coffee or eat anything other than the macrobiotic food provided.
 We were told that during the workshop we would be paired off and face our partners for one-hour intervals in which we would take turns asking each other one question, "Tell me who you are." We would have an uninterrupted period of time to answer and then we'd switch roles. After an hour, we'd change partners and continue. This would go on for 18 hours each day, apart from breaks for meals and to rest

The Magic Doorway Into the Divine The rst night we did a few exercises to prepare ourselves, to get to know one another and to learn the technique. At the end of the evening, we collapsed into our hard, cold bunks. Nobody slept. We were awakened at 5 AM. It was horribly cold, I got up, stumbled to the bathroom and made my way to the workshop room where I sat across from a half-asleep stranger who said, "Tell me who you are.







I was miserable. I am not a morning person and have a great aversion to talking to anyone without at least a cup of tea rst, but then breakfast arrived. I had a chance to shower and returned to the routine. The sun slowly began to shine and I began to feel better. Even my partners became more interesting and alive as they too began to warm to the

routine. Alternating every few minutes, we continued with "Tell me who you are. I enjoyed baring my soul in this very safe environment, however, the facilitator warned us: "Stay focused on experiencing and communicating the absolute truth of who you really are." Hours went by, lunch came and went, more cleaning, more exercises. The room began to take on a palpable quality of otherworldliness. It was surreal. Day turned to night and I was exhausted. My head began to ache, but I had to keep going. "Who am I? Who am I?" over and over again. "Who am I?" became my mantra By bedtime, I was so sick and exhausted I thought I would die. I fell into the bunk and slept a bit. At 5 AM the morning bell rang,

announcing the beginning of day two. I couldn't believe that we could be so tortured. To the bathroom and then down to the workshop room to sit in front of another partner with bad breath saying to me, "Tell me who you are. I was getting angry and the pain in my head was getting worse. I thought of running away, but there was no transportation back to the city. Breakfast passed, showering, more partner work, lunch. The pain and frustration were getting worse for all of us. Many had vomit bags next to them. The pain in my head was unbearable; I felt as though it was about to explode. Finally, at about 4 PM, every cell in my body felt like it was being crushed. I couldn't bear it anymore. My partner said, "Tell me who you are."

"Tell me who you are."

"Who the hell do you think I am?"

I became a very large presence. The facilitator noticed and came rushing over, asking, "Who are you?" I replied, "I am me." I couldn't describe in words this all-pervasive experience of freedom and knowing, but the "me" I felt was not my body or personality. "I am God!" I said. Then I pointed to myself and said, "This is God. I am!









The facilitator laughed heartily. I began to laugh uncontrollably and fell off my chair. I rolled around on the oor in ts of ecstasy, laughing at all of the lifelong beliefs that I was just this body and



Then with great force, I screamed out, " am me." At that moment, I heard a huge cracking sound at the top of my head. Suddenly, I was free of all of my aches, pains and limitations. Perhaps this is how death feels

its desires, hopes and dreams. I wanted to share my joy with some of my other partners, but they just sat there looking at me as if I were insane. They remained in the same great misery that I had just come out of. I realized in that moment that I was having a deep inner experience, not anything visible except for the light that some could see emanating from my body that divine day For the rest of that day and night, I was bathed in light and felt love toward everyone and everything. All the things that I had hated the day before were now luminous and beautiful. I spent three hours weeping as I looked at my hand and arm. I was awestruck at the miracle of the body that I lived in. I felt great reverence for the power that lay behind this magni cent creation, even though I now knew that I was that power. I was experiencing the divine union of my body and soul. Nothing has ever

come close to the supreme joy of that state. Every person who sat before me was God. And by the end of the weekend, I knew that I would never be the same again When I arrived home, my husband was happy to see me and I still had a job on Monday, at least for a while. Each person I interacted with at work felt divine. Looking deeply into their eyes, I felt tremendous compassion for them as they shared their problems with me. I knew then that God knows everything about us and has in nite patience.
 But the most unexpected and shocking change was that I began to menstruate after ve years. My doctor was curious and concerned and ordered some tests. A few days later, he called and told me that my uterus was completely whole and perfectly healthy. I knew that a miracle had taken place

"Tell me who you are."

"This is God. I am!"

About Devrah Laval Once an aerobics teacher, dancer, and


model, Devrah suddenly withdrew from the limelight after experiencing a profound, spontaneous enlightenment, followed



Sunday 4 May- Free 2:00 PM - 3:30 P Central Library, Vancouver, BC

m i r a c u l o u s healing...and has spent the past thirty years

Meeting Room, Level 3 350 West Georgia Street

studying with many Gurus, Mystics and Masters, helping others discover and experience their own Truth and pure love. Her rst book ‘The Magic Doorway into the Divine’ was an

Tuesday 6 May - Free 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Kitsilano Branch, Vancouver, BC

Amazon international bestseller. 2425 Macdonald Stree

There is additional information about Devrah at

Wednesday July 30t East-West Books Seattle (6500 Roosevelt Way NE) 7-8:30 p.m






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Photo’s of Street Festival by Karen Elkin Designed by Karen Elkins as a re ection of the day.



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